Relentless Optimism: How a Commitment to Positive Thinking Changes Everything (Sports for the Soul) (Volume 3)

Kindle Edition
24 Jul

Studies prove that positive thinkers are happier, healthier, and more successful than everyone else. Discover the simple, proven techniques for becoming a more positive person...

Positive thinking leads to positive outcomes. Study after study proves this. Researchers have found that optimistic people live longer, live healthier, have more energy, have more successful careers, make better decisions, are more productive, are less stressed, have healthier relationships, and (not surprisingly) are much happier than pessimists.

However, a lot has been misunderstood about what it means to be a positive thinker and what it takes to maintain an optimistic mindset. It takes a lot more than repeating feel-good platitudes to make positive thinking work in your life. It takes discipline, commitment, and a proper understanding of what optimism really means in a world that is constantly throwing new challenges at us.

This is a book for anyone who has ever questioned whether positive thinking really “works.”

It’s also a book for those who have tried to develop a more positive attitude, but have found it difficult to eliminate the voices of fear, doubt, and cynicism.

This is a book for anyone who wants to put optimism to work in their life with practical, proven techniques.

In this inspirational fable, you’ll meet Bobby Kane, a 31-year-old minor league baseball player who realizes his dream of making it to the majors is finally coming to a disappointing end. His dream, he believes, was not meant to be.

That is, until Bobby meets an unconventional manager named Wally Hogan. More mental coach than baseball manager, Wally teaches Bobby that if you want to change your life, you have to first change your thinking.

As you’ll see in this book, developing a positive mindset gives Bobby a renewed chance to make his dreams come true—not just in baseball, but in all areas of his life.

Wally teaches Bobby what it means to be an optimist and what it takes to maintain a positive attitude through the ups and downs of life. He teaches him proven, real-world techniques for building and sustaining optimism. These methods have an immediate impact on Bobby’s life and they will have an immediate impact on yours as well.

This book will show you just how powerful a positive attitude can be and it will teach you how to use positive thinking to make your biggest dreams come true.

Reviews (175)

I'm extremely lucky to have found this book

In the past I have never been a fan of reading, as a matter of fact a trip to the dentist sounded better than sitting down to read, but lately I've had a huge desire to change my life for the better. A few weeks prior I bought another great book called Mini Habits by Stephen Guise and I created a mini goal for myself to read just 2 pages of any book once per day. This one little goal has already changed my life. So as I scanned Amazon for similar positive thinking type books I came across this one. I was very skeptical when I read that the story was about a baseball player since I'm not a fan of sports but I'm so glad I chose to purchase this book. This book took me from 2 pages per day to finishing the book in 2 days, a huge accomplishment for me. The story in this book is so well written and so inspiring I honestly couldn't put the book down. I know that by implementing what was shared in this book to my life as it is now, great things are within reach for me. So like I said in my title, I'm extremely lucky to have found this book and if you're interested in making big changes in your life too, this book is definitely one you should live by.

and low self esteem even though he's actually good. This book is EXACTLY what we were looking ...

Maybe it's just me - but I was hooked from the start. I had purchased this for my 9 year old son who played football for the first time this year. He was suffering from some low self confidence, and low self esteem even though he's actually good. This book is EXACTLY what we were looking for. It really pushes the point to young and old alike how important it is to stay positive, and gives great examples through the story of how negative pessimistic thoughts can creep in - even in the good times. I could write on and on about this book - I have already lent this out to one neighbor to read to his 8 yr old son... We bought the other 2 books in this series as well and are in the process now of finishing up "Think Like A Warrior" which has a football theme to it - and again - just incredible writing, loved it... the story isn't so overly complex that a kid is going to get lost and it has enough meat to keep young and old alike hooked wanting to read the next chapter even though you're dead tired!!

if we are careful and conscious to say and speak "positives" I particularly liked the various reminders printed in bold which has kept ...

This is encouraging, helpful. Our thoughts and words help lead us to higher heights, if we are careful and conscious to say and speak "positives" I particularly liked the various reminders printed in bold which has kept me encouraged. thoughts which have encouraged me . . . thoughts by the author . . . "Optimism won't prevent negative events from happening; optimism will ensure that you respond to those negative events in the most beneficial way possible - a way that leads to positive outcomes" and "the people who succeed aren't the ones who avoid failure; they're the ones who learn how to respond to failure with optimism." Being a man of faith and a believer and follower of Jesus Christ I found biblical principles in this book . . . I am a strong advocate for "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks for this is God's will in Christ Jesus for you" and " . . . giving thanks for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" A very good, enjoyable read . . . Whatever is true, noble, just, pure, lovely, if there is anything of good report think on these things (Phil 4:8)

An absolutely wonderful book ~ So much better than your usual boring self help ones

This is an exceptionally well written book, and so much better than the thousands of self help books available today. The bottom line is that reading books about positive thinking is boring. I’ve read dozens of them, and in most cases couldn’t even get to the end. Relentless Optimism on the other hand, is a fascinating parable about baseball. By using sports to convey the message of positive thinking, the author manages to weave an extremely interesting story, and at the same time teaching about the power of positive thinking. Unlike the plethora of self help books on the subject; this one gets the message across by the telling of a wonderful true to life story. This book was hard to put down, yet extremely effective at getting the point across. 5 stars for holding my interest right to the end, and reinforcing the importance of positive thinking in a unique way.

One of the best books ever

One of the best books ever! I’ve read many positive thinking books but this is one of the best ones that I’ve ever read. If you are a baseball fan, you’ll love this book. Just realize, that once you start reading it you’re not gonna be able to put it down. Very well written and so easy to read and so much great information in it.

This is a great book about thinking positively and keeping your eye on ...

This is a great book about thinking positively and keeping your eye on the prize. One of the best books I've read about ATTITUDE. Buy it today and learn to be more positive. It will make a big difference in your life.

Phenomenal Book

Best book I read in a long time. Motivating, easy to read, the story puts you there and it feels like you’re along for the journey with the lead character. This book will change your mindset and help you override negativity and become a more positive person. You’ll learn how to adapt and better respond to difficult situations. The book was emotional, exciting, compelling, and thought provoking. I highlighted the heck out of it. Go get it now!

Keeps getting better

I’m a baseball guy so maybe that is why, but I’ve read the first three in less than a month. He’s very much like Jon Gordon, in a good way, but specific to athletics. Not that Gordon is not, but both of their storytelling ability is superb. I really liked it, and recommend it to anyone.

Great message in this book! I want to spend some time with Wally!

Mr. Donnelly has written another great book here. The book is filled with great messages, and will cause you to think about the changes you need to make in order to live a more fulfilling life. With everything going on in this country right now, EVERYONE should read this book. When I read books like this, self-help, I want the meat only. This book delivers, and I hope many, many people read it. The book flows smoothly, is a quick read, but packs a big punch.

Optimism is Contagious!

I am writing this review in October of 2020, the year of pandemics, protests, politics! Add one more, hurricanes! Unfortunately, the internet, social media and many news outlets seem to be permeated with a 'cultural negativity' because of all these terrible calamities we have experienced worldwide. HOWEVER.....this book on optimism is an encouraging reminder of the POWER a positive outlook can have not only on our personal lives, but the relationships which surround us. Highly recommended!!

I'm extremely lucky to have found this book

In the past I have never been a fan of reading, as a matter of fact a trip to the dentist sounded better than sitting down to read, but lately I've had a huge desire to change my life for the better. A few weeks prior I bought another great book called Mini Habits by Stephen Guise and I created a mini goal for myself to read just 2 pages of any book once per day. This one little goal has already changed my life. So as I scanned Amazon for similar positive thinking type books I came across this one. I was very skeptical when I read that the story was about a baseball player since I'm not a fan of sports but I'm so glad I chose to purchase this book. This book took me from 2 pages per day to finishing the book in 2 days, a huge accomplishment for me. The story in this book is so well written and so inspiring I honestly couldn't put the book down. I know that by implementing what was shared in this book to my life as it is now, great things are within reach for me. So like I said in my title, I'm extremely lucky to have found this book and if you're interested in making big changes in your life too, this book is definitely one you should live by.

and low self esteem even though he's actually good. This book is EXACTLY what we were looking ...

Maybe it's just me - but I was hooked from the start. I had purchased this for my 9 year old son who played football for the first time this year. He was suffering from some low self confidence, and low self esteem even though he's actually good. This book is EXACTLY what we were looking for. It really pushes the point to young and old alike how important it is to stay positive, and gives great examples through the story of how negative pessimistic thoughts can creep in - even in the good times. I could write on and on about this book - I have already lent this out to one neighbor to read to his 8 yr old son... We bought the other 2 books in this series as well and are in the process now of finishing up "Think Like A Warrior" which has a football theme to it - and again - just incredible writing, loved it... the story isn't so overly complex that a kid is going to get lost and it has enough meat to keep young and old alike hooked wanting to read the next chapter even though you're dead tired!!

if we are careful and conscious to say and speak "positives" I particularly liked the various reminders printed in bold which has kept ...

This is encouraging, helpful. Our thoughts and words help lead us to higher heights, if we are careful and conscious to say and speak "positives" I particularly liked the various reminders printed in bold which has kept me encouraged. thoughts which have encouraged me . . . thoughts by the author . . . "Optimism won't prevent negative events from happening; optimism will ensure that you respond to those negative events in the most beneficial way possible - a way that leads to positive outcomes" and "the people who succeed aren't the ones who avoid failure; they're the ones who learn how to respond to failure with optimism." Being a man of faith and a believer and follower of Jesus Christ I found biblical principles in this book . . . I am a strong advocate for "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks for this is God's will in Christ Jesus for you" and " . . . giving thanks for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" A very good, enjoyable read . . . Whatever is true, noble, just, pure, lovely, if there is anything of good report think on these things (Phil 4:8)

An absolutely wonderful book ~ So much better than your usual boring self help ones

This is an exceptionally well written book, and so much better than the thousands of self help books available today. The bottom line is that reading books about positive thinking is boring. I’ve read dozens of them, and in most cases couldn’t even get to the end. Relentless Optimism on the other hand, is a fascinating parable about baseball. By using sports to convey the message of positive thinking, the author manages to weave an extremely interesting story, and at the same time teaching about the power of positive thinking. Unlike the plethora of self help books on the subject; this one gets the message across by the telling of a wonderful true to life story. This book was hard to put down, yet extremely effective at getting the point across. 5 stars for holding my interest right to the end, and reinforcing the importance of positive thinking in a unique way.

One of the best books ever

One of the best books ever! I’ve read many positive thinking books but this is one of the best ones that I’ve ever read. If you are a baseball fan, you’ll love this book. Just realize, that once you start reading it you’re not gonna be able to put it down. Very well written and so easy to read and so much great information in it.

This is a great book about thinking positively and keeping your eye on ...

This is a great book about thinking positively and keeping your eye on the prize. One of the best books I've read about ATTITUDE. Buy it today and learn to be more positive. It will make a big difference in your life.

Phenomenal Book

Best book I read in a long time. Motivating, easy to read, the story puts you there and it feels like you’re along for the journey with the lead character. This book will change your mindset and help you override negativity and become a more positive person. You’ll learn how to adapt and better respond to difficult situations. The book was emotional, exciting, compelling, and thought provoking. I highlighted the heck out of it. Go get it now!

Keeps getting better

I’m a baseball guy so maybe that is why, but I’ve read the first three in less than a month. He’s very much like Jon Gordon, in a good way, but specific to athletics. Not that Gordon is not, but both of their storytelling ability is superb. I really liked it, and recommend it to anyone.

Great message in this book! I want to spend some time with Wally!

Mr. Donnelly has written another great book here. The book is filled with great messages, and will cause you to think about the changes you need to make in order to live a more fulfilling life. With everything going on in this country right now, EVERYONE should read this book. When I read books like this, self-help, I want the meat only. This book delivers, and I hope many, many people read it. The book flows smoothly, is a quick read, but packs a big punch.

Optimism is Contagious!

I am writing this review in October of 2020, the year of pandemics, protests, politics! Add one more, hurricanes! Unfortunately, the internet, social media and many news outlets seem to be permeated with a 'cultural negativity' because of all these terrible calamities we have experienced worldwide. HOWEVER.....this book on optimism is an encouraging reminder of the POWER a positive outlook can have not only on our personal lives, but the relationships which surround us. Highly recommended!!


An outstanding book! This is my first by the author and was thoroughly impressed. Darrin Donnelly’s masterful understanding of story combined with his straightforward communication style and essential life principles woven throughout make me desire to have this book (and his others) to be required reading for athletes of all ages from Middle School to College. Gripping story, powerful principles, outstanding message. Highly recommended for anyone of any age, but especially anyone involved with sports at any level. An overall phenomenal read!

The story is good and it will keep you engaged

Lets start here: The story is good and it will keep you engaged. No doubt about it, its a fun read. If you like / love Baseball you will enjoy the story. As someone else noted, this book is based in fiction, so the knowledge you gain from this book is theory, not real world examples. What is being shared is what you will find in most books about optimism, motivation and so forth, just in a story form. The author bolds portions of the story to highlight something you should be paying attention to and learning. It feels awkward, since this is a fictional book acting as if the theories they are using are actually working in the real world. I think it is a great story for young people to read ages 10-20. But for an adult, you might feel like you are being sold goods that have never been tested before. The thoughts and theories expressed in the book are applied in a fictional world, not in a real world where they actually helped someone. So the subtitle is a bit misleading in my opinion. Should have just called the book "Relentless Optimism" and get rid of the "How a commitment to positive thinking changes everything". This way you go into the book knowing it is fiction, but as with all books, maybe you take something away from it worth remembering. Change the title of the book and get rid of the occasional bold print, I would have given this a 4 star for adults and 5 star for kids.

One of the best books ever

Maybe it's just me - but I was hooked from the start. I had purchased this for my 9 year old son who played football for the first time this year. He was suffering from some low self confidence, and low self esteem even though he's actually good. This book is EXACTLY what we were looking for. It really pushes the point to young and old alike how important it is to stay positive, and gives great examples through the story of how negative pessimistic thoughts can creep in - even in the good times. I could write on and on about this book - I have already lent this out to one neighbor to read to his 8 yr old son...

A good read!

I'm not a baseball fan, not by a long shot, but the story of ballplayer Bobby Kane and his coach/mentor, Wally, made me unable to put the book down. Wally's common sense encouragement and belief-in-ones-self system makes sense, even if it's written in baseball lingo (which is fully explained by Bobby as the story goes along). The whole story is a home run, but for me the ending is a Grand Slam. This is a must read for people experiencing low self-esteem. Pay attention to what Wally says!


A great way to read about self help through a fictional good story. Positive thinking is not as common as it should be, and to some, it may sound corny. But I truly believe it's the best fix to any of life's craziest things it throws at you. Enjoyed the bold text when coach Wally walked us through these teachings.

Amazing, inspirational, and motivating. Must read

Wow! Amazing writing and beyond inspirational. Absolutely loved this book. I bought it for my 11 year old but wanted to read it first. I couldn’t put it down. I do want her to read it, however I keep giving examples from it so she may not even need to. 1000% recommend. I want to check out his other books too!

Only if it was based on real events, but it’s not.

I love self help books, and while this is a great book, I lost interest after I found out it wasn’t based on real events. I’m big on motivational, and the brain/mind psychology and are interested on how it works, and I completely agree that a relentless optimism is crucial, but I didn’t realized it wasn’t based on true events. Although the theory is right, and I believe it would happen.

Be your own best friend!

Everyone needs to read this book. I couldn’t put it down. Very easy read. It made me cry tears of happiness. Nothing is better than achieving your goals. All you have to do is change how you think. Be kind to yourself. Loved this book!

and though Think Like a Warrior may hold the top spot for its ...

Using the narrative of a minor league baseball player, Relentless Optimism demonstrates the effects of thought life on performance both on and off the field, how to identify negative (more prevalent than you think) and positive thinking, and how to transition to positive thinking. Despite comments to the contrary, no baseball knowledge is required. Though not a baseball fan, I had no difficulty understanding or enjoying this one. I have read all three of Donnelly's books, and though Think Like a Warrior may hold the top spot for its breadth, this one may be the most needful! Enjoy.


I enjoyed this book! Anyone could write a book on changing your life and just bulletpoint but this was put in a story—a good story! I highly recommend this easy inspirational read!

Very Helpful

I don't follow sports at all, but I loved this book. It really connected with me in a spiritual and practical way. I look forward to reading more by this author.

One of the few books that I read from front to back.

I'm not a big baseball fan, but this book was very inspiring. Avery good mix of personal and professional challenges that require patience.

Best book I’ve read in a long time!

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this book! Very few books hold my attention, and I found myself marking pages and highlighting in this one! 💯 A++++

Great for baseball fans

Fantastic book! The author does a great job of using the trials and tribulations of minor league baseball to show the power of optimistic thinking in a believable and entertaining way.

A must read!!!

This is the third book in this week's that I've read and it's just truly inspirational, motivating, inspiring easy to read. If you have goals and you want to achieve them this is the way to go.

A Life Changer!

Phenomenal read, I couldn’t put it down! Even the people that aren’t big readers will enjoy and get lots of “nuggets” to pull from this book. I have given it to several people who have read it and told me it has changed their lives!

Good if you are trying to improve your performance

This is a quick and easy read, but the principles didn’t apply to me. I need to think more positive in general, but with regards to performance.

Great read!!!

Another classic from Darrin Donnelly! I've read all his books and they are AWESOME!

Amazing Story

This book is an amazing story that combines a fictional tale, with a message that really gets you thinking! I am an aspiring baseball coach, and every page seemed to contain something that I could see myself using in my career. If you’re wondering whether or not you should read this book, do yourself a favor and read it!

Good book

This is another feel good book and an easy read!

Great inspirational book!

I loved this book and found it very inspirational and will help me with many things in my life. Easy to read and a great story!

Great work

Mr Donnelly does a great job teaching lessons as well as passion in this engaging work. It was a page turner !

Great story and great message it has helped me in ...

Great story and great message it has helped me in several areas of my life, just because it show you how not to be negative all the time love this bold, buy it

Love this book!

Very uplifting. A complete instruction manual to lift yourself from perceived failure to success, if you follow the instructions that is. Implementation is the key. Easy and fun read as well. Thank you for writing this book!

Darrin Donnelly Incredible Series !!!

Forget Tony Robbins, if you want to be motivated to change your life, change your mind, PLEASE READ Mr. Donnelly's books all 5 are great, but my personal favorites are "Victory Favors the FEARLESS and "Relentless OPTIMISM". I cant wait for book #6.

Looking for positive outlook

Like the book, bought the book for a less positive person.

I highly recommend for anyone wanting to change their thought process

Powerful book, I highly recommend for anyone wanting to change their thought process. I read this to my young athlete, it answered every question right after he asked it on how to apply the principles it was teaching.

Just what I needed

Phenominal book. I read it in one sitting and couldn’t put it down and came out with a lot more optimism than when I started. 10/10

Powerful book

I recommend this book to everyone


One of the best books that I've ever read, give me key to live a better life , now I feel more confident to the future and more committed to work hard for my goals.

Important Book!

Relentless Optimism is one of the best books I’ve ever read. The message is universal and well told through the story line. Change your thinking and change your life.


Boring read

A great read to change how you think and therefore change ...

This book truly opened my eyes to how pervasive negative thinking can be, even when everything in life is going very well. It reads as a story and keeps your interest. A great read to change how you think and therefore change your life.

Five Stars

Good read for EVERYONE!!!

Great stuff!!!

Excellent encouragement to pursue success! Very happy that I've read this series. Looking forward to the changes I'll be making.

Anyone can come back from a "slump".

This book has given me foundational principles that will have a positive effect on the rest of my life.

Inspirational story

I love Darrin's books!! He does a great job incorporating life lessons into inspiring stories. This particular book caused me to take a serious look at myself to determine if I truly have been giving my best effort.

Great book and refreshing to read whenever the need presents ...

Great book and refreshing to read whenever the need presents itelf or to just be breath of fresh positive brain food!

Wanting to be more positive

Loved this book and it’s meaning

Five Stars

Nnother book for my daughter who is a teacher. She loves it.

Five Stars

It really helps you see positivity can help change the way you look at the world.

Very helpful

Very inspiring. I am a paranoid schizophrenic, and it helped me. But it does take a lot of discipline, because there are a lot of rotten people out there.

Loved it !

In these oh so changing and dark times, this book was exactly what I needed! I 100% recommend it! 🙌🏼

Five Stars

Awesome, have already read it twice

Enjoyable and we'll written

Book 3 of the series continues to impress. Wish it wasn't the Red Sox that were victimized in the end

Live Optimistically!

Great way to learn to live Optimistically!

Great for kids AND adults

My son and I are reading this book together. He's a high school baseball player and this book is fantastic.

Five Stars

Such an amazing read! Highly recommend all three of Darrin Donnelly's books.

Very pleased with purchase!

Ordered for my son.

Very inspirational!!!

One more time I was convinced what I thought is true about the power of our thoughts, feelings , positive attitude and how our world works. Wonderful teachings that everyone should try to follow.

Must Read

What an amazing book. Such an easy read and very relatable. I loved it, very motivating and uplifting!!!!

Love it!

Amazing story, it gives me a sense of joy and pride for my own favorite sport. It inspires me to hope and be positive that I can still reach my dream no matter what.

As described


Five Stars

Great !!!!!!!!

Purchased for child's school assignment

Purchased for my child's school assignment. Easy to buy, came in promptly.

Great book!

Great book easy read

Great read

Loved this book. It really helped me view things differently.

Great book and a quick read

Read the whole thing in a few hours. Excellent read, and a quick one. Would recommend!

Real world advice

Very practical and real world examples and advice.


Great book


Easy to read and easy to understand. Relentless optimism will teach you something new and reinforce what you already know.

Enjoyed the message of the power of positive thinking in our lives.

I found this book as I was looking for ways to help my son overcome his self doubt. He's a talented ball player who sometimes allows his mind to prevent him from doing his best. This book was an easy read that said just what I needed.

Couldn't put it down and re-reading it again now.

I'm 43 and have only read three books cover to cover since grade school. This book is number 3. I've partially read self help and positive thinking books that seem too much like text books without a real world way to relate. This book charges that. In my mind [while reading] I changed the baseball scenarios to fit my billiards situations and am going to take a lot away from this book. Highly recommend.

Great Service

Great book.

Best book i have read in a long time

Best book i have read in a long time. Great story line that grabs attention plus I love baseball. On top of that the lessons and messages in the book are clear and concise and not preachy and pushy.

Five Stars

Really an eye opening book. Challenges you to look inside yourself and see how you view life.

Five Stars

Great book!!!

If you want to challenge your thinking and be moved in your core, this is the book to read. I consider myself a positive person, but after reading this book, I found I was off.

Great read! I saw myself in Bobby. The book forces you to go deep within and get real. Thank you

Easy read. Good, understandable, easily applicable lessons to help in all aspects of life

Easy read. Good, understandable, easily applicable lessons to help in all aspects of life. I'm not a huge baseball fan but I chose to read this based on other reviews. I'm SO HAPPY I did! It had helped me personally and professionally. It also saved my relationship.

Don't brush this off, read it, reflect and grow

This tale is for any age or level of reader. Donnelly has the ability to take a very understandable manner of prose and weave in excellent real life useful points. I would recommend reading the book through and then going back and writing out each of the bolded points from Wally Hogan as they are excellent foundational reminders of the power of optimism in our lives. So many of us are turned off by negative people and many people leaves jobs because of a negative boss. Donnelly's fictional ballplayer Bobby Kane has no idea how he's literally talked himself out of a job and dream career because he was negative. Ficticious minor league manager Wally Hogan is akin to Joyce Meyers and when Kane let's go of his cynicism and begins following the plan, his results are inspiring. I could not put this down once I hit chapter 8 and kept going until I finished it. The perfect sunshine for a rainy summer weekend. Going to have my 14 year old read it!

Five Stars

Great read

Five Stars

amazing, love it!!

The psychology of baseball

This book tells the gritty story of a one time young major league hot prospect that never quite breaks through and is relegated to Triple A minor baseball through his career. The pain of the real struggle to survive off a minor league salary and provide for his family comes alive in this book. When he is finally sent down to Double A baseball and all hope is lost he meets a team manager like no other. This manager would be his psychology coach and show him how his negative self talk and attitude was sabotaging his chances of playing at the highest levels. The author did a lot of research for this book to put the best sports psychology and success lessons in one place. It is a book that is hard to put down and also helps reinforce lessons in positive psychology that can be life changing if we put them in action in our personal and professional life. This book would make a great movie.

Great Advice I Plan on Implementing

I hate to admit it but I'm a lifelong pessimist. I've dealt with manic depression and anxiety since middle school and its effected every aspect of my life. The info in this book can be considered somewhat "generic" by cynics, but I know it is true that optimism and positive thinking is the key to success. Great story that is well told, and solid pacing. The first quarter of the book feels like it drags a bit but it's necessary to establish the protagonist and his motivation. I finished this book in two days because I was caught up in the story and took diligent notes for further implementing some of the advice given. I definitely would recommend to anyone that needs some sage advice when it comes to turning off that negative voice in your head. For someone who needs more positivity in their life, this book is a gem.

The most inspirational book I've ready in years

First of all, I loved the story. I couldbarely put down the book. In the end I read it an about 3 days. I didn't know it was fictional until the very end, but this doesn't diminish the value that lies within it. The most important lesson for me was the pessimistic self-talk we do, even if we encounter a "positive event". It has highlighted to me that even though I'm a bright and generally happy fellow, I still torture myself with too much negative / cynical self talk. I'm going to note the main lessons of this book and start applying them immediately. I will likely buy the other books of the author. If you're cynical or have low-self esteem, you beat yourself up about your failures, this book will be of immense value to you.

Well written, short and sweet

An uplifting and warming book. If you are looking for a story that will show you a simple and easy approach at positive thinking and resilience, this is it. It is well written, short and sweet. Loved it

Love this Book

A lot of books are about textbook rhetoric: Why it's important; why you should want it; what caused the problem; approaches to fixing the problem; why some approaches don't work; blah, blah, blah. This book tells a compelling story that we can relate to - which makes it a Fun read, and helps you understand the points! You're gonna love it. Nice job, Darrin Donnelly.

What a gift that can change your life

Wow. This one story has been a life time gift. To understand how to be more positive in your own life everyday. I thought I was a very positive person but after this story I found out I could be better. I had a lower back fusion and neck fusion and was scared to play golf again. After Tiger played again with his and played well. This book have me courage to try and play. It had been two and half years since playing. This book made me look at myself and see every excuse i had for not playing. The little golf story within this book made me go play again. And played well. Because i learned what not to think about. But you can use every bold print in this book for your everyday life. And I wrote them all down. Lol. And it has made me think about everything in a much better way. Thank you for a great book. Thank you for a much better out look o life.

Commit to Positive Thinking

Learn to turn your back on the naysayers, hone the focus on your goals to precision accuracy, refine a plan to get results, and most importantly, learn how responding to each situation with optimism will lead to success.

A great story wrapped around an inspirational message

I enjoyed the story almost as much as the inpiration to stay optimistic! Filled with nuggets of great insight, this book is about 50% highlighted. Fun, easy read that was impossible to put down.

Exactly what I needed!

Another great addition to the Sport for the Soul series! These always come at the right time for me and Relentless Optimism is no different. It's just what I was looking for! Great read and will recommend to family and friends...and especially those who need the extra boost, like I did.

Awesome book!

Very inspirational. What I’ve learn I will put into practice, starting today. I highly recommend this book and will purchase a copy for my nephew who plays sports.

A must-read!

I absolutely loved this book! I love it so much that I started implementing it into my softball lessons and recommended it for my players to read! I highlighted many of the powerful lines and will reflect back upon them. I actually did not want the book to end!!!

Very Inspiring

I loved,loved this book. The reason , the writer made a story and life examples of how too be and stay positive. It's easy to say stop being negative and be more positive. It was the way the writer went about writing it that made it real to achieve. Awesome Job!

Excellent presentation!

Definite recommendation. Thoroughly enjoyed the entire reading and ready to reread it just to experience it one more time. Sometimes we just have to be reminded of who and what, we were created to be. Congratulations to the author for another well done job.

This book saved me from suicide

Amazing book that was so great, it saved me from a lot of suicidal thoughts. An easy read honestly for any age and I would recommend this book to whoever i can because this book will lead to a happier life

An unexpected Blessing!

I chose this book because I learn a lot from sports movies and books. This book was a winner for sure. It helped me to understand the importance of how we approach our lives each day. It's not a quick fix that does it, but a commitment to change that brings about positive results. This one I will reread when needed!!!!!

Really enjoyed it.

This is the third book of Darrin's series and I'm getting ready to read the other 2. I have really enjoyed the way he weaves the message into a great story. I highly recommend them. It makes the reading easier and easier to comprehend. I am looking forward to the next two books in the series. I'm sure by now that they will be very good.

Amazing book

If you enjoy a story of ups and downs and sound advice in minimizing the downs and maximizing the ups, then you will enjoy this book. But underneath the story is the truth of the story. As someone who’s been through many ups and many more downs, I know that handling it the way the story points is the only way to go.


A tear jerker and a life changer! When I read this, Bible verses kept popping into my head. The only thing I would change is where our source of trust comes from. This book teaches you to trust yourself but trusting your maker is far more effective with these principles.

A relatable, interesting, and inspiring fun read!

For adults, this is a quick and easy read that can be a little hit-you-over-the-head obvious sometimes with its lessons. It can be a little cheesy and cliched at times. Nevertheless, I loved it!! It was touching, inspiring, interesting, and an overall feel-good read. And I think it would be an amazing book for younger readers!

It’s so good!

This book was so good and inspirational and I’ve never played baseball. I plan on sending a copy to my son. My husband wants to read the whole series.

Best book I have ever read!

I am a parent of three boy who play community baseball. Although they are still very young, I found this book to be exceptionally helpful in learning the art of optimism and positive thinking. This book will help me to become a better parent and a more powerful human being, for myself and my children.

Just a baseball story

Great book if you like baseball! I got to capture 4 and returned the book. Just someone telling their career in baseball.

The best mental training read that will enable you to do more than you can imagine

I waited for the release of Relentless Optimism - after reading Donnelly's first two books. I finished it immediately - and he did not disappoint. With a fantastic writing style I found myself cheering for Bobby Kane as he learned the lessons that all of us can embrace. I first found Donnelly's Think Like a Warrior as I prepared for my first tri-athalon this summer. He joined me as I crossed the finish line - having pushed myself physically beyond what I thought was possible- using the mental tools he so skillfully shared with us. I recommend buying all three of his books and joining his newsletter mailing list... we all need inspiration and Darrin delivers.I hope there is a 4th book in the works. -Colleen Delane

Miracle of the day

This book has been my companion for returning me to the power of the positive moment. Thank you Darrin for this gift


I'm a very positive person who believe in law of attraction. I was struggling some kind of thing and I was looking a book to refresh and restart my thought and mind...and guess what? I find this book and I'm in love with it. I really recommeded to read this book and also put in practice all the recommendations it provide. I'm grateful and happy to find this book.

This book is an eye opener. This book is a blessing to me.

Beautiful read it made perfect sense when you use your own situations. I think everybody should get this book. It great

Just understand the book is fiction

I really enjoyed reading this book, but was very disappointed to realize it is pure fiction. I should have done a bit of research before reading it. Again, the story is entertaining, and maybe the concepts have merit, but since it isn’t real, I felt hoodwinked.

A life changing book!

I have loved all three books in the Sports for the Soul series but this one is my favorite! This is the first book that I have read that teaches you what positive thinking really means. The very specific techniques for how to make positive thinking work in your life is what put this book over the top for me. I really think this book is a life changer! By the way, I loved Wally!

Highly Recommend!

Well written and approached from a clear, informative, while still easy to digest, angle. Would highly recommend Darrin's books and have recommended them to a number of my coaching clients.

It was worth reading it!

The book got my attention and I could not stop reading it to the end. All question that I've raised during the reading was answered at some point. A lot of good examples that I think really applies to real life.

Shockingly good

I’m not easily swayed but this book was a page turner and really really made me think. This book is a very very fine motivational tool not to give up and view failures as permanent!

Have Optimism

This is a good book to learn about the advantages of optimism. Your life changes for the better when you have an optimistic attitude. Concise book about developing a positive attitude.

Very great read.

Absolutely enjoyed this book. Gives great examples of how true life events effect you mental state. I would definitely recommend this to family, friends, or anyone looking to better their mind.

Amazing read

I've randomly found this author and he has not disappointed me yet. 😃 Read it you'll love every it. 😃

Great Read

This book surprised me. It is a fiction tale full of excellent advice. I was surprised how much I was touched by this book.

The most thorough and easy to understand book on positive thinking

The most thorough and easy to understand book on positive thinking. It was a fast read that kept producing different and interesting lessons to reinforce how positive mindset changes every situation to your advantage. This book goes deeper into the subject of optimism than any other self help book I have read. Very powerful - highly recommend.

Amazing book

The story behind this book is intriguing, it does border on corny towards the end, but the book mostly isn’t about the story. This book is about the process. I though about a lot while reading this book, these lessons in the book related a lot to my life. Definitely a good read.

Fantastic read!

This book is exactly what I needed at the perfect time. Very inspirational with down-to-earth language that kept my attention to the end.

Great read!

So inspirational , I enjoyed every minute of it. Great life lessons 🙌 I will be looking forward to reading more of his books for sure.

Life changing

This book will.make you understand how to truly become optimistic and the benefits that will follow great smooth read for all ages


This is an amazing book. This book should be a mandatory read for anyone. Not five stars but five million stars.

Loved it

Great story, FULL of gold. My only wish was that I made more notes as I read, because theres no overview of the many nuggets. I nearly gave up on glad I did not.

Excellent read

This book is a game-changer. It's easy to read and the concepts are so applicable in every area of your life - not just baseball. I'm having my kids read this book and recommend it to my colleagues.


This book makes you realize that it’s all up to you! It does not give you the answers but the tools you need to get them! Anyone can think positive but staying positive all about commitment. Amazing read that I recommend keeping around to look at when things get hard.

Relentless Optimism

This book should be read by all coaches and players! The book explains how a positive mind and working extremely hard can change your life!

What a tremendous series of books!

I have read two of the books so far in this series and I can't possibly give them enough praise!

Very good book

I really liked this book , it has also helped me to try to think more positively and not listen to all the negativity around me.

This one keeps you reading

Great read from Donnelly. Took lots of notes and looking forward to the next in the series. His books allow you to lose yourself in them.

This has me looking at life optimistically. For sure I can can appreciate this. My man read this book and recommended it to me. Cause I was all the way in. So pessimistic it was tearing us apart. I stubbornly took a read out of it. I can say I appreciate it.

This has me lookung at life optimistically. For sure I can can appreciate this. My man read this book and recommended it to me. Cause I was all the way in. So pessimistic it was tearing us apart. I stubbornly took a read out of it. I can say I appreciate i

Read it in one session

I couldn't put this book down. Really relatable characters,, better than self-help because of the story. Fills you with optimism.

Loved it!

Excellent storytelling and inspiring. Will be sharing with friends. Never thought baseball was such a great teacher...kinda wish i had played longer.

Good message.

This is a good book with a good message. It is easy to read because of the format. After reading this book I'm going to work on being more optimistic.

Great book

Intriguing, uplifting and simple advice to help you become an optimist. The book has a great story plot and I enjoyed every page.

A positive mentor who helps change a person's life.

This is a good book about a baseball player who is struggling and meets a couch who makes a difference in his life.

Each moment of life is special, in that you decide the approach you take.

Needed this book as my own personal Wally in my life right now. Funny how things find you sometimes. I started reading this with the intention of reading over a few nights but I couldn’t put it down and read it in one sitting. Kudos

Changed my life and helped me win!

Fun read that filled my cup overflowing. Made me a winner even if I didn’t win... but I did :)

Captivating and educational

If you truly pay attention to the lessons here you can improve life. The sports aspect just adds to the intrest.

This was a great book and a fast read

This was a great book and a fast read. Great info on dealing with the negative thoughts that bombard us at times.

Relentless Optimism:How a Commitment to Positive Thinking

Relentless Optimism: How a Commitment to Positive Thinking... is a great read. I would recommend to anyone who needs a little pick-me-up.

If you are an athlete read this!

If you are struggling with sports like I was give wally’s method a try what do you have to lose?

Trash can worthy

Great book if you want to learn nothing about baseball. Pretty atrocious writing all around. No direction. One-sided and weak. DO NOT BUY

Great read

These books are very quick, easy reads. But they all give great life lessons. Must reads for sports people. Hope there are more in the future.

Loved this book

These are great stories and lessons for sports fans or anyone. Keep up the great work! I'm looking forward to more books in the series.

One of the best books I’ve ever read !

Loved this book it truly has changed my life, I wish I would have read this sooner . So much good advice !

Great tool book for taking steps towards a better life

Contains valuable lessons on how to take head on life's challenges and how to react to things that are out of one's control, to think in a positive way constantly and gives you the tools to stay that way.

Easy read

Easy to read. My son and I read it together, great book for a teen!

Must Read

This is a must read if you need a jolt of motivation in your life.

Decision and Dedication

Changed my way of thinking.

A Positive Message

This well crafted fable uses a baseball scenario to present research about positive thinking.

A Good Dose of Positivism

A good, inspiring read! I dinged it down one star, mostly for technical reasons. The book is a bit too liberal on the carriage returns, sometimes making the dialog confusing. If there's a new paragraph in the middle of dialog I'm expecting the other person is going to start saying something or doing something. Also, I don't prefer the paragraph spacing. I know the official Amazon guide to making an e-book suggests putting a space between paragraphs, but it doesn't look professional to me.

Great book

Definitely something that hits home with anyone who has trouble seeing that the glass should always be half full and not half empty.

Good story. Highly recommended

Good story. Highly recommended.

Keep the end in mind.

There are many notions of success in life to be found in this book - IF you are an American baseball fan or player or groupie. If you have other passions, sports or life trajectories those notions are almost opaque. This came across my desk because of its relevance to writers. I gave it a chance and still can't find how it is relevant to writers. If I had to sum it up in a phrase it would simply be - If you want to achieve a goal or a future, keep the end in mind. I guess that's relevant to writers. Yes, I know this is the third in a series of 'sporting' optimism books but it is a pity the 'optimism' message for writers is so deeply hidden in a culturally specific sporting fable that is irrelevant to most nations or cultures or people in the world. I can not understand why an author would eliminate the rest of the world - maybe he is not aware the rest of the world exists. He has Trumped himself. He didn't keep the end in mind.


Easy read

Amazing read!

This was definitely an amazing book. A must read for anyone looking for encouragement and inspiration to follow their dreams.


What a great author this man is! This is my third book and I must say I’m excited to follow the suggestions presented here. I already feel lighter!

Great Read

I really enjoyed this book, its a great story on the power of positive thinking, it certainly has helped me become more positive

An inspirational hug ...

An easy read that I couldnt put down ... do yourself a favour and immerse yourself in the story, characters and be inspired to achieve great things ... such a feel good story

You can

There is a seemingly silly phrase in the Adam Sandler movie, “Water boy” where the goofy character yells, “you can do it...” Thinking you can or thinking you can’t plays a key roll in all our lives and this story provides depth to that understanding.

Very enjoyable read

I am not a big reader but this book made it easy, especially with the team sports setting and positive message that was being sent. You can quickly relate to the character and you learn, or are reminded of, to approach situations with a positive mindset.

Buy it- read it- be optimistic

A commitment to positive thinking. This book is absolutely amazing and everything should read this. It’s so simply written and makes absolutely sense.

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