Secrets of Divine Love: A Spiritual Journey into the Heart of Islam

Kindle Edition
10 Mar
A. Helwa

Does a fast-paced modern lifestyle take a toll on your relationship with Allah? Discover how to build a more intimate bond with Him.

Do your imperfections leave you feeling unworthy of love from a perfect creator? Has your holy journey left you with more questions than answers? Are you struggling to relate sacred text to your tech-dominated life? Internationally acclaimed, award winning author A. Helwa has inspired over half a million readers with her passionate and poetic approach to holiness. Now she’s here to show you how to unlock your spiritual potential and unveil your true purpose.

Secrets of Divine Love: A Spiritual Journey into the Heart of Islam is an inspiring guide that will lead you towards the hidden meaning of the Qur'an through passion and joy. Written with care and precision, Helwa’s metaphoric insights invite you on her earnest search for truth and understanding. By accessing the inner workings of Islamic tradition, your struggles in faith will be met with a deeper connection to Allah rooted in compassion.

In Secrets of Divine Love, you’ll discover:

  • Allah’s unconditional regard for you so that you are forever encompassed in His care
  • Hundreds of spiritual findings within the Qur’an to strengthen your faith
  • The best ways to repent, so your sins can be transformed into good deeds
  • The unseen symbols behind the forms of prayer to help enhance your worship
  • How distractions during your daily devotions can surprisingly bring you closer to God, and much, much more!

Secrets of Divine Love guides readers, no matter their religious background, through the teachings of Muhammad, Rumi, and other luminaries. If you like theology backed by modern science and psychology, instructions for contemporary Muslims, and motivational lessons from the Qur’an, then you’ll adore A. Helwa’s insightful book.

Buy Secrets of Divine Love to begin your journey back to your Creator today!

Reviews (198)

Imagine this! A book that will cause you to fall in love with God!

This is not simply a book, it is a treasure chest, nay, a gold mine filled with precious insights, deep wisdom, and heartfelt guidance that will fill you up with inspiration and joy whenever you pick it up. Helwa has managed to mine the topic of spirituality in a way that speaks to seekers of any faith tradition, although it will be especially precious to Muslims. Whether she is writing about prayer, love, emotional struggles, repentance, or even death, she speaks with tenderness, encouragement, and practical wisdom. Muslims will especially appreciate her loving and tender attitude toward God and God’s creation, the Prophet Mohammad, and all of the basic tenets of Islamic practice. She never commands, scolds, or threatens, but rather, in a divinely feminine way, she illuminates, encourages, and praises Allah with such loving sincerity that it’s impossible not to share her enthusiasm and feel uplifted. The book is filled with verses of wisdom and beauty from the Qur'an, beautiful poetic metaphors, sometimes humorous and always powerful teaching stories, and simple but effective spiritual practices that take the reader deeper with each chapter. This is a book not so much to read, but to live, to breathe, and to experience.

THIS IS A MUST READ! Beautiful written

This is a must read. I can not recommend this book enough. I have always had a love for God but also so much guilt, like I disappointed him. Of course I know of God’s mercy, it’s one of the names “Ar Rahim”. But this book did something inside me, the love I thought I had for our creator was solidified and multiplied, and the guilt I felt was warrantless. My heart was immediately put at ease. Allah loves us, and when you know that, REALLY know that by the use of direct aya and surahs from the Quran, poetry, Rumi, you begin to understand the true being and beauty of our religion. And when you truly understand Allah’s love, you strive to never want to disappoint.

The best Islamic book I have ever read! Just one problem…

I honestly can’t say enough good things about this book. It opened my heart in a way I cannot describe. It spoke about Islam through hundreds of verses of the Qur’an and Hadith while showing the universality of the Qur’anic message through sharing quotes from spiritual seekers of all paths. IT IS THE BEST BOOK to give to a Muslim or Non-Muslim as a gift. I have read through 100+ Islamic books including Yasmin Mogahed, Nouman Ali Khan, and Omar Suleiman, but seriously this book is on another level. Helwa is a way better writer and so poetic in the way she says things. The book is filled with dozens of stories and poems as well as deep spiritual concepts. Its unreal. The only problem I had with it is there is no way to learn more about the author or book. I feel like this whole world opened up to me and I am dying to learn more! I heard Helwa is writing a few new books from podcasts so I am excited for that. Give me one more book and I’ll change the review to 5 stars! :)

A Spiritual Treasure that Feeds the Heart and the Soul - Highly Recommended for all Faiths

This book is truly a treasure! It is permeated with a softness and expansiveness that gently finds its way into your heart. It lifts the veils of heaviness surrounding religion to reveal the love and the joy at its roots. It creates a burning desire to know God, to know His secrets, to know yourself and your creation. I especially appreciate the way Helwa creates modern metaphors to describe ancient truths. For example, she describes how the revelation of the Qur’an “has a mysterious way of decoding and recoding our spiritual mainframe from the emotional traumas and patterns of the past.” And how it acts as a GPS, a “God Positioning System” that “warns us when we are going in the wrong direction, by reminding us that our ultimate goal is not to chase after this world...” With her unique writing style, she paints the most exquisite pictures that exude a fragrance that make you want to follow, to discover, and yet leave you desiring more. It is the perfect entrance to someone looking for mystical path with which to quench their thirst.

Author, stop trying to water down islam.

I havent finished this book. So far it’s alright but its got some questionable stuff. She doesnt provide the source of EVERY quote; which is annoying. Secondly, she says God loves you unconditionally, which is wrong. We muslims dont believe that at all. Just seems like she tried to make islam all rosey.

Very well done coming from a person in publishing

I found this book through a page I've been following on instagram. Helwa's instagram page really touched and her perspectives really lifted me I bought the book because I wanted to get more of the perspective of her devotion. Her stories and the quotes really opened my perspectives. What I loved most about this book is that she has a very open-minded perspective on Islam that opens the door to other non-Islamic readers as well. Moreover, I love the fact that she focuses on love rather than punishment. Secrets of Divine Love is a reminder of all the beautiful the Mercifulness of God. She also includes tasks at the end of each chapter which for me is most useful because I like to learn and have useful ideas of course physical practices that enhance the spiritual connection.

I 110% recommend this book to all!! A must have!

Hello all! Let me just start off by saying how wonderful and beautiful this book is. It is filled with so many gems and as I read each chapter, I feel as though I’m being enveloped by a warm blanket made from love, tenderness, and care. I have not finished this wondrous book as of yet, but that is only because I want to savor and bask in every moment of every word. As you can tell, I love this book. I recommend this book to everyone, not only Muslims because this book is too invaluable not to share. After all, I believe we all should know that we have a Creator that loves and care for us unconditionally.

Spiritually Enlightening

It does not surprise me how this beautiful mind and soul has come to such fruition. From enjoying her creative, spiritually inspiring poetry as she was growing up , to her mesmerizing speeches and discussions. I couldn't have been more excited to purchase this wonderful book of hers. Her wisdom and love for the Divine is so magical in how she helps others to realize such a beautiful existence and how it can enlighten our minds and souls to a more greater depth, to be the shining light and guiding compass. The book is a beautiful language of God's love and self love. Filled with a compilation of stories from the Quran and the Prophet (PBUH), combined with poetry, mysticism, personal stories and much more . It's a wonderful and practical guide to a spiritual journey into the Heart of Islam. I would say it's a beautiful read for anyone who's longing to find that deeper connection with the Divine. Thank you for being that spiritual GEM and sharing your love and message in this great book. May you always continue to spread the Divine love. Ameen!

Must add to your bookshelf and keep close to your heart!

I came across this book quite randomly while taking a class on the "Book of Love". I didn't know what to expect, except that my soul, not my mind, told me to put this book in my cart and press the "buy now" button. I started reading it as soon as I got it and I literally couldn't put it down! As I underlined wisdom-filled lines after another, I shared with my mom, friends, and everyone who would listen whilst also reflecting on how this book was *exactly* what I needed on my spiritual journey. It was what I was looking for and it found me. SubhanAllah. While I don't think I've ever come across a book like this, what makes this particular book on spirituality special is how the author approaches the topic of Divine Love. The intersectionality between many of our faith's tenants and His Love - while obvious the more one seeks - come together in this book in a way that leaves one speechless. Her grounding and humility shine through the words and it truly feels that God is speaking to you. Whether it's for you or for others in your life that are on the spiritual path, this book is a must-read! Never have I bought as many copies of a book to share with others as this one....and I give books as gifts ALL the time!

A book about feelings

A book filled with fluff- nothing informational

Imagine this! A book that will cause you to fall in love with God!

This is not simply a book, it is a treasure chest, nay, a gold mine filled with precious insights, deep wisdom, and heartfelt guidance that will fill you up with inspiration and joy whenever you pick it up. Helwa has managed to mine the topic of spirituality in a way that speaks to seekers of any faith tradition, although it will be especially precious to Muslims. Whether she is writing about prayer, love, emotional struggles, repentance, or even death, she speaks with tenderness, encouragement, and practical wisdom. Muslims will especially appreciate her loving and tender attitude toward God and God’s creation, the Prophet Mohammad, and all of the basic tenets of Islamic practice. She never commands, scolds, or threatens, but rather, in a divinely feminine way, she illuminates, encourages, and praises Allah with such loving sincerity that it’s impossible not to share her enthusiasm and feel uplifted. The book is filled with verses of wisdom and beauty from the Qur'an, beautiful poetic metaphors, sometimes humorous and always powerful teaching stories, and simple but effective spiritual practices that take the reader deeper with each chapter. This is a book not so much to read, but to live, to breathe, and to experience.

THIS IS A MUST READ! Beautiful written

This is a must read. I can not recommend this book enough. I have always had a love for God but also so much guilt, like I disappointed him. Of course I know of God’s mercy, it’s one of the names “Ar Rahim”. But this book did something inside me, the love I thought I had for our creator was solidified and multiplied, and the guilt I felt was warrantless. My heart was immediately put at ease. Allah loves us, and when you know that, REALLY know that by the use of direct aya and surahs from the Quran, poetry, Rumi, you begin to understand the true being and beauty of our religion. And when you truly understand Allah’s love, you strive to never want to disappoint.

The best Islamic book I have ever read! Just one problem…

I honestly can’t say enough good things about this book. It opened my heart in a way I cannot describe. It spoke about Islam through hundreds of verses of the Qur’an and Hadith while showing the universality of the Qur’anic message through sharing quotes from spiritual seekers of all paths. IT IS THE BEST BOOK to give to a Muslim or Non-Muslim as a gift. I have read through 100+ Islamic books including Yasmin Mogahed, Nouman Ali Khan, and Omar Suleiman, but seriously this book is on another level. Helwa is a way better writer and so poetic in the way she says things. The book is filled with dozens of stories and poems as well as deep spiritual concepts. Its unreal. The only problem I had with it is there is no way to learn more about the author or book. I feel like this whole world opened up to me and I am dying to learn more! I heard Helwa is writing a few new books from podcasts so I am excited for that. Give me one more book and I’ll change the review to 5 stars! :)

A Spiritual Treasure that Feeds the Heart and the Soul - Highly Recommended for all Faiths

This book is truly a treasure! It is permeated with a softness and expansiveness that gently finds its way into your heart. It lifts the veils of heaviness surrounding religion to reveal the love and the joy at its roots. It creates a burning desire to know God, to know His secrets, to know yourself and your creation. I especially appreciate the way Helwa creates modern metaphors to describe ancient truths. For example, she describes how the revelation of the Qur’an “has a mysterious way of decoding and recoding our spiritual mainframe from the emotional traumas and patterns of the past.” And how it acts as a GPS, a “God Positioning System” that “warns us when we are going in the wrong direction, by reminding us that our ultimate goal is not to chase after this world...” With her unique writing style, she paints the most exquisite pictures that exude a fragrance that make you want to follow, to discover, and yet leave you desiring more. It is the perfect entrance to someone looking for mystical path with which to quench their thirst.

Author, stop trying to water down islam.

I havent finished this book. So far it’s alright but its got some questionable stuff. She doesnt provide the source of EVERY quote; which is annoying. Secondly, she says God loves you unconditionally, which is wrong. We muslims dont believe that at all. Just seems like she tried to make islam all rosey.

Very well done coming from a person in publishing

I found this book through a page I've been following on instagram. Helwa's instagram page really touched and her perspectives really lifted me I bought the book because I wanted to get more of the perspective of her devotion. Her stories and the quotes really opened my perspectives. What I loved most about this book is that she has a very open-minded perspective on Islam that opens the door to other non-Islamic readers as well. Moreover, I love the fact that she focuses on love rather than punishment. Secrets of Divine Love is a reminder of all the beautiful the Mercifulness of God. She also includes tasks at the end of each chapter which for me is most useful because I like to learn and have useful ideas of course physical practices that enhance the spiritual connection.

I 110% recommend this book to all!! A must have!

Hello all! Let me just start off by saying how wonderful and beautiful this book is. It is filled with so many gems and as I read each chapter, I feel as though I’m being enveloped by a warm blanket made from love, tenderness, and care. I have not finished this wondrous book as of yet, but that is only because I want to savor and bask in every moment of every word. As you can tell, I love this book. I recommend this book to everyone, not only Muslims because this book is too invaluable not to share. After all, I believe we all should know that we have a Creator that loves and care for us unconditionally.

Spiritually Enlightening

It does not surprise me how this beautiful mind and soul has come to such fruition. From enjoying her creative, spiritually inspiring poetry as she was growing up , to her mesmerizing speeches and discussions. I couldn't have been more excited to purchase this wonderful book of hers. Her wisdom and love for the Divine is so magical in how she helps others to realize such a beautiful existence and how it can enlighten our minds and souls to a more greater depth, to be the shining light and guiding compass. The book is a beautiful language of God's love and self love. Filled with a compilation of stories from the Quran and the Prophet (PBUH), combined with poetry, mysticism, personal stories and much more . It's a wonderful and practical guide to a spiritual journey into the Heart of Islam. I would say it's a beautiful read for anyone who's longing to find that deeper connection with the Divine. Thank you for being that spiritual GEM and sharing your love and message in this great book. May you always continue to spread the Divine love. Ameen!

Must add to your bookshelf and keep close to your heart!

I came across this book quite randomly while taking a class on the "Book of Love". I didn't know what to expect, except that my soul, not my mind, told me to put this book in my cart and press the "buy now" button. I started reading it as soon as I got it and I literally couldn't put it down! As I underlined wisdom-filled lines after another, I shared with my mom, friends, and everyone who would listen whilst also reflecting on how this book was *exactly* what I needed on my spiritual journey. It was what I was looking for and it found me. SubhanAllah. While I don't think I've ever come across a book like this, what makes this particular book on spirituality special is how the author approaches the topic of Divine Love. The intersectionality between many of our faith's tenants and His Love - while obvious the more one seeks - come together in this book in a way that leaves one speechless. Her grounding and humility shine through the words and it truly feels that God is speaking to you. Whether it's for you or for others in your life that are on the spiritual path, this book is a must-read! Never have I bought as many copies of a book to share with others as this one....and I give books as gifts ALL the time!

A book about feelings

A book filled with fluff- nothing informational

A really great, timeless book

This book was an excellent read, as well as a keeper to re-read and ponder for new insights as one changes over time. The author seems to be a truly caring and thoughtful person. While her coverage of Islam is comprehensive, what makes this book a standout for me is that virtually every lesson that she draws can be applied to other religions. This is definitely NOT a "my way or the highway" book, it is the exact opposite. While the author clearly loves her own religion, she grants the reader full scope to love a different one. The point is the wonder of loving a power greater than ourselves, however we choose to conceive of that power, which may well be a cultural issue. If so, so be it. I am reminded of what the Dalai Lama said, that if possible one should stick to the religion one was raised in. That of course, is not always possible. Some people develop allergies! But no matter, in that case choose another, don't just throw the baby out with the bathwater. And as the author clearly states, choose to love because that is what lasts, and what makes life meaningful.


While this book is well written, the content left a lot to be desired. It is marketed as an Islamic book but it focuses on inter-faith issues heavily. It is in opposition with orthodox Islamic scholarship and I would not recommend it. I’m extremely disappointed as I wanted to give my non-Muslim mother something to read about Islamic spirituality and this has fallen short greatly.

On my second read!❤️

Assalam aalaykom. I have just finished reading this book and I wanted to write this review as a message of gratitude to the author for this incredible work that she has created. I was born a Muslim but have only really started practicing and learning these past two years. From all the lectures I’ve watched and books I have read, nothing has touched me the way this book has. I could not tell you the number of times I cried reading it out of realization of Allah’s mercy, forgivness, guidance and so on. I did not just read this book, I experienced it and I felt it deep within myself. The lessons and wisdom it conveys have not only changed my life but the lives of others that I have spoken with about this book. My understanding of my faith and Allah is engrained within me because of the beautiful way the author conveyed His message. Too often, I felt judged by others for not fitting a certain mold of Islam but this book served as a reminder of what Islam truly is. My heart is closer to Allah in a way that it has never been. I will carry this knowledge with me for the rest of my life inshAllah and try to teach others. From a place of sincere love, I would like to humbly thank the author for writing this book. My life has permanently changed for the better through it. I thank Allah that He has guided the author and blessed her with the amazing talent of writing. May Allah reward her for all the good she has done for me and others and continue to guide her, Ameen. JaK.I highly recommend her book for all those seeking their connection with God, Muslim or otherwise❤️

For a longing heart, it is the spiritual and religious guide into the heart of Islam.

This book was recommended to me by a close friend of mine. Totally affordable comes in a clean and beautiful cover as if the heart of Baghdad has been visualized in the cover. It consists of 13 chapters, and each chapter chronologically explaining the essence of the Almighty. I grew up in a Muslim house and I was familiarized with Islamic values but this book, the way it explains certain analogies so clearly often makes you ponder about everything around you. The five pillars of Islam, from Tawhid to Hajj, it provides you with details backed by Quran, authentic Hadith, and Sufi text. It also contains links and explanations to terms some readers are not familiar with. The syntax of this book is also on point and not too vague as I have read some books which do not make you fall in love with the book instantly. This book has that charm that you instantly fall in love with it. The glossary is filled with links to other books from where a certain quote was mentioned from. Hence, a total packaged deal this book is.

Secrets of Divine Love is Guidance to the Inner Heart

This novel fundamentally changed my perspective and enlightened my understanding. I now fully realize the love Allah has for us all, something I was not taught as a child. The way she has written the novel feels like a guide comforting you, relating to you, relaying information to you in a gentle way, explaining everything in a calm manner and with patience. The introduction alone brought me to tears. I truly connected with this novel in a way I have never before connected with spiritual writing, and I hope to better understand the Quran now. Helwa eloquently brings together analogies, Ayats from the Quran, teachings of the Prophet, stories of mystics, poetry, etc. and I have been recommending this novel to everyone, of all faiths! I want to thank the author for her writing and her social media account @QuranQuotesDaily which actually served the catalyst to me purchasing the novel. Thank you Helwa!

A must read - even if you are not religious

I cannot tell you how much I love this book. I was brought up in a Muslim family and I have a always been more spiritual than religious. This book is a reminder of the positive forces and love that surrounds us all, regardless of what religion you follow. It’s beautifully written and bring a smile to my face everything I read it. It’s a permanent addition on my nightstand, especially for those days when I need to read something loving, uplifting and hopeful . Sharing pics from my favorite quote from the book.

There is Magic in the Book!

I was initially gifted this book right after the death of a family member. It spoke to me. The way A. Helwa put together the explanations, was so profound that I lent the book within days to my mother. She read it every night. I bought myself a copy, gifted one to my father, friends and more. The thoughtfulness, the sincerity, the truth that is put together, helping all of us, whether in bad or good times, comes only through true devotion and. love for the subject. A. Helwa's book proves that. It is profound. It is gentle. Its is beautiful. I never ever buy books let alone multiple copies but this one is worth it. If just to go back and read portions I need to help me reflect. I would highly suggest purchasing this book - I have 4 times!

Uplifting, accepting, and a new opening.

This has been one of my favorite reads. It's open so many new perspectives for me within my connection spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. I've always had so many questions and wonders, this book really helped me visit those places through the beautiful prayers and quotes. I felt less alone and finally found clarity. I really connected with this book. I really love the way it's written and how much love and enlightenment was put into the writing and words offered here. A MUST READ!

A book that allows you to return to your Creator, to love Him, his creations, and yourself

I have only just begun to read this book. I began this book from a very dark & low place, feeling that God would not love me, that there was nothing in me worth loving, that I was a disappointment to God. As I continue to grow and heal, I learn about Islam through love. I learn to love God, to love his creations, to love the Prophet (pbuh) and Imam Ali (pbuh), and most importantly, I learn to love me. We are humans, we are not perfect, we make mistakes, but God made each one of us with our own attributes and stories. To not love ourselves is to not love God’s creation. Allahasukur that Ms. Helwa is one of God’s creations during this time in my life as I continue to discover the different forms and faces of love.

An Amazing, heart warming exciting experience I have never ever experienced before.

We are all lost in this world gathering sorrow and adversity that has only set us to astray. To find true and eternal love is absolutely the ultimate thirst we all seek... reading this book has enlightened so many questions I had unanswered. I did not know where to find this devine love that I have felt I needed. After reading this book, I ordered 30 copies for all my dearest friends as a sovereign gift that can connect those who are like minded to also fine that , that I have found by my experience. Ms Helwe so kindly has autographed each book with a statement that will enlighten many hearts. I would like to thank you for bringing such literature to life. May Allah swt bless you for such beautiful wisdom. Mubeena Ahmed

It's soothing and making us to love God even more

I stumbled upon this book while trying to find a spiritual Islamic book that I feel would be calming and making me closer to God out of love, not out of fear. I started to read and so often I cried when reading this book. It feels like someone understand me and my struggle in trying to be closer to God and surrendering completely to Him and His plans. And instead of judging people this book elaborate on detail how infinite is God's love and mercy for us, even when we repeatedly turning yourself away from Him and forgetting Him. I have so many highlighted parts from this book that I like to re-read and include in my prayers because it's too beautiful to ignore. And finally, I leave you to one of my favorite parts of this book: If we feel resistance in surrendering to God and trusting Him, it is important to not judge ourselves. In fact, the awareness that we feel resistance to surrendering is a blessing, because it brings our attention to the places within us where we struggle to rely on God. This awareness opens the door to repentance and remembrance of God, offering us the opportunity to turn from self-reliance to God-reliance.

This is the hidden heart of Islam in all its goodness

Amazing, wonderful. Genuine spirituality from the well of Islamic wisdom that shines a light on Islam's true character and inner beauty. Take a personal journey into faith and assurance that challenges critics and fanatics by revealing the real essence of faith, unity, and peace.

Beautiful, easy read

Easy to follow, well written, and well researched book to help you recharge your faith. I love that the author uses Shia and Sunni sources to remain as neutral as possible. Each chapter ends with reflection work to help you understand the concepts. I also love that the author non Islamic sources and scientic research to define Islamic concepts. At times it gets repetitive and overly optimistic, but I enjoyed learning her point of view and changing my paradigm on Divine Love.

Another Favorite!

Helwa has my whole heart! She has done a fantastic job writing this wonderful book on one's true self and purpose in this world. I loved the way she incorporated profound stories and quotes of the greatest people who continue to inspire us on earth. I recently finished reading it, and it has become one of my top favorite self-help books of all time. It lets you contemplate and figure out your questions and doubts. Great book and I highly recommend it.


Most amazing book I've ever read. I truly feel the love of Allah when I read this book. It's a great book for muslims, especially new ones, but really it's great for any person who wants to get closer to God and wants to learn about Islam

A refreshing and inspiring book on Islamic Spirituality

I had the pleasure of tearing into this book and I can honestly say it was one of the freshest and most inpsiring books on Islam and faith. Although its geared towards Muslim readers I would think that people of faith of any tradition could relate to the timeless wisdom shared in the book. At the heart of its message is the love that binds the Creator and Creation and allows readers to feel the personal connection with that love as they read the book. I highly recommend for anyone interested in islamic spirituality and anyone who is yearning to be uplifted in their faith.

A book like this comes along only once every many years...

A book like this comes along only once every many years. It's a wake-up call, but does so in the most gentle way... allowing the reader to hear the words through their own life's journey. It's masterful in this regard, and makes no judgement. I found myself taking several pauses and deep breaths while reading, similar to when meditating. I feel both more mindful and calm as a result... with more clarity on my potential and on my destination.


I got this book during Ramadan. I wanted to do a Ramadan reading. Right now at this moment, it is Amazon's number one Islamic story. I honestly agree with their choice because this book provides knowledge whether your a muslim or follow other religions or no religion. It's a book that guides you through an Islamic point of view and guides you in an astonishing way that is very awe inspiring. It's an easy read but leaves you feeling spiritual and God loving. I love it! I am inspired by the words and the smoothness of the way its written. I highly recommend everyone to read it. Whether you're a muslim, atheist, or other religion flowers.

Most Beautiful Book About Islam To Ever Exist

You can feel the compassion, love, and deep care the author has for Islam and humanity from the first sentence in this book. Islam is supposed to make us be the best versions of ourselves, and A. Helwa truly embodies that in this book. Everything is so eloquently yet simply explained and this book is a true reminder of how all aspects of Islam are meant to make us more selfless and loving -- even though we may have twisted them to mean something else or we are distracted. Thank you for this book. It changed my life!

Love this book!

Bought this for my kindle, recommendation from my sister and I recommend the same. It's a well written book and has different stories to get the point across in easy to understand ways. I love reading but get bored when it's just a lecture, this is not that. It's as if someone is sitting there telling you stories about their life with proverbs mixed in.

What my heart needed!!!! Must read for everyone!!!

It’s hard to put into words how incredible this book has been, I was blessed enough to get my hands on it during Ramadan! The introduction alone had me crying. The book is well written and easy to understand. The end of chapter tasks are incredible and help you put into action everything you have just read. It has A LOT of incredible information, so I have it nearby and will re read chapters when I need to. I have recommended it to all my friends and family! I think it’s a must read for everyone, regardless of your faith.

Beautiful and sublime

Alhamdullilah, this book is beautiful. The guidance and knowledge always points the reader to the Quran and Allah (swt) in the most beautiful way. I started following the author on IG (@quranquotesdaily) before the book came out and was so inspired by those posts, so I was super excited for the book. It did not disappoint. It was particularly helpful for me during the last Ramadan and helped me stay focused on what is important in these most uncertain times.Jazakallah khair to the author, may God bless you in this life and the next.

One of my faves

I started reading this book for a bookclub and instantly fell in love with it. It is written beautifully and it just makes the reader feel so incredible loved by Allah. As you read, you realize how mucb Allah actually loves you and how incredibly beautiful Islam is. This book is for everyone but especially someone is curious about Islam, someone who may be questioning their relationship with God or may just need a pick me up! This book is divided into 13 chapters each about an essential part of islam and why is it important in our faith. Definitely get this book and read it.

Pure beautiful love.

This is my third time trying to write this review as the first two times I was frothing at the mouth so profusely with excitement that it kept spilling over my keyboard and obstructing it. Each page took me to divine heights, I lost track of space and time as the portals of Love transported me to far away galaxies where light danced in my eyes and I whirled to a holy inaudible music. I thought I was back on my home planet until I awoke to reality and realized I was not in a far off galaxy but within my own heart, the inner most chambers of which I had never before witnessed. Do yourself a favor and embark on this soul quest. Also, great gift for recovering alcoholics- will get you drunk without the drinking.

Esoteric Islam

This book is a gem if you’re looking to deepen your faith and understanding of Islam. It’s written with a foundation rooted in compassion and love. It helps tie a lot of different parts of the faith and link it back to the source. I loved each of the quotes- very well chosen. Personally, I’ve struggled with balancing the inner and outer expression of our faith. This helps us understand how one builds on the other and why having some of that structure has deeper meaning. Gives a holistic view explaining the value of every part of the faith.

An excellent reminder and an excellent introduction

This book is an excellent reminder for the one who has already surrendered to God (Muslim) and an excellent introduction to the religion of Islam (i.e. the religion of surrendering to God) for the person who has not yet surrendered (non-Muslim)

Absolutely recommended! I’d give 1000 stars if I could 💫

Do not think before buying this book. Get it for yourself and get it for your friends for we all need it! It is God’s gift and loving invitation for those of us who, due to our own distorted perceptions and worldview, experience God as someone strict, hard to please and far somewhere in the sky. Or for those who just don’t ever feel good enough about themselves and too drained/not worthy enough to have a relationship with God due to their sins and shortcomings It’s honestly un-put-down-ably good! One of my favourite books on Islamic spirituality! May Allah bless the author with a reward that never runs out. Ameen. 😭♥️

I recommend this book to everyone.

You wont be disappointed reading this book ,i am impressed with this book and i am in love with this book if i read this 5 times or more i wouldn't get bored reading it. Whenever i sgart reading it i feel like i wanna read more and more .

Truly inspired, and very inspiring

Absolutely loved this book. I'm not Muslim myself, and yet I learned so much that was helpful to me on my personal path, and I plan to refer back to this book often in the years to come. All praise and all glory is due God!

Amazing and worth it!

When I first bought this book I didn't know what to expect. When I read the first couple of chapters I didn't want to stop reading. I always would pause to digest and appreciate the many gems that are found in this book. It touches the heart with every chapter. As a Muslim, this book helped me better understand spirituality and religion itself. It really explores certain aspects of religion and explains it in a beautiful way. I can't put into words how this book changed my perspective and even my life, but it really did. I don't write reviews but for this book I was more than happy to because this book really is worth it.

Extremely enlightening

No matter your religion, this book is so worth reading. I feel like it opened my heart & myself to a whole new meaning

Food for the soul

This book was pure magic. A. Helwa has such an eloquent voice and writing style - she was able to draw me in page by page, word by word and helped strengthen my relationship with God. This book is for anyone who is looking to become spiritually aware, be sure to keep a box of tissues with you nearby.

Love this book

This book is a must read ! I haven’t finished the book yet but I already know I’ll be reading it again. I have followed the author A. Helwa’s blog page on Instagram @quranqotesdaily for a while and I was always so intrigued and amazed by her words. I didn’t think twice when I saw her announcement of this book that she wrote and ordered it right away. I’m so happy I did ! The depth , the eloquence in this book is just EVERYTHING. This book is a great reminder for everyone about how much we are loved by Allah and how Allah is so merciful and so forgiving. Please read it!

Divine Love and its subtleness

well written and engaging to the reader. It opens our mind to try and see not only the apparent but also the intrinsic and subtleness of God's love. What humans think and wants may not always be good to humans but what God decides and wants there is always an underlying message that can only be understood by very few divinely guided people.

One of the most beautiful books I've read!

This is one of the most beautiful books I've ever read. It is so inspiring, so deep, so well written. I had so many questions about Islam and this book answered them all in such a logical beautiful way, and I'm forever thankful to have found this book in my life. This was the last push I needed to understand and experience God's I conditional love. Thank you so much for being that messenger of God.


I finished this book a few days ago I feel so loved. It was amazing how you approached Islam in this book with various factual stories and related it to a person reading in today’s time. I even purchased another one and mailed it as a present to one of my best friends. Jazak allah khair for writing this book, may Allah give you sadka jariya ♥️ I hope this book inspires others just like it did to me, to feel loved by your Lord, and welcoming to Islam ♥️ Alhamdulillah

No judgment, only LOVE

Islam is a religion of love & peace and a no judgment zone. This book really emphasizes that for the most part along with teaching you more educational information about our religion. This book is amazing if you want to become more kinder, if you want to get closer to God & if you overall wish to know the true meaning of Islam. Islam is beautiful and this book depicts exactly that. Thank you A. Helwa for the wonderful words you’ve wrote in this piece. I greatly appreciate it.

Love based approach

I love the love based approach this book is written with. This is a book you’ll keep coming back to read over and over because it just makes you feel that good. No matter where you are in life, whether you’re just curious about Islam, or a practicing Muslim, this book is such an easy read with so many gems of learnings and inspiration that will bring you that much closer to understanding the love that allah has for us all. I cannot recommend this book enough and have purchased it as gifts for family/friends as well and they’ve also fell in love with it. Buy this book, you won’t regret it.

Highly recommend, get introduction into Muslim religious teachings.

Great book for a beginner who is learning about Muslim. Really enjoyed her knowledge about other religions and spiritual practices. she included her insight, how it relates in some ways to the Muslim teachings. Makes the journey and process a lot less confusing.

a universal truth, a humble gift to the world

the beauty of this book is regardless of background or place in life, everyone can find a universal truth that speaks to the heart. this book has been a blessing and comfort in so many ways and has brought some of the most beautiful conversations between unlike minds. what makes it so special is the purity and humility the author writes from, the essence of the book has a spirit of its own that cant go unnotices. you can read it in order or pick from any place. its a beautiful read. God bless.

This book will be your new best friend

SubhanAllah! This book has refreshed my faith everytime I read a sentence or two. It makes me cry and reminds me how beautiful our religion is 💕. A. Helwa has written every sentence so beautifully and given an example that really makes you fall in love with our God, Messenger and our religion. This book is really a treasure

Get This Book Like Yesterday!

I read a lot of good things about this book in my Muslim sisters group on Facebook and was so interested. I also seen people raving about it on TikTok. I have not read much but I think it’s a great guiding book for new and old Muslimahs!

In the name of Allah, the Lord of Mercy, the Bestower of Mercy

This is a beautiful read from start to finish. The words on these pages are so uplifting and reinforce the belief that God truly loves his creation. Not only is this book informative and detailed, but it also manages to be comforting at the very same time; a task that is very hard to overcome by authors. This work is very inspiring and recommended to everyone, Muslim and non-Muslim alike! Thank you A. Helwa for this beautiful piece.

Heartwarming and comforting!

This book was a crutch for me during one of the hardest years of my life. I read it slowly because I didn't want it to end! It was written beautifully with emphasis on God's love. The extra quotes and stories embedded within it really made it relatable and applicable to real life situations. I absolutely adore this book and I've even repurchased it many times to gift to friends and family. Not to mention the cover of the book itself and its texture is stunning!!

Book of wisdom and knowledge

It gives us deep understanding of how we are connected with our creator and everything surround us. It gives examples and explanation of things to make it clear for the reader to understand the faith.

A Must Read!

Fantastic book. It contains very powerful words, stories, and lessons, from the Qur'an and Sunnah but also from knowledgable scholars and Islamic poets and other sources. It is really helping me to strengthen my connection with Islam and be thankful for everything. I am so glad this book was written and I was able to get a copy. I encourage you all to read this. Whatever your level of faith or knowledge is, this book will be helpful and you will be glad that you read it!

Breathtakingly beautiful!

As salaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, Allah (swt) Gave you special knowledge from Him, Helwa :) Ma sha Allah your book is filled with gems to bring us back to the Quran and Sunnah, I fell head over heels in love with Allah and His Rasul (saw)!!! The "we are being breathed" revelation was just mindblowing and changed so much with Allah's Help subhan Allah, love you for Allah's even inspired me to write a book of my own :) Alhamdulillah!

Life transforming

One of the most insightful books written about our relationship with the divine. This author is a genius with her understanding of the supreme and the way to connect with him. Gave this as a gift to a few friends and everyone swears to its transforming ability. Part of my daily read now.

It’s a Treasure!

I’ve been following “Quran Quotes Daily” on Instagram. And when I found out that they have a book coming out; I purchased it right away. Got an extra 3 copies to hand out to my friends that I know will love this book! I had an instant feeling that it’s gonna be a great book. And it is!! I’ve been reading it slowly as I feel like it’s one of those books that I don’t want to read too quickly as I’m afraid I’ll finish it too soon and I don’t want that to happen. Lol. It’s a Treasure!

Gave as a gift, was told its great!

I gifted this to an inmate and was told that it really helped him view things with a different perspective. His life makes alot of sense to him now and he even dropped a few tears while reading it.

Prepare to stare into your soul

Life changing book. You will cry and love God Ar Rahman Ar Rahim more. I love this book. I hope to pass it down to my children some day.


I love her rendition on Islam and how it is truly helping my heart open to see Islam more clearly. Just beautifully written, and very relatable. Thank you for writing this and changing my life. <3

disappointing, unless you like new agey goop

also some interesting stories about her beloved spiritual teacher "Sidi" (late imam of al-Aqsa mosque) come up when looking at forums for survivors of spiritual abuse at the hands of sufi sheikhs/cults. the only reason this book gets 2 stars instead of 1 is that the incredible book "Vision of Islam" by Chittick and Murata is in the recommended reading list.

Beautiful book

I feel blessed that I was able to read this book in holy month of Ramadan. Beautifully written book. A must-read book. Alhumdulilah. When the heart is full of Allah's love, we create beauty and love.

Artfully written and meticulously crafted

Artfully written and intentioned with meticulous craft. It's no secret that Secrets of Divine Love is a poetic prose that helps answer questions that are oft left unanswered. It offers a new and fresh take on Islam, taking you on a journey of verse, quotes, and reflections. Reading the words on the page is like listening to Helwa reflect on her path to finding the One. Thank you for being a vessel of love.

Beautifully Divine

I would recommend this book to everyone and anyone looking for love in their heart. You’ll be amazed at how different the world works when you have Allah in your heart. Trust me, it’s worth Your time and money.

You are LOVED!!! Always have and always will be!!

I cannot recommend this book enough!!! Its incredible. Even though the main msg of the book can apply to all faiths, I personally Felt my perspective transforming as to what Islam is all about. With powerful syntax and excellent anecdotes and analogies from all areas of life, this is truly an amazing!!!!! Piece of work!!! May God bless the entire team who made the effort of putting this book together :)

Beautiful book

I really enjoyed this spiritual interpretation of the Quran based on the idea of unconditional love.

Loved it!

This book was meant to move the heart, and it certainly moved mine! Secrets of Divine Love is really for anyone who believes in God’s Love, but it’s especially great to read as a Muslim as it was written by a Muslim. Make sure you grab your highlighters while reading it, because every sentence is quotable. Thoroughly enjoyed reading it, and would recommend it for anyone wanting a spiritual awakening!

A Must Buy

"Secret Of Devine Love" Has Taught Me So Much. While-Reading One Can Feel That They Traveling Through A Spiritual Journey. I Recommend This Book To Anyone Who Is After A Good Read. In Fact, You’d Be Doing A Favor To Yourself By Reading It. You’ll Gain So Much From It. -mebods-


Writing this review from my husband’s account. Have to say it’s the best book I’ve ever read. Best gift I received from my husband too. I had moments when I feel like I’m losing it while feeling disconnected with my deen. This book instantly helped with the realization how lucky we are to have Allah right next to us, Alhumdulliah Highly highly recommend everyone for reading this!


As Salaam Alaikum to everyone. This book is absolutely incredible. The first page speaks for itself.

Absolute beauty of an experience.

Brilliant, informative, revealing, poetic, and deeply nourishing. It’s like being wrapped up in a soft blanket of love. Full of mercy, wisdom, and love. This book opens a door to the true love everyone is seeking. A bejeweled image of the secrets of God and his Wadude. This book is a true beauty. Just amazing. Subhanallah

This book gives essence of Islam

It is one of the most beautiful books that I have read. I would recommend it to followers of any faith, for in it is the essence of all that is good for the soul.

Ripping pages

I absolutely loved this book so far. I actually cried reading the first chapter. However , I was upset to see that as soon as I opened the book, the pages started ripping at the book spine . It’s such a physically beautiful book, however, I wish it was sewn rather than glue. It seems like the pages will be ripping from the book before I finish it.

My favorite book of all time

This book is not only introducing love but it also connects sprit with the world and beyond the world. The humbleness of the author is a rare bliss to see nowadays. Thank you for sharing this book with the world!

Life/soul changing!

An absolute gem of a book. The author has a style that creates a majestic way to learn about how to feel the love, mercy and connection God gives to us. This book struck me deep within my soul and has been a true life changer. It’s something I will always reach to in times I need some light and wisdom in my life!

Most amazing book I’ve read in my life

One of the most amazing books I’ve read in my life, this books makes living more meaningful and gives you hope for future for a much better life. I highly recommend this book to everybody.


She beautifully writes and it not just meant for Muslims. She brings all types of people into the book

One of my favorite Islamic books ever!

This book is wonderful and will make you fall in love with God and His unending greatness. Helwa’s writing perfectly conveys what I feel is the essence of God with beautiful stories, analogies, and quotes sprinkled in throughout.

Wonderful ❤️

I fell in love with this beautiful book.

Must read

This is a great book for Muslims and Non-Muslims. A very beautiful perspective on the role love plays in the Islamic faith. I'm buying several more copies to give as gifts to friends and family. I hadn't even finished the first chapter and I already looked forward to reading this book again.

Pathway to Almighty. Helva truly depicted the devine love.

The book will make you fall in love with Almighty. This will nourish your darken heart with true light of Almighty Allah.


This is a beautiful book that I think people of all faiths can benefit from! I purchased one for my mother as well based on the first few chapters. It’s deeply thoughtful and provides nurturing ways to understand and deepen your relationship with the Most High. I’d definitely recommend for everyone!

This is an excellent book

It is an excellent book for people who wants to know about islam. I would say it is also good introductory book for nonmuslims who wants to learn about islam. my 13 yrs son and I read together- book flows easily and reads like a novel.

Such a beautiful book!

Ive never been so happy with a book purchase. I wish I had come across this book sooner. Very inspirational and definitely brings you closer to God and religion.

Great book with unique concepts!

Alhumdulilah coming across this book through Instagram was such a blessing. The author does a great job helping us through spiritual teachings and concepts which for myself was much needed. I’m almost done and can say that this book has already been worth the read. Highly recommend!


Its a life changing book! Thank you!

The truth about what Islam really is

I love this book so much! I am a Muslim and grew up my whole life as one, and I wish I had been taught Islam by my teachers at school the way Helwa describes it. It really takes you to the truth, and the roots of Islam which are peaceful, honest, spiritual, kind and non judgmental toward any other opinions/ways of life. ❤️


This book has helped TRANSFORM my life for GOOD. I feel closer to GOD and feel connected. I feel like I have a better understanding of how to approach my faith and relationships. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

Beautifully written

This book is amazing. It feels like you’re sitting down after a long day and having a conversation with an old friend. Would highly recommend- even if you’re not Muslim it bridges so many different concept and ideas and connects everything in a beautiful blanket. My words do not do it justice so please just read it.

Disorganized...repetitive..not a clean read at all

It felt like the book had no meaning because it was so disorganized and everything was repeated with no actual point that was being made..

love love love

Beautifully written book. mA thank you

Love it

Amazing book

Reconnecting with our Divine Love

Been down on my religious game for a while but this book has made me redefine my love for Allah and for myself again. It is changing my life as I type this, Helwa uses beautiful comparisons to explain abstract concepts which make this book incredibly easy to read and digest. Alhamdulilah, Allahu Akhbar


Really enjoy this read. Would gift to someone or keep in my collection!


I have a collection of books from all religions yet I would give this book five stars, as it has crystal clarity, simplicity and love.

Good book

Good book

This book will open your heart

This book has been a great guide for returning back to the spiritual aspects of Islam that drew my heart to Islam almost 3 years ago. Ended up buying a copy for my best friend for Eid this year. She said she has enjoyed it so far as well. jazakallah khair Helwa!!

Package delivered empty without books.

This package came without any books. This has happened for the first time in my life that package delivered without content and the package says delivered without content. I am unable to understand I paid more than $50 for package without content.

One happy customer

The book arrived in a very timely matter

Good book, but had a printing issue

Book is amazing, but unfortunately I received it with one of the pages torn :( I think It must have happened in the printing of the book. I am not sure who to contact about the issue since it is passed the return window and cant find a way to contact someone about it.


This is one of the best book i have ever read

An absolute must read!

If you’re looking to reconnect with God, you should definitely read this book! It’s written so beautifully and the words pull at your heart. We are all so blessed and if you have the opportunity and time to read this book then please do! You won’t regret it!!

Great book for teachers and students alike!

I love everything this book has to offer. In fact, as an educator, I'm already using this book as a resource for my students. It had given me an my students a perspective on Islam that is so wonderfully articulated. I feel as if the author is speaking directly to me!

A long time coming! Powerfully increased my connection to God!

I absolutely love this book and the author! I started reading and could not put it down. The words are so beautiful and mesmerizing! Each chapter ends with reflections and exercises which powerfully increased my connection with God. I wish I had this book decades ago! Must Read!

Allah is always with us and loves us

Know yourself to know the God... This book reminds us one more time that Allah is with us, we just need to turn to Allah...

La Ilaha Il Allah

This book is a precious jewel, a taste of the Love and Peace and Mercy and Freedom and Justice that our hearts and souls long for. And a reflection of the beauty and majesty unveiled to us through a blessed straight path to our Sustainer and Creator. MashaAllah.

Life changing book

Most beautifully written awe inspiring book I have read so far. A book that will re align you with God and all that is. A book I will forever have and read over and over again!! It will change your whole being and couldn’t recommend it enough!!!!!

The best book I’ve read

Best book I’ve read isn’t an exaggeration. Recommended by a friend, I found it beautifully written and full of compassion for the reader. I reach for it often when I need spiritual nourishment . I hope she continues to write and publish!

Strengthened my religion

I am a born Muslim but haven’t felt super close to Allah for various reasons. My relationship with Allah was made stronger with this beautifully written book. It helped me to understand so much in a kind and loving way. I want to re read this over and over.

Inspirational book!!!

I highly recommend this book to all Muslims and non Muslims. It touches your heart and it shows the beauty of Islam. I’m so blessed to have a chance to read it, and I recommended it to my family and friends. It’s a must read book! Subhanallah!



A book for everyone

This Author is showing GOD's love to people with or without faith using all different sources like holly books & biggest poetry like Rumi. I highly recommend this book for everyone who wants to read & learn about GOD.

Excellent book for those who are learning about Islam

Great read! I'm learning more about Islam and it's great to start off on a book that focuses on love, peace, and connection. The guided exercises and beautiful poetry helps with the practice and understanding of the faith.

Siratul mustakim

Really great approach to help anyone in need of connecting with the Lord of the Worlds.

Loving Allah

Love this book and I am leaning so much!

Beautiful read !!!

My favorite book until now, is the most beautiful book I ever read, it gets to your heart and Fulfill all your doubts, if you need any answer about your relationship with God this book will guide you to get them.

love this book

this is a book beautifully written with love

Loved it!

It touched my heart! It was so well written (but not difficult to read) and sourced scholars and articles not just limited to Islam!

Great gift

Very well written and inspirational a wonderful read for when you feel like your iman is low !

Hope and Joy

This book is filled with the true hope and joy that is Islam. I find daily inspiration in reading it.

An interesting read


Good Book

Just as described

Beautiful writing full of endless eternal ideas

This is a beautiful book. It is beautifully written about some of the most important topics a person can ponder. This is one of those books you won't forget, and you will continue to ponder.

Just what I needed.

If you're like me, suffering from depression and lack of self-love, this book is a must read.

Highly recommend

There's so much I can say about the large and small ways this book has changed my life for the better, but I'll leave it at this: reading this book is like applying balm for your soul. Read this book.

It’s written with humility and love for Allah!

A must read!


I loved this book. Alhamdulillah its helped me understand God so much. I very much recommend to everyone, I'm not one to write reviews but this deserved one.


Can’t put this book down. MashaAllah! It truly is a beautiful spiritual journey. Highly recommend


You can truly feel the magnificence and love of of Allah through Arazu’s intricate and delicate filter. Very grateful for this masterpiece, may Allah bless this woman

Definitely worth the buy!

This book is well written and the author had me from the start. Definitely worth a read and I will be passing on this book to my friends and relatives, makes a great gift!

great book

This book is a great book that I keep coming back to read. It is full of helpful suggestions to help anyone in their day to day life. I would highly recommend this book!

Amazing book!

This book is overflowing with words of’s not a book your can read and move on’s a book that should live with you in all stages of life ..mashaAllah

Highly recommend!

This is a book to savor, read and re-read. It’s a book to take on your life’s journey to reflect and to prepare for the various and unique aspects of your day to day.

I loved every word of this book

It covers the main message of Islam yet it is open to other religions and draws evidence from other religions and ancient thinkers and wisdoms.

love this

very good book

Learn the

A spiritual book that takes you to the world of infinite and dive you in the love of our creator and learn to see the beauty of God in every details that surround us!

Must Read

Must Read For Any Muslim of Any Age or Any Lover of Islam Or Anyone Seeking To Find Or Be Reminded of The Beauty of Islam


Mashallah, what a beautifully written piece of art this is! Alhamdulilah May God bless her for this excellent well written book!

Must read.

This book is so beautiful, I’m reading is so slowly so it doesn’t end.

must read

beautiful book

Love it

Great buy.

Thank you to the author for writing this book.

beautifully written. I can’t put the book down. Loving and heart felt. I will keep this forever.

Must read.

Remarkable work, with a deeply moving and thought provoking book. Highly highly recommend.

Mind-blowing knowledge about God

It is one the amazing books . I started reading it and it made so much sense . I would recommended it to others .

Got to learn more

Good book.. Really enjoyed the read.. Would highly recommend..

Package was open

Hi, I received the book, but the package was already opened.

Spiritual introspection

Great way to introspect on your spiritual journey


The amazing book for my quarantine time🙏🏻 May Aallah bless her all the time 🙏🏻


I love this book, it’s a thorough and beautiful gathering of so much wisdom and knowledge.


I love this book

Great Book

Love this book!


Highly recommend this book!


What an amazing gift for Eid. The book cover is high quality



A must read

The best book on spirituality that I have ever read

Excellent book




Recommend it

Great Alhamdulilah! Definitely recommend it!

Wonderful Read

Absolutely beautiful!

Dangerous Text!!

Dangerous!!! This book is incredibly dangerous for Sunni Muslims. The books is built on mostly Sufi adqeedah and mostly Sufi, Shia and Hindu, and Western texts. The book is riddled with mysticism disguised as unification of people. If you don’t k ow your religion or are a revert STAY AWAY!

Incredibly disappointing waste. Mostly filled with the author's made up rubbish. Hear me out:

I REALLY wanted to love this. I was so excited when I bought a copy. I am muslim and love texts that touch on spirituality in islam/tasawuf. I'm no scholar, but I know b.s. when I see it. This book shouldn't have been published, and it's a travesty that it's in circulation. There are a few gems here and there, but unfortunately the bad sorely outweighs the good. -The introduction leads one to believe the author is merely (and humbly) compiling many different verses, hadith, and quotes from mystics. The reality is the book is chalk-full of the author's own, unsubstantiated, overreaching, and bold inaccuracies. All of this with no apparent qualifications or sanad for the author's knowledge. -The author has the gull to take it upon herself to translate verses from the quran, as well as break down root words in arabic (both done incorrectly). As if that isn't bad enough, she chooses to omit portions of quranic verses. Not ok, who are you and what are your credentials? It is obvious that the author's arabic is shaky at best, and there are plenty of qualified scholars whose texts she could have cited instead of making things up. -Concerning and overreaching statements about the apparent godliness and embodiment of divine qualities. Again, unsubstantiated, but these statements feel/sound good to the author. There are serious issues with the picture she paints of humans becoming/taking on divine qualities. This is an islamic text, not an essay on how "A. Helwa" feels about Allah. -Stylistic, but the first 2 chapters are so flowery, cheap, and watered down...saying nothing really, as she attempts to tell the story of a romanticized love affair of sorts, a cheap attempt at transposing ...nauseatingly painful to read. Many times i cringed because there were quranic verses or hadith that would actually fit much better with the points she was attempting to make, but instead she continued to infuse her own opinions. -Why does an islamic book contain verses from the bible, torah, buddhism, and other religions? It's presented as an islamic text, so it would only be natural to think that it wouldn't be a compilation of content on love from other religious beliefs. They are also so poorly integrated, the writing is weak. Not to mention, translations of the word "mantra" in sanskrit, transposing of "loving-kindness," and Eve in hebrew are completely irrelevant to the topics at hand. This book is a sunk cost for me, i will never get those hours of my life back, but it's so bad that I feel compelled to spend more time writing this review. My personal recommendation is to not even pick this book up. In case you don't want to believe me, and are upset i ruined the prospects for you, here are some good (legit) reads on understanding spirituality in Islam: 1.. Sea Without Shore: A Manual of the Sufi Path by Nuh Ha Mim Keller 2. Reclaim your Heart: Personal Insights on breaking free from life's shackles by Yasmin Mogahed Also, legitimate translations of the Quran: The Clear Quran by Mustafa Khattab or The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics) by MAS Abdel Haleem. Finally, a free, wonderful resource: or the Yaqeen app, with a number of Islamic articles, research, and content.

Wow...this book is SO incredible

I always had so many questions about the religion of Islam. People always asked me questions I had no idea how to answer! And then...came this book and it changed everything. Secrets of Divine Love talks about the small and the big aspects of faith from love, a deep love, an unending love that inspires the soul. This transcends media stereotypes and launches you into the heart of ancient Islamic spirituality to remind you that you are loved so so so loved!

Amazing. This book will get you closer to God

The author summarizes the book "Are you're longing to experience a more intimate and loving relationship with the Divine? Secrets of Divine Love draws upon spiritual secrets of the Qur’an, ancient mystical poetry, and stories from the world’s greatest prophets and spiritual masters to help you reignite your faith, overcome your doubts and deepen your connection with God "The fragrance of the Beloved permeates every passage of this magnificent book, gently opening the gates of the heart and inviting the reader into a direct experience of that which the author so beautifully evokes. Whether you identify as a Muslim whose faith has perhaps grown weary of as someone who would like to taste of the essence of a tradition you do not understand, 'Secrets of Divine Love' is a masterful map of the landscape of the soul on its journey home to the One who both transcends and dwells within all that is." - MIRABAI STARR, Author of God of Love: A Guide to the Heart of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam." This book will walk you through the journey of getting closer to one and only creator where Muslims referred to God as "Allah" the one and only creator of the universe. If you are someone who is lost with your faith, in our creator and the reason of our existence this book will provide you the deepest wisdom and guidance to the right path that will fill your emptiness inside. Highly recommended for everyone who is wondering about our true existence.

Amazing. This book will get you closer to God

The author summarizes the book "Are you're longing to experience a more intimate and loving relationship with the Divine? Secrets of Divine Love draws upon spiritual secrets of the Qur’an, ancient mystical poetry, and stories from the world’s greatest prophets and spiritual masters to help you reignite your faith, overcome your doubts and deepen your connection with God "The fragrance of the Beloved permeates every passage of this magnificent book, gently opening the gates of the heart and inviting the reader into a direct experience of that which the author so beautifully evokes. Whether you identify as a Muslim whose faith has perhaps grown weary of as someone who would like to taste of the essence of a tradition you do not understand, 'Secrets of Divine Love' is a masterful map of the landscape of the soul on its journey home to the One who both transcends and dwells within all that is." - MIRABAI STARR, Author of God of Love: A Guide to the Heart of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam." This book will walk you through the journey of getting closer to one and only creator where Muslims referred to God as "Allah" the one and only creator of the universe. If you are someone who is lost with your faith, in our creator and the reason of our existence this book will provide you the deepest wisdom and guidance to the right path that will fill your emptiness inside. Highly recommended for everyone who is wondering about our true existence.

Written in English, but not for Westerners

II got the book on Kindle because I was interested to learn more about Islam and its followers - and I did. However, the book leans heavily on flowery Arabic prose from the Qur'an. It is a book about Islam after all! Having said that, I'm not sorry to have spent time with "Secrets of Divine Love' . It's really well written. But I am looking for a book that is more modern and western in its explanations of Islam.

Life changing

Now I’m normally a skeptic of religion because it never has really done anything for me. I don’t “feel” God the way I’ve always wanted to or hoped to experience but come to you all at 2:43 in the morning because this book has made me cry and I have had more powerful realizations and epiphanies than I thought possible. I’ve been thinking of converting to Islam and decided to do my research and this book came out of nowhere (which I now assume to be a blessing from God). It speaks honesty and truth and love in ways I always FELT but couldn’t put to words. I grew up in Christianity but I see this religion as perfect and this book has only confirmed that. The bits from the Quran and the analysis have made me stop in my tracks overwhelmed with love. I am only 33 pages in and have learned so, so much. I thank the author and God for working through them to bring me this because I say without a doubt and without dramatics that this has only just begun to change my life and set me on a path I didn’t think was in the cards for me. I know the author says this isn’t exactly MEANT to force religion on anyone and I have never left a review on any item on any website EVER. But I feel less lost and less wanting of things I know won’t fulfill me. I feel more at peace, safe, and happier with this book and am one step closer to reverting. Thank you, thank you, thank you. :)

Absolutely beautiful

I'm a Christian but I'd read some Rumi and other Sufi poets. I didn't really know much about Islam though and have never studied the Qur'an. Yet, this book is completely accessible. It seems to transcend theology with its insight, wisdom and beauty. It pierces with truth. And that truth is how vast and beyond understanding the love is that God has for us. Reading this has awoken something within me. I've given other books 5 stars before, but now regret it as this book deserves more.

Life-changing, beautiful, and sincere

I finished reading this book today, and all I can feel is so incredibly moved. The author's message comes from a place of sheer love and sincerity, and this is clearly evident within every single page of this beautiful book. In fact, with each page I read I found myself more and more in awe. Each page held something of value, and nearly every sentence was something that I wanted to underline. This is the kind of book that I feel I can go back to, time and time again, in different stages of life, and always learn something new or gain new insight on a certain concept. This is the kind of book which makes you reconnect with God. This is the kind of book which has truly changed my life, and I am not one to throw that word around. This is the kind of book that is truly inspiring and is the gateway to deep reflection and change. From this book, my entire frame of mind has shifted and I feel as though I understand things in a completely new light. It was truly by the author's eloquent, poetic writing that I was able to understand the wisdom and true meaning behind things which I thought I already knew, as well as learn new lessons entirely. This book is endlessly beautiful and promotes nothing but peace and love. It brings tears to the eyes, comfort to the heart, and soundness to the soul. It reawakens and reaffirms that which you already carry within you, and helps guide you to understand and implement these things. I truly feel that this book is a gem, a treasure, written through the lens of love, with the purpose of encouraging you to turn back and submit back to God. I have learned countless life-changing and valuable lessons from this book, and I would recommend this book to absolutely anyone, whether or not they are Muslim. I truly believe anyone could benefit from the things in this book. I will surely be recommending this book to family and friends because this treasure is something that ought to be shared. This book is a gift that will continue to give. And for that, I must say thank you to the author of this book, A.Helwa, for all the time and effort and dedication that it took to publish this book. This is such an enormously generous gift you are giving by publishing this, as this is truly something that will garner so much good and spread the message of peace. May Allah bless you for your efforts and reward you for all the good that this book will facilitate.

A Spiritual Read and Experience.

I know nothing about the world of Islam and the faith practiced there, but this appears to be a well researched and written book. It is filled with wisdom, insights, and encouragements. This was an ARC and I did not receive any type of compensation for reading and reviewing this book. While I receive novels from publishers & authors, I am under no obligation to write a positive review.


If you're looking for a loving way to be held in the embrace of God, this is it! I've been waiting a long time for something like this...THANK YOU A. Helwa!

if you want to be enlightened and inspired then read this book

This was a good book to read but very long. I read and listened to it in my car. there is so much inforamtion in it I will have to read it again. This book is more like a manual and should be read daily. this book gaves the reader a good insight to the Islamic way of living but can also be used for all. I love the way the author shares personal stories i can personally relate too. I would reccomend this book for anyone who is truly looking to be enlightened,inspired and looking to be the best verison of themselves.

Intersting read

Not a tome on the history of Islam. More like a smattering of the author's opinions and personal stories. If you're into this sort of stuff, it's not bad.

The sweetest divine Hug in a book

I’d been hearing about this book from many colleagues and friends and I was pushing it away out of lots of books on my waiting list .. But when life brought this book into my life it was because I was broken and this book became my medicine. To read that we are all one and to not forgive yourself is like making a hole in the boat of humanity..that hurting self is hurting all..that we don’t have to drown ourselves in self flagellation of sorts in order to beat sin out of us is all against the very essence of Allahs’ mercy. It’s encapsulated the universal reality of Love from all angles. Buddha to Rumi and Tao... all the quotes I ever collected.. have been beaded beautifully together into this necklace. This book saved me and now when I teach Quran this book is always part of our discussions. I’m so so so grateful to have lived to see this work. For this beautiful soul and her book...all manifesting Divine mercy Wasslams

This book is changing my life.

I bought the ebook because I just couldn’t wait to read it, and I am not exaggerating when I say that I was immediately captivated after just the first few sentences. The author presents ideas about life that are so beautifully profound and she is able to offer explanations that literally makes life make sense! A lightbulb goes off just about every other sentence when I’m reading this book because she just has a way of making things make sense, as it relates to life and God’s love. If you are lost, trust that you will find yourself after reading this book. I recommended this book to a friend of mine who is just as in love with it as I am and I think every human being should read it, embrace it, learn from it, live it, because this book can literally change your life and inspire you to want to be good and do good. -Rany

A beautiful journey understanding faith and the Creator

Asking questions about the faith you grow up with is tough and brings along a whole set of complexities with it. Just in time when I was trying to seek answers, I found my way to this book and so far just towards the end of 1st chap and I felt like the words in the book were talking to me and guiding me towards something. I really believe the words in this book come from a pure place and heart and can be felt in each word. It's a beautiful experience to feel the power of words through someone's experience and still be able to feel them as own. A lot of depts and yet so simply put. If you are trying to understand Islam, or leave alone trying to know whats your relation to the higher power, this is definitely a book I would recommend. Thank you to the author for this beautiful piece of experience threaded in words wrapped with love which all reflects the source of it all. Journey continues...............

An Incredible Book about Islam with Daily Practices: A MUST READ!

This book has been a huge inspiration in my life. A. Helwa writes with so much love and grace for the divine. She takes you on a spiritual journey throughout her book through the different elements of Islam. It is so informative about Islam full of fruitful examples. She gives readers daily practices to introduce to their lives, which really brings her words to life. Once I started A. Helwa’s book, I could not put it down. What a blessing her book has been to humanity.

Inspiring and relevant to our time!

I never thought I would find a book on Islam that would inspire people of all faiths. Helwa talks from the heart and she is so pure in her approach. This book is so relevant to our time. It teaches us to love God and experience love in a way that is actually relatable. Dang the stories are sooo good too

It felt like it was written just for me

I am not an avid reader, in fact I barely used to read books before but Alhamdullilah I'm so glad I came across this book. I love this book! I keep finding myself going back to the book over and over again. Whether you read the whole book or parts of it (through A. Helwa's insta page), the content is so relevant. May Allah bless the writer (A. Helwa) with more knowledge so we can continue benefiting from her writings. Aameen :) A MUST READ (especially if you're a girl)!!!


It is impossible to love that which you do not know. Secrets of Divine Love will awaken the eternal truth which exists within the heart of every human being. While the book is steeped in authentic Islamic tradition, its stunning writing style, and carefully crafted almost poetic content will cause you to relish the experience of getting to know the Divine and yourself in the process. The book tenderly and swiftly opens doors to the unfolding of deep spiritual meanings within you. It inexplicably causes you to renew the purpose and direction of your life, while giving you a heavenly taste of divine love and how you can attain it on your own

The most amazingly wonderful book about Islam

This is simply the most wonderful and amazing book about Islam. I love it so much. Five stars isn't enough, I'd give it ten! Truly great. As a muslim convert, and also as a scholar with a university degree in religion, I've read countless books about Islam - some of wich I really liked a lot - but no one compares to this one.

A beautiful book about "experiencing" the divine in your daily life

"God" -- however you choose to conceptualize the divine -- remains an elusive concept for many. This book will help you rediscover your own INHERENT, unconditional self worth as you embark on a relationship with the pure love behind the universe.

It will change your heart!

If I really love you, I would recommend this book to you. It only bring me closer to Allah (swt) and Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w). The way everything is explained is so easy to understand and heartfelt. I fell in love with every single page, every single paragraph. A. Helwa wrote this book from her heart and you can tell by reading its first few pages. Every topic she wrote about is well put and it will definitely change the heart of a reader. JazakAllah sister A. Helwa for writing this book, it just lifts the worldly burden from my heart! :)


Helwa intended this book not to just be read but to feel and really understand about spirituality. It can truly make a difference in a person life. I like the tips at the end of each chapter that will help you in changing your life. I would recommend this book for all interested in faith and want to better themselves to make this world a better place.

Learned a Little

It was not the type of book that I was expecting but I learned a little bit about the religion known as Islam.

Reading this book is an experience to treasure

“Secrets of Divine Love” will be the jewel in my book collection treasure box. I will visit and revisit it often as I do with my most favorite reads. It is magnificent and opens your heart to gently nourish your soul. The poetic style of writing transports you on a lyrical journey exploring kindness, gratitude, and spiritual love. I truly appreciate Helwa’s personal stories, examples and invitation to travel with her step by step through her experiences of divine love.

Knowledge and love for God

This book for me is a love letter from God Himself. It is easy to read and filled with many good examples that anyone can relate to. The book provides insight into many topics with a lot of knowledge. It lives up to the title and it is my best purchase ever. It is suitable for everyone, both for those who know a lot about Islam and those with little knowledge. The book is a masterpiece and I hope more people read it. Thank you for writing such good book.

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