More Than Forever (More Than Series, Book 4)

Kindle Edition
09 Jul
Jay McLean
More Than Forever is book four in the More Than series and may be read as a standalone, though it is recommended to read in series order.

Series reading order:
More Than This (Book one)
More Than Her (Book two)
More Than Him (Book three)

There is a love so fierce it cannot be measured.
A heart so strong it will never slow.
There is a promise so sure it can never lie.
He promised me that love forever.
Even when it wasn't enough.

Forever. Everlasting. Eternal.
There is no measure of time.
No sounds of the ticking of a clock.
Just the rising and falling of the sun.
And our own sense of forever.

But our forever isn't always.

Reviews (190)

Lucy and Cam <3

Review For TV Ever After First off there are a few items you will need on hand before More Than Forever: Tissues - and lots of them! Lucy and Cam will wreck you! A punching Bag- There are points within this book where I wanted to punch something so bad. A pillow- I may or may not have screamed into my pillow more than once while reading A friend- because when all is said and done, and you have gotten off the MTF roller coaster, you will definitely need a hug! Most of you who follow me on Twitter and have listened to our book podcasts, know that The More Series by Jay McLean is one of my absolute favorites. I fell in love with her writing in More Than This, Logan ripped my heart out in More Than Her and he became one of my top book boyfriends when he put it back together in More Than Him. Cam quickly made the top of that list as well. Since meeting Lucy and Cam in the very beginning, I knew I was going to love their story, More Than Forever. Lucy has dealt with a lot in her short life and after the loss of her mother, everything falls on her. She is strong and funny. She is selfless, especially when it comes to her brothers, who we get to see a lot more of in this book. (come on Jay give us a Luke book please!) Lucy is stuck in a place ay such a young age where she has to be the caretaker, however, no one is taking care of her.....until Cameron comes in and tips her world on its axis and becomes her calm in the storm. Cam is am amazing character. He is kind, loving, selfless and so swoon worthy throughout the book. Cam's love for Lucy is unwavering and his naivety at times when it comes to outside influences, is so real and believable. He lives with his mother, Heather (love her lol) and her boyfriend of forever, Mark, who I just adore (move over Dr. Matthews, there is new 'FILF' in town). Throughout the entire series the adults steal our hearts just as much as their children do! Lucy and Cam's story is told from the time they met (before More Than This) through present day and oh my what a story it is! In the beginning, the innocence of fifteen year old first loves is present and oh so adorable. We get to experience all of their firsts and they are told in the sweetest and most realistic way possible. Jay McLean has a way of writing that makes me feel like I am watching a movie in my mind as I read the pages of her books and with this one, it was the most vivid. I really felt like I was there with them as they fell in love, went to college and then had to deal with the outside world- people and situations of the heart breaking kind. Cam and Lucy will break your heart and then put it back together all through this story. There is a myriad of emotions, I as a reader went through while reading this book. There were laugh out loud funny moments (penisgate), the heartwarming interactions between Cam and Mark and plenty of ugly cry moments as well. There is a point in this book where Cam wrecked me. I meant pulled my heart out, face plant and scream in a pillow, punching the mattress, wrecked me. This book will make you feel. This book will make you believe in true love. This book will resonate and stay with you long after you read it. If I could give this book eleventy-three stars I would!

Young love

This was recommended in a group and I'm so glad I read it. I loved reading how Cameron fell in love with Lucy.. At the lowest point in young Lucy's life is when she meets Cameron and never looked back. I laughed and cried then I got ticked off then I could emphasize with Cameron!! Ok I laughed at Lucy with the vaginagate debacle!! 😂😂😂 And then the way they needed each other, so when they went to college and then life got the way. The stress of keeping a scholarship and internship was kicking Camps butt. Then not being able to see Lucy he's just not hacking it.. Then enter Roxy she took advantage of his stressed out life then not noticing how much he's creating problems for him. She knew exactly what she was doing and succeeded. The ending had me crying, I didn't see it coming! I loved this one!!

Best book ever !!!

This book is definitely in my "all time" top 5 reads. I have read this book so many times already, yet it never gets old. The reason I am so in love with it, is because it gave me so many feels.... One minute I was laughing and the next is was crying my eyes out. Laughing, crying, cursing, swooning...I loved every single second of it. Not only is this book one of my favorite m/f books also has one of my favorite couples in it. These two were the best !! So let me introduce you ;). Lucy is just a teenager (15) when her life completely changes, when her mother dies. She is trying her best to keep her family together, but everything is falling apart. She can't do it all by herself and thankfully, she doesn't have to. Because this is when Cameron comes in. Even at 15 years old, this boy stole my freaking heart. He is one of the greatest hero's I have ever read about. He is her little brothers baseball coach and he also goes to the same high school. He has seen Lucy aroud and he knows she is struggeling. From the moment he saw her, he knew that she was it for him and he tries his very best to be the rock that she needs... “I thought it was impossible to be able to laugh again. But he did it; he made my impossible, possible” It was so beautiful seeing these two falling in love. It was so sweet, but it was also so funny !!! I loved that they experienced all their first together !! What I also loved about this book was the supporting cast. Cam's mother was amazing, but it was his stepdad Mark that blew me away...what a great man !!! These two might have been young when they started their relationship, but they knew exactly what they were feeling and what they wanted. It was awesome watching them grow older and Lucy... she was my kind of girl. A book geek with a big mouth !! But when they get older...things aren't always so easy anymore. They go of to collage and hat's when the troubles start. My heart broke into a million pieces reading about them struggeling. I know Cameron didn't mean to, but he still broke her heart.....and mine. I didn't hate him though...I could never hate him. “And at her words, I release her. Because the last thing I ever wanted was to hurt her.” But....and this is why I love Cam sooooo much....he doesn't give up. He will never give up on Lucy. These two are real soulmates, I don't think one would be able to survive without the other.... “There is a love so fierce it cannot be measured. A heart so strong it will never slow. There is a promise so sure it can never lie. And we promise that love forever. Forever and always” If I could give this book 10 stars...I would !!!!

More Than Perfect

Since I first started reading More Than This last summer, I've been waiting and expecting to read the story of Cam and Lucy. I've been eagerly waiting for More Than Forever to come out for what feels like ages ( when in fact I just had to wait a year) because I needed this book in my life. With all this need and desire to read the fourth book in the More Series, a lot of expectations were made and as you know as readers when you have high expectations in a book, you are usually left down. But this was not the case for me, Jay McLean gave me everyhting I was expecting and more! The story of Cam and Lucy starts in High School, which was a delightful surprise because after reading the teasers Jay posted in facebook about the story I thought the High School moments were flashbacks as she did in More Than Her and More Than Him. I really loved seeing their love evolve from friendship to LOVE. Their love was so unexpected, so fierce, it reached my heart so deep that I felt their hurt, their happiness. I was left broken, laughing, aching but above all LOVING. I've always been Team Jake but after getting to know Cam better I am Team Cam forever ever!! He is handsome, caring, supportive, athletic, smart and he unders Lucy's love for reading, he just perfect for me xD On the other hand, Lucy is smart, funny, pretty, caring, she is strong for her family and loves deeply. Cam and Lucy are my faourite couple undoubtedly. I love Jay's writing style and with the passing of books she has improved it. Fast paced narrative, easy to read, you get into the characters mind without difficulty and the time reading the book goes by easily. Can't wait to read More Than Enough, the next book in this wonderful series.

Leaves you breathless

I doubt that my words can do this story justice. Remarkable love. Beautiful love. Leaves you breathless. If you have read this series then you know of Cam and Lucy. If you haven't read the series, then please read the other books before you read this one. At just 15 Lucy was left to take care of her little brothers because her mom died and her dad is just too broken up to really take care of things. That should grab you right there. Imagine at 15 taking care of siblings!!! She had no life. Cam fell for her and was always there to help her. It took Lucy a bit to fall for Cam but when she did it was magical. I was heartbroken for her because she seems to have the world on her shoulders. We go through firsts with Cam and Lucy. First kiss. First love. First time. I didn't feel as if I was reading about teens. They seemed so mature. Thank goodness Cam's mom and her boyfriend Mark (who I think was my favorite character) were there for them. They helped in so many ways. The first part of the book is about their teen years, and the second part is about their college years. I love all of the characters in the book excluding Roxy. She is such a skank! This book takes your breath away. It will take over your life until you finish. I could feel their love and their heartbreak as their story unfolds. Make no mistake, you will be put through an emotional roller coaster. You will want to scream at Cam and push Lucy to fight harder. But, Cam and Lucy have the kind of love that everyone wants. I read this as I was coming home from vacation. I tried to silently cry in the car so my family wouldn't see me. I don't know if I succeeded or not, but this book will cause you to ugly cry. No cliffhanger. Thank you Jay McLean for writing the story of Cam and Lucy. Total book hangover!

This might be my favorite Jay McLean book!

More Than Forever started out as a cute coming of age romance. It was more along the lines of a sweet YA contemporary romance. Cameron was the perfect friend and boyfriend that would do anything for Lucy. I loved the interactions between the young lovebirds and their parents. They were so funny and adorable. Then, slowly, Lucy and Cameron’s relationship matured along with them and More Than Forever became a beautiful New Adult romance. While it was still sweet and incredibly funny, there was now the angst and a sexual relationship as well. Lucy and Cam’s sexual relationship was one of my favorite parts of the story. In the beginning, it felt honest and true to real life. As time went by, it was sexy and funny — just like it was reading about them in previous books. As for the angst, at times I wanted to yell at Cam for being so blind and at Lucy for not truly seeing Cam. I ached for them as they dealt with the problems they faced. I wanted them to make it. The love they shared was so special. Obviously, I loved More Than Forever. I thought More Than This was my favorite in the series, but More Than Forever stole its place in my heart. It was sweet, funny, steamy and most of all emotionally loaded. I would highly suggest reading More Than Forever and the entire More Than series. I loved the way all of the books tied together and that I got to see not just the romances bloom but the friendships as well. I can’t wait for the next book More Than Enough to come out. I hope it’s Heidi and Dylan’s story!

Love and Hope are forever

This is a reread review and I still give this book 5 stars. I remember reading Lucy and Cam's story the first time and thinking, "Lucy is my Spirit Animal." And she still is. I relate to the introverted book geek girl whose filter vanishes when she is drinking. You never know what will come out of thy mouth. Jay captured that awkward young teen first crush and love so accurately, to the point that you will laugh your butt off with Penisgate and Vaginagate. When you read this book you will feel sad, then laugh your butt off, cry, gasp, cry some more, laugh again, and then you will smile with a warmth in your heart and Hope in your soul.

Lucy and Cameron!

Lucy and Cameron’s story is heartbreakingly beautiful! Lucy and her 6 brothers lose their Mum and Cameron is there for them every day trying to help Lucy with the load any way he can. They fall in love young and hard, but it’s not all smooth sailing. I love Lucy’s character, she is strong yet fragile, loves reading and is so funny sometimes! Cameron is the type of guy every girl would wish for, loving and supportive. “You said you could ask her what made her happy, and she could say books—but the answer wouldn't be enough. You told me you wanted to know what type of books, and you wanted to be the one to give them to her. And even then, you said, it still wasn't enough for you. You said you wanted to be her reason for loving books. You said you wanted to be her reason for everything.”

” This is book 4 in the 'More Than' series and it has officially taken prime position as my favourite! I have loved all of t

More Than Forever “She reads, and I read her. And that's how I spend the next few weeks. Each day, she speaks a few more words to me, and each day I find myself caring more than I should.” This is book 4 in the 'More Than' series and it has officially taken prime position as my favourite! I have loved all of the other characters since we first met them in book 1, but Lucy has always been a favourite as she was such a spitfire, loved reading and always had hilarious comments and anecdotes! (sidenote: I actually laughed out loud whilst reading this book when everyone had a conversation about different names for vaginas.. too funny!) More Than Forever does not however, begin from the end of book 3, where Lucy and Cam had already been together for 4-5 years - reverting back to when they were both 15 years old and Lucy was on the verge of losing her mother. Cameron comes into her life when everything was about to change for Lucy and he notices her before she even realises and is immediately drawn to her. “Is your sister ... uh... hearing impaired?" "She's just reading.” Whilst Cam was only 15, he had the biggest heart and not only supported Lucy through losing her mother, but her father and her (six!) brothers too. He was such a great guy/ character and the author wrote him so well. He perfectly complemented Lucy. (sidenote: Everytime i read the name Cam, i changed it in my head, to Chris as my brother's name is Cameron and it just made it awks!) The book catalogues the characters from early innocence into many years of their relationship, to love and through turmoil. It was a slow burn and it all felt really natural. What i loved about this book is that even through times of struggle and sadness, i never once doubted both characters true feelings and love for each other. None of that juvenile back and forth stuff, we knew they were meant to be and that's what we got. I thank for the author for that! Again i can't speak highly enough about how much i love all the side characters, from the previous books - Mikayla and Jake, Logan and Amanda, Heidi - the parents, especially Cam's 'stepdad' Mark and Lucy's brothers. He was fantastic. I loved that this wasn't the usual book where it seems as if there are never any parentals! Whilst there was definitely a few very sad moments for a bit there, More Than Forever was a beautiful story and i'm glad to have read it. Definitely recommend! “You still make my world stop, Luce.”

Forever Perfection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Completely, totally, absolutely, thoroughly- EVERYTHING. That is pretty much my feelings as I read More Than Forever. And after. It was completely, totally, absolutely, thoroughly PERFECT. Every up and down, every raw emotion, every joy and pain. It was the perfect story of meeting and falling and healing and being and living!!! It was completely- adorable It was totally- swoon worthy It was absolutely- breathtakingly beautiful It was thoroughly- enjoyable This is the type of book that if you and when you start you won't be able to put it down. Even when you are done you won't want to part with it. If I started this at midnight I would be up all night without stopping and would care less how sleep deprived I was the next day. It would be worth it. It's the type of book that hits all your senses. I used so much tissue when I cried at sad things and I cried when it was so hysterically funny that the tears were falling out! There has never been a more perfect hero for a heroine. Every kid and even man needs to take pointers from Cameron. How he 'man'ed' up for Lucy, that boy just knew. He knew she needed him and he wanted her. At 8% I was ready to give this a 5 star rating. Sometimes you just know when you have perfection in your hands. This book here is why 5 stars is not enough. At 20%, I was way past a 5 star. Even at 60 & 70% when my heart was dripping with sadness, it was still a phenomenal 5 star read. How about this? Can I give Lucy 5, Cameron, 5 Jay 5 :) and Cameron's mom and OMG Mark...see they deserve 5. I'm thinking 100 STARS is a good place to start!!!

Lucy and Cam <3

Review For TV Ever After First off there are a few items you will need on hand before More Than Forever: Tissues - and lots of them! Lucy and Cam will wreck you! A punching Bag- There are points within this book where I wanted to punch something so bad. A pillow- I may or may not have screamed into my pillow more than once while reading A friend- because when all is said and done, and you have gotten off the MTF roller coaster, you will definitely need a hug! Most of you who follow me on Twitter and have listened to our book podcasts, know that The More Series by Jay McLean is one of my absolute favorites. I fell in love with her writing in More Than This, Logan ripped my heart out in More Than Her and he became one of my top book boyfriends when he put it back together in More Than Him. Cam quickly made the top of that list as well. Since meeting Lucy and Cam in the very beginning, I knew I was going to love their story, More Than Forever. Lucy has dealt with a lot in her short life and after the loss of her mother, everything falls on her. She is strong and funny. She is selfless, especially when it comes to her brothers, who we get to see a lot more of in this book. (come on Jay give us a Luke book please!) Lucy is stuck in a place ay such a young age where she has to be the caretaker, however, no one is taking care of her.....until Cameron comes in and tips her world on its axis and becomes her calm in the storm. Cam is am amazing character. He is kind, loving, selfless and so swoon worthy throughout the book. Cam's love for Lucy is unwavering and his naivety at times when it comes to outside influences, is so real and believable. He lives with his mother, Heather (love her lol) and her boyfriend of forever, Mark, who I just adore (move over Dr. Matthews, there is new 'FILF' in town). Throughout the entire series the adults steal our hearts just as much as their children do! Lucy and Cam's story is told from the time they met (before More Than This) through present day and oh my what a story it is! In the beginning, the innocence of fifteen year old first loves is present and oh so adorable. We get to experience all of their firsts and they are told in the sweetest and most realistic way possible. Jay McLean has a way of writing that makes me feel like I am watching a movie in my mind as I read the pages of her books and with this one, it was the most vivid. I really felt like I was there with them as they fell in love, went to college and then had to deal with the outside world- people and situations of the heart breaking kind. Cam and Lucy will break your heart and then put it back together all through this story. There is a myriad of emotions, I as a reader went through while reading this book. There were laugh out loud funny moments (penisgate), the heartwarming interactions between Cam and Mark and plenty of ugly cry moments as well. There is a point in this book where Cam wrecked me. I meant pulled my heart out, face plant and scream in a pillow, punching the mattress, wrecked me. This book will make you feel. This book will make you believe in true love. This book will resonate and stay with you long after you read it. If I could give this book eleventy-three stars I would!

Young love

This was recommended in a group and I'm so glad I read it. I loved reading how Cameron fell in love with Lucy.. At the lowest point in young Lucy's life is when she meets Cameron and never looked back. I laughed and cried then I got ticked off then I could emphasize with Cameron!! Ok I laughed at Lucy with the vaginagate debacle!! 😂😂😂 And then the way they needed each other, so when they went to college and then life got the way. The stress of keeping a scholarship and internship was kicking Camps butt. Then not being able to see Lucy he's just not hacking it.. Then enter Roxy she took advantage of his stressed out life then not noticing how much he's creating problems for him. She knew exactly what she was doing and succeeded. The ending had me crying, I didn't see it coming! I loved this one!!

Best book ever !!!

This book is definitely in my "all time" top 5 reads. I have read this book so many times already, yet it never gets old. The reason I am so in love with it, is because it gave me so many feels.... One minute I was laughing and the next is was crying my eyes out. Laughing, crying, cursing, swooning...I loved every single second of it. Not only is this book one of my favorite m/f books also has one of my favorite couples in it. These two were the best !! So let me introduce you ;). Lucy is just a teenager (15) when her life completely changes, when her mother dies. She is trying her best to keep her family together, but everything is falling apart. She can't do it all by herself and thankfully, she doesn't have to. Because this is when Cameron comes in. Even at 15 years old, this boy stole my freaking heart. He is one of the greatest hero's I have ever read about. He is her little brothers baseball coach and he also goes to the same high school. He has seen Lucy aroud and he knows she is struggeling. From the moment he saw her, he knew that she was it for him and he tries his very best to be the rock that she needs... “I thought it was impossible to be able to laugh again. But he did it; he made my impossible, possible” It was so beautiful seeing these two falling in love. It was so sweet, but it was also so funny !!! I loved that they experienced all their first together !! What I also loved about this book was the supporting cast. Cam's mother was amazing, but it was his stepdad Mark that blew me away...what a great man !!! These two might have been young when they started their relationship, but they knew exactly what they were feeling and what they wanted. It was awesome watching them grow older and Lucy... she was my kind of girl. A book geek with a big mouth !! But when they get older...things aren't always so easy anymore. They go of to collage and hat's when the troubles start. My heart broke into a million pieces reading about them struggeling. I know Cameron didn't mean to, but he still broke her heart.....and mine. I didn't hate him though...I could never hate him. “And at her words, I release her. Because the last thing I ever wanted was to hurt her.” But....and this is why I love Cam sooooo much....he doesn't give up. He will never give up on Lucy. These two are real soulmates, I don't think one would be able to survive without the other.... “There is a love so fierce it cannot be measured. A heart so strong it will never slow. There is a promise so sure it can never lie. And we promise that love forever. Forever and always” If I could give this book 10 stars...I would !!!!

More Than Perfect

Since I first started reading More Than This last summer, I've been waiting and expecting to read the story of Cam and Lucy. I've been eagerly waiting for More Than Forever to come out for what feels like ages ( when in fact I just had to wait a year) because I needed this book in my life. With all this need and desire to read the fourth book in the More Series, a lot of expectations were made and as you know as readers when you have high expectations in a book, you are usually left down. But this was not the case for me, Jay McLean gave me everyhting I was expecting and more! The story of Cam and Lucy starts in High School, which was a delightful surprise because after reading the teasers Jay posted in facebook about the story I thought the High School moments were flashbacks as she did in More Than Her and More Than Him. I really loved seeing their love evolve from friendship to LOVE. Their love was so unexpected, so fierce, it reached my heart so deep that I felt their hurt, their happiness. I was left broken, laughing, aching but above all LOVING. I've always been Team Jake but after getting to know Cam better I am Team Cam forever ever!! He is handsome, caring, supportive, athletic, smart and he unders Lucy's love for reading, he just perfect for me xD On the other hand, Lucy is smart, funny, pretty, caring, she is strong for her family and loves deeply. Cam and Lucy are my faourite couple undoubtedly. I love Jay's writing style and with the passing of books she has improved it. Fast paced narrative, easy to read, you get into the characters mind without difficulty and the time reading the book goes by easily. Can't wait to read More Than Enough, the next book in this wonderful series.

Leaves you breathless

I doubt that my words can do this story justice. Remarkable love. Beautiful love. Leaves you breathless. If you have read this series then you know of Cam and Lucy. If you haven't read the series, then please read the other books before you read this one. At just 15 Lucy was left to take care of her little brothers because her mom died and her dad is just too broken up to really take care of things. That should grab you right there. Imagine at 15 taking care of siblings!!! She had no life. Cam fell for her and was always there to help her. It took Lucy a bit to fall for Cam but when she did it was magical. I was heartbroken for her because she seems to have the world on her shoulders. We go through firsts with Cam and Lucy. First kiss. First love. First time. I didn't feel as if I was reading about teens. They seemed so mature. Thank goodness Cam's mom and her boyfriend Mark (who I think was my favorite character) were there for them. They helped in so many ways. The first part of the book is about their teen years, and the second part is about their college years. I love all of the characters in the book excluding Roxy. She is such a skank! This book takes your breath away. It will take over your life until you finish. I could feel their love and their heartbreak as their story unfolds. Make no mistake, you will be put through an emotional roller coaster. You will want to scream at Cam and push Lucy to fight harder. But, Cam and Lucy have the kind of love that everyone wants. I read this as I was coming home from vacation. I tried to silently cry in the car so my family wouldn't see me. I don't know if I succeeded or not, but this book will cause you to ugly cry. No cliffhanger. Thank you Jay McLean for writing the story of Cam and Lucy. Total book hangover!

This might be my favorite Jay McLean book!

More Than Forever started out as a cute coming of age romance. It was more along the lines of a sweet YA contemporary romance. Cameron was the perfect friend and boyfriend that would do anything for Lucy. I loved the interactions between the young lovebirds and their parents. They were so funny and adorable. Then, slowly, Lucy and Cameron’s relationship matured along with them and More Than Forever became a beautiful New Adult romance. While it was still sweet and incredibly funny, there was now the angst and a sexual relationship as well. Lucy and Cam’s sexual relationship was one of my favorite parts of the story. In the beginning, it felt honest and true to real life. As time went by, it was sexy and funny — just like it was reading about them in previous books. As for the angst, at times I wanted to yell at Cam for being so blind and at Lucy for not truly seeing Cam. I ached for them as they dealt with the problems they faced. I wanted them to make it. The love they shared was so special. Obviously, I loved More Than Forever. I thought More Than This was my favorite in the series, but More Than Forever stole its place in my heart. It was sweet, funny, steamy and most of all emotionally loaded. I would highly suggest reading More Than Forever and the entire More Than series. I loved the way all of the books tied together and that I got to see not just the romances bloom but the friendships as well. I can’t wait for the next book More Than Enough to come out. I hope it’s Heidi and Dylan’s story!

Love and Hope are forever

This is a reread review and I still give this book 5 stars. I remember reading Lucy and Cam's story the first time and thinking, "Lucy is my Spirit Animal." And she still is. I relate to the introverted book geek girl whose filter vanishes when she is drinking. You never know what will come out of thy mouth. Jay captured that awkward young teen first crush and love so accurately, to the point that you will laugh your butt off with Penisgate and Vaginagate. When you read this book you will feel sad, then laugh your butt off, cry, gasp, cry some more, laugh again, and then you will smile with a warmth in your heart and Hope in your soul.

Lucy and Cameron!

Lucy and Cameron’s story is heartbreakingly beautiful! Lucy and her 6 brothers lose their Mum and Cameron is there for them every day trying to help Lucy with the load any way he can. They fall in love young and hard, but it’s not all smooth sailing. I love Lucy’s character, she is strong yet fragile, loves reading and is so funny sometimes! Cameron is the type of guy every girl would wish for, loving and supportive. “You said you could ask her what made her happy, and she could say books—but the answer wouldn't be enough. You told me you wanted to know what type of books, and you wanted to be the one to give them to her. And even then, you said, it still wasn't enough for you. You said you wanted to be her reason for loving books. You said you wanted to be her reason for everything.”

” This is book 4 in the 'More Than' series and it has officially taken prime position as my favourite! I have loved all of t

More Than Forever “She reads, and I read her. And that's how I spend the next few weeks. Each day, she speaks a few more words to me, and each day I find myself caring more than I should.” This is book 4 in the 'More Than' series and it has officially taken prime position as my favourite! I have loved all of the other characters since we first met them in book 1, but Lucy has always been a favourite as she was such a spitfire, loved reading and always had hilarious comments and anecdotes! (sidenote: I actually laughed out loud whilst reading this book when everyone had a conversation about different names for vaginas.. too funny!) More Than Forever does not however, begin from the end of book 3, where Lucy and Cam had already been together for 4-5 years - reverting back to when they were both 15 years old and Lucy was on the verge of losing her mother. Cameron comes into her life when everything was about to change for Lucy and he notices her before she even realises and is immediately drawn to her. “Is your sister ... uh... hearing impaired?" "She's just reading.” Whilst Cam was only 15, he had the biggest heart and not only supported Lucy through losing her mother, but her father and her (six!) brothers too. He was such a great guy/ character and the author wrote him so well. He perfectly complemented Lucy. (sidenote: Everytime i read the name Cam, i changed it in my head, to Chris as my brother's name is Cameron and it just made it awks!) The book catalogues the characters from early innocence into many years of their relationship, to love and through turmoil. It was a slow burn and it all felt really natural. What i loved about this book is that even through times of struggle and sadness, i never once doubted both characters true feelings and love for each other. None of that juvenile back and forth stuff, we knew they were meant to be and that's what we got. I thank for the author for that! Again i can't speak highly enough about how much i love all the side characters, from the previous books - Mikayla and Jake, Logan and Amanda, Heidi - the parents, especially Cam's 'stepdad' Mark and Lucy's brothers. He was fantastic. I loved that this wasn't the usual book where it seems as if there are never any parentals! Whilst there was definitely a few very sad moments for a bit there, More Than Forever was a beautiful story and i'm glad to have read it. Definitely recommend! “You still make my world stop, Luce.”

Forever Perfection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Completely, totally, absolutely, thoroughly- EVERYTHING. That is pretty much my feelings as I read More Than Forever. And after. It was completely, totally, absolutely, thoroughly PERFECT. Every up and down, every raw emotion, every joy and pain. It was the perfect story of meeting and falling and healing and being and living!!! It was completely- adorable It was totally- swoon worthy It was absolutely- breathtakingly beautiful It was thoroughly- enjoyable This is the type of book that if you and when you start you won't be able to put it down. Even when you are done you won't want to part with it. If I started this at midnight I would be up all night without stopping and would care less how sleep deprived I was the next day. It would be worth it. It's the type of book that hits all your senses. I used so much tissue when I cried at sad things and I cried when it was so hysterically funny that the tears were falling out! There has never been a more perfect hero for a heroine. Every kid and even man needs to take pointers from Cameron. How he 'man'ed' up for Lucy, that boy just knew. He knew she needed him and he wanted her. At 8% I was ready to give this a 5 star rating. Sometimes you just know when you have perfection in your hands. This book here is why 5 stars is not enough. At 20%, I was way past a 5 star. Even at 60 & 70% when my heart was dripping with sadness, it was still a phenomenal 5 star read. How about this? Can I give Lucy 5, Cameron, 5 Jay 5 :) and Cameron's mom and OMG Mark...see they deserve 5. I'm thinking 100 STARS is a good place to start!!!


You know when you sit down to read a book.....and from the very first sentence, you really wish you could just stop time and then rewind it so you get that moment over and over again? Well, for me this is that book. I am jealous of anyone who will get to experience this incredible piece of work by Jay McLean for the first time. I love Jay, I love the world she has created, I love the depth and heart she puts into every word she writes, I love the emotion and feels that grip you by the soul and stay with you forever. If you want to read a book that makes you cry out in pain, sadness and heartache, a book that makes you laugh so hard you snort cough and choke all at the same time, a book that makes you look at your life and be thankful, a book that makes you really believe in love that can last FOREVER, a book that will stick with you for the rest of your life, then More Than Forever IS WITHOUT A DOUBT the best book you will read this year. I love this story! I love Lucy as a lead female, I love the different light you get to see her in, I felt in so many ways that I could relate to her and want to jump in the book and high five that crazy hilarious beautiful girl! Cam......PLEASE JESUS AND TO ALL THAT IS HOLY....this freaking guy.....just.....WOW WOW! He is totally A-MAY-MAY and although situations happened in the book.... His ass is 1000000000000000000% redeemable! I love the supporting characters such as Minge and Rose who are total Newies but so hilarious!!! The rest of the More Entourage are just as kick-ass too! I will never ever get enough of the friendships in the More Series! They are so real, so relatable and they will all stick with me forever! Lucy's brothers.....NEED their own series! God...can you imagine how awesome that would be?? I love them all! So funny and I love the sibling banter between them all so much! Now, let me get back to Jay's writing! THIS IS BY FAR THE BEST PIECE OF WORK THIS AMAZING WOMAN HAS EVER WRITTEN!!!! FACTUAL INFORMATION! She writes with such beauty and you can feel the passion she has poured into this book. I never feel that Jay McLean gets enough credit for her work! This masterpiece she has written is by far my favourite book of all time! Jay McLean will always be MY favourite and I so much more than a lot LOVE HER!

AMAZING! So much love for Lucy & Cam <3

I am so in love with this book that it’s without a doubt a 5+ rating. Lucy and Cameron’s story makes you believe that with love anything is possible. It shows that young love can heal a broken soul and that love can grow and evolve over time. That’s not to say Lucy and Cam’s relationship is all rainbows and unicorns. They have their struggles both as a couple and separately as most of us do and are hit with a one- two punch that left me crying big fat ugly tears in my car. At first I was nervous about how the time line was going to progress but after the first jump, I must give it to Ms. Mclean that she came up with a different way of making that happen while still letting the readers experience all there was between these two. I must say I have enjoyed this series and while I want to jump right into the final book, I am also hesitant to do so as I’m not ready to say goodbye to these amazing bunch of friends.

'Eleventy-three' perfect stars!

This is the story of a boy, and a girl, falling in love. Or at least it should be. But its more than that. There’s just something about Cam and Lucy. In the previous installments in this series Cam and Lucy have always been my favourites. They're the childhood sweethearts that had been together forever and were always just so happy to be with each other. But there’s so much more to their story. So much more. And finally we get to know Cam and Lucy from the very beginning of their epic love story… Where to start… I have not read a book that has made me feel like More than Forever did in a very long time. One moment I was swooning, then laughing, and then the next I was shedding heartbroken tears for both Cam and Lucy. Cam and Lucy were so perfect, so completely meant to be, that reading about them was like discovering the very definition of soul mates. There were so many ups and downs in this book. No one’s life can be perfect, the bad needs to be there so that we can appreciate and fully understand how good the good really is. I loved that this story was told in such a real and refreshing way. Cam and Lucy’s story felt real from start to finish –their experiences, their lives, their turmoil and love. I adored every single minute of it and it was like I was living it right there with them both. Cam and Lucy's story has it all - sweetness, love, angst, humor and heartbreak. But even the angsty heartbreaking moments were so beautifully written that I was completely consumed. I LOVED More than Forever every step of the way and every word I read was perfection. More than Forever is without a doubt the best book I have read in 2014. It just leaves everything else in the dust. Full review now posted -

One of my favorite things about Jay McLean’s books

One of my favorite things about Jay McLean’s books: her characters love for reading and her reading references. It just makes her books that much more fun. "Luce!" "Is your sister...uh...hearing impaired?" "No, she's just reading.” 5 Luca Stars Like most of my reading buddies, I do not go anywhere without access to my Kindle account. If someone gives me more than a minute I am going to be pulling my book out to read even just a page or two. I picked up reading again after college as a distraction and became addicted again. Lucy reads for the same reason: distraction. Her mother is dying and she is eldest child and only girl in a family of seven children. Lucy is my favorite female character in this series for many reasons: A. We share the same love of books, B. She is so freaking funny, C. She loves with all her heart and takes care of everyone else. D. Did I mention drunk Lucy is a sarcastic bitch? So yes, I love Lucy. "The whore and the pindick. Isn’t that like throwing a hotdog down a hallway?" Lucy and Cameron met in high school, while they attended school together they didn’t really notice each other until he saw her at her little brothers' little league game he was coaching. Cam was immediately drawn to the girl who was seemed like she was in her own world, oblivious to things going on around her. When Lucy’s mother passes away Cam sees Lucy struggling, barely holding it together and decidest to help. You see when Lucy’s mom died her dad was overcome with grief and checked out on the family. While he wwas present he mostly drank and left Lucy with the burden of caring for them. Cam takes it upon himself to step up and help her. Through this they build a friendship that eventually turns into love. "Sometimes I think that this - you and me - this could be as good as it gets for the rest of my life and that would be perfect. Do you think that is normal? To feel that? To be sixteen and feel like your life begins and ends with one person?” While we have known Lucy and Cam throughout the series, this story is told from when they were in high school and goes through college. I loved seeing a young Lucy and Cam. I loved seeing their connection and how much Cam loved Lucy and wanted to take care of her. Their connection and story is pretty picture perfect, but things begin getting more difficult as they grow up. They are in college, pursing different careers, working different schedules and real life begins to get in the way. I will be honest seeing Cam and Luce experience real life really broke my heart. I know we have to have conflict to have a book and I know that it wouldn't be very realistic for things to continue on perfectly, but damn. Lucy and Cam are not perfect people, they are just two people who decided a long time ago to love each other forever. In the end, I absolutely loved this one. I wish somethings had been different, but I have to give credit where it is due. This book/series has completely pulled me in. I am a huge fan of Jay McLean and highly recommend this one. "Love has no limits. no boundaries. No time. It’s eternal. Forever.”


Wow...just Wow... That is a totally inadequate response to this book but it totally sums up all things. It was beautiful, sweet, heartbreaking, honest and raw. It seems like not that long ago that I found myself reading More than This. I feel in love with the characters in that book, but more than that, I think I feel in love with the writing. The truth and honesty behind the words and the way that Jay was able to make us feel those emotions was something special. I felt like I was in those moments with them, I felt like those were my friends hurting, loving and laughing. I think that is pretty genius and amazing when a writer can make you feel that. I have continued to fall more in love with this group of friends with each book, each love story and every heart break. I first adored drunk Lucy; she was this funny book nerd that was a great friend to her girls, cool with Logan and madly in love with Cameron. In this book, man in this book, you just can't help but totally adore her. She is broken, she is strong, sweet, innocent, a little dirty, funny, loving, loyal, and kind....she is just all these things and more. She is not perfect, but she loves fiercely, she cares wholly and she gives more than you think is possible. Cameron, if you thought Jake and Logan were swoon worthy (which don't get me wrong, they totally are) then you need to meet and fall totally in love with Cameron! He is this sweet, kind caring boy that comes out of nowhere and changes a girl’s life without ever trying to. He gives his entire heart; he claims his girl and never looks back. He loves totally and without abandon, he is strong, but he is also insecure, he is broken in his own way, he is also vulnerable and I love how Jay expresses this. She is not afraid to show that time and time again through the book. It does not make him weak, it makes him beautiful, it makes him human, and it makes him vulnerable, which he is especially to and for his forever girl. I don't know how Jay knows how to tap into all the emotions that she does and was able to fit into this book, she had me laughing out loud, walking us through a first love and all the innocence that comes along with that, taking us through grief and heartbreak, healing and loving, forgiveness and every other emotion that you could possibly think of. Just when you think your heart can't take any more she switches it up on you. It was pure magic from page one to the end and I never looked back. Not to discredit the other three books in this series, because they were beautiful and I loved them and have read them several times, especially when I have needed my fix, but I think I can say that this is the best one yet. It is hard to write this review without giving any spoilers away, but READ THE BOOK, I promise you will not regret it. It is pure magic; and I don't say that lightly, actually I have NEVER said that on any other review. I truly believe it is impossible not to fall in love with Lucy and Cameron. Jay McLean has more than out done herself. It was beautiful and totally worth the wait. It will make you laugh, maybe break your heart, break you down a little, and in the process maybe give you a little HOPE as well. I MORE than loved this!!

A great read

*Note: This is the fourth book in a series. It can probably be read as a standalone, but will spoil the other books if you do read this first. I would suggest reading them in order. Wow, I didn't think anything would top More Than Her, but somehow More Than Forever did. I freakin loved this book. I loved Logan in the last book, but oh my goodness Cameron. He kind of swooped in out of nowhere and stole my heart. He was amazing. Cameron and Lucy have been together forever. Since her mom died. Since he started showing up at her house to help out after that. He noticed her before that, but never got a chance to talk to her. In the first book in the series we see they are already together, and the epilogue of the last book had a bit of a sneak peek as to where they were going, but this story goes back to the beginning. Goes back to when Lucy's mom dies and what happens between then and now. How do these two get together and become the amazing couple that they are. When the story starts out Lucy is having a hard time. She has so many siblings to take care of and now that her mom has died and her dad is not around. He drinks himself into a stupor and when he is there he is not a good person. So Lucy is trying to do everything herself. Trying to make sure her brothers eat and go to school and do everything they are supposed to. It is a lot to put on such a young person, though when Cameron starts showing up to help she isn't sure what to think. I mean she doesn't even know him. Why is he coming by? She is very proud and doesn't want to need anyone else's help. She also has some other issues, ways she tries to deal with the pain and chaos around her, and Cameron helps with that as well. And slowly Lucy starts to let him in. Slowly she starts to trust him and like him and love him. Cameron is simply amazing. He is all in so quickly and so young. He only sees Lucy. There are no other women. This book has a lot of ups and downs, mainly because Lucy is pretty insecure at times. I don't really know why as Cameron is as close to a perfect boyfriend as you can get. Sure other girls might try and move in on him, but honestly he doesn't notice or see them. This can cause issues because Lucy is worried he will leave her eventually, and since he doesn't see anyone else he isn't aware of how hurtful some of the things he does are because of her insecurities. I really did love everything that happened with Roxy. Well not loved what happened, but loved how Cam saw everything at that time. Loved that he only sees Lucy, only ever her. Oh I don't know how you can not fall in love with this guy! This story has some really rough parts. Some times where I just hurt so much for Cam and want to hate Lucy for hurting him. Some times where I wasn't sure if they would actually make it, but then I kept holding on to the sneak peek we got at the end of the last book, hoping beyond hope that everything will turn out okay. I mean Cam will do anything to be with Luce. He loves her beyond anything that could happen, she just needs to figure that out. She needs to learn to be more secure with them. I guess that would be one small, teeny tiny little thing I didn't get in this story - why Lucy was so insecure with them. It seems like with a boyfriend like him you should just know he loves you and would never do anything to intentionally hurt you or jeopardize your love. It was rough at times, but I also couldn't put it down. Cam just stole my heart and I couldn't wait to see him and his happily ever after. Oh I can't tell you how much I loved this story. I thought the last book was amazing, but somehow this one was even better. I know I have one more and I don't know how it could be better than Cam and Lucy's story. We shall see. Really this series is amazing. Simply amazing reads. Love them so much. This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland

My favorite of the series!! Loved Cam and Lucy!!! #Luca

I have been a fan of this series since the beginning and let me say this one is my favorite of them all. we met Cam and Lucy in the other books and they were hilarious ;) I was so happy to see they were getting their own story. They met when they were 15. Lucy was taking care of her 6 brothers while the family was dealing with tragedy. Cam coached her little brothers in baseball and from there we see their relationship start. He was there for her and helped her everyday as she and her family dealt with her mother's passing. for being so young he stepped in everyday. As time went on they fell in love and experienced a lot of firsts together. ;). we also see the other characters from the other books and I like how all of their stories connected with this. (if you haven't read the other 3 books before I highly recommend it. they will explain a lot) This story was about love, loss, friendships, family..there was some laughter too..everything you can think of. so many emotions. as they adjusted to college life, there were times Cam made me want to slap him for being so naive. the funniest parts had to be the Body and Brain conversations lol. I couldn't stop laughing. Also Lucy and her words are too funny;). Special mention goes to Marky Mark. What an amazing man! I love how much be is there for Cam. His mom was great too.. and also being there for Lucy;) Cam's roomate was cool ;) (the texting scene was hilarious). Lucas (Lucy's brother) was great too! great advice from him and his speech brought tears to my eyes. The emotions in this book make you feel for them. Family isn't always about's about those that have been there for you & they have seen you at your worse. they stick by you through everything. Can't wait for the next book...hopefully it's Dylan and Heidi. I need to know what's up with those 2. I loved this book and I know you will too. This a series you don't want to miss!!

More Than Forever

Jay McLean has once again, blown me away. When I read her first book, More Than This, I raved on and on about her writing. Well this book, More Than Forever, took my breath away. " "These were hers," she whispers, pointing the can to the pots of roses around her. "I keep thinking that if I keep them alive, then maybe she'll come back." Her tears fall, but she doesn't wipe them away. "Do you think it'll work, Cameron? Do you think she'll come back?" " It was an amazing read. Although, as much as I loved it, More Than This will always be my favorite Jay McLean book. More Than Forever was really good but it couldn't be my favorite. Lucy and Cameron go through so much it's almost unbearable. It was too much hurt and pain. I even had to put the book aside a few times and read something else. My heart ached for these characters. The raw talent this author has is almost unbelievable. When I read one of her books, I literally sit back, amazed at how real she has made the characters. I love her writing. Even though this book is devastatingly sad, I highly recommend it. It's a really good story. Good enough that I wanted to keep reading. She always creates amazing characters that you can't help but love. Overall, I gave this book five stars. It was a great read and I have no regrets in buying her book. I'll probably read anything written by Jay McLean.

A Sheer Beauty of Feels

I finished More Than Forever and oh my God, I didn't ugly cry. I coyote ugly cried! And laughed until it hurt. And swooned....and cursed.....and so freakin' happy I thought I'd explode cried. I am so damn proud to be a ‪#‎Jaybird‬! I tried to figure out how to write a review that encompasses the sheer beauty of this book. I can't think of any words good enough, strong enough, to express how many feels this book gave me. Sometimes there just aren't words - MTF is an experience that leaves you speechless. Thank you, Jay <3 It's not enough, those two small words to tell you how grateful I am for you sharing your gift with words and story telling, but I'm still fairly lost in finding the RIGHT words.

Another Great Addition To The More Than Series

This is the 4th book in Jay McLean's More Than Series and it isn't a standalone. Before reading this I really recommend you reading More Than This (Book 1), More Than Her (Book 2), More Than Him (Book 3) first. This book was amazing. I've been a fan of Jay's since I first read More Than This. I fell in love with Jake and Mikayla in no time at all and through Jake I met his friends and started to really wonder about their stories. One couple that I kept finding myself going back to was Cameron and Lucy. They are the perfect high school couple and so much in love I couldn't help but wonder what their story was and now I know. Lucy and Cam's story was one of the ones I've been waiting for. I've watched this couple grow and progress through the first three books and I kept finding myself thinking there's no way that they are just perfect. Was I wrong. My heart broke and I cried many times for Lucy while reading this book. The pain she was dealing with and the strength she had following her mothers death floored me. I just wanted to reach through my kindle and wrap her up in my arms. Cameron is completely fanfreakentastic. He wants nothing more than to help Lucy and he does. He brings her back to life. Seeing their story unfold from the beginning is just unbelievable. There's so much I want to say about this book but I don't want to give away any spoilers so let me just so you got to go out and buy this book. You will find yourself laughing and crying and falling in love with this couple. I can't wait to see what comes next in this series.

I want to be 15 again and fall in love like Cam & Lucy!!

I have loved each book in this series, and up until I read MTF, Logan & Amanda were my “it” couple, Logan my guy.. Well a lot has changed. TEAM LUCA – and Cam, where were you when I was 15??? I need to find a DeLorean and fix the flux capacitor stat – I am going back in time to find my Cam!! Jay McLean you kicked serious ass with this book – my absolute favorite. We know Cam & Lucy from the first books of the More series – we got glimpses of this power couple whose bound seemed unshakable and chemistry off the charts. Lucy, the tiny spitfire with the mouth of a sailor (after way too many drinks) her zingers are legendary.. Cam, if there was ever a definition of romantic hero, then he is it. I am glad we finally we got to see how Cam & Lucy met and fell into that EPIC love. It is a story full of happiness sadness struggles tears jealousy uncertainty and love. I cried, I laughed, I rejoiced with them – I hoped that these two kids who feel head over heels in love at 15 could make it through the pitfalls of an adult relationship. The pressures of college, jobs, outside forces – could they make it work? I want to say so many more things but I feel ill equipped to truly say what an AMAZING journey this was for me. This is one book I will re read over and over again. I am a helpless romantic and if ever there was a story of a great once in a lifetime love, Cam & Lucy’s is IT!!

BEST READ of 2014

This is by far MY #1 Read of 2014! Without a doubt one of the best series I have ever read. Jay McLean writes young profound love flawlessly. She has created young raunchy humor and pivotal first love feelings perfectly with each book in the More series. However, nothing is as amazing as the story of Cameron and Lucy. "There is a love so fierce it cannot be measured. A heart so strong it will never slow. there is a promise so sure it can never lie. And we promise that love forever. Forever and always." Cam and Lucy have been a constant in this series with their "forever" love. It was a pleasure to read where that devotion and emotional connection came from as their tale is so beautifully broken yet so perfect. From the first eye contact at 15, a happy popular Cameron Gordon wanted to "read" a quite withdrawn Lucy. Unlike Cam, Lucy's existence was one of extremes. Taking care of her siblings and father after her mother's death was a difficult feat. Never expecting the big heart of Cameron Gordon to come into her life and literally put her back together. From first kisses and watched sunsets to owning each others pleasure, Jay McLean tells a story of friendship, admiration, and complete consuming passion. I absolutely could not put this book down. There was a consuming power in the story of Cam and Lucy to want a love so deep and so big, yet at the same time, there was no "cheese" or over the top scenes "Because it's more than words spoken, it's his arms around me when I feel like I'm falling. It's his lips on mine, kissing away the pain. It's our hands holding as leads me into the water to let me break. It's us-chest to chest-helping each other heal. It's us-giving each other HOPE." This was a real love story from start to finish that had bumps and twists in the road to forever, yet every challenge faced just solidified the perfection that was Cam and Lucy...Forever!

More than a 5 star read!!!!

I was really looking forward to More Than Forever coming out & it did not disappoint! I started it yesterday evening & finished it at 5:22 this morning. There were a few times that I had to take a break from reading because it got really intense & I also couldn't see the screen from the tears. I can't believe how much I laughed & cried while reading about Cam & Lucy. I do have to recommend being careful of snacking while reading because it will most likely come flying out of your mouth or cause you to choke due to the intense laughing that happens. We all know that drunk Lucy is feisty & hilarious but sober Lucy is just as funny! Fifteen year old Lucy saying "penis"..... hilarious!! The flow of this book was sooo well done, from the start & Lucy & her family dealing with her mothers illness & than the loss of her mother. To Cameron coming around to help out & ease the burden she's under. It was wonderful to watch them grow along with their love growing. It melted my heart when Cam told Lucy she was his forever. I liked seeing their side of things when everything happened with Mikayla & her family. To Logan & Amanda ending up in the hospital to Logan leaving. And of course than when Dylan announced he enlisted & left. It was interesting how much it seems like this whole group was going through all around the same time. I was pretty clear on Logan having my heart and being my book boyfriend but I have 100% changed my mind after reading MTF. Cam has my heart now & forever. This book broke my heart, mended it, than shattered it, than healed it all over again. I wish I could read it all over again for the first time! I know this review doesn't do justice to everything this book, heck this series has made me feel. But I thought I'd give it a try. I'm soooo glad that I stumbled across More Than This and gave it a chance. Jay McLean will forever be at the top of my list as a favorite author.

Best of the series, hands down!

Oh my... This book was amazing!! I have read all of "More" series books and loved each one but this one, well let's just say that it has become my favorite book ever! Lucy has always been a favorite character of mine in the previous books and Cam too. I don't know if it's because I met my now husband in high school at 16 or what but I fell in love with these characters so incredibly fast. The awkwardness and nervousness of their first kisses, the phone calls, their "first time" it brought back so many memories for me. Jay told their story so beautifully that I felt like I was living it right there with them. I wish I could say it was all happy times and never any drama but that would be boring. The changes they went through in college and the aftermath of Lucy's incident had my stomach in knots. I almost stopped reading at one point because it was getting to emotional for me. Luckily, I stuck it out and boy am I glad I did. The ending was amazing! Cam is what all little girls want when it comes to a boyfriend. I hope we get to see more of Lucy's brothers in other books as Lucas won my heart with his speech! I can't wait for jays next book as I'm sure it will be nothing short of extraordinary!

I knew I would love this book but nothing prepared me for just how much!!!! Fabulous! On My Best of 2014 list for sure.

I cannot believe I waited this long to read this. Lucy has been one of my all time favorite characters ever and I could not wait for her and Cam's book. OMG whatever I thought this book could be like...I was wrong. This totally blew my mind. The first half of the book is very sweet and very YA. Its all about how Lucy and Cam met. I have to say that I absolutely loved the first half. It is the best YA novel (1st half is YA/ 2nd half is NA) I have ever read. Nothing..and I mean nothing I have read in that genre could come close to Lucy and Cam's story. It is soooo funny! You get the honest and true feelings of kids that age when it comes to "boners" and "boob" and "PENIS!". Its fun and hilarious and true. I don't think I laughed so hard in a very long time. But it also was sad and sweet. I shed so many tears through this book. Emotional sad tears, unbelievably sweet tears, laugh out loud hilarious tears and tears of heartbreak. I it totally bad that I am 31 and just fell in love with a 15 year old? I mean Cam- God, do they even make them like him? He is perfect. So unbelievably perfect. He had his moments where I wanted to throttle him but even then everything he did was out of love for Lucy- Well almost everything. There is one thing he did in this book that I was shocked about and my heart broke for Lucy. I was shocked and couldn't believe he would share something so intimate with someone who wasn't Lucy. Beyond that- the family bonds and the amazing group of friends all had me falling in love with this book. There is not a single second I did not love. It is the 1st book in a very long time that I could not...and I mean absolutely could not put down. I read it in one day which is all out absurd when I have twin three year olds running around. <3

#Team Luca!

Cameron and Lucy might have just tied with my favorite couple in this series, which is Jake and Mikayla. Knowing Cam and Lucy from the other books, it would seem like the buildup to their relationship was a seamless and easy transition, but actually it is far from that. Cam is the guy who pulled Lucy out of the dark and had infinite patience with her at age 15 while she healed and began to smile again. Maybe Lucy didn't pay much attention to him at first, but Cam showed up everyday to help in whatever way he could, empathizing with her and being an extra set of hands to support her in her daily struggles while she looked after her brothers. As if it wasn't already big of Cam to assist Lucy, he's also like a big brother figure to her siblings. Before this book, Lucy came off as fun loving and free-spirited, plus who doesn't love the drunk version of Lucy when her lips start talking and saying whatever is on her mind? In More Than Forever, Lucy struggles a lot with so many things, but Cam is always right next to her, no questions asked. In return, Lucy believes in Cam's talent and wants him to go after his dreams. If there was ever a more devoted boyfriend, it would be Cam Gordon. Oh, how I loved Cam's mom, Heather, and her boyfriend Mark. They are just plain awesome as parental figures and I loved the dynamic between Cam and Mark. Lucy's dad, Tom, is also fantastic, too, once he gets his act together. Even though there's a serious undertone in this book, there were plenty of laugh out loud moments, too, that are beyond entertaining. The scenes with all of the More Than gang never fails to disappoint. Definitely looking forward to Dylan's book next.

Best book of the More Series to date... Pick up this series!

Holy s*** balls...WOW. I'm not a big detailed reviewer and even if I attempted one, it wouldn't do the book justice. And to be honest, there is a reason why... It is because Jay McLean doesn't just write books, she writes life stories that interconnect within a series and this is her best one yet. Take some of your favorite authors and the heroes within this genre, Colleen Hoover - Dean Hoover, Jamie McGuire - Any of the Maddox Brothers, RenĂŠe Carlino - Will Ryan, Katja Millay - Josh Bennett, and more... mix em all up and you have the guys of the More Series. This book gave you the best one yet, Cameron Aladdin Gordon. I could give you snippets that will push you to read this book, but then I wouldn't be doing the author an ounce of justice. Jay McLean is the master of character building and that building happens over the 3 books within the series prior to this book. She gave you glimpses of Cam and Lucy so much so that you knew their personalities before even getting to this book and within this book you get the heart, the soul, and the forever that is these 2 characters. She gives you just the detail you need to fall head over heels over and over and over again for Cam and Lucy along with Jake & Mikayla and Logan & Amanda. And of course don't forget, leaving you figure out which couple will get the next book in the series and when it will come out. Do your life a favor...PICK UP THIS SERIES. Said everyone!

Gold Star Series

With Book 4 Jamie McGuire is still going full speed ahead without a stumble. "More than Forever" is another outstandingly written and refreshing read. In the previous books, Cameron and Lucy have always caught my attention in their secondary roles with their fun-loving and carefree ways. This time they step forward and own the show. It’s incomparable. I absolutely fell in love and was powerfully drawn to their complete story. This time around we take a step back in time with them as they meet for the first time in high school, and then follow along into present time. Along the way, readers find out the whole truth and nothing but the truth for all those below the surface secrets we’ve never been privy to before. And there are some surprises, heartbreak, and a rather large dose of that ugly word, angst. Although the journey isn’t always calm and serene, it is sweet and tender and packed with unforgettable memories. Lucy’s true character doesn’t get lost in the transition from secondary cast to lead. Thank you, Jay McLean for keeping her true to her roots. And Cam just makes my heart swell with pride and admiration – he definitely manned-up. He really meets the extra-special qualities of a book boyfriend. And none of these books would be complete without the entire cast and crew who make up their inner circle. Bring on the next installment -- it can't arrive soon enough! For those who haven’t read this series, it’s time to one-click. If you’ve been following this series, this is a MUST READ. Each book has fueled my addiction, but this one gets the gold star!

Perfect Romance

I loved this book. Cam and Lucy were always that couple. The couple that have been together for forever and they just always have been. From the first three More Books we get a little inside of who Cam and Lucy are and how they interact with their friends and family. But in More Than Forever Jay gives us the part of the story that until now we had no idea of. If you've read the first thee books in the More Series you know that Cam and Lucy have been together since they were fifteen. That's a long time. Can you imagine finding the person you want to be with that early in life? A lot of people are just exploring the dating world at that age, not going straight into a strong committed relationship at that young of an age. But it works for them. I have loved Cam from the start. He's a hot, sexy, sweet, and caring guy, but once I started this book I got more into who exactly he is. I have always loved Lucy, she is the quiet reader girl. But she has a mouth on her. I know from the other books that she is a mean drunk, too see more of that and too see who she really is, it made me love her even more. There were so many hilarious moments during this book. Everyone knows that Jay is killer for her famous one-liners that are absolutely hilarious and heart-touching. She knows how to make a person laugh, she also knows how to make them cry. There were so many times that I was simultaneously crying and laughing during this book. It's like I was crying at this point but then I turn the page and I read something that made me bust out laughing. Like really? How the hell are you going to write something that has tears streaming down my face but then I turn the page and I have tears still wet on my face but I am laughing now. That's unfair and not normal LOL. I liked being able to go to the beginning and seeing where it all started. This book was so good. It really was, I laughed, I cried, and I completely just loved everything about it. Jay is a fantastic writer and I think this book takes the spot of favorite More Book. I love Jake Fucking Andrews and Logan Matthews but there is something about Cameron Gordon that makes me totally swoon (Don't tell Lucy). I can't wait to read whatever Jay has next for us! *Written by Abri for the blog Real Talk, Book Talk*

Cam and Lucy's Forever

I absolutely LOVED this book. I loved Jake and Mikayla's story and Logan and Amanda's story but there is just something about Cameron and Lucy. This book made me laugh, made me melt, made me cry, and just took me through the ringer. Lucy lost her mother when she was 15 years old and she had 6 brothers and a father that needed taking care of. Lucy's parents were a deep love and when her father lost his wife, he just loses it alittle. Cameron starts noticing Lucy and how she is so sad and always taking care of her brothers. After the funeral, he starts showing up at her house to help her and be there for her. That is the beginning of their wonderful and heart wrenching love story. Lucy has been dealt a pretty hard hand - losing her mother and feeling like she needs to take care of everyone. She feels so much pressure and heartache. Cameron has so much love in him that he just feels this need to be there and do everything in his ability to make Lucy happy. He's so fantastic and extroadinary. I don't know if there could really be a guy as great as Cameron in real life. This book is so worth the read. It will show you an extroadinary story.

stop making me cry!

I don't know that I can even write this review right now. I know I look like hell. I ugly cried so much I can't even breath right now. Legit. I'm snoring like his dorm mate. I never thought I would love someone as much as I loved Jake. But this book. I loved this book on such a deeper level. Each book has emotional heartbreak. But this one, this one shattered me. This one broke me. This one made me hug a little tighter and love a little stronger. And cry, cry so very hard. And there goes another tear. And another. As much as I hate to admit this, I found myself kind of upset with Lucy at one point. I felt like she couldn't understand where Cam was coming from. His stress. How busy he was. I'm not saying he was an angel, a little naive, but still. She has such a bad habit of pushing him away. And it made me so mad. What his grief. What about his loss. What about his mourning. I will say this. I did absolutely love Lucy's humor. There were so many times I was literally giggling while reading. Much like how Lucy herself would while reading on her e-reader Then they heal. And they heal hard. And I'm proud of them. But I read this with tears in my eyes. Any mention of what happened and I cry. Just. STOP MAKING ME CRY JAY!

Jay McLean hits it out of the park!

I need more stars to rate this book, more of Cam and Lucy’s story, more from this author, just more More. Because when writing is this raw and real, it makes me greedy. How does an author so accurately describe the actions, feelings, thoughts of ALL her characters, regardless of whether they are teenage boys or college girls? Jay nails it. Every. Single. Time. And because of that, because it is so real, so true-to-life, you will feel Cam and Lucy’s story down into your soul, both the joy and the pain. You will fall in love with their love. You will laugh with them and cry with them…over and over again. More Than Forever is heartbreakingly beautiful, just like real life can be. I didn’t just cry; I sobbed, for the joy and the pain. Heartbreakingly beautiful in the best possible way. That’s the only way I can describe it. Take the journey.

Team LuCa all the way!!!

A measure of a good book is when you can relate to the characters and feel what they feel. This series has done that for me from the very start - given me ALL the feels. I have enjoyed each book and I feel like I know all of the characters personally, like they're my friends. I want to be part of their gang (even though each of them have suffered things that no one should have to) they are all so loving and hilariously funny. I don't think I will ever forget Vaginagate - could not stop laughing. Though told with humour, each story is also heartbreaking and Cam and Lucy's is no different. And though I have loved every book of this series so far, I think this one is my favourite. I cried, laughed and cheered for these two. Team LuCa all the way! Lucy and Cam have to be one of the cutest, sweetest couples ever. When they suffered, I suffered. When they fell in love over and over, so did I. Their's is the ultimate love story, so pure and right. And no one loves as hard as Cameron! I'll heart him forever!! And Heather and Mark (OMG!) they stole the limelight with every scene they were in - they have to be the funniest, most loveable parents ever! The dynamic between Marky Mark and Cam was just beautiful *sigh* I finished this book last night and I already miss the gang. Please Jay, when can we have some MORE? I could gush and gush over this book but I have to shut up sometime so... Dylan.

FIVE 'I want Cam to read ME' STARS!!!

Okay, I've put off writing this review long enough. Not because I didn't want to write it or because I didn't like it-- because I MORE THAN LOVED it and won't be able to do it justice. Jay McLean blessed me with an ARC of More Than Forever and I swear it was like winning the lottery. Like, I was tempted to call my neighbors (that I don't like) to come watch my kids so I could start reading it right. that. second. She is THAT good! I fell head over heels in love with the More series almost a year ago with More Than This and have anxiously awaited each addition to the series as they were released. You know how most series start to lose steam with each new book? Yeah, not Jay McLean's More series. Each book just keeps getting better and better, the characters stealing more and more of my heart that I didn't think I had left to give. I don't want to summarize the story and try to tell you all of the wonderful awesome things I loved about this book because 1) Like I said, I wouldn't do it justice and 2) You need to experience this story all on it's own-- the friendship, the falling in love, the heartache, the hilarities, the passion, the EVERYTHING...God, this book is so good!!!! I will just tell you that this is the kind of book that stays with you for days, months, seriously years later. The kind that makes you feel like you got your heart pulled out of your chest, stomped on, tore into a millions pieces, and then perfectly, intricately had it put back together again and placed right where it's supposed to be. If you haven't read this series yet, I'm telling you that you NEED to go right now. You can thank me later.

Beautiful story of so much more than love.

I don't normally care for stories that start with teenagers, BUT this book starts with two amazing characters, Cameron and Lucy and their families and the rough things life sends their way... Especially Lucy and her family. Cameron and Lucy have a story that is filled with love, a bit of loss, but so much more love. Lucy and her little brothers and her father make it through some very difficult and sad times, mostly because of Cameron and what he does for them just "being Cameron". The book starts with them as sophomores in high school and moves through college and beyond. There are several LOL moments (damn the author is cheeky) and some very sad moments, some angst when they hit a sad rough spot, but MOSTLY a beautiful love story with lots of support and friendship from strong side characters ! This is a must read. Cameron is so beyond amazing, loving and kind. His relationships with his mother, his friends, Lucy's father and Mark, his mother's boyfriend are remarkable. He is the kind of guy you want for yourself and your daughters. His relationship with Lucy is stunningly beautiful. All the characters go through love, pain and loss and then more love and healing. Can't wait to read the next story. HUGE HEA! No cliffhanger. LOVED it!!

Great story... WAYYYY TO LONG

No cliffhanger Standalone though part of a larger series Told from both POVs Minor editing issues I saw the ratings of this book and was definitely intrigued. I didn't realize it would be about teenagers though so at first I was worried. That being said the overall storyline was great. It was steamy, emotional and filled with was just way to long. Half of the scenes could have been omitted and the same overall story could have been told. If the story was a little less drawn out I likely would have given it a 5. Also, because it starts when they are teenagers, the amount of childish reactions was a little much for me. Lucy is the oldest of 7 kids. Her mom is dying and she feels like she has no hope. Cameron is a teenage boy with a heart of gold who can't get the sad, cute girl out of his head. I don't want to give too much away but like I said before... this book had me laughing, crying and at times wishing it would progress faster. Something about the storyline is so endearing though that you don't want to put the book down.

Stunning Emotional Eloquence

I was afraid this book was going to gut me - and it did. I worried that this book couldn't live up to More Than This, More Than Her and More Than Him but it surpassed the first three books. There is so much depth to this story. So much love. So much true joy through the pain. Such wonder that you are just freaking jealous. The story is inhaleable. We get to SEE Lucy and Cam and they are real and honest. So real that you break out balls to walls laughing your butt off throughout the book and then your throat tightens and your eyes leak and your chest hurts because you can't contain the sobs. Finally - what an amazing job with letting us into the families of Lucy and Cam. This is just another aspect of the writing the makes this story so much more than great.

This book deserves way more than 5 stars ... Best series i have ever read!!! #punchycam #drunklucy

Hands down my favorite book ever deserves way more than 5 stars!!!! This is my absolute favorite book in this series ... I absolutely love Cam and Lucy!!! This book made me ugly cry ... laugh so hard my side's hurt ... and want to jump through the book and lunch people!!! The long journey between Cam and Lucy had so many ups and downs ... and even though there are times they don't through it all their lives becomes that much stronger!! The dialogue between the body and the brain ... OMG I have never read anything so funny in all my life!!! "You make my world stop Lucy." "Let it goooo you filthy hooooo." (LMAO) #vaginasareweird #punchycam #penisgate

Absolutely amazing!!!

This is my favorite book of the More Than series!! Lucy is one of the funniest characters I have ever had the pleasure to read and Cameron is even swoonier than Logan. Lucy and Cameron seem so perfect for each other that you would think that there's nothing that could happen that would threaten the incredible bond between them. Except this book wouldn't part of the More Than series if there wasn't a decent amount of angst. I laughed and cried so much during this book but was completely put back together by the end. Lucy and Cam are absolute perfection!!

Love this series

Absolutely Amazing. This is a must read. You will not want to put this book down. I love Lucy and Cam. There story made me cry, laugh and could not get enough. Jay McLean knows how to draw you in. I am never disappointed in any of her books when I read. I loved Cam and especially Lucy in the More series and to have them have a whole book I loved it. Everything that Cam and Lucy went thru it made me feel like I was experiencing it too. Amazing read as alwa

Amazing series!

This review is for the series and the fourth book. I decided to open up this series based on a recommendation from another author and several book friends. I was coming off of an amazing book and wasn't looking for anything in particular because I was still in lala-land over the previous book I read. I've never read anything from this author, but let me just say I'm blown away from the first book in this series to this last fourth book (cuz there will be another book which I am eagerly awaiting). Jay had me in tears from the get go in book one and carried through to books 2 & 3. I felt invested in all the characters and wanted to know them so much more. She did not disappoint. Now on to book four...tears from beginning to end. I spent most of my time ugly crying through the whole book. Seriously, the kind that gave me a headache and puffy eyes for DAYS! Now that's a good book. I loved all the colorful characters and their stories tugged at my heart, but Lucy & Cam's love story was time tested and endearing. I want to say so much more like that time when...yah and then when he...or when she...(heavy sigh). Not going to give any thing away :). Just that these books go deep and anchor into your heart. I can't say I have a favorite because each character and their stories is special. I loved Jay's writing and looking forward to book five. I'm anticipating more snot and tear inducing moments.

True love story. Fantastic series!!!

A true love story!! We finally get to learn all about how it truly began with Lucy and Cameron and what they went through to stay together through thick and thin. Cameron is a stand up guy who truly is madly in love with Lucy I believe at first sight. He may have a few moments later down the road where he had some bad judgement but he never changed in his love for her. Lucy unfortunately has to go through so much at such a young age that she has to grow up before her time and be responsible for her brothers. She will also go through more unexpected things as the story unfolds but Cameron trys to not let her push him away even though thats what Lucy wants to do. This entire series has been fantstic and with each book has continued to get better and better.

More Than Forever

I absolutely fell in love with Cameron in this book. I probably love him more than I love Jake and that's saying a lot. Since the beginning of the series, I always loved Lucy's witty drunken comebacks. She's even better in this book. I love how Jay started their story from the very beginning. I wanted to know more about their backstory of their high school days. Their high school romance was very much important to this story seeing as how her dad, brothers (Lachlan is my favorite) and Cameron's mom and bonus dad (that's what I like to call Mark) were very much apart of their story. This book made my heart hurt and break for them especially at the lost during the summers and it also made laugh. The brain vs. body scenes of Lucy and Cameron were hilarious. I can't wait for the next installment in this series. This definitely was a great one.

I want more!

I have to say that even though I have read the other books in this series, this one hit home the most. It wasn't far into the book that I was bawling my eyes out. Being able to relate to Lucy's situation, it really struck a chord with my emotions, ones I had kept bottled up for a long time. So thanks Jay for the ugly cry! This book will have you running the gamut of emotions, exactly like Jay McLean's bio states. She definitely has you feeling punched in the gut, falling head over heels for some guy you just met, and wanting to beat the living you-know-what out of some characters. This book was no exception. While you are reading, be warned of the 65% and 75% marking points. There were so many unexpected twists and turns!! This book is well worth a five star rating. And I can't wait for more in The More Series! Grab your copy of this book today. It is very much worth your time ~ I promise it won't disappoint!

Totally WRECKED!!

I am still on an emotional rollercoaster after finishing this book. I HIGHLY suggest you read the others in the series first but you can still enjoy this if you haven't. The way Jay McLean weaves between the other three previous books is simply perfection. If you don't read the other books first you won't understand...Did I say read the other three first?! lol. I thought that Jake and Mickayla were my favorite...then I read More than Her and More Than Him...then Logan and Amanda were my favorite...NOW....Hands down CAM and LUCY are my FAVORITES!! If you don't fall for Cam and Lucy you are reading the WRONG genre...they have an emotional consistency and maturity far beyond their years. Jay says she wants people to feel when they read her books...YOU WILL FEEL while reading this book. I cried a LOT. I was REALLY angry at Cam for a moment but luckily Jay reminded us why we LOVE HIM! Can't wait to the next one! The hardest part of reading these books is letting each character go...GET THIS BOOK!!

An epic love story! 5 *

Lucy and Cameron is an epic love story for the ages! Cameron has to be the perfect book boyfriend ever! I laughed, cried and swooned a lot over Cameron. I really laughed a lot at Lucy-she cracks me up. Although her story is heartbreaking as well. This book is just full. Full of everything you’d want in a book. I highly recommend this whole series!

More Feels than I can express...

I've lost count on the amount of times I have started this review, deleted it, and started all over again. No words are coming to mind that will truly do my expression justice...but I have to try. I can't remember the last time a book gave me this many feels. From start to finish- it gripped me in it's powerful, emotion claws and I feel so lost now that it's finished! More Than Forever is hands down, without a doubt, my favourite book I have read in a looooong time. I was laughing out loud at 3am, ugly crying- god was I UGLY crying, and falling for these characters all over again. I have a big 'ol girl crush on Lucy! That girl rocks my world and I love her to pieces. Have. Wrecked me! Just stripped me raw and pieced me together and left a longing in my heart. I want FOREVER. After I swore I didn't need that. Closed myself off and threw away the key...I finally want a FOREVER. #teamLuCaFTW!!!

You love, because Luca... They are forever.

Omg, I love Lucy and Cameron. I love their story. I love how we get to see them grow up and evolve. I love to see them fall in love on every single page of this book. This book... There are no words. It's sad and it's heartbreaking at some points, but even when things fall apart there is so much hope and light. You feel them, the characters and everything they feel and go through. You love them and sometimes you even hate them. You take every step along with them. You cry and you laugh and you love. You love, because Luca... They are forever.

More than words

We read about them in the previous books, so we started to know them and their story. Or so we thought. I think I've only given 2 books a 5 star rating, this being one of them. Seriously, it's that good. Best in all the series by far. Unforgettable. Reading this, you'll laugh out loud, you'll cry, you'll get angry, you'll swoon, you'll get turned on (a lot), and mostly, you'll believe in forever, in love, in Hope. Even I didn't expect to love this book as much when I started reading it, but the characters, the dialogue, it actually made me feel them, watch and root for them. See how their beautiful love grew from the age of 15, definitely, more than words on a page, more like a space in my heart. Thank you for sharing Cam & Lucy's story with us.

More Than Forever...

First book I've ever wanted to rate more than 5 stars. I am so in love with this book!!! I can't even begin to explain. Everyone should read this book. I can promise you will not be disappointed. Cameron is the high school boyfriend any girl would want. And becomes the husband all wives want. He's every parents dream. He's the boy/man every parent wants for their daughters. He has flaws but they are very limited. Lucy is a strong, loyal, caring and puts everyone's needs before own. She's so unselfish. Even through tragedy she always thinks others. She's just an unbelievably beautiful person. Together they are what everyone should be to each other. Respectful, loving, always thinking of the other.


Firstly the love and friendship throughout this series is one of a kind! So get the full experience of the 'More Than Series', starting with: Book 1 - More Than This, Book 2 - More Than Her, Book 3 - More Than Him. "Because it's eternal, the rise and fall of the sun. It's forever, just like us" Without a doubt you will fall head over heels in love with Cam & Lucy! Their story is a journey and an amazing one that has it all, your emotions will be a mix of highs and lows x eleventy three! Their story is heartfelt and I loved it. It touched deep within my heart <3 Cam and Lucy belong together and can whether any storm that comes their way. That dealing with life and going though pain is better healing when together. Their strength as a couple is one of kind. Jay Mclean has a way with her stories and her words that touch people in so many ways and I'm in awe of her! Jay you are an amazing author and woman and cannot wait for MORE xxx #TEAMLUCAFOREVER&ALWAYS

Emotional Gold

This series is emotional gold. Every story packs a punch of heartache, healing, humor, and most of all so much love you feel it in your bones long after the last page has been read. Cam & Lucy have been the constant throughout - we've known of their coupledom since book 1. They've just always been together. Getting to read their story, finally - FINALLY!- was just as amazing as expected. Lucy has always been comic relief as a side character, but she is so much more than that, and we get to see that so much more in this story. And Cam - Cam has the biggest heart in the group. I love him to pieces! I love this story 100% x eleventy-three. *hearts* : )


I don't know where to begin. I read this book in 1 day, couldn't put it down. I was crying one minute and then laughing the next. Some parts of Cam and Luce's story was so heart wrenching I couldn't stop crying, my two girls kept asking me to stop reading for a while cause they don't like to see me cry and then I was laughing so they thought I was nuts. Their story is true love in its truest form, from finding your soulmate at such a young age and growing with them to adulthood. Having bumps in the road to misunderstandings to more heartbreak to finding the strength to keep your forever. This book will stay in my heart for a while just like the first three in the More Series I've kept in my heart, but I think this one will stay even longer. All I can say is Wow!

well heck

Ok so I haven't read the others in the series mainly because I didn't know about them but it's okay because I researched and found this could be read as a standalone so I'm not sure what the other books are about but that's okay because I know what this book is about and it is so wonderful. I'm not sure I have ever seen a love like this, so self sacrificing, so comforting and giving. It gives you hope. It makes you want to search the ends of the earth until you find your Cam. They weren't without their issues because every relationship has them but honestly they were not the Petty or senseless issues. I laughed, swooned, maybe has a tear or ten, I was angry but all together I was content and happy and smiled a lot. It's refreshing and makes you feel light and airy. Great job to the author!

More than ..just a awersome series!!1

I cant express how much I enjoy this series!! I started with more than this... it was a freebie at the time and just grabbed it on a whim.. I was so happy I did!!! Because it has become one of my favorite series!! I had always loved Lucy in the other books.. she was sassy.. and drunk Lucy was even better! Some of the stuff that came out of her mouth literally had me laughing!! I was not sure what this book would hold..I was afraid that the perfect couple Lucy and Cam were going to be ruined by other people and college life. Seriously toyed with my emotions..and at times I wanted to strangle Cam...WHAT was he thinking!!! Ugh!!! yet it was another fantastic book in this series! Cant wait for the next..

My favorite so far in this series!

I thought Amanda and Logan were my favorites, but I adore Lucy and Cam. What a great story. I literally laughed out loud numerous times and cried and cried. This book evoked just so many emotions! I loved the banter amongst all the friends. I loved all the characters, dialogue etc. Jay McLean has become one of my new favorite authors. Were there some slightly cheesy parts? Of course! But that's what made this book so great. I cannot wait to read more. I never wanted Lucy and Cam's story to end! I am so happy they got their HEA. They so deserved it. I just started this series a few days ago and plowed through all 4 books. I may go back and start over. They are just that good!


Let me start by saying how much I LOVE this More series! And that you must read the first 3 before you read this one. Jay did such a great job in the first 3 books of letting us see bits and pieces of CAM and Lucy that by this book we were dying to get inside their brains. And she did just that. She let us inside their heads. I love that she kept the alternating POV between Cam and Lucy because it gave such a great depth of the characters. This book will make you laugh (I love Jay's sense of humor and if she ever gets tired of writing books she can always write comedy for shows or go into stand up) and it will make you cry (keep the Kleenex handy). The angst, sadness and love she creates with this book is amazing. She creates characters with such depth that you really feel for them. Some of them I wanted to hit in the junk a few times (Cam for being naĂŻve at times) and Roxy for being a whore. But that's just it, you are feeling these things as if it were your life that they are a part of. But what I love most about this book is that it gives you hope. Hope that things will work out for everyone in the end. Hope that people will find their forever true love. And even when things are at their worst, there's always hope.

Started out great, but ended with disappointment!

I am conflicted in writing this review. The beginning was amazing, I was drawn in and felt connected to the characters. But after half way through it just dragged, characters that I didn't understand their backstory or why they became such a big part of the story. I finally skimmed to the end because it became predictable and cheesey. I really lost my connection to the characters and what would happen with them. Sadly the last half of the book was a big disappointment.

This is Love!

This book is one of my favourites in the series! That one true love that we all want to have; that love that Cameron and Lucy share, don't we all want something like that. To be loved like there's no tomorrow! Their story was loving, sweet and heartbreaking. The way they both felt about each other, healing each other, falling together and falling out. No matter what they were going through, one thing always glued them and that was Love! I loved this story from beginning until end and just fell in love with Cameron & Lucy more. It's definitely how I pictured them to be. Their love is/was forever...

Don't ask questions, just buy the freggin book

I have come to realize that I have the same routine whenever I read a Jay McLean book. On release day I feel like the quintessential teenage girl, waiting by my phone for a boy to call and ask me out. I constantly refresh my amazon page hoping and praying that by some miracle something has changed in the 30 seconds since I last checked. Then it finally happens, the book is official live and I can't 1-click fast enough. I block out the world and go to one of my favourite places...Jay's More world. I try my best to savour every minute and More than Forever was no exception. I laughed, I cried (it takes a lot for me to cry) and I felt like Jay sucker punched me in the gut with all the emotions I felt but when I finally read the last words I looked up and I could not stop smiling. I was in my happy place. Cam and Lucy, what can I say? High school sweethearts that weren't as perfect as they seemed. They are just like the rest of us. They laugh, love, fight and then fight for each other. They prove that when you truly love someone you never give up. And he promises himself that if he finds that genie, and the genie offers him three wishes, he'll say what he should have said a long time ago. "You can keep your two wishes, I'll just take the one. I want my girl, Lucy. My forever. And not just for our forever, but for eternity, and for always." *Cam swoon* Phenomenal book and you're only missing out if you don't buy it

A must read!

I've read all the books in the "More than..." series and I must say that this one is by far my favourite... More than forever tells us the story of Lucy and Cameron. We already got to know them a little bit during the previous books. What I liked most about this book is that you go down the road with them. You'll learn how they meet and how their relationship develops. You share their most beautiful moments, but also their worst. The characters are well developed. I really like Cameron. He's just so kind and sweet! He supports Lucy no matter what. It just makes me wish that, if I ever end up in a situation that Lucy does, my boyfriend just acts the way that Cameron does and that he will support me all the way... Make sure you have a box of tissues with you when you read this book. You will laugh and cry when you go down the road with Lucy and Cameron! I already can't wait for the next book in the series

Good read, but Luce is a crier

Overall a really good read with a sweet and endearing couple. I didn't feel the least bit confused in not having read the first 3 books so that was a huge plus. One of my biggest pet peeves is criers and Lucey sure is that. She cries over everything. I normally rate books with criers lower, however, it was such a great love story with Cameron as the Hero and Lucey having other desirable traits that I felt the lowest I could rate this book is a 4.

Cavity sweet, predictable, and funny

This book was super sweet...almost too sweet with the telling of Lucy and Cam falling in love in high school. Cam from the age of 15 was incredible in being Lucy's strength, but I felt like Lucy wasn't Cam's equal. Really, she didn't do much to help him. When he was having a crisis feeling like he wasn't good enough, Lucy hightailed it out of town instead of acting like Cameron's strength. There were some funny moments. I loved the moment of silence for Dylan. Wish there were more drunk Lucy moments. Can someone explain the blurb about the next book More a Than Enough? Totally confused. I hope it's Dylan and Heather's book.

More than Forever

This has been my favorite of the series!! I laughed and cried and really got drawn into the story. I absolutely love that all the rest of the characters continue their stories right alongside the main focus characters. This whole series is exceptional.

Another great book in the More Series

Let me preface this by saying that More than this, the first book in the series played a large role in getting me back to reading and excited about newadult/indie. This series is amazing, Jay has the ability to create such likable characters, and some not so likable(HEIDI and Megan). This story was different from the previous books within the series in that we see them grow up and age within the story. I really loved her family and his and she really gave the side characters great personalities. For a while there I wanted to punch Cam in the face but overall I really loved this book. Since the first book in the series we learned about Lucy and Cam's great love and it was wonderful to be able to see how it developed throughout the hardships and life changes. I thoroughly recommend this book because it really helps to flesh out the the More Series gang. I hope that Jay finishes the series letting us into Dylan's head. The series has been outstanding and I cant wait for the next book in the series.

Super Great Series continues......

Again with this series, 5 stars are not enough!!! Lucy was my favorite character that I met in the first books and couldn't wait to get into her story. I can't read enough Jay McLean and the "More series" The author is SO gifted. This one is Cam and Lucy relationship, otherwise known as drunk Lucy from small appearances in the the previous books. These books are more then just romance they are a roller coaster ride from page one till the very last page! Laugh out loud funny to making me want to cry back to laughing again. I will probably be rereading them for a very long time!

More than Forever

More Than Forever is book 4 in the More Than Series and they should all be read in order. If you haven't started it you will love this series! I never thought Jay Mclean could make me love Lucy and Cam the most but I should have known better! I laughed and cried throughout this entire book and I loved every page. I never knew how what Lucy went through after her mom died or how her dad was but now we see all of Lucy and how Cam makes it all better. I enjoyed this book so much I read it in one day and I still wanted more but I will be waiting patiently now for the next one!


wow.. this book made me gasp laugh and.cry, a true story of fate and love, loss and gain... I'm so happy that I got to read cam and Lucy's story, I always wondered about them.. I have laughed so hard reading this book and cried like a baby too, I found myself at one point wanting to smack Lucy and rip cams balls off.. but what happens? well you will need to read the book to find out, you will laugh cry and swoon :) it's that amazing... Way to go Jay!!!!! I'm confused as to who the next book is about but yet I'm also anxious... come on mid 2015!!!!

I absolutely loved Cameron and Lucy's story!!!

More Than Forever rocked my socks off! It is the fourth book in the More Series and has become my favorite book. Probably because I fell in love with my husband when we were 14 and I can so relate to Cam and Lucy. Cameron and Lucy were the fun loving friends in the other books and now we get to see all that we didn't. Lucy has had to endure what no child should have to and Cameron stepped up like no boy his age would giving himself. Cameron and Lucy have a love that transcends age, time and circumstances. They prove that if you are destined to be together, then nothing will be able to destroy that bond. I laughed hard and cried harder at times when reading this book. If you haven't read this book, then what are you waiting for?

Cameron and Lucy's life was so sweet we all need a Cameron in our lives

Cameron and Lucy's life was so sweet we all need a Cameron in our lives. Words can do it no justice. Lucy had to endure so much I wasn't sure I'd be able to handle another page, I'm so glad I was. Jay McLean did an outstanding job of taking us from the very beginning when Cameron and Lucy first met as 15 year olds up until their adulthood. Even staying true to the characters from Books 1-3. We get to see how everything tied together from high school through college for this circle of friends. Next installment is not until Mid 2015 ugh! The wait will be brutal...

Definitely a must read!

This book is as good as the the previous three. More Than This, More Than Her and More Than Him. I loved Lucy and Cameron's story. And Lucy was her old self, with all those funny comments we love so much. A book that manages to keep you interested, is a good book. A book that manages to bring out both laughter as well as tears, is a GREAT book. And this one fits the latter! Cant wait to see what Jay McLean comes with next. Dont miss out on this one people! You won't be disappointed!

It only gets better

Well when I first started this series I did not think it could get better but apparently I was wrong. This series just keeps getting better and better and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Cam and Lucy. I think that they are by far my favorite couple of the series. I don't know if I can wait as long as I have to for the next book but I do know that there is a re-read of the entire series in my future. If you have not bought any of the books yet, do it now because you need to read them all and in order and believe me you will not be disappointed.


Lucy and Cameron's story blew me away. I got to know this couple in the first 3 books and loved them...their innocence, strength, devotion, and the laughter they shared. Learning and experiencing their journey to love in this book made me FLOVE them. I sobbed, sighed, screamed and smiled throughout this journey. I cheered for them and the love they share and got more than frustrated with their tribulations...but it was so real.

They made my world stop <3

Jay McLean has done it again. This book is amazing! I knew Cam and Lucy from the prior books but nothing prepared me for their story. I cried, I laughed, I cried again. I may have left my kindle a couple of times for a few seconds just because I didn't know if I could read the next paragraph. Cam is an awesome guy. He was there for Lucy from the very beginning. It just took one look at Lucy for him to know he wanted More. She was it for him. Even at fifteen he was very more mature for his age. He and Lucy took responsibilities neither of them should have needed to have. Getting to know Lucy at fifteen when her world was falling apart was devastating. I hurt for Lucy. My idea of Lucy from prior books was of a funny girl, a bookworm, and who doesn't love Drunk Lucy? But this Lucy is completely different. It was an emotional roller coaster for me. I'm so happy Lucy met Cam when she did. I believe he saved her when she needed saving. I also love the parent figures in this book as much as I did in prior novels. I'm adding Cam's mom and her boyfriend to my list of favorite parents. Tom, Lucy's dad made a huge mistake but by the end I loved him too. I think he and Logan's dad need a second chance in love. They are too nice not to have a chance to love again. Thank you Jay for the opportunity to read this beautiful story. 5/5 Fangs

Words that explore the depths of love and friendships

This book delves into the the growth and complexities of love and relationships. They were two young for the love these two young teens felt .He was her rock to get her through her mother's death and the huge responsibilities she faced .She was drowning and he was her life line line .Their relationship brought her life a whole new group of friends and the how the friendship grew and changed over the years.This was a great book line.She found acceptance and was include with his friends .I truly loved this book..

Well Done

This book was good and I would have given it a 5star but it's not in my age range this is great for younger people and I didn't know that before I started.But the author is amazing.HAPPY Reading EVERYONE.


I love Lucy and Cam (Luca). I loved how they were as a couple. Cameron let Lucy be who she was and he was there for her no matter what she needed. They went through so much but they loved each other fiercely. I loved their story and Cam's family was wonderful. The interactions with Lucy's brothers were so funny. A very good book that everyone will love and it was good to see the other characters from the other books. Luca's story went back to when they met but it also included events that happened to the other characters

Cam and Lucy Forever!

I absolutely loved reading this entire series. I also loved that this book intertwined with the others from the series. Cam and Lucy definitely have a love that is fierce and their journey was incredibly emotional and intense. Jay did an amazing job bringing every emotion possible to the table. If I didn't have tears and snot from crying, I had them from laughing! I would certainly recommend this book/series to anyone that loves young adult!


Holy crap! I read the first three books almost a year ago and just knew Cameron and Lucy's story was going to be epic and I've been waiting to be in a book rutt cause I knew my luck would change with this one, and I was so not disappointed. Cameron and Lucy are just why you fall in love with book characters and love in general. The only thing I'm sad is I didn't read at least the first book first.

Jay McLean has done it again!

Omg More Than Forever had me even more in love with Cam and Lucy. This story was perfect. The heartbreak, the way everything all started and how amazing Superhero Cam was and still is. There hasn't been one book in the More Than series that I haven't deeply felt and felt connected to. This will continue to be my favorite series. I can't believe I have to wait until Mid 2015 for the next book. I'm sure it will be worth the wait.


Jay McLean, I will read anything and everything you write. Seriously. I've loved Lucy and Cam since MTT and I love them even more now. Their story made me FEEL so much. It made me happy, sad, angry, it made me swoon, and it made me cry so bad I had to set my kindle down and just sob for what lucy and Cam were going through. Maybe it made me feel so much because I could relate so closely to certain things(I won't give spoilers.) I can't wait for what's next in the more world!


I love how this couple falls in love so young. He sees her when she can't see anything but the pain, and he just loves her. I love how she sometimes notes how much his body has changed and how hot he is from the time he is 15 'til they are in college. When she notices he is no longer a boy, but a man. I love how Lucy and Cam are the stability in the group of friends and how all the guys in Cams group love her. I really enjoy this series and think this maybe the best one yet!


I loved this book. I hated some parts of it. But I understand that in order for the kind of love exemplified in this book to seem realistic the main characters he to go through some stuff. And I mostly loved it. I laughed out loud at some parts and cursed Cam at others. But I thoroughly enjoyed the book even though I almost put it down cos the author took the story where I didn't want it to go. If I had had a paper copy I would probably have cheated and skipped to the end when I was about half way through, just to see. Lol. But I read it from beginning to end and enjoyed it enough to want to give it 4 1/2 stars. Looking forward to reading more from this author.

the sweetest story of an unconditional more than forever type of love !

I love falling in love with a series that gets better and better with each book ! This is definitely A story that will stay with me forever ! More than forever ! I loved reading about these two falling in love. It was such a sweet, emotional and realistic journey. I loved these two in each book of this series and I cried happy tears for how their story unfolded. Pure perfection !

More stars needed

Wow This book These characters the love heart breaking life altering I was so touched I cried and laughed and cried some more just like all the others Amazing Must read all of them now do it what are you waiting for But I suggest you read some where private Because I was laughing one second so hard and then tears pouring out the next right in the middle of my daughter's gym class Hello they looked at me crazy and all I could say was It's a beautiful book

too epic, can't function

I'm saying it now "I bow down to thee, Jay McLean, as best young adult author ever." I knew this one would be full of drama because of her previous books. To have this happen to my favorite couple of the series had me worried. This book had me going through a heap A HEAP of emotions. The beginning was sad, then I was cracking my ass up, then I felt suspicious, then my heart broke, then I was pissed and disappointed, then I was satisfied. If you read the last book you get a basic rundown of how Cameron met Lucy, and how they got together. I usually don't enjoy reading about a couples past, but I really did not mind in this case. I fell in love with Cameron, he has THE biggest heart ever. I also loved Lucy. I love watching her grow into a better person. She has a beautiful personality. Now before like around the 56% mark I thought to myself "I would totally re-read this book", but then some shit hits the fan. It really ruined me. Even reading from both POVs it's just such a hard part of the book to get through. Now I know that previous paragraph would make some people curious, and If i hadn't read the book I would like to know what happens. So I guess I'd be willing to share what happens. I'm still at this point kind of in shock right now like "dang I can't process all these emotions right now" but I'll eventually get passed it. Is this book good?? hell yeah is it for people who can't handle angst........uuuh not really.

Jay does it again!!

I cant say enough about Jay's books. I was so invested in the characters, you feel like you know them I've read the entire more than series more times than I can count. If you havent read any Jay McLean books i suggest you read them all!

Best installment in the series

So, I read all the books in this series, this last one is by far, my favorite, the best one... as if Jay McLean's writing just kept improving with each book in the series. It's a really, really good read; it's nostalgic and your heart breaks a little and then you remember what's it's like to fall in love all over again and again... and... the characters are funny and real and you'd be missing out, really missing out by skipping this one.

Another winner!

I read these out of order - and I'm sorry that I did. Loved, loved Lucas and Logan in the Brothers series. Wish I would have read this one first to see how the brothers story came to be. Even going backwards, understanding Lucy and Cameron's story is wonderful. Again from this author, more joy and emotion than can be described.

jay does it again

Not quite sure how this is possible, but this series keeps getting better and better. I was hooked with Jake and Mikala and I thought nothing could top Amanda and Logan, but Jay did it...Lucy and Cam have the best book yet. Jay develops characters that you want to hang out with and can't help falling in love with. The drama, the pain, the's all there and it's amazing. This series will suck you in and you'll keep wanting More...forever

This book had everything from love to hate

*****10 Funky Bunch Stars***** This book was absolutely fabulous. I expected nothing less of Cam & Lucy’s story. I laughed, cried, laughed, cried and cried some more. This book had everything from love to hate, laughing to crying and friendship to sworn enemies. Cam and Lucy’s love is what love songs, poems and painting are made from. I never wanted this story to end. I must say, I neglected all responsibilities in my life to read this book because once you pick it up you cannot put it down. MUST READ!!!

Do not miss this one!

It's a must read... It takes you through everything. That really surprised me. It's book 4, but you get their beginning. There are some things that flash in & out from the other books, but it's sole focus is Lucy & Cam. There are parts that are heartbreaking, but there are parts that are LMAO really loud. The brain, body conversations are the most original I've read in a long time. Don't wait...move this book to the top of your reading list immediately!


Well Jay McLean has always been a favorite of mine but this book has just taken the Cake. Lucy and Cam's story was so emotionally charged. I don't know the last time I cried and laughed so damn hard. We got to see how they started out and all of the trials that they both had to endure. I loved all the secondary characters but ONE.. ( she will be nameless because I HATE her) I can tell you if you didn't read this yet get it NOW. It is so beautifully done. xo

Emotional roller coaster! Amazing read!

This is the first review I've ever written. Jay McLean is an extremely talented author! I've read all her books and they continue to get better with each new book. This story is heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time. The book made me laugh out loud and cry while reading. I can't describe how many emotions were brought up while reading! Absolutely worth reading, and I recommend reading the first three in the series as well! Looking forward to her next book!

"There is a love so fierce it cannot be measured"

"There is a love so fierce it cannot be measured"... That is how you will feel after you read this book/series. I more than like it, a lot. If you are looking for a read that has love, friendship, LOL moments (and these are the BEST!) and wonderful memories of first love then this is the book for you. I have read it, reread it, recommended it to all of my friends. I wish I could read it for the first time all over again.

wild ride!

Jay Mclean you need to pat yourself on the back for this series! This series is one of my all time favorites! The story touched me in so many ways! I felt their story through your words! Just perfection! Deserves more than 5 stars! If your a reader and you are reviewing my post do yourself and favor and devour this series!

More than FANTASTIC!

MORE THAN FANTASTIC It is not often that a book grabs me by the seat of my pants and kicks my heart out of my throat. It is not often that I laugh so hard when reading a book that I have to put it down and revert to Lamaze techniques to ease the gut ache. It is not often that my heart breaks with every beat and I find myself gasping for breath. Jay McFreakingFantastic has the ability to suck your soul right out of your eye balls. Her characters live and breath inside me now. They are so real, so right, so perfectly flawed. I DARE you to read this book and not cry, not laugh, not fall just a little more than a lot in love with each character.

The 4th is the best

I freaked loved this book! was full of a lot of hurt and diff emotions but also a lot of laughs! I seriously laughed throughout the whole book! Cam and Lucy's story is my new favorite before Jake and Kayla. the wait was so worth the unfinished single mama duties. haha. I can't wait for Dylan and heidis story:) ill be ready for another emotional roller coaster.

Another home run for Jay McLean!

In the 4th book of this series, we get to share the forever love of Cam and Lucy. Their relationship isn't as easy as it's appeared in the first 3 books, but we get to examine the romance and heartache of these two as they experience high school, college, and life together. It's like your favorite movie all wrapped up in a tiny Kindle package. Love these two, love Jay, and love this series! BUY THIS BOOK==YOU WON'T REGRET IT!

More than forever

This book was wonderful. It’s amazing that sometimes love is not defined by the age of the people involved. It shows us that true love can truly conquer the pain of hurtful situations. But most of all it can endure and we can grow to love even more than we can ever imagine.

3 melting stars

I really like the book. It is so intense and deep that I was really into it. However, there were parts that I was like, really? Also, I did not like the time line. It was kind of reading some stuff again.

More Than Forever

This is the story of Lucy and Cameron. From previous books we know some of their backgrounds.This book allows you a more detailed description however, once you get to the "today" section your in for a journey. I've always liked Lucy and Cam from the other books but this book has me loving them. I, like the author recommend that this More Than Series should be read in order and I highly recommend you to read them. I can scarcely wait for the next installment.

True Love as in PERFECTION

Wow, I mean WOW! This was by far the best book in the series to date! I loved Cam and Lucy in all the previous books but their book is by far the Number 1 !!!! Cameron Gordon is PERFECT and Lucy is his world. I've never laughed so hard as I did in the first half of this book, the second half I ugly cried literally sobbing like a crazy girl as these two fought to find their way back to their FOREVER. This is a must read for anyone out there that has fallen in love!!!! Great book!

If only I could give a star for every tear I shed and every time I laughed.

I didn't want to love this book. I fell in love with the first one, was skeptical the other books could meet the same standard, but they did. There was NO way I was going to like this one. I was sure that I knew this story and it was going to be tired and repetitive. I was so wrong because this one was my favorite by far. Read this book, that's my review. Read this damn book. It will refresh your hope for love everlasting.


I usually write reviews as soon as I'm done with the book...with this one ..I had to sleep on it ...If you think you DON'T need to read Cam & Lucy's story ..YOU ARE ALL WRONG...This is unbelievably emotional and's soooo good!! These two characters have so much depth & heart ..and so much to say read it ...and read them ..and enjoy it ..cause it really WONDERFUL!

Shining Shimmering Splendid!

I have no words for how amazing this book is. To me, it's not just a book. It's a journey to the lives of Cam, Lucy, Logan, Amanda, Jake, Micky, Heidi and Dylan. It shows perfect timing in between what was happening in the other characters' lives (MTHer, MThim) This book is my absolute favorite of the series. It gave me front row seats from the very beginning of LuCa's love, and how they changed from teens to adults. Amazing development of characters. You can feel every emotion conveyed by the author. I had to stop several times through tears. Thank goodness for the funny moments! CAMERON owns my heart. He is just the perfect man! And LUCY is my all time favorite heroine! I just wanted to hug her all the time! Great secondary characters (Marky-Mark, Heather, Rose, LUCAS) Also love all the Aladdin references! Jay Mclean can control your emotions with her written words. Pure talent. Will read this series a hundred times over!

Beautiful Love Story...

You can read this as a standalone but it’s better to read to read the first 3 books because it just makes this so much sweeter. I knew Cam and Lucy were going to be my favorite couple when first meeting them in the first book in the series and that their story was going to be something so beautiful and special. Their story would make you want to go back in high school and find yourself a high school sweetheart like Cameron ( and I hated high school) that is how awesome their love story was. The way Jay McLean writes make you fell every single thing that the characters feel all their ups and downs. Loved the fact that they gad issues and everything wasn't all rainbows and sunshine because life isn't like that at all. Every scene with her brothers always had me cracking up its like they need their own show are something But the hardest part for me to read is when Lucy goes through something that I would wish on my worst enemy because I had to go through myself. That part was the hardest for me because it was like a flash back for me the only difference was I almost didn't make it. There are so many thinks I can say about this book but I not sure if it would do it justice.


My favorite story out of the series so far! I am not too sure any of the rest will even top this one, it was THAT good! It was everything i had been hoping for and more. I couldn't wait for this story and i was afraid that i had built it up in my mind so high that it wouldn't be able to really live up to how high i had set the standards and it surpassed those standards. Brilliant book! Thank you for yet another amazing journey into this world with these characters.

I was devastated.

This couple, who looks to have the perfect relationship, goes through so much to keep it. I love this group of characters. They are fun, fresh, and relatable. I'm super excited to read the last book, but sad it'll be over.

My favourite!

I was so excited to finally get to Cam and Lucy’s story, and it was more than I ever thought possible! I laughed out loud so many times, my heart broke into a million pieces, and then it healed better than it was before.

More than Good!

This was good, but had flaws (much like Cam and Lucy's relationship). You really don't need to read the books in this series before this one, although it will help to understand the other characters/friends in their group. More Than This is probably the best of the first 3. This is Lucy and Cam's story which takes them from the time they meet through marriage...and it's heavy. Filled with f-ed up parents, intense, co-dependent love, and the pressures of real life and college. I was hoping for more funny Lucy than I got in this. Instead she turns from this overwhelmed teenager with a heavy burden and an eating disorder after her mom dies to this kind selfish college kid who has no clue what's going on in her own bf's life, to a selfish, jealous wench who thinks Cam's going to cheat on her. I quickly came to find Lucy pathetic. And I don't understand the journalism major... she is the LEAST inquisitive of the bunch and too wrapped up in her books... why wasn't she an English major?? It was disappointing how the relationship was all about Lucy, proven when it's time for people to help Cam, they essentially call him an a-hole and then walk away from him. Granted, he said some messed up things, but so did Lucy during a couple of points in their relationship and then when things get rough, she leaves him??? This left me feeling sad for Cam and disappointed in Lucy. Cam's clueless that a fellow intern is hitting on him and making Lucy jealous... which is interesting, but not as interesting as what Cam says during his breakdown... most of which I agreed with! A couple of things I really loved... clitosaurus-rex, operation mayhem (back and for a kinda stupid reason), and the moments of silence every time someone says Dylan's name. Dylan make a reappearance and Heidi disappears, so I'm hoping that's the next book. It was also nice to include Lucas, Lucy's eldest brother get brought into the group. But he's still young, so I'm not sure there's another book for him, or if he was just a plot device.

Way To Go Jay McLean:

More than Forever was devoured forever. This book is another Jay McLean at her best. It is a well rounded work of art that will draw you in, turning the pages as you laugh, cry, a route for Cam and Lucy's HEA.

Heartbreaker !

This book was my favourite of the series I just loved Cam and Lucy they were an awesome couple and there love knew no bounds the only sad thing about this book was we found out that Lucy's mum died on my birthday which made me cry 😭 But I still loved the book and I can't wait for all Lucy's brothers books

for a million words I could write, none seem to do justice.

I have rewritten my review numerous times, without feeling like I have done More Than Forever justice in the words of my own thoughts. The outskirts that front every bleeding and worshiping cell that courses through this ever romantic heart of mine doesn’t do the novel justice. More Than Forever takes raw refined pure love to a whole new level. I couldn’t control the tears, the fast heart rate that preluded me to read More Than Forever in one sitting because my hand broke with no moment that was etching for me to stop reading and flipping to the next page. More Than Forever is the fourth book in the More Series and it’s unshadowed clarity of heart and at times stabbing deep wounds of heartache brought characteristically sound of pure perfection. The Aladdin sonnet of Jay McLean’s majestic writing made Cam and Lucy’s narrative eleventy-three of a power stage and correlates to a penis moment and good old sappy ugly cry at more than one occasion. To say I idolize the way Jay writes is shy of the truth, I leach onto every word on the page and every heart moving, stopping, grabbing moment that Jay writes I feel through the heart of the pages as I read. Jay may look up to Colleen Hoover, but I look up to Jay in more ways than one, she has been a guiding light and Cam and Lucy’s story (hold on two sec.. tears here) sends MORE than enough feelings tracking every inch of my heart and why I love to read. Moral of my overall tear driven review - that probably doesn’t do anything to make you want to read the novel, is in fact to READ More Than Forever. For book lovers it’s a dynamite of heart, power and pure perfection all, that leads to so much love for the characters of Cam & Lucy in the fourth installment of the series. 5 + Eleventy-Three Stars

Absolutely beautiful

This series just keeps getting better and better. This book was everything! I love love Cam. I love Lucky beyond words. I love Mark and I love Heather and I love Tom, and I really love Lachlan. This book broke my heart and then put if back together again. I laughed, I cried, I swooned and I'm really scared to read the next one because I don't know if my heart will be able to take it.


I absolutely loved this book!!! Honestly its my favorite of the books. I have never had a book make me so emotions within the first few chapters it was absolutely amazing!! you truly are a gifted writer thank you so much for all the books you have written but all i have to say is that is the best of the bunch and im going to be on book hangover for quite some time now lol!!

Great book

I really enjoyed this book. The whole series has been great. The plot keeps it interesting and the characters have depth.

Swoon swoon swoon!

I have reread books yes, but never in my life have a reread a series back to back to back and that is what Jay McLean does to you. You start her books and you can't let it go. Cameron and Lucy don't disappoint you grow up, fall in love and fall apart with them and you feel every emotion because of how jay can write. You won't be disappointed!

I’ve read the other “more than” books and love them all

I’m a sucker for cute romance books. I’ve read the other “more than” books and love them all. However, I’m very disappointed that the last book is way more expensive than the others :(

MTF Love

This book will more than forever stick to my heart! I've never connected more with a book like I have this one. As much as it was funny, it was also sad in an oddly good way. It shows you real life and hope and love. This book is worth more than 5 stars to me!

Loved it!

Jay McLean does it again! I recently read a horrible book that I feared would ruin books for me (I kid, it wasn't that bad, but it was pretty bad), but this did the trick in getting me out of the funk! So much feeling in this book. It's genuine, heartfelt, and original. 5/5.

Amazing Love Story

So I just discovered this Author, and I’m in love. I loved loved Lucy and Cameron’s love story. Only reason I didn’t give this book 5 stars was because there was some side drama that happened to some of the characters that wasn’t explained, so I wondered why even bring it up. But over all great read will definitely read more of her work.

Amazing story!

Wow each book in this series is better than the next. This is a story about love that is so strong it was amazing to read. Though Cameron and Lucy started to date young, what they had was real. Can a love that starts that young last forever? I so enjoyed their journey.


Loved this book series and I am NOT a reader!

Just keeps getting better!

Book 4 in the More Series does not disappoint! You fall in love with Lucy and Cameron's story. Their story is beautiful, frustrating, and heartbreaking. You can't help, but cheer for them. Lucy and Cameron are hilarious, especially Drunk Lucy!


This is a huge tearjerker so be warned! The part towards the end with Hope's memorial seriously killed me, it was so touching! Cameron and Lucy were awesome and I loved all the brothers as well. My only complaint? Why does everyone in this book cry so much?! Seemed really excessive..

All I can say is wow!!!

I love this series, you manage to draw all sorts of emotion out of me reading this book and the others...I couldn't put this one down, I cried and laughed throughout this book. Looking forward to the next one in the series but sad that I have to wait till next year :-(


I like that Jay's stories in this series interlock so well. I thought I knew the characters from the very first book in the series only to find out later that only skimmed the surface. The details given in each following book brought them to life so much I got cold chills! Amazing! I love them all equally.

oh my god

I didn't think it was possible to love anyone more than Jake and Logan but I was so wrong. Cam is unbelievable. He literally melts my heart. I cried and I laughed a lot through out this book. I want to hear more from Cam and Lucy the absolute perfect couple. Highly recommend the book.

And just like the other 3 More books, I loved them

A very emotional, pure loving and mostly anguished read! This book starts off in the very beginning of a pure relationship and turns into a blossoming true love! So it basically comes off as a YA as the characters first meet at the age of 15, but it travels all through their college years and more..... towards the end it dragged a little but a great read!

Read it!

Really enjoyed this book. Awesome supporting characters, Mark was my favorite. Logan was pretty funny. I'll read it again. Read everything in the series, this is my favorite of the books. Love Lucy & Cameron so much that I had to skip to the end to make sure it had a HEA... which it did. Can't wait for the next in the series. Read this over the course of a day and evening. Did not want to put it down.

This book has it all

This book had every emotion available. Cameron and Lucy met when Lucy's mother passes away and her dad falls apart, leaving Lucy to hold the family together. Fate takes over and stays with these two, even through college. As the pair mature and find themselves and their friends and they all survive tragedy and become even closer. A lot of funny parts in this book too.

Best laugh ever

LOVED LUCY and CAM. Cam what can i say... His character was amazing, giving, patient, loving, supportive and beautiful. This book had me cracking up in fits. Lucy is the funniest character in any book ive read. My husband kept looking at me like i was crazy cause my burst of laughter. Too funny. I loved this 110%

so in love with Cam!

This is my favourite book from the more series. Cam and Lucy are amazing together and I am so glad that they got their own book. There was so many things to love about their journey, their story and their love. Drunk Lucy!!!

Best of the series

So I was hesitant to read Lucy and Cam`s story because I thought they would be boring given they have been the couple to stay together throughout the other stories....however, I loved their story so much ..I laughed at Lucy's neurotic craziness but also cried along with her loss...and Cam made me laugh...I really loved his relationship with Mark....the Preston boys were also really funny and real. I loved every second of this book...don't pass it up like I almost did!!!

The bestest....

Ah-ma-zing! That's all i can say. When i was reading the reviews and saw that plenty of folks loved this book the most i was like....nah that's not possible. I was wrong! More Than Forever is officially my favorite one out of the series....hopefully until the next one comes out. I laughed, i cried and everything in between.....just what a good book is supposed to do. Keep em coming Jay, you're awesome! Oh and Jay? Can you please write a story about Alan (Logan's Dad)......he's pretty darn cool and i'm crushing on him big time.

Ugly Cry

I love, love, LOVE this series. I was chomping at the bit for this latest installment. It shares the love story of Cam and Lucy, but also intertwines stories of other characters from the other books. I stayed up way too late to finish this book and was crying. Like ugly crying, snot running, shaking.... So good!

Sweet love story

HEA Makes you laugh,cry and get mad. The only thing I didn't care for is Lucy was always crying made her seem needy in some ways. Don't get me wrong yes parts needed her crying but could of done without in others.


Jay McLean has done it again! I didn't think I could love a character more than I loved Jake, Micky, Logan, and Amanda but I was wrong!! This was by far my favorite of the series--- of all books!! Cam has ruined me for all men! He is literally perfect! He makes mistakes but there is no doubt that he loves Luce! I laughed until I cried and I full on ugly cried!! Defiantly recommend this book!!

MORE than delivers!

This author is an automatic 1-click for me. She's one of the best NA authors I've read and I read a lot of NA. She writes such beautiful, powerful, angst-filled yet funny books. This book was no different. I love this series and this book was so much MORE than what I thought. I love Jake in book 1 but Cam is giving him a run for his money. Highly, highly recommend this series and this book.

4 Days to ship

GOOD BOOK but don’t trust seller when they say 1 day shipping. It took them 4 days to ship and we got book 5 before this one since it took so long to ship!!!!


I loved this book! I stayed up most of the night to finish it! MTF had me hooked from the first page. I went through so many emotions. I cried, I laughed, I cried, etc.... I loved Lucy and Cam! I didn't want their story to end! I will be recommending this book to everyone I know! This book is Jays best yet!

Better than the rest

Wow. What can I say but wow! I laughed so hard and cried just as hard. It reminded me of my relationship with my husband. There's so many phases to a relationship and this book captured all of them wonderfully. When two people love each other so much they can get through just about anything.

Must read

Finally!! It's very hard to find a GOOD book that's also worth my time. This book achieved both tasks. Great lengthy read! I cried enough to have my eyes burn!

Deserving of More Than 5 Stars

From the beginning of this series by the amazing Jay McLean I have always had a special place in my heart for Cam and Lucy. They always seemed like a great couple and Lucy always had me laughing. I have eagerly awaited this book, and believe me it was worth the wait!!! Cam comes in to Lucy's life at the tender age of 15 and at a time when her world is falling apart. Luckily for Lucy, Cam navigates his way in to Lucy's life and ultimately in to her heart. Just like the other books in this series, the writing is done so well that you are immersed in the story. You laugh when they laugh, your cry when they cry, and in the end you get the warm fuzzy feeling from being with the love of your life, your forever. It was great getting the super sweet parts of the beginning of their relationship. Cameron really stands out as quite the amazing guy. Dare I say he just may put Jake and Logan to shame. But the I remembered from past books that something goes down with Cam and Lucy but I don't think we ever really knew what it was. Let me just say, getting the full picture, I literally was getting sick to my stomach. I wanted to smack Cameron upside the head... my heart broke for Lucy. But with a love like theirs, I had no doubt it would all work out. Lines I loved: "Give us a minute," Dad says to Virginia. More like Vagina. "You make my world stop, Lucy." "But he did it; he made my impossible possible. And he had absolutely no idea he was doing it." Parts I loved: The brain/body dialogue Learning the name of the lady in the bookstore What Lucas says to Cameron about watching Lucy So there you have it. Another great book by Jay McLean. Can't wait to read what she writes next.

A real heart warmer

I gave this 5 stars because it could be a real life situation. The ups and down s of true love. Loved Cameron an Luce and all the trials they went through with growing up to becoming an adult. Great read hard to put it down


It was an okay one I liked, but not loved! I loved that Lucy and Cam were/are in a long term relationship. That was fun to see.

Brilliant !! I didn't want it to finish

Well what can I say - this book was just wonderful!! For me, each book in this series just gets better not only because of the story lines but also because the whole group appear and I love the familiarity I get when reading each book. I didn't know what to expect from Cameron and Lucy's story but they always appeared so happy so when we got their back story and discovered what life put in their path, I was shocked. Cameron and Lucy first starting dating when they were 15 and this is how the story starts. Cameron first sets his eyes on Lucy and very slowly and patiently becomes the most important person in her life. Lucy's mum has passed away from Cancer and Lucy is left to help raise her 6 brothers, the youngest who is just a baby. Cameron with no expectations just wants to help her because he can see there is no one else. Her dad isn't coping and drowning in alcohol. She is so so sad and closed off and Cameron wants to lighten her load and see her smile. Now Cameron is such a wonderful character. He is so generous, giving and selfless. He is someone that you can always count on to be there for you in your time of need. And he was, time and time, year on year for Lucy and her family. Ms McLean really is the queen of twists and unexpected turns and this is exactly what happens to Lucy and Cameron. During this terrible time in their lives, Cameron's character got even better. I loved that he showed his true self, he cried openly and expressed his feeling and admitted to his shortcomings. When Cam and Lucy cried so did I and when Lucy's brother made a speech toward the end of the book OMG I was sobbing. He summed them up perfectly and I was really sad when the book came to an end because I felt like I was missing part of my own family. It's not all sad, there are light and funny moments like the exchanges between Cameron and his "dad" Mark and when the gang together with Lucy's brother Lucas play a funny prank - hilarious!! The next book isn't out and we don't even know who it's about but I can't wait because I love these guys!!!

Just OK

I liked the book ok, but found myself getting bored. I think it just spanned too much time. I felt parts were a little immature, and not just when they were in highschool.

Perfect love story

A great love story. Every woman wants a man to love her like this. A great book. It was funny and emotional. Such a well written book! Loved it.


I wish I could write better reviews because this book deserves the best possible one but I suck so I will just say that I didn't think the series could get any better than the previous 3 but boy was I wrong. Cam and Lucy's story is the best one yet. Perfect blend of romance, drama, angst, well of everything really.... Do NOT miss the story!

A Must Read!

Loved this book! I read it in one day. I have to admit I cried almost the entire book and got frustrated at times but I definitely recommend reading it. The book as a great conclusion.

Wonderful Book

This book is so wonderful to read and transport the reader to a place with characters that you would want to be your friends. I could not put it down until it was finished. I wish it would go on forever.

Jay McLean you have blown my mind again!

Jay McLean once again does it! What is it you ask? EVERYTHING! The perfect book with the most perfect amount of funny, drama, love! You definitely must read the previous 3 books before you get your hands on this beautiful gem!

5***** ❤️

I love this book! I don't know how many times I laughed and cried but I most definitely enjoyed the heck out it! I recommend to everyone.

More Than The Best Book Ever!

Easily my favorite book from this series! Between Lucy's reading obsession, Cam and his loving ways, the brothers, Cam's mom, Mark, and all the other More Than Series mainstays, this a book that will make you ugly cry one minute and keel over in laughter the next. Sunsets will never be the same!

Your the man Cam

I really liked Lucy and Cameron in the previous books and their book didn't let me down. Can't wait for Dylan's story.

I really loved this book

I really loved this book. Drunk Lucy is my favorite! This was my first book that I busted out laughing and had my fiance look at me funny. I literally had to put my tablet down to continue with my laughing. I could not stop reading.

Love more than forever

Cam and Lucy are aaaaaagh! You laugh with them and cry with them as their forever love grows with them. Jay has done it again

LUV this author!!

LUV this whole far Cam and Lucy my favorite. jay McLean keep them coming. She's is a amazing author. you feel everything with her writing like the characters are real.

Laugh, cry, sigh, repeat

I love every book in this series more than the last. I've read so many novels in this genre lately that leave so much to be desired but Jay McLean continues to earn my heart. I couldn't put this one down and I am already wishing it was mid 2015 so I could read the next book!!!

5 stars!!

What a great book! I had missed all of the characters and it was so great to hear about them. Lucy and Cam are so awesome. It all started so innocent but they knew it would all end well. I would really like to hear more about them and I hope Dylan and heidi's story is released soon.


Jay McLean... Seriously. You've done it again. I'm bawling my eyes out one minute and laughing the next. Cameron Gordon is a doll. His and Lucy's story is adorable, and you're definitely going to want to read this book. Read all four of them, because Jay is seriously superior. She is No. Effing. Lie.

Wasted Time...

I actually forced myself to finish this book due to its many instances of unbelievability. Reading the reviews, I see others love this book. I'm just glad I read it for free.

Yet again another 5 star read from Jay McLean. ...

Yet again another 5 star read from Jay McLean. Cam and Lucy's story was everything I hoped and more.

So much more than a lot, like this book!!!

As a huge fan of the More Than series I was so super excited to read Lucy and Cam's story. I knew I would love them based on their appearances in the other books, I just didn't realize they would become my favorites. Laugh out loud funny as well as devastatingly sad at times, the entire story from start to finish was absolutely amazeballs. A definite must read!!!

A love story beautifully told

Lucy (the h) took some warming up to but eventually I ended up liking her. Cam (the H) was great. He got better and better as the book progressed. The book was also a slow start but once Lucy and Cam became a couple and their story unfolded I was hooked. These two loved each other fiercely and became each other's world. The steam level is low at first because they meet when they're fifteen but as they mature so does their sex life. I really enjoyed the couple's extended family and friends. I don't think they were detractors at all. You do have to leave the world of reality and step into a make believe world - as it relates to finances, parental supervision and convenient resolutions that pop up every once in a while - but despite that, I really liked this book. It would have been a five star book if it had an epilogue that took them years into their future. I wanted to know how their one issue (don't want to spoil) turned out.

Five Stars



What can I say. I was so except to read their story I kinda skipped the others. I know shame on me. But I really enjoyed their life together. Though it got a little blah for me. I still really enjoyed it

Head over heels

Every time I read your books I fall a little more in love. The words you write are flawless and capture the emotions for what is happening. Thank you for another amazing book.

Sweet story...

At first the book seemed to be a young adult offering because the characters are so young. That being said, I kept reading and enjoyed the love story between them.

5+ Team Silence Stars!!

Hands down one of the best books I've had the pleasure of reading all year. So may layers and so many beautifully complex characters. Loved getting to spend time with this gang again and laugh, cry, and FEEL! Cameron was my fave, but I think it just might be Dylan now, after this! <3

ohhh Lucy and Cam!!

I can not explain how much I loved this book!! I loved Lucy and Cam in the other More Than books and couldn't wait for their book to be released. It did not disappoint!! It was more than I ever hoped for!!! One click it immediately!!!

Swoon..It just keep getting better

I've read all the other books in this series and i really thought there would be no one better than Logan. Boy, was I wrong. Cameron, wow Cameron. I LOVE LOVED him in this book, the way he was with Lucy, he was just so awesome, perfect. This book takes you on the journey of Lucy and Cameron, how they came to be and what the future held for them. It was absolute perfection!! If you can only read one book in this series, this book would be it, but then again it would be a shame since you would miss out on the other characters. Ms. McLean, you've outdone yourself!!


I absolutely loved this book!! I have read and re-read this sooo many time! Luce and Cam are my fave characters!


this book was amazing. Out of the other 3, this one is my favorite. I cried so much, happy, sad, angry. EVERYTHING. I love Lucy's and Cameron's story.. it was perfect. I recommend this series, you won't regret it.

More than forever

Sad story loosing you're mother to cancer loosing a child emotional roller-coaster love the story happy she found married with her love.

Great series!

Love this series! Cannot wait for the next one. I love how each book takes you further into the lives of all the characters. One of my favorite parts are with each book there are voids that you didn't know we're missing from previously books, pervious loves. Love the relationships in each one with their own unique qualities.

This book is my favorite in the series

This book is my favorite in the series. I loved seeing how Cam and Lucy got to be the couple they are. There was laughing and crying, and people looking at me funny at lunch, but I was so involved I didn't even care. I love when I get wrapped up like that. Jay McLean doesn't disappoint.

Young love

This is Great story and I'm happy it was last. Cam and Lucy met during such terrible circumstances. Lucy is vivid reader who is loosing her mom. Cam is there to help her but what happens when Lucy is not grieving ?

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