Second Chance Ranch (Montana Series Book 5)

Kindle Edition
24 Aug
RJ Scott
Rob runs to Crooked Tree determined to find a safe place for his nephews. A family for them is the final thing on his list, and then he can vanish completely. Falling for a local paramedic along the way is a disaster in Rob’s otherwise perfect plans. Paramedic Aaron, the middle of five brothers, would like someone to love. A great believer in fate he is convinced though, that one day he’ll find someone. He just never thought it would be a man in so much pain, or that children would be part of the package. Rob is ready to leave. Aaron wants him to stay. Their love has an expiry date, and it’s tearing them apart. Can they find a way to save what they have?

Reviews (43)


Second Chance Ranch is the fifth book in the Montana series. It is also my favorite so far. The story is about Rob and Aaron. Rob is an ex military/ special ops that falls for Aaron, who is a paramedic that helped him Save a mans life after a crash. There is quite a bit of sadness in this story but it's told beautifully. You definitely end up routing for Rob and Aaron hoping they get their HEA. I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a hurt/comfort romatic story. You just might want to read the others first. It's not really a standalone.

Some Bumps Along the Road

This book came together after midway when there was an explanation of how Rob could be so selfish and stupid as to try to dump his nephews on his unsuspecting, and distrustful, former partner Justin in the "terrorist cleansing" business. The ex-SEAL has many things to hide and be ashamed of in his life, and we could have had more sympathy for him if we knew what the truth was earlier, but it doesn't hurt that it comes later. This final chapter in a very diversified and satisfying series brings together a bunch of Carter brothers, relatives and neighbors we've met before. But the one who counts here is Aaron, the middle brother who's an ex-Army guy and the EMT leader of the Montana area where Second Chance Ranch is located. That Rob and Aaron fall instantly in lust, and take their time to consummate that feeling, is part of the charm of the narrative. The stronger charm, however, comes from Rob's nephews Bran and Troy, eight and five respectively, who turn his life inside out and upside down, and force him to become an increasingly committed uncle. Aaron is a strong character and Rob relatively weak until toward the end he comes to the realization that giving up is not in his character after all. I love R.J. Scott and all her books, but the only glitch in this one is I really can't figure out who is whom on the cover.

Satisfying end to Montana series.

Rob is a killer, cold and in control. His sister dies, leaving him as guardian to his nephews. Hardly able to care for himself and not willing to take on the responsibility of these children, he look for a way out. His old partner, Justin, is at the Crooked Tree Ranch. He figures he can convince Justin to take the boys. If not him then surely someone else will want them. He has a very limited time to get them taken care of. Aaron’s a paramedic. He meets Rob under stressful conditions and is immediately drawn to him. He want Rob and does everything in his power to get him. Rob can’t get rid of Aaron, no matter what he says or does the man just doesn’t give up. Rob knows his time with the boys and the man who has sneaked into his heart is coming to an end. The most difficult decision he’s ever made can no longer be put off. I have enjoyed the Crooked Tree series. All the characters have been excellent. I think Rob and Aaron have become my favorite. They are so hot and sweet together (even though Rob was a pain at times). I think this is the end of the series and it definitely is going out on a high note. Read the whole series and enjoy.

Another Wild Ride in Montana

Rob and Aaron are a wonderful match and Rob's situation is totally unexpected (but AMAZING). I've heard that this is the wrap up for the series, and if that is correct, then Ms. Scott has done herself proud and given the readers a lovely gift as an ending. There are nods/glimpses of previous series characters, but they are only brought in when it makes sense. This entire series has been a HUGE emotional roller-coaster and this story is no different. You probably will need tissues. It's tough to talk about the story at all without giving spoilers, so I'll leave it at this: If you enjoy RJ Scott stories, don't miss this one :-) ***RECOMMENDED***

Beautiful characterizations!

Another great addition to the Montana series. I couldn’t put this book down because of its suspenseful yet beautiful story. The conflict that Rob experienced in getting his life on the right track was inspiring. And his nephews stole my heart. Rob and Aaron were made for each other. Aaron was a bastion of patience. I was hoping that Rob would take a chance on the operation. And alls well that ends well. Volume 6 of the Montana series is in the mail and should be here Thursday. Can’t wait.

Great story

This was an enjoyable book and series to read. I would recommend to anyone who wants to read a gay romance book

No hesitation on giving this book five stars

Grab the tissues for this one. I cried until I couldn’t anymore but to find out if they are happy tears you have to read the with all the tears the story was one hell of a sexy story.

Amazing book!

I wasn't very sure I would like this book when I read the blurb, but I am so happy I decided o buy this boo anyway. Like all the other books, this turned out to be an amazing story!

One of my favorites of the series

Note: This one might stand alone better than some of the others… but this series is best read in order and the stories make more sense when you’ve read the previous books. This review may contain spoilers to earlier books. This might be my favorite of the series (though I still love Nate & Jay). Lots of my favorite tropes: kids, age gap (Rob is 31 & Aaron is 43), older MCs, ex-military. Rob is reluctant guardian to his nephews after the death of his sister. Convinced he can’t be a parent and desperate to find a forever home for them – Rob runs to Justin and Crooked Tree Ranch. Not only was he not planning on falling for the boys, but sexy paramedic Aaron wasn’t on his list either. I loved the story of these two. Rob and Aaron are both ex-military, opinionated, strong willed, and things between them are fireworks. I don’t want to spoil anything so it’s hard to share how desperate Rob is to leave and how much everyone, especially Aaron works to have him stay. And the epilogue! I love epilogues and this one was great.

Love it!!

I love this whole series!!! I’ll admit, it’s been a minute, so I had to go back and remind myself who Rob was, but if you loved and read Justin and Sam’s story, you’ll remember that he’s a former partner of Justin’s, sent to kill him in their book. Of course, he didn’t, because he wanted out of the life just as Justin did, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t dangerous and that when he left Justin alive, he didn’t think he’d ever see him again.. Rob never counted on checking on the sister he’d left behind at 18, when he signed up to serve his country. Imagine his surprise that she’d not only died but she’d left him her two children, boys, Toby and Bran. Now, we all know Jennifer’s a sucker for stories involving kids, and this one was no different. The two boys were a major part of this story; more so even than relationship that forms between Rob and Aaron, the sheriff’s brother, the paramedic. Remember him? Yeeeeah, I was excited for him too. Unfortunately, things hadn’t been easy for Toby and Bran, shuffling into foster homes until they found Rob; (which meant, Rob wanted to be found), he was all set to leave them in foster care until he checked out the home of where the boys were staying and moved heaven and earth to get them with him. He didn’t know what to do with them and the boys didn’t trust him for a good little bit; but they needed him… they needed each other, Rob just didn’t realize it yet. Rob had been shot and left badly injured after his last mission, and the effects from that were a problem. We don’t get to that problem for a while though, so I was left frustrated with Rob the majority of the book. And figuring something is going to happen to him; he takes the boys to Crooked Tree Ranch, because he hopes that Justin will have his back. It’s slow going, but Justin and Sam were my favorite and I knew that Justin would indeed have his back and take care of those kids should he and Sam need to. I fell in love with him all over again. My heart still hurt for Rob, because I knew how hard he was trying to keep a distance from the kids, and trying to get the kids to keep their distance from him as well; and I hated seeing it; because those kids needed him so badly. See, Jennifer not only loves stories about hot guys with kids; but she also has two kids, two boys and was a single parent until her oldest was 5. Remembering them trying to impress my husband of the last 9 years, wanting him to love them and be to them what they didn’t have. Stories like this one hit’s me close to home…. (okay, and Jennifer will stop referring to herself in the 3rd person, and also mention, he jumped into that dad role and has been the best one ever since) So, I was rooting for this small family, even when I thought it was impossible. I shouldn’t have worried though, not really; I’ve read this entire series and I’m also a big fan of Ms. Scott, and I know that especially in this series; we get our happily ever afters! And Aaron, he was stubborn, having all those brothers, I’m sure he had to be; but it worked in his favor here. He didn’t let Rob scare him or push him away, and the quiet way he loved Rob, not pushing him, even when he knew what the outcome would likely be….He was just there, loving him in the time he got with him. He fought for them, but he couldn’t make him do anything unless Rob was willing to fight for all of them. It was Justin who pushed, and I loved him all the more for it. I loved them all actually, I don’t even know what I’m saying. And while Justin and Sam remain my favorite, I’ll have to say that Toby and Bran are a very close second. I’d love to read more about this little family and I hope we get so much more from this series. I love them all, and I loved the way this one ended. Yay for all of them.. Sigh…. Great addition… I’ll take the next one, now please :D 5 stars from me!


Second Chance Ranch is the fifth book in the Montana series. It is also my favorite so far. The story is about Rob and Aaron. Rob is an ex military/ special ops that falls for Aaron, who is a paramedic that helped him Save a mans life after a crash. There is quite a bit of sadness in this story but it's told beautifully. You definitely end up routing for Rob and Aaron hoping they get their HEA. I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a hurt/comfort romatic story. You just might want to read the others first. It's not really a standalone.

Some Bumps Along the Road

This book came together after midway when there was an explanation of how Rob could be so selfish and stupid as to try to dump his nephews on his unsuspecting, and distrustful, former partner Justin in the "terrorist cleansing" business. The ex-SEAL has many things to hide and be ashamed of in his life, and we could have had more sympathy for him if we knew what the truth was earlier, but it doesn't hurt that it comes later. This final chapter in a very diversified and satisfying series brings together a bunch of Carter brothers, relatives and neighbors we've met before. But the one who counts here is Aaron, the middle brother who's an ex-Army guy and the EMT leader of the Montana area where Second Chance Ranch is located. That Rob and Aaron fall instantly in lust, and take their time to consummate that feeling, is part of the charm of the narrative. The stronger charm, however, comes from Rob's nephews Bran and Troy, eight and five respectively, who turn his life inside out and upside down, and force him to become an increasingly committed uncle. Aaron is a strong character and Rob relatively weak until toward the end he comes to the realization that giving up is not in his character after all. I love R.J. Scott and all her books, but the only glitch in this one is I really can't figure out who is whom on the cover.

Satisfying end to Montana series.

Rob is a killer, cold and in control. His sister dies, leaving him as guardian to his nephews. Hardly able to care for himself and not willing to take on the responsibility of these children, he look for a way out. His old partner, Justin, is at the Crooked Tree Ranch. He figures he can convince Justin to take the boys. If not him then surely someone else will want them. He has a very limited time to get them taken care of. Aaron’s a paramedic. He meets Rob under stressful conditions and is immediately drawn to him. He want Rob and does everything in his power to get him. Rob can’t get rid of Aaron, no matter what he says or does the man just doesn’t give up. Rob knows his time with the boys and the man who has sneaked into his heart is coming to an end. The most difficult decision he’s ever made can no longer be put off. I have enjoyed the Crooked Tree series. All the characters have been excellent. I think Rob and Aaron have become my favorite. They are so hot and sweet together (even though Rob was a pain at times). I think this is the end of the series and it definitely is going out on a high note. Read the whole series and enjoy.

Another Wild Ride in Montana

Rob and Aaron are a wonderful match and Rob's situation is totally unexpected (but AMAZING). I've heard that this is the wrap up for the series, and if that is correct, then Ms. Scott has done herself proud and given the readers a lovely gift as an ending. There are nods/glimpses of previous series characters, but they are only brought in when it makes sense. This entire series has been a HUGE emotional roller-coaster and this story is no different. You probably will need tissues. It's tough to talk about the story at all without giving spoilers, so I'll leave it at this: If you enjoy RJ Scott stories, don't miss this one :-) ***RECOMMENDED***

Beautiful characterizations!

Another great addition to the Montana series. I couldn’t put this book down because of its suspenseful yet beautiful story. The conflict that Rob experienced in getting his life on the right track was inspiring. And his nephews stole my heart. Rob and Aaron were made for each other. Aaron was a bastion of patience. I was hoping that Rob would take a chance on the operation. And alls well that ends well. Volume 6 of the Montana series is in the mail and should be here Thursday. Can’t wait.

Great story

This was an enjoyable book and series to read. I would recommend to anyone who wants to read a gay romance book

No hesitation on giving this book five stars

Grab the tissues for this one. I cried until I couldn’t anymore but to find out if they are happy tears you have to read the with all the tears the story was one hell of a sexy story.

Amazing book!

I wasn't very sure I would like this book when I read the blurb, but I am so happy I decided o buy this boo anyway. Like all the other books, this turned out to be an amazing story!

One of my favorites of the series

Note: This one might stand alone better than some of the others… but this series is best read in order and the stories make more sense when you’ve read the previous books. This review may contain spoilers to earlier books. This might be my favorite of the series (though I still love Nate & Jay). Lots of my favorite tropes: kids, age gap (Rob is 31 & Aaron is 43), older MCs, ex-military. Rob is reluctant guardian to his nephews after the death of his sister. Convinced he can’t be a parent and desperate to find a forever home for them – Rob runs to Justin and Crooked Tree Ranch. Not only was he not planning on falling for the boys, but sexy paramedic Aaron wasn’t on his list either. I loved the story of these two. Rob and Aaron are both ex-military, opinionated, strong willed, and things between them are fireworks. I don’t want to spoil anything so it’s hard to share how desperate Rob is to leave and how much everyone, especially Aaron works to have him stay. And the epilogue! I love epilogues and this one was great.

Love it!!

I love this whole series!!! I’ll admit, it’s been a minute, so I had to go back and remind myself who Rob was, but if you loved and read Justin and Sam’s story, you’ll remember that he’s a former partner of Justin’s, sent to kill him in their book. Of course, he didn’t, because he wanted out of the life just as Justin did, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t dangerous and that when he left Justin alive, he didn’t think he’d ever see him again.. Rob never counted on checking on the sister he’d left behind at 18, when he signed up to serve his country. Imagine his surprise that she’d not only died but she’d left him her two children, boys, Toby and Bran. Now, we all know Jennifer’s a sucker for stories involving kids, and this one was no different. The two boys were a major part of this story; more so even than relationship that forms between Rob and Aaron, the sheriff’s brother, the paramedic. Remember him? Yeeeeah, I was excited for him too. Unfortunately, things hadn’t been easy for Toby and Bran, shuffling into foster homes until they found Rob; (which meant, Rob wanted to be found), he was all set to leave them in foster care until he checked out the home of where the boys were staying and moved heaven and earth to get them with him. He didn’t know what to do with them and the boys didn’t trust him for a good little bit; but they needed him… they needed each other, Rob just didn’t realize it yet. Rob had been shot and left badly injured after his last mission, and the effects from that were a problem. We don’t get to that problem for a while though, so I was left frustrated with Rob the majority of the book. And figuring something is going to happen to him; he takes the boys to Crooked Tree Ranch, because he hopes that Justin will have his back. It’s slow going, but Justin and Sam were my favorite and I knew that Justin would indeed have his back and take care of those kids should he and Sam need to. I fell in love with him all over again. My heart still hurt for Rob, because I knew how hard he was trying to keep a distance from the kids, and trying to get the kids to keep their distance from him as well; and I hated seeing it; because those kids needed him so badly. See, Jennifer not only loves stories about hot guys with kids; but she also has two kids, two boys and was a single parent until her oldest was 5. Remembering them trying to impress my husband of the last 9 years, wanting him to love them and be to them what they didn’t have. Stories like this one hit’s me close to home…. (okay, and Jennifer will stop referring to herself in the 3rd person, and also mention, he jumped into that dad role and has been the best one ever since) So, I was rooting for this small family, even when I thought it was impossible. I shouldn’t have worried though, not really; I’ve read this entire series and I’m also a big fan of Ms. Scott, and I know that especially in this series; we get our happily ever afters! And Aaron, he was stubborn, having all those brothers, I’m sure he had to be; but it worked in his favor here. He didn’t let Rob scare him or push him away, and the quiet way he loved Rob, not pushing him, even when he knew what the outcome would likely be….He was just there, loving him in the time he got with him. He fought for them, but he couldn’t make him do anything unless Rob was willing to fight for all of them. It was Justin who pushed, and I loved him all the more for it. I loved them all actually, I don’t even know what I’m saying. And while Justin and Sam remain my favorite, I’ll have to say that Toby and Bran are a very close second. I’d love to read more about this little family and I hope we get so much more from this series. I love them all, and I loved the way this one ended. Yay for all of them.. Sigh…. Great addition… I’ll take the next one, now please :D 5 stars from me!

Great ending to a really good series.

Rob is an ex-Navy Seal and assassin who recently took custody of his two nephews, Bran and Toby. He knows Justin and decides to head to Crooked Tree Ranch. He's also keeping a secret that will impact his nephews badly if he continues on his path. Aaron is ex-Army special forces, a paramedic and the third Carter brother. He's still not back to dating since his love died in his arms while they where in the Army together. He's still hoping that he'll find someone to love. Rob and Aaron meet when there's a bad wreck leading to trapped people in a car. Rob can't leave them there and Aaron thinks he's an idiot for getting into a car on fire and not leaving when he's told to. Rob continues onto Crooked Tree Ranch and things are rocky with his reception. While Rob and his nephews are staying at the ranch, Rob tries his best not to care about his nephews, Justin and especially Aaron, but things are conspiring against him and his feelings start to grow. Justin starts to relax toward Rob and when he finds out about Rob's secret, agrees to help Rob in his mission. When it comes time to carry out his plan, Rob is persuaded to change course for the better. This is an insta lust, slow burn to love book with great chemistry between Rob and Aaron. I definitely felt like this was a real romance. There's not much sex and what's there is tame by most standards but I felt like it worked in this book. You can feel Rob and his nephews circling each other and finally opening up to each other. There's some cute moments when Aaron's brother Eddie talks to him about intimate things and there's a sad moment when a close friend of Aaron's brother Saul passes away. There's also a surprising and happy ending for Saul, who after raising his four brothers definitely deserves it. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and believe it's a good ending to a good series. I couldn't stop once I started reading. I definitely recommend this book and the whole series to anyone who likes a little mystery, a little drama and a whole lot of good romance. One of Rj's best books IMO. ARC given for an honest review.

Wonderfully emotional!

What I like in a book is great story line, and strong characters that I can love, root for and envision as the story unfolds. This book has all that and more. As the story unfolded I could "see" Bran and Toby, the young boys in this story, how they physically reacted to their Uncle and those they met . I felt so sad for them even though Bran tried , at 8, to appear strong for his little brother. They took care of each other. Rob, at first seemed cold. It wasn't til I found out why he was how he was that I could see the true him . I soon loved his character and wanted him to grab those boys and never let go. Aaron was amazing both with his family and with Rob and his nephews. Rob and Aaron's attraction was quick and strong. The way Aaron took care of Rob was both endearing and in some cases really hot :P Trust me when I say that kleenex will be needed while reading this and at one point I was saying, out loud...."!" I don't want to give away any more about the book. All I will say is it was wonderful to see characters from the previous books, see how they are now and what they are doing . I always enjoy that. Rj gave us 4 more people to love and root for and she helped Rob to be redeem himself for things he has done in the past. I received/ was given an Advanced Readers Copy for my honest review.

Great story, sad to see the series end.

This story grabs you and holds on to you until the very last page. There are times when it is bittersweet reading and times where you are overjoyed with the words on the page. RJ can keep you feeling every emotion with her writing. There are times you want to cry at how unfair life is for Rob. And as her books all do, this one has its lighter moments too. Eddie’s questions are just too much. Her characters and so well written. They have depth and dimension. Rob is one of those characters that you’re not sure is a good guy or that you will even like. An ex-SEAL, he seems to be a hard and cold person. He’s kept his distance from his family. But he has reasons, right? He knows he needs to keep an emotional distance from the ones he loves for so many reasons. Though you feel for him as he tries to step in and take care of his nephews. You want to cry when Bran struggles so hard to take care of his younger brother Toby. That he feels the need to, breaks your heart. Aaron is a good guy. He loved his family and his job as Paramedic. But he’s lonely. He wants the love that he sees all around him. He meets a guy at a car crash, not the best of circumstances, that he can’t forget. After meeting Rob, he sees the pain the man is in, so he’s willing to take things one day at a time. You watch as these two slowly work through their issues and start to fall beyond lust and into love. This is the last story in the series, which makes me want to cry. I have loved reading about the relationships that all the men on this ranch have made.

Must Read

When Rob needs to find a safe place for his nephews he decides the best home would be Crooked Tree Ranch but he knows he may not get the most welcoming reception but its the last on his list to tick off. On a routine stop for snacks and a little leg room, an accident occurs and Rob's natural instinct kicks in. When Aaron is called to an accident scene he never expected to find a civilian who stopped to help to make a lasting impression. Will Rob find the home for his nephews and will he still be able to leave after meeting Aaron once that home is secured? Another RJ Scott series now marked complete, say it isn't so. Oh but what a finish! After meeting Rob in A Cowboy's Home I really never thought we'd see him again but everyone has a story to tell and Rob's is brilliant! I won't touch on why he feels the need to find his nephews a home at Crooked Tree but I think anyone who has read the series so far knows that the ranch is the perfect place for family. Will Jason let his old comrade stay long enough so Rob can even explain? You know the answer to that without me saying it😉😉. As for Aaron, well he's absolutely adorable and there is no mistake that he is one of the Carter brothers. We met him as well in A Cowboy's Home and like Rob, I can't say I expected to see him beyond a supportive character but I am so glad Miss Scott decided he needed his story to be told too. As with the other entries in the Montana series, one half of the intended couple is focused on more and I'd say Second Chance Ranch is about a 65/35 split in Rob's favor. We see Aaron interact with his brothers and on the ranch but this is more Rob's story, his need to find a home for the boys and why he chose Jason's home turf to do so. This may be Rob and Aaron's romance but it is also features Rob and Jason's friendship too("friendship" might be a bit over-simplified but for this review I'm going with it). It's been my experience that only about 40% of the books I've marked "read" probably have a definitive friendship outside the focused couple that impacts the story. Now that's okay too because who doesn't love a good "friends-to-lovers" story but it also means that when, in the case of Rob and Jason in Second, outside friendships are there they really make the book standout. Some might see it as getting two separate tales, the Rob/Aaron romance and the Rob/Jason friendship, but for me I see Second as one great story showing how romance effects friendship and friendship effects romance because Rob is the common factor. Aaron and Jason both show Rob what he's missing even if at times the message is reluctantly sent and received. I guess what I'm trying to say is neither the romance or friendship overshadow the other. Second Chance Ranch is exactly what the title says: Rob's second chance at life. I can't think of a better place than Crooked Tree for him to finally discover his place in life, whatever that might be😉😉. Add in the fact that we get to see how and where everyone we already know and love are in their perspective journeys is a lovely bonus. Montana may not make my annual summer re-read list but I'll definitely be re-visiting it every couple of years. And who knows, maybe if we're really nice the author might let us see what's been happening on Crooked Tree in a holiday novella in a couple of years😉😉 But whether this really is the end or we see them again down the road, Second Chance Ranch is a must for Montana fans and now that the author has marked it complete those who have yet to discover this jewel, there is no better time to dive in.

4.5 stars for Second Chance Ranch-great end to the series!

When you have a series where you love the characters and stories as much as the Montana series, it’s almost like a natural instinct to rebel when the author says they’ve written the final book in that series. But Second Chance Ranch actually ties up the series quite nicely, and once done reading I didn’t feel like anything was left unresolved. It’s a good, solid story giving readers closure with a supporting character from a previous book (I know for me Rob piqued my interest when he showed up even though his appearance in that book was brief), and aligns well with the series as a whole. While I understood the reasoning behind Rob trying to find a new home where his nephews would be safe and cared for (those poor kids really needed the love and stability after what they’ve gone through), his intentions once he’d done that did rub me the wrong way just a bit even considering his reasons behind them. Rob’s not as impervious as he may seem to getting attached to other people though, which throws the expected wrench into things even as his stubborn self keeps trying to follow through with his plans. Aaron has just the right personality and determination to make his way into Rob’s life…no matter how much Rob resists. They’re both alpha types, and that makes for some great back and forth both in their banter but also physically once things advance to that point. People who know what I like to read know I’m not usually a fan of kids in romance stories since they can sometimes take the spotlight off of the main characters, but Rob’s nephews provide the right amount of angst to the story without removing the focus from his journey and his developing relationship with Aaron. I was glad to see main characters from the previous books in the series return to help tie everything up; over the course of the series they’ve all become like family to me. Given Rob’s connection to Justin I was expecting Justin to play a part in this story, and his contribution does turn out to be significant…with the requisite appearance of his prickly personality when his former life in the form of Rob shows up on his doorstep. Second Chance Ranch was a 4.5-star read for me, and I highly recommend this story. I would advise that you read this series in order before starting this book to get an understanding of all of the characters, how they relate to each other, and the reasoning behind Justin and Rob’s interactions. It’s been a great ride with this series, and while it’s sad that this is the final book, the author has done a great job bringing it to a satisfying conclusion. This story is meant for readers 18+ for adult language and sexual content.

The Connection Between These Two Alpha Males is Intense.

Second Chance Ranch by RJ Scott, the fifth installment in her Montana series, returns with the primary focus on family. All of the old crew is present, and we catch up a bit with each of them. There is no easing into this episode as we are immediately thrown into drama, tragedy, and regret. Second Chance Ranch could be read as a standalone, but to get the full impact of the shenanigans, it’s probably better to read the other books first. Aaron Carter, a former army medic now small-town paramedic, values family, especially spending time with his niece and nephew, Milly and Jake. Aaron may like to be in control but, at heart he is a caring people-person. He deals with the after effects of serving his country and spends a portion of his time helping others to cope as well. Rob Brady is a former Navy SEAL and Justin’s (whose story is told in A Cowboy’s Home) cohort during his absence from Crooked Tree Ranch. He has just become the guardian for Bran & Toby, his sister Suzi’s two boys. He has changed from his “save the world” days, to wishing for nothing other than creating a family with Bran, Toby, and that someone special. But, Rob harbors a secret that prevents him from letting the boys get attached to him. Aaron and Rob meet when an anonymous family falls prey to a runaway tractor trailer crashing into their vehicle. Aaron is there in an official paramedic capacity, while Rob is a civilian bystander with field medical skills. Both men are strong willed. Together they turn what could be the ultimate tragedy for a happy family into a pleasant ending to their misfortune. However, walking away from the crash site neither man can let go of the other. The connection between these two alpha males is intense. Each man seeks control, and doesn’t relinquish it easily. Their Army/Navy banter is to die for. But, each man also has a soft side, knowing when to bring it to the surface. Man, I totally adore the connection these two share. Their encounters volley from rough, quick, and intense, to soft, tender, and loving. At first Rob’s intentions are unclear. He appears cold and distant as he focuses on leaving his nephews behind at Crooked Tree. Why? Well that is too much of a spoiler to share. You will just have to grab a copy of Second Chance Ranch and settle in for that discovery on your own. If it helps to entice you, know that I absolutely adore Rob and Aaron and am delighted to have been part of their journey. Aaron and Rob are truly amazing men. Although very much alike, they complement each other, fulfilling the other’s needs. As their story unfolds you will be aroused, happy, livid, and yes, you will need a box of tissues. At one point I actually screamed “no freakin’ way” at my Kindle, startling the husband and fur babies on the bed. Be assured, the universe has a way of setting things right, and all will be good, if not perfect, for our guys in the end. As with prior books in this series, Second Chance Ranch brings us up to date with each man, woman, and child residing at, or around, Crooked Tree Ranch. They have all grown, experienced joy, known additional sorrow, and yet they come together stronger with the passage of time. I certainly hope there is more to come from this Montana series, but if not, RJ has closed many loops with the folks who call Crooked Tree home.

Second Chance Ranch

I am so sad that this is the last book in the Montana series by RJ Scott. I have loved the setting for Crooked Tree Ranch, and every single one of the characters we met along the way in all five of these books. This author has a wonderful storytelling ability giving us one whole complete storyline that can be drawn out and intertwined throughout several books. This book was seriously good and I know it will be a series I come back to and re-read in the future. I loved all of these men so much. Even knowing this was the last book, I am so happy it was set with Rob as a main character. We met him in previous books as another assassin who worked alongside Justin. If anyone needed an HEA it is for sure 100% Rob. I loved this storyline we got for him. Right from the beginning of this book, we are immersed in his story and what leads him to the path he is on. The way he meets Aaron is epic, and they both totally meet their match in each other. It’s awesome to see the two Alpha type males being all snarky and sarcastic fighting each other every step of the way. Rob and Aaron together are explosively hot. Having Rob be a surrogate parent to Bran and Toby was a great addition to this story, we get to see a completely different side to Rob when he is fully out of his element taking care of children instead of trying to kill off people. Justin really steps up in this book as a friend and all around good guy, having Rob's back even when Rob hasn’t really given him a reason to trust in the past. Aaron is the perfect person to be Rob's other half, and I am so glad he pushed as much as he did to make Rob admit to his feelings and keep fighting for what he ultimately wanted. This book had me all emotional knowing it’s the end, but not wanting it to end. But really, what a way to end the series. Well Done!

Deeply troubled men who find their peace...

A marvelous story by RJ Scott, about deeply troubled men who find their peace. Rob, green eyes and dark hair, is an ex-SEAL, then assassin, who claims his nephews, Bran, 8, and younger Toby, after his sister died. He heads to Crooked Tree, in Helena, Montana, where his only friend lives, so the kids will have a chance when he disappears. Aaron, ex-Army, now EMT, with lots of family, including 4 brothers, responds to the traffic accident where he finds Rob, tending the injured. They meet, and it leads to more and soon, it's sex up against the tree. Rob has a secret that is killing him. We see swimming lessons, horseback riding, and a surprise pregnancy. Later, Rob is spilling his story to Justin, his friend, and things change when Rob gets his epiphany. Deeply troubled Rob, is rough and tough, but the loving man, Aaron, helps find their emotions on track. Rob was a SEAL and trained killer, hard to the core, but once his decision is made, he allowed himself to have feelings for Aaron and the boys. These two aren't mushy, but become devoted. This tale is beautifully written and we are given memorable situations to learn from and we're shown how love can conquer all. Highly recommended. ENJOY ! === ( suicide, attempts discussed, accidental pregnancy ) ======

Final Chapter in the Series

Second Chance Ranch, Montana 5 by RJ Scott was well worth the wait. I loved that Aaron finally got his happily ever after, even if it was with curmudgeon Rob. New family in tow, Rob headed to the only person who he thought would give him the time of day, Justin at the Crooked Tree Ranch. Former military/killer-saved Justin (a previous book) was in for a surprise when Rob (of the same profession) showed up at his doorstep with two young boys, a surly disposition, and an ulterior motive Justin would have never guessed. No spoilers, but the reason for Rob’s cantankerous attitude is revealed and the world begins to tilt on its proper axis. I adored Aaron and his good nature and loving personality. Of course Bran and Toby were adorable little children with the weight of the world on their small shoulders. Aaron’s brothers and families added life to the story and gave a true familial dimension. I couldn’t connect with Rob, but he did have redeeming qualities which endeared me to him, especially with Aaron as a loving partner. The final chapter in the Montana series and for those connected to the Crooked Tree Ranch, this book was worth the wait and the read! Sexy and Sizzling A four handcuff review

Last chance for Rob

Rob is an assassin who knows Justin from Justin's dark and secretive years. When Rob finds himself in desperate need of backup, for something that has nothing to do with their shared past life, Justin is the only person Rob considers a friend he can turn to for help. Even if Justin doesn't feel the same, Rob can see no other option but to throw himself on Justin's mercy. He never expects - or wants - to find hope for a happy future, with a family and a man who loves him. He just doesn't believe that is an outcome he could have. Sweet and sexy former soldier and current paramedic Aaron, Rob's orphaned nephews, and the magic of the Crooked Tree Ranch, make Rob want things he's never believed possible. This is the final book in a series I love very much. This story is wonderful, and I love the characters. For a final book, though, I wish I'd gotten to see more of the couples I've come to care about. I'm so very happy with the story offered up here, but I guess I'm just greedy. This is a great love story, and it's also a wonderful story of family ties. I highly recommend this book, as well as the entire series. I hate to see it end.

5 out of 5 stars!

I’m not sure if I’m on an emotional low right now and everything is making me cry or if the authors I’m currently reading are just hitting the right spot with their words, but this book caused me to shed more than a few tears. Rob is running away from life and taking his newly acquired nephews to the one place he thinks they can live a happy life and not notice that he’s missing from it. Aaron is a paramedic who hasn’t been interested in a real relationship since he lost his last boyfriend in war. This story was very well paced. Gave just enough detail to make it worthwhile reading. It had enough drama to make it interesting, but not so much that it was too much. And the characters - oh my! Aaron and Rob were both so endearing that my heart misses them and hopes that they are well after everything they went through in the story. This is definitely a story I will revisit someday (which I don’t do often) because it really touched me and I am so thankful for the chance to read it! *** I voluntarily read a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review ***

Like a lot of reviewers I really don't want give away too much of the story. So let me just say that I was very happy when I saw that Rob - a character which we were told only a little bit about in a previous book - got his own book. Believe it or not but I always wondered what became of him after Justin 'quit the job'. At first I was not very impressed with Rob. Especially how he handled his nephews - omg these two were so adorable! - and how he acted with them. But after some time and insights I understood him and his reasons better. He and Aaron - two tough Alpha males - were explosive together and I enjoyed to read about them. The only thing I have to criticise is the fact that I found the story felt a little bit rushed. Perhaps because so much was packed into this book to wrap up the series. Don't be cross with me when I say what I enjoyed the most were a lot of the little side stories and characters, especially the ones about Aaron's family. All in all I have to recommend this book. No, the whole series! Go grab your copy and enjoy! And for the full enjoyment, read them in order. Personally I read all previous books again before I started this one and was very happy to do so just to get the full range of emotions and to remember all the stories and characters fully.

The end of an amazing series

The Montana Series is one of my all time favorites, I wish it wasn't the end because I need more! But this book is the perfect way to finish. Family is everything and that is exactly what we get from this. Not necessarily the family you were born into but also the one you make along the way. Rob learns change is possible if you take a chance - not everything has to be the way it always has been or the way you've been led to believe it will be. For Aaron giving up isn't an option when you know what you want. The end of an amazing series and one you won't want to miss. Thankyou RJ Scott!

Great way to close out the series

This one brings the Montana series to a close with lots of feels and is by far my favorite. Rob and Aaron are both alpha males, so they made for an interesting love match. Like Justin, Rob has plenty of secrets and he has a plan, or at least he starts that way. Of course, emotions get in the way of those plans. For me, I saw more character growth in Rob than any other character in the series, and while I wasn't sure about him at first, he's become a favorite. While this may not be a second chance for this particular couple, it certainly is for Rob and what he thought his future would hold. The story is sweet, sexy, and emotional, and it's a great way to close out this endearing series.

Family together

Rob and Aaron are just perfect together, two very headstrong, opinionated men that gives new meaning to tough love! Then you add two adorable little boys, Bran and Toby are the children of Rob's deceased sister that he is suppose to raise. His own medical issues really try to keep him from forming any attachment to the boys but well we all know that is just not possible. This is really a beautiful way to end an awesome series. Even though it is part of a series you really don't have to read the others in the series to enjoy it but believe me when I say each one is a real gem.

Best of the series...beautifully written!!

Sigh..I'm so sad it's over. I WANT MORE!! LOL I loved this it in one sitting. This is no doubt my favorite of the series!! So beautifully written, this book seriously tugged at my heart strings...I was sitting at the edge of my seating swearing at RJ towards the end thinking of ways to off her if it didn't end the way I wanted...Thankfully, she will live to write another day!! I will just say that Aaron is da man!! I also loved catching up with all of the families in Montana.

Couldn’t get into it much

I do like RJ Scott’s stuff but once in a while I can’t connect with a book. I disliked the pacing of this one; Rob was antagonistic with Aaron for too long and I never figured out when they supposedly caught feelings. I’d have liked less of Rob being secretive and stoic and more on depictions of bonding with his nephews, Aaron, and Justin. It all got squashed into the last couple of chapters. Not my favorite.

Loved it!!

Finally - we saw a glimpse of Rob when Justin came back to the ranch and we finally get his story. Filled with emotion and love, this is the best one in the series. The perfect story of figuring out what is most important in life and realizing that you are worth having a HEA. Throw in a romance with Ryan's brother Aaron and this is the perfect romance. Sorry to see this series end, but looking forward to reading more from RJ Scott.

Montana #5

This one brings the emotion and feels. Everything is changing not just for Rob's nephews, but for Rob himself. It's beautiful to watch the transformation of Rob through out the book. In the beginning Rob is off putting, but he has to find his way as a civilian. With the help of Aaron Rob may just find something he never counted on a family and a forever love. This a book that definitely pulled my heartstrings.

Recommend Read

when Rob is given guardianship of his 2 nephews due to the death of his sister whom he hasn't seen for a long time he decides that he needs to go to Crooked Tree Ranch and speak with Justin only Justin doesn't want anything to do with him so Rob tasks himself to make Justin listen to him. Over time Rob warms to his nephews and meets Aaron so now he must make a few hard decisions on where his life is going.

Totally awesome!!

Darn you, RJ Scott!! You just HAD to write a poignant, grab-you-by-the-feels, emotionally charged, bittersweet, powerful, compelling, sexy, and fascinating story filled with tears, cheers, and jeers. This was a absolutely fantastic way to wrap up the Montana series. Oh, and by the way, you owe me a box of tissues.

Powerful writing - emotional reading

I'm going to stretch a bit here and do a quick review of the entire 5-book series. This series draws the reader in and goes to their heart. So much is believable in all of the books, from Nate to Justin to Adam and all the rest of the characters. The emotions and constant; in fact, from Chapter 14 on in Second Chance Ranch the reader (at least this reader) needs a box of tissues close-by. All of these books are excellent reading.

What a ride!

What a way to end a great series! Rob has recently gained custody of his two nephews. He is not safe and is taking his nephews to his former parter Justin, who lives on the Crooked Ranch. Along the way he meets Aaron who is a paramedic. This story is all about the feels! I loved the journey these characters went on to achieve their HEA! What a ride!!!!

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