My Fight / Your Fight

Kindle Edition
11 May
THE ONLY OFFICIAL RONDA ROUSEY BOOK “The fight is yours to win.” In this inspiring and moving book, Ronda Rousey, the Olympic medalist in judo, reigning UFC women's bantamweight champion, and Hollywood star charts her difficult path to glory.

Reviews (171)


This was an insightful view into the woman who is strongly responsible for bringing women into the UFC. You need a certain type of strength and aggression and while some of this may have been too aggressive, I have still walked away with a lot of reflection and important messages to apply to everyday life

“I’m undefeated because, regardless of circumstances, I still win.” - Ronda Rousey

As kids we all felt it. As soon as we turned the last page of the last Harry Potter book we all felt and thought, "well s***. Now what do I do with my life?" That feeling came not because we couldn't make decision on our own but because we felt empowered by the journey of Hermione, Ron, and Harry. And now that it was gone, the power that came from the book was almost gone too. Something was missing from out lives. That thought and feeling is exactly how I felt when I finished the book by Ronda Rousey, My Fight/Your Fight. The book isn't just about a fighter in a caged octagon. The book is about one of the worlds greatest life fighters. Ronda Rousey had every reason to give up on her long road to success. Every reason to throw in the towel and walk away, like so many of us do. Her life mantra seems to be, "I refuse to allow pain to dictate my decision making” (Rousey, p. 41). Throughout the entirety of the book I felt so empowered, so impassioned. I literally felt like I could conquer the world. Seriously, I thought I could conquer the world. I thought about changing my life plans so I could become the President of the United States, or the worlds greatest male MMA fighter (I even looked up MMA training gyms), or even become the world's richest man, or all three at the same time! It's funny, I felt like she knew this book would have that effect on people so she answered the readers yearnings of the heart by saying, "Someone has to be the best in the world. Why not you?" (p. 161). From reading the book it is so easy to tell that Ronda Rousey has an unmeasurable amount of passion. It was contagious. It was addictive. Before I continue I want to make something very clear: Ronda's life challenges are not uncommon. We all have difficult choices, life circumstances, and bad luck. What makes Ronda Rousey so incredible is what she was able to do with those hard times. This is the key to Ronda's success: "As kids we’re taught to dream big and to think everything is possible: Win the Olympics. Be president. And then you grow up" (p. 125). Unlike most of us, she never grew out of this mindset. She never learned to let paralyzing fear make her choices. She has always believed and, will always believe, she can do anything. The last thing I want to share about this book comes from the first page. Its my favorite part of the book. When you read it, you start to feel and understand who Ronda Rousey is. She explains herself this way, "To be a fighter, you have to be passionate. I have so much passion, it's hard to hold it all in. That passion escapes as tears from my eyes, sweat from my pores, blood from my veins." "So many people assume that i'm cold and callous, but the truth is you need a big heart to fight. I wear my heart on my sleeve, and I have had it broken too. I can compete with broken toes or stitches in my foot. I can take a hit without batting an eyelash, but I will burst into tears if a sad song comes on the radio. I am vulnerable; that's why I fight" (bold added, p. 1). I love that quote SO much. Oftentimes there is this negative stereotype associated with vulnerability. If you're vulnerable you're not tough, you're weak. Ronda Rousey has proved that stereotype wrong her entire life. Do your self a favor, buy this book. PS to all you haters out there who don't like her because you think she is so arrogant, buy the book, read page 125. It will change your mind really quick.

Anybody who says Ronda Rousey fights like a girl better mean it as a compliment.

Ronda Rousey is world renowned for being an undefeated MMA fighter in her first twelve matches, a Women’s Bantamweight Champion, and the sole reason why women’s MMA is as respected as it is today. On an episode of TMZ in 2011, an interviewer asked UFC President Dana White when he was going to include a women’s division. His answer? “Never.” But the minute he saw Ronda Rousey generating buzz with her quick victories and trash talk, he never said never again. The rest is history. It’s a history that not just transformed a combat sport or women’s rights, but it changed the whole world. Anybody who says, “It’s impossible!” is a bold-faced liar. Just ask Ronda. According to her memoir, getting to the top of the UFC’s mountain may seem like an open and shut case for Ronda given her fast victories in the cage. But make no mistake about it: the road to success was paved with blood, sweat, and tears. Lots and lots of tears. The obstacles thrown in front of her included the death of her father, dealing with losses at the Olympic Games, being broke and living in her car, arguing with her strict judoka mother, and having rotten boyfriends who treated her badly. This memoir is just one big David vs. Goliath battle where Ronda is David and the harshness of life itself is Goliath. Most people would allow Goliath to crush them underneath his leather sandals. Not Ronda. She fought back and threw Goliath on his big butt before wrenching his arm out of its socket. The toughness and passion of this woman is something that will inspire everybody who reads her memoir. The other thing I thoroughly enjoyed about this book was the way Ronda described her opponents leading up to either a judo competition or an MMA fight. With the fiery, hateful, and often colorful language she uses to talk about people who stand in her way of success, you’d swear she was a mass murderer. This hellfire and brimstone attitude is actually an excellent motivator for her to win her matches in convincing fashion. Isn’t that right, Miesha Tate? In their second fight, Ronda beat the stuffing out of Miesha for three straight rounds, not because Miesha was actually capable of outlasting her, but because Ronda wanted to tear her apart limb from limb and leave her a rotting corpse in the cage. All that fire, all of that venom, and all of that rage has lead Ronda to twelve victories in her MMA career, all but one of them ending in the first round. Yikes! The final thing I would like to touch on is the amusing nicknames she gives her ex-boyfriends. It’s a creative way to avoid a slander lawsuit by avoiding their real names. Her first lover was named [Richard] Itty-Bitty and he was a lying, cheating jerk. Another boyfriend she had was Creepy McSnappers, who took naked pictures of her and prompted her to beat him up. And then there was Norm, who was so average in every department and had a knack for being a control freak. The one flattering name she gave an ex-boyfriend was DPCG (Dog Park Cute Guy), an animal lover whose past with drugs and alcohol caught up to him one too many times. As of March 2016, the month I’m writing this review, she’s dating fellow UFC fighter Travis Browne. If she writes another memoir, what nickname will she give him? Big Hawaiian Guy? Sounds reasonable to me. Even if you’re not a fan of mixed-martial arts, the memoir stands alone as a tale of overcoming difficulties and being strong enough to keep going afterwards. Not only did Ronda Rousey rise from the ashes of a heartbreaking and nightmarish life, but she looks like goddess and smells like roses. Actually, there was one point where her Honda Accord smelled like dirty laundry and dog BO, but those things are badges of honor in a life where everything is earned through battle and blood. A passing grade for an A+ superstar like Ronda Rousey!

I remember it like it was yesterday and I was a "Rowdy" Ronda ...

I remember it like it was yesterday and I was a "Rowdy" Ronda Rousey hater. As a longtime mma fan I never believed female mma fighters deserved to be in the UFC because their skill and fighting spirit paled in comparison to men's and I felt that way with Rousey too. Each opponent she would face I would dismiss them both as lacking skill and undeserving of being in the most elite mma company in the world (the UFC [Ultimate Fighting Championship]). I would boo Ronda as I watched her fight at the local Buffalo Wild Wings and think to myself this woman is a one trick pony and she will be beaten once that trick doesn't work. Disappointment would fill me as she would win over and over again and I thought to myself maybe one day she won't. It wasn't until UFC 175 that she opened my eyes and made me realize that I was letting my bias towards her blind my logical reasoning. She would co-main event against fellow bantamweight Alexis Davis and defeated her dominantly by KO through the combination of an overhand right, a judo throw, and punches from hell once they hit the deck. It was then that I knew she was different, she wasn't a one trick pony but a once in a lifetime athlete who transcends the sport and reaches the mainstream through her absolute dominance of her competition. Then I asked myself how is she so great? How does she make it look so easy? And why does everyone including Hollywood want to be associated with Ronda Rousey? I scoured a few articles and read that she was a hard worker and a former olympian medal winner so maybe I thought that is why she is better than everyone and let it be believing I solved it. Unbeknownst to me she had a book coming out today that I only found out about yesterday. I felt if it was an official biography done by the 135 pound champ I had to get my hands on it to understand why she truly became so great. And she showed me through what felt like a first person perspective the events that brought her to greatness. I felt like I was Rowdy Ronda Rousey going through the death of her dad, her failures and shortcomings at the pinnacle of Judo competition, living in a car, her trying to win over her current mma coach to train her, the first mma fight, the strategy to bring women's mma to the limelight, and what kinds of things she plans to do with the future. This amazing book which I read in under 6 hours was of the most inspirational books I have ever laid my eyes upon and felt necessary to write a review. Ronda Rousey hasn't just helped pave the way for women's mma but is paving the way for women to not limit themselves to doing generic gender jobs and to realize that you can be whoever you want and follow whatever path you choose. This book will show you the future of women in and out of competition and about one of the greatest athletes and more importantly one of the greatest humans this generation has ever seen. -A former Ronda hater now a fan. :-)


I usually don't write reviews but felt I had to do it for this book. This book packs a megapunch of motivation and inspiration. From the quotes on the book jacket to the training photos in each chapter, this is a unique insider look into the mind of a champion. Even if you aren't an MMA fan (I was not), Rousey's story offers several nuggets of wisdom that can be applied to any challenge in life. A quick scroll down the table of contents is a shot of instant motivation to get the heck off the couch and start working on your own dream. After reading this book, you'll realize that Rousey is the real deal and not someone who broke onto the mainstream by just luck. Raised by a strong mother, she conquered the challenge of losing her father at a young age, getting involved with less than ideal boyfriends (who she later dumped), bulimia and body image issues, disappointments at the Olympic games, all while working 3 part-time jobs to support herself while training for international judo and MMA competitions. She describes being broke, working the graveyard shift at a 24-hour gym, and living out of a used car with no A/C in the middle of a hot and humid Los Angeles summer. She writes about being ignored at first by her current boxing coach, who "didn't train girls", and instead was so persistent that he eventually gave her the key to his boxing gym because she was always the first one to show up in the morning before they opened. Rousey is an amazing athlete, both physically and mentally. This book also tells you how she thinks. She uses her mind to win and accepts nothing less. READ THIS BOOK AND LEARN TO THINK LIKE THE CHAMPION OF YOUR OWN LIFE. Book jacket quote: " I know that I can deal when things are bad. I can come back when things are at their worst. I'm not afraid of losing all my money or losing my career because I know I'm capable of living in my car and rising up. Once you've conquered the worst things that could happen, there is no need to fear the unknown. The fight is yours to win."

The Best Book You Will Read This Year

My Fight/Your Fight is an inspiring, page turning, and meaningful modern masterpiece. Regardless of whether or not you are a fan of MMA in general or Ronda Rousey in particular, this book is a voice that demands to be heard. This book is incredibly well written (by journalist Maria Burns Ortiz - Rousey's sister) in a series of very effective short chapters. This is no puff piece, this is no "how great thou art", no simple rehash of facts you likely already know. You get real insight into what makes this clock tick. She was a baby that almost did not survive her own birth. She was a little girl whose mouth could not utter what her mind told it to say, and there was no guarantee that it ever would. You will find out the meaning of 'Balgrin' and you will never forget it. The world of sports, like the society it entertains, is rampant with misogyny, sexism, and deeply entrenched gender bias. There is a legion of athletes in history who refused to keep what they were told was their place. Althea Gibson, Katherine Switzer, Billie Jean King, Mildred Burke, and Amy Dumas just to name a few. Ronda Rousey along with Gina Carano, Cat Zingano, Miesha Tate, and scores of others similarly refused to accept second class citizenship. There have been excellent women MMA fighters since the inception of the sport, this has continued as the sport evolved. Dana White only recently allowed any of them to compete in his company. He did not do it because they deserved it (and they did), he did not do it as a magnanimous, humanist gesture of equality. No, he (correctly) saw dollar signs in Ronda Rousey. As expected Rousey exceeded expectation. She has proven indubitably that he made the right move. She has proven a fact that society repeatedly wants to forget. The fact that courage, temerity and toughness are not gender traits exclusive to men, they are human traits. Ronda Rousey would not accept being a second class citizen, she would not accept "you can't". Her story is unique but the themes of struggle, perseverance and temerity are universal and well told. You will not read a better book this year, because it truly takes you inside the life and mind a most extraordinary machine.

Rowdy Ronda!

Excellent book! Really good autobiography of Ronda Rousey from her childhood to her rise to fame in the UFC! Check it out 👍

I like her so much because she doesn't care if I like her.

UFC President Dana White has said that the more famous RR gets, the nicer she becomes. I wanted something to support that because I like when people at the top of their game are good people. This book was a good, easily consumed insight into RR. Since the time I saw her on the show she did leading up to a fight (where it bugged me how it was done, no fault of RR, now I know that for certain), to how she hugged Cat Zingano after beating her (wow, what was the story there...), to the pictures of her on Instagram with her dog or one of her sister's kids, I just wanted to know more about Ronda. I like her a lot. There is something mystical about the people who are wired so differently than the rest of us, there is something so extraordinary about people like RR that we just can't help but wonder and admire what she does and how she does it. One of my favorite parts of the book was that she lets you into her inner voice, the monologue in her head, toward her opponents or other. In that way, at least for me, I can relate to her. No superficial cliches about how my daughters have gotten on the mat because of Ronda (though one of them has), or about how Ronda is the face of female empowerment--she seems immune to people's attempts to use her as a poster child for anything. What she has done she has unapologetically done for herself, seeking something bigger, and she is practical in discussing but not obnoxious about opening up the UFC for women. Her humility is huge in her appeal. She's the hardest worker and so unwavering in her self-confidence-- the look on her face as she walks to the cage, I mean, come on--you just can't help but watch and appreciate that. Anyone with that work ethic, mental toughness paired with a do-good approach, and the fact that she's an awesome doggie mama--so happy I read this because I just love her more now.

WOW! The intensity of her mindset is ... overwhelming

This is a must read for anyone who is in a competitive business (what business is NOT competitive?). While she is obviously a tenacious trainer, extremely skilled, and obviously highly skilled in her profession, the difference that makes her difference is obviously her mindset. Each chapter has amazing quotes, but what is clear is she takes whatever is dealt to her and uses it to improve herself. She describes the challenges she had from the time her father died, coming up through a Judo system in America that did not support her, all the way to her world championship in Mixed Martial Arts. One quote that stood out for me was on when she outgrew her coach and needed to move on the one that could help her continue to improve. Like many business people that start with one company or coaching system and let it get stale, Ronda realized she needed a coach that would continue to challenge her. She said: "Taking the next step isn't always easy. People stay in jobs they've outgrown because they're afraid of having to prove themselves anew. People stay in unhappy relationships because they're afraid of being alone. Athletes stick with a coach who can't help them develop further because they are afraid of being tested, of not measuring up to someone else's standards, because they're afraid to upset someone they care about. They let fear hold them back. If you're unwilling to leave someplace you've outgrown, you will never reach your full potential. To be the best, you have to constantly be challenging yourself, raising the bar, pushing the limits of what you can do. Don't stand still, leap forward." Real estate agents too often stick with a coach and or a company that can't help them develop further because they are afraid of being tested, of not measuring up to someone else's standards, because they're afraid to upset someone they care about. Don't let fear hold you back.

Impressive victory...

What is remarkable here is that Rousey is able to inspire in this book without trying to be infallible or the plastic, squeaky clean role model in her personal life that the American media usually demands. This is more impressive and more compelling because it is real and sincerely felt. She is undefeated in the ring, but clearly life has given her several humbling experiences out of the ring that help define her and give her perspective. It's the lessons of those low times she carries into the ring with her, the value of her family, the fierce hunger to succeed, the humility to know that she is not infallible and has to guard against mistakes both in and out of the ring. I gave this book to both of my sons in university, just as a reminder to dream big, to pursue their dreams and passions, however improbable, with fierce focus and not to put limitations onto their expectations in life. Obviously Rousey is a very rare individual and cannot be directly replicated. One flaw here is that she does not speak of the importance of her natural talent, where it is a key factor in her success. But her focus, her will to succeed and her level-headed approach to life make her a very compelling and worthy character on the public stage today, beyond the fact that she is changing the way people perceive and treat women, changing how they perceive themselves and what they expect from themselves. I admire her for the struggle and believe we will hear a lot from this woman well beyond her fighting years. This is what a real champion is made of.


This was an insightful view into the woman who is strongly responsible for bringing women into the UFC. You need a certain type of strength and aggression and while some of this may have been too aggressive, I have still walked away with a lot of reflection and important messages to apply to everyday life

“I’m undefeated because, regardless of circumstances, I still win.” - Ronda Rousey

As kids we all felt it. As soon as we turned the last page of the last Harry Potter book we all felt and thought, "well s***. Now what do I do with my life?" That feeling came not because we couldn't make decision on our own but because we felt empowered by the journey of Hermione, Ron, and Harry. And now that it was gone, the power that came from the book was almost gone too. Something was missing from out lives. That thought and feeling is exactly how I felt when I finished the book by Ronda Rousey, My Fight/Your Fight. The book isn't just about a fighter in a caged octagon. The book is about one of the worlds greatest life fighters. Ronda Rousey had every reason to give up on her long road to success. Every reason to throw in the towel and walk away, like so many of us do. Her life mantra seems to be, "I refuse to allow pain to dictate my decision making” (Rousey, p. 41). Throughout the entirety of the book I felt so empowered, so impassioned. I literally felt like I could conquer the world. Seriously, I thought I could conquer the world. I thought about changing my life plans so I could become the President of the United States, or the worlds greatest male MMA fighter (I even looked up MMA training gyms), or even become the world's richest man, or all three at the same time! It's funny, I felt like she knew this book would have that effect on people so she answered the readers yearnings of the heart by saying, "Someone has to be the best in the world. Why not you?" (p. 161). From reading the book it is so easy to tell that Ronda Rousey has an unmeasurable amount of passion. It was contagious. It was addictive. Before I continue I want to make something very clear: Ronda's life challenges are not uncommon. We all have difficult choices, life circumstances, and bad luck. What makes Ronda Rousey so incredible is what she was able to do with those hard times. This is the key to Ronda's success: "As kids we’re taught to dream big and to think everything is possible: Win the Olympics. Be president. And then you grow up" (p. 125). Unlike most of us, she never grew out of this mindset. She never learned to let paralyzing fear make her choices. She has always believed and, will always believe, she can do anything. The last thing I want to share about this book comes from the first page. Its my favorite part of the book. When you read it, you start to feel and understand who Ronda Rousey is. She explains herself this way, "To be a fighter, you have to be passionate. I have so much passion, it's hard to hold it all in. That passion escapes as tears from my eyes, sweat from my pores, blood from my veins." "So many people assume that i'm cold and callous, but the truth is you need a big heart to fight. I wear my heart on my sleeve, and I have had it broken too. I can compete with broken toes or stitches in my foot. I can take a hit without batting an eyelash, but I will burst into tears if a sad song comes on the radio. I am vulnerable; that's why I fight" (bold added, p. 1). I love that quote SO much. Oftentimes there is this negative stereotype associated with vulnerability. If you're vulnerable you're not tough, you're weak. Ronda Rousey has proved that stereotype wrong her entire life. Do your self a favor, buy this book. PS to all you haters out there who don't like her because you think she is so arrogant, buy the book, read page 125. It will change your mind really quick.

Anybody who says Ronda Rousey fights like a girl better mean it as a compliment.

Ronda Rousey is world renowned for being an undefeated MMA fighter in her first twelve matches, a Women’s Bantamweight Champion, and the sole reason why women’s MMA is as respected as it is today. On an episode of TMZ in 2011, an interviewer asked UFC President Dana White when he was going to include a women’s division. His answer? “Never.” But the minute he saw Ronda Rousey generating buzz with her quick victories and trash talk, he never said never again. The rest is history. It’s a history that not just transformed a combat sport or women’s rights, but it changed the whole world. Anybody who says, “It’s impossible!” is a bold-faced liar. Just ask Ronda. According to her memoir, getting to the top of the UFC’s mountain may seem like an open and shut case for Ronda given her fast victories in the cage. But make no mistake about it: the road to success was paved with blood, sweat, and tears. Lots and lots of tears. The obstacles thrown in front of her included the death of her father, dealing with losses at the Olympic Games, being broke and living in her car, arguing with her strict judoka mother, and having rotten boyfriends who treated her badly. This memoir is just one big David vs. Goliath battle where Ronda is David and the harshness of life itself is Goliath. Most people would allow Goliath to crush them underneath his leather sandals. Not Ronda. She fought back and threw Goliath on his big butt before wrenching his arm out of its socket. The toughness and passion of this woman is something that will inspire everybody who reads her memoir. The other thing I thoroughly enjoyed about this book was the way Ronda described her opponents leading up to either a judo competition or an MMA fight. With the fiery, hateful, and often colorful language she uses to talk about people who stand in her way of success, you’d swear she was a mass murderer. This hellfire and brimstone attitude is actually an excellent motivator for her to win her matches in convincing fashion. Isn’t that right, Miesha Tate? In their second fight, Ronda beat the stuffing out of Miesha for three straight rounds, not because Miesha was actually capable of outlasting her, but because Ronda wanted to tear her apart limb from limb and leave her a rotting corpse in the cage. All that fire, all of that venom, and all of that rage has lead Ronda to twelve victories in her MMA career, all but one of them ending in the first round. Yikes! The final thing I would like to touch on is the amusing nicknames she gives her ex-boyfriends. It’s a creative way to avoid a slander lawsuit by avoiding their real names. Her first lover was named [Richard] Itty-Bitty and he was a lying, cheating jerk. Another boyfriend she had was Creepy McSnappers, who took naked pictures of her and prompted her to beat him up. And then there was Norm, who was so average in every department and had a knack for being a control freak. The one flattering name she gave an ex-boyfriend was DPCG (Dog Park Cute Guy), an animal lover whose past with drugs and alcohol caught up to him one too many times. As of March 2016, the month I’m writing this review, she’s dating fellow UFC fighter Travis Browne. If she writes another memoir, what nickname will she give him? Big Hawaiian Guy? Sounds reasonable to me. Even if you’re not a fan of mixed-martial arts, the memoir stands alone as a tale of overcoming difficulties and being strong enough to keep going afterwards. Not only did Ronda Rousey rise from the ashes of a heartbreaking and nightmarish life, but she looks like goddess and smells like roses. Actually, there was one point where her Honda Accord smelled like dirty laundry and dog BO, but those things are badges of honor in a life where everything is earned through battle and blood. A passing grade for an A+ superstar like Ronda Rousey!

I remember it like it was yesterday and I was a "Rowdy" Ronda ...

I remember it like it was yesterday and I was a "Rowdy" Ronda Rousey hater. As a longtime mma fan I never believed female mma fighters deserved to be in the UFC because their skill and fighting spirit paled in comparison to men's and I felt that way with Rousey too. Each opponent she would face I would dismiss them both as lacking skill and undeserving of being in the most elite mma company in the world (the UFC [Ultimate Fighting Championship]). I would boo Ronda as I watched her fight at the local Buffalo Wild Wings and think to myself this woman is a one trick pony and she will be beaten once that trick doesn't work. Disappointment would fill me as she would win over and over again and I thought to myself maybe one day she won't. It wasn't until UFC 175 that she opened my eyes and made me realize that I was letting my bias towards her blind my logical reasoning. She would co-main event against fellow bantamweight Alexis Davis and defeated her dominantly by KO through the combination of an overhand right, a judo throw, and punches from hell once they hit the deck. It was then that I knew she was different, she wasn't a one trick pony but a once in a lifetime athlete who transcends the sport and reaches the mainstream through her absolute dominance of her competition. Then I asked myself how is she so great? How does she make it look so easy? And why does everyone including Hollywood want to be associated with Ronda Rousey? I scoured a few articles and read that she was a hard worker and a former olympian medal winner so maybe I thought that is why she is better than everyone and let it be believing I solved it. Unbeknownst to me she had a book coming out today that I only found out about yesterday. I felt if it was an official biography done by the 135 pound champ I had to get my hands on it to understand why she truly became so great. And she showed me through what felt like a first person perspective the events that brought her to greatness. I felt like I was Rowdy Ronda Rousey going through the death of her dad, her failures and shortcomings at the pinnacle of Judo competition, living in a car, her trying to win over her current mma coach to train her, the first mma fight, the strategy to bring women's mma to the limelight, and what kinds of things she plans to do with the future. This amazing book which I read in under 6 hours was of the most inspirational books I have ever laid my eyes upon and felt necessary to write a review. Ronda Rousey hasn't just helped pave the way for women's mma but is paving the way for women to not limit themselves to doing generic gender jobs and to realize that you can be whoever you want and follow whatever path you choose. This book will show you the future of women in and out of competition and about one of the greatest athletes and more importantly one of the greatest humans this generation has ever seen. -A former Ronda hater now a fan. :-)


I usually don't write reviews but felt I had to do it for this book. This book packs a megapunch of motivation and inspiration. From the quotes on the book jacket to the training photos in each chapter, this is a unique insider look into the mind of a champion. Even if you aren't an MMA fan (I was not), Rousey's story offers several nuggets of wisdom that can be applied to any challenge in life. A quick scroll down the table of contents is a shot of instant motivation to get the heck off the couch and start working on your own dream. After reading this book, you'll realize that Rousey is the real deal and not someone who broke onto the mainstream by just luck. Raised by a strong mother, she conquered the challenge of losing her father at a young age, getting involved with less than ideal boyfriends (who she later dumped), bulimia and body image issues, disappointments at the Olympic games, all while working 3 part-time jobs to support herself while training for international judo and MMA competitions. She describes being broke, working the graveyard shift at a 24-hour gym, and living out of a used car with no A/C in the middle of a hot and humid Los Angeles summer. She writes about being ignored at first by her current boxing coach, who "didn't train girls", and instead was so persistent that he eventually gave her the key to his boxing gym because she was always the first one to show up in the morning before they opened. Rousey is an amazing athlete, both physically and mentally. This book also tells you how she thinks. She uses her mind to win and accepts nothing less. READ THIS BOOK AND LEARN TO THINK LIKE THE CHAMPION OF YOUR OWN LIFE. Book jacket quote: " I know that I can deal when things are bad. I can come back when things are at their worst. I'm not afraid of losing all my money or losing my career because I know I'm capable of living in my car and rising up. Once you've conquered the worst things that could happen, there is no need to fear the unknown. The fight is yours to win."

The Best Book You Will Read This Year

My Fight/Your Fight is an inspiring, page turning, and meaningful modern masterpiece. Regardless of whether or not you are a fan of MMA in general or Ronda Rousey in particular, this book is a voice that demands to be heard. This book is incredibly well written (by journalist Maria Burns Ortiz - Rousey's sister) in a series of very effective short chapters. This is no puff piece, this is no "how great thou art", no simple rehash of facts you likely already know. You get real insight into what makes this clock tick. She was a baby that almost did not survive her own birth. She was a little girl whose mouth could not utter what her mind told it to say, and there was no guarantee that it ever would. You will find out the meaning of 'Balgrin' and you will never forget it. The world of sports, like the society it entertains, is rampant with misogyny, sexism, and deeply entrenched gender bias. There is a legion of athletes in history who refused to keep what they were told was their place. Althea Gibson, Katherine Switzer, Billie Jean King, Mildred Burke, and Amy Dumas just to name a few. Ronda Rousey along with Gina Carano, Cat Zingano, Miesha Tate, and scores of others similarly refused to accept second class citizenship. There have been excellent women MMA fighters since the inception of the sport, this has continued as the sport evolved. Dana White only recently allowed any of them to compete in his company. He did not do it because they deserved it (and they did), he did not do it as a magnanimous, humanist gesture of equality. No, he (correctly) saw dollar signs in Ronda Rousey. As expected Rousey exceeded expectation. She has proven indubitably that he made the right move. She has proven a fact that society repeatedly wants to forget. The fact that courage, temerity and toughness are not gender traits exclusive to men, they are human traits. Ronda Rousey would not accept being a second class citizen, she would not accept "you can't". Her story is unique but the themes of struggle, perseverance and temerity are universal and well told. You will not read a better book this year, because it truly takes you inside the life and mind a most extraordinary machine.

Rowdy Ronda!

Excellent book! Really good autobiography of Ronda Rousey from her childhood to her rise to fame in the UFC! Check it out 👍

I like her so much because she doesn't care if I like her.

UFC President Dana White has said that the more famous RR gets, the nicer she becomes. I wanted something to support that because I like when people at the top of their game are good people. This book was a good, easily consumed insight into RR. Since the time I saw her on the show she did leading up to a fight (where it bugged me how it was done, no fault of RR, now I know that for certain), to how she hugged Cat Zingano after beating her (wow, what was the story there...), to the pictures of her on Instagram with her dog or one of her sister's kids, I just wanted to know more about Ronda. I like her a lot. There is something mystical about the people who are wired so differently than the rest of us, there is something so extraordinary about people like RR that we just can't help but wonder and admire what she does and how she does it. One of my favorite parts of the book was that she lets you into her inner voice, the monologue in her head, toward her opponents or other. In that way, at least for me, I can relate to her. No superficial cliches about how my daughters have gotten on the mat because of Ronda (though one of them has), or about how Ronda is the face of female empowerment--she seems immune to people's attempts to use her as a poster child for anything. What she has done she has unapologetically done for herself, seeking something bigger, and she is practical in discussing but not obnoxious about opening up the UFC for women. Her humility is huge in her appeal. She's the hardest worker and so unwavering in her self-confidence-- the look on her face as she walks to the cage, I mean, come on--you just can't help but watch and appreciate that. Anyone with that work ethic, mental toughness paired with a do-good approach, and the fact that she's an awesome doggie mama--so happy I read this because I just love her more now.

WOW! The intensity of her mindset is ... overwhelming

This is a must read for anyone who is in a competitive business (what business is NOT competitive?). While she is obviously a tenacious trainer, extremely skilled, and obviously highly skilled in her profession, the difference that makes her difference is obviously her mindset. Each chapter has amazing quotes, but what is clear is she takes whatever is dealt to her and uses it to improve herself. She describes the challenges she had from the time her father died, coming up through a Judo system in America that did not support her, all the way to her world championship in Mixed Martial Arts. One quote that stood out for me was on when she outgrew her coach and needed to move on the one that could help her continue to improve. Like many business people that start with one company or coaching system and let it get stale, Ronda realized she needed a coach that would continue to challenge her. She said: "Taking the next step isn't always easy. People stay in jobs they've outgrown because they're afraid of having to prove themselves anew. People stay in unhappy relationships because they're afraid of being alone. Athletes stick with a coach who can't help them develop further because they are afraid of being tested, of not measuring up to someone else's standards, because they're afraid to upset someone they care about. They let fear hold them back. If you're unwilling to leave someplace you've outgrown, you will never reach your full potential. To be the best, you have to constantly be challenging yourself, raising the bar, pushing the limits of what you can do. Don't stand still, leap forward." Real estate agents too often stick with a coach and or a company that can't help them develop further because they are afraid of being tested, of not measuring up to someone else's standards, because they're afraid to upset someone they care about. Don't let fear hold you back.

Impressive victory...

What is remarkable here is that Rousey is able to inspire in this book without trying to be infallible or the plastic, squeaky clean role model in her personal life that the American media usually demands. This is more impressive and more compelling because it is real and sincerely felt. She is undefeated in the ring, but clearly life has given her several humbling experiences out of the ring that help define her and give her perspective. It's the lessons of those low times she carries into the ring with her, the value of her family, the fierce hunger to succeed, the humility to know that she is not infallible and has to guard against mistakes both in and out of the ring. I gave this book to both of my sons in university, just as a reminder to dream big, to pursue their dreams and passions, however improbable, with fierce focus and not to put limitations onto their expectations in life. Obviously Rousey is a very rare individual and cannot be directly replicated. One flaw here is that she does not speak of the importance of her natural talent, where it is a key factor in her success. But her focus, her will to succeed and her level-headed approach to life make her a very compelling and worthy character on the public stage today, beyond the fact that she is changing the way people perceive and treat women, changing how they perceive themselves and what they expect from themselves. I admire her for the struggle and believe we will hear a lot from this woman well beyond her fighting years. This is what a real champion is made of.

Feeling Inspired

I feel inspired. Before I read this book I was a fan of Ronda Rousey. Like some, I have seen her fights, admired her beauty and her all around kickassness. I never knew the real person. It wasn't until her Bethe Correia fight, that I caught a glimpse of the person behind the fighter. Fortunately, an ad for this book popped up on my Facebook feed. An autobiography written by Ronda herself! Not an unauthorized biography. Not a by line that listed Ronda and a multitude of "professional" writers. No. The person I wanted to get to know, told HER story. By page 1, I was hooked! "Life is a fight from the moment you take your first breath until your very last. You have to fight the people who say it can never be done. You have to fight the institutions that put up glass ceilings that must be shattered. You have to fight your body when it tells you its tired. You have to fight your mind when doubt begins to creep in. you have to fight systems that are put in place to disrupt you and obstacles put in place to discourage you. You have to fight because you can't count on anyone else fighting for you. And you have to fight for those that can't fight for themselves. To get anything of real value, you have to fight for it. I learned how to fight and how to win. Whatever your obstacles, whoever or whatever your adversary, there is a way to victory. Here is mine." Do yourself a favor, read this book. Be inspired, and get to know the greatest MMA fighter to ever live.

This is the this book now...

One of the best books I've ever read. I was initially interested in knowing how a female could become so incredibly tough. In the past I always had the male chauvinist opinion that no woman in the world could ever beat me in a fight. The combination of what I've seen in the octagon and especially what I read in this book lets me know I was totally wrong. Her intensity is like no man I can really think of. She is a beast. The first 3/4 of the book pretty much deals with all of the turmoil she had to endure. It documents her early life tragedies, Judo career struggles leading up to Olympic disappointment, as well as relationship disasters. Most people crumble and become humbled by loss, but not Ronda. Losing pisses her off like I'm not sure it really pisses any other human off. She was born a fighter, you can literally feel the intensity come off of the pages as you continue to read. She learns to thrive under pressure and hard times. The final portion of the book chronicles her UFC days where it's painfully obvious that she is where she was always meant to be. Every question that I had about her was answered in this masterpiece of a novel. I find it highly unlikely, probably closer to impossible that she ever loses a fight again. If you don't know who Ronda Rousey is, you'd better get hip soon. She is going to be known one day as one of the greatest and most dominant athletes who has ever lived. I give this book 6 STARS.

Great read, insightful to understanding Rousey.

This book was a very pleasant read. As someone who is a moderate follower of UFC, and loves watching Rousey perform, I was left a bit dissapointed when watching her coach Ultimate Fighter. At times she came off as a real sweetheart, other times a complete jerk. I had a feeling that not only was the show edited to make it seem that way, but that it was deliberate for the viewer to feel and experience drama between Rousey and Tate. This book more or less confirmed my feelings. Ronda Rousey IS a sweetheart - but she can ALSO be a complete jerk. I can relate to her rationale: her default is sweet, but if you disrespect her she'll treat you as you deserve. And - like me - she has little tolerance for BS. She is humble and respectful. She's not cocky, she's confident. It's hard to distinguish between the two if you don't know the person. She's the absolute best at what she does and she knows it. Not because she's full of herself; she trains to be the best in the world. She continues to train to remain the best. This book did a great job at showing the transitions in her life from child to teen to adult, and all the struggles inbetween. Topics and words in the book would make it equivalent to PG13. This book lead me to having looked at her as an amazing athlete to her being one of my idols. She is a great role model and the epitome of the American spirit.

A Life Epitomizing the Triumph of the Human Spirit

Gritty, undeniable, pervasive determination may be Ronda Rousey's most enduring characteristic. In a memoir that is as equally raw and revealing as it is poignant and moving, she tells her story like she defeats life's opponents, with clubbing rights and indefensible throws that leave the reader reeling with awe and appreciation. This book is a tribute to an insufferable and unconquerable willpower. It is an anthem call to those who have the spirit of competition to rise up and be counted. From the depths of a father's suicide, to a mother's unbreakable expectation of perfection, to the height of one sport and the virtual creation of another, Rousey has navigated a series of challenges that would have resulted in catastrophic failure for almost anyone else. She survived sleeping in cars and sleeping with the wrong men while being treated as a second class citizen in a man's world. The book, like Rousey, isn't without flaws. She is far too profane, and has very little experience with tact. She can come across as acting superior, and often treats people who aren't in positions of authority or influence as inconsequential or unworthy. Yet, these things are what made her into the top-ranked Judoka in the world. They molded her into a whirlwind of intentioned, focused athleticism that pushed her to heights never seen in women's MMA. If you thought you hated Rousey, I challenge you to read this book and still feel the same way upon completion. You may still not love her, but it would be impossible not to respect her.

Fighters Fight

Yes, I know the title is a Rocky Balboa expression but it is appropriate. Wow, what a fun read about a true fighter. If you name is not Dick Itty Bitty and if you never have to stand across from Ronda Rousey in an Octagon, then you are sure to enjoy this book. If you don’t know who Ronda Rousy is and your name isn’t Floyd Mayweather then this is a good introduction to why she is the real deal fighter. She is not a novelty. Like most prize fighters, their lifetime lens on the world is that of a fighter. The book will let you see the following through her eyes: her struggles, the family stories that build a champions heart, the Ronda against the world, train, believe in yourself, overcome challenges, refute anyone that says no, out work and out think them all. Ronda is NOT a Champion by chance. This book shows a life time journey that got her there and is sure to keep her there for some time to come. Ronda is someone transfixed on her dream who works hard every day at it. She delivers a message of toughness, determination and grit in a very humorous way. If you are a fight fan, you will love this book. If you are a parent this book should be shared with your daughters so they see the power of a woman who just keeps moving forward.

Worst thing about finding a book you like: finishing it.

I don't follow MMA and knew very little about her legacy other than the headliners. I stumbled upon an article about her one night and was drawn to her message and her confidence. I googled her and found her video clip on Ellen - I LOVE Ellen. If Ellen is cool with Ronda Rousey, then I figured I am too. Bought this book because I was intrigued and now I'm a huge fan. I dreaded every chapter I read because I was one more chapter closer to the end. I'm so glad that there's someone like her as a public figure when our media is over saturated by sex, superficial drama, skewed "news", and our society is filled with people who just simply don't know how to care or know how to do anything productive with their lives. I highly recommend this for anyone who has ever thought of achieving something in life or want to understand what makes a champion. I can't rave enough about this book. So stop wasting your time reading all the positive reviews and just buy the book already - although I could have saved a couple of dollars for an electronic version, I opted for the hard copy because it's something I'd like to pass along/ keep in the library.

Candid and Inspiring

Part inspirational self-help, part memoir, this seems to be a pretty candid autobiography by one of the biggest phenomenons in sports. I'm a huge MMA fan and have been since the sport's beginnings in this country in the early 1990s. And memoirs by other fighters are, in my view, not worth buying, they're strictly to be checked out of the library. But this book is enthralling--a page turner, because Rousey is such a self-created creature, formed through the kind of will that's rare. She details the highs and the lows, and there were many, many lows before she broke through to become a star. She's also candid about her disappointments in the Olympics, and her relationship with her mother, who is a prime mover here. Because she spends a lot ink claiming that she's more than willing to fight opponents who are larger, who are chemically-enhanced, etc. and because she herself can very easily, even naturally, fight in higher weight classes, the book will, I hope, increase the pressure on her to take on the one fighter who poses a true threat, i.e., Chris Santos, since Rousey has divested herself of excuses in this book. All in all, a great read by a fascinating athlete and person who speaks her mind, which is rare.

Must read for everyone, UFC fan or not

At Ronda Rouseys fairly young age you might wonder if she's lived long enough to warrant an autobiography so soon. Mike Tyson was able to reflect on an entire career plus while Ronda is barely a third of the way through what she will do professionally. And yet that is precisely where "My Fight/Your Fight" is structured so artfully. Rondas childhood and career to the present day is all detailed thoroughly yet the book itself smartly constructs itself as more of an inspirational than simply an autobiography. Each chapter begins with a quote/life lesson learned prefacing the circumstances related to it. Where most bios of someone Rondas age would feel like they are leaving you with only half the story, the life lesson structure brings "My fight" to a satisfying conclusion. You don't need to be a fight fan to enjoy Rondas story or her infectious personality. Your guaranteed to examine your own life throughout and probably face some truths about yourself as well as you read the extremes one person goes through to be the best in the world. A great book I think everyone can benefit from reading personally. AMUST BUY. **if anyone can explain why WalMart won't display this but will that utter crap 50 shades of gray please let me know**

The story behind the Bad Reputation

My Fight / Your Fight is a solid memoir, thanks to Rousey's co-writer, her sister Maria Burns Ortiz, a journalist. It tells the story of a little girl whose verbal skills were slow to develop, leaving her unable to explain to her family that all she wanted for her birthday was a Hulk Hogan wrestling doll. When she starts competing in Judo, her mother, a Judo champion herself, instills a confidence and drive to win. The thing I admire most about Rousey is how hard she works. She goes into every fight expecting to win, which is why she took her losses in Judo very hard. Turns out, the sport she was born to do hadn't been invented yet; women's mixed martial arts wasn't even a thing. Rousey's journey is inspiring and her passion comes through in the book, which is beautifully designed with black-and-white photos. The short blurbs at the beginning of each chapter are windows into a fighter's mind. She's been accused of being arrogant and having a bad attitude, which she gives a nod to with her fight entrance music, Bad Reputation by Joan Jett. Her memoir puts it all into context. If you're not already a fan, I suspect you will be after reading her story.

Good Read - A Must Buy

First, let me state that I really loved this book. I tore through it pretty fast and it was an enjoyable read. However, I am only giving it 4 stars because it lacks depth in a lot of the story. I had previously seen then Ronda Rousey story on HBO show Real Sports with Brian Gumbel and that segment pretty much covered the story told in this book. Also, I thought that this book was a bit too protective on an emotional level. For example, when it comes to the fighting parts she shares her emotions liberally and it is fantastic. However, when it comes to other things she holds back. While there is certainly nothing wrong with not pouring your heart out about every single thing it would have been nice to know more about some of the other things. (her relationships for one) Overall, I highly recommend the book. If you haven't seen the HBO show segment yet then read the book first as that will have a lot of spoilers. If you have already seen it I still recommend reading the book. Ronda is a fascinating person and I look forward to seeing what happens with her in the future.

A Must Read for any Rousey fan

I love watching Ronda Rousey fight. She's truly the absolute BEST for sure. But there's a reason for her being the best. And this book tells that story. Her story. It truly makes a person stop and think just how bad you want something in life. And also how much time you are willing to sacrifice to achieve it. Along with the grueling pain you are able to push through. I can tell anyone this after reading this book myself. It truly takes a person of strong will and mind to do what Ronda has done. I couldn't put this book down after reading the 1st two pages. Anyone that likes Ronda Rousey and enjoys watching her fight definitely needs to read her book. It definitely made me more of a fan. Knowing everything she's been through. How hard she's fought and struggled to become the CHAMPION she truly is. So much courage and determination than anyone could ever imagine. That's Ronda Rousey. A winner in my book in and out of the octagon. She's TRULY made her Dad very proud. Truly hope she decides to write the end part of her journey.

When I feel like I can't go any more

I gave it a 5 star rating because it hits me deep on a very emotional level. About 5 years ago, I lost my aunt and uncle to a freak carbon monoxide accident, and my father and I had almost snapped our backs in half while we were sled riding at a local dam. I literally cried hardcore 22 pages in. Putting her personal life out there for everyone to see is very courageous and brave. She's not doing it for the popularity, she's not doing it for the money, she's doing it to show that no matter what situation you're in, and if you have dreams but others doubt you, you gotta fight for it. Fight for what you want out of life. Fight for what you stand for. Don't let life control you. No matter how hard it may seem, you can succeed if you put forth the effort. Her mentality on training has helped me to think that also during my lifting routines. When I feel like I can't go any more, I think about her book and how she pushed through everything no matter how much pain she was in.

If Tiger Woods and Richard Nixon had a love child . . .

Rousey has Tiger's single-mindedness and Nixon's paranoia. The judges are always out to get her. USA Judo screwed her. Every guy she dates is a d*ck. Every boss she's ever had was out to get her. Every coach eventually went bad on her. Nobody ever sees the illegal shots her opponents take. Of her own disqualifications, she says little. Nothing is ever her fault. The whole world is wrong, not Ronda. Rousey is often compared to Mike Tyson and that's not a bad comparison. I think Tiger Woods is more apt though, despite the vast difference in their respective sports, because Ronda, like Tiger was a child prodigy, her athletic career obsessed over by her mom, her coaches, etc. Tyson, by contrast, grew up in an atmosphere of total (perhaps criminal) neglect. All three--Tyson, Woods, Rousey-- were thought unstoppable at some point in their careers. Tyson and Woods eventually stopped themselves, the dysfunction in their personalities finally overtaking their massive, historic skills. Will that happen to Rousey? It's hard to tell from this book how dysfunctional her personal life is. Naturally, she doesn't reveal much about this, except inadvertently, but my guess is, things are a lot more chaotic in her world than she lets on. Also, she's doing the Joe Namath thing, cheapening her legacy by being a crappy actor in B movies. That was one thing Ali got right--he had about a billion chances to screw himself up like that and never did. The book? Its appeal is limited by Rousey's single-mindedness, paranoia, and narcissism. There's no real introspection here, no interest, by her, in anything other than herself and her career. She doesn't even write much about fighting and training, two things about which she is eminently qualified to write. In the final chapter, she gives a cursory description of her diet and training but she could have told us so much more about judo, MMA, and fighting in general. She could have given us a Bruce Lee book about the art and the science. The philosophy. Instead, she tells us about boyfriends and photo shoots.

Much respect to you Ronda

I was not a Rousey fan before I read this book. I have watched everyone of her fights. I am a huge UFC and she was not a favorite of mine. I was always cheering for the other fighter against her. I have so much respect for her now. I will not longer cheer ever for Meisha Tate. You are awesome and you have made a fan out of me. You have a fighter's heart and I wish you the best in all your endeavors in your life. Great job on writing your book. Thanks for making me a fan. You are up there with GSP and all my other favorites now.

I've recommended this book to everyone I know

I've recommended this book to everyone I know. It is literally one of the best, real life stories that you'll ever read. Ronda Rousey is (in every sense of the word) a real person, and this is her story. And while her story is amazingly inspirational, there's a much more important reason why you should read this book. That is, it's your story too. You'll see yourself in her struggles because these struggles are common to every person. This isn't a feel-good book. This isn't one of those "you can do it" books. This is a book that tells you real life is hard and it sucks sometimes. To get the life we want, we have to fight for it. If you want some literary work of art, don't buy this book. If you're looking for a book about someone's real life story, including both successes and failures, then buy this book. I promise it'll be worth your time, and you'll come out of reading this book challenged to show up to your own life and to fight for what you want.

Your book/ My book

Love her or hate her (what??why??) Ronda Rousey is a household name. This book does an excellent job of allowing fans, and haters alike, gain a better perspective of the fighter. Her career in the ring is just an extension of who Rousey is already. From her very humble beginnings to being the highest paid fighter in the UFC, Rousey tells her story (so far). I ate this book up. I already admire this woman, and even more after reading about her life so far. I don't generally buy a book (that is what the library is for), but I had to have this book in my collection. It serves as a source of inspiration even though I am not a prospective fighter. Personal strength is more important than physical strength and Ronda has both in spades. I don't really understand the title of the book as it is all her fight. Maybe she is trying to tell the reader that she is anyone and the reason she is someone is because she won't give up.

Great autobiography!

I don't read many autobiographies because quite frankly I don't care to know most people beyond the surface. I was however interested in getting beyond the surface of Rowdy Ronda Rousey because let's face it, she is a game changer. Four years ago Dana White, the president of UFC, said that no women would ever fight in UFC; and then Ronda came along and changed his mind. Her talent, looks, and determination set her apart from the rest; she is a pioneer and has set the standard for women MMA fighters in UFC. This book was written by Ronda and her sister, Maria Burns Ortiz. I agree with Toft's Reviews in that they "make an excellent writing team. The writing is uplifting and positive, with lessons applicable to everyday life. The format is clean and simple. Each chapter starts with a moral, lesson or message that is then expanded with Rousey’s real life experiences." I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and have more respect for Ronda as a person and MMA fighter.

The true Ronda Rousey story?

Thomas Hauser wrote a great book about Muhammad Ali (Muhammad Ali: His Life and Times). In his book, Hauser interviewed Ali's ex-wives, enemies, friends, former fighters (like Joe Frazier), and others not on the Ali bandwagon. My Fight / Your Fight was told from Ronda Rousey's point of view, and it was written by her sister. I now know Rousey from HER story which, in my opinion, is one-sided. I would have loved to hear the real side of Rousey from the likes of Dick IttyBitty, Bob, Darin, Big Jim, Dog Park Cute Guy, Snappers McCreepy, Norm, former employees of Gladstones in Malibu, Meisa Tate, and especially Little Jimmy and his wife, Marie. A page or two from each of these characters would have been great. Perhaps in time, those I've mentioned will comment. Nevertheless, it is a great book and an inspiring story. I loved it!

Really good book and person!

I really enjoy Ronda's story. I thought the book was very well put together. I am not a big fan of MMA only because I know nothing about it. Ronda has changed that for me. She is a very inspirational person and I can see why so many girls want to be like her! Who doesn't want to kick butt on a daily basis! The only negative thing I would say and it might not be really considered that is I do agree that she might have wrote her story to soon. She is just beginning and you can tell she is going to go so much further. I also think she could have gone into a little more detail on somethings and about how they happened. I felt she kind of jumped around a tad on somethings, but other then that I really really loved the book and her!

Rousey makes for a great author and athlete.

One fantastic book. I must admit that I am a consummate Rowdy Ronda Rousey fan but this book exceeds my expectations. It is very inspiring and real. She has made herself very vulnerable by laying out all of the good, the bad and the ugly. Her competitors are already using her low points of her past to get headlines for themselves today. I know that she expected it and planned for it. That is how amazing she is. She always controls her own narrative and it is impressive how she has bared so much of her low points while demonstrating how they developed into her high points. As a MMA fan and long time athlete in various sports, it is also fascinating to read the 'behind the scene' activities that takes place for the Olympics and UFC events. This is one great book and I encourage others to read it and form their own opinion.

A K.O.

I have to admit, since I do not watch tv, only listen to selected podcasts and read a few books, I was far from the Rousey-Mania. I can not recall how I "got in touch with her", but I was hooked by that professionalism, commitment and charisma. When I found out she had a book, I decided to read it. I took me 1 week and I wish she's preparing the sequel. Rousey its an outlier, she is incredible. I do not follow MMA or UFC, but as an individual, she is outstanding and her story is worth reading. This book is inspirational, raw and unique. I'm not into bios either, so props to her, for keeping me glued me to my Kindle. I also got the book during tough personal times; I related to each page and the struggle she has been through. Much respect to her and I will be looking forward to read the sequel.

Ronda's Fight Analysis of Her Life...So far...

A fantastic book where Ronda writes about how she's been fighting her entire life. She is hardly close to being done with her career, but it offers a unique look into her upbringing as a daughter, athlete, Olympian, young woman, and Champion. Hilarious, witty, and heartbreaking at times, her introspective nature makes her a fantastic storyteller into the insight she gained from countless adversities and challenges. It's a real catalog of how she became a champion and it's applicable to just about anyone to inspire them too. Having met Ronda in person, it is very much true to her personality and voice and is a pleasure to read. I couldn't put it down and hopefully you'll feel the same. Ronda fights Bethe Correia tonight, yet another challenge and this book puts so much perspective into what she must be feeling, it's like being in her corner. Go Ronda!

This book is hands down amazing! It is such an easy read and incredibly ...

This book is hands down amazing! It is such an easy read and incredibly informative on the backstory behind Ronda Rousey. I have never read something so authentic and transparent in my entire life. She gives a good overview of her life and the events that have made her into who she is today. Rousey doesn't hold back-- she tells it like it is. She doesn't sugarcoat anything or try to make herself look better in her not-so-glorious moments. She gives great insights on going through struggles as an athlete and as a person. Even in her triumphs, she is not arrogant or cocky; she is confident, and when you hear about her preparation, there is no wonder why. I highly recommend this book to anyone, even if you are not a fan of MMA or UFC. You will at least become a fan of HER after reading this book. What a great story!

The Story Behind the Rowdy

Wow. A coworker is a huge fan of Rousey, and I had recently gotten her into reading, so I recommended her reading things that she is drawn to. She raved about this book, so naturally I had to see for myself. Never hearing about Rousey until UFC fame, I started following her story. Reading about her past, from endless judo practices to post-Olympic struggles, you start to see how she became the most dominate athlete ever (at the time the book was written, she was undefeated). Her perseverance to dominating led her down a path of discipline, battles with making weight, and that killer look she has going into the ring. Well-written, and although I know what happens, I can see myself reading this over and over again for the mental mettle Ronda brings.

Need Some Inspiration? It's All In This Book.

Rousey, the undisputed champion of the octagon in her weight class, tells her story in this inspirational book. From her fight upon her entrance into the world, to heartbreaking loss at a young age, to becoming a world class judoka and Olympic medalist, to setting out to become an MMA fighter with little to no support from those around her, Rousey has excelled against all odds. This is a story of someone who was bullied for being different, yet never gave in to the pressure to go along with the crowd. Instead, she forged her own path, and has become the best in the world at what she does while overcoming an eating disorder from years of cutting weight for judo fights. If this book doesn't inspire you to find your own greatness, and to live your truth, nothing will.

Ronda Rousey in her true form...honest and direct.

I really enjoyed this book. I especially appreciated the glimpse into Ronda Rousey's life and how she got to where she is today. She definitely put it all in the pages of this book and, in her usual style, didn't bother trying to hide who she is or where she came from. I appreciate her candid honesty. I also really enjoyed the motivational tips along the way, both her own and things her mother has told her as she has grown into the wonderful champion she is today. These are the kind of words you write down on sticky notes and put on your mirror to read every day. I will definitely be cherishing this book for a very long time, I hope I can have it signed one of these days. I recommend this book to all Ronda Rousey fans.

Had No Idea

Not to give too much away but I had no idea she had such an eventful childhood, unfortunately, with losing a father, moving, leaving home, etc... but I guess all those early experiences made her tough. She persevered and overcame. I wish her the best of luck for the future, she is truly a champion. Worth a read, for sure.

I thought I might be disappointed. I was not

I've been reading fight books for fifty years. Every boxer that had a story, I wanted to know it. Every fighter from any fighting sport, I wanted to read it. They are always informing, but sometimes not written well. Sometimes they're filled with bravado that you don't necessarily buy into. I've been involved in fighting arts forever. Been following the UFC since it's inception. Been following Rousey's career since she started. I thought I might be disappointed. I was not. Fabulous book. Well written, beautifully laid out. A wonderful no-nonsense look at a remarkable woman, a remarkable fighter. A tip of the hat to Maria Burns Ortiz who co-authored it with her sister - Ronda Rousey. What a great story. And if anyone has a female athlete amongst their family or friends - you should get this for them.

Rousing read

As a long time fan of judo, mma and Ronda, I enjoyed the book although I would have preferred more depth and it is now a little out of date. There is a lot to admire about Ronda, she has overcome some incredible obstacles but the book to me revealed that her coach is making her more emotional instead of more controlled which explains some of her behavior. She needs to spend time with somebody like Gunnar Nelson. I can't help thinking it was written too soon, the real proof of her greatness will be in how she responds to her 2015 loss and performs at UFC 207.

The woman who transformed MMA and paved the way for lady fighters

Fantastic book! I love Ronda's raw honesty and no nonsense approach to things. I found myself laughing out loud in many places of the book. Ronda is that rare athlete that sets a goal where no person has ever gone before and that doesn't stop her. She set out to transform MMA and she has succeeded in doing that. Her book explicitly tells readers her struggles. Sometimes she appears super human, but the book shows you she is a deep person. I love Ronda and had to read her book to know how a woman can transform what was an all male sport and make some of her haters her biggest fans. This book was riveting, funny, and deep. She is a role model for ladies. You can be pretty AND kick butt!

Great True Story.

This book is as hard-hitting as the punches Ronda delivers in the octagon! This is a wonderful story about a top-flight athlete that has seen more than her share of adversity, and pushed past all of that to be the very best in what she does. Ronda has managed, here, to write her story in a fashion that really feels like she's sitting there sharing it verbally with you; it's a great, conversational, unpretentious story. Not only is it a wonderful, riveting story, but presents a great deal for anyone to learn from, whether athlete or sedentary, whether male or female, no matter what their chosen vocation and avocation. I've admired Ronda's excellence in the octagon; now I even more admire her as a person. Go, Ronda.

An excellent and raw read for any fan of Ronda's

My hero on so many levels. There's nothing not to love about this book. It's brashly written without pulling punches and gives an insight into Ronda's incredible history of training, her mental state, the regiments of various stages of her life, the support she got, and also helps shed light onto her attitude and why she does some of the things she does. She is one tough cookie, and you cannot become what Ronda became without creating some controversy. If you are easily offended or only looking to read polite and diluted excerpts, this book is not for you. If you're interested in Ronda the person and the fighter, this opens some enlightening doors and windows into her life.

Need inspiration? Read this book!

Honestly, I did not like Ronda Rousey at the beginning of her career. Mostly, because she was beautiful, strong , dominant and in such great shape! My husband said she was "Bad Ass"!! We would watch Pay Per View mostly just when she was fighting. I finally stopped feeling jealous of her and was happy to see her win and be successful. Even more so after reading this book. She has worked her butt of to get where she is today! Thanks for writing this book Ronda and sharing your story with us. I am a true fan and wish you continued success in all that you do. Be happy no matter what it takes! I am working out on my treadmill more now so I can be in better shape myself.

Inspiration at the highest level!!!

Five stars isn't enough. I give it all the stars in the sky! This book is packed full of life altering advice. I feel as if I could take over the world if I put my mind to it. Ronda Rousey has an amazing outlook on life. I am an Iraq war veteran, I suffer from ptsd, I also suffer from adhd, but after reading this book I know I can overcome any obstacles in my life and that everything leads to where your supposed to be. It may not apply to me as she means it (being that I'm a guy), but I vow now to never be a "do nothing bitch" and to fight every second of every round. Thank you Rowdy Ronda Rousey from the bottom of my heart!!!

I love Ronda Rousey. No kidding, I really do. In her book she tells her life story, warts and all, and still comes up a winner.

I have just started to read this book, but have admired Ronda Rousey for some time. I have said to many that she is a relative unknown now, but before long there will be only a few people who do not know she is. Early in the book the following appears: 'This past summer, the Little League World Series was going on, and Pierce Jones, a thirteen year old African-American boy from the South Side of Chicago, one of the stars of the series, comes up to bat, and underneath all his stats, it listed his favorite athlete. It was Ronda Rousey. That is groundbreaking. He could have picked anyone - LeBron James, Derek Jeter, there are so many male athletes to chose from - but his favorite athlete is Ronda Rousey'


Great book, very inspiring! I have a slight Ronda Rousey obsession right now and I looked EVERYWHERE for this book but it was back ordered and impossible to find. After ordering from amazon, I received it in 2 days. I might be a little biased because as I said I really like Ronda, but I have recommended this book to many of my girlfriends who are going through tough times because it's just very empowering. Sometimes we need to be reminded that we can be whoever we want to be and no one gets to decide that for us. Side-note: I don't really even like UFC, I just like Ronda's message. You don't have to be a fan of fighting or MMA to enjoy this book.

Great Story - told by the legend herself.

An avid Judo practitioner, I've been a fan of Ronda's since she was a teenager, tearing up the Olympic Trials. While I've know some of the vague details of the stories in this book, the additional "meat" supplied by Ronda adds new dimension to an already larger than life character. What struck me the most is her, often at her lowest, finding the inspiration to keep climbing and fighting. She also has this innate ability to overcome the naysayers and keep looking forward. All told, this is a great book, for those currently Ronda fans, and for those who have not yet seen the light. The only warning - Ronda tells it like it is, and her language is very colorful.

great read

i am obsessed with ronda after resding this book. She is a remarkable athlete and theres no doubt about it but I know she gets tons of criticism for her so called "arrogance" and opinions. After reading her story you realize that what people confuse as arrogance is just self confidence that took a long time to build. confidence in the hard work she has out over the years. this book is an amazing example of perseverance and If i had a young daughterr I would give it to her to read because she exemplifies the attitude we as women should have, Dont take anything less than what you deserve and dont let people tell you you are worth less because you are a woman!

You don't have to be a fight fan to love this book!

My son, daughter and I are huge Rousey fans and I pre-ordered this book after my fifteen-year-old daughter BEGGED me to buy it for her. She was super excited when it came in. I can't get her to read much of anything (she won't even read my own books), but she hasn't taken her face out of MY FIGHT / YOUR FIGHT and she brings it everywhere we go. I'll be driving and trying to listen to my country music, but she's sitting there reading the book out loud. I enjoy it so much, I turn off the radio and listen. It's a good book about life. Very inspirational. I'm thrilled that my daughter is reading and that she has a strong female role model to admire. Very much recommended!!!


This book has made my Love for this lady grow tremendously! She is an amazing soul. Live never been much for tough love, but her story about her mother has taught me what tough love really teaches us! I was a 262 lb woman with no drive, after seeing this ladies 1st fight I decided I can do anything and here I am 4 months later down 25lbs and training for my first Ironman! I have lived by Rouseys moto: don't be a DNB! So I will now fight my own fight with her in my memories, everyone struggles. Win, lose, or draw, we all have a chance to live this life beautifully & I am living mine everyday!

LOVE this book!

LOVE this book! I quickly flipped through this sizable book. Even the paper is of this book is nice, like paper, and not some shiny magazine layout thing. It made me want to meet Ronda. I really liked how she spoke about her exceptional life as if it has something to teach the non-professional fighter, as if every day is a fight to a person in some way. And, also, how I could relate to her experiences with her ex-boyfriends, who were like regular bitchy guys that I have met and dated, and just showed that jerks act like jerks with whomever they are with, even a goddess like Ronda! It's inspiring in more than one way.

Rousey: MMA's Bobby Fischer

A good read but personally I came away feeling the same sense of pity after reading about the life of Bobby Fischer; the chess prodigy who later became the World chess champion. Both these talented young people definitely had a chip on their shoulder and the powerful drive to "prove something." Both obviously, though supremely gifted in their fields were obviously left emotionally scarred and deeply troubled by the lack of a father in their growing years. Will Rousey's endgame prove to be better than Fischer's? For her sake I hope it will.

it is excellent! I read the entire thing in about 8 ...

I could not put this book down, it is excellent! I read the entire thing in about 8 hours. Ronda is an amazing dedicated athlete that has a one of a kind story to tell about her life struggles and triumphs on her way up to stardom. I am writing this review having read the book about a week after her Holly Holm loss. Understanding her more, I think Ronda will come back better than ever. She would never want it to end this way. Read the book even if you are not into MMA or a Ronda fan and you may have new found respect for both the sport and Rousey as a person.

Now Back to My Fight

I loved the book. It was hard to put down. I have to say that I am docking one star for the very last sentence, however: "Above all, there is the indisputable knowledge that I am the greatest in my role in the history of the world." I partly read the book for inspiration and there is much of that, thankfully. But to end the book this way, it ought to be titled, "My Fight / Your Fight, Now Back to My Fight." The last few words could have been more powerfully inspiring for the masses and not so self-serving.

This page burner quickly brings the reader close to this amazing elite athlete

Outstanding read. This page burner quickly brings the reader close to this amazing elite athlete. Ronda Rousey is The Force behind the creation of women's MMA as well as being the first Olympic medalist in Judo for the United States of America. I read this on a trip in several hours and couldn't put it down. Ronda's story has many, many life lessons and I passed my copy on to my son. There is something for everyone in this book. Rowdy Ronda is a bright superstar who has gone through many challenges and she has met them all. Her indomitable spirit is truly inspirational. This well written book shows just how much this woman is wise beyond her years.

Interesting story

I enjoyed reading about Ronda Rousey and gained even more respect for her as an athlete. She takes her work seriously and after hearing her interviewed on Howard Stern, I was intrigued. This book talks about her life growing up, losing her dad, and her years competing in Judo and the UFC. Very interesting story from her early days, and I am sure there will be more to add as she competes in the WWE.

Your Fight Is not My Fight, Ronda, But It is One Heckuva of a Gripping Story

I try not to be blinded by celebrity and the wave of PR that goes with it, but My Fight/Your Fight is an important story, which writingwise is OK--just okay. The topical organization and the overwhelming useage of the first person narrative was hard to swallow in the first few pages, but overall I think this book is noteworthy for its raw and incorrect approach to an athletes memoir. Memoirs, of course, are generally better written well after the lights have gone out in the arena, the fans have largely filed their favorite memories of a sports star in their long-term memories, but My Fight/Your Fight is different. This is a timely book with an important story to spin about one young American fighter who rose to the top in an erratic and unpredictable way--except for herself. . I gave this book three stars because of its organization. If the author and her writer co-author ever write a cohesive future account that is far more unified, I would give it five stars in the blink of an eye.

Worth the read

For some reason i never really cared for Ronda especially after watching the TUF she was on. Something about her just rubbed me the wrong way. While I did enjoy watching her fight I didn't really care for her cockiness but after reading this book, I think completely different of her. She's an inspiration and inspires me to want to take my jiu-jitsu game to the next level. She is a great role model and is great for the sport of mma. Jon Jones should take notice! She is exactly how a high level athlete should handle themselves.

A Great Look Inside the Mind of a Champion

If you are a competitive athlete, or just someone that is wanting to get an inside look at the story of one of MMA's most talented and successful athletes and/or get into the ups, the downs and the mind, will and emotions of a champion, then this book is for you. Ronda tells her version of her life story from her Judo begins up until her dominant reign of woman's MMA. She has a gritty charm that some may misunderstand, but only a few won't appreciate. I loved this book, and there are hidden gems of training, diet & mentality deposited all throughout this book, the hungry person will dig them out & apply them.

Excellent book, not just Ronda, but Olympians in general

Excellent hard-hitting biopic on how lessons are learned.

Easy read. RR's drive

Very interesting book. Easy read. RR's drive, determination and discipline are inspiring. I'm an even bigger fan having read her book. She definitely needs to write a part-2 down the road though. The only reason for the 4-star rating is the low quality paper of the pages and poor reproduction of the B & W photos in the book. Very similar to newspaper quality. Now I know what previous reviewers meant when they said the pages tore or even fell out of the binding.

Who wouldn't want Ronda in their corner?

This is a gritty and believable account of what it takes for a woman (or anyone) to overcome tall odds and gird up for victory in harsh physical combat. The book is well-conceived and deftly written by Ronda in partnership with her sister Maria Ortiz. It does not flinch from sex issues, dominance issues, any more than it backs away from a fight. The result is that this book is simultaneously a portrait of a fascinating individual, and a view into the combatant that slumbers within us all. Those who wish to awaken it would do well to consult it.

A bargain score 👌🏼

I bought this used and in “very good” condition. Was WAY cheaper then retail in store price. Loving the book, writer, message, surprise pics in it and the layout.

Excellent book. Highly recommended

Excellent book. Highly recommended!! Ronda is not only inspirational but also real, she shares her heart and soul on what it is like to be your own person, I read this book in 3 days, it was quite interesting to see where she draws her strength and determination to be the best at what she does. Thank You Ronda for sharing your life and inspiring me in the process. I have recommended your book to my daughter, who is 17, I told her to read this book so she can understand what is needed to make it in life and most of all be yourself!!! Dominic


A fantastic book by a fantastic, groundbreaking, ass-kicking woman. I devoured this book in one day and will read it again, for inspiration and motivation, as well as entertainment, because on top of inspiring the hell out of you Ronda keeps you laughing as she recounts her journey to the top. Ronda makes me so proud to be a part of this generation; she epitomizes that switch where finally, woman say, "Only I define me. Get with it or get the f*** out of my way." Whether you read it as a sports fan, a feminist, or someone who's never seen MMA in their life, you will enjoy it.

I was surprised how much I enjoyed this book

I was surprised how much I enjoyed this book. The good reviews convinced me to read it and I'm glad I did. Ronda Rousey has had a very interesting life, though she's not yet 30. The book is well written and the story of her rise to the top of her sport is compelling. Like me, the UFC is based in Las Vegas, so I see regular coverage of Ronda in the local media which piqued my interest to read about her. Highly recommend.

The best book I have ever read!

After reading her book I am in total love with Ronda. It talks about her struggles, her childhood, her dad, how tough her mom was on her, understandably, because she knew she was great! The book covers pretty much her whole life. After reading her book I now understand her and can relate to her. I love that she is so confident, some see it as arrogance, but it's really, confidence! I wish more women were as confident as her. I seriously could not put it down and I am not a book reader whatsoever. You need to purchase it, you will definitely not regret the purchase.

Simply Amazing. Often we see movies of ancient warriors such ...

Simply Amazing. Often we see movies of ancient warriors such as in Troy or Gladiator where Hollywood has speculated or outright guessed at the issues and personal feelings of these great warriors. It is quiet remarkable to have someone in our modern time be so dominant in her sport so much so that we feel in awe or similar to exposure to a real living superhero, and be able to read and feel her hopes, fears and dreams. I think Joe Rogan said it best, "I feel like I will tell my grandchildren, I saw Ronda fight." I highly recommend this book. mm

Worth the time and money

The book is great and Ronda doesn't hold back. All the tears, emotions, and ugly is in this book. She doesn't try to make it pretty. She's been through some stuff; some of her own accord, some from others and she wrote it all in. Great book. I admire her spirit and tenacity even more after reading. I'm hope there's a part two and I look forward to watching movies that she has roles in. Worth the time and money to read. Also helps to see what is going through her mind as I re watch her matches I can find on Youtube and elsewhere.

The best book ever!!! #RRRbiggestFan

This book is amazing!! I love Ronda! All athletes should read this. You will gain from this book. It is my favorite book. I will be using stuff I learned from this book to help others. Congrats to Ronda for landing on top after all the things she went through. To her coach Edmond that pushes her, thank you. To Ronda thank you for writing this book and sharing stuff we can all use! You are an amazing athlete! Also, thank you for paving the way for women to be recognized for the work they put in as well!!!!

Well-written. Inspiring. Packed with wisdom.

I found this book hard to put down and I know Ronda's story is one that will stay with me for a long time. It felt like an honest and real portrayal of what it takes, not only to succeed—but to be the best. It was more than a book about fighting. For me, it was full of wisdom—reminders of lessons learned and those I need to work on. Lastly, as a side note, I'm not a fan of the UFC and really didn't know a lot about Ronda Rousey prior to reading her bio. But I'm certainly a fan of hers now.

A great book!

Has a fan of Ronda Rousey, I bought this book to give motivation to someone close to me. It was really a great read.

Cream of the Crop of MMA Books

As the UFC's charismatic first woman fighter and first woman champion, Ronda Rousey has rocketed to mma stardom. This book offers a glimpse into her career and rise to stardom. Rousey's no holds barred honesty fits her persona and gives this book an edge. The fun, engrossing writing style makes it lethal entertainment. Surprisingly well written for an mma book, the storytelling has a definitive rhythm and deliberate flow; this is not the cash-grab others in the sport have dumped off at their fans' expense. This book smashed all my expectations and I highly recommend it for any fan if Rousey, mma or sports in general.

Great memoir & incredibly inspiring!

Ronda Rousey is an incredibly strong and inspiring woman! I couldn't put her book down and I think ANYONE - male, female, very young through very old would all really enjoy it. She is not only a game changer, but a world changer and as she really, really struggled in life from the very second she was born, she used those obstacles to only fuel her desire for nothing but historical successes beyond belief. READ HER BOOK TO BELIEVE IT ALL!!! LOVE U RONDA!!!

One tough chick.

She never gives up. She is crude, self absorbed Ronda accomplished her goal. Was it worth the sacrifices? Only to her.


AH-MAZING READ!! Wow! The judo world is very small and close-knit. I was stunned and amazed at the people she both INcluded AND EXcluded out of EITHER love OR spite! HAHAHA! The writing with her sister is seamlessly fabulous! I laughed, I cried, my jaw dropped, my jaw is Still dropped! Wow, just wow. So happy for her and her family, what an incredible journey that is only just getting started. I read it in a weekend, and then I was sad it was all over!

Good story, not so great writing...

wow, I thought I respected Ronda before, but after reading this book, I have even greater respect for her and her unbelievable competitive spirit and work ethic. The only reason I gave it 3 stars was due to the actual writing. The chapters often seemed somewhat disconnected and didn't always seem to follow a clear, linear and path. It seemed, at times, somewhat disjointed. After reading it, I discovered that the author is actually Ronda's sister. Aha, now I get it. I'm sure she wanted to help her sister out but it, unfortunately, lowered the quality of the book. If she had picked a better ghost writer, I'm sure the book would have "read" better. Having said that, I still enjoyed the content of her story and I would recommend it.

WOW! Amazing!

One of the best reads I have ever run across. Could not put it down. I am an ardent MMA fan and have been since its inception with Royce Gracie in the early 1990's. You can't read this without gaining a tremendous respect and admiration for Ronda and her struggles throughout her life. Her determination and work ethic, her ability to bounce back and tough it out - just remarkable. I truly hopes she is able to retire undefeated, as is her goal. I know this is trite and overused, but I still have to say: "You Go, Girl!"

What an absolutely wonderful soul!

This lady was so misunderstood when she was fighting! What an absolutely wonderful soul! The Trainer (RN)*

She is the best!!!!

I can't put this book down if it weren't for my school studies or actual work I must do at work I would have finished it by now. I love this under dog story she never gave up gave herself time to find herself. I love everything about this book highly recommend for anyone feeling they don't belong or have doubts parents should give it to their daughters especially girls starting middle school or high school Rhonda says she is. It a role model but feel she is the new version of a role model.

AMAZING book- Ronda Rousey is an inspirational bad ass

AMAZING book- Ronda Rousey is an inspirational bad ass! She is so honest, raw and real in this book that I literally felt like we had became friends by the end of it. I LOVED getting to see the real side of her, but even more I LOVED getting to see that dedication and persistence she put towards becoming a UFC fighter, and achieving all of her goals- big or small. She is a phenomenal role model, and inspiration. Like she said, "I don't need to be motivated, I am motivation." AMAZING book and worth every penny!!

this is a pretty incredible story

Yeah, there's stuff in here that is more interesting to Ronda than it is to the reader, and yeah she bitches about anyone perceived to have done her wrong in the past, but on the whole, this is a pretty incredible story. Rousey has EARNED every bit of what she's gotten from this world and there's no disputing that. I also like that she has the balls to speak in a way that's going to make a lot of readers uncomfortable. Not because of what's said, but because it's a girl who's saying it.

Gripping read

Interesting story, I was unsure of the narrative style to begin with but it grew on me and became a good read. I follow women's UFC, and if you do too, you'll enjoy this book. If you don't follow UFC, don't automatically rule this book out - it tells the story of a determined young woman who overcomes many trials and traumas but never gives up, going on to achieve her dream, and then some. Inspirational.

but I felt that towards the end the tone turned more to dispelling rumors and somewhat defensive to the point it almost seemed l

I thought this book was very inspirational, especially for a woman that is interested more in how powerful her body can be rather than how others perceive her looks. I would have given it 5 stars, but I felt that towards the end the tone turned more to dispelling rumors and somewhat defensive to the point it almost seemed like an entire chapters were formed just to set the record straight about small occurrences.

Great book

Really liked this book I'm a huge fan of mma and a big fan of Ronda rousey. She has worked hard to get to where She is at. Read this book if want want to see what it takes to get to the top. Ps. She could beat the crap out of 90% of the men on this planet. If you are a man and think you could take her changes are you and a**clown. Just sayin!!!

I enjoy reading about real peoples stories and I'm a big ...

I haven't had a chance to read straight thru the book, but I am enjoying it a lot. I enjoy reading about real peoples stories and I'm a big fan of Ronda Rousey. I can relate to some of the stuff she has gone thru as far as what a girl is suppose to do or not do. I was born 1960 when womyn or girls were only suppose to be a certain way and I hated that. Anyway, if you like reading about other people, buy this, it's good.

Its a good book and having read it I have a lot ...

Its a good book and having read it I have a lot more sympathy for Ronda. At first when she came up in the MMA highlights I didn't really like her, I thought she was too arrogant. We'll, now I've read her side of the story. It's also a very good book for motivation [to train]. "I had to go beyond what other people thought was reasonable and then go beyond that."

Inspiring and action packed

This book will inspire almost anyone that has ever been broke, hungry, broken, and just fighting for a break. The chapter on her father will make you cry. The support of a hard but loving mother tells you who helped push her into a champions role. This incredible athlete shows us that if you want it bad enough then you can make it happen. There isn't a phony bone in her body. She tells it like it is, while always being totally honest. A great book from the greatest champion. RRRR. Rocking rowdy Ronda Rousey!

Rousey's Autobiography is a HIT with this fan!

I am a huge follower of both Women's and Men's UFC!!! Rousey's book was intriguing, emotional, and entertaining. I have a greater respect and understanding for her now that I've read her story. Rousey shares her entire life story in this book from her earliest memories of her childhood through her years of training as an Olympic athlete to her current status as the UFC Women's Bantamweight Champion. I found myself in tears several times! I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of this book. Thanks Ronda!! You tell a great story and you've earned a new fan!!

Not a fan of hers, BUT....

I bought this for someone else as a gift and I ended up reading it. I read it in three nights to help me fall asleep. Great flow to it and entertaining. She had me giggling at times. Did it make me a fan of hers? No. But it was interesting to see where she came from and how hard she worked getting where she is today. I highly recommend it whether you are a fan or not.


This book gave my high episodes of chills, gut wrenching tears/paralysis and a high new level outlook on life. I myself am an aspiring athlete and person looking to grow individually. Look no further, this book will change your life forever it is one you will carry with you as your last breath escapes your diaphram. I'm serious I never review anything but I believe if it's somthing I can contribute to the better of the world this review of THIS book will be it at this moment. Much love and chi, Ted.

A wonderful, emotional ride through the life of an overnight superstar

What a page-turner. Ronda's got a very inspirational story, going all the way back to infancy. She's had many challenges and overcome them all. So many others would use the hurdles life has given her as an excuse to be complacent. It's wonderful for a young woman to be able to balance an elite level athletic career, super-stardom that literally happened overnight, and still keep a sensible head on her shoulders. Rousey is a wonderful example of how to succeed at life without becoming a victim to it. Two thumbs all the way up.

Absolutely loved it

Read it in two days and that's only because I had to work and sleep also. Rousey is one of those once-in-a-lifetime fighters. I mean true fighters. She is lucky to have been brought up and to have instilled that fighting spirit by her mother. Or, more than likely, to have a mother who was able to point her in the right direction to cultivate what she always had within herself. I highly recommend this book not only for people into MMA but anyone who just wants a good read.

though I can admit her fights were amazing. Reading this book gave me a real appreciation ...

I really wasn't a fan of Ronda, though I can admit her fights were amazing. Reading this book gave me a real appreciation for how hard she works. Not only did it make me like her, but I also took a lot of what she said and can apply to any challenge in life, not just fighting. I really think this book has a lot of great life lessons for anyone trying to be the best at anything and I really, really recommend reading!

Good read, awesome chick!!

I swear if it wasnt the fact that she is really disciplined an in awesome shape Ronda could be my twin. I really enjoyed getting to know her by reading this book. I was never one to like fighting, especially MMA, i find it too violent, but after a friend who was REALLY into her showed me some clips i've been hooked. If she can turn someone like me into a fan just by being as amazing and talented as she is that is beyond champion status. She really is something special.

Great book - easy read

I'm a big fan of Rousey, so I'm sure this review is biased. However Ronda has a great story and the book is well written. In some parts, I was a bit confused on the timeframe because the book was not always in chronological order. The language is dicey but real, and it is not meant for kids or for people who get offended with F-bombs. If you are a fan of Ronda, you will enjoy the book. If you are not, you should be after you read the book.

Ronda Rousey My Fight Your Fight

Great book ive read this 4 times now I'm a huge ronda fan and I feel like she really got deep into her life in this book. When I picked it up I had the intentions of just reading a couple chapters then putting it down waiting until the next day to read some more but instead it was so good that I read the whole book in 1 day. I would recommend this to any ronda rousey fan or anybody that likes a good book.


Determination. Heart. Anger. Confidence. If you train you'll appreciate the hours of grinding because you've trained similarly. If you don't train, you'll start. I've been coming back from a back injury after years of training and after the first few chapters I pushed the pain aside and had a great training session. Ronda is a cool chick and isn't full of s***, but she trains her ass off. I bought this on my kindle but I'm going to buy a hardcover for my book case......Buy this book.

Totally amazing and inspiring

Killer book. Totally amazing and inspiring.After reading it I really believe when she says that she will retire undefeated. Its a mindset kind of thing. Where people see an arrogant or cocky person I really see a woman with big heart, passionate about her work, her life an totally comitted with an ideal. She is not worried about fitting in other peoples standards, she spends her energy on her goals.Maybe, thats why she has a lot of haters. I have just started to read it for the second time.

Awesome... Real... Empowering.

I loved this book. I'm new to the Ronda fan club, but she has done nothing but awe me. I started looking at her as a fitness and body image that I wanted to emulate, but now it goes so much deeper than that. She is a great role model for women that our society desperately needs. She is independent without being cold. She is strong without being masculine. She is successful without being arrogant. She is a force. I recommend this book a thousand times over.


What an amazing and inspiring story! I loved every bit of it. Ronda is such an amazing person who has went through so much to get where she is now. Her story is so relate-able, I found myself laughing and crying through out the book, wishing it wouldn't end. Hope there is a part 2 because she is one amazing Human being, who I love to follow! Or maybe part 2 is "Our fight" and she just told us "her fight". Definitely recommend it!

Great read!

This book took me literally a day to read. I had purchased it to be my beach read on vacation, but I read it on the trip down and had to buy other kindle books for my actual vacation! An easy read, and I admire Ronda's struggles and how hard she has worked to get to where she is at. This book has helped motivate myself as an athlete to push harder and work harder. I'm a huge fan and always will be.

Simply Amazing.

What an awesome autobiography! It's very well written and offers a glimpse into Ronda's life. It's relatable and really pulls you into how she feels and thinks. It makes watching her fights so much more enjoyable (as if they weren't already) and adds so much depth to where she's coming from and why she fights. She doesn't sugar coat anything which makes it special. She's truly a one of a kind, special person and I thank her for sharing her story with the world. :) #andstill

If you don't like: Ronda rousey

It's a book about a fighters life from her perspective. I didn't quite understand al these other reviews that were negative. If you don't like: Ronda rousey, cursing, a professional fighter and/or an Olympic athletes mindset then of course you won't like the book. If you want well written and respected literature then go read fantastic classic authors, if you want to read about an amazing woman's life and how she pushed through struggles then enjoy it.

Unexpectedly Great

I had no expectations when I bought this book. I was looking to learn more about someone I knew nothing about, but had seen on the Jimmy Fallon show and was instantly interested. Well, after reading this book I'm even more interested and a total fan. Turns out Rhonda Rousey is not only an unbelievable talent and absolutely beautiful, but she is incredibly insightful into herself and the world around her. I am a disciple now. I highly recommended this book to anyone, not just MMA fans.

Interesting autobiography. You get to know more about the ...

Interesting autobiography. You get to know more about the Ronda that is behind the media. The book gives you an appreciation for the fighter's ups and downs in life, and makes fans more appreciative of what it takes to achieve a level of greatness.

I was actually sad to finish it

I was actually sad to finish it. I enjoyed reading a little each morning. I wish she had a "children's" version for all the young martial artists to read. The book answered a lot of questions about Ronda, stuff her 14 second wins could never answer. She works hard and I think a lot of martial artist can relate to that. I was first drawn to her because of her Judo background. But I appreciate her a lot more now.

I'm constantly fascinated by Ronda Rousey and she's someone that young teenage girls should get to know better and look up to

A genuine and honest account of one of the most electrifying and unique fighter/entertainers since the days of Dela Hoya, Tyson and quite possibly Mohammed Ali. I was impressed by the unusual access and insight we get into her personal and professional life from reading the book. Fighters can be arrogant and Ronda is no exception, but her other qualities simply outweigh that. I'm constantly fascinated by Ronda Rousey and she's someone that young teenage girls should get to know better and look up to.

An inspiring book!

A wonderful book about the life of Ronda Rousey who overcame many obstacles to achieve her dream. This book makes you feel like you can accomplish anything in life you set your mind to! My husband and I are big Ronda Rousey fans and we both enjoyed her book, we recommend it to everyone, even if your not a fan of hers you will identity with her can do attitude, she is really an inspirational person!! I finished the book in a day.

Truly Inspirational

It's so easy to be drawn to Ronda Rousey and the legacy she's building. After reading this book, it's no wonder she's one of a kind in the sport. She was raised a true competitor to always persevere and always put in 100%, fighting through physical and emotional pain. This was a very easy read and captivating story of her life. A few grammatical errors but, not so much to affect my rating. Her story is worth every star! Ronda Rousey is truly inspirational!

I enjoyed it, simple.

I am a MMA fan, I like Rousey. That being said, this was written as one would expect. Simple story telling, first person narrative. Cool behind the scenes into her head leading up to champion status, where it ends. Good entertainment reading.


I love to watch this girl fight. Before her, I was bored with the women's fights: so slow, labored, quite dull. Rousey is not any of those things. She's a beast. After reading this book, I now know why she's unstoppable. She's got something special, and this book describes it all. If you have a bit of curiosity as to how she is SO superior to the other ladies, give this book a close read. She got IT.

Great story of perseverance and dedication.

To be honest, I bought this book with no real expectations other than to learn a bit more about Rousey's path to becoming a top UFC fighter and actress. I was pleasantly surprised... this book kept me interested from beginning to end. I wound-up buying a copy for a friend as well. Rousey goes into detail of her childhood, her years in Olympic judo, relationships and her rise in the UFC and Hollywood. Enjoy!

A journey from the bottom to the top, and beyond

Ronda Rousey has no doubt broken barriers in the world of women's sports, but the story and circumstances behind her rise to the top gives a personality and an overall human-ness to the fighter who we see on the television. From heartbreak to hard work, Rousey tells her motivational life story in an entertaining, inspirational narrative that is a must-read for anybody who has ever had a fight of their own- in or out of the octagon.

Awesome story

I highly recommend this book, it's not just for people interested in MMA fighting. This is a story of a young woman who refused to give up and refused to let life keep her down. If you have ever been down and felt as though the world is fighting against you then this book is for you. Ronda Rousey is truly an admirable young woman and one that should serve as a role model for young girls facing any kind of challenge in life

Judo star, MMA Fighter, Actress and now Author

A fantastic read, and one of the most inspiring stories that I have since American Sniper. Ronda Rousey talks about personal loss, the ups and downs of training for Olympic Judo, and the difficult road to MMA stardom. Even if you are not a Martial Artist, this story still has a lot to offer the reader. Weather you read it on an airplane or in the comfort of your home, this is a story that is not to be missed.

If you are like me and love strong women

I am one of those people who never write reviews - but am compelled to do so on this one. If you are like me and love strong women, women who empower themselves, forge forward, find way to inspire themselves and keep going with spreading a ton of motivational juju, this is a great read. Even if this isn't you - it is STILL a great read. Worth every penny and I devoured it in a day!

Wonder Woman is right!

What a great autobiography. Even though she is still so young, she definitely has lived a lifetime already. What a dag her mother is too ha ha, and her mom-isms are great. She is a fighter and a survivor, champion of the world and deservedly so. Good luck with the rest of your career. You've worked hard for it! I just hope you have better luck in the future with your love life.

Before I read Ronda's book, I didn't like her much

A fascinating glimpse into Rowdy Ronda Rousey's life. There are things I disliked about her before reading this book. Now, I think I understand her a bit better and can relate to her journey. She has singular focus and determination. Sometimes that comes off as arrogance. This book was a refreshing read. I am a fan for life.

To say I loved this book is an understatement

To say I loved this book is an understatement. I have looked up to Ronda Rousey for a few years now but this book gave me a whole new respect for her. The best part of this book was how real she kept it. I have nothing but the utmost respect for her, especially after this book. This book was raw, heartfelt, and funny. I keep re-reading it and annoying all of my friends with my recommendation! A MUST READ!

No issues no problem

With my Ronda Rousey collection. Perfect shape.


I bought this book for my brother in law and he read it in a couple days. He said he couldn't put it down. He told me to read it. He knew I would be able to relate to a lot of her struggles. I read the book in a little over 2 days. I would recommend it to anyone.

Biography/coaching - great read

I loved this book. Rousey and her sister/co-author haven't just written a biography. They have also infused each chapter with motivational lessons derived from Rousey's lifelong personal and sports challenges. It was a compelling read, the story of someone who worked very, very hard for a long, long time to have everything that she now has. No knowledge of UFC or MMA needed to enjoy the book, but guarantee you'll be more interested in both after reading it.


While I can, and will, never have Ronda's level of focus, drive, and crazy, I was very motivated by her book. It was a great look into the mind of a real champion. I could never relate to the sacrifices she made to get to the top. I can appreciate it though,and take lessons from it. I couldn't put this book down. It really was such a good read.

Her scene of humor and frankness is a wonderful change, making it easy to stay attentive

Informative, enlightening and real. Her scene of humor and frankness is a wonderful change, making it easy to stay attentive, wanting to know what will happen next. When I finish the read, I will pass it on to someone who might have a goal and in need of the positive motivation.

Was not a fan.. now i'm a nut ball fan!!!

I was'nt a fan.... now... i'm a total nut ball fan... inspiring on so many levels.. it's just her own voice, plain, simple, and in your face. It's a super quick read and it's also inspiring to kids who need a good role model showing super drive, determination, and a bit of compassion... C

personification of entelechy

Excellent read. Well written and very engaging. Ronda is a bit polarizing in her public persona but I assume there was some affinity for her to make you buy the book. Irrespective of what you think of her she is the personification of entelechy – the perfect storm of right birth, right time, right motivation, right activity as the commercial says “Results are not typical” But for what it is, its a 5 star read

Couldn’t put it down

I couldn’t put it down!! She spilled her heart out and I appreciated her vulnerability!! I hope she writes another one

Great Read

Almost done with the book and absolutely love reading about Rowdy Ronda Rousey's journey in life and her battles with failure and success. First book in awhile that I was literally glued to the book to see what happens next and the choices/consequences she makes. Great read and incredible role model. Love her soul.

Interesting look

I couldn't put this down. I read it in less than 12 hours. This was a great look into the life of an elite athlete who shattered glass ceilings. I have a 10 year old daughter with her eyes set on the Olympics for TKD. I can point to Ronda's story and say this is what it takes. It is great to see the next generation of female elite athletes have someone paving the road...

Great book thus far!

I have not completed the book yet, but from what I have read thus far this book is amazing. Ms Rousey really puts it all out there for everyone to see like her or not. I like her for her tenacity on the Judo mats, and inside the cage, and for once my daughter has someone to look up to that is not made of plastic, completely fake, or someone that disney thinks you should be.

They are dedicated to earning a 5 star rating

Package arrived in a timely manner and was in perfect condition when it did arrive.

Rowdy Ronda writes

Great easy read, quiet a detailed book you'd be surprised what some people go through in life. Lacks a little detail in some parts, and was written way to early on in her life/career. But gives an insight on Ronda that makes you love her even more! Still my favorite fighter no matter how many wins or losses.

Loved it

It's great insight to the amazing woman, athlete, and beautiful spirit she is. Have loved her since her strike force days and no surprise Dana chose her to lead and create a place for women in UFC!! So glad she chose to share her life and let us see how she came to be who she is.... Btw shout out to how great her parents were at raising their kids.....great Dad's and a fabulous mama <3

Good story ! ! ? ?

Pretty good fight book but Ronda seems to be taken a little by her self ! !But I notice we don't see much from her much anymore ! ! ? ?

Sad I'm finished with this amazing book,! Whether you're a Ronda fan or not, you will love this book . it is truly inspirational

Perfect read for anyone. if you already love Ronda Rousey, this will make you love her more. if you aren't a fan, this is still a must read. she brings you through her highs and lows and has a great sense of humor in this book. I did not want to put it down! wonderfully written.

If you are interested in what makes someone the best at what they do then you will enjoy this ...

This book by Rousey is touching & honest. If you are interested in what makes someone the best at what they do then you will enjoy this book. Rousey gives you an inside look into the events that shaped her in a motivational & emotional package. Love her or hate her, Rousey is true to herself and loyal to the people she cares about. If you'd like to know why read this book.

This book grabs you in the very beginning and then refuses to let go.

I cannot think of a better gift this legend could have given her fans. It's like Ronda is saying here I am flaws and all. Wow. Chapters are short, riveting and honest. I literally laughed and cried (first time a book made me cry). You don't have to be a fan to like this book as much as I do but if you are a fan, you are missing out if you don't read it.

A fighter in more ways than one

Great read with great insight into what it takes to make it to the Olympics. It was disappointing to hear about how the US treats its Olympians when the rest of the world cherishes theirs and it was heartbreaking to read about her father. In many instances Ronda appears very cocky, but this is perhaps a personality trait she developed to deal with the stresses she encountered of which there were many.

A Rowdy Career... and Life

I enjoyed this book very much. The career and life of Ronda Rousey is just getting started. Currently signed to WWE, I look forward to her return to the UFC and wish her nothing but success in her future endeavors, both personally and professionally.

Love IT

Amazing look in to her life, I could relate to her, laugh with her, get posses off with her, and be proud of her. Not many words can describe how good this book is. She will always be great and undefeated to me because of who she is and how she got there.

An ok read

Considering it's written by Ronda, basically, it's an ok read. It gets a little tedious and predictable at times but it is what it is. I have enjoyed following Ronda's career so I did enjoy reading the background of her career.


Love Ronda with a passion but it was kinda boring

My Fight Your Fight

A fast and great read about Ronda's entrance into the UFC. Ronda is certainly one determined fighter who loves what she does and counts problems -- big and small -- to be challenges. At times I felt I was reading a promotion speech to scare me off.

what i thought of the book my fight your fight

im not finished the book yet /Rhonda is so truthful it iss a wonderful book im taking my time reading savoring each page. I think she should write a small book on her mothers (momisms) her mom is terrific iwatch every one of her pay for view bouts she will retire undeated To me she is the greatest athlete man or woman im one of her oldest fans u go girl,

Just great!

Could have finished this book in a couple of days but I took my time. The writing is descriptive and easy as well as heartbreaking and funny. I had every single human emotion one could hope for in a book. I loved it so much I have to read it again! Ronda to me is not only powerful but an inspiration for anyone who reads this book! Worth every cent I paid!


I have incredible respect for what she has accomplished and overcome but the overuse of the fxxx word made it hard to read this book; it diminished the inspirational side of the book. I wish this book would have capitalised more on the inspirational side of her far. FYI....She has become a hero and icon for many which brings much responsibility as an example to the youth. We are in great need of great hero's to look up to in this country. Ronda Rousey is a hero and example to many....her story is incredible.

Excellent Book Worth Reading

This is an excellent book about one of the best MMA fighters in the world. Would highly recommend this to anyone as it is truly inspiring and motivating. Anyone can overcome adversity no matter how big or small but it will take some will power and determination. Ronda Rousey is a true example of that. I'm a big fight fan and just love her tenacity and take no crap attitude!!


Even if you are not an MMA fan you will come away with something great. I have a lot of respect for all the hard work she puts in every day and high standard to which she holds herself. Many of us see only the end result and do not understand the process in getting there. I would recommend to any one of any age.

Great read

This was a good book. Whether you are a fan of MMA, UFC, Ronda Rousey, or none of the above, this is still a good book. The couple of personal paragraphs at the beginning of every chapter will motivate and/or encourage you to be a better version of yourself. And if it doesn't, you are crazy!

I can not put this book down! I am ...

I can not put this book down! I am currently still reading this but, any interested in Judo, womens mma, or rousey...this book is a must read! Loving it and will probably reread it ever so often. Laughing, crying, and eveything in between while reading this book not to mention its incredibly inspiring and motivating!

Compelling and Honest

Very interesting and engaging insight into her determination, passion, and mindset for success. It is an honest portrayal of what it takes to be a champion in life not just competition and athletics. I found it very compelling and have recommended it to others.

That feeling you get when a book is so good...

You know that feeling you get when every page of the book has you so hooked that your arms get numb from lying on your stomach in bed while holding the book you're reading, but that extreme discomfort isn't quite enough to get you to pause reading even for a moment to find a better position. Well I've never had that feeling... until now. This book is beyond awesome.

I have always like this girl

I have always like this girl. I have paid for every UFC fight that she is on. I am a normal dad with 2 girls 8 and 13 years old and I am glad that Ronda is doing her thing. My girls love her and this book is very cool. I am so glad that I took this journey on. My fight is about to begin. I am very inspired!!!

An Inspiring Read

A great read offering a look behind the scenes of the making of a champion in sport as well as life. Ronda Rousey eventually prevails in all her battles with all the disappointment and road blocks that life can throw at her. With Ronda Rousey's strength of character and of body we now have a modern archetype of a role model for women and girls. Read the book.

As a fan of Ronda Rousey, it's incredible what ...

As a fan of Ronda Rousey, it's incredible what this woman went through to get to the top. It was an incredible read. My only problem was there were an abundance of F bombs, but this is the world of an UFC fighter.

Good read

Interesting and quick read with some cool insight to Ronda’s life, her backstory, and her approach to fighting, training, and her life.

I love that she has opinions and strong ones at that

Ronda Rousey is a talented, complicated, intriguing woman. Her book is very honest about her life...from her perspective! I love that she has opinions and strong ones at that. I learned alot about myself from her book. I don't care that she was knocked out. I am excited to see how this strong woman responds!

Rousey Fan!

I'm definately a Ronda Rousey fan! This book was so good, and I recommend anyone who likes her or dislikes her to read it. When reading it you feel like your right there going through the moment with her. It's one of the best biography books I've ever read.

Great Book!

Great book. Easy to read and a more in depth look at what Ronda went through to become the champ. My daughter and I are big fans of Ronda and we hope to see more of her in a different capacity.

Ronda hasn't had an easy path, but she is where she is now ...

I finished this book literally within 24hrs of getting it. You really look at how you face certain things and challenges and want to change your mentality. Ronda hasn't had an easy path, but she is where she is now and is making history, it is beyond inspiring. Given how amazing Ronda is, it is no surprise that this book is as amazing as it is.

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