Rosa Parks (Volume 9) (Little People, BIG DREAMS, 9)

Kindle Edition
16 Oct
New in the Little People, Big Dreams series, discover the incredible life of Rosa Parks, ' The Mother of the Freedom Movement', in this inspiring story. In this true story of an inspiring civil rights activist, Rosa Parks grew up during segregation in Alabama, but she was taught to respect herself and stand up for her rights. In 1955, Rosa refused to give up her seat to a white man on a segregated bus, sparking the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Her decision had a huge impact on civil rights, eventually leading to the end of segregation on public transport. With stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, this empowering series celebrates the important life stories of wonderful women of the world. From designers and artists to scientists, all of them went on to achieve incredible things, yet all of them began life as a little child with a dream. These books make the lives of these role models accessible for children, providing a powerful message to inspire the next generation of outstanding people who will change the world!

Reviews (136)

Great way to explain segregation to our little ones

My husband and I read this together before reading it to our 3 year old and we were a little nervous about the questions she would ask. We instinctively want to shield her from the ugly parts of the world, but of course that's not realistic. As a white mom to mixed baby, I know there are things she will experience that I will never be able to understand or explain to her. But, we have to give our babies the chance to learn because in order to understand our present, we have to understand our past. After reading this book with her, she became a little obsessed with figuring out who in our family is black and who is white and she was a little confused about the fact that she is both. Something I never would have thought would be confusing to her. Since then, she has been able to wrap her brain around it a little better. She doesn't fully understand the civil rights movement (duh, she's 3) but I am glad we are laying groundwork for her to understand what it means to her.

Great for teaching about racism

This book is perfect for introducing ideas about racism to children. The pictures are great and the story is clear, even to a younger child. My daughter is 3 and thoroughly enjoys the story. I like that each page isnt too wordy so it holds her attention

Great books! Well written & illustrated

I love that this series provides more detailed information than similar biographical books written for kids but the language is still age appropriate and the pictures are engaging for children. My 7yr old really enjoyed learning about Rosa Parks at school and wanted to learn more- she was very excited when this arrived (& it is something my 4yr old can still enjoy too). I plan to order more from this series and would recommend to anyone!

Good to read to young kids!

Love it! Such a great find. My 4 yr old granddaughter loves it!

Best books for little girls! Start them early!

I say the same about the entire line of these books. I bought my 3 year old grand daughter the whole set. Her favorite is Friday Kahlo. She is very empowered by them.

Love this series

Love this series, love that they open up discussion points for adults to their children about rasicm and abuse. Not easy topics to cover with a child but it’s important to let them know these things are out there. Don’t be scared of them, but to understand it’s not normal and it’s not ok.

A must have

A must have! This series is wonderful. They make biographies interesting for little kids.

Wonderful line of books

Absolutely love this whole series! We've been adding to our daughter's collection over the past year. Such adorable and educational books that grown-ups and kids both love!

Beautiful book

These come larger than an old school golden book size and are made beautifully.

Great Book

Love LOVE LOVE all the books. They are great to introduce small children to wonderful, historic people.

Great way to explain segregation to our little ones

My husband and I read this together before reading it to our 3 year old and we were a little nervous about the questions she would ask. We instinctively want to shield her from the ugly parts of the world, but of course that's not realistic. As a white mom to mixed baby, I know there are things she will experience that I will never be able to understand or explain to her. But, we have to give our babies the chance to learn because in order to understand our present, we have to understand our past. After reading this book with her, she became a little obsessed with figuring out who in our family is black and who is white and she was a little confused about the fact that she is both. Something I never would have thought would be confusing to her. Since then, she has been able to wrap her brain around it a little better. She doesn't fully understand the civil rights movement (duh, she's 3) but I am glad we are laying groundwork for her to understand what it means to her.

Great for teaching about racism

This book is perfect for introducing ideas about racism to children. The pictures are great and the story is clear, even to a younger child. My daughter is 3 and thoroughly enjoys the story. I like that each page isnt too wordy so it holds her attention

Great books! Well written & illustrated

I love that this series provides more detailed information than similar biographical books written for kids but the language is still age appropriate and the pictures are engaging for children. My 7yr old really enjoyed learning about Rosa Parks at school and wanted to learn more- she was very excited when this arrived (& it is something my 4yr old can still enjoy too). I plan to order more from this series and would recommend to anyone!

Good to read to young kids!

Love it! Such a great find. My 4 yr old granddaughter loves it!

Best books for little girls! Start them early!

I say the same about the entire line of these books. I bought my 3 year old grand daughter the whole set. Her favorite is Friday Kahlo. She is very empowered by them.

Love this series

Love this series, love that they open up discussion points for adults to their children about rasicm and abuse. Not easy topics to cover with a child but it’s important to let them know these things are out there. Don’t be scared of them, but to understand it’s not normal and it’s not ok.

A must have

A must have! This series is wonderful. They make biographies interesting for little kids.

Wonderful line of books

Absolutely love this whole series! We've been adding to our daughter's collection over the past year. Such adorable and educational books that grown-ups and kids both love!

Beautiful book

These come larger than an old school golden book size and are made beautifully.

Great Book

Love LOVE LOVE all the books. They are great to introduce small children to wonderful, historic people.

cute and informative

Great story to read to my daughter before bed

My daughter loves these books. We are collecting them ...

My daughter loves these books. We are collecting them all. Check eBay too for cheaper ones

Great for letting kids know they can become what they dream of

Got a number of these books for my granddaughters. They are wonderful.

super cute

love this series.

New addition to her collection

My 4 yr old daughter loves to collect the set, but she hasn't really enjoyed the book. Not sure if it is too serious or she just doesn't like the drawings. We will try again later.

Five Stars

Bought this for my Goddaughter and she loves it.

Five Stars

the illustrations are awesome

Five Stars


Rosa Parks

Rosa was a hero. She knew someone had to do something and she did. We need more people like Rosa.


Returned books , purchased wrong items.

Cute little series with adorable illustrations and optimistic narratives; a new way to spark interest in biography as a genre

There have been other stylized biography series recently that have included Rosa Parks, but can you really tell her story too many times? The story of Rosa Parks resonates with young children (and adults), so I have no real complaints about including her in this series. If a child gets to the story of Rosa Parks because she is hooked on the adorable drawings and optimism of this series, then all the better. Is this the most compelling book on Rosa Parks I've ever read? No. I prefer the black and white photos to the cartoonish drawings when it comes to Rosa Parks and the Civil Rights movement. This series feels a little like it wants to be decoration in a children's interior designed bedroom, but what do I know? I'm a grown-up. My 7 year old picked it right up and read it cover to cover, twice, even though she is already familiar with Rosa Parks' story. Someone knows their audience.

Great Biography for Young Children

New in the Little People, Big Dreams series, discover the incredible life of Rosa Parks. This book also appears to be from the sub-group to the series for younger children and is subtitled, "My First Rosa Parks". The end pages with notes, timeline etc. is present, but it is quite brief. This book was especially of interest to me as living close to Detroit, Michigan, I grew up hearing about Rosa Parks as she fled to Detroit to escape the death threats etc she received as a result of her activism. Rosa Parks stood up for what she believed and put herself in danger for standing up against racism and segregation. This act, was one of the beginnings of civil rights movement. This is a child friendly biography with great illustrations. It is a story that shows a young woman striving to achieve her dream. This book could be used to teach young children how to write a biography, show that it is important to have a dream and strive to achieve it, as well as teaching about racism and loving others no matter what colour their skin, their nationality language etc. I recommend this book to all public and school libraries. The publisher generously provided me with a copy of this book upon my request. The rating, ideas and opinions shared are my own.

Though she be little, she is fierce

This is a sweet book about one of the most influential women in American history. It begins with her life in Alabama and how she always wanted to do what was right. She learned history and was determined to change her present. (Which changed everyone's future.) She knew it wasn't fair that she was treated differently simply because she had different colored skin. She knew that she had the right to education, fair treatment and decency. She worked to make change and was even arrested for standing up for her rights. After her arrest, people began to get involved with making life different. They joined her in a boycott of the buses, and not just in Alabama but all over the country. Her story influenced the Supreme Court to pass laws prohibiting buses from treating people differently based on color. She fought so hard she had to move to keep herself safe, but she found that things weren't better where she moved. So she worked for change there too. Through it all, even with numerous accolades and awards, she remained a humble woman who just wanted to do what was right, This little book can be read in minutes. But the lesson learned should impact your entire life. One person can make a difference. One person refusing to give in to wrong can change the world. Mrs. Parks was a little person in physical size, but in impact and audacity she was unmatched. My son will be using this book during his American history course and while I know he won't understand all of the social aspects, he will understand the standing up for rights. He will understand treating people with respect and fairness, because that's what he's been taught.

Fabulous book about the civil rights movement

This wonderful book is the newest in the Little People, Dream Big series. This series unmasks wonderful individuals who although just ordinary people have made an extraordinary contribution to our world and our way of life. These stories are based on real-life people and are very interesting and educational for kids to read. Rosa Parks, 'The Mother of the Freedom Movement', is an inspiring true story of a civil rights activist. She grew up in Alabama during the segregation era but always felt dignity and self-worth in such a condemning and ostracizing time. She was taught at home to stand up for her rights and respect herself. In 1955, Rosa was riding on a bus and the bus driver asked her to give up her seat to a white man and go sit in the back of the bus with the other "coloured' folks. She simply said "no". She refused to budge. That simple two letter word, "no", started the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Others heard about her bravery to take a stand and refuse her unfair treatment so emboldened by Rosa's defiant stand they joined in to further her just cause. All her life she fought for equal rights and fought back against adversity and injustice. The powerful lesson you learn? One little insignificant person can change the entire world. Every individual should be treated with fairness and respect no matter what race, colour or group they belong to. I highly recommend this book and this entire series.

A good introduction to the bad stuff in the world and to those who fight against it

This is a very inspiring book, part of a wonderful series called Little People, Big Dreams. Rosa Parks's story is told in simple language, with just enough information for a young child handle, without getting into the ugliest stuff that kids can certainly learn about as they mature. The illustrations are lively and attractive, if a bit cartoonlike. A more comprehensive bio of Rosa Parks is included at the end for adults, along with a few black and white photographs from Rosa Parks's life. Everything about the book is attractive and appealing, and strong messages of human decency are there for young children to grow with and to ponder. I am very impressed with this series of books, and look forward to reading others (particularly, those of Emmaline Pankhurst and Maya Angelou) and sharing them with the little people in my life. Recommended.

Perfect for Introducing Young Ones to the Story of Rosa Parks

This is an excellent first book to introduce little ones to the story of Rosa Parks. Told in language suited to the youngest ears, the book recounts the history of how Parks, the descendant of slaves, had the courage to go to jail for refusing to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama city bus so that a white person could sit down. The book includes the ensuing bus boycott and Parks eventual move to Detroit to escape persecution for having taken a stand that led to the racial integration of the Montgomery city transit system. The illustrations are well done and engaging to look at. I got this book to use for our youngest children at my Unitarian church, and I think it will be perfect for that purpose. One more thing if the topic of Rosa Parks interests you . . . The bus, the very bus, is now in the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan, and visitors can go onto the bus & hear a recording of Rosa Parks herself telling what happened on that bus and thereafter. You can even sit in the exact seat which she occupied and refused to surrender. It is a profoundly sacred experience to sit there and listen to her voice.

Inspiring, Educational, And Enjoyable At Once

Even as an adult, I truly enjoyed this book and actually learned a few things about Rosa Parks I didn't know. It's a wonderful book for early readers or for an adult to read to young children. The illustrations are wonderful and add dimension to the story. This is a wonderful book for introducing young children to the Civil Rights Movement with a focus on Black and Women's History. It teaches children a lesson in holding firm to one's own beliefs and what it takes to stand up for those beliefs while teaching children that anyone can make a difference when it comes to right vs. wrong. A great book that is easy for young children to understand while being educated and inspired at the same time.

The BEST Rosa Parks kids book

I have many books in the Little People, Big Dreams series, and I love them all. I also have quite a few kids books on Rosa Parks, and this is my favorite. It's very accessible to a younger child (age 4/5+ ), and it also really talks about racism beyond just the incident on the bus. At the same time it avoids some of the technicalities that other books go into. The tone is basically this, which I think is really on point for this age range: Rosa's grandparents told her about slavery. And Rosa grew up with racism and it was pretty awful - there were so many real ways in which she wasn't teated fairly - like not being allowed to ride the school bus or use a water fountain. Her whole family wasn't treated fairly. She knew it wasn't right. She finally had enough. She inspired other people to stand up for their rights. Finally things changed.

Simple story, Significant thoughts - Little People, Big Dreams series. Highly recommend.

This is a amazing series of books known as Little People, Big Dreams. This particular story is of a Rosa Parks - who is an activist for the Civil Rights' Movement. I loved how the significance of freedom for every race is portrayed in this story. The language is simple enough for the young ones to understand or question themselves/others as scenes are of school and work etc. A short brief of Rosa Parks is included at the end for adults, along with a few black and white photographs from Rosa Parks's life. I will be looking out for the rest of the books in the same series. Highly recommended!

A Great Addition to the Little People, Big Dreams Collection

I have read others in this series and love this expanding set of biographies featuring famous women. Although Rosa Parks is an already well known and beloved person in history, this book is a nice addition to the large amount of biographies already published about her. I love the illustrations which are colorful and include some nice features - like photographs on a wall showing various memorable moments in Parks' life on one of the pages. This book can be enjoyed in a short time with additional information and photographs included at the book's end. The overall theme of even one person making an impact will be easy for readers to recognize as well. Perfect for elementary readers, but even older readers would enjoy this book and it's message.

Lovely informative book

This is a lovely and informative little book, perfect for elementary children and on up to adults. Part of the Little People, Big Dreams set (which includes some brilliant and pioneering women), Rosa Parks tells the story of her upbringing through the pivotal moments of her life in simple, easy to read text. The illustrations are similar to the cover, a colorful and childlike beauty. I'm looking forward to the kids in my school reading it and will likely be ordering more from this series. A great tool for teaching history and a host of other disciplines, or simply to inform children of some heroic people.

Artful Illustrations, Significant Story, Simple Language

I really enjoyed reading this book to my kids. The illustrations were bright and artful and more importantly the story is a deeply significant one to share with our children. I've tried and struggled in the past to teach my children about equality issues but I thought this book did a wonderful job explaining a difficult time in our history with simple language. I hope this story will encourage my kids to learn more and be engaged.

What a wonderful book! This is the first one I've read ...

What a wonderful book! This is the first one I've read in this series, my 7 year old daughter and I read it together, and she now wants to get all the Little People, Big Dreams books, and so do I! This one tells the story of Rosa Parks from when she was a child into adulthood and how she influenced American history and how she stood up for herself and others. Very well written, clear and concise, easy to understand for young kids, without being boring. The illustrations are beyond beautiful, a topic of conversation in and of themselves.

Rosa Parks' Civil Rights Struggle for Children

The civil rights struggle of Rosa Parks, a courageous woman, hero, and emblem of the fight for equality is told to get up from her bus seat to accommodate a white passenger. When she says no and goes to jail, she begins a process that makes it illegal to make black people give up their seats. Too dangerous to stay in Alabama, Rosa Parks moves to Detroit and continues her humanitarian work. Her inspiring story is well told for elementary school children and introduces them to an important part of American history. Highly recommended.

Great book for young readers

Great book for young readers. The illustrations are large and vibrant and detailed. The story is simple but contains what they need to know: Rosa growing up learning about slavery, segregation, the bus boycott, the continuing struggle. The last page or two is a quick timelines and some photos for the more mature reader. I also like the little message that the rest of the world thought her a hero, but she felt she was just another person. "Don't let it get your head" type thing.

Strong woman, inspirational leader

Lisbeth Kaiser astound again with her Little People, Big Dreams series and Rosa Parks. Marta Antelo does a beautiful job filling Kaiser's words with illustrations so appropriate and kid-friendly. The explanation of Rosa's childhood and how that impacted who she became was excellent. The timeline at the end made the book even more real than it already was. This book showcases the power Rosa had even as a child. My hope is that this book inspires young children to stand their ground, stand up for others and be the change they want to see.

Great story/history book for kids

Great book (and book collection) to tell a story and part of history to your kids! Book itself is great. Very well written, illustrations are great. Great for any kids collection, these books are not only cute but extremely educational!

Great message

Love this series of books telling the stories of such powerful women and reading them to my little girl. The illustrations are so cute and different from every other book. The story is a bit mature and I'm not sure what age is best to start talking about this rough period in history. But it's well written and short enough to keep a child's attention. Great message!


This is another entry in the Little People,.Big Dream series which seems geared towards telling the stories of inspiring historical women. This hardcover picture book tells the important story of civil rights activist Rosa Parks. It begins with her childhood and continues through her refusal to give up her seat on the bus to a white man and beyond. The text is short and straightforward and the illustrations are lively and engaging. Perfect for the 4 - 8 year old crowd.

Big Dreams is a cute series with adorable illustrations and optimistic narratives

Little People, Big Dreams is a cute series with adorable illustrations and optimistic narratives; a new way to spark interest in biography as a genre. This book can be enjoyed in a short time with additional information and photographs included at the book's end. The overall theme of even one person making an impact will be easy for readers to recognize as well. Perfect for elementary readers, but even older readers would enjoy this book and it's message.

Little People, Big Dreams

This is a brilliant little book about a fascinating woman who needs to be remembered for the good that she did. I loved that this book is aged at a young age and will allow youngsters to learn more about this remarkable woman - 5 stars from me, the text, layout and images were all superb!

Very godd

I to the rate because I can I’ll like book very good Rose is good book to read home or at school

What a great series for ALL children

What a great series for ALL children, not just girls. I bought this for my son and he loved it. We are anxiously awaiting for Amelia Earhart to arrive.

This is a great book series addressing lots of difficult

This is a great book series addressing lots of difficult, but necessary topics. Love this book & will be getting more to add to our library.

Great illustrations

My daughter loved this true story about Rosa Parks. I learned quite a bit too, about her activism well before the bus incident. Great illustrations.

History for all

I have added this to my book collection I’ve started for my grandchildren. I want them to know about important Black pioneers before Our history is minimized and watered down through the years.

Mais um exemplar fantástico dessa coleção!

Rosa Parks é um livro simplesmente sensacional! Aliás, eu estou maravilhada com toda a coleção Little people, Big dreams. Este, em especial, é um dos melhores livros infantis que abordam a temática do racismo que já lemos por aqui. Conta, de forma leve, sobre a vida de Rosa e todo o contexto de racismo vivido por ela e seus familiares. As ilustrações são lindas. E o livro é muito bem impresso, bastante resistente. Vale muito a pena!

Great series of books

Bought this as part of a series for use in school. Children love them and we’ve used them for a whole host of topics.

Très beau livre en anglais

J’ai acheté ce livre pour ma nièce de 3 ans qui parle anglais. Les illustrations sont très belles et j’adore le contenu du livre. J’ai acheté 3 autres livres de la même collection et je prévois lui en acheter d’autre à l’avenir.

Great quality book

These are so great and informative! My daughter is 7 and really enjoys them!

Excelente colección

Una colección que espero completar pronto, desde los dibujos y el texto son excelentes.

Très beau livre

Très belle illustration, ma fille adore.

Love it!

I love these little books.

Great book

Great book series. My daughter loves them. Currently working on getting the whole set. Great read.


Espetacular. Linguagem infantil com inglês fácil!

Livro lindo


Five Stars

Great book!

ein sehr empfehlenswertes Bilderbuch, das eine beeindruckende Frau vorstellt

Rosa Parks ist ein sehr gelungenes Bilderbuch, das kurz und knapp, aber vor allem kindgerecht aufbereitet und daher leicht verständlich die Lebensgeschichte sowie die Errungenschaften der gleichnamigen us-amerikanischen Bürgerrechtsaktivistin zusammenfasst. Aufgrund der Länge oder besser gesagt Kürze eines solchen Bilderbuches hat sich die Autorin Lisbeth Kaiser dabei natürlich nur auf das Wesentliche konzentriert. Sie erzählt die Geschichte jedoch sehr ehrlich, ohne die damaligen Zustände zu beschönigen oder die Gefahr zu verschweigen, die Rosa Parks’ Engagement mit sich brachte. Trotzdem wirkt das Ende eher zuversichtlich und aufmunternd. Es wird deutlich gemacht, dass sie zwar eine Kämpferin für Gerechtigkeit war und viele in ihr noch heute eine Heldin sehen, sie aber trotzdem nur ein ganz normaler Mensch war. Die Botschaft ist folglich, dass auch „einfache“ Menschen wie sie etwas erreichen können, was Kinder hoffentlich dazu ermutigen wird ebenso furchtlos für ihre Überzeugungen einzutreten und niemals aufzugeben. Insofern ist die gesamte Little People, Big Dreams Reihe, an der man als Erwachsener ebenfalls seine Freude hat, eine ganz wundervolle Idee. So können Kinder, egal welchen Geschlechts, von klein auf mit starken, weiblichen Vorbildern aufwachsen, die noch dazu wirklich existiert und tatsächlich etwas bewegt haben, die also nicht nur der Phantasie eines Autors entsprungen sind. Außerdem ist es eine tolle Möglichkeit, um schon die Kleinsten an wichtige Themen heranzuführen und mit ihnen darüber zu sprechen. Die farbenfrohen Illustrationen von Marta Antelo erstrecken sich jeweils über eine Doppelseite und dienen dem Text, der sich auf ein bis vier Zeilen pro Seite beschränkt, zugleich als Hintergrund. Ihr Stil ist einfach und minimalistisch. Die Figuren sind zudem teilweise schlichter gehalten als die Hintergründe, was einen interessanten Kontrast darstellt. Abschließend folgt eine Art Steckbrief oder Zeitlinie mit Photos der echten Rosa Parks sowie einer kurzen Zusammenfassung ihres Werdegangs und ihrer geschichtlichen Bedeutung. Diese Doppelseite richtet sich vermutlich eher an den erwachsenen (Vor-)Leser, der sich so schnell über die titelgebende Persönlichkeit informieren kann. *FAZIT* Rosa Parks ist ein sehr empfehlenswertes Bilderbuch, das in der erforderlichen Kürze eine beeindruckende Frau vorstellt, die sich jedes Kind zum Vorbild nehmen kann.


Son libros muy bonitos y que cuentan la historia de muchas personas celebres. Yo los estoy coleccionando en inglés.

Lovely books

These are a lovely series, we’ve a number of them and my two eldest love them. It teachers them a good overview of the famous person involved. It has nice pictures and writing is clear and easy to understand

Rosa parks

Great books about people that your children have probably learnt about in school. My daughter loves them and they are really nice for bedtime stories 😀

Eine starke Geschichte, bunt und kindgerecht illustriert.

Wir haben uns für Rosas Geschichte entschieden und das Buch in der "Pappvariante" bestellt. Auch diese Geschichte ist unheimlich schön illustriert und der Text aufs wesentliche reduziert - auf einigen Seiten jedoch etwas zu detailliert für ein Kleinkind. Unser Sohn, fast 2, liebt das Buch und wir lesen es beinahe täglich. Eine starke Geschichte über eine kleine Heldin, mit einem ernsten Hintergrund, dennoch kindgerecht verpackt mit schönen Farben und Bildern.

Beautiful art, beautiful writing.

This was such a lovely book that I would love to give to my future children. It's part of a series about powerful women who have achieved wonderful things and there's such a broad selection from Rosa Parks to Amelia Earhart to Maya Angelou to Coco Chanel to Audrey Hepburn to Agatha Christie to a few more. I think it's nice to give kids books about real women who achieved incredible things and it's a fabulous idea. I thought the book itself was good. The art was so beautiful and I think that kids will love it. I personally would have liked a bit more information on Rosa but I also think that maybe it would have been the perfect amount of information for kids. The one thing that felt off to me was the writing and I think that could be because it's translated to English from a different language but I doubt kids will notice that to be honest. I would 100% recommend this for kids. It's a good starting point to learn about Rosa Parks.

Brilliantly written

A super book that depicts the story of Rosa Parks in an accessible way. Perfect for all primary ages.

Children love these books



I bought this book with the MLK Jr book as I wanted to my daughter to learn about Black History and to learn about those who strived for change, in a world where sadly skin pigmentation can define if you are afforded privilege. This book delivers a message of acceptance and diversity and strenth in a 'child friendly' way.

Klare Kaufempfehlung

Leider in Englisch gekauft, da ich die Serie so toll finde hab ich es behalten. Sobald die Kinder Englisch lernen wird das Buch vorgeholt.

Very nice lovely book

Great item, beautiful book and story told in a way that explains to young children about the hardships of her life. as described, delivered on time, and good price :)

Great to learn younger ones.

Bought as part of my grand daughter's xmas gift as she has been learning about her at school she loved it great for her to understand as she is only 6.

Great books

Love these books they are brilliant very informative in a simple way children can understand


Excelent book

Perfect Book for Little Ones!

I love these books - Easy to read, very well illustrated and great to get younger kids reading real stories. I bought these when my daughter was young so I could read them too her and now she is six she reads them herself. They have a great range as well. Great as a gift or just as an everyday purchase.

Amazing story, amazing book

Beautiful book, bought for my daughter’s Christmas so she’s not seen it yet but I’ve had a read. It’s sturdy so will withstand toddler bashing’s and the subject means we’ll be reading it for a good few years. I love the Little People Big Ideas books, they show kids they can grow up to be and do anything

Highly recommended

I liked how the book is worded. It will help introduce some difficult but very important subject to my son.

Great series promoting diverse role models

A lovely book. Accessible to a wide age range as are the others in the series. Not my 5 year old and 9 year old enjoy reading and having the stories read and they initiate a further interest in the subjects or there expertise. We have many titles

good purchase

I got a few of these books and keep them on show in my 4 year olds room. We have read them and it's a good way to talk about these people and they start asking questions which is really good. They are kind of long though so I may have gotten the shorter version if I knew they existed at the time but it's fine. still would recommend.

Exciting new book to add to my collection

Great book

Fantastic and well to understand for a child


Much smaller than I thought it would be but think that’s just because all the others were bigger that we have. Lovely book, great for my 8 year old. Delivered quickly and great condition

A difficult story made simple and educational!

An honest book that deals with an injustice whilst trying to focus on the key moral principles we can extract from Rosa's protests. Nice pictures and simultaneously, very informative. Definitely a book one can use for years. I look forward to buying others from the series of books.

Nice and informative

Perfetto per avvicinare i bambini ai temi dei diritti umani,ora mio figlio di 4 anni vuole lottare con Rosa per fare la cosa giusta!

really good!

This one is possibly my favourite story from this series. It is a bit intense, my 6 year old couldn't read it after the first time for several weeks as it was " too upsetting" but now she is reading it again. It is powerful.

Educational and inspirational

These books are great, my neice loves them, educational and inspirational real life stories for children. Good seller, fast delivery.

I love this book

I love this book. It is a great retelling of the story of Rosa Parks. I felt humbled reading it to my class. One of them asked me to read it again to them straight away. I read it during Black History month. The illustrations are lovely and there are some real photos of Rosa at the end of the book which can help discussion on what era she lived in.

Rosa get on de bus

Wonderful simple book. It is now my 3yr old God daughter's favourite. She constantly says "Rosa get on de bus". Lovely

Amazing range of books

My 7 year old loves these books and I personally love the Rosa Parks story. Such a brilliant way of explaining how the world used to be.

Excelente compra

Me gusta mucho esta colección, la voy comprando poco a poco para mi hija de 7 años (y para mi!) Las ilustraciones de este en particular me encantan, acompañan muy bien la historia, la caracterización de Rosa Parks es excelente, seguiré comprando más títulos, la colección es extensisima.

Beautiful book

Beautiful book. I intend to keep this book forever. I'm currently reading it to my 4 year old boy. He loves these little stories.


J’adore cette collection de livre, tres abordable et permet aux plus jeunes de decouvrir des histoires passionantes !

Great book!

My daughter loves this book as it goes into much more detail about her life.

Great book, easy to read, great drawings, an important account of history

Great book, easy to read, images which I feel is important to tell an important time in history. Uplifting and inspiring account of a brave and very wise woman. Change through cooperation and without violence. Many can learn from today

Very sweet

I love the illustrations from these series, I read them to my little sisters and they seem to enjoy them as well. Sometimes they would ask “Who was the woman that did this and that?”, so it is an educational experience as well. I would definitely recommend.

Loved it ! Illustration was amazing as well

Very touching how it was written even though I know how sad but amazing this history is with Rosa parks! really enjoyed thank you !!!

Thumbs up

I bought this book for my preschool children in work. This book was a great way to explain what Rossa Parks did the children really understood the story and we did great activities around this story.

Well written for little ones

Brilliant book, interesting enough to keep my 4 year old’s attention but tackling a very important subject

Empowering women!

j'adoooooooooore cette collection! J'ai pour objectif de tous les acheter à ma fille et c'est top pour faire un cadeau. Les histoires sont bien racontées, fidèles au contexte évoqué mais avec ce petit twist qui les rendent accessibles aux petits, leur donnent envie de poser des questions, de creuser tel ou tel aspect! Bravo et surtout foncez!



Great tales Told well

Lovely illustrated book written in a simple way for my 3 yr old to understand.

Great purchase

Fantastic book, so beautifully made I have bought a few more as gifts for loved ones.

I Love this book

I Love this book, i bought it as a christmas present for my Daughter, books are so important and it will teach her history in a way she will enjoy, The book itself is beautiful and well presented

Easy read

My niece loves it.

bien écrit et surtout trés simple

Super livre pour initier les enfants 🧒 à la cause juste particulièrement des africans américans . Pour les francophones c'est une bonne initiation à l'anglais pour les enfants.

Beautiful books

Gorgeous book series! Perfect for my 4-year old who loves the stories and pictures, beautifully illustrated and overall beautiful books.

Lovely book

Great book with lovely illustrations. Easy to read and start discussions with. Thumbs up from me!

Lovely book to introduce children to the Civil Rights Movement ...

Lovely book to introduce children to the Civil Rights Movement and to teach them to always do what they feel is right, even when it feels impossible.

Great story for empowering g young girls

Purchased for my nieces for Christmas. Beautiful book with wonderful illustrations. Great story for empowering young girls

Great book for kids

Bought for my 4 year old. She chose it and was very happy with it!


I've bought a number of these books as gifts and I LOVE them. I can't recommend them highly enough.

Five stars

Brought this book for my niece, she loves it...

Five Stars

Very good, simplistic and informative. Deceiving as they appear baby books but contain enough information for all ages.

Brilliant book

Great book

Great book

Great book, lovely pictures. I used it in an ESL class.

Good depiction of Rosa Parks

Covers Rosa Parks life in good detail with child friendly pictures.

Good for kids to lean

Love the book!!

but such a lovely book with a great message to little girls (or boys

This was a present, but such a lovely book with a great message to little girls (or boys!).


Ludique coloré joyeuc

Well illustrated and effectively written

Daughter loves this book. A simple read for a young child.


Absolutely beautiful books! Amazing quality and wonderfully written!

Five Stars

Brilliant book and easy for children to follow.


Fabulous book and easy for little ones to read!

Five Stars

well written

Five Stars

Just what I was looking for

Five Stars

My daughter loves these books.

Five Stars

Best books ever

Five Stars

Amazing book!

Kid's Book!

I am aware of the original story of Rosa Parks, BUT I certainly didn't expect this e-book to be a child's book!! it was all written in bubble text!!!! Maybe I didn't read the description properly, because for sure there's no way I would have wasted my money. As far as an adult read this was literally "A Joke" !.

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