No Caution!: A Step-by-Step Guide to Preparing Auditions for Universities, Colleges, Conservatories, and Beyond

Paperback – September 1, 2019
31 Aug
Erik Stein
No Caution! empowers young actors to create auditions that feel like opening night. This book is designed to help students prepare for university, college, and conservatory auditions. However, these are professional techniques. The philosophy and the steps explored will work for actors who are new to this as well as for actors who have trained and are part of the professional world. This step-by-step guide encourages actors to craft the audition they would want to see if they were the "decision maker" behind the table. It focuses on a preparation that will allow your potential to shine, and it celebrates the passion that it takes to pursue a life in the theatre.

Reviews (40)

Excellent for ALL Actors

This well-written approach to the audition process should be a go-to resource for ANY actor, not just those getting in acting programs/schools. Written by casting director, Erik Stein, the tone is very approachable and clear, with concise steps to aid an actor with their audition preparation. You can tell the author deeply wants the reader to succeed and is passionate about these skills, but doesn't come off as pretentious or difficult to understand. Having worked with actors for decades as the accompanist for hundreds of auditions, I can personally attest that these skills WORK. I can always tell when an actor has utilized the skills from "No Caution" and honestly...they usually get the job! This book should be required reading in every high school drama class to inspire and prepare the next generation of actors!

Should be assigned reading for students!

No Caution! is perfect for any actor, any age. Although the information is geared towards young professionals (particularly those auditioning for colleges and conservatories), this book has helped me, an actress in her late 20’s, tremendously. Plain talk, clear sections, punchy guidelines. Stein lays out an audition map, articulating what to do from the moment you walk into the audition room to the moment you exit— this Yoda-like compass will help when you might otherwise be stumbling with nerves. Stein also encourages actors to think of an audition as a personal one-man/woman-show instead of just as a means to land a job. Shifting the lens in which we see auditions can help us explore material more passionately. This book contains plentiful information on how to prep for an audition, how to proceed in the audition room, how to create a successful video audition, and what to expect in a callback. Erik Stein’s humorous, relatable, and knowledgeable voice comes through in this straight-forward text.

Amazing and necessary for all to read!

I loved everything about this book. In addition to being a professional actor and attending a conservatory I also have a career as an educational coach. The ideas, tools, and values that the author Erik Stein highlights in this book are tools that everyone can benefit from. Professionalism, confidence,creativity, and taking risks are tools that need more presence in our schools and work environments. They are also import life skills. There are so many things in this book that you can take and apply to any career path. The tools provided in this book provide a wonderful balance of structure and room for agency and creativity. Erik provides a list off tools for you to try in order to put you in a space we’re you feel confident sharing who you truly are. I highly recommend this book!

The value here is Mr. Stein’s experience

There were occasions where I assisted an athlete prepare for a tryout or evaluated tryouts. So, while Mr. Stein is working in a different discipline, his topic is one I think is interesting. I was concerned I might encounter Stuart Smalley-type advice and encouragement. Instead, I think I saw the shadow of Vince Lombardi in Mr. Stein’s attention to detail. Your responsibility is to be prepared and authentic. Not a new instruction. What is of value here is Mr. Stein’s experience. He tells you what is required to audition well. He tells you why (even if it’s just because). And, he tells you how. One can’t know the number of chances in a life. Get the book now and start your preparation. So, when the light of opportunity presents, you can plant a foot, cut hard, and run to daylight … with no caution.

Passion for new talent, a must read

Mr. Stein creates a supportive narrative to help prepare an actor's 'solo performance', AKA the audition. He uses entertaining stories to make recommendations on how to connect with the decision makers side of the table. He includes topics such as head shots, resumes, choosing material, the performance and callbacks. His passion for new talent is palpable. If you are attempting to score a coveted spot in a university or performing arts program why wouldn't you want a comprehensive guide? Anyone can perform better in any experience when you know what to expect and what is expected of you. Mr. Stein shows readers that you will not lose when you prepare, are passionate and bring your authentic self with NO CAUTION.


Ada Marinelli : A great book for those who want an updated “how to” of the auditioning world for professional and college auditions. Straight forward and actually guides you through each step of the audition process, from prep to the audition and after. The Author is a working professional performer and is in the know of the theatrical world. Some college hopefuls tend to get their info from high school teachers, who are great as well but may not be in the know of how things are done now. This book will help all who read to become updated in our craft.

This book seriously rejuvenated my confidence in auditioning

Erik Stein does an incredible job at laying out the basics for an audition room. The stuff that should be a no brainer but you forget or you let go after awhile. He also, though, filled the book with extremely specific advise that, as a constant audition-er, will seriously help me stand out as a more professional, prepared, and genuine actor. This is a great book that is a perfect re-read to invigorate your auditions.

Essential Important Reading for Any Auditioner

This book states clearly exactly how a student or professional can go the process of sculpting an effective audition. Mr. Stein is well-versed in his topic, and offers humane, compassionate, inspiring, truthful, practical advice that helps the auditioner look at the room a bit differently, and empowers them to be prepared, professional, and present. I run a BFA musical theatre program for undergraduates, and we recently purchased several copies for my students. Highly recommended!

Recommended for your audition arsenal

Such an incredible book on how to prepare for and execute an audition. If you have any students preparing for college or acting conservatory auditions, this book is seriously the best out there. It’s very clear and gives step by step information that can be applied immediately to make an audition the best it can be.

Practical reference tool

Not to wordy, very practical. As a drama teacher I can loan it out knowing that it will be a beneficial reference tool for a theater student going on to college.

Excellent for ALL Actors

This well-written approach to the audition process should be a go-to resource for ANY actor, not just those getting in acting programs/schools. Written by casting director, Erik Stein, the tone is very approachable and clear, with concise steps to aid an actor with their audition preparation. You can tell the author deeply wants the reader to succeed and is passionate about these skills, but doesn't come off as pretentious or difficult to understand. Having worked with actors for decades as the accompanist for hundreds of auditions, I can personally attest that these skills WORK. I can always tell when an actor has utilized the skills from "No Caution" and honestly...they usually get the job! This book should be required reading in every high school drama class to inspire and prepare the next generation of actors!

Should be assigned reading for students!

No Caution! is perfect for any actor, any age. Although the information is geared towards young professionals (particularly those auditioning for colleges and conservatories), this book has helped me, an actress in her late 20’s, tremendously. Plain talk, clear sections, punchy guidelines. Stein lays out an audition map, articulating what to do from the moment you walk into the audition room to the moment you exit— this Yoda-like compass will help when you might otherwise be stumbling with nerves. Stein also encourages actors to think of an audition as a personal one-man/woman-show instead of just as a means to land a job. Shifting the lens in which we see auditions can help us explore material more passionately. This book contains plentiful information on how to prep for an audition, how to proceed in the audition room, how to create a successful video audition, and what to expect in a callback. Erik Stein’s humorous, relatable, and knowledgeable voice comes through in this straight-forward text.

Amazing and necessary for all to read!

I loved everything about this book. In addition to being a professional actor and attending a conservatory I also have a career as an educational coach. The ideas, tools, and values that the author Erik Stein highlights in this book are tools that everyone can benefit from. Professionalism, confidence,creativity, and taking risks are tools that need more presence in our schools and work environments. They are also import life skills. There are so many things in this book that you can take and apply to any career path. The tools provided in this book provide a wonderful balance of structure and room for agency and creativity. Erik provides a list off tools for you to try in order to put you in a space we’re you feel confident sharing who you truly are. I highly recommend this book!

The value here is Mr. Stein’s experience

There were occasions where I assisted an athlete prepare for a tryout or evaluated tryouts. So, while Mr. Stein is working in a different discipline, his topic is one I think is interesting. I was concerned I might encounter Stuart Smalley-type advice and encouragement. Instead, I think I saw the shadow of Vince Lombardi in Mr. Stein’s attention to detail. Your responsibility is to be prepared and authentic. Not a new instruction. What is of value here is Mr. Stein’s experience. He tells you what is required to audition well. He tells you why (even if it’s just because). And, he tells you how. One can’t know the number of chances in a life. Get the book now and start your preparation. So, when the light of opportunity presents, you can plant a foot, cut hard, and run to daylight … with no caution.

Passion for new talent, a must read

Mr. Stein creates a supportive narrative to help prepare an actor's 'solo performance', AKA the audition. He uses entertaining stories to make recommendations on how to connect with the decision makers side of the table. He includes topics such as head shots, resumes, choosing material, the performance and callbacks. His passion for new talent is palpable. If you are attempting to score a coveted spot in a university or performing arts program why wouldn't you want a comprehensive guide? Anyone can perform better in any experience when you know what to expect and what is expected of you. Mr. Stein shows readers that you will not lose when you prepare, are passionate and bring your authentic self with NO CAUTION.


Ada Marinelli : A great book for those who want an updated “how to” of the auditioning world for professional and college auditions. Straight forward and actually guides you through each step of the audition process, from prep to the audition and after. The Author is a working professional performer and is in the know of the theatrical world. Some college hopefuls tend to get their info from high school teachers, who are great as well but may not be in the know of how things are done now. This book will help all who read to become updated in our craft.

This book seriously rejuvenated my confidence in auditioning

Erik Stein does an incredible job at laying out the basics for an audition room. The stuff that should be a no brainer but you forget or you let go after awhile. He also, though, filled the book with extremely specific advise that, as a constant audition-er, will seriously help me stand out as a more professional, prepared, and genuine actor. This is a great book that is a perfect re-read to invigorate your auditions.

Essential Important Reading for Any Auditioner

This book states clearly exactly how a student or professional can go the process of sculpting an effective audition. Mr. Stein is well-versed in his topic, and offers humane, compassionate, inspiring, truthful, practical advice that helps the auditioner look at the room a bit differently, and empowers them to be prepared, professional, and present. I run a BFA musical theatre program for undergraduates, and we recently purchased several copies for my students. Highly recommended!

Recommended for your audition arsenal

Such an incredible book on how to prepare for and execute an audition. If you have any students preparing for college or acting conservatory auditions, this book is seriously the best out there. It’s very clear and gives step by step information that can be applied immediately to make an audition the best it can be.

Practical reference tool

Not to wordy, very practical. As a drama teacher I can loan it out knowing that it will be a beneficial reference tool for a theater student going on to college.

Helpful and easy to read audition prep book!

Written by a professional who has decades of experience, this book will give you all the tools and tips you need as an actor to walk into an audition feeling confident! It's straight-forward yet friendly tone makes it a quick and helpful tool! Jump at the chance to have this insider knowledge at your finger-tips!

Number one book for audition prep!

This book is excellent! A wonderful step by step way of nailing the perfect audition with confidence and ease! I highly recommend this book to those wishing to persue. A lot of great information and guidance from an expert in the field!

Essential reading material for performing arts audition techniques!

Erik’s book is essential reading material for anyone considering training, and a career in the performing arts. He’s been very generous in sharing the audition secrets one needs to know in order to execute a good audition performance. What a wonderful gift!

So helpful!

This book turns the anxiety of auditioning into a space to play and make bold moves! So informative! Pro tips at your disposal! Easy read! I’m excited to utilize it for future auditions!

Ever actor should read this book!!

Great advice from an amazing teacher and professional Actor!

Worth the price!

Very thorough!! Easy read!

A Must Read

Must read for college auditioners.

The perfect Audition book

Not only do I feel like this book should be read by every actor, I feel like YOUNGER Actors would benefit greatly! Erik took the time to not only break down auditioning, but also has summarized why you shouldn't be afraid to be yourself. It is a quick and lovely read. Highly recommend!

Not Just For Students

I am an older professional actor, and I use Stein's techniques EVERY time I audition. His simple, concise checklist will help any student or professional actor rock their auditions. Most actors are a little anxious when we are about to audition. With Stein's method you have something to focus on, and the nerves disappear! Before I read this book, I thought, "I've been working for years; this book, while I'm sure it's great, could not possibly be useful to me." I was so wrong. In fact, the very first time I tried out Stein's method I booked the job! It also gives you the power in a seemingly powerless situation. From creating your one person show to following the steps durring the audition, you will feel more in control, and that is a beautiful thing. Buy this book- you won't regret it.


If you want to connect with your audience...if you want to understand how to completely engage every member of your audience be it for theatre, debate, speech or public speaking buy this book and unveil the hidden magic of Mr Stein. His honest and vulnerable approach to creating a memorable presentation will stay with you throughout your life. If you have ever been privy to see a performance of Mr Steins you realize he practices what he preaches and every moment is authentic and grabs you completely. I’ve hired him numerous times over the last 19 years, for performers of all ages, for college auditions, speech competitions, movement coach and theatrical performances. BRAVO!! Thank you for sharing your talent with all of us in book form!!

Helped me book the next show I auditioned for!

This book is so clear, informative, and fun to read! It broke everything down into digestible parts, and I especially loved how much I could apply to my auditions right away. This book helped me change my perception of auditions, and empowered me to carefully craft my audition pieces. I read it in one sitting, and by the end I felt inspired and ready to tackle my next audition! Also, I know this book is geared towards students applying for Universities and Conservatories, but I am currently in a conservatory and I found it very applicable for not only my life presently, but also for my future career. I highly recommend! No caution!

Guidance from the experienced

I am not a part of the theater as a participant, but I am an enthusiastic spectator. Part of my enjoyment of this book is based on the step-up in appreciation level I now feel for my local theater. The audience doesn't often get an inside look into the many, many hurdles to getting on state. This book is such a simple and direct approach to the audition process. No nonsense, practical and straight forward and honest. I would totally be using this as a guide were I in the need.

A must read for BA and BFA students!

No Caution! is a fantastic guide for preparing auditions so you can be the most authentic version of you in the room. The book lays out a terrific guide for inside and outside the audition room. Easy to read, easier to use, and a fun time for all audiences. I pull out a lot of the tips and exercises used in the book for almost all the auditions I go to!

Such a good book!

I was assigned this book for my BFA in Music Theatre and I loved it. It has so many great techniques and a lot of awesome advice. I tend to get anxious around auditions and I have a habit of being cautious. However, after reading this book I began to look at auditions as mini shows, and my auditions have gotten SO much better. Thank you for your advice!

Must-Have Guide For All!

This book is an extraordinarily helpful, honest, and fun guide to the anxiety-inducing nature that is auditioning. Reading this relieved my stress, made me feel more confident, and allowed me to be exceedingly more prepared than I have ever been going into an audition. This book is truly a gift and helps not only the actor but anyone working their way through the theatre industry!


A truly wonderful book about the process of auditioning. After reading this I feel much more prepared for whatever any audition may bring to me and so much more confident in my ability to get jobs. My mentor and teacher has truly crafted a wonderful book to help anyone audition with no caution.

Erik Stein knows his stuff!

I love how his approach is very straightforward, but with so much compassion and warmth. Being in a casting room is really scary in the first place, but going in with a plan helps with nerves and boosts your confidence. I take Erik's pointers with me everywhere I go. Highly recommend!


I absolutely love this book. It’s a very easy read, with a lot of awesome information. Chapters are easily labeled, so you can flip through and find the information you need right when you need it! So many valuable tools! I highly highly suggest this book.

You need to get this book

Erik sure knows what he is talking about when it comes to auditioning. This book is a game-changer and I'm thankful to have stumbled across this and I will be using these secrets and techniques for my many auditions to come. Thanks, Erik!

Incredible Insight to the world of auditioning

As a student of Erik Stein, I can confirm the importance this book has. This will help any young or seasoned actor get into the mind-set of the "decision makers". If you are an actor, read this book.

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