Sex Trafficking in the United States: Theory, Research, Policy, and Practice

Reprint Edition
22 Aug
In Sex Trafficking in the United States, Andrea J. Nichols explores the dynamics of sex trafficking from the angles of survivors, traffickers, buyers, and the social service and criminal justice professionals who work in the field. She examines common risk factors for those who become victims, and the barriers they face when they try to leave. She  also looks at how and why sex traffickers enter the industry, the prevalence of bought  sex, and the criminal justice policies that target them. 
Sex trafficking is analyzed in this book from neoliberal, abolitionist, feminist, criminological, and sociological perspectives. Nichols examines the role of weak social institutions and weak social safety nets in contributing to increased risk of sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation. She also explores the link between identity based oppression, societal marginalization, and the risk of victimization. She clearly accounts for the role of race, ethnicity, immigrant status, LGBTQ* identities, age, sex, and intellectual disability in heightening the risk of trafficking. She analyzes responses to sex trafficking, and how social services and the criminal justice and health care systems can best respond. Sex Trafficking in the United States also offers recommendations for individual action, prevention, practice, and policy, as well as suggestions for cultural and societal change.
While particularly emphasizing the United States, the book also holds use in examining global dynamics of sex trafficking, in detailing the theoretical and political debates that are present internationally as well as nationally, examining outcomes of various models of prostitution policy around the globe, and highlighting anti-trafficking organizations operating both internationally and nationally.

Reviews (12)

What a service Andrea Nichols has provided us with!

If you’re looking for a basic book that contains, under one cover, the information you’re most likely to want to know about sex trafficking, this is what you’re looking for. Andrea J. Nichols combines the best academic research with gripping accounts of how sex trafficking plays out in practice. She’ll lead you through how individuals become trafficked, the various factors that keep them in it, the legal, political ramifications, and most important, what individuals can do about sex trafficking. This is clearly an academic book. It has an abundance of footnotes and resources, so she provides you with resources for more information. However, the book is also enormously readable. She has a clever technique of illustrating every point with examples and stories. She makes the unimaginable come to life. At the end of reading it, you'll feel that you learned a great deal of credible information, and you'll feel inspired to act. This is an important book.

Great research: a valuable tool for considering how best to deal with people in the trafficking bus.

Dr. Nichols knows her subject well and cares for those enmeshed in the human trafficking world. Her insights and attempts to consider the complex aspects of the trade and the multifaceted collateral issues -- including what role agency plays -- make this book a valuable tool for thinking about the best methods of dealing with the individuals involved in the trade -- the buyers ("johns"), the sellers ("pimps"), the commodity (children, women, and men sold for sex) -- and the factors that drove them to it. A fascinating and daunting subject with no clear answer. Well done, Dr. Nichols.

Quality information

I am writing my thesis on human trafficking survivors and this has been a great resource!


Good book for class

covers a broad range of topics relating to sex-trafficking.

well-written, very helpful book. Densely packed with information in organized fashion, but didn't read like a text book. I am certain i will refer to this as a resource more than once. With the paucity of reliable research that is theory-based on sex-trafficking this book is a must.

An excellent resource for educators

I found this book to be well organized, carefully researched, and very comprehensive in its treatment of the complex subject of sex trafficking in the U.S. The theoretical perspectives surrounding sex trafficking were thoroughly explored, as were the policies and practices that have grown out of them, and the subsequent outcomes of these policies and practices from a sociological and criminal justice point of view. I especially appreciated the implications for practice presented by Nichols--the recommendations for practice at an individual, institutional and societal level based on these outcomes.

What a service Andrea Nichols has provided us with!

If you’re looking for a basic book that contains, under one cover, the information you’re most likely to want to know about sex trafficking, this is what you’re looking for. Andrea J. Nichols combines the best academic research with gripping accounts of how sex trafficking plays out in practice. She’ll lead you through how individuals become trafficked, the various factors that keep them in it, the legal, political ramifications, and most important, what individuals can do about sex trafficking. This is clearly an academic book. It has an abundance of footnotes and resources, so she provides you with resources for more information. However, the book is also enormously readable. She has a clever technique of illustrating every point with examples and stories. She makes the unimaginable come to life. At the end of reading it, you'll feel that you learned a great deal of credible information, and you'll feel inspired to act. This is an important book.

Great research: a valuable tool for considering how best to deal with people in the trafficking bus.

Dr. Nichols knows her subject well and cares for those enmeshed in the human trafficking world. Her insights and attempts to consider the complex aspects of the trade and the multifaceted collateral issues -- including what role agency plays -- make this book a valuable tool for thinking about the best methods of dealing with the individuals involved in the trade -- the buyers ("johns"), the sellers ("pimps"), the commodity (children, women, and men sold for sex) -- and the factors that drove them to it. A fascinating and daunting subject with no clear answer. Well done, Dr. Nichols.

Quality information

I am writing my thesis on human trafficking survivors and this has been a great resource!


Good book for class

covers a broad range of topics relating to sex-trafficking.

well-written, very helpful book. Densely packed with information in organized fashion, but didn't read like a text book. I am certain i will refer to this as a resource more than once. With the paucity of reliable research that is theory-based on sex-trafficking this book is a must.

An excellent resource for educators

I found this book to be well organized, carefully researched, and very comprehensive in its treatment of the complex subject of sex trafficking in the U.S. The theoretical perspectives surrounding sex trafficking were thoroughly explored, as were the policies and practices that have grown out of them, and the subsequent outcomes of these policies and practices from a sociological and criminal justice point of view. I especially appreciated the implications for practice presented by Nichols--the recommendations for practice at an individual, institutional and societal level based on these outcomes.

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