Puke & Rally: It's Not About The Setback, It's About The Comeback

Kindle Edition
30 May
We all have puked.

No one can avoid it.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, coach, executive, or full-time mom or dad, you’ll face setbacks. Everyone that has reached a level of success and significance has messed up and failed.

There will be turmoil, hardships, and extreme adversity. It is just when rather than if you’ll encounter them.

Despite our mistakes, pain, and even being told that we are not good enough we can still rally!

It’s not about the setback, it’s about the comeback!

In this book you’ll apply:
•Why just one mistake derails the best plans, but you’ll rally if you can overcome this error.
•Being told or shown that you’re not good enough is actually the key to success.
•Why more people die coming down Mount Everest than climbing up.
•That the process is more important than the product.
•The greatest mental skill that you’ll need to comeback.
•The most powerful lightning strikes are from out of the blue.

Reviews (46)

Good Read...

Quick read, relevant stories to bring home the points of the book. I would recommend the book for those who think it’s about the end goal and not the process...

Superb and actionable content!

Superb book that utilizes powerful quotes and experiences to bring tools that anyone can apply to their lives. Dr. Bell does a splendid job delivering actional and relevant content and I highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in bolstering their mental toughness, which should be everyone.

Simple & Effective

Great job of straight forward concepts/principles followed up by real life examples that we can all identify with! I will use this as a great resource moving forward.

Awesome book!

Dr. Rob Bell's book are great for both athletes and parents! This book is great for time we are in now.

Perfect Motivational Book!

Incredible book! Perfect to read each morning to get you started for the day! Also, great for kids, especially in sports!

Dr. Bell hits a homerun with this book!

Great perspective with real life information/stories.

Uplifting Pep Talk

This is a quick and powerful read with many unique inspiring stories and quotable messages. I am a coach and like to be able to relay messages through stories and this book has many inspiring stories about different people from different walks of life that have had set backs and have overcome them. Dr. Rob Bell had taken these stories and made them relatable and inspiring. I now have to reread it and highlight all the motivational quotes. Full disclosure I have received this book free from a promotional contest. I have heard Dr. Bell speak at many different functions. I am a fan. He has a way of telling stories with positive messages that stick with you for a long time.

Encouragement for Life's Tough Times

Years ago, I read Scott Peck's "The Road Less Traveled," that began with the sentence, "life is difficult." Indeed life is, as Dr. Bell notes in his latest book, with the provocative title, "Puke & Rally." Dr. Bell makes the point that we all face setbacks in life which can occur for a number of reasons, including our own blunders, the words and actions of others, and, circumstances over which we have little or no control. Dr. Bell begins with his own story, an attempt to run a 50K trail race. During the race, he became severely dehydrated, and eventually, using his own word, "puked," not once, but several times. He left the race to return to the cabin he and his family were renting. Once there, he faced the fact he had given up. After some food and more thought, or what he calls a "who are you?" moment, he decided to return to the course and finish the race. He came in last, but had the satisfaction of accomplishing what he set out to do. He described his experience with the words that became the title of the book. The remainder of the book deals with the effects of setbacks, the recipe for comebacks, and a look at why the process we go through is just as important if not more so than the product or result we were seeking. Along the way, he offers illustrative examples from the real life experiences of various people, including former Green Bay Packers quarterback, Brett Favre, swimmer Diana Nyad, and golfer, Jordan Spieth. I found the book realistic in the descriptions of how we all "puke" at times (and no one escapes such experiences), and how we can choose to "rally" to move ahead. I would highly recommend this book to all readers for the truth that Dr. Bell tells and the inspiration he offers.

We can’t control what happens to us but we can control our response to it.

Puke & Rally sounds like the mantra of a warrior but it's also the title of a book written by @drrobbell. I sat on my back deck drinking coffee and finished reading it this morning. Dr Bell and I met a few years ago at the @NHSSCA NAT CON and I've followed him on social media since then. I have several books of his and this book was an excellent read filled some very interesting stories. Rob does an outstanding job blending facts, with stories of the famous and the not so famous, for making the information both practical and relatable. Basically everyone pukes (adversity/setbacks) in life on numerous occasions, but it's how you deal with puking that makes the difference. Do you overcome the circumstances and rally a comeback or do you just quit and tapout? It depends on your contactions (I didn't even know it was a word), communications and connections. Again, our relationships that we form do matter. This book has so many wonderful quotes and informative tidbits that I plan to share with my own daughter as well as my student/athletes. This book is a must read to educate yourself on how to Puke & Rally!!!

We all puke in life and that’s ok!

“There is no reward for playing it safe in life.” -Dr. Rob Bell This book made me seriously evaluate where I am in my journey. What I learned is that in my present state I had puked, and at this moment had been content with living in the setback. By writing this book Dr. Rob Bell has acted as a lightning rod, igniting a fire that is part of my rally (comeback). We all puke and so it is ok. What is not ok is staying in the setback and accepting it as reality. Dr. Rob takes his reader through the journey of others whom have at some time puked in their journey only to see their Hinge moment become the catalyst for their rally. Well done sir! Well done.

Good Read...

Quick read, relevant stories to bring home the points of the book. I would recommend the book for those who think it’s about the end goal and not the process...

Superb and actionable content!

Superb book that utilizes powerful quotes and experiences to bring tools that anyone can apply to their lives. Dr. Bell does a splendid job delivering actional and relevant content and I highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in bolstering their mental toughness, which should be everyone.

Simple & Effective

Great job of straight forward concepts/principles followed up by real life examples that we can all identify with! I will use this as a great resource moving forward.

Awesome book!

Dr. Rob Bell's book are great for both athletes and parents! This book is great for time we are in now.

Perfect Motivational Book!

Incredible book! Perfect to read each morning to get you started for the day! Also, great for kids, especially in sports!

Dr. Bell hits a homerun with this book!

Great perspective with real life information/stories.

Uplifting Pep Talk

This is a quick and powerful read with many unique inspiring stories and quotable messages. I am a coach and like to be able to relay messages through stories and this book has many inspiring stories about different people from different walks of life that have had set backs and have overcome them. Dr. Rob Bell had taken these stories and made them relatable and inspiring. I now have to reread it and highlight all the motivational quotes. Full disclosure I have received this book free from a promotional contest. I have heard Dr. Bell speak at many different functions. I am a fan. He has a way of telling stories with positive messages that stick with you for a long time.

Encouragement for Life's Tough Times

Years ago, I read Scott Peck's "The Road Less Traveled," that began with the sentence, "life is difficult." Indeed life is, as Dr. Bell notes in his latest book, with the provocative title, "Puke & Rally." Dr. Bell makes the point that we all face setbacks in life which can occur for a number of reasons, including our own blunders, the words and actions of others, and, circumstances over which we have little or no control. Dr. Bell begins with his own story, an attempt to run a 50K trail race. During the race, he became severely dehydrated, and eventually, using his own word, "puked," not once, but several times. He left the race to return to the cabin he and his family were renting. Once there, he faced the fact he had given up. After some food and more thought, or what he calls a "who are you?" moment, he decided to return to the course and finish the race. He came in last, but had the satisfaction of accomplishing what he set out to do. He described his experience with the words that became the title of the book. The remainder of the book deals with the effects of setbacks, the recipe for comebacks, and a look at why the process we go through is just as important if not more so than the product or result we were seeking. Along the way, he offers illustrative examples from the real life experiences of various people, including former Green Bay Packers quarterback, Brett Favre, swimmer Diana Nyad, and golfer, Jordan Spieth. I found the book realistic in the descriptions of how we all "puke" at times (and no one escapes such experiences), and how we can choose to "rally" to move ahead. I would highly recommend this book to all readers for the truth that Dr. Bell tells and the inspiration he offers.

We can’t control what happens to us but we can control our response to it.

Puke & Rally sounds like the mantra of a warrior but it's also the title of a book written by @drrobbell. I sat on my back deck drinking coffee and finished reading it this morning. Dr Bell and I met a few years ago at the @NHSSCA NAT CON and I've followed him on social media since then. I have several books of his and this book was an excellent read filled some very interesting stories. Rob does an outstanding job blending facts, with stories of the famous and the not so famous, for making the information both practical and relatable. Basically everyone pukes (adversity/setbacks) in life on numerous occasions, but it's how you deal with puking that makes the difference. Do you overcome the circumstances and rally a comeback or do you just quit and tapout? It depends on your contactions (I didn't even know it was a word), communications and connections. Again, our relationships that we form do matter. This book has so many wonderful quotes and informative tidbits that I plan to share with my own daughter as well as my student/athletes. This book is a must read to educate yourself on how to Puke & Rally!!!

We all puke in life and that’s ok!

“There is no reward for playing it safe in life.” -Dr. Rob Bell This book made me seriously evaluate where I am in my journey. What I learned is that in my present state I had puked, and at this moment had been content with living in the setback. By writing this book Dr. Rob Bell has acted as a lightning rod, igniting a fire that is part of my rally (comeback). We all puke and so it is ok. What is not ok is staying in the setback and accepting it as reality. Dr. Rob takes his reader through the journey of others whom have at some time puked in their journey only to see their Hinge moment become the catalyst for their rally. Well done sir! Well done.

Book is about how to overcome and comeback from life’s challenges!

I absolutely LOVED this book. I read it THE FIRST TIME in one sitting and have gone back to it numerous times. I’ve shared it with my children as they journey towards becoming professional golfers, as well as friends who have experienced setbacks... and of course, applied the gold found in this book to my own life. This book would have been incomplete if it was just called “Puke” or “Rally.” It’s both! One of my favorite chapters is “Overcome or Comeback?” But I’m not going to give you the answer here! Buy the book! You’re welcome!

It’s all about the rally!

Read this book a month ago and it has helped me with my relationship with failure. Dr. Bell does a great job of presenting the importance of focusing on the comeback instead of the setback. The stories and examples help show you how focusing on the comeback can change your mindset for competition and life. Simple read and powerful impact. Definitely worth the read!

What a Great Read!

This book was a great read! The start of the book captured my attention and kept me going until the very end. I enjoyed the author’s ability to connect his own real life events to trials and tribulations experienced by every person in society. No matter the obstacle faced, it’s up to the person in how they choose to respond: Anything is achievable if you just don’t give up. IT’S ABOUT THE COMEBACK! Cheers to the author and to his future successes. I learned a lot from this book that I will be attributing to my daily routines in life and my business career.

Failure is not a tattoo

As Dr. Rob says - it's not about the setback...it's about the COMEBACK. In my life I can relate and as I read through his book everything he said helped solidify that everyone gets knocked down. The key is getting back up. And that its about learning from that experience to improve over time. And...the part I loved the most was that 'Failure is not a tattoo'...its not final. Its not fatal. It is an event...and then life moves forward.

Very Timely

A great book that is helpful and motivating for all, not just athletes. Dr. Bell does an amazing job showing how setbacks and struggles are normal and expected, and how we respond to them is the key to success.

This author gets it! And lives it!

This book is useful for any athlete looking to up there game...but also to the "average Joe" needing to push through something difficult. It motivates while making you laugh at times but also making you self reflect. Fabulous read from a fabulous Coach. We have used him personally as a sports psychologist after coming highly recommended. He exceeded our expectations!


Dr. Rob Bell's newest book, Puke and Rally helps put into perspective the challenges that all people face, including myself and the students we work with at the Dyslexia Institute of Indiana. Dyslexic students are so often told that they will not be successful in life, that they do not measure up to their peers academically, they do not work hard enough, don’t work up to their potential and more. As noted in the book, these negative statements make my students and I even more determined to overcome our reading struggles.

Puke and Rally-a setback is your come back

An encouraging look at how setbacks can be your setup for success. Filled with illustrative and instructive stories to convey the idea that attitude will determine your altitude in life. Great read and highly recommended for those who are interested in improving their mental game, especially in these uncertain times. Great job Dr. Bell!

Amazing read!

Dr. Bell does a great job showing people that it's not how many times you fall, it's how many times you get up from the fall, dust yourself off and keep moving. With real stories from athletes, coaches, business people, Dr. Bell illustrates how to be resilient in challenging times. No matter what you do in life, Puke and Rally will help you achieve the results you desire. -- Jeremy Golden, Strength and Conditioning Coach

Terrific !!!!

Terrific motivational read... I actually read most of this book twice. I loved the personal illustrations the author gave of defeating moments in races...I have used so many of these quotes when dealing with hurdles students have had in the classroom. Highly recommend!!!

Quick read, great reminders

Excellent, quick, easy read. Dr. Rob does an excellent job not only giving you realistic examples and proverbs but he explains how to use the negative and positive situations/people in your life to motivate you. We can’t always control our situations or problems but we can control how we react. It’s all about the comeback. Highly recommend if you need direction, encouragement, or motivation...and who doesn’t!?

Inspiring for Athletes and Non-Athletes Alike

Puke and Rally is a great book helping us to dig into and find in ourselves the power and strength to move from and through adversity and setbacks to achieve our goals and dreams. The individual stories are inspiring. Puke and Rally can be used as a mantra to get ourselves through setbacks for the ultimate comeback. An awesome mental toughness book.

We all Puke!

Dr. Rob Bell nailed it with this book! We all puke but we don't all rally..this is a "how to rally" and why we should never, ever give up! I'd recommend anyone struggling working towards a goal to give this a read as there is much practical and easy to understand science based information on what to do once a mistake or catastrophe strikes (and it will) and sets us off our course. It's okay and normal to puke but we need to rally!


Dr Rob's personal account of a potential set back he turned into a comeback in his quest for a marathon milestone lets us all know this iron man is also a human. His triumph in the human spirit gives me hope that I too can be a champion of the come back........BRAVO DR ROB!

So you puked... let’s talk about the rally!

Using personal experience and other well-known peoples’ stories, Dr. Rob highlights how setbacks (the puke) catapult us into glory (the rally) if we possess the mindset. At 50, I’ve had some major pukes that could’ve destroyed me. A great read, especially if you’ve recently puked. Bring on the rally!!

Lessons for Our Time

Ostensibly targeted to athletes and the coaching community, Puke & Rally also offers common-sense advice relevant to families and people of all ages trying to better themselves. In this age of coronavirus and civic unrest, its core message about the importance of relationships rings especially true. As Dr. Bell says, "It's not about the setback, it's about the comeback."

Wide ranging contrast in the examples used to understand our own positions during a let down.

A Turbo charged look at the milestones that make up our lives. Examining the circumstances of the highs and lows as we strive towards long term goals, so that we may better equip ourselves with the tools and perspective needed to keep our dreams alive.

Quick shot of positivity

I always enjoy reading Dr. Rob's books. Puke & Rally is a fun, easy read with memorable anecdotes written in a conversational tone. It is a great to pick up and read a few passages from when you need that quick shot of positivity like we all sometimes do.

How to cross the finish line and be a champion

If you want to be inspired and motivated this is the book for you 💪. It is nice when reading the book that you know it is not jus talk, Dr Bell lives his life like this and has gone through all that he is teaching you.

Fantastic read for athletes of all ages

Dr. Bell has done it again! He knows how to package fantastic and applicable content into easy to read text. Dr. Bell has an incredible drive not only professionally but personally as well. I highly recommend this book!

A great read for everyone!

This book is the go-to on how to reset your mindset for any area of life. In a world quick to point out our mistakes, the ability to have a comeback and rally is essential! Thanks Dr. Rob for your awesome insight!

Motivating Student-Athletes

Dr. Rob has done it again w/ another great motivational book. Puke & Rally discussing the setback and how it’s ALL about the Comeback is perfect for the current situation our student-athletes are in presently w/ the pandemic.

Great Book for Entrepreneurs

Dr. Rob clearly articulates the benefits of embracing the process and not the outcome. Everyone eventually encounters a setback but what you do after the setback can be the most defining of your character.

Home Run!

Another home run book by Dr. Rob Bell. An inspirational and easy read that keeps your attention and offers takeaway value. Dr. Rob provides perspective on our setbacks really being opportunities to rally through captivating analogies and story telling. A must read especially in these times of uncertainty and adversity.

An author who practices what he preaches.

I know Rob personally and am a witness to how he leads his own life. He has incredibly tenacity in his approach to coaching and life which make this book an easy endorsement for me to make. Puke & Rally is an encouragement because it reveals the truth that more is possible and available within us.

Challenging Book

Dr Bell does an outstanding job of challenging his readers to comeback from their defeats. This book is an "easy read" with great stories to illustrate the message. It's a great read for anyone looking to overcome a setback.

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