No Love Lost (Masters and Mercenaries: The Forgotten Book 5)

Kindle Edition
28 Sep
Lexi Blake
When Ezra Fain joined the ranks of the CIA, the last thing on his mind was romance. After meeting Kim Solomon, it was difficult to think of anything else. A tragic mistake drove them apart, leaving him shattered and unable to forgive the woman he loved. But when his greatest enemy threatens her life, Ezra leaps into action, prepared to do anything to try to save her. Solo accepted long ago that she won’t get over Ezra. She’s worked for years to get back into his life, looking for any way to reignite the love they once shared. Unfortunately, nothing seems to penetrate the wall he has built between them. When she’s arrested for a crime she didn’t commit, she believes she’s on her own. Racing across the globe, Ezra and Solo find themselves together again, caught in the crosshairs of the agency they sacrificed so much to serve. Days on the run soon turn to steamy nights, but Levi Green isn’t about to let them find their happily ever after. And when the smoke clears, the men and women of McKay-Taggart will never be the same again.

Reviews (159)

Love this series, but Beck...not so much

I adore this whole series. I never want it to end, frankly. Solo has been a favorite character for me, along with many of the other h characters. My issue has long been with Beck. Another reviewer said there was a bit too much of a formula with many of the H/h relationships. That reviewer said the h is typically a doormat, the H a rude dude who treats her badly, but they have sex anyway and it all works out somehow. I sort of agree with that in a few cases. But in this book, that is definitely true. Beck has spent the entire series being super angry, and super happy to take that out on Solo. But it's also been clear to this reader that there's a ton more to that story. But at no time did Beck try to figure that out. He's just spent numerous books talking trash to Solo, mistreating her at every opportunity, despite how clear it's been that she still loves him. When I saw that this book was going to be their story, I hesitated to.pick it up because I knew what a jerk he was going to be. (Oh who am I kidding? I pre-ordered it like I do with all Lexi Blake books. Ahem. Back to the review!) Wow, I wasn't sure Beck could be worse than he'd been in past books, but boy was I wrong. He was straight up verbally abusive to the extreme. I had a hard time imagining that Solo could accept that and still have love for him. Of all the H characters in this series, Ian probably had the most reason to be so hard in the h, but he didn't come close. Beck is definitely the most abusive and cruel of every male character in this series. It really wasn't until very close to the end of this story that Beck realizes that he's pretty much mostly to blame for virtually everything that went wrong, not just with him and Solo, but with other family members, not to mention the flameout of several careers. That's a whole boatload. Of course, that's the author's story, and she can tell it as she feels the need. I'm just saying that there are several reasons I rated this book as I did, despite being an obsessive fan of Lexi Blake work. 1. Beck is too abusive, period. He burned out his welcome several books back. 2. The story drags. Far too much angry dialogue, deliberate miscommunication between Beck and Solo, and too much abusive accusations. 3. No humor. One of the things that makes this series and these characters so endearing is the humor. Ian Taggart is one of the funniest characters ever, and one of the reasons I love him so much. Hutch, Charlotte, Derek, Erin...also very funny. All missing here. 4. Inconsistent action. Every book has action, but this one stopped and started too many times, with a long, long drag in the middle. 5. Too much Levi Green. This guy should have been killed off much sooner. He had alot of the same characteristics as Hope McDonald, and I wished death on that character waaaaaaaaaayyyy before she finally bit it. 6. Not enough sex. Yep, I said it. And the sex that did occur was sad and kind of bleak. Come on, Lexi. These characters are some of the best sexually written characters in romance, and I can say that because I read voraciously. Also, after all the years of abuse, that the Solo character trusted Beck enough to have sex with him didn't make sense at all. I wouldn't have gotten near that dude, no matter his awesome looks and smokin' equipment. 7. This should have been two books--Solo and Beck, and the Taggarts and their children. Still, this is a Lexi Blake story and I read.every word. I just wish it had been more fulfilling.


In No Love Lost Lexi Blake expertly weaves three tales. The story of Kim and Beck, one of lies, betrayal and secrets. The conclusion of the original Masters and Mercenaries series that began with The Dom Who Loved Me. And the conclusion to the Levi Green storyline that has had so many readers truly hating the villain. These stories are weaved together as Beck and Kim learn about second chances and communication but most of all forgiveness. We are given a look at the original Masters and their families as they deal with hitting their 50s and dealing with teenage hormones. The Lost Boys come back to take care of their own. Ian’s birthday brings together the whole family showing us that family is about more than blood, even when blood is shed and our favorite hero cries. Lexi Blake shows true mastery taking us, the readers, around the globe and home again. Bringing together all of the men, women and children, all of the doms and their subs, and all of the ones that were lost, once again to help their own. The beauty of forgiveness and the meaning of family is the central themes of this book. Beck and Kim forgiving themselves and each other. The Lost Boys healing someone who is broken through stories of their fallen brother. And murder, although I prefer to think of it as justice. I cannot say enough about this book. I loved every minute of it. It is now one of my favorite books and I look forward to reading it again. I also can’t wait to see where we go from here beginning with Hutch’s book. Watching the next generation become Masters and Mercenaries

Same pathetic women

I have read all of the Masters and Mercenaries books, and I do like the books overall. But what is really getting old is the constant weak women. Really...I can’t seem to get past the recurring scenario in these books...guy is a total a-hole to the woman, but let’s have sex anyway. Even Solo, who is a total badass, continues to let Ezra treat her like crap, he shoots her down whenever she wants to talk about their issues, but she’ll have sex with him just to have one more moment with him? Give me a break... she should have kicked him in the balls and told him to stop behaving like a spoiled brat,!

"A Transformation"

OMG!!! Thank goodness Ezra and Solo finally got their own book. I have been gaining weight eating popcorn and Reeses cups watching the foreplay between Ezra and Solo many books in the MaM series later. It was nice to see these two finally experience the climax(no pun on words intended)they needed to shed all the pain and anger they held onto as a shield. The release they both had to go through was necessary to get them to the next step. Forgiveness, Healing, Trusting, and Loving one another. Can the church say "Amen!" It was a joy to read, "No Love Lost" because Lexi Blake makes the characters in her books relatable. We have grown to love the characters in the MaM series. This book pretty much let us see the whole gang of characters for the most part. It was truly a character reunion that contained mystery, suspense, hot sex, a little violence, and lots of humor. You can't help but read it. How many family reunions have you been to that provide all that for the daily activities. Uhhuh none, don't lie. It was a metamorphosis of sorts for both of them and in the end they took back who they really were in the beginning, Beck and Kim. Someone said that Kim was weak and pathetic in their review. Everyone is totally entitled to their own opinions, but I'm going to have to disagree. Throughout the book Kim shows her strength from what's she's been through and she refuses to get caught up again in Beck's web. As a sub she was in control, as a mother she was in control, and as a woman she was in control and made decisions that suited her. She wasn't weak and struggling to stand up to Beck. Throughout the book Beck is pleading with her. The control she had over Beck and their future was completely in her hands. A weak woman she was not; from the beginning to the very end of the book.

In heaven finding out how Ezra’ and Kim’s or should I say Solo’s story ends!!

O.M.G….I love reading all books by Lexi Blake, author. No Love Lost is a very excellent example of why I love all of Lexi’s books. My absolute favorite series are Masters and Mercenaries, Butterfly Bayou, Master and Mercenaries: The Forgotten, Sanctum Nights, Nights in Bliss Colorado, Master of Ménage, Texas Sirens, Thieves Series, Crossover Collection, and Master and Mercenaries: Reloaded. Lexi creates fantastic storylines, characters that are so, so easy to relate to and empathize with, histories that are unique and bring out emotional reactions, and are panty meltingly hot 🔥🔥! I just love the way all of the series have some crossover in them and within the series the characters support each other and have the same sense of brotherhood, loyalty, and family that I love in MC romances. I first read the Masters of Ménage series and fell in love with Lexi’s style of writing and quickly discovered her Master and Mercenaries Series and the rest as they say is history…Lexi became my one of the top five authors that I have on my favorite authors list. No Love Lost is part of the Master and Mercenaries series and is filled with elements (fast paced action, twists, turns, things going sideways, surprises, secrets, emotions, and the pant meltingly hot 🔥🔥 level of heat I have come to appreciate in books by Lexi) that I love and all the families that make up McKay and Taggert! I have wanted to get Ezra’s story for sooo sooo long and now that I got to read his story I am in heaven and can’t wait till the next Master and Mercenaries: Reloaded books comes out. I highly, highly recommend No Love Lost and Lexi Blake’s Series that I listed above. If you love BDSM elements in your erotic romances then Lexi’s books are a MUST READ!! Have fun reading No Love Lost. Welllll, if you haven’t read any of her books then I highly suggest you start with the Masters and Mercenaries Bundle: The Early Ops (cheaper that way than individually and also you will want to read as much of this series as possible). If you love military romances this is also a MUST read book for you (or at least the series is and see the comments above and where to start the series)!!


Lexi Blake is a must buy, must read author. This stand-alone is easy to follow and difficult to put down. No editing errors, gratuitous violence or drag-you-down drama. Intriguing storyline with descriptive writing that draws the reader into each scene. Plenty of twists to keep one guessing. The importance of communication and how devastating words are is reiterated throughout this book. Believable characters with distinct personalities. Thought-provoking, memorable and occasionally sarcastic dialogue. ’ I often think some people are born with a well of rage inside them, and it’s like a fire. It can burn out of control and wreck everything around it. Or it can bring warmth and light where there was none. Human rights, justice, these are all things that were made possible by anger properly directed to bring about change.” “I say the sooner we get Operation Summer’s Eve underway, the better.” “We’re not calling it that,” Charlotte said with a groan. “It’s because he’s a douche, baby,” Tag replied. I will re-read this story and always look forward to, pre-order when possible, new works by this author.

SHE is the Master of these Mercenaries

OMG — this book! I was stressed. I was laughing hysterically. I was relieved. I was stunned. I stayed up into the early hours reading once again. I have loved this series and all the others weaving into it. I’m actually trying to figure out how to go back and reread ALL of these various books — from different series — in the correct timeline order so that I’ve got the myriad of details straight. I seriously don’t know how Ms. Blake does it. Rather than a wall of pictures, strings, and details on a wall in a detective’s office, she must have the wall in a high school gym to keep all the details and timelines straight. It’s nothing short of genius and I don’t want it all to end. I’m counting the days until the next one hits in a couple of months. Her creativity knows no bounds!

5 stars!!!!!

This is the last book in the Masters and Mercenaries: The Forgotten series by Lexi Blake. I could not wait for Solo and Ezra's book. We have seen Ezra through out countless books and his character has been built layer by layer. Kim Solos pain, sorrow and determination to win Ezra back has been a bittersweet sub plot through out The Forgotten series. Their love story is a complex tale full of intrigue, betrayal, love, passion and misunderstanding. I don't want to give anything away but this book is all that you would want and expect from a Lexi Blake book. There is steamy romance, suspense, angst and two character that must find their way back to each other. Another 5 star read!!!


Omg I waited so long for this book. But I felt that way about all the books in this series. Since the first book of this series where we found out who Solo was, I knew I needed this story. I think it's safe to say at this point we all know that Ezra is Beck and Beck and Solo were previously married and so deep in love until one mistake breaks them apart. Ezra (Beck) blames Solo for his brother's death and can't seem to forgive her no matter how much he wants to. He can't get past what she did. “He hadn’t even given her a chance to try to explain. Three days after his brother’s death, he’d moved out, and she hadn’t heard from him again until he’d sent her divorce papers. He hadn’t fought for their marriage. He’d decided she wasn’t worth fighting for and he’d moved on.” It also doesn’t help that Solo works for the CIA and continues to give him reasons to not trust her. In the end she's fighting for her country and what she believes is right. So she thinks the ends justify the means but that’s not how Beck sees things. But when Kim is really in trouble he goes after her with a force of a man still in love with his ex-wife. And of course against his arch enemy Levi Green. Every time Beck gets close to Kim he has some snarky thing to say to her, and a lot of the time it's really mean. He's so angry at her and he can't control it, Kim just takes everything and moves ahead not letting him see how he hurts her. Kim knows why Beck treats her the way he does and she takes his jabs and moves with it like it doesn’t bother her but deep down she feel every cut and hurts. Kim thinks that maybe her and Beck can finally find some common ground and maybe even try to make things work when he runs off at the mouth and says some really harsh things to her. This broke my heart so much I felt the pain that Kim was feeling. But this is the nature of the relationship between Kim and Beck, every time he lets her in and lets his guard down for a minute, something reminds him why he was mad at her and he lashes out against her. It hurt my heart when I read about how alone Kim felt, she had no friends, no family, no one in the world who cared about her wellbeing. “Because everyone who should have loved and protected you in your life betrayed your trust. Your parents. The man you thought was your friend. The man you loved. Because life taught you that you were not worth saving. You walked out because deep down you didn’t care if Levi caught you.” What really surprised me more than anything was the time jump. I was so not expecting it and it broke my heart even more. "She hugged the man who had been her brother-in-law and let the tears fall. She knew in that moment that she would never love another man. She was wrong." Beck knows he messed up big time and now is trying to find a way to make up for the mistakes he's made and the anger that he has. I did get angry at Beck sometimes for the way he treated Kim but as things start to unravel and he realizes what an idiot he's been he tries to work on his anger. The things is Beck has never realized what Kim did for him and how much she put on the line to make sure that he was always safe and taken care of. This story definitely surprises you and takes you on some turns and twists that you would definitely not see coming. I couldn’t put this book down, I think I finished in a matter of days. Usually I drag my feet when I know it’s the end of the series because I don’t want it to end, but I was so desperate to see where this book took me that I didn’t care. WOULD I RECOMMEND: Yes! Yes! And yes! Lexi Blake delivers again! This is my favorite type of story, second chance romance. Omg Beck and Kim broke my heart so much, I wanted to badly for them to have their second chance at love. And although it took so much time I'm happy I finally go to read their story. This is definitely a must read! I waited so long for this book and I was not disappointed!

The perfect book to wrap up The Lost Boys

I devour every Masters and Mercenaries book and have already read this book twice since it was released 5 days ago. Since the moment Ezra Fain/Beckett Kent appeared in Dominance Never Dies, I've wanted his story. That want was only compounded after Solo (Kim Soloman) popped up in Lost Hearts. There was so much pain, so much heartache between the two of them. Watching their story play out in this, finally seeing their POVs and who they really were, watching what each of them had to do and go through to make themselves the person they needed to be in order to make their way to each other, was truly emotional and so well done. Their love story wasn't easy, but it was theirs - it was the way two strong, yet wounded, characters had to grow in order to be together. This book not only wraps up the Lost Boys, but the first generation of Masters and Mercenaries and it was absolute perfection, though I expected nothing less from Lexi Blake. Seeing Jax, Robert, Owen, and Tucker in their new lives was so satisfying. This book has easily become one of my favorites, if not my favorite, in the series. Maybe it's the nostalgia of moving to the next generation, and while that's a part of it, I think it's the absolute brilliance of two people finally finding a way to not be alone anymore. I can't wait for what Masters and Mercenaries: Reloaded is going to bring, but I already know I'll be jumping in as soon as it's released!

Love this series, but Beck...not so much

I adore this whole series. I never want it to end, frankly. Solo has been a favorite character for me, along with many of the other h characters. My issue has long been with Beck. Another reviewer said there was a bit too much of a formula with many of the H/h relationships. That reviewer said the h is typically a doormat, the H a rude dude who treats her badly, but they have sex anyway and it all works out somehow. I sort of agree with that in a few cases. But in this book, that is definitely true. Beck has spent the entire series being super angry, and super happy to take that out on Solo. But it's also been clear to this reader that there's a ton more to that story. But at no time did Beck try to figure that out. He's just spent numerous books talking trash to Solo, mistreating her at every opportunity, despite how clear it's been that she still loves him. When I saw that this book was going to be their story, I hesitated to.pick it up because I knew what a jerk he was going to be. (Oh who am I kidding? I pre-ordered it like I do with all Lexi Blake books. Ahem. Back to the review!) Wow, I wasn't sure Beck could be worse than he'd been in past books, but boy was I wrong. He was straight up verbally abusive to the extreme. I had a hard time imagining that Solo could accept that and still have love for him. Of all the H characters in this series, Ian probably had the most reason to be so hard in the h, but he didn't come close. Beck is definitely the most abusive and cruel of every male character in this series. It really wasn't until very close to the end of this story that Beck realizes that he's pretty much mostly to blame for virtually everything that went wrong, not just with him and Solo, but with other family members, not to mention the flameout of several careers. That's a whole boatload. Of course, that's the author's story, and she can tell it as she feels the need. I'm just saying that there are several reasons I rated this book as I did, despite being an obsessive fan of Lexi Blake work. 1. Beck is too abusive, period. He burned out his welcome several books back. 2. The story drags. Far too much angry dialogue, deliberate miscommunication between Beck and Solo, and too much abusive accusations. 3. No humor. One of the things that makes this series and these characters so endearing is the humor. Ian Taggart is one of the funniest characters ever, and one of the reasons I love him so much. Hutch, Charlotte, Derek, Erin...also very funny. All missing here. 4. Inconsistent action. Every book has action, but this one stopped and started too many times, with a long, long drag in the middle. 5. Too much Levi Green. This guy should have been killed off much sooner. He had alot of the same characteristics as Hope McDonald, and I wished death on that character waaaaaaaaaayyyy before she finally bit it. 6. Not enough sex. Yep, I said it. And the sex that did occur was sad and kind of bleak. Come on, Lexi. These characters are some of the best sexually written characters in romance, and I can say that because I read voraciously. Also, after all the years of abuse, that the Solo character trusted Beck enough to have sex with him didn't make sense at all. I wouldn't have gotten near that dude, no matter his awesome looks and smokin' equipment. 7. This should have been two books--Solo and Beck, and the Taggarts and their children. Still, this is a Lexi Blake story and I read.every word. I just wish it had been more fulfilling.


In No Love Lost Lexi Blake expertly weaves three tales. The story of Kim and Beck, one of lies, betrayal and secrets. The conclusion of the original Masters and Mercenaries series that began with The Dom Who Loved Me. And the conclusion to the Levi Green storyline that has had so many readers truly hating the villain. These stories are weaved together as Beck and Kim learn about second chances and communication but most of all forgiveness. We are given a look at the original Masters and their families as they deal with hitting their 50s and dealing with teenage hormones. The Lost Boys come back to take care of their own. Ian’s birthday brings together the whole family showing us that family is about more than blood, even when blood is shed and our favorite hero cries. Lexi Blake shows true mastery taking us, the readers, around the globe and home again. Bringing together all of the men, women and children, all of the doms and their subs, and all of the ones that were lost, once again to help their own. The beauty of forgiveness and the meaning of family is the central themes of this book. Beck and Kim forgiving themselves and each other. The Lost Boys healing someone who is broken through stories of their fallen brother. And murder, although I prefer to think of it as justice. I cannot say enough about this book. I loved every minute of it. It is now one of my favorite books and I look forward to reading it again. I also can’t wait to see where we go from here beginning with Hutch’s book. Watching the next generation become Masters and Mercenaries

Same pathetic women

I have read all of the Masters and Mercenaries books, and I do like the books overall. But what is really getting old is the constant weak women. Really...I can’t seem to get past the recurring scenario in these books...guy is a total a-hole to the woman, but let’s have sex anyway. Even Solo, who is a total badass, continues to let Ezra treat her like crap, he shoots her down whenever she wants to talk about their issues, but she’ll have sex with him just to have one more moment with him? Give me a break... she should have kicked him in the balls and told him to stop behaving like a spoiled brat,!

"A Transformation"

OMG!!! Thank goodness Ezra and Solo finally got their own book. I have been gaining weight eating popcorn and Reeses cups watching the foreplay between Ezra and Solo many books in the MaM series later. It was nice to see these two finally experience the climax(no pun on words intended)they needed to shed all the pain and anger they held onto as a shield. The release they both had to go through was necessary to get them to the next step. Forgiveness, Healing, Trusting, and Loving one another. Can the church say "Amen!" It was a joy to read, "No Love Lost" because Lexi Blake makes the characters in her books relatable. We have grown to love the characters in the MaM series. This book pretty much let us see the whole gang of characters for the most part. It was truly a character reunion that contained mystery, suspense, hot sex, a little violence, and lots of humor. You can't help but read it. How many family reunions have you been to that provide all that for the daily activities. Uhhuh none, don't lie. It was a metamorphosis of sorts for both of them and in the end they took back who they really were in the beginning, Beck and Kim. Someone said that Kim was weak and pathetic in their review. Everyone is totally entitled to their own opinions, but I'm going to have to disagree. Throughout the book Kim shows her strength from what's she's been through and she refuses to get caught up again in Beck's web. As a sub she was in control, as a mother she was in control, and as a woman she was in control and made decisions that suited her. She wasn't weak and struggling to stand up to Beck. Throughout the book Beck is pleading with her. The control she had over Beck and their future was completely in her hands. A weak woman she was not; from the beginning to the very end of the book.

In heaven finding out how Ezra’ and Kim’s or should I say Solo’s story ends!!

O.M.G….I love reading all books by Lexi Blake, author. No Love Lost is a very excellent example of why I love all of Lexi’s books. My absolute favorite series are Masters and Mercenaries, Butterfly Bayou, Master and Mercenaries: The Forgotten, Sanctum Nights, Nights in Bliss Colorado, Master of Ménage, Texas Sirens, Thieves Series, Crossover Collection, and Master and Mercenaries: Reloaded. Lexi creates fantastic storylines, characters that are so, so easy to relate to and empathize with, histories that are unique and bring out emotional reactions, and are panty meltingly hot 🔥🔥! I just love the way all of the series have some crossover in them and within the series the characters support each other and have the same sense of brotherhood, loyalty, and family that I love in MC romances. I first read the Masters of Ménage series and fell in love with Lexi’s style of writing and quickly discovered her Master and Mercenaries Series and the rest as they say is history…Lexi became my one of the top five authors that I have on my favorite authors list. No Love Lost is part of the Master and Mercenaries series and is filled with elements (fast paced action, twists, turns, things going sideways, surprises, secrets, emotions, and the pant meltingly hot 🔥🔥 level of heat I have come to appreciate in books by Lexi) that I love and all the families that make up McKay and Taggert! I have wanted to get Ezra’s story for sooo sooo long and now that I got to read his story I am in heaven and can’t wait till the next Master and Mercenaries: Reloaded books comes out. I highly, highly recommend No Love Lost and Lexi Blake’s Series that I listed above. If you love BDSM elements in your erotic romances then Lexi’s books are a MUST READ!! Have fun reading No Love Lost. Welllll, if you haven’t read any of her books then I highly suggest you start with the Masters and Mercenaries Bundle: The Early Ops (cheaper that way than individually and also you will want to read as much of this series as possible). If you love military romances this is also a MUST read book for you (or at least the series is and see the comments above and where to start the series)!!


Lexi Blake is a must buy, must read author. This stand-alone is easy to follow and difficult to put down. No editing errors, gratuitous violence or drag-you-down drama. Intriguing storyline with descriptive writing that draws the reader into each scene. Plenty of twists to keep one guessing. The importance of communication and how devastating words are is reiterated throughout this book. Believable characters with distinct personalities. Thought-provoking, memorable and occasionally sarcastic dialogue. ’ I often think some people are born with a well of rage inside them, and it’s like a fire. It can burn out of control and wreck everything around it. Or it can bring warmth and light where there was none. Human rights, justice, these are all things that were made possible by anger properly directed to bring about change.” “I say the sooner we get Operation Summer’s Eve underway, the better.” “We’re not calling it that,” Charlotte said with a groan. “It’s because he’s a douche, baby,” Tag replied. I will re-read this story and always look forward to, pre-order when possible, new works by this author.

SHE is the Master of these Mercenaries

OMG — this book! I was stressed. I was laughing hysterically. I was relieved. I was stunned. I stayed up into the early hours reading once again. I have loved this series and all the others weaving into it. I’m actually trying to figure out how to go back and reread ALL of these various books — from different series — in the correct timeline order so that I’ve got the myriad of details straight. I seriously don’t know how Ms. Blake does it. Rather than a wall of pictures, strings, and details on a wall in a detective’s office, she must have the wall in a high school gym to keep all the details and timelines straight. It’s nothing short of genius and I don’t want it all to end. I’m counting the days until the next one hits in a couple of months. Her creativity knows no bounds!

5 stars!!!!!

This is the last book in the Masters and Mercenaries: The Forgotten series by Lexi Blake. I could not wait for Solo and Ezra's book. We have seen Ezra through out countless books and his character has been built layer by layer. Kim Solos pain, sorrow and determination to win Ezra back has been a bittersweet sub plot through out The Forgotten series. Their love story is a complex tale full of intrigue, betrayal, love, passion and misunderstanding. I don't want to give anything away but this book is all that you would want and expect from a Lexi Blake book. There is steamy romance, suspense, angst and two character that must find their way back to each other. Another 5 star read!!!


Omg I waited so long for this book. But I felt that way about all the books in this series. Since the first book of this series where we found out who Solo was, I knew I needed this story. I think it's safe to say at this point we all know that Ezra is Beck and Beck and Solo were previously married and so deep in love until one mistake breaks them apart. Ezra (Beck) blames Solo for his brother's death and can't seem to forgive her no matter how much he wants to. He can't get past what she did. “He hadn’t even given her a chance to try to explain. Three days after his brother’s death, he’d moved out, and she hadn’t heard from him again until he’d sent her divorce papers. He hadn’t fought for their marriage. He’d decided she wasn’t worth fighting for and he’d moved on.” It also doesn’t help that Solo works for the CIA and continues to give him reasons to not trust her. In the end she's fighting for her country and what she believes is right. So she thinks the ends justify the means but that’s not how Beck sees things. But when Kim is really in trouble he goes after her with a force of a man still in love with his ex-wife. And of course against his arch enemy Levi Green. Every time Beck gets close to Kim he has some snarky thing to say to her, and a lot of the time it's really mean. He's so angry at her and he can't control it, Kim just takes everything and moves ahead not letting him see how he hurts her. Kim knows why Beck treats her the way he does and she takes his jabs and moves with it like it doesn’t bother her but deep down she feel every cut and hurts. Kim thinks that maybe her and Beck can finally find some common ground and maybe even try to make things work when he runs off at the mouth and says some really harsh things to her. This broke my heart so much I felt the pain that Kim was feeling. But this is the nature of the relationship between Kim and Beck, every time he lets her in and lets his guard down for a minute, something reminds him why he was mad at her and he lashes out against her. It hurt my heart when I read about how alone Kim felt, she had no friends, no family, no one in the world who cared about her wellbeing. “Because everyone who should have loved and protected you in your life betrayed your trust. Your parents. The man you thought was your friend. The man you loved. Because life taught you that you were not worth saving. You walked out because deep down you didn’t care if Levi caught you.” What really surprised me more than anything was the time jump. I was so not expecting it and it broke my heart even more. "She hugged the man who had been her brother-in-law and let the tears fall. She knew in that moment that she would never love another man. She was wrong." Beck knows he messed up big time and now is trying to find a way to make up for the mistakes he's made and the anger that he has. I did get angry at Beck sometimes for the way he treated Kim but as things start to unravel and he realizes what an idiot he's been he tries to work on his anger. The things is Beck has never realized what Kim did for him and how much she put on the line to make sure that he was always safe and taken care of. This story definitely surprises you and takes you on some turns and twists that you would definitely not see coming. I couldn’t put this book down, I think I finished in a matter of days. Usually I drag my feet when I know it’s the end of the series because I don’t want it to end, but I was so desperate to see where this book took me that I didn’t care. WOULD I RECOMMEND: Yes! Yes! And yes! Lexi Blake delivers again! This is my favorite type of story, second chance romance. Omg Beck and Kim broke my heart so much, I wanted to badly for them to have their second chance at love. And although it took so much time I'm happy I finally go to read their story. This is definitely a must read! I waited so long for this book and I was not disappointed!

The perfect book to wrap up The Lost Boys

I devour every Masters and Mercenaries book and have already read this book twice since it was released 5 days ago. Since the moment Ezra Fain/Beckett Kent appeared in Dominance Never Dies, I've wanted his story. That want was only compounded after Solo (Kim Soloman) popped up in Lost Hearts. There was so much pain, so much heartache between the two of them. Watching their story play out in this, finally seeing their POVs and who they really were, watching what each of them had to do and go through to make themselves the person they needed to be in order to make their way to each other, was truly emotional and so well done. Their love story wasn't easy, but it was theirs - it was the way two strong, yet wounded, characters had to grow in order to be together. This book not only wraps up the Lost Boys, but the first generation of Masters and Mercenaries and it was absolute perfection, though I expected nothing less from Lexi Blake. Seeing Jax, Robert, Owen, and Tucker in their new lives was so satisfying. This book has easily become one of my favorites, if not my favorite, in the series. Maybe it's the nostalgia of moving to the next generation, and while that's a part of it, I think it's the absolute brilliance of two people finally finding a way to not be alone anymore. I can't wait for what Masters and Mercenaries: Reloaded is going to bring, but I already know I'll be jumping in as soon as it's released!

Beck and Solo!

This is the book I’ve been waiting for. Finally we get the entire back story on Ezra/Beck and Kim/Solo. What a story it is. Leave it to Lexi Blake to outdo herself. I read this in several sitting over a four day period. Rationing out the book because I wanted it to last. What a way to wrap up the Lost Boys series. To say this was the Best is an understatement. I have been a big Masters and Mercenaries fan since the beginning. I loved how the book jumped 7 years, issuing in the next phase of the books. All the kids have aged and a new Taggart has been adopted. (Welcome Tasha). Ian celebrates his 50th Birthday also. Only Lexi could do an “Out with the Old and in with the New” so flawlessly. Five Big Stars on this one. (Wish I could give it more). ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Sort of a big finale - entertaining!

This was one of the longer, more complex books in the series. The next books are in the Reloaded spin-off series. It really is best to read The Forgotten in order due to the sequence of events. However, the CIA operative known as Drake appears first in the Reloaded book one about JT Malone. Be sure to check the publication dates to determine the reading order of the different books in the related series. I also recommend the companion audiobook for a dramatic reading/listening experience.

Another great book in this series.

What has always amazed me in this whole series is how Ms. Blake ties in events that actually happened and her ability to make you care about all the characters from the entire collection. Beck/Ezra finally gets his happy ever after , but at what cost. I'm still in love with Ian Taggert but he actually brought a tear to my eye. It's true what they say, you never know what problems or trouble someone is experiencing if you don't ask and then listen. A very emotional book to read and it kept me wondering how are these people going to be able to find their HEA. But as always Ms. Blake's talent shine through.

Excellent series and author

This entire series draws in your attention and never lets it go! SERIOUSLY once you start reading you can't stop. You must read in the right ORDER or you lose the timing needed to grasp the characters and their importance. This particular book will answer all the left conclusions of what became of the great "family " that is bonded by love and respect some blood, some not blood. Lexi Blake takes you on the adventure of a lifetime and gives you the front row seat to the lives of all the characters you've become a part of throughout the series. You will feel the love, uncertainty, sadness, tension then happiness and finally the well earned HEA while reading. I laughed, I cried and finally felt relieved all because this wonderful author writes the amazing stories that allow you to feel through her words. It's also great the way you get to read and check in on many of the other characters from other Lexi Blake series that often intertwine. So, so glad I discovered this author!

totally spectacular conclusion to a fantastic series

I can not tell you how much I enjoyed this story. We've been reading about Solo and her stealthy spying for government agencies for many books. Beckett aka: Esra has also been a frequent character in many stories in the Masters and Mercenaries series. Beck has been an angry sad man since he and Kimberly aka: Solo imploded their marriage. For this story Blake caught us up with the "Lost Boys" as well as members and families of the Masters and Mercenaries agents. Lots of twists and turns and surprises. Fantastic story. Linda

Who needs sleep?

Another couldn't-put-it-down read by a must-read author. I am sad to see this series come to an end, but this is the world of Masters and Mercenaries and Lexi Blake. We will see them again, even if it just at Tag's next birthday party. Ezra/Beck. Solo/Kim. Wow! Let's just say all the action M&M are known for was here as well as ALL the feels. I laughed. I cried. I gasped. I paced. I wanted to punch more than one idiot. And forgive me, I cheered. As mentioned, another must-read story!

Always a winner

Lexi Blake never fails to deliver a fast paced,action packed loved story. No Love Lost is everything you expect and so much more! Beck and Kim are beautifully complex characters and their story is filled with passion and suspense along with witty humor from our favorite Taggert. There’s a reason Lexi is one of my one click authors and it’s because her stories always have a beautiful love story packed full of heart, heat and oh so delicious alphas willing to do anything for the people they love.


Anybody who reads Lexi Blake’s M&M series and the Lost Boys has been waiting for this book. And it was soooo worth the wait. I was beginning to think that the “drama” that usually happens about 3/4 of the way through the book wasn’t ever going to happen. But when it did it was very satisfying! There were also a few twists & turns which made Ezra & Solo’s story that much better. I’m kinda sorry that the Lost Boy’s series is done but I’m so looking forward to the next book in the M&M series.

Best yet!!

Love Solo and Beck!! So glad they finally got their own book!! So twisty, did not see so many things coming ...jump ahead 7 years...all the kids as teenagers...and all the grown-ups as teenagers...kinda funny how real that is in life sometimes ;) Buy this book a million times will not be disappointed!!

Time waits for no one except for those who wait themselves

Omg Lexi this book was worth the wait. Lexi Blake went above and beyond with Ezra and Solo's story. All the ups and downs of their lives are about to come to a head. Their arch enemy Levi Green is up to no good. A lot of secrets are coming out. Not sure how Era is going to handle thing and the change s to his and Solo's life. Lets not forget the Tag art's, surprises around every corner. Hope you enjoy this book, I would give it 5/5 stars.

Finally tied up all the loose ends

Lexi pulled it all together and wrapped it in a bow with this book. It was terrific to get a glimpse into the future and the families of my favorite characters. It was also about time that Levi green finally got what was coming to him. Even recognizing that it was going to happen, Lexi still manage to make the entire process exciting and throwing in a few curves I wasn’t expecting. Well done and I will miss “ The Lost Boys” !!!

I've been waiting for this story for years.

I've been waiting for this story for years and was not disappointed. Ezra is a tough cookie when he gets hurt, he retreats and won't let anyone help or explain. Kim has made hard choices in supporting others. I love her character due to her strength and kindness. She is more than she initially appears and deserves so much more than the way Ezra has treated her. Readers will love this second chance romance.

Another good one

I liked this one too, another heartfelt story with action and intriguing characters. This is part of a series but can maybe be read as a standalone. I prefer reading in order. All characters is well described and developed in to different personalities that makes the story fun, emotional and a great read The storyline is good and progresses nicely to the end. 5 stars overall

Beck and Kim aka Ezra and Solo

When Ezra Fain first joined the story line, he was a jerk. As time progressed, it became clear he was just lost and misunderstood. Once the Lost Boys were in the picture, I was hoping he would get his HEA, and I was not disappointed. He took back his own name and Kim gave up being Solo so they could move forward together. Lots of twists and turns but a great story! Looking forward to the group's new adventures.

The Lost Boys

This one of my most anticipated books in The Lost Ones series. It was wonderful and definitely was up to my expectations. Beck has not had his memory taken but has taken The Lost Boys under his wing. Angry at his ex-wife, he doesn’t realize that she is actually helping him and his men. The back and forth, the angst keep you worried and cheering them on. Lexi Blake never fails to deliver.

Awesome Series Finale!

No Love Lost is an awesome ending to Masters and Mercenaries:The Forgotten series. The final chapter in the Kim Solomon, Ezra Fain, Levi Green saga plays out. It's surprising maybe even shocking, emotional, liberaly sprinkled with humor (most courtesy of Big Tag,) suspenseful, steamy, romantic and so much more. I devoured ir from cover to cover. It's quintessential Lexi Blake!

Beck and Solo: Finally!

Lexi Blake did not disappoint with this last installment of The Lost Boys Series. So many questions were answered that all of her devoted readers have had. Yet, I have a list of new ones as a result of things that occurred in this book. I won’t spoil anything here but Beck and Solo had to work really hard just to spend any time together. And such a fitting conclusion for Levi Green!!!

No Love Lost

This is Kim Soloman and Beck' s story. Their tumultuous relationship continues to be a problem for both of them even when danger threatens in the form of Levi Green. The dirty C.I.A. agent has new tricks up his sleeve. This story takes the reader backwards, forwards, and finally into a future with a HEA. Lexi, wherever happened to Outllaw in the Thieves Series?

Great Ending to a Fantastic Series

Lexi Blake does it again. If you like complex and brave, yet gorgeous heroes and heroin in your books then you will love this series. The final book is a well structured and detailed telling of all the characters in the series, but emphasizing the last couple's relationship. The emotional highs and lows experienced are gripping. I highly recommend this and all other books associated with the masters and mercenaries series

This one blew my away. 5⭐s

This one was a long time coming and Lexi brought Beck/Ezra and Kim/Solo together in the most spectacular way. It was so worth the wait. OH! And the ending had me cheering and clapping. My family thought I had lost it, but I had become so invested in the Lost Boys that I was happy with how this story arch came to completion.

I enjoyed the book but...

Spoiler alert? I did enjoy the last book in this series but was very sad to have lost 7 years of everyone's stories and lives. I really don't like these large jumps in time. She has done the same thing with the Thieves series and I don't think I am interested in reading the next book in that series because of that.

Awesome book and series

What a roller coaster of a ride. Throughly enjoyed the Forgotten series of Masters and Mercenaries. Lexie Blake has wrapped up the series exactly as needed.

At last!!!

I have been waiting for Solo and Beck to get (back) together for. ev. er. Or at least it feels that way. This was a satisfying resolution to their problematic relationship and tied up several other story lines, too. Love that big Tag's twin girls are still giving him a hard time! Watch out world when they start dating!

The absolute best yet!

I have read all of Lexie Blake/Sophie Oak books but this was the best so far! Beck and Solos story went on a direction I did not see coming, this book had everything you could ask for, comedy, love, suspense, tears and a lot of Omg moments! Can't wait now until we get Hutches story. Thanks again Lexie!

Beck (Ezra's) story

Beck's story had lots of unexpected twists and turns that questioned the beliefs and knowledge of the characters. The story has had a time jump to show how long certain characters' actions had consequences that were long lasting. An enjoyable read that was engaging with a happy ending.

Compelling Story

Lexi Blake has written a novel weaving together characters from several related book series and several new characters. These are people you care about. Each one advances the plot. You also get to see more of Ian and Charlotte's kiddos. I can't wait for the upcoming series based on the next generation.


I feel like I have been waiting on this story for so long! Ezra and Solo were always such a mystery and while they remained on the fringes of so many other stories, you knew when their’s was told it was going to be Epic! Lexi Blake did not disappoint!

Love is never really lost.

Beck and Kim are two people who really care for one another but don't know how to show it or make it work. When you have a crazy person in your heals most of the time, you don't know if you'll every get to be happy with that piece of your soul.

Still love this series

Sexy, fun, thought provoking and heart breaking sometimes. This series moves you all over the emotional map. I have lost a lot of sleep reading all the different stories. Worth every minute


Omg!!the final chapter in the list boys story was awesome!!! Finally Back and Solo's story we have all been waiting for has come. Love anger mystery family and forgiveness is all in this phenomenal conclusion to the list boys.

Your books

I love your books and I really love how you've intertwined them crossovers from perfect gentleman and bliss is magnificent. I also glad that did that Levi green is finally dead! It couldn't have happened to a more deserving bad guy!

Great Book

Finally the perfect ending I've been waiting for. Beck and Kim together without Levi. Loved seeing the brothers back together again. I feel sorry for Ian Taggart. His kids are going to be the death of him and Charlotte.

Epic Ending

What an Epic ending to a wonderful saga. Once I started to read it, I couldn't put it down. I gave up trying to walk away from it ...even to sleep. I read right on through until the sun came up

So worth the wait

No Love Lost was so worth the wait and a great way to wrap up the Lost Boys series. It wrapped up loose ends in the series and lets us look forward to the M&M Reloaded series. It was great to also see Kim and Beck fight their way back into each others lives.

As usual a hit.

I enjoyed this story so much Solo and Beck were great together. I am sad that this is the end of the Lost Boys series. I that we had more of the supporting characters such as Ian,Charlie, and the children.

Loved It

Well now, when Levi shows up to arrest Solo and Beck is sitting there will make your heart stop, mine did a couple of times in this book - a lot of my questions were answered in this book, and Ian is back.

No Love Lost

This is the story of second chances, or thirds, or a fourth. Solo and Beck may need all those chances to find their way back to each other.


Once again I am blown away. I love your style of writing and I always am eager to get to the next chapter in this series. Thank you very much for giving Beck and Solo their happy ending.


Heart, intrigue, sex and a storyline full of surprises. But the best thing of all is the characters.. Ones you fall in love with, root for, and cry happy tears with. Lexi did it again.

I Just Love This Book!!!!!

Lexi you had my heart pounding throughout this story. The action and suspense scenes kept me on the edge of my seat. The ooh la la romance scenes were off the charts!!!! Great Job!!!!


Another great book by Lexi Blake ,I always get a laugh, and cry from her story's the suspense in the story's is great too. keep up the good work Lexi

Great story

Lexi Blake is an awesome writer. All of her books are excellant. I have them all. The Masters and Mercenaries is a great series. You will love them. Enjoy reading them. Thank you Lexi


Anyone that has followed do far should be over the moon with this book. The pieces fall into place and we see the real Kim and Beck! I cried, cussed and laughed. 💘 this book.

Another great book!

Love this series especially the interaction between the characters- including ones from previous books. It does have explicit sexual scenes including D/s.

Love these books

I absolutely love this series. I could not wait for Beck & Kim's story and I was not disappointed. This was so well done as soon as I finish one I am already counting down the days to the next one.


I have been waiting for this book since the beginning and I was NOT disappointed!!!! I love the way that Lexi Blake writes, the story just comes to life around you!

All tied up

Good ending for the Lost Boys. Tied up all the loose ends. But, not nearly as thrilling as other books in the series. Almost as if Lexi Blake got tired or distracted and just pooped out.

Loved it

I love all the books associated with these characters.It has twist and turns. You love and hate Kim at times. I will state again hated the bad guy..


Love all her books and this was so heartfelt! Great plot, characters, twists and turns and a happy ending! What more could you want?!

Solo and Beck

Great story as always. Once started you wont put it down. Kim and Beck on the edge again over Levi. In the end Levi isnt a problem anymore.

Another amazing story by Lexi Blake

This series is the best I have ever read. There's humor, drama, and lots of love. I hope she continues to keep writing more!

Fabulous story by an amazing author - Lexi Blake

No Love Lost is another great book with amazing plots. I absolutely love the kids in this book. I really like it when Lexi addreses how Ian is having to deal with kids that are so like him and Charlotte. Can't wait for the next book. You are my favorite author to reread - right with Nora Roberts and J. R. Ward


This one had an ending I can stand behind. Beck came through for his son and Kim. A word to the wise, never piss off Big Tag!

Love this Series!

'No Spoilers' I loved Solo's and Becks story! Such a great Series...would be great if it was made into a movie!

Loved it ♥️

Lexi Blake is an auto buy for me and this book is a perfect reason why. It’s beautiful and action packed and gave me all the feels! I loved it! 10/10

Love this Whole Series!!

I have read every book associated with the Masters & Mercenaries series. Love this series... great reads.

Love intrigue this book has it all

I love this series. Read all of the books to get the true value of Lexi Blake's tag art family

Fantastic series!!!!

This is an excellent series!!! Eagerly awaiting the next book in the series, please do not run out of characters!!

A perfect ending to a great series

This was the story we were waiting for. There were surprises and tears.

Lexi does it again!!! The best!!!!

Omg!! This was the best ending to a great series!!! Over every twist and turn! Can’t wait for the stories to continue with the youngsters!!!

Love Found

So happy Kim and Beck got their book and found their way back to one another. The path back to happy wasn't easy nor pretty but surely worth the twists and turns. I don't want to give any spoilers away so I'll just say I'm glad Lexi included many many appearances by the whole crew. One of the best books in the series.


My favorite. Because it’s real. The story showing there was work put into becoming better, dealing with imperfections and becoming a better person. I know it’s romance and by definition a happy ending but it was still real.


A great Lexi Blake book

Best of the series.

Couldn't put it down! One of the best in the series. Always a pleasure to read this author. Loved Solo's story.

One of the best book series

Absolutely love Lexi Blake and the world she has created. You won't be sorry reading this series.

Great read


Another amazing Lexi Blake book.

This was another amazing Lexi Blake book I love the Master and Mercenaries series this was another great addition. This is a must read. You won’t be disappointed.

Great way to end a series

Awesome simply awesome!! The end of a great series and a tied up loose end! Well worth it! Lexi Blake once again does not dizzy!

Great ending to the “Forgotten” series.

Loved seeing all the old and new characters In the same story! Can’t wait for the next book!

I can't have enough

more, more, more, !!!

Amazing as always!

I love every single one of these books. She has created a wonderful family. Each book leaves me craving for the next one!

Amazing closure for the lost boys.

I couldn’t stop reading it and loved every minute of reading it. I love that all the lost boys were there and loved reading about their family. And I really love big tag!

Lexi Blake is one of the best authors ever!!!!

I love when a last book in a series wraps up all unanswered questions and 'No Love Lost' did it with style.

Great read

Loved this book

No lost love

Me gusto el desarrollo pero muy brusco final

Series Conclusion

*I received a free copy to read & review for Wicked Reads* No Love Lost the 5th book in the Masters and Mercenaries: The Forgotten is the finale to the series. The 4 books all lead up to this last couple: Solo and Beck/Ezra. I will say that I had very high expectations as Solo is one of my favorite characters in the entire series. I am not going to summarize the story. I will say that I wasn't fond of this book.. I wanted a conclusion to the series, I needed to see where it played out and the ending was there but it took a long time to get there. The couple was apart more than together, it truly took forever for the story to gain traction. There were twists and turns that kept my attention, but overall I was hoping for more from this book. ~Wicked Reads Review Team~

Every inch is bittersweet happiness!

Every inch of this book is bittersweet happiness. From the very start of the Lost Boys series' it has been some of Lexi Blake's best writing. No Love Lost was a culmination of years of hard work and carefully crafted plotting. Her James Bond like suspense mixed with a high steamy factor has made this a favorite series of mine for almost a decade. The Forgotten branch of the Masters and Mercenaries series has truly brought me happiness like never before, interconnecting her other worlds, bringing us a wild ride that spreads joy to all of her fandoms. From the very dedication I was choked up. The story captivated me from the beginning to end; filled with action, hotness, tear filled moments and lots of LOL moments as well. Ezra/Beck Fain man have been the man who helped keep the Lost Boys together, but in doing so he lost his job working with the CIA. In his place a sinister man took over and Levi Green is like no other bad man the McKay-Taggart team ever took on before. Levi is truly a sociopath that should make you wonder about the inner workings of Lexi's mind...his long game is unlike anything I've ever read and his evilness is so brilliant...I do wonder if Lexi sits around and cackles while she's plotting. His game has involved the Lost Boys and Beck is tired of playing considering Levi is fixated on his ex-wife, Kim Soloman. Kim Solo Soloman can never seem to escape the one man who holds her heart. Beck Fain can never forgive her for the death of his brother and that mistake will forever be the anger that is a wedge between them...oh and Levi Green. As long as he is breathing down their necks, creating a cycle of chaos, walking away from the man she loves will be the only possible solution from the tangle that is her life. It all comes down to saving the world, saving each other, and saving the team. Can this all be achieved while setting aside past grievances and will Levi finally get what's coming to him?

ABSOLUTELY amazing ending to the Lost Boys

As a lover of all things Masters and Mercenaries (original series and The Forgotten), the story between Ezra Fain and Kim Solomon was a long time coming. These two have been battling it out through several books and they definitely need a resolution to all the hurt feelings between them so when No Love Lost was announced I was chomping at the bit. I wanted to see how Ms. Blake would put things to rights in the Beck~Solo world. The how is.... outrageously, fantastically brilliantly. I don't know how Lexi Blake continues to weave stories with twists and turns that are never stale, are never repeated. Each story is fresh and has a life of its own even when within a world 30+ books deep. She hits all of the points that make for a Blake M & M book: intrigue, suspense, sexy action, bullets flying action, and humor then layers on friendship and brotherhood, secrets revealed, jaw-dropping revelations, and then, of course, Ian ('nough said there.) If you've read The Forgotten this is the ending that you have been waiting for. Blake took her usual well-developed, fun story and kicked it up 5 notches. No Love Lost is everything readers have come to expect from Lexi Blake and a whole lot more.

I Love This Series!

I received a free copy of this book to read and review for Wicked Reads, so here is my review. Ezra is at it again, trying to save Solo from Levi Green. It has been 7 years since he has seen her but the love he feels for her is even stronger now. He has changed since the last time they saw each other, he has been through therapy, he is calmer now. He wants to try again with her. She has kept several secrets from him for seven years, can they move past them and make a future together? Will Levi came back for her because he believes she is his? Can they stop Levi for good this time? I love this series, it is filled with suspense, intrigue, a rogue CIA agent who has a God complex and wants to control his own army through mind control. McKay-Taggert has the Lost Boys who are the results of another doctor who thought she was God and she kept wiping their memories but they are slowly gaining them back. So if you love suspenseful military stories with a love story twisted in it then this series is for you. I highly recommend it and I hope you love it too. **Wicked Reads Review Team**

So good

Kim/Solo is a CIA agent and the ex wife of Ezra/Beck. He divorced her because he blames her for the death of his brother. Kim has done everything to get Beck to forgive her but he can’t let go of his anger. When she’s arrested for treason, she figures it’s the last she’ll see of Beck. But Beck can’t let her be taken by their nemesis, Levi Green, so he rescues her. They are on the run and hiding from Levi when Beck screws up again and Kim takes off. After hiding out for many years, Kim has been located and Beck will do anything necessary to get her back. He’ll keep her safe from Levi and show her how much he has changed. Can Kim forgive Beck and finally get their happily ever after? We have all been eagerly anticipating this story. We get the secrets that have been kept and the action and sex that Mrs. Blake is loved for. I absolutely love this series, really all of Mrs. Blake’s books. * Voluntarily read and reviewed this for the author *

Beck and Kim

What a way to wrap up this series with Beck and Kim’s story and some incredible friends coming along for the ride. From beginning to end, Ms. Blake has pulled out all of the stops to make this one outstanding read. Kim Solomon, aka Solo, has never been able to forget the man that holds her heart while Levi Green, madman número uno, thinks that she belongs to him and will do anything in his power to make her his. Then there is Beck/Ezra, the man that kept the lost boys together, lost his position with the CIA, had to deal with his demons and the thorn in his side, Levi. There is intrigue, betrayal, dealing with the past, forgiveness, love, and so much more. It reads like a James Bond action movie to the nth degree. It is a page turning, high octane, burst of emotions that you will not be able to put down. I highly recommend this book and the rest of the series which should be read in order. I volunteered to read a copy of this book.

Masters and Mercenaries: The Forgotten Book 5

We have been building up to Ezra Fain and Kim Soloman's book since the beginning of the Masters and Mercenaries: The Forgotten series. We've seen first hand that they're both crazy about each other but at the same time there is a lot of resentment between them for things that happened in the past. Ezra blames Kim for the things that happened between them but at the same time he just threw away their relationship without even trying to see her side of things. Like a lot of fans I've been really looking forward to their book, I wanted to dig deeper into where things went wrong and I knew their chemistry would be explosive when they finally gave in to it. Lexi Blake never disappoints on that front, especially when she can throw in a lot of danger and push her characters over the edge as they fight for their lives. I'm not going to lie, there were moments when I really wanted to shake some sense into Ezra. The way he kept punishing Kim constantly and always immediately jumped to the worst conclusions about her got really irritating after a while but by the end of the book we do see a huge turn around in his character and he works hard to become a better man for her. I always knew Kim had secrets but I could never have even begun to guess all of them so there were some really brilliant revelations throughout the story too. I loved seeing all of the Lost Boys come together for one last mission with the help of some of the McKay-Taggart crew, one of the things I've enjoyed most about this series is the ongoing camaraderie between the group and they way they always look out for each other and that hasn't changed here. While I really enjoyed the romance and was happy with the way things turned out for Ezra and Kim I was slightly disappointed that they spent so much time apart, really they were only together for such a short time before their relationship imploded and then they were apart for so long that it was a bit hard to understand why they were still so madly in love with each other. I totally got the sparks flying when they were back in each others vicinity but they'd both spent years longing for each other from a distance. That's only a slight niggle in the grand scheme of things though and overall this was a fast paced story full of action and intrigue. It ties together a lot of threads that have been ongoing for at least 5 books now and it definitely leaves the whole Masters & Mercenaries crew in a very different place to where they started. I can't wait to see where Lexi takes this world next because I have a strong feeling we're nothing to be saying goodbye to it any time soon!

Getting that second chance at love

Kimberly "Solo" Soloman is a CIA agent who was once married to fellow agent Erza Fain but when he blamed her for the death of his brother, thweir marriage fell apart although the love between them continued to exist. He left the CIA and Solo continued on with their paths crossing as Erza began working for McKay -Taggert. When Solo is accused of a crime she never committed by their mutual enemy, Levi Green, Erza swears to do everything he can to protect her but Solo feels she is safer to hide on her own. When Erza and Solo are separated he will do anything he can to locate her but he has to be sure to find her before Levi does as he isn't going to give up either. Will Erza and Solo have a chance at finally figuring out the love they share before it's too late? This was such a good book with some awesome twists and turns to leave my jaw on the ground! I thought Solo was such a great character and I truly didn't think she was going to be charged by Levi, especially considering everything that he has done in the past. Solo was resilient but also she was determined not to take anyone else down with her, especially Erza, as she knew that Levi would do whatever he could to take care of him once and for all. I totally understood why she ran after all of the cruel things that Erza said to her while in France. So Erza's character totally had me confused with the whole name thing. I discovered that his real name was actually Beckett Kent but had chosen to use his brother's name after his death which had me pretty confused. He was a good character but also a really angry one who lashed out quite often at Solo and said some really cruel things. Levi was a sadistic jerk who was so hell bent on destroying both Erza and Solo yet he wanted to keep Solo as his possession but one he could control. I have no idea how he kept getting more powerful after everything he had done. He never gave up looking for Solo and I knew there was nothing he wouldn't do to get her. There was a large amount of time that lapses in the book and I was surprised for how long it took but I loved how Solo had tried to put things back together yet unfortunately she was caught but I loved what was revealed to Erza and the other men of McKay-Taggert. I loved how Erza realized he needed to change and began to go by his own name again. He really realized what he had to fight for and wasn't going to lose them. I loved all the information that began to be pieced together and how everything began to make sense yet there were a few things that left me with a little unease. One was that it was obvious a certain individual didn't like Solo with no reason why which made me wonder if that's where a leak was. When everything exploded I knew something was coming but I loved how Solo was still trying to protect everyone else. The end was awesome and I'm glad where Solo and Beck are headed!!

One of Blake's best romances ever! What a fantastic series finale.

Captivating me from the beginning to the very last word, No Love Lost was an incredibly beautiful, exceptionally written, second chance love story. As my most anticipated book of the year, I could not wait for Ezra and Kim's romance, as we were teased continuously with glimpses into their relationship drama throughout the entire Masters & Mercenaries: The Forgotten Series. It was well worth the wait and to say it went beyond my high expectations is an understatement as Lexi Blake had outdone herself by penning one heck of an epic tale. I could not put my kindle down - between the intense sexual chemistry, the off-the-charts angst level, and the all-consuming plotline, I was addicted to this poignant and memorable read. A brilliant finale that surpassed everything I've ever hoped for when it came to this couple and their journey. Once married and now divorced for over a decade, the immeasurable love these two shared was undeniable, despite a past heavily laced with heartache, secrets, and lies. With each encounter, tensions deliciously escalated between the ex-CIA agent Ezra (Beck) Fain and agent Kim "Solo" Soloman. Beck was so consumed with rage, he was incapable of forgiving his ex's grave betrayal (bearing the responsibility for his older brother's death) regardless of the hold she had on his heart. I got where Beck was coming from when it came to blaming Kim, but he was frustratingly blinded by anger, he did not listen to reason. Lucky for him, I love a stubborn and sexy hero. In the end, Beck worked hard for his redemption - moving on from their painful past to heal the cavernous breach between them. Solo was a bada$$ tough (yet tenderhearted) chick, and I adored her. For years, Kim shouldered a tremendous amount of guilt for the secrets she held, knowing full well they wrecked her marriage to the only man she truly loved. Still, she sacrificed all to protect Fain from both the truth and the nefarious foe obsessed with destroying them. All this made for a fantastic, nail-biting edgy read. And throughout, I felt their sorrows, struggles, and every bump in their tumultuous relationship, but mostly... their undying love. Kim and Beck's journey was a passion-filled, emotional roller coaster ride. All heaviness and heart-aching drama aside, there were moments of levity courtesy of my favorite Master and Mercenary - Ian Taggart. I will never get my fill of his loony character and happy to say fans will be thrilled to see him, as well as some old friends from prior installments. Sad to see this series end, but looking forward to new and exciting stories from Lexi Blake's wondrous imagination. advance reader's copy of this publication received in exchange for an honest review


I have spent years, YEARS waiting for this book. YEARS. Y'all don't even realize the amount of want I had for this. When you crave a book this bad, when you're so desperate for a particular character's story and HEA, let me tell you something, you set your expectations high. You can't help it. Beck and Solo have spent years being some of the most memorable secondary characters in previous books. I've been dying for their HEA and my hopes were high. I was almost terrified going into this book for fear that I may have set them too high. And then Lexi Blake comes in and blows all of expectations right out of the water. Because this book didn't just meet them, it far exceeded anything I could have ever hoped for. This is a love story years in the making. A romance that started out fiery hot between two agents and then burned out even hotter when lies and espionage came between them. It's been years, and the rage that's there still burns for Beck. He may not be over Solo, but he's not ready to forgive her either. He blames her for the death of his brother and he doesn't mince his words or spare her his hatred when they're in each other's vicinity. Let me tell you I almost wanted to hate Beck. His treatment of Solo is almost callous at times. The amount of anger and resentment he carries towards her is almost painful to read. And the way she takes all his verbal punches on the chin and doesn't flinch made me love her even more. Solo is one tough cookie. Lexi wrote some of the most kickass heroines I've read, but Solo is in a class of her own. She may have her hard and tough exterior, but she cares and she cares deeply for those she considers friends. There's so much that happened in this book. So many secrets and twists that sent my head spinning. It was a non-stop action packed ride full of depth and emotion. I spent so long waiting for Beck to finally see the error of his ways but I wasn't prepared for just how hard he'd feel it. The second chance feels of this story were on a whole other level. I lived for these two. After so many years with the Masters and Mercenaries series and this spinoff, I feel like I know these characters. I crave each little glimpse of them as the years pass. But no one is quite as potent as Ian Black and his kids. The hell raisers that his daughters have come to be is the most deliciously hilarious thing to read. I loved them! To say I loved this book would be an understatement. I devoured it. I lived for it. I couldn't get enough of this story. There's so many revelations that by the time I picked my jaw off of the floor, another would come out of left field and whack me over the head. It was so good! I think the last time I was anticipating a book this bad, it was Ian's. But this one far exceeded any expectations. Beck and Solo were everything. One of my favorites in the series. Bar none.

Kim and Beck's Story IS the Best of the Series

Overall Grade: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ There is this sound on TikTok that goes “I’ve been waiting for this…” and TikTokers far and wide begin dancing to this beat that is driving and edgy. In that aftermath of those words, some TikTokers even expose secrets to anyone who passes their TikTok page. As I finished Lexi Blake’s No Love Lost, that sound kept circling in my mind because, like these TikTokers, I was ready, no…panting, for No Love Lost, the last book (I think) of her Masters and Mercenaries off-shoot with The Lost Boys. There have been so many personalities and stories in this spin-off and its predecessor that, at times, you feel a little “lost,” so to speak. But make no mistake…for this reader, Kim Solomon and Beckett Kent, were not lost to me. I have been wanting their story because Blake set the stage for the most perfect second chance romance. Here’s the thing with these two. For one, Kim is my favorite type of heroine: she’s strong, independent, resilient, and she takes the crap thrown at her from the alpha-men in her life and she turns it into spun gold. What this does is tug at your heart. As Beck and Kim verbally spar with each other, and he throws emotional darts at her soul, your heart bleeds for her. You cannot help but become emotionally invested in a female character who does not deserve the treatment weighed upon her. Blake deftly makes her appealing to the reader while her power is lost to the other characters. In No Love Lost, Blake adds vulnerability to her character construction, and you become lost in Kim’s journey. In other stories in this series, you don’t truly know Kim’s secrets. In this book, Blake divulges them spectacularly, and it’s like a fireworks show. As her secret-knower, the reader becomes invested in this book, and you can’t help but read it to the very end because, quite frankly, Kim deserves a happy ending. Even more, Blake doesn’t make it easy for her readers to get there because Kim has been burned over and over again, so becoming vulnerable requires a mighty act to shed her Teflon armor. And for this reader, that psychological pilgrimage is painful and insightful and glorious. Add Beck’s journey to Kim’s story, and the emotions become heightened. There is more of the tension between these two that we’ve read in earlier stories, but this time, something productive occurs. I think that’s what I loved most. Beck recognizes his shortcomings and actually takes action in this book. After reading his apathy towards Kim in past stories, it was revelatory to read a story where his emotions could not be contained. It ingratiated you into their story because you wanted them both to recognize their deep, abiding love for each other. What I also loved about this story was the revelation of Kim’s sense of identity in Beck. She’s so very strong, but her sense of self is aligned with Beck’s belief in her. And that feels grounded in reality, not fiction. To see that spelled out in Blake’s story made it substantive. Add to that a compelling story. One of my favorite villains to hate needed to be dealt with. And Levi earns his comeuppance in No Love Lost. Mix in past characters, and this story is “old home” week to the max. Sprinkle in Blake’s brand of romantic suspense plus a big plot shift, and you’re lost in the pages of this book. There is a feeling of nostalgia that befalls you at the end of it, a mourning for the stories of The Lost Boys, but there is also a promise for more stories with new characters (and the return of old ones) in the Masters and Mercenaries universe. I am exceedingly THRILLED with No Love Lost. From an intentional, stalwart, tenacious heroine to a hero who finally figures himself out to a story that compels you forward towards its ending, this book will engage you, entertain you, and leave you wanting more.

Can Their Love Be Found?

I was prepared heading into No Love Lost, ex-CIA agent Ezra (Beck) Fain and agent Kim "Solo" Soloman long-awaited story that it was going to be a doozy of a story line and that the twists and secrets that were woven into the plot would have my emotions running the gamut, as Beck and Solo fought to protect themselves from a litany of enemies, including each other. But I don’t think I was quite ready for the amount of disdain Beck still held for Solo and how his feelings of hatred toward her made everything more difficult, not only between them, but in every facet of their lives, both individually and together. Let me start by saying that Beck had every right to feel the way he did about Solo. What went down altered a lot of lives and some were changed in ways that they’re still coping with, but while I understood the reasons behind his callous comments and actions, I was afraid he was going to burn any thread that still existed between them, that still gave them a fighting chance to be to each other what they should have been from the very beginning. Solo, man, is she a fighter. Lexi Blake’s heroines are some of my absolute favorite because they are badass, which makes sense given the environment they’re a part of and the danger and heightened situations they find themselves in…but Solo went beyond that for me…she proves herself time and time again but her mistakes weigh on her, especially when it concerns the love of her life, so the fact that she’s on the run seems to be about more than just alluding those who want her dead; I also see it as self-preservation, given that the man she loves, who owns her, blames her and loathes her in a way that she doesn’t think there is any coming back from, at least not for them. As much as I was anticipating Beck and Solo’s story, I did struggle with the pacing a bit…some parts seemed to hardly move the plot forward and I honestly didn’t understand why the hero and heroine spent so much time apart, especially given all that they had already been through both together and individually. There’s a lot to unpack in this story and, at times, I felt like maybe there was too much to include and unravel and it left me wanting more in some areas. Lexi Blake’s version of a second chance romance is packed with action, secrets, lies, and a couple who need to get out of their own way and figure their issues out before it’s too late. I can’t get enough of Blake’s Masters & Mercenaries, and The Forgotten spin-off is one fantastic addition to an already amazing series. 4 Poison Apples

4.5stars-emotional and engaging

4.5 stars--NO LOVE LOST is the fifth and final Instalment in Lexi Blake’s contemporary, adult MASTERS AND MERCENARIES: THE FORGOTTEN erotic, BDSM, romantic suspense series focusing on six former military soldiers (Jax, Dante, Sasha, Tucker, Owen, Robert and Ezra/Beck) whose minds and lives were eradicated and erased by a secret, unauthorized military experiment. This is former CIA operatives Kimberly ‘Solo’ Solomon, and Ezra Fain aka Beckett Kent’s story line. NO LOVE LOST should not be read as a stand alone as the story line has been building throughout the series. THE FORGOTTEN is a spin off from the author’s Masters and Mercenaries series; several characters from the aforementioned series as well as the Nights in Bliss, Colorado and Texas Sirens series cross over for familiarity. NOTE: If you have not read Lexi Blake’s original Masters and Mercenaries series, their may be some confusion as it pertains to the Lost Boys and their backstory. WARNING: There are some BDSM scenes as well as Dom/sub sexual scenarios. SOME BACKGROUND: Several months (years) earlier, the mercenaries from the McKay-Taggart Black Ops group rescued, from an unauthorized military lab, run by Dr. Hope McDonald, six men they labelled the ‘Lost Boys’. With their memories wiped clean, no ID, and no traceable DNA, the Lost Boys were essentially ‘new born’ soldiers trained to kill and destroy. The Forgotten are their stories. Told from third person perspectives, covering several years beyond the present, NO LOVE LOST focuses on the acrimonious and caustic relationship between former CIA operatives, former lovers, and the now divorced couple Kimberly ‘Solo’ Solomon, and Ezra Fain aka Beckett Kent. Divorced for years, our couple struggled with the reality that the fine line between love and hate goes a long way when Beck continues to blame Solo for the death of his brother but Levi Greene, a common enemy who has set his sights on our story line heroine, will pull Beck back into Kimberly’s life but in doing so Beck’s anger and pain would push her away one last time. Fast forward seven years wherein the team at McKay Taggart will discover Solo’s whereabouts but in doing so will inadvertently threaten everyone Kimberly loves. What ensues is the rebuilding but tempestuous on again, off again relationship between Beck and Kim, and the fall-out as too many lies and secrets, once again, threaten the fragile hold on trust and love . Beckett Kent aka Ezra Fain is a man with a temper who lashes out at the woman he loves. Issues of trust, miscommunication, words said in anger and haste between the couple add fuel to an already simmering pain. As Solo struggles with her need for a man who pushes all of her buttons, the enemy is biding his time in an effort to destroy Beckett and Kim. The relationship between Beckett and Kim is a second chance relationship that has been burned one too many times. Beckett blames Kim for the loss of his brother but it will be the secrets and lies that will push Becket over the edge. The $ex scenes are intimate, erotic and intense with some light BDSM, Dom/sub and spanking scenarios. There is a large ensemble cast of familiar, colorful and energetic secondary and supporting characters including several of the author’s previously mentioned series. The timeline of NO LOVE LOST jumps approximately seven years wherein the author is setting the stage for her next spin off: Masters and Mercenaries-Reloaded. NO LOVE LOST is the culmination of five interwoven storylines about The Forgotten-a group of men who lost their lives, their minds, their family and respect; a detailed story of family and friendships; betrayal and vengeance; secrets and lies; love, loss, and forgiveness. The premise is emotional and engaging; the romance is heart breaking yet seductive; the characters are struggling to find a place in the world.

one shocking twist after another

I have been hooked on Lexi Blake's Masters and Mercenaries series since way back when so picking up No Love Lost was a no brainer. I have to say I found the start to this one a little slow. It took me a bit to really get into Beck and Kim's story but around the thirty percent mark things really took off. I liked both Kim and Beck. They were both smart and savvy. Always trying to do the right thing even when it was the hard thing. Even when it cost them their happiness and sanity. The nature of their job was half truths and secrets. Living like that took its toll and cost them both what they wanted most, a life together. But when Kim's life was on the line, it was Beck who stepped up and in to make sure she was safe. I loved how hard Beck worked on himself. He was determined to get another chance to get it right with Kim, if he could ever find her. Talk about a whirlwind of misdeeds and shocking turns. I mean it was one jaw on the floor moment after another. But somehow it wasn't too much, because it gave purchase to all the inner turmoil they were battling. And when that despicable, conniving Levi Green threw himself back into the mix, everything was once again thrown off balance. This book got intense. By the time I got to the big aha I was legit spinning so many scenarios I had no clue how everything would pan out. Full of family, feeling and forgiveness, Kim and Beck's second and third chance romance is proof that when the love is real and deep and true, time and circumstance don't matter. It's how hard you're willing to fight for what your heart wants that does.

The push - pull will suck you right in

No Love Lost (Masters & Mercenaries: The Forgotten #5) by Lexi Blake 5 stars M/F Second chance romance Triggers: Stalking, Kidnapping, BDSM I was given this book for an honest review by Wicked Reads. Ezra (Beck) is one hard man. He knows love, he knows loss and he knows revenge. While he hasn't been the most understanding person, what he's had to live through has given him a chip on his shoulder so large, it's a wonder he can stand up straight. Kim (Solo) is an amazing operative who never thought her life would turn out the way it has. On the run, accused of horrible things, in love with someone who only hates her and to make it all wrapped with a shiny bow, she has more secrets than anyone around. These two fight like cats and dogs, but know that they had something at one time. You'll cheer for Solo, rage against Ezra, want to kill Levi Green AGAIN - man, this guy! These characters are all so well developed and the story will twist and turn in ways that you can't imagine. I loved every second of it, even the seconds that made me cry with heartbreak. I can't say enough about this book and hope that you've read the previous ones because you'll need all of the background to understand the complexities in this one. Read at your own risk of needing something to throw, Kleenex and some chocolate. Amazing is all I can really say.

A captivating read.

I have watched Lexi Blake grow from a good story teller to a great novelist. No Love Lost is a prime example of her story telling ability, weaving it into an emotional and compelling book. This is one of the Master and Mercenaries novels, part of the Lost Boys series. Ezra Fain has been in love with Kim Solomon, aka Solo for years, and vice versa despite their divorce. After years of therapy to get his anger under control, Beck Kent took back his real name, instead of his late brother’s, Ezra Fain, which is good, since Ezra isn’t really dead. After driving Kim away with his anger and jealousy, Beck has been looking for her for seven years. When he finally finds her, he saves her from their shared nemesis, Levi Green. At the same time, he saves his son, and his brother from Levi’s machinations. But Levi has gained power over the years and his obsession with Kim hasn’t changed. Can Beck win back his woman while keeping her safe from the evil that stalks her? As always, Ian Taggert is delightful, and we get to catch up with most of the characters from the earlier books, including their children. There’s also a surprise twist at the and for those who read Lexi’s other series. While this isn’t a good book to start with for the series, it is a great addition. The angst, the self-knowledge gained by both protagonists, and the suspense, all combine to create a captivating read. Review copy provided for a voluntary review.

Forgotten's Best 📚🔥💕💕

No Love Lost is book #5 in the Masters and Mercenaries: The Forgotten series by Lexi Blake. This is Kim and Beckett(Ezra)'s story. This is the final book in The Forgotten series and the Kim Solomon, Ezra Fain, Levi Green story hits it's crescendo while at the same time Beck and Kim's story plays out. We have seen hints of their story in previous books, now finally this is their story. We get such an emotional rollercoaster story that is filled with rawness, intense feels, , gripping, angsty, savage, heartbreaking, suspenseful, intrigue, action, excitement, hated, anger, pain, secrets, lies , twists , humor, romantic suspense, forgiveness, love, sizzling chemistry , steamy passion, and HEA. Kim is a character who is complex. Without giving anything away, my heart hurt for her. Beck, he was a man on a mission and on a lonely island. He was conflicted. They had a past that's still playing havoc with the present. Kim still loved Beck but did Beck her? He said no but it takes some things happening to make him rethink that his love is still there. There are other things that happen- twists and turns that keep me on the edge of my seat. Fabulous read with excellent excitement, adventure, wonderful popups from past characters, great plot and beautiful romance with amazing couple. Great writing! My Rating: 4.8 stars *********

A hard fought love!

I love a good misunderstood story! The heroine had to make some pretty tough choices that cost her, her husband and love of her life. No Love Lost is all about the journey for Kim and Beck's lost love. I don't know what it is about a misjudged or misunderstood storyline, but I do love them. I think it's more about the moment when the truth comes out and seeing the other party grovel to get back what they lost. That's exactly what you get with Beck and Kim. I really loved seeing that transformation with Beck and how much his love grew for Kim after going through some really hellish years. You also get to see all the lovely side characters from this whole series. This author has a pretty good sense of humor and it shows through most of these characters. I really enjoy this group and I'm extremely curious about other books that I know some of them come from. I believe it intertwines more than one series. That may seem like you should read all books in order but I can say that I have read two books out of order and have had no issues piecing together what I need to enjoy each book as a standalone. If anything it has piqued my interest to read the other books.

Loved it

I’m so sad that this is the end of The Lost Boys series in the Masters & Mercenaries series. I love this entire series & I will keep on saying just keeps getting better with every book. This one though, was so good with all the surprises in it. I really felt & enjoyed the emotional angst that this book brought us. The push & pull between Kim & Beck was so strong, especially with the surprises that came into Beck’s life. I enjoyed seeing all the Lost Boys back together again for one last mission to help Kim (Solo) clear her name & protect her from Levi. I also loved the fact that they found Sasha’s daughter & Ian & Charlotte adopted her. This was definitely an edge of your seat story with all the angst & action that happened. I was also happy that Levi got what he deserved & it was exactly how I was hoping it would happen. A big thank you to author Lexi Blake for keeping this series going & keeping it still so intriguing even after so many books. This series is definitely my favourite romantic/suspense/ex-military series. Well Done!!!


I LOVE Lexi Blake's stories, and I LOVE this series, however, I just didn't love Ezra/Beck. I have wanted to know why he was like he was with Kim/Solo, but I felt like he was just too brutal to her so I never warmed up to him to be honest. It's been years since Solo & Beck were together because of something that he could never forgive her for. However, neither got over the other but his rage felt so ugly to me. Now she's in trouble & Beck has decided that he's going to help her, but he's still not really over his anger all the way. That sent them on a crazy journey together where they'll have to hash out the past while trying to stay one step ahead of a very evil dude. Sounds simple right?! Solo was such an amazing heroine that I seriously couldn't get enough of her as she took what he gave without flinching. He never stopped being mean as hell in my eyes, so yeah, he had my back up cover to cover. So that's the second chance portion of the program but it was the twists & action that kept on the edge of my seat with heart racing, and the f-bombs dropping. Please remember that the way I felt about Beck was just my opinion, doesn't mean you'll feel the same! HIGHLY RECOMMEND TO ALL!

Stunning story!

I should not have doubted, I really shouldn’t have, because to me it seemed hopeless that the main characters could ever work out their troubles and be together. There was too much, too many hurts, too much damage. It did in fact all fall apart, that was inevitable, because no easy fix or solution would work, only time, effort, and dedication. Only then, could these two get their HEA, and boy, what a fight, what a journey, how hard it was to get there. But along the way, all the happiness there was as well. This is the final book in the series, so we get all our Lost Boys in their lives now. And I mean all, the stories and the future wrapped up for this generation, and hints of the futures for the next. Action packed, soul crushing, heart swelling, and pulse racing are a few things you’ll endure while reading this story. Infallible kings have vulnerabilities, hard and painful life lessons are learned, and bad guys get their ever so long overdue justice I cried, I laughed, I sobbed, I giggled, and in the end, I was overjoyed that the friends I made along the way in this series got the lives they loved surrounded by people they adore. Simply, perfection!

OMG, That was AMAZING!!!

OMG, That was AMAZING!!! There is soooooo much going on in this book, which is broken down into two parts, that it would be so easy to let something slip but I promise not to. I have loved Solo/Kim, from the very beginning. This poor woman has been through so much and what we know from previous books was just scratching the service. Beck/Ezra always grated on me because of the way he treated his ex-wife, Kim/Solo, but after reading this story I understand a little more of him....but still didn't truly like him for a while. LOL Lexi Blake has give us a story that we can really sink out teeth into here. I have really enjoyed the series and this was a great way to end things. There's not only mystery, suspense, and action, but lots of steamy times as well. I would recommend reading the series in order since there is a common thread that runs through each of the books. That being said, I hope you grab a copy and dive into the fun today. Happy Reading!!! **I have voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Readers Copy of this book for my Blog, Nadine's Obsessed with Books**

excellent second chance romantic suspense

Beck (Ezra) has a second chance with the woman he's always loved. So he's not going to mess up again and lose her. But first, he has to get her out of the mess she's in, and protect her. Then they'll talk, they'll rehash things. That's the plan at least, but we all know how plans have a way of going awry... This series is crazy intense. The overarching plot is wrapped up sort of in No Love Lost, but of course there are always things going on, and it's those things that really keep this series going. What I liked about this particular installment is the two leads feel so realistic in a world of spies and action, their emotions are what grounded them and made them real instead of hard core agents. Well, Kim is that, or was, but she, and Beck, are so well-drawn and layered and so interesting. I felt their emotions as they were feeling them, felt Kim's anger at Beck for hurting her and betraying her more than once, felt Beck's anger, even if he had it directed at the wrong person, and I felt their love. This is an excellent second chance romantic suspense. I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy.

Oh what an end!

What the -bleep- was that? I mean I expected emotions, stress, the time hop, action... Everything. But not THAT! It was a gorious end to one of my favorite series of all times and I really have to keep myself from posting spoilers, so bare with me and my rambling. I loved everything about this book. Ezra, Solo, Big Tag, even Levi was fitting and great for the story. Of course we saw other people and more characters and the kids and I still cannot find the right words to express all that I was feeling while reading... I just want to say one last thing and that is: read the book. you won't be disappointed. And, if you can, read "Oleg Federov's Third Chance" after this one. Thanks LExi for giving me another favorite book of yours <3

Love found again

3.75 stars. This is a good book! No Love Lost is the highly anticipated story of Ezra/Beck and Kim/ "Solo" and is the final story in the Forgotten series. Ezra and Kim are a divorced couple that we have seen throughout this series. I was so glad to finally find out what happened between them in the past to make them so volatile when together in the glimpses we got of them. Beck and Kim's story is an emotional one and they went through a lot of pain. They had hurt each other so much that I sometimes doubted that they could heal from all the heartache and move on together, but I'm so glad they were able to. I really liked Beck and Kim. They deserved to finally have some happiness and a hopeful future, after having been bitter and lonely for years. I can't say too much about this story as it will spoil the series and the future of the Masters and Mercenaries world. But I'm so happy with where all of the McKay-Taggart gang ended up at the end of the book. I can't wait to see where Ms. Blake takes the series in the future!

4.5 Stars

Lexi Blake is a master storyteller. She has this amazing ability to create characters readers can’t help but to connect with or like without really understanding the reasoning why. She creates an adventurous story provoking the reader's mind while leading them on a path of danger and deceit. Then throws you the curve ball of getting your heart and emotional well-being put on the line. Well not on the line really, but yes. In the end, Ms. Blake gives readers something they can feel. What more could you ask from an author or a book. No Love Lost is epic and emotional! I was hysterically emotional from being to end. The type of emotion that has you sitting on the edge of your seat, jaw dropping, eyes popping, screaming your heart out kind of you. Ezra and Solo, well lets just say, grab the tissues and the wine. You will need both. That is all I can say or needs to be said. Well done Ms. Blake, well done. Narrator Ryan West is amazing at bringing Ms. Blake’s stories alive.

Love this end to the series

This is the final book in The Forgotten Series and it's a great one. I am so sad that these men's stories, stories I've followed from book one to now book 5 are done. (Although, given how much the other characters from prior stories are present in this series, I'm hopeful we will see them all again!) I absolutely loved that in this book, Lexi Blake got the team back together yet to rescue Solo. This book also took quite a bit of time to address the issues of betrayal and hurt that were between Solo and Beck (Ezra in prior books- Beck adopted the name as a tribute to his fallen brother) I really enjoyed seeing them work together, with the rest of the team members to get their HEA. And overall, the emotion, the steam, and the action were melded into an interesting, fast-moving story that I couldn't put down.

One Final Mission for the Lost Boys!

Lexi Blake gave the Lost Boys and their leader one final mission . . . and it was everything! Intense, emotional, and perfect! I absolutely adored Kim and Beck’s story. The lies. The hurt. The intrigue. The love they couldn't quit. Even as they walked away from each other again and again they always found a way back to one another. Levi Green is really the ultimate evil villain and Lexi Blake is devious and a freaking genius! And, this plot brought together everything that is good about the very extended McKay-Taggart crew as everyone came together to bring Levi Green down once and for all. I have so much love for this book. I devoured it and feared it at the same time, because I knew it’s the book that is really changing everything for the characters I’ve fallen in love with over and over again. But, it was perfect even knowing that the original Mckay - Taggart crew are giving way to a younger crowd . . . 5 Stars!

Beck and Kim!

Beck and Kim were CIA agents who met, fell in love and married until Beck’s brother died and he blamed Kim. Despite the love they shared this resulted in the demise of their marriage as Beck could barely look at her without exploding in anger let alone sharing his life with her until years later she is in danger from a mutual enemy. There is nothing that Kim regrets more than her past with Beck. No one could blame themselves more than she does, so she takes whatever treatment he wishes to hurl at her and believes that she deserves the position that she now finds herself in. She is determined to face her foe alone so that no one else will get hurt but especially Beck. The sparks fly whenever Kim and Beck are together, whether in or out of bed, the intrigue keeps you on edge and as the secrets are exposed you cross your fingers and hope that this couple will find a way back to each other despite the odds.

Fabulous journey for Kim and Beck

Kim, aka Solo, is one amazing and tough woman. She has struggled to find her true purpose after growing up in an environment where she was an afterthought. She thought she found it with Beck but then her job got in the way. Beck is a hot head and when things get tough, he reacts in a mean way. Having Kim choose work over his family caused him to push her away. When Levi comes stalking after Kim again, Beck finds himself in a position to get another chance with Kim. Has he grown enough that she can trust him? Kim has a chance at her true dream, a family of her own but will her own insecurities get in the way? I love the journey that Kim and Beck had to take. The mystery and suspense is awesome which brings in the Lost Boys family and allowed me to enjoy how far them have all come in this series. I love how sucked in I get with these stories. I voluntarily read an ARC of this book and this is my honest review.

5 Not Everything As It Seems Stars!!!

From the beginning of this series and with every book, I’ve wanted to get the entire story with Ezra and Solo and to have this be the last book in this amazing series, it’s totally been worth the wait! Talk about a rollercoaster of a story. There’s so much tension and suspense with this book. More so than even the other books in my opinion. What they both thought was lost, has always been there below the surface and it takes something that happens to Solo to make him realize that his love for her might be able to be resuscitated because he knows she couldn’t do what she’s been accused of!! I don’t want to give too much away with this review, but let’s just say, I was on the edge of my seat for the majority of this book. There’s twists and turns coming that I didn’t see happening and Ms. Blake has definitely ended this series with a boom!

A 5+-starred end to such a fantastic series!

Goodness but how this book had me at the edge of my seat! There were twists upon twists, although one particular twist--which I consider the biggest of them all--was one that I had niggling in my head from the beginning. Even though I was proven right, my enthusiasm never waned because I was so darn emotionally invested in Beck and Solo's story. I mean, come on, how could I not be all in with these two, considering just how long they've been making their presence felt throughout the series. Having not read most of the original Masters & Mercenaries series, I have no clue if these two were around for any of those books, but I was still able to fully enjoy their book in particular and the Masters & Mercenaries: The Forgotten spin-off series as a whole. Beck and Solo's story is a special one, and Lexi Blake did them and her readers proud. Five-plus stars go to No Love Lost.

Great ending to this spin-off

Lexi Blake’s Masters and Mercenaries series is a big one, and the Forgotten is a spin-off of that. The Forgotten series are some of my favorites and I'm sad to see this one be the last but I hope these characters pop up in future M&M books (please let there be more Ms. Blake). No Love Lost has been a book in the making for a while now. Both characters appear in other books given that and a few other factors, I don’t think this could really be read as a stand-alone, but I've been wrong before. This was a fantastic wrap up to this short spin-off. Both Solo and Ezra/Beck are strong, well-developed characters and I'm so happy to see them finally come together and also to get the whole story that's been hinted at in previous books. I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

This series finale was PHENOMENAL!

The conclusion of The Forgotten series will have you on the edge of your seat (and reaching for a burst of caffeine when you realize you stayed up until sunrise) to devour every moment of Ezra and Solo’s story. This is a book fans have waited to get their hands on and Ms. Blake definitely did NOT disappoint! Throughout this intense, and suspenseful, adventure you will feel such powerful emotions as you bear witness to Ezra exposing his new, calmer, self to Kim. You will find yourself joining him in praying and hoping she can accept what he has to offer. You will also run a full range of feelings as you observe the changes Kim cycles through as she processes the many events that have taken place over the years. Overall, a conclusion to this series could not have been better!

Exciting ending to a fantastic series!

No Love Lost is the perfect conclusion to The Forgotten series, tying in quite a few of the characters that we know and love from the Masters and Mercenaries series, as the group tries to determine what their nemesis has planned and how to take him down. And throughout the book we get to watch Kim(Solo) and Beck(Ezra) as they work to put their explosive past behind them. Can they find a way to forgive each other and get back the chemistry the once had in order to find a future together? This story is everything we have come to expect from Lexi Blake! Flawless writing, great characters and an intricate storyline filled with suspense and intrigue will keep you hanging on to the edge of your seat as all pieces of the puzzle start to fall into place.

No Love, 5 Stars

No Love Lost by L. Blake is book five in her Masters and Mercenaries, The Forgotten series. The book can be read as a stand-alone. For best reading experience I recommend to read the books in order. The previous books are Memento Mori, Lost and Found, Lost in You. NLL is Kim and Beckett's story. Both share a past, but they parted ways years ago. Beckett never forgot about Kim and now he has found her. But he is in for a big surprise. Kim buils a new life, but never forgot about her man. NLL is a heart-wrenching story. Both characters are through a lot and have the scars to prove it. NLL is a fast paced, action packed read, entails two parts, the before and the after and I fell in instalove with the characters. A great read, 5 stars.

Enjoyed this second chance at love

NO LOVE LOST BY Lexi Blake is book 5 in the Masters & Mercenaries: The Forgotten Series. This is the story of Kim 'Solo' Soloman and Ezra 'Beck' Fain. I have read the previous book which did add to my enjoyment and understanding of this one. Beck and Solo so long ago where young agents who were in love but they ended up being torn apart. Although Solo stayed in love with him nothing cleared the air between the two. Now in their present day Solo ends up needing help and Beck comes to help her which leads them to spend time this their second chance at love? I am a big fan of Ms. Blake's writing so I of course enjoyed this book and this series. I plan on reading more of her books in the future.

So emotional.

This is such an amazing book,I couldn’t stop reading. What an emotional journey and I didn’t expect to cry so much. I really felt for Kim (Solo) and her ex husband Beck. Will he ever get over his anger? It’s obvious that they still love each other. When will he quit making Kim feel guilty over the death of his brother Ezra? Will Kim ever be safe? It seems like Levi Green will always be obsessed with her. Loved staying on edge too. So many twists. Loved getting updates on prior characters. Towards the end, can Beck prove to Kim that he’s changed and will she give him another chance? I voluntarily read an advanced readers copy and I highly recommend this book.

Simply fab

This book is the culmination of a lot of things. Things that I can't discuss because... spoilers. But. Trust me when I tell you that you will love the book. Through all the highs and lows. Through all the excitement. Through the tears. Right. To. The. End. I'm not sure I was ready for this. The Forgotten have been such wonderful stories to read. This is no exception. I was put through the wringer with this one. And I happily forgive the author for doing it to me. Simply fab. I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book.

My Thoughts on No Love Lost

The emotion in this book was epic. I got so wrapped in everything that was going on and nothing went the way I expected. It's what kept me reading and blowing through the book. I needed to know what would happen next. Would Beck and Kim find their way back to each other? Would Levi Green finally get what he deserved? How would it all be resolved? Romantic suspense isn't even my favorite romance trope but the way Lexi Blake writes it? That's when I want to read it. And I will keep coming back for more. I can't recommend this story or this series enough. It was beyond fantastic.

Excellent Book!

As much as I didn’t want to see this series end, I’m so glad that Lexi Blake not only gave Beck and Kim the ending they deserved but also did the same for ALL of the Lost Boys. No Love Lost is exhilarating, suspenseful, engaging and the anticipation had me on the edge of my seat! And as usual, this book has a lot heat and passion which left me completely satisfied. Lexi Blake definitely brought it when it came to the plot twists that I didn’t see coming. I’m beyond excited about another spin off series set in the Masters and Mercenaries world.

There is a fine line between love and hate

What an amazing second chance romance. The characters in this book are so relatable and their emotions are so intense that you can feel them like they are your own. Like all of this author’s books, there were plenty of twist and turns along the way and each one was more exciting and surprising then the last. The author keeps the action high in this book and it makes for an enjoyable read you won’t want to miss. I have enjoyed this series and I can not wait to see where the author takes us next.

Finally we get Beck & Solo

They've been dancing around the elephant in the room in the last four books, now we finally get the story of Beck and Solo. True to the series, this story is full of drama, history, flashbacks, suspense, intrigue, emotion, a little animosity and a healthy dose of anger. These two have so much to try and work through, some stuff we couldn't have even guessed. Once I started it, I fell right back into the MT world and found myself hanging on every word and totally engrossed. Another one of my must read series.

I couldn't read this book fast enough!

Lexi did NOT disappoint!! I was here for all the twists and turns this book held. I loved the push/pull between Kim and Beckett. I loved the way their story evolved and the unexpectedness of things kept this reader hooked and wanting more. I enjoyed the way truths were revealed. No matter what happened between them, Kim and Beckett couldn't ignore the chemistry between them. I couldn't read this book fast enough and I couldn't be happier with how this story was told.

Love Found

Whew...grab this spine tingling, heart racing, page turner and enjoy every minute of it...filled with twists, turns, lies, deceit, secrets and more will keep you on the edge of your seat wondering what's going to happen next. Loved it!

Solo no more

I'm glad Beck and Kim finally got their Happily Ever After it was a long time coming. And Levi got his comeuppance, it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. Though I could totally get into living on Malta and owning a book/tourist shop. It sounds peaceful. And what the heck...Ian is 50? I'm looking forward to the next Masters and Mercenaries book. Happy Reading:-)

Another Man Bites the Dust :)

Kim and Ezra finally get their story and nothing held back. Which is the way I like my books, especially when it's Lexi Blake writing them. She brings not only the characters but a fresh plot that keeps on captivating the reader's interest. You can read as a standalone, but I recommend you read all of the books before this, as not only are they great, they really add to the experience of this one.

💙This was the one I was waiting to read!💙

OMG! Beck and Kim were so worth the wait! Their heartache felt so real. I was in tears as Kim worked out her own feelings about everyone. This book had so much depth. There was so much intrigue, and and the twist! We also had so much of the others too! Poor baby Tasha, Sweet little Roman, and all the other kids. Kala will rule the world one day. This family... I could read about them all the time!

No Love Lost

I really enjoyed this story. I am always a sucker for second chances and this one had my emotions all over the place. Anger, sadness, swoon, it definitely put me through a journey that left my heart sore, but also made me smile. I loved the suspense in the story as well. That is what these stories do best. I never tire of this series or it's spinoffs and I can't wait to read more from them.

Steamy second chance romance

This was a good story. I definitely should have read the other books in the series before attempting to read this one because there was definitely a lot of backstory I was missing. The writing was solid, the characters well defined, that all being said it’s definitely not something that I typically read.

You NEED to read this book, no, seriously you do!!!

Oh, wow, this book!!!’ So anticipated yet I obviously had no clue just how great it would be. I don’t think anyone saw most of this book coming if you have read the earlier books in the series. But when you read it, it absolutely fits and shows the author’s creative genius.

Thrilling journey

Action packed, emotionally thrilling, sexy and fun journey filled with dangerous and exciting charters, witty dialog, heart racing twists and undeniable passion. An edge of your seat, thrilling roller-coaster adventure from beginning to end.


I enjoyed this book. I mostly listened to the audiobook. Some action CIA drama and mostly romantic angst. My favorite.

Difficult to Put Down!!

No Love Lost by Lexi Blake is one must read. I Devoured it in one sitting. It has all from Suspense to Romance. I Couldn't put it down. I Highly Recommend all Readers to one click this book now.

Great conclusion

This story reminded me of Theo & Erin, where the author dove deep into the characters life experiences & personalities. Not a lot of sex but very satisfying as a conclusion of the series. I will miss them.

Absolutely Beautiful!!! I loved every minute of this masterfully-crafted tale!

Beautifully done! Ezra/Beck and Kim/Solo's book is everything I could have ever wanted. So masterfully crafted! Well done, Lexi Blake!

this is typical Lexi Blake

this book was slow in the beginning and really picked up.

Can't wait for the next book

I've read every 📖 in the Mercenary series, Lexie is amazing at keeping us wanting more. 🧡 my Mercenary 👪

You won't regret reading

Love the whole series.

All I can say is wow

When the lost boys started off we all knew they'd get the bad guy in the end (Big Tag always gets his man). I never dreamed the twist in this book would get where it did. I should've known. I watched the videos where Lexi Blake hinted at a time jump but wow! I'm still reeling! But hey, let's get the second generation started! Bring it on, I'll read every word with baited breath!

I love this story.. actually, the whole dang series! 🤓

Lexi Blake not only knows how to write intriguing, heart-stopping, sexy hot stories.. she also can write a story that touches your heart. This one is filled with all the before mentions but also the gut-wrenching sadness, the bitter agony and the hurt.. this story truly makes you feel.


I’ve been waiting for this book for a while! Action packed.

No love lost

I really enjoy reading this book and I was happy that in the end everything worked out for them. I was happy everything they took Levi out all together


Awesome book. I love Lexi Blake stories.

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