Out of Time (The Nine Minutes Trilogy Book 2)

Kindle Edition
20 Jul
Beth Flynn

This is Book 2 of 3 in the Nine Minutes Trilogy.

Out of Time is not a standalone novel. I highly recommend that you read my first novel, Nine Minutes, to be able to understand the background stories of the main characters. There are many twists and turns in both books that can best be connected if read consecutively.

Although I do answer the outstanding questions from Nine Minutes, there is more to this story, and some readers may consider it a cliffhanger. Other readers may be satisfied with the answers and the ending. Regardless of which category you fall into, I hope you enjoy the story.

They thought with his execution it would all be over.
They were wrong.

The leader of one of South Florida’s most notorious and brutal motorcycle gangs has been put to death by lethal injection. Days later, his family and friends should have been picking up the pieces, moving on. Instead, they’ve been catapulted into a world so twisted and dangerous even the most ruthless among them would be stunned to discover the tangled web of deception, not only on the dangerous streets of South Florida but all the way to the top.

In this gripping follow-up novel to Nine Minutes, Out of Time takes readers from the sun-drenched flatlands of 1950s Central Florida to the vivid tropical heat of Fort Lauderdale to the halls of Florida’s Death Row as we finally learn the gritty backstory of Jason “Grizz” Talbot and the secret he spent his life trying to conceal.

Not even Grizz’s inner circle knows his full story—the tragedy that enveloped his early life, the surprise discovery that made him the government’s most wanted and most feared, and the depths of his love for Ginny, the tenderhearted innocent he’d once abducted and later made his wife.

Once Grizz’s obsession and now the mother of his child, Ginny has spent years grieving the man she’d first resisted and then came to love. Now remarried to Tommy, a former member of the gang, the pair have spent more than a decade trying desperately to live a normal existence far from the violent, crime-ridden world they’d once carved out on the edge of the Florida Everglades. For Tommy, especially, the stakes are high. Desperately in love with Ginny for years, he’s finally living his dream: married to the woman he never thought he could have. But even with the façade of normalcy—thriving careers, two beautiful children, and a genuinely happy and loving marriage—they can’t seem to put the past behind them. Every time they turn around, another secret is revealed, unraveling the very bonds that hold them together.

And with Grizz finally put to death, now Ginny has learned secrets so dark, so evil she’s not even sure she can go on.

Will these secrets tear their love to pieces? And how far will Grizz go to protect what he still considers his, even from beyond the grave?

Reviews (175)


I am just blown away by this book. I feel like I was waiting forever for this book. Then I got it and waited about a week to read it because I was so nervous. Lots of questions ate answered. We get Grizz' s backstory, Grunt' s/Tommy' s backstory and even more about Kit. We still don't know Grizz' s real name. But it is such a relief to know more and have questions answered. I had a theory and I was semi right and so relieved. There is a diary that Moe wrote that shows up and gives more information. Then there is a letter from Kit' s mom that is shocking and eye opening! Big surprises are revealed in this book. But, as usual she saves the best most shocking stuff til the last chapter. But definitely don't head to the end, you have to experience this whole book. It is absolutely mind blowing and fantastic. I think this might be my favorite book this year, and I have read some awesome books this year! I love Grizz, he just loves Kit so much and is so protective of her. But, I do also love Grunt, he reveals lots of secrets and some are really surprising and really blew me away. I am just reeling from the end of this book and I am torn about what I hope will happen. Sadness and happiness mixed together. Just wow! Great job, Beth Flynn. Please don't make us wait too long for the next book. I really need to read it now. I also really need a support group. I hope there is one!

Need More Stars.....

If I could give more stars for this book (+ series) I would. But I can't. As I was nearing the end of this book I started to think what on earth I was going to write for my review. I have no words that could possibly express how much this book (and the first book) blew me away. I am loving this series so far but even that doesn't explain how mesmirised I am after finishing Out Of Time. The twist and turns plus all the revelations that came out in the second half of this book. Wow, just wow. I might need to lay down for a while to digest what I have just finished reading. I cannot get my head around Beth Flynn's amazing mind that could possibly think of all these twists and create this masterpiece. And on top of all that she made me fall in love with Grizz. WTH Beth!! I loved Tommy / Grunt from the beginning and who couldn't love and cheer on Kit / Ginny. To be honest I had a feeling about Grizz so wasn't overally surprised. I mean come on, he's Grizz lol. Nor about what he found on his road trip. Makes reading book 3 very exciting and I foresee another couple of nights with bearly any sleep. Oh well.... ;-)

Four "really liked it" stars

While I really liked this book, it was hard to get through at times. The story was not linear- it constantly jumped around to different points in time. It made it hard to follow, and the slower parts made it hard to stay invested. That said, I was determined to finish, and I did. I will read the third book because I do want to unravel the remaining mysteries. This series is far more complicated and involved than the blurbs would lead you to believe. It is so much more than just a typical MC book. I do recommend this series, but if you're like me you need to understand that this second book might not grab you by the throat the way the first book did. And that's okay. I still need the rest of the story. The answers to the remaining questions. And I will be diving right in to the next book as soon I finish this review. This series has been keeping me on my toes in that the characters are moving targets. Who is friend vs. foe changes from book to book, even chapter to chapter. And I'm here for it. Put this one on your list for a solid, twisty MC read!

How can anyone have this many layers?

So book 2 of the trilogy ends with a cliffhanger, however be alerted to the fact that unless you read book one, this one won't make much sense. And believe me when you get to the end, you'll be purchasing book 3 immediately. I am NOT a fan of cliffhangers, they usually aggravate me to the point I won't even consider buying the next book. Well not this time! I couldn't wait to get the next book. More of the story of Grizz and Kit are revealed, more layers peeled back, more love, angst, heartache, and violence continue in this book. Kit has moved on since Grizz was executed, she's raising her daughter and her son well with her second husband Tommy, aka Grunt. Only what Kit discovers is the possibility that Grizz didn't die, that he's out there somewhere. Her anger, angst, love, tears, fears are all explored. More truth comes to the surface in her and Tommy's marriage. Whether or not they can sustain their marriage in spite of all the deception is up for grabs. This is so well written, you will feel the joy, the fears, the laughter and sorrow throughout the entire series, but greatly so in this part of it. Buy the entire trilogy at once, then you won't have to wait the 30 seconds it takes to download the next book. Just amazing writing, this author is fabulous.

Taking Up A Lot Of Time

I have read all 3 books in the trilogy,but I read them out of order.I read the last one first,then read the 1st and 2nd one.The reason behind that was this.I read the sampled readings and it starts book one with the death of a main character.I thought that was depressing especially from further sampling on the other two books,that this was told in a POV style(EVERYONES POV!)That I found from reading the last book first got old very quickly as did the constant yoyo back in forth through the timeline of 25 plus years.It meant a lot of repeating info.I have read a lot of this sort of story telling ,as it seems the trend,but it makes me anxious and restless.I think the first two books should have been shortened and combined into one for sake of sanity,and then leave the last one as it is.I further think only the last one should have in the POV style.Now that is said,I will say I did like the story line very much.There were several places I got emotional and had to set the book aside for awhile and let my mind settle down before picking it up again.I think the settings were time accurate for the history of the late seventies and beyond,not so sure about the fifties setting though,but that was my birth decade and would be too young to remember it in a historical way,and I was on the west coast not south east either.It felt real and that is what matters.It is hard to wrap my head around the fact that everyone in the story except maybe young Jason Dillon had and kept major secrets from each other.I know it isn't covered much in this book,but I also found it hard to believe Mimi would" throw her mom under the bus",with Lesile and the interview just to get back at her,Tommy and Grizz.I haven't read the 2 spin offs yet ,but I am not certain I will now or not.If it wasn't for the POV thing and the constant rehashing of the same story I would have given this book 4 or maybe even 5 stars.It is a good story line ,it just wore me out reading it.

Emotionally rich and painful but worth it - great bridge to #3

Amazing accomplishment in keeping so MANY twists and turns on track throughout this book. At times I found some of the NNG (No Name Group) premise stretched my sense of what could be believable, but what IS believable about a group like that? This is what fiction is about, suspending belief in what you know for what could be. I found that believing Grizz could be allowed to live, at any point with his suspected knowledge and the cards he held, was not so difficult. Maybe because I wanted so much for him to have an HEA. For a man with as much ego and arrogance as he came to possess, to be allowed to live as if he was considered no longer significant is what I think Beth Flynn was conveying, that would be the ultimate insult. That he ran out of time in his high stakes game with them is the central premise to this installment in the trilogy. But, so MUCH detail and foreshadowing and backstory woven in, along with the treasure of Grunt/Tommy's relationship with Ginny was wonderful to consume. I was impressed with how cohesively Beth managed the varying POV's in this book. It was a bit dizzying at times as I was very invested in each character and I'd have to pull myself out of one to move in a new chapter to another, but it wasn't hard to do. I think it may have made it a little more difficult to stay emotionally connected at times, if you didn't allow for that, and that may make it more difficult for some readers to feel invested in the story overall. I didn't have that issue and loved every grueling minute of it. I know one thing for sure, although I can go straight to book 3, I really don't want this trilogy to end. I NEED these characters to find resolution and happiness and I also don't want my window into their lives to close. Love what Beth Flynn has done with this trilogy!!!

Hold On Tight!

Out of Time is the second book in the Nine Minutes Series and like the first book, it did not disappoint. I wouldn't say that Out of Time was a continuation of Nine Minutes but rather an overlap. Out of Time filled in many gaps and sequence of events that Nine Minutes didn't cover and also went beyond Nine Minutes to a few years in the future, so it skipped around. That can be confusing, however Author Beth Flynn did a great job of keeping the chapters separate and time frames clearly marked. The book flowed really well and the reader even got to see some POV's from Grizz and Tommy which was really great. Of course, the book ends with a cliff hanger that will leave you reaching for the one-click on Amazon! I have already started book 3, A Gift of Time and love it so far. I would highly recommend reading the books in order because they all tie together. Again, Ginny/Kit is completely naïve however, in this book she is grown and only reflects back on memories. You see her take on a more adult role and really try to not stick her head in the preverbal sand, but face her past and ghosts that still haunt her, head on. There are several twists and turns but I only saw one of them coming, so the reader will be shocked when things go in a completely opposite direction that only Beth Flynn can pull off so masterfully. There really is no redemption for the terrible things that Grizz has done, however in this installment, the reader sees a more human side of him and is beginning to understand the why behind a lot of his moves. Tommy/Grunt kind of annoyed me in this book. I wanted to love him and see him as the hero, but he kind of came off as a petulant child that didn't get his way so he schemed in order to get what he wanted. He came off sort of desperate at times and that is an unattractive quality in my opinion. There are so many story lines going on at once, but its not confusing because Beth is masterful at her craft and it was really a great book to read. But as always, things aren't always what they seem in the gang world and the reader will be taken on another wild ride.

Life has a funny way of giving you what you really need...

I absolutely LOVED Nine Minutes...loved it and was so distraught when it ended the way it did...gave me chills. Now I have spent the past two days reading this monster of a sequel...and yet again, Beth Flynn has left me almost speechless, in shock and yes, goosebumps up and down my arms at the end of one particular chapter near the finish (and still cliffhanger ending). I don't even know what to say about this one...it seems as if everyone, every single person in this epic drama, lived their lives full of dishonesty and lies (whether they knew it or not) and the only common good thing would be that love and "caring for another person before yourself" was motivation for it all. I am fascinated with the whole Grizz, Ginny and Grunt triangle and between all the lives that were ruined, spared, lost and saved, there were no real clear winners or losers in their story...just a lot of heartbreak and the will to keep going no matter how painful. The story itself is so intricate and detailed that I found myself going back and re-reading passages to keep it straight in my head (as well as skimming over the first book as a refresher) but came away with even more questions and the events that happen at the end of Out of Time, left the doors wide open for another book. There were a few parts that dragged a bit for me (and all the back and forth between the decades gets confusing) but for the most part, it was really enlightening to read the very intense and detailed history of what really happened during the course of the first book, besides what happens after Grizz is executed. Such an amazing and epic read (I love big meaty books I can sink my teeth into and get lost in) and I can't wait to see what this author has next up her sleeve for us! ***** 5 ***** "life has a funny way of giving you what you really need" stars

Great continuation of the first book, but it had some flaws

This sequel gets one less star than the first in the trilogy because of a few factors. First, the storyline is ALL OVER THE PLACE. 1950s, 1970s, 2000, etc., and with various players. I've read many books that go back and forth, but this one really takes that plot device to the extreme. Furthermore, the first book had the "hero" (Grizz) obsessed with Kit/Ginny, but this book takes it even further and reveals that his involvement with her extends all the way back to when she was around 6 years old. For some reason, the fact that he abducted a 15 year old and made her his property didn't bother me so much in book one, but the fact that he had designs on her from such an early age (even if that initial obsession wasn't sexual in nature) bothered me. Since I loved the first book so much, I truly did enjoy learning more about the characters and I've already downloaded and started book 3 in the trilogy. It's a great story and one I'm enjoying very much.

Absolutely fantastic!

Omg. I don't even have words. It's 3am and I just finished this book. It is so rare that I feel a book hangover. And this one takes the cake. Seriously, I can't even put a review into words. This book was PHENOMENAL. Let me first start off by saying this a sequel to book one "Nine minutes". You must read that one first. Book one leaves us with Grizz on death row. "Out of time" takes us back and forth from the past to present to the past to the present. There are so many twists and turns in this book that my head is still spinning wondering how the author pulled this off. And boy did she! Beth Flynn is a genius. A writing mastermind. We get to know so so much more of everyone's lives, past and present in this book. I literally just chewed off all my fingernails reading this. I loved that the book was long and detailed. There wasn't one single bore or filler in it. Every single page is a turner. My stomach is in knots! Seriously, I don't even know what to write about it. How do write a review when it's your mind, heart and soul are just flooding with feelings. Whatever you do, do NOT read reviews with spoilers!!! Just know if you loved "Nine minutes" you will love this a 1000 times more! Beth Flynn, you are on my top authors list.


I am just blown away by this book. I feel like I was waiting forever for this book. Then I got it and waited about a week to read it because I was so nervous. Lots of questions ate answered. We get Grizz' s backstory, Grunt' s/Tommy' s backstory and even more about Kit. We still don't know Grizz' s real name. But it is such a relief to know more and have questions answered. I had a theory and I was semi right and so relieved. There is a diary that Moe wrote that shows up and gives more information. Then there is a letter from Kit' s mom that is shocking and eye opening! Big surprises are revealed in this book. But, as usual she saves the best most shocking stuff til the last chapter. But definitely don't head to the end, you have to experience this whole book. It is absolutely mind blowing and fantastic. I think this might be my favorite book this year, and I have read some awesome books this year! I love Grizz, he just loves Kit so much and is so protective of her. But, I do also love Grunt, he reveals lots of secrets and some are really surprising and really blew me away. I am just reeling from the end of this book and I am torn about what I hope will happen. Sadness and happiness mixed together. Just wow! Great job, Beth Flynn. Please don't make us wait too long for the next book. I really need to read it now. I also really need a support group. I hope there is one!

Need More Stars.....

If I could give more stars for this book (+ series) I would. But I can't. As I was nearing the end of this book I started to think what on earth I was going to write for my review. I have no words that could possibly express how much this book (and the first book) blew me away. I am loving this series so far but even that doesn't explain how mesmirised I am after finishing Out Of Time. The twist and turns plus all the revelations that came out in the second half of this book. Wow, just wow. I might need to lay down for a while to digest what I have just finished reading. I cannot get my head around Beth Flynn's amazing mind that could possibly think of all these twists and create this masterpiece. And on top of all that she made me fall in love with Grizz. WTH Beth!! I loved Tommy / Grunt from the beginning and who couldn't love and cheer on Kit / Ginny. To be honest I had a feeling about Grizz so wasn't overally surprised. I mean come on, he's Grizz lol. Nor about what he found on his road trip. Makes reading book 3 very exciting and I foresee another couple of nights with bearly any sleep. Oh well.... ;-)

Four "really liked it" stars

While I really liked this book, it was hard to get through at times. The story was not linear- it constantly jumped around to different points in time. It made it hard to follow, and the slower parts made it hard to stay invested. That said, I was determined to finish, and I did. I will read the third book because I do want to unravel the remaining mysteries. This series is far more complicated and involved than the blurbs would lead you to believe. It is so much more than just a typical MC book. I do recommend this series, but if you're like me you need to understand that this second book might not grab you by the throat the way the first book did. And that's okay. I still need the rest of the story. The answers to the remaining questions. And I will be diving right in to the next book as soon I finish this review. This series has been keeping me on my toes in that the characters are moving targets. Who is friend vs. foe changes from book to book, even chapter to chapter. And I'm here for it. Put this one on your list for a solid, twisty MC read!

How can anyone have this many layers?

So book 2 of the trilogy ends with a cliffhanger, however be alerted to the fact that unless you read book one, this one won't make much sense. And believe me when you get to the end, you'll be purchasing book 3 immediately. I am NOT a fan of cliffhangers, they usually aggravate me to the point I won't even consider buying the next book. Well not this time! I couldn't wait to get the next book. More of the story of Grizz and Kit are revealed, more layers peeled back, more love, angst, heartache, and violence continue in this book. Kit has moved on since Grizz was executed, she's raising her daughter and her son well with her second husband Tommy, aka Grunt. Only what Kit discovers is the possibility that Grizz didn't die, that he's out there somewhere. Her anger, angst, love, tears, fears are all explored. More truth comes to the surface in her and Tommy's marriage. Whether or not they can sustain their marriage in spite of all the deception is up for grabs. This is so well written, you will feel the joy, the fears, the laughter and sorrow throughout the entire series, but greatly so in this part of it. Buy the entire trilogy at once, then you won't have to wait the 30 seconds it takes to download the next book. Just amazing writing, this author is fabulous.

Taking Up A Lot Of Time

I have read all 3 books in the trilogy,but I read them out of order.I read the last one first,then read the 1st and 2nd one.The reason behind that was this.I read the sampled readings and it starts book one with the death of a main character.I thought that was depressing especially from further sampling on the other two books,that this was told in a POV style(EVERYONES POV!)That I found from reading the last book first got old very quickly as did the constant yoyo back in forth through the timeline of 25 plus years.It meant a lot of repeating info.I have read a lot of this sort of story telling ,as it seems the trend,but it makes me anxious and restless.I think the first two books should have been shortened and combined into one for sake of sanity,and then leave the last one as it is.I further think only the last one should have in the POV style.Now that is said,I will say I did like the story line very much.There were several places I got emotional and had to set the book aside for awhile and let my mind settle down before picking it up again.I think the settings were time accurate for the history of the late seventies and beyond,not so sure about the fifties setting though,but that was my birth decade and would be too young to remember it in a historical way,and I was on the west coast not south east either.It felt real and that is what matters.It is hard to wrap my head around the fact that everyone in the story except maybe young Jason Dillon had and kept major secrets from each other.I know it isn't covered much in this book,but I also found it hard to believe Mimi would" throw her mom under the bus",with Lesile and the interview just to get back at her,Tommy and Grizz.I haven't read the 2 spin offs yet ,but I am not certain I will now or not.If it wasn't for the POV thing and the constant rehashing of the same story I would have given this book 4 or maybe even 5 stars.It is a good story line ,it just wore me out reading it.

Emotionally rich and painful but worth it - great bridge to #3

Amazing accomplishment in keeping so MANY twists and turns on track throughout this book. At times I found some of the NNG (No Name Group) premise stretched my sense of what could be believable, but what IS believable about a group like that? This is what fiction is about, suspending belief in what you know for what could be. I found that believing Grizz could be allowed to live, at any point with his suspected knowledge and the cards he held, was not so difficult. Maybe because I wanted so much for him to have an HEA. For a man with as much ego and arrogance as he came to possess, to be allowed to live as if he was considered no longer significant is what I think Beth Flynn was conveying, that would be the ultimate insult. That he ran out of time in his high stakes game with them is the central premise to this installment in the trilogy. But, so MUCH detail and foreshadowing and backstory woven in, along with the treasure of Grunt/Tommy's relationship with Ginny was wonderful to consume. I was impressed with how cohesively Beth managed the varying POV's in this book. It was a bit dizzying at times as I was very invested in each character and I'd have to pull myself out of one to move in a new chapter to another, but it wasn't hard to do. I think it may have made it a little more difficult to stay emotionally connected at times, if you didn't allow for that, and that may make it more difficult for some readers to feel invested in the story overall. I didn't have that issue and loved every grueling minute of it. I know one thing for sure, although I can go straight to book 3, I really don't want this trilogy to end. I NEED these characters to find resolution and happiness and I also don't want my window into their lives to close. Love what Beth Flynn has done with this trilogy!!!

Hold On Tight!

Out of Time is the second book in the Nine Minutes Series and like the first book, it did not disappoint. I wouldn't say that Out of Time was a continuation of Nine Minutes but rather an overlap. Out of Time filled in many gaps and sequence of events that Nine Minutes didn't cover and also went beyond Nine Minutes to a few years in the future, so it skipped around. That can be confusing, however Author Beth Flynn did a great job of keeping the chapters separate and time frames clearly marked. The book flowed really well and the reader even got to see some POV's from Grizz and Tommy which was really great. Of course, the book ends with a cliff hanger that will leave you reaching for the one-click on Amazon! I have already started book 3, A Gift of Time and love it so far. I would highly recommend reading the books in order because they all tie together. Again, Ginny/Kit is completely naïve however, in this book she is grown and only reflects back on memories. You see her take on a more adult role and really try to not stick her head in the preverbal sand, but face her past and ghosts that still haunt her, head on. There are several twists and turns but I only saw one of them coming, so the reader will be shocked when things go in a completely opposite direction that only Beth Flynn can pull off so masterfully. There really is no redemption for the terrible things that Grizz has done, however in this installment, the reader sees a more human side of him and is beginning to understand the why behind a lot of his moves. Tommy/Grunt kind of annoyed me in this book. I wanted to love him and see him as the hero, but he kind of came off as a petulant child that didn't get his way so he schemed in order to get what he wanted. He came off sort of desperate at times and that is an unattractive quality in my opinion. There are so many story lines going on at once, but its not confusing because Beth is masterful at her craft and it was really a great book to read. But as always, things aren't always what they seem in the gang world and the reader will be taken on another wild ride.

Life has a funny way of giving you what you really need...

I absolutely LOVED Nine Minutes...loved it and was so distraught when it ended the way it did...gave me chills. Now I have spent the past two days reading this monster of a sequel...and yet again, Beth Flynn has left me almost speechless, in shock and yes, goosebumps up and down my arms at the end of one particular chapter near the finish (and still cliffhanger ending). I don't even know what to say about this one...it seems as if everyone, every single person in this epic drama, lived their lives full of dishonesty and lies (whether they knew it or not) and the only common good thing would be that love and "caring for another person before yourself" was motivation for it all. I am fascinated with the whole Grizz, Ginny and Grunt triangle and between all the lives that were ruined, spared, lost and saved, there were no real clear winners or losers in their story...just a lot of heartbreak and the will to keep going no matter how painful. The story itself is so intricate and detailed that I found myself going back and re-reading passages to keep it straight in my head (as well as skimming over the first book as a refresher) but came away with even more questions and the events that happen at the end of Out of Time, left the doors wide open for another book. There were a few parts that dragged a bit for me (and all the back and forth between the decades gets confusing) but for the most part, it was really enlightening to read the very intense and detailed history of what really happened during the course of the first book, besides what happens after Grizz is executed. Such an amazing and epic read (I love big meaty books I can sink my teeth into and get lost in) and I can't wait to see what this author has next up her sleeve for us! ***** 5 ***** "life has a funny way of giving you what you really need" stars

Great continuation of the first book, but it had some flaws

This sequel gets one less star than the first in the trilogy because of a few factors. First, the storyline is ALL OVER THE PLACE. 1950s, 1970s, 2000, etc., and with various players. I've read many books that go back and forth, but this one really takes that plot device to the extreme. Furthermore, the first book had the "hero" (Grizz) obsessed with Kit/Ginny, but this book takes it even further and reveals that his involvement with her extends all the way back to when she was around 6 years old. For some reason, the fact that he abducted a 15 year old and made her his property didn't bother me so much in book one, but the fact that he had designs on her from such an early age (even if that initial obsession wasn't sexual in nature) bothered me. Since I loved the first book so much, I truly did enjoy learning more about the characters and I've already downloaded and started book 3 in the trilogy. It's a great story and one I'm enjoying very much.

Absolutely fantastic!

Omg. I don't even have words. It's 3am and I just finished this book. It is so rare that I feel a book hangover. And this one takes the cake. Seriously, I can't even put a review into words. This book was PHENOMENAL. Let me first start off by saying this a sequel to book one "Nine minutes". You must read that one first. Book one leaves us with Grizz on death row. "Out of time" takes us back and forth from the past to present to the past to the present. There are so many twists and turns in this book that my head is still spinning wondering how the author pulled this off. And boy did she! Beth Flynn is a genius. A writing mastermind. We get to know so so much more of everyone's lives, past and present in this book. I literally just chewed off all my fingernails reading this. I loved that the book was long and detailed. There wasn't one single bore or filler in it. Every single page is a turner. My stomach is in knots! Seriously, I don't even know what to write about it. How do write a review when it's your mind, heart and soul are just flooding with feelings. Whatever you do, do NOT read reviews with spoilers!!! Just know if you loved "Nine minutes" you will love this a 1000 times more! Beth Flynn, you are on my top authors list.

Good follow up but did not blow me away - Alpha Male

Rating: 3 Stars - Liked It Spoil Free Review Out Of Time was a good follow up to Nine Minutes but did not blow me away. It was missing the intense, dark and gritty that I loved in Nine Minutes. Some scenes I needed the dark and rawness in it to really feel what was happening. I am happy I do not have to question my sanity over my love for Grizz. Beth Flynn made me fall more in love with his character and Ginny. I now understand his obsession and love for Ginny as it is something fierce. How can someone not fall in love with her as she is assertive, loving and giving. I love Grunts character but I am Team Grizz. Loved that readers got to see how all the secondary characters came into Grizz life. I grew to love most of the secondary characters from Nine Minutes but wow did Beth Flynn change that. Like Grizz I have also become over protective of Ginny. I hate one particular character and I hope they get what is coming to them especially now that someone has something important in their possession. There were some scenes that were far fetched. I know it is only a story and is fiction but I still need some realistic in my reads except in the paranormal world. The downside to Out Of Time was there was too many twist and turns. Some made sense but some I had to question if there was any mess ups. I really wanted to look back and check but I was so engrossed in the book that I needed answers and see how everything played out. Thankfully everything that came up was answered but one thing. The last part of the book was a pager turner and full of info overload I am hoping I did not miss my answer. Hoping I get my answer in book 3. The ending was good but once again it did not blow me away like Nine Minutes did. It is a perfect set up to book 3. Out Of Time is a pager turner that is full of secrets and betrayal. Nine Minutes Trilogy is like reading a twisted soap opera. I am still hooked and need more.

Grizz, Ginny & Tommy

MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS - The ending is amazing! But I have to admit there were many times I put the book aside for awhile because I was bored. The book is all over the place in time - back to Grizz's childhood, to the present time of 2000, to the hotel when Grizz & Ginny fall in love, a few days before Grizz's execution, and then the wonderful exciting ending! It was hard to recall everything that happened in the first book but don't worry - this second book rehashes absolutely everything, in great detail, thus the boredom. BUT we have new details about each event & we find out how much Grizz & Tommy were keeping from Ginny. Ginny comes to the hard realization that she never made any decisions for herself & was kept completely in the dark! It is hard to feel sorry for her though because of the great love of two dangerous men, there is a dynamic love triangle that is completely unique - Ginny being abducted as a young girl, falling in love with the dangerous & violent Grizz, being pursued secretly by Grizz's young son. Doesn't get better than that! Who is the bad guy, who is the good guy, who is Ginny's real soul mate, can she have two, is that possible? Grizz says it best, "The only truth you will ever need to know is that my love for you is real & will never go away." There are some major surprises in the end, unbelievable events but whatever, we'll go with it. It starts back at the time when Grizz arrived at the hotel as a young boy escaping his rough childhood. What he finds at the hotel will change his life forever, will constantly put him in danger, possibly putting Tommy & Ginny in danger, but might just save his life. Ginny's past comes to light & her head must be spinning from the new revelations. And after Grizz's heartbreaking execution Ginny receives little gifts to remind her of Grizz. Where are they coming from? The best thing about this series is the love Grizz & Tommy have for Ginny, how far they will go to protect her, & what Ginny is going to do about the love triangle when she can't let go of her memories of Grizz. Can't wait to find out what happens next!! But just to be warned, you have to read through a ton of history, some interesting, some not so much, some unbelievable, to get to the good stuff.

This is a all nighter i must have coffee now series!!!!!!

Their is such a hype about second books its really hard for an author to write a second book that's just as good as the first and Beth did this and more she has you in tears than in shock than happy yes its that good. ***Spoiler**** don't read further down if you don't want to know what happens...... I wanted to love Grunt like I did Grizz.but Grizz just won over my heart. I didn't hate or dislike Grunt I just felt her heart belongs to Grizz. I do believe she love both men but in different ways.Kit was the girl that every girl wants to be like or hates cause your just so jealous of. You really love her and want to be her friend. I really loved Kit what I really loved the most is!! She new how Grizz was and never really asked him to change his life style even through both men would have if she asked. She knew what went on and if she could help someone out she did. But also knew that certain things happened in that life style she choose to turn her head cause she really loved Grizz. So she didn't stop being herself to fit in his life she just brought out the best that was just hidden in Grizz that he never thought was there. And in the end he gave up his happiness to finally give her what he thinks she really wanted and deserved. A normal life with a man who also loved her from day one. I think they both learned in the end that what they think and want in life isn't always what they need.I'll leave you with that!!!!

Good, But Grunt's No Grizz!

In this highly anticipated follow-up to 'Nine Minutes', the focus shifts from Kit and Grizz's love story, to Kit and Grunt's love story. I like Grunt/Tommy, and even felt sorry for him since he was so obviously in love with Kit from the start, but I'll never warm-up to the idea of Kit with anyone other than Grizz. My mind just can't wrap itself around polyamory, especially on par with the type of deep, passionate love that Kit and Grizz had. Nope, it just isn't going to happen! That being said, I did enjoy this book. It was long, but revealed many details surrounding the major events in the first book. I was shocked to discover who was behind Kit's brutal rape years earlier. I was also surprised by how deep Grunt's feelings for Kit ran. I did have to pay close attention, because the dates and POVs changed rapidly and often without warning. This definitely wasn't a book that I could've skimmed. I would have been lost, not knowing the decade or character. Since it had been awhile since I'd read 'Nine Minutes', I did have to refresh myself on the identities of some of the supporting characters. This one definitely paved the way for a third book, which I cannot wait to get my hands on. I couldn't care less about the secret society/conspiracy theory, but I am dying to see what Kit's future holds!

What the What?

I really loved Out of Time. There was lots and lots of back story and questions answered in this book. While it gave me a load of insight on everyone's history, it was very heavy because it seems not one character had a positive childhood. I'm not sure still how I feel about Grizz. He kidnapped, murdered, extorted, etc. He's kind of hard for me to like. Of course the redeeming quality in him was his love and tenderness to Kit/Ginny. Even with that, I had a hard time with his actions. I felt Grunt/Tommy was amazingly patient and equally loving. The plus for him is that he's not as corrupt as Grizz. With the way Out of Time ended it made me anxious for book 3. I'm not even going to try to figure out what the hell is going on until then.

A must read

I could not put this book down, the twists the turns & the drama! I love Grizz, he might be a "bad guy" to most but to Ginny/Kit the love was undeniable. I will not ruin this book for anyone, but I so wished I'm my heart at what appeared to happen.... Well anymore would be a spoiler, sorry Wasn't ready for all that was revealed, & was excited to no something positive does happen for Ginny. Won't know the extent of it till book 3, but book 2 leaves you wanting more! I hate waiting! I want the HEA, tied up nicely in a great big bow! and I hope in the end they do find it (after she/he gets their revenge & I so want this evil witch to die, and die painfully slow!) Just Read It! I can not wait for book 3, it can't get here soon enough. I would recommend Nine Minutes & Out of Time to anyone that likes "the love story" however unconventional, the suspense & the mystery of what lies will be answered.

If you thought Nine Minutes was epic, wait till you run Out of Time!

Omg... I absolutely LOVE this series!!! The whole forbidden/taboo element only adds to the intense feel of the story. With so many secrets and unknown factors, Beth Flynn keeps you right on the edge of your seat! It's so hard to choose between Team Grizz or Team Grunt, but with the most recent revelations, I'm feeling Team Grunt. I just hope that Ginny is strong enough to forgive and forget with Tommy. Grizz may have been her first love, but Tommy has always had her best interest at heart. Beth Flynn, your writing is truly amazing!! You have this unbelievable ability to make the reader physically feel the characters every emotion. As usual, I was completely captivated from the first page. If you thought Nine Minutes was epic, wait till you run Out of Time!! I simply cannot wait for the next book in the series!

Til last page does you part

Wow. Want a tremendous story. I can't put this trilogy down. From the moment I started reading, I loved escaping into this world. I feel for each character and I love how the author gives us every point of view. You want to hate each character, but you can't. You honestly can feel for them. Grow to love and understand them. True love weaved between each page. A true page turner. I'm so glad this trilogy was recommended to me. I cannot wait for the last installment. I'm sure it's going to be quite a ride. I couldn't put this book down. Why would you want to? Finally understanding the past. Sometimes we don't get to see the full picture. We don't get to fully understand one another as we should. But that shouldn't stop us from loving fully. This is the best love story I've read in a long time. I repeat what I said on my last review; I will read anything this author puts out. It's like she has a new gene of stories. A hidden message of Christ weaved within and I just love it.


"He was either the most caring and generous man in the world, she decided, or he was stone cold crazy." Immediately after reading Nine Minutes I had to grab Out of Time. I had to know what was happening! Out of Time is a book that stays with you. It isn't something you can put down and walk away from. It holds you hostage. If I thought Nine Minutes had twists... man Out of Time is a roller coaster of twists and turns! Everything you think you know.. .you got it wrong.. EVERYTIME. I still love Kit. I loved seeing Kit, Grizz and Grunt's childhoods. I love how everything is weaved together. All the secrets, the deceptions, hope and the faith that these 3 characters hid/share. It's crazy. I love Kit & Tommy together. You can tell how much he cares for her and how much he's in love with her. I loved seeing a glimpse into Grizz's childhood. How he became who he is today. He adapted to his environment which was complete crap. I felt bad for all three of them, none of them really had any good influences in their life. THE LAST LINE OF THIS BOOK... OMG

Great story continued in this book

Well I'm reading much slower now that I have a new job that doesn't allow me time to read during the day. Anyways....I really liked this book, but I didn't love it like I loved the first one. There were so many plot twists and information given that it took me a lot of time to work them out and still keep up with the story being told. At times I was kinda confused at who was who. Also, the time line jumping was a bit too much at times. However, the story still told brillantly....I still love Grizz and I'm still Team Grizz. LOL Onto book 3....the final book

A brilliant follow up to Nine Minutes

Pardon me while I pick my jaw up off the floor! Out of Time is the second book in the Nine Minutes series. I loved the first book but this second book blew me away. This is definitely not a stand alone. The first book, Nine Minutes, is a must read. Out of Time is crammed pack full of details on the history of Grizz, Kit, Grunt and other secondary characters. This history is important and very crucial to understand their actions and motives. The character development is written so brilliantly that I could feel myself slowly begin to sympathize with the brutality Grizz inflicted with no conscience, understand Grunt reconciling his love for Kit as he watched her relationship with Grizz play out, and relate to how Kit could compartmentalize her feelings living in a motorcycle gang lifestyle. So many twist and turns, ups and downs that had me guessing, second guessing, doubting and then suspending and pausing my theories! I didn't know who to believe or what to believe. Then to top it all off, that last sentence....whaaaaaat?!!! Another cliffie....a huge one, a drop off and I'm still tumbling! So there's definitely going to be a third book. I need to rest up for it but as soon as it's out I'm reading it. I have to, need to. I will. Kudos to the author, Beth Flynn! Genius, pure genius! More, much more than 5 stars.

A stepping stone to the final instalment

I loved "Nine Minutes" so was thrilled when I heard there was a sequel. Unfortunately while "Out of Time" ends strongly (and wow I did not see that ending coming!) it just took too long for things to get interesting. Too much time is spent combing through Grizz's past in order to explain how he came to be so brutal (he wasn't always bad people!). I felt like the book got bogged down in all of that detail when the real story is Grizz's relationship with Kit. I was getting to the end of the book and feeling really disappointed that it didn't live up to "Nine Minutes" when suddenly every got VERY interesting - and okay yes, a little contrived - so much so that I will definitely be reading the next instalment because I HAVE TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS! This book paves the way to the final instalment and apart from the very end of the book, it doesn't progress the story much at all. I would only recommend it if you've already read "Nine Minutes" and want to read more.

Complicated Bomb Shell story!!

I don't think I've been this obsessed with a series in a long time. I actually wake up early to read some more before work and then take my kindle with me to read on breaks. I am totally hooked. In this one, we are flipping back in forth in time and people. Secrets are being revealed and the layers of lies are being confessessed. I had a hard time following whose POV we were reading, but it all worked out. thankfully. But let me say, WOW. Just WOW. just when I think I have it all figured out, another layer is pealed back and a whole lot more comes pouring out. The twists are complicated, but move quickly. And then Flynn drops a bomb shell, I kinda was hoping for this particular bomb shell. But now that we have it, what do we do with it? Moving quickly on to #3!!


I cannot wait for the next book.... I adored '9 Minutes' and this continuation and backstory is just as excellent if not better, simply because you understand more, and yet I still feel like I am looking through a cloudy glass, I see shapes and I have an idea what they all mean but I still need clarification. Both books are emotional roller coasters and I was surprised by the visceral feelings they brought out. Endlessly intriguing plot twists and turns with stark emotions continue to leave me hanging on the edge, wanting MORE. As a disclaimer, I grew up on the 70's and completely loved the authenticity of the times and the references to that time. Ms. Flynn, you are talented and an incredible writer thank you for these two books which I consider my top two favorites! Please, please continue to write as I will definitely look forward to more of your work.

Clock's Ticking - Stakes are Raised

Nine Minutes haunted me so much that I had to jump straight into Out of Time, book 2. I am so glad I did as it answered some questions for me and gave me some degree of validation over my feelings about characters and situations in book 1. The author switches back & forth between past & present events, allowing the reader an intimate look & listen - a fly on the wall kind of view . . . thus revealing several truths that are unknown in book 1. Some of these "truths" change the game, up the odds. Time is running out - the clock is ticking. And still there's always the question of who can be trusted. Out Of Time is a multi-layered story with a cast of damaged characters toting baggage that, for some, proves to be their downfall. For me, it borders on being even more intense than book 1. It held me captive, my heart pounding as I burned through pages trying to get at the truth . . . trying to find answers, and I did. But several more questions are raised by some major events that occur, by the introduction of some new players into the game - now the stakes are raised. Who will be left standing when book 3 is over? I wish I knew. I'm anxiously awaiting its release! Out of Time is a Must Read and is joining Nine Minutes on my Favorites 2016 Shelf.

Oh, what a tangled web we weave. When first we practice to deceive!

WOW! This series is absolutely blowing me away. There are more twists and turns than you can imagine. I enjoy reading how things are finally coming together and truths kept hidden for so many years are finally being revealed. Ginny is finally learning more about her past and there have been more than one surprise. Even after Grizz's death, there are dangers that lurk and an enemy that could crush Ginny at the drop of a hat. "Oh, what a tangled web we weave. When first we practice to deceive! (Sir Walter Scott)" is very fitting for this series. I debated removing half a star for the way this book was written. It was very confusing and jumped back and forth but I'm not sure how else the story could have been told without doing it this way. Rest assured though, it all makes sense in the end so keep reading if you're find this book confusing.


Man it never stops, it just keeps on hitting you. Surprise after surprise, you never know what direction this story is going, when you think you have it figured out ,it goes into another direction. I can’t really say much because telling any part of the story won’t make sense without giving the whole story. But seriously this is a great book beautifully written can’t wait to read the final book

again another amazing story line

ok this picks up with the after math of Grizz getting the lethal injection and Ginny aka Kit finding out everything that Tommy aka Grunt kept her from knowing. again another amazing story line, that throw's out some major ass curve balls that still leaves you shaking your head wondering what else is there for them to drop on Ginny and can she handle it. Once Grizz was finally sent to prison, he asks Tommy (Grunt) to marry Ginny and raise their daughter (Grizz & Kit's) which Tommy agrees to he has been in love with Kit since he first saw her. We finally get some more background on Grizz and holy shit it is some major bomb shells, totally did not see that coming at all!!!! We learn some more on Tommy and again BOOM, didn't see that coming either. We also learn why Kit's parents never came looking for her, both books have made me cry, there are some very serious issues and some of them are very hard to read. Again I wish I could rate this so much higher then 5 stars it deserves so much higher of a rating.

Best MC series!

There’s nothing I can write that would accurately articulate how amazing this series is. It’s only lacking steamy scenes! Grizz is the baddest of the bad guys and ironically, the sweetest of the good guys! It’s an absolute, must read! This should be a film! It’s intricate, well thought out, the characters have depth and the plot is amazing. Grizz is the man! I love him! Go in blind. You won’t be disappointed.

The best series I've read in a long time

I don't review books unless they really move me. This series, and you have to read them all, had me running through every emotion. I was angry and happy, laughing and crying, shocked and surprised, frustrated and relieved. There were times I wanted to throw the book across the room and times I was so engrossed in it that I didn't hear people talking to me. Just when you think you've got a idea of what is going on, you're thrown a curve and confused. The only thing I would warn anyone about is that you need to pay attention because there are so many twists and turns and so many characters that have several aliases that is is a little hard to keep up with if you aren't paying attention. In other words, pay attention and read this series with no outside distractions.

Mesmerizing......a Brilliant convoluted tour de force

AND is still one of the most unique and startlingly intense and beautifull love stories or duel love stories,should I say,that I have ever had the pleasure to encounter.I adored NINE MINUTES and experienced book withdrawal for months after its completion and will now experience that tenfold due to my extreme love story with these characters and the largess of the storyline with its bold twists,turns and convolution .... mindboggleingly so!These characters,these PEOPLE whom Beth's talent have made so real for us,May be my favorite EVER!It also speaks to Beth's amazing skill that we can relate ,empathize and care for a man like Griizz. I would beg Beth to hurry with book three,but I don't think it will matter because I will never be ready for this saga...the world of Griff,Ginny and Grunt to reach completion.I will always want more..I'm greedy that way

So many twists, my head's spinning

Let me state now...I am, and always will be, Team Grizz. I love that man. I loved him in Nine Minutes and Out of Time made me fall even more. In this book you start to find out more about the characters pasts, there's so many secrets been kept that are starting to come out, you finally get some answers...and some more questions that you want answering, it's like a never ending puzzle...just as you think you know what piece is going to go where, another secret is told, adding another piece and totally messing up your theory. Another fantastic book from Beth Flynn and i can not wait for the third book


#teamGrizzalltheway! I loved Nine minutes and book 2 did not disappoint. I'll start backwards and say it ended exactly the way I would have wanted it to. Now granted it's a cliffhanger so that stinks, but still!!! I never liked Tommy/Grunt. Not even one tiny bit and I would rather have had Ginny be alone but she was doing what Grizz wanted. Although Mimi was mentioned a few times we never actually got much of her. Ginny is so much stronger than anyone, even Grizz gives her credit for. She would have been fine and if there were always others watching her she would have been just fine. There was a lot to absorb in this book. Some repeated from book one and other stuff that made you go hmmm, but I still have so many questions. There will be a book 3 in 2016 so if you like to read about bad boys, good girls, tattoo's, beards, dogs, kittens, chess, music and remembering the 70's read Nine Minutes followed by Out of Time.

Out of Time Review

This story sheds light to what made Grizz the ruthless man he became and also told of Tommy "Grunt's" story. Behind bars Grizz still ran things and had plans in motion after his execution. The lies and deception come out in this captivating, full of surprises and suspenseful well-written novel. I don't know if I'm Team Grizz or Team Tommy but Ginny was definitely loved by both.

A must read series!!

Wow!!! This story just took a left turn then made a u turn and went north. The characters in this awesome read are bouncing off the pages. I did not see it coming. This is not your ordinary biker babe falls for young innocent girl. Nope, the author takes you on a long journey and then gives you a smack and leaves your mind blown. So much in book two that when you think it's over nope! A whole new light at the end of the tunnel. A must read series.

Fantastically complex

I really enjoyed this book. So many questions were answered and so much backstory came out. It was almost overwhelming at times. I found a new respect for Grunt only to have it smashed and then duct taped back together again. I grew to love Ginny even more in this book. I did find that some of the backstory took away from Grizz's awesomeness. He's still crazy sexy and incredible but I felt like some of the good things he did got overshadowed. And that made me sad. This story has so many complex layers. Just when you think you know everything, something else comes to light that rocks your world. And you can't help but love it. I can't wait for the next installment.

So many secrets are revealed! Heartbreak and heartache and unexpected betrayals. - This was AMAZING!!!

This just keeps getting my better and better! Out of Time reveals so much of what was going on behind the scenes while Ginny was acclimating to her new life with Grizz. So many secrets are revealed! Heartbreak and heartache and unexpected betrayals. This story was perfect for providing more information regarding not just Ginny but everyone else that was in her life. Oh. My. Gosh!!! Then bombs that get dropped in this book are some doozies! They were unexpected and mind blowing! I'm off to start the conclusion for this trilogy. I must know more...


I almost didn't buy this book and am so glad I changed my mind! I really enjoyed "Nine Minutes" and didn't think there was a reason for a sequel. It seemed like all the loose strings in the first book were tied up but in this book those strings were UNtied and then REtied in a whole new way! A lot that was expounded on really blew me away because the story got so much more intricate. Grizz's childhood was covered and reading about his background made him a lot more understandable. Things that had happened in the first book were explained in ways that made more sense and added a lot to both books. I didn't see the ending coming AT ALL and now I'll be dying while I wait for the third book to come out!!!

What a ride!

Whew, if you thought book one was a wild ride - wait until you read book two. Just wanted to state that this book is recommended for readers 18+ due to violence, strong language and sexual situations! The lies....the deceit...the love...the passion...and I loved every page! There are so many twists and turns among the story of Grizz, Ginny and Grunt that my mind was reeling (but in a good way). This story is certainly not a smooth ride for any of the characters, so buckle yourself in for one Hell of a ride! Glad book three is all ready sitting on my Kindle, because I need more of this story asap!

Total Book Hangover!!!

Well, I started Out of Time yesterday, and I just kept reading. I could not put this book down! Finished today. I figured that I needed to just finish the damn book and get it out of the way because I was not getting anything else done. So now I'm going through book hangover. I started Nine Minutes on Monday. At this point, I'm not even sure if I'm Team Grizz or Team Grunt. Too much to process. Grunt/Tommy does not only love Ginny with all of his heart, but also loves both of his children deeply. Grizz has always loved Kit/Ginny to the point that it's like an obession. Could his love go beyond her to her children? I guess we just have to wait for Book 3. I know one thing, I haven't read a series like this since Captive in the Dark and the Consequences series. Book 3 can not get here fast enough. Beth Flynn, you are the best!!

A must read!!!!

The first book in the trilogy was very enjoyable. Great characters, a few red herrings, and a page turning plot. The second book in the trilogy, "Out of Time" was mind blowing. This story has many twists, turns and revelations that you didn't see coming. I am in awe of the author's ability to produce this fantastic story. This story gives you the "meat" to the information from the first book. Great story, great plot, great characters.

I wish this was a series or a movie or something....just leaving that out there for the screenplay gods...

I waited quite a long time for this and as soon as it dropped, I locked in. This story had such well-articulated development that I had to read slow and thorough so as not to miss anything. I was pretty miffed reading some parts of it and wished for it to have gone my way, but I endured those undesirable parts (because I'm a big baby who wants things her way....LOL), and saw the beauty in it all. I loved seeing my guy again. He's the perfect anti-hero! I enjoyed seeing Ginny's growth and watching her strength through tough times. What I loved MOST, though, was all the truth that was uncovered and twisting and turning with Bethy's words. Yeah...she's my Bethy. We're good like that. LOL!!! You HAVE TO read Nine Minutes before you get to OOT....and then you just HAVE TO go on to read A Gift of Time. I guarantee this series will have you engrossed and ready to flip the page but not ready to part with the characters. I wish this was a series or a movie or something........just leaving that out there for the screenplay gods.....

Only gets better if that's possible? 5 angsty stars, my forever love 💜

Just like with the first book in this series, Beth Flynn takes the reader on a journey of discovery, angst, turmoil and turbulence and I LOVED every damn second, minute and hour! This series flew straight to the top of my "Best evers" before even getting to book 2. Out of Time answers all the mysteries and goings-on from Part 1, it also gives us Grizz' s childhood, including what was in the bag? Out of Time ends with a fistpump and tears. Omg, I just cant even... Please, please, PLEASE put this trilogy on your TBR list right now!

I can't STOP thinking about this series!!!!!!

I came across the first book, Nine Minutes, multiple times over the last few months as a possible read and for whatever reason never took the bait to buy it. Finally I did, and I only wish I would have done so sooner! To my surprise, after I read Nine Minutes I was unaware that there was even a second book! Out of Time definitely helped answer question for the first book however as many people said, CLIFFHANGER! You can use your imagination to figure out what's happening or happened but I have a feeling even though I THINK I know what's going on, book three is going to blow my mind yet again. This series is by far one of the best I have ever read, EVER. The author developed great characters, used an insane story line and plot, and created so many twists that I still think about it days later. You will NOT be disappointed, I promise you that! ***does contain some graphic scenes

Wow just Wow....

Out of Time picks up where Nine Minutes left off. There are many twists, turns, secrets, surprises, and revelations in this story. One of my favorite things about this book is learning more about each character’s past. I will never try to make excuses for some of the things each character has done in the past but this book will help you understand some of the choices that were made. This book does end on a cliff-hanger and IT’S EPIC…. I need book 3 ASAP!!!!!

Beyond words

This is one of those stories that you sit and just can't believe all the twists and turns. I absolutely loved Nine Minutes and was so happy to know that a second book was coming. This book would answer all my unanswered questions I had hoped. Well it kinds did and it kinda didn't. What it did do was raise even more questions. Am I upset that it did? Not even in the slightest. I absolutely loved this story even more. I will say this though, don't hate the man. Love him. Grizz, you will forever be one of my most loved BBFs. No matter what has happened and no matter what you have done in the past I will always love you. Beth Flynn, keep writing.

I really liked book one in the trilogy

I really liked book one in the trilogy, and I liked this one too. I would definitely recommend reading this second part of the trilogy. It was full of twists and turns, keeping me wondering about a lot of the things that had gone on earlier in the story. Some secrets were revealed, but then there were new questions brought up. I liked how we were able to see Ginny in a new way, finally having having the chance to learn about herself and the men who were important in her life. The story gives us more information about Grizz's background and his feelings for Ginny, and how he always tried to protect her. It also brought up questions in the never ending saga of how we judge things and people as good or evil.

One of the BEST non-supernatural series I've ever read

I would recommend this series for Anyone that likes twist & turns...it is very intriguing and interesting...Love how the author keeps you guessing but not leaving you hanging. This is NOT a typical "biker book" it is maybe more about a gang...but not just that either...there is murder, sex, drama, love and deception....I am truly looking forward to the 3rd and final book!! I am so glad that the 2nd book answered sooo many questions-and it is a cliffhanger but One that isn't unsettling.

Blown away!

I loved Nine minutes, I am usually nervous to start the second book in a series because it doesn't always live up to the first book. May I also say I held off reading this book until the third book was out. I will say I was blown away. It is more confusing, switching from the 50's to 2000. You also have to pay attention to whose POV you are reading. Beth Flynn is a crazy, tormenting genius! OMG! What just happened? Who did what? The twists and turns just keep coming. I could never have predicted all the events and all the players that changed things up. Totally unpredictable!

Brilliant..such love....need tissue. Wow!

I don't even know where to begin!! This book, along with Nine Minutes, has taken me on a whirlwind of the best kind. This book answers so many questions and brings so much to light. I have laughed, cried, cussed and yelled!! I am so ready for the next book. I am team Grizz all the way. I love Grunt (Tommy) but the love that Grizz has for Kit...is like nothing of this world. This is the greatest love story of all time. I don't even know where to start with the deeper story inside this story...the government. I do believe that there are people like the NNG. We won't get into that....let me just say...Nine Minutes and Out of Time are two of the BEST books I have ever had the pleasure of reading. Brilliant

Absolute must read continuation of Nine Minutes !!!

I can not even explain my excitement over this book coming out. I have read it twice already and just totally savored every word of this book. The additional details you get on Grunt , Kit , and best of all Grizz are just heartbreaking. My heart ached so much through this story and since I am team Grizz the details of his history just pulled me in totally. I felt I went through the span of two love stories here with Grizz and Kit and Grunt and Kit. Beth Flynn is simply amazing in how she can bring out such emotion. I was so completely wrapped up , totally involved and in love with so many characters. Having finished I now feel bereft ..... I need more now!!!!!

Just okay.

I absolutely loved nine minutes! This book was a little disappointing to be honest. It was extremely long and it took me forever to finish because I just was not interested. I loved Ginny in nine minutes but in this book she came off as extremely whiny and annoying. A lot of the book was extremely over done and repeated. I wanted to love it, but it fell short for me. I still love the characters in the story line but this book could've been cut down by half. I will still read the third one.

Great read...

This is a book worth reading.. There is a lot of emotional parts that will grip you, take you on roads you didn't even know existed. Reading and keeping up with the different scenarios was, in the beginning, a little rough but once you started connecting the events, the lives of these different characters and how they played a vital role in this story, it brought all the pieces together. Now, it did leave the biggest cliffhanger and I can't wait to read the next book in this fantastic series.

Amazing, amazing series. I cannot express how much I love these books!

Amazing, AMAZING books... These books have been so great and have brought me such joy reading. I CANNOT put them down. I cannot wait to get to bed to start reading at night. Kit, Tommy and Grizz are amazing in these stories. You are going to need to read the first book in this series to understand what is going on with the main characters. These books are set back in the 60's and 70's and early 2000's with Kit's current children Mimi and Jason. I am going to be so sad when this series is over. Beth Flynn is such an AMAZING author and I cannot say enough how pleased I am to read her books. I am going to have a serious book hangover !!


EPIC!!!!!!!!!! Holy smokes!!!! This book was unbelievable !!!! My heart was in my throat for most this book!! Beth Flynn did an astounding job as the story seamlessly moves between the past and present as more and more secrets and revelations are revealed !!! And there are PLENTY of jaw dropping, heart pounding moments like those throughout this entire book!!! All I can say is, go in blindly and enjoy the ride because it is unforgettable and EPIC!!!! 10 "I love Griss" stars!!!

A masterful piece of fiction from a gifted storyteller

It is not often that a book comes along and causes me to feel the full spectrum of emotions I felt reading this one. I know there is a thin line between love and hate but I had no idea how thin that line could be. A masterful piece of fiction from a gifted storyteller. The writer's humility belies her talent. I am not sure if I am TeamGrizz or TeamGrunt now, but I know I am TeamFlynn. Can't wait for more!

Another home run!

I didn't think anything could beat the first book of this series, but oh how wrong I was. Getting to see all of the things that happened prior to Nine Minutes made the story have even more depth than before. I am happy we got all that info about multiple characters pasts. Setting up how they became who they are just puts things into a better perspective. Just fantastic writing that I couldn't put down. I feel like there is another book is coming, and I hope I'm correct about that!

Very good.

This a continuation of Nine Minutes. I hate cliffhangers and I rather buy a book that gives me a full story instead of waiting. Great thing is I decided to give Nine minutes a try after the author released the last one on the trilogy. I already purchased the last one and will start reading today. The author manages to bring the book characters to life in a way that you feel invested on their lives. Of course is fictional so some situations you just have to remember that but it's a good read and a great writer. I'm looking forward to more of her books.

Into the mystic

These books have me so enthralled I can't stop it's like I have to know. There's no dull moments. Every page you learn another secret another lie. Hearing all these truths you don't know who's really your friend or foe. So many sneaky deals . Grunt was also so sneaky and he lucky Grizzly didn't kill him. Grizz after everything he still looking out for Ginny God how can you not feel for him. Even hearing all the bad evil things. He never once hurt her intentionally. He truly cared and loved her with everything he was. I can't believe I had to be dragged into reading but so glad I was I owe her for this. Love this series so realistic

5+ Stars!!!!

WHOA! HOLY S***! I absolutely fell in love with Nine Minutes but this was this icing. It is hard to write a review when you can't give away anything. This book blew my mind with every page. It was like one 1500 hundred piece puzzle and everything made sense, but there are still missing pieces of the puzzle. My brain is literally about to explode. This book makes me love Grizz and Grunt even more than I did after Nine Minutes. My mind is completely fried. What a cluster**K but dang it, I want more!!!!!!!

Maybe 4-1/2 stars

This was good. So many twists and turns. So much deception. I can't believe what I just read!!! The worst of all to me was Wendy. Still so much is unanswered and I can't wait to see it all unravel!!! Loved all the background information. I really liked the diary. Some things still don't add up and I'm thinking the "accident" wasn't so accidental after all. I do think it is so extremely sad that Grizz never truly loved his son. How heartbreaking it must have been for Grunt to never know the love of a parent. And to know he grew up alongside his father and never felt his love. I truly despise Grizz.

A soap opera full of flashbacks that morphs into an X-Files episode with too many characters...

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. It was a soap opera that felt like it was willfully jumping the shark. Every other page was full of ridiculous subplots that add nothing to the story- except to serve as a completely unnecessary detour. To give away no spoilers, an example would be something along the lines of... a cashier that might of been briefly described in a paragraph from book 1, was no girl but a man, baby! A man planted by Grizz, in a conspiracy make sure Ginny only buys organic, because through a tip from a shadowy government organization in the 50s, he had the foresight that pesticides cause cancer down the road...and since he subconsciously knew he would one day want Guinevere aka Ginny aka Kit to have his babies, Grizz planted yet another pointless disposable character in her life as a child to keep her cancer free. All because he cares for her so gosh dang much. I wish I was kidding. Imagine a book fuĺl of flashbacks with characters just like the one described, for the sole purpose of throwing everything on the wall to see what sticks. Sounds insane, right? It was. It was laughably, eye rolling constantly, bad. The only silver lining was it bounced around in time so much (from the POV of characters you've either forgotten, forgotten to care about, or never cared about at all) you loose interest in the main characters, and won't care enough about the cliffhanger it ends on to buy the next book. I'd recommend this to no one. Well...maybe people that would enjoy binge watching episodes of soaps from the 70s? Nah, probably not. It would be an insult to soap operas.

You. Will. Get. Sucked. In.

Great sequel. Love triangles, long lost siblings... Gah! just when you thought this would simply be a sequel cementing Tommy and Kit's love and being an alternative POV from Grizz's perspective; oh hell no, Beth takes you on an unforeseen journey through so much. (But not in a "how does that even fit" kind of way.) I am impatiently awaiting the next installment. Ms. Flynn has an outstanding knack for weaving in twists and turns that actually add to the story. What a seriously tangled web and I'm loving every second of being stuck in this.


After reading the first one I couldn't wait to find out what was going to happen next. Right when you think you know it all another secret surfaces that threaten the characters fate. I was happy that Ginny was given a second chance of finding love and being loved. This was another favorite for me that kept me at the edge of my seat.


OMG! Mind----- BLOWN!!!! Out of time begins with a throwback into Grizz's past as a teen and we begin to slowly understand what and who made him the way he is. Throughout the book we get to see many characters points of view and the domino effect chain of events that leads to present. The many twists and turns are so unpredictable, I was chewing on my nails... I barely had any sleep since I couldn't out the book down. I'm an avid reader and this is the first book in a while which made me lose sleep. Endless questions will be answered and endless more will spur - PLEASE Beth, don't make us wait another year.. I'm going to reread the book AGAIN to make sure I haven't missed any details... I just can't ..

Brilliantly written

I reluctantly purchased the first book (Nine Minutes) and cannot believe how Beth Flynn's book so totally and completely pulled me in....sheer genius writing. I've read both books several times and, with each and every reading, pick up subtle nuances that add to the complexity of the many layers of the story. In these books, one is pulled into the question of where evil begins and good wins and which is which and how does love fit into all of this. Now, I cannot wait to read more of WHATEVER Beth Flynn writes

I can't recommend this book enough!!

I just have to say this will not be a long review. I can't wait to start reading the 3rd and final book to this series. I will simply tell you that you will hate yourself if you put off reading this series. I read a lot and this is by far my favorite series so far!!! BUY THIS BOOK! You wont be sorry.

And the surprises just keep coming

The author was honest when she said this is a cliffhanger. Usually those drive me bonkers. But there are so many questions answered that you hardly notice it until you get to the last page. Then it feels like you've been dropped on your head. So far I've only been right once in guessing answers. You'll just have to guess which one. The plot never stops twisting , the dialogue is as tight as ever. Now I have to find someway to occupy my brain until book 3 comes out. Aaaggghhh!

Mind blowing must read.

#Grizz! He will always my favorite. This is gritty view of what happens next. It is not always a great picture. Ginny is left with many questions and some are meant not to be answered. Tommy is or was supposed to be the final love of her life. Some dreams just don't come true.Ginny finally learns to walk on her own but will she be able to support what happens next. Who or what is Grizz? His real name is Jason, right? Why did Grizz give Ginny to Tommy? Why? WHY? WHY?? Nothing is as it seems, and trust nobody. What an amazing rollercoaster ride, Mrs. Flynn. I would follow this ride anywhere. The more I read the more questions I had. I can't wait to see if there is another pool waiting for a certain someone! #bluebandanasridefree

Loved Loved Loved It!

OMG I loved loved this story, Beth Flynn hit it out of the park with this one. Most of the questions you may have had get answered in this story.Different POV's also give insight on the various characters and gives you insight on who and why they are the way they are.

The way she pens the complicated twists and turns in this book are amazing. I highly recommend this book and I am ...

Book one blew me away. There are no words to describe the intricacy of this series. WARNING: You MUST read book one to understand the flashbacks in book 2. This author is talented! Book two is more of an explanatory behind the scenes that lead to the execution of Grizz. It deals with the fallout from his execution and the pasts of Tommy (Grunt) and Gin (Kit) keep bubbling to the surface. Nothing is what is seemed and certainly the characters are not who you think they are. Bravo!!! The way she pens the complicated twists and turns in this book are amazing. I highly recommend this book and I am a harsh critic!!


This book is awesome!! There was so many twist. It went back and forth with the years. At first, I was frustrated but in the end it was all worth it. It explain how it all played for Gennie. Everyone was guilty of keeping secrets from Gennie. She is so naive. But I love this book. The writting is different and I love it. I recommend this book. Beth Flynn you are awesome!! Can't wait to read the next!!

Can it get any better?

The second installment in this series is soo good. Just when you think you know what is going on with Grizz & Kit, something else reveals itself. What a great storyteller Ms. Flynn is.

Oh So Good, love the fast pace.

OH So Good. I loved the fast pace of this brilliant book. Kept me turning the pages. If you like romance, drama and chaos you will love this follow up to Nine Minutes. Oh yeah and the tears.. I love a good cry and I got several reading this one. One of my favorites. Thanks Beth for another great read.

What a loaded book.

This isn't a stand alone. You must read Nine Minutes first. This book goes back all the years that were missed between the final chapters and epilogue in book one. We also found out a lot more about who Grizz was through his life. A lot of Grunts deceptions so he could have Ginny to himself. There's also tons more secrets and back stabbing then anyone could expect. I can't wait for book three. I would highly recommend these books.


Have read all the series. Great writing. Every chapter kept me on edge. Hope the author continues to write more about Mimi, Christian, Anthony, Christy, Grizz, Kit. Maybe book about Slade. Loved the series.

A must read ~

Let me tell you first of all, you cannot read this book unless you have read "Nine Minutes" by Beth Flynn because the second book is going to blow your mind. I read it twice because there is so many facts ~ so to speak ~ to catch and then sit back and wonder if you read what you just read. This book is incredible and still it leaves you WAITING for the Third and I believe final book ~ I am at the edge of my seat waiting! WOW WHAT A TRILOGY...

Outstanding series

This series is so good, it’s literally killing me. The series continues to get better with the second book. All the secrets and lies catching up with each character; how it changes what you think you knew. A lot of missing pieces to this epic series. Still a roller coaster ride with not enough air in the room at times, again. I love it.

Gotta read this book!

I agree with the reviews Ive read that said this was such a good book. There is not much more I can add to my review that hasn't been said already. This book is amazing. Like other reviewers, I am still in shock and in awe. The writing is just so good. I usually am very good at guessing the twist at the end of books and movies. I don't think I guessed ANY of the twists and turns in this series. I gasped and had my mouth hanging open more in this book then I have ever in any other book I have read. I have been reading books that all had the same plot, same type of ending, so this book was so refreshing. I cannot wait till the third in the series to come out. I recommend this book HIGHLY!!

Amazing again! I NEED the next book in the series!!

Oh my goodness!!! This was just amazing!! This book answered so many questions I had from reading Nine Minutes, and it also answered things I didn't even know needed answering! It's written brilliantly going back and forth from past to present filling in the blanks. It's absolutely jam packed full of mystery and suspense! Now I'm needing the next book! I have more questions lots more! Cannot wait to get my hands on the next one! Roll on 2016!

4.5 stars

This is a 4.5 star read! I thought that maybe by book 2 that is will start to fall off but it didn't. I was a little nervous about the constant switching between the present and the past but for me that flowed smoothly and I enjoyed getting to know about their early years for Grizz and Grunt. I am very impressed by the writing style of this author. I can't wait to read book 3 and hope to read more from Beth Blynn.

A must read !

Where to begin....so much background information on Grizz, Kit, Tommy, Blue and so on...I suggest if it has been awhile since you read "Nine Minutes, that you read it again so everything is fresh in your mind. Be advised the book goes back and forth from the past to the present but it's done perfectly. Hang on to your emotions and prepared to be captivated by "Out of Time."

Fast read

I loved all three of these books. I was skeptical at first to read, my daughter in law recommended it, I was a little leary about the subject matter. But I couldn't put it down. Supposedly the series is over, but in the last book there were some unresolved issues, was the daughter abducted? Hopefully there will be another book.


I love these books, well worth the read!!

A book series worth the ride. One of the best MC reads.

I loved Nine Minutes. This was an eye opening read. Things I never expected were answered. It was an awesome ride. Love Grizz that crazy ass man. Loved Tommy too. I just finished book three. I think the author kept each book fresh and making me want to know more about Ginny and the clan. Thank you Ms. Flynn for writing a series worth having a book hangover for. You rock.


I waited until all 3 books were out, because I can't do cliff hangers. If you haven't read the book before this one, you'll be lost. Once you have read both... You'll be as excited for the 3rd as I am!!!! This book is not about an MC "club" rather the saga of about SoulmateSSS and although the other characters grab you to be sure, they're more of a focal point of the love. There's a lot of suspense. No sex elicit scenes, but you'll love the characters as they develop regardless. Captivating page turner to be sure! Excellent editing!

Excellent series

This continuation of Ginny’s story is great. It provides the backstory of Grizz and fills in many details from the first book. Will read the final book as well!

LOVED, LOVED, LOVED this book!!!!

WOW! All I can say right now is YOU HAVE TO READ THIS BOOK! That is assuming you have already read Nine Minutes. If you haven't, read it first! There are no words to describe how AWESOME this book is. Be sure you set aside plenty of time to finish it, because you will NOT be able to put it down. I am NOT kidding. It is THAT good. Beth Flynn, you are the bomb! I cannot wait to get my hands of book three! Hurry, hurry, hurry...

Loved, loved, loved!!!!!

I am awestruck, dumbstruck and lovestruck!!! What am absolutely brilliant follow on book from Nine Minutes. It's hard to believe, but I think I loved it even more. The story is complex, layered and mind blowing, but written in a way that's gripping and rewarding. Beth Flynn, you are a genius and I await the next instalment with great anticipation. Thank you for sharing your wonderful gift with us!!! I loved it, hard!!!

Keeps getting better.

Wonderful, well developed characters and strong plot that keeps me surprised and up until much too late reading. I have come to love all these characters. You have made them so human and flawed though they all are, I cannot wait to read number three. Thank you for your books and wonderful stirring. I hope you never stop.


I can't even - this is the best most emotional twisty story I could never even anticipate. I am powering though and eagerly awaiting the final installment of the trilogy. Beth Flynn has completely out done herself and I can't get enough. For a captivating engaging read you can't put down, pick up this trilogy!

You HAVE to read this!!

My favorite series. This book is full of surprises and you will not be able to put it down. When you finish, you still will not be able to get it out of your head!! It's fantastic, from start to finish and ,eaves you holding your breath or thinking "wtf" quite often. There is no story like Grizz, Kat, and Grunt.

Freaking Amazing!!!

I have no words!! This book was by far the best book I have read this year. So much revealed, so many twists and turns - I seriously could not put it down. I'm and so ready to start book three as I can't wait to see where it all goes. Excellent!!


I binged the whole Trilogy in a weekend. I couldn't help it it was so good that I couldn't put it down. This review is being written a month after reading the series and well i must say im still hungover from it. I still think of it every day. I can't wait for Mimi & Christians story

Much Much more than I could have hoped for!

Great book! You learn all the secrets and have answers from the first book. But wait...there is MORE much much MORE. This book was fabulous, I am so excited to read the 3rd book. It does not end with a horrible cliffhanger, but it leads you with excitement to see what is going to happen. I hope the next book is just as good or better! This series is on a roll.

The entire book is like a giant puzzle and each chapter is a piece ...

This book. I don't know how I can even write a review worthy of this book. The entire book is like a giant puzzle and each chapter is a piece of that puzzle. Everything is important. If you crave twists, turns and shocking revelations this book is a must read. Plan to cry out exclamations at every turn. If you enjoyed Nine Minutes then you will absolutely devour Out of Time. Beth Flynn is bloody brilliant!


I picked this book back up after putting it down a year ago. Not sure why I didn’t finish it then. It answers a lot of questions from book one. It’s a cliffhanger though. The next book is out in addition to a spin off series. So worth your time. I literally couldn’t put it down.

What a ride this is! A must read!

Beth Flynn knows how to tell a story. Did she answer questions from Nine Minutes? Yes, yes she did! Did she leave us reeling and with so many more questions after Out of Time? YES! Yes! Yes! I want to say so much, but I can't, without spoilers! All I will says is both Nine Minutes and Out of Time are must reads! Must, must, must! I can't wait for book three and what I hope to be the HEA I want! But with Beth's mind, you just never know! Happy reading!

Full of Surprises

It was an exciting read with lots of twists and turns. It was really engaging as secrets were revealed and we were left with a cliffhanger. In the second installment, Kit was undergoing a confusing time. She was always protected by the two men who adored her and as a result felt hurt by revelations. Next I would have to read the third installment to see how things end up for Kit.

The saga continues....

And it's a page turner!!! I am terrible at review s, but it you loved Nine Minutes, than you must read this follow up! So many questions are answered and more ate there for the asking. I can't wait for the next book. This book does end with a cliffhanger, so if you are impatient, you might want to wait until the third book is out.

This book, though. GAH!

This book was so brilliantly written and NOTHING is what it seems!!! I am hooked and can't believe how torn my heart is. I thought I understood them all in book 1. I didn't know one single thing!!!! Dive in, this series is FANTASTIC!

I get it

So I was reading some of the bad reviews and I was scared to read this book. Someone said they took 6 days to read it and I didn't want to take that long to read it. But I get it. The first book was just the story about Grizz and Kit but this book is all the story's in between that she never knew about. It shows Grizzly past and also Grunts. I loved it just as much as I loved and first. Can't wait for the third book!!


Can't wait.....dying for the rest. Knew it from the beginning of nine minutes. This story is amazing. Don't be shallow , and judge just cause the base topic is, ..out of the norm. Go in open minded. And enjoy the ride it's amazing. There are more in the series, and I hope she never stops. It's amazing how they just keep giving.. Enjoy


WOW! This is a great read!! It has so many twist and turns you never know what is going to happen next. Everything you thought you knew in Nine Mintues you can throw out the window. This is one of the best series I have read. I can't wait to see what happens next. This is one of the rare books that I didn't have figured out before the end. It is a must read. Rated GREAT


I just finished this book. All I can say is WOW! Such great writing. Such a well told story. Lots of twists and turns that were irritating but when you get to the last page you realize it was the only way to do justice to the story. I can't wait till 2016. I wish I didn't have to wait for the next book. I can't decide which book was better book 1 or book 2. What a great read.

This was an amazing read. I have never read anything quite like ...

This was an amazing read. I have never read anything quite like these books. This is the second book in a trilogy and this book was even better than the first and that one was so good I didn't think anything could top it!!! There are so many twists and turns in this story that I did not see coming!!! This trilogy is a MUST read!!!

Please tell me this is not the end?

Love this story. The first novel caught me off guard at first. It defiantly wasn't what I expected, in a good way. I read it thinking is this a true story? Happy to find out there a second book. So many expecting twists. I loved the flashbacks that gave more insist and filled in the gaps to the first novel, yet stayed true to the current status of the story. Please give me a 3rd book, I need to know what happens.

Captured Time

From our authors we want to know about the hero, the villain and the damsel in distress. We are happy when things are tied up in a predictable way; nodding as we read the last page knowing we have been taken to a safe conclusion. Then Author Beth Flynn came along. With Out of Time this author continues to challenge my conscience; my idea of right and wrong, love or selfishness, revenge or peace. I loved every detail, every flashback, every piece of information that led me deeper into these characters lives; to understand how a pair of innocent brown eyes won the heart of an intelligent young man and captivated the soul of a brutal gang leader. This author's work reminds me that a good plot, an intriguing story and passionate characters trump calculated romance every time. This story isn't to be rushed through but savored until all the pieces are on the table. I will say this series is by far my favorite series of all time. This is the part of my review I usually say I can't wait for the next one. But in this case, I want Author Beth Flynn to take all the time she needs to write the conclusion because I never want it to end. This is a truly amazing story and if I could give it 10 stars I would. Highly recommend.

Blown Away!

I am completely blown away! This book was so so good! I loved book 1 did not think she could top that so I waited way to long to read book 2, Sheesh I am stupid! Should have read this way sooner! Now I am dying for the last! I seriously think this is the best biker book I have ever read!

LOVED This book

LOVED This book, could not stop reading it, before I knew it the book ended, I had to have the others, this series is a keeper. Every once in a while a story comes along and touched you deep inside, this is one on those story's, thank you Beth Flynn for this wonderful, wonderful read.

Amazing series!!

Of course, I absolutely loved the first book and this one was just as good! A little far-fetched at times, but nonetheless gripping. I couldnt' put it down! Keeps you interested and wanting more. Only problem is it's a cliffhanger and Book 3 comes out in 2016!!!! Yes, better purchase when last one is out or else you will end up very frustrated .... it is that good!

Freaking loved it!!

This is the 2nd book in this series and omg what can I say?? I loved it. I gave this series a chance and I'm so glade I did. This book made me feel so many emotions. Love, anger, lust, and even sadness. I cried some and laughed also. Beth thank you for writing such a awesome mc book that I enjoyed reading every page. Couldn't put it down. I give it 5*'s

I feel like a pretzel

There were so many twists, turns and surprises, I just can't imagine how she kept them straight. I generally write my stories as I go along. She must have used another means: an outline. No spoilers in this review, but you will be shocked and surprised by a lot of information.

I am completely blown by the revelations revealed in Out ...

I am completely blown by the revelations revealed in Out of Time!!! How does the say go? “Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer” – Now that Sarah Jo is she friend/foe?! It has been one hell of a ride, so on to A Gift of Time for the conclusion of this journey.

A hole in a bucket

I see the water leaving like so many truths and lies that come from the characters. I honestly have no way to review this book. The plot is complicated and the emotions are complex. This is a good follow up and the author is keeping it strong. I'm glad that Grizz didn't fall in love with someone else that had my adrenaline flowing. I'm just shocked at the ending and can't wait for the next book.

Highly highly recommend...

Just when I thought the first one couldn't be topped, I was very wrong. Can't give too much information, but I definitely am spending my night reading book 3. The twists and revelations left me open mouthed. Will be back with the review for book 3 when I am done.

Worth the Time!

Just imagine my excitement when I saw that Out of Time was live the other day. I have been waiting for the sequel since i finished Nine Minutes. It didn’t disappoint. The blurb was correct in the fact that it did answer most questions, however there is still room for more. I can’t wait until next year for the third book. With that said, holy plot twist batman! There were so many twist and turns and at first I was afraid i would get lost or wouldn’t remember certain characters, but I just jumped in and everything came back. The book jumped around a little from Grizz’s past to the current time after the execution. We also get different scenes for years before when Grizz and Kit were together. I enjoyed each time and love piecing together everything. So much that i think ill go read Nine Minutes again!

It is a very easy read. The characters got confusing at times as ...

This book brought out mysteries and plot twists from the first book. It is a very easy read. The characters got confusing at times as you tried to remember the gang name and real name, but the book was still very interesting.

Great addition

To a wonderful series. This book answered so many questions,but left me with about a million more. The ending left me perplexed and excited for book three. Grizzly I know I shouldn't ,but I love you all the same and Tommy, I thought I had you figured out, but boy was I wrong. How book three will end is anyone's guess. I just know I reading it.

Out of Time

Wow.... That's all I have to say... WOW!!! Goodness such twist and turns.. I got confused a few times but it all worked out.. Wow what a bomb at the end of the book.. Man can't wait to read more of the storyline. I recommend this book and the Author. Did not see this happening at all... Loved the story.

Loved! So many questions and answers filled in and ...

Loved! So many questions and answers filled in and now so many more that we need! I can't get enough of this series. I am so addicted. I just wanted to do nothing but sit read this book. I need book 3 like yesterday!

Fantastic series!

There are so many twists and turns I could't stop reading it. What a tragic love story this series is. I am looking forward to see whats next.

Great second book

The second book in this amazing series from Beth Flynn. Out of time took me sometime to get my head around and was hard to get into at first but once I did it was gripping and full of some amazing twists and shocks. I got my answers left open from Nine minutes but due to one hell of a cliff hanger have been left with more unanswered questions. Highly recommend this series 5++


OH MY GOD, what an amazing 2nd book, I can't explain how much I love this series. I laugh, cry & am on the edge of my seat. Can't wait to read the last book.

You will want to take this nice and slow ....great series!

Beth Flynn has created and amazing, intense, and intricate story. I loved the way the story shifted between the characters as well as the years. The wonderful references to songs/artists, the relevant technologies, etc. just make it so easy to feel like you are right there. I can't wait for the next. Highly recommended!

Really great read, you MUST read the first book to ...

Really great read, you MUST read the first book to understand what is going on in this one. Some love stories are a bit unconventional and this one has you cheering for the 'bad' guys.

I loved this trilogy

I loved this trilogy. First books I have read by this author and they didn't disappoint. All three books were great. I couldn't put them down till I had finished all three. You must read book one, Nine Minutes, before this book. Can't recommend this series enough.

Oh what a tangled web!

Wow! Oh Grizz.....his love for Kit goes so far. This book and the untangling of all the lies is brilliant. So intricately put together and then the way it was delivered by the author kept you hooked but also kept the mystery all the way. Complicated and utterly brilliant.


Oh the things you learn in this book. I read Nine Minutes so long ago I had forgotten so much. But Beth was able to make me remember and fill the gaps. Very well written and kept my attention throughout. I'm just hoping we don't have to wait so long for the next book

What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.

I'll keep this very simple, as I've been thinking on just how to word a review for a book with SO much going on. It has my head scattered in every direction. There is a lot going on in this story, A LOT! All your questions from Nine Minutes are answered, but you are left with more...and wanting more. Beth straight up tells you, it ends with a cliffy..If you don't like that, you should wait. Beth is a phenomenal writer, I'm not big on third person reads, but she managed to make it easy to follow even with going into the past. Nine Minutes was amazing, totally mind blowing. Out of Time just blew me away. I'm very good at predicting what's going to happen, and 99% of the time I'm correct. This wasn't the case with Out of Time, and it was so refreshing! It was one of my favorite things about OOT, being surprised. The twist and turns that come with this story, and it goes in a direction I never would have guessed. I absolutely loved it. This book cannot be contained to one genre, it stretches out into every categorization there is. Love it. Bravo Mrs. Flynn! Bravo!

another 5 stars

couldn't wait to keep on reading this series. so sad but yet intriguing

The cliffhanger is worth it in this thrilling follow up to Nine Minutes

I gave this book 5 stars at first, then I sat back and thought about it and got really angry. Not only do I have a thousand more questions, but I am not sure whether I was even reading the right book when I got near the end. Out of Time will answer all your questions from Nine Minutes, at least it answered all of mine. It also left me with more questions and a lot of head scratching. (I still loved it though and will continue to stick around for more.) We're moving from one character POV to three...I think three, maybe it was four, to be honest I am not sure and I only finished it two days ago. We're finally getting Grizz's background story, and Grunt's, and learning that everything we knew about Kit/Ginny and her past was untrue. I won't give away spoilers, but if you're reading this review I will assume you've read Nine Minutes. Grizz's past is told firsthand from prison and secondhand through Grunt's confessions to Kit. We see his childhood, how he found himself as a notorious, feared biker, and an agent. Yes, agent. We also begin to understand why Kit stayed and how as an adult 25 years later comes to recognize her story wasn't the way it should've been. She has children, a husband, and she's out of the biker lifestyle. But then there's a reporter who meddles and forces everyone to confront their secrets and boy were there some secrets that will throw you for a loop! The final cliffhanger is a good one, a damn good one. What the hell is gonna happen to the love triangle now!? Beth Flynn provides you answers on all of Nine Minute's characters, even the most minor. I loved hearing how some of the minor character's lives turned out, their careers, their children, and getting the answers from them about the past secrets. Grizz ended up charming me to no end, because his past hooks you end and you watch him grow up. He's bad for a reason, he's egotistical and handsome, but he's also got a soft side. The plot twists were awesome, though a bit overdone. I grew to hate Grunt and I think I still do, even if Kit/Ginny loves him. Flynn leaves little hints as she leads up to the big reveal and she does it in the best way possible, little sentences here and there as secrets are revealed. I hated the largest plot twist. Hated it. I all of a sudden feel like I am reading a political thriller. I am really terrified of what we'll see in book three. That said, I think Flynn tried to wrap it up in a neat bow and maybe it will be left as is. I also hated that the love story I adored from Nine Minutes was a lot more sinister than I expected it to be, but then I accepted it and realized that this would be how a kidnapper mystery could really work. I took some convincing though. All together, political thriller aside, I would definitely recommend this to anyone who liked Nine Minutes. I continue to think that Nine Minutes can be read as a standalone novel, but if you want the questions answered then read on to book two. I will definitely stick around for the final novel in the thriller and I look forward to seeing what happens. P.S. Why is it that I have a character love obsession with Grizz, what the heck? I didn't picture him as anything but scary, and now all I want to do is have him win the girl and get the good life. What are these feelings?

10 star

In this story you find out more of the truth that played a huge part in each characters lives. I say 10 stars for this series because it holds a lot of emotions and just great writing that draws you in .


This book is amazing.... this series is one of the best stories I've ever read! Some parts are hard to keep up with - there are so many b twists and turns! But the author does an amazing job at navigating the reader through it all!! Such a tangled story, but so perfectly written... To sum up my review: WOW! Just WOW!!

Was Worth the Wait

Out of Time is one of the most anticipated reads this year. With thousands of people waiting with baited breath for its release, the expectations for Beth Flynn's second book were massive. After reading the book in one sitting and getting caught up in the hype, it can be confidently said that readers would be happy to wait another thousand years for Out of Time; if it meant they were given the pleasure to read such a thrilling, evocative, emotive and compelling piece of writing, that is, Out of Time. Beth Flynn blows the readers mind with the direction of Out of Time. As it resumes the story line in the same sentence were Nine Minutes left off, Flynn gives readers a much needed look into the lives of our favourite characters. Out of Time is a combination of past and present and switches narrators effortlessly. Successfully transitioning from Ginny, Tommy & Grizz's point of view and each differing tangent in the story. Out of Time brings to life the heart and soul of these multifaceted characters, with such deep and meaningful story lines. The twist, turns and revelations in this book will have you on the edge of your seat and gasping in shock at EVERY SINGLE chapter. As the story delves further into the kidnapping of Ginny and the execution of Grizz, readers will be wondering as to whether life will just settle for Tommy and Ginny. This complex book does nothing but highlight Beth Flynn's talents as an author. Out of Time is well written, with the perfect amount of emotion, angst and suspense. Flynn's dedication to her work is shown on every single page. Out of Time commendably immerses you into a world so different from your own and will leave you with visuals running like a movie reel in your mind for days and days after.

Roller cooaster of a read

There are just NO WORDS! I could not put this down and had to notes to keep it all straight ... what a fantastic continuation of an unexpected story from Beth Flynn's first novel Nine Minutes. Not what you may think and oh that freaking cliffhanger ...anxiously awaiting the continuation of Ginny & Tommy & Grizz's story

A Must-Read for Nine Minutes Fans!

NOT a standalone! You MUST have read Nine Minutes before starting this book So I’ve had a few days to think about my rating and review for Out of Time. I LOVED Nine Minutes so much, it was one of my top favorite books of last year. I could not wait to get my hands on Out of Time. But I’m still unsure how I feel about this book. I’m giving it 4 stars because I really like Beth Flynn’s writing style and I enjoyed the book and the characters. However, there are also parts that I think could have been improved upon or just withheld altogether. Here is what I loved. For starters, I was just so happy to be back with Grizz and the gang. It had been about eight months since I’d read Nine Minutes so I did have to refresh my memory a bit before I began. But quickly enough most of the relevant facts came back to me, and just as quickly I was fully immersed in the story. I felt almost reunited with old friends, only this time around I was learning more about their past and how some of them came to be a part of the gang. There is plenty of emotion in this book and I felt it all, from sadness and heartbreak to happiness and joy, with a bit of anger and frustration thrown into the mix. I loved this and felt as if I were experiencing these situations right along with the characters. Which brings me to my next point and perhaps the main reason for my 4 star rating: Beth Flynn did an incredible job of telling a story that jumps between so many different time periods. From the 1950s where we learn about little Grizz’s painful upbringing to the 1970s with the gang, all the way to the 21st century during the days and weeks following the execution, the chapters flow seamlessly. I never felt as if she were jumping all over the place, it all seemed to make sense as I read the story. I was amazed at her ability to write this way and to put the story together with so many different sub-plots happening at once, each one in a different time period. I think this shows tremendous writing talent, and I truly admire her for it. In addition, as I am a fan of cliffhangers, I did enjoy the ending and it does certainly have me waiting with baited breath for book #3. It is a much bigger cliff, in my opinion, than book #1 so if you don’t like cliffs, you may want to hold off until the release of book #3 and read them back to back. (I did find myself at times wishing I had done this with the first two books.) Here are the issues I had with Out of Time. For one, it is a long book. I have no problems with the story length in general, and I often do not even give that a thought. But in this case, I felt as if it really could have been shorter. It seemed to get very repetitive; too often, I was reading the same thing over and over again. Grizz realized that Ginny was the only woman and perhaps only individual he’s ever truly loved so many times, I was rolling my eyes after a while. The same holds true for his feelings for Grunt, and Grunt’s feelings for Ginny. But as I said, I did love the story so I was able to overlook this issue. The book also became very confusing very quickly; granted it had been a while since I’d read book #1, but regardless, there were just too many characters in this story and it was making my head spin. A timeline and flow chart showing everyone’s true name/nickname/relationship/years in the gang, etc. would have been extremely helpful. I was amazed that the author was able to write about so many characters within one book without running into any major flaws. My final issue is the believability of the storyline; what started out realistic, for the most part, took some crazy twists and turns in a direction that just made no sense to me. I can’t really say more without giving anything away, but towards the end of this book, I reached a point where I literally said out loud to no one, “You’ve got to be kidding me.” It just seemed way too far-fetched and somewhat of a let down after all that I’d been through with these characters. Just too over the top for me. But to each his own and I’m sure plenty of readers liked that part and weren’t bothered at all. All in all, I absolutely recommend this book to everyone who enjoyed Nine Minutes. Beth Flynn has done a wonderful job developing these complex characters, and taking their story to a whole new level. I am eager to see where the story goes from here and how everything will be resolved. Will certain folks finally get their true HEA? I certainly hope so. Stay tuned for book #3.


Brilliant!! It took me a while to gather my thoughts on this story. I don’t even know what to say about this book other than it was fan-freaking-tastic. Beth Flynn is a master storyteller. Let me stop right here and say that if you have not read Nine Minutes, you must must must read that book before starting this one. OUT OF TIME is filled with spoilers as well as a huge cast of characters that will have your head spinning if you have not yet read the first book. The events that occur in OOT are absolutely mind-boggling. Cathy and I both thought we knew where this story would go, but believe me, even in our wildest imaginations, we never could have guessed the twists and turns that occurred in this book. We are both huge Grizz fans. I loved him even more after reading the flashback scenes and learning about this childhood (such as it was.) His devotion/obsession with Ginny was more fully explained and the use of flashbacks was perfection. A word about that: Cathy is a tough reader, almost impossible to please, and she LOVED this book! She actually called it “perfect”! And that word sums up Beth Flynn’s storytelling ability. Every character in Out of Time is essential, there are no throwaway scenes, and absolutely no unnecessary drama. Make no mistake, this book is violent, it is gritty but it is unbelievable gripping, intense and sexy. My heart broke several times over while reading this story. And while I am a GFFL (Grizz Fan for Life!), Beth Flynn did an amazing job with Grunt’s character. His love for Ginny is endless. This is the kind of book that must be savored, re—read and discussed. There is that much going on. And the world of MC’s is not in any way sugar-coated yet the story is immensely readable and unforgettable. At the core of this series is the love Grizz has for Ginny. It is unending. OUT OF TIME is without question one of the best books we have read this year. This series is a must-read. Don’t miss out. "The only truth you ever need to know is that my love for you is real and will never go away. And everything I’ve done, no matter how it looks, is so you could be protected. I never wanted to be without you, but it’s not my choice now.”

this series was the first for me by this author...and I'm blown away!

great story, couldn't put it down! was rooting for the characters the whole time. I grew up hearing stories about biker gangs and what could happen if you're not careful, this story blew my imagination out the of the water!!

Again with the 5+******

This story just keeps pulling you under. So gripping. Yes some questions are answered but more arise and I can not wait for the next book. This author has such talent and should be very proud of her accomplishments. This series is a must read in my opinion.


I am not sure this review will do this book justice. I hope it does. I hope that it convinces just one more person to read the story. This is an epic love story! Without giving anything away, all I can say is WOW! What a ride! I was in tears for a little while toward the end. Ginny and the blue bandana made me cry. But this book brings it all together-answers questions from it's predecessor, Nine Minutes. I was shocked at some of the explanations and the very last sentence of this book had me saying, "Whaaaat?!?" I am not sure I can wait until 2016 for the 3rd book! As much as I love cliffhangers, this one takes the cake. When Nine Minutes came out, I heard people talking about it. Recommending it all over Facebook. I read the blurb. It did not sound like something I was interested in. I'll admit, it seemed a bit tame compared to some of the things I read on a normal basis. I prefer the dark genre. I decided I would give it a go. If I didn't like it, I just would not have to finish it. OK, it starts off taking place in 1975-i am a child of the 70's. I grew up with the clothes and the hair and the music! The Music! I knew I would be hooked at that point. I could not put the book down. And then I had to wait for Out of Time to be released-yeah, I finished that in less than 48 hours. Devoured it. Read it at work. In the parking lot at the grocery store. Told my mom about it. My little sister. Bought Nine Minutes in paperback and sent it to my mother in law. Will buy Out of Time and send that one to her also. I loved, loved, loved this book. This story grabs you and refuses to let go! Grizz and Kit had a love that no one expected. And I am dying to know what Grizz' secrets are-who is he? Who did he work for? What is going on?? Tommy and Ginny.......they belong together. Don't they? The waiting is going to be the hardest part of this tale-it already is. Looks like I might have to just start all over from the beginning. Beth Flynn is a genius with this story. I will read anything she writes in the future. Absolutely anything! It's EPIC!

Wonderful Book

Part two was as rapid page turner as book one. I love this series. Moving on to part three asap. Highly recommend

Absolutely Amazing 5 Star Book

First, I’d like to start out by saying I loved Nine Minutes. It left me speechless and wanting more. I have waited for almost a year to find out answers. Finally, Out of Time was in my possession and I was eager to get some resolution. I love the way Beth Flynn can take a reader by surprise. But, this time I had a plan. I was ready for the mind games to begin. In fact, I was going to be the best detective and outsmart this author. I mean, I knew I was outwitted with the first book, but I was ready to defeat her this time. Guess what? Once again, Beth Flynn took me by surprise and boggled my mind. I guess I better start training for the next round. This author is a tough competitor. Five stars is not enough for this masterpiece!!! It’s powerful, suspenseful, and I found myself gripping my kindle tighter with each page I finished. It was a perfectly written emotional roller coaster, weaving in twists and turns that made my head spin. I don’t even know how to describe the emotions I experienced reading Out of Time. I found myself supporting actions I wouldn’t condone under normal circumstances. This is not your typical love story. It’s different and that’s why I enjoyed every minute of it. Beth Flynn is a genius. I am completely in awe with her writing. With each chapter I read, she answered a question, but left me with two or more to ponder. I felt like I was on the Tilt-A-Whirl, spinning out of control. Pay attention to every word. If you think you know what’s going to happen next, you’ll soon learn this author will surprise you. I don’t want to give away the plot, but I will warn you to hold on tight. You will be thrown for a loop too many times to count.

Good Read!!

Really loved this series. Great characters and great plot twists. Hard to put down.


I love love love this book! The first one was amazing and this one did not fail me! It provides a lot of background for the first book 9 Minutes...and has a spectacular amazing ending!

Who did I want to be the bad guy?

I waited a year for this book, a year. When it finally came out, I was so nervous. I had a year of anticipation and what if it didn't live up to my hopes and dreams for the characters?! I was so torn at the ending of the last book...what did I want?! Who did I want to be the bad guy?! Who did I need the happy ending for?! Enter Beth Flynn. This book is a rollercoaster, but one that I willingly would ride for probably...ever. In the end, I'm still torn, my emotions are shaken. I wish someone could be the bad guy so I didn't feel so cut by one of them not having what they deserve. I'll admit when I got somewhere between 80%-90% in this book, things took a weird turn and I'm not entirely on board with that part of the plot...in a book that has such a different storyline than any other book I've read it started to get kind of cliche and predictable. Fear not though, as I did for a short time, the ending makes up for it and makes you itch for more. I'm sincerely hoping that we do not need to wait another year for the completion of this series, I anxious level was at a 10 waiting for this book and now with the new developments I'm at an 11... And I'm currently full circle on my nervous emotion...what if in the final book doesn't live up to my hopes and dreams?! Don't fail me Beth Flynn!

oot review!

This is the second book in the set and it answered a lot of questions for me and left me with a whole new set! I love the story.I love the characters it held my interest and left me waiting for the next installment.

Book two was better than the first

This chick can write an intricate plot. I have had two very late nights in a row unraveling all these twists, and I'm exhausted. Book two was better than the first, so beth flynn had better have a damn good wrap up for this trilogy, or I am going to be severely dissappointed. That is all.

Loved the characters & story line

Loved the characters & story line. The second book in the trilogy. My only concern is having to wait until 2016 for the 3rd book. I might have to re-read the first 2 prior to reading the last just as a refresher and because I enjoyed it so much. Really worth the purchase!

great set of books

loved this series

Totally spellbound by twists and turns in this book!

I could not put this book down from start to finish. So much mystery surrounding Grizz and so many things explained that happened in book 1. I can not wait for the shoe to drop in the final book!! This will be a tortuous wait for the book release but I know it will be worth the wait. Best trilogy I have read in a very long time. Fantastic!!


What a fun story teller. CONGRATS, WELL DONE! I love all the twists and turns in this book. We were filled in on lots of the missing pieces in book one in a captivating way. I sincerely hope she hurries up and gets three out ASAP.


Wow, just wow. A mind blowing sequel to a mind blowing 1st book. Nine Minutes was one of my all time favorite books, Out Of Time is right up there with it. Beth Flynn's story telling is organic and brilliant! I can't recommend enough! Now the horrible wait for book 3.

I need more now!!!!

Ugh .....I need more right now! Beth Flynn has done it again What an amazing story and it keeps getting better I couldn't put it down! Can't wait to read more!

Good, but I missed Grizz

This book was good, but I just can get into Grunt/Tommy as Kit's husband. Grizzly is the one I see her with. Beautifully written. . even with my reservations about Tommy.

Love the story

But struggled with the back and forth from past to present. I find it hard to shift from the picture in my mind of the 50s and 60s to the year 2000. Looking forward to book 3, but bracing for more of the same style.

I loved this book!

The characters were so vivid and the story line completely surprising. Definitely not your cookie cutter love story! Lots of secrets revealed too.


Wow! The author wove a complex story that had me shocked and awed. Can't wait to dive into the next book.

There were so many things I loved and a few I did not

3.5 stars! This one is very different from the first. There's lots of information and Beth doesn't leave a stone unturned.... There were so many things I loved and a few I did not. I remain team Grizz through and through.... I am very intrigued too see what boom three will bring!


I am not sure where to start this because I am truly speechless!! My jaw is literally hanging open and I feel a bit shaky. This book rocked me to my core! I am not even exaggerating a little bit here people! I was utterly consumed from page one. I mean WOW, just WOW!! I feel like a complete babbling idiot but Out of Time was just THAT good! I want to say that if you have not read Nine Minutes, you should not read OOT. You have to, in fact I did a re-read of Nine Minutes before I started Out of Time and I am glad I did. OOT is such a complex detailed book, the background is so important. I will also say Nine Minutes was an amazing read too! OOT picks up where Nine Minutes ends and boy it goes straight for the jugular from page one. Beth Flynn does an unbelievable job of weaving this web that the reader has no frigging idea what she’s going to toss out at you next. I mean, it was just one shocking moment after the other, and when you think you know what is going to happen next, BAM!!! She throws out a curve ball sending you in the complete opposite direction, where she thinks of this stuff, has me completely baffled, but I am so very happy she did! I can’t really say too much because every little detail and word written are telling and I will not spoil this amazing journey for anyone. What I will tell you is this; Out of Time explains A LOT! And boy is there a lot of explaining to do. You will find out all of the unanswered questions from Nine Minutes and more. Questions that arise in this book are explained as well. Grizz fans needn’t worry because this book goes from past to present and Grizz is all over this! Grunt fans will be happy as well! Damn, but Ginny is one lucky lady! There were a few things I can tell you that were so gratifying for me to learn about they were the descriptions and examples of Grizz’s love for Kit. **SWOON** Boy, did that man have a soft spot for his Kitten. I am a big fan of bedroom scenes, I love them! My friend and I were talking about these books and she said to me that even though this book did not have those scenes it did not matter because the story was so good. It was then that I realized there was basically no sex in these books, I mean I did not even notice… That is how crazy great this story is. It really did not need it! I know right? But it is true! Let’s chat about Grunt for a sec….. Hmmm, this book brings to light a whole new Grunt in my opinion. Let me just say, like father like son in so many ways! Grunt’s love for Ginny is epic. It goes back so many years and was so strong; he literally waited a lifetime to be with the girl of his dreams! Like I said, what I wouldn’t give to be Ginny and to be loved so purely, so fiercely, so passionately… Yeah. So, I sit here now and wonder how I am going to wait about 7 months or so to find out what happens next. Yes, big cliffhangers here and I think I might go out of my mind waiting for the next book. I am already sitting here imagining all these different scenarios. I am going to pull my hair right out of my head. Beth Flynn is an evil genius! I will be not so patiently waiting for book 3 to come out! 5 lip smacks just doesn’t seem to cut it for this amazing story. Out of Time by Beth Flynn just might be my favorite book of 2015, it will be extremely hard to top!! Nine Minutes was so good I knew it would be near impossible to live up to such a high standard, but she did! Amazing, wonderful and truly enthralling job Beth, Congratulations!

The story was brilliant!! Loved the characters

WOW WOW WOW!!!! Beth Flynn has done it again!! This woman is extremely talented and kept me on the edge of my seat with each and every chapter!!! The story was brilliant!! Loved the characters, the storyline and the writing!!

Holy cow!

I loved that this book cleared up a lot from the first but the cliffy it just ended on has me wanting to beg for the rest! This is a must read series!!!

best book of 2015 for me

First things first! Beth Flynn you are simply AMAZING!!! Out of Time was well worth the wait!!! I was so friggin excited to read this book, that I totally tried to ignore everyone & everything just so I could sit & read. It was so hard when I had to stop reading and tend to my kids & my home, that I wanted to say to them, "How dare you interrupt me while I'm reading this awesome book because you want lunch & some clean clothes"?!? lol That's the awesomeness of Beth Flynn!!! Beth did a great job with the flashbacks & she nailed explaining how it all began. All my questions were being answered that I had from Nine Minutes & things were clicking like crazy. BUT... by the end of the book, Beth left me with a whole new set of questions that I will now have to wait until 2016 for the answers. I am still & will always be #TeamGrizz!!! I think Grunt is a sneaky, lying, conniving "runt" & Ginny is so, I don't know, I just can't explain Ginny the way she is in this book. I think I will have to re-read it at a slower pace & really try to pay more attention to Ginny this time around to figure her out. But, at the end of the day, my ideal ending to this series would be Grizz & Ginny TOGETHER!!!!

I'm speechless!

I'm left a little breathless right now. I think my adrenaline is running high right now from finishing this book. I cannot believe what I've just read. I did not see that coming. Wow. Just wow!


I loved book 1, Nine Minutes. This, book 2, I really struggled worth. At 33% I almost gave up!!! If you can get thru the first half, the second half gets better. I'm glad I didn't give up... And yes, I'm off to read book 3, hoping it's more like book 1!!!

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