No Regrets (Healing Hearts Book 1)

Kindle Edition
12 Aug
He was supposed to be a one-night stand!

Landon doesn’t have time for love. Literally. After being given a terminal diagnosis, he is living on borrowed time. Determined to make the best of the life he has left, Landon makes a bucket list of all the things he wants to accomplish before he dies.

Big and small. It all counts.

Abel was supposed to be nothing more than a tick on that list. A random, faceless hook-up in a country far from home. Besides, what are the chances he’ll ever see him again?

Assertive and free-spirited Abel has different plans. One night with Landon is never going to be enough. He’ll follow him to the ends of the earth and worm his way into Landon’s heart—somehow.

Fighting against all his ingrained urges to run, Landon finds himself drawn down a road he swore he’d never take.

But Abel doesn’t know Landon is sick.

How can anyone love a man with no future?

Telling Abel might cause him to run, but staying silent means living a lie. A lie that will only reveal itself in time.

**This story ends with a HFN.**

Reviews (90)


I have to admit I start reading this book a little worried about what was it about. But I’ve being wanting to read it for so long that I needed to give it a chance. I’m glad I did because this was beautiful. I liked both main characters. They both had a certain charm in them, but it was Landon who really got my heart. It was hard to read at moments, but not as much as I expect. I’m a little surprise to say that it was sweeter than anything. Of course it had some difficult moments to read, but those are very few compare to the happy moments this couple enjoyed. It had a captivating plot. Beautiful characters. Bittersweet moments. A bit of everything I was looking for at the moment I choose to read it. The only issue about it was related to my emotions, and sadly I think it was my fault. I find it hard at moments to connect with the main characters emotions but I think I sabotage myself on that matter. I was expecting to be heartbroken and I try to contain my emotions the most I could. I was wrong doing it and it didn’t allow me to enjoy it as much as I wanted. I learn the lesson. I will be more open when I re read it, which I will do some time, and right now, since I already start the second book in the series. Definitely a recommended book.

A truly beautiful and touching love story about two souls touching for a time meant to be

The title is an MM Romance that can be read as a standalone, it hasn't got a HEA but HFN. There is a sequel and they're part of a series but the other books aren't about these main characters. I find it hard even to try to say a thing about it. I cannot possibly have right words. It is very good. This is not a new title, but I only noticed it now. It's very very good. It's one of those stories that really move you. It's also so well done, there's really - no need to say anything. The main characters are Landon who's dying of cancer and Abel whom he meets quite by chance. They'd never have even met if Landon had been all right. They could only meet, find each other and love each other for the duration of the rest of Landon's life because he was dying. That gave them each other and without that they'd never had had that experience of love together. I really loved that the author didn't write this as some would have and they left the rest unwritten, didn't resort to that. I'm a cancer survivor myself and I appreciate that. It was a beautiful, touching and moving story so well-written. The characters made me fall for them.

Breathtaking, heartbreaking beautiful

What can I say.....I'm stumbling over my thoughts and words.... It was beautiful and heavy.... Humor, joy, seriousness, grumpiness, stubbornness....a lot of fun and heartbreaking moments...But with head and shoulders above this much unconditional love it was overwhelming... I cried, I was so scared, I grieved in advance, I laughed, smiled. At some point I stopped reading...couldn't handle it. Had to wait to be alone to finish this story because I knew on forehand there would be ugly cries... the story.... Landon and Abel... Landon diagnosed with terminal cancer.....has a bucket list..... determined to do it all by himself He doesn't want to be a burden and don't want to be involved with anyone anymore...only his grandma. But HA! guess what... there steps Abel full in Landon's life.... They have a one night stand... an amazing night but that is it. Landon doesn't want more and we all know why.... But HA! guess what...again...I never met a more determined and stubborn head like Abel. Landon dismissed him more than once...but the man is deaf and blind and over his head for Landon...and comes back every's almost embarrassing.... only he is such an endearing guy and just irresistible ... so Landon also can't resist him.... And here it comes......a wonderful breathtaking, heartbreaking and lovingly journey follows... while writing this I still can't stop crying... it was everything..... Abel and Landon ....I will never forget this story... The lily on the cover.....<3

As lovely as it is heartbreaking

Nicky James never fails to not only tug at my heartstrings but grab onto them and pull so tight I feel they might snap. Her stories are so human and raw and visceral and they always leave me feeling emotionally strung out when I finish them. "No Regrets" is no different. Landon is a lonely young man who knows he will not be around much longer. His diagnosis is terminal, prompting him to cut off all ties to everyone except his grandmother in an effort to spare his friends of the pain of watching him die. However, he never counted on one man's unshakable tenacity. Abel is as stubborn as he is generous-hearted. He is the one man who manages to bulldoze his way past all of Landon's near-impenetrable defenses and lodge himself firmly by his side for the long haul. Abel is determined to help Landon live every last day to the fullest. This story is a beautiful, emotional example of why we would rather have a short period of the most intense love we have ever known rather than never experience it at all. A sweet, haunting HFN read that I highly recommend.

Heartbreaking in the absolute best way

I was asked to review the sequel to this book, New Beginnings: Abel's Journey, and since Nicky James was a new-to-me author, I wanted to check this book out before I committed to reviewing. I'll be honest - I looked this book up on Amazon and was a little turned off by the cover. Then the blurb had me all kinds of wary. I don't generally like sad books. I'm firmly in the camp that says romance books need to end with an HEA or pretty solid HFN that leads me to believe there's room for an HEA down the road. And a book where one of the MCs has terminal brain cancer? I couldn't see how I could finish this book satisfied. But it was on KU, so I checked it out, because why not. Y'all. This book broke my heart and tore me up and I'm so freaking glad I read it. I was sucked in from page one and stayed up until the wee hours of the morning reading this book. Yes, going in, you know it's not going to be a traditional happily-ever-after romance. Abel and Landon aren't going to get 60+ years together. Like Landon, there were times when I was like, what's the point? But oh my gosh. These guys together were amazing. I was crying ugly tears and mourning the future they'd never have right alongside them - it was as if I could feel their pain in my heart, the writing was that great. But the thing is, this isn't a sad book. "But Annie!" you'll say. "Landon is dying! There's no way this doesn't have a sad ending!" But no. It's not sad. It's a book of hope and love and living for today because you don't know how many more tomorrows you have. Abel and Landon's love was on fire - they just jumped in with both feet. And that's exactly what we have to do as readers. Yes, you'll cry and your heart will break, but the story is beautiful and has its own kind of HEA. In the author's note at the beginning of the story, she says, "You will not journey with Landon to his end. Instead, you will walk beside him and watch him live." OK, I've gushed enough. Even though this was a no-contest five-star read, I did have a couple of small complaints. The similarities to A Walk to Remember were at times a bit… much. Such as a character named Landon (although Landon is the one with terminal cancer in No Regrets instead of the love interest in AWTR). And a list of things to accomplish before dying. *HOWEVER* while these things made No Regrets a little less original, they did not detract from the amazingness that was this book. Another minor drawback to this book is the cover. Seriously, don’t judge this book by its cover. I definitely would have passed it over based on the cover alone if I hadn’t wanted to read No Regrets before Abel's Journey, and I would have missed out. Also, this book could use with another round of copyediting. Noticing grammar, punctuation and spelling errors while reading always takes me out of the story for just a second, which can be annoying. It wasn’t a big detractor, just something I repeatedly noticed as I read. Bottom line, this book was beautiful and I definitely recommend checking it out. Although I will mourn Landon, and Landon and Abel's wonderful relationship, in Abel's Journey, I look forward to seeing how the author writes a grieving Abel and reading as he continues his journey.

So much love and so many tears

Oh, my heart!! This is definitely a "crying your eyes out book" but it's also a really beautiful love story. When Landon meets Abel he's cut ties with all his friends because he knows he's not going to be around much longer. He has his bucket list of things to do before it's to late, but nothing really excites him. Abel seems to be the perfect one to have the one night stand on the list with and then he never has to see him again, at least that's what he thinks. Abel isn't like anyone else, he refuses to go away and before either one them realise it it's to late and they are already in love. It really hurts to read this one, but I loved that Landon found Abel, love and a soul mate to help him with his bucket list. And Abel got to have Landon and experience a great love that he wouldn't trade for anything. And it's true, this book is about living and making the most of it. Still had me in tears.


FANTASTIC!!! London is ill, terminally ill, Abel is his reason to live. Prepare yourself to the journey of every emotions in human history, anger, denial, depression, acceptance an love, big beautiful love. Love who not conquer All, but Love who can give you reason to live and enjoying life., here and now. I highly recommend this book. My advice: chocolate, coffee and tissues helps a lot. Fantastic and worthy to read story!!!

An absolute favorite of mine!

*•*'¨) ¸.•'¸.•*'¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•' (¸.•` ¤ Nicky James brought me on a journey of love, life and death I will never forget.... I am in awe of No Regrets!! It is now on my favorites list. The love between Landon and Abel was oozing off the pages and seeped right into my heart! There were points in the book I was destroyed and others were I felt pure joy. All of which made my heart so full I thought it would burst. The subject matter is tough but trust me, the way Nicky wrote it was ingenious. It is a must read!!!


I was instructed to read this book and then told it would produce an ugly cry. I was so nervous to read this book due to the sensitive nature of Landon's diagnosis and struggles. I have to say that hands down this is one of the best books I have ever read. I love the way Nicky James handles the emotional journey that Abel and Landon take I have fallen in love with Abel and Landon and can not wait to move on to book two and continue along this journey with them. This was my very first Nicky James book but I can guarantee you it will most certainly not be my last. This book is a must read!!!!

Why did I wait for so long

After reading Love Me Whole I went and bought all of Nicky’s books and devoured them except for this series because I just knew from the blurb that this book was gunna take me to that crazy emotional place I really can’t handle. Well.... I finally took the jump and it was amazing. You know right off before the book even starts that Landon’s death doesn’t happen in this book. It’s all about his and Abel’s journey of acceptance that the end is nigh and that they will spend every day living with no regrets. I can’t recommend this enough!!!


I have to admit I start reading this book a little worried about what was it about. But I’ve being wanting to read it for so long that I needed to give it a chance. I’m glad I did because this was beautiful. I liked both main characters. They both had a certain charm in them, but it was Landon who really got my heart. It was hard to read at moments, but not as much as I expect. I’m a little surprise to say that it was sweeter than anything. Of course it had some difficult moments to read, but those are very few compare to the happy moments this couple enjoyed. It had a captivating plot. Beautiful characters. Bittersweet moments. A bit of everything I was looking for at the moment I choose to read it. The only issue about it was related to my emotions, and sadly I think it was my fault. I find it hard at moments to connect with the main characters emotions but I think I sabotage myself on that matter. I was expecting to be heartbroken and I try to contain my emotions the most I could. I was wrong doing it and it didn’t allow me to enjoy it as much as I wanted. I learn the lesson. I will be more open when I re read it, which I will do some time, and right now, since I already start the second book in the series. Definitely a recommended book.

A truly beautiful and touching love story about two souls touching for a time meant to be

The title is an MM Romance that can be read as a standalone, it hasn't got a HEA but HFN. There is a sequel and they're part of a series but the other books aren't about these main characters. I find it hard even to try to say a thing about it. I cannot possibly have right words. It is very good. This is not a new title, but I only noticed it now. It's very very good. It's one of those stories that really move you. It's also so well done, there's really - no need to say anything. The main characters are Landon who's dying of cancer and Abel whom he meets quite by chance. They'd never have even met if Landon had been all right. They could only meet, find each other and love each other for the duration of the rest of Landon's life because he was dying. That gave them each other and without that they'd never had had that experience of love together. I really loved that the author didn't write this as some would have and they left the rest unwritten, didn't resort to that. I'm a cancer survivor myself and I appreciate that. It was a beautiful, touching and moving story so well-written. The characters made me fall for them.

Breathtaking, heartbreaking beautiful

What can I say.....I'm stumbling over my thoughts and words.... It was beautiful and heavy.... Humor, joy, seriousness, grumpiness, stubbornness....a lot of fun and heartbreaking moments...But with head and shoulders above this much unconditional love it was overwhelming... I cried, I was so scared, I grieved in advance, I laughed, smiled. At some point I stopped reading...couldn't handle it. Had to wait to be alone to finish this story because I knew on forehand there would be ugly cries... the story.... Landon and Abel... Landon diagnosed with terminal cancer.....has a bucket list..... determined to do it all by himself He doesn't want to be a burden and don't want to be involved with anyone anymore...only his grandma. But HA! guess what... there steps Abel full in Landon's life.... They have a one night stand... an amazing night but that is it. Landon doesn't want more and we all know why.... But HA! guess what...again...I never met a more determined and stubborn head like Abel. Landon dismissed him more than once...but the man is deaf and blind and over his head for Landon...and comes back every's almost embarrassing.... only he is such an endearing guy and just irresistible ... so Landon also can't resist him.... And here it comes......a wonderful breathtaking, heartbreaking and lovingly journey follows... while writing this I still can't stop crying... it was everything..... Abel and Landon ....I will never forget this story... The lily on the cover.....<3

As lovely as it is heartbreaking

Nicky James never fails to not only tug at my heartstrings but grab onto them and pull so tight I feel they might snap. Her stories are so human and raw and visceral and they always leave me feeling emotionally strung out when I finish them. "No Regrets" is no different. Landon is a lonely young man who knows he will not be around much longer. His diagnosis is terminal, prompting him to cut off all ties to everyone except his grandmother in an effort to spare his friends of the pain of watching him die. However, he never counted on one man's unshakable tenacity. Abel is as stubborn as he is generous-hearted. He is the one man who manages to bulldoze his way past all of Landon's near-impenetrable defenses and lodge himself firmly by his side for the long haul. Abel is determined to help Landon live every last day to the fullest. This story is a beautiful, emotional example of why we would rather have a short period of the most intense love we have ever known rather than never experience it at all. A sweet, haunting HFN read that I highly recommend.

Heartbreaking in the absolute best way

I was asked to review the sequel to this book, New Beginnings: Abel's Journey, and since Nicky James was a new-to-me author, I wanted to check this book out before I committed to reviewing. I'll be honest - I looked this book up on Amazon and was a little turned off by the cover. Then the blurb had me all kinds of wary. I don't generally like sad books. I'm firmly in the camp that says romance books need to end with an HEA or pretty solid HFN that leads me to believe there's room for an HEA down the road. And a book where one of the MCs has terminal brain cancer? I couldn't see how I could finish this book satisfied. But it was on KU, so I checked it out, because why not. Y'all. This book broke my heart and tore me up and I'm so freaking glad I read it. I was sucked in from page one and stayed up until the wee hours of the morning reading this book. Yes, going in, you know it's not going to be a traditional happily-ever-after romance. Abel and Landon aren't going to get 60+ years together. Like Landon, there were times when I was like, what's the point? But oh my gosh. These guys together were amazing. I was crying ugly tears and mourning the future they'd never have right alongside them - it was as if I could feel their pain in my heart, the writing was that great. But the thing is, this isn't a sad book. "But Annie!" you'll say. "Landon is dying! There's no way this doesn't have a sad ending!" But no. It's not sad. It's a book of hope and love and living for today because you don't know how many more tomorrows you have. Abel and Landon's love was on fire - they just jumped in with both feet. And that's exactly what we have to do as readers. Yes, you'll cry and your heart will break, but the story is beautiful and has its own kind of HEA. In the author's note at the beginning of the story, she says, "You will not journey with Landon to his end. Instead, you will walk beside him and watch him live." OK, I've gushed enough. Even though this was a no-contest five-star read, I did have a couple of small complaints. The similarities to A Walk to Remember were at times a bit… much. Such as a character named Landon (although Landon is the one with terminal cancer in No Regrets instead of the love interest in AWTR). And a list of things to accomplish before dying. *HOWEVER* while these things made No Regrets a little less original, they did not detract from the amazingness that was this book. Another minor drawback to this book is the cover. Seriously, don’t judge this book by its cover. I definitely would have passed it over based on the cover alone if I hadn’t wanted to read No Regrets before Abel's Journey, and I would have missed out. Also, this book could use with another round of copyediting. Noticing grammar, punctuation and spelling errors while reading always takes me out of the story for just a second, which can be annoying. It wasn’t a big detractor, just something I repeatedly noticed as I read. Bottom line, this book was beautiful and I definitely recommend checking it out. Although I will mourn Landon, and Landon and Abel's wonderful relationship, in Abel's Journey, I look forward to seeing how the author writes a grieving Abel and reading as he continues his journey.

So much love and so many tears

Oh, my heart!! This is definitely a "crying your eyes out book" but it's also a really beautiful love story. When Landon meets Abel he's cut ties with all his friends because he knows he's not going to be around much longer. He has his bucket list of things to do before it's to late, but nothing really excites him. Abel seems to be the perfect one to have the one night stand on the list with and then he never has to see him again, at least that's what he thinks. Abel isn't like anyone else, he refuses to go away and before either one them realise it it's to late and they are already in love. It really hurts to read this one, but I loved that Landon found Abel, love and a soul mate to help him with his bucket list. And Abel got to have Landon and experience a great love that he wouldn't trade for anything. And it's true, this book is about living and making the most of it. Still had me in tears.


FANTASTIC!!! London is ill, terminally ill, Abel is his reason to live. Prepare yourself to the journey of every emotions in human history, anger, denial, depression, acceptance an love, big beautiful love. Love who not conquer All, but Love who can give you reason to live and enjoying life., here and now. I highly recommend this book. My advice: chocolate, coffee and tissues helps a lot. Fantastic and worthy to read story!!!

An absolute favorite of mine!

*•*'¨) ¸.•'¸.•*'¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•' (¸.•` ¤ Nicky James brought me on a journey of love, life and death I will never forget.... I am in awe of No Regrets!! It is now on my favorites list. The love between Landon and Abel was oozing off the pages and seeped right into my heart! There were points in the book I was destroyed and others were I felt pure joy. All of which made my heart so full I thought it would burst. The subject matter is tough but trust me, the way Nicky wrote it was ingenious. It is a must read!!!


I was instructed to read this book and then told it would produce an ugly cry. I was so nervous to read this book due to the sensitive nature of Landon's diagnosis and struggles. I have to say that hands down this is one of the best books I have ever read. I love the way Nicky James handles the emotional journey that Abel and Landon take I have fallen in love with Abel and Landon and can not wait to move on to book two and continue along this journey with them. This was my very first Nicky James book but I can guarantee you it will most certainly not be my last. This book is a must read!!!!

Why did I wait for so long

After reading Love Me Whole I went and bought all of Nicky’s books and devoured them except for this series because I just knew from the blurb that this book was gunna take me to that crazy emotional place I really can’t handle. Well.... I finally took the jump and it was amazing. You know right off before the book even starts that Landon’s death doesn’t happen in this book. It’s all about his and Abel’s journey of acceptance that the end is nigh and that they will spend every day living with no regrets. I can’t recommend this enough!!!

Good but flawed

Okay--this was a good book, with nice character development and so forth, and I was sufficiently intrigued to read it until the end. However, it didn't make me cry, it really wasn't sad. I don't know what other readers were talking about. Also, I might have been a little more pleased if it didn't have so many errors in usage and punctuation--lack of contractions, wrong homonyms, and just wrong usage of words altogether. It makes me reluctant to think about reading any more by this author. This needed a line edit or more aggressive editing just prior to publication. And just for the record, the muscles on a man's chest are pecs--not pecks :)

One of the Best I’ve ever read!

This book touched me so much! Being a cancer survivor made me relate so much and I’ve never seen my feelings during fighting cancer described! Landon was so touching and I loved Able and the grandmother so much, I wish I’d had an Able by my side, I can’t wait to read his book next! Thanks for a beautiful story!

This book destroyed me, it's a story that will forever have a place in my heart, I have No Regrets <3

I am still crying while writing this out while it is still so fresh. I mean I could write this in a months time and I Know with certainty that I would remember every single detail, be that happy, sad and downright soul gripping painfulness. Nicky opens with a letter to her readers that starts like this. "Are you afraid of reading this book? Afraid you might be getting into something too heart wrenching and real you might not be able t handle it?" Well, let me tell you, YES! Yes, I was so afraid. with every turn of the page, that fear increased knowing that this story does Not have a HEA, it is a HFN story. How or why I thought this would be a good read for me, is beyond me. I blame Phyl, she convinced me I would be fine. She was wrong! This is my first read by Nicky, and I am not sure I trust her books anymore LOL. Her writing is freaking phenomenal. Hell, this story is beyond incredible, it's just . . . . raw. 26-year-old Landon is terminally ill. He has been given a maximum of 2 years and he is not wasting it staying at home in bed. He is set on traveling and marking off as many items on his bucket list as humanly possible. While in China he decided to mark another off his list. Sex with a stranger. It was meant to be one night, but when Landon wakes to find his one night stand still in his bed, things start to change. Abel is a cocky, persistent man who is instantly drawn to Landon and regardless of the wall that Landon has erected around himself, Abel will not just walk away. Being with Abel gives Landon a sense of normalcy, he isn't treated like he is fragile and that is because Abel has no clue he is dying. For weeks these two have fun, marking more off Landon's list, getting to know each other and falling in love despite Landon's best efforts at keeping things "simple" When Abel stumbles on all of his pills to keep his tumor and side effects at bay, a floodgate of brutally raw, stab-a-knife-in-my-heart-and-twist pain erupts. And trust me when I say, you feel Every single bit of hurt, betrayal, fear and pain that both Landon and Abel go through. No Regrets is so . . . . it's not heart wrenching, it's so much worse than that, but it is such a gorgeous story of how one man made another's last days the best he could just by simply loving him and roughing the worse of storms and showing that love is love and will not be tamed by anything, including death. Make sure you have some chocolate, a snuggle buddy, your bestie on speed dial (Sorry Ang, I drag you through my sobbing rants with this one) and make sure to grab some . . . . scratch that, not some, grab boxes of tissues, trust me between snot and leaky eyes, you will need shares in kleenex ;) My heart hurts, my eyes are red and puffy and I am in the biggest slump I have been in for awhile. This book destroyed me, it's a story that will forever have a place in my heart, I have No Regrets <3 *ARC received in exchange for an honest review* As Always, Carpe Librum

An emotional journey through love in it's most vulnerable state😭😭

No Regrets is hands down, beautiful. This is love in its rawest form. Love at it's most vulnerable state. I'm honestly so emotional, which I love. Nicky James has absolutely destroyed me, with such a beautiful story, amazing characters and a a plot line that is soul shattering. An amazing read!

A beautiful story of life and love.

**This story is NOT about dying and death, but living and love.** Not even going to lie, I was a little hesitant to read this book knowing that one of the MCs has a terminal illness. I'm so glad that I did. Once I started reading I couldn't stop. Landon's pessimistic sarcasm and Abel's love of life; truly an opposites attract. Nicky James brings us a story that is heart wrenching, hilarious, anger ridden, and absolutely beautiful.

Live with No Regrets

When I read the blurb I was scared to read it, then I read the Author's note and went into this book with open eyes. I love Abel and the way he loved Landon even knowing what lied ahead of them. My favorite live Have NO REGRETS


Of tears. Wow. This book was incredibly eye opening but I still consider death the enemy. Will read this again but not soon, I guess I will when only one bucket of tears is possible. Laughed a lot as well which perfectly illustrates what the author I think tried to achieve. Life is worth living, it truly is.

Made Me Smile

I hesitated reading this book because I mistakenly thought it was going to be a tear-jerker, a story of Landon’s death. I couldn’t be more wrong. This was a story of life, not death and it was a perfect story of living each day to the fullest. I Loved it!

Beautiful story

So so good. I wanted a story with big feels and this is it. Everything about this book is perfect. Beautiful. I found myself smiling as well as having tears. Reading book 2 next and I’m truly looking forward to it.

poor editing, overwrought and repetitive phrasing

What should have been a home run in terms of concept failed in execution: poor editing, overwrought and repetitive phrasing, muddy character development and one-note delivery from each of the characters. I won't be following this series.

Wonderful & sweet

This book really is awesome!! Love the main characters so much!! There is wonderful humor too!! Plus it makes you realize you should be enjoying you life more & live for the moment!! I want to also read more books by this author! I have a book hangover right now too!!

10 Stars

If I could give this book 10 stars, I would! This book is beautifully written and takes you on a journey of living life to the fullest despite a cruel reality. Abel's love for Landon and his determination to seize the day and live every moment is inspiring. Although it was hard to read knowing what the ultimate outcome would be, it's a must read!

I really liked this book

I really liked this book. Landon is living with terminal cancer and working on his bucket list while shutting everyone out so they don't suffer when the end comes. Abel was supposed to be a one night stand that just won't go away in the best possible way. I loved there journey into realizing even a short time together is better than none.

Ugly cry territory

This book was heartbreakingly good. It shows how to take each day and milk it for all you can and to grab love when it comes your way. Bring tissues, seriously you're going to need them.


Before you read this, buy some tissues. Trust me, you'll need them. This was such a beautiful story of about life. I feel like it changed me. Many of us say we should live in the moment, but I don't think we really do. Try harder.


Ok I’ve had this book a while now and just decided to read it! Crying was not in the plans when I opened it. I loved it. Had me crying like a baby!!

Sad but lovely

So good. If you are sap who loves a sad story, this is a must read.

No Regrets (Healing Hearts Book 1)

Nicky James has written a book that will bring tears to your eyes! A M/M romance with love loss, but is not o.e you should miss!

There is no regret

Whenever you find happiness there is no regretting it. This was a great book I really enjoyed it. I would recommend it.

Great book I could not put it down

This was the second book of hers I’ve read and I just downloaded the 3rd loved the first 2


First, let me just say that just the author’s note to the readers was heartbreaking. I knew coming into this that it wasn’t likely to be a fairytale…. It was real. Real life trials and tribulations. Terrible things happening to good people with no control over the outcome; heartbreak and grief and mourning. Maaaaan, was I not prepared for this. Landon has cancer… a terminal brain tumor that has exhausted surgery and all the chemo and radiation he could stand. It’s shrunk and not as aggressive, but make no mistake. It’s going to kill him. At first, like I imagine anyone would, it throws him into a deep depression. Living with his grandma and just waiting to die; her stern words of wisdom though, gives him the push that he needs to start living. I loved Grandma. My heart broke for Landon and the reason he went to live with her, but it was for the best. She cared about him and loved him so much. It was obvious in everything she done. Convincing him to start living, Landon made a bucket list that took him anywhere and everywhere he wanted to go. On one trip, he met the obnoxious and loud, incredibly forward, gorgeous man; Abel. Let me go ahead and warn you…. You will fall in love with Abel, it’s impossible not to. He’s the most patient, understanding, selfless, amazing man. What started out as a fun hookup and travel buddy, soon turns into more, despite Landon’s willingness to let anyone get close to him. It’s understandable why… I mean, I wanted to shake him a time or two while he “dated” Abel, but I 100%, got where he was coming from. It’s impossible to say what you’d do in that situation if you’ve never been forced to be in it, but I can say with all my certainty, Landon was so brave and I admired his outlook on life, even while faced with death. Abel was fun and sexy and alive… he was everything that Landon needed and he loved Landon so much. It didn’t take long and we all felt it; the love he had for Landon, it was undeniable. My heart broke so many times because I knew… I knew how it was going to end and I didn’t want it for either of them. The ending was so much better than I could’ve ever hoped for and even though it made me incredibly sad because I knew the inevitable was to happen eventually… I also felt so much joy… so much joy for these fictional people. I loved them so much…. I was also so happy that Landon gave Abel, G-ma. I feel like they’d need each other and in my mind, they’d have each other. I hated both of these guys’ parents and it was just another reason for me to love Abel and Landon so much. It made them strong and their love unconditional because I feel like, they knew what it was like to have limitations on love and neither of them had it… Sighh… I could seriously go on and on about this story until I tell you every single part that I loved. I’ll warn you, though. It’d be the whole story… This isn’t a story that you love…. But somehow, I did. I felt it… like, really felt it and I mourned and I grieved and I hoped, right along with them. You’d be crazy to pass this book up.. Beyond 5 star read and I’m really hoping for a movie ! #LandonAndAbelForever

Emotional intense powerful words I loved no regrets

No regrets follows Landon's journey diagnosed with terminal cancer and completing his bucket list along the he meets abel who is a very fun guy No regrets is in four parts together Landon and Abel go through Anger,Denial,Bargaining,Depression and acceptance Follow these too amazing guys and watch how Abel helps Landon live day by day Abel and landon's connection is so intense you can feel it on every page one I was hooked from the start I couldn't put this book down I really enjoyed following there journey it felt like I was with them by there side watching them go through there ups downs heartbreaking moments and also heartwarming moments too My emotions were everywhere I laughed and cried and fell in love the emotions you go though are all worth it every word you read in no regrets are so powerful I felt like I had a personal connection with Abel and Landon they stole my heart and will continue to stay there I would recommend this wonderful story Thank you Nicky James for sharing this beautifully written story I voluntary reviewed a advanced readers copy of this book

That being said this is a beautifully, emotional written book

The publisher in exchange for an honest review of my thoughts has given me this to read. I am giving this book-- 4.5 tiaras: To start I did not give it five because reading through, I noted many errors in the editing. There were grammar issues, words misspelled, and other things noted. That being said this is a beautifully, emotional written book. Currently, almost everyone knows someone with cancer. This book brings the raw and emotional part of the person having to deal with that issue, and wanting to do things that are on a bucket list. It also shows how hard it is to try to have a life with loved ones in it and trying to hold people back. It brings to light the realities of the daily life when cancer invades. This is a gay man, who tries to avoid any contact with anyone but his grandmother. He fears that he will devastate anyone around him by dying and that is too much to bear. I cried, laughed, cried again. This book is an emotional roller coaster and really makes you understand the feelings of these characters. This is a great book in which, two men try to work through things, and it is a book that I could not put down. I finished it in 4 hours. This is a great book to read and I hope everyone enjoys it as much as I do. :0)

A true love story!!

This was one phenomenal story!! 👏🏻 I can't even count the times I cried 🥲 and laughed 😂 in one book. Landon was diagnosed with cancer and was ticking off his bucket list when he meet Abel. I LOVED both men but Abel was a true pleasure and angel 😇 to Landon, showing him it was okay to fall in love and enjoy the time he had left. He had a hard time at first convincing Landon to let them hang out but his tenacity paid off and before Landon knew it Abel was firmly cemented in his ❤️. I listened to this book and the narrator Adam Gold did an outstanding job! This really isn’t a book to pass up. 🤗

Amazing story...but grab the tissues.

Let me preface this review by saying that I will normally not read a book if I know one of the MC’s is going to die. I have had enough death in my life that I cannot handle reading about it. Reading is my escape from all that. And when the author issues a warning at the beginning of the book….well, that pretty much seals the deal – I’m out. But for whatever reason, I picked up this book and gave it a try. The opening scene terrified me and almost had me putting the book down. That turned out fine but set the stage for Abel and Landon. The pain and tears started at 28% when Landon made Abel leave him at the airport; and picked up again at 36% with a ridiculously sweet and endearing gesture from Abel. There were other times reading with a heavy heart and major tears but there was a lot to love about this book as well. And I actually found myself smiling a time or two. I love both these characters. Abel is an over the top, free-spirited, make no excuses, fun loving sweetheart of a man. Everyone needs an Abel in their life. He is tenacious in his pursuit of Landon and shuts down every excuse Landon has for not getting involved with each other. He totally breaks down Landon’s walls and truly shows Landon how to live and love. He gives us quite a few ‘aw’ moments and totally breaks our hearts. Abel’s family situation is a huge mess that I’m guessing will come to a head in a future book. Landon has been dealt a pretty raw deal in life and actually seems pretty well adjusted considering what he’s dealing with. I hate how much he hurts and how he thinks he needs to suffer alone. When Abel breaks down his walls and his true personality shines, he’s a pretty amazing man. I wish they had a lifetime together…they are clearly soulmates and perfect for each other. (Good Lord, I’m tearing up just thinking about them together.) The ending was absolutely perfect. If this book had ended any other way, I probably would be in the fetal position in the corner of my room so thank you Ms. James for not breaking me completely (yet). This is an absolute must read and one of the best books I’ve read this year. I’m actually terrified to read book 2…I’m not sure I can handle the aftermath with Abel, but here goes.

This book tore me apart emtionally - an absolute MUST read

When I first read the blurb I thought it would be an interesting read. Reading the introduction almost made me not want to read it. Even though it tore me apart, I'm glad I read it, and will most definitely read it again. No Regrets struck very close to home with me. My best friend from high school was Landon. Like Landon, nobody knew until it got to the point where it couldn't be hidden. Like Landon, he wouldn't let anyone get close to him. He tuned everyone out including me, his best friend. That's where the similarities end. It is said that 'grandma knows best'. It most certainly was true in this case. I cannot help but wonder what I would do were I Landon. Would I shut everyone out? In some ways I do. Very few people know of my struggle with clinical depression. Although my depression is no where near as serious as cancer, I don't want to 'be a burden to my fiends.' How selfish of me. That's where Landon is. Spare everyone the inevitable heartache. Don't let anyone get close. I don't think he expected the whirlwind that came in the form of Abel who finally convinces Landon to let him in, even though he doesn't know why Landon is so closed off. At least a first. Having known a 'Landon' I can attest to the incredibly sensitive way Ms. James has created these two multi-faceted characters. They were way beyond real to me. Ms James does not take this incredible story to it's inevitable conclusion which I think is a good thing. It changes the overall story from a negative one to a positive one with it's overall message: To all the Landons out there, when their Abel shows up, grab onto him or her. Let them show you that there is still good things in the world to be had. Hang onto them. Don't push them away. Let them BE there for you. To all the Abels out there, thank you. You make a real difference in their lives. This is a book that had to be written. It doesn't say everything will be all right in the end. What it does say is get off your ass and get out there. Enjoy every moment you have. Astounding job, Ms. James. Thank you for writing it. It should be used as a handbook for all the Landons and Abels out there. I wish I could give it the Nobel prize for literature as, to me, it's well deserving of it. I was provided an advanced reader copy for the purpose of writing a fair and honest review.

**5 Living Life to the Fullest Stars**

I have never read this author before, but when I read the summary and what the real premise was I had to jump on it. I just had to give it a try. Did I think it would be easy? No way. It is so close to home for me. I was afraid it would rehash things of my youth. You see, my mom was diagnosed with cancer when I was fourteen. She lived her life for her family and fought the good fight. She lost that battle from a side effect, sadly. Then roughly a year and a half ago my cousin was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor, that progresses rapidly. She is only a year older than my daughter. So you see I get everything that went on here. Now today, I realize after reading this and that I am older my mom lived her life like everyday was her last. That being said I absolutely loved this book. It was emotional, it was heartbreaking and heartwarming. There was laughter and love. I don’t know how else to describe it. This book made me think about life and love. To live everyday like it is your last and feel. It was deep, raw and real. I loved these two men with my whole heart. I fell in love with both Landon and Abel. I laughed with them and cried with them. Landon is pushing everyone out. His friends and most importantly love. Abel fights him on it every single step of the way. Oh, I loved that he did and he was there for him. The doctor's appointments and the bucket list. Oh by golly Twister had me really laughing and I needed that. Abel didn’t give up and then when Landon broke down and told him everything made sense. Make sure you have tissues on hand, hell bring the whole roll of toilet paper. You will need it. This book is about truly living. Just live. If you find that special someone, hang on tight, don’t let go and just simply enjoy the ride. It will bring you good times and bad, heartbreak and love, but again just hold on. The authors note to the reader was perfect. Now on my final note, I have a couple more things to say. Tell everyone you love that you love them, Hug them and hold them. The the last thing I remember on the bucket list entry was perfect. Now go read this and enjoy.

Beautiful Story About Living Life to the Fullest

GUYS. THIS BOOK IS SAD. I'm writing this review after reading book two, and this series will make you cry. But it's more in the anticipation of the sad thing that's going to happen that destroyed me, not the actual events itself. There's no hiding what's going to happen in this book. It's in the blurb. You know starting out where this story is going to go. It's a HFN, certainly, and the ending is absolutely amazing, but the feels. I actually started reading this book after I read the blurb for book two, but even then, the author's note starts out letting you know where the book is heading. Here's the author's note at the beginning of the book: "So, my readers, I promise you this...No one will die in this book. You will not journey with Landon to his end. Instead, you will walk besides him and watch him live." It's an important story, and one I would highly recommend, but just be ready with a box of tissues, or two, or three for this series. So, know that this story is about a terminal cancer patient, and the book does not hide the pain of both the patient or the pain suffered by the loved ones around him. This book is a journey. A journey with Landon as he lives out the life with the time he's been given. We first meet him in Macau. He's going through his bucket list, not in any particular order, but anything that he can still accomplish. He's decided to bungee jump from one of the world's tallest landmarks, and this is where he meets Abel. Abel is brash, loud, shameless, and damn persistent. Landon has already spent the days since his diagnosis pushing everyone he's ever known away. He considers that it's better for no one to get close to him, so that maybe it'll hurt them less when he passes. He has his grandmother who raised him after his parents had disowned him and kicked him out after finding out he was gay. But, Landon has had no one else in his life that he keeps in contact with. Abel is the one to change all that. Call it fate, but Abel starts turning up in places Landon least expects and decides that maybe it's time to cross off one other thing on his list while in Macau - having a one-night stand with a stranger. Except, Abel manages to wiggle his way into Landon's life time and time again. Eventually, when Landon and Abel return back home, Landon in Canada and Abel three hours away in Michigan, Landon never expected to see Abel again. Until, Abel shows up at his front door. This book is full of life. And we get to see Landon live his life, smiling when he meets Abel and lets him into his heart. Abel's cheery disposition finally manages to get Landon to forget where he is, and what he has growing in his brain. If only for a few minutes. This book tells the story from both Landon and Abel's perspective. A majority of the story is from Landon's POV, but we do see both stories told in the end. This book just broke me, you guys. There are parts that are happy and funny, even. But I think the part that kills me to read, is that Landon is 26-years-old. So, the same age as I am. And his grandmother is in her eighties and living so strong. When she says things to push Landon to keep living, to keep going, it utterly destroys me. The ending is bittersweet. It's a good ending, and I'm happy for the journey and story between Landon and Abel. Every step of their journey together has been a tough one, but they manage to find each other. This book is beautiful. This book is powerful. It goes to show that anything is possible and that everyone deserves to find their own happiness.

Holy Crap... Have tissues ready.

I read a few of the reviews before I jumped into this, so I knew what I was getting myself into. I am still delightfully happy I read it, though I am a bit raw. It is written so well. There were a few typos and incorrect words, but they are entirely forgivable. FANTASTIC BOOK. READ IT if you're reading the reviews as a deciding factor. I legit SOBBED toward the end. Thankfully, it honestly didn't get as bad as I had planned for and (SPOILER) we don't actually have to read about Landon's decline in explicit detail, nor do we have to suffer through him dying on the page. That would have killed me. I guess I'm about to do that to myself anyway... off to book 2 to suffer along with Abel.

A Beautiful Read x

5 stars+......This book just popped up on fb and I was intrigued enough to look it up and read a few of the reviews....I'm so glad I did....Nicky is a new author for me and I went into this book with an open mind considering what it's about....As the author says it's not about dying....It's about living.....Landon sweet Landon broke my heart a few times...What was going through his head knowing that he was terminally ill was heart-wrenching......Going through his bucket list is something I would probably do myself...When he met Abel I just knew these two would be perfect together...There's a part in this that will just rip you apart and want to hug both Landon and Abel both tightly and never let go.....The ending was just perfect and knowing that there's going to be a second book is both good and bad.....We know the next book will be for Abel but I'm glad Landon opened himself up to love with Abel and didn't go through the bad times alone....A beautiful read that you should not miss x

So Sweet!!

Right off the bat Nicky James gives readers a little note in the beginning of the book so we know what to expect from No Regrets. Either way, I would have still enjoyed this book very much. It's rare to read a book with this type of storyline and be happy for the characters. As mentioned in the blurb, Landon is living with terminal cancer, well he's living now. Before he decided to venture out on his own, Landon was depressed, wasting away in his room. Finally getting up and out, he meets a man that is the polar opposite of him. Able is nosey, loud and an all around pain in the butt from the minute Landon meets him. Lucky for Landon, Able isn't a guy that takes no for an answer easily. He quickly burrows under Landon's skin and vice versa. Landon is uncomfortable, but loving the time he is spending with Able. He feels like a new man, a man that isn't sick. He knows he has to tell Able, however wants to be "normal" for a while longer, not considering that Able may be falling in love with him. The book is beautifully written and Able and Landon are easy to love. They both have such good qualities about them that complement the other's personality. The whole time reading I was on pins and needles as Landon kept that secret longer and longer. Drove me crazy! Excellent story of how to live on borrowed time. Reviewed for Renee Entress's Blog.

definitely going on my favorites list

No Regrets is about a guy named Landon who has terminal cancer; living out the rest of his life by ticking off his bucket list. Not wanting the sympathy and pity of others, he has cut everyone out of his life, with only his grandmother by his side. He is traveling the world, bungee jumping off one of the tallest buildings, when he meets Abel. This guy is persistent, borderline stalking Landon. But he is fun, has a great sense of humor, doesn’t give two craps what people think, and again, is persistent. They start off as a one-night stand that leads to a few days trip to Scotland that leads to…Abel and his stalking tendencies. Seriously, this guy isn’t about to give up anything. Landon’s character had this amazing insight into life, death, and fear. That right there is what makes this book a must read for all. Not only does he have the same insight we all must think at times, but there was more outside of what me, personal, has thought. The take on death and thinking beyond life—on what’s next—was really real. The fear of the unknown consuming the character, I really felt that. Like, my heart was racing with his. Most of his insight was about conquering fear. He had the biggest fear to conquer—death itself—and since he was already facing that head-on, then everything else was just secondary. He could jump off a building with a smile on his face, sing karaoke with no embarrassment, get his nipples pierced without batting an eye—nothing was scarier than facing death, not knowing if you slipped into darkness or walked into Heaven. I absolutely loved Abel. He was so upbeat and happy, and wanted Landon to enjoy a bit of happiness, too. I didn’t know what to think of him in the beginning. He was a tad desperate and stalker-ish, but he grew on you fast. Then, when you get into his POV…he just breaks your heart. Abel is such a big lush, and we see more of what goes through for him dealing with Landon’s sickness than we see of Landon after he found out. This book is unforgettable. It’s definitely going on my favorites list.

Thought provoking, emotional and beautiful!!

To say I'm lost for words is an understatement. I've never read anything by this author before but, when a friend recommended it to me I thought I'd give it a go... Wow! Talk about an eye opening emotional roller coaster. I won't talk about the book much, instead it's the underlying message within the story; Live for today. Reading about Landon,, knowing what he's going through, how short a time he has left, made me think long and hard. Yes, he pushes people away, he feels that due to his illness there's no point in finding love, not when he doesn't know how long he's got left. Yet, when love does unexpectedly, and in Abel's case, forcefully, find him, he realises eventually that he deserves to be happy just as much as anyone else. For me the perfect song for this book would be "IF today was your last day" by Nickelback. The lyrics really do say it all. The way this story was written was fantastic, and just like the note at the beginning says, it wasn't about dying, it was a story about living life to the max!! Such a beautifully emotional story one that will leave everyone who reads it re-evaluating their own lives. I will DEFINITELY be reading more books by this author!!

You will laugh, you will cry, you will rage and you will most definitely smile.

Landon knows that his time on earth is limited and has made the decision to live as many of his dreams as possible...alone. He did not realize that he would have to fight against a wonderful man who he met on the other side of the world to maintain his alone state. In this, he was destined to fail. Abel is full of life and radiates joy and he has decided that Landon is his destiny. Prepare to be shocked and devastated, angry and disgusted. But at the same time, you will respect and love these men while thoroughly enjoying their journey. This is a very difficult, unusual story and Nicky James has done a fabulous job with it. You will not be disappointed but be aware that this is definitely a HFN story.


This was a stunningly beautiful and emotive read. Whilst this is about Landon after he discovers he has terminal cancer, it is not the story of his death but rather the story of his life. This is about how he seized life and lived it to its fullest. Along the way, he meets the very annoying but incredible Abel and fights the very idea of anything more than one night. Abel though is stubborn and patient and refuses to give up. Whilst this is an emotive story, it is so heart warming and inspiring. This is a reminder to us all to live life as fully as you can and to do it with pride, courage and determination. You cannot help but find a special place in your heart for both Landon and Abel and the emotions they evoke. Amazingly written so you are connected to the characters and their journey and become invested in them. ***Reviewed for LBM Book Blog***

Love This Wonderful Book 5 Stars

No Regrets by Nicky James is a very emotional read and a wonderful book. Landon Johnston id dying. Not in 30 years or when he's old and grey. No his illness is terminal. He travels the world. His bucket list is full. Then he meets Abel, a happy go lucky young man. Abel is smitten with Landon, but Landon rejects him of fear. Fear of what? Take your pick. But Abel doesn't give up on him. No Regrets is a heart wrenchingly, ugly cry worthy ( and oh boy I cried) wonderful love story. I loved the characters. I loved the words. I could feel the characters emotions in every single one. 5 Stars and Thank you Nicky James.

We get to go on a painful but loving journey that Landon is going on

This was a very emotional read that I went through a box of tissue. We get to go on a painful but loving journey that Landon is going on. Landon has a bucket list that he wants to get through before his terminal illness gets the best of him. You see that when you have little time left some mystery can happen that will surprise you. When he meets Abel, he tries to keep his emotion out of it but he is slowing being worn down by Abel determination. These two were made for each other with Abel being strong and fountain for Landon. This was a very wonderful written story of what two lovers will do with all the time that must make the most of it. Highly recommend this book you will not be disappointed at all.

The gay version of a Walk to Remember

An emotional rollercoaster. I love Abel!!! Everyone should have one. Loving, smart and funny as hell. Straight forward, in your face type of person and I loved it. Landon needed someone who could have him find the joy in every moment of life he has left. I casted in my mind Alexander DiPersia from "Lights Out" as Abel. He fit perfectly the type of man who was fun to be around and yet loving and supportive...he just fit! Awesome story with No Regrets!!

Landon and Abel!!!

Landon and Abel’s journey is a tear jerker in the best way. Finding love when all hope seem lost is amazing!! Although my heart loves Landon, Abel quickly took ownership. Although I mentally know how this story will end, the message of hope and love shines through!! Nicky James is an amazing story weaver.


Such a beautiful story! I cry so much because this is something that a few people don't get to experience in really life. They are just luckily but not everyone is. London is terminally ill and with Abel in his life he wants to life again. This had so many ups and downs my emotions were all over the places. This is such a great read and a eye opener for what some people really go through. And the love in this book just amazing. *I voluntarily reviewed this advance read copy of this book.

I knew what emotions I may experience...

But I wanted the emotional read. And no one writes them like Nicky James. Super passionate, highly emotional and beautiful. Great characters, happy with the way it ended.

Worth it

I waited a long time to read this book. I’m really sorry I did. It is so wonderfully done with heart and feeling and care. I love Able and Landon so much and was happy they found their way.


This book No Regrets By Nicky James id truly an amazing story. I cried alot through this book but every single tear was so worth it. The love, strength, and humor. It will leave you wanting more. I am truly thankful for getting to read this brillant book. If I could give more than 5 stars I would. Loved it lovedit

More than a 5 star read!!!

Nicky James has done it. This book took me on a rollercoaster ride. I had to wait 24hours to get my head (and heart) in the right place before thinking about writing a review. We all know that Landon has terminal cancer....Abel is his reason to live life to the fullest. This story will make you laugh, cry and HOPE ! Well done Nicky!!! I wish I could give her more than 5 stars!!


*wipes tears* Landon and Abel took me through one of the most emotional rollercoaster rides I've ever had reading such a compelling story. Tears of laughter, joy, sorrow, pain, and most of all, hope. Grab a box (or two) of tissue because you're going to need it! Thank you, Nicky James, for this gripping book.

So worth every tear.

I'm not the best at writing reviews, so I usually just add my stars and move on. But I couldn't do that with this book. If an author makes me cry, then they go into my favorite authors queue and that is that. This book is just gut wrenchingly good. It's not about death, but about living. Taking chances, falling in love with your soul mate. Living with no regrets. This book will stay with me for a very, very long time.

Life is worth living

New author to me. Heard amazing things about this book, mostly that you will cry, which yes I did. It's not just a love story, but one about not giving up when faced with insurmountable challenges. To take that leap of faith that the other will be there to catch you. It's start out with a bucket list.


"No Regrets" "Knock, Knock" I have cried and laughed through this book. Dont wait just go read it. These two deserve a chance to be known about


I have a love/hate relationship with this story. It is absolutely beautiful, but it seriously hurt my heart. However, I think that pain just added to the beauty. It was raw and real. I highly recommend No Regrets to anyone who wants a massive cry, but also a story that will stay with you until the end of your days and change the way you look at the world.

A Must Read!!

*SBB Reviews* This book touched me so deeply. It will stay we for a long time. The Author has been such fantastic job in writing this Raw, Real and beautiful story. I would Highly Recommend all the Readers to read No Regrets by Nicky James now. It's So Good.


I couldn’t have expected a more beautiful ending. Thank you for sharing Landon and Abel’s love story with the world!

Sad, sweet, and sexy! I loved this book!

This book was so much better than I expected!! I absolutely loved Able and what he did for Landon to fulfill his list! This book was the perfect blend of sexy and sweet. I cried, but the book is definitely worth the heartache.

Oh my heart, Abel and Landon's story tore it ...

Oh my heart,Abel and Landon's story tore it apart. This was definitely a story about living and not dieing. Keep tissues handy but don't miss this book or it's message.

Unbelievably amazing.

This book will tug on your heartstrings. It will break your heart and put it back together. I'm at awe. I'm taking a big breath and... onward to the next installment in this amazing series.

Love it!

This book was fantastic. I enjoyed it immensely. I loved the journey that the author took me on with these two amazing men. I look forward to reading more from this author! I wish I could give it more stars❤️

Wow, absolutely loved it

It was very emotional for me, cried a lot but also laughed and smiled a whole lot. I love this book, loved Landon and Abel. Great job, looking forward for the next book this spring. Well done .💖


Loved the book, the plot, the dialogue and the characters. But the end was far too abrupt. I thought we'd be with them until the end, and instead we didn't even get more bucket list. Bummer.

Wow what a ride

I am a gay man who has lost hundreds of friends and loved ones to Aids this author has brought to life the story of life well lived.

One of my new favorites

This book hit home big time with me. I knew it was going to open up some wounds for me, but all I knew was that I had to read it and when I did I fell in love with it! Landon and Abel's story is one that shouldn't have happened but when you find a cocky, smart-ass guy, how can you resist it? Landon is in for the fight of his life but with the help from Abel he begins to live his life truly with no regrets. Nicky James this book will forever be one of my favorites! Thank you for this!

Beautiful story

A wonderful story of love and living every day to it’s fullest. Even though you know how the story is going to end you can’t help but love it.


This story was so beautiful! Landon gave up on love and life until he met Abel and Abel gave Landon life and love.

Heart wrenching

I don't know what I was expecting when I started to read this book. I laughed and cried. It was more real than anything that I have read in a long time. Read this book.


I was torn able reading this book at first. Once I started it, I knew I was in trouble...I was hooked but still torn, wasn't sure if I'd be able to finish it. Glad I push through (tears and all) to finish it. #A&L<3

Five Stars

Thank you


I am finding it difficult to review this book. There are many reasons I liked it, but there are also some aspects of it I really didn't like at all. I found it started really well, meeting Landon in the first instance and then Abel, and how persistent Abel was in building a relationship with Landon. That is when I started to get frustrated. What was supposed to just be a one night stand started to turn into something more and I just didn't understand why Landon didn't tell Abel he had terminal cancer. I get it up to a point (but I was with Grandma on this one), and the to-ing and fro-ing, tell him, don't tell him, was very unfair and got on my nerves. Then when Abel did accidently find out, what a drama, running out the house, punching things, screaming, and continuous hair grabbing wasn't a reaction I was expecting (maybe that was due to his youth?). Shock, sadness and anger yes (personal experience), but not such dramatics (which took a while) and that spoilt it for me to the extent I almost stopped reading the book. It then got back on track again thankfully and I'm glad I persisted with it. There were some quite emotional moments. Four books in the series are out now. Not sure yet if I will be reading them. Will have to be in the right frame of mind I think. What I can do is recommend another read by the same author. Love Me Whole. Perfect.

Thought provoking, emotional, beautiful read!

To say I'm lost for words is an understatement. I've never read anything by this author before but, when a friend recommended it to me I thought I'd give it a go... Wow! Talk about an eye opening emotional roller coaster. I won't talk about the book much, instead it's the underlying message within the story; Live for today. Reading about Landon,, knowing what he's going through, how short a time he has left, made me think long and hard. Yes, he pushes people away, he feels that due to his illness there's no point in finding love, not when he doesn't know how long he's got left. Yet, when love does unexpectedly, and in Abel's case, forcefully, find him, he realises eventually that he deserves to be happy just as much as anyone else. For me the perfect song for this book would be "IF today was your last day" by Nickelback. The lyrics really do say it all. The way this story was written was fantastic, and just like the note at the beginning says, it wasn't about dying, it was a story about living life to the max!! Such a beautifully emotional story one that will leave everyone who reads it re-evaluating their own lives. I will DEFINITELY be reading more books by this author!!

Beautiful Must Read x

5 stars+......This book just popped up on fb and I was intrigued enough to look it up and read a few of the reviews....I'm so glad I did....Nicky is a new author for me and I went into this book with an open mind considering what it's about....As the author says it's not about dying....It's about living.....Landon sweet Landon broke my heart a few times...What was going through his head knowing that he was terminally ill was heart-wrenching......Going through his bucket list is something I would probably do myself...When he met Abel I just knew these two would be perfect together...There's a part in this that will just rip you apart and want to hug both Landon and Abel both tightly and never let go.....The ending was just perfect and knowing that there's going to be a second book is both good and bad.....We know the next book will be for Abel but I'm glad Landon opened himself up to love with Abel and didn't go through the bad times alone....A beautiful read that you should not miss x

Dig deep

This brings the readers emotions out without much effort. Heart felt sadness oozes out of every page and although this is book about living, you cant escape that the ending is very much about dying. I love the relationship between Landon and Abel - the way it began, the way it evolved, the way it ended.... I was very hesitant about getting into this book due to its content, but I'm glad for the experience. I look forward (sort of) to book 2 in this series and see where the pain goes

Romance but much more.

This is an MM romance but far more important is the understanding of grief while the person is still alive. It is well-written, captivating and there is enough humour to keep the book from being a downer.. As someone who has knowledge of both Petrolia and Flint I was also fascinated by location and that bridge crossing.

More than a 5 star read ❤❤❤❤❤

Nicky James has done it! This book took me on a rollercoaster ride. I had to wait 24hours to get my head (and heart) in the right place before thinking about writing a review. We all know that Landon has terminal cancer...Abel is his reason to live life to fullest. This story made me laugh, cry and HOPE !! I read this book on KU but had to purchase my own copy. Well done Nicky!! I wish I could give her more than 5 stars.

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