Out Of The Dark: Book 4 of the Grey Wolves Series

Kindle Edition
03 Jun
He is mine and I am his. I will move every obstacle in my way to remind him. Decebel Anghelescu is one of the strongest Canis lupus on earth, an alpha in his own right. Now that he's found his mate, the fiesty blonde, Jennifer Adams, he could be stronger still, a powerful asset to the Romanian Greys. But he's been crippled by a devastating curse, one cast by an unknown enemy, a witch of incredible power. The spell threatens to dissolve the fragile new bond with the woman that is the other half of his soul. It will take the help of an entire pack to break it, but has too much damage already been done? Meanwhile, injured and alone, Jennifer fights for her life, and it appears to be a losing battle. Now, she has come to terms with her fate, accepting she won't share a life with Decebel...and what a life it would have been. But help comes in the most unexpected form...the discovery of a long-lost healer. The Romanian alpha, Vasile Lupei, will have to use all his resources – including Sally Morgan, the new gypsy healer of the Romanian pack – to battle the witch, lift the curse from Decebel and reunite him with his mate, and solve a mystery that's been surrounding the Romanian pack for 300 years.

Reviews (174)

the girls are back!

Out of the Dark by Quinn Loftis is book four of Prince of Wolves. Ready to kick butt with sexy Romanian werewolves and the spicy American girls who are their better halves? Book four brings the heat, and everything changes. PS: spoilers if you haven’t read earlier books in the series! Decebel was cursed with forgetting his mate. Jen’s alone in the dark, and Decebel doesn’t remember her enough to go for her. Jen’s rescuers are the last people anyone expected, and they may offer her the very hope of a life with Decebel after she’d all but given up. A witch shouldn’t exist, her evil should have been wiped out a long time ago, but here she is causing trouble. Miraculously, Vasile survived his assassination attempt, but it’s not the end of the scheme that tried to take his life. Oh, and Sally’s a gypsy healer with her own mate-to-be… couldn’t leave her out. She’s got to come to terms with her own power and what it might mean for her in the future. None of the pack know what to do with a gypsy healer anymore, so she’s flying blind when it comes to learning her own powers. Jacque, Fane, Sally, and Costin are hell bent on restoring Decebel’s memories and rescuing Jen. Help comes from an unlikely source, reintroducing another supernatural species that the girls thought was a myth. Welcome Peri the Fairy… and a whole lot of magic and politics that Jacque and Sally have to learn on the fly.

Out of the Dark

Once again I was totally enthralled with this story! There is a lot going on here. Some very funny instances and some very dark and scary things happening. So far, these stories are capturing my attention and I can't wait to read the next one!

Engaging read! I love this book!

I love all of Quinn's books but this book holds a special place in my heart because Jen and Dec are my favorite characters. I love how Jen is always pushing Dec's buttons and how they are so connected as mates . I could feel the love jump off the page. Quinn has this amazing ability to create suspense that I honestly had times found I was holding my breath to see what happened next. My only problem with the book is that I wished it was longer because i didn't want to see the story end. I am glad Quinn created Jen because if I had to pick a fictional bestie it would be Jen!

Love this series

This book picks up right where the last one left off. Jen is injured out in the woods where the healer Rachel, thought to be dead, finds her. Decebel, Jen's mate, is out of his mind with worry. Through their thoughts Jen makes him promise to help her friends to safety before coming to look for her. He reluctantly agrees. Rachel and her mate Gavril rescue Jen and take her back to their home to care for her. Jen is able to tell Decebel who she is with before he is hit with a couple of curses from the evil witch. Two curses, one to make him forget all happy memories (yes that includes his mate), and the other to make it so he is the only one who can find Jen. Since he cant remember his mate, he cannot track her via smell. Under the advisement of the fae Peri, Rachel severs Jen and Decebel's bond. They do this so that she will not be able to feed him any information as to their whereabouts. The witch not only seeks to harm the Romanian pack, but to acquire a healer. Rachel and her mate have been in hiding for a very long time and cannot risk being found by the witch. Severing the bond turns out to have dire consequences. Both Decebel and Jen become very sick. After a long trek in the woods Peri the fairy leads Sally, Costin, Cynthia, and Decebel the the place where the veil to fairy is, but is found by Gavril who delivers the news that Jen is dying. Costin and Gavril go back to retreive Jen to bring her to Decebel. They return the following morning, and all of them go into fairy. With several blood donations from Decebel Jen is able to hang on to life by a thread. The only way to for sure save Jen's life is to for her and Decebel to finish the bond with the blood rites. Jen will not do this until Decebel has his memories back, and Decebel will not get his memories back until he loves Jen again. Will Jen's pride become the death of her? Will Dec ever get his memories back? If I tell anymore I will be giving too much away. I love this series. The characters are great, and I always find myself laughing at the things these girls say. The story is compelling and the writing is very good. I look forward to reading the next book in this series.


I say the score should be ten. Five isn't high enough. I highly recommend this series to anyone who enjoys this type of fiction and if you have never tried it, you are in for a surprise.

Favorite of the series so far!!!!

Finishing Out of the Dark wrapped up my 4-day marathon read of The Grey Wolves series, which I did because I absolutely could not break myself away from these books!! I adored Fane and Jacque's story in the first two books, and because Jen earned herself a huge spot in my heart I was very excited to start hers and Decebel's story. Just One Drop was awesome, it made me love this girl even more and shed a whole new light on Dec that just made me swoon hard for him! But I have to say Out of the Dark may be my favorite of the series so far!! Summary: This book picks up where JoD left off, with Jen injured and in the hands of strangers somewhere in the woods. Decebel wants to save her, but when Jen insists through their bond that he get their friends to safety first, he relents. Unbeknownst to the wolves, a witch named Desdemona is hard at work in the woods alongside Thad's Serbian pack, and Dec ends up in the crosshairs of her efforts to bring down Vasile's wolves. Left with none of the memories that brought him happiness, the human part of Dec doesn't remember his own mate. But the wolf still claims her and grows more unsettled every day he isn't with her, and Jen and Dec are both in grave danger if they can't restore their bond. With a centuries-old witch, a pack of wolves, and nature itself against them, the Romanian pack have their work cut out for them. And Decebel and Jen are in for the fight of their lives if they want a chance to be together. So much happens in this book!! While the first three books were more about the love story developing for the characters and how it affected the pack, this time around there is so much more behind the plot. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved the first 3 books, but it was refreshing to have this all-encompassing story that drew the pack and the love story between Dec and Jen all together. We learn so much about the history of the packs, Loftis really did a phenomenal job of creating a mesmerizing story behind the wolves and the other supernatural beings they encountered. The introduction of a witch, gypsy healers, and a Fae threw so many twists into the plot that I was just completely drawn into the story at every moment!! I loved Perizda, the quick-tongued Fae whose powers both helped and hindered the pack in their efforts to save Jen and fight their enemies. And Desdemona, yep I can't wait for her to meet a very untimely end at some point in this series!!! I can't write a review for this book without mentioning the incredible torment the reader goes through over Dec and Jen. Honestly, I was crying more than once over the crushing heartbreak they endure while separated, it just tore me to pieces!! I love these characters so very much, and when Decebel roars from the pain over the loss of their bond, and then OH MY GOD one scene in particular that I can't mention because of spoilers...yeah, I was crying like a baby! Ugh, Loftis really just chews your heart up and spits it out with Dec and Jen's journey, they are so incredible together and it was a hard-earned happy (temporary) ending for them. Dec's possessiveness over Jen, even when his memories are gone, had my heart racing!! He's such the textbook alpha male, that's what I love so much about his character; he's strong and in charge, but he loves his woman like no other ever could! And Jen, she makes some hair-brained decisions like always, but she's so much stronger now. Whether it's her wolf coming to the surface or the fact that she has a mate by her side, I just loved that she's not only outspoken but also physically tough enough to take on the challenges. Oh, and there's a really neat twist with the ladies that was just awesome!! Out of the Dark was an adventure that I didn't want to end, especially now that I've caught up with the series and I have to wait along with everyone else for Beyond the Veil!!! I can NOT wait to see where things will go with Sally and Costin; I can only imagine that with all these supernatural creatures roaming there will be one bumpy ride for these two ahead!! Another amazing installment to this phenomenal series, which I highly recommend to all YA fantasy readers!!

Read to my Heart's Content Reviews

I have been a huge fan of this series ever since I read Prince of Wolves, the first book in the Grey Wolves series, and the author Quinn Loftis is an amazing person too. This lady really knows how to write dialogue! Reading the chit chat between the three girls and their interactions among the other werewolves is so funny. I know I had to put the book down because I was laughing so much. I love when there is humor in a book and it isn't just dark, depressing, and completely sad. These girls, Jacque, Jen and Sally, are so kick ass! Not to mention, they are some pretty smart southern girls too! I have to support fellow southern gals now ya'll! And of course, our wolves are absolutely swoon worthy! Dec is rugged, handsome, but he also has that soft side that Jen only seems to bring out. You have so much going on in this story; there is never a dull moment! And definitely heart shattering moments so make sure you have your tissues ready! In this book, we get introduced into more supernatural beings, good and evil, and we also meet some new pack members too. I will say this book is much darker than the first 3 and I didn't like the evil witch using simple animals to do her bidding. Not fair! I have to say this series is probably one of my favorite YA romances of all time! It has all the elements I like having in a book: comedy, romance, mystery, and some yummy werewolves. There were a few spelling errors but nothing that took away from the story at all. Loftis doesn't hold back in this book and all hell does break loose too! I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who loves YA reads and paranormal too.

Great series continues!!!

Okay, I was vacillating between 4 and 5 stars. As you can see I choose 5. First let me tell you why I was considering 4 stars. When I first read The Prince of Wolves I fell in love with Jacque and Fane. Fane instantly became my favorite character. In blood rites I just loved him even more. His overprotectiveness, he just seemed to exude power in that book to me which I completed loved. If there were an all out fight between Decebel, Fane, or his father in the second book I wouldn't have been able to say who I think would win. In the third book there was a lot less Fane in it for my liking. Don't get me wrong I loved the book and really enjoyed Decebel and Jen just would have appreciated a little more Fane. Jacque still gets her shine time or whatever cause she's besties with Jen. Again in this one there wasn't enough Fane flexing his power. He was sort relegated to side-kick status. The reason I did give the book 5 stars it's just a phenominal book. I still love all the characters and the struggle between Decebel and Jen to find their way was great. I also loved that Sally got a little more face time and her own little prelude to a little hot werewolf action. I also enjoyed the new superbeings and info that was put out there. And of course funny was a running staple in this book as well. I can't wait till number 5 come out. I'm just hoping each couple/character have at least their 15 minutes of shine time or whatever. My favorite books are the first 2 cause for me it's all about the Fane. I hope he gets more to do and lose some of that well-refined controll and get to wolf out once or twice in the next book. While hoping we continue to see a good relationship drama with Jen and Dec with him continuing to be a crazed, possesive werewolf that loves his woman. I also hope we get to further explore Sally's potential and love situation.

In love with this series!!!

These books are def a MUST read!!! I've read all kinds of supernatural books and I have to say, this is by far my favorite series. Though they are categorized for young adult, I'm in my 30's and love it. I read the 1st 4 books in 4 days because I just couldn't put them down!!! While I love all the characters, Jen is absolutely my favorite!! Her smart-ass remarks and quick wit had me seriously laughing out loud on many occasions. I just bought the 5th book and can't wait to read it... though it will be sad when it's over because that means I have to wait for the 6th. I hope Quinn doesn't stop the series any time soon. I also love that they are not expensive for kindle like some other autor's books are.

Okay we got the werewolves, but what if there was more than that?

These bookkeeper me on the edge of my seat holding my breath with each page! Jacque, Jen, and Sally are the best trio ever! Though they are reunited once again, it's only a brief moment before they begin yet another adventure with the werewolves of Romania. New characters are ready for some mischief and they are not holding back for anything. This book is a 10/10, I can't wait to get the next book

the girls are back!

Out of the Dark by Quinn Loftis is book four of Prince of Wolves. Ready to kick butt with sexy Romanian werewolves and the spicy American girls who are their better halves? Book four brings the heat, and everything changes. PS: spoilers if you haven’t read earlier books in the series! Decebel was cursed with forgetting his mate. Jen’s alone in the dark, and Decebel doesn’t remember her enough to go for her. Jen’s rescuers are the last people anyone expected, and they may offer her the very hope of a life with Decebel after she’d all but given up. A witch shouldn’t exist, her evil should have been wiped out a long time ago, but here she is causing trouble. Miraculously, Vasile survived his assassination attempt, but it’s not the end of the scheme that tried to take his life. Oh, and Sally’s a gypsy healer with her own mate-to-be… couldn’t leave her out. She’s got to come to terms with her own power and what it might mean for her in the future. None of the pack know what to do with a gypsy healer anymore, so she’s flying blind when it comes to learning her own powers. Jacque, Fane, Sally, and Costin are hell bent on restoring Decebel’s memories and rescuing Jen. Help comes from an unlikely source, reintroducing another supernatural species that the girls thought was a myth. Welcome Peri the Fairy… and a whole lot of magic and politics that Jacque and Sally have to learn on the fly.

Out of the Dark

Once again I was totally enthralled with this story! There is a lot going on here. Some very funny instances and some very dark and scary things happening. So far, these stories are capturing my attention and I can't wait to read the next one!

Engaging read! I love this book!

I love all of Quinn's books but this book holds a special place in my heart because Jen and Dec are my favorite characters. I love how Jen is always pushing Dec's buttons and how they are so connected as mates . I could feel the love jump off the page. Quinn has this amazing ability to create suspense that I honestly had times found I was holding my breath to see what happened next. My only problem with the book is that I wished it was longer because i didn't want to see the story end. I am glad Quinn created Jen because if I had to pick a fictional bestie it would be Jen!

Love this series

This book picks up right where the last one left off. Jen is injured out in the woods where the healer Rachel, thought to be dead, finds her. Decebel, Jen's mate, is out of his mind with worry. Through their thoughts Jen makes him promise to help her friends to safety before coming to look for her. He reluctantly agrees. Rachel and her mate Gavril rescue Jen and take her back to their home to care for her. Jen is able to tell Decebel who she is with before he is hit with a couple of curses from the evil witch. Two curses, one to make him forget all happy memories (yes that includes his mate), and the other to make it so he is the only one who can find Jen. Since he cant remember his mate, he cannot track her via smell. Under the advisement of the fae Peri, Rachel severs Jen and Decebel's bond. They do this so that she will not be able to feed him any information as to their whereabouts. The witch not only seeks to harm the Romanian pack, but to acquire a healer. Rachel and her mate have been in hiding for a very long time and cannot risk being found by the witch. Severing the bond turns out to have dire consequences. Both Decebel and Jen become very sick. After a long trek in the woods Peri the fairy leads Sally, Costin, Cynthia, and Decebel the the place where the veil to fairy is, but is found by Gavril who delivers the news that Jen is dying. Costin and Gavril go back to retreive Jen to bring her to Decebel. They return the following morning, and all of them go into fairy. With several blood donations from Decebel Jen is able to hang on to life by a thread. The only way to for sure save Jen's life is to for her and Decebel to finish the bond with the blood rites. Jen will not do this until Decebel has his memories back, and Decebel will not get his memories back until he loves Jen again. Will Jen's pride become the death of her? Will Dec ever get his memories back? If I tell anymore I will be giving too much away. I love this series. The characters are great, and I always find myself laughing at the things these girls say. The story is compelling and the writing is very good. I look forward to reading the next book in this series.


I say the score should be ten. Five isn't high enough. I highly recommend this series to anyone who enjoys this type of fiction and if you have never tried it, you are in for a surprise.

Favorite of the series so far!!!!

Finishing Out of the Dark wrapped up my 4-day marathon read of The Grey Wolves series, which I did because I absolutely could not break myself away from these books!! I adored Fane and Jacque's story in the first two books, and because Jen earned herself a huge spot in my heart I was very excited to start hers and Decebel's story. Just One Drop was awesome, it made me love this girl even more and shed a whole new light on Dec that just made me swoon hard for him! But I have to say Out of the Dark may be my favorite of the series so far!! Summary: This book picks up where JoD left off, with Jen injured and in the hands of strangers somewhere in the woods. Decebel wants to save her, but when Jen insists through their bond that he get their friends to safety first, he relents. Unbeknownst to the wolves, a witch named Desdemona is hard at work in the woods alongside Thad's Serbian pack, and Dec ends up in the crosshairs of her efforts to bring down Vasile's wolves. Left with none of the memories that brought him happiness, the human part of Dec doesn't remember his own mate. But the wolf still claims her and grows more unsettled every day he isn't with her, and Jen and Dec are both in grave danger if they can't restore their bond. With a centuries-old witch, a pack of wolves, and nature itself against them, the Romanian pack have their work cut out for them. And Decebel and Jen are in for the fight of their lives if they want a chance to be together. So much happens in this book!! While the first three books were more about the love story developing for the characters and how it affected the pack, this time around there is so much more behind the plot. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved the first 3 books, but it was refreshing to have this all-encompassing story that drew the pack and the love story between Dec and Jen all together. We learn so much about the history of the packs, Loftis really did a phenomenal job of creating a mesmerizing story behind the wolves and the other supernatural beings they encountered. The introduction of a witch, gypsy healers, and a Fae threw so many twists into the plot that I was just completely drawn into the story at every moment!! I loved Perizda, the quick-tongued Fae whose powers both helped and hindered the pack in their efforts to save Jen and fight their enemies. And Desdemona, yep I can't wait for her to meet a very untimely end at some point in this series!!! I can't write a review for this book without mentioning the incredible torment the reader goes through over Dec and Jen. Honestly, I was crying more than once over the crushing heartbreak they endure while separated, it just tore me to pieces!! I love these characters so very much, and when Decebel roars from the pain over the loss of their bond, and then OH MY GOD one scene in particular that I can't mention because of spoilers...yeah, I was crying like a baby! Ugh, Loftis really just chews your heart up and spits it out with Dec and Jen's journey, they are so incredible together and it was a hard-earned happy (temporary) ending for them. Dec's possessiveness over Jen, even when his memories are gone, had my heart racing!! He's such the textbook alpha male, that's what I love so much about his character; he's strong and in charge, but he loves his woman like no other ever could! And Jen, she makes some hair-brained decisions like always, but she's so much stronger now. Whether it's her wolf coming to the surface or the fact that she has a mate by her side, I just loved that she's not only outspoken but also physically tough enough to take on the challenges. Oh, and there's a really neat twist with the ladies that was just awesome!! Out of the Dark was an adventure that I didn't want to end, especially now that I've caught up with the series and I have to wait along with everyone else for Beyond the Veil!!! I can NOT wait to see where things will go with Sally and Costin; I can only imagine that with all these supernatural creatures roaming there will be one bumpy ride for these two ahead!! Another amazing installment to this phenomenal series, which I highly recommend to all YA fantasy readers!!

Read to my Heart's Content Reviews

I have been a huge fan of this series ever since I read Prince of Wolves, the first book in the Grey Wolves series, and the author Quinn Loftis is an amazing person too. This lady really knows how to write dialogue! Reading the chit chat between the three girls and their interactions among the other werewolves is so funny. I know I had to put the book down because I was laughing so much. I love when there is humor in a book and it isn't just dark, depressing, and completely sad. These girls, Jacque, Jen and Sally, are so kick ass! Not to mention, they are some pretty smart southern girls too! I have to support fellow southern gals now ya'll! And of course, our wolves are absolutely swoon worthy! Dec is rugged, handsome, but he also has that soft side that Jen only seems to bring out. You have so much going on in this story; there is never a dull moment! And definitely heart shattering moments so make sure you have your tissues ready! In this book, we get introduced into more supernatural beings, good and evil, and we also meet some new pack members too. I will say this book is much darker than the first 3 and I didn't like the evil witch using simple animals to do her bidding. Not fair! I have to say this series is probably one of my favorite YA romances of all time! It has all the elements I like having in a book: comedy, romance, mystery, and some yummy werewolves. There were a few spelling errors but nothing that took away from the story at all. Loftis doesn't hold back in this book and all hell does break loose too! I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who loves YA reads and paranormal too.

Great series continues!!!

Okay, I was vacillating between 4 and 5 stars. As you can see I choose 5. First let me tell you why I was considering 4 stars. When I first read The Prince of Wolves I fell in love with Jacque and Fane. Fane instantly became my favorite character. In blood rites I just loved him even more. His overprotectiveness, he just seemed to exude power in that book to me which I completed loved. If there were an all out fight between Decebel, Fane, or his father in the second book I wouldn't have been able to say who I think would win. In the third book there was a lot less Fane in it for my liking. Don't get me wrong I loved the book and really enjoyed Decebel and Jen just would have appreciated a little more Fane. Jacque still gets her shine time or whatever cause she's besties with Jen. Again in this one there wasn't enough Fane flexing his power. He was sort relegated to side-kick status. The reason I did give the book 5 stars it's just a phenominal book. I still love all the characters and the struggle between Decebel and Jen to find their way was great. I also loved that Sally got a little more face time and her own little prelude to a little hot werewolf action. I also enjoyed the new superbeings and info that was put out there. And of course funny was a running staple in this book as well. I can't wait till number 5 come out. I'm just hoping each couple/character have at least their 15 minutes of shine time or whatever. My favorite books are the first 2 cause for me it's all about the Fane. I hope he gets more to do and lose some of that well-refined controll and get to wolf out once or twice in the next book. While hoping we continue to see a good relationship drama with Jen and Dec with him continuing to be a crazed, possesive werewolf that loves his woman. I also hope we get to further explore Sally's potential and love situation.

In love with this series!!!

These books are def a MUST read!!! I've read all kinds of supernatural books and I have to say, this is by far my favorite series. Though they are categorized for young adult, I'm in my 30's and love it. I read the 1st 4 books in 4 days because I just couldn't put them down!!! While I love all the characters, Jen is absolutely my favorite!! Her smart-ass remarks and quick wit had me seriously laughing out loud on many occasions. I just bought the 5th book and can't wait to read it... though it will be sad when it's over because that means I have to wait for the 6th. I hope Quinn doesn't stop the series any time soon. I also love that they are not expensive for kindle like some other autor's books are.

Okay we got the werewolves, but what if there was more than that?

These bookkeeper me on the edge of my seat holding my breath with each page! Jacque, Jen, and Sally are the best trio ever! Though they are reunited once again, it's only a brief moment before they begin yet another adventure with the werewolves of Romania. New characters are ready for some mischief and they are not holding back for anything. This book is a 10/10, I can't wait to get the next book


The sarcasm was definitely what brought this story to life. This is an excellent series for any teen or teens mom to read. Like any mom, I feel it's necessary to read theirs daughters books first, hoping they chose the correct reading for their ages. This wolf series was by far the 2nd best series I've read, and trust me, I've read many series my girls have brought me. Trying to keep myself awake in the middle of the book was difficult. It's a must read for any age. Another great series is The Vampire Academy, by Richelle Meads. Excellent series, # 1 in my heart.

Love this book

I have read books 1-7 but this is definitely one of my favorites. When I read a book I either love it and would read it over and over, feel like it was bearable enough to read it once, or can't even get past the first few chapters and feel like it was a waste of the trees sacrificed to make it. Every book in the grey wolves series so far has given me the first possible reaction, I loved them all and read them over and over, but this one most often. This is the book when you really start to realize where Quinn is taking her plot line, however, you would never be able to guess what happens next, with all the twist and turns later in the series. In this book you finally get a taste of what is held in store for all three best friends, Jacque, Jen, and Sally. Definitely worth the time and money to read this, and the whole series. And I'm sure the trees sacrificed to make this book, died with a sense of fulfillment.

Good vs Evil

This book brings out the age old "Good vs Evil." Thad employs the help of a very powerful witch, who was to put a curse on Fane and Dec takes the curse upon himself. Only with the help of his friends and remembering his love for Jen, his mate, will he defeat the curse. But with all of the obstacles they must overcome to find Jen, no one knows if the curse will be defeated. With the help of other OLD friends and their love for each other this book leaves you laughing, crying, and your heart racing in anticipation all the way to the conclusion of this book. Cannot wait to read book 5 on September 30th!!

for the love of Alpha’s

If you are wanting a loving romance with action and some laughable moments this is the book series for you. Can’t wait to go to the next and read till the end.

wow another can't put down

Just when you think there aren't any more twist that can be put into this mystic, romantic, wildly exciting series... BAM! There it is. Reader be warned once you get into these novels you WILL be buying them all but its so worth it. Its the paranormal that keeps you intrigued and the passionate loving romance that we all long for that pulls at your soul! Not to mention the smart sassy females that never cease to amaze! Starting the next novel..... NOW


This was a great book and again I enjoyed laughing and crying with these characters....The girls did what they do best and challenged their mates. They learned so much more about themselves and what they could and should do. They proved that they were the best and took care of the ones they love. I'm so happy for all three of them in finding their place in the pack and finding the love they deserve. GREAT book and very good series.

One of the best series

This is one of the best series that I have read. Instead of rating each book, as there are seven, I want to do the series as a whole. I read Prince of Wolves and couldn't stop. I finsihed the seventh book and am hoping that the author will reconsider and come out with 1 or 2 more to see the outcome of the last developments. I have started reading the series again and I am just as enthused. I hate to put it down!!!

In love

I love all of her books, just completely and utterly obsessed. I can't stop reading them. It makes me laugh, cry, scrunch my nose and curl in to a ball just because of how cute some scenes can be. It can be a little cringe sometimes but it adds character and you can see how much effort she puts into these books.

Fighting for Love

This book has characters and a storyline that will keep you in stitches and turning the pages to see what happens next.

best book out of the series!

I loved this book in particular because it finally introduced who Sally's character was. It was well written. I enjoyed seeing Jens and desebals love for one another finally come together. They were such strong characters through out the series. I enjoyed the rescue, the faes, the witchcraft. All the elements of the story were reminiscent of other books, movies I've seen but better and more refreshing to the senses.


This series is one of my top three favorites! I love a snarky, kick bum lead, and Quinn Loftis delivers that in each book! This so far is the best book in series. I love how the three main characters each get their on voice in the book. There is a lot of action in this book as they battle the "rogue" Alpha. Many secrets come out, and we are even introduced(breifly) to a new character, the Historian. I really don't want to give spoilers away but if you have been a fan of the series so far you will not be disappointed with this book. If you have been on the fence about this series, give this book a try its definatly a must read! Enjoy!

who else saw this!!!!

I love this book but I think she made a big mistake in her writing. Why is Carina at the mansion helping search through the archives to find information on the witch. But theirs a part a few chapters before were she's around the fire with Cynthia an Sally an the others talking about Rachel an her mate being in hiding????


I have all 7 books in this series and they are one of the best I've read. I have come to know and love all of the main characters in the series and could not wait for the next one to come out and really hated to see this series come to an end. Quinn has an amazing imagination and I will continue to follow any new books and series that she comes out with.


I really dislike writting reviews even though some authors are quite inspiring. Reading is one of my favorites forms of entertainment and with the advent ebooks and self published authors, the number of new published books are staggering. It seems the only way to get to the books/authors I like are to leave a review. Most books I read already have well thought out reviews that I generally agree with. In most cases I only leave a review if I either really enjoyed the book or hated it. So, for this particular book I concur with the other five star reviews and leave this review to show support and to encourage timely future books. I thank the author for an affordable good story.


I bought the first 4 books back in 2013 and wanted to read them again and now they have more books to the series. One of the best werewolf series there is out there!

Book Five Needed ASAP!!!

I just discovered this series, and after reading the first book, immediately bought the rest and read them back to back. Unfortunately, I am now having Grey Wolves withdrawal :( I don't often take to a series like this, especially ones that involve werewolves and/or vampires. This series, however, was fantastic. I enjoyed the plot lines, the characters, and especially the dialogue. I have not had so many LOL moments from a book in a while, and each of these books had great LOL moments. I love this author's style, and will be checking out all her other books. This is a series that is worthy of multiple re-reads, and I look forward to those with relish.

Wonderful reading!

I love that i can read ypor books and totally enjoy the story without having to wade through pages and pages of sex! I have really enjoyed this series so far, and i can't wait to read the next one.

Great read

Love this series

This series is a must read for the wolf lovers at heart

Just finished reading this and i have got to say I want book 5,6,7,8,9 maybe even 10+. This author has captivated my undivided attention. I started this series a few weeks ago at the persistence of a good friend. (So glad she did) Jenny kept bugging me telling me I needed, No MUST READ Prince of wolves. so I did.... that was 2 weeks ago...

Out of The Dark

WOW! Another great addition to the series. Many new revelations. Some will make you ecstatic, others.. Not so much. But once again I have to say the series is staying strong and VERY entertaining. Love the direction each character is going and look forward to the next in the series. Hope the wait will not be too long ;)

Can it get any better?

I've loved this series from the very beginning. I'm so glad I found that first book Prince of Wolves. The 3 friends in this series Jacque, Jennifer, and Sally just crack me up so much. You can't help but fall in love with them and the wolves of course. You laugh, you cry, you're on the edge of your seat the whole time trying to figure out what Quinn Loftis will come up with next. Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy a great series. This is a series I'm glad I can recommend for my 16 yr old niece as well and don't feel like it's too much for her. I just love these books and can't wait for the next one. Thanks Quinn.

I have read the first three books in the Grey Wolf Series and loved them!! When I was able to read Book 4. I was excited and NOT disappointed. Looking forward to continuing the series and other books by Quinn Loftis. She really does an excellent job!!

I really did like the fact she did not rely on erotic situations to make a good read and did not notice it until I finished Out of the Dark.


This series is absolute genius! Everytime I start a new book in this series I think there is no way it can top the last one. Then I am proved wrong! This book is fabulous! I laughed I cried and I completely fell into this world and wanted to stay ♡

I love this series.

This is the most awesome series I have read, I will recommend these books to any one. Keep up the great work there awesome. 😀😀

the suspense was killing me

I was on the edge of my seat from the beginning of book three until the end of this book. It was a book of Action and Love. I LOVE Jen...she has always been my Favorite....but after reading this book I am coming to LOVE Sally Just as much. I love how She is growing through the book. I can't wait for the next book.


Love Jennifer's and Decebel's story can't wait to start the next book

It continues...

This picks up where the last left off. The more of this series I read, the more caught up in the story I get. I won't tell what happens in this story, but I will say that if you love werewolves and romance, then you will enjoy reading this. I am loving this series and looking forward to how this series will end!

Sad the series ended

Absolutely loved this series & couldn't put the books down. I think it only took me a week to read them all (and that was with work & home life). I would encourage anyone to read the sample of the book to see if they like the subject matter & the way the writer tells the tale. Enjoy!

good clean fun - mostly

To me the idea of romance where the guy idolizes the girl, respects her and will do anything for her is uplifting to girls. They need to know they are of worth and how precious they are. Then you throw into the mix a little crazy werewolve action and it gets slightly intense but nothing big.


I love this series! I love how the original characters are in all books but the main focus is on someone different in each book. The storyline is great as well as the character development.

Loved it

This is a page turner kept me glued to my et I ever put it down read it from over to cover love it

Out of the Dark ( The Grey Wolves Series) by Quinn Loftis

Love the series of this story line. Love the characters in this book. I hope Quinn Loftis is continuing this series of books. I want to know what will happen next with Sally , Jen and Jacque in the Grey Wolves Series. Can't wait please write some more. :)

darn it!

I have read all the current series out and eagerly await the 6th. Quinn Loftis did a nice job of the fantasy, making it 'real' ... If you like action and romance, you will love this series. DANG it, though, I am working through them again, while I'm waiting on FATE

Another great book

Quinn didn’t let me down this was another great story in this series. I love it. Now on to the next

Love love love love

I am really addicted to the series. The characters are incredible, they are all special, some with dark side, some with light side The storyline are always exciting I just want more and more of them


So far, this series is one of the best I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading! It’s made me laugh, had a few tense moments and a few tears! Definitely recommend it!


Very good character personalities and i will always be a sucker for young love ;-) . Love the fantasy and loyalty. Also, hot young characters are always a plus for my kind of reading.


This whole series have me so hooked. I never thought I would be reading BOOKS. I have smiled, laughed, and even cried like a baby. Thanks


Unlike others who tell you about the book in their review I am not like that. Jen and Dec are the focus without taking away from the other characters. I know if I was in Jen and Dec situations I would be devastated without my husband. Onto book five.


This book was beautifully wrote. It kept my interest from beginning to the end. I would highly recommend this series. Action packed with perfect romance and laughter. Excellent reading!!!

Out Of The Dark (The Grey Wolves Series)

Great book and series to loose yourself in. Could not put the book down, read one of the books in the series in one day. It is what every person wants from a relationship, it is funny and then you want to cry all in the same sentence. Could not wait to get to the next book to find out what was happening.

Out of the Dark

Quinn Loftis is such an amazing author. She has amazed me yet again with her superior writing skills. I just love all the romance between Jen and Decebel, Jacque and Fane, and Sally and Costin!!!!! I can't wait to read the next two books. But I'll have to pace myself or I will read them to fast...lol. I don't want these books to be over!

Did not disappoint

Lisa's review of Out Of The Dark (The Grey Wolves Series) By Quinn Loftis This is book 4 in the series and I have to let you know that I can't wait in between for these books. There are tear jerking, action packed, and fast paced.. The things the characters must go through on a daily basis all based on someone's greed or self desire. The three friends find out more and more about their destinies. Why can't love be easy. Why must you find love and then possibly have it ripped away from you. Is it fate or destiny that controls your lives or do we ultimately have the control. I highly recommend this series if you love the idea of love and soul mates. This is about shifters, gypsies, and witchcraft all rolled into one book. Can't wait for the next installment in the series

Amazing !!

Just as captivating as the first 3 books !!! Loftis provides rich language to help her audience visualize what's happening along with suspense. Beautifully written with many surprises that leave you with your jaw dropped. I'm looking forward to reading the next book !

Love the Grey Wolves Series

I read the entire series w/ in a month (I have small kids so I only get minutes here & there through out the day), I loved each book. There were suspenseful moments where you just don't want to put the book down. The characters are awesome.

Great read. Moves you right along

Great read. moves ya right along. Was recommended to me I'm supposed to have ten more words for the review but I don't. The end

Awesome series!

I really enjoyed this hard to put down series. I enjoy reading young adult books together with my kids so we can all discuss the books together and this is a great family read! I enjoyed the different spin on the werewolf story in this series.

When is the next one?

I have NEVER written a review before, but I RACED through the Grey Wolves Series (Out of the Dark, the last one) and want to know when the next one is coming. The way the characters are written (even with the grammatical errors) are funny, loyal, and compassionate. Their link to each other and how their lives are intertwined is wonderfully written. You could visualize the characters and their banter, not just read the words. Each book carried you to the next and next. Okay, Quinn Loftis...I'm waiting...

Great series for teen girls

Two of my teen girls are hooked on this series and have reread them twice. It is a suspenseful and captivating story that grows in each series (so they tell me). I recommend it and the material is safe for young girls to read.

Grey wolves

Great series lots of action great characters too. Some really kick ass females and loving mates and some bad ass villains together it makes a great series great reading am looking forward to the next book in this series

Good story

I chose this ranting because Loftis is a good story teller. There are a lot of mistakes in this book. It is like it was not proofread. it could have been cleaned up but I have enjoyed reading this series of books.


I really liked this book because their people are so alive. Great story development, keeps you wondering what`s going to happen next. Can't wait for next one to come out. My niece would really like this book too.

Love it!

Love the book! Love the series! The characters are great. The suspense and the comments are great! Plus the accent on the audio is great cant wait to finish the next one

Good book

I love the series. Second time reading this book on to the next one. Definitely my escape from all that's going on in the world


This is my summer reading series. I am having a great time reading these books. Love it, love it, love it!

Grey Wolf Series

I read the entire series and loved each of them. In fact, I couldn't put them down. However, the first couple of the series were about the love story between Fane and Jacque with the last book being about Jen and Decebel but, you get a hint of the pending love story with Sally and Costin. And, what about the wicked witch! It sounds like an invitation to a sequel. I can't wait. Keep them coming!


I loveeeeeee this whole series . It's one of my favorite series . It's hilarious and romantic . I bought all books and I recommend you start reading book 1 before reading any other of the books .

A surprise in every page!

I love each book in the series! 4th time reading them and each time its like the first. Love it!

Must read series for paranirmal romance lovers

I absolutely love this entire series. You really fall in love with each character. You fall into a rich world and don't want to leave. These books are an easy and delightful read.


Love these book you can't get enough of them . Once you finish one you have to know what happens next what great series of books!

Dec and Jen

I love this story about these two. The funny comments and the he man roles were great! I liked that in this Series the whole pack is brought from each book into the whole.

Quinn Loftis is a wonderfuly intertaining writer. Love Her...

I've read most of this set of books, on my last one, I loved reading them, there very entertaining , I would tell all my friends to read them. Hope she keeps writing them.

Great reads

AAAAAAAA+++++++++ Love it


Just as the preceding books were amazing, this book is just incredible. I am In love with this series and each book is always just as good as the last. Highly recommend.

A well written book for fantasy and romance readers.

I could loose myself in this book. The personalities of the characters was so vivid. I totally recommend this book and the ones preceding to fantasy romance readers. Hard to put down and can not wait to start the next book.

Can't get enough of this series.

Quinn L has done a really fantastic job with this series. The only thing ill say is if you enjoy reading, you need to have this series in your collection. The plot, action, romance, suspense, characters and wit is just phenomenal thru out the series.

Kicking Butt Awesome Good

Well... there really isn't alot to say. Could. Not. Put. This. Book. Down. I read this book so darn quickly I'm certainly going to have to go back and read it again.

Best series. A must read.

Love love love this series! You can't help but fall in love with all the characters in the series. Anyone that loves paranormal romance will not be able to put it down.


This book was spectacular. I read it in two days although I normally read them in one day. This was along book but TOTALLY worth it. Great Book, highly recommended

Sucker for a love story - with action, suspense and near heart break

The continuation of Decebel's and Jen's story the blooming romance of others..not to be named...hot fae need I say more...this is a must read

Very gopd

This book was very good other than a few typos. But you could understand what they mean. I felt this book sorta had a lot of action. I would read it if I were you.

a girl loves a man , but the dude doesn't remember her because a curse. trying to find a way to brake the curse.

I love these kind of books is because of its characters expression or how they changes their emotions. If these books weren't created or if I haven't seen them , then I would be just bored playing on ds . So I would thank the author for creating these wonderful books. This the fourth book that I am reading and it's getting to the part where pack or group is trying to get Decebel to remember Jennifer that he loved her , protected her in the third or second book.

love it

Yet another great story. Can't wait to read the last three books and hope you have another series for me to read when I'm done with this series

This was Awesome.

I am so so glad that Jen was saved. I loved this book just like I loved the rest of the serious..... buy this series if you haven't

The Grey Wolf Series

This was a great read... I purchase all six books after reading Book 1-Prince of Wolves and was never disappointed. I look forward to Book 7 in the series to come later this year.

out of the dark

I really enjoyed this series!I started with it and couldnt put it down until the series was done. I would deff. tell people to read this series

Grey Wolves series

This series was bought on a whim and such a great series! The 3 female main characters are loyal, funny & super sarcastic! Great Series!

enjoy series

I am hooked on the Gray series. Can't wait to read how Sally adjust to the situations. Hope they get the witch. Did notice a few type O's,


Can't stop reading...I just finished, and I am going to start the next book in the series...So far I have not bee disappointed...

great book!!!!

Great fourth book!!! Ready for the fifth!!!as always will recommend to my friends and family!!! Couldn't hardly put it down!!!

Great Book Series

This was by far the best books I have read! I couldn't stop reading them. I look forward to reading more of Quinn Loftis's books!!!


So this is the 4th book I made a review for and Quinn never ceases to amaze me with her fab writing skills. This book is amazing, although I would like to see more of Fane and Jacque's relationship, since they were the first couple.

Another great book by Quinn Loftis

I have really enjoyed reading this entire series. The storyline of Jen and Decebel is the stuff of true fairy tales.


This series has had me captivated from the first book on I just want to keep going and can't wait to read what happens next.


I never thought that they would win! To find out what they battled over you have to read all of the books in the series! Believe me when I say you will never finish these books bored or wishing that you hadn't wasted your money.

one of my favorite series

You cannot go wrong with this series. Each book is great and you have to head right for the next!

Awesome book

Read the first,second and third book and it is just as good. Can't get enough of this book. A must read series.

Great Book

This was a very interesting Book. I would recommend it to anyone interested in reading this series. It is a definite page turner.

This books takes a hold and won't let go

right from the beginning you can't stop until the last page and then your buying the next book in the series.

My favorite of all time

Congrats Quin! Finally one book that really drew me in and made me feell like I was apart of the story. This book has never ending drama with charming werewolves! She never let up on the comedy! This was one book that made me laugh and cry nonstop! Thank you for writing this book! One book I will tell everyone to read! -CNH


The writer wrote well. The story kept your interest. I like reading about werewolves and vampires.

Another great book!

Editing was horrible once again,but the story was so good I just couldn't put it down. I'm looking forward to the next book. Strongly recommend this series!

FAN-wait for it-TASTIC

Out of Dark is the 4th installment in The Grey Wolves Series. I am so excited to say that this book is just as captivating as the first three! I love that the series doesn't seem to have a lull, all of the books flow well together. This is a must read for any werewolf paranormal romance addict!

awesome read

The series is awesome. You won't be able to put them down and then feel empty when the series is done.

Love IT

read the whole series can not wait for more to follow love Quinn Loftis she keeps you wanting more to read.

Out of the Dark

Super book will be reading this book again, and I can't wait for the next series of what you will write

Grey wolf series

The best wolf story! I read all 4 books. I love them all. Can't wait for the next book, Beyond the Vail.

love it!

This series is a quick read and makes you want to keep reading. It makes you want to read the next one!

Best books since twilight series.

Awesome. Love every minute. Love the characters and very twist and turn the take on their path to love and happiness.


it was great. I liked it a whole lot. I would recomend it to all my friends. It was great

Awesome Read!

I can NOT recommend this series enough! Great for Teens and adults alike. Both my daughter and I are enjoying them.

Quinn Loftis book 4

I love this serise. It catches the imagination and reallity of how teenagers would handle descicson and events that take place .. Jens my favorite!!


Great series. Couldn't put them down. Can't wait for the next book. Would definitely recommend reading this entire series. AWESOME!

These books are hilarias!

You should start with the first one in the series though, its free! .:) :) :) :) :) :) :)


It was fabulouso fabulously had power adrenalin and amazement it had Romance and heart it had sex talk made awsomeness

it was truly amazing!!!!!

I liked the plot and how the author kept me on my toes. I could never expect what would come next I loved it!

Amaz-balls books in my best Jen voice

I love this series it most defiantly needs a movie. It will rival the twilight series. Way to go Quinn!!!!!! Definitely team Jen and Dec I hope they make it through!!!!

Oh I laughed so much!

Oh this book was hilarious! It had its dark moments but overall I was swept away in this world again. I really love Jen! She is so awesome. Thanks so much for a great read. You definitely had me Laughing out loud! Can't wait for the next one! I would love to see one of the wolf girls end up with adam the fairy.

Good read

So the author needs a proofreader big time but the story itself is excellent. The entire series is fast paced, interesting, and keeps you wanting more.

Five Stars

love the series!

Out of the Dark ( The Grey Wolves series)

I loved the Grey Wolves series, I couldn't get enough of them. The romance just kept me wanting more. I can't wait for the next book to come out.

Wolves Series

I really enjoyed this book and the rest of the series as well. I hope she writes more books! Can't wait

Out of the dark

great series. Please read it. This is the second time I have read the Grey Wolf Series. just as good as the first time. The characters come to life. You will not want it to end.

Sam's review

This book was so romantic the way that they pulled through the darkness and found there love again. I can't wait to read the next one.


GREAT GREAT book I couldn't put this one down finished it in 2 days. Wow is all I can say. A must read.

love it

loved it, great series

The best

These books are like the movie you have seen a thousand times just because it is comforting. This series is amazing and I recommend that anyone who loves a good ya Novel should read these

Sleep less nights....

Loving this series. Can't wait to read onto the next one. Action and romance weaved beautifully. Only some typo but can be overlooked.


Like the previous 3 books this one was great. It focused more on Sally and Jen which I liked. I totally loved Costin and can't wait to read more on him. I don't want to give anything away so i will just say that if you enjoyed the previous books you wont be disappointed with this one.


Love love LOVE going to read the gypsy series Can't believe how great this series is and love Quinn loftis

out of the dark

excellent book great characters, wonderful story line. i would recommend to all fantasy reader of any ages. good job quinn


Loved how the author continues to bring the importance of love and family, and faithfulness, it's all about survival, but also love no matter the species!!

Good book

It was a good book boring at the beginning but as I got to the middle I liked it all over again and i love the series so I recommend it to everyone

Five Stars

Awesome book, had too get the next book right away..

Five Stars

Love this series I can stop reading them.

AMAZING!!!!!! She's done it once again!

The fourth book has me sitting on the edge of my seat. Not to give any spoilers away, but by the end I'm craving for the next book. Quinn is an outstanding author and even though the book has only been out for 6 days, I've read it twice. So many plot twists and new revelations. I get more and more out of it each time I read it. I WILL be on her website [..] and checking to see her progress on the next one. All in all, I LOVE THIS SERIES!!!!!!!!


I purchased the series for my wife. She says The Grey Wolf Series has blown her away. she loves to read and this book had her laughing, crying, and at the edge of the seat with suspense. Quinn Loftis is a genius. She highly recommends this book. Keep up the great work. Hope to see more in the future.

Five Stars

Another great book:)

Good,good,and good

I will say it again I love these books. The author everything. I will read the next one as soon as possible.

The greatest author

This book is awesome...... I couldn't put this book down I laughed, I cried and even wanted to jump in and fight with them. I highly recommend this book you will not be disappointed. Quinn has out done herself she is a awesome author.

Fantastic series.

I was so hooked be this series, I bought them all to read back to back. This is something I have rarely done.

The grey wolves series

I have really enjoyed reading these books and looking forward to the next installment .I know if you like shifters and fairies you will be happy with it.


I am hooked on this series. Once I get one of these books I literally can not put it down.

A must read

I absolutely love this Series. I instantly connected with all the characters; you are drawn into their emotions, conflicts and their humor. I have never laughed so much at the characters quick jabs and comebacks. I think Quinn has a wonderful adventure ahead of her in writing.

Loved it!!:)

This book is amazing,well the whole series is I have read it three times and still loving it.This is a must read book

Great read!

Be prepared! There is no way to put this book down, once you get started! The antics of Jen, Jacque, and Sally will keep you in stitches!


I loved this book, it was great. I can't wait until I read the next book of the series. All the books were great I enjoyed reading this series of werewolves and love.

Better than twilight series!!!!!

This series is highly entertaining. I like Quinn's writing style because it is written with quips and sayings that my children use. It just cracks me up.

The series grey wolves is totally outstanding

I love everything about this book,,,,,I can hardly wait till the wicked witch is done with


This is my favorite book so far of the series! I do not know how these books are not published! This author is going to be famous sooner or later!

Love this series!

This whole series has been awesome! I love the variety of characters and the uniqueness of each. I cannot wait until the next book comes out!

you have got to read The Gray Wolf series

this is one of the best books i have ever read......I had to force myself to put it down.i will be getting alot of Quinn Loftis books


I loved it this book had me laughing and crying more laughing tho on to the next book can't wait!


It is awesome I am still reading and cant wait to read the next one! It is definitely worth the money!

Your killing me

Like leave me on the edge why don't you. Now I need the next book or I will die. You know I could not put the flipping book down. I just can't wait till I read the next book. Mykel Booth

So good

I swear so many twists and turns but in the end this book and the whole series is awesome and I will never get enough of it.


Love this book really spoke to me is you are in to paranormal wolves this book is for you,I was amazed.


it was awesome and it was a great book to read if u plan on reading the whole series the best series ever


This is a great book!! Her books are thrilling I can not wait to read the rest of the book series.

Grey Wolves Rock!

What more to say, the series is the BOMB! I start a book and can't stopped till I've read it front to back.


I enjoyed this book too I loved all of it I couldn't put the book down because it was so good I was anxious to read more

Grey Wolves Series

Love, Love, Love this series. The characters are great. Which author would hurry up with book 6. Recommeded read for all


Quinn Loftis is a great writer especially for teenagers. QL gets thumbs up. I was exhausted after reading this book (I refused to put it down). I note that it ended with an opening (book 5 possibly?).

Love it

I LOVE this book it is the best book. In love with the series. Totally worth the $2.99. Must get.

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