Mr. & Mrs. (The Mister Series Book 7)

Kindle Edition
30 Oct
JA Huss

Is it the wedding of the century? Or a disaster in the making?

All the Misters are gathered together on Five’s island paradise for the most outrageous wedding in the history of weddings.

Mr. Perfect wants one last dream-date with Ellie. Mr. Romantic is trying to learn how to be a “girl-dad”. Mr. Corporate needs to know why his adopted son is sneaking out at night. Mr. Mysterious is on a bizarre scavenger hunt for his crazy Cinderella. Mr. Match is desperate to give Katya the dream wedding. And Mr. Five… well, Five didn’t raise his family on a secluded tropical island just so his teenage daughter could up and leave one day.

It’s a wild ride featuring a crazy cave adventure, swimming pigs and feral little girls, a boy who wants to be like his father, a detective looking for his sugar cookie, kittens climbing up a wedding dress, and Five.

Who will need to redefine what “paradise” is, because his princess has put her foot down.

Reviews (203)

Absolutely perfect! A HEA filled with laughs and love

Julie A. Huss writes the best epilogue stories. Her latest, Mr. & Mrs., is the highly anticipated epilogue to her Misters series. Ms. Huss’ creates mind-bogglingly complex story arcs that run through a series, and in each of her series, she gives her readers characters they can’t help but love. They are imperfect, tragic, wounded, but inwardly strong and good. When one of Huss’ series ends, I’m equally happy, satisfied, and sad. I get so invested in Huss’ characters, that I am sad to let them go (even after a perfect series culmination). So, when Ms. Huss announces she is writing a series HEA story, it is a “one-click” purchase for me. Huss’ stories are usually deliciously mysterious and thrilling suspenseful romances, so getting a highly romantic and humorous series wrap-up is a real treat. Huss has again proven her writing talent across multiple genres. Mr. & Mrs. is absolutely hilarious! This fabulous story is about all the Misters tying the knot. They’re planning the perfect group wedding amongst immediate family and the best of friends. These friends are extended family, and like most family gatherings, if something could go wrong, it did. Every bit of the ensuing chaos is perfection. I could gush and gush about how delightful and perfectly fitting this story is, but all the fun in reading is in experiencing the plot fresh as you go. I will say that I loved the Ford Aston and Veronica and Spencer Shrike cameo appearances. Mr. Romantic as the fearful father of a girl wanting to learn how to best parent a daughter is hilarious. Following in their parents’ footsteps, Rory and Cindy have found their soul mates, their other half, and their stories are heart-melting. This book is full of laugh-out-loud moments, touching parenting moments, and swoony scenes that made me sigh out an “Ahhhh”. Wild animals, feral kittens, precocious children, and a whole lot of girl power and sister love make this one of the sweetest, funniest, madcap love stories. I just wish I could see the wedding photos!

This epic conclusion is icing on the cake...the wedding cake!!

To say that I was excited to hear that Julie was going to write a book that encompassed all of the Misters and Five on their wedding day would be an understatement. I mean, I've loved each of the Mister's books and the women they fell in love with, and I loved Five's book about his Princess Rory, so naturally I wanted more. I'm greedy when it comes to Julie's books. She just blows me away with each story. I swear I don't know how she kept each point of view straight, but we get all six of them, and man were they entertaining!! I had kind of forgotten a little how different each of the Misters are, so it was like coming home for a reunion and catching up with them, what's going on in their lives, how they're doing. This book has such a great combination of laugh out loud moments, but also some very touching moments too. Julie is a master at balancing the sweet and the sexy, the touching and the funny. If someone were to ask me which Mister I liked the best in this book, I wouldn't be able to pick one, because each one touched my heart in a different way. No matter which one of the Misters was your favorite, you will love each chapter equally. The perfect culmination to everything these guys have been working towards. That happily ever after with their Mrs.

HEA for the win

Mr. and Mrs. is the perfect ending to the Mister series, it was fun, a little mysterious and a lot romantic. I got to see my favorite Five in his element. Story: First of all, if you have not read the whole Mister series, plus Five, you should not continue reading this review, as there will be spoilers for prior books in here. Mr. and Mrs. happened on Five’s private island, and all the misters showed up for a group wedding. We got to know what Five and Rory have been up to since the ending of Five, and I loved seeing them happy with their four daughters. They were princesses in their own right, and I had so much fun reading about them, especially the two youngest ones who were always up to no good. Little by little, the misters arrive on the island, and they all bring with them a new set of problems. Of course, Five is already neck-deep in his own problems as Rory and the twins have decided it’s a good idea for the girls to be tested so they can go to school. In the real world. Huss managed to bring some mystery into Mr. and Mrs. as well, and the whole story was just plain fun. As well as extremely fulfilling for those of us who have followed Five ever since he was born. The scenery on the island was beautiful, and all the past rivalry between the guys was still going on as well. Characters: Five. Enough said. Nah, not really. I love this character so much, almost as much as I love his father, Ford. He is still analysing everything, thinking out worst-case scenarios and ready to everything humanly possible to keep his family safe. Rory has become a very strong and secure woman, and she wants to do what is best for her daughters. Even at the cost of upsetting Five. Ollie is weirdly angry with Pax because of his relationship with Cindy. And that made for some hilarious moments as he did everything he could to keep Pax’s hands off his little sister. Mac and Ellie are trying to get pregnant with no success after ten months, and Ellie is really down about it. So much so that other characters won’t even share their good news with her. West and Tori have adopted a boy, and he’s strangely mature for his age. Not acting like he even needs parents. All West wants to do is make sure his boy gets a real childhood. Nolan and Ivy have a young daughter, and just her name alone made me smile – she’s named Bronte. How can we not love that? Pax and Cindy are the funniest of all the couples. They have this game they play where Pax is a detective. And Cindy disappears on him, and he has to find her to get his prize… *devil smiley* Writing style : First person point of view, present tense, with each of the Misters having their own chapters. This delighted me to no end, both because I enjoyed their separate books, and because Huss managed to bring their unique voices into the story so there was never any confusion. Feels : First of all, I was so happy to get this happily ever after story. I didn’t love the very first Mister story, but as the series moved on, I got so involved in the overall story I just couldn’t stop wanting more. With Mr. and Mrs. I did get more. And I got all the feels. Happiness, fright, hope, anger, hesitation, and all the love.

Adventures, kids, pigs, kittens and tea parties, OH MY! Such a nice way to wrap up THIS team

JA Huss knows how to write twisted messed up stories that are filled with sex, mystery and suspense, but they always end up being connected in the most crazy way possible. Then she goes and gives us the most ultimate of HEAs. Not just a epilogue of "where are they now", but a whole darn book! And boy was it perfect. Our 5 Misters (Romantic/Nolan, Perfect/Mac, Mysterious/Pax, Corporate/West, Match/Ollie) and Five Aston all join us on a secluded island to give us romance, laughs and all the feel goods that you were hoping for from this team. "Because we're still the Misters. So if Perfect has a problem, we all have a problem." I loved the premise of the story and the outlandish idea that each man was there to marry their women together. They are a team after all and they need to stick together to accomplish all their happiness. What I enjoyed seeing most was how each character grew from their story. To parents, to lovers, to marriage and becoming who each other needed. All their lives were intertwined and the way each woman came together to support their counterpart and to support the other women there. It pretty much brought a tear to my eye. "I'm more in love with you today than I was yesterday. And yesterday I was more in love with you than I was the day before. That's how it's always been. Our love just...grows. And you can't stop it." Little drama, so many laughs (especially from the kids and their island antics), and realness in how relationships evolve. It was the perfect little Happily Ever After story told in SIX (yes, SIX) different POVs. We got to see everyone brought together one last time and see what happened to Five and Rory after Five's story. But I now I may be more in love with Mr Romantic. His scenes with the kids were funny and so full of love and honesty. Thank you, Ms Huss for giving us one last small adventure with our Misters and their Misses!


The Misters are going to tie the knot in epic style with their respective Missus. Five promised Rory the wedding of her dreams with all her family present. Family includes all the Misters and the women who have stolen their hearts. Meeting at a secret location in paradise is the setting for the event. Visitors from Colorado are the icing on the cake. Each guy wants to spend their last single day impressing their woman and pulling out all the stops. Yet, things are never what they seem when you read a story by JA Huss. Hijinx, hilarity and the real life issues plaguing each couple, make this funny, poignant and sexy read tick all the boxes. We see sides of Perfect, Romantic, Corporate, Mysterious, Match and Five that reveal their true fears, what they are most proud of, how hard they love their women and the lengths they will go to love and protect them. This book deserves 5+++ stars!

Five mysterious, corporate, romantic perfect stars

Sweet holy titfire. What a perfect conclusion to a phenomenal series. Every book I read by Julie gets better and better. I tell myself that she cannot possibly write something better. Then she does. Every. Time. I get invested in every character regardless of the series. This was especially true of this series. Even before I knew that Five was going to play such a pivotal role in it (because let's be real - he is Ford's son and Ford I'd STILL my top BBF) this series sucked me in. It was filled with suspense, friendly banter, fantastic characters, a plot line that was so intricate that it would blow your mind, and hot steamy scenes. Good lord, those scenes could melt your kindle. This book gave us finally the happily ever after. Not just for us but for the characters that lived through hell to find that love. It was love for each other in a romantic sense but also in their friendships. They were brothers and most importantly they were family. This book gave us a glimpse of how the future turned out complete with adventures, laughter, and a few hiccups (bruises or battle scars) along the road to finally finding their peace. I am sad to see this series end. Yet, I know in True Huss fashion that I won't have to wait long before the next book or series comes along that will own my heart. So very proud to be a Hussy and part of Hussville.

Absolute perfection! The perfect ending for our Misters!

I absolutely loved the Mister series. I could not get enough of it. Then we got Five’s story and it was happy for now and yes, I loved it, but somehow it felt like it was not quite over. Then J.A. Huss gave us Mr. & Mrs, the sixth and final book in the series, and it was perfect. Just perfect. This is not a standalone. This is the happily-ever-after for the Misters. If you are familiar with J.A. Huss you know exactly what I am talking about. If you are not, go start at the beginning of the Mister series. Trust me, it is so worth the crazy and wild ride. Reading this book was like coming home. The old and the new perfectly intertwined and catching us up. I do not want to give anything away, except that it is everything readers needed from this series. We not only get more of Five and his princess, but also a look at all the misters and where they are now. J.A. Huss can do no wrong. Her stories are wicked, wild, and crazy with unexpected twists and turns, but you can always count on her eventually giving reader just what they need. This is what she did with Mr. & Mrs. It was utter perfection. A must read for fans of J.A. Huss! Happy reading!

The perfect ending to an amazing series!

Mr. and Mrs. is the HEA fans of the Misters series never knew they were going to get but desperately wanted. This is absolutely not a stand alone and should not be read until all other Misters books have been read. Like so many of Julie’s books, it is practically impossible to write a review without giving things away and since I don’t want to spoil any of the joy I will just say this book was just perfect...funny, heartwarming and a pleasure to read from start to finish. The perfect!! Come inside for one last adventure with the Misters and won’t be disappointed. My thoughts: POV: switches up characters with each story Quick hook or slow starter? 5 (I was hooked from the first chapter) Character development: 5 Level of Romance between characters: 5 Passion/Heat level: not really any sex..this one focuses on the love stories of these couples and it really works. Angst/Heartbreak: No drama or angst in this one, just joy. Cliffhanger?: Nope, this is the HEA. Overall, I thought it was great! Sorry to be done with The Misters and Five...hope to see glimpses of them in future stories.

My favorite author

A great book. JA Hiss always knows how to make a story memorable. Loved the pigs and Nolan 's adventures with the girls. Julie is probably my favorite author, not just because she writes great books but she also knows how to connect with her readers inside and outside of the story.

That was amazing!!

Aw hell Julie you had me stressing out during one of Pax & Cindy's scene. Way to keep me on the edge of my I devoured this book. That was amazing!!!! I flove this book hard. Julie is brilliant. A great conclusion to the Misters even though I am sad to see it end. That ending had me in tears from laughing so hard. I loved their date day/nights. I liked how they had their moments and learned something. The Mister series is fantastic series and your missing out if you haven't read any of them. But you do have to read them before you read MR. & MRS. You will not be disappointed.

Absolutely perfect! A HEA filled with laughs and love

Julie A. Huss writes the best epilogue stories. Her latest, Mr. & Mrs., is the highly anticipated epilogue to her Misters series. Ms. Huss’ creates mind-bogglingly complex story arcs that run through a series, and in each of her series, she gives her readers characters they can’t help but love. They are imperfect, tragic, wounded, but inwardly strong and good. When one of Huss’ series ends, I’m equally happy, satisfied, and sad. I get so invested in Huss’ characters, that I am sad to let them go (even after a perfect series culmination). So, when Ms. Huss announces she is writing a series HEA story, it is a “one-click” purchase for me. Huss’ stories are usually deliciously mysterious and thrilling suspenseful romances, so getting a highly romantic and humorous series wrap-up is a real treat. Huss has again proven her writing talent across multiple genres. Mr. & Mrs. is absolutely hilarious! This fabulous story is about all the Misters tying the knot. They’re planning the perfect group wedding amongst immediate family and the best of friends. These friends are extended family, and like most family gatherings, if something could go wrong, it did. Every bit of the ensuing chaos is perfection. I could gush and gush about how delightful and perfectly fitting this story is, but all the fun in reading is in experiencing the plot fresh as you go. I will say that I loved the Ford Aston and Veronica and Spencer Shrike cameo appearances. Mr. Romantic as the fearful father of a girl wanting to learn how to best parent a daughter is hilarious. Following in their parents’ footsteps, Rory and Cindy have found their soul mates, their other half, and their stories are heart-melting. This book is full of laugh-out-loud moments, touching parenting moments, and swoony scenes that made me sigh out an “Ahhhh”. Wild animals, feral kittens, precocious children, and a whole lot of girl power and sister love make this one of the sweetest, funniest, madcap love stories. I just wish I could see the wedding photos!

This epic conclusion is icing on the cake...the wedding cake!!

To say that I was excited to hear that Julie was going to write a book that encompassed all of the Misters and Five on their wedding day would be an understatement. I mean, I've loved each of the Mister's books and the women they fell in love with, and I loved Five's book about his Princess Rory, so naturally I wanted more. I'm greedy when it comes to Julie's books. She just blows me away with each story. I swear I don't know how she kept each point of view straight, but we get all six of them, and man were they entertaining!! I had kind of forgotten a little how different each of the Misters are, so it was like coming home for a reunion and catching up with them, what's going on in their lives, how they're doing. This book has such a great combination of laugh out loud moments, but also some very touching moments too. Julie is a master at balancing the sweet and the sexy, the touching and the funny. If someone were to ask me which Mister I liked the best in this book, I wouldn't be able to pick one, because each one touched my heart in a different way. No matter which one of the Misters was your favorite, you will love each chapter equally. The perfect culmination to everything these guys have been working towards. That happily ever after with their Mrs.

HEA for the win

Mr. and Mrs. is the perfect ending to the Mister series, it was fun, a little mysterious and a lot romantic. I got to see my favorite Five in his element. Story: First of all, if you have not read the whole Mister series, plus Five, you should not continue reading this review, as there will be spoilers for prior books in here. Mr. and Mrs. happened on Five’s private island, and all the misters showed up for a group wedding. We got to know what Five and Rory have been up to since the ending of Five, and I loved seeing them happy with their four daughters. They were princesses in their own right, and I had so much fun reading about them, especially the two youngest ones who were always up to no good. Little by little, the misters arrive on the island, and they all bring with them a new set of problems. Of course, Five is already neck-deep in his own problems as Rory and the twins have decided it’s a good idea for the girls to be tested so they can go to school. In the real world. Huss managed to bring some mystery into Mr. and Mrs. as well, and the whole story was just plain fun. As well as extremely fulfilling for those of us who have followed Five ever since he was born. The scenery on the island was beautiful, and all the past rivalry between the guys was still going on as well. Characters: Five. Enough said. Nah, not really. I love this character so much, almost as much as I love his father, Ford. He is still analysing everything, thinking out worst-case scenarios and ready to everything humanly possible to keep his family safe. Rory has become a very strong and secure woman, and she wants to do what is best for her daughters. Even at the cost of upsetting Five. Ollie is weirdly angry with Pax because of his relationship with Cindy. And that made for some hilarious moments as he did everything he could to keep Pax’s hands off his little sister. Mac and Ellie are trying to get pregnant with no success after ten months, and Ellie is really down about it. So much so that other characters won’t even share their good news with her. West and Tori have adopted a boy, and he’s strangely mature for his age. Not acting like he even needs parents. All West wants to do is make sure his boy gets a real childhood. Nolan and Ivy have a young daughter, and just her name alone made me smile – she’s named Bronte. How can we not love that? Pax and Cindy are the funniest of all the couples. They have this game they play where Pax is a detective. And Cindy disappears on him, and he has to find her to get his prize… *devil smiley* Writing style : First person point of view, present tense, with each of the Misters having their own chapters. This delighted me to no end, both because I enjoyed their separate books, and because Huss managed to bring their unique voices into the story so there was never any confusion. Feels : First of all, I was so happy to get this happily ever after story. I didn’t love the very first Mister story, but as the series moved on, I got so involved in the overall story I just couldn’t stop wanting more. With Mr. and Mrs. I did get more. And I got all the feels. Happiness, fright, hope, anger, hesitation, and all the love.

Adventures, kids, pigs, kittens and tea parties, OH MY! Such a nice way to wrap up THIS team

JA Huss knows how to write twisted messed up stories that are filled with sex, mystery and suspense, but they always end up being connected in the most crazy way possible. Then she goes and gives us the most ultimate of HEAs. Not just a epilogue of "where are they now", but a whole darn book! And boy was it perfect. Our 5 Misters (Romantic/Nolan, Perfect/Mac, Mysterious/Pax, Corporate/West, Match/Ollie) and Five Aston all join us on a secluded island to give us romance, laughs and all the feel goods that you were hoping for from this team. "Because we're still the Misters. So if Perfect has a problem, we all have a problem." I loved the premise of the story and the outlandish idea that each man was there to marry their women together. They are a team after all and they need to stick together to accomplish all their happiness. What I enjoyed seeing most was how each character grew from their story. To parents, to lovers, to marriage and becoming who each other needed. All their lives were intertwined and the way each woman came together to support their counterpart and to support the other women there. It pretty much brought a tear to my eye. "I'm more in love with you today than I was yesterday. And yesterday I was more in love with you than I was the day before. That's how it's always been. Our love just...grows. And you can't stop it." Little drama, so many laughs (especially from the kids and their island antics), and realness in how relationships evolve. It was the perfect little Happily Ever After story told in SIX (yes, SIX) different POVs. We got to see everyone brought together one last time and see what happened to Five and Rory after Five's story. But I now I may be more in love with Mr Romantic. His scenes with the kids were funny and so full of love and honesty. Thank you, Ms Huss for giving us one last small adventure with our Misters and their Misses!


The Misters are going to tie the knot in epic style with their respective Missus. Five promised Rory the wedding of her dreams with all her family present. Family includes all the Misters and the women who have stolen their hearts. Meeting at a secret location in paradise is the setting for the event. Visitors from Colorado are the icing on the cake. Each guy wants to spend their last single day impressing their woman and pulling out all the stops. Yet, things are never what they seem when you read a story by JA Huss. Hijinx, hilarity and the real life issues plaguing each couple, make this funny, poignant and sexy read tick all the boxes. We see sides of Perfect, Romantic, Corporate, Mysterious, Match and Five that reveal their true fears, what they are most proud of, how hard they love their women and the lengths they will go to love and protect them. This book deserves 5+++ stars!

Five mysterious, corporate, romantic perfect stars

Sweet holy titfire. What a perfect conclusion to a phenomenal series. Every book I read by Julie gets better and better. I tell myself that she cannot possibly write something better. Then she does. Every. Time. I get invested in every character regardless of the series. This was especially true of this series. Even before I knew that Five was going to play such a pivotal role in it (because let's be real - he is Ford's son and Ford I'd STILL my top BBF) this series sucked me in. It was filled with suspense, friendly banter, fantastic characters, a plot line that was so intricate that it would blow your mind, and hot steamy scenes. Good lord, those scenes could melt your kindle. This book gave us finally the happily ever after. Not just for us but for the characters that lived through hell to find that love. It was love for each other in a romantic sense but also in their friendships. They were brothers and most importantly they were family. This book gave us a glimpse of how the future turned out complete with adventures, laughter, and a few hiccups (bruises or battle scars) along the road to finally finding their peace. I am sad to see this series end. Yet, I know in True Huss fashion that I won't have to wait long before the next book or series comes along that will own my heart. So very proud to be a Hussy and part of Hussville.

Absolute perfection! The perfect ending for our Misters!

I absolutely loved the Mister series. I could not get enough of it. Then we got Five’s story and it was happy for now and yes, I loved it, but somehow it felt like it was not quite over. Then J.A. Huss gave us Mr. & Mrs, the sixth and final book in the series, and it was perfect. Just perfect. This is not a standalone. This is the happily-ever-after for the Misters. If you are familiar with J.A. Huss you know exactly what I am talking about. If you are not, go start at the beginning of the Mister series. Trust me, it is so worth the crazy and wild ride. Reading this book was like coming home. The old and the new perfectly intertwined and catching us up. I do not want to give anything away, except that it is everything readers needed from this series. We not only get more of Five and his princess, but also a look at all the misters and where they are now. J.A. Huss can do no wrong. Her stories are wicked, wild, and crazy with unexpected twists and turns, but you can always count on her eventually giving reader just what they need. This is what she did with Mr. & Mrs. It was utter perfection. A must read for fans of J.A. Huss! Happy reading!

The perfect ending to an amazing series!

Mr. and Mrs. is the HEA fans of the Misters series never knew they were going to get but desperately wanted. This is absolutely not a stand alone and should not be read until all other Misters books have been read. Like so many of Julie’s books, it is practically impossible to write a review without giving things away and since I don’t want to spoil any of the joy I will just say this book was just perfect...funny, heartwarming and a pleasure to read from start to finish. The perfect!! Come inside for one last adventure with the Misters and won’t be disappointed. My thoughts: POV: switches up characters with each story Quick hook or slow starter? 5 (I was hooked from the first chapter) Character development: 5 Level of Romance between characters: 5 Passion/Heat level: not really any sex..this one focuses on the love stories of these couples and it really works. Angst/Heartbreak: No drama or angst in this one, just joy. Cliffhanger?: Nope, this is the HEA. Overall, I thought it was great! Sorry to be done with The Misters and Five...hope to see glimpses of them in future stories.

My favorite author

A great book. JA Hiss always knows how to make a story memorable. Loved the pigs and Nolan 's adventures with the girls. Julie is probably my favorite author, not just because she writes great books but she also knows how to connect with her readers inside and outside of the story.

That was amazing!!

Aw hell Julie you had me stressing out during one of Pax & Cindy's scene. Way to keep me on the edge of my I devoured this book. That was amazing!!!! I flove this book hard. Julie is brilliant. A great conclusion to the Misters even though I am sad to see it end. That ending had me in tears from laughing so hard. I loved their date day/nights. I liked how they had their moments and learned something. The Mister series is fantastic series and your missing out if you haven't read any of them. But you do have to read them before you read MR. & MRS. You will not be disappointed.

Love It!

Da*mn you! Dam*n you, Julie A. Huss. You always surprise me with emotions and the unexpected even though I know to expect it. I love that about you! Mr. and Mrs. is another beautifully written installment to The Mister series. Mr. & Mrs. is like a trip home to catch up with favorite friends and relative. The story rounds out nicely The Mister series. It elaborates on what happened to the characters since the last book. Caution DO NOT read Mr. & Mrs. until you have read the entire Mister series, including Five. If you do, you will be lost and dissatisfied. The Mister series is about five friends (Mac, Nolan, West, Pax, and Oliver) who are still reeling from unfounded accusations when they are in college and the repercussions that continue years later. Also, a member of the cast of characters is Five Aston (Five) the son of Ford Aston, best friend of Mr. Match and the love of Rory Shrike’s life. So, some of our favorite people in the Rook and Ronin series also make an appearance in Mr. and Mrs. {Clapping and swooning.} I don’t know what to say at this point except that I love these characters. I love the way Ms. Huss wrote this book in the multiple points of views of each Mister. Each chapter is looking at a big wedding day and the events immediately preceding the day. We begin with Five on his private island. Yes, Five has his own Caribbean Island. Five, the previous book ends, with me still wondering about Five and Rory. Any questions running around in my head after Five are answered—perfectly. I love learning about Five’s present day environment and the concerns that he can’t let go all these years later. I also have to say “Go Rory.” She is very much a mini-bombshell Shrike. As Five is alternating chapters with the other Misters, we learn about their current day struggles too. There are some precious and funny moments with the Misters and Five’s little girls. Who knew Ms. Huss could make me laugh out loud so hard. Don’t get me wrong, it wouldn’t be a Huss story without a little angst and mystery—that is here too. There are even a couple times when a small tear appears in my eye. Sweet! For me, Mr. & Mrs. is the perfect follow-up to the previous books. I can’t say ending because Ms. Huss often has characters wander through a new story unexpectedly. I love that about her writing. I don’t have anything negative to say. Julie’s characters are realistic, so they are always struggling with something. However, they are so tight-knit that they ultimately come together as a team. These characters continue to develop and grow and become more dear to me. Mr. & Mrs. is a must read for all the fans of The Misters and Five. You will love every page!

Spectacular Ending!

HOW can you not love a JA Huss book? Seriously! As they say "all good things must come to an end" and well, even though, I didn't really want this series come to end but I did want everyone to have their HEA. And this one was PERFECT! I am a dual POV kind of girl and in this book you have an all male POV and it was freaking awesome. The "pig" scenes were epic. I imagined all of this happening in my head and just freaking laughed. It was so damn funny. And to have all the guys with some kind of injury for their wedding day was just the icing on the proverbial wedding cake. And Kat, god love her, how everyone made her feel like she belonged right down to the walk down the aisle. Gah! I could gush all over this review and retell the whole story but I will refrain. How funny would it be to find out later that Five and Rory had another baby............a boy! Just like Spencer and the Bombshell and yeah, you know, FIVE, he needs five kids just because of his nickname and at the same time we get the story of Ethan and Mathilda. Ahhh a fan-girl can

and that son tried to control the safety and security of his Shrike princess and their AMAZING daughters - then you are in for the inevitable ...

IF you've read The Mister Series, and Five - then you are in for the biggest, most charming HEA possible! IF you want to revisit each of the Misters and their unforgettable future Missus and offspring - then you are in for the most heart melting gift from JA Huss! IF Ford Aston had a son, and that son tried to control the safety and security of his Shrike princess and their AMAZING daughters - then you are in for the inevitable chaos as children grow older, pigs and kittens wreak havoc, and Huss-style fun ensues. This HEA is a heart stealer. Because, no man is an island. <3 5 happy teared stars for the guys who found love to right their wrongs and promise in their futures<3 And, one plea to JA Huss to consider a future for one certain Conrad and his princess! <3


What a perfect ending to the Misters series! We get to see all of the Misters POV throughout the entire book and I loved how it all came together. I have to say that Mathilda and Louise stole the entire story with their mischievous behavior and I loved that they had Nolan wrapped around their little fingers!! I enjoyed the banter with all of the characters and the way everyone came together to make the weddings perfect for everyone!! A little bittersweet but knowing JA Huss...… It's not the last we have seen of these characters!

Were All Going To Miss These Characters Ya Know!

For all you Huss fans this one is vintage and what a fitting ending to so many things! Here we have a wrap on what started way back when in the Rook &b Ronin series which blossomed into many spinoff books like Five and came to fruition in the Mr series . Wow I loved this ending as I loved the whole Mr. series itself. My favorite of that was Pax and Cindy but folks theres a new favorite after reading the finale. I must admit unlike most her books this one lagged in the middle and if it had ended there I would have downgraded it a start or two however I am glad to say JA more then came through at the end. Marvelous is not a appropriate enough adjective. The only bad thing is this ends some of the best romantic writing with an edge your ever gonna devour. So read it ... "ya know"!

This was a great ending to this series.

I was excited for this book but didn't want it because I didn't want it to end. But then I was thinking. Does JA Huss really ever end with her characters? They seem to pop up all over the place. LOL!! JA Huss nailed this HEA!!! You have 6 men who have battled against people who wanted to destroy them. They are strong willed, arrogant, cocky, rich, sexy as hell and even though they might not always like each other they are loyal to a fault. Who knew all it would take to bring them to their knees is a strong willed women. This book had me laughing out loud and shedding a few tears. It was a great ending to this series. I loved seeing everyone together.

Love Love Love

Honestly.. This is one of my favorites. To get to see all of the well-developed characters that you get to know and love from the whole series and on a beautiful romantic secluded island, it was so fun to read. Not only do we get to see everyone again, but also their growing families! Amazing little people that I can see a spin-off from as they grow up and get into their own shenanigans. (hint hint) As per usual Huss takes us on a ride with mystery, twisted sexiness, and a sense of humor. I have grown to trust Huss to always tie up loose ends. It doesn't mean that you don't have questions, but they are ones she always has an answer for. This would be the perfect story to take with you on a relaxing beach vacation. If only I was on one! HOWEVER, you really should start at the very beginning of the series to get the full effect. Thanks for a great page-turning read!

The pigs. Jesus. The. Pigs. #MrsToTheMisters

Mr. & Mrs. was the cherry on top for the seven book series. While the first six in the series was chalked full of twists, turns and suspense that blows your mind, we finally get a happily ever after that will leave you in hysterics rather than nails chewed down to the quick. M&M gives you all the misters and the return of a few favorite characters from the Rook & Ronin world – as all the misters venture to meet up with Five and his princess as they prepare to finally make each of their Miss a true Mrs. Okay. So it’s no secret that I love this author. And that these men are mine #MrsToTheMisters #Mine But I loved this laugh out loud extended epilogue to such a fantastic series. After all of the drama and struggles these characters are have, they are finally at the finish line. They are free and clear and ready to grab hold of their HEA with both hands. But what we get with this book is a mix of humor and some really emotionally touching parts, which if you read the HEA for Rook and Ronin, you’ll understand perfectly. While this final installment was a bit whimsical, don’t let that fool you – beyond all the humor was depth – some serious moments that occur as these twelve characters finally get to live the dream.

... of why JA Huss is one of my most favorite authors. She took the HEA of Mr Perfect

This book is prime example of why JA Huss is one of my most favorite authors. She took the HEA of Mr Perfect , Mr Romantic, Mr Corporate, Mr Mysterious, Mr Match and their Mrs and made it into the most hilarious, fun and epic wedding of all time! This book was the best way to end this series and I can not think of one small part I would want changed. I have never laughed so hard at a JA Huss book before but omg, did this book have me in tears. I think the most amazing thing was that none of it went as planned, it was a completely out of control, sort of perfect that we have come to expect form this series. This book is not a standalone and you should definitely read them in order but it is a journey you will remember for a long time once your done!

An Epic HEA!!!!

What I love most about JA Huss books is to always expect the unexpected. And she definitely gave us all the unexpected in this one. As long as you have read all the other books then you know who everyone is and how they got to where they are. If you haven't read them all, turn back and start at the beginning. I promise, its worth it! I have to say i think this was the most hilarious, fun, super sweet book i have read in a long time. Also, we get most of all of the old characters as well, at least mentioned if nothing else. These characters span back to Rook and Ronin. Man i miss those guys, I'm feeling a re-read coming soon. And when you put all these characters in one book, in one place? A hilarious disaster of epic proportion. I laughed. I cried. For those that have read the WHOLE series, itll hit you too. And make you still beg for more. JA Huss says this is an end but she's notorious for saying "never say never" so I think there is a chance at some point that we'll see at least some of these characters again.

A Fitting End

What better way to end rthe Mister series than a destination wedding ......a group destination wedding! All the Misters: Perfect, Romantic, Mysterious, Corporate, Match and last but certainly not least Five get to marry their soulmates. Chaos reigns and romance is the by-word. Each man contemplates his past, present and future. The final result? They are happy and they made it through the storm to live another day. What a fitting end to the Mister series. I laughed and was brought to tears. JA Huss penned a joyous conclusion to an enthralling series of books.

The entire series

I have read every book in this series and the spin offs. I started with the Misters. Then Rook & Ronin, the Company, Wasted Lust, Happily Ever After, Five, and finally Mr. & Mrs. They were all excellent and made you want to read more kept me awake far to late on a work night. I think I would like t re-read them in order eventually. The were all wonderful and even at the end of this book I find myself still wanting more. Thank you for these books. I know I still have to get Meet Me in the Dark.

Great read, great loves

I finally got the time and frame of mind to finish or start to read a book. Life's not always great. BUT, when I started reading this, I could not put it down. It has so many emotions in it, you don't know whether to laugh or cry. It has the sexy romance JA is known for, and the humor is hilarious. Not going to tell you why, but it has something to do with pigs and cats. I laughed out loud and almost peed myself. I got hot when it got hot. All the men and women together make a great book. Highly recommend. But I will say the loves still there. Always was, always will be. Try it, you'll love it like I did.


Talk about a bittersweet experience. I was so excited about this book. When it came at the stroke of midnight on release day, I downloaded it and read it faster than I’ve ever read. I had a smile on my face the entire time except when I was crying because Julie Huss knows how to give you the feels. She also knows how to make you laugh and I laughed harder than I think I ever had while reading a book. Like side-splitting, cheeks hurting kind of laughter. Mr. Romantic gets his redemption in this book for those who didn’t like him. Hysterical! I loved this series, I really loved this book but I’m sad it’s over. I will truly miss all the Misters! I highly recommend this book and the entire series.

Fantastic ending for a great series!

As with all of the books by JA Huss you never guess where the story is going. All of the Mr's getting married on Five's private island was perfect. Of course there were problems along the way for all of them that kept me laughing through the whole story. I loved Five and Rory's kids and the best part was the complete change in Mr Romantic! This is now my favorite book by Julie BUT the Mr books must be read first! And Five! This was definitely worth the wait.

Epic Conclusion to an amazing series!!

I voluntarily reviewed and advanced reader copy of this book. Wow! I’ve been waiting for this book and finally we have it! The Mister Series is amazing and what an amazing conclusion, and I didn’t expect anything less from Julie. Everyone meets on Five’s private island and the Misters are getting ready to say I do. Nothing is ever easy when trying to be everything to everyone, you will laugh and you will cry, you’ll want to smack heads and then you will laugh some more. There are heartwarming moments, it’s sweet and loving, such an epic ending to a fantastic series. If you haven’t read it yet, what the heck are you waiting for, you are so missing out!


OMG this book was hilarious!!! I absolutely loved it! For fans of these characters and to those who have been following their story for sooooo long, this is GOLD! It was sexy, it was heartwarming, beautifully written and completely addictive, you just can't stop reading. And if that wasn't enough, it was absolutely HILARIOUS! I was laughing soooo much ^_^ The best! And? EOBS? What can I say? Please you need to write about all these kids, what are you talking about? But yes, Ethan and Mathilda please!! :)

Rip roaring good time!

What. A. Romp!! Oh, I should have prefaced it with madcap and hilarious to boot. I laughed so hard like I’ve never laughed while reading a JA Huss book. I’m talking pant pissing laughter! We get all the Misters + Five and the loves of their lives in this entertaining Romance. It’s an all star cast with a whole lot of extras. The Author, JA Huss, shares her thoughts and future plans of things to come in the EOBS (End of Book “Stuff”) and as always, after reading it my heart soared and I found myself squealing with delight. If you want to have a rip roaring good time while taking a few journeys down memory lane that may make your eyes water with nostalgia, this is a must read which is why I’m rating this book, in fact this whole series, 5 stars.

Never a disappointment!

It was the ‘family reunion’ we had all been waiting for! And as always Julie never disappoints!! While reading I felt like I knew everyone personally!! The only problem is that I read it too fast!😊⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

JA Huss out done herself this time!

You couldn't ask for a better ending to a great series. The Mr. & Mrs's stories showed a couple completely in love. Nolan & Ivy, Mac & Ellie, Pac & Cindy, West & Tori and of course Five & Rory they all have a love everyone wants and is willing to protect that at all cost. What happens when you put the Misters, Mrs., and their kids on a private island with all their family read a find out. You'll laugh and cry and get angry but these couples make it worth it. JA Huss out done herself with this one. I couldnt put this book down.i absolutely loved it! I voluntarily read and reviewed this ARC.

It's Really Over?????

I can't believe it's over for this series but what a fantastic way to end it! This story was so much fun but also provides some closure for everyone. I fell all over again for these guys and their families and the crazy journey that is this story. The island, the princesses, the kittens and especially the pigs, oh my gosh I laughed so hard, freakin pigs! And yes Five, I've been a fan since Rook and Ronin and have immensely enjoyed the inner-connecting stories, but this was a brilliant way for Five and Rory to end as well as the Mister's. Looking forward to the next book.

Nice epilogue

edit | remove ReviewThis book is an extended epilogue to all the Misters and Five. It surprises me, however, that I liked Mac and Ellie's scenes the best despite the 3-star rating I gave Mr. Perfect (Book 1). I guess their normal life together, despite their main problem in the book, was what drew my attention to them the most. Another favorite are those of Nolan's (view spoiler)and West and Ethan's scenes.


This Happily-Ever-After conclusion to the Misters series is absolutely delightful! I smiled the whole way through and laughed out loud plenty too. All the Misters and their Missus are here for their group wedding, along with all of the other beloved characters and some of the next generation as well. Told in alternating voices of the various Misters (five plus FIVE), it’s chock full of reminders of fun from each couple’s story. If you’ve read the Mister series you won’t want to miss this one. Beautifully done, JA Huss! Thanks for the good times 😊

The Misters like you've never seen them

Mr and Mrs is the supersized epilogue to The Misters series and definitely a treat not a trick. We get to spend time with all six of them and their sweethearts as they finally get married and officially start the rest of their lives. It’s a sweet, sassy and madcap weekend and, as always, the adults are upstaged by cute kids and adorable creatures. I found myself missing the quiet, swoony moments we got in “Happily Ever After”, but have we’ve ever known The Misters to do quiet? It’s the cherry on the sundae and a must for every Misters fan.

‘I just...enjoy them.’

This is a Perfect Happy Ending for some of my favorite characters!! We get points-of-view from all our guys including Five. This isn’t full of anything twisted and turning but each Mr. has something to think about before officially bringing his Mrs. on board. It was fabulous, I laughed and laughed. There are a few scenes that just stole my heart. I’m going to miss this crew and until J.A. Huss decides to write the next generation... ‘We’ll always have the butter.’ She laughs. ‘Always, babe.’


Mr & Mrs was Perfect! Or was it Mysterious, Match, Romantic, Corporate! I loved Mathilda and Louise! And Nolan! Had my heart melting! And Corporate? He and my heart out and patch it right back up! I love these men and their Mrs! I'm sad it's over but it was truly well done. The evening before the wedding? Outright laughter! I could totally see it happening. And the wedding photo...priceless yet perfect. As always, I love the EOBS. This series was amazing. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Five & Rory, For ever and ever, the end

I knew on Rory’s first day of kindergarten that she would be full of piss and vinegar as an adult. What I didn’t expect was her home to be filled with girls just like her. Five has his hands full and it’s perfect because it softens his stiff demeanor. I loved the lightness and fun in this one because it was a long, twisted road to get here. I’m sad their stories are over but looking forward to other new adventures to go on with JA Huss!!

It's more funny drama. I don't think I've ever laughed as ...

This is the final book in the Mister series. We get all of them in this book. It's their group wedding! There is drama, it wouldn't be a J.A. book if there wasn't. But nothing life threatening. It's more funny drama. I don't think I've ever laughed as much with any of her other books. I have to say, Five's youngest girls, stole the whole show though. What Nolan did with them, omg. The pigs! I don't want to say much more because you just need to read this. Ethan was great too.


I loved the fact I didn't have to hold my breath in anticipation at what was coming on the next page. And I don't mean that in a bad way, y'all know JA Huss' books have you like that. Anyway, you can add me to the Mathilda and Louise, and the new prince Ethan too, fan club. Those girls were a hoot. Getting Mr. Romantic to catch, oh save the baby pig. Hahaha. The ultimate LOL moment the pre-wedding dinner party after all the parents arrive. Pig Party is what Ivy called it, HILARIOUS. Excellent read.

An HEA of EPIC Proportions!

An HEA of EPIC Proportions! JA Huss has taken us on a ride of a lifetime with the most amazing characters a reader could ask for. The Misters and their Mrses get their Happily Ever After in the most unconventional, yet completely perfect way. I didn't expect to laugh so much while reading this one. And FIVE!!! His kids are beyond awesome! The mayhem they get into stole the show! Very happy with this book and the close of one of my favorite series to date! RATING: 5 STARS

My number one author

After following this series from day one this is the ending we truly needed!!! The romance and suspense and hurt and sacrifices all lead up to a hea and this was the best hea anyone could ask for;) and oh oh oh how I love hearing about past characters #fordforever after reading ALL THE misters PLUS five this is a mustread, closing up, funny, lighthearted, hea, did I mention funny (yep julie can do funny just as good as she does dark)


This book left me with chills. I have never read/listened to an author that so perfectly ties storylines and characters together quite like JA Huss. The details that carry throughout each book really make the entire series that much better.

Here come the Bride's!

Another great read from J A Huss, and a surprise for me because I thought the Mister Series had ended. She snuck in a Mr. & Mrs. for the finale, which included Five! Well, it was good to catch up with the group of Mister's, every other chapter seemed to gravitate to one of them and his lover. All the Mister's and families were gathering together on Five's Island for important events. Humor and some good old slap stick comedy, HEA, the grand finale, good work, 5 stars.

Hilariously spectacular

This is the best HEA book I've ever read!! JA Huss knows how to write an epic story especially with so many of my favorite characters. Nolan (Mr. Romantic) got some of the most hilarious scenes ever with Five's daughters and I never thought I'd see him that way. This whole book had me cracking up and I enjoyed every second of it!!!

Mister you got me

You really need to be on top of your mister and their mates when reading this one. Not the high suspense but a really cute HEA ending for everyone. It closed the loop for Five and Rory, and let's face it hard core JA Huss readers have been bitting our nails for this story. Hope to see maybe a follow up or visit the entire gang in Colorado. I can't image another messed up secret society group exposed in this world, but there us go. Nice distraction for a day. Only complaint is the books are at 300 or less pages so I zip through too quickly. But the plots received is always worth it.

What a great wrap up to a crazy series

GUSH! Wow. What a great wrap up to a crazy series. I love that this read stayed light, fun and sexy as these characters have been through enough! You wouldn't read this story without having read the first 5, so I don't see any point in rehashing who these people are. I will just say thank you to JA Huss for continuing to give her readers amazing stories, palpable characters, and always, a wild, romantic ride!

I was giving just enough to make me happy to have followed this whole series through

Wrapping up epic stories is Julie's things. I was giving just enough to make me happy to have followed this whole series through. The laughter and the love that is shared by all the Misters and their Mrs. was enough to leave me with a book hang over. If you are debating whether or not to pick up this series do it!! It's got so many elements that it is not just a romance story. It has suspense, and humor that for me it is unique.

And Then All Pig Hell Breaks Loose!

So I have had this book since it released. In fact I pre-ordered it. But I put off reading it because it was the finale of the Misters and I just wasn’t ready. Thank you for making it hilarious. As I’m sure everyone that reads it, I so hope Mathilda, Louise and Ethan have their own stories! I actually laughed out loud reading this one...and I rarely do that.

Amazing book

Omg, I think I laughed my butt off so much in this book. I loved all the misters getting together. Loved seeing how each one has grown and changed. The dinner before the wedding, had me rolling. Then reading about the stuff Nolan had to do to get a date was priceless. Those girls got him wrapped around there fingers, lol. So happy that Mac and Ellie got to have a kid, each one of the misters had something special. Just can’t choose which one is the best, loved them all. Think this was my favorite book of all. Loved it.

10000000000 stars!

Well what can I say? NOOOOO please don't be over! *sobs* I totally loved this series and it was exciting and heartbreaking at the same time reading Mr. & Mrs.! JA Huss is an amazing author who knows how to pull her audience in and gives us the fix we need with her writing! If you haven't read The Mister Series then I suggest you drop everything and start! Thanks for an amazing series Ms Huss <3

LOVE LOVE LOVE this book

LOVE LOVE LOVE this book. After reading all the way back to the Rook And Ronin series, to now reading all the Mister books. It was wonderful to get all caught up with all the old characters as well as the new! Fives princesses made me LOL the entire book. It was full of laughs, love and fun as JA Huss can really write a book so well that you can picture everything that she is writing. Lots of happy endings!!!!!


Finally done with this series... once I started I couldn’t stop I felt the need to know everything about everyone... Felt like a marathon but I loved this series. It’s funny that in the individuals I felt like Mr. Mysterious was my favorite and after this book I think I jumped ship to Mr. Romantic!

Nothing and no one compares to a JA Huss book!

I do not know where to start, to say how much I so enjoyed this book! I have read all the Mister books, and loved each one in it's own way!! This book just gives you everything, the happiness, the hot love, and some laughs! All I have to say is the pigs, I was laughing my butt off!!! I'm a die hard JA Huss fan, and I so highly recommend this book, but read the Mister books first as this is not a standalone book.

It’s A Family Affair

What an ending for an amazing series. Julie out did herself!! Each Mister had their full circle moment not only with their Mrs., but with each other. Words can't express how happy I was to have the old gang back!! I was like a kid in a candy store!!! As much as I am team Shrike and love his princesses. I am so in love with Five’s girls too, and Ethan melted my heart. I laughed so much!! This book is perfect!

some was dark but the entire series was absolutely awesome. If you haven't read it

Thank you JA Huss for writing such an incredible series. Some of it was deep, some was dark but the entire series was absolutely awesome. If you haven't read it, read it. And while they are stand alone, it's so much better to read the books in the order that they were written. I suggest waiting to download them until after Christmas because once you start you will not want to put them down. Give yourself a gift.

Now that's a HEA!

Now that's how it's done...yep, that's how you do an HEA. And seriously, Nolan and Five's two youngest princesses...that sh!t was funny!!! I laughed so hard I had tears and I was so happy for these 12 people that I cried again. That's family, that's a lifelong bond, that's love. Thank you Julie, it feels like an era has come to an end, thank goodness they're books and we can go back and do it again !

Amazing HEA!!!!

This is the best book ever!! I’ve read all of the Mister books including Five. This the best HEA book I have ever read. It had me laughing one minute and crying the next ( happy tears ). I love the cave and the pig scenes the best but they were all amazing. I was so glad to see all the Misters come together as a family and that they all live near each other. I would look foreword to any future books about their families. The narrators where great and l loved that there were six different voices. Fantastic book!!!!

HEA of epic proportions!!

I love a good HEA. And this book is no exception. JA Huss weaves a tale of the six Misters (Five is a Mister in my book) and their ladies and out comes an epic tale full of laughs and poignant moments. I legit lol'ed at times, with spelunking and pigs. And the reunions and weddings were absolute perfection. This is just such a feel good book. It was just exactly what this group needed.

Absolutely A Must Read

Mr & Mrs is the perfect ending to the Mister Series. I absolutely love every couple in this series. I laughed, got teary-eyed while I was reading. Every couple went thru hell and having the wedding of the century together was perfection. I didn’t realize how much of love and miss these characters until I started reading and well definitely be doing a reread. You will definitely lol at certain parts especially when animals are involved. JA once again hit it out of the park and I loved every minute of this series.

Fantastic Series!

This series Keeps you your toes! You will root for Rook and Ronin, Spencer and Ronnie, also Ford. Have some suspenseful moments then laugh and cry as they go through their adventures!

Laughed so much!

I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard I cried reading a book. Great Job Julie... It could not have been more perfect! I think I am totally in love with Mysterious now. I can't get the vision out of my head of a guy on a kids motorcycle flipping off a pony..hilarious!! I really hope we get to revisit these characters again. Thank you for the awesome ride!


I loved everything about this book. Each Mister had chapters in their point of view. The book flowed perfectly up to the weddings. Five"s youngest were adorable and very Shrikelike. I loved how each Mister's personality shined through and gave the reader more insight into their character and their Mrs. This book tied the series into a neat little bow.

The cherry on top!

This comedy of earnest errors had me laughing and swooning in equal measures. By this time you are so invested in these characters that their own self-discovery just adds to the merriment. Pigs, and ponies, and kittens...oh my! What a way to go!

Epic, fun and all crazy

I love all the Misters and Mrs. This story was so much fun..hilarious with all the crazy misters and the new characters added to the families. Loved every single thing about it..more happily ever after Misters' style. I hope to read more about these characters..they are like part of my family or something lol and I can't let them go!

Lively conclusion to the series

Omg Julie did it again. Who would have thought the chase scene in this book would be pigs!! Haha, your descriptions in that scene had me laughing. I could totally picture it. I enjoyed how this book tied everyone and everything together. Great read but be sure to read the mister series first or better yet start with Rook and Ronin. Worth every penny I spent!

Final series wrap up!

This book is the wrap up to the Mister series. It's a fun and easy going foray into what life looks like after the Misters find their Happily Ever Afters. Filled with antics, glimpses into the sex and love still going strong in the relationships of all of the Misters and Five, this book is the perfect end to the fantastic series.


Perfect ending to a great series! Things don't go as planned for the Mr.s but that the way life is, bumps that you go over & roll on. Fed a series I will over & over again.

I dont want it to end

So this book by like every other book JA Huss has written has messed with my emotions. The Mister series is one of the best yet, it's an amazing spin off of Rook and Ronin, and Im sad to see it come to an end but atleast we got to see what happened to everyone. Now I'm off to read Five. Because what better way to get over a book ending then to start with another that's directly related to the book you just finished.

Perfect ending...4.5 starts!

This was a perfect ending for this series. Mr & Mrs is entertaining from beginning to end with sexy and funny parts mixed in. I will never view pigs the same again. It was nice to have such a lighthearted ending to such a intense series. Definitely, a great way to say goodbye to a series. I was given a ARC in exchange for an honest review.

The closer i didn’t know i needed

This HEA is packed with so many of our favorite people. And omg so funny poor mister Romantic lol and freaking Five has kids? This book explains all of his disappearances and you get to see a different side of Five. If you’ve read the rook and ronin series and the misters series. This book here is a must.

Fabulous ending

I enjoyed this book so much. Having all the Misters and their soon-to-be wives, plus Five and Rory all in one book was a joy. That night before the wedding scene was hilarious and so fitting. Just an all-around great story of closure for all the characters involved. Thank you, Julie.

The perfect HEA book

If you read the Mister Series you HAVE to read this book!! This wrapped up the stories of these 6 couples so beautifully. And hilariously. Like you'll get caught reading at work because of laughing out loud. I'd love for these characters to go on forever but if they can't, I could not imagine a better ending.

The perfect ending to a perfect series

Words can not express how much I loved this book. It brings all the Misters back and thank goodness more F*$king Five. This wraps up their stories in a beautiful package. You will laugh, cry and everything in between. From Mr. Perfect and his butter to Detective Mysterious and Miss Cookie. Most importantly Five as the overprotective father. It was perfect. I hate to see this series be over, but what a finale it was.

Pure Perfection

I have never laughed so hard over a book and I even found myself tearing up over a couple parts. JA Huss has shocked me once again with Mr. & Mrs. I love the little adventures all of the misters go on before their weddings, but the absolute best part was Mathilda, Louise, and the piglet. I hope there is more in store, but either way this book is perfection.

My heart is full

I feel like I just sent my child off to college! This has been such a journey to get to this destination. I thoroughly enjoyed the journey, each and every step. Sometimes the destination isn't so important, what we learn throughout this journey of each character truly shined in this book. It showed their growth a men and fathers. It made my heart so happy! Sad to see the go but looking forward to the new stories waiting to be told!

What a fabulous and fun ending to the Misters series

What a fabulous and fun ending to the Misters series! I can’t remember the last time I laughed so hard while reading! And I’ve read some funny books, but this one was hilarious. There are serious moments, but on a whole this is a FUN story, wrapping up all the Misters and the women they love.

I love this series

I love this series! I love everything JA Huss has written. She has a way of pulling you into her stories and making you never wanting them to end. And this book is no different. Pure magic and even though you want to pace yourself to make it last longer, you can't help hurrying to know how it's going to end. And what an ending grab your seat and enjoy the ride!


I loved each and every page of this series, and the entire set was magnificent. I hated to see the story end, but what an ending!

Absolutely the best!

Every book by this badass woman is amazing!! I was looking forward to a little more mystery and craziness by J.A., but was pleasantly surprised by this adorable and funny and beautiful ending to one of the best book series’ I’ve ever read! Love! Love! Love!

Never disappointed

I know without a doubt that any book coming from Julie is going to be kick ass. This book never disappointed and gave me not one but 6 happy ever afters. I have always love Five and Rory and just getting to see their family made my heart happy. Their kids are great especially the two little ones. Can't wait to see what's in store for them.

Such a great book.

This book had so many twists and turns. By the end i was laughing so hard. One of my favorites!

I highly recommend this series and the rest of her books

Ms. Huss never disappoints. I highly recommend this series and the rest of her books.

WOW....Julie does it again!

WOW, Julie does it again...... delivers another phenomenal Mister read that you just can't put down. This book had me so captivated with the humor, relationships and bonds between all the characters that I hate to see it end but was definitely an amazing finale to a mind-blowing series. This is hands down a 5 star Mister must read!

Mr & Mrs

Waaaaah! The series is over, and I want to be selfish and have more! Loved seeing all the Mr's and their craziness. Five is, of course my fave, and he did not disappoint in this book. Just an out and out awesome book!


This book had a bit of everything, but laughter, they say, is the best medicine! And besides, it's JA freaking Huss! She never disappoints. This was the Perfect ending to the series!

4 1/2 squealing stars for the Mr & Mrs

Revisiting old friends and getting to catch up is truly one of life's pleasurable moments. Reading this book is just like that. Enjoying a glass of wine and hearing about what everyone's been up to.

All of the (good) tears

I've read all of the books that even remotely tie into this series, but this is the first time I've felt compelled to write a review. This finale was sooooo perfect, and I totally cried at the end. The way this author can weave countless characters together seamlessly, over a period of ~30 years, and 3 generations, is truly remarkable. I'll definitely be reading this again!


This was funny, romantic, funny, etc. I couldn't stop laughing at Nolan and two of Five's daughters. The rehearsal dinner was a dinner you didn't want to miss (wish I was there) Pig anyone? And I really want to read more about cool Ethan and Matilda.

Perfect HEA

What a perfect ending to the Mr.'s series with their Mrs. And families. I could follow The Company and The Mr.'s series for generations to come lol! Sometimes it's hard so follow with all the characters and their supporting characters but I still absolutely loved it!

The best thing to all her books and stories is you ...

JA hus is one of my top 5 authors. Every book brings her closer to number 1. The best thing to all her books and stories is you know there is an answer and and end story as in Mr and Mrs. that summed the whole Mr. series’s and Five. Sheer perfection always.

Amazing book

What a great ending!!! I still want to see a book about Ariel and the rest, but this was a great way to end the Misters. Now I want to reread the original books again with the parents!

Yay! More of Julie's hilarious wacky romantic comedy

Wow, how to describe the total joy of reading this book? After the harrowing stories of these six couples being terrorized, to see them whole (or mostly) and growing as an extended family just made me happy. I really hope we get one more generation of this family's story.

Great book

I loved reading this book, for each of the Misters to get their happily ever after and the story was so cute and it made me smile and especially laugh at Nolan, his part was my favorite.


OMG. I don't think I have laughed so hard at one of Julie's books before. What an amazing end to the mister's series. You had laughter, tears and just falling in love with all of the characters again. Oh and I loved the pigs. Another great book and can't wait for the next one.

J a huss is a goddess

What can I say if you are a fan you know the laughs the crying a beautiful ending thank you Julie you are so cool.. Keep writing I'll keep reading

Great book

This was a great ending story, full of love, passion, romance and excitement. It's perfect, romantic and mysterious, all in one. I love it.

Must read

Well I just finish this book and I really enjoyed it. Julie did such amazing writing this novel. My favorite couple in this novel is Five and Rory. But I'm glad that all the Misters got their happy ever after.

Perfect Ending

What a perfect way to end the Mr series!! This book was funny and heart melting, and it kinda felt like a big family reunion, with family you have not seen in years!!!


Loved each Mr & Mrs and their extended family! Five and Rory’s love story is great. Their life on the island and how he protected his family. Loved each POV on their wedding and the kids were so much fun!

Amazingly mperfect

Wow. What a perfect way to give all the misters there most special endings. They all got exactly what they wanted and needed. Could not have asked for anything better. Did not expect some of the twist to this story. It is amazaballs. A must read series.


Sorry to see this story end. It was funny and I loved the interaction between Mr.Romantic and the girls. I wish we could have heard from all of the characters. I know it was about the Misters and their lives ,but I would have loved to see what the rest of the gang was doing.

Sorry Ms Huss but...

I can’t leave a review right now I’m busy booking my ticket to freaking Disnee/5 Island! This was the most fun I have ever had reading a book. You made my week by weaving all of the Misters into their own wedding stories. The best HEA culmination of the year!


I love the way this series ended. It was the perfect all the Misters would come together. I love all of Julie Hisses books. They all take you on an unexpected adventure. I recommend all of her books!!


Another great read from JA Huss, totally worth the wait to read, laughed my butt off and really enjoyed reading about all the Characters in this series

fantastic ending to a brilliant series

loved it, loved seeing it all tied up and HEA for all the characters of the series

Loved it

Wow. Glad to see they all got their happy ever after. I loved this series from the beginning. Each one of them found there soulmate. Great book's

Fantastic book

I loved how all the mr and mrs came together and got married and lived happily ever aftet

Love the Mr Series

JA Hussain has created a great ending (if it truly is) to her Mr series. A wedding for all. With great funny kid antics. A must if you're read the rest of the series.

So good, I love happy endings.

I loved this finale for all the Mister’s and Five! It was fun reading about all of them again and find how they have all moved on.

The whole series was great!

I read the whole series in less than a week and loved every book in it. I highly recommend this series. Every book is a stand-alone but it would be best to start at first one - Mr. Perfect.


Omg .. I am so sad this series is over !! Oh how I loved the MR.'s.loved how it tied everything together . Ways a good time reading this. Mr.'' Got their Mrs.'s and more !!!

Five Stars!

The perfect HEA ending for each of the Misters and Five. I flew through this book and loved every minute of it. Lots of love, plenty of giggles, totally the cherry on top of another phenomenal series.

Start at the beginning!

This book made me go through every emotion I own. Start at the beginning of her books and watch everything unfold to the very perfect end. I promise you won't be disappointed!


As always with JA Huss’s books this book was great! The perfect amount of romance, suspense and it was really funny. Loved how everyone was connected in the end and can’t wait for what’s next.


I really have no words to describe exactly how amazing I think this book is. Old people, New people, crazy animals, and a wedding!!!

FLOVE this book!!

OMG! OMG! OMG! I freaking LOVED Mr. & Mrs! This is the perfect ending to such an epic series!! I laughed so hard at certain points, I cried at others, and I fell in love with these characters all over again.


Loved the way the series wrapped up. I hate to say goodbye to these characters!

Nice ending to Mister series

It was hard getting into the book at first because of the time between reading all of them and this ending. Nice closure to the series.

Wonderful closing to a fantastic storyline

If you've read this and haven't read the Rook and Ronin series, you definitely should!! Wonderful closing to a fantastic storyline!

Really could relate to the cave story - let me share mine.

Not my favorite book. It was ok - I enjoyed it. The whole premise is just a little over the top. The cave scene - I could relate to that. True story - I live in T.A.G. which if you're a caver (not a spelunker) you know what that means. Cave country. I've done plenty of caving and rock climbing in my younger years. So one Sunday we were in Franklin N.C. after a day at Whitesides doing the original route -on Saturday - I was sort of hungover. We (me, hubby, and friend) decide to go find a granite exposed face that my friend thinks has great potential for a new route. (spoiler alert - it doesn't) I'm packing the gear in a Kelty frame pack - the guys have the ropes. We park at the base of a mnt. and start climbing. It turns into 5.5 rhododendren climb from hell. My pack is getting hung up and I'm hand over hand climbing bushes while hanging veritical off of this friggin cliff face. At one point we actually tie up together because it's getting terrifying. After a few hours we get to the top - exhausted and bloody - and machete through more brush and then hear voices. WTF? There are about a dozen women in bikinis drinking wine and sunning themselves. They're looking at us like the Bigfoot family just came out of the woods. There's a path that leads down the other side of the mountain to a golf course. The SAGA continues - we still need to get back to the truck - but you get the point. Sorry - I don't have a good pig story.

Loved it!

Awesome as always, although I'm sad to see it end. Here's hoping for a book about Ethan! :) Julie never disappoints!


I loved this book! It was the perfect ending to The Mister's series and the Five and Rory storyline. It was so funny and heart warming! Fabulous book!

Five Stars

A perfect ending for the Mister series and Five with his Princess.

Five stars

Omg. I loved how this book ended the series. It was a laugh out loud kinda book that brought tears to my eyes.

Loved It!

What a way to end The Mister series! This book had me tearing up and laughing out loud. I love JA Huss!

Be prepared to laugh hysterically!

Such an amazing journey. I continuously laughed at all the craziness that follows these families. I have truly enjoyed this series.

Ja Huss you’re a genius

Favorite Ja Huss book

Hilarious and sexy

I LOVED LOVED LOVED this book. It was brimming with hysterically funny scenes and wonderful imagery, touching convos and very sexy times (of course). How Huss combined hilarity and reality was just perfect. Thank you for writing a great ending to a great series! Your characters deserve nothing less.

Five Stars

Great read....can’t wait for the book by JA Huss!!

Five Stars

Great finale loved the series

Perfect, Mr

Mr. Perfect, Mr. Romantic, Mr. Corporate, Mr. Mysterious, and Mr. Match found what they were looking for and now it’s time to seal the deal. Five Aston hasn’t quite found his happily ever after yet… not quite. But he will. And he’s about to host the party of the century for all his family and friends. If you loved Happily Ever After, you can’t miss this one either. It’s the delicious cherry on top of the most perfect dessert and all your favorite characters will be back for one… final… swoon-worthy story.

Five Stars

I love the whole Mr series. This was the perfect ending.

Packed full of action, some home truths and a little bit of sexiness, it was the perfect wrap up!!

No matter how many times I return to this world, I cannot get enough! I love that we were finally able to get closure for all the Mister's and Five! Secrets were revealed to family, and new adventures were on the horizon. Pack it full of action, some home truths and a little bit of sexiness, and it was the perfect wrap up to the series. Mr. & Mrs. was told from the fella's perspective, all six of them and how they were coping with their girls. Some of them had expanded their families, and others were working on it. But these guys, they really cannot control these girls, whether they were big or small. My favourite perspective was probably Nolan's... it was amusing to see him trying to learn to be a father of a girl, by spending time with two tiny little terrors. They showed him that there was more to girls than dresses and bling! He managed to get into some interesting situations that had me laughing so hard! Oh and Five's perspective was great too! He was so certain how things were going to be for the rest of his life, but he didn't expect Rory to turn everything he knew upside down. Mr. & Mrs. was the fitting wrap up to this entire world, even giving me glimpses of some of the original cast. J.A. Huss knows how to pack everything into one story: sexiness, intensity and amusement... Who would've thought that a pack of while pigs could cause so much havoc in such a short period of time! Laugh out loud material, that was!! I NEED to see what she can deliver next!

Writing at it's best right here, folks!

What a truly epic ending to such a fantastic series. This final book features the whole Mister gang...and I mean truly, the whole gang in all their fabulous glory! How Julie Huss wrapped her head around writing all those points of view and kept it straight is beyond me. True brilliance in writing, folks!! I bust a gut in a few spots, shed a couple of tiny tears in one or two moments too, but it was all good shedding for some much needed tender moments between some of those characters I have grown to adore so much. I have to say I am a little torn with how I feel about this all coming to an end. Julie Huss has a special way of creating characters that stay with you long, long after you've finished that last sentence. If they had the ability to jump out of the pages, I'm sure they would. I'm not amazed any more after reading one of her books only because she never fails. Julie consistently delivers an outstanding work of fiction every.single.time! I always direct a bravo nod towards this remarkable writer when completing another brilliant story...especially the ending of a series like this. Absolutely and truly my go-to author. My advice to the readers of this review: Treat yourself to purchasing this series, then find a cozy corner, a warm blanket, dive in and enjoy. In're welcome! :)

Mr. & Mrs.

I could not think of a more perfect way to end this series! Sweet, sexy, mysterious, it's everything you love about this series plus the chance to catch up with all your favorite characters from the series. I have so missed them all. I was so excited to read this story and was definitely not disappointed. This is such an amazing series and this ending fits right in. I would love to talk more about it, but I don't want to give anything away. If you haven't read all the books in the series, first of all, what are you waiting for? Second of all, you will want to wait to read this one, because it does give spoilers and wraps up a few storylines. J.A. Huss has become a one-click author for me. I don't even have to read the blurb to know it's going to be absolutely amazing and I am never wrong.

I Can’t Believe It’s Over

I’ve been a fan of JA Huss for years...and I am in love with the Mister series. It’s been an absolute joy to EXPERIENCE (because that’s what you do when you read Julie’s experience them)...and I’m so sad that it’s come to an end. From Rook and Ronin to now, it’s been an amazing journey. I can’t say enough about the way Julie writes her stories, from the dialogue, the humor, the sexy scenes, the depth of love these men have for their strong, awesome become immersed and can’t wait to read the next book, to find out what happens to the next character, and how it relates to the last book. I’m going to go back to the beginning and start over. They’re THAT good. Keep them coming, Ms. Huss. You’re an amazing author, a superb entertainer, and have a fan for life in this reader!

5 swoon-worthy with a cherry on top stars!!

This book... this BOOK! The laughs, the tears, the perfection that is my favorite Misters. Although this was a quick read for me, I LOVED every single moment of it. It was THE BEST reading material for a 5 1/2 hour flight. I am sure people were wondering what had the lady by the window seat laughing, gasping and crying. The story.... gah! Nolan is still my favorite Mr. and I swear I fell even harder for him. But I think you find you fall for the Misters all over again. And FIVE... F ing Five!! I can never get enough of the Aston men. SIIIIIIIIIIGH Well done, JA Huss, another amazing story and another book to add to my Huss shelf collection!! 5 delicious cherry on top of the most perfect dessert stars!! You're going to want to read this finale!!

The perfect ending!!!!!

Oh, Julie, Julie, well played:))) You've created a lil paranoid and that's me right here. And you wrote this final book in a way that I saw danger and bad people everywhere:))) But this didn't stop me from devouring this story, their story like there was no tomorrow. So thank you!! I can't express in words how much I needed this happily ever after. All the misters and their ladies all in one place like a family. But after one year of living a calm life we find them still with fears, with moments of vulnerability but fun and kinky as always. And I can't get enough!! I laughed so much when Nolan made that crazy deal with Five's daughters and the day before the big wedding was a day to remember. Everything was perfect!! In a twisted and romantic kind of way it was, don't expect normal with these guys around because you won't get it but you will still love it. I am so happy to see them all setlled but I have to admit I can't let go :( and I am sad it's over. 5 stars and more!!!

We catch up with all of our favorite Misters for

This book was everything and more that you expect from Julie “M’fing” Huss!! She ends this series with a bang and it’s more than utter perfection. It’s magical. We catch up with all of our favorite Misters for, what I hope, is not the last time. We get the ending we want for all of them and more. Definitely more. Julie loves throwing those little twists in there. ;) I can say that I didn’t expect this book to be so damn funny. Don’t get me wrong, Julie is hilarious but the Misters and Five are more serious and reading about them in a different light makes me love them even more. There wasn’t one part of this book that I didn’t love. The added little characters were so funny and smart. I just love them. J.A. Huss wrote a book of sunshine and rainbows with a chance of a thunderstorm in between. I’m going to miss the Misters so much but I’m thankful that Julie gave them to us and the ending they deserved.

Perfect ending to a perfect series...

The Mister Series is amazing and what an amazing conclusion, not that I expected anything different as J.A. Huss writes the best epilogue stories. 'Mr. & Mrs'., is the highly anticipated epilogue to her Misters series. This book is filled with humour, touching parenting scenes, and steamy moments. Not to mention - mystery, wild animals, precocious children, and wonderful heroines owning the moments! Nolan & Ivy, Mac & Ellie, Pac & Cindy, West & Tori and of course Five & Rory all have a wonderful love everyone but what happens when you put the Misters, Mrs., and their kids on a private island with all their family?!?!. You'll laugh and cry and get angry JA Huss out done herself with this one... A perfect way to end a the perfect Mr series!! Funny and heart melting, it really felt like a family reunion, I couldn't put this book down until o the final swipe. I am a verified purchaser in Australia

Thank You J.A. Huss for the wonderful series!

This is the book we have all been waiting for! What happens next with the Misters and their lady loves. I have to admit that I was a little sad to see this book. It kind of feels like the end, but maybe some spin off series??? We can only hope. We get to meet Five’s princesses!!! Oh what a handful for him and Rory. I loved seeing the change in all the men of the Mister series. How they have grown since we first started reading the series. I am not going to say anything else. I really don’t want to spoil anything for you all. Thank YOU to J.A. Huss for giving us these awesome characters that have become so very important to us all.

And They Lived Happily Ever After ... Or Did They?

Now lookie here, I done told you all you had to read all the Misters books, didn’t I? Because you haven’t read the Misters book or Five for that matter, enter at your own risk reading this review, in other words, there may or may not be some spoilers in this review, so you have been warned. Julie Huss brought all the Misters, including Five to a final and awesome conclusion in the best possible way! They are all getting married, at Five’s very secret island. How cool is that! I can only imagine how difficult it must have been for the author to write five different POVs, I sure as heck didn’t want to be in her shoes, but she did it with lots of love and humor. I’m not going to lie, I was waiting for a Julie Huss mind games and let me tell you, it probably could have happened, but this book was a true HEA. You know who stole the show? Five’s youngest daughters! Those little hellions are seriously adorable and if you don’t fall in love with them, something is seriously wrong with you. I’m not going to give you much, if you read the series, you need to read Mr. & Mrs. and join the fun. I’m going to miss all these characters. I’ve been a fan of Ms. Huss when I started Rook & Ronin. I can’t wait for what other stories Ms. Huss has for us.

Such a fun read!

Such a perfect conclusion to my favorite extended families! This was fun, lighthearted and brought closure to Rory and Five's situation. For the rest of the Mr.'s it was like an extra extended epilogue that was just very entertaining. I adore following up on my favorite characters and seeing them with children. Rory and Five's kids pretty much stole the show in this book. The problem with this is now I want future books with their kids. I'm greedy like that. ARC provided by author.

It was sooo amazing to finally have EVERYONE back in this happily ever ...

Rating: 5 stars! And the gang is back! It was sooo amazing to finally have EVERYONE back in this happily ever after story- I may even have shed a few tears and also had some hilariously funny moments while reading.. This is how connected one can feel with Julie's characters and the world that only she can create with her words. It all started with the original gang- Spencer and Ford! The second generation was no less amazing! My heart is so full for the Misters and their better halves and Five and Rory! Oh my gosh- the list is simply never-ending! Despite what they all might have been through, all the mysteries and the bad guys after them, they were all together- as a family. I simply loved seeing all of them finally reunited- these characters will be forever remembered as the most crazy characters ever written by the amazing JA Huss!

but it makes it that much sweeter when you know and love all of these characters like I do

I’ve read all the ‘Mister’ books, the entire Rook & Ronin series, those spin offs, AND Five's book. Along with the Company series. No, you don’t have to read ALL of those books to read Mr & Mrs (just the Mister books and Five will do), but it makes it that much sweeter when you know and love all of these characters like I do. I adored this story. It was a fantastic conclusion to the Misters and Julie did a great job making it sweet, sexy, and fun! 
I loved how Five was included in the Misters team, along with the the ladies. The story takes place on Five’s island. It’s such a happy ever after story for all these characters. Seriously, this book just warmed my heart. I smiled so huge while reading. I loved getting perspective from all the Misters, but I’ve gotta say… Mr. Romantic and those pigs stole the show for me. I laughed so hard! If you’ve read this series, this is a must read for you! If you haven’t, it’s one I definitely recommend! It’s romantic, sexy, suspenseful, and overall a ton of fun! 

4 Stars for Mr & Mrs!

What a great way to finish the Mister Series!!! I so loved it!! This is the first book where we get all the players and I could not get enough of it! Since this ties in five other books it's hard to do a review without giving away spoilers so I'll just say, this series is a MUST read! I loved every book and with each book you get a different side of a puzzle and now with Mr & Mrs it's like the final puzzle pieces are moving together. JA Huss does a great job tying everything together and this book was like the cherry on top of a great series. If you love sexy suspense the Mister Series has to be on your radar and one you need to pick up. Each story is so different but linked to one another and I've thoroughly enjoyed reading each one. JA Huss is an author you need to read if you've not read her, you need to!

Mr & Mrs. serves up steam, adventure and belly laughs -- Absolutely perfect ending to the series!

A fitting HEA for the Mister series! Every fan of JA Huss knows better than to expect an easy path to true love. In fact, the path to true love is often steamy, hysterically funny and a gripping, edge of your seat ride all at the same time. Mr. & Mrs. lived up to the rest of the series, while bringing it to a close that even fans who wish the story would go on forever can live with. I loved every minute of this book. It captured the spirit of each couple perfectly and provided a truly satisfying wrap-up to the Mister books. If you haven't picked up the Mister series - what are you waiting for? You can't enjoy a perfect ending if you haven't even started the ride!

A great epilogue to what happened after all hell broke loose

A great epilogue to what happened after all hell broke loose. We get to see Ollie as an adult, and we find out the the original crew are now grandparents. That's not a spoiler because you find this out on page one. This book doesn't have suspense and mystery like all the other books. It may be the most "sweet" book Julie has ever written. Now, it is not all sweet. I'm just saying this is her most sweet book she has written. If you have read the other books in the series, you are going to love this book. It fulfills our thirst for more story about the crew. If you haven't read the other books, don't read this one or it will ruin the series for you. Book provided to me for an honest review.

Oh My Heck!

What can I say? I was just going to read a chapter or two .... then I was finished. I couldn’t put this book down. I even took it to use the bathroom! JA Huss is truly gifted. I’m so glad that I found her. I can’t wait to read her next books!

I loved it!

After reading Mr. Match, I was left feeling unsatisfied with all the questions still unanswered in this series. In turn, I felt underwhelmed with that book (because I love Olly), but it finally feels like all ends to the story have been tied after reading Five. Now, Mr. & Mrs. Feels like the cherry on top! This was such a fun read and I enjoyed every word of it. It was sweet, sexy and amusing. I didn't know I would be smiling & laughing so much after reading this. My favorite parts were the ones with Five & his little family, as well as Nolan with Five's girls. You will definitely enjoy this book if you loved the Misters series. Even more so if your favorite is Five.


This was the best ending book ever! The author put a lot of thought into her last story to bring the whole series to a fantastic and happy ending. It was a great after the fact, rather than leaving her readers hanging about what happened after, she leaves you satisfied that life is finally going to be alright for your favorite Misters; after all, because they deserve it earned it and should embrace all of it. Let's hope that society learn their lesson about coming near them again or any members of their families and friends because I'm away, the Misters are their own Society. Thank you author for this great look into their world. 😘

The Misters. Kittens. Pigs. Princesses. And, Five, oh my!

Julie Huss does it again! The perfect happily ever after for all the Misters. All of them together with their soon to be wives. On an island. With Five and Rory and their little princesses. This book will make you cry a little-it can't be over, can it?!? It will make you laugh a lot! Mr. Romantic being terrorized by two of Five's little princesses. Pig chases. And the little demon kittens! You'll fall in love with all of the Misters all over again-promise!! The banged up, bruised men and the women who love them through all of the crazy, bizarre situations they find themselves in. This IS the wedding of the century and you won't want to miss the chance to be a part of it, brought to you by the one and only Julie Huss. And, remember, "We'll always have butter"!! **I received an ARC of Mr. & Mrs. with the promise to leave an honest review**

Finally, they all get Married

What a way to end a brilliant series. It’s full of heartfelt moments and reflection with so many laugh out loud scenes. I’m thrilled they all have found their HEA, and I hope the kids get their chance to tell us their stories. I’m so looking forward to the audiobook, from my understanding all previous narrators will be involved making it one epic listen.

5 Happily Ever After Stars!

Mr. & Mrs. by JA HUSS was the PERFECT conclusion to the Mister Series. It was sexy, romantic, funny, playful and light-hearted. It was the kind of read that made you go ‘Wow. JA Huss once again did it again!!!! She made you fall even more in love with these characters.’ The beauty of this book was the mere fact that we were reunited with all the Misters and Five. With all the misters on Five’s secret private island, all the men and their Mrs. plan to say I do. With the multiple big wedding approaching, JA gives readers a glimpse into their lives. Since I don’t want to spoil this book, I will just say Five’s two youngest children elevated this book onto a whole new level of fun. So are you ready to be reunited with the Misters and Five then this books is definitely for you.

A fitting HEA finale

A very fitting HEA ending to the Mr Series. Bringing some of our favourite characters both young and old and now along with some new family members to join the gang and make this a spectacular finale. Five and the Misters are together again for some special celebrations and as expected all does not go quite according to plan. These guys and girls are so like their parents. Five wants to be in control of everything but Rory will always get her way and a very special bike scene involving Ollie and Kat brings back memories of Spencer and Ronnie. Some funny moments involving ponies and pigs. All in all a great ending.

Fabulous ending for a fantastic series

This is the final book in the Mister series and it ties up all the loose ends for all of the Mister saggers. I really enjoyed reading just how far everyone had progressed in their lives but I found Nolan Delaney to be the most enjoyable. I found myself laughing out loud with the things that Mathilda and Louise made Mr Romantic do. All of the Misters had their 'ta dah' moments where everything from their past and their future fell into place and athel were able to move on with their futures with a clear conscience and hopefulness. J.A.Huss you did a fantastic job.

Perfect Happily Ever After

Mr. & Mrs was a fantastic ending to an amazing series. I loved getting to see all the Misters and Five get their happily ever afters. In this last mister book you get to catch up with all of the misters and their prospective misses. I laughed a lot! Fives’ youngest daughter were mischievous little girls and the way they were with Nolan had me laughing out loud. It was interesting getting so many points of view. Not sure how the author kept up with who’s who so well, but she did a fantastic job. Every one who has read the Mister series must read this wonderful and entertaining conclusion.

It was perfect!

The most perfect happily ever after these gang could have. From getting to see all The Mister and Mrs. together again to getting the whole and I say whole first, original gang (Rook, Ronin, Veronica, Spencer, Ford and so on). To getting the kids!!! Those Five kids were hilarious, I should hope so that the story continues with them in a near future.... It was romantic, swoon worthy and funny. There were scenes that had me laughing so hard. Every fan of the Rook and Ronin series should read this, is like closure, it was like coming home... Just perfect

The best ending of all endings

This was the perfect wrap up of the three series: Rook and Ronin, The Company, and The Misters. This finale ties up the loose ends of the Misters as well as paying homage to the other two series. Each chapter was a new adventure or a realization playing out for each of the guys. It was both funny and romantic, deep seated in nostalgia and anticipation of new beginnings. It was the perfect patchwork bow on top. I'm going to miss them all, but it was an amazing adventure to read.

A gorgeous roundup!

Oh wow. I'm so glad this book was written. I do love a happily ever after story and this was exceptional. It had a different feel from the other Misters books which I thought was interesting. I loved all the different couples and their experience at Five's party. Midway through it became quite hysterical and I couldn't stop laughing on every single page. I won't give away any spoilers but if you love Five and Rory's story you really want to read this and find out what they've been up to on that island.

Happy ending indeed

What an amazing way to end a series. 💜💜💜 Each of the Misters plus Five gets a chance to reflect on how they got so lucky in love. I love the fact that we see who they were. How they are and where they are going. Every single chapter is full of fun and joy. The couples get the HEA they deserve. This series has been such a fantastic reading experience and this book has been the icing on the cake. In the words of Beyonce, 'who run the world? Girls!' If there was ever a book that proved it, it'd be this one. 😉


This was the perfect ending to the Mr series. I don't even know how to express how happy this book made me. I loved the Mr books, but to experience them getting their HEA with the Mrs wat the icing on the cake. JA Huss does not disappoint. I will say after reading this book I hope somewhere down the line the Mr and Mrs children get their own books...hint hint. Anyway, I highly suggest if you haven't read this book or any of JA's other books you should. They are fabulous!


This is not a stand alone, and to fully enjoy this book, you should have read the Mister books and Five's book. This book is an epilogue to the Misters series. It's funny, and poignant and mostly a light book. There was plenty of points that I was laughing out loud. No twisted plots full of suspense that you would normally expect from JA Huss. There was some really beautiful moments. A great way to finish this series, though I'm hoping we'll see glimpses of the characters in other Huss stories.

Great ending!

Can you give a book more then 5 stars? You should be able to...I would give his book one million stars. I can't was PERFECT...effing PERFECT! It tied up all the things and it was funny as hell, sexy as hell, and perfect as hell. Five/Rory...are so stinking cute! Nolan/Ivy...Nolan is still as romantic as I remember. West/Tori...they are a totally aborbs couple! Pax/Cindy...OMG these two are just as horney as ever! Ollie/Katja...good ol' Ollie :) #Misters #Six #Family

Mr. & Mrs.

What an incredibly epic journey! I absolutely loved everything about this story, JA Huss made me laugh, cry, and celebrate with all of my favorite characters. Just a perfect ending, but not really the end as I know I’ll treasure re-reading the Rook & Ronin series and the Misters!

Great end to a wild ride with The Misters

Who knew JA Huss could write romantic comedy? Seriously, I found myself actually laughing out loud at some of the antics in this book. What a great end to a wild ride with The Misters. If you have not read the series, you won't appreciate this book near as much. Do yourself a favor, and start from the won't be disappointed. If you are a fan of this series, it's bittersweet to say goodbye to this bunch...but so, so fun while doing it.

It's all you want and more!

This is a must read for all the Mister series fans. It has all you want and more, it will leave you feeling all swoony and teary eyed and there is even some humor thrown in for good measure. We get resolutions and continuations to all of the dynamic characters we have come to love and even a few bonus characters you will not forget. I see more spin-off stories in the future! Great read, thank you Julie!!

I have LOVED every Mister book and this Mr & Mrs is ...

I have LOVED every Mister book and this Mr & Mrs is just the icing on the cake!! A fantastic way to end the series *cries* I never want to say good bye to these characters! I laughed, I cried, I moaned and I swooned! Loved seeing the gang together again. Those kids though...omg LOVE!! I just loved everything about this story! If you've read the Mister series, you need to read this one too! Perfect ending to the series.

What a great ending!

My weeks worth of binging on this series has come to a close. I will miss everyone. What a great big happy family! This book tied everything up and it had me smiling and giggling throughout the whole thing. I loved the shenanigans with everyone and I especially loved how Five just can't deal with certain things with his daughters. Seriously, look how cute he is like that!

Perfect ending to an awesome series!!

This is the perfect HEA! It’s so fun to read everyone’s happily ever afters! I got lost in the Mister world once again and loved every minute of it! Thank you JA Huss for writing these stories! It’s so fun to revisit everyone and get one more peek at their lives. If you loved the Mister series this is your perfect ending. If you’ve yet to read the Mister series go start it ASAP!!

Perfect. Just what I was hoping for.

This book was amazing! I laughed, I cried but most of all I loved it all. All the Misters together with their sole mates. Each having their own part of the story combined together into a perfect story of how they are now. So many parts were unforgettable. Not possible to pick a favorite. Read the entire series and when you get to this book you will agree it was just perfect.

This book was exactly what I could have hoped for

This book was exactly what I could have hoped for when I thought about the ending to the Misters books. I was prepared to visit with old friends, to be filled in on the current times and to fall in love all over again and I definitely got that from this book.. I'm not going to lie, I wasn't ready to go there, I wasn't ready to say goodbye, but it was so worth the read.

JA Huss hypnotizes you with her words.

I couldn't have asked for a better HEA for The Misters AND Five and Rory. JA Huss hypnotizes you with her words. I had no idea what she had in store for these guys, but I was pleasantly surprised. I think I fell more in love with Princess Rory than ever. And those twins!!! And Ethan!! All I can say is....I always want more. Well done.

Love this crazy family

This book is everything I love to read. All the Misters and their wives along with Five and Rory’s families come together for a elaborate epilogue with all kinds of shenanigans. We get to check in with everyone from all the original books and there is even individual chapters for each of the Misters and Five. JA Huss brings everyone back together on Five’s island for one last hurrah and it was fantastic. This is one family I wish I could read about forever!!

Mr. & Mrs., Five and Rory - Love, Life, and Happiness

This is a must read! Julie has given us a Perfect, Romantic, Corporate, Mysterious, Match with Five included. There is still mystery involved but overall you will laugh and fall more in love with each of our Misters and of course Five. This is a perfect ending to a perfect series.

This book was everything and so much more!!!

I really enjoyed this book. I laughed I sighed at the such sweet words and feelings the Mister's had for their girls. What a great way to wrap it all up… Man I want to read this series all over again😉

Best. Party. Ever.

I love it when all the Misters are in one place! It was so awesome to read the continuation of each of their stories, their struggles and their happy endings. The party scene was laugh out loud funny! Also, I love Nolan. And Five's kids. I highly recommend if you've finished the Mister series!

What could be better than the Misters and the Misses all getting married

What could be better than the Misters and the Misses all getting married? How about throwing in Five's mischief little girls...and a few piggies. I giggled and she'd a few tears :)

Awesome not enough stars

This was an awesome ending to the Mister series, funny and loving as well. Just loved the antics and storyline. Has me starting back at the beginning. Thumbs up and not enough stars.

Perfect, simple as that!

Julie does the best happily ever after school, ever! This was perfect. I laughed so hard I cried at certain parts. I have loved everything I've ever read of Julie's but the Misters and Five are some of my favorites. They are this huge dysfunctional family that! No one can do sic points of view like Julie! Loved this so hard. Everyone needs some Misters in their lives!


Two words. I loved. Just kidding, I have more words. I just love this book so much. I cannot handle how beautiful Julie finished off the Mister series. I will forever treasure this series as it connects with Five and the rest of the Rook and Ronin gang.

A Mister must read!

This has to be the best, most romantic, funny story in the Mister series! Every Mister shows his romantic side and even some of the Mrs. This story has all good feels and loads of laughs. The perfect ending to a great series and I would not have expected anything less from Ms Huss!

Mr. & Mrs.

What a way to end this series. I loved every Mr. book, and this one didn't disappoint. I love any story with Five in it, I honestly think he is and always will be my favorite character. Once again J.A. Huss does it again. I can't wait to see what she does next. Read this whole series it is definitely worth it!!

❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️5 EPIC ENDING STARS❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

This story really put the whole series together and placed a nice big wonderful bow on it! This reader didn't know that Ms. Huss had a hilarious Rom Com in her brain, but as with every one of her books, she nailed it! Loved the setting, the romance, the laughter but most of all the love that this family embraces is what made it so special ❤️


O My God! This book was amazing!!! It has soo much going on. These characters work so good together. There's so much love shown in this book. Strangers becoming friends and then family to each other. There's plenty of love to go around.

The perfect HEA for the Misters!

The perfect HEA for the Misters! In this book we get to read about their last day and night before the big wedding. Of course that day and night was epic and adventurous as their all journey!

Love, pure love xx

I have no words. This was the most perfect end to the Mr. series a girl could ask for. Tears and happiness the perfect mix. Like in true JA Huss style she leaves you wanting more. I love it.

More Than Five Stars

The wait for this book was brutal. But here it is! Ms. Huss brings all our favorite Misters together for one epic HEA. If you haven’t read this series go back to the beginning and start...NOW!

Happy Ending Hussie style

Ah all good things must come to an end. But do they?? Well we know Huss so yes the Misters are done, somewhat but I felt there were a few seeds planted for future spin offs. I didn't want the magic to end, but this was a great ending. I loved seeing Five give Rory her wedding.

Perfect ending!

Loved this book, so great to read more about all the Mr.’s and their brides and families. I can not even imagine a more perfect ending to this story.

Happily Ever After

The Mr's. got their Mrs's. and we got our happily ever after. As much as I would love to be more to their stories, I couldn't of asked for a better ending.

The total Mister

I loved every mr. Book ! Each and everyone and the common story connecting each one . This final book, told the ending to each which was greAt but confusing. It seemed to jump around every now and then . But i loved getting the ending for each one ! Awesome reads , in all the books but also ,thanks for the conclusion of their stories.


I am in tears because I have come to the end of the Misters! What an incredible story and ending to the chaos turn fairytale! I will miss everyone, especially Five. I will revisit the series and start them all over again for the adventure. Way to go JA Huss! I will continue to be a big fan!

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