Sex and Race, Volume 3: Negro-Caucasian Mixing in All Ages and All Lands ― Why White and Black Mix in Spite of Opposition

Paperback – April 1, 2011
31 Mar
In the Sex and Race series, first published in the 1940s, historian Joel Augustus Rogers questioned the concept of race, the origins of racial differentiation, and the root of the "color problem." Rogers surmised that a large percentage of ethnic differences are the result of sociological factors and in these volumes he gathered what he called "the bran of history"―the uncollected, unexamined history of black people―in the hope that these neglected parts of history would become part of the mainstream body of Western history. Drawing on a vast amount of research, Rogers was attempting to point out the absurdity of racial divisions. Indeed his belief in one race―humanity―precluded the idea of several different ethnic races. The series marshals the data he had collected as evidence to prove his underlying humanistic thesis: that people were one large family without racial boundaries. Self-trained and self-published, Rogers and his work were immensely popular and influential during his day, even cited by Malcolm X. The books are presented here in their original editions.

Reviews (87)

Nature Knows No Color Line

I have read the entire set again after 30 years and I consider it an essential tool for any history buffs concerned about the origins of humankind.

Very valuable information!!!

I love the book, author and its content, but didn't like the fact that is was said to be a hardcover book, but in actuality it was a harder paperback book!!!

Product quality as posted.


Well Researched Book.

Glad I bought it.

Five Stars

excellent book.

Four Stars

Should have been taught this information in school.

Historians are the greatest 💜

Thank you 🙏🏾 Mr Rogers!

Five Stars

Please Black People you really need to read this Book

We have discussed all the topics and we both enjoyed it.

My husband has read all three volumes twice. We have discussed all the topics and we both enjoyed it.

Five Stars

This book should be required reading,

Nature Knows No Color Line

I have read the entire set again after 30 years and I consider it an essential tool for any history buffs concerned about the origins of humankind.

Very valuable information!!!

I love the book, author and its content, but didn't like the fact that is was said to be a hardcover book, but in actuality it was a harder paperback book!!!

Product quality as posted.


Well Researched Book.

Glad I bought it.

Five Stars

excellent book.

Four Stars

Should have been taught this information in school.

Historians are the greatest 💜

Thank you 🙏🏾 Mr Rogers!

Five Stars

Please Black People you really need to read this Book

We have discussed all the topics and we both enjoyed it.

My husband has read all three volumes twice. We have discussed all the topics and we both enjoyed it.

Five Stars

This book should be required reading,

Nature Knows No Color Line

I have read the entire set again after 30 years and I consider it an essential tool for any history buffs concerned about the origins of humankind.

Very valuable information!!!

I love the book, author and its content, but didn't like the fact that is was said to be a hardcover book, but in actuality it was a harder paperback book!!!

Product quality as posted.


Well Researched Book.

Glad I bought it.

Five Stars

excellent book.

Four Stars

Should have been taught this information in school.

Historians are the greatest 💜

Thank you 🙏🏾 Mr Rogers!

Five Stars

Please Black People you really need to read this Book

We have discussed all the topics and we both enjoyed it.

My husband has read all three volumes twice. We have discussed all the topics and we both enjoyed it.

Five Stars

This book should be required reading,

Nature Knows No Color Line

I have read the entire set again after 30 years and I consider it an essential tool for any history buffs concerned about the origins of humankind.

Very valuable information!!!

I love the book, author and its content, but didn't like the fact that is was said to be a hardcover book, but in actuality it was a harder paperback book!!!

Product quality as posted.


Well Researched Book.

Glad I bought it.

Five Stars

excellent book.

Four Stars

Should have been taught this information in school.

Historians are the greatest 💜

Thank you 🙏🏾 Mr Rogers!

Five Stars

Please Black People you really need to read this Book

We have discussed all the topics and we both enjoyed it.

My husband has read all three volumes twice. We have discussed all the topics and we both enjoyed it.

Five Stars

This book should be required reading,

Nature Knows No Color Line

I have read the entire set again after 30 years and I consider it an essential tool for any history buffs concerned about the origins of humankind.

Very valuable information!!!

I love the book, author and its content, but didn't like the fact that is was said to be a hardcover book, but in actuality it was a harder paperback book!!!

Product quality as posted.


Well Researched Book.

Glad I bought it.

Five Stars

excellent book.

Four Stars

Should have been taught this information in school.

Historians are the greatest 💜

Thank you 🙏🏾 Mr Rogers!

Five Stars

Please Black People you really need to read this Book

We have discussed all the topics and we both enjoyed it.

My husband has read all three volumes twice. We have discussed all the topics and we both enjoyed it.

Five Stars

This book should be required reading,

I am happy.

As described. I am happy.

Five Stars


Read all of this authors books if you seek the ...

Read all of this authors books if you seek the historical truth. You won't be able to put it down.


Must read for all interested in erasing racism. Society needs truth and not the same euro lies. THIS INFORMATION AND MORE HAS BEEN THERE FOR 8 DECADES. WHO IS HIDING THE TRUTH?

sex and race

This book was very informative and I will recommend it to anyone who is lookins to gain more knowledge about his/her roots

Good Read

I enjoy all of Mr. Rogers' works. The main reason I did not give it a 5 star really had nothing to do with his views. This book contained many of the ignorant views of others that he used to show us the attitudes of the so called learned. I highly recommend.

Five Stars

great book

A must reading for all who want to learn about the races....

Great book on the races...

Five Stars



Joel Augustus Rogers (1880-1966) was a Jamaican-American author, journalist, and historian. He wrote in the introductory “Remarks” to this 1944 book, “Certain orthodox scholars, white and colored, have not liked the history as given in the two preceding volumes of ‘Sex and Race,’ as well as in my earlier books… And I have been ridiculed not on the result of research, not on examination of the sources which I have given abundantly, but on sheer belief… the research I had done was off the beaten track of the college curriculum, therefore, it did not exist…Race prejudice is responsible too, in part… So racial are such people that when one attributes Negro ancestry even to an ancient Greek or Egyptian it is… a lowering of their own personal dignity… Any talk of Negro progress angers many. If the blacks advance who will they have to be better than?... “I hasten to add that I am not accusing all the leading historians of catering to white imperialism. Some as H.G. Wells, Hendrik Van Loon, and Arnold J. Toynbee, have made striking utterances against race prejudice. I believe that these latter accepted the popular white view of history without thinking that there was another side… For instance, Toynbee, who is one of the most unprejudiced of historians, attributes a civilization to even the Polynesian but denies any to the Negro… “Let me express here once again my theory of so-called race. It is this: There is a single human race, which by imperceptible degrees shades from the blond of the Scandinavian to the blackness of the Senegambian … with the Sicilian or the Maltese somewhere in the center… when I see anywhere … an individual whose appearance is Negroid… if his facial contour, his lips, nose, hair present what a lifetime of observation has taught me are signs of Negro inheritance, I say that that person had a Negro ancestor near or distant… Similarly, if I see anywhere an individual whose appearance is Caucasian… I set that person down as white… there are dear souls who will say that I exaggerate when I call these apparently white persons ‘Negroes.’ Would such kindly address themselves to the United States Census Bureau which decrees that if one has a known Negro ancestor, he is a Negro.” He laments, “A large number of colored women… believe that in order for their children to be of any consequence, they must be light-skinned and flossy-haired… The bias of the Aframerican woman is decidedly toward having light-colored children with straight hair. Negro hair is quite popularly described as ‘bad’ hair, and is disappearing, at least to outward appearance, under a flood of anti-kink preparations. Black children, in orphan asylums, stand a better chance of adoption by white women than by colored women. The latter select the lightest babies, which they will wheel down the street with great pride.” (Pg. 69) He acknowledges, “The color prejudice of some Negroes against other Negroes is sometimes stronger than that of some whites against Negroes. There are white men who would more readily marry a black woman than would some mulattoes. There are also unmixed blacks who do not like to see other unmixed blacks about.” (Pg. 72) He states, “Mere curiosity … prompts many colored men to see white women… A still more powerful factor is revenge. Many Negroes seek white women, and sometimes treat them very badly hoping to get even with white men… It is this feeling also the inspires many assaults on white women.” (Pg. 90) He suggests, “The reason why the primitive African has no desire for white women while the American negro has toa considerable extent is because the latter finds himself a member of a white society with the same economic urges and training as white Americans. At the same time the white woman is set up as grand prize by the ruling class, which indeed she is, if exploitation on the ground of whiteness, is to survive.” (Pg. 92) He observes, “It is sometimes impossible to tell by the features of the newly-born child whether it is Caucasian, Negro or Mongolian. No matter how aquiline its nose may be later, at birth it is as flat as the ape’s… all babies, when born with hair on their heads, have straight hair… Nor is there much difference as to color, the black or the white coloring… coming with the years, which is perhaps proof that earliest man was neither black nor white, but something more of a mulatto color, and that a black skin and a white one are later evolutions.” (Pg. 181) He points out, “The insufficient pigment in the skin of the whites… makes them less resistant not only to tropical heat but to certain diseases… Thus is will be seen that skin color---the very thing that is used as that badge of Negro inferiority seems to stamp the Negro as a superior in certain respects… Had nature intended tropical man to toil like a beast of burden she would not have given him such easily obtained food, clothing, and shelter.” (Pg. 216-217) He argues, “no children are ever born black, not even those of unmixed Negro parents in Central Africa. A newly-born African baby is of a darkish salmon color; while in the United States where unmixed Negroes are usually lighter, it is often impossible to tell at birth whether the child is white or colored, unless one sees its parents.” (Pg. 223-224) He notes, “Just as American has contributed greatly to the economic betterment of Europe, who once looked down upon her, so has the Negro contributed greatly toe the wealth of white America… Artistically and musically, too, America would have been poorer. As for laughter and comedy, it would be even worse off. American comedy, song, and dance has a decidedly Negro flavor. In a word, it is the Negro who puts the merry in America… When history is written a century hence, the Negro will be given his place among those in the first rank for his role in the building of not only the United States but the rest of the New World.” (Pg. 254-255) This series will be of great interest to those studying African-American and Africana issues.

Nature Knows No Color Line

I have read the entire set again after 30 years and I consider it an essential tool for any history buffs concerned about the origins of humankind.

Very valuable information!!!

I love the book, author and its content, but didn't like the fact that is was said to be a hardcover book, but in actuality it was a harder paperback book!!!

Product quality as posted.


Well Researched Book.

Glad I bought it.

Five Stars

excellent book.

Four Stars

Should have been taught this information in school.

Historians are the greatest 💜

Thank you 🙏🏾 Mr Rogers!

Five Stars

Please Black People you really need to read this Book

We have discussed all the topics and we both enjoyed it.

My husband has read all three volumes twice. We have discussed all the topics and we both enjoyed it.

Five Stars

This book should be required reading,

Volume III

Of the trilogy this one was especially difficult to put down, because the content was quite riveting. It is amazing how this reporter, researcher, historian and anthropologist can go around the world and find out information in the most minute detail, for presentation and presently you have modern academicians who cannot decipher many of the historical texts with any type of accuracy and not without bias. The author will answer most of your questions on the social sexual issues between Africans and Europeans. If you have a question Mr. Rogers just may be the man to answer it. In addition there is the WOW factor, or the history you just may not get anywhere else except with exceptional authors like this one….. And just like the previous two volumes to make his case he has great black and white photos and all of the references that may be possible. Especially of interest…The myth of how Ham became black because of a curse, the universal decay of empires, the views of Arthur Schopenhauer, mental illness among the wealthy, the African Polynesians, Hitler, the Nazis and homosexuality, who really colonized the US, Mexico, and Europe, Lincoln, the incompetency of man’s knowledge, and finally be sure to read the notes section which is every bit as interesting as the major content.

the last in the Sex & Race the series

The notion that 'racial' purity is a good thing has been and continues to be taught and encouraged in society. Although many (particularly whites) may consider it rediculous and even paranoid to think this, it is nevertheless true. After reading J.A. Rogers Sex and Race books, I've become acutely aware of how racially conscious people are particularly when it comes to sex. The gist of this book is that although many people (particularly whites) have aversions toward interracial marriages, they continue and will continue to have interracial offspring of every kind imaginable. When there were laws against interracial marriages and great turbulance between whites and blacks, interracial unions were going on regardless. Today, there are less overt suggestions that blacks and whites should not marry one another. For example TV ads, movies, and TV programs very rarely show blacks and whites together in loving relationships and if they do they make a point that there is something odd or unusual about it. Another thing which is done is to only use actors and actresses who appear to be very 'pure racially'. The people we see in the movies do not acurately reflect what people look like in society. The book really points out how rediculous notions of racial purity are. It is biased towards blacks however, so anyone who reads this needs to keep an open mind and think about what is being said. If one is offended at the suggestion that such and such a great person commonly accepted as white may have black blood then you must examine your racial sensitivities.

2nd best of the trilogy

J.A. Rogers is perhaps the greatest scholar in American history. I intend to read all of his books. Nothing I've read of his was boring, and this is no exception. If you want a history lesson on an interpersonal level definitely read the 3 volumes of Sex and Race

Essential Information

I have read the entire four book series. For anyone with an open mind, this book (and series) contains must-read information. Free your mind, and your [ ] will follow.

Why not marry who you want?

Why not marry who you want? They are going to talk about you no matter who you marry! Even if you marry your sister; they will talk about you to their friends and who ever. The only way a black man can find out if the things they say about white women is true is to check it out. This book gives you the framework for finding out about white and black. In order to learn what the scripture says about sex you need to read my book "Don't Say a Word About This! Exposing and Confronting Sexual Perversion." It is so obvious that white men love black women that it is not even funny the number of relations that are now public. [...]

Glad I bought it

I still haven’t been able to read it yet but it looks very promising

libro taboo da leggere

Il testo cambia il punto di vista sui neri, cancellati dalla storia.

Nature Knows No Color Line

I have read the entire set again after 30 years and I consider it an essential tool for any history buffs concerned about the origins of humankind.

Very valuable information!!!

I love the book, author and its content, but didn't like the fact that is was said to be a hardcover book, but in actuality it was a harder paperback book!!!

Product quality as posted.


Well Researched Book.

Glad I bought it.

Five Stars

excellent book.

Four Stars

Should have been taught this information in school.

Historians are the greatest 💜

Thank you 🙏🏾 Mr Rogers!

Five Stars

Please Black People you really need to read this Book

We have discussed all the topics and we both enjoyed it.

My husband has read all three volumes twice. We have discussed all the topics and we both enjoyed it.

Five Stars

This book should be required reading,

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