No Greatness without Goodness: How a Father’s Love Changed a Company and Sparked a Movement

Kindle Edition
20 Mar
Randy Lewis bet his career that he could create an inclusive workplace at one of America’s biggest corporations—a place where people with disabilities could not just succeed but thrive. No Greatness without Goodness is the powerful story of a corporate executive who, after watching the world through the eyes of Austin, his own child with autism, realized that we all have a greater responsibility to make the world a better place for everyone, including those with disabilities. As the senior vice president of Walgreens, Randy Lewis created thousands of full-time jobs for people with disabilities. No Greatness without Goodness offers a firsthand account of what it takes to lead with courage in order to change people’s lives for the better. Randy’s motto is “What’s the use of having power if you don’t use it to do good?” In this book, you’ll learn how to start working for good, no matter where you are or how much power you hold.

Reviews (185)

Uplifting and real

I got this book after just reading the Amazon mini summary. It drew my attention because I have an autistic stepson. I started reading in hopes that there might be some ideas in ways of helping him, he is severely autistic with underlying brain damage. The first thing I got from this was that the author really understands what I feel every day and states it clearly by saying that we all wish to live one day longer than our child. Now what Mr Lewis has written here is greatly inspiring to all of us in this community. He has created a way for a large portion of the community to move forward and be in the community at large of the human race. What Mr Lewis may not know he has done is placed the whole community out in the open to anyone who reads this amazing story. In doing so he helps those of us who have children who will never be accepted in the larger community by first showing that we that care for them are truly not alone, and also gets others who don't deal with this on a daily basis what we feel and go through. Randy, I want to thank you for showing that we are out here. This book will open eyes to everything we should be doing from helping each other to helping and supporting even those we don't know but are on a daily basis. Please read this with an open heart and maybe it will open your eyes. You will be amazed how much of a difference one man, like Randy Lewis, can make with a simple book.

Inspiring Stories to Radically Transform How We Think About People and Work

This is a really inspiring story about a father's love for his son and a realization that as a business leader he had an opportunity and a responsibility to make change to address the need to re-think the way businesses evaluate abilities and competencies so that we make good use of everyone's gifts and talents. Randy and the folks at Walgreens have made an investment in radically re-thinking and testing new ways to hire and manage a workforce that is diverse on the basis of that is uniquely crafted to compete well and to give more people the chance to experience first hand the opportunity to use their gifts and abilities in the world of work. Filled with great stories and examples, this books should help and inspire all of us to make things better in the world.

My favorite book of the year

This was one of the books on my summer reading list and has turned out to be my favorite book of the year so far. As I want to motivate you to read it for yourself, here are 10 reasons to do so. 1. It will give you a greater love for the disabled and a greater appreciation of their gifts. 2. It will inspire you to fight for justice for the disabled and to include them much more in public life. 3. It will inspire those with disabilities, and especially their caregivers and supporters, that so much more can be accomplished than is often feared. 4. It will give you an insight into the burden of fear, anxiety, and exclusion that the families of the disabled live with. 5. It will demonstrate Christian faith tried in the furnace of affliction. 6. It will call the church to emulate and exceed Walgreens. After all, if a corporation can do it, how much more can and should the church. 7. It will challenge businesses and corporations to employ more people with disabilities – not just out of compassion but out of concern for profits! 8. It will teach you leadership principles. Each of the 40 or so short chapters end with a catchy saying, a proverb, that Lewis draws from His experiences. Many of these are pure gold. 9. It will make you cry, it will make you laugh, it will make you shout with joy! 10. It will make you realize how much one person can do with God’s blessing. When Lewis was hesitating at one point, his wife Kay shared the story of Esther with him: “Perhaps you were made vice president for such a time as this.” Then, with absolute conviction in her voice, she said, “All the angels and the powers of heaven are standing behind you.”

challenging & inspirational

Reading this book got me aquatinted with Randy Lewis for the first time & I must say I'm impressed with what I've read. As senior VP, Randy Lewis managed Walgreens' supply chain for more than a decade. During this time, his autistic son was born. The attendant frustrations & fears of being a parent to a disabled child inspired Randy to pioneer the concept & practice of employing people with disabilities in the various Walgreens distribution centers. Randy tells his story of moving from a fearful father to a disabled son to a senior VP implementing the most radical of changes in commercial supply chains; hiring people often considered unable to deliver due to their disabilities. He gives an inside look at the entire process & sets you as a fly on the wall as the events unfold. This had me learning a lot firsthand & I appreciated it. His defense of disabled people being the same, if not better hires is proven again & again as production is ramped up in the centers where the program was first being tested. He also outlays the processes, lessons learnt & tips that helped managed a disabled workforce during the pilot stage when no prior experience/precedent existed. That will be a real eye opener to any manger inspired to emulate the same program. I recommend this book to: Anyone interested in disability & how to reach out to those affected. Any parent, relatives, friend, spouse etc of a disabled person. Any manager, entrepreneur, CEO etc interested in making a difference in the lives of disabled people.

Marvelous challenge for leaders

One part of our ministry involves teaching horse owners how to grow a horse's faith in their leadership. Of course, they must be worthy of such faith. The first challenge for any leader or teacher is to properly discern why failure happens. It is always the result of someone's inability or unwillingness to do what is necessary to succeed. The remedy for failure is to either (1) make the proper party ABLE, or (2)provide the right MOTIVATION. Creativity is often limited by the level of commitment one brings to a challenge. When an endlessly-committed leader discovers that the tools presently in his or her toolbox are insufficient to provide a path to ability or effective motivation, this book provides the inspiration and concepts of how to grow the toolbox, even when it requires inventing new tools. I am learning to work with vision-impaired horses. The author (and Walgreen's) removed previously accepted roadblocks, allowing talented but "unsound" people to contribute and serve. Their experience proves that failure is often the result of an absence of commitment, not any unsuitability or limitation in those who seek to serve and contribute. This book includes some gems to both ponder and implement. Worth the investment of time for any leader in any environment.

Goodness, What A Great Book

I knew Randy and Austin well 25 years ago when my family lived in the Northwest suburbs and we attended St. Michael's church with the Lewis family. Randy and Kay were among our dearest friends there, yet sadly we moved to Ohio and lost that "day-to-day touch." However, there is absolutely NO WAY you can cease being Randy or Kay's friend if you want to remain so. They are two forces of the universe, living out their beautiful, inclusive, gentle, inventive, aware, loving and brightly shining faith in Our Lord. How can mere space and time compete with that? Randy's thoughtful, wholehearted, soulful book is a dramatic story of love as active, cheerful, determined service to others. Who needs fiction when these truths can lift you up and challenge you to become great through your own goodness? I particularly noted the times Randy recalls in the book when he and Kay were struggling mightily with doubts and worries about Austin. Even though Randy was my Crusillo host and we spoke every week about spiritual matters, I rarely could get out of my own self-absorption and concerns long enough to hear him, and help him much. Those memories sting me now. But I've woken up since then, a little at least. Great book. Great man. Great son. Thank you, Randy and Austin!

An amazing story telling how this vice president of Walgreens was ...

An amazing story telling how this vice president of Walgreens was motivated by his love for his autistic son to pioneer methods of employing large numbers of people with disabilities. Randy Lewis, former Vice President of Walgreens, Peace Corps volunteer, Fortune 50 executive and accidental advocate, led Walgreens' logistics division for sixteen years as the chain grew from 1,500 to 8,000 stores. Randy introduced an inclusive model in Walgreens distribution centers that resulted in ten percent of its workforce consisting of people with disabilities who are held to the same standards as those without disabilities. Its success has changed the lives of thousands with and without disabilities and is serving as a model for other employers in the U.S and abroad.

Nuggets of wisdom here

I enjoyed this book. The author cuts an “easy” trail for the willing to follow. That said, if you’re not interested in a compassionate business model, or helping your community, this isn’t your book. Many times in the book the author makes clear that you have to not be afraid to fail. I believe that whole heartedly. Bottom line, “go big or go home” when pursuing your purpose.

Here is a father who brings new meaning to when life gives you lemons make lemonade

Here is a father filled with love for his autistic son. He challenged his son to become independent and then challenged his employer to hire people with disabilities. He was fabulously successful and spread this gospel to other big companies making a huge difference for families of kids with disabilities. Not only that but it proved profitable for all concerned. The reason is that the workers never called in sick, worked safer and had few injuries on the job and outperformed able bodied workers because of their incredible concentration and work ethic. The reviewer is the author of the new kindle book entitled: Sex Education For Adults Secrets To Amazing Sex and Happily Ever After Too

A Story of Love and Doing the Right Thing

Love appears in many different aspects of life, but rarely in the business world. Some people LOVE to go to work. Others LOVE their paychecks because of the possibilities it provides. But how many people can openly say "What we have here is LOVE" when speaking about their workplace? The personal LOVE of a father, prompts a man who is employed a position that allows him to make a difference, to end up making a difference not only for his son, but also for the Fortune 500 company he works for. Along the way, the lessons learned are opened to the industry and is now making a difference in this country and spreading throughout the world. LOVE breeds LOVE. It is amazing how and where the effects of LOVE are found, through the motivation it fuels, and by its removing the cloak of fear. Disabilities are all around us. One comment in the book that resonated with me refers to the side effects of those with disabilities as positive distractions. My inability to recognize the contributions that the "disabled" can potentially offer, is the true "disability." What I've learned through reading this book will help me overcome my prejudices and recognize that there is no longer a "them." but that we are all a part of "us."

Uplifting and real

I got this book after just reading the Amazon mini summary. It drew my attention because I have an autistic stepson. I started reading in hopes that there might be some ideas in ways of helping him, he is severely autistic with underlying brain damage. The first thing I got from this was that the author really understands what I feel every day and states it clearly by saying that we all wish to live one day longer than our child. Now what Mr Lewis has written here is greatly inspiring to all of us in this community. He has created a way for a large portion of the community to move forward and be in the community at large of the human race. What Mr Lewis may not know he has done is placed the whole community out in the open to anyone who reads this amazing story. In doing so he helps those of us who have children who will never be accepted in the larger community by first showing that we that care for them are truly not alone, and also gets others who don't deal with this on a daily basis what we feel and go through. Randy, I want to thank you for showing that we are out here. This book will open eyes to everything we should be doing from helping each other to helping and supporting even those we don't know but are on a daily basis. Please read this with an open heart and maybe it will open your eyes. You will be amazed how much of a difference one man, like Randy Lewis, can make with a simple book.

Inspiring Stories to Radically Transform How We Think About People and Work

This is a really inspiring story about a father's love for his son and a realization that as a business leader he had an opportunity and a responsibility to make change to address the need to re-think the way businesses evaluate abilities and competencies so that we make good use of everyone's gifts and talents. Randy and the folks at Walgreens have made an investment in radically re-thinking and testing new ways to hire and manage a workforce that is diverse on the basis of that is uniquely crafted to compete well and to give more people the chance to experience first hand the opportunity to use their gifts and abilities in the world of work. Filled with great stories and examples, this books should help and inspire all of us to make things better in the world.

My favorite book of the year

This was one of the books on my summer reading list and has turned out to be my favorite book of the year so far. As I want to motivate you to read it for yourself, here are 10 reasons to do so. 1. It will give you a greater love for the disabled and a greater appreciation of their gifts. 2. It will inspire you to fight for justice for the disabled and to include them much more in public life. 3. It will inspire those with disabilities, and especially their caregivers and supporters, that so much more can be accomplished than is often feared. 4. It will give you an insight into the burden of fear, anxiety, and exclusion that the families of the disabled live with. 5. It will demonstrate Christian faith tried in the furnace of affliction. 6. It will call the church to emulate and exceed Walgreens. After all, if a corporation can do it, how much more can and should the church. 7. It will challenge businesses and corporations to employ more people with disabilities – not just out of compassion but out of concern for profits! 8. It will teach you leadership principles. Each of the 40 or so short chapters end with a catchy saying, a proverb, that Lewis draws from His experiences. Many of these are pure gold. 9. It will make you cry, it will make you laugh, it will make you shout with joy! 10. It will make you realize how much one person can do with God’s blessing. When Lewis was hesitating at one point, his wife Kay shared the story of Esther with him: “Perhaps you were made vice president for such a time as this.” Then, with absolute conviction in her voice, she said, “All the angels and the powers of heaven are standing behind you.”

challenging & inspirational

Reading this book got me aquatinted with Randy Lewis for the first time & I must say I'm impressed with what I've read. As senior VP, Randy Lewis managed Walgreens' supply chain for more than a decade. During this time, his autistic son was born. The attendant frustrations & fears of being a parent to a disabled child inspired Randy to pioneer the concept & practice of employing people with disabilities in the various Walgreens distribution centers. Randy tells his story of moving from a fearful father to a disabled son to a senior VP implementing the most radical of changes in commercial supply chains; hiring people often considered unable to deliver due to their disabilities. He gives an inside look at the entire process & sets you as a fly on the wall as the events unfold. This had me learning a lot firsthand & I appreciated it. His defense of disabled people being the same, if not better hires is proven again & again as production is ramped up in the centers where the program was first being tested. He also outlays the processes, lessons learnt & tips that helped managed a disabled workforce during the pilot stage when no prior experience/precedent existed. That will be a real eye opener to any manger inspired to emulate the same program. I recommend this book to: Anyone interested in disability & how to reach out to those affected. Any parent, relatives, friend, spouse etc of a disabled person. Any manager, entrepreneur, CEO etc interested in making a difference in the lives of disabled people.

Marvelous challenge for leaders

One part of our ministry involves teaching horse owners how to grow a horse's faith in their leadership. Of course, they must be worthy of such faith. The first challenge for any leader or teacher is to properly discern why failure happens. It is always the result of someone's inability or unwillingness to do what is necessary to succeed. The remedy for failure is to either (1) make the proper party ABLE, or (2)provide the right MOTIVATION. Creativity is often limited by the level of commitment one brings to a challenge. When an endlessly-committed leader discovers that the tools presently in his or her toolbox are insufficient to provide a path to ability or effective motivation, this book provides the inspiration and concepts of how to grow the toolbox, even when it requires inventing new tools. I am learning to work with vision-impaired horses. The author (and Walgreen's) removed previously accepted roadblocks, allowing talented but "unsound" people to contribute and serve. Their experience proves that failure is often the result of an absence of commitment, not any unsuitability or limitation in those who seek to serve and contribute. This book includes some gems to both ponder and implement. Worth the investment of time for any leader in any environment.

Goodness, What A Great Book

I knew Randy and Austin well 25 years ago when my family lived in the Northwest suburbs and we attended St. Michael's church with the Lewis family. Randy and Kay were among our dearest friends there, yet sadly we moved to Ohio and lost that "day-to-day touch." However, there is absolutely NO WAY you can cease being Randy or Kay's friend if you want to remain so. They are two forces of the universe, living out their beautiful, inclusive, gentle, inventive, aware, loving and brightly shining faith in Our Lord. How can mere space and time compete with that? Randy's thoughtful, wholehearted, soulful book is a dramatic story of love as active, cheerful, determined service to others. Who needs fiction when these truths can lift you up and challenge you to become great through your own goodness? I particularly noted the times Randy recalls in the book when he and Kay were struggling mightily with doubts and worries about Austin. Even though Randy was my Crusillo host and we spoke every week about spiritual matters, I rarely could get out of my own self-absorption and concerns long enough to hear him, and help him much. Those memories sting me now. But I've woken up since then, a little at least. Great book. Great man. Great son. Thank you, Randy and Austin!

An amazing story telling how this vice president of Walgreens was ...

An amazing story telling how this vice president of Walgreens was motivated by his love for his autistic son to pioneer methods of employing large numbers of people with disabilities. Randy Lewis, former Vice President of Walgreens, Peace Corps volunteer, Fortune 50 executive and accidental advocate, led Walgreens' logistics division for sixteen years as the chain grew from 1,500 to 8,000 stores. Randy introduced an inclusive model in Walgreens distribution centers that resulted in ten percent of its workforce consisting of people with disabilities who are held to the same standards as those without disabilities. Its success has changed the lives of thousands with and without disabilities and is serving as a model for other employers in the U.S and abroad.

Nuggets of wisdom here

I enjoyed this book. The author cuts an “easy” trail for the willing to follow. That said, if you’re not interested in a compassionate business model, or helping your community, this isn’t your book. Many times in the book the author makes clear that you have to not be afraid to fail. I believe that whole heartedly. Bottom line, “go big or go home” when pursuing your purpose.

Here is a father who brings new meaning to when life gives you lemons make lemonade

Here is a father filled with love for his autistic son. He challenged his son to become independent and then challenged his employer to hire people with disabilities. He was fabulously successful and spread this gospel to other big companies making a huge difference for families of kids with disabilities. Not only that but it proved profitable for all concerned. The reason is that the workers never called in sick, worked safer and had few injuries on the job and outperformed able bodied workers because of their incredible concentration and work ethic. The reviewer is the author of the new kindle book entitled: Sex Education For Adults Secrets To Amazing Sex and Happily Ever After Too

A Story of Love and Doing the Right Thing

Love appears in many different aspects of life, but rarely in the business world. Some people LOVE to go to work. Others LOVE their paychecks because of the possibilities it provides. But how many people can openly say "What we have here is LOVE" when speaking about their workplace? The personal LOVE of a father, prompts a man who is employed a position that allows him to make a difference, to end up making a difference not only for his son, but also for the Fortune 500 company he works for. Along the way, the lessons learned are opened to the industry and is now making a difference in this country and spreading throughout the world. LOVE breeds LOVE. It is amazing how and where the effects of LOVE are found, through the motivation it fuels, and by its removing the cloak of fear. Disabilities are all around us. One comment in the book that resonated with me refers to the side effects of those with disabilities as positive distractions. My inability to recognize the contributions that the "disabled" can potentially offer, is the true "disability." What I've learned through reading this book will help me overcome my prejudices and recognize that there is no longer a "them." but that we are all a part of "us."

The definitive guide to building an inclusive workplace.

This is a pioneering guide on how to build an inclusive workplace for employees with disabilities. Randy Lewis keeps it real by discussing the challenges of hiring and employing people with a wide range of physical, intellectual, and developmental disabilities. It’s an amazing book by an amazing human being.

A must-read for anyone in business school or executive

What an amazing story and inspiration to anyone in business. Mr. Lewis lets us in on the personal challenges of having a son with special needs but what resonated for me is that he took this personal challenge and risked his career on "doing right by doing good." As a mom of a child with special needs, it warms my heart to know there are people like Mr. Lewis in the business world that see our kids have value, can do meaningful work and aren't 'lesser' employees just because they don't learn or act the way the rest of the world does. I've had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Lewis numerous times and as an entrepreneur building a company that helps people with special needs, I'm honored. Julie Bombacino Founder & CEO, Real Food Blends

Loved every moment of my 'slow reading'

What a read! Loved every moment of my 'slow reading'. The title attracted my attention. The content divided into short chapters allows for slow reading and contemplation about the three integrated themes: dealing with an autistic child; employment of people with disabilities on equal terms with a 'normal' workforce; and large scale corporate development from the top-down to the bottom-up. Although focused on the US, the values and principles underlying the themes are cleverly and enticingly integrated with a practical approach to dealing with the imperative need of employing the too frequently ignored people who form a very sizeable portion of any society - those people with disabilities who are employable but restricted intentionally and unintentionally by the public at large. This is probably because of individual and group fear of difficult and complex societal issues, misconceptions, ignorance an inability to look inward and outward and see the bigger picture and advantages. The book does not skim over the difficulties, which can be overcome through missionary vision, courage and endurance, tough decisions and giving hope to the side-lined 'unfortunates' and their families. The well-written book is uplifting, exciting, humbling, self-examining and self-exposing. It presents a life-lesson for society in general, decision-makers and leaders at different levels, parents of children with disabilities, and those with 'disabilities'. So often we focus on envisaged greatness but forget the essential requisite - goodness which flows from authentic love.

Making the Difference in Many Someone's Life

I finished reading the most amazing book this afternoon. The book is "No Greatness Without Goodness" by, Randy Lewis. It is subtitled "How a Father's Love Changed a Company and Sparked a Movement". The writing of the book was an outgrowth of the project to change the culture of Walgreens; change it to include the hiring of individuals with disabilities…and changing the culture of Walgreens was Randy Lewis' tribute to his son Austin and his wife Kay who fought every day for their son to be recognized as an individual and not a label. This is a must read for all of us dreamers who hope to make a difference. It in many ways, puts us in our place…at least it does for me. I can't wait to re-read the book, I can't wait to synthesize what Mr. Lewis has taught me about all kinds of fear and put it into my therapy/coaching practice with families struggling with the effects of trauma on children. And, I will pledge to make it a conscious part of living my life day to day. And I support the work Randy Lewis does and the causes he promotes and most of all his passion, to meet people where they are and to help them to attain community validation. The kind of validation we all need to be successful in life…to be welcomed, not ostracized, regardless of how we walk (or don't), how we talk (or don't), how we see (or don't), how we hear (or don't) and how we interact with others (or don't). This is a MUST read…I promise you won't be sorry.

This is a good book for encouragement for the goals in your own ...

Randy Lewis tells the personal story of his family that includes an autistic son. Randy is a Vice President of Walgreens in charge of distribution centers. Because of his son, Austin he developed policies that hires people with disabilities to work in the distribution centers. Eventually hiring people with disabilities throughout the entire Walgreens company was instituted. The book shows Randy's faith helped him overcome obstacles of all sorts. This is a good book for encouragement for the goals in your own life.

So many good things to read in this book

I am the grandmother of a 25 year old young man who has Asperger's Syndrome. He is high functioning but still has some social problems. I enjoyed this book and could identify with the author on many things. My grandson has never had job. He is working on getting his driver's license so that he can start looking for a job. I hope that there are company's like Walgreen's in our area that hire people with disabilities. Walgreen's will be the first place thAt he puts in his application.

Wonderful book for business leaders

I love Walgreens and when i saw the title of this book and realized it was written by a Walgreens executive, I wanted to read it. I had no idea w hat an amazing man is at the top of Walgreens management and how fortunate we are to have him there. I don't have anyone in my family with disabilities but I can appreciate the love of a parent and wanting to provide for their kids. I would highly recommend this book. It reaffirms my faith in the corporate world that they can achieve greatness when they arrive for goodness.

Cried a few tears with this one

It's fun to read a book from cover to cover in one read. This was one of those books. I cried a a few times as I read this book. It was just so touching. With a mental illness myself, I find that disabilities can be limiting. I pray that more firms will do hat Randy's firm diid as the years go by. With Love Matthew Robert Payne Author of

I thoroughly enjoyed this book

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It filled me with hope. As an educator and as an aunt to a nephew with special needs, reading about a man (and through him a company) concerned with providing jobs for people who often struggle to find a job, but who can be great workers, brought joy. My usual drugstore is a small, locally owned chain. Knowing that Walgreen's has this mission, however, I will purposefully support this large chain as well.

This isn't charity-this is a business strategy resulting in real P&L benefits!

Randy made the employment of people with disabilities a business strategy NOT a program! As a result, with the support and capabilities of his team, partners, family and faith he built the most successful model to date that all companies can replicate. He very openly and honestly allows us to experience his journey filled with passion, obstacles, fear, and excitement as he pursues the balance of corporate responsibility and personal motivations. My business, Higher Disabilities LLC, helps companies with their recruitment and inclusion of qualified employees who happen to have a disability. To help my clients to cast their own vision, I personally give every one of them a copy of this book and the results are amazing! There is no doubt that this is the purpose for Randy Lewis on this earth and he isn't done yet! Thank you Randy!

Good to be great

As a person who works with developmentally disabled adults, this is what initially intrigued me about this book. Secondly, one of our company mottos has been "Good to great." Meaning we bring out the greatness in our participants, not just the good. He further I read in this book the larger amount of quotes I found myself wanting to write down. This book, overall, is a great, inspirational read.

never too old to learn

My friend's only son was autistic from early on...language skills gone, social skills gone...dreams never to be fulfilled. I don't know where this child will finally emerge, but I know better how to help this family. I have no idea the author thought about that when he began writing, but I can't wait to see how this new knowledge helps me relate to my young friend.

Book lover

This is a great book! I cried some and smiled a lot, so thankful there are businesses that are willing and able to help people in need and also sharing the success with others. The world needs more of this for sure. The more interaction people have with others that have problems the more they will understand and get to really know those that are less fortunate and realize that we are ALL different and God created us each one to love Him and each other.

Thankful for this book! I have not been able ...

Thankful for this book! I have not been able to stop talking about it. It gives hope to to Corporate America that there is a way to provide employment opportunities to those with disabilities and squashes every myth that says it can't be done or shouldn't be done without a cost to your bottom line.

Excellent book on mentoring

Excellent book on mentoring. Randy Lewis passed on what he learned from his son in order to create jobs for people who would not ordinarily be hired. He is a true inspiration for all employers who want to "step out" and do the right thing. I hope that more in the position of hiring employees would read this book and apply it to their own businesses.

A pro-active dad of an autistic son

Randy Lewis coped with his son's disability by creating jobs through his company--Walgreens--for thousands of other people who had disabilities. This is his story of frustrations, failures, and victories as he sought to implement his plans to provide work for people who had been considered unemployable. An interesting and inspirational book.

A great book about a man who has used his business ...

A great book about a man who has used his business acumen to create thousands of jobs for people with disabilities. A father of an autistic child, the author dedicated himself to creating inclusive workplaces where people with disabilities can thrive, and how to be the kind of leader that can change the world for the better.

Vision provoking book

Much different read than I was prepared for. I thought it would be the dad doing all the work. It turned out to be more about the importance of teamwork and belief in attaining the 'unattainable'. And that it is a true story makes it all the more remarkable.

This book gave an inside glimpse of a child with ...

This book gave an inside glimpse of a child with autism and parents who would do anything to help him. His father, the author, led a successful campaign to provide a workplace compatible with the needs of handicapped people. He worked tirelessly to not only provide a physical workplace which would be acessable to workers with all types of disabilities, but changed attitudes of the current workforce to accept these people. He even worked to see that transportation was available for these employees. The book would be valuable for parents, business owners and teachers to help provide acceptance and physical help for these people.

Great thought provoking story.

I found even the business strategy parts of the book interesting. It seems so basic that we as a society should think this way, yet we don't. This book inspires me to look for opportunities in my everyday life to ask myself "how can I help someone achieve their goals?" A great, thought provoking story.

Easy read, that tells a heart-warming story of how Corporations can and do look at doing whats right to make a difference

Randy Lewis interweaves his personal story of helping his autistic son and how it help inspire his corporate passion to show doing what's right can work in Corporate America. In today's world where the focus seems to be always on the bad that companies do, his story provides a refreshing view about exemplary corporate behavior. Along the way, the reader gets some very useful advice on how to address and overcome obstacles in everyday living. Further as a parent of a child who is overcoming severe learning disabilities, its nice to read about someone else with a passion to make sure our children will have better and better opportunities in the future. I definitely recommend this book as a quick read.


I found the book so interesting and inspiring that I have purchased and given away 15 copies so far. A real treasure!

impressive and inspiring

I learned so much not only about what Walgreens has accomplished to provide meaningful and gainful employment for persons with disabilities but am pleased to see how this has been a real life lesson for Randy Lewis and other executives responsible for implementing the program. I truly enjoyed this book.

Surprisingly a great and good book

I will never look at disabilities the same again. Thank God there are good people in this world who care and put their caring into practice. If more people would look for opportunities to make a difference, including me, what a wonderful world it would be. I think giving love as in this book was more fulfilling to the giver than the receiver although the receivers benefited greatly. Thank you Walgreens. You gained a new regular customer.

A must read for those interested in employing those with disabilities!

"Parents of children with disabilities hope to live one day longer" will stay with me forever. Randy Lewis is a courageous individual who wasn't afraid to take on the status quo and prove to other companies that not only is hiring those with disabilities the right thing to do, but it's also the best thing to do. This is true not only for the person with a disability, but for all employees and stakeholders. This book is easy to read, but carries a strong message that provided me with the feeling of hope for the brother I adopted as well as all the individuals I am advocating for on a daily basis.

Read it. You will be inspired.

Great book that illustrates a business model that is not only good for business, but good for humanity. Additionally, the author shares from his own life/family experiences that are touching and inspiring. I am not a business owner, but if I were, I would want my business to follow the principles Mr. Lewis shares in his book. Read it and encourage others to read it.

Greatness and goodness in an easy read

This is definitely a must read book for everyone. Having 3 family members on the autism spectrum, I have seen the great strides made while knowing also the inevitable setbacks for everyone involved with the loving away caring that is part of sharing your life with these very special people.

It was a wonderful book.

It was a wonderful book.. I will make Walgreens my number one, drug store. Walgreens has changed, so many people, life, who are handicap.. They offer them, jobs, with benifits.. They have been given a purpose, for living.. Walgreens has been so successful, other large companies, have followed their plan.. These companies, have had great results.. People have jobs, they thought, they would never have.. God Bless Walgreens.. S Vicki Wagner


Palpable, doable, motivational and inspirational from beginning to end. Don’t delay ... start tomorrow ... focus on the good .., the greatness is in the moment to moment good.

Honest, admirable, inspirational

Fascinating to see the thinking behind rightly motivated accomplishment and the example of how to do good for the true benefit of others. Lewis comes across as honest, admirable, and even inspirational in his desire to help everyone -- even the reader-- reach his or her potential.

wonderful results resulting from challenges of an early "disappointment"

Randy Lewis relates his family's challenge dealing with his son's diagnosis of autism. How he was challenged by helping his son translated into real change for persons with disabilities being given equal opportunities in the retail world, beginning in Walgreens distribution centers

WOW! Ashamed and Inspired

I know a very special autistic child. This book inspires me to try harder in helping him find his place in this world. Reading it also makes me feel ashamed in letting so many missed opportunities pass by to help others in their various disabilities. "I was blind but now I see."

Verily,Verily I say Thank YOU..... where to start....

$20 ...... I laughed til my belly hurt while tears of joy flowed til I thought I would cramp from dehydration.....and yet this is just one of maybe fifty to one hundred times I was so living the moment that I imagined I was was real. Therein is the measure of a great book you live it, feel it,..... I measure all the books I read by this ..... Top of the list is James Minchner"s "Texas".... “Alaska” is up there but it ain't Texas.... "Same Kind of Different" comes to mind and now NGWOG jumps up in the short list.... I'm glad I am retired so I don't have to go to work today as I could not put it down and read all night....(thank you very much)...some of the passages I know from knowing you but countless others I felt the same emotions because of the story you told as I related to others I know. Payday and payday ….. almost makes me want to find a job.....almost....I will settle for work but that is another subject. This book is a love story and is a testament that you and all mentioned are living the "love your neighbor as yourself" life whether intentionally or not and yet filled with short comings and doubts that I and most people have.... if Batting 300 puts you in the Hall of Fame surely you have a leg up on the “Stairway to Heaven”. So you see I LOVED your book…so thoughts, running through sometimes empty space between the ears, reflect back to other times of social challenges.....integration, AIDS, addictions, gay/lesbian, dang The USA itself....the common theme to success/acceptance/understanding/melding has been education....not just book test type education but an understanding....My Dad said if you don’t like someone walk a mile in their shoes (translation: get to know them) …ergo not them…us So or therefore for me I will endeavor to get a copy of this book in the hands of people that can educate our nation be it one business, one state, one city, one organization, one group, one couple or one person at a time.... and if I am right in my valuation of this book, then it will come to pass....That is my hope and prayer. When Donna and I went to China we where filled with thoughts of what we where going to do for God.....we learned He sent us to learn what He was going to do for teach us...and Thanks be to God for that and much more.. By the way, we do not see Austin as quirky or weird .... rather as Austin....Sarah may be more weird or quirky than your other offense Allison or Austin.... My life and understanding of it has been enriched by you, Austin...and others and I am better for the way I see all people as weird that are different than me....I truly am the only one that is not I guess....probably good for the world though. Have thousands of other thoughts, reflections, comments, stories to share but have already sent longest email in my goodbye and I love you Carl Pettus

I'll be sharing this with many

As the mom of a 21 year old with autism I was drawn to the personal side of the story which was very familiar to me. As a volunteer for an organization that provides information and support for families of individuals with disabilities I was amazed and inspired by the big thinking and the accomplishments led by Randy Lewis' vision and passion. I know several young people who are studying business at college and I will be sharing this book with all of them. This should be required reading for all who are in business school. Thank you Randy Lewis.

I loved this book

I loved this book! what a love story of this father for his autistic son. He turned love for his son into helping in a huge way other special needs young people. God gives special needs children to special parents- His love for his son overflowed to help others. Highly recommend!

A father who loved and never gave up.

I have already recommended this book to a friend whose son is autistic. I have been a special ed mom and bus driver and will tell my handicapped community about this book. What impressed me most about this book was the cooperation and team work that lead to a wonderful achievement.

Inspirational reading.

I enjoyed reading this because it gives me so many ideas on how we as individuals can do great things by just coming up with ideas and running with it. He is such an encouragement and should be read by all upper management people.

inspiring book Randy is a man who had a vision

I loved this book. Not only did this father have a vision, he had a passion for people and knew he could make a workplace for ALL abilities. I'm so thankful to hear other companies have followed suit. Our world could use more people like Randy.

I don't usually read this type of book.

The title intrigued me. The entire book touched my heart!. Such a wonderful thing that they have done and wonderful that it is catching on with other companies.

It was a good story, and one that many people could help ...

It was a good story, and one that many people could help to better understand that helping each one to learn hope love, hope and an open mind is what is needed to really help those with special needs. Good to read an uplifting book.


I had no idea that this was happening at the Walgreens Processing facility! What a wonderful thing for them to do. And nice to see others are following in their footsteps. GOD created us all with special gifts, and I'm glad to see others recognize this!


This is an eye opening book and a thoroughly enjoyable read. I couldn't wait to finish to find out if their "experiment" worked. This is an important read for everyone, even those who are do not having friends or family with a disability.

The best book on disabled citizens

This book is written from a business perspective and gives facts and figures on why it is good business and good ethics to employ disabled individuals.


Excellent book, I enjoyed every word. It was so real, it brought back many memories for me about my son growing up. Thank you,

One of the BEST books I've ever read

One of the BEST books I've ever read. If you love someone with disabilities, if you manage people or teams, if you are a human being - read this book. I don't usually love non-fiction, but I couldn't put this down.

Great book but I am prejudiced as Randy is my ...

Great book but I am prejudiced as Randy is my fraternity brother and long time friend. Very inspirational and heart warming book. I am very proud of his accomplishments as an advocate for adults with special needs in the work place but most proud of him as a loving father.

Great book.

Incredible story of a father's love and his commitment to ensure that his company is a good company as well as a great one. We are using his story (their story) over and over as a guide as we put in place our plan to hire those that many businesses overlook.

not just for those who love someone with different abilities but for all executives

Tremendous book. This is a must read, not just for those who love someone with different abilities but for all executives. I have already purchased additional copies of this book for my colleagues.

Great business philosophy with a personal touch.

This is one of those books that crosses the business philosophy, human relationship, and personal life lines. I purchased multiple copies to give to the people that report to me at work so that they can learn from each of these areas.

Thank You Randy

A fantastic read. I'll be honest with you, it's 2 am in the morning and I just finished reading it. Now I'm going to order it in hardback and put it on the corner of my desk next to The Toyota Way. Over the years I've heard Randy's speeches and heard the stories of what the team in Anderson accomplished. Thank you Randy for all you and your team have done, it is truly inspiring.

My great niece is autistic

This was an inspiring book. It showed what one parent with connections can do to help a cause. My great niece is autistic; therefore this was near to my heart. I know what struggles they go through.

Great way to solve some of our societies problems

An interesting look at the private life of a public figure. Also a very personal look at his son's condition. Great way to solve some of our societies problems. Very uplifting, can do story.

Excellent! Employers across the United States can learn about ...

Excellent! Employers across the United States can learn about how to hire people with disabilities from Randy Lewis's experience at Walgreens. I have already recommended this book to people in my organization.

Wonderful and inspiring

This book is a sign of hope, and a clear testimony that doing good and including everyone benefits all. All human beings have an inherent value and dignity, regardless any physical or mental limitation.

Excellent story about how a fathers love can change the ...

Excellent story about how a fathers love can change the world not only for his family but for the community. This book is so inspirational, that yes, one person can make a difference.

It's about time!

I'm not always happy with my shopping experience at Walgreens but knowing their corporate structure and employment of the physically, emotionally,mentally challenged, will keep me coming back.

Excelent book

Thank you so much for Sharing Austin's story and your own. I found this book inspirational and thought provoking. I'm a school bus driver and appreciate you telling the story

Wow, what a great story!

This book was very inspirational and I have shared it with some of my colleagues. I hope to take some of these lessons and apply them at the company I work for.

This is an amazing, heart warming book from start to finish

This is an amazing, heart warming book from start to finish. A Father's love is so revealed and turned into action to benefit hjs son and countless others with disabilities. Reading this book is a WIN/WIN for everyone. Great gift for those U love.

inspirational, easy reading!

I loved how easy it was to read this book and how I was able to relate to and sympathize with the author while at the same time being educated about disabilities and inspired to help overcome inequality barriers for all people. Recommend for anyone in the workforce Elenco Snap Circuits Lights especially those with the authority to make hiring decisions and policy changes


this book was amazing. Randy had a dream speed by his own sons plight. I wonder if he would have been the same leader of austin had been same abled. Randy led a movement that captured hearts and proved good business sense.he reminds us that different is uncomfortable for society but different had gotten Walgreens and its different abled employees in a class of their own


This is a must read for anyone. Engaging and thoughtful. I think I read the chapter end quotes and part of the book out loud to most of my family and friends.

The author has made a significant contribution for his love of humanity and the disabled

Such an interesting and heart warming book. The author has made a significant contribution for his love of humanity and the disabled.

I really enjoyed this book

I really enjoyed this book. I also have a son with special needs who happens to be one of the two lights of my life along with his sister. I worry about his future so knowing there is this kind of support out there gives me hope. Also I am so busy supporting them financially now I needed the reminder that he will need to be ready to join the workforce.

Compelling, heartfelt!

This book reflects the hearts of all parents (especially those with special needs), to be able to leave this world knowing that our children will be a contributing source to society, to be independent, to love and be loved. A very inspiring book for all of us to look within ourselves and ask, how can we be more purposeful, for our community, church, school.....the ideas can be endless!

Great book - very inspirational

Great book - very inspirational. But I was surprised - it's more about his work for Walgreens and not as much about his son. Still a great read and great principles.

Must read. Inspiring and educational.

Not a big reader, but got involved in this book. Mr. Lewis has shared from his heart part of his life and opened my eyes to autism. These are beautiful people and should never be discounted or turned away from. What would you miss? They can change you. An inspirational read.

Thank you Randy!

What a wonderful story! As the mom of a child with multiple disabilities, I applaud you and your team on your dedication to changing a culture and making this a reality. I'm so thankful that you followed your heart and have touched so many lives in the process. Well done!

Inspiring story

Very seldom have I encountered a real life story that had such a huge influence on a group of people that need all the support society can give.

One of the best books ever!

One of the best books I have ever read. This book speaks to a broad spectrum of people, the CEO, the manager, the worker, the disabled, the parent of a child with a disability. It was very encouraging and uplifting written by a man with a big heart and not afraid to pursue his dreams!


Inspiring! An amazing book for any reader. A must read for employers, teachers and for parents of children with disabilities.


In a world that is often filled with bad news, it's encouraging to read of hundreds of people taking a chance and making a difference.


This book is very thought-provoking. Even more, it inspires action. Many of the principles Lewis describes are applicable in other contexts. I would recommend this book to anyone who is responsible to lead others...from the classroom to the boardroom, and beyond.

Yep this book is a keeper.

Randy is a great guy and has written a story that everyone can relate too. I truly enjoyed the read and the call to action. Thank you Randy.

Read this and be inspired!

Very inspiring read. Wonderful story how one man changed a company and the company changed an industry to provide safe and rewarding employment for all of God's people.

Great Book! Great story about a Father's love for ...

Great Book! Great story about a Father's love for his son and for the physically challenged. A MUST read for employers.

Great just great

I read Mr Lewis blog every week at work and he really made you think before responding. I miss them so saw the book and now I understand where he was conning from. You do not have to work at Walgreens to understand where his heart is. Everyone is different in there own way . BLESS you Mr Lewis for what you did and could just write a blog once in a while

excellent read & inspiring

Being the grandparent of 2 autistic children, this book gives me hope for their future. Thank you for telling your story of hope.

Recommended Read!

This book was recommended reading for a recent job development workshop I attended. I expected something dry...and was completely unprepared for the emotions it triggered instead. Extremely well written and inspiring!

Great read.

I found each chapter to have a certain value or moral to focus on for days. I have even re-read parts. Great read.

I love to be inspired by people

I love to be inspired by people. Reading this book of course changed the way I will forever look at Walgreens. The book teaches us so many levels but what an interesting writer that he is as we learn them.

Excellent story

This is a beautiful true story of all the challenges people with disabilities and their families face. It is very enlightening the steps Walgreen's has taken to create equal opportunity for all. A must read.

Five Stars

Well worth the time it took to read. Tips we can all learn from and use.

Great Book

This book showed that you can change a corporate culture and that doing good does lead to greatness. Randy Lewis proved that we all benefit by embracing diversity. There is no "us" and "them" - only an us!

Wise and touching

This at times reads as an autobiography, at other times as a business textbook, and always as a personal and gritty story that impacts the reader. I love the author's willingness to face the challenges and come up with a sensible and wise solution again and again. I am inspired and challenged by this book.

Heart-felt and challenging

Working with people is always challenging, but to work in a way that brings out the best of their characters and abilities is much more challenging with great rewards for them, but also for yourself.

Great read, great story....a wonderful gift to those Randy enabled a future of hope

My wife, son and daughter have all read the book. I have seen Randy speak and have read the book twice. It touches your heart strings and what makes it indeed great is the size and scale of the the gift of hope to so many people. If you like The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch you will love No Greatness without Goodness by Randy Lewis.

Inspiring & practical!

Great book! Easy read packed with practical information. Very inspiring & encouraging for families who have adults with disabilities who can't find a job. Hopefully other companies will follow Walgreens' lead in hiring people with disabilities!

moving, inspirational, and eye opening!

Should be required reading for all parents, high schoolers, operations managers, and clergy. Terrific read! Thank you for an inspired story.

Great Inspiring read

A moving read and an inspiring call to action. Makes you rethink what business can achieve if it can think bigger and broader about its goals.

A new way of looking at jobs and success

It was inspiring and hopeful while being very real and practical. The accomplishments were astounding and very touching. Makes you rethink what are the true disabilities.

A Good to Great company that did good.

Inspiring and heart warming account of a corporate e executive who made a difference in the lives of the disabled.

Five Stars

good book...hope to be able to apply the principles in our business

Five Stars

Really great book to read for anyone who has a child with autism.

This is a great book to read about autism and about the cause ...

This is a great book to read about autism and about the cause of people who have a hard time finding a job. Very good read!

Business leader? Parent? Human? Read this now!

This is a humbling an astonishing story about discovering what is possible, about ignoring doubt, fear, resistance and the unknown to embrace what’s right.

so I HIGHLY recommend the reading of this book

Because of this man, Randy Lewis, my autistic nephew has found employment in the Walgreen's Distribution Center in Anderson, and is enjoying full employment with benefits. Almost everyone these days know or loves someone who is autistic, so I HIGHLY recommend the reading of this book.

Great read

This is a wonderful, true tale. Well written and captivating!


Having a special needs child, I found this to be a great and inspiring book.


Loved this book and this message.

Open the door

Be a leader and open the door to compassion that will lead to growth as a person. This is a profound set of beliefs that should become how we approach our work in our country.


Highly recommended! Inspirational and practical on every level. It will bring a tear to your eye and put a smile on your face.


This book tells the story of an organization that took an impossible goal and made it possible. The lessons in it could be applied in so many situations in our lives. Thank you "Mr." Lewis for telling this story!

eye opening

I had no idea that so much had been done for those we take for granted as having little to give to society. It will help me become a better person and more sensitive to people who are different from me.

Great book

I was really moved by this book. Well written. Learned a l ittle about myself while reading it. Thank you for sharing this story.

One person can make a difference!

Encouraging story of how God used challenges in the life of one of His sons to impact him personally and eventually an entire corporate operation at Walgreen's.

It's a wonderful story, it shows how good folks learned to ...

It's a wonderful story, it shows how good folks learned to do what they could with where they found themselves, and then told about it and made it better for all who follow. A single family's story, but way more because of how well they're living it.

A Must Read For Leadership

One of the best books on leading change I have read. I recommend this for all leaders that recognize that the key is impacting hearts and minds.

Four Stars

A very good book would recommend!

Great from a business perspective

Great from a business perspective, family perspective, faith example and disabilities advocate too. Such a great heart and fearless leadership to say yes to his calling.

To always strive to do the "right thing" is a great principle to live by in the corporate world

This book gave me an appreciation for Walgreens' senior leadership. To always strive to do the "right thing" is a great principle to live by in the corporate world, and for that matter in anyone's world!

The love came through

The love came through, and changed so many lives!! I am a retired high school special education teacher. I am recommending this book to many of my colleagues. This gives so much insight and hope.

Four Stars

Great read, opened my eyes on how to view others.

Five Stars

Nothing like personal adversity to drive the vision to completion!


A touching story.

Five Stars


Five Stars

Excellent book!

What an amazing book and amazing man

What an amazing book and amazing man. This should be required reading for all business schools, all CEO's and parents with children with special needs.

Five Stars

A great read.

Five Stars

Randy Lewis has written one of the best business books I've ever read.

Five Stars


Five Stars

Loved the book

Five Stars

excellant book.

Four Stars

a very inspirational story.

Four Stars

A good story about father and son and how 1 man make a terrific difference inspired by his son.

Five Stars



So good to see ‘doing the right thing’ being important in business. God bless the dreamers and implementors of goodness.

Great book

Fantastic book, really makes me think about how I relate with all people. Hooray for Randy and his innovative ideas.


I've worked with special needs persons for many years. I have always believed that they can be productive with the right motivation. I never knew this about Walgreens. Very inspiring story. Thanks for sharing!!

Generosity and Heart!

Fantastic book. Very touching and amazing story of what can be accomplished with a corporation inspired by one individual.

I'm so glad I took the time to read this piece of ...

I'm so glad I took the time to read this piece of love & wisdom by Randy Lewis; it was so inspiring and the message is so simple. I was surprised to learn that this example of greatness is happening right in my backyard in Perrysburg, Ohio. Thank you, Randy.

Five Stars

Great book about his mission to bring work and dignity to the "disabled."

An inspiration

Thank you Randy for the great book and the great inspiration. There is much work to be done, and this book is great fuel!

Excellent book!

Excellent book!

No Greatness Without Goodness.

I think k this is o e I think this one of the best books I have ever read.(at 72 that covers a lot of books) The story is fantastic and its real. As the author learns New things so does the reader.. I intend to give to others.


This is an inspirational story of an impossible goal achieved. What a difference Walgreens has made for people with disabilities and for the world!



Four Stars

Bravo for your vision of life. Live with what you are and what you got from life.

Five Stars

Outstanding. Very inspirational.

Differently abled Equality

We need way more of this in the world!

Amazing Story

Glancing at the book/title, I was interested before buying but now am glad I did. It is an amazing story that kept me interested cover to cover.

Four Stars

Good read

Five Stars

Great read.


Excellent book and amazing example of including and integrating people of all abilities into society.

Good book. If only more companies would take the ...

Good book. If only more companies would take the time,effort and cost to help people that no one else will. Makes me want to shop more at Walgreens for sure. Thank you Randy Lewis

Five Stars

One of the best books you can read.

Five Stars

Great book written by a great guy. Good for you Randy.

Five Stars

wonderful true story and encouraging for those of us who have family members with physical and emotional disabilities


I would easily call this an adventure story. Easily moves from real life to the business world. Thank you Randy and Walgreens


This book provided tears of joy and tears of sorrow. I would recommend this book to all new managers as they begin their course of work.

I would like to meet this fine man and his family

Superb insight into mankind; for each of us has a weakness of some dimension. I would like to meet this fine man and his family! Amazing Grace.


I really enjoyed this book. I'm an educator and I work in this field with students like Austin. It gave me some more ideas for our Workability Program.

A Wonderful Book Showing Anything Can Be Accomplished With Thinking Differently

This is a great book showing anything can be accomplished if we put fear aside and look at situations "Out of the Box".


Must read!!!!!! This book helps point the way for employers and parents on their journey. This book should motivate you to action.

Five Stars

A great story with feel good factor

A moving account; a long overdo movement

I feel I have a deeper appreciation of the inherent worth in each of us. I will recommend this book to everyone.

Five Stars

Am very glad to hear (read!) this family story.


very interesting. Heartwarming true story.

I'm going to always go to Walgrens

Wonderful story

An easy read with much valuable to mull over

An easy read with much valuable to mull over.

Five Stars

It's really touching and inspiring.

Great book.

Very inspiring read!

Four Stars

A very good book with a happy ending,

Three Stars

Very excellent story

Four Stars

very inspiring

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