No Greater Love: How My Family Survived the Genocide in Rwanda

Kindle Edition
15 Feb
During 100 days in Spring 1994, Rwanda's descent into terror took an estimated 800,000 lives. The fastest-moving genocide in modern times was horrifying for its intimacy: Killers and victims were neighbors, friends, fellow churchgoers, workmates, even spouses. Murderers did their "work" with crude implements--machetes, hoes, nail-studded clubs--and lists of those doomed to die.

This was the terrifying reality for Tharcisse Seminega, a Tutsi professor at the National University of Rwanda in Butare. He was specifically targeted for slaughter, along with his wife, Chantal, and five children, with all hope of escape cut off--until help arrived in the form of Hutu rescuers who repeatedly put themselves in mortal danger to save Seminega's family from the machetes.

No Greater Love is the true story of unwavering courage and extraordinary love shown by ordinary people who offered a ray of hope during one of humanity's most horrific self-inflicted tragedies.

Reviews (17)

A poignant account that could not be more relevant today.

This is a truly compelling account. I appreciated the background information about how the “deadly dichotomy” between the Hutu and Tutsi had developed. As someone whose knowledge of Rwanda was very limited, the 1994 genocide was inexplicable? How? How was it even humanly possible to kill nearly one million people in 100 days? Why? Why was there so much hatred that friends, neighbors, classmates, colleagues and even religious leaders became murderous butchers? Who? Who was instrumental in planting the seeds for a climate that fostered such hatred? I must admit there are portions of the book that were very overwhelming. Tharcisse Seminega’s description of certain events is so vivid it elicits a visceral reaction. Although you are forced to come face to face with the horrific brutality that man is capable of, you also see incredible acts of bravery, sacrifice and LOVE. No Greater Love... I think it is of the utmost importance that we as human beings remain students of the human condition. We must resist the notion that the kind of hatred that leads to genocide ‘could never happen here’. We live in a world where hatred, bigotry, racism and xenophobia are not only rampant but are actually legitimized. As the author sets the stage for what happened in 1994, you cannot help but draw parallels to a pre-Holocaust Europe. It is through knowledge and understanding of how the ‘powers that be’ implemented their evil plans that we can formulate an awareness that enables us to resist the kind of mental and emotional manipulation that can turn friends and neighbors into killers. I would encourage all to read No Greater Love. It offers more than just a deeper understanding of one of the darkest hours in human history. You will witness how even in the darkness, love conquers hate.

Definitely a "must read" in Holocaust/Genocide classes!

A large number of books detail the "what happened" , hard-to-comprehend atrocities and unthinkable acts perpetrated against victims of genocides. "No Greater Love" helps the reader to come to a better understanding of the "why" questions. Mob-driven frenzies often include close friends or neighbors who feel the need to alienate themselves from the victims. Fueling the Rwandan genocide sadly were strong political, state-sponsored and religious elements which transformed thousands of former friends and neighbors into frenzied killers even inside their own church sanctuaries! The riveting account of the survival of Professor Seminega's Tutsi family was facilitated by Hutu Jehovah's Witnesses who seemed almost "insulated" from the propaganda and hate -- and loved fellow humans enough to risk their own lives!

MUST READ spotlight on the contrasting love and hate shown by Rwandans and to Rwandans

I recalled hearing on the news about the genocide in Rwanda years ago, but the fact that it was a country half way around the world coupled with the belief that something like that couldn't happen here in the United States, and I quickly moved on from it. This first hand account of someone that actually lived through it really increased my understanding of the atrocities that were brought to bear on the people of Rwanda and the strength of character that some in that country showed in the face of life threatening danger. This book is a must read for any who think that this ugliest of human behavior can't happen here, and for any cynical enough to think that if or when it does, that there won't be some that rise above it and show true love for friend and neighbor.

Sad but true!! Decent History lesson for all ages!!

I absolutely loved reading this book. So well written including history and personal experiences. Heart wrenching because it’s a true account, not someone’s imagination, it really and truly happened and not too long ago. It lived up to the title, “No Greater Love”. It wasn’t really about Jehovah’s witnesses, it was about the genocide, but it was about the great love the Witnesses showed that provided the family’s amazing survival through the entire ordeal. I appreciated too that it could have been more detailed and graphic in reference to the genocide, but it wasn’t, it gave just enough detail to only imagine the reality of this family’s experience and survival. Riveting and decent enough to read for all ages!?

Life Changing

I liked everything about the book. It was riveting, faith-strengthening, sobering, and informative. This book helped me to understand that in order to endure the great tribulation prophesied at Matthew 24:21 in the Bible, I may need to implement some of the very same coping mechanisms used by the Seminegas. I appreciate the candid recollection of the struggles encountered during the 75 days of the genocide in Rwanda. Along with that, my gratefulness for the power of prayer and the need to rely on prayer was immensely enhanced throughout the reading process. May you have a meaningful experience as well.

It is based on truth

The documentation is accurate and has references

Great story--

I'm about 2/3 through it, but this is a great story about a man that was persecuted for two reasons--ethnicity and faith.. It shows very well how things can "go sour" for the victims so incredibly fast.

Enjoy what I have read so far

Haven't finished reading yet

Incredibly Inspiring and Encouraging - A MUST READ!

This first hand account is so well-written. You feel as though you are experiencing each gut-wrenching and faith-strengthening encounter alongside each subject.

Heartbreaking, uplifting

Beautifully written book about a heartbreaking episode in human history. Regardless of their religion, this is a book parents should have their tweens and teens read to learn the value of loving kindness and brotherly love. Mercì beaucoup, mon frer

A poignant account that could not be more relevant today.

This is a truly compelling account. I appreciated the background information about how the “deadly dichotomy” between the Hutu and Tutsi had developed. As someone whose knowledge of Rwanda was very limited, the 1994 genocide was inexplicable? How? How was it even humanly possible to kill nearly one million people in 100 days? Why? Why was there so much hatred that friends, neighbors, classmates, colleagues and even religious leaders became murderous butchers? Who? Who was instrumental in planting the seeds for a climate that fostered such hatred? I must admit there are portions of the book that were very overwhelming. Tharcisse Seminega’s description of certain events is so vivid it elicits a visceral reaction. Although you are forced to come face to face with the horrific brutality that man is capable of, you also see incredible acts of bravery, sacrifice and LOVE. No Greater Love... I think it is of the utmost importance that we as human beings remain students of the human condition. We must resist the notion that the kind of hatred that leads to genocide ‘could never happen here’. We live in a world where hatred, bigotry, racism and xenophobia are not only rampant but are actually legitimized. As the author sets the stage for what happened in 1994, you cannot help but draw parallels to a pre-Holocaust Europe. It is through knowledge and understanding of how the ‘powers that be’ implemented their evil plans that we can formulate an awareness that enables us to resist the kind of mental and emotional manipulation that can turn friends and neighbors into killers. I would encourage all to read No Greater Love. It offers more than just a deeper understanding of one of the darkest hours in human history. You will witness how even in the darkness, love conquers hate.

Definitely a "must read" in Holocaust/Genocide classes!

A large number of books detail the "what happened" , hard-to-comprehend atrocities and unthinkable acts perpetrated against victims of genocides. "No Greater Love" helps the reader to come to a better understanding of the "why" questions. Mob-driven frenzies often include close friends or neighbors who feel the need to alienate themselves from the victims. Fueling the Rwandan genocide sadly were strong political, state-sponsored and religious elements which transformed thousands of former friends and neighbors into frenzied killers even inside their own church sanctuaries! The riveting account of the survival of Professor Seminega's Tutsi family was facilitated by Hutu Jehovah's Witnesses who seemed almost "insulated" from the propaganda and hate -- and loved fellow humans enough to risk their own lives!

MUST READ spotlight on the contrasting love and hate shown by Rwandans and to Rwandans

I recalled hearing on the news about the genocide in Rwanda years ago, but the fact that it was a country half way around the world coupled with the belief that something like that couldn't happen here in the United States, and I quickly moved on from it. This first hand account of someone that actually lived through it really increased my understanding of the atrocities that were brought to bear on the people of Rwanda and the strength of character that some in that country showed in the face of life threatening danger. This book is a must read for any who think that this ugliest of human behavior can't happen here, and for any cynical enough to think that if or when it does, that there won't be some that rise above it and show true love for friend and neighbor.

Sad but true!! Decent History lesson for all ages!!

I absolutely loved reading this book. So well written including history and personal experiences. Heart wrenching because it’s a true account, not someone’s imagination, it really and truly happened and not too long ago. It lived up to the title, “No Greater Love”. It wasn’t really about Jehovah’s witnesses, it was about the genocide, but it was about the great love the Witnesses showed that provided the family’s amazing survival through the entire ordeal. I appreciated too that it could have been more detailed and graphic in reference to the genocide, but it wasn’t, it gave just enough detail to only imagine the reality of this family’s experience and survival. Riveting and decent enough to read for all ages!?

Life Changing

I liked everything about the book. It was riveting, faith-strengthening, sobering, and informative. This book helped me to understand that in order to endure the great tribulation prophesied at Matthew 24:21 in the Bible, I may need to implement some of the very same coping mechanisms used by the Seminegas. I appreciate the candid recollection of the struggles encountered during the 75 days of the genocide in Rwanda. Along with that, my gratefulness for the power of prayer and the need to rely on prayer was immensely enhanced throughout the reading process. May you have a meaningful experience as well.

It is based on truth

The documentation is accurate and has references

Great story--

I'm about 2/3 through it, but this is a great story about a man that was persecuted for two reasons--ethnicity and faith.. It shows very well how things can "go sour" for the victims so incredibly fast.

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