No Matter What: The 10 Commitments of Accountability (No More Excuses Series)

Kindle Edition
17 Sep
What if the secret to being your best, attracting people and leading people was merely knowing what, why and how to commit to people? All you have ever wanted was to have more meaningful relationships, attract others to your cause and be able to make a difference in the lives of the people around you. You can have all this and more when you harness the power of the commitment.
No Matter What starts with a simple “Yes” that forms a commitment you make to yourself and to the people around you. You will discover that, No Matter What, you will be able to:
  • Make your word your bond
  • Know and live your values
  • Help people be their very best
  • Create a good reputation in a troubled world
  • Develop and sustain sound financial principles 
No Matter What is simple, powerful and life changing. When you start right now you will be committing to a better future for yourself and the people around you, No Matter What!
For over 25 years, Sam Silverstein has helped people and organizations be the very best they can be. Sam will share the truth of what accountability is, why it is the most powerful change agent in existence and how you can harness the power of commitment in 10 specific and defining areas.
Sam has worked with companies, government agencies and individuals around the world helping them create their best possible self through the power of accountability. Thousands of people have put Sam’s philosophies and tools to work as they have grown and prospered.

Reviews (27)

Exceptional wisdom presented with common sense.

First, let me say this: Sam Silverstein is the #1 authority on personal and organizational accountability. There’s the quote attributed to Albert Einstein, and I paraphrase: “If you cant explain simply it so an eight year-old can understand it, then you don’t understand it well enough yourself.” Sam understands accountability and explains the concept with elegance and economy. If you seek to be a more accountable person, professionally and personally, and if you want to foster a culture of accountability wherever you are, read this book and his other work in the series “No More Excuses”. It will improve your life, the lives of those TO whom you are accountable, and those FOR whom you are accountable. Bet the farm on it.

A Journey into Valuing People and Understanding Accountability

“No Matter What – The 10 Commitments of Accountability” the title of Sam Silverstein’s new book encapsulates an understanding of accountability I had not considered before. In the book Sam introduces ten core commitments of accountability providing clarity and increased focus, helping the reader get unstuck how to move on. The book opened my eyes to the importance of fulfilling my commitments to people, and following the 10 Core Commitments as an example to effectiveness in leadership and to accomplish mutual goals in an organizational structure. Each of the ten chapters concentrates on one of the core commitments to accountability by highlighting key elements, topic highlights, and in-depth discussion. Silverstein’s writing is highly informative, deeply inspiring, brilliantly formatted, and superbly motivating. I received a copy of this book was provided for review purposes. The opinions expressed are my own.

Great List of Accountability Steps

This is the 2nd book that I have read by the author and they have a similar theme that is spot on. Have established principles, values and non-negotiables for your business and life and constantly reinforce them through top-down leadership. Mr Silverstein writes about the constant practice of establishing a set of standards that will help to shape your mission whether it's personal and or professional. Another idea that I thought stood out was the merging of your values from work to home and vice versa. That was one of the best tips I received amongst the many written about in this book.

Honest and to the point!

This simple phrase "No Matter What" will help the principles that Sam talks about in this book stick in your mind and guide your life. Thanks again Sam for making it simple, relatable and also but also game changing!

A Must Read

This book is amazing and the author Sam Silverstein is right on point with everything he shares. It made me take into account everything I do on a daily basis and how I can improve on myself. Great book! I recommend picking it up if you can

Transformation guaranteed!

This book highlights the most important principles needed to truly succeed. Life is about doing the right thing by people and one of the best ways to do that as a leader is to set the example and live your commitments "No Matter What." Thank you Sam, you truly have a servant heart and I've appreciated all of the additional training you've provided our organization. Best, Colton Fusaro

Amazing Book!!!!!

Sam Silverstein is amazing at speaking life into people through his books. This one is no different, No matter what really helped me to become accountable and start to define and discover the values in my life, to be able to share those with people around me to be able to impact their lives and show them what true commitment can do to change your life and move it forward in a positive way!!!!

This is an Amazing Author

I fell in love with the concepts that Sam talks about in how the only way to have a true commitment to someone is it has to be a No Matter What happens thing. That we aren't accountable to events or things, instead we are accountable to people and the relationship with them. Fantastic and incredible book.

Life changing read

This book absolutely changed my life. Having this attitude of NO MATTER WHAT has propelled my life forward and made me such a better wife and mother. It has taken away any of my excuses. Especially the part about the navy seal running in the snow! That image is stuck in my head


Didn’t get the book directly from Amazon, but regardless hands down one of the best books I’ve ever read

Exceptional wisdom presented with common sense.

First, let me say this: Sam Silverstein is the #1 authority on personal and organizational accountability. There’s the quote attributed to Albert Einstein, and I paraphrase: “If you cant explain simply it so an eight year-old can understand it, then you don’t understand it well enough yourself.” Sam understands accountability and explains the concept with elegance and economy. If you seek to be a more accountable person, professionally and personally, and if you want to foster a culture of accountability wherever you are, read this book and his other work in the series “No More Excuses”. It will improve your life, the lives of those TO whom you are accountable, and those FOR whom you are accountable. Bet the farm on it.

A Journey into Valuing People and Understanding Accountability

“No Matter What – The 10 Commitments of Accountability” the title of Sam Silverstein’s new book encapsulates an understanding of accountability I had not considered before. In the book Sam introduces ten core commitments of accountability providing clarity and increased focus, helping the reader get unstuck how to move on. The book opened my eyes to the importance of fulfilling my commitments to people, and following the 10 Core Commitments as an example to effectiveness in leadership and to accomplish mutual goals in an organizational structure. Each of the ten chapters concentrates on one of the core commitments to accountability by highlighting key elements, topic highlights, and in-depth discussion. Silverstein’s writing is highly informative, deeply inspiring, brilliantly formatted, and superbly motivating. I received a copy of this book was provided for review purposes. The opinions expressed are my own.

Great List of Accountability Steps

This is the 2nd book that I have read by the author and they have a similar theme that is spot on. Have established principles, values and non-negotiables for your business and life and constantly reinforce them through top-down leadership. Mr Silverstein writes about the constant practice of establishing a set of standards that will help to shape your mission whether it's personal and or professional. Another idea that I thought stood out was the merging of your values from work to home and vice versa. That was one of the best tips I received amongst the many written about in this book.

Honest and to the point!

This simple phrase "No Matter What" will help the principles that Sam talks about in this book stick in your mind and guide your life. Thanks again Sam for making it simple, relatable and also but also game changing!

A Must Read

This book is amazing and the author Sam Silverstein is right on point with everything he shares. It made me take into account everything I do on a daily basis and how I can improve on myself. Great book! I recommend picking it up if you can

Transformation guaranteed!

This book highlights the most important principles needed to truly succeed. Life is about doing the right thing by people and one of the best ways to do that as a leader is to set the example and live your commitments "No Matter What." Thank you Sam, you truly have a servant heart and I've appreciated all of the additional training you've provided our organization. Best, Colton Fusaro

Amazing Book!!!!!

Sam Silverstein is amazing at speaking life into people through his books. This one is no different, No matter what really helped me to become accountable and start to define and discover the values in my life, to be able to share those with people around me to be able to impact their lives and show them what true commitment can do to change your life and move it forward in a positive way!!!!

This is an Amazing Author

I fell in love with the concepts that Sam talks about in how the only way to have a true commitment to someone is it has to be a No Matter What happens thing. That we aren't accountable to events or things, instead we are accountable to people and the relationship with them. Fantastic and incredible book.

Life changing read

This book absolutely changed my life. Having this attitude of NO MATTER WHAT has propelled my life forward and made me such a better wife and mother. It has taken away any of my excuses. Especially the part about the navy seal running in the snow! That image is stuck in my head


Didn’t get the book directly from Amazon, but regardless hands down one of the best books I’ve ever read

Will change your life.

Great Book! Awesome read! Really dives into how to push through and getting yourself in a better position. Will re-read this book!

Phenomenal Read!! Live an Accountable Life

What a great read to living an accountable life and how to develop the mindset behind committing to yourself so you can commit to others. Sam has been an incredible leader who is also willing to give his heart to others.

Phenomenal Read for Building Accountable Teams

This book really changed things for my leadership ability. Sam really hits it on this title with great wisdom on living an accountable life. GREAT READ, and definitely recommend it if you are looking to build a strong organization.

Buy this book

Awesome book for learning how to be accountable to your values. Being accountable to your values allows you to live a more authentic life, and make other people’s lives better. This book is a great way to change the way you see accountability!

INCREDIBLE book about Accountability and Following Through on your Commitments

This book is a game changer. When it comes to being accountable and staying consistent, lets just say I had a lot to learn. This book taught me so much and really changed my perspective. Cannot recommend more.

Personally challenged!

Nugget after nugget. Amazing read and personally challenging!

Love the NO MATTER WHAT Attitude!

Easily the best and most straightforward book on leadership and accountability in your life! Doing what you need to do to achieve the results you want in life, NO MATTER WHAT!

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