Nuclear Winter First Strike: Post Apocalyptic Survival Thriller (Nuclear Winter Series Book 1)

Kindle Edition
08 Feb
Nuclear war may kill millions.
Nuclear Winter will kill billions.

International bestselling author, Bobby Akart, one of America's favorite storytellers, delivers up-all-night thrillers to readers in 245 countries and territories worldwide.

"Love the intensity of his stories, his thorough research, his creativity, the characterizations and the abundant action and realistic locations."

Every war begins with a first shot. The shot heard 'round the world at Lexington and Concord in 1775 birthed a nation. Less than a century later, cannons firing on Fort Sumter, South Carolina thrust that same nation into a civil war. The assassination of an obscure archduke sparked a chain of events leading to World War I. The dastardly bombing of Pearl Harbor led America into the Second World War.

"Bobby Akart is the master of nail biting, edge of your seat fiction based on fact."

Akart's new novel, Nuclear Winter First Strike, depicts a world on the edge of nuclear Armageddon. Will history repeat itself as warring nations take their battles to the highest level of destruction? Can America avoid being drawn into these conflicts beyond her borders?

Nuclear Armageddon hangs over us like a mighty sword and ordinary Americans will be caught in the crosshairs.

"From the first word read to the last page turned, I knew Bobby Akart had a brilliant, engaging, horrifying tale to be told."

This is more than the story of nuclear conflict. It's about the devastating effects wrought by Nuclear Winter. Our possible future is seen through the eyes of the Albright family whose roots stretch back to the early settlement of the Florida Keys.

Hank Albright, a widower and proprietor of the Driftwood Key Inn, is the epitome of the laid-back islander inhabiting the Keys. His brother, Mike, is a homicide detective for the Monroe County Sheriff's department. Along with his wife Jessica, a paramedic and member of the Sheriff's department water emergency team, they become involved in the investigation of a sadistic serial killer.

Hank's son, Peter Albright, is a Washington, DC reporter covering the State Department. He's unknowingly thrust into the middle of the conflict in the Middle East. Upon his return home, he begins to unravel a conspiracy leading to an unexpected dynamic between the President, the Secretary of State, and North Korea.

As the drumbeats of war beat louder, Hank's oldest child, Lacey McDowell, begins to sense the warning signs. Along with her husband, Owen, and teenage son, Tucker, she begins to prepare for a hasty exit from their San Francisco Bay Area home.

"Believable and relatable characters are developed in such a spell-binding way that you must keep turning the pages."

Will America become embroiled in the nuclear conflict? Will the President cross the Rubicon, that point of no return after which lives and cities may be destroyed? For the Albrights, like their fellow Americans, their lives are about to change forever.

It was not our fight, but it became our problem.

"You are there. Feeling what they feel. Anger, joy, love, mourning. You feel it all. Not everyone can write a book like this. It takes a special writer to make you feel a book."

Bobby Akart has delivered intense, up-all-night thrillers that have you whispering just one more chapter until the end.

Reviews (160)

Let the nightmares begin!!!

In true Bobby Akart fashion, he is coming out of the gate of 2021 with a blockbuster of a story that is a nightmare inducing story! Bobby’s uncanny ability to take a topic of “what could happen” and write an epic story about it is short of preternatural! In this story we will follow the Albright family and how they prepare and handle the nuclear winter that we know is about to befall the world. This is an everyday family with normal lives as you and I as so many of Bobby’s characters are which I love. This gives so much realism to the stories and makes them feel like friends from the start. As the world watches as two countries try to annihilate each other after two previous countries had had a nuclear bomb fest, the POTUS watches with anticipation as he has his own agenda. The fallout of nuclear bombs exploding will impact the Earth in ways people can not imagine and can only look on with horror struck faces as the shtf! Come along on this epic journey that Bobby has written and together we may all survive if/when the inevitable happens! Thank you Bobby for the nightmares once again!

A Horrifying Scenario Becomes Reality

You know, when you stir up a hornet’s nest, you’re gonna get stung.” by Bobby Akart in Nuclear Winter ***** From the first word read to the last page turned, I knew Bobby Akart had a brilliant, engaging, horrifying tale to be told. He entwines the readers from the first page as he slowly introduces the Albright family, owners of a resort inn halfway down the Keys in Florida. Author Bobby Akart excels at allowing the reader to become part of the Albright family with members stretching from CA to DC to the Keys. We cringe and bite our nails as we watch how they react to the horror coming their way. The suspense, the behind the scenes machinations of governments, the evil unleashed, the world on an uncharted path are all woven into another excellent story. As the author writes “......words will just be words until you act on them.” The reality of nuclear disaster is just beginning! Well done, Bobby Akart.

Survival in a world gone mad!

Another nightmare of a story that is so close to reality you hold your breath waiting for the emergency radio to go off with a “This is not a test” message. As countries who are on the brink of nuclear warfare every day finally step in to the abyss, the world faces a future that will take decades to recover from. The story starts in the idyllic Florida Keys, where the Albright family has lived for years in quite solitude, running their Bed and Breakfast. The beautiful waters of the Atlantic and Gulf would lull any traveler into a restful and peaceful revere, but as with all Bobby Akart’s books The End Of The World As We Know It, lies just around the corner or in this case the crazy world of Middle East politics. While Pakistan and India march toward mutual destruction and Israel retaliates against Iran the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki dwarfs in comparison. The President of the United States sets back leading others to believe he is weak but North Korea is in his sights. Once the nuclear door is open and the genie is out of the bottle nothing can put him back. Like most people the Albright family can’t see how a war half a world away could affect them, but as Bobby is more than able to explain the true devastation that awaits mankind we realize that with or without new bombs our world is doomed. From the Florida Keys to D.C. and to California the family realize they must head back to Florida and the Keys if they want to survive, but family and duty may end up being the biggest obstacle to that getting to what is perceived as a safe harbor. As the darkness descends from the tons of debris soon to block out the sun drive the world into a devastating winter that could last for years, the fate of the world starts to dawn on the Albrights and on the reader. Bobby Akart still holds the title of the King of TEOTWAWKI as he again leaves us with the cliff hanger of all cliff hangers. Thanks again Bobby for another great book and what is shaping up to be the most exciting series yet.

Great BeginningTo A Great Series

I really like this story, I’m the type that likes nesting stories....people at a fairly secure location and some trying to get there. I call it nesting. Others will call it hunkering down, lol. One thing I don’t like in any series or story is the author portraying a sadist mind set. I don’t want to read and get into a bad guy or girls twisted, sadistic mind set. I realize authors do uses this because there are some out there that want that. I don’t. Thank you mr Akart for not delving into anyone twisted mind set.

3:17 am

Who you gonna trust? I wouldn’t trust that zombie they are calling President at 3pm, much less in the middle of the night. This is where we are headed, don’t kid yourself. Sorry to get political Bobby, but your book reviews are all I have left, after the FB purging. Please don’t keep us waiting too long for book 2. This is the fastest I’ve read any book. Akart is the man. Buy this book now.

The Characters In The Story Could Be You or I.

Unlike other books of this nature, the author does an excellent job of making the characters in the story believable and that it could be you are I in these circumstances. The story that is told is more turn than one wants to believe. With the turmoil between Iran and Isreal nuclear war is a true possibility. One I hope never shows its ugly face. The concept of a nuclear winter is new to me and needs some research on my part. Know that the author put a lot of time and effort into his research I'm anxiously awaiting the other books to see what that research has born out.

Slow start, big finish

I read just about everything this author writes. When he is going to have multiple books in a series, he takes the time to pack book one, at least, with A LOT of extraneous information. It’s not that it isn’t useful information, it just takes awhile to put it all in place. If you don’t have patience with it, take it in as useful information, you’ll miss a lot. Don’t be in too big a hurry to hurry the story along. I’m not going to rehash the story events as many reviewers do. The provided description by the author does a fine job outlining what you’ll be reading. If I could talk to Mr Akart, I would point out that his characters very often have advanced warning ( in this case, similar to the book of books, Alas, Babylon). Across his series, his characters very often have a place, a stash, money to buy last minute supplies and other prepped scenarios. It is a good literary device to alert the reader to how prepared you should be, but it’s getting too pat for me. I read it in this book series, that blog, and the well intentioned Pinterest list. What else? Have I read it all? Learned it all? We know the answer to that. So, what else, Mr Akart? What else is there? I’d either like to read about a hardened prepped group (in Idaho?)who springs to action at a moment’s notice ( not like The Brahmin series. That was over the top money wise) OR the complete novice who just has some seriously good survival skills and can MacGyver his way out of anything. Although, come to think of it, the LE Ranger from the Yellowstone series might have been that guy. I liked that series. I digress. I feel like I’ve read every scenario out there, but I’m still missing something. I am looking forward to the rest of the series. I will buy it. I will read it. If you are a fan of this genre, if you are looking for a new genre to try, if you want an intelligent take on current affairs (that don’t include the flu, masks or impeachment), if you like action novels, if you like intelligently written books, then you should read this. It’s even got the beginnings of a couple of possible romantic interludes. Oh, and thanks, Mr Akart, for your take on the faraday cage. That’s the design I favor after exhaustive and Advil inducing research. It makes me feel good about my decision that you concur. Highly recommend.

As Emeril used to say, BAM!!!! 😉

Wow, is all I have to say! The book keeps you on the edge of your seat and your heart pounding! It moves so fast, you lose track of time reading it! It’s scary because it can really happen!!!!

What a great post apocalyptic read!

I have read a lot of books in this genre of post apocalyptic fiction. There have been more than a few 'ho-hum' stories in those many books but, that is not the case here. I really, really enjoyed this book. (as of me writing this review I have finished book #2 in the series too). The quality of the writing, the excellent character development and storyline are captivating from the first chapter on. I grew up in SE Florida and had many visits to the Florida Keys in my dad's boat so, the places mentioned made me smile. Also, as if nuclear strikes and the aftermath are not enough, there is also a serial killer on the loose! Yikes! If you enjoy how people deal with TEOTWAWKI scenarios you are really going to enjoy this book. I can't recommend it enough.

Another winner from Mr. Akart!

Have read most of this author's prior works, none have disappointed. This latest offering is no exception. It was an exciting, engrossing page turner from start to finish. Although it did start a tiny bit slow, towards the end I was on the edge of my seat. It's a very reasonable, plausible scenario. It's also a quick read, only about 290 pages. So you won't have to pull an all-nighter to finish it. Already have Book 2 on pre-order, can't wait!

Let the nightmares begin!!!

In true Bobby Akart fashion, he is coming out of the gate of 2021 with a blockbuster of a story that is a nightmare inducing story! Bobby’s uncanny ability to take a topic of “what could happen” and write an epic story about it is short of preternatural! In this story we will follow the Albright family and how they prepare and handle the nuclear winter that we know is about to befall the world. This is an everyday family with normal lives as you and I as so many of Bobby’s characters are which I love. This gives so much realism to the stories and makes them feel like friends from the start. As the world watches as two countries try to annihilate each other after two previous countries had had a nuclear bomb fest, the POTUS watches with anticipation as he has his own agenda. The fallout of nuclear bombs exploding will impact the Earth in ways people can not imagine and can only look on with horror struck faces as the shtf! Come along on this epic journey that Bobby has written and together we may all survive if/when the inevitable happens! Thank you Bobby for the nightmares once again!

A Horrifying Scenario Becomes Reality

You know, when you stir up a hornet’s nest, you’re gonna get stung.” by Bobby Akart in Nuclear Winter ***** From the first word read to the last page turned, I knew Bobby Akart had a brilliant, engaging, horrifying tale to be told. He entwines the readers from the first page as he slowly introduces the Albright family, owners of a resort inn halfway down the Keys in Florida. Author Bobby Akart excels at allowing the reader to become part of the Albright family with members stretching from CA to DC to the Keys. We cringe and bite our nails as we watch how they react to the horror coming their way. The suspense, the behind the scenes machinations of governments, the evil unleashed, the world on an uncharted path are all woven into another excellent story. As the author writes “......words will just be words until you act on them.” The reality of nuclear disaster is just beginning! Well done, Bobby Akart.

Survival in a world gone mad!

Another nightmare of a story that is so close to reality you hold your breath waiting for the emergency radio to go off with a “This is not a test” message. As countries who are on the brink of nuclear warfare every day finally step in to the abyss, the world faces a future that will take decades to recover from. The story starts in the idyllic Florida Keys, where the Albright family has lived for years in quite solitude, running their Bed and Breakfast. The beautiful waters of the Atlantic and Gulf would lull any traveler into a restful and peaceful revere, but as with all Bobby Akart’s books The End Of The World As We Know It, lies just around the corner or in this case the crazy world of Middle East politics. While Pakistan and India march toward mutual destruction and Israel retaliates against Iran the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki dwarfs in comparison. The President of the United States sets back leading others to believe he is weak but North Korea is in his sights. Once the nuclear door is open and the genie is out of the bottle nothing can put him back. Like most people the Albright family can’t see how a war half a world away could affect them, but as Bobby is more than able to explain the true devastation that awaits mankind we realize that with or without new bombs our world is doomed. From the Florida Keys to D.C. and to California the family realize they must head back to Florida and the Keys if they want to survive, but family and duty may end up being the biggest obstacle to that getting to what is perceived as a safe harbor. As the darkness descends from the tons of debris soon to block out the sun drive the world into a devastating winter that could last for years, the fate of the world starts to dawn on the Albrights and on the reader. Bobby Akart still holds the title of the King of TEOTWAWKI as he again leaves us with the cliff hanger of all cliff hangers. Thanks again Bobby for another great book and what is shaping up to be the most exciting series yet.

Great BeginningTo A Great Series

I really like this story, I’m the type that likes nesting stories....people at a fairly secure location and some trying to get there. I call it nesting. Others will call it hunkering down, lol. One thing I don’t like in any series or story is the author portraying a sadist mind set. I don’t want to read and get into a bad guy or girls twisted, sadistic mind set. I realize authors do uses this because there are some out there that want that. I don’t. Thank you mr Akart for not delving into anyone twisted mind set.

3:17 am

Who you gonna trust? I wouldn’t trust that zombie they are calling President at 3pm, much less in the middle of the night. This is where we are headed, don’t kid yourself. Sorry to get political Bobby, but your book reviews are all I have left, after the FB purging. Please don’t keep us waiting too long for book 2. This is the fastest I’ve read any book. Akart is the man. Buy this book now.

The Characters In The Story Could Be You or I.

Unlike other books of this nature, the author does an excellent job of making the characters in the story believable and that it could be you are I in these circumstances. The story that is told is more turn than one wants to believe. With the turmoil between Iran and Isreal nuclear war is a true possibility. One I hope never shows its ugly face. The concept of a nuclear winter is new to me and needs some research on my part. Know that the author put a lot of time and effort into his research I'm anxiously awaiting the other books to see what that research has born out.

Slow start, big finish

I read just about everything this author writes. When he is going to have multiple books in a series, he takes the time to pack book one, at least, with A LOT of extraneous information. It’s not that it isn’t useful information, it just takes awhile to put it all in place. If you don’t have patience with it, take it in as useful information, you’ll miss a lot. Don’t be in too big a hurry to hurry the story along. I’m not going to rehash the story events as many reviewers do. The provided description by the author does a fine job outlining what you’ll be reading. If I could talk to Mr Akart, I would point out that his characters very often have advanced warning ( in this case, similar to the book of books, Alas, Babylon). Across his series, his characters very often have a place, a stash, money to buy last minute supplies and other prepped scenarios. It is a good literary device to alert the reader to how prepared you should be, but it’s getting too pat for me. I read it in this book series, that blog, and the well intentioned Pinterest list. What else? Have I read it all? Learned it all? We know the answer to that. So, what else, Mr Akart? What else is there? I’d either like to read about a hardened prepped group (in Idaho?)who springs to action at a moment’s notice ( not like The Brahmin series. That was over the top money wise) OR the complete novice who just has some seriously good survival skills and can MacGyver his way out of anything. Although, come to think of it, the LE Ranger from the Yellowstone series might have been that guy. I liked that series. I digress. I feel like I’ve read every scenario out there, but I’m still missing something. I am looking forward to the rest of the series. I will buy it. I will read it. If you are a fan of this genre, if you are looking for a new genre to try, if you want an intelligent take on current affairs (that don’t include the flu, masks or impeachment), if you like action novels, if you like intelligently written books, then you should read this. It’s even got the beginnings of a couple of possible romantic interludes. Oh, and thanks, Mr Akart, for your take on the faraday cage. That’s the design I favor after exhaustive and Advil inducing research. It makes me feel good about my decision that you concur. Highly recommend.

As Emeril used to say, BAM!!!! 😉

Wow, is all I have to say! The book keeps you on the edge of your seat and your heart pounding! It moves so fast, you lose track of time reading it! It’s scary because it can really happen!!!!

What a great post apocalyptic read!

I have read a lot of books in this genre of post apocalyptic fiction. There have been more than a few 'ho-hum' stories in those many books but, that is not the case here. I really, really enjoyed this book. (as of me writing this review I have finished book #2 in the series too). The quality of the writing, the excellent character development and storyline are captivating from the first chapter on. I grew up in SE Florida and had many visits to the Florida Keys in my dad's boat so, the places mentioned made me smile. Also, as if nuclear strikes and the aftermath are not enough, there is also a serial killer on the loose! Yikes! If you enjoy how people deal with TEOTWAWKI scenarios you are really going to enjoy this book. I can't recommend it enough.

Another winner from Mr. Akart!

Have read most of this author's prior works, none have disappointed. This latest offering is no exception. It was an exciting, engrossing page turner from start to finish. Although it did start a tiny bit slow, towards the end I was on the edge of my seat. It's a very reasonable, plausible scenario. It's also a quick read, only about 290 pages. So you won't have to pull an all-nighter to finish it. Already have Book 2 on pre-order, can't wait!

Security: where art thou?

This exciting novel so intrigued me that I read it in two days! There is a wealth of research that went into this novel. I hope that Book 2 in this 4-book series will be available in a few weeks. I am chomping at the bit in anticipation.

Highly entertaining page turner

This was a very entertaining book because it was a thriller about nuclear apoctolyptic event. Characters and senarios were well developed. The action moved quickly and evenly... Which is why I am buying book 2 now. This book can be easily assimilated by anyone with a high school education or up. It's not Crime and Punishment, but it's a wonderful way to enjoy your time. Jacqueline Rodzinski

Wow! What a nail biter!

Wow! What a nail biter! This starts off quite exciting and transitions to character and principle story development. Flushed out nicely with some backstory for good measure you can’t help but be pulled into this story. No spoilers here, just buy it! Looking forward for the sequel!

First Strike

Well, it doesn't come as a surprise to me that Bobby Akart has another hit book on his hand. I loved this story of the Albright family with the coming of nuclear missiles. I did get amused at one point when hang was reading a book, which is actually a very good series also. Mr. Akart is a superb story teller and this is another of his successes.

Boring for most part

It took until about chapter twenty for it to become interesting. Too many characters and too much political background. Would rather see the author focus on two main characters.

Write faster! Please!

Bobby Akart is one of my favorite writers! This book was awesome. I have loved everyone of books. He makes sure you get to know the characters without taking half the book to do so. I am already invested in the Albright family and I can hardly stand to wait for the next book.

Need a late Winter Read?

Bobby Akart continues to deal out suspenseful stories that could very well be the headlines of tomorrow’s news. This story of family separated in three points of the country in an apparent effort to unite as a family and to survive the horrors of the nuclear madness that will erupt around them....a must read!

Good read

Can the world be so crazy? Look at our own government s p ending four years trying to destroy our own President. I'll believe anything.

Can't get enough Akart!

This is another winner from Akart. I buy these books as soon as they are available and look forward to each one! This new book is a very fast read and I can't wait for the next!

Great world building leading to a cliffhanger.

Akart never disappoints in his character building. Drawing you in to the protagonist life. In this story multiple ones. Spoiler alert one or two or more evil antagonists maybe lurking. Will all or only some survive the coming days of horror.

Nuclear Winter

Bobby, You have done it again...another book when started, is impossible to put down! Well researches and written, which I have come to expect from this author. Now begins the long wait for the second book in the series. Great job!

Couldn't put it down!

Bobby Akart has done it again. Not surprised that he has captured my attention in another thrilling series. I can barely wait for the next book. Always a can't-put-it-down-until-the-last-page book. Love it!!!!

A great thriller about a Nuclear Winter!!

A great thriller about a Nuclear Winter following a nuclear war!!!

Scary real

A well researched and thoughtfuly written book. Everything seems connected, like real life. It is frightening that there is the capability for so much destruction. Have to see what happens in the next book.

And Then There Were .... ?

Bobby Akart has written another “tune in next week” serialized TEOTWAWKI thriller. What’s going to happen to the Albright family? What about the other people in their lives? Gotta buy book two where the saga continues.

Cliff Hanger

Have always enjoyed the way Bobby Akart writes. His characters are strong, intelligent, and believable. The story line keeps one guessing and I for one will purchase the next book.

Strikes Again

Bobby Akart - you are a Master Storyteller! Every time I see you’ve published a new book- there goes the rest of the day(s) until I’m done. Waiting anxiously for book 2...


Wow, what a story. I love the characters in this story. I definitely need more, and can't wait to read the next book. Great Read. Absolutely loved every minute of it.

Good. Very good!

Could not stop reading. Like so many of his other books, it is very descriptive and follows the lives of a family spread out across our nation. Can’t wait to read the follow on books.

Don't hesitate! Grab this book now!!

Late night and sleepy mornings is what I get from reading Bobby Akarts books. This book was no exception. I could not stop reading, and I find myself hoping he releases book 2 early! Great book Mr. Akart, you are by far my favorite author.

Intense and action packed!

Great story and characters! Very intense and intriguing events that leaves you wondering what happened next! I couldn't put it down!Great job!

Hopefully this will NEVER happen!

Another story that has my heart racing! What will happen next? Imagining where I need to go here in Minnesota. Onto Armageddon!


I could not put this book down. I had to finish it to see what happened next. Thank you for this eye opening series.

Couldn’t put it down

Exciting book and very possible which made it scary too . Looking forward to the next book . Great read !

Good read

This guy writes a good book! Grabs you and sucks you right in! Hope its never a reality.

Outstanding Read!

Absolutely, well written, based upon what research that I have read, very accurate While written as fictional, I totally enjoy and agree with his story line. Waiting on the next book.


As our world is today, the author brings home the possibilities of this occurring within our lifetime. Well written, keeping you on edge throughout the book, can’t wait for the next. Thank you Bobby!

Incredible beginning to a series

I've read almost everything this very prolific author has written and among his fans, I think I'm a little infamous for never rating any other series even close to the Lone Star series and the Armstrong family characters. Nuclear Winter: First Strike and the Albright family are coming dangerously close to nudging my beloved Armstrong family into a tie for first place. I'm scared to fall for any of these folks because of what Mr. Akart might go and put them through. I adore them already! And I'll be darned if, after all the cliffhangers he's thrown at readers in the past, Akart didn't go and come up with one that will have you wide-eyed and wondering. If you're the sort that absolutely can't handle a cliffhanger, you may want to wait until the entire series is released, then grab them all to devour in one sitting. On pins and needles over here waiting for the next book!

Bobby Akart outdid himself again

I've read every book Bobby Akart has written (that I know of on Amazon). While I'm an unabashed and biased fan of the "Lone Star" series (I'm a Texan, of course I'm a fan) and the "Boston Brahmin" series ((Choose Freedom!), this "Nuclear Winter" series beginning may be on par or even better than those. I have a personal background in this series' story, as I was an 8 year US Air Force airman, with all of my service in nuclear ICBMs. I was at the Strategic Air Command base at Minot AFB, ND for 4 years in Missile Control Comm Systems responsible for ensuring the launch commands and codes would enable the nuclear missiles in 150 Launch Facilities to launch from the 15 Launch Control Centers underground. I was then a Technical Instructor teaching my career field to new trainees for 3 years and then another year maintaining those missile comm trainers before I separated from the Air Force. This story is very real to me. I can't wait for Book 2 to be released. I have been reading for as long as I have been able to read (maybe longer, since my mother said that she read to me while I was in her womb). Like some of the most famous and prolific Science Fiction masters such as Heinlein, Asimov, Clarke, Bradbury, and Hubbard, I put Bobby Akart right up there as my all-time favorite. While those past masters predicted much of the science that was then fiction and decades later became science fact, Bobby Akart so deeply researches and lays down geopolitical and science foundations in his books, that the stories many times become fact and headlines the year they are published. You will never be so engaged and entertained as when reading an Akart story. I highly recommend this series.

Best book EVER.

I am speechlrss. By far the most edge of your seat, acrylic nail bitting book ever. E V E R. I am sat here contemplating the nuclear triggers today. Do I have enough preps? Am I or my family reafy for a nuclear war? WOW. This book is beautifuly written. Mr. Akart has another homerun. By far his best series/book. I love several, if not many of his series. Lone Star, The Boston Brahman, The Pandemic series and so on. The characters suck you in on a roller coaster ride of emotions. Erin and Hank, they are so cute. The grisly murders. Owen, Lavey and Tucker...stuck in California. Poor Peter in D.C. I almost cant handle the stress. Thank you Bobby. You have a winner. Now the dredded waiting game on the next installment.

Carl Sagan first posited Nuclear Winter as a consequence of an exchange of nuclear weapons on the Earth.

The massive dust cloud was composed of the dirt, debris and what remained of millions of human bodies after their temperatures were raised by a million degrees in a millionth of a second. Tons of radiated particles drifted into the jet streams pushing them around the world in just a few days time. The Sun's healing energies were blocked from reaching the surface of the planet, the temperatures cooled and vegetation couldn't receive the nourishment needed. Plant and animal life disappeared from the frozen surface and another mass extinction cleared the planet of the pest called Mankind. Hank Albright's family had owned and operated the Driftwood Key Inn on Driftwood Key south of Florida for nearly a hundred years. He and his family had been born and raised in the Albright family home there. Hank and his staff prepared for another busy week of visitors and guests. They weren't aware of the current crisis in the Middle East between Iran and Israel. With the aid of Russia and North Korea, Iran had advanced its nuclear weapons program to the equal of Israel's and was looking for provocation. Someone killed all their nuclear scientists and Iran launched against Tel Aviv and Haifa. The Israeli counter attack leveled Tehran. With all the turmoil around the Middle East, Pakistan and India rattled their shares at each other then proceeded to empty their silos of their nuclear stockpiles. Billions of Pakistani and Indian lives were lost in the conflagration. The little North Korean fat man couldn't hold his water and started punching buttons launching ICBMs at US targets. And there you have it. The end of the world as we know it. And the story has just begun.


Pretty scary scenario. Mostly because it could happen quite easier than most of us think. Of course America has already fallen due to the fact that we have a Chinese controlled government in office.

Surprisingly good

Prepper/survival fiction is a weakness of mine I am not particularly proud of. Especially since, quite frankly, most of the genre is crap writing with predictable characters in predictable circumstances doing predictable things. I try to resist, but once in awhile I need my prepper fiction fix. I generally use kindle unlimited since I don't expect to find anything worth keeping. This book, however, is an exception. Predictable things happen, of course. I's prepper fiction. Or survival fiction. Whatever. But this one actually surprised me a few times. Some of those "predictable" characters turned out to not be so predictable after all. And they didn't always do the things I predicted them to do. They did quite often, but there was enough unpredictability to be a pleasant surprise. What was even more of a pleasant surprise was how fully fleshed out the characters are. The author spent a good bit of time both fleshing out the characters and making them real, as well as adding in things that I very much look forward to seeing played out in the following books in this series. Totally gonna check out this author's other stuff as well.

Excellent Beginning!

What a great beginning of an interesting but very scary scenario. Bobby Akart does his homework when he researches his books, and this one is no different. Love the science and love the characters. Can't wait to see what happens next!

Eye Opening Read

This makes you think hard about how behind the scenes actions can impact regular people. The characters are like us, living normal lives. You realize that if you do not pay attention, you can get caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. I do not want to give anything away. I recommend reading the book and looking at the science. It is well worth the time. Looking forward to the next book.

It could happen

Bobby Akart continues to scare me to death. Not because he writes scary stuff, but because he is right so often. Nuclear Winter tells the story of what could happen when ambiguous foreign policy decisions are mixed with stupid people. The story follows the Albright family as international events spiral out of control. As usual, Mr Akart’s research and attention to detail are impeccable.

Bobby Akart drops another successful apocalypse

I came across my first Bobby Akart series a couple of years back on Kindle Unlimited. I've since read a significant portion of his catalog and, frankly, his books are pretty great. There is a sort of formula that he follows, and for folk easily bothered by this I suggest you reconsider in this case. I'm personally not a fan of formulaic series', but Akart consistently provides twists and turns unique to each adventure and each cast of characters and the action is always an adrenaline rush. That said, if you're already a fan of Akart's work, this one is a no-brainer.

Crossing the Rubicon

Where to start? The fecal matter definitely hits the oscillator in this one. What makes it so scary is it's so plausible. As always, Bobby does his homework, just praying this work of fiction never becomes reality. A cliffhanger too. Can't wait for the next one in the series!

Nuclear Nightmare

If I ever won the lottery, I would have a fallout shelter built. Even though while I was in grade school, we practiced getting under our desks (as if that would have afforded us any protection), the threat of a nuclear bomb has never felt real. That is until this book. Now I think "bomb shelter" and not "tornado shelter" as the one accessory any home should have. It must be so frightening to hear the emergency alert signal and find out it's because missiles are already in the air headed for a location near you. I sincerely hope no one will ever hear such an announcement nor have to live through the aftermath. Golly, I also hope I don't have nightmares tonight.

He does it again!

A 'hold your breath' read that races along. Exceedingly well researched with characters every bit as real as your spouse and your children, this tale (that could well turn true) deals with the multitude of ramifications of multiple nuclear strikes. A nightmare in the making. In retrospect perhaps this wasn't the best 'just before bedtime ' reading, but I had to finish, even though it means a longer wait for the second book in the series. Just as an aside, there is much to bee gleaned from this book that would prove useful in any disaster scenario one might encounter and helps give one additional ideas on any sort of emergency preparedness.

Great book 1 in what looks to be an excellent series

This author tends to build his story methodically and deliberately and this is no different. Besides becoming acquainted with the characters, we have the opportunity to be educated about nuclear war and its effects along with the characters in the story. There are 3 groups of people all of whom tie together as part of a family. This was also interesting as to how events in distant places start out as only of mild interest here in the US and then rapidly become very serious. There was a very suspenseful build to cataclysmic events that made it hard to put the book down and my other work suffered. I very much look forward to the next in this series.

Ended Too Soon!

Bobby Akart never fails to feed my addiction to apocalyptic fiction. This beginning is no just ended too soon! As usual the wedding of fact and fiction is scary stuff. Who hasn't heard of EMPs by now? We have no doubt that Hank Albright, his extended family, and new found romantic interest are in for a harrowing future, with some making the long trek home many of them on foot, and it will be an uphill struggle far into the series. Hopefully the Florida Keys will ameliorate their problems a little but I wouldn't bet on it. Can't believe I have to wait a month to see what happens next!

I always learn so much from any of Akart's books. Awesome!

I liked everything about this book. I was immediately interested in the Albright family. I got so into the story I spent half the time on my Kindle and the other half on my phone looking up information and places Akart mentions just so I can invision where his story is taking me. Everyone of his book leave me knowing so much more than I did before reading it. It is exciting to always become invested in the characters and in every decision they have to make for survival. I'm sincerely hoping it won't be long until Book 2.

Short but excellent read

This is the first part of a series of books. It’s a fairly quick read. The characters are not over the top and seem like many upper middle class Americans. The scenario is plausible in our current world today and that’s terrifying. The steps some of the characters take in direct response to the events they witness occurring are reasonable, measured and practical. Once again Bobby Akart delivers a heart pounding start of a series that leaves me anxiously awaiting the next book! Keep up the great work!

Where will you be when the lights go out?

When a president hesitates, and a dictator jumps the gun, and no one stops to consider the ramifications, chaos ensues. All are not prepared for survival of nuclear war as the world around them collapses. Scattered family members struggle to travel to the safety of their father’s home. Bobby brings to life the perils of the journey, while introducing his readers to each member of the family in endearing detail. Where will you be when the lights go out?

Another edge-of-your-seat book by Bobby Akart!

Mr. Akart started off with a good explanation of what would happen with a nuclear winter and why we should be concerned with something like this happening on the other side of the world. Heaven forbid it ever does. The sub plots are interesting and keep the story moving along, and the realistic nature of what might happen keeps you glued to the book until the last page! Can’t wait to read the next book in the series.

Dang! Bobby has me

On the edge of my seat with my heart racing again! Even though APOC books about nuclear strikes are pretty standard fare, Bobby Akart gets you invested in the characters from the get go. There are several side stories going on also so if political plots or murder mysteries are your thing this won't disappoint. Good writing, good plot, good excitement in another Akart bestseller.

Great story

Good characters and plot this first in a new series starts slow but picks up quickly. It’s scenario close to my childhood living fear of the Cold War going hot. Air raid drills of bending over in hallways waiting for the bomb to drop. Updated from the 1969s this the modern version of a Cuban crisis. Looking forward to the next in series this author always delivers

Edge of the seat cliffhanger

With his usual great plotting and attention to detail, Bobby Akart leads the reader deeper into the intricacies of near real-life events leading up to nuclear disaster. Hard to put the book down. Inserting the Westcoast piece of action (no spoiler alert --read the book) was a great piece of plotting. Highly recommend reading Book 1. Once hooked I'm sure Books 2 and 3 will follow on your reading list.

Do you know where your fallout shelter is? is?

Alright. I think this series is going to be a good one. The characters are in place. Everyone has a plan. Do they have enough time to implement it? I won't find out! Cliffhanger!

Another Good One

I thought it started a bit slow, but that was getting introduced to all the characters. I felt like I had read the book before for almost the whole story. Have I? Is this a new story? The ending was hard to put down and I suppose if this wasn't an old story that I will have to wait for the next installment. Should be interesting.


I remember reading nuclear war novels many years ago and being wary then. Today it's much worse. Everything is bigger, deadlier, and fall more likely to happen. This version is full of good advice, but alas I doubt it will be enough when it all happens. Akart is a master of the genre and I wait for each new installment.


This scenario is one that makes you really think about how a nuclear war could happen. It's something that we all should consider... It is very possible that this could be a future reality! It wouldn't take much for another country to start the war and it would definitely be the end of civilization as we know it. Read it!

WOW - Never disappointed

Immediately knew this book was a cut above all others. They just get better. I love the seemingly irrelevant series of plot developments that soon reveal their common denominator. I felt like i was living the story which got faster and faster until the moment I had to stop and wait for the next episode of the series. WOW.

Knocked it out of the park again

Well Bobby went and knocked it out of the park again. This book makes you think about what could happen and the scenarios in the book are so possible. One of the things I like about Bobby's books are how he makes the characters feel like you know them. The thing I don't like about Bobby's books are that I have to wait until the next book in a series is released. LOL Good job Bobby! Keep it up!


Great 'what if' story. I hope Erin makes it back to Hank, but I don't see how that will happen. Other than not capitalizing 'Secretary of State' and 'Secretary of Defense', the book was fairly well edited. I read the book within a 24 hour period -- I couldn't put it down. I would highly recommend this book.

Wow! Scary Smart!!

I have read your books, some twice. You have proved your ability to weave a complex set of events into a griping story that keeps me turning pages and needing more answers. The skills you have composed into Nuclear Winter #1 are, in my opinion, your best with exclamation mark! So says this fan of Bobby Smart, a fan who lives off the grid on a Southwest Texas ranch. One more thing; who watches T.V. when reading an Smart story??

Bobby Akart is THE Doomsday Whisperer!

As always, Bobby hits it out of the park with his uncanny ability to suck you into the story, leaving you wondering “what if?”, and am I truly prepared if it did?! With perfect character introductions and development, and detailed fictional events full of factual research, he leaves you begging for more at the end of each and every book & series...and hoping none it ever comes true! Choose Freedom!

It'll Keep You Up

This is an awesome example of its the end of the world as we know it story. It makes you think, teaches you a bit about preparing, and above all has great characters!!! I'm rushing to get the next book while praying its ready for release. Don't hesitate, you won't regret reading it.

Best Plot ever

This apocalyptic tale has a very interesting scenario for an expansion of regional conflict to global catastrophe . It is reminiscent of the strange evolution of WW I , which evolved out of clandestine treaties between European states . I find the book chilling because of its plausibility . I can’t wait for the remainder of this series

Wow. I should say Wow!!! Just wow!

Just when I thought my fingernails were growing out from the last book I read of Mr. Akart's, I have once again read a nail bitting book of his. His books starts off, as always, at a calm even pace and before you know it your heart is beating faster and your blood pressure is up!

Another Outstaning Novel

Mr. Akart has hit another home run with this novel. I particularly enjoy his attention to detail and his ability to see things from a simple point of view. I read his offering in one sitting and enjoyed it immensely. Great story teller and easy to read and relate to! Thanks...

The possibilities are Terrifying!

Took me a while to settle down and go to sleep after devouring Nuclear Winter book 1 and praying to God that this isn't our future. Great author......terrific books.....every single one of them...... and I've read them all. Please can I read Nuclear Winter 2, 3, and 4 now????

The best book

I read a good number of apocalyptic books. This first book of what I hope is a long series is the best book of this type that I have read. It has a very real quality about it. There are now ex military terrorizing the good folks it is just fairly normal folks and their reaction to a nuclear strike on our soil. Very well done

That was a ride

Bobby Akart has done it again! Characters with depth coupled with an incredibly well researched topic wasn't enough for the golden man of post apocalyptic fiction. Oh no he went and threw in a murder mystery just to keep everyone guessing as well as what I believe is one of his best crafted cliff hangers.

Very loong

It took the whole book to reach the boom. That's more than enough time to flesh out all the characters for the next book.

Masterful and suspenseful!

Bobby Akart does it again! He brings the very plausible possibility of nuclear devastation right into our living rooms! Engaging, thoughtful, and relevant, with science merged with fiction, First Strike will have you on the edge of your seat waiting for the horrors yet to come! Masterful story telling!


Ripped right out of today's headlines! I love Akart's books, spot on technically and harrowing in their accuracy. I just wish this particular book hadn't had the first 30+ pages as acknowledgements--would rather have had more storyline. Just my 2 cents!


Mr Akart's books art always a good read for free time. Like vacations. Some places you visit involve a lot of running around, itineraries, etc. Others, like say Cancun, are restful and refreshing. His books are like Cancun. Enjoyable, and they move right along, avoiding minutae that clog these kinds of stories.


We follow a family that is thrust into prepping for nuclear winter. The president has a personal agenda that puts the US in danger. The country is not prepared for this event. The false alarm event puts it plainly. People will do what they have to, to survive.

Fear takes hold

This is a nail biting edge of chair read. I couldn’t put it down. America faces a nuclear attack and the population is woefully unprepared. Some recognize the need to stockpile for the disaster this causes but most are sadly unprepared. Who will survive?

Was up until 4am to finish. That good!

I'm glad I started Nuclear Winter on a Saturday, I was up until 4am to finish it! I love Bobby Akart's writing. All his characters are written in a way that is so believable, they become friends and I want them on my side when something dreadful happens.


If you aren’t breathless as you reach the end of the book, then you aren’t alive. Another Akart Amazing Adventure!!


Considering the world today, this book is so appropriate. Unfortunately the events are all to real and could happen. This is the first book in the series and is very thought proving. Follow the Albright Family and learn about Nuclear Winter.

WOW! Akart does it again!

Just when many authors are cranking out multiple sequels with matching story line formulas, Bobby Apart gives us a fresh story with a cast of great characters to take us into Akart World once again. I couldn't put it down and can't wait for the next chapter.

He has done it again!

Bobby Akert is truly a master story teller. It must be his basis in fact that carries the reader through his books. You simply cannot stop reading them. Scary most of the time but full of helpful info. Can’t wait for others in this series

It's a page turner.

Very entertaining. A page turner. Both books 1 and 2 are fast paced and demonstrate an impressive degree of research into the expected effects of nuclear detonations and the subsequent effects of fallout and lingering ash clouds.

What a Rush of Adrenaline!

Can t wait for the second book to come out! Don't start reading unless you have time to finish! You won't be able to put the book down! So true to the times we live in now! Start prepping now while you still have time!!

It Makes You Think

Again, The author is hitting out of the park and he is cinematic in his writing. What would happen? How would people react? I keep thinking of the false alert that was broadcast in Hawaii and how the residents there reacted.

Verrry Interesting!

I really enjoyed this book.The historical references and the descriptions of the possibilities of nuclear winter interspersed with an interesting set of characters kept engaged. I am ready for the next book in the series!

Great read

Not your ordinary apocalyptic story. The author led into the story wonderfully. Very knowledgeable regarding government procedures. Have not read a book dealing with nuclear weapons. Looking forward to next book.

Another Akart book collection...

I have been reading his books for years. Doubt I missed any. All considered good and many are excellent. NUCLEAR WINTER #1 was in the excellent area. Based on multiple World countries with large numbers of Atomic Bombs developed and built but less concern of the bombs use. Multiple use of the Nuclear(Atomic) bombs can cause World Winter. A collection of family members and friends across America filled the story. One of the teenage sons; “Tucker” certainly caught my eyes since that is my casual name. I await #2 in mid March, and #3 later in the year.


I live 20 miles from Marathon in the Florida Keys, so the setting of part of this novel calls to me. The story's premise is ripped right out of today's headlines and scares me to death. Good reading!

Another great read

The story starts slow with out education and then moves to a triple location story that will hopefully will find the family together in the end. Until then I will sit back and enjoy the possibilities.


Wow! Sure glad this story is fiction because it's too close to the truth. But it's at fast paced story that will keep you turning pages to the end, and then wanting g more. Good job Bobby Akart!


I have read at least 20 of your books and I love them all but if you are going to use maps for God's sake make them readable. I need a magnifying glass to get any information from the map on page 9.

Midnight page turner

Once again Bobby Smart delivered in spades. Great, real characters, that are easy to relate to and have a great sense of strength. I can't wait to see where the next book takes this adventure.


Oh Wow! Mr. Akart has done it again with another scary, amazing and plausible story for us! What frightening is that Bobby’s stories tend to become reality! Let’s hope not! Give it a read!

Akart did it again!

Crisis almost immediately, which is topped by yet another crisis, which it topped by the worst yet! Nukes falling in America! Wish I could write more but I have to download the next book!

Disaster Reading

Bobby Apart wrote a gripping and believable disaster story that may have subconsciously concerned citizens of the globe for generations; nuclear war. While individuals may have worried about a particular country causing this horror, what happens if more than one country is involved? Read his book and find out!


Mr. Akart has done it again! Could not put it down... Character development excellent. Story line is scary as hell and appropriate for our time. If your not ready, this will make you think twice. Thank you for a thrilling ride!!!

Bobby Akart

1st Strike is another great book by Bobby Akart. Well written, great background information, wonderful character development. Looking forward to reading the next book in the series.

Anything by Akart is a go-to for me

Akart writes a great balance of action and real people. Let’s you know in advance what he’s drawing from fact vs possibilities. I can smell and feel what he writes. That’s a gift.

Akart awesomeness!

Another awesome story! Loved the easter eggs in this one from some of his other series. Being in snow and ice armageddon I managed to read it in a day because I couldn't put it down.

His best yet!

I've read most of Akart's work and this is the best yet. Can't wait for the next one to come out. It will be a long sleepless night when it does. I could not put this one down.

Incredible! Thought provoking! A MUST read!

We hoped and prayed that it would NEVER happen..., but it did! Again, Mr. Akart has combined fact with a remarkable set of characters and a realistic scenario.

A Harrowing Nightmare

Well written disaster that chills the heart. Every person's nightmare and then some. I enjoyed this first in the series and look forward to reading the next one.

Semper Fi Bobby

Bobby Akart does it again. Having read every book he’s written, Nuclear Winter is another home run. We truly are living the Biblical End Times, thank you Bobby, keep writing and praying.

Calming down is not possible!

I just reached the end of this book and was so gripped by the story I realized I had been holding my breath . Can't wait to read the next book in the series!


Realizing this could happen at any time. Actually reading it happening. Know I g there is nothing you can do to prevent it. Knowing it all depends on nutcases.

Yes Bobby Akart!!

Oh my goodness, this is so scary & could be so real. I couldn't put it down. Pure Bobby Akart thriller, the best do far. I can't wait to get the next one.

Fiction that could happen tomorrow

Couldn't put it down. Starting Book 2 right away. Bobby writes in a way that makes you believe. Pray it never happens. Whoops. Just found out it isn't out yet. Can't wait.

Riveting story

To enjoy these sorts of books seems a bit odd I guess. But they make you think. They make you aware of the what ifs. We all need to try to be aware....

Nuclear Winter Book 1

Bobby Akart has captured the horror of yet another potential disaster of teotwawki proportions. Another great book that will hold you in edge to the end.

Good Read

The first book in the series leaves me hungry for the follow up. The story has believable characters and is well paced. Thanks for another series that will keep me coming back

They keep getting better and better

Another great read from Bobby Akart. His character development and timing of taking current events and turning them into a novel is always spot on.

Mr Akart has done it again.

What a fantastic start to a new series. Loved reading this and can’t wait for the next one. You can not go wrong reading any of his books.

Educating read

Great senario of a families prenuclear disaster experience. A lot of character development in this first book in the series. I’m looking forward to see how they make out.

Exciting Lead Up To A Nuclear War

This was a very plausible nuclear war scenario. As a nuclear war fiction buff I was riveted and finished the book in one sitting . Let the bikes fly , baby.

Bobby does it again!

if you’ve followed Gunter Fox then you know as soon as Florida is mentioned a primary setting is a Bobby wintering spot. And a common scattered-family character set will be prepping and bugging out. Even so, Bobby does this genre so well that it never gets old, you always get hooked.

WOW! That was amazing!!!

How do you do it Bobby Akart? Each series just keeps getting better. Truly couldn't put this one down. Tried to slow down to make it last but that was impossible. The only down side is I've got to wait till next month for the second book in the series!

First Strike review

Nuclear Winter First Strike is the first post apocalyptic survival book in the Nuclear Winter series written by author Bobby Akart.

Fantastic fast paced read

Though I have read many of the authors books, I believe this is one.of his best. Truly looking forward to the next installment.


As usual Bobby comes through with a realistic thought provoking read. NO mis-spelling. Well edited unlike many other e-books.

Great New Series by Akart, must Read !

Another Great Series by Bob Akart . Suspenseful and Realistic, this Can Happen! Well written and Timely. Know you will enjoy!

Great book book

You always write great 👍 books this one looks like it's going to be one of the better ones I can't wait for the next one !

did it again

I loved Nuclear Winter. I got the audible book and played it for my husband. He really enjoyed the murder mystery in the story.

Never Underestimate the Master

I never would have believed the that Mr. Akart could outdo himself! Well, he has! This is quite possibly the best book he has ever written!

This book scared me, so real

Mr. Bobby Akart is a genius!!. Reading this book feels like reading tomorrow's headlines. It's so real and full of facts!!!

Wow....this’ll get your heart racing.

Well, this was one captivating book! A real page turner. Excellent storyline and characters. I’m so looking forward to Book 2!

Hold on & read!

Never fails to keep you reading until your done. Well researched , likeable characters, and above all very plausible scenarios.


As usual Bobby Akart pulls you into a book by just being normal but with an edge. Definitely worth a read!

This may be his best series yet!!

This boon is amazing!! Bobby is awesome at really bringing his characters to life. I can’t wait for the next books in the series.

Great read

This is a great start to a new series. Great new characters to get to know I can’t wait for next edition.

Another good book by Bobby Akart

Page turner once all the characters were introduced. I'm going to get the next book in the series. Makes you think about world affairs.

Awesome Read

Given today’s political climate, the expansion of nuclear technology around the world and with the Bad Players thrown into the mix this is a Great read as to what could happen and the effects it could have on countless peoples far away from any conflict.


Well written book with interesting characters. Kinda close to our reality in the grand scheme of life. I'm looking forward to the next book!

Never disappoints!

Great fast moving plausible story. Thank you Mr. Akart. I look forward to each new book released and can't wait for the second book in this new series.


Bobby Akart is a wonderful writer and storyteller. Nuclear Winter is book that one just can’t put down, Looking forward to the next book in the series.

Must read

I loved the book a real page turner. This author keeps you very interested. Just another awesome book for the author!

Very good

Very exciting and engaging, great characters, good research It ends on a cliffhanger so I am looking forward to book 2


Great story and well researched. Looking forward to the next book.

It could actually happen.....

Bobby Akart does it again with a totally believable disaster story. The characters are well thought out and the story line sounds like it was ripped from future headlines. I can’t wait to read the next book in this series.

Keep em coming!

Good interesting riveting read. Once again the author has not let me down. Looking forward to the next in the series!

Very suspensfull

Very exciting a lot of research must have been done prior to writing it. Looking forward to the next installment.




Great book can't wait to read the next one in the series has given me more ideas to be prepared


This grabbed me from the very beginning. Great book and can’t wait for the next one!

Couldn't put it down!

Loved the book from beginning to end. Bobby's character development is second to none and keeps you involved in the story.

Outstanding research , credible plot and tight writing. 5 stars plus. Hard to wait for book two. Really timely read.

This book is extremely well researched. The plot and characters are well developed but still leave wanting to know more about them. The writing is clean and tight. Great read. Want book two ASAP.

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