Options Trading For Beginners : Learn all the Strategies and The Basics of Investing in The Stock Market to Make Profit for And Living with Trading Options

Kindle Edition
27 Jan

Book Description

Do you need a strategic and financial way to protect your portfolio and maximize your investment?

Are you interested in a new way to generate passive income and generational wealth?

Options trading is an easy and fun way to start making money from your investments.

This strategy can have a multiplying effect on your wealth in the long run. Thanks to the many online brokers that give investors the chance to transact on the stock exchange through just a few clicks of their mouse.

You'll learn:

•          The Variety of Option Trading

•          Passive Income

•          The Keys to Success in Options Trading

•          The Best Strategies to Make Money

•          How to Select A Good Broker

•          How to Create a Trade Plan

This book will guide you on every step about achieving your goals of success.

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Reviews (2)

Wonderful Book..!!

If you're like me the thought of investing is kind of scary. The author had some solid advice regarding limiting loss within 5% for every trade. This seems logical to me especially just beginning. Also make sure the government regulates your broker should be the first thing you do.

Wonderful Book..!!

If you're like me the thought of investing is kind of scary. The author had some solid advice regarding limiting loss within 5% for every trade. This seems logical to me especially just beginning. Also make sure the government regulates your broker should be the first thing you do.

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