Pecan Pie: 32 Business Success Strategies Passionately Baked to Order

Paperback – October 18, 2010
17 Oct
Imagine sitting down, having a slice of Pecan Pie while talking to your business coach. Each bite packed with flavor and each observation chock full of wisdom. You can taste a dash of cinnamon here...a pinch of nutmeg there, all while getting amazing insights on your business: a dash of passion here...a pinch of leadership there. That's what you essentially have in your hands now. This book is just like sitting down with Business Coach Bob Gambone, while enjoying Bob's famous Pecan Pie. Each bite passionately baked to order. Each sliver of wisdom just for you. In this book, Bob Gambone will show you business success strategies to help you: * Add the right amount passion into your business to give it the pizzazz it needs. * Measure the proper leadership ingredients to take your business from mom-n-pop pie to national sensation pie. * Bake your business on the highest possible temperature (without burning) to give you the HOTTEST results possible. The secret to's in the recipe! "Pecan Pie should be on every entrepreneur's menu! It is a must read for all who are hungry to grow their business and achieve lasting success by building strong, trusted relationships." Ivan Misner NY Times Bestselling author and Founder of BNI and Referral Institute

Reviews (22)

Pecan Pie, Best leadership book I've read!

Pecan Pie is a must read for all that are in or inspire to in any type of leadership role! It is easy to read with powerful short stories with great lessons. Thank you Bob for sharing your wisdom with us! I have recommended this to several and will be buying several copies as gifts for all my managers! Denise Sinkavich

Buy This Book!

Let me give you my conclusion first. Bob Gambone has whipped up a culinary masterpiece with his very first book. Pecan Pie is a rich dessert. It should be required eating for every entrepreneur who wants to realize his full potential. Bob is not one of those self-appointed gurus dispensing the highest wisdom from the mountain top. Those folk give me a rash. Bob offers true wisdom gained from his many years as a change agent within one of the largest retail food companies in the nation. His advice is simple yet profound; it arises from his business acumen, his knowledge of and compassion for people, and his ability to draw you into his life and empower you to take up your business with greater understanding and renewed energy. Buy this book! Taste the wisdom within. And watch your business grow! Neal Griebling, Future Design Studio, Inc.

A Recipe for Entrepreneurial Success

Like the pecan pie after which it is named, Bob Gambone’s “32 Business Success Strategies” are essential ingredients for anyone looking to begin a business of her own. I read Bob’s book in preparation for my own transition from writing professor to writing coach. As someone who has spent a career working as an English faculty member, the thought of setting up a self-sustaining business has been daunting. Is it possible to support myself independently? Will I be able to build a clientele? Well, according to Gambone, if I do what I’m good at and if I am motivated by a “real commitment to helping people succeed,” I will be astonished by what I am able to accomplish. Significantly, if I make my relationships with the people I encounter the most important part of my business, I will thrive. Bob’s book is filled with stories, a strong strategy for a writer who wants to teach through example, and each story becomes a guidepost on the way. Want to motivate employees? Light fires in their heart—not under their feet! Want repeat business? Focus on customers "as real people with authentic needs.” Want employees to work in a supportive and caring atmosphere—provide the careful training that is an authentic “expression of [your] concern.” Bob’s is a book with heart, and like his tagline: “passion—leadership—results,” that heart is rooted in people and relationship. I recommend Pecan Pie to any reader who is looking to walk the path of servant leadership. You will learn; you will expand, and you will prosper.

Simply Scrumptious!

I first read "Pecan Pie" cover to cover in one big gulp on a plane ride from California. It was a fast paced, easy read that I was able to fit between chats with fellow passengers on my flight home. That ravenous consuming of "Pecan Pie" was about a year ago. I have been craving a re-read of the book, but planned this time to savor the chapters more fully. Each of the book's chapters - slices of pie - is 2 to 4 pages. I decided I would chew each slice slowly and then allow a few days for the `pecan' of wisdom it contained to digest fully before starting the next slice. Using this approach, my second helping of "Pecan Pie" took me almost three months to finish. After reading each chapter, I made notes and pondered the lesson from that chapter for a couple of days. What amazing concepts I absorbed from this repeat course of "Pecan Pie." The book has few pages, however it reinforces the concept that good things come in small packages. If you will let it, Bob's book can lead you to some marvelous personal insights; great ah ha moments. You owe it to your future to read this book. I have read literally thousands of books; few warranted a second reading. I have now read "Pecan Pie" twice and will likely read it many more times. Thank you, Bob Gambone, for such delectable, easy to digest ideas we can implement for our success!

Sweet Simplicity!

Success. It means different things to different people and everyone who has written books about it does so with the promise that "You can too!". I've read those books and I have to say . . .they didn't help. But the good news is that after trying to digest all that garbage, Bob serves up a tasty treat that not only goes down easy, but digests easily too! In a fun, easy-going, and humorous way, Bob creates a successful recipe that anyone can use. Whether you are a business leader, strategist, economist, or an everyday working "Joe", the tips about life, leadership, and success that Bob presents are heartfelt, sincere, and . .. well . . . simple! Business success strategies don't have to be complicated, and Bob does a wonderfully refreshing job communicating the simple, yet elegant, ingredients to find success not only in business, but in life, as well. This book should be on every business leader's desk to remind them that life and business are only as complicated as we make them.

A Perfect Gift For Any Professional!

I really enjoy Bob's style of writing, very conversational, you feel like you are sitting in his kitchen drinking coffee and eating pie while he shares his experience and advice. Bob's wisdom is from experience, his advice is practical and helpful. If you are a business coach, attorney, banker, or anyone who works with professionals or entrepreneurs, this is an ideal gift that will be appreciated! Enjoy Beth Caldwell Author I Wish I'd Known THAT, Secrets to Success in Business from Women Who've Been There

Savor every bite!

Pecan Pie: 32 Business Success Strategies is an easy read. In fact, you could read it in day! That is what I was told when I purchased the book. And you could read it in day, but don't! The information in this book is so valuable you will want to read it over and over as it soaks into your soul. Just like a great piece of pecan pie, you won't want to waste any of the content without letting them roll over the taste buds of your mind. Take notes so that you can put into practice these strategies as if they are a part of your personality. Don't waste a crumb!

Pecan Pie is a must for your business book library!

We have had the pleasure to meeting Bob personally. The passion he has for helping others succeed has been imparted in his book. Pecan Pie is chock full of wisdom and advice that everyone can use regardless of what type of business they are egaged in. We highly recommend this book.

Deliciously Simple!

"Pecan Pie" has 32 business success strategies that will make your mouth water. It's crafted in a simple format that makes for an easy read while delivering substance that can truly enhance your ability to lead your business to success. Bob Gambone captures incredible stories from real people along his professional journey that enable him to relate to the reader and make his point. Sometimes, the best kept secret recipes are in the man next door ... in this case, like Bob Gambone.

Pecan Pie: I'm a Fan

I purchased "Pecan Pie" from Bob Gambone in May, and I decided I would take my time to read through it as my business progressed. I am in my first year of business as a Chiropractor which tells you that "business" is not my strong point. Before I purchased the book, I was always looking for advice and information on "what shall I do now?" I have found that every story Bob tells or every important point made in the book has helped me in some aspect of, not only my work, but my life. I can't say enough about this book and how it has helped me make decisions in my business. Thank you Bob!

Pecan Pie, Best leadership book I've read!

Pecan Pie is a must read for all that are in or inspire to in any type of leadership role! It is easy to read with powerful short stories with great lessons. Thank you Bob for sharing your wisdom with us! I have recommended this to several and will be buying several copies as gifts for all my managers! Denise Sinkavich

Buy This Book!

Let me give you my conclusion first. Bob Gambone has whipped up a culinary masterpiece with his very first book. Pecan Pie is a rich dessert. It should be required eating for every entrepreneur who wants to realize his full potential. Bob is not one of those self-appointed gurus dispensing the highest wisdom from the mountain top. Those folk give me a rash. Bob offers true wisdom gained from his many years as a change agent within one of the largest retail food companies in the nation. His advice is simple yet profound; it arises from his business acumen, his knowledge of and compassion for people, and his ability to draw you into his life and empower you to take up your business with greater understanding and renewed energy. Buy this book! Taste the wisdom within. And watch your business grow! Neal Griebling, Future Design Studio, Inc.

A Recipe for Entrepreneurial Success

Like the pecan pie after which it is named, Bob Gambone’s “32 Business Success Strategies” are essential ingredients for anyone looking to begin a business of her own. I read Bob’s book in preparation for my own transition from writing professor to writing coach. As someone who has spent a career working as an English faculty member, the thought of setting up a self-sustaining business has been daunting. Is it possible to support myself independently? Will I be able to build a clientele? Well, according to Gambone, if I do what I’m good at and if I am motivated by a “real commitment to helping people succeed,” I will be astonished by what I am able to accomplish. Significantly, if I make my relationships with the people I encounter the most important part of my business, I will thrive. Bob’s book is filled with stories, a strong strategy for a writer who wants to teach through example, and each story becomes a guidepost on the way. Want to motivate employees? Light fires in their heart—not under their feet! Want repeat business? Focus on customers "as real people with authentic needs.” Want employees to work in a supportive and caring atmosphere—provide the careful training that is an authentic “expression of [your] concern.” Bob’s is a book with heart, and like his tagline: “passion—leadership—results,” that heart is rooted in people and relationship. I recommend Pecan Pie to any reader who is looking to walk the path of servant leadership. You will learn; you will expand, and you will prosper.

Simply Scrumptious!

I first read "Pecan Pie" cover to cover in one big gulp on a plane ride from California. It was a fast paced, easy read that I was able to fit between chats with fellow passengers on my flight home. That ravenous consuming of "Pecan Pie" was about a year ago. I have been craving a re-read of the book, but planned this time to savor the chapters more fully. Each of the book's chapters - slices of pie - is 2 to 4 pages. I decided I would chew each slice slowly and then allow a few days for the `pecan' of wisdom it contained to digest fully before starting the next slice. Using this approach, my second helping of "Pecan Pie" took me almost three months to finish. After reading each chapter, I made notes and pondered the lesson from that chapter for a couple of days. What amazing concepts I absorbed from this repeat course of "Pecan Pie." The book has few pages, however it reinforces the concept that good things come in small packages. If you will let it, Bob's book can lead you to some marvelous personal insights; great ah ha moments. You owe it to your future to read this book. I have read literally thousands of books; few warranted a second reading. I have now read "Pecan Pie" twice and will likely read it many more times. Thank you, Bob Gambone, for such delectable, easy to digest ideas we can implement for our success!

Sweet Simplicity!

Success. It means different things to different people and everyone who has written books about it does so with the promise that "You can too!". I've read those books and I have to say . . .they didn't help. But the good news is that after trying to digest all that garbage, Bob serves up a tasty treat that not only goes down easy, but digests easily too! In a fun, easy-going, and humorous way, Bob creates a successful recipe that anyone can use. Whether you are a business leader, strategist, economist, or an everyday working "Joe", the tips about life, leadership, and success that Bob presents are heartfelt, sincere, and . .. well . . . simple! Business success strategies don't have to be complicated, and Bob does a wonderfully refreshing job communicating the simple, yet elegant, ingredients to find success not only in business, but in life, as well. This book should be on every business leader's desk to remind them that life and business are only as complicated as we make them.

A Perfect Gift For Any Professional!

I really enjoy Bob's style of writing, very conversational, you feel like you are sitting in his kitchen drinking coffee and eating pie while he shares his experience and advice. Bob's wisdom is from experience, his advice is practical and helpful. If you are a business coach, attorney, banker, or anyone who works with professionals or entrepreneurs, this is an ideal gift that will be appreciated! Enjoy Beth Caldwell Author I Wish I'd Known THAT, Secrets to Success in Business from Women Who've Been There

Savor every bite!

Pecan Pie: 32 Business Success Strategies is an easy read. In fact, you could read it in day! That is what I was told when I purchased the book. And you could read it in day, but don't! The information in this book is so valuable you will want to read it over and over as it soaks into your soul. Just like a great piece of pecan pie, you won't want to waste any of the content without letting them roll over the taste buds of your mind. Take notes so that you can put into practice these strategies as if they are a part of your personality. Don't waste a crumb!

Pecan Pie is a must for your business book library!

We have had the pleasure to meeting Bob personally. The passion he has for helping others succeed has been imparted in his book. Pecan Pie is chock full of wisdom and advice that everyone can use regardless of what type of business they are egaged in. We highly recommend this book.

Deliciously Simple!

"Pecan Pie" has 32 business success strategies that will make your mouth water. It's crafted in a simple format that makes for an easy read while delivering substance that can truly enhance your ability to lead your business to success. Bob Gambone captures incredible stories from real people along his professional journey that enable him to relate to the reader and make his point. Sometimes, the best kept secret recipes are in the man next door ... in this case, like Bob Gambone.

Pecan Pie: I'm a Fan

I purchased "Pecan Pie" from Bob Gambone in May, and I decided I would take my time to read through it as my business progressed. I am in my first year of business as a Chiropractor which tells you that "business" is not my strong point. Before I purchased the book, I was always looking for advice and information on "what shall I do now?" I have found that every story Bob tells or every important point made in the book has helped me in some aspect of, not only my work, but my life. I can't say enough about this book and how it has helped me make decisions in my business. Thank you Bob!

Simple and Effective

"Pecan Pie" was simply a fantastic read. Each of his "32 Business Success Strategies" were clear, concise, and accompanied up with a real world example. The concepts were relatable and could easily be translated into any field or business. I highly recommend this book for anyone in business, new or old.

Great book to live by.

Great book, provides great prospective and insight. Wish I had it years ago.

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