Next to Nothing: The Chosen One Book Three

Kindle Edition
28 Jan
Macy Blake
A Gay Paranormal Harem Romance

What do you get when you mix a dragon, a vampire, a griffin, a mage, and a human? Sawyer Smith’s life sounds like a punchline, but the mates he’s come to love are no joke. They’re fierce and wonderful, protecting him from the outside forces trying to destroy him. Add in a reluctant hippocamp and an egotistical fae prince, and Sawyer has his hands full in more ways than one.

Sawyer is closer than ever to fulfilling the ancient prophecy of the Chosen One, but the bonds between him and his newest guardians are giving him doubts. The rules are changing, and Sawyer has to adapt quickly if he’s going to keep up, especially after he’s whisked away to the land of the fae, a place with cryptic customs. One misstep could very well lead to his death.

Navigating the waters of his newest relationship is tricky enough without the encroaching dangers. Something terrifying is heading Sawyer’s way, threatening not only his life, but everything he’s built with the mates he loves. Despite their concerns, Sawyer is ready to make sacrifices, because there’s next to nothing he wouldn’t do to keep them safe.

Reviews (155)

Next adventure of Sawyer and his men

Sawyer is mated to five men, Draco a dragon, Henry a mage, Eduardo a griffin, Andvari a vampire and Ward a hippocamp. He has added another man, Kavalan a Fae prince to the mix but it’s not going to well. His latest mate is arrogant and not very likable. But Sawyer knew that his role of the Chosen wasn’t going to be an easy one. He adores his men and they would do anything to protect their mate, even attempt to warm up to the latest Guardian. All the men (except the prince) are settling into their feelings for each other. Ward is finally finding his place in the group. The sexual energy that keeps them all connected is amazing. This story just keeps getting better. The authors universe is full of wild and unusual creatures. The light that she brings to each personality is amazing. Not just limited to the Chosen and his Guardians. The side characters are also very memorable. I even want to meet the dog. Hard to review this without spoilers and there are a couple of doozies in the book. The other books in the series are a must read to get the most out of this one.

I need book 4 NOW!

Wow. This series has quickly become one of my favorite romances of any sub-genre! With lovable characters, plenty of action, LOTS of love, and a plot that keeps you on your toes, Next to Nothing is a wonderful addition to this series! The relationships between these characters continue to be the driving force behind this series. I really loved seeing Saeward coming into his own and accepting his mates' love. Henry and Ward in particular were incredibly sweet, but I love all of these men. Buckle up for this one guys because it's one hell of a ride! I cannot WAIT to get my hands on the next book!!

Great addition to the Chosen One Universe! And those plot twists!?!

Next to Nothing is the third book in Macy Blake’s Chosen One Universe, and the author has definitely hit her stride and left me wanting more! I loved Sawyer and his guys and how they all work together. I enjoyed reading their interactions between each other and the LOL funny moments. I loved this story and how in depth the author goes to create this universe. And OMG that ending and the plot twists throughout! More please! This book is a continuation of the search for the guardians and cannot be read a standalone. There are characters from side stories in this universe that make an appearance in the story, but you do not have to read those first to understand what is going on – they’re almost like Easter eggs. Next to Nothing starts right after the arrival of Prince Kavalan of the Fae and throws the whole household into disorder. Sawyer can’t seem to connect with him (which means he isn’t connecting as well to his mates) and Kavalan isn’t making friends in the house. But when they are attacked and brought to the land of the Fae, the prince is the only one who can navigate them through the new customs. Not going to say any more for fear of spoilers and since this story really just needs to be read and enjoyed!! Cannot wait for the next in the series!!!

Holy Hannah, Batman!!

I've got to say...this series keeps getting better and better. So many plot twists and turns and then the sexy times...AMAZING!!! I found this series by accident and I was hooked...How was the author going to add in more guardians? How was Sawyer going to help out the world? What is chasing after them? So many questions and then the cool companion books...yeah...I'm in HEAVEN!! I don't want the book(s) to ever end and then the plot twist at the end of this book? SAY WHAT?!?! OH I can't wait until the next book in the series comes out....there was some great hints that we got at the very end of the story...still....I was so damn sad that the book ended and I have to wait for the next installment. Yeah, you HAVE got to read this series as each book gets better....Just Do It!! You Won't regret it. At All!!!

Now, THIS Is More Like It!

Finally! I really enjoyed this addition to the Chosen One series. The writing is so much better than the first two in the series, although the sexy time scenes are still a little too bad gay porn movie for my liking. And the plot twist at the end?!? Kudos, author, kudos. Now … please continue this series. There are so many more adventures these guys could go on, and I, for one, would like to be a part of the ride.

Wow (No Spoilers)

Very rarely does a book truly catch me off guard, but this made my day. Like many I’ve had the release date for this instalment on my calendar for awhile, just waiting to find out what’s going to happen next. All the characters are so wonderful, they have depth and quirks and a very realistic tint to them that draws you in. I loved the new world/realm revealed and the new guardian and the reveal was just spectacular. Once again, caught off guard, I knew something was up, but the added twist was not what I expected and then the curve (think like a 270° turn) at the end was just the icing on the cake. Really, I’m still reeling, and I cannot wait to read more. Reader Note: This is not a stand alone. Do yourself a favor and read ALL the previous books including the Hellhound series in release order. Personal Peeve: There are a few typos. Not misspellings, wrong words (i.e. out of place descriptors, there not their), but not enough or in places to cause confusion. Just a head’s up.

Ohhhh this book.

We are back in the chosen 'verse for this and we were thrilled to be there. Sawyer was "dealing " with Prince Fetch and the guys were settling into a groove minus his highness. (say that three times fast!) Mikey and his mates visit and all is going swimmingly until WHAM!!! stuff goes down. Any discussion , and we 💘LOVE to discuss,has to wait till you read this book. I wouldn't want to stop your chin from hitting the ground. I CAN say we visit the FAE realm and Kansas it ain't. If you are a Chosen devoteé for your safety be sitting down at the last chapter cause it will knock you on your butt. Our author has outdone herself with this and it SHOULD be possible to wait till April for the next one ,but early April I'm hoping. There's not enough stars for a true rating but five will have to do for now. W.O.W.💖💖💖💖💖

Wonderful Addition to Series

Rating: 5 stars This series is just getting better and better with each book. I absolutely love it and if you read the others in the series you will definitely love this one. I’m not going to say more because I absolutely refuse to spoil anything. Just know that this is not a standalone and if you try to read it without reading the remainder of the series, you will be lost.

Another fantastic step in the series

Heat - 10 Dialogue - 10 Characters - 10 Storyline - 10 Wow, another great installment in this series. I love where it ended and now will be eagerly awaiting the next even more than I have been! I was able to guess some of the storyline, but it was still fantastic. The continuing building of the relationships, the direction the storyline is all just going really good! You can feel Sawyer's frustration with all the still unanswered questions, but the story moves along enough each time that it is not frustrating. Another book I'll read several times!

Plot twist, plot twist, and the plot thickens

I don't want to give anything away but OMG. I love this series so far and can't wait for the next. Seaward is one of favorite characters so far and I'm so glad that he finally takes his place in the circle. In a perfectly steamy way. Anyone else like me who isn't a fan of Kavalan, just wait until you get to the plot twist. Without giving anything away all I can say is amazing story, wonderful characters, excellent addition to a fantastic series.

Next adventure of Sawyer and his men

Sawyer is mated to five men, Draco a dragon, Henry a mage, Eduardo a griffin, Andvari a vampire and Ward a hippocamp. He has added another man, Kavalan a Fae prince to the mix but it’s not going to well. His latest mate is arrogant and not very likable. But Sawyer knew that his role of the Chosen wasn’t going to be an easy one. He adores his men and they would do anything to protect their mate, even attempt to warm up to the latest Guardian. All the men (except the prince) are settling into their feelings for each other. Ward is finally finding his place in the group. The sexual energy that keeps them all connected is amazing. This story just keeps getting better. The authors universe is full of wild and unusual creatures. The light that she brings to each personality is amazing. Not just limited to the Chosen and his Guardians. The side characters are also very memorable. I even want to meet the dog. Hard to review this without spoilers and there are a couple of doozies in the book. The other books in the series are a must read to get the most out of this one.

I need book 4 NOW!

Wow. This series has quickly become one of my favorite romances of any sub-genre! With lovable characters, plenty of action, LOTS of love, and a plot that keeps you on your toes, Next to Nothing is a wonderful addition to this series! The relationships between these characters continue to be the driving force behind this series. I really loved seeing Saeward coming into his own and accepting his mates' love. Henry and Ward in particular were incredibly sweet, but I love all of these men. Buckle up for this one guys because it's one hell of a ride! I cannot WAIT to get my hands on the next book!!

Great addition to the Chosen One Universe! And those plot twists!?!

Next to Nothing is the third book in Macy Blake’s Chosen One Universe, and the author has definitely hit her stride and left me wanting more! I loved Sawyer and his guys and how they all work together. I enjoyed reading their interactions between each other and the LOL funny moments. I loved this story and how in depth the author goes to create this universe. And OMG that ending and the plot twists throughout! More please! This book is a continuation of the search for the guardians and cannot be read a standalone. There are characters from side stories in this universe that make an appearance in the story, but you do not have to read those first to understand what is going on – they’re almost like Easter eggs. Next to Nothing starts right after the arrival of Prince Kavalan of the Fae and throws the whole household into disorder. Sawyer can’t seem to connect with him (which means he isn’t connecting as well to his mates) and Kavalan isn’t making friends in the house. But when they are attacked and brought to the land of the Fae, the prince is the only one who can navigate them through the new customs. Not going to say any more for fear of spoilers and since this story really just needs to be read and enjoyed!! Cannot wait for the next in the series!!!

Holy Hannah, Batman!!

I've got to say...this series keeps getting better and better. So many plot twists and turns and then the sexy times...AMAZING!!! I found this series by accident and I was hooked...How was the author going to add in more guardians? How was Sawyer going to help out the world? What is chasing after them? So many questions and then the cool companion books...yeah...I'm in HEAVEN!! I don't want the book(s) to ever end and then the plot twist at the end of this book? SAY WHAT?!?! OH I can't wait until the next book in the series comes out....there was some great hints that we got at the very end of the story...still....I was so damn sad that the book ended and I have to wait for the next installment. Yeah, you HAVE got to read this series as each book gets better....Just Do It!! You Won't regret it. At All!!!

Now, THIS Is More Like It!

Finally! I really enjoyed this addition to the Chosen One series. The writing is so much better than the first two in the series, although the sexy time scenes are still a little too bad gay porn movie for my liking. And the plot twist at the end?!? Kudos, author, kudos. Now … please continue this series. There are so many more adventures these guys could go on, and I, for one, would like to be a part of the ride.

Wow (No Spoilers)

Very rarely does a book truly catch me off guard, but this made my day. Like many I’ve had the release date for this instalment on my calendar for awhile, just waiting to find out what’s going to happen next. All the characters are so wonderful, they have depth and quirks and a very realistic tint to them that draws you in. I loved the new world/realm revealed and the new guardian and the reveal was just spectacular. Once again, caught off guard, I knew something was up, but the added twist was not what I expected and then the curve (think like a 270° turn) at the end was just the icing on the cake. Really, I’m still reeling, and I cannot wait to read more. Reader Note: This is not a stand alone. Do yourself a favor and read ALL the previous books including the Hellhound series in release order. Personal Peeve: There are a few typos. Not misspellings, wrong words (i.e. out of place descriptors, there not their), but not enough or in places to cause confusion. Just a head’s up.

Ohhhh this book.

We are back in the chosen 'verse for this and we were thrilled to be there. Sawyer was "dealing " with Prince Fetch and the guys were settling into a groove minus his highness. (say that three times fast!) Mikey and his mates visit and all is going swimmingly until WHAM!!! stuff goes down. Any discussion , and we 💘LOVE to discuss,has to wait till you read this book. I wouldn't want to stop your chin from hitting the ground. I CAN say we visit the FAE realm and Kansas it ain't. If you are a Chosen devoteé for your safety be sitting down at the last chapter cause it will knock you on your butt. Our author has outdone herself with this and it SHOULD be possible to wait till April for the next one ,but early April I'm hoping. There's not enough stars for a true rating but five will have to do for now. W.O.W.💖💖💖💖💖

Wonderful Addition to Series

Rating: 5 stars This series is just getting better and better with each book. I absolutely love it and if you read the others in the series you will definitely love this one. I’m not going to say more because I absolutely refuse to spoil anything. Just know that this is not a standalone and if you try to read it without reading the remainder of the series, you will be lost.

Another fantastic step in the series

Heat - 10 Dialogue - 10 Characters - 10 Storyline - 10 Wow, another great installment in this series. I love where it ended and now will be eagerly awaiting the next even more than I have been! I was able to guess some of the storyline, but it was still fantastic. The continuing building of the relationships, the direction the storyline is all just going really good! You can feel Sawyer's frustration with all the still unanswered questions, but the story moves along enough each time that it is not frustrating. Another book I'll read several times!

Plot twist, plot twist, and the plot thickens

I don't want to give anything away but OMG. I love this series so far and can't wait for the next. Seaward is one of favorite characters so far and I'm so glad that he finally takes his place in the circle. In a perfectly steamy way. Anyone else like me who isn't a fan of Kavalan, just wait until you get to the plot twist. Without giving anything away all I can say is amazing story, wonderful characters, excellent addition to a fantastic series.


Another excellent addition to the series. I bought this book this morning and finished it in one day. So much happened and so much was revealed. And then the author decided to wait until the last chapter to turn the entire series on its head.Seriously, mind blowing!! I'm so glad I've read all the books because everything is connected and you gather a deeper understanding with each one. Sisslyt????


Around three-quarters of the way through the book, I was marveling at the author’s imagination, just so damn happy to be reading this installment. I was trying to figure out how things might turn out, but I did not see the ending coming. At all. And it’s going to be excruciating, having to wait for the next book. But wow, what a series!

Another guardian is added

Sawyer is drawn into the Fae world and sees beings he has never seen before. A new guardian is added to his protectors and life gets a little crazier. He is the chosen one that is to save the supernatural world from dark evil.

Next to Nothing

This series is the best!!! It has everything I love in a great read, action, humor, romance and magic!!! Plus in this one certain things have been revealed that make it so I can hardly wait for the next book to come out!!! I hope book four is out soon!!!


It was a wonderful addition to the series. It was very well written and kept my interest completely. This addition had more story than the others. There were still a few hot scenes but they didn't overrule the whole story. It was wonderful and I will definitely be tapping my toe waiting for the next one in the series to be released.

Amazing series, well earned five stars.

This series is getting better and better. Hard to imagine since the first story was already amazing. So much is going on, so may unexpected twists and turns, plenty of action amazingly hot mates and an intriguing story. I can't wait for the next one.

Happy sigh

Macy's writing just keeps getting better. This latest book has all the love, suspense & world building that we've come to expect from her stories....and a wonderful twist at the end. Well worth the wait. This is not a stand-alone.

This series keeps getting better!

I am hooked on this series. It's well written, action packed, funny, and still has time for the good steamy stuff. This latest book leaves me eager for more. It only seems to ramp up the intrigue of this series.

Amazing!!! Can't put down!

Yet another one I couldn't put down! totally love all the twist and reveals in this one, was not expecting that last reveal! Love it when an author can throw something unexpected in <3 Now to wait for which ever book comes out next. Haven't read one book from Macy I haven't loved and some how keep buying them even when broke ;P

Completely mind blowing!!!

Another amazing read!!! Macy Blake has managed to write another captivating story, it will suck you in and keep you glued until the last page where you'll then pray to any Goddess or God to have the next one ready to devour.

Talk about plot twist

I can honestly say holy crap i didn’t see that coming. I can’t wait for the next book omg swayer!!! That’s all i have to say about that.

OMG, what an ending

I am sooo confused but so enthralled with this series. I just bought and finished this book and can NOT wait for the next one. You have got to read this series.

Holy plot bomb

So much happened in this book! It is awesome to see so much plot woven intp a genre that could easily end up just being sexy bits :)

Omg wow

The wait is over this book is a no put down book , you get the love the drama and a super surprise ending you definitely didn't see coming

Mind blown

My mind has been completely blown. This book was ridiculously fantastic. I am at a loss for words with how amazing it was. Next book please, I just finished this one and I'm already having withdrawal. I need more.

WOW great read

I liked this book so glad she is telling and sharing this story. Looking forward to the rest of the story. Can't wait.

The Chosen One Book Three was simply amazing.

This book was amazing. From the beginning to the very end. Every line had me picturing the story as if I was there watching it unfold. Can't wait until the next guardian is found.

Great book!

Loved it! Book and series are awesome! Totally recommend!

I'm mad I have to wait for the next one.

I love the story. I'm mad I have to wait for the next one darn it. Can't wait for his mates to find out


Wow! I didn't see that coming! OMGOSH! I need the next books like now!😂😁 My mind was blown at the end. This is why I don't read a series until it's finished! 😂😂 Bravo!


What a fantastic roller coaster ride story! I HAVE to know what happens next! I LOVE Next to Nothing! Macy outdid herself with this installment of The Chosen One series and I cannot wait for the next book!


Just when I think this series can't get any better! Our guardians become even more loveable, secrets are revealed, and new mysteries are introduced. Old friends visit, new creatures are discovered, and new magics are experienced. Everything Macy Blake writes is perfection. I can't wait for book four.

Ahh the cliffhanger!

I read this book in just a few hours and as soon as I finished I wanted to start the series all over again!

Unexpected ending!! Loved it

Was really good. The ending was totally not what I was expecting. Mind blown! It changes everything I thought I knew about this story line. Amazing!!!!

What I waited fir

Love it, love it moorrreee. I loved the change of scenery. It jelled so well that when i thought i knew where the story might go. It takes me for a loop


This book is right in line with the rest of Macy’s writing. It does not disappoint and leaves you guessing and wanting for more.

Fantastic book

Its a beautiful story and I really loved it :) and waiting for the next book. Thank you for this fantastic book

A must read-amazing book and series!

WOW! Twists and turns and so much awesomeness! Macy Blake has an amazing ability to create a multi-layered universe, with unique, in-depth characters. It's a very full story, engaging and kept me enthralled. A lot going on, but it always makes sense (except when it's supposed to leave you guessing a bit!). It's intriguing and interesting...some fun and snark...sweet and definitely oh so steamy! Very well balanced, and this one in particular had some extra twists I wasn't expecting. There was something pretty big that I kind of thought, "hmmm, maybe...", but then a couple other things that blew my mind completely-I did not anticipate at all and they were awesome! As with earlier books, we see Chosen One Sawyer and his multiple supernatural Guardian mates, continuing to expand their knowledge of the danger surrounding them, but also taking time to continue growing their bonds both as a team and, even better in my mind-as lovers and mates. Our main guardian focus of the previous book, Saeward, is opening up his heart and mind...finding his place and tightening their bonds-he is so perfect with his combination of strength and vulnerability. Add in the newest Guardian, a beautiful, magical Fae...well you just have to read it. OF COURSE, we also see plenty of Sawyer and the Guardians we've already come to know and love quite a bit (DRACO!), plus we see a bit of Sawyer's brother and his mate and some other favorites drop in too. I love the diverse, awesome characters in this series. Plus the unique supernatural storyline just keeps drawing me in ever deeper. If you haven't read the other books in the series, then you definitely need to go do it now, then come back...they are not standalone and this will not make sense without the others as it is an ongoing story through the books. Each one does come to a satisfying conclusion of the main 'hook' in that not a big cliffhanger, but it definitely does give you hints and ideas for what's coming next...and I for one can't wait! Highly recommended!


Holy shitake mushrooms!!! I was soooooo not expecting how this turned out. I am impressed. This did not come expected by any means and if you guys haven't read this series, you need to get on it. It's so amazing. Sawyer is trying so hard to bond with the prince from the fae realm. But while he's trying to bond, things are getting more dangerous, especially when his brother, Mikey, shows up. It seems as though the crap has literally hit the fan and no one can really understand what's going on. When an attack leaves Henry almost dead as well as Sawyer's dog, Pearl, the fae prince knows they have to retreat to the fae realm for healing. As they are in the realm, several things keep happening. One, someone is still attacking. But Sawyer has finally figured out who and the truth comes pouring out. But with the changes that are now coming their way, will they be able to survive? Because Sawyer has been showing signs of things he shouldn't be able to do, and now he knows almost the whole truth. But will he be able to protect everyone, including the mates he loves so much? Or will the evil trying to kill them all finally win? I want to share SO much about this book, but I can't because it will give SO much away. All I know is I was absolutely blown away. Really blown away. I was loving how Ward was bonding with every0ne, finally, and the bonds with them all were becoming stronger. Sawyer had one of his brothers back and in the know of what was going on. But the fae thing was throwing him off. But the truth comes out about it as well. And it will shock the crap out of you. I really cannot get over these characters. They are just amazing. I mean the amount of beings alone as Sawyer's mates, is mindblowing as it is, but then Mikey's mates and the fae realm. I love it. But what has amazed me through it all, is even as terrified as Sawyer has been at times, he's shown some strength and bravery and more courage than an army of soldiers. He will do anything he can to make things right and to make sure that his mates are cared for. He has become so much over these weeks in this book and I love how it ends. I really can't wait to dig into the rest of this series. I am totally recommending it to everyone.

Oh my goddess!!

Oh my goddess! All the stars! This series somehow gets better and better all the time. The Chosen universe that Macy Blake has created is fascinating and gets more complex with each installment. Sawyer and his guardians and mates are all characters with such depth and unique stories and pasts, and are so varied even down to their most basic cellular makeups.. and yet they all fit so beautifully together I can't imagine them NOT being mates. However their harmonious household is suddenly thrown into subtle chaos with the arrival of Sawyer's newest fae prince guardian, and that is when things start to get complicated. I will not speak to the rest of the plot in this review, as this particular book really needs to be experienced spoiler-free, so instead I will tell you that you don't want to miss where Macy Blake is taking this series. This series is HOT HOT HOT. It gets hotter all the time and wow I don't know how that is possible. I also don't know how Macy keeps track of body parts, but KUDOS for an amazing job ;) But though this book and this series is super steamy and getting steamier all the time, the plot and series arc is even more compelling. There are secrets revealed in this one, and man - that ENDING. GUYS. Just wait. Mind. Blown. I could not put this book down until I was finished, and even then, I sat there with my jaw literally dropped, mind utterly blown. This is one intricately woven story I can't wait to get more of. I always enjoy the dynamic between Sawyer, Draco, Henry, Eduard, and Andvari, and really like seeing how far they have come as mates and how in tune with each other they all are. I LOVED getting to know Saeward more (seriously, I am in love with this guy), and the addition of *insert name here for yourself after you read the book* is AMAZING. Gah. So. Many. Secrets. I need the next book. I have no idea how I am supposed to wait... So go forth and one-click. You will NOT be sorry. This is a direct sequel so I would not read this one until you have read the rest of the series first.

4 stars

The third book in The Chosen One series brings all the men together once again. This book continues the story from the previous books and should be read in order. Sawyer is still in danger as he tries to find his remaining mates as well as figure out exactly what it means to be The Chosen One. The author has placed many intriguing characters within the pages as well as interesting settings as this book moves the story to one fantasy location. The guys are all solid in their bond and each of them brings something different to the mix. This book is a little more focused on the overall story as well as finding the missing mates and with so many characters competing for page time now, I did miss some of the more personal scenes between the men. The multiple point of views that are offered in the story also add to the world around them and it’s great to get part of the story from each of the guardians and mates. Sawyer is still trying to figure it all out and everyone’s number one priority is to keep him safe. His guardians state time and again that they will never leave him alone, yet there is always a moment where Sawyer is left vulnerable and it becomes repetitive and careless. There always had to more to this story and the author weaves in even more intrigue and interest at the end. This book will keep your interest all of the way through and then have you anticipating when the next part of the story will be available.


Woah!! What an exciting and ultimately terrific and magnificent entry this third book of The Chosen One series is! Jumping right in after the events of the second book Nothing Ventured, author Macy Black grabs us by the cahones and thrust us into this most amazing and magical world where Sawyer and his mates Eduard, Andvari, Henry, Draco and Ward are bonding as a family with Ward becoming more comfortable about his role as one of Sawyers guardians and the newest guardian the Prince of Fae Kavalan is peculiar in a way that Sawyer for some reason can't really connect to like the others. Sweeping us into the magical realm of Fae, after an attack this book opens us up to some new wonders where danger can be at any wrong turn, and wow, the amount of detail and wonderful descriptions that bloom with bursts of color and vivid scenes we are treated to. Not only does this story crackle with an abundance of humor and insights and heat,because there is such an erotic stream always flowing as potent as all the magic in the words on the page, it moves with such ease and and keeps such a tension that challenges you to dare put the book down. Now for the WTF moment, you will have to read this book because right now I am pounding this review out screaming in my head, NOOOOO!, I need to know what happens next, and OMG that was some trickery right there, BRILLIANT!!! Want to know? best start from book one because its the only way to read this superb series!

Can't wait for more

The series is one nonstop thrill ride and I'm so excited to be along for the ride. This book doesn’t start off right where the previous one ended, instead we're a couple weeks in the future. Sawyer is still healing from his wounds from the previous book and is giving Ward lots of TLC as they both work on healing themselves, mind or body. The main problem that they are facing at the moment is the stuck up faerie prince that is causing chaos in the house. Everyone tells Sawyer that it’s his responsibility as the Chosen One to make things better but I was not a fan of that aspect. I unfortunately feel that sometimes the guardians don’t do the job of making Sawyer's life easy so he can battle the big bad. I think that one of the other guardians should handle petty squabbles. When does come time to face that latest iteration of the big bad, the guardians and Sawyer are woefully unprepared. It is only the quick thinking of the newest guardian that saves their lives by whisking them to the faerie realm. The guardians spend an excessive amount of time training individually but I don’t think its having an effect. They are stronger together and that is the only way they should be training. That is why I can’t wait for Sawyer to find all of his guardians. I’m so ready for them to actually win in a battle with the darkness. The coolest part of the faerie realm to me was the characters working together to accomplish a goal and getting to spend plenty of time frolicking in the faerie forests. My main problems with this installment were the cover(some characters are given top billing when others are far more deserving) and the length. I feel like the author wanted this installment to be the continuation of the acceptance of Ward as a guardian which is fine but at times I felt it was at the detriment of the other guardians. Juggling so many characters is extremely difficult and I feel like adding more story length might be one of the only ways to make sure each guardian gets their time to shine. That is why I’m giving this one 4 stars when the another installments were 5. This one also ends in a massive cliff hanger that was awesome but I didn’t feel as satisfied at the end.

Love, love, loved it!!!

This series has turned me into an obsessive nut! I have been waiting anxiously for Next To Nothing to the point of constantly stalking all sites for this book to release! When I got a copy I read it from start to finish without a break! IT. IS. WONDERFUL!!! My expectations were super high and I was still blown away! Seriously, after the last page I just sat there with my jaw on the floor because I couldn't believe what was revealed! The world this author has built is so absolutely entertaining that I can't stop rereading each book over and over. The characters just sucked me in and made me attached that they're like real people! I love paranormal but honestly, even if it's not your thing, I think you'd still like this series! There is action, mystery, mythology, laughter, family, tears, heat and sweetness all wrapped up into a story that is so entertaining! This book has it all! As a bonus this author has the ability to drop little easter eggs in each book that you don't catch until later! All kinds of hints that keep you guessing and when you think you've figured it out a twist happens! Next To Nothing is hands-down the best book I've read in a long time and the series has rocketed up to my favorite paranormal series ever! There isn't enough stars to rate this book! I can't say enough good things about it! I received an Advanced Reader Copy and am happy to voluntarily leave my review


OMG! I've been waiting for this book from the very second I finished reading the last one, and I had to reread all the other books in this world at least once to tide me over because I seriously didn't know if I would make it. I did, and it was worth every single second's wait. It was really nice checking in on all our guys again and see how they are adjusting to all the changes that have been happening. I mean, not only are they dealing with the magical stuff, they are also dealing with the addition of new mates. I really like Ward and I'm happy learning more about him. Sawyer and Henry are still cute as all get out and I can never get enough of reading about them. I know that this is billed as a reverse harem story, but I don't think it really is. It's totally a polyamorous relationship. Within the larger group, there are all kinds of relationships. You have all the guys as one relationship together, and then each of the guys has their own relationship with each of the others. That means you get whole group interactions and interactions in 2s or 3s. On top of a great story that keeps drawing me in further and further, we also get to see how a good poly relationship can work, and that it takes time and communication, but love is love, and it works for them. We also get a glimpse of one of Sawyer's brothers and his mates. I wonder if their other brother is going to show up as well. I can't wait for the next one.


4.75 ⭐️ This is by far the best of the series as it kept me entertained the whole way through. I love Sawyer and his protectors. Sex is used heavily in these books to cement the bond between the chosen one (Sawyer) and his protectors, although in this one it wasn’t featured as heavily as previous books. It makes sense because you will fight to death to protect the ones you love. What I enjoy is that even though they are marked as protectors, that doesn’t mean they have to have a relationship with the others, or even Sawyer unless they want (but considering the mutual attraction between Sawyer and all of this Protectors this seems a null point) it’s all about choice. I enjoyed the storyline in this one, about them not being sure of the Fae prince. I liked how that was resolved and the ending was so good, I was a little confused and then nearly crying because I want the next addition now 😊 I’m really impressed with how the author blends and weaves the storyline’s between the two series seemlessly If you can handle the multiple partners then I would definitely recommend

A Deeper Look At Sawyer's Story

'Next to Nothing' is Sawyer's story. He's 'Human' more confident, proud of who he is, standing up for himself and for others -- His heart is just too big at times and he does support the underdog. We first met Sawyer as a college student struggling with a degree. Now he's wearing so many hats and it's fun uncovering each one. Yes, he's grown and matured and we're fortunate to watch his accomplishments. Family is another part of this story and a more detailed look at Sawyer's because we always knew he was special. After all he is The Chosen! Macy Blake's writing is wonderful. The characters are fresh, always maturing, working together, constantly under threat but managing, loving, coping. Then there's the effortless way she brings in past characters -- Like Meshaq the Hellhound or Henry's odd siblings. There were a couple of clues and past events mentioned and I'm temped to do reread. Like the Fae saving the hellhounds. An excellent series and highly recommended. Took Amazon four days to post this review for some reason so now it's buried in my pile. *sigh* I read it on KU but bought my own copy. It's that good, but start with the prequel and meet Henry as a child. - Dan's Wife Note: Amazon: It is a verified purchase.

Another incredible installment!

I can't get enough of this series (and its spin-offs), because this world and its characters are just fantastic. I love Sawyer and his mates, and each time I think things can't get better and/or crazier, they do! This one had a couple of surprises, including one that still has me reeling. Everything I thought I knew about The Chosen One will have to be reconsidered. I freaking love it! I read a lot. Really, a LOT. I actually get excited when an author surprises me. Well, Ms. Blake, you've done it here, and I cannot wait to see where you take us next. I need more, and I'm so glad to know that there are many more books planned for this world. As much as I adore Sawyer and the guardians, it's hard to get enough of each of them in one book, so I'm looking very forward to the future. This story, which took place primarily in the fae realm, was incredible. The imagery, the interaction, and the emotions it brought out in me - everything was perfect. I recommend this book, but only after reading the previous ones. Amazing!

Freakin' A!

Okay. Well, that just happened. I need the next book NOW! This is not a stand alone. I highly suggest that you stop now and make sure that you have read all the other books in this series, the first book of the Hellhound series and Mickey's novella. This series builds upon each previous book and the Hellhounds 1 and the novella will be spoiled by feeding this first. I enjoyed this book, there is some mystery and intrigue going on in the land of the Fae. While Sawyer waits for his newest guardian to return, he is troubled by his attraction to someone that isn't one of his guardians. Hot stuff happens. Danger happens. Lies are revealed. A HUGE shock happens at the end. Changed everything and yet changed nothing. Macy Blake is an evil genius in the best way ever! I can't wait for the next book. I received an ARC of this book from LesCourt Author Services. This is my honest opinion and review. I bought my own copy since I love this series and this book was a great addition to it.

It keeps getting better

Oh my wow! Such a roller coaster. I love this story and every time that I go into this world I get more and more in love with all of them. Sawyer and his internal strength and all of the Guardians who help to protect him. They have all interwoven their lives and their talents and this makes their love more every day. They have a long and winding road ahead of them and with every guardian that they find their end goal is more in sight. They always have these grand and completely frightening adventures I love the connections that they form and the love that is so completely obvious to everyone around them. It's so cool seeing how it grows and changes with each new guardian that they find.I love seeing Sawyer and the confidence that he has even when he doesn't think that he does.I love the support that all of them give each other, they are patient and kind and know just what one another needs to overcome any obstacle they may encounter. I can not wait to get more of their story and see how things finally go for them all in the future. And OMG the answers that we get at the end only to raise so many more questions!?! I received an arc and voluntarily left an honest review.

Macy Blake's Writing Continues To Impress!

First this is a series where you really need to read them in order. I was amazed by this book! I feel strongly that Macy Blake continues to grow in leaps and bounds as an author. The story continually surprises. All the different characters are so special and unique and yet fit together so perfectly as a group. The beginning of the story focuses on Saeward and how the rest of the guardians gradually help him feel comfortable enough and confident enough to become completely a part of the group. As Saeward says, "Who would choose loneliness over such an abundance of love?" The moments when the guardians are all together and pleasuring each other, comforting each other, and supporting each other are so beautiful, it was really wonderful to read them. The ending really surprised me and left me longing for the next book, yet left me happy with where all six of the guardians and Sawyer were at that moment. I highly recommend this series!

Oh my word!

Another great addition to the series! I loved Ward in the last book, and my love for him grew in this one. And to discover that the seventh guardian wasn't who we thought was a sweet surprise. He's a little like Ward at first, which makes me like him a lot as well. I love that his name is the Scottish word for 'lake' and that the lake in the land of the fae plays such an integral part in this story. It seems symbolic that one of the guardians, though an air elemental, has connections to the power of water. The twists and turns of the plot, including the discovery that Sawyer and Cecil are more than we thought they were, combined with the attacks on Sawyer and the discovery of those behind it, give the story great depth and impact. The cliffhanger at the end is upsetting because, while the main story does end -- we know who the seventh guardian is and who's been attacking Sawyer -- we are left with a lot of questions for which NO clues are given, aside from the fact that it involves Sawyer's real family. But as we have no inkling who they are, we're left totally in the dark, in a way we weren't at the end of the first two books. I didn't like being left hanging like was too steep a drop for me. Overall, though, this was a great story, and I liked the clever mix of toughness and tenderness, of danger and protection, of lust and love. This was a winner for me. I can't wait for the next book to come out!


I've been waiting for this book for so long! Book two left us with a bit of a cliffhanger. I've been dying to see if the prince is actually Sawyer's mate or not and what this next installment brings Sawyer and his men. This series keeps getting better. Blake has created an amazing fantasy world, filled with such magical creatures (some you've might not have heard of before). I adore Sawyer and his harem. Every character has their own distinct personality and voice, and of course I can't wait to see who else will come into the harem. At this point in the series, it's kind of far to mention anything without spoiling the book or even series. But I definitely recommend this series to anyone who love unconventional romances and paranormal stories!

A great addition to an amazing series!

This is a must read series. The world that Macy Blake has created is phenomenal! Each installment brings more amazement, adventure, love and so much more. I warn you that once you begin reading this book you will not be able to put it down until you reach the last page. Sawyer and his guardian/mates are challenged once again. They must discover who is behind the danger they keep facing. The addition of another guardian causes some confusion and upheaval to our beloved group. Next to Nothing will take you on the ride of your life. Secrets are revealed that are shocking and will change this world dramatically. I can't wait for the next installment and I don't want this series to ever end!

The Story continues.... (no spoilers)

I love this series and each book gets better and better. The perfect universe that the author has built. She draws you in with every word. Sawyer and his guardians continue to steal your heart, growing closer together as a group, growing in strength and love. Even with the newest addition not going so well, but nothing has been easy so far, all are willing to do anything for each other. With all new twists and surprises this book will have you reading clear through to the last page. And OMG what and end it is! I'm so happy with this next addition and can't wait for the next book. Would I recommend this book? Yes, but have to read them all in order. Will I read this book again? Yes, a definite reread.

I love this book! Has lots of shifters and excitement!

This story has so many things going on I am amazed that the author can keep it strait. Yet keep it strait she has and put as much misdirection and twist in the plot to keep me spellboound through out the entire book. Keeping up with all the characters is a full time job. They are varied and interesting. Different species with different characteristics and yet the story flows smothly and confidently. I am not sure I have a favorite character in this story which is unusual for me. However I really love them all. The emotional and physical upheavel they all go through is immence. The one thing that comes through though is the love and respect they all have for one another. I wait with baited breath for the next installment!


Yes oh yes ! This seis series just keeps getting better and better with every book. With every new introduction of a new character you are left left chewing and biting your nails until macy decides to put you ot of your misery if that character is good or evil. I love me some Hellhounds and shapeshifters but this time around we are taken to the world of the Fae were there are are a whole new set of rules and we see if our boys can hold it together or if they will crumble under the pressure. I am completely fascinated by this series and by Macy's mind.on how she she came came up with this this series. You simply must read this this book and add it to your bookshelves!

This book is about a young man who is charged with fixing the supernatural world along with his eight guardians

Okay not gonna lie what a twist like wow I would have never guessed who Sawyer really was holy hell bravo author but still we don't know what went down . Okay so the Prince I kinda knew something was up with that Sawyer and he just couldn't connect but when the went to the Fae world and he became attracted too the captain of the prince's guard I was like hmmmm . I was still stuck on stupid at first I thought Lock was the real Prince and they had been switch but than I thought wouldn't the Queen know . Than the step brother has abilities and his own mate's how do you introduce someone like that all we knew is that Sawyer had two step brothers . I mean don't get me wrong I'm glad that we finally meet one but really give us some back story to prepare us you just threw that in there . I want to know if Sawyer or Raven King of whomever Sawyer is he's definitely a God if him and the bad brother are twins and what happened to cause the brother to go bad .Anyway this was a very surprising addition too this series can't wait to see were this goes good job .


Wow! That...was...awesome! We have the Chosen One and the guardians back and the danger is knocking heavily at their door. And to make matters more challenging, Sawyer is trying to find ways to bring the two new guardians Into the fold. But oh what fun awaits you when you choose to read this book. Our eyes are opened to a few new bits of information, we get clues into a few well kept secrets and discover that there might be a reason why a certain guardian isnt fitting in as easily as all the other have before him. The ending especially was a surprise and I can not wait to see what comes next for our sexy group of guardians and the Chosen One. Next to Nothing by Macy Blake is the third book in The Chosen One series. It is a fantastic addition to the story and makes you anxious for the next installment. Definitely satisfying and recommended. I received an advanced reader's copy of the book and I am voluntarily leaving my honest review and recommendation.

Paranormal Harem MMM+

5 stars! Holy cannoli! Macy Blake has done it again! I'm so thrilled with this book! I was luck enough to get an ARC copy but this book releases on January 29! Mark your calendars because you are going to want to read this one! I would recommend reading all the books and novellas set in the chosen one universe before reading this one for maximum enjoyment of this book but the chosen one book 1 and book 2 are absolutely necessary. It was such a good telling of this part of the story. Action packed from start to finish. Moments that will make you go 😱😱😱. Moments that will make your head explode🤯🤯🤯. I would say this one focused more on plot than sexy time but I actually liked that. I am an impatient reader so I NEEDED all of the bread crumbs we get in this bad boy! Overall, I'm left speechless and I just want the next NOW!

Slow moving in parts but that ending?! Holy crap!

This continuation of The Chosen One series has the Guardians getting to know each other better and trying to adapt to the arrival of the newest guardian. Like the last book, an attack sends the whole group to the realm of the newest guardian. Sawyer’s brother and his mates finally show up (a spin off book which was the first one I read and I’d been waiting for them.) I am hopeful they will continue on as part of the story. Meshaq also makes a cameo appearance. Sawyer knows something isn’t adding up but he can’t figure out what pieces he’s missing. More danger awaits them, we get several action scenes including a final battle that ultimately reveals a huge and surprising piece of information. Book four ought to be really interesting!

I need book 4!

*WARNING* contains explicit m/m sexual situations Sawyer is the chosen one. It's up to Sawyer and his 8 mates, 2 of each element, to get the magic balanced. Sawyer still needs to find one more mate. I really like this series and am pretty sad that the fourth book isn't out yet. The mix of paranormal beings and personalities, plus the magical attacks are fantastical! Each book provides a small piece of the puzzle. Thus book gives us a lot more to think about with it's ending and a lot more to look forward to. These books are interesting, addictive, and entertaining. I would recommend this series to any adult PNR reader.


Just when I thought things couldn't get any better, the author comes along and proves me wrong in the best way possible!! Sawyer, Draco, Andvari, Ward, Henry, and Eduardo are settling into their relationships when arrogant Fae Prince Kavalan comes along and throws everything into chaos. This fantastic, powerful, fast paced, action packed, engrossing, and awesome tale is filled with more twists and turns than a roller coaster, and the totally unexpected ending caught me by complete surprise. I am now eagerly looking forward to the next book in this marvelous masterpiece of a series.

This series is getting better and better!

OH! MY! GOODNESS!!!!! I really think this series is getting better by the book. I loved the beginning of the series, but now I am completely sucked in. I need more NOW! Sawyer and his mates (Draco, Eduard, Andvari, and Henry) are solid as ever. We met Ward last book, but he was keeping his distance. There is finally some connection with him, and he is brought into the fold pretty seamlessly. The end of last book had us meet the Prince, and I was quite dreading him. I wasn’t a fan. I thought the turn the story took was super interesting, and very well thought out. The plot here is so tangled and excellently executed. I can’t wait to see what happens next now that more big things were revealed at the end. Amazing book! I am voluntarily reviewing an ARC provided by LesCourt Author Services


This series is going from strength to strength. It can be hard for an author to maintain momentum when they create a richly layered world such as this one, but Macy manages to not only keep developing the existing characters but add in new ones seamlessly. There are twists and turns and WT? moments along with the trademark humour and love between Sawyer and his guardians. The wait for the next one is going to filled with anticipation and a lot of conspiracy theories. I voluntarily received and read an advanced copy

Best in series

This book was the best of the three so far. It actually moved the plot along without getting sidetracked by sex. And when the sex did happen, it was more like three couples (albeit three couples who all six love each other) having sex rather than an orgy, which I’m a little squicky on. If you haven’t done so already, read Meshaq’s book before this one. I think it’s called Hell on Earth. Events in this book reference that book as something that has already happened. I’m looking forward to the conclusion of the series (or at least the next book).


It's crazy how good this book is and how fabulous this series is overall! This is not a stand alone so if you haven't started this series yet, get moving! I've really liked all of the books so far (including the prequel and the Hellhound books), but this latest was absolutely amazing! Wow - we learn a lot about the Sawyer, the guardians, and the quest in the sone so buckle up, enjoy the ride, and look out for the next installment. I can't wait for the next book and hope we will get more from the hell hounds too!

A Bumpy Ride

This is the third book in The Chosen One Series you will want to read the previous books before reading this one. What an sensational book the writing was great. The plot was entertaining and it was steady throughout the book. I found the story and characters spellbinding. The characters were developed and thought out. Sawyer Smith and his mates including a new fae prince. There is a twist and a cliff hanger at the end. I can recommend this book as a good read. I voluntarily read an advance copy of this book for an honest review.

Get ready for some shocks and surprises

This series just keeps getting better and better, and this book was probably the best of all of them so far. I was glued to this book from the very first line and I legit could not put it down. I was not ready for the surprises and shocks Macy threw in here, and I suggest you all brace yourselves. My jaw actually dropped a couple times, and I was speechless. I wish the 4th book was out right now so I could dive right into it. Macy's imagination is off the chain, and I can't wait to see what she cooks up next

It Keeps Getting Better and Better

This is another chapter in the Chosen One Series and picks up from Sawyer meeting his 6th guardian. This book had me in all kinds of WTF moments but all in a good way, you’ve got a bit of romance from our Chosen One and his guardians, intrigue, some adventure in a new realm and man what an ending! I’m so excited to see where Sawyer’s next journey is going to take him, overall a must read and start from the beginning delve into Meshaq’s tale and the prequel to this series, you won’t be disappointed!

Loved the opening scene!

Oooh, it’s getting good! Firstly, I loved seeing Ward fully embrace his mates and his role as Guardian. I love his sensitivity and strength, and was pleased to see him be comfortable in his role and relationship with the other guardians. I’ve really come to figure out he’s my favorite Guardian. Well, Draco too. And Draco with Ward? Hot, hot stuff. In this installment we get to know his newest Guardian more, amid all the usual shenanigans and attacks. I liked the plot twist at the end, and can’t wait to see where it goes. I’m really intrigued! This cannot be read as a standalone and should be read in order. It’s well worth it.

Goddess! I 💘 this series!

I get to the last page and smile and cringe every time! Smile because I loved the book so much and cringe because it means I must be patient and wait for the next. **sigh... I am not patient when it comes to this story. I am like Veruca Salt screaming to Willy Wonka, "I WANT IT NOW!!!!" I love all the characters in this series, and there are countless. I also loved the way Macy painted the fae realm in this book. All the colors, different fae, and other aspects gave me a vivid picture of what the realm looked, and felt like. 💖 5 Fae-bulous 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 from this reader!💋

And the 7th Guardian is . . .

Well, we won't know until the next book, but we have been given so much information about the Chosen One now that we did not have before. Don't you just love a good puzzle? This world is so good and the characters are so well written and engaging. The writing is good, the story is great and sucks you into this world, the editing is great, what more could you want (except for the next book to hurry and come out)?? Don't miss this series, it's so worth it.

Can't wait for more....

I'll keep this short and sweet this whole series is awesome 🔥🔥🔥 I've read soooo many paranormal romances both straight and gay ect... so many in fact that some are predictable like I already know what is going to happen before it does but this book really kept me on my toes! I don't have the time to go over the whole book series by point but trust's worth the read and I can't wait for more this book series is definitely worth the read 5 star and 🔥🔥🔥 because you will definitely feel the heat with all these hot men and crazy adventures they find themselves in

Two enthusiastic thumbs up!

This is the continuation of The Chosen One storyline. I do not recommend reading these as stand-alones. They should be read in order as a series or you will be lost. I totally recommend buying the box sets if you’re thinking of entering this world. Super great saga of love and adventure.


I have found the books improve with each one in this series. With this one at least a bigger piece of the plot was revealed. Of course it was at the end. There's just too many questions without answers to get totally immersed into story. I understand slowly revealing things but after three books I feel there should be a better understanding. The author otherwise has a very creative take on characters and makes them all likable. There's a lot of potential with this series so I really hope the author continues to improve with each book.


Woah, there are no words to describe how I felt when I finished this story. I had to reread the last chapter three times to understand what had just happened! What I love about this story are the new characters and magical beings that appear. The relationships that are developing between these different guardians is fun and interesting to follow! I highly encourage readers who love MM, fantasy, and mythical creatures to read this series!

So many stars!!

I was a little behind on reading this series but once I started omg I couldn’t stop!! The writing is fantastic! Every character is distinct and every new character brings even more to the story! The cliffhangers are killing me and this one left me in a mood! I NEED the next one now!! How fast can this author write because I’m dying for the next!! This series is hot and fun and so much better than I thought it would be!!

Soooooooooooo goooood!

I normally hate cliffhangers but I knew what I was getting into and honestly with so many characters, and such a big quest or adventures or endeavor, it had to be spread out. I think the next one might be the conclusion. But it's so good. Sexy times, fabulous world building and a couple of you see coming and one you never see coming make this just awesome. Can't wait for the next in the series.


I pride myself on being able to see where things are going in books. I saw the thing with the Prince coming without skipping ahead but I did not see the ending coming at all. I say good job to the author on keeping that secret. I have loved this series since I started reading and have reread all the books when a new one comes out. And I still laugh and highlight new things everytime. I give 5 stars everytime.

A great continuation of the series..

A great continuation of the series.. Seaward is growing closer and becoming more comfortable with the others. Their connection begins to strengthen. Each man is doing their best but feeling the strain of keeping the Chosen One safe with unknown dangers lurking close. The world building in this series is fantastic!! The author does a great job of bringing you into a world of magic and mystical creatures and making you believe.. I'm loving how the story of the Chosen One is evolving & I look forward to more!!

And then there were six (who is seven)...another excellent piece of the saga

I enjoyed the next installment of the Chosen One saga. I saw one twist coming but not its extent and did not see the other twist at all. It’s helpful to have read not just the Chosen One books but the story about Sawyer’s brother and the book about Meshaq. The time with the fae provides more opportunities for the guardians to build and develop their relationships as they move toward the conclusion of the saga. Just as a heads up, there isn’t much sex in this one, which I appreciate because it leaves more room for plot.

All I can say is...OMFG!!!

This was so freaking good! Danger and mind blowing revelations abound. I'm not gonna lie, my jaw literally dropped. I don't want give any spoilers so I'll just say that I have no doubt that any reader will just as desperate for book four as I am. Macy Blake has outdone herself with this one, it's just...words fail me. Read it, you will not be disappointed. *I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book*

May we please have a Book 4?

So now, I've read all books 1, 2, the prequel and 3 in just the past 4 days... I couldn't stop! I got so lost in this unique world and absolutely need to know Sawyer's complete story. I hope I don't have to wait long. Going to get started on the Next series in the same world starting with Mashique's story.

The Fae

Paranormal multiple points of view Must be read in series A new guardian is found in another land after an attack on the compound by a banshee almost kills Henry and Pearl. There is a cliffhangerish reveal at the end of this book.

Politics and Fae

With a new guardian comes a new adventure and, of course, new dangers! So much fun to get a look into the Fae realm and the magical beings that live there! Sawyer and his men are hot, hot, hot as usual and they get a little closer at healing Saeward.

Great installment

Wow! What a revelation, the plot twist was truly epic. Didn't see it coming at all. I can't wait to read the next installment, and how this story will work itself out. Its been a while since I read a story where I can truly say I didnt see that one coming. So, if you truly enjoy being surprised I recommend this series. By the the way, loved the title!

What a ending!!

Holy hell! The ending of this book totally took me by surprise! I didn't see it coming, at all, and it was AMAZING! There is danger, intrigue, laughter and sex. Lots of hot sex. I loved the banter between the characters and how smoothly the story flowed.

A fabulous book! I can't wait for the next one in the series!

This series has been fabulous! I read the first two out of order but it didn't matter. I like them because they are unpredictable. I can't guess where it's going. I'm usually pretty good at figuring the ending by the .middle of the book. I would recommend this series!

Wonderful paranormal universe series.

I totally enjoyed this series. Ms. Blake has created a great cast of characters with a good amount of surprise sixpence and drama. All boils down to love of your mates. If you love paranormal LGBT shifter romance, you are going to enjoy this series. I do recommend first reading the prequel Sweet Nothings to give you a better base and idea how the first three guardians join together.

Getting good

Hot diggity dog this is getting good. I mean I was so happy how the Fae things turned out because the connections were so obvious. Sawyer I’d piecing together the truth and can I reiterate my love for Cecil.

10 stars!

Well, almost speechless from shock. I thought I had this story figured out at the start but the end blew me away. I am not going to say anything except I recommend you read this book if you like the series this book will not let you down can't wait for the next book!

One of the best series I have ever read

I love reading series. This series is different than most. It's about a chosen one who is going to fix all the magic in the world. He can only fix magic when he finds his eight guardians/mates. Just remember, nothing is ever easy, not even for the chosen one!

Crazy nonstop awesomeness!!!

This series has been a crazy rollercoaster ride following the Chosen one as he gathers his guardians and tries to bring balance and love back to the world and faces a dark foe. Much is revealed in this book that will just blow your mind, things you definitely could not anticipate unfolding. Can’t wait to find out what happens next!!

Wow wow wow

I’m literally speechless! This universe is amazing. Every single thing about it is amazing. The chemistry between the guardians is so hot. Just when you think you have it all figured out BOOM! Mind blown! I can’t recommend this book series enough!

Need next one now!! AMAZING!!

OMG!!!! This is by far the best book in have read in a while!!! I couldn't put this down for how amazing this book is. So many twist and turns that I just couldn't even contain myself how amazing this book. And that ending!! I can't wait for the next one!

very good

this series gets better and better.. i enjoy the dynamics of sawyer and his guys. and the paranormal aspects is even better.. i love the different types of supernaturals.. not just the normal types.. i love their banter and it makes me happy to read. different characters and likable characters.. it is all together just afun series and i really enjoyed it.

Chosen One and Hellhound

Love this whole series and all the tendrils of other stories craftily woven. Plot twist and character introduction are fantastically done. Thanks again Macy. Heading into the next episode.

Macy Blake has done it again!!!

I can’t wait for the next one! I waited months, checking everyday, for this book and I was not disappointed. I absolutely love Sawyer and his guardians. I have a suspicion that she’s going to write Mikey’s story next and then the fourth installment but I look forward to whatever comes next. Even if it’s Mikey’s story then a Hellhound sequel and then the fourth book. I am eagerly awaiting the continuation of the amazingly fantastic story of Sawyer, guardians, and friends.

Holy Cliffhanger Batman

Wow, now that is how you end a book. I got hooked on The Chosen series faster probably then any other series and it just keeps getting better. How Macy manages to keep all her characters straight is beyond me, but they are all so well written and endearing. Loved it!

Mysteries abound

We get through it swimmingly. What we’ve swum through is as mysterious as who is swimming. And, we play along the way with all and sundry. Looking forward to the sequel.


This series gets better and better with each book ... The plot is outstanding...even tho early in I knew what was going on with Loch the author still had my head.spinning with the reveal ... And that ending!!!! Can't wait for the next book!!!

Fantastic Continuation of the Story!

I thought the ending was going to be fairly obvious, but Macy Blake delivered the expected “surprise”....then stunned with a jaw dropper. I genuinely love the progression of the story and the way she dealt with Kavalan and Loch. I cannot wait to get the next installment and find out about the last two (one?) guardians! And Mikey!

Can't put down

I started reading this series and love it. I always knew there was something special with sawyer. After reading this book I can hardly wait for the next book. I adore sawyer and the guardians, and I can't wait to learn more about Sawyers past


I would not have read this book if I knew what the ending would be. Extreme cliff hanger. Wait for the next one then read this one.

Loved it

Outstanding world building. So much love, heat, action, and intrigue. Thia series is simple astounding. I would definitely recommend it

They just get better

Oh, I love this series and they just keep getting better, the twists and turns OH MY. Not a stand alone, you need to read them all in order and I would reccommend reading the Hellhound one as well for maximum enjoyment! Ends in a bit of a cliffhanger sooooo excited to see what happens next!

Such an amazing adventure!

Who wouldn't want so many men to love and to love you in return? Sawyer is such an awesome champion of goodness and all his men make you want to believe in good. It helps that they're all drop dead sexy!!


Trust me, read this book! You must start at the beginning, these books cannot be read as a standalone. Next does end in a bit of a cliffhanger so Oh My Goodness, Macy, hurry up!!!!! Please!!!!

Absolutely loving!

Well I didn't see that ending coming!!! Definitely happy about the Guardian change. Like the new one much better!! Looking forward to the next installment!! Can't wait to see how it all ends!!

Loved it as much as the rest of series!

I just love this series and this new book didn't disappoint. We learn more of what is going on and gain some new love for some newer characters. So excited for more. Thanks for the arc.

Oh my gawd!

Sooooo good!! This series is really getting intense. Now I know who Sawyer truly is and it’s all starting to fall into place. I can’t wait to see how it all finishes. Amazing series!!

Fascinating Book

A lot of action in this book. Pay attention be sure what you believe and what is are occasionally controlled by others.

Another successful book

I was pretty happy with the continuation of the storyline. It is difficult to wait for the next installment. The author actually surprise me in a story with rhe ending revelation, which can be hard to do. Excited for the next book, hurry hurry:).

Fantastic addition to the series

I've loved every book in this series so far. This one is no exception. I did not in any way expect the plot twist at the end and I can't wait for the next book to see how Sawyer's mates react. Loved every minute of this book.


Macy Blake hit it out of the PARK with this one!! It was wonderful to see the gang again...and see a few new faces...and answer some questions...and ask even more questions! Macy is a masterful storyteller and really understands how to craft a story well...this book was a sheer joy to read!


This story just keeps getting better and better. I could not put this book down. I loved the characters and the story. The books in this series bring you on a hell of a ride and you won't want to get off the ride either. I can't wait to see what happens next! I highly recommend reading this book!

Painful... no story story...

40 pages in and still no story... just what seems like and endless recap of prior books. 40 pages in and still no story... just what seems like and endless recap of prior books

Holy Crap!!!

That ending!!! This book was awesome and we are left on edge for sure. Great addition to the series for sure. Macy may need to be chained to her desk and forced to write faster lol.

Just awesome , loved it !

Absolutely amazing! This series just keeps getting better and better and the twists and characters keep surprising me but I love it!! Sawyer and his mates are stronger together than apart and wow that strength is needed in this book! Super excited to see where book 4 takes us!


Have read all three and couldn't put them down until I was done. These books pull you into the story. Highly recommend it you want to live in a very good story.


I loved the series but I am disappointed with the ending in the last book. I sincerely hope that there will be another book with the conclusion

Next to nothing

I had read all 3 books and the prequel one and can't wait to see what happens next. I really enjoyed this ride, and hope others give these books a try!


This book was sooooooo good! I could not put it down. I don't want to give anything away but OMG surprise!!!!! Each book is better than the last. This one was the best so far. I can not wait for the next book!!!! Hopefully it'll be out soon.

I NEED more!!

This can't be the end!!! I need more!! I mean geez!! How can it end like this?? Does Sawyer find the last guardian?? Who is he really?? And why is his bro attacking him??? Too many questions!! I need more!! So good!

4.75 stars

What the ever loving hell just happened. I don't want to spoil anything for anyone but what the hell just happened, and how will "The Guardians" act after this latest event. Very well played Ms. Blake, well played!!

Wow great book

Love, love, love this next installment in the series. This one answered some questions with some of the characters. Hate that it was not a longer. Can't wait till the next book .


Continues to entertain! Good use of the "red herring" Prince, and Ward is a wonderful addition to the group. Stay till the end, got some mind-blowing revelation's on Sawyer and Loch, not to be missed!

I didn't see that coming

I didn't expect to like this book so much. I was excited when the third book came out and I want disappointed. Didn't sleep till 2am so I could finish it even though I had to be up by 5:30..... Thank God for coffee.

Chosen book 3

Well she did it again. I cannot get enough of this series. What a twist at the end. Hopefully the wait won’t be long for the next book.


O.m.g. I love this series so much please keep making this series for ever it. Will always be my first love😚🤗😗


I just can’t get enough of this story. I had an small idea about part of it, but overall was totally surprised.


Each book in the series gets better and better. And that ending, wow I did not see that coming. I can hardly wait to see what's next.


I’m speechless and so excited I have goosebumps! Every book by this author is amazing what a world they have created I am so full of anticipation for the next book

Great read in a great series.

This book is the third installment and I loved it. Can’t wait to see what Macy Blake has up her sleeve for the rest.

WOW!!! Just WOW!

This book was amazing! This author is truly amazing in her world building abilities. OMG... The way the book ended was just... I can't believe I have to wait until the next book to find out more! Brilliant!

Things are heating up!

This series just gets better and better! Sawyer and his guardians are becoming a solid unit by this time in the story. And the twists and turns are guarenteed to make you clutch your pearls!


This book is an absolutely wonderful pairing of multiple-male-mating romance and fantasy. Only read if you want to fall in love with male beings of all kinds.

Yes yes yes

All I have to say is please give me more ... I have no complaints only praise . . .

The Chosen One

Damn this story is good; they all are. Macy Blake knows how to weave a tale. I love where this is going and can't wait for the finale. And how about Loch. ....

New guardian and mate

Sawyer has a new guardian. More pieces of the puzzle become known and start to take shape in the board. Very interesting. Very good book

Next book asap!

This book twisted and turned in unexpected ways. I scarcely know what to do with myself. I need so much more!

A weird ending

This book was very plot heavy with a twist at the end I am not sure how I feel about it.

Another Great book in the series

Another great book in the series! The author weaves a story of love and wonder and suspense. If you only buy one series this should be it!

More please

I liked these. But I’d definitely like to read more books in this series of stories. Hopefully they’ll be more

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