Promises To Keep: After the EMP (Disruption Trilogy Book 3)

Kindle Edition
07 Sep

A global power outage...
An emerging dictatorship ...
A struggle for freedom against overwhelming odds ...

When a tyrant uses a global emergency to manipulate his way into the Presidency, he then abandons any pretense of maintaining democracy and uses an army of mercenaries to enforce ‘emergency national security measures’ as a cover to confiscate all resources for the benefit of those loyal to his regime. But his control is not complete, and he is obsessed with finding the one man who can derail his plans. Congressman Simon Tremble, former Speaker of the House and the legitimate presidential successor is on the run, a hunted fugitive. But Tremble has a few plans of his own.

Across the country, isolated, outnumbered, and outgunned survivors steel themselves for democracy's last stand.

A haunting tale you won't put down. Or want to.

Reviews (216)

Five Stars

Promises To Keep is the best one yet from Bob McDermott!

Five Stars

A super end to a great series......

Five Stars

Loved the trilogy.

Five Stars

Amazing writing as usual...

I'm happy.. yet sad

The series conclusion finally arrived and I could not wait to rip into it. I have waited over a year for this. (The new phone books are here, the new phone books are here... remember that? Yeah, that's how I felt). I was not disappointed. Truly, I had a hard time putting this book down. Took me a bit to remember the players since it had been so long since I read the last one. I might actually go back and read all 3 in the series all together at some point. You could read this book as a stand alone and try to catch on, but you would likely be confused as it is truly the conclusion of the 3 part series so I don't recommend it. Best to buy the whole 3 pack at once in my opinion for the most enjoyable read. Not sure it comes that way, but a boxed set would be good. It is action packed, big on military type strategy done smaller scale, some suspense and a couple tears. I didn't laugh out loud in this book like I did in the last one, not too many funny parts. It's good writing without a lot of fluff. I dislike when writers spend so much time telling me what people are wearing in endless detail and full color landscape design. This does not spoon feed you unneeded detail. That is a good thing to me. It is a long book so you get your money's worth out of it. Some scenes were a bit hurried to completion, maybe that's just me and I wanted more details, but the end had a pushed feeling. I also found the depiction of the African American group of people that were part of the gang (not the non gang members) seemed a bit stereotyped. But it was not over the top. Mr. McDermott always has strong female supporting characters and I do like that. They are not a bunch of wimpy gals clinging to their man. The challenge with all his books (and after reading every book he has written - I have come to accept this) is that there are so many players it is hard to keep track of everyone. That will always be the biggest challenge is keeping track of who is who and where they are. There is no obvious sex detailed, some profanity well placed -not tons of it, and there is violence. Lots of violence, shooting, stabbing, bombing, burning .. well, it's kind of a war. Nothing detailed bloody, but if you made it this far in the series, then you know pretty much what to expect after the second book, which left my mouth hanging open in shock at one point. Then like the characters, I toughened up. It kept my attention, was well written and I felt satisfied with the conclusion of the series. It could lead to a spin off actually, but by no means needs to. It's just that, I'll miss my book friends and not know how their lives turned out. Isn't that how it is whenever a really good book ends? This is a 3 lengthy book series. Its over, I'm sad. So, write some more Bob!!

A Great Final Chapter

This final chapter of the Disruption Trilogy did not disappoint. I was concerned that it would take me some time to reintroduce myself with the characters and situations from the previous two chapters but I found myself right back in the thick of things. The author deserves a lot of credit for that because of the way this was written. This book, all the way through, was enthralling and kept me up very late for three nights as I followed the characters through their trials to the final ending. Being a long term reader of this author's work this did not disappoint. Being this series was a new genre for the author my expectations were slightly low but, it's my opinion he has definately found a genre that fits his writing style and obvious talent. Thank you Bob for a great trilogy and I wait with great anticipation for what comes next. To really appreciate the great story this trilogy represents you need to read all three books in the series. Be prepared to invest long hours to the task because, once you start, you can't put them down.

A Compelling Finish To A Smashing Series.

Author McDermott has outdone himself, AGAIN! This book wrapped up a series that was frighteningly realistic. For new readers, the world has suffered a vast EMP and the trilogy is based on the impact on civilization. I STRONGLY recommend reading the entire series. McDermott writes well researched books that imbue both action and pathos. The characters are real, they bleed and some of them die, just like the real world. I think that is what makes R. E. McDermott so good, the ability to make the reader feel for his characters. The government is not painted as benign in this book. The current state of self serving politics is extrapolated into the near future with disastrous results. Look at the current crisis in Puerto Rico preceded by Florida and Texas. There are people going hungry, without food or water or medical care weeks after the storms. Project that forward for a world wide disaster and the consequences are too dire to conceive. Good people with inadequate preparation die in this book and in reality, they would also die. Don't get me wrong, the book is not just doom and gloom. It is peppered with acts of generosity and courage that inspire you as you despair over the circumstances that require such sacrifice. McDermott sees human nature with clarity and charity, he recognizes that there are unsavory elements while hoping that the positive nature of ordinary Americans will rise to the extraordinary when the situation demands it. This is a terrific book and a great series.

A great conclusion to the Disruption series!

For full disclosure, I received an advanced reading copy for review of this book. Now that I have dispensed with that, on with the review. I have been a fan of R. E. McDermott since his first Tom Dugan book. Promises to Keep is the third and final installment of his Disruption series. The premise of the series is that a massive solar storm has knocked out the worlds electrical grids, most communications, and satellites. No more cell phones, GPS, Internet, or electrical power (unless it comes from a generator). People are trying to adapt to life in a post-electrical/internet world and it ain't easy. If you have read the 1st two books in this series, good for you. If you haven't, what are you waiting for? While the author does include a prologue that does a great job of getting the reader caught up on the story, don't deprive yourself of two very good books. As with the other books in the series, Promises to Keep is very well written with believable characters and a well thought out plot. Mr. McDermott does a good job of wrapping up all the story lines and manages to give his readers a satisfactory conclusion to the Disruption trilogy. Frankly, I would love to see a story line based solely on some of the characters from the series (I won't say who as to not give away any plot details). I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you haven't read anything by R.E. McDermott yet, do yourself a favor and buy one of his books.

Terrific ending to this trilogy!

The story continues. “Fort Box”, NC and Beaumont, TX are the focal points. Hopefully you have read Under The Telltale Sky and Push Back. If not, the Prologue gives a really good synopsis. It is April of 2020 and the world has been hit by an EMP. Only the strong are surviving, good and evil. Not much action in DC, which from this point on shall be known as the Evil Empire. For action there is plenty of it along the Appalachian Trail, Wilmington, NC and Beaumont, TX. George Anderson, ex-FEMA agent now on the run from same. In tow he has Cindy and her son Jeremy also fleeing FEMA, who are the bad guys, BTW. Simon Tramble, the congressman, and his son Keith are also on the Trail being pursued by Spider and his biker gang. The gang is a bit ticked that they made off with Jamie and Molly, a couple kids the bikers were tormenting. All are trying to get to Wilmington Where Colonel Hunnicutt is trying to help the refugees from the FEMA camps survive. Meanwhile, down in Texas, the ex-cons are having more than a bit of trouble with Captain Hughes and company. Low on ammunition and food they have to fight off the cons who seem to have plenty of both. It calls for a lot of creativity and planning to survive. Some surprises along the way and an excellent conclusion to this trilogy!

Another great Robert McDermott Book

Promises To Keep: I wondered if this third book by Robert McDermott was going to be a disappointment , I thought the story had petered out, but to my pleasant supprise it was like a breath of fresh air, he started the book by giving a brief but concise description of what had happened before and the roles of the characters, this was good forethought as the long break between books would have clouded the memory of many. I do not intend going into detail, I would rather you read the book and enjoy all the twists and turns, it keeps to the original objectives of the story but introduces innervation, like the rescue of two small children and all the problems that bought, there was just the right amount of emotion though the story, particularly with the deaths of many of the good guys as well as the bad guys, the emotion expressed at the end of the story about how the new world would come into being and all the bad guys had been destroyed and of course good over evil was the moral of the story. I have read all of Bob’s books and have not been disappointed once. Rod Pohl

Five Stars

Promises To Keep is the best one yet from Bob McDermott!

Five Stars

A super end to a great series......

Five Stars

Loved the trilogy.

Five Stars

Amazing writing as usual...

I'm happy.. yet sad

The series conclusion finally arrived and I could not wait to rip into it. I have waited over a year for this. (The new phone books are here, the new phone books are here... remember that? Yeah, that's how I felt). I was not disappointed. Truly, I had a hard time putting this book down. Took me a bit to remember the players since it had been so long since I read the last one. I might actually go back and read all 3 in the series all together at some point. You could read this book as a stand alone and try to catch on, but you would likely be confused as it is truly the conclusion of the 3 part series so I don't recommend it. Best to buy the whole 3 pack at once in my opinion for the most enjoyable read. Not sure it comes that way, but a boxed set would be good. It is action packed, big on military type strategy done smaller scale, some suspense and a couple tears. I didn't laugh out loud in this book like I did in the last one, not too many funny parts. It's good writing without a lot of fluff. I dislike when writers spend so much time telling me what people are wearing in endless detail and full color landscape design. This does not spoon feed you unneeded detail. That is a good thing to me. It is a long book so you get your money's worth out of it. Some scenes were a bit hurried to completion, maybe that's just me and I wanted more details, but the end had a pushed feeling. I also found the depiction of the African American group of people that were part of the gang (not the non gang members) seemed a bit stereotyped. But it was not over the top. Mr. McDermott always has strong female supporting characters and I do like that. They are not a bunch of wimpy gals clinging to their man. The challenge with all his books (and after reading every book he has written - I have come to accept this) is that there are so many players it is hard to keep track of everyone. That will always be the biggest challenge is keeping track of who is who and where they are. There is no obvious sex detailed, some profanity well placed -not tons of it, and there is violence. Lots of violence, shooting, stabbing, bombing, burning .. well, it's kind of a war. Nothing detailed bloody, but if you made it this far in the series, then you know pretty much what to expect after the second book, which left my mouth hanging open in shock at one point. Then like the characters, I toughened up. It kept my attention, was well written and I felt satisfied with the conclusion of the series. It could lead to a spin off actually, but by no means needs to. It's just that, I'll miss my book friends and not know how their lives turned out. Isn't that how it is whenever a really good book ends? This is a 3 lengthy book series. Its over, I'm sad. So, write some more Bob!!

A Great Final Chapter

This final chapter of the Disruption Trilogy did not disappoint. I was concerned that it would take me some time to reintroduce myself with the characters and situations from the previous two chapters but I found myself right back in the thick of things. The author deserves a lot of credit for that because of the way this was written. This book, all the way through, was enthralling and kept me up very late for three nights as I followed the characters through their trials to the final ending. Being a long term reader of this author's work this did not disappoint. Being this series was a new genre for the author my expectations were slightly low but, it's my opinion he has definately found a genre that fits his writing style and obvious talent. Thank you Bob for a great trilogy and I wait with great anticipation for what comes next. To really appreciate the great story this trilogy represents you need to read all three books in the series. Be prepared to invest long hours to the task because, once you start, you can't put them down.

A Compelling Finish To A Smashing Series.

Author McDermott has outdone himself, AGAIN! This book wrapped up a series that was frighteningly realistic. For new readers, the world has suffered a vast EMP and the trilogy is based on the impact on civilization. I STRONGLY recommend reading the entire series. McDermott writes well researched books that imbue both action and pathos. The characters are real, they bleed and some of them die, just like the real world. I think that is what makes R. E. McDermott so good, the ability to make the reader feel for his characters. The government is not painted as benign in this book. The current state of self serving politics is extrapolated into the near future with disastrous results. Look at the current crisis in Puerto Rico preceded by Florida and Texas. There are people going hungry, without food or water or medical care weeks after the storms. Project that forward for a world wide disaster and the consequences are too dire to conceive. Good people with inadequate preparation die in this book and in reality, they would also die. Don't get me wrong, the book is not just doom and gloom. It is peppered with acts of generosity and courage that inspire you as you despair over the circumstances that require such sacrifice. McDermott sees human nature with clarity and charity, he recognizes that there are unsavory elements while hoping that the positive nature of ordinary Americans will rise to the extraordinary when the situation demands it. This is a terrific book and a great series.

A great conclusion to the Disruption series!

For full disclosure, I received an advanced reading copy for review of this book. Now that I have dispensed with that, on with the review. I have been a fan of R. E. McDermott since his first Tom Dugan book. Promises to Keep is the third and final installment of his Disruption series. The premise of the series is that a massive solar storm has knocked out the worlds electrical grids, most communications, and satellites. No more cell phones, GPS, Internet, or electrical power (unless it comes from a generator). People are trying to adapt to life in a post-electrical/internet world and it ain't easy. If you have read the 1st two books in this series, good for you. If you haven't, what are you waiting for? While the author does include a prologue that does a great job of getting the reader caught up on the story, don't deprive yourself of two very good books. As with the other books in the series, Promises to Keep is very well written with believable characters and a well thought out plot. Mr. McDermott does a good job of wrapping up all the story lines and manages to give his readers a satisfactory conclusion to the Disruption trilogy. Frankly, I would love to see a story line based solely on some of the characters from the series (I won't say who as to not give away any plot details). I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you haven't read anything by R.E. McDermott yet, do yourself a favor and buy one of his books.

Terrific ending to this trilogy!

The story continues. “Fort Box”, NC and Beaumont, TX are the focal points. Hopefully you have read Under The Telltale Sky and Push Back. If not, the Prologue gives a really good synopsis. It is April of 2020 and the world has been hit by an EMP. Only the strong are surviving, good and evil. Not much action in DC, which from this point on shall be known as the Evil Empire. For action there is plenty of it along the Appalachian Trail, Wilmington, NC and Beaumont, TX. George Anderson, ex-FEMA agent now on the run from same. In tow he has Cindy and her son Jeremy also fleeing FEMA, who are the bad guys, BTW. Simon Tramble, the congressman, and his son Keith are also on the Trail being pursued by Spider and his biker gang. The gang is a bit ticked that they made off with Jamie and Molly, a couple kids the bikers were tormenting. All are trying to get to Wilmington Where Colonel Hunnicutt is trying to help the refugees from the FEMA camps survive. Meanwhile, down in Texas, the ex-cons are having more than a bit of trouble with Captain Hughes and company. Low on ammunition and food they have to fight off the cons who seem to have plenty of both. It calls for a lot of creativity and planning to survive. Some surprises along the way and an excellent conclusion to this trilogy!

Another great Robert McDermott Book

Promises To Keep: I wondered if this third book by Robert McDermott was going to be a disappointment , I thought the story had petered out, but to my pleasant supprise it was like a breath of fresh air, he started the book by giving a brief but concise description of what had happened before and the roles of the characters, this was good forethought as the long break between books would have clouded the memory of many. I do not intend going into detail, I would rather you read the book and enjoy all the twists and turns, it keeps to the original objectives of the story but introduces innervation, like the rescue of two small children and all the problems that bought, there was just the right amount of emotion though the story, particularly with the deaths of many of the good guys as well as the bad guys, the emotion expressed at the end of the story about how the new world would come into being and all the bad guys had been destroyed and of course good over evil was the moral of the story. I have read all of Bob’s books and have not been disappointed once. Rod Pohl

The Trilogy Wrap Up Book Wrapped Up The Series Perfectly!

R E McDermott wrapped up the Disruption Trilogy very well in this, the third book of the trilogy. He set the stage with the first book, Under A Tell Tale Sky, and expanded the story with the second book, Push Back. After reading Push Back, I didn't have a clue how he could wrap it all up - I was afraid of something similar to the old Saturday Matinee serial trick that kinda went: "After escaping from the...". Nope - he told the story in his usual complete and precise manner. As a retired marine engineer, ships always figure into his books, and the third book did so as well. His characters are totally believable as well - they aren't supermen - they fall down and make mistakes like we all do. McDermott's books are the kind that will keep you up until 1 AM or so - and then you regret having to turn in before you finish the chapter. I'm already waiting for his next book - and I'll buy it as soon as it is announced!

A Strong End to the Trilogy

This is essentially a review of the trilogy, "Promises to Keep" being the third leg of the stool. Things escalate significantly in this third book and frankly I had a hard time putting it down. I generally don't find myself getting emotionally attached to characters, but I found myself rooting for people to survive their ordeal and even mourning a bit for those who didn't. Without giving anything away, there are plenty in both camps to keep things interesting. The fact is, this series may not be that farfetched of a doomsday scenario and we would do well as a species to hope for the best but prepare for the worst. It's scary just how helpless we would be without electricity for a prolonged period of time. In any event, it made for a compelling story with some predicable results but in the end, the strong and righteous with the will to survive will do just that. Not all of them, but enough to carry on. In troubled times, those with military experience are found to be invaluable. Read the trilogy to understand why.

Great conclusion to this trilogy

An excellent follow-on to the first two books in this series. I normally don't read post-apocalyptic books (too depressing), but I took a chance on this series based on my enjoyment of the author's other books. The initial apocalyptic premise of the series is a bit of a stretch, but the quick disintegration of society depicted by the author is all too likely. From a couple of initial storylines, the story branches out into 6-7 at certain points, some consolidating back together. In the second book each storyline only got "touched" a few times over the course of the book. I think one of them only had a couple of pages in that book. This third book was an improvement in that regard -- the storylines weren't chopped up as much. The author tells the tales well and gives you hope that carries you onward.

A Breathtaking, Non-stop Thrill Ride - You Won't Want To Stop Reading

Highly recommended. Promises to Keep is the third book in McDermott's "Disruption" trilogy. If you like thrillers of any kind, then you NEED to get this book, and the two previous books in the series. Read those two before this one. I became a fan of McDermott's writing with his Tom Dugan thriller books, and he proved himself once again with his Disruption Trilogy. The entire trilogy, from "Under a Tell Tale Sky" to "Push Back" to this book ("Promises to Keep"), is a non-stop thrill ride, with action that leaves you breathless and won't let you stop reading. Here's a short excerpt, to give you a taste of what McDermott gives us in this book: "Tremble snorted. 'Right. a half hour dash through Second Amendment country on outlaw bikers' motorcycles, wearing [corrupt government thugs] uniforms, and carrying two bound and gagged children. What could possibly go wrong?'" If you're the kind of person who prefers romances and emotional drama, this will certainly be a change of pace for you. If you prefer chases and gun battles and explosions and clever tactics and well-planned strategies, this will be right up your alley. Why do I say McDermott and these books are so good? First, I am really picky when it comes to what I read. I have put down countless books by new writers because of their bad or even incompetent writing. A few, I regret to say, I have excoriated mercilessly in Amazon reviews. This is NOT one of those. To me there is no excuse for publishing (even electronically) a book that has bad writing. This includes the mechanics (grammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation, etc.) and the story itself, including the characters, the plotline, the climax, and most specifically, the ability of the writer to tell that story without the writing getting in the way of the reading. Again, this is NOT one of those. McDermott scores high in all these areas. His writing is highly professional, and the stories he tells are not just engaging, they are immersive. The bottom line here is if you enjoy high-energy thrillers, you should read the entire trilogy, including this final book of the series, "Promises to Keep." You won't be sorry.

Terrific Page Turner

First let me say that I am not an author. I read this book and enjoyed it immensely. The process of creating a book of this scale has to be a terrific exercise in keeping all of the subplots contemporaneous with one another. It was modestly difficult for me as a reader to move from one subplot to another, keeping all of the subplots in mind and moving along together. It is a long book, which gave the author time to develop the many sub stories fully. I had not read any prior book within this series, so reading this story cold left me wondering what must have happened previously that took the characters to where they were at the beginning of the present book. Generally I thought that the plot was fairly logical and believable, but there were instances where I thought things were not sufficiently developed to reach the outcome the author suggests. Technically, I saw fewer typographical errors that is typical for a book of this size. That author has done a good job in terms of getting this book to readiness for publication.

Worth the Read

I received a pre-release copy of this book. It wraps up the trilogy, but I thought some scenes were rushed. Even so, the book is nearly as long as the first two put together. I really recommend reading the first two books a short time before reading this one. There is a short summary in the front, but I still found myself getting confused because I just didn't remember what happened previously. There's a lot going on. I also had a problem with what seemed a total reliance on military weapons. Yes, the good guys were mostly military (including Coast Guard) personnel, but I would have expected plenty of civilian rifles and ammunition would been captured or scrounged during the course of the books. A few 7mm or .300 magnum rifles could have helped when the Barretts were running low on ammo, for example. Overall, I enjoyed the series. I've read other books by the author, certainly don't regret the time spent reading this series, and I will definitely try any new works by him.

Excellent conclusion to a great trilogy!

What an exciting ending this book is to the "Disruption" series, which started with "Under a Tell Tale Sky" and continued with "Push Back". I've been waiting for this third and final book in the series and believe me it was worth the wait! I've been a McDermott fan since reading his first "Tom Dugan" book. His insider knowledge of all things maritime really adds to the stories he tells. I highly recommend this author. His characters are well developed and'll like the good guys and despise the bad, as you follow them striving to get home to their families or building defenses to keep evil from prevailing. Persevering and overcoming desperate odds, our patriots fight to the end. Like everything McDermott has written, I highly recommend this trilogy.

Promises Kept

I received an Advance Review Copy of this book and I’m so glad I did. For starters, you really should read the trilogy in order to get the full flavor of the characters and story line. I’ve read a number of post-apocalyptic books and am familiar with the genre. This trilogy is among the best of breed. Promises to Keep, the final volume, is easily as good as the two previous volumes. It continues to define the characters and presents the issues faced by them clearly and without equivocation. I greatly enjoyed the common-sense approach taken by the protagonists in seeking solutions to their problems, and the methods they used to implement them. And there’s no let-up to the action you expect based on the previous two books. It just keeps coming – and yet maintains a humanity in the characters we’ve come to appreciate. If you are looking for non-stop action, thoughtful character development and a captivating story, you’ve come to the right place! Sorry, there are no “teasers” or “spoilers” in this review. Just the conclusion that you will really enjoy the ride!

These books are amazing!!!

I am rating this as a four, because there are some cuss words in all of them. If you cannot tolerate any bad words, then this would be a hard read. Okay, now that that is said, I love the story line/plot, whatever you call it. It is to easily true. Many areas, I say, "you have got to be kidding", they really cannot get out of that, but it works. Mr. McDermott has the human race pegged just right. Some are out for what they can get, others want to help as many as they possibly can. He does not get to graphic, but if you have a run away imagination, you can get the picture. The end of the world as we know it, is right here in this series. So if you are not afraid, read this series starting with, Under a Tell-Tale Sky: After the EMP (Disruption Trilogy Book 1).

Exciting Ending To An Incredible Trilogy

I received an advance copy of the latest (and last) of the Disruption Trilogy, Promises to Keep. Having thoroughly enjoyed the first two installments, I was anxiously awaiting the final chapter in this riveting three parter. This can certainly be read as a stand-alone as the author thoughtfully brings the new reader up to speed with a brief summary of the first two books, Under a Telltale Sky and Push Back. That being said, it would be best to read the first two for a better understanding and appreciation of what is happening in Promises. Mr. McDermott weaves a believable and exciting tale in this post-apocalyptic world. No, there are no brain-eating zombies. The books take place in the US when a massive solar storm destroys the power grid. Interestingly enough, there were a few incredibly strong solar flares just this past week. Think about the implications of a total loss of do people react? The author develops his characters (both good and bad) with skill. The loss of some of the good guys almost seems like the loss of a friend, that's how invested you can become in the characters. Rather than offering more of the plot, I'll just encourage you to click the buy button, you won't be disappointed. Promises to Keep is a riveting read, be prepared to spend a lot of time on this one. You will not want to put it down! Thank you, Bob, for another great one. Keep on writing...I'll keep on reading

Promises To Keep

The third and last book of the Disruption Trilogy. Very exiting. Full of adventure. Really liked the books. But, that being said.....too many characters to keep track of (I should have taken notes). Lots of military jargon. Hard for me to "get it". I got lost a few times, but had to keep reading because I wanted to know how it ended. Could be a stand alone book...the prologue helps identify the characters. But the first two books should be read in sequence and possibly from beginning to end without stopping.

An outstanding conclusion to an amazing trilogy!

I thoroughly enjoyed this finale to the "Disruption" series of books by R.E. McDermott. Under a Tell Tale Sky and Push Back were outstanding and Promises to Keep provided a thrilling and satisfying conclusion to this main story line. I am not usually a fan of post apocalypse stories, but the premise of this series and the logical societal breakdown that resulted from a global blackout was very believable and realistic for me. While this is the end of the trilogy, it appears that there are a number of possibilities for follow up stories for many of the primary characters. This was a very well done series that brought a "conclusion" in a time frame most readers will appreciate. I look forward to Mr. McDermott's next projects. Hopefully he will revisit the Tom Dugan series and bring us up to date on what adventures Mr. Dugan has been involved in since we last saw him!

Six Stars

This is by far the most enjoyable book I have read in years. The first two books of this series were very good and I would highly recommend reading them before starting this one, as it contains a lot of character development important in this book. The level of technical detail in all the books of this series is enough to be interesting without the burden of having to plow though page after page of info you could care less about. The way the author brought this series to a conclusion was spectacular complete and very satisfying. If there were to be a grand-master level attainable in writing for creating and telling a story, R.E. McDermott would have easily earned with this book.

All I can say is WOW!

The third and final book of this series was fantastic! You do have to read all of them to understand what's going on. I'm not going to retell everyone else's reviews, except to say I was holding my breath for at least the last third of the book! You got to fall in love with characters and hate others. You also get a glimpse of what life would most likely look like post EMP. This is not my typical genre to read, but I thoroughly enjoyed it and would recommend it to other readers. There is some language in case that offends you. I was given an ARC to review, but the opinions stated are my own and I would like to thank Mr. McDermott for the chance to read his book. I have also purchased my own copy.

Another fine McDermott effort

Another fine McDermott effort! Like others, I have been a Bob McDermott fan since his first Tom Dugan book ("Deadly Straits," which, if you haven't yet, is another great read), and once again, Bob doesn't fail to deliver on the "promises" made by the first two books of this trilogy. My greatest complaint is that the book was too engrossing to put down, resulting in some missed sleep.... If this is your third book of the series, you will not be disappointed. If this is your first encounter, I would encourage you to go back and start with the first book of the series, "Under a Tell-Tale Sky". You will not regret it!

Promises to Keep

I received an advance copy of Promises to Keep. This is an excellent book that will keep you riveted to the end, it was very hard for me to put down. There is a lot of character building in the first two books of the Disruption Series, I suggest if you have not read book one Under a Tell Tale Sky and book two Push Back, to read these first. The last review I wrote on Push Back I got chastised for giving away too much. This time I will only tell you to read the books, they are all very, very exciting! The characters are believable and the the plots and sub-plots and twists and turns in the story are awesome. May I also suggest to everyone three other very good books by R.E. McDermott: Deadly Coast, Deadly Crossing and Deadly Straits. These are three more books that will keep you absolutely absorbed. Very well done Mr. McDermott! What's coming next? Enjoy All!

and I would place Bob McDermott right up there in this list of great military action writers

I am a big fan of Tom Clancy or Dale Brown, and I would place Bob McDermott right up there in this list of great military action writers. This story is about a post-apocolyptic America where a solar flare took out the national power grid and threw the world into chaos that turned some people into heros and many others into criminals or worse. The conclusion to this trilogy is an awesome read and the author closed out all the ongoing story lines with a bang (litterally!). Do the good people survive? Do they win the war? You have to read until the very end to find out.

I loved the series and this book didn't disappoint

I wish the series would continue, but it would have been unrealistic to continue. I loved the series and this book didn't disappoint. What made these books different from others of the same genre is the good guys don't always lose. I loved the fact that all of Bob's books are geographically accurate. I actually kept a Google Earth map page open so I could get a better feel for what the characters were doing and where. The amount of research (and travel) that Bob has done is mind blowing. I have to warn people though. Once you start this series, you will not be able to stop.

Five For Three

Really enjoyed the thrill ride of this series. Great writing, excellent pacing, and a facility with the subject matter that drew me in and maintained the willingness of my belief in the story(stories). I’m glad that the author’s idea of a satisfying ending was in synch with my own. Big applause from this guy in the balcony.

Another Home Run

Was concerned that perhaps I would have forgotten all the characters. McDermott thoughtfully brought us back to present. This was a great ending to this story. I must say, you really should read these in order. It is refreshing to read a trilogy that has some meat left on the bone by the third book. Not a fairytale ending for everyone, but so true to life. We all wonder what we would do in a situation like this, and we think we know, but do we?? Don't miss this trilogy and if you read the first two, don't miss this one. Great story from start to finish.

A GREAT series I hated to see come to a close

I do not normally read apocryphal novels, but something in the review of the first of this series caught my attention and R. E. McDermott had me hooked. The first two books were available and I inhaled them, the story line and characters were almost like an addictive drug, but then I had to wait for Promises to Keep! Once again McDermott delivered in spades and I found reasons to set aside chores to listen to heroes and demons work their way to the end. My only regret was that this series ended. I can't wait to see what R.E. McDermott comes out with next! bogie

A new beginning for the US.

Great story, plot, action, writing, & shows what could be in the event of world wide natural disasters. I must say that when I got to chapter 28, I was confused. I actually went back 5-7 chapters to see if I missed something. I won’t say what, so as not to spoil the story for others. The ending was great, & as the author wrote in his discussion at the end, he could have taken the ending many different directions. I liked the ending as it provides hope for the future.

Very interesting adventures.

I received an advance copy to read. It had been awhile since I had read the other two and was not disappointed with the third. It did not take me long to remember the story. This type of story is not one I usually read but I like the author, his story telling and how he describes his characters, so I enjoyed this story line. Although you can read each one out of order, I suggest that you start with number one as you will enjoy the story so much better. The story line is very well defined and the characters have a interesting adventure. The ending in this book makes reading all three worthwhile. A good read!!!!!!!!!

Excellent conclusion to an incredible saga!

This trilogy was my first introduction to R. E. McDermott’s writing. I absolutely adored it and had trouble putting the books down as I was reading them. I found myself reading instead of engaging in other activities such as video games or television shows. And that’s a good thing! Mr. McDermitt managed to weave a complicated story from multiple points of view and develop a large number of characters in a way that was riveting.

What a Great Book, what an Incredible Trilogy!

Promises To Keep is an excellent finish to this series. Mr. McDermott's books have exceeded most books in the ability to captivate you into the story. A master storyteller that weaves the plotlines together in a gripping fashion that keeps you wanting to continue reading thru the night. I highly recommend All of his books. This Trilogy and his Tom Dugan books are Incredible, and so worth the time to read. The only drawback is there are not more of his books to read, yet! I hope he continues to write and I look forward to reading them as they become available. These books are good enough to read multiple times. I hope you enjoy them, I did!!

Don't miss this book!

What can I say? R.E. McDermott did it again! The research that must go into a book like this has to be as much work as actually writing the book. I read this final part of the trilogy on a cruise ship. I had a hard time putting it down, if it weren't for my wife dragging me around the ship I probably would have read it in 2 sittings. Exciting, intense are a couple of the words that come to mind. Do yourself a favor, read the first 2 books as well if you haven't. And if you have this is a must. Somehow he ties it all together and does not disappoint us throughout and leads up to a satisfying ending.

Must reading!

After eagerly awaiting this third book of the trilogy, I immediately plunged in to see how--and if-- Bob was going to be able to bring it all to a satisfactory conclusion. The basic concept of a global power failure due to a gigantic solar storm, which is unfortunately quite feasible, carries such dreadful implications that it's hard to see how there could be any recovery, especially in view of the author's masterful exploration of how evil people could--and did--take advantage of the situation to seize control. I was truly discouraged by the realism of the plots and worried that his only way out would be to leap to some unrealistic solutions in order for everyone to "live happily ever after". But, as you will see if you have read the preceding two books and now get into this one, he has managed to find a feasible scenario in which Good triumphs over Evil in the end, but only after plenty of realistic blood, sweat, and tears. Such masterful and thrilling writing is high art and should be recognized as such. Move over Alistair MacLean, there's a new sheriff in town!

Highly recommended conclusion

This is the third book in the great trilogy about an EMP in the US and a heavy handed response by the government, resisted by local groups. I really appreciate the author's ability to keep this trilogy to only 3 books, unlike so many other series of this kind, that stretch on to as many as 10 books. This book takes up the many plot strands from the previous 2 books and weaves them together to a satisfying conclusion, despite my apprehension that it would never happen, even 80% through the book. A masterful finish that gave enough back story to all the pieces so the readers could pick up the plot quickly. Highly recommended.

The Final Chapter of the Trilogy - An Another Fine Page Truner by R.E. McDermott

This is the third book in a trilogy and while there is a great summary at this beginning of this book I would encourage you to read all three if you have not already read the first two. These are the kinds of books I go to when I am at the gym as they are fast paced, full of action, and totally distract me from the fact that I am at the gym. I do need to say that I received a pre-release copy of this book but was also happy to purchase a copy for my library. While I am sure my opinion could be bought at some price, the price of a Kindle book doesn't come close. This is page turner with great story line, characters and suspense. The world is in chaos after a massive power outage and most people are reduced to simply trying to survive. Here and there are groups that try to bring organization and safety into a world turned upside down. Some of these groups are forces for good and some are not. This book tells the conclusion of the battle. Lots of twists and turns will keep you guessing right up until the end. The story seems all the more real in the current times of a divided nation, politics in chaos and major natural disasters.

Highly recommended ending to a great trilogy!

Great ending to a great trilogy. This is the final book in the Disruption Trilogy. I strongly encourage you to read the two first books first to get the whole story. I won't give too much away, only say that this trilogy is scaringly hyper-actual with all the hurricanes and tragedy that are hurting the United States right now. The trilogy is about what happens after a disaster that troubles the whole country? how do people react? etc etc. All three books are well written and keep you reading, page after page late into the night. Hard to put down. If you're in for a thriller - buy all three books and read them one after the other! You won't be disappointed.

The characters - both good and bad - are so well developed and described ...

As a fan of Mr. McDermott since his premiere novel, I continue to be impressed with his ability to weave tales both magnificent and frightening. Could such things happen in the US? Probably not, but the "what if" factor is beyond frightening. The characters - both good and bad - are so well developed and described that you begin imagining who would play the roles in a movie version. Taking nothing away from earlier installments, "Promises To Keep" is by far Bob's best effort to date. Hooyah, sir!

Action-packed thriller

Promises to Keep is the third of the Disruption Trilogy, and McDermott does not disappoint. Although it is not necessary to read the first two books of the series, I recommend you do. This book begins with a brief description of the events in his previous books and then jumps right back to where it left off: people are left to fend for themselves after a major power outage. There are good and bad people all struggling to survive. As with all of McDermott’s books, Promises to Keep is action-packed, and the characters are well-developed.

Excellent Book

I finished this excellent book yesterday and I'm so bummed! I wanted it to go on forever! I know that doesn't make sense but I so thoroughly enjoyed this book and its characters that I felt they were my friends. I put myself on a "Promises to Keep" book diet and only allowed myself to read it just before bed. I loved it that much. The author really outdid himself. At the end of the second book, I couldn't imagine what else could happen or how all the issues could be resolved. But the resolutions were very satisfying and I loved the way the series ended -- with hope and plans for a better world. I will go back and read the other books by this author; if they're anything like this series, I can't wait! Never stop writing Mr. McDermott; you definitely have a gift!

Try it, you'll like it.

I have read all 3 books. This is the best paced. It completes or at least settles each action area before moving on to the next which allowed me to stop and begin again with ease. I am not one of those who reads start to finish in one sitting so I appreciate not having to reread sections to get back into the story. The book is done well. I enjoyed reading all three but enjoyed the third book the most. A very hearty "thumbs UP!" I hope you enjoy the book as much as I did.

Bob McDermott has done it once again. This third ...

Bob McDermott has done it once again. This third book in the trilogy lives up to the promise of the other two. I purchased the advance copy which I will pass on to friends since I have the online copy. Bob started the book by giving a brief but concise description of what had happened before and the roles of the characters.The long break between books took me awhile to get on track, but once there the story plot and characters kept me on the edge of my seat. I found myself alongside the characters and could not wait to see what developed next. The scenario is believable when the reader assumes this could occur in the future. I will not ruin the plot for the reader by synopsis here. Purchase this book, you will not be sorry you did so!

A great read will keep you fully engaged

Just finished the book. I strongly recommend you read the first two in the series before reading this one. The series is great. While Promises gives a brief summary of the prior action, reading the first two gives a more complete picture. Promises is fast moving, creative and well written. It will keep you engaged and at the edge of the chair as the action develops. The many twists and turns are not predictable. The scenes are well described. I strongly recommend this book but even more strongly recommend you read the fist two books in the series before this one.

What would you do?

Terrific final chapter of a great series. Both my husband and I have enjoyed the books and looked forward to this one. He doesn't disappoint with lots of action, believable characters, and people being people, both good and bad. Too sad that the world does seem so unprepared for any disaster much less one of this magnitude. Especially in America, I wish I could trust that people,would work together to bring order from chaos and figure out how to survive without thinking the government was going to save them. This book will really get you thinking about how you would react in similar circumstances....and probably adding to your stockpiles of food and the like "just in case"! I highly recommend this book & the whole trilogy. Be prepared to stay up reading until the end in every one since you can't stand to leave the intrepid characters hanging!

A fun and worthwhile read

The author has more than met my expectations about what and how this trilogy would end. I strongly suggest that any interested reader first acquire and read the earlier 2 books in the series (in published order), then delve into the final "Promises to Keep". The series is engrossing, and more than entertaining; yet I personally hope it will also help engender a growing interest by the public in what an EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse), whether caused by nature or mankind, can mean to the population of the US. A fun and worthwhile read.

A real page turner

This book gets a five stars from me. Thrilling adventure with believable characters living in a complex world which amplifies the struggle of good and bad people. I could feel the tension of the characters and found myself reading it wherever I could (a page turner). I have read all of his books and always can’t wait for his next.

An excellent series I am sorry to see end.

A very well written and exciting conclusion to a great series. I first stumbled on R.E. McDermott through his Tom Dugan series. I have to say that the story line of a post apocalypse type world was not something I would have expected to enjoy. But each book held me rapt and kept me wanting to see where this would end. If you have not read the first two books, I encourage you to start there but even if you can't, the prologue will give you enough of what had previously transpired to make this a worthwhile read. I have no idea what Mr. McDermott might do next, but I hope he continues to write stories such as these.

This is A Must Read!!!!

Mr. McDermott is one great story teller. This book was one of the hardest I've read in along time to put down. The charters come alive and you start to think of them as your friends. I know there has to be closure when you read. I was relieved that all the charters got relief in the end. I 'm going to miss reading the Disruption series. Buy it. Read it. Rejoice in the fact that we haven't had to go through this realistic scenario.


Incredible finish to an amazing trilogy! I have been anxiously awaiting the final book in the series. I am SO glad I found this series! McDermott really knows how to write a gripping story with characters that you can relate to and root for during your reading. I cried more than once and caused my son to come running into my room to check on me when I was yelling encouragement to the Fort Box crew. I read a LOT and I can honestly say this is one of the BEST series I've read.

Promises to Keep is a Great Read

I highly recommend the trilogy. This third book made me cry, made me mad, made me sad, made me smile (and pump my fist in the air) as good as the first two, and the ending…. Was Superb. The character development is vivid and the story line very believable. When I finished reading it I could not put it down, so I read it again. It was just as stunning the second time as the first. Thank you for a wild apocalyptic ride Robert McDermott.

Good Story!

First of all I was given an advanced copy so I would give an honest review. First of all, the characters in this final book were amazing. Well written as usual. The only problem I had with the book, (especially early on) is the Author seemed to be in a hurry to finish off a scene. That's the only reason this book didn't get 5 stars. Other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed this story. Looking forward to more stories from this Author.

Read 'em all!!!

I would highly recommend to all to get the trilogy and, of course, read in order. think you will like the characters and the story. Nice to finally read a book in which the Captain acknowledges the accomplishments and usefulness of the Chief Engineer! . A fine conclusion for the series. Now read the Tom Dugan series for more enjoyment

Loved this trilogy

This is a story well told, driven by characters your will care about. Edge of your seat action but not at the expense of character development. Also, and this is a big one for me, McDermott is a very competent writer and the books are well edited. These are a must read for all fans of the shtf genre. I appreciate the author's unwillingness to turn this into a ten book series but I sure would like to read some more.

Don't miss this one!

This is the final one in this series and it is a MUST READ! I have read quite a few post-disruption novels lately (they seem to be the popular thing at this time!) This on is BY FAR the best of the genre! It is fast-paced, and the characters are well drawn. The main reason I was so impressed with this one is the plot is so much more believable than most of the others I have read! If you haven't yet, rush right out and buy all three, you won't want to stop till the end! It will scare the living daylights out of you! Dee Georgeson

Promises to Keep kept it's promise to entertain

Third in the series, and as good or better as the first two. I'm not generally a reader of books about apocalyptic events, but I read Mr. McDermott's other books before this series, and I was hooked. The action is non stop and is believeable. The characters get more developed in each book and you start to really care about what happens to them. I hated for the book to end because it will be a long wait for the next one.

Read the Trilogy

Love this trilogy. There really isn't a good place to stop and put this book down if you have followed the Disruption series. You just hope it doesn't end too soon and leave you looking for something as interesting. The characters are just real people in a very bad situation. No superheroes and not always an outcome you would wish for them. Mr. McDermott is just an exceptional author.

This series is so good I'll absolutely be reading all three books again

McDermott's book is magnificent. This is the last in the trilogy and it keeps the same superb energy, action and plot twists as the first two. This series is so good I'll absolutely be reading all three books again. McDermott has a lovely knack for getting you deep into the characters and his experience shows with the level of detail and thought that goes into the action (and non action) sequences. I love it, and so will you!

The grand finale of a 3 book trilogy. Highly Recommend!

I'm not normally an apocalyptic novel fan but having read other books by the author, I have enjoyed his writing style. This, the last of the 3 book trilogy was exceptional like the others. All of the characters were reintroduced and continued their interesting and believable adventures. While reading this book, you feel like you could be involved in this type of situation at a future date. I do recommend reading the 3 books in order and I think it will be worth your while and give you hours of enjoyment.

A must read

The final chapter in a three book series that leaves the reader wanting more. At a time in our current lives when North Korea has threatened to explode an H Bomb about the USA so power grids would fail and much of the country would suffer long term power outages comes a series of books that tell the story of what the result could be. I have read this latest book and recommend it while heartedly.

Absolutely Loved It

This being the final installment of the trilogy, I was anxiously awaiting the conclusion and it took me awhile to remember all the characters. I thought the author did a great job of keeping the suspense and action going while gradually bringing all the threads together for the conclusion. Overall, this trilogy was a well thought out. very plausible plot that is well written. I highly recommend the trilogy, which definitely needs be read in order.

Can I give it 10 stars? YES

What a great page turner.. I had a very hard time putting this book down. If you have not read books 1 & 2 ( I recommend you do) the author catches you up nicely in the first chapter. I don't want to ruin this great read for you by saying anything about what is in the book but the author does a masterful job with twists and turns. He is now on my list to get everything he writes.

Laugh, cry then laugh and cry again.

How much emotion can you get out of me? It just keeps on. This writer has an amazing way of putting right in with the characters, you feel their pain and joy. I'm only about 60% through but just had to stop and leave my review, it is THAT good. Thank you!

Very interesting book

This is the final book in a three book series based on events resulting from a world wide power outage from an extreme solar flare.well written and very interesting.

Nicely written series

These are the sorts of books you accidentally discover. I’m more into humor and light science fiction, and read the first book in this series at the recommendation of someone at Amazon. I liked it and read the entire series. Good, clean writing; characters that feel like people you know; and a plot line that is interesting and makes you want to keep on read an hour after you should be asleep. I liked this series a lot. I’m pretty sure you will, too.

Another Top Tier Read.

I started reading his books many years ago. I will admit that I am not one that likes trilogy's, but in this case, I will make a exception. After reading the first two books of this series, I thought I knew what may happen in the last. I also am a part of the group that receives advance review copies, and I must admit, I read this last installment in one sitting. Again I was surprised at some parts, others I was fairly close in what I thought would happen. You will not be disappointed in this series, or any other titles by Bob.

Thought-provoking and inspiring

This book has been one of the highlights of my reading year! I laughed, I cried, I despaired, I got angry and experienced every emotion in between. The thought of a natural, worldwide disaster is as scary as it is possible. While reading, you can't help but look at how you would react in similar situations. You may even learn something about yourself. Great read!

McDermott latest efforts in the disruption trilogy did not disappoint me. His plot and character development make for ...

Having read all of Bob McDermott's novels, I confidently urge you to read them all, starting with Deadly Straits. Being a long time fan of Cussler, WEB Griffin, and Clancy, I have observed that their newest novels have become rather light weight - seemly following a template. McDermott latest efforts in the disruption trilogy did not disappoint me. His plot and character development make for superb reading. If you get started, plan to be captured into finding it very difficult to accomplish any chores awaiting your attention. A great Christmas gift for your novel reading friends.

you know it's a good story when you're disappointed that it's over

Bob comes through again, you know it's a good story when you're disappointed that it's over. I reread books one and two to refresh my memory before reading Promises To Keep. Both books drew me right in even though I knew the outcome. If you want to read more of Bob's writing try the Tom Dugan Dire Straits series, they're great too.

Nice tidy happy ending to this chapter of the end of the world.

Great wrap up to the trilogy. Happy ending if you can call a post apocalyptic america where 90% of the population has perished ... happy. Good character development. However, some of the bad guys were dispensed with in a hurry at the end after lots of build up. But hey, did i mention the good guys win!


This series is one of those page turners that an avid reader is always seeking. From start of the series to the last page of this 3rd book is a tremendous attention grabber. Don't stop with this series, grab the other books that Mr. McDermott has published, reasonably priced and are definitely classified as "Keepers".

Excellent finished

Have to admit that I was one of the readers impatiently waiting for this concluding novel. In fairness I would have waited another year if I knew was going to be this good. Put all three novels together and I compare it to Mccammon's Swan Song...great start, great middle and a greater ending...and over 1000 pages.

Fantastic Book and Series

This was not just a finish off the series type of book. A real page turner from start to finish. Mr McDermott weaves a true to life story of different groups of people that you really start caring for. I don't re-read books let alone a series but this trilogy I will definitely read again as all three are in my library. Can't say enough about it. Grab this series and enjoy.

is one of the BETTER written dystopian books on the market in a very ...

This series, to me, is one of the BETTER written dystopian books on the market in a very long time. Hats off to Mr McDermott for putting together all these words in such a way to keep us entertained for the duration of our reading pleasure. I will be awaiting , anxiously, for the next installment in this series. And hope it will not be too long in coming. J Taylor of Tennessee.

Captain Hughes Stands His Ground

Mr. McDermott has outdone himself once again. So many plots happening at the same time, yet, easy to see the transitions. His stories captivate me with regard to human survival and the will to protect and defend. Sad to see the Disruption Series end although I can't wait to see what his next idea entails.

Great Trilogy

First book hooked me and had to read all. Compelling story. Great read! Really enjoy this author and have ordered more.

I have been a fan of R. E. ...

I have been a fan of R. E. McDermott's books since I came across his first book (Deadly Straits). They are always technically accurate, with intriguing characters and thrilling drama. I sometimes regret not having a map or chart nearby as I read them because when I look back later, I can find every single place, right down to the street level. This degree of research and authenticity is what makes me eager for his next offering. This trilogy is sobering. You only have to watch the current news/weather reports from Florida and Texas to see how dependent we are on the electrical grid. Add current international affairs and the danger is no longer in the fiction category. Cannot wait for his next book.

No lack of imagination here!

I have read the trilogy in its entirety and enjoyed it immensely. Particularly the first and last book. I thought Bob did a nice job of conveying an engaging story to the reader, and did so imaginatively. I did think that the bad guys got off way to easily in the story. I only hope that our society would be better than it was portrayed in the event of such a crisis.

Worth the Wait and then some.

Promises to Keep is an outstanding conclusion to McDermott's Disruption series. He brings the complicated plot together in an unrushed and satisfying way. The long wait for this book was well worth it. I'm jealous of those who have just recently discovered the books. You folks are in for a breath taking ride.

Great story

Promises to Keep is action packed with great characters. What I loved most was the story of struggle, persistence and hope.

RE McDerott brings it all together in this trilling end to this series.

I read Bobs first ever book in the Dugan Series and since then have waited impatiently for his next. Promises to keep is the 3rd and final in this series and as soon as I got my eyes on an advance copy I was into it. Only sleep deprivation had me put the book down. The way Bob bought it all together in the end was a master stroke. I do recommend that if you haven't already read the 1st 2 books in the series that you start with them first. Fortunately for you if if you haven't read any of the series you will be able to read without having to wait for the next one to come out. So Bob. Whats next

R.E. McDermott has written another outstanding book

Again, I found myself totally wrapped up in this story. From the beginning of the first book in this series the characters were sequentially developed and the many stories flowed logically. Although I am not normally a fan of this genre, this book -- and each book in the series -- grabbed me from the beginning. I hoped that this book would have been longer because I did not want to see the series end. This book is a must read for any person who likes the sea, action and adventure and will make any reader binge read the entire series.

McDermott knows who to call when the shaft stops. ...

McDermott knows who to call when the shaft stops . The "Snipes" in the engine room and the Coast Guard. You don't see that very often at all . The Disruption Trilogy will keep your attention and awake even after you just stood down from the second Dog Watch .

Hang on for a view of the fiture.

As a person who rarely writes reviews, because who would want to listen to it anyway, I found compelled to throw my 2 cents into the pot. This series is a brilliant bit of reading that should be read by all. This series is an open window to the society we live in currently and whats to happen in the near future if we don't get a handle on global warming and the resulting chaos brought on by its effects in the near future. I hope that like Bob's characters we will have strong willed people to help rebuild our flawed society in a better model than we destroyed buy not listening to our fragile planet. Thank you Mr. McDermott for an incredible journey. Bravo.

Simply Great Entertainment

This dramatic masterpiece of fiction is a combination of The Stand and many Tom Clancy-esque battle scenes. The story ties the many subplots together in a superb fashion, as the protagonists are cleverly able to ward off the evil doers. You feel like you are living the apocalypse.

Great piece of fiction

This the third in a series, the author pulls the storyline to a conclusion with a number of different substories starting in book one. The characters are colorful and their descriptions are well detailed so you feel that you know them well. I don't normally read a book in a few days, but I did with this one.

It's great. Buy it.

Plain and simple, this is a book you cannot put down. McDermott has done a terrific job of pulling all the threads together that were created in the first two books. If you liked the first two books of the trilogy, you will really love this one.

Another great read from Bob McDermott.

Let me start out by saying I really enjoyed this read and highly recommend it. While this book is listed as a trilogy it is really one story in three books. The second and third books don't really make sense without the previous book. I don't care for the use of the unsavory language but it is realistic in the context when it is used and is probably no worse that what we can expect hear from our current President. I have now read all (I think) of Bob McDermott's books and I have enjoyed them all. I love the style of his writing and will be waiting for his next book. Thank you Bob.

Great Trilogy. A must read.

I love the series. Could not put them down. These books really made you think about what COULD and MAY happen. Are we prepared for such an event? I don't think so. This is certainly a wake up call. I get frustrated when we loose power for a few hours. I hope the writer keeps sending us these exciting and entertaining books. If you haven't read them, by all means do so.

Thank God we have some good people in this country no matter what happens

R.E. McDermont continues to write interesting stories that make you want to turn the page to see what's next. What more can you want? This storyline is sadly so close to what could happen it is scary. Thank God we have some good people in this country no matter what happens.

Great read

Truly enjoyed Mr McDermotts prior books, Promises to Keep did not disappoint was a real page turner hated to put it down. Also liked the way it brought the reader up to date from the earlier book. I have a tendency to forget after a period of time. Guess I read to many books. Thank you Mr R.E McDermott for a great read. Write another GREAT book. Rick R

Great finish to a great trilogy:

This is a great ending to the trilogy. The pace of action and deep, character development, made this an exciting finale. The author's maritime background helped make the narrative believable. My advice is to get and read the first two novels before you start this one. You could read this as a stand alone book, but in my opinion, the others would add background that would make this one even more enjoyable!

Promises Kept

Promises to Keep kept the promise provided by the first two books of this series. While I would recommend reading all three in order, this would also serve as a great stand alone, particularly since the author provides a concise synopsis of the first two books at the outset of this one. This was a new genre for the author, and for this reader as well. I might not have tried these but for having read and enjoyed his prior series of what I considered excellent standard thrillers (though with a most unusual career for the protagonist). I for one will be awaiting this author's next project regardless of the direction he follows.

Another Winner!

I really have enjoyed this series. Like other reviewers, I appreciated the fact that the author gave a brief summary of what had transpired in the previous 2 books. I'm pretty busy and thought this book would take me at least a week to read. But once I started, I couldn't put it down. I finished in 3 days. Plenty of action, suspense, twists and turns. It kept me on the edge of my seat, so to speak. I will continue to read books by this author.

Great ending to an intriguing series - I kept wanting more!

McDermott is masterful at painting word pictures that build out an incredible scene. Though his characters are many, and complex, you begin to internally cheer for the good guys and want to strangle and knock off the bad ones. He's described what a possible scenario might look like across America if the power grid were to fail and the government overthrown. It's not a pretty picture! I'm not a prepper in the least, but it does make one wonder what life would be like without power, water, government, and obviously, no technology. Great intrigue. Great characterization. Great story. Great writer.

Mr McDermott has written a fine trilogy about events that could unfortunately happen in this ...

Mr McDermott has written a fine trilogy about events that could unfortunately happen in this confused world we live in. More importantly though it is a great read and fantastic finish. The trilogy should be read from beginning to end to fully appreciate what is occurring in this the final story. Great job a must read.

Excellent series!

I thoroughly enjoyed this series. I don't usually like it when a book jumps all around from so many different scenes, but found I didn't mind it at all in this series. Mr. McDermott is an excellent writer and this series was one of my favorites. I plan to get the audio version so my husband and I can listen to it on our next long RV trip. I know my husband will enjoy it as much as I did.

What a great read.

What a great read! This is one trilogy that I wholeheartedly recommend to any Science Fiction fan,especially if you like the Post Apocalyptic genre. It is a down to earth situation that could occur and is well developed and totally realistic. A worthy conclusion to a well written and very readable trilogy.

Well constructed page turner

McDermott exceeds expectations. The Disruption Series started well and kept going. Often Series of this sort tail off and become dull. Not this one. The plot is chilling, the characters believable and the pace is consistently quick. Highly recommended.

Another good read!

Nice job again by Mr McDermott! I actually found it better than the second of the 3 books in the series; do try to read them in order. I would recommend any of his other books as well; a good combination of interesting characters and well plotted action with each thread neatly tied up by the end.

My husband and I both read and enjoyed this book!

As a fan of R.E. McDermitt and his entire survivalist series, I thought the last installment was great. The scenarios and the way they were handled were both realist and well thought out. Truly enjoyed the book and would recommend to readers who enjoy survivalist books or adventure books.

Very good

I really enjoyed the book. The storyline was very interesting. I thought characters were developed very well and continued believable throughout the entire book. Thanks for the hours of enjoyment

McDermott does it again.

What a great trilogy!!! Each book in the series was better then the prior one. I hated to see it all end. I hope you continue to write and even consider doing a "Promises to Keep 10 Years Later."

What a great conclusion!

Book 3 of Disruption series finale is out and is fabulous! Robert McDermott has fascinatingly brought all his threads together in an edge of your seat nail biter as we follow 3 groups to a conclusion we all hope for. Well done sir!

Hard to put down

Excellent read, continues the story from the prior two books (hint – get them – they tell a great story and are hard to put down). Prior reviews have said it better than I can, but I can say that R.E. McDermott is a superior story teller.

Great series!

A fitting conclusion to a great series. Though it looked many times that things would work out for the good guys, somehow it did. It kept up the anticipation right up until the end. Bravo!!

More Please

I am sorry I want more. Yep It's a great story line by a great story teller and I want more. Perhaps the author wants to move on and I guess I can't blame him at all. However his character development, his writing style beg more. Maybe an anthology of short stories from the world he created, or opening his scenario up to other authors tasked with telling stories set in the author's timeline. I thank McDermott for his work the series was a great read but I still want more.

Great finish

Great finish to a great series. This set of books is a must read. Incredible characters and a tight plot combined with a ton of action...well it doesn't get any better than that. I was completely engaged with the story. Buy and enjoy!

Great read

Great read. This wrap up to the trilogy is so good. While the whole story line is a very scary thought, the way the characters involved in this story work through each obstacle is so well done. You can feel your heart pump harder as you are on the edge of your seat waiting to see what will happen next.

Promises to Keep allows readers to ingage again with frightening ...

Promises to Keep allows readers to ingage again with frightening possibilities of a changed world. It is all so realistic in actions, characters behaviors, choices people can make at desperate times. A wake up call for all.


This third book in the Disruption series is even better than the ones before, which were also excellent. I have just finished it, and my emotions are still jumping all over. This has been a story I will never forget. Wonderful!

Exciting, topical and heartfelt

This book is an excellent conclusion to an exciting and topical trilogy. It will hold your interest and pull at your heartstrings. Well done, Bob!

A great final ending to a very interesting adventure

I really enjoyed the first two but the way all the story lines tied together at the end was great. Never saw the way the Delaware fort box was saved coming..GENIUS! A great trilogy and would recommend it to anyone.

Compelling Conclusion!

Promises to Keep continues and completes the Disruption Trilogy series. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the concluding book. Promises to Keep wraps up the loose ends. Get ready for intriguing plot twists and surprising encounters as the various characters and groups engage in mental and physical conflict as the author delivers a compelling conclusion for readers!

Great Book!

This trilogy was a very good read and it did keep me up way too late several nights as I just couldn't stop reading until my eyes drooped shut.

Awesome ending to an awesome series

I have read a lot of like this series but these were different. I couldn't put them down. I feel the author put a lot of heart and soul into writing this and it shows in the results. I felt as though I was there, which often happens when I read a book that I really really like. Great job!

Best of the three books

I deeply enjoyed this book. The landscapes are well painted. It is easy to read with frequent good stopping points. Excellent writer who sends out personalized updates when appropriate

I thoroughly enjoyed this final book in the sories

I thoroughly enjoyed this final book in the sories. One needs to read the two earlier books to realize the awesome sub plots that awoken together. I had recommended this series to a number of friends who are now reading this final text. I was saddened to complete the book as I will miss the characters.

Great Series!

I loved this series. In fact, when I new book would come out, I would often go back and reread them so I would have the characters firmly ingrained in my head. I love how it flows back and forth, and the author treats us as intelligent readers by not continuously repeating the story. A well written, adventurous and thought provoking book. I've stocked my camper with a few added items!!

This was by far the best trilogy I have ever read

This was by far the best trilogy I have ever read. I read books one and two quickly and had to wait for the conclusion. It was worth the wait. It was everything I had hoped for and more. The characters in all three books were so well developed, I couldn't wait to find out what happened to each one of them. This entire series could be a movie or television show. Fabulous! I think I have found my new favorite author . . .

The end

The author brought all of the story arcs to a close, staying consistent with plot and characters through all three books. A literary masterpiece this is not...entertaining,oh yeah.

Great Ending for This Series

Things get worse before getting better. New friends are made. The right people meet at the right time. There is bitter fighting, but there is bonding in fighting together. Glad I read this series. Hope you will as well.

Heart thumping all the way.

this is a great closure to a fantastic series. I couldn't put it down. I think by setting the story in 2020 it made it far more plausible than the majority of apocalypse stories.

Outstanding Story!

A great tale spun by a true mariner. There are a lot of EMP books and I’ve read many, but it was refreshing to hear this viewpoint from the perspective of main characters in the maritime industry. Mr McDermott had me caring about what happened to them early on, trying to guess how they will get out of the next crisis, and asking myself what I would have done. Well done. KP’88

Vietnam vet

Non stop action to end a story that could very well happen to the United States of America. I highly recommend this fast moving trilogy. Extremely easy to associate and bond with the characters. Just pray this gripping story never comes to pass.


The entire trilogy was absolutely awesome. The third book wraps up the story told in a nice, neat, exciting package with lots of twists and turns. I recommend the reader read all three. You won't regret it.


This was a fantastic end to the trilogy. I would like to see a follow up to the Wilmington and Texas groups in maybe five year increments along with what the new President is able to accomplish in the same period.

A new beginning

A very good book. It closes out the trilogy with all the emotion and excitement created by the first two books. It gives closure to the story while making me wonder about all the other stories possible.

Great completion of the trilogy

Having read the first two, was anxious to read the closing installment. Did not disappoint! From NC to the Appalacian Trail to TX, the story kept building with enough suspense and twists to keep you involved to a satisfying conclusion.

If you are looking for a great new writer

If you are looking for a great new writer, R. E. McDermott is your guy. I have read all of his books and cannot wait for the next one to come out!!!

Another Winner

Another winner. I really enjoyed this series, hated to see it end. I will just have to read more books by this author. He is really good.

Excellent book, excellent series

Excellent book, excellent series. I am not usually drawn to post-apocalypse books, but after reading Mr. McDermott's earlier 'Dugan' books I knew I would give this series a try. I was pulled in from the very start. Believable premise with great characters and storylines. This was a great final book to the series- my only regret is that there's not still more to read.

Get it now you won't be disappointed!!!

I enjoyed the entire 3 book series!!! It was very hard to put them down once I started reading... If you haven't read any of RE McDermott's books I strongly suggest you do. You will not be disappointed.... I put him right up there with two other great writers Tom Clancy and Clive Cussler!!!!

Wonderful end to the trilogy!

Lost myself in this trilogy for hours! Best compliment I can give this author as a story teller. This review hold for all three books.

So real and true to the hard decisions a disaster causes us to make.

A well written and thought out book. One of the best I read on the aftermath of an EMP strike. The characters were well thought out and acted in a believable manner. I would highly recommend this book for the realism of the situation and the depth of the characters.

I purchased this book in the early afternoon. I ...

I purchased this book in the early afternoon. I was immediately enthralled. I stopped reading for supper but got right back to reading afterwards. This final book in the trilogy is a grand slam. To get the full story you must read all three books. Whale of a tale.

Make it into a movie.

The entire series kept me wanting more. This series should be made into a movie. You should see if Ranger Up and Article 15 (two veteran owned companies that made "Range 15", a zombie Apocalypse movie) if they'd be interested in making it. I'd like to volunteer to play a part.

Brave New World

This was a great book to tie everything together. I felt as if the characters developed very well and it came to a logical conclusion

Read all Three Books in the Series

Bravo! I have never read a more exciting triology. Congratulations to Bob for pulling it together to make a believable ending.

How do you respond to loss of the “grid”???

Excellent!!! Sorry the series had to end. Eagerly awaiting the author’s next offering.

Great Read!

The story gets you to thinking, "never thought about that stuff". I'm not a doomsday sort of person but some of this gives you stuff to think about. Was enjoyable read & looking forward to the next book.

Well written and really enjoyable. Books were long but ...

Well written and really enjoyable. Books were long but covered everything in detail. I wish more authors would use this approach


I was rather disappointed in this book, several characters stories were glossed over or left untold. Overall the book felt rushed and incomplete.

Fasten your shoulder harness!

An end of human civilization scenario which showcases true heroes and evil villains. A consuming page turner with realistic confrontations as society reboots from near annihilation. The in depth individual character studies are inspiring and chilling. When one is immersed in this epic tale one wonders whether one’s morale character would survive. This fantastic yarn also resonates very strongly with today's polarized society.

Great series!

I thoroughly enjoyed reading these books! I could not put them down. I don’t normally take my Kindle to read outside of my home but I did with all 3 of these books! Job well done! Can’t wait to read more.

Worth the wait!

I really enjoyed this series and was not disappointed with the conclusion. I was really routing for our heroes by the end. Nice, unexpected twist! .

Great read

I read McDermott's earlier series and thought i'd give this one a try; glad i did !

I liked that this apocalypse series was different

I liked that this apocalypse series was different. So many others are pretty much the same. It ended in a positive note. I recommend this series, highly.

Great ending

While end a seris is alwaus difficult Bob wrap it up nicely with no stone unturned and all line of thought finished

Great Read!

Excellent story. Good finish for a gripping trilogy. Don't start unless you have time to finish. Because you won't want to put it down!

I couldn't wait for this, I wasn't disappointed.

The best wrap up I've read in a long time. I bought the first two books on Audible and read this one as soon as it was released, just finished and bought the Audible because it's that good.

This book is worth paying for.

I do not normally read this type of book. After I began the first one, I was hooked. It was a well written page turner from beginning to end.

Great Ending!

Great ending for the series. I was literally pumping my fist in the air several times as I read it.

A gripping, satisfying read.

I couldn’t put it down. This conclusion to the Disruption Trilogy brings with it many of the major characters from the first two books and adds a few more as it weaves together the complex storylines that were built in the earlier books. I enjoyed every moment as McDermott deftly crafted the stirring, emotion filled finale to this thought provoking tale.


Fantastic story and writing! A real edge of your seat page turner. Found myself occasionally reading to fast in order to find out what happens next and had slow down so I wouldn't miss anything.

Well done!

While book 3 is a "standalone" and could be read by itself, the whole series is a "standout". Book 3 brings it all to a close and by the end you are totally involved with all the characters, love them or hate them. Highly recomended!


What a fantastic ending to the trilogy!!!! If you haven't read any of McDermott's books yet this is a fantastic series to read. The entire series leaves you wanting for more and you do not want to put it down. He has maintained his reputation for high-quality books.

Five Stars

Excellent trilogy, read all three

Great but frightening too.

I really enjoyed this final book of a trilogy. It had all aspects of emotions from me which I truly like out of a story. I sincerely hope the premise never comes true.

Disruption is an Outstanding and gripping series

Continuation of a thought provoking and exciting series. Well written and researched. The situation these "normal everyday" characters find themselves in is totally believable. No super heroes but good people acting and reacting for the greater benefit of others.

Fantastic read

Such a great author in such a great series. Really loved all three books

Promises kept!

R.E. McDermott really did keep his promise. This trilogy was one of the best I’ve ever read. All of the books by this author are exceptional.

A good conclusion to the three book series but not as ...

A good conclusion to the three book series but not as exciting as the first two. I have read two of Mr. McDermotts three book series and he is a very good writer who I will continue reading.

Five Stars

I enjoyed this series of books, entertaining story.

Great book

Third book in the series. Great plot and subject!

Five Stars

very good book

One of the best series that I've read....

I loved this three book series.....its one of the very best that I've read. You won't be sorry you purchased the series...A+A+A+A+A+


I found this to be a great series. I read it in less than a week, and shall probably read it again in a year or so.

The promise was kept!

Great conclusion to an absorbing trilogy. I enjoyed all the books and this one was a fitting conclusion to the series. I look forward to future books from this rewarding author.

3 Awesome Books

Well written. Both an interesting story as well as a wake up call! I have already started to stock up on canned goods, dried food, batteries, maps, etc, etc. I can't wait 'till McDermott revisits this cast of characters a few years down the road.

Good closing

A good closing for the series. Wrapped everything up very nicely.

Five Stars

I really enjoy reading this author. Good story lines, keeps it moving and interesting characters.

Your going to love this

Great conclusion to a fabulous series. The action will keep you on the edge of your seat and reading into the night. I would suggest that you start with the first book and just enjoy

Almost too real

The perfect end to a excellent series. The Disruption Series is as realistic as it gets. I can highly recommend this series to anyone that enjoys this genre of novels.

Fitting conclusion to trilogy

Fitting end and so glad it's a trilogy that does try and drag things out. All 3 books were different even though the were not story. The ending was as good as the beginning

This book delivers

Great read- non stop action with very developed and believable characters. I really enjoyed the three book series. Highly recommended


A great book, awesome series.

Fun read

I really enjoyed reading this Robert Crais novel. I especially liked Maggie the dog. She is a terrific character.

A must read!

A great read. McDermott is at his best! I rank his writing with the best of Tom Clancy and Dale Brown. This is an exciting story with twists and a great conclusion to the series.

Great read!

Great read!! very well written with some fantastic characters and very hard to put down. The author is also a very nice chap and even went to the bother of replying to me by email, a real sound chap!!!

Great Read!!

Not disappointed! This a great read, tying up loose ends and a satisfying conclusion to this series. Highly recommended!!

Solid book

Story moved along efficiently and was worth reading.

Best new writer !!

Great book!! The best conclusion to the two previous books. You just have to buy this one. One of the best new writers that have along..

Action-packed conclusion

Action-packed conclusion combines resolution of storylines with an epilogue that not only further develops the characters but also allows future development of minor characters to expand this series. Good read!

Very good book

I enjoyed this book very much. plenty of action and the ending tied up the loose ends nicely. I would very much like to see additional books from this series, and also more of the Dugan books.

With the long wait!

It was a long wait but well worth with it for this final book in the trilogy. A very exciting and surprising cliff hanger ending. Thanks again Bob!


I have found this series and the Dugan series very entertaining. I had been waiting for this conclusion for several months and was rewarded for the wait. I will looking out for future books from Mr. McDermott.

Great finish to the series!

This is a great series with excellent character development. I liked that you tied up all the different story lines in this final book.


This book closed out the story of the great blackout in a very believable manner, and tied the threads together in closing the story out. A very well-done, believable, and powerful trilogy.

I really enjoyed it, He's a really good author

Just finished this trilogy. I really enjoyed it, He's a really good author.

Five Stars

Great ending to trilogy

Fast paced read!

As with all of Mr. McDermott's books, I couldnt put it down before I was finished with it. Well written and attention grabbing (and holding). Can't ask for more out of a book. Looking forward to the next one!

A good read.

Great series. I honestly wasn’t sure the good guys were going to Win at times.

Five Stars

A great end to the Disruption Trilogy!

Best Author!

McDermott has become my favourite writer! Wish he could write them faster.

Great Ending to a Great Story

I enjoyed this book as much as I enjoyed the first two in the trilogy and the author did a good job of wrapping it up.

Five Stars

Great trilogy! Wouldn't mind a follow up visit later to see how the world is progressing!

Five Stars

Best emp series ever. No loose ends. Well researched.

Five Stars

Good finish to a good story.

A great ending to a awesome yarn - one that keeps ...

A great ending to a awesome yarn - one that keeps you wanting to turn the next page. I can not wait for the next novel from this author.

Loved to have helped the box or Clark island defenders.

A fitting end to a great series well written with heaps of suspense. More please Roger

All excellent books.

After enjoying the first two books in this trilogy, couldn't wait for the third and last. All excellent books.

Very Satisfying !

Very satisfying storyline brought to a climactic resolution. I could not have asked for more.

Great story and a fun read

Great story and a fun read. This would make a great movie or miniseries. I enjoyed it very much! Well done!

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