Of Water and the Spirit: Ritual, Magic and Initiation in the Life of an African Shaman (Compass)

Paperback – May 1, 1995
30 Apr
Maliodoma Patrice Some was born in a Dagara Village, however he was soon to be abducted to a Jesuit school, where he remained for the next fifteen years, being harshly indoctrinated into european ways of thought and worship. The story tells of his return to his people, his hard initiation back into those people, which lead to his desire to convey their knowledge to the world. Of Water and the Spirit is the result of that desire; it is a sharing of living African traditions, offered in compassion for those struggling with our contemporary crisis of the spirit.

Reviews (387)


This is the best book I have ever read in my entire life and anyone that knows me knows I've read LOTS of books. This books takes you on a truly magical journey. I don't doubt anything written in this book because I can feel the it's the truth within my soul. This book was so well-written and truly amazing. My soul couldn't get enough of it. I recommend this book to everyone i know. I wont give a description but if you're starting out on your spiritual journey, curious about the ways of some of your African ancestors, a lover of nature, or even if you're third eye is WIDE open, read this book. It's just a blessing.

Great Book

One of the best books I've read this year. I'm also spiritual and I know that African magic is real. I noticed that someone said that this guy was lying about these events. I don't know if he was lying about the event but I do know the magic works. The problem with some people is the magic may not work for them because it is not meant for them. Some of us don't have Afrikan ancestors meaning that there not of African descent. The magic is ancestral so unfortunately for some people who learn our magic, they will never be able to use it because we share the same ancestors. There was someone who mentioned >"if the magic really worked why couldn't he do more like become a millionaire. "Because there are rules to Magic and that's not how it works. Magic is spiritual not physical so those who are not spiritual will never understand how it works. (meaning those born without souls) Again this is a great book. I do recommend it to people of African descent and those who are just curious will live reading about the Magic we process. Ase' to the writer. Thanks for a great book. 👍🤗

African spirituality,

This MUST BE ADDED IN EVERY BLACK PERSONAL LIBRARY. Every Black person MUST read this book. Beautifully written! So much hidden gems within this book. As a young woman who is embarking on her spiritual journey, I recognized (some part of ) myself within this book. "It was all in me. I was the room and the door. It was all me. I just had to remember. " Malidoma Some.

what i dont get

What I don't get is, if the tribe's elders can do magic, such as telepathy, teleportation, getting information from someone's aura, and manifestation, why are they scraping by? Why does he take airplanes to get around? Why don't they just manifest gold, diamonds, etc. instead of needing him to send them $600 every month? I like the book, have read multiple times, but can't find it applicable to my life. It doesn't seem like the tribe uses magic to solve basic problems, which leads me wondering why not? Something doesn't add up. And for what it's worth, I've worked with shamans in real life.


I had the chance to meet Malidoma after reading his book. I was amazed by some the events depicted in book and had to track him down to see what this man was truly like. He did a divination for me that was astounding and I even wrote about in my own book - Pathless Path: God, Grace, Guru

So relatable to me!

This book is so relatable....I'm the complete opposite though...I was born into a lie and now having to untangle myself from the lies and the false history...this book has been a great help!

A book that changes the reader

Malidoma, born in what is now Burkina Faso, West Africa, was his shaman grandfather's shadow until age four. That year his grandfather died, and Malidoma was kidnapped from his home by a French Jesuit missionary. For the next 16 years he suffered almost every kind of abuse as he was trained in Western culture. He escaped at age 20 and, walking 300 miles from the seminary, found his way back to his tribal village, where he now was an outsider. The elders offered him the opportunity to participate in an intensive six-week shamanic initiation with younger tribal boys which, if he survived, would reestablish his connection to the tribe. After undergoing the initiation, Malidoma learned that his destiny lay in being a bridge between Western civilization and indigenous culture. Studying in the Sorbonne and Brandeis University, he now holds three master's degrees and two PhDs. Though he returns regularly to his tribal home for renewal, he makes his home in the U.S. where he has taught at the University of Michigan and now leads seminars, intensives, and rituals. Malidoma's open, vulnerable, detailed stories of his experiences in the Jesuit school and in his initiation are riveting. I noticed two major lessons that his culture can teach ours. One is to connect our bodies to our minds. When Malidoma first came to the U.S., he saw with the spirit eyes of his elders that people's heads were not connected to their bodies. There was a blank space where the neck should be. One aspect of this is that we place great importance upon words. Malidoma says: "The speech of silence is achieved when words, and their potential ability to hurt meaning, are done away with. Words entrap meaning, torture it, slice it into pieces the way a butcher cuts the meat of a slaughtered animal and serves it to us. . . In silence, meaning is no longer heard, but felt; and feeling is the best hearing, the best instrument for recording meaning." The second lesson is the importance of wise elders. In Malidoma's words: "Elders and mentors have an irreplaceable function in the life of any community. Without them the young are lost -- their overflowing energies wasted in useless pursuits. The old must live in the young like a grounding force that tames the tendency toward bold but senseless actions and shows them the path of wisdom. In the absence of elders, the impetuosity of youth becomes the slow death of the community." This is a book that changes the reader.

What an adventure!

What a book! What an adventure! I am sorry it is finished. I've ordered another. This book brings the magic of childhood back to life. The possibility of possibility. I could not put it down. The story-telling is perfect. The story, incredible. Read with an open mind and allow abundance to fill your inner life with wonder at all that is possible.

A must read.

I can't even collect my thoughts in a coherent manner. This is an excellent book, and although it sometimes reads like science fiction, do not write it off as such. This is Some's true experience. Beautifully written. I think many of the other reviewers have said enough (and much better than I can), but I could not leave the five star review without saying anything. I have recommended this book to everyone I know.


It's hard explain the feelings I got as I read this. A kind of rollercoaster ride into another's experience of the matrix we've been living in and the possibilities that exist beyond what we are lead to believe. BTW experiencing his words in his own voice (audible) took it to another level.


This is the best book I have ever read in my entire life and anyone that knows me knows I've read LOTS of books. This books takes you on a truly magical journey. I don't doubt anything written in this book because I can feel the it's the truth within my soul. This book was so well-written and truly amazing. My soul couldn't get enough of it. I recommend this book to everyone i know. I wont give a description but if you're starting out on your spiritual journey, curious about the ways of some of your African ancestors, a lover of nature, or even if you're third eye is WIDE open, read this book. It's just a blessing.

Great Book

One of the best books I've read this year. I'm also spiritual and I know that African magic is real. I noticed that someone said that this guy was lying about these events. I don't know if he was lying about the event but I do know the magic works. The problem with some people is the magic may not work for them because it is not meant for them. Some of us don't have Afrikan ancestors meaning that there not of African descent. The magic is ancestral so unfortunately for some people who learn our magic, they will never be able to use it because we share the same ancestors. There was someone who mentioned >"if the magic really worked why couldn't he do more like become a millionaire. "Because there are rules to Magic and that's not how it works. Magic is spiritual not physical so those who are not spiritual will never understand how it works. (meaning those born without souls) Again this is a great book. I do recommend it to people of African descent and those who are just curious will live reading about the Magic we process. Ase' to the writer. Thanks for a great book. 👍🤗

African spirituality,

This MUST BE ADDED IN EVERY BLACK PERSONAL LIBRARY. Every Black person MUST read this book. Beautifully written! So much hidden gems within this book. As a young woman who is embarking on her spiritual journey, I recognized (some part of ) myself within this book. "It was all in me. I was the room and the door. It was all me. I just had to remember. " Malidoma Some.

what i dont get

What I don't get is, if the tribe's elders can do magic, such as telepathy, teleportation, getting information from someone's aura, and manifestation, why are they scraping by? Why does he take airplanes to get around? Why don't they just manifest gold, diamonds, etc. instead of needing him to send them $600 every month? I like the book, have read multiple times, but can't find it applicable to my life. It doesn't seem like the tribe uses magic to solve basic problems, which leads me wondering why not? Something doesn't add up. And for what it's worth, I've worked with shamans in real life.


I had the chance to meet Malidoma after reading his book. I was amazed by some the events depicted in book and had to track him down to see what this man was truly like. He did a divination for me that was astounding and I even wrote about in my own book - Pathless Path: God, Grace, Guru

So relatable to me!

This book is so relatable....I'm the complete opposite though...I was born into a lie and now having to untangle myself from the lies and the false history...this book has been a great help!

A book that changes the reader

Malidoma, born in what is now Burkina Faso, West Africa, was his shaman grandfather's shadow until age four. That year his grandfather died, and Malidoma was kidnapped from his home by a French Jesuit missionary. For the next 16 years he suffered almost every kind of abuse as he was trained in Western culture. He escaped at age 20 and, walking 300 miles from the seminary, found his way back to his tribal village, where he now was an outsider. The elders offered him the opportunity to participate in an intensive six-week shamanic initiation with younger tribal boys which, if he survived, would reestablish his connection to the tribe. After undergoing the initiation, Malidoma learned that his destiny lay in being a bridge between Western civilization and indigenous culture. Studying in the Sorbonne and Brandeis University, he now holds three master's degrees and two PhDs. Though he returns regularly to his tribal home for renewal, he makes his home in the U.S. where he has taught at the University of Michigan and now leads seminars, intensives, and rituals. Malidoma's open, vulnerable, detailed stories of his experiences in the Jesuit school and in his initiation are riveting. I noticed two major lessons that his culture can teach ours. One is to connect our bodies to our minds. When Malidoma first came to the U.S., he saw with the spirit eyes of his elders that people's heads were not connected to their bodies. There was a blank space where the neck should be. One aspect of this is that we place great importance upon words. Malidoma says: "The speech of silence is achieved when words, and their potential ability to hurt meaning, are done away with. Words entrap meaning, torture it, slice it into pieces the way a butcher cuts the meat of a slaughtered animal and serves it to us. . . In silence, meaning is no longer heard, but felt; and feeling is the best hearing, the best instrument for recording meaning." The second lesson is the importance of wise elders. In Malidoma's words: "Elders and mentors have an irreplaceable function in the life of any community. Without them the young are lost -- their overflowing energies wasted in useless pursuits. The old must live in the young like a grounding force that tames the tendency toward bold but senseless actions and shows them the path of wisdom. In the absence of elders, the impetuosity of youth becomes the slow death of the community." This is a book that changes the reader.

What an adventure!

What a book! What an adventure! I am sorry it is finished. I've ordered another. This book brings the magic of childhood back to life. The possibility of possibility. I could not put it down. The story-telling is perfect. The story, incredible. Read with an open mind and allow abundance to fill your inner life with wonder at all that is possible.

A must read.

I can't even collect my thoughts in a coherent manner. This is an excellent book, and although it sometimes reads like science fiction, do not write it off as such. This is Some's true experience. Beautifully written. I think many of the other reviewers have said enough (and much better than I can), but I could not leave the five star review without saying anything. I have recommended this book to everyone I know.


It's hard explain the feelings I got as I read this. A kind of rollercoaster ride into another's experience of the matrix we've been living in and the possibilities that exist beyond what we are lead to believe. BTW experiencing his words in his own voice (audible) took it to another level.


This is the best book I have ever read in my entire life and anyone that knows me knows I've read LOTS of books. This books takes you on a truly magical journey. I don't doubt anything written in this book because I can feel the it's the truth within my soul. This book was so well-written and truly amazing. My soul couldn't get enough of it. I recommend this book to everyone i know. I wont give a description but if you're starting out on your spiritual journey, curious about the ways of some of your African ancestors, a lover of nature, or even if you're third eye is WIDE open, read this book. It's just a blessing.

Great Book

One of the best books I've read this year. I'm also spiritual and I know that African magic is real. I noticed that someone said that this guy was lying about these events. I don't know if he was lying about the event but I do know the magic works. The problem with some people is the magic may not work for them because it is not meant for them. Some of us don't have Afrikan ancestors meaning that there not of African descent. The magic is ancestral so unfortunately for some people who learn our magic, they will never be able to use it because we share the same ancestors. There was someone who mentioned >"if the magic really worked why couldn't he do more like become a millionaire. "Because there are rules to Magic and that's not how it works. Magic is spiritual not physical so those who are not spiritual will never understand how it works. (meaning those born without souls) Again this is a great book. I do recommend it to people of African descent and those who are just curious will live reading about the Magic we process. Ase' to the writer. Thanks for a great book. 👍🤗

African spirituality,

This MUST BE ADDED IN EVERY BLACK PERSONAL LIBRARY. Every Black person MUST read this book. Beautifully written! So much hidden gems within this book. As a young woman who is embarking on her spiritual journey, I recognized (some part of ) myself within this book. "It was all in me. I was the room and the door. It was all me. I just had to remember. " Malidoma Some.

what i dont get

What I don't get is, if the tribe's elders can do magic, such as telepathy, teleportation, getting information from someone's aura, and manifestation, why are they scraping by? Why does he take airplanes to get around? Why don't they just manifest gold, diamonds, etc. instead of needing him to send them $600 every month? I like the book, have read multiple times, but can't find it applicable to my life. It doesn't seem like the tribe uses magic to solve basic problems, which leads me wondering why not? Something doesn't add up. And for what it's worth, I've worked with shamans in real life.


I had the chance to meet Malidoma after reading his book. I was amazed by some the events depicted in book and had to track him down to see what this man was truly like. He did a divination for me that was astounding and I even wrote about in my own book - Pathless Path: God, Grace, Guru

So relatable to me!

This book is so relatable....I'm the complete opposite though...I was born into a lie and now having to untangle myself from the lies and the false history...this book has been a great help!

A book that changes the reader

Malidoma, born in what is now Burkina Faso, West Africa, was his shaman grandfather's shadow until age four. That year his grandfather died, and Malidoma was kidnapped from his home by a French Jesuit missionary. For the next 16 years he suffered almost every kind of abuse as he was trained in Western culture. He escaped at age 20 and, walking 300 miles from the seminary, found his way back to his tribal village, where he now was an outsider. The elders offered him the opportunity to participate in an intensive six-week shamanic initiation with younger tribal boys which, if he survived, would reestablish his connection to the tribe. After undergoing the initiation, Malidoma learned that his destiny lay in being a bridge between Western civilization and indigenous culture. Studying in the Sorbonne and Brandeis University, he now holds three master's degrees and two PhDs. Though he returns regularly to his tribal home for renewal, he makes his home in the U.S. where he has taught at the University of Michigan and now leads seminars, intensives, and rituals. Malidoma's open, vulnerable, detailed stories of his experiences in the Jesuit school and in his initiation are riveting. I noticed two major lessons that his culture can teach ours. One is to connect our bodies to our minds. When Malidoma first came to the U.S., he saw with the spirit eyes of his elders that people's heads were not connected to their bodies. There was a blank space where the neck should be. One aspect of this is that we place great importance upon words. Malidoma says: "The speech of silence is achieved when words, and their potential ability to hurt meaning, are done away with. Words entrap meaning, torture it, slice it into pieces the way a butcher cuts the meat of a slaughtered animal and serves it to us. . . In silence, meaning is no longer heard, but felt; and feeling is the best hearing, the best instrument for recording meaning." The second lesson is the importance of wise elders. In Malidoma's words: "Elders and mentors have an irreplaceable function in the life of any community. Without them the young are lost -- their overflowing energies wasted in useless pursuits. The old must live in the young like a grounding force that tames the tendency toward bold but senseless actions and shows them the path of wisdom. In the absence of elders, the impetuosity of youth becomes the slow death of the community." This is a book that changes the reader.

What an adventure!

What a book! What an adventure! I am sorry it is finished. I've ordered another. This book brings the magic of childhood back to life. The possibility of possibility. I could not put it down. The story-telling is perfect. The story, incredible. Read with an open mind and allow abundance to fill your inner life with wonder at all that is possible.

A must read.

I can't even collect my thoughts in a coherent manner. This is an excellent book, and although it sometimes reads like science fiction, do not write it off as such. This is Some's true experience. Beautifully written. I think many of the other reviewers have said enough (and much better than I can), but I could not leave the five star review without saying anything. I have recommended this book to everyone I know.


It's hard explain the feelings I got as I read this. A kind of rollercoaster ride into another's experience of the matrix we've been living in and the possibilities that exist beyond what we are lead to believe. BTW experiencing his words in his own voice (audible) took it to another level.


This is the best book I have ever read in my entire life and anyone that knows me knows I've read LOTS of books. This books takes you on a truly magical journey. I don't doubt anything written in this book because I can feel the it's the truth within my soul. This book was so well-written and truly amazing. My soul couldn't get enough of it. I recommend this book to everyone i know. I wont give a description but if you're starting out on your spiritual journey, curious about the ways of some of your African ancestors, a lover of nature, or even if you're third eye is WIDE open, read this book. It's just a blessing.

Great Book

One of the best books I've read this year. I'm also spiritual and I know that African magic is real. I noticed that someone said that this guy was lying about these events. I don't know if he was lying about the event but I do know the magic works. The problem with some people is the magic may not work for them because it is not meant for them. Some of us don't have Afrikan ancestors meaning that there not of African descent. The magic is ancestral so unfortunately for some people who learn our magic, they will never be able to use it because we share the same ancestors. There was someone who mentioned >"if the magic really worked why couldn't he do more like become a millionaire. "Because there are rules to Magic and that's not how it works. Magic is spiritual not physical so those who are not spiritual will never understand how it works. (meaning those born without souls) Again this is a great book. I do recommend it to people of African descent and those who are just curious will live reading about the Magic we process. Ase' to the writer. Thanks for a great book. 👍🤗

African spirituality,

This MUST BE ADDED IN EVERY BLACK PERSONAL LIBRARY. Every Black person MUST read this book. Beautifully written! So much hidden gems within this book. As a young woman who is embarking on her spiritual journey, I recognized (some part of ) myself within this book. "It was all in me. I was the room and the door. It was all me. I just had to remember. " Malidoma Some.

what i dont get

What I don't get is, if the tribe's elders can do magic, such as telepathy, teleportation, getting information from someone's aura, and manifestation, why are they scraping by? Why does he take airplanes to get around? Why don't they just manifest gold, diamonds, etc. instead of needing him to send them $600 every month? I like the book, have read multiple times, but can't find it applicable to my life. It doesn't seem like the tribe uses magic to solve basic problems, which leads me wondering why not? Something doesn't add up. And for what it's worth, I've worked with shamans in real life.


I had the chance to meet Malidoma after reading his book. I was amazed by some the events depicted in book and had to track him down to see what this man was truly like. He did a divination for me that was astounding and I even wrote about in my own book - Pathless Path: God, Grace, Guru

So relatable to me!

This book is so relatable....I'm the complete opposite though...I was born into a lie and now having to untangle myself from the lies and the false history...this book has been a great help!

A book that changes the reader

Malidoma, born in what is now Burkina Faso, West Africa, was his shaman grandfather's shadow until age four. That year his grandfather died, and Malidoma was kidnapped from his home by a French Jesuit missionary. For the next 16 years he suffered almost every kind of abuse as he was trained in Western culture. He escaped at age 20 and, walking 300 miles from the seminary, found his way back to his tribal village, where he now was an outsider. The elders offered him the opportunity to participate in an intensive six-week shamanic initiation with younger tribal boys which, if he survived, would reestablish his connection to the tribe. After undergoing the initiation, Malidoma learned that his destiny lay in being a bridge between Western civilization and indigenous culture. Studying in the Sorbonne and Brandeis University, he now holds three master's degrees and two PhDs. Though he returns regularly to his tribal home for renewal, he makes his home in the U.S. where he has taught at the University of Michigan and now leads seminars, intensives, and rituals. Malidoma's open, vulnerable, detailed stories of his experiences in the Jesuit school and in his initiation are riveting. I noticed two major lessons that his culture can teach ours. One is to connect our bodies to our minds. When Malidoma first came to the U.S., he saw with the spirit eyes of his elders that people's heads were not connected to their bodies. There was a blank space where the neck should be. One aspect of this is that we place great importance upon words. Malidoma says: "The speech of silence is achieved when words, and their potential ability to hurt meaning, are done away with. Words entrap meaning, torture it, slice it into pieces the way a butcher cuts the meat of a slaughtered animal and serves it to us. . . In silence, meaning is no longer heard, but felt; and feeling is the best hearing, the best instrument for recording meaning." The second lesson is the importance of wise elders. In Malidoma's words: "Elders and mentors have an irreplaceable function in the life of any community. Without them the young are lost -- their overflowing energies wasted in useless pursuits. The old must live in the young like a grounding force that tames the tendency toward bold but senseless actions and shows them the path of wisdom. In the absence of elders, the impetuosity of youth becomes the slow death of the community." This is a book that changes the reader.

What an adventure!

What a book! What an adventure! I am sorry it is finished. I've ordered another. This book brings the magic of childhood back to life. The possibility of possibility. I could not put it down. The story-telling is perfect. The story, incredible. Read with an open mind and allow abundance to fill your inner life with wonder at all that is possible.

A must read.

I can't even collect my thoughts in a coherent manner. This is an excellent book, and although it sometimes reads like science fiction, do not write it off as such. This is Some's true experience. Beautifully written. I think many of the other reviewers have said enough (and much better than I can), but I could not leave the five star review without saying anything. I have recommended this book to everyone I know.


It's hard explain the feelings I got as I read this. A kind of rollercoaster ride into another's experience of the matrix we've been living in and the possibilities that exist beyond what we are lead to believe. BTW experiencing his words in his own voice (audible) took it to another level.


This is the best book I have ever read in my entire life and anyone that knows me knows I've read LOTS of books. This books takes you on a truly magical journey. I don't doubt anything written in this book because I can feel the it's the truth within my soul. This book was so well-written and truly amazing. My soul couldn't get enough of it. I recommend this book to everyone i know. I wont give a description but if you're starting out on your spiritual journey, curious about the ways of some of your African ancestors, a lover of nature, or even if you're third eye is WIDE open, read this book. It's just a blessing.

Great Book

One of the best books I've read this year. I'm also spiritual and I know that African magic is real. I noticed that someone said that this guy was lying about these events. I don't know if he was lying about the event but I do know the magic works. The problem with some people is the magic may not work for them because it is not meant for them. Some of us don't have Afrikan ancestors meaning that there not of African descent. The magic is ancestral so unfortunately for some people who learn our magic, they will never be able to use it because we share the same ancestors. There was someone who mentioned >"if the magic really worked why couldn't he do more like become a millionaire. "Because there are rules to Magic and that's not how it works. Magic is spiritual not physical so those who are not spiritual will never understand how it works. (meaning those born without souls) Again this is a great book. I do recommend it to people of African descent and those who are just curious will live reading about the Magic we process. Ase' to the writer. Thanks for a great book. 👍🤗

African spirituality,

This MUST BE ADDED IN EVERY BLACK PERSONAL LIBRARY. Every Black person MUST read this book. Beautifully written! So much hidden gems within this book. As a young woman who is embarking on her spiritual journey, I recognized (some part of ) myself within this book. "It was all in me. I was the room and the door. It was all me. I just had to remember. " Malidoma Some.

what i dont get

What I don't get is, if the tribe's elders can do magic, such as telepathy, teleportation, getting information from someone's aura, and manifestation, why are they scraping by? Why does he take airplanes to get around? Why don't they just manifest gold, diamonds, etc. instead of needing him to send them $600 every month? I like the book, have read multiple times, but can't find it applicable to my life. It doesn't seem like the tribe uses magic to solve basic problems, which leads me wondering why not? Something doesn't add up. And for what it's worth, I've worked with shamans in real life.


I had the chance to meet Malidoma after reading his book. I was amazed by some the events depicted in book and had to track him down to see what this man was truly like. He did a divination for me that was astounding and I even wrote about in my own book - Pathless Path: God, Grace, Guru

So relatable to me!

This book is so relatable....I'm the complete opposite though...I was born into a lie and now having to untangle myself from the lies and the false history...this book has been a great help!

A book that changes the reader

Malidoma, born in what is now Burkina Faso, West Africa, was his shaman grandfather's shadow until age four. That year his grandfather died, and Malidoma was kidnapped from his home by a French Jesuit missionary. For the next 16 years he suffered almost every kind of abuse as he was trained in Western culture. He escaped at age 20 and, walking 300 miles from the seminary, found his way back to his tribal village, where he now was an outsider. The elders offered him the opportunity to participate in an intensive six-week shamanic initiation with younger tribal boys which, if he survived, would reestablish his connection to the tribe. After undergoing the initiation, Malidoma learned that his destiny lay in being a bridge between Western civilization and indigenous culture. Studying in the Sorbonne and Brandeis University, he now holds three master's degrees and two PhDs. Though he returns regularly to his tribal home for renewal, he makes his home in the U.S. where he has taught at the University of Michigan and now leads seminars, intensives, and rituals. Malidoma's open, vulnerable, detailed stories of his experiences in the Jesuit school and in his initiation are riveting. I noticed two major lessons that his culture can teach ours. One is to connect our bodies to our minds. When Malidoma first came to the U.S., he saw with the spirit eyes of his elders that people's heads were not connected to their bodies. There was a blank space where the neck should be. One aspect of this is that we place great importance upon words. Malidoma says: "The speech of silence is achieved when words, and their potential ability to hurt meaning, are done away with. Words entrap meaning, torture it, slice it into pieces the way a butcher cuts the meat of a slaughtered animal and serves it to us. . . In silence, meaning is no longer heard, but felt; and feeling is the best hearing, the best instrument for recording meaning." The second lesson is the importance of wise elders. In Malidoma's words: "Elders and mentors have an irreplaceable function in the life of any community. Without them the young are lost -- their overflowing energies wasted in useless pursuits. The old must live in the young like a grounding force that tames the tendency toward bold but senseless actions and shows them the path of wisdom. In the absence of elders, the impetuosity of youth becomes the slow death of the community." This is a book that changes the reader.

What an adventure!

What a book! What an adventure! I am sorry it is finished. I've ordered another. This book brings the magic of childhood back to life. The possibility of possibility. I could not put it down. The story-telling is perfect. The story, incredible. Read with an open mind and allow abundance to fill your inner life with wonder at all that is possible.

A must read.

I can't even collect my thoughts in a coherent manner. This is an excellent book, and although it sometimes reads like science fiction, do not write it off as such. This is Some's true experience. Beautifully written. I think many of the other reviewers have said enough (and much better than I can), but I could not leave the five star review without saying anything. I have recommended this book to everyone I know.


It's hard explain the feelings I got as I read this. A kind of rollercoaster ride into another's experience of the matrix we've been living in and the possibilities that exist beyond what we are lead to believe. BTW experiencing his words in his own voice (audible) took it to another level.

Gripping and unforgettable

Part adventure story, part spiritual quest, and a glimpse into a culture of magic and mystery - I couldn't put this book down. The writing practically sparkles on the page. It's ironic that such an eloquent spokesman for a tribal way of life is a product of the very schools designed to eradicate those values. Thank you, Malidoma for giving us this story!


An amazing autobiography that recounts a story of a boy growing up in Africa in the early 1960's and his abduction from his African village by French missionaries when he was a small child. He manages to get back to his family when he is much older but is a stranger to them and to himself. His weaving together of his spiritual shamanic roots and his Western education is a triumph in bridging incredibly different worlds and cultures. He writes eloquently and simply. A real pleasure to read and ponder!

Opens your heart and your consciousness

I don't say this lightly. Malidoma pulls back the veil on thousands of years of true African wisdom and shamanism. This wisdom is universal and beneficial for many. Very readable and you won't be disappointed. Highly recommended.

Good to go

Here is the wisdom of indigenous tribes that we need to return to

Powerful book. Read the fine print from the seller though make sure it is in good shapez

Love the book and adore the author. Very happy to have this book to read again and again. But not pleased that the seller did not mention that in was considerably marked up with a hot pink pen. I won't buy from them again.


The "aboriginal" (not primitive but Primary) cultures of this planet contain so much wisdom that the "modern" cultures need desperately if they want to survive (and if they don't want to take the rest of the planet down with them). This book weaves such a rich tapestry of the Primary cultures that were decimated by European Colonialism in French Equatorial Africa (the other colonists and "colonies" were probably similar) that it's mind-blowing. What a teaching!

Some is an excellent writer.

I couldn't put this book down! What a tremendous glimpse into the other side. My views about life and living has been forever transformed by the magical spirit world. Dr. Some is an excellent writer.

Don't Pass This Book By

I found this book impossible to put down and extraordinary in quality. It is the story of a boy kidnapped from his African village by French Jesuits who use brutality to indoctrinate him into Christianity. He escapes at age 20 and returns to his village where he undergoes a six week initiation back to his pantheistic, earth-based religion. His hallucinatory experiences during the initiation are incredibly vivid and powerful, and will forever change the way you look at so called primitive spirituality. After reading this book I did some African drumming and Native American drumming and began my own connection with primal religions, something that has greatly enhanced my life.

Spirit Fed

Precisely what I needed spiritually, mentally & intellectually. This book confirmed so many things that have already been hoistering inside me. Very well written & descriptive. A total vibe! I only wish that I had the opportunity to personally meet Malidoma and discuss so much more.


This book is stunning. It brings the reader into intimate contact with a culture so mysterious, so remarkable and so decimated by the Catholic church and western ideas of civilization. The struggle and experiences of this remarkable Shaman and Healer spanning a vast, cultural bridge to reach the "modern" western mind with tribal wisdom and lore is well worth reading. Thoughtful, painful, eye opening, inspiring.


This is the best book I have ever read in my entire life and anyone that knows me knows I've read LOTS of books. This books takes you on a truly magical journey. I don't doubt anything written in this book because I can feel the it's the truth within my soul. This book was so well-written and truly amazing. My soul couldn't get enough of it. I recommend this book to everyone i know. I wont give a description but if you're starting out on your spiritual journey, curious about the ways of some of your African ancestors, a lover of nature, or even if you're third eye is WIDE open, read this book. It's just a blessing.

Great Book

One of the best books I've read this year. I'm also spiritual and I know that African magic is real. I noticed that someone said that this guy was lying about these events. I don't know if he was lying about the event but I do know the magic works. The problem with some people is the magic may not work for them because it is not meant for them. Some of us don't have Afrikan ancestors meaning that there not of African descent. The magic is ancestral so unfortunately for some people who learn our magic, they will never be able to use it because we share the same ancestors. There was someone who mentioned >"if the magic really worked why couldn't he do more like become a millionaire. "Because there are rules to Magic and that's not how it works. Magic is spiritual not physical so those who are not spiritual will never understand how it works. (meaning those born without souls) Again this is a great book. I do recommend it to people of African descent and those who are just curious will live reading about the Magic we process. Ase' to the writer. Thanks for a great book. 👍🤗

African spirituality,

This MUST BE ADDED IN EVERY BLACK PERSONAL LIBRARY. Every Black person MUST read this book. Beautifully written! So much hidden gems within this book. As a young woman who is embarking on her spiritual journey, I recognized (some part of ) myself within this book. "It was all in me. I was the room and the door. It was all me. I just had to remember. " Malidoma Some.

what i dont get

What I don't get is, if the tribe's elders can do magic, such as telepathy, teleportation, getting information from someone's aura, and manifestation, why are they scraping by? Why does he take airplanes to get around? Why don't they just manifest gold, diamonds, etc. instead of needing him to send them $600 every month? I like the book, have read multiple times, but can't find it applicable to my life. It doesn't seem like the tribe uses magic to solve basic problems, which leads me wondering why not? Something doesn't add up. And for what it's worth, I've worked with shamans in real life.


I had the chance to meet Malidoma after reading his book. I was amazed by some the events depicted in book and had to track him down to see what this man was truly like. He did a divination for me that was astounding and I even wrote about in my own book - Pathless Path: God, Grace, Guru

So relatable to me!

This book is so relatable....I'm the complete opposite though...I was born into a lie and now having to untangle myself from the lies and the false history...this book has been a great help!

A book that changes the reader

Malidoma, born in what is now Burkina Faso, West Africa, was his shaman grandfather's shadow until age four. That year his grandfather died, and Malidoma was kidnapped from his home by a French Jesuit missionary. For the next 16 years he suffered almost every kind of abuse as he was trained in Western culture. He escaped at age 20 and, walking 300 miles from the seminary, found his way back to his tribal village, where he now was an outsider. The elders offered him the opportunity to participate in an intensive six-week shamanic initiation with younger tribal boys which, if he survived, would reestablish his connection to the tribe. After undergoing the initiation, Malidoma learned that his destiny lay in being a bridge between Western civilization and indigenous culture. Studying in the Sorbonne and Brandeis University, he now holds three master's degrees and two PhDs. Though he returns regularly to his tribal home for renewal, he makes his home in the U.S. where he has taught at the University of Michigan and now leads seminars, intensives, and rituals. Malidoma's open, vulnerable, detailed stories of his experiences in the Jesuit school and in his initiation are riveting. I noticed two major lessons that his culture can teach ours. One is to connect our bodies to our minds. When Malidoma first came to the U.S., he saw with the spirit eyes of his elders that people's heads were not connected to their bodies. There was a blank space where the neck should be. One aspect of this is that we place great importance upon words. Malidoma says: "The speech of silence is achieved when words, and their potential ability to hurt meaning, are done away with. Words entrap meaning, torture it, slice it into pieces the way a butcher cuts the meat of a slaughtered animal and serves it to us. . . In silence, meaning is no longer heard, but felt; and feeling is the best hearing, the best instrument for recording meaning." The second lesson is the importance of wise elders. In Malidoma's words: "Elders and mentors have an irreplaceable function in the life of any community. Without them the young are lost -- their overflowing energies wasted in useless pursuits. The old must live in the young like a grounding force that tames the tendency toward bold but senseless actions and shows them the path of wisdom. In the absence of elders, the impetuosity of youth becomes the slow death of the community." This is a book that changes the reader.

What an adventure!

What a book! What an adventure! I am sorry it is finished. I've ordered another. This book brings the magic of childhood back to life. The possibility of possibility. I could not put it down. The story-telling is perfect. The story, incredible. Read with an open mind and allow abundance to fill your inner life with wonder at all that is possible.

A must read.

I can't even collect my thoughts in a coherent manner. This is an excellent book, and although it sometimes reads like science fiction, do not write it off as such. This is Some's true experience. Beautifully written. I think many of the other reviewers have said enough (and much better than I can), but I could not leave the five star review without saying anything. I have recommended this book to everyone I know.


It's hard explain the feelings I got as I read this. A kind of rollercoaster ride into another's experience of the matrix we've been living in and the possibilities that exist beyond what we are lead to believe. BTW experiencing his words in his own voice (audible) took it to another level.

Yea Spirit !

Good book. Helps us see that we are missing so many layers in our perception that western thinking has suppressed.

One of my favorite books--my bofriend and I couldn't put it down. (We read in tandem).

I have lost count of how many of this book I have purchased. It is really one of the best books I have ever read. I cannot recommend it highly enough. I love autobiographies/biographies and this is one of the 2 or 3 best that I have read. By the way, one of my friends insisted that Maladoma must have taken psychedelics in order to have the experiences he describes in this book. My boyfriend and I both believed that this was not true, except for the one experience for which he does describe taking a psychedelic. When I met Malidoma last year, I asked him about this. He stated that , "No, we did not take psychedelic drugs or plants". Instead, he said, "It was deprivation--of sleep and of food". Amusing for me how different the American/European is from the African experience. People in Africa turned to deprivation while the Americans and Europeans took a drug. That alone speaks volumes about the 2 different cultures for me. Like Gopi Krishna, Malidoma was born with and then further developed a transcendental consciousness. Both men were unusual from their childhood. These 2 books together are wonderful windows into the world of transcendental consciousness. The interesting difference between the two very intelligent men is that Gopi Krishna was born into a highly literate portion of Indian society while Malidoma Some was born into a preliterate African tribe.

Four Stars

Not exactly what I was looking for, but an interesting read anyway. Delivered on time, packaged well.

fantastic read

This is my first written review, I have to say this is the best book I have read for a very long time, Malidoma is a wonderful writer, this book is so compelling I could not put it down. Malidoma's account of his own life and his experiences growing up in a Jesuit missionary make him vulnerable and transparent to the reader, I feel he shared with me his deepest secrets while educating me about colonialism. When he returns to his village without his si (double) he has to go through an initiation process to gain himself back and be integrated and accepted back into his tribe. His elders remind him he learns by remembering. If you are interested in the super natural, shamanism, and African wisdom this book will satiate you to no end. I had such a strong visual while reading this book I'm surprised it hasn't been made into a movie, hopefully eventually it will be a movie so more people can be inspired, touched and educated by Malidoma's life experiences.

Man i dont even have the words to describe this ...

Man i dont even have the words to describe this book affectively, it has become one of my favorites.. A must read for anyone walking the spiritual path... For the seeker..

Integrating Science and Spirituality

A fantastic book about Malidoma's journey through both the world of thought and logic that is our western world and a deep spiritual world of the Dagara. I would strongly recommend this book to anyone trying to live in both worlds - where the logical claims that the spiritual cannot exist and the spiritual explains things that logic cannot comprehend. A great read that helps us to understand why we do some of the things that we have to do, and helps us to get out of our own way to do the work.

good info

will review after i read


As an anthropologist, I've read many accounts of initiation rites and "other world" experiences. These were invariably written by outsiders - anthropologists and others. This is the first account I've ever read written by a member of a culture who has gone through the experience - as far as we know, without the aid of psychedelic drugs. The work is invaluable.

Fantastic book!

Great book! Very enlightening

Malidoma Somé is an awesome human being !

His story is the story of many and though not universal, it speaks to us of universal themes like being lost, feeling out of place, missing your safe family haven and finding the fortitude to carry on and honor your mission, in spite of yourself. It also provides a different perspective on Christians who went around the world forcing conversion on everyone while alienating them from their roots and their communities.


This is the best book I have ever read in my entire life and anyone that knows me knows I've read LOTS of books. This books takes you on a truly magical journey. I don't doubt anything written in this book because I can feel the it's the truth within my soul. This book was so well-written and truly amazing. My soul couldn't get enough of it. I recommend this book to everyone i know. I wont give a description but if you're starting out on your spiritual journey, curious about the ways of some of your African ancestors, a lover of nature, or even if you're third eye is WIDE open, read this book. It's just a blessing.

Great Book

One of the best books I've read this year. I'm also spiritual and I know that African magic is real. I noticed that someone said that this guy was lying about these events. I don't know if he was lying about the event but I do know the magic works. The problem with some people is the magic may not work for them because it is not meant for them. Some of us don't have Afrikan ancestors meaning that there not of African descent. The magic is ancestral so unfortunately for some people who learn our magic, they will never be able to use it because we share the same ancestors. There was someone who mentioned >"if the magic really worked why couldn't he do more like become a millionaire. "Because there are rules to Magic and that's not how it works. Magic is spiritual not physical so those who are not spiritual will never understand how it works. (meaning those born without souls) Again this is a great book. I do recommend it to people of African descent and those who are just curious will live reading about the Magic we process. Ase' to the writer. Thanks for a great book. 👍🤗

African spirituality,

This MUST BE ADDED IN EVERY BLACK PERSONAL LIBRARY. Every Black person MUST read this book. Beautifully written! So much hidden gems within this book. As a young woman who is embarking on her spiritual journey, I recognized (some part of ) myself within this book. "It was all in me. I was the room and the door. It was all me. I just had to remember. " Malidoma Some.

what i dont get

What I don't get is, if the tribe's elders can do magic, such as telepathy, teleportation, getting information from someone's aura, and manifestation, why are they scraping by? Why does he take airplanes to get around? Why don't they just manifest gold, diamonds, etc. instead of needing him to send them $600 every month? I like the book, have read multiple times, but can't find it applicable to my life. It doesn't seem like the tribe uses magic to solve basic problems, which leads me wondering why not? Something doesn't add up. And for what it's worth, I've worked with shamans in real life.


I had the chance to meet Malidoma after reading his book. I was amazed by some the events depicted in book and had to track him down to see what this man was truly like. He did a divination for me that was astounding and I even wrote about in my own book - Pathless Path: God, Grace, Guru

So relatable to me!

This book is so relatable....I'm the complete opposite though...I was born into a lie and now having to untangle myself from the lies and the false history...this book has been a great help!

A book that changes the reader

Malidoma, born in what is now Burkina Faso, West Africa, was his shaman grandfather's shadow until age four. That year his grandfather died, and Malidoma was kidnapped from his home by a French Jesuit missionary. For the next 16 years he suffered almost every kind of abuse as he was trained in Western culture. He escaped at age 20 and, walking 300 miles from the seminary, found his way back to his tribal village, where he now was an outsider. The elders offered him the opportunity to participate in an intensive six-week shamanic initiation with younger tribal boys which, if he survived, would reestablish his connection to the tribe. After undergoing the initiation, Malidoma learned that his destiny lay in being a bridge between Western civilization and indigenous culture. Studying in the Sorbonne and Brandeis University, he now holds three master's degrees and two PhDs. Though he returns regularly to his tribal home for renewal, he makes his home in the U.S. where he has taught at the University of Michigan and now leads seminars, intensives, and rituals. Malidoma's open, vulnerable, detailed stories of his experiences in the Jesuit school and in his initiation are riveting. I noticed two major lessons that his culture can teach ours. One is to connect our bodies to our minds. When Malidoma first came to the U.S., he saw with the spirit eyes of his elders that people's heads were not connected to their bodies. There was a blank space where the neck should be. One aspect of this is that we place great importance upon words. Malidoma says: "The speech of silence is achieved when words, and their potential ability to hurt meaning, are done away with. Words entrap meaning, torture it, slice it into pieces the way a butcher cuts the meat of a slaughtered animal and serves it to us. . . In silence, meaning is no longer heard, but felt; and feeling is the best hearing, the best instrument for recording meaning." The second lesson is the importance of wise elders. In Malidoma's words: "Elders and mentors have an irreplaceable function in the life of any community. Without them the young are lost -- their overflowing energies wasted in useless pursuits. The old must live in the young like a grounding force that tames the tendency toward bold but senseless actions and shows them the path of wisdom. In the absence of elders, the impetuosity of youth becomes the slow death of the community." This is a book that changes the reader.

What an adventure!

What a book! What an adventure! I am sorry it is finished. I've ordered another. This book brings the magic of childhood back to life. The possibility of possibility. I could not put it down. The story-telling is perfect. The story, incredible. Read with an open mind and allow abundance to fill your inner life with wonder at all that is possible.

A must read.

I can't even collect my thoughts in a coherent manner. This is an excellent book, and although it sometimes reads like science fiction, do not write it off as such. This is Some's true experience. Beautifully written. I think many of the other reviewers have said enough (and much better than I can), but I could not leave the five star review without saying anything. I have recommended this book to everyone I know.


It's hard explain the feelings I got as I read this. A kind of rollercoaster ride into another's experience of the matrix we've been living in and the possibilities that exist beyond what we are lead to believe. BTW experiencing his words in his own voice (audible) took it to another level.

Five Stars


Five Stars

I love this book!!! I already own it but I bought it for my friends and family.

Buy it

Authentic and amazing book that is about a culture but also about all of us. I felt like the assumptions with which I view the world were challenged in a way that was deeply respectful of nature. Some is a beautiful writer and the narrative flow is compelling.

Five Stars


A mesmerizing story

What a journey! Could not put this down.



Awesome Book!

Very good read!

Soul Retrieval Par Excellence!

This book brought me to places of wonder that I vaguely remember as a child. Even though my upbringing was western and dramatically different, there were times where I found myself strongly identifying with his experiences. I look to his story as a model of how to function in the world with integrity. A beautifully written story of bringing one's soul fully into incarnation. I was deeply touched and moved.

Buy it

Such a good book

greate book.. i advice every black person to ...

greate book.. i advice every black person to read and have this book as a treasure. Many thanks to Elder Malidoma and his ancestors


This is the best book I have ever read in my entire life and anyone that knows me knows I've read LOTS of books. This books takes you on a truly magical journey. I don't doubt anything written in this book because I can feel the it's the truth within my soul. This book was so well-written and truly amazing. My soul couldn't get enough of it. I recommend this book to everyone i know. I wont give a description but if you're starting out on your spiritual journey, curious about the ways of some of your African ancestors, a lover of nature, or even if you're third eye is WIDE open, read this book. It's just a blessing.

Great Book

One of the best books I've read this year. I'm also spiritual and I know that African magic is real. I noticed that someone said that this guy was lying about these events. I don't know if he was lying about the event but I do know the magic works. The problem with some people is the magic may not work for them because it is not meant for them. Some of us don't have Afrikan ancestors meaning that there not of African descent. The magic is ancestral so unfortunately for some people who learn our magic, they will never be able to use it because we share the same ancestors. There was someone who mentioned >"if the magic really worked why couldn't he do more like become a millionaire. "Because there are rules to Magic and that's not how it works. Magic is spiritual not physical so those who are not spiritual will never understand how it works. (meaning those born without souls) Again this is a great book. I do recommend it to people of African descent and those who are just curious will live reading about the Magic we process. Ase' to the writer. Thanks for a great book. 👍🤗

African spirituality,

This MUST BE ADDED IN EVERY BLACK PERSONAL LIBRARY. Every Black person MUST read this book. Beautifully written! So much hidden gems within this book. As a young woman who is embarking on her spiritual journey, I recognized (some part of ) myself within this book. "It was all in me. I was the room and the door. It was all me. I just had to remember. " Malidoma Some.

what i dont get

What I don't get is, if the tribe's elders can do magic, such as telepathy, teleportation, getting information from someone's aura, and manifestation, why are they scraping by? Why does he take airplanes to get around? Why don't they just manifest gold, diamonds, etc. instead of needing him to send them $600 every month? I like the book, have read multiple times, but can't find it applicable to my life. It doesn't seem like the tribe uses magic to solve basic problems, which leads me wondering why not? Something doesn't add up. And for what it's worth, I've worked with shamans in real life.


I had the chance to meet Malidoma after reading his book. I was amazed by some the events depicted in book and had to track him down to see what this man was truly like. He did a divination for me that was astounding and I even wrote about in my own book - Pathless Path: God, Grace, Guru

So relatable to me!

This book is so relatable....I'm the complete opposite though...I was born into a lie and now having to untangle myself from the lies and the false history...this book has been a great help!

A book that changes the reader

Malidoma, born in what is now Burkina Faso, West Africa, was his shaman grandfather's shadow until age four. That year his grandfather died, and Malidoma was kidnapped from his home by a French Jesuit missionary. For the next 16 years he suffered almost every kind of abuse as he was trained in Western culture. He escaped at age 20 and, walking 300 miles from the seminary, found his way back to his tribal village, where he now was an outsider. The elders offered him the opportunity to participate in an intensive six-week shamanic initiation with younger tribal boys which, if he survived, would reestablish his connection to the tribe. After undergoing the initiation, Malidoma learned that his destiny lay in being a bridge between Western civilization and indigenous culture. Studying in the Sorbonne and Brandeis University, he now holds three master's degrees and two PhDs. Though he returns regularly to his tribal home for renewal, he makes his home in the U.S. where he has taught at the University of Michigan and now leads seminars, intensives, and rituals. Malidoma's open, vulnerable, detailed stories of his experiences in the Jesuit school and in his initiation are riveting. I noticed two major lessons that his culture can teach ours. One is to connect our bodies to our minds. When Malidoma first came to the U.S., he saw with the spirit eyes of his elders that people's heads were not connected to their bodies. There was a blank space where the neck should be. One aspect of this is that we place great importance upon words. Malidoma says: "The speech of silence is achieved when words, and their potential ability to hurt meaning, are done away with. Words entrap meaning, torture it, slice it into pieces the way a butcher cuts the meat of a slaughtered animal and serves it to us. . . In silence, meaning is no longer heard, but felt; and feeling is the best hearing, the best instrument for recording meaning." The second lesson is the importance of wise elders. In Malidoma's words: "Elders and mentors have an irreplaceable function in the life of any community. Without them the young are lost -- their overflowing energies wasted in useless pursuits. The old must live in the young like a grounding force that tames the tendency toward bold but senseless actions and shows them the path of wisdom. In the absence of elders, the impetuosity of youth becomes the slow death of the community." This is a book that changes the reader.

What an adventure!

What a book! What an adventure! I am sorry it is finished. I've ordered another. This book brings the magic of childhood back to life. The possibility of possibility. I could not put it down. The story-telling is perfect. The story, incredible. Read with an open mind and allow abundance to fill your inner life with wonder at all that is possible.

A must read.

I can't even collect my thoughts in a coherent manner. This is an excellent book, and although it sometimes reads like science fiction, do not write it off as such. This is Some's true experience. Beautifully written. I think many of the other reviewers have said enough (and much better than I can), but I could not leave the five star review without saying anything. I have recommended this book to everyone I know.


It's hard explain the feelings I got as I read this. A kind of rollercoaster ride into another's experience of the matrix we've been living in and the possibilities that exist beyond what we are lead to believe. BTW experiencing his words in his own voice (audible) took it to another level.

Astounding read

I have read it twice! This mans journey is out of this world


A very inspiring read and has added to my spiritual journey a deeper understanding.

Life Changing

This book is filled with metaphors and wisdom which would benefit anyone on a spiritual journey whether it be shamanic or otherwise. Instead of allowing the traumas of life stop him, Malidoma used them as the fuel and inspiration to move forward. Not only is this a true story but it is a well written account of Malidoma's life.

Absolutely could not put down this memoir. It's a ...

Absolutely could not put down this memoir. It's a must-read for anyone interested in African tradition. Mr. Some's writing is rich and captivating.

Five Stars

A book that will bring a whole other perspective into your life and one that you will always remember.

A must read!

I bought this book for a class but ended up loving it. The story is absolutely breathtaking and inspiring.

Buy it

Excellent book

Of Water and The Spirit

Let me say that this book really brought out the best the author had deep inside. The book is very descriptive, well written and had me spell bound. A page turner, I only put the book down when I HAD TO!!! Malidoma P. Some--- KUDOS!

making sense of initiation and shamanic practices

Maldoma Some is very articulate and easy to read as he talks about shamanism and initiation in his African culture. He shows the limits of Western thinking and experience and the power of intution. I was delighted with the book. And recommend it to students.

Of water and the Spirit: Ritual, Magic and Initiation in the Life of an African Shaman

What a wonderful text. I love reading about the experiences the author lived. I especially liked the section on "Awakenings." It is amazing how we are made cognizant of many life experiences by actually going through the process. Great reading.


This is the best book I have ever read in my entire life and anyone that knows me knows I've read LOTS of books. This books takes you on a truly magical journey. I don't doubt anything written in this book because I can feel the it's the truth within my soul. This book was so well-written and truly amazing. My soul couldn't get enough of it. I recommend this book to everyone i know. I wont give a description but if you're starting out on your spiritual journey, curious about the ways of some of your African ancestors, a lover of nature, or even if you're third eye is WIDE open, read this book. It's just a blessing.

Great Book

One of the best books I've read this year. I'm also spiritual and I know that African magic is real. I noticed that someone said that this guy was lying about these events. I don't know if he was lying about the event but I do know the magic works. The problem with some people is the magic may not work for them because it is not meant for them. Some of us don't have Afrikan ancestors meaning that there not of African descent. The magic is ancestral so unfortunately for some people who learn our magic, they will never be able to use it because we share the same ancestors. There was someone who mentioned >"if the magic really worked why couldn't he do more like become a millionaire. "Because there are rules to Magic and that's not how it works. Magic is spiritual not physical so those who are not spiritual will never understand how it works. (meaning those born without souls) Again this is a great book. I do recommend it to people of African descent and those who are just curious will live reading about the Magic we process. Ase' to the writer. Thanks for a great book. 👍🤗

African spirituality,

This MUST BE ADDED IN EVERY BLACK PERSONAL LIBRARY. Every Black person MUST read this book. Beautifully written! So much hidden gems within this book. As a young woman who is embarking on her spiritual journey, I recognized (some part of ) myself within this book. "It was all in me. I was the room and the door. It was all me. I just had to remember. " Malidoma Some.

what i dont get

What I don't get is, if the tribe's elders can do magic, such as telepathy, teleportation, getting information from someone's aura, and manifestation, why are they scraping by? Why does he take airplanes to get around? Why don't they just manifest gold, diamonds, etc. instead of needing him to send them $600 every month? I like the book, have read multiple times, but can't find it applicable to my life. It doesn't seem like the tribe uses magic to solve basic problems, which leads me wondering why not? Something doesn't add up. And for what it's worth, I've worked with shamans in real life.


I had the chance to meet Malidoma after reading his book. I was amazed by some the events depicted in book and had to track him down to see what this man was truly like. He did a divination for me that was astounding and I even wrote about in my own book - Pathless Path: God, Grace, Guru

So relatable to me!

This book is so relatable....I'm the complete opposite though...I was born into a lie and now having to untangle myself from the lies and the false history...this book has been a great help!

A book that changes the reader

Malidoma, born in what is now Burkina Faso, West Africa, was his shaman grandfather's shadow until age four. That year his grandfather died, and Malidoma was kidnapped from his home by a French Jesuit missionary. For the next 16 years he suffered almost every kind of abuse as he was trained in Western culture. He escaped at age 20 and, walking 300 miles from the seminary, found his way back to his tribal village, where he now was an outsider. The elders offered him the opportunity to participate in an intensive six-week shamanic initiation with younger tribal boys which, if he survived, would reestablish his connection to the tribe. After undergoing the initiation, Malidoma learned that his destiny lay in being a bridge between Western civilization and indigenous culture. Studying in the Sorbonne and Brandeis University, he now holds three master's degrees and two PhDs. Though he returns regularly to his tribal home for renewal, he makes his home in the U.S. where he has taught at the University of Michigan and now leads seminars, intensives, and rituals. Malidoma's open, vulnerable, detailed stories of his experiences in the Jesuit school and in his initiation are riveting. I noticed two major lessons that his culture can teach ours. One is to connect our bodies to our minds. When Malidoma first came to the U.S., he saw with the spirit eyes of his elders that people's heads were not connected to their bodies. There was a blank space where the neck should be. One aspect of this is that we place great importance upon words. Malidoma says: "The speech of silence is achieved when words, and their potential ability to hurt meaning, are done away with. Words entrap meaning, torture it, slice it into pieces the way a butcher cuts the meat of a slaughtered animal and serves it to us. . . In silence, meaning is no longer heard, but felt; and feeling is the best hearing, the best instrument for recording meaning." The second lesson is the importance of wise elders. In Malidoma's words: "Elders and mentors have an irreplaceable function in the life of any community. Without them the young are lost -- their overflowing energies wasted in useless pursuits. The old must live in the young like a grounding force that tames the tendency toward bold but senseless actions and shows them the path of wisdom. In the absence of elders, the impetuosity of youth becomes the slow death of the community." This is a book that changes the reader.

What an adventure!

What a book! What an adventure! I am sorry it is finished. I've ordered another. This book brings the magic of childhood back to life. The possibility of possibility. I could not put it down. The story-telling is perfect. The story, incredible. Read with an open mind and allow abundance to fill your inner life with wonder at all that is possible.

A must read.

I can't even collect my thoughts in a coherent manner. This is an excellent book, and although it sometimes reads like science fiction, do not write it off as such. This is Some's true experience. Beautifully written. I think many of the other reviewers have said enough (and much better than I can), but I could not leave the five star review without saying anything. I have recommended this book to everyone I know.


It's hard explain the feelings I got as I read this. A kind of rollercoaster ride into another's experience of the matrix we've been living in and the possibilities that exist beyond what we are lead to believe. BTW experiencing his words in his own voice (audible) took it to another level.

Enlightening Read

Reading about this man's spiritual journey in a different culture completely changed my perspective on life as we live it here in the US. I would highly recommned this book to anyone interested in learning about the Dagara culture and interested in a new personal paradigm.

Changed My Life

This book is key. You read this and want to say "These things can't be possible....just can't be real." But the lessons are full of truth, and the author is sincere. This story can be comprehended and felt deeply by all of those who have been subject to Christian indoctrination.

Absolutely a page turner!

Phenomenal book on African initiation and spirituality. pure magic!


This book was very profound. It created an energy that quenched a thirst I long awaited. I appreciate Mr. Some for creating this work. It has aided me immensely. My journey continues with much more knowledge and insight and grace. Thank you, again. I am deeply grateful.

Five Stars

Must read-great insight

a book for every personal library!

Loved this book. Malidoma had to have a PhD to be believed by the General public. Makes you think outside of the box. A beautiful Bio as well. I also chose to give a couple as gifts also.

Necessary book

A necessary book. Very engaging. The only problem I had with it is that the quality of the writing is not consistently high. However the overall experience is still five stars. Amazing book!

Great Read

I bought this book for 2 friends...I love the concepts explored...eye opening and delves into spirituality without the cumbersome intellectualism the West imposes on the subject

Spiritual enlightenment at its finest.

A spirital gift!

Different aspects of learning about Afrakaans ritual!

Great knowledge!


This is the best book I have ever read in my entire life and anyone that knows me knows I've read LOTS of books. This books takes you on a truly magical journey. I don't doubt anything written in this book because I can feel the it's the truth within my soul. This book was so well-written and truly amazing. My soul couldn't get enough of it. I recommend this book to everyone i know. I wont give a description but if you're starting out on your spiritual journey, curious about the ways of some of your African ancestors, a lover of nature, or even if you're third eye is WIDE open, read this book. It's just a blessing.

Great Book

One of the best books I've read this year. I'm also spiritual and I know that African magic is real. I noticed that someone said that this guy was lying about these events. I don't know if he was lying about the event but I do know the magic works. The problem with some people is the magic may not work for them because it is not meant for them. Some of us don't have Afrikan ancestors meaning that there not of African descent. The magic is ancestral so unfortunately for some people who learn our magic, they will never be able to use it because we share the same ancestors. There was someone who mentioned >"if the magic really worked why couldn't he do more like become a millionaire. "Because there are rules to Magic and that's not how it works. Magic is spiritual not physical so those who are not spiritual will never understand how it works. (meaning those born without souls) Again this is a great book. I do recommend it to people of African descent and those who are just curious will live reading about the Magic we process. Ase' to the writer. Thanks for a great book. 👍🤗

African spirituality,

This MUST BE ADDED IN EVERY BLACK PERSONAL LIBRARY. Every Black person MUST read this book. Beautifully written! So much hidden gems within this book. As a young woman who is embarking on her spiritual journey, I recognized (some part of ) myself within this book. "It was all in me. I was the room and the door. It was all me. I just had to remember. " Malidoma Some.

what i dont get

What I don't get is, if the tribe's elders can do magic, such as telepathy, teleportation, getting information from someone's aura, and manifestation, why are they scraping by? Why does he take airplanes to get around? Why don't they just manifest gold, diamonds, etc. instead of needing him to send them $600 every month? I like the book, have read multiple times, but can't find it applicable to my life. It doesn't seem like the tribe uses magic to solve basic problems, which leads me wondering why not? Something doesn't add up. And for what it's worth, I've worked with shamans in real life.


I had the chance to meet Malidoma after reading his book. I was amazed by some the events depicted in book and had to track him down to see what this man was truly like. He did a divination for me that was astounding and I even wrote about in my own book - Pathless Path: God, Grace, Guru

So relatable to me!

This book is so relatable....I'm the complete opposite though...I was born into a lie and now having to untangle myself from the lies and the false history...this book has been a great help!

A book that changes the reader

Malidoma, born in what is now Burkina Faso, West Africa, was his shaman grandfather's shadow until age four. That year his grandfather died, and Malidoma was kidnapped from his home by a French Jesuit missionary. For the next 16 years he suffered almost every kind of abuse as he was trained in Western culture. He escaped at age 20 and, walking 300 miles from the seminary, found his way back to his tribal village, where he now was an outsider. The elders offered him the opportunity to participate in an intensive six-week shamanic initiation with younger tribal boys which, if he survived, would reestablish his connection to the tribe. After undergoing the initiation, Malidoma learned that his destiny lay in being a bridge between Western civilization and indigenous culture. Studying in the Sorbonne and Brandeis University, he now holds three master's degrees and two PhDs. Though he returns regularly to his tribal home for renewal, he makes his home in the U.S. where he has taught at the University of Michigan and now leads seminars, intensives, and rituals. Malidoma's open, vulnerable, detailed stories of his experiences in the Jesuit school and in his initiation are riveting. I noticed two major lessons that his culture can teach ours. One is to connect our bodies to our minds. When Malidoma first came to the U.S., he saw with the spirit eyes of his elders that people's heads were not connected to their bodies. There was a blank space where the neck should be. One aspect of this is that we place great importance upon words. Malidoma says: "The speech of silence is achieved when words, and their potential ability to hurt meaning, are done away with. Words entrap meaning, torture it, slice it into pieces the way a butcher cuts the meat of a slaughtered animal and serves it to us. . . In silence, meaning is no longer heard, but felt; and feeling is the best hearing, the best instrument for recording meaning." The second lesson is the importance of wise elders. In Malidoma's words: "Elders and mentors have an irreplaceable function in the life of any community. Without them the young are lost -- their overflowing energies wasted in useless pursuits. The old must live in the young like a grounding force that tames the tendency toward bold but senseless actions and shows them the path of wisdom. In the absence of elders, the impetuosity of youth becomes the slow death of the community." This is a book that changes the reader.

What an adventure!

What a book! What an adventure! I am sorry it is finished. I've ordered another. This book brings the magic of childhood back to life. The possibility of possibility. I could not put it down. The story-telling is perfect. The story, incredible. Read with an open mind and allow abundance to fill your inner life with wonder at all that is possible.

A must read.

I can't even collect my thoughts in a coherent manner. This is an excellent book, and although it sometimes reads like science fiction, do not write it off as such. This is Some's true experience. Beautifully written. I think many of the other reviewers have said enough (and much better than I can), but I could not leave the five star review without saying anything. I have recommended this book to everyone I know.


It's hard explain the feelings I got as I read this. A kind of rollercoaster ride into another's experience of the matrix we've been living in and the possibilities that exist beyond what we are lead to believe. BTW experiencing his words in his own voice (audible) took it to another level.

Excellent Insightful book

This book delivers more than just another look at Ritual, Magic and spiritual ways. In lays out knowledge that so many have forgotten of the ancient ways, and how we have become lost in a world of confusion. This book leads one back to the roots of our true nature, to are tribal background, to the roots of our soul.

READ THIS BOOK i am not kidding

This book is beyond amazing. Reading it has enriched my life as i feel i have participated in all the adventures and bonded with this African culture and piece of sacred earth. The interconnectedness, timelessness of earth centered culture and spirit is alive in this book.

Learning about other cultures is most interesting!

Great reading 👍

Five Stars

Thank you.

The book was in great condition

Any one who is on a spiritual journey should read this mans experience. The thing I find scarry is that I read in the headlines similar things still happening. Awareness is the first step to change.

Five Stars

As expected

Loved it!

Decent condition,got what I payed though, so no complaints here. Fantastic book!!! Malidoma has an amazing story.

I read this book in a week

This was probably one of the most absorbing books that I have read in a while. I've been so sucked into the world of dry, scholarly histories that I almost forgot how to be excited every day that I wake for the chance to read a book. It also helps that Dr. Malidoma Some is a genius level writer who can effortlessly weave contradictory lifestyles into a tapestry that makes you wonder how can one person embody so much of the colonized struggle. With one foot in the mechanistic and warlike Eurocentric world and the other in the mystical, nonlinear world of Africa, Some makes the impossible look easy as he successfully survives initiation into two opposing ontologies. I had to force myself to stop reading the book after every 4 chapters or so because a book like this should not be devoured. It should be thoughtfully --or better yet, spiritually, savored. This book has helped me make sense of my academic studies and the study of myself on so many levels. I think this book would be a great autobiographical aid to the great works of Cheikh anta Diop, Theophile Obenga, K Kia Bunseki Fu-kiau, Marcel Griaule, and more. In fact, don't worry about comparing or contrasting --just read this man's life and be amazed. 5 Stars

Needed it for school

Good quality.

Five Stars



This is the best book I have ever read in my entire life and anyone that knows me knows I've read LOTS of books. This books takes you on a truly magical journey. I don't doubt anything written in this book because I can feel the it's the truth within my soul. This book was so well-written and truly amazing. My soul couldn't get enough of it. I recommend this book to everyone i know. I wont give a description but if you're starting out on your spiritual journey, curious about the ways of some of your African ancestors, a lover of nature, or even if you're third eye is WIDE open, read this book. It's just a blessing.

Great Book

One of the best books I've read this year. I'm also spiritual and I know that African magic is real. I noticed that someone said that this guy was lying about these events. I don't know if he was lying about the event but I do know the magic works. The problem with some people is the magic may not work for them because it is not meant for them. Some of us don't have Afrikan ancestors meaning that there not of African descent. The magic is ancestral so unfortunately for some people who learn our magic, they will never be able to use it because we share the same ancestors. There was someone who mentioned >"if the magic really worked why couldn't he do more like become a millionaire. "Because there are rules to Magic and that's not how it works. Magic is spiritual not physical so those who are not spiritual will never understand how it works. (meaning those born without souls) Again this is a great book. I do recommend it to people of African descent and those who are just curious will live reading about the Magic we process. Ase' to the writer. Thanks for a great book. 👍🤗

African spirituality,

This MUST BE ADDED IN EVERY BLACK PERSONAL LIBRARY. Every Black person MUST read this book. Beautifully written! So much hidden gems within this book. As a young woman who is embarking on her spiritual journey, I recognized (some part of ) myself within this book. "It was all in me. I was the room and the door. It was all me. I just had to remember. " Malidoma Some.

what i dont get

What I don't get is, if the tribe's elders can do magic, such as telepathy, teleportation, getting information from someone's aura, and manifestation, why are they scraping by? Why does he take airplanes to get around? Why don't they just manifest gold, diamonds, etc. instead of needing him to send them $600 every month? I like the book, have read multiple times, but can't find it applicable to my life. It doesn't seem like the tribe uses magic to solve basic problems, which leads me wondering why not? Something doesn't add up. And for what it's worth, I've worked with shamans in real life.


I had the chance to meet Malidoma after reading his book. I was amazed by some the events depicted in book and had to track him down to see what this man was truly like. He did a divination for me that was astounding and I even wrote about in my own book - Pathless Path: God, Grace, Guru

So relatable to me!

This book is so relatable....I'm the complete opposite though...I was born into a lie and now having to untangle myself from the lies and the false history...this book has been a great help!

A book that changes the reader

Malidoma, born in what is now Burkina Faso, West Africa, was his shaman grandfather's shadow until age four. That year his grandfather died, and Malidoma was kidnapped from his home by a French Jesuit missionary. For the next 16 years he suffered almost every kind of abuse as he was trained in Western culture. He escaped at age 20 and, walking 300 miles from the seminary, found his way back to his tribal village, where he now was an outsider. The elders offered him the opportunity to participate in an intensive six-week shamanic initiation with younger tribal boys which, if he survived, would reestablish his connection to the tribe. After undergoing the initiation, Malidoma learned that his destiny lay in being a bridge between Western civilization and indigenous culture. Studying in the Sorbonne and Brandeis University, he now holds three master's degrees and two PhDs. Though he returns regularly to his tribal home for renewal, he makes his home in the U.S. where he has taught at the University of Michigan and now leads seminars, intensives, and rituals. Malidoma's open, vulnerable, detailed stories of his experiences in the Jesuit school and in his initiation are riveting. I noticed two major lessons that his culture can teach ours. One is to connect our bodies to our minds. When Malidoma first came to the U.S., he saw with the spirit eyes of his elders that people's heads were not connected to their bodies. There was a blank space where the neck should be. One aspect of this is that we place great importance upon words. Malidoma says: "The speech of silence is achieved when words, and their potential ability to hurt meaning, are done away with. Words entrap meaning, torture it, slice it into pieces the way a butcher cuts the meat of a slaughtered animal and serves it to us. . . In silence, meaning is no longer heard, but felt; and feeling is the best hearing, the best instrument for recording meaning." The second lesson is the importance of wise elders. In Malidoma's words: "Elders and mentors have an irreplaceable function in the life of any community. Without them the young are lost -- their overflowing energies wasted in useless pursuits. The old must live in the young like a grounding force that tames the tendency toward bold but senseless actions and shows them the path of wisdom. In the absence of elders, the impetuosity of youth becomes the slow death of the community." This is a book that changes the reader.

What an adventure!

What a book! What an adventure! I am sorry it is finished. I've ordered another. This book brings the magic of childhood back to life. The possibility of possibility. I could not put it down. The story-telling is perfect. The story, incredible. Read with an open mind and allow abundance to fill your inner life with wonder at all that is possible.

A must read.

I can't even collect my thoughts in a coherent manner. This is an excellent book, and although it sometimes reads like science fiction, do not write it off as such. This is Some's true experience. Beautifully written. I think many of the other reviewers have said enough (and much better than I can), but I could not leave the five star review without saying anything. I have recommended this book to everyone I know.


It's hard explain the feelings I got as I read this. A kind of rollercoaster ride into another's experience of the matrix we've been living in and the possibilities that exist beyond what we are lead to believe. BTW experiencing his words in his own voice (audible) took it to another level.

good read.

I lost this book but did read some of my godmothers....good read.

One of the best books I've ever read

One of the best books I've ever read! I can't wait to read it again and highlight the nuggets of wisdom and insight throughout.

Five Stars

Awesome Book

Five Stars

Thought provoking. The author is articulate in describing complex issues & metaphysical experiences.

Of Water and the Spirit

I immensely enjoyed this piece of art. Malidoma actually placed me (the reader) in Africa. Malidoma's work is brillantly done. Would love to be able to collect all of his work.


Just great

Five Stars

Great read! Open your mind, and change the way you perceive the western world.


The product arrived in a timely manner and in good condition. The book was mandatory for my class, but turned out to be a good read.

I read it years ago and now I buy it and give it to my students.....

We need to know that there is life beyond American's tradition and beliefs.....This book is beautiful in a number of ways. Everyone will not be able to read it but for the ones that can, their in for a unexpected journey.

Captivating for those feeling drawn to go deeper into the essence of indigenous ritual and its meaning.

This is a book that takes the reader into the heart of mystery, the mystical essence of our multidimensional universe and the journey through it that we call human life. While extremely difficult to describe with words, particularly English words, I found that this book succeeded in conveying a sense of what Malidoma Some experienced along his journey that spans his very early life with his grandfather, an elder medicine person, through the years with the Jesuits after they kidnapped him at the age of 4, and then through his escape from seminary 15 years later, and then his trip back to his indigenous roots, where he underwent a difficult reintegration process of everything he'd experienced while away from his family and tribe.


This is the best book I have ever read in my entire life and anyone that knows me knows I've read LOTS of books. This books takes you on a truly magical journey. I don't doubt anything written in this book because I can feel the it's the truth within my soul. This book was so well-written and truly amazing. My soul couldn't get enough of it. I recommend this book to everyone i know. I wont give a description but if you're starting out on your spiritual journey, curious about the ways of some of your African ancestors, a lover of nature, or even if you're third eye is WIDE open, read this book. It's just a blessing.

Great Book

One of the best books I've read this year. I'm also spiritual and I know that African magic is real. I noticed that someone said that this guy was lying about these events. I don't know if he was lying about the event but I do know the magic works. The problem with some people is the magic may not work for them because it is not meant for them. Some of us don't have Afrikan ancestors meaning that there not of African descent. The magic is ancestral so unfortunately for some people who learn our magic, they will never be able to use it because we share the same ancestors. There was someone who mentioned >"if the magic really worked why couldn't he do more like become a millionaire. "Because there are rules to Magic and that's not how it works. Magic is spiritual not physical so those who are not spiritual will never understand how it works. (meaning those born without souls) Again this is a great book. I do recommend it to people of African descent and those who are just curious will live reading about the Magic we process. Ase' to the writer. Thanks for a great book. 👍🤗

African spirituality,

This MUST BE ADDED IN EVERY BLACK PERSONAL LIBRARY. Every Black person MUST read this book. Beautifully written! So much hidden gems within this book. As a young woman who is embarking on her spiritual journey, I recognized (some part of ) myself within this book. "It was all in me. I was the room and the door. It was all me. I just had to remember. " Malidoma Some.

what i dont get

What I don't get is, if the tribe's elders can do magic, such as telepathy, teleportation, getting information from someone's aura, and manifestation, why are they scraping by? Why does he take airplanes to get around? Why don't they just manifest gold, diamonds, etc. instead of needing him to send them $600 every month? I like the book, have read multiple times, but can't find it applicable to my life. It doesn't seem like the tribe uses magic to solve basic problems, which leads me wondering why not? Something doesn't add up. And for what it's worth, I've worked with shamans in real life.


I had the chance to meet Malidoma after reading his book. I was amazed by some the events depicted in book and had to track him down to see what this man was truly like. He did a divination for me that was astounding and I even wrote about in my own book - Pathless Path: God, Grace, Guru

So relatable to me!

This book is so relatable....I'm the complete opposite though...I was born into a lie and now having to untangle myself from the lies and the false history...this book has been a great help!

A book that changes the reader

Malidoma, born in what is now Burkina Faso, West Africa, was his shaman grandfather's shadow until age four. That year his grandfather died, and Malidoma was kidnapped from his home by a French Jesuit missionary. For the next 16 years he suffered almost every kind of abuse as he was trained in Western culture. He escaped at age 20 and, walking 300 miles from the seminary, found his way back to his tribal village, where he now was an outsider. The elders offered him the opportunity to participate in an intensive six-week shamanic initiation with younger tribal boys which, if he survived, would reestablish his connection to the tribe. After undergoing the initiation, Malidoma learned that his destiny lay in being a bridge between Western civilization and indigenous culture. Studying in the Sorbonne and Brandeis University, he now holds three master's degrees and two PhDs. Though he returns regularly to his tribal home for renewal, he makes his home in the U.S. where he has taught at the University of Michigan and now leads seminars, intensives, and rituals. Malidoma's open, vulnerable, detailed stories of his experiences in the Jesuit school and in his initiation are riveting. I noticed two major lessons that his culture can teach ours. One is to connect our bodies to our minds. When Malidoma first came to the U.S., he saw with the spirit eyes of his elders that people's heads were not connected to their bodies. There was a blank space where the neck should be. One aspect of this is that we place great importance upon words. Malidoma says: "The speech of silence is achieved when words, and their potential ability to hurt meaning, are done away with. Words entrap meaning, torture it, slice it into pieces the way a butcher cuts the meat of a slaughtered animal and serves it to us. . . In silence, meaning is no longer heard, but felt; and feeling is the best hearing, the best instrument for recording meaning." The second lesson is the importance of wise elders. In Malidoma's words: "Elders and mentors have an irreplaceable function in the life of any community. Without them the young are lost -- their overflowing energies wasted in useless pursuits. The old must live in the young like a grounding force that tames the tendency toward bold but senseless actions and shows them the path of wisdom. In the absence of elders, the impetuosity of youth becomes the slow death of the community." This is a book that changes the reader.

What an adventure!

What a book! What an adventure! I am sorry it is finished. I've ordered another. This book brings the magic of childhood back to life. The possibility of possibility. I could not put it down. The story-telling is perfect. The story, incredible. Read with an open mind and allow abundance to fill your inner life with wonder at all that is possible.

A must read.

I can't even collect my thoughts in a coherent manner. This is an excellent book, and although it sometimes reads like science fiction, do not write it off as such. This is Some's true experience. Beautifully written. I think many of the other reviewers have said enough (and much better than I can), but I could not leave the five star review without saying anything. I have recommended this book to everyone I know.


It's hard explain the feelings I got as I read this. A kind of rollercoaster ride into another's experience of the matrix we've been living in and the possibilities that exist beyond what we are lead to believe. BTW experiencing his words in his own voice (audible) took it to another level.

Five Stars

Amazing book. Must read by everyone on the enlightened path.

Five Stars

Yes it did meet my expectations

Love it. Enjoyed getting it quickly

Thanks! Got it. Love it. Enjoyed getting it quickly. Aloha, Claire

Everyone show acknowledge the possibilities

I loved this book. It is very powerful and engaging. I recommend it to anyone with an open mind or a sense of adventure. A wonderful story of overcoming personal challenges and returning to ones' roots.

Five Stars

A very good book to read

Five Stars

Love this book

This book is awesome

i loved this book so much i bought the rest of his written works. It's the bible! Everyone should have a copy.

Good used book. All pages in facts. Some pencil lines here and there.

Good used book. Great value.

Five Stars

Very eye opening and inspirational too. A must for anyone interested in the initiations of African Culture.

Five Stars

Great comdition. Arrived as promised. Would order again. No doubt.


This is the best book I have ever read in my entire life and anyone that knows me knows I've read LOTS of books. This books takes you on a truly magical journey. I don't doubt anything written in this book because I can feel the it's the truth within my soul. This book was so well-written and truly amazing. My soul couldn't get enough of it. I recommend this book to everyone i know. I wont give a description but if you're starting out on your spiritual journey, curious about the ways of some of your African ancestors, a lover of nature, or even if you're third eye is WIDE open, read this book. It's just a blessing.

Great Book

One of the best books I've read this year. I'm also spiritual and I know that African magic is real. I noticed that someone said that this guy was lying about these events. I don't know if he was lying about the event but I do know the magic works. The problem with some people is the magic may not work for them because it is not meant for them. Some of us don't have Afrikan ancestors meaning that there not of African descent. The magic is ancestral so unfortunately for some people who learn our magic, they will never be able to use it because we share the same ancestors. There was someone who mentioned >"if the magic really worked why couldn't he do more like become a millionaire. "Because there are rules to Magic and that's not how it works. Magic is spiritual not physical so those who are not spiritual will never understand how it works. (meaning those born without souls) Again this is a great book. I do recommend it to people of African descent and those who are just curious will live reading about the Magic we process. Ase' to the writer. Thanks for a great book. 👍🤗

African spirituality,

This MUST BE ADDED IN EVERY BLACK PERSONAL LIBRARY. Every Black person MUST read this book. Beautifully written! So much hidden gems within this book. As a young woman who is embarking on her spiritual journey, I recognized (some part of ) myself within this book. "It was all in me. I was the room and the door. It was all me. I just had to remember. " Malidoma Some.

what i dont get

What I don't get is, if the tribe's elders can do magic, such as telepathy, teleportation, getting information from someone's aura, and manifestation, why are they scraping by? Why does he take airplanes to get around? Why don't they just manifest gold, diamonds, etc. instead of needing him to send them $600 every month? I like the book, have read multiple times, but can't find it applicable to my life. It doesn't seem like the tribe uses magic to solve basic problems, which leads me wondering why not? Something doesn't add up. And for what it's worth, I've worked with shamans in real life.


I had the chance to meet Malidoma after reading his book. I was amazed by some the events depicted in book and had to track him down to see what this man was truly like. He did a divination for me that was astounding and I even wrote about in my own book - Pathless Path: God, Grace, Guru

So relatable to me!

This book is so relatable....I'm the complete opposite though...I was born into a lie and now having to untangle myself from the lies and the false history...this book has been a great help!

A book that changes the reader

Malidoma, born in what is now Burkina Faso, West Africa, was his shaman grandfather's shadow until age four. That year his grandfather died, and Malidoma was kidnapped from his home by a French Jesuit missionary. For the next 16 years he suffered almost every kind of abuse as he was trained in Western culture. He escaped at age 20 and, walking 300 miles from the seminary, found his way back to his tribal village, where he now was an outsider. The elders offered him the opportunity to participate in an intensive six-week shamanic initiation with younger tribal boys which, if he survived, would reestablish his connection to the tribe. After undergoing the initiation, Malidoma learned that his destiny lay in being a bridge between Western civilization and indigenous culture. Studying in the Sorbonne and Brandeis University, he now holds three master's degrees and two PhDs. Though he returns regularly to his tribal home for renewal, he makes his home in the U.S. where he has taught at the University of Michigan and now leads seminars, intensives, and rituals. Malidoma's open, vulnerable, detailed stories of his experiences in the Jesuit school and in his initiation are riveting. I noticed two major lessons that his culture can teach ours. One is to connect our bodies to our minds. When Malidoma first came to the U.S., he saw with the spirit eyes of his elders that people's heads were not connected to their bodies. There was a blank space where the neck should be. One aspect of this is that we place great importance upon words. Malidoma says: "The speech of silence is achieved when words, and their potential ability to hurt meaning, are done away with. Words entrap meaning, torture it, slice it into pieces the way a butcher cuts the meat of a slaughtered animal and serves it to us. . . In silence, meaning is no longer heard, but felt; and feeling is the best hearing, the best instrument for recording meaning." The second lesson is the importance of wise elders. In Malidoma's words: "Elders and mentors have an irreplaceable function in the life of any community. Without them the young are lost -- their overflowing energies wasted in useless pursuits. The old must live in the young like a grounding force that tames the tendency toward bold but senseless actions and shows them the path of wisdom. In the absence of elders, the impetuosity of youth becomes the slow death of the community." This is a book that changes the reader.

What an adventure!

What a book! What an adventure! I am sorry it is finished. I've ordered another. This book brings the magic of childhood back to life. The possibility of possibility. I could not put it down. The story-telling is perfect. The story, incredible. Read with an open mind and allow abundance to fill your inner life with wonder at all that is possible.

A must read.

I can't even collect my thoughts in a coherent manner. This is an excellent book, and although it sometimes reads like science fiction, do not write it off as such. This is Some's true experience. Beautifully written. I think many of the other reviewers have said enough (and much better than I can), but I could not leave the five star review without saying anything. I have recommended this book to everyone I know.


It's hard explain the feelings I got as I read this. A kind of rollercoaster ride into another's experience of the matrix we've been living in and the possibilities that exist beyond what we are lead to believe. BTW experiencing his words in his own voice (audible) took it to another level.

Five Stars

Ancient wisdom

Five Stars

very enlightening .

Five Stars

A life changing journey.

Professional store

Good, clean, and as described.

Five Stars

interesting book

Was great.

Book is ok. Packaging and shipping. Was great.

Great book

This is the author's own story about his childhood in Burkina Faso. Early in his life, his grandfather died - one of his favorite people in the world - and he witnesses the ceremony where his village helps his grandfather pass from this world to the next. Shortly after his grandfather's death, Malidoma is kidnapped by a French Jesuit missonary to be trained as a priest. He spends 15 years in captivity, and he loses his native language and his past. After pushing a priest out of anger, he is sure he will receive the ultimate punishment, so at the age of 20 he escapes the missonary and finds his way back home. His family welcomes him back, but Malidoma is lost. He is angry - thinking his family never searched for him. He doesn't know the language any more, and doesn't understand the culture. He decides he wants to reconnect with his native culture, so he undergoes a month long initiation into shamanism. During his initiation, he says he went to the underworld, watches a tree transform, and was buried alive. He comes back a new man, fully embracing his culture. Today Malidoma has a doctorate degree in political science, and literature. He travels the United States speaking about black magic and spirits. He felt he needed to create a bridge between the Western culture and the indigenous culture. And even though he now lives full time in the United States, he returns often to his village in Burkina Faso. This was a great book. His stories about his expereinces with the Jesuits are heart breaking. His stories about his grandfather's death and his initiation back into his tribe, are amazing. You have to open your mind and realize that this is not a science fiction story, but one where Malidoma feels he experienced what he saw and heard. It is so important to be open to the beliefs and feelings of others so that we can understand them better. Check this book out. You won't be disappointed.

The book I never knew I needed

This book is one of the best books I have ever heard (I have the audiobook version). I absolutely love his style of writing and currently own the other books he has written as well. Anyone, especially people of African descent, should read this book. This will change your perspective and make you question your beliefs or what you've been taught to believe. After reading this book, you will definitely want to do some self-reflection or soul searching. Whether you are on a spiritual journey, looking to find yourself, or just seeking your own truth about the world we live in; then this book is for you. This is certainly a book you will be reading over and over again!


In the recent years there has been a surge of interest in indigenous tribal life and practices, as Western peoples start to feel the stirrings of their own indigenous tribal souls and go looking for answers to those who still possess the connection with the Land and the Spirit. While a lot has been published about Native American (both North and South), Tibetan, Altaic, Celtic etc. tribal life, rather little is known about Africa. Malidoma Some's book therefore provides a welcome and highly inspiring contribution. With this book Malidoma ('Be Friends With the Enemy') creates a bridge into a world where a person's life is linked inextricably to the breathing of his village and where his destiny interlocks with that of his ancestors, his children and the rhythms of nature. It is a world imbued with meaning; the Dagara share it with tree and animal spirits, with supernatural entities (the kontomble, the "star people") and with ancestors who provide guidance and support. Malidoma also addresses topics of universal importance to all of us. What is a complete human being? Why does one need to be "initiated" into living in order to be "real"? How do we awaken and use all the resources stored in the "inner museum of our being"; what is the role of mystery and awe in the unfolding of our destinies and how does one learn to become available to them? The book is written along the lines of ancient storytelling, and in a flowing delicate prose which radiates human warmth and respect for life. MS does a great job in depicting the Dagara as a spiritually aware people still attuned to their roots and their land. I understand that now, after his father's death, Malidoma has returned to Africa (temporarily abandoning his privileged and lucrative position within the Western "shamanic circuit") to assume his duties as a leader of his clan and as a mediator between the worlds that his people still remember and give homage to. He is a savy man who demonstrated to us all that befriending the enemy brings gifts to all involved in the process as it combines and integrates different yet complementary pools of knowledge. Myself I listen with deep appreciation and respect as the Dagara sing: I want to be what I know I am, And take the road we always Forget to take. Because I heard the smell Of the things forgotten And my belly was touched.

A really good book! (potential spoilers)

I had to read this for class, so be aware that this did very much influence my review. If you're like me and had to read this for a class, don't worry. This isn't as difficult as your teacher said it would be. This isn't a light and frothy jaunt through one man's self-discovery though, it's full of Malidoma's pain and confusion as he's abducted and placed in a barbaric missionary school and seminary. The good thing is that it's pretty readable and best of all, does have a happy ending. If you're someone who loves reading stuff like this regardless of whether you're a student or not, you'll enjoy this book. Malidoma tries to go into as much detail as he can about his initiation. Malidoma has a great voice here and while there are some things that I didn't understand entirely, the author is pretty open in the beginning that some things just can't be translated to another language because there's no equivalent. He still does a good job of showing what life is like in West Africa for boys and men. The only thing he omits is a deeper depiction of how women are viewed and treated in his society, but since this book is predominantly about Malidoma's struggle to return home and go through initiation, this can be forgiven. I'd really like to see a follow up book.


This is the best book I have ever read in my entire life and anyone that knows me knows I've read LOTS of books. This books takes you on a truly magical journey. I don't doubt anything written in this book because I can feel the it's the truth within my soul. This book was so well-written and truly amazing. My soul couldn't get enough of it. I recommend this book to everyone i know. I wont give a description but if you're starting out on your spiritual journey, curious about the ways of some of your African ancestors, a lover of nature, or even if you're third eye is WIDE open, read this book. It's just a blessing.

Great Book

One of the best books I've read this year. I'm also spiritual and I know that African magic is real. I noticed that someone said that this guy was lying about these events. I don't know if he was lying about the event but I do know the magic works. The problem with some people is the magic may not work for them because it is not meant for them. Some of us don't have Afrikan ancestors meaning that there not of African descent. The magic is ancestral so unfortunately for some people who learn our magic, they will never be able to use it because we share the same ancestors. There was someone who mentioned >"if the magic really worked why couldn't he do more like become a millionaire. "Because there are rules to Magic and that's not how it works. Magic is spiritual not physical so those who are not spiritual will never understand how it works. (meaning those born without souls) Again this is a great book. I do recommend it to people of African descent and those who are just curious will live reading about the Magic we process. Ase' to the writer. Thanks for a great book. 👍🤗

African spirituality,

This MUST BE ADDED IN EVERY BLACK PERSONAL LIBRARY. Every Black person MUST read this book. Beautifully written! So much hidden gems within this book. As a young woman who is embarking on her spiritual journey, I recognized (some part of ) myself within this book. "It was all in me. I was the room and the door. It was all me. I just had to remember. " Malidoma Some.

what i dont get

What I don't get is, if the tribe's elders can do magic, such as telepathy, teleportation, getting information from someone's aura, and manifestation, why are they scraping by? Why does he take airplanes to get around? Why don't they just manifest gold, diamonds, etc. instead of needing him to send them $600 every month? I like the book, have read multiple times, but can't find it applicable to my life. It doesn't seem like the tribe uses magic to solve basic problems, which leads me wondering why not? Something doesn't add up. And for what it's worth, I've worked with shamans in real life.


I had the chance to meet Malidoma after reading his book. I was amazed by some the events depicted in book and had to track him down to see what this man was truly like. He did a divination for me that was astounding and I even wrote about in my own book - Pathless Path: God, Grace, Guru

So relatable to me!

This book is so relatable....I'm the complete opposite though...I was born into a lie and now having to untangle myself from the lies and the false history...this book has been a great help!

A book that changes the reader

Malidoma, born in what is now Burkina Faso, West Africa, was his shaman grandfather's shadow until age four. That year his grandfather died, and Malidoma was kidnapped from his home by a French Jesuit missionary. For the next 16 years he suffered almost every kind of abuse as he was trained in Western culture. He escaped at age 20 and, walking 300 miles from the seminary, found his way back to his tribal village, where he now was an outsider. The elders offered him the opportunity to participate in an intensive six-week shamanic initiation with younger tribal boys which, if he survived, would reestablish his connection to the tribe. After undergoing the initiation, Malidoma learned that his destiny lay in being a bridge between Western civilization and indigenous culture. Studying in the Sorbonne and Brandeis University, he now holds three master's degrees and two PhDs. Though he returns regularly to his tribal home for renewal, he makes his home in the U.S. where he has taught at the University of Michigan and now leads seminars, intensives, and rituals. Malidoma's open, vulnerable, detailed stories of his experiences in the Jesuit school and in his initiation are riveting. I noticed two major lessons that his culture can teach ours. One is to connect our bodies to our minds. When Malidoma first came to the U.S., he saw with the spirit eyes of his elders that people's heads were not connected to their bodies. There was a blank space where the neck should be. One aspect of this is that we place great importance upon words. Malidoma says: "The speech of silence is achieved when words, and their potential ability to hurt meaning, are done away with. Words entrap meaning, torture it, slice it into pieces the way a butcher cuts the meat of a slaughtered animal and serves it to us. . . In silence, meaning is no longer heard, but felt; and feeling is the best hearing, the best instrument for recording meaning." The second lesson is the importance of wise elders. In Malidoma's words: "Elders and mentors have an irreplaceable function in the life of any community. Without them the young are lost -- their overflowing energies wasted in useless pursuits. The old must live in the young like a grounding force that tames the tendency toward bold but senseless actions and shows them the path of wisdom. In the absence of elders, the impetuosity of youth becomes the slow death of the community." This is a book that changes the reader.

What an adventure!

What a book! What an adventure! I am sorry it is finished. I've ordered another. This book brings the magic of childhood back to life. The possibility of possibility. I could not put it down. The story-telling is perfect. The story, incredible. Read with an open mind and allow abundance to fill your inner life with wonder at all that is possible.

A must read.

I can't even collect my thoughts in a coherent manner. This is an excellent book, and although it sometimes reads like science fiction, do not write it off as such. This is Some's true experience. Beautifully written. I think many of the other reviewers have said enough (and much better than I can), but I could not leave the five star review without saying anything. I have recommended this book to everyone I know.


It's hard explain the feelings I got as I read this. A kind of rollercoaster ride into another's experience of the matrix we've been living in and the possibilities that exist beyond what we are lead to believe. BTW experiencing his words in his own voice (audible) took it to another level.

"I still often suffered from being a man of two worlds"

Malidoma Some was born into a village in Burkina Faso when it was still under French rule. He describes his first four years, focussing particularly on his close relationship with his grandfather, an elder and shaman. As he recalls his grandfather's funeral - spirit voices, and the dead man walking - I thought perhaps these were the confused recollections of a small child. At four, the author was 'stolen' by the local priest, and compelled to live in a Catholic boarding school. Forced to communicate in French, he soon forgot his native tongue. And Catholic dogma replaced tribal rites. But while he was persuaded by the religion, to the extent of wanting to become a priest, he was also repelled at the sexual and physical abuse he witnessed, and at the colonial attitudes towards the African people. At twenty he ran back to his village; much of the book now tells of (parts of) the month-long initiation ceremony he underwent. And here the reader must decide for himself what to make of the author's otherworldly experiences, as he enters other dimensions, communes with spirits and much more. Was he drugged? hypnotized? Was it Satanism or is there really a way into other universes? The descriptions are very vivid and persuasive, and I never realized initiation rituals included all this. Ultimately the author is urged by his elders to take his knowledge of two worlds and tell the white man who his people really are. "Go and let yourself be swallowed. Your ancestors will do the rest." An interesting work; make of it what you will.

a book that awakens ancient knowing and wisdom~

I read this book by Malidoma when it first was published. His story, and my utmost certainty of it's authenticity , cracked me open to deep, ancient, and knowing places within myself. I was half way through it, when I went to see him at one of his stops on his book tour. I met a man who was grounded, bright, humble, and wise. A true teacher. One of high integrity. I studied with Malidoma, off and on, for a number of years. Learned Dagara ceremonial ways with him. The wisdom of the teachings within this book, and the teachings this man lives by, are strong and important medicine for the western psyche. It speaks to the deep sacred ecology of the connectedness of all life. It's time for me to read it again. I am choosing it for my book club reading this month. Thank you Malidoma, for being willing to befriend the stranger/enemy. Deep bows your way, wherever you are. Blessings, Carol Fitzgerald

Riveting autobiographic tale; beautiful and ghastly visions

Things Malidoma experienced as a young boy around the time of his grandfather's death and subsequent funeral make Carlos Casteñeda's and Lynn Andrews' 'accounts' seem rather sanitized, maybe even contrived (especially evident in the case of Andrews). Plus the man is far more of a poet, a seer and a deep philosophical thinker than these others. You'll not find a better writer on matters mystical and religious probably anywhere, at least not in the 'confessional/autobiographical' literature. Then again, herein are so many quotable passages that you could meditate on to form the beginnings of a new personal philosophy, it's really quite stunning. And it all seems like it equally extends from your own body and heart. This is in contradistinction, say, to a well-written but rather dry and compartmentalized account such as J. S. Danquah's 'The Akan Doctrine of God'*, which is more meant for those who enjoy the scholarly treatise, but might never wish to imagine themselves venturing into village life. Malidoma was kidnapped by the local priest a couple of days after his father was installed as clan leader, soon after his grandfather's death. He was only 4 years old. He does not pull any punches in detailing the horrible physical and emotional abuse he suffered at the hands of these churchly personages, who made him and other young kidnapees and orphans total slaves to their colonialist/catechumenical education system. After over 16 years of this, the young man escaped and managed to walk back to his village over a hundred miles away. The remainder of the book is a very detailed and intense re-telling of selected experiences he was party to during his subsequent clan initiation. This constitutes the last 100 pages or so of the book. I can't begin to express how astonishing are the experiences, the images, emotions etc. represented on these pages. Suffice to say that the man is an absolute wizard at using the English language. Carlos Casteñeda and especially Lynn Andrews seem like comic book literacy after you've dipped even a little bit into Malidoma. I met Mr. Somé briefly at a Sun Bear Medicine Wheel Gathering a number of years ago; his personality is every bit as engaging as is his writing. His was a kind of quiet charisma, extending from which is an amazing, almost madcap sense of humor. You feel that his energy is entirely sincere, and that there's far more there than meets the eye. You can feel it, and yes, 'almost' begin to see into it, and with it. If Nick Black Elk had written his own book rather than having his texts filtered through John C. Neidhardt, it likely would have approached the book-length intensity we find here. Then again I read 'Black Elk Speaks' over 30 years ago; Neidhardt's account might seem much greater at this point of my own life journey. * the Akan peoples, actually a different cultural group, lived a hundred or so miles southeast, in Ghana.

Fascinating Book

I am over 50 years old. This is the history of my people that we were not taught in school - are not taught in schools now. I want to say so much more about this book but let me first say thank you to Malidoma for putting words in the places my spirit felt. Your strength is a testiment to all of us of what a human being can overcome. I plan to read everything you've written and pray that it heals me from my indoctrination from western ideology. I also want to say that I never knew that African children were indoctrinated like Native American and Alaskan Native children. Religon was used as a tool of war - it still is. Your book has helped me to understand the ideology of the Tea Party and Christian conservatives in the United States. So much to heal from. So much to learn. Again I thank you for your obedience, your strength. For anyone considering this book as a good read - Read it. Read it. Read it.

Transcendence from an African Perspective

Any westerner who has ever wanted to know how an African thinks should read this book by Malidome Some. Because he was kidnapped out of his own culture and brought up in a Catholic seminary (where the priests wanted to turn out Black Christians prepared to go out and convert their fellows), Some was given the tools he needed to make an African sensibility understandable to a westerner. When he ran away from the Catholics and returned to his tribal home, he found that his family and fellow villagers saw him as so contaminated by his exposure to White ideology/learning that he was a danger to them. They gave him the option of undergoing the rite of initiation which boys usually go through in their 13th year. Some was 20 and he had to overcome his foreign-implanted mindset in order to survive the ordeal and become an initiate in his own tribe. The story begins with his close relationship with his grandfather, a tribal elder, when Some was only four years old. His earlier exposure to his grandfather's wisdom helped him survive the initiation. Some now straddles the two very different worlds and is living and teaching in California.

A good read!

I just finished reading the book. I have to say it was an interesting read. At some points however, I did feel like Malidoma was adding his own embellishments to compensate for all the other material that Guisso did not want him to reveal (I might be wrong). The book is an example of how the coming of colonization has changed all facets of life in Africa. Certain interesting features of the cultures have been obliterated. The author makes the point that "the (Western) book has totally replaced the elder". Africans are just as culpable in this respect in my opinion. I agree that the kidnapping of Malidoma can partially be blamed on the father, who befriended the missionaries, exposing the young Malidoma to vultures. I admire the way in which Patrice balanced the two worlds that had morphed him into what he was. He did it with admirable poise.

A mesmeric and mind-expanding journey into African spirituality

Patrice Some's fascinating account of his life, against the backdrop of his native culture (the Dugara people) and the infiltration of Western missionaries, is visionary, liberating, and mind-expanding. His initiation into shamanism is a journey into the underworld, powerful spirits of the ancestors, dead men walking, other dimensions, and is as mystical and otherworldly as it gets. Some's experiences reveal a profound cultural chasm between Western and African cultures, and gives one an insight into the current state of Africa, and the reasons for that. Patrice Some is also a great commentator as he has lived in both worlds. Highly recommended for people with an open mind about other cultures, shamanism, mysticism, colonialism, and african spirituality.

Excellent Story

Really great story and the narration is high quality and fascinating. Malidoma deserves more recognition for his work and he comes across as really humble as well. I hope he does another audio book on his life after the initiation !

Every seeker should read this book!!

A wonderful book!!! Even from the introduction, Malidoma Patrice Some engages the reader with compelling observations on the limitations of the "Western" worldview, but does not do so in a derisive way. He conveys, in a very moving life story, his role in the current world and tells how he has lived up to the mission foretold in his given name. What I especially liked, having read several other books on various spiritual traditions, was how the rituals and beliefs of the Dagara resonate with the wisdom found in traditions from Wicca to the "new age" ideas put forth in books like The Celestine Prophecy and Conversations with God. I was sad to come to the end of this book, because I wanted to learn more. I hope Some' will write a sequel that continues his story, as well as those of his father, Guisso, Nyangoli, and others he has encountered on his path through his adult life. This book reaffirms the truth of our divine nature; and powers that we in the West need to accept and "understand" without needing scientific "proof". Everyone should read this book -- it's good for the soul!

Amazing book

I had to read this book for my human spirituality class. I have always been interested in learning about religions but have never been religious myself. After reading this book I was totally a believer. And the thing is, the author doesn't try to convince the reader of anything at all, he is simply telling his story and describing his experiences. Malidoma Patrice Some has an amazing story to tell, it relates to so many issues and deals with subjects that are not only religious. I tend to prefer cultural books written by people who were actually born into the culture. Malidoma was born into the Dagara culture, kidnapped as a child, and escaped back to his tribe after many years. so in a way he is an insider and an outsider at the same time, which gives a great point of view. it was really an amazing story. I also would like to mention for any fellow dyslexics or low level readers out there, I have dyslexia and have always had a miserable time reading books, but this book was surprisingly easy to read. since the author first two languages were not english, his english writing skills are apparently not the best, so the book has been written in a simple way so it is easy to read. :)


This is the best book I have ever read in my entire life and anyone that knows me knows I've read LOTS of books. This books takes you on a truly magical journey. I don't doubt anything written in this book because I can feel the it's the truth within my soul. This book was so well-written and truly amazing. My soul couldn't get enough of it. I recommend this book to everyone i know. I wont give a description but if you're starting out on your spiritual journey, curious about the ways of some of your African ancestors, a lover of nature, or even if you're third eye is WIDE open, read this book. It's just a blessing.

Great Book

One of the best books I've read this year. I'm also spiritual and I know that African magic is real. I noticed that someone said that this guy was lying about these events. I don't know if he was lying about the event but I do know the magic works. The problem with some people is the magic may not work for them because it is not meant for them. Some of us don't have Afrikan ancestors meaning that there not of African descent. The magic is ancestral so unfortunately for some people who learn our magic, they will never be able to use it because we share the same ancestors. There was someone who mentioned >"if the magic really worked why couldn't he do more like become a millionaire. "Because there are rules to Magic and that's not how it works. Magic is spiritual not physical so those who are not spiritual will never understand how it works. (meaning those born without souls) Again this is a great book. I do recommend it to people of African descent and those who are just curious will live reading about the Magic we process. Ase' to the writer. Thanks for a great book. 👍🤗

African spirituality,

This MUST BE ADDED IN EVERY BLACK PERSONAL LIBRARY. Every Black person MUST read this book. Beautifully written! So much hidden gems within this book. As a young woman who is embarking on her spiritual journey, I recognized (some part of ) myself within this book. "It was all in me. I was the room and the door. It was all me. I just had to remember. " Malidoma Some.

what i dont get

What I don't get is, if the tribe's elders can do magic, such as telepathy, teleportation, getting information from someone's aura, and manifestation, why are they scraping by? Why does he take airplanes to get around? Why don't they just manifest gold, diamonds, etc. instead of needing him to send them $600 every month? I like the book, have read multiple times, but can't find it applicable to my life. It doesn't seem like the tribe uses magic to solve basic problems, which leads me wondering why not? Something doesn't add up. And for what it's worth, I've worked with shamans in real life.


I had the chance to meet Malidoma after reading his book. I was amazed by some the events depicted in book and had to track him down to see what this man was truly like. He did a divination for me that was astounding and I even wrote about in my own book - Pathless Path: God, Grace, Guru

So relatable to me!

This book is so relatable....I'm the complete opposite though...I was born into a lie and now having to untangle myself from the lies and the false history...this book has been a great help!

A book that changes the reader

Malidoma, born in what is now Burkina Faso, West Africa, was his shaman grandfather's shadow until age four. That year his grandfather died, and Malidoma was kidnapped from his home by a French Jesuit missionary. For the next 16 years he suffered almost every kind of abuse as he was trained in Western culture. He escaped at age 20 and, walking 300 miles from the seminary, found his way back to his tribal village, where he now was an outsider. The elders offered him the opportunity to participate in an intensive six-week shamanic initiation with younger tribal boys which, if he survived, would reestablish his connection to the tribe. After undergoing the initiation, Malidoma learned that his destiny lay in being a bridge between Western civilization and indigenous culture. Studying in the Sorbonne and Brandeis University, he now holds three master's degrees and two PhDs. Though he returns regularly to his tribal home for renewal, he makes his home in the U.S. where he has taught at the University of Michigan and now leads seminars, intensives, and rituals. Malidoma's open, vulnerable, detailed stories of his experiences in the Jesuit school and in his initiation are riveting. I noticed two major lessons that his culture can teach ours. One is to connect our bodies to our minds. When Malidoma first came to the U.S., he saw with the spirit eyes of his elders that people's heads were not connected to their bodies. There was a blank space where the neck should be. One aspect of this is that we place great importance upon words. Malidoma says: "The speech of silence is achieved when words, and their potential ability to hurt meaning, are done away with. Words entrap meaning, torture it, slice it into pieces the way a butcher cuts the meat of a slaughtered animal and serves it to us. . . In silence, meaning is no longer heard, but felt; and feeling is the best hearing, the best instrument for recording meaning." The second lesson is the importance of wise elders. In Malidoma's words: "Elders and mentors have an irreplaceable function in the life of any community. Without them the young are lost -- their overflowing energies wasted in useless pursuits. The old must live in the young like a grounding force that tames the tendency toward bold but senseless actions and shows them the path of wisdom. In the absence of elders, the impetuosity of youth becomes the slow death of the community." This is a book that changes the reader.

What an adventure!

What a book! What an adventure! I am sorry it is finished. I've ordered another. This book brings the magic of childhood back to life. The possibility of possibility. I could not put it down. The story-telling is perfect. The story, incredible. Read with an open mind and allow abundance to fill your inner life with wonder at all that is possible.

A must read.

I can't even collect my thoughts in a coherent manner. This is an excellent book, and although it sometimes reads like science fiction, do not write it off as such. This is Some's true experience. Beautifully written. I think many of the other reviewers have said enough (and much better than I can), but I could not leave the five star review without saying anything. I have recommended this book to everyone I know.


It's hard explain the feelings I got as I read this. A kind of rollercoaster ride into another's experience of the matrix we've been living in and the possibilities that exist beyond what we are lead to believe. BTW experiencing his words in his own voice (audible) took it to another level.

Must read, highly recommend to anyone wanting to learn more about the wisdom of Africa

Malidoma is an amazing author and person. I highly recommend this book to anyone who would like to learn about the very real and true story and experience of Malidoma Some and traditional African wisdom. 10/10

Insight into where we came from, and where we could return to

Malidoma provides the reader with an account of his childhood in tribal West Africa. While the story reads like the stuff of magical realism, this autobiography is non-fiction. It's incredibly rare to get such insight into the boundless realities that humans likely lived with prior to patriarchy, materialism, rationalism and reductionism. The book highlights how much of our humanity we have cut off from ourselves, and shows us the incredible possibilities for recreating the story of what it means to be conscious beings on this planet. Malidoma shows us how modern civilization has fallen out of homeostasis with the natural and spiritual worlds and provides some hope in showing the reader that there are other realities waiting for us to re-engage for our collective healing and restoration of peace.

I have not even red the book but I agree with the spiritual foundation.

I myself is African, albeit from a time when the grip of forced christianism was receding quite a bit and we were able to engage in discussion upon the merits and sins of christianism or any other messianic religion. Like the author, I have attended a christian school from early age and was rather a faithful christian even if I could still feel a certain emptiness in me in regard to the merits of that spiritual path. I have come to realize, through diverse inquiries that most of the christian religious foundations are mere borrowing of African spirituality. From such a perspective, it was therefore important for me to return to the core teachings of African religious practices and garner as much wisdom as possible! I was not ready to be faced with so much knowledge ranging for sciences, to arts, to philosophy, aesthetic...etc. I grew extremely angry for I realized that all these "sciences" have been painted to me as foreign were well alive in our cultures, yet like many other young Africans, I have ignored them. My embracing of my African spirituality has made me a complete person, confident, proud and ambitious. Indeed, knowledge is a weapon and we African must re-arm ourselves with our million years legacy and diverse civilization and try to incorporate them into today's technological age.

This story will have you captivated.

Of Water and the Spirit is the type of book that someone looks for if he/she wants to change his/her life forever. Some uses vivid imagery and truthful commentary to make a complex story seem simple. The introduction is a great story within itself! Some's world of magic and mysticism is one that will make it seem as if the reader can recreate the rituals for personal spiritual transformation. This book is also great for rites of passage organizations here in the U.S. Read this book (and recommend to others) so that the world can see why Malidoma got his name!

Down the Rabbit Hole and Into Another World

Malidoma tells the story that all too often goes untold but that has been experienced by millions around the globe across the last few centuries of colonization. It's an incredible look into how the Western mind differs from the indigenous mind, and how much of our humanity we have lost to the reductionist and mechanistic worldviews we have allowed to dominate us in the West. As a student of shamanism, the detailed foray into initiation experiences is unparalleled. The detailed description of the intimacy that the Dagara have with nature brings hope to the soul that humanity has great potential to unlock, simply by remembering the old ways and shifting how we use our minds, and our hearts.

Malidoma blurs the line between Western Fiction and African Nonfiction

I was given this book by a friend because of my interest in Water (see: Masaru Emoto's "The Hidden Messages in Water") and my interest in Shamanism (see: Tom Cowan's "Fire in the Head"). Generally, I read these kinds of books because of personal soul-searching, so it is good that Malidoma's book delivers some of his personal answers and leaves other answers open. It struck me as a nonfiction that read as a fiction novel. The downside is that Malidoma learns something deep in this novel, but the reader is not privy to his experience: even Malidoma says that a lot of what he sees cannot be described, for personal reasons or due to the limits of our language. It is a palpatable feeling of loss when Malidoma comes out of his experience enlightened, but many readers would not. I would recommend this book for people who already live in a world of fiction: Malidoma has seen a lot of things that defy Western "reality," and some straightlaced readers may not be able to accept or respect Malidoma enough to continue reading. If you can suspend your beliefs, however, the book is completely engrossing: I found it hard to put down! Malidoma is a sympathetic character in his own book, and characterizes the people he met very well. The book itself is jam-packed full of text: a cursory glance at the textual presentation makes you blink. Take a look at an excerpt above. I found this book hard to put down. Any fiction-lover who is interested in a new culture that is not fictional at all should this book.

please up date the binding

please up date the binding on this book for it is a hardback . thank you 0874777623 FNSku X000S9G3U5 Title Of Water And Spirit: Ritual, Magic and Initiation in the Life of an African Shaman Binding Paperback Publisher Vendor Code TARCH

Astounding Parallels With the Afro-American Journey

Malidoma's life alone was a mini-representation of our entire experience as Afro-americans. He was kidnapped as a child from his Dagaran village and raised in a Christian missionary school. His own father was somewhat responsible for his kidnapping, because against the will of the elders, his father became friends with a Christian pastor and allowed him into the village (sound familiar?). One day, the pastor came and grabbed Malidoma without a word and took him to the missionary school (he was stolen, but he had access to the village...who's to blame? Sounds like the current debate :). Malidoma was subjected to all types of abuse as he was force to think as a European. There were European AND African teachers taking part in the brain-washing (sound familiar?). He was put into quarters with African boys from all over...many didn't even speak his native tongue (sound familiar?). As he and his new friends became older...they started to become more aware of their situation and the oppression. They remembered the pain and suffereing of the past and became rebellious. Although they had a small union, most of the other boys were too afraid to fight and some were even convinced that the Euro-education they received although through force, was a blessing that placed them above their "inferior" past (!). One day Malidoma struck out against a preist during class and ran away from the mission. He managed to walk nearly 300 miles back to his village that he wasn't even sure existed anymore. I was a long and HARD journey (!) and he finally arrived...only to realize just how "white" he had become (!). He was no longer a Dagaran...BUT fortunately his elders decided to give him a chance. He was allowed to risk his life in Dagaran initiation (VERY interesting part of the book) and he survived, reborn as a Dagaran. He still retained the European part engrained in him...he couldn't help this, but his wise elders saw usefulness in this. They ordered him to live outside of the village in the white world and to serve as a bridge of knowledge between the two worlds. Malidoma currently holds a Ph.D. and lives here in America. He holds many seminars and his life mission is to "fight" the battle between the Old and New world by teaching New-worlders the importance of ancestors and rituals. Malidoma literally means "To befriend the enemy". This book is a must-read. Although I have written a summary here...it does not even scratch the surface. I just touched upon the most memorable parallels..there are many more.

Is this book "creative" non-fiction?

I have just finished reading "Of Water and the Spirit" for the first time. I found the book to be enlightening and quite moving and I gained much value from it. I wonder, however, how it is possible to remember details of events and conversations that occurred 30 or 40 years ago, some when the author was quite young. I can't even remember what I said last week, let alone decades ago. Is this book "creative" non-fiction, the basic story embellished for literary purposes? If so, it would not detract from the value I received, but it should be acknowledged how events were recreated.

This book changed my life

I read this book in the midst of discovering the myriad of hidden truths about african history. Being African American myself I have spent many years trying to undo the backwards education that I was subjected to about my culture in this country by doing extensive research. If for anything, read this book alone to gain an inside experience of what horrors Africans suffered at the hands of missionaries who felt it was their duty to "save" african children from their "barbaric" roots. They stole these children away from their villages to bring them up in seminary schools where they were subject to brutal treatment and the brainwashing of their religion. I feel it is people's duty to understand the raw effects of these events as it has also happened to indigenous cultures all over the world. As some reviewers say below, there is a lot about this book that seems fantastical. Malidoma takes us far into the magic and ritual of his culture. It takes an open mind, one that recognizes that the destructive path of colonialism was not only physical but emotional and spiritual. Take time if you will to reflect that if you think colonialism was a destructive force, it also took it's toll on our openess to the possibility of realities other than our own. There isn't hocus pocus in this book, Malidoma a very grounded, extremely well educated gentlemen who has experienced the western world and his traditional one inside out. What he offers in this book is an invaluable opportunity to see the remnants of a culture that we have lost touch with and just how important it is to reconnect to the possibility that what we experience as solid reality is only that which we have been brought up to believe in. It does not mean that it is the only one. Malidoma's writing is also beautiful and engrossing, I couldn't put it down. I was left with a more solid sense of who I was as an African American, I have learned about the advanced architecture and maths that africans had but I had never had a chance to look this deeply into our spiritual history.


This is the best book I have ever read in my entire life and anyone that knows me knows I've read LOTS of books. This books takes you on a truly magical journey. I don't doubt anything written in this book because I can feel the it's the truth within my soul. This book was so well-written and truly amazing. My soul couldn't get enough of it. I recommend this book to everyone i know. I wont give a description but if you're starting out on your spiritual journey, curious about the ways of some of your African ancestors, a lover of nature, or even if you're third eye is WIDE open, read this book. It's just a blessing.

Great Book

One of the best books I've read this year. I'm also spiritual and I know that African magic is real. I noticed that someone said that this guy was lying about these events. I don't know if he was lying about the event but I do know the magic works. The problem with some people is the magic may not work for them because it is not meant for them. Some of us don't have Afrikan ancestors meaning that there not of African descent. The magic is ancestral so unfortunately for some people who learn our magic, they will never be able to use it because we share the same ancestors. There was someone who mentioned >"if the magic really worked why couldn't he do more like become a millionaire. "Because there are rules to Magic and that's not how it works. Magic is spiritual not physical so those who are not spiritual will never understand how it works. (meaning those born without souls) Again this is a great book. I do recommend it to people of African descent and those who are just curious will live reading about the Magic we process. Ase' to the writer. Thanks for a great book. 👍🤗

African spirituality,

This MUST BE ADDED IN EVERY BLACK PERSONAL LIBRARY. Every Black person MUST read this book. Beautifully written! So much hidden gems within this book. As a young woman who is embarking on her spiritual journey, I recognized (some part of ) myself within this book. "It was all in me. I was the room and the door. It was all me. I just had to remember. " Malidoma Some.

what i dont get

What I don't get is, if the tribe's elders can do magic, such as telepathy, teleportation, getting information from someone's aura, and manifestation, why are they scraping by? Why does he take airplanes to get around? Why don't they just manifest gold, diamonds, etc. instead of needing him to send them $600 every month? I like the book, have read multiple times, but can't find it applicable to my life. It doesn't seem like the tribe uses magic to solve basic problems, which leads me wondering why not? Something doesn't add up. And for what it's worth, I've worked with shamans in real life.


I had the chance to meet Malidoma after reading his book. I was amazed by some the events depicted in book and had to track him down to see what this man was truly like. He did a divination for me that was astounding and I even wrote about in my own book - Pathless Path: God, Grace, Guru

So relatable to me!

This book is so relatable....I'm the complete opposite though...I was born into a lie and now having to untangle myself from the lies and the false history...this book has been a great help!

A book that changes the reader

Malidoma, born in what is now Burkina Faso, West Africa, was his shaman grandfather's shadow until age four. That year his grandfather died, and Malidoma was kidnapped from his home by a French Jesuit missionary. For the next 16 years he suffered almost every kind of abuse as he was trained in Western culture. He escaped at age 20 and, walking 300 miles from the seminary, found his way back to his tribal village, where he now was an outsider. The elders offered him the opportunity to participate in an intensive six-week shamanic initiation with younger tribal boys which, if he survived, would reestablish his connection to the tribe. After undergoing the initiation, Malidoma learned that his destiny lay in being a bridge between Western civilization and indigenous culture. Studying in the Sorbonne and Brandeis University, he now holds three master's degrees and two PhDs. Though he returns regularly to his tribal home for renewal, he makes his home in the U.S. where he has taught at the University of Michigan and now leads seminars, intensives, and rituals. Malidoma's open, vulnerable, detailed stories of his experiences in the Jesuit school and in his initiation are riveting. I noticed two major lessons that his culture can teach ours. One is to connect our bodies to our minds. When Malidoma first came to the U.S., he saw with the spirit eyes of his elders that people's heads were not connected to their bodies. There was a blank space where the neck should be. One aspect of this is that we place great importance upon words. Malidoma says: "The speech of silence is achieved when words, and their potential ability to hurt meaning, are done away with. Words entrap meaning, torture it, slice it into pieces the way a butcher cuts the meat of a slaughtered animal and serves it to us. . . In silence, meaning is no longer heard, but felt; and feeling is the best hearing, the best instrument for recording meaning." The second lesson is the importance of wise elders. In Malidoma's words: "Elders and mentors have an irreplaceable function in the life of any community. Without them the young are lost -- their overflowing energies wasted in useless pursuits. The old must live in the young like a grounding force that tames the tendency toward bold but senseless actions and shows them the path of wisdom. In the absence of elders, the impetuosity of youth becomes the slow death of the community." This is a book that changes the reader.

What an adventure!

What a book! What an adventure! I am sorry it is finished. I've ordered another. This book brings the magic of childhood back to life. The possibility of possibility. I could not put it down. The story-telling is perfect. The story, incredible. Read with an open mind and allow abundance to fill your inner life with wonder at all that is possible.

A must read.

I can't even collect my thoughts in a coherent manner. This is an excellent book, and although it sometimes reads like science fiction, do not write it off as such. This is Some's true experience. Beautifully written. I think many of the other reviewers have said enough (and much better than I can), but I could not leave the five star review without saying anything. I have recommended this book to everyone I know.


It's hard explain the feelings I got as I read this. A kind of rollercoaster ride into another's experience of the matrix we've been living in and the possibilities that exist beyond what we are lead to believe. BTW experiencing his words in his own voice (audible) took it to another level.

that's how much I love it! If I've gifted it

This is now my 3rd copy of this book, that's how much I love it! If I've gifted it, or end up empty handed due to an unreturned loan... I can't have it missing from my personal library. A must read for opened minds.

A mixed blessing

Malidoma Some's book is truly a mixed blessing! He writes about his personal experiences and life journey, about the spirituality of his people and the contrasts between the African Mindset and the ideas and pre-conceptions of Western people/white people. Some parts of this book truly deserve 5 starts, other parts deserve 0! The most important part of this book is indeed Mr Some's return to his own village and his struggles to re-claim his own roots. Every practitioner and every seeker of African religions should have a look at this section of the book. It clearly shows that the western mindset can hinder us from fully embracing what African spirituality has to offer and how different the TRADITIONAL African mindset is to the mindset of western people. Just like Mr Some, who in the course of his journey realized that his "Europeanization" hindered him from fully embracing his own tradition, so should many Europeans who search for "greater powers" within the African traditions examine their own preconceptions and ideas. This part alone deserves 5 starts! Other parts of the book read much like a fiction story and should be take with a big pinch of salt. This being said, some of the things Mr Some describes can still be found within African Traditional Religions in the West - visible spirit manifestations being just one example. However, others are rather dubious...0 stars for that part of the work!

Of Water and the Spirit

Kidnapped from his home by white Christian brothers who brutalise him as part of his 'training' to become a priest, Malidoma describes his amazing journey back to his home village in Burkina Faso, West Africa. The only way he can be truly accepted as one of his people - the Dagara - is to undergo a dangerous and possibly deadly initiation. The second half of the book illustrates the poetic, mythical and very real ordeal Malidoma undergoes in order to truly return home. This powerful, moving book illustrates how African traditions are under threat and how we must learn to live harmoniously with people who are different from us - even the 'stranger and enemy'.

Powerful & Profound!

I am an advocate reader of anything pertaining to African culture and spirituality. I had heard of the many reviews of this book from many people, and all of them being positive. But what stood out in all those reviews is the fact that those who read it admitted "I couldn't put the book down". Well, I read the book and just by reading the introduction alone made me not want to put the book down. I knew that i was in for a reading that would be mind-boggling, thought provoking, powerful and profound. Brother Malidoma did not disappointment me at all. Every chapter had a lesson behind it. The most impressive and powerful was when Malidoma returned to his village and his elders sanctioned him to be initiated. Eventhough he couldn't go into great detail, the experience that he could share was priceless. This is one of those "rare" books in which you use as a basis to measure the quality against others. Honestly, 5 stars is not enough to rate this book.

One of a kind, as in uniquely unbelievable!

What an amazing writer Malidoma is! He writes with so much first hand and eloquently expressed insight into the disparities between the Western mindset and the consciousness of African village life with its inconceivable mysteries and traditions. This book makes books of questionable authenticity such as Mutant Down Under and the Don Juan books seem silly and mundane; the magical unfoldings witnessed by Malidoma are beyond even the wildest events in Harry Potter, and yet you can feel the authenticity of Malidoma's experience in his rich and heartfelt language. I wish I could get to one of his workshops!

of water and the spirit: ritual,magic,and initiation in the

I read a lot of book covering active spirituality application(Gopi Krishna, Byron Katie, Dan Millman, Ramana Maharshi), M.Malidoma Somé is propably the only one author that i read and read again is books. Honesty, love, expressive writing life transformation and very easy to understand is spiritual ascension, his book are load of pure emotion. You could read it with soft voice to childreen as a tale story and with mature attitude reading will provoque a quiet and freezing eyes on a adult audience. About a subject very hard to be objective and analytic, M.Somé make it an easy way to feel in your flesh and to your conscious and inconscious a path to realize yourself. GREAT BOOK!!!!

Probably my Favorite Book

This book is like magic for my spirit. A must read.

Of Water and the Spirit

I just finished this book and I am hungry for much, much more. Malidoma Some's deep wisdom, wide vision, vulnerability and honesty stirred my soul so deeply. This book has awakened my yearning to re-connect with Nature and the Spirit world like no other I have read. I found his vivid, well-paced storytelling and the wisdom of his people utterly fascinating. I wish to thank the Dagara for being so generous in sharing their wisdom through this man. If I could give this book 20 stars, I would!!

An unforgettable book

A riveting and beautiful mystical story that encompasses many lessons that we all could learn from. I could feel Malidoma's pain in his struggle with the evil criminals that complicated his life. This book is absolutely wonderful for all who appreciate the mysteries of existence but it also has many very important lessons that the Africans in America and the diaspora would do well to take notice of.In my opinion,this book should be in schools.

Five Stars

good reading


This is the best book I have ever read in my entire life and anyone that knows me knows I've read LOTS of books. This books takes you on a truly magical journey. I don't doubt anything written in this book because I can feel the it's the truth within my soul. This book was so well-written and truly amazing. My soul couldn't get enough of it. I recommend this book to everyone i know. I wont give a description but if you're starting out on your spiritual journey, curious about the ways of some of your African ancestors, a lover of nature, or even if you're third eye is WIDE open, read this book. It's just a blessing.

Great Book

One of the best books I've read this year. I'm also spiritual and I know that African magic is real. I noticed that someone said that this guy was lying about these events. I don't know if he was lying about the event but I do know the magic works. The problem with some people is the magic may not work for them because it is not meant for them. Some of us don't have Afrikan ancestors meaning that there not of African descent. The magic is ancestral so unfortunately for some people who learn our magic, they will never be able to use it because we share the same ancestors. There was someone who mentioned >"if the magic really worked why couldn't he do more like become a millionaire. "Because there are rules to Magic and that's not how it works. Magic is spiritual not physical so those who are not spiritual will never understand how it works. (meaning those born without souls) Again this is a great book. I do recommend it to people of African descent and those who are just curious will live reading about the Magic we process. Ase' to the writer. Thanks for a great book. 👍🤗

African spirituality,

This MUST BE ADDED IN EVERY BLACK PERSONAL LIBRARY. Every Black person MUST read this book. Beautifully written! So much hidden gems within this book. As a young woman who is embarking on her spiritual journey, I recognized (some part of ) myself within this book. "It was all in me. I was the room and the door. It was all me. I just had to remember. " Malidoma Some.

what i dont get

What I don't get is, if the tribe's elders can do magic, such as telepathy, teleportation, getting information from someone's aura, and manifestation, why are they scraping by? Why does he take airplanes to get around? Why don't they just manifest gold, diamonds, etc. instead of needing him to send them $600 every month? I like the book, have read multiple times, but can't find it applicable to my life. It doesn't seem like the tribe uses magic to solve basic problems, which leads me wondering why not? Something doesn't add up. And for what it's worth, I've worked with shamans in real life.


I had the chance to meet Malidoma after reading his book. I was amazed by some the events depicted in book and had to track him down to see what this man was truly like. He did a divination for me that was astounding and I even wrote about in my own book - Pathless Path: God, Grace, Guru

So relatable to me!

This book is so relatable....I'm the complete opposite though...I was born into a lie and now having to untangle myself from the lies and the false history...this book has been a great help!

A book that changes the reader

Malidoma, born in what is now Burkina Faso, West Africa, was his shaman grandfather's shadow until age four. That year his grandfather died, and Malidoma was kidnapped from his home by a French Jesuit missionary. For the next 16 years he suffered almost every kind of abuse as he was trained in Western culture. He escaped at age 20 and, walking 300 miles from the seminary, found his way back to his tribal village, where he now was an outsider. The elders offered him the opportunity to participate in an intensive six-week shamanic initiation with younger tribal boys which, if he survived, would reestablish his connection to the tribe. After undergoing the initiation, Malidoma learned that his destiny lay in being a bridge between Western civilization and indigenous culture. Studying in the Sorbonne and Brandeis University, he now holds three master's degrees and two PhDs. Though he returns regularly to his tribal home for renewal, he makes his home in the U.S. where he has taught at the University of Michigan and now leads seminars, intensives, and rituals. Malidoma's open, vulnerable, detailed stories of his experiences in the Jesuit school and in his initiation are riveting. I noticed two major lessons that his culture can teach ours. One is to connect our bodies to our minds. When Malidoma first came to the U.S., he saw with the spirit eyes of his elders that people's heads were not connected to their bodies. There was a blank space where the neck should be. One aspect of this is that we place great importance upon words. Malidoma says: "The speech of silence is achieved when words, and their potential ability to hurt meaning, are done away with. Words entrap meaning, torture it, slice it into pieces the way a butcher cuts the meat of a slaughtered animal and serves it to us. . . In silence, meaning is no longer heard, but felt; and feeling is the best hearing, the best instrument for recording meaning." The second lesson is the importance of wise elders. In Malidoma's words: "Elders and mentors have an irreplaceable function in the life of any community. Without them the young are lost -- their overflowing energies wasted in useless pursuits. The old must live in the young like a grounding force that tames the tendency toward bold but senseless actions and shows them the path of wisdom. In the absence of elders, the impetuosity of youth becomes the slow death of the community." This is a book that changes the reader.

What an adventure!

What a book! What an adventure! I am sorry it is finished. I've ordered another. This book brings the magic of childhood back to life. The possibility of possibility. I could not put it down. The story-telling is perfect. The story, incredible. Read with an open mind and allow abundance to fill your inner life with wonder at all that is possible.

A must read.

I can't even collect my thoughts in a coherent manner. This is an excellent book, and although it sometimes reads like science fiction, do not write it off as such. This is Some's true experience. Beautifully written. I think many of the other reviewers have said enough (and much better than I can), but I could not leave the five star review without saying anything. I have recommended this book to everyone I know.


It's hard explain the feelings I got as I read this. A kind of rollercoaster ride into another's experience of the matrix we've been living in and the possibilities that exist beyond what we are lead to believe. BTW experiencing his words in his own voice (audible) took it to another level.

life is more than what we think and know

"Of Water and the Spirit" gave me another look at how life is and can be. Malidoma Patrice Some shows how his culture embraces and celebrates death as part of the cycle of life and how important it is to remain in touch with nature, ritual and ceremony. I recommend "Of Water and the Spirit" for anyone interested in living life to it's fullest essence.

What a journey!

With this book, Malidoma Patrice Some opens the door to a whole new way of looking at the world; one in which spirits (ancestor and otherwise), magic, wisdom and community come together as one. I was mesmerized by this story and by the possibility it presented for a deeper understanding of this life and how it can be lived. Hold on to your hat!


I love this book. A story of triumph over various oppressive forces. Very inspiring.

Without repeating others

This book is a transformative agent that releases the Western mind of all false concepts of spirituality and the spiritual world. I highly recommend this book. Recognize that you will not be the same after completing this journey in the form of literature. Bless!

Five Stars

Have to rrad

one of the best books ever written

One of the best books ever written...In fact I've read none better...It is a book I buy for friends and strangers alike...I think I've bought it 5 times now

Good book

Really interested in different types of shamanism. Due to my native American heritage and my native Ancestors being weroances,Prophets and shamans. But this book is really good and I recommend it


An absolutely amazing read! From almost the first page to the last I was completely absorbed by the author's spiritual and cultural journey; albeit an extremely painful one. What is so sad, is how few Africans have been able to hold on to the wonderfully rich traditional heritage of our ancestor's belief/faith systems. Nonetheless, a must read for all those Africans in search of a lost spiritual heritage.

Every Melanated person should read

Absolutely AMAZING Spiritual book that every person of melanin should read, Malidoma takes you on a magickal, mysterious ride. I do not want to give out spoilers, but this is a must read.

A healing journey

This book was captivating from the very first page it took you on a journey not just the writer's journey but it also somehow took me on inner a journey of self Discovery and Awakening.


This is the best book I have ever read in my entire life and anyone that knows me knows I've read LOTS of books. This books takes you on a truly magical journey. I don't doubt anything written in this book because I can feel the it's the truth within my soul. This book was so well-written and truly amazing. My soul couldn't get enough of it. I recommend this book to everyone i know. I wont give a description but if you're starting out on your spiritual journey, curious about the ways of some of your African ancestors, a lover of nature, or even if you're third eye is WIDE open, read this book. It's just a blessing.

Great Book

One of the best books I've read this year. I'm also spiritual and I know that African magic is real. I noticed that someone said that this guy was lying about these events. I don't know if he was lying about the event but I do know the magic works. The problem with some people is the magic may not work for them because it is not meant for them. Some of us don't have Afrikan ancestors meaning that there not of African descent. The magic is ancestral so unfortunately for some people who learn our magic, they will never be able to use it because we share the same ancestors. There was someone who mentioned >"if the magic really worked why couldn't he do more like become a millionaire. "Because there are rules to Magic and that's not how it works. Magic is spiritual not physical so those who are not spiritual will never understand how it works. (meaning those born without souls) Again this is a great book. I do recommend it to people of African descent and those who are just curious will live reading about the Magic we process. Ase' to the writer. Thanks for a great book. 👍🤗

African spirituality,

This MUST BE ADDED IN EVERY BLACK PERSONAL LIBRARY. Every Black person MUST read this book. Beautifully written! So much hidden gems within this book. As a young woman who is embarking on her spiritual journey, I recognized (some part of ) myself within this book. "It was all in me. I was the room and the door. It was all me. I just had to remember. " Malidoma Some.

what i dont get

What I don't get is, if the tribe's elders can do magic, such as telepathy, teleportation, getting information from someone's aura, and manifestation, why are they scraping by? Why does he take airplanes to get around? Why don't they just manifest gold, diamonds, etc. instead of needing him to send them $600 every month? I like the book, have read multiple times, but can't find it applicable to my life. It doesn't seem like the tribe uses magic to solve basic problems, which leads me wondering why not? Something doesn't add up. And for what it's worth, I've worked with shamans in real life.


I had the chance to meet Malidoma after reading his book. I was amazed by some the events depicted in book and had to track him down to see what this man was truly like. He did a divination for me that was astounding and I even wrote about in my own book - Pathless Path: God, Grace, Guru

So relatable to me!

This book is so relatable....I'm the complete opposite though...I was born into a lie and now having to untangle myself from the lies and the false history...this book has been a great help!

A book that changes the reader

Malidoma, born in what is now Burkina Faso, West Africa, was his shaman grandfather's shadow until age four. That year his grandfather died, and Malidoma was kidnapped from his home by a French Jesuit missionary. For the next 16 years he suffered almost every kind of abuse as he was trained in Western culture. He escaped at age 20 and, walking 300 miles from the seminary, found his way back to his tribal village, where he now was an outsider. The elders offered him the opportunity to participate in an intensive six-week shamanic initiation with younger tribal boys which, if he survived, would reestablish his connection to the tribe. After undergoing the initiation, Malidoma learned that his destiny lay in being a bridge between Western civilization and indigenous culture. Studying in the Sorbonne and Brandeis University, he now holds three master's degrees and two PhDs. Though he returns regularly to his tribal home for renewal, he makes his home in the U.S. where he has taught at the University of Michigan and now leads seminars, intensives, and rituals. Malidoma's open, vulnerable, detailed stories of his experiences in the Jesuit school and in his initiation are riveting. I noticed two major lessons that his culture can teach ours. One is to connect our bodies to our minds. When Malidoma first came to the U.S., he saw with the spirit eyes of his elders that people's heads were not connected to their bodies. There was a blank space where the neck should be. One aspect of this is that we place great importance upon words. Malidoma says: "The speech of silence is achieved when words, and their potential ability to hurt meaning, are done away with. Words entrap meaning, torture it, slice it into pieces the way a butcher cuts the meat of a slaughtered animal and serves it to us. . . In silence, meaning is no longer heard, but felt; and feeling is the best hearing, the best instrument for recording meaning." The second lesson is the importance of wise elders. In Malidoma's words: "Elders and mentors have an irreplaceable function in the life of any community. Without them the young are lost -- their overflowing energies wasted in useless pursuits. The old must live in the young like a grounding force that tames the tendency toward bold but senseless actions and shows them the path of wisdom. In the absence of elders, the impetuosity of youth becomes the slow death of the community." This is a book that changes the reader.

What an adventure!

What a book! What an adventure! I am sorry it is finished. I've ordered another. This book brings the magic of childhood back to life. The possibility of possibility. I could not put it down. The story-telling is perfect. The story, incredible. Read with an open mind and allow abundance to fill your inner life with wonder at all that is possible.

A must read.

I can't even collect my thoughts in a coherent manner. This is an excellent book, and although it sometimes reads like science fiction, do not write it off as such. This is Some's true experience. Beautifully written. I think many of the other reviewers have said enough (and much better than I can), but I could not leave the five star review without saying anything. I have recommended this book to everyone I know.


It's hard explain the feelings I got as I read this. A kind of rollercoaster ride into another's experience of the matrix we've been living in and the possibilities that exist beyond what we are lead to believe. BTW experiencing his words in his own voice (audible) took it to another level.

Touching, inspiring and healing entity of a book

Incredible book detailing the lost magic and wisdom of our ancestral african heritage due to the ramifications of colonialism. Malidoma Somé is a beautiful storyteller and healing writer. This was everything I needed to read especially in these times of uncertainty, racism and loss of spirit in the West. Couldn't recommend more.

A book everyone must know

This book has been in my top 5 for over 10years, this is my 5th copy, everyone should read.

Fascinating reading. As well as providing insight into the ...

Fascinating reading. As well as providing insight into the Dagara tribe, it also puts the west into context, showing our spiritual challenges and how to get back on an even keel. I went to see Malidoma for a divination which was a very interesting experience.


Excellent though some of the semenary stuff drags and the magical stuff strains credibility. But I believe it all, every word. Classic.

An extraordinary book; a must for anyone interested in soul-work

This book relates an epic journey in which the indomitable truth of the spirit conquers the falsehood and violence of false, man-made gods. A tragic tale in which senseless and pointless human violence perpetrated in the name of love and faith contrasts with the spiritual experience of a man who take the opportunity to reach into the depths of his true self. Requesting a sequel must be the highest praise of any book, and I can only hope that Malidoma will one day write just a sequel to this volume.

A RARE GEM!!! and my new favourite book

I recommend this to any open minded, spirititually inclined person, but especially to my fellow black brothers and sisters who are looking to reconnect with their african roots. Although this book does not go into all the details concerning the dagara tribe belief system, the story presented in these pages certainly provide a beautiful insight into spiritual and traditional concepts that we are totally ignorant of in the western world. The story perfectly captures the journey of a young child raised amongst a people with strong community values, only to see the destructive nature of colonialism. (a story we are all familiar with) Having grown into a young man away from his people and indoctrinated with a European perception of the world he finds himself spiritually lost. Yet the foundation of traditional African values laid in his childhood never died, it only lay dormant to re-awaken later on in life, and when it does, he begins an epic journey of self discovery and spiritual enlightenment... The beauty of this book is that although you are reading about someone else's story, you will feel yourself going through that spiritual journey, This book is such an easy read, I found myself pacing through the book very quickly, always in anticipation of what the next chapter will bring, after finishing the book I knew I wanted to read more from this author. To some readers the true life stories presented here may seem too far fetched to be believed, but the honesty and conviction of which these events have been written will inspire most.

A great account that really gives the reader some insights into ...

A great account that really gives the reader some insights into what life in Africa was like under French colonial rule on the one hand but then also the journey of a young African shaman. Thats Malidomas story really - part indigenous and ancient - part western and modern. This book is beautifully written with much to reflect and contemplate on. A highly recommended read for anyone with an interest in magic and shamanism

This is real roots for the people of colour.

Amazing book, not yet finished it, but, I do look forward to picking it up again. Makes me think that my upbringing has lost something, the way Malidoma speaks of his family and the rituals they have for newborns, the song for each person......real heart warming, and the almost fantastical events surrounding his Father's passing on.....wow.

The whole story has touched me deeply, as my ...

The whole story has touched me deeply, as my whole life I am searching for a connection with spirit and the full story of reality, not just the parts science and school and even religions are teaching us to be the only reality. Some huge parts are missing from the big picture, we haven't been told. We as the "Western world" have lost the connection. But we are not lost, for if you hear the faintest calling of spirit, follow it and catch up with the real world. We have more capabilities than we believe we do.

Five Stars

beautifully written, I highly recommend it specially for someone that looking to learn about spirituality and initiation.


This is the best book I have ever read in my entire life and anyone that knows me knows I've read LOTS of books. This books takes you on a truly magical journey. I don't doubt anything written in this book because I can feel the it's the truth within my soul. This book was so well-written and truly amazing. My soul couldn't get enough of it. I recommend this book to everyone i know. I wont give a description but if you're starting out on your spiritual journey, curious about the ways of some of your African ancestors, a lover of nature, or even if you're third eye is WIDE open, read this book. It's just a blessing.

Great Book

One of the best books I've read this year. I'm also spiritual and I know that African magic is real. I noticed that someone said that this guy was lying about these events. I don't know if he was lying about the event but I do know the magic works. The problem with some people is the magic may not work for them because it is not meant for them. Some of us don't have Afrikan ancestors meaning that there not of African descent. The magic is ancestral so unfortunately for some people who learn our magic, they will never be able to use it because we share the same ancestors. There was someone who mentioned >"if the magic really worked why couldn't he do more like become a millionaire. "Because there are rules to Magic and that's not how it works. Magic is spiritual not physical so those who are not spiritual will never understand how it works. (meaning those born without souls) Again this is a great book. I do recommend it to people of African descent and those who are just curious will live reading about the Magic we process. Ase' to the writer. Thanks for a great book. 👍🤗

African spirituality,

This MUST BE ADDED IN EVERY BLACK PERSONAL LIBRARY. Every Black person MUST read this book. Beautifully written! So much hidden gems within this book. As a young woman who is embarking on her spiritual journey, I recognized (some part of ) myself within this book. "It was all in me. I was the room and the door. It was all me. I just had to remember. " Malidoma Some.

what i dont get

What I don't get is, if the tribe's elders can do magic, such as telepathy, teleportation, getting information from someone's aura, and manifestation, why are they scraping by? Why does he take airplanes to get around? Why don't they just manifest gold, diamonds, etc. instead of needing him to send them $600 every month? I like the book, have read multiple times, but can't find it applicable to my life. It doesn't seem like the tribe uses magic to solve basic problems, which leads me wondering why not? Something doesn't add up. And for what it's worth, I've worked with shamans in real life.


I had the chance to meet Malidoma after reading his book. I was amazed by some the events depicted in book and had to track him down to see what this man was truly like. He did a divination for me that was astounding and I even wrote about in my own book - Pathless Path: God, Grace, Guru

So relatable to me!

This book is so relatable....I'm the complete opposite though...I was born into a lie and now having to untangle myself from the lies and the false history...this book has been a great help!

A book that changes the reader

Malidoma, born in what is now Burkina Faso, West Africa, was his shaman grandfather's shadow until age four. That year his grandfather died, and Malidoma was kidnapped from his home by a French Jesuit missionary. For the next 16 years he suffered almost every kind of abuse as he was trained in Western culture. He escaped at age 20 and, walking 300 miles from the seminary, found his way back to his tribal village, where he now was an outsider. The elders offered him the opportunity to participate in an intensive six-week shamanic initiation with younger tribal boys which, if he survived, would reestablish his connection to the tribe. After undergoing the initiation, Malidoma learned that his destiny lay in being a bridge between Western civilization and indigenous culture. Studying in the Sorbonne and Brandeis University, he now holds three master's degrees and two PhDs. Though he returns regularly to his tribal home for renewal, he makes his home in the U.S. where he has taught at the University of Michigan and now leads seminars, intensives, and rituals. Malidoma's open, vulnerable, detailed stories of his experiences in the Jesuit school and in his initiation are riveting. I noticed two major lessons that his culture can teach ours. One is to connect our bodies to our minds. When Malidoma first came to the U.S., he saw with the spirit eyes of his elders that people's heads were not connected to their bodies. There was a blank space where the neck should be. One aspect of this is that we place great importance upon words. Malidoma says: "The speech of silence is achieved when words, and their potential ability to hurt meaning, are done away with. Words entrap meaning, torture it, slice it into pieces the way a butcher cuts the meat of a slaughtered animal and serves it to us. . . In silence, meaning is no longer heard, but felt; and feeling is the best hearing, the best instrument for recording meaning." The second lesson is the importance of wise elders. In Malidoma's words: "Elders and mentors have an irreplaceable function in the life of any community. Without them the young are lost -- their overflowing energies wasted in useless pursuits. The old must live in the young like a grounding force that tames the tendency toward bold but senseless actions and shows them the path of wisdom. In the absence of elders, the impetuosity of youth becomes the slow death of the community." This is a book that changes the reader.

What an adventure!

What a book! What an adventure! I am sorry it is finished. I've ordered another. This book brings the magic of childhood back to life. The possibility of possibility. I could not put it down. The story-telling is perfect. The story, incredible. Read with an open mind and allow abundance to fill your inner life with wonder at all that is possible.

A must read.

I can't even collect my thoughts in a coherent manner. This is an excellent book, and although it sometimes reads like science fiction, do not write it off as such. This is Some's true experience. Beautifully written. I think many of the other reviewers have said enough (and much better than I can), but I could not leave the five star review without saying anything. I have recommended this book to everyone I know.


It's hard explain the feelings I got as I read this. A kind of rollercoaster ride into another's experience of the matrix we've been living in and the possibilities that exist beyond what we are lead to believe. BTW experiencing his words in his own voice (audible) took it to another level.

The last 40 or so pages are missing, but otherwise enjoying the book

The copy received is faulty and is missing the end of the book. Only 280 pages - finishes part way through chapter 24.

What beautiful people, and what an amazing view into the ...

This book is incredible. What beautiful people, and what an amazing view into the life of a traditional West African tribe, and the devastation that colonisation brings.

Very good read

Very good read. This book widens your horizons in spirituality and african culture. It definitely had me thinking!


Great book


A great read. For anyone interested in ancient African rituals, this is a must read. Educational at the least, profoundly life changing at the best.

cosmic truth

A great book, with a personal experience that brings readers to a journey to the experimental aspect of life its self. Once completing exploring this book, the holder of this piece of cosmic truth will find his/her life transformed beyond measure

Five Stars

great and insightful read!


This book is hard to battle through, because its message is so difficult to ignore and to digest. I feel its power. The beginning is easier, it is mostly an interesting story, but the power of African spirituality is so unflinchingly described and so simply held as true that sometimes you have to take a rest just so your mind can grapple with the new ground. Essential reading for the grown up, but we are not that many.

Loved it

It has rocketed to my favourite book and i've read a lot. Malidoma's story is touching and the things he experienced is BEYOND this world - literally. He has solidified my beliefs in my Ancestors and i thank him for that.

Five Stars

cool !


This is the best book I have ever read in my entire life and anyone that knows me knows I've read LOTS of books. This books takes you on a truly magical journey. I don't doubt anything written in this book because I can feel the it's the truth within my soul. This book was so well-written and truly amazing. My soul couldn't get enough of it. I recommend this book to everyone i know. I wont give a description but if you're starting out on your spiritual journey, curious about the ways of some of your African ancestors, a lover of nature, or even if you're third eye is WIDE open, read this book. It's just a blessing.

Great Book

One of the best books I've read this year. I'm also spiritual and I know that African magic is real. I noticed that someone said that this guy was lying about these events. I don't know if he was lying about the event but I do know the magic works. The problem with some people is the magic may not work for them because it is not meant for them. Some of us don't have Afrikan ancestors meaning that there not of African descent. The magic is ancestral so unfortunately for some people who learn our magic, they will never be able to use it because we share the same ancestors. There was someone who mentioned >"if the magic really worked why couldn't he do more like become a millionaire. "Because there are rules to Magic and that's not how it works. Magic is spiritual not physical so those who are not spiritual will never understand how it works. (meaning those born without souls) Again this is a great book. I do recommend it to people of African descent and those who are just curious will live reading about the Magic we process. Ase' to the writer. Thanks for a great book. 👍🤗

African spirituality,

This MUST BE ADDED IN EVERY BLACK PERSONAL LIBRARY. Every Black person MUST read this book. Beautifully written! So much hidden gems within this book. As a young woman who is embarking on her spiritual journey, I recognized (some part of ) myself within this book. "It was all in me. I was the room and the door. It was all me. I just had to remember. " Malidoma Some.

what i dont get

What I don't get is, if the tribe's elders can do magic, such as telepathy, teleportation, getting information from someone's aura, and manifestation, why are they scraping by? Why does he take airplanes to get around? Why don't they just manifest gold, diamonds, etc. instead of needing him to send them $600 every month? I like the book, have read multiple times, but can't find it applicable to my life. It doesn't seem like the tribe uses magic to solve basic problems, which leads me wondering why not? Something doesn't add up. And for what it's worth, I've worked with shamans in real life.


I had the chance to meet Malidoma after reading his book. I was amazed by some the events depicted in book and had to track him down to see what this man was truly like. He did a divination for me that was astounding and I even wrote about in my own book - Pathless Path: God, Grace, Guru

So relatable to me!

This book is so relatable....I'm the complete opposite though...I was born into a lie and now having to untangle myself from the lies and the false history...this book has been a great help!

A book that changes the reader

Malidoma, born in what is now Burkina Faso, West Africa, was his shaman grandfather's shadow until age four. That year his grandfather died, and Malidoma was kidnapped from his home by a French Jesuit missionary. For the next 16 years he suffered almost every kind of abuse as he was trained in Western culture. He escaped at age 20 and, walking 300 miles from the seminary, found his way back to his tribal village, where he now was an outsider. The elders offered him the opportunity to participate in an intensive six-week shamanic initiation with younger tribal boys which, if he survived, would reestablish his connection to the tribe. After undergoing the initiation, Malidoma learned that his destiny lay in being a bridge between Western civilization and indigenous culture. Studying in the Sorbonne and Brandeis University, he now holds three master's degrees and two PhDs. Though he returns regularly to his tribal home for renewal, he makes his home in the U.S. where he has taught at the University of Michigan and now leads seminars, intensives, and rituals. Malidoma's open, vulnerable, detailed stories of his experiences in the Jesuit school and in his initiation are riveting. I noticed two major lessons that his culture can teach ours. One is to connect our bodies to our minds. When Malidoma first came to the U.S., he saw with the spirit eyes of his elders that people's heads were not connected to their bodies. There was a blank space where the neck should be. One aspect of this is that we place great importance upon words. Malidoma says: "The speech of silence is achieved when words, and their potential ability to hurt meaning, are done away with. Words entrap meaning, torture it, slice it into pieces the way a butcher cuts the meat of a slaughtered animal and serves it to us. . . In silence, meaning is no longer heard, but felt; and feeling is the best hearing, the best instrument for recording meaning." The second lesson is the importance of wise elders. In Malidoma's words: "Elders and mentors have an irreplaceable function in the life of any community. Without them the young are lost -- their overflowing energies wasted in useless pursuits. The old must live in the young like a grounding force that tames the tendency toward bold but senseless actions and shows them the path of wisdom. In the absence of elders, the impetuosity of youth becomes the slow death of the community." This is a book that changes the reader.

What an adventure!

What a book! What an adventure! I am sorry it is finished. I've ordered another. This book brings the magic of childhood back to life. The possibility of possibility. I could not put it down. The story-telling is perfect. The story, incredible. Read with an open mind and allow abundance to fill your inner life with wonder at all that is possible.

A must read.

I can't even collect my thoughts in a coherent manner. This is an excellent book, and although it sometimes reads like science fiction, do not write it off as such. This is Some's true experience. Beautifully written. I think many of the other reviewers have said enough (and much better than I can), but I could not leave the five star review without saying anything. I have recommended this book to everyone I know.


It's hard explain the feelings I got as I read this. A kind of rollercoaster ride into another's experience of the matrix we've been living in and the possibilities that exist beyond what we are lead to believe. BTW experiencing his words in his own voice (audible) took it to another level.


Very special book, there's really more possible than general life offers. Offers great reading and great insights. Well done really.

I just love this book

Wow, I just love this book.

great book

This is the author's own story about his childhood in Burkina Faso. Early in his life, his grandfather died - one of his favorite people in the world - and he witnesses the ceremony where his village helps his grandfather pass from this world to the next. Shortly after his grandfather's death, Malidoma is kidnapped by a French Jesuit missonary to be trained as a priest. He spends 15 years in captivity, and he loses his native language and his past. After pushing a priest out of anger, he is sure he will receive the ultimate punishment, so at the age of 20 he escapes the missonary and finds his way back home. His family welcomes him back, but Malidoma is lost. He is angry - thinking his family never searched for him. He doesn't know the language any more, and doesn't understand the culture. He decides he wants to reconnect with his native culture, so he undergoes a month long initiation into shamanism. During his initiation, he says he went to the underworld, watches a tree transform, and was buried alive. He comes back a new man, fully embracing his culture. Today Malidoma has a doctorate degree in political science, and literature. He travels the United States speaking about black magic and spirits. He felt he needed to create a bridge between the Western culture and the indigenous culture. And even though he now lives full time in the United States, he returns often to his village in Burkina Faso. This was a great book. His stories about his expereinces with the Jesuits are heart breaking. His stories about his grandfather's death and his initiation back into his tribe, are amazing. You have to open your mind and realize that this is not a science fiction story, but one where Malidoma feels he experienced what he saw and heard. It is so important to be open to the beliefs and feelings of others so that we can understand them better. Check this book out. You won't be disappointed.

I would like to read more from this author

Fascinating read. Kept me interested the entire way through. Really opens up your eyes to a new way of thinking. I would like to read more from this author.

The delivery was quick

The book gives an insight into the traditions that exists in some cultures around the world and how powerful they are in connecting us (body and soul) to the spirit world. I already ordered two more for family member who became intrigued and interested in the book.


One of the very best books I ever read. Wow, if I personally had that much money, I wld hv contacted Malidoma to film this book. Wow!! It's actually like the Harry Potter story in real. It's worth reading.

A very important book

Most incredible book if you are open minded and love magic and spirituality.

Awesome book for anyone searching for deeper meaning and looking ...

Awesome book for anyone searching for deeper meaning and looking for a voice that helps to describe some aspects of the hero's journey. Well worth the $.

The kind of book that just stun you...

I really enjoyed reading this book. It is talking about things that somewhere deep in myself i always knew they exists. Someone sharing his initiation experience like that just helped me a lot in my quest for "the truth". The narrative style is also very good. This is the kind of book you can't stop reading once you start! Thank you very much Malidoma. May the spirits of the ancestors continue helping you fulfilling your destiny!

Excellent book

Excellent book


This is the best book I have ever read in my entire life and anyone that knows me knows I've read LOTS of books. This books takes you on a truly magical journey. I don't doubt anything written in this book because I can feel the it's the truth within my soul. This book was so well-written and truly amazing. My soul couldn't get enough of it. I recommend this book to everyone i know. I wont give a description but if you're starting out on your spiritual journey, curious about the ways of some of your African ancestors, a lover of nature, or even if you're third eye is WIDE open, read this book. It's just a blessing.

Great Book

One of the best books I've read this year. I'm also spiritual and I know that African magic is real. I noticed that someone said that this guy was lying about these events. I don't know if he was lying about the event but I do know the magic works. The problem with some people is the magic may not work for them because it is not meant for them. Some of us don't have Afrikan ancestors meaning that there not of African descent. The magic is ancestral so unfortunately for some people who learn our magic, they will never be able to use it because we share the same ancestors. There was someone who mentioned >"if the magic really worked why couldn't he do more like become a millionaire. "Because there are rules to Magic and that's not how it works. Magic is spiritual not physical so those who are not spiritual will never understand how it works. (meaning those born without souls) Again this is a great book. I do recommend it to people of African descent and those who are just curious will live reading about the Magic we process. Ase' to the writer. Thanks for a great book. 👍🤗

African spirituality,

This MUST BE ADDED IN EVERY BLACK PERSONAL LIBRARY. Every Black person MUST read this book. Beautifully written! So much hidden gems within this book. As a young woman who is embarking on her spiritual journey, I recognized (some part of ) myself within this book. "It was all in me. I was the room and the door. It was all me. I just had to remember. " Malidoma Some.

what i dont get

What I don't get is, if the tribe's elders can do magic, such as telepathy, teleportation, getting information from someone's aura, and manifestation, why are they scraping by? Why does he take airplanes to get around? Why don't they just manifest gold, diamonds, etc. instead of needing him to send them $600 every month? I like the book, have read multiple times, but can't find it applicable to my life. It doesn't seem like the tribe uses magic to solve basic problems, which leads me wondering why not? Something doesn't add up. And for what it's worth, I've worked with shamans in real life.


I had the chance to meet Malidoma after reading his book. I was amazed by some the events depicted in book and had to track him down to see what this man was truly like. He did a divination for me that was astounding and I even wrote about in my own book - Pathless Path: God, Grace, Guru

So relatable to me!

This book is so relatable....I'm the complete opposite though...I was born into a lie and now having to untangle myself from the lies and the false history...this book has been a great help!

A book that changes the reader

Malidoma, born in what is now Burkina Faso, West Africa, was his shaman grandfather's shadow until age four. That year his grandfather died, and Malidoma was kidnapped from his home by a French Jesuit missionary. For the next 16 years he suffered almost every kind of abuse as he was trained in Western culture. He escaped at age 20 and, walking 300 miles from the seminary, found his way back to his tribal village, where he now was an outsider. The elders offered him the opportunity to participate in an intensive six-week shamanic initiation with younger tribal boys which, if he survived, would reestablish his connection to the tribe. After undergoing the initiation, Malidoma learned that his destiny lay in being a bridge between Western civilization and indigenous culture. Studying in the Sorbonne and Brandeis University, he now holds three master's degrees and two PhDs. Though he returns regularly to his tribal home for renewal, he makes his home in the U.S. where he has taught at the University of Michigan and now leads seminars, intensives, and rituals. Malidoma's open, vulnerable, detailed stories of his experiences in the Jesuit school and in his initiation are riveting. I noticed two major lessons that his culture can teach ours. One is to connect our bodies to our minds. When Malidoma first came to the U.S., he saw with the spirit eyes of his elders that people's heads were not connected to their bodies. There was a blank space where the neck should be. One aspect of this is that we place great importance upon words. Malidoma says: "The speech of silence is achieved when words, and their potential ability to hurt meaning, are done away with. Words entrap meaning, torture it, slice it into pieces the way a butcher cuts the meat of a slaughtered animal and serves it to us. . . In silence, meaning is no longer heard, but felt; and feeling is the best hearing, the best instrument for recording meaning." The second lesson is the importance of wise elders. In Malidoma's words: "Elders and mentors have an irreplaceable function in the life of any community. Without them the young are lost -- their overflowing energies wasted in useless pursuits. The old must live in the young like a grounding force that tames the tendency toward bold but senseless actions and shows them the path of wisdom. In the absence of elders, the impetuosity of youth becomes the slow death of the community." This is a book that changes the reader.

What an adventure!

What a book! What an adventure! I am sorry it is finished. I've ordered another. This book brings the magic of childhood back to life. The possibility of possibility. I could not put it down. The story-telling is perfect. The story, incredible. Read with an open mind and allow abundance to fill your inner life with wonder at all that is possible.

A must read.

I can't even collect my thoughts in a coherent manner. This is an excellent book, and although it sometimes reads like science fiction, do not write it off as such. This is Some's true experience. Beautifully written. I think many of the other reviewers have said enough (and much better than I can), but I could not leave the five star review without saying anything. I have recommended this book to everyone I know.


It's hard explain the feelings I got as I read this. A kind of rollercoaster ride into another's experience of the matrix we've been living in and the possibilities that exist beyond what we are lead to believe. BTW experiencing his words in his own voice (audible) took it to another level.

Five Stars

Great product. Fast delivery!

Horrible poor quality book

Upside down binding , bad paper quality . Bad printing quality .

Five Stars

Fantastic book.

Five Stars

All good. Very Satisfied!!

On time and good service

All good. Loved the book

Personal Purpose

I use this book in reference so often. It is an important tool for understanding so much about a person and their purpose. Excellent read.


This is the best book I have ever read in my entire life and anyone that knows me knows I've read LOTS of books. This books takes you on a truly magical journey. I don't doubt anything written in this book because I can feel the it's the truth within my soul. This book was so well-written and truly amazing. My soul couldn't get enough of it. I recommend this book to everyone i know. I wont give a description but if you're starting out on your spiritual journey, curious about the ways of some of your African ancestors, a lover of nature, or even if you're third eye is WIDE open, read this book. It's just a blessing.

Great Book

One of the best books I've read this year. I'm also spiritual and I know that African magic is real. I noticed that someone said that this guy was lying about these events. I don't know if he was lying about the event but I do know the magic works. The problem with some people is the magic may not work for them because it is not meant for them. Some of us don't have Afrikan ancestors meaning that there not of African descent. The magic is ancestral so unfortunately for some people who learn our magic, they will never be able to use it because we share the same ancestors. There was someone who mentioned >"if the magic really worked why couldn't he do more like become a millionaire. "Because there are rules to Magic and that's not how it works. Magic is spiritual not physical so those who are not spiritual will never understand how it works. (meaning those born without souls) Again this is a great book. I do recommend it to people of African descent and those who are just curious will live reading about the Magic we process. Ase' to the writer. Thanks for a great book. 👍🤗

African spirituality,

This MUST BE ADDED IN EVERY BLACK PERSONAL LIBRARY. Every Black person MUST read this book. Beautifully written! So much hidden gems within this book. As a young woman who is embarking on her spiritual journey, I recognized (some part of ) myself within this book. "It was all in me. I was the room and the door. It was all me. I just had to remember. " Malidoma Some.

what i dont get

What I don't get is, if the tribe's elders can do magic, such as telepathy, teleportation, getting information from someone's aura, and manifestation, why are they scraping by? Why does he take airplanes to get around? Why don't they just manifest gold, diamonds, etc. instead of needing him to send them $600 every month? I like the book, have read multiple times, but can't find it applicable to my life. It doesn't seem like the tribe uses magic to solve basic problems, which leads me wondering why not? Something doesn't add up. And for what it's worth, I've worked with shamans in real life.


I had the chance to meet Malidoma after reading his book. I was amazed by some the events depicted in book and had to track him down to see what this man was truly like. He did a divination for me that was astounding and I even wrote about in my own book - Pathless Path: God, Grace, Guru

So relatable to me!

This book is so relatable....I'm the complete opposite though...I was born into a lie and now having to untangle myself from the lies and the false history...this book has been a great help!

A book that changes the reader

Malidoma, born in what is now Burkina Faso, West Africa, was his shaman grandfather's shadow until age four. That year his grandfather died, and Malidoma was kidnapped from his home by a French Jesuit missionary. For the next 16 years he suffered almost every kind of abuse as he was trained in Western culture. He escaped at age 20 and, walking 300 miles from the seminary, found his way back to his tribal village, where he now was an outsider. The elders offered him the opportunity to participate in an intensive six-week shamanic initiation with younger tribal boys which, if he survived, would reestablish his connection to the tribe. After undergoing the initiation, Malidoma learned that his destiny lay in being a bridge between Western civilization and indigenous culture. Studying in the Sorbonne and Brandeis University, he now holds three master's degrees and two PhDs. Though he returns regularly to his tribal home for renewal, he makes his home in the U.S. where he has taught at the University of Michigan and now leads seminars, intensives, and rituals. Malidoma's open, vulnerable, detailed stories of his experiences in the Jesuit school and in his initiation are riveting. I noticed two major lessons that his culture can teach ours. One is to connect our bodies to our minds. When Malidoma first came to the U.S., he saw with the spirit eyes of his elders that people's heads were not connected to their bodies. There was a blank space where the neck should be. One aspect of this is that we place great importance upon words. Malidoma says: "The speech of silence is achieved when words, and their potential ability to hurt meaning, are done away with. Words entrap meaning, torture it, slice it into pieces the way a butcher cuts the meat of a slaughtered animal and serves it to us. . . In silence, meaning is no longer heard, but felt; and feeling is the best hearing, the best instrument for recording meaning." The second lesson is the importance of wise elders. In Malidoma's words: "Elders and mentors have an irreplaceable function in the life of any community. Without them the young are lost -- their overflowing energies wasted in useless pursuits. The old must live in the young like a grounding force that tames the tendency toward bold but senseless actions and shows them the path of wisdom. In the absence of elders, the impetuosity of youth becomes the slow death of the community." This is a book that changes the reader.

What an adventure!

What a book! What an adventure! I am sorry it is finished. I've ordered another. This book brings the magic of childhood back to life. The possibility of possibility. I could not put it down. The story-telling is perfect. The story, incredible. Read with an open mind and allow abundance to fill your inner life with wonder at all that is possible.

A must read.

I can't even collect my thoughts in a coherent manner. This is an excellent book, and although it sometimes reads like science fiction, do not write it off as such. This is Some's true experience. Beautifully written. I think many of the other reviewers have said enough (and much better than I can), but I could not leave the five star review without saying anything. I have recommended this book to everyone I know.


It's hard explain the feelings I got as I read this. A kind of rollercoaster ride into another's experience of the matrix we've been living in and the possibilities that exist beyond what we are lead to believe. BTW experiencing his words in his own voice (audible) took it to another level.

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