Moms On Call Toddler Book (Moms On Call Parenting Books)

Kindle Edition
30 Nov
The highly sought after baby and toddler care experts strike again with this easy-to-read guide to everything moms and dads need to know about toddlerhood (complete with cheat sheets!).

Learn why kids misbehave and why you think that what you are doing now is not "working." Discover the three household rules your toddler can understand and how to implement them. Enjoy learning actual things to say to your children that will motivate them to want to behave. Want to know how to handle discipline, sleep issues, tantrums, going out to eat, potty training, feeding issues and much more? Then, you will certainly enjoy our cheat sheets. From humorous explanations to the short and sweet version, this book has it all!

From two pediatric nurse moms with eight children between them comes the real story on toddler behavior and discipline.

Reviews (102)

The whole MOC program has been the most valuable part of raising a child.

I've used the MOC program since my daughter was 1 week old. I followed it as closely as I could and rarely deviated from all the advice. They were spot on about how long it takes for transitions and what to expect in behavior. She gets high praises by any baby sitter (she's not in daycare) who keeps her for how well behaved she is and easy it is for naps and sleep at night. She's only 16 months old so some of the toddler communications aren't there yet, but I'll continue to follow their program and feel confident it will work with our son who is due in 4 months. And for those who complain about the "Christian" influence in the book, I really don't think the occasional bible verse and having a basis for their moral approach to child-rearing should take away from the value of following their program.

Skip it

I loved the first two books but this one is a waste of money in my opinion. The schedule doesn’t match up to the previous book, and the discipline techniques, including spanking, are rather absurd.

Some good tips, but not worth the price

I did get some good information from this book regarding toddlers, but what I was really after, and what I suspect most people are after (sleep tips), was so simple, it could be summarized in a 150 character tweet. I was disappointed that I spent the amount of money I did for a relatively small book with just a few straight-forward tips. There were also various typos throughout the book that kept dragging my attention away from the content, and occasional sentences that were written so poorly they didn’t actually say anything. Maybe if I hadn’t spent 26 or so dollars, I would be more satisfied with the one or two tips I walked away with.

I am so much more confident in myself because of this wonder book series.

I am a HUGE Moms on Call fan. This third book is making me so sad because I can’t believe my pumpkin has gotten so big that I’m buying this and I can’t believe this is their last book. I, like a lot of folks, didn’t have the greatest models for discipline from my parents and I wanted my own style, completely different from my parents but still affective. This Moms on Call book has such a realistic method that you can follow or modify to meet your style. Honestly this book has tons of great stuff. Without these ladies’ schedules I wouldn’t have the quality of life that I do today. I can take care of my son AND still have time to take care of me because of their help. I still thank my lucky stars searching the parenting and baby forums for hours at 3 AM and stumbling across a post for a mom going through whatever I was going through at the same time. Someone replied with a seemingly impossible description of their personal schedule based on some book called Moms on Call so I visited Amazon and the rest was history.

has saved my sanity

this is my third MOC book and it's been just as valuable as the newborn and infant books. i bought it when my child became mobile and i needed to know how to handle toddler discipline (not punishing him, but teaching him to listen especially in situations where his safety is in question). i can't recommend these books enough. you don't have to follow them to the letter to learn A LOT and improve your parenting techniques immensely.

A Must Have Book Series

Love love love these books. The entire series is amazing!!! From tips to daily schedules to illness care to milk amounts, etc. This book was a life safer. Tons of books out there are too lengthy or have very little substance. This entire series is just right and help to make me the amazing mommy that I am today! Thank you ladies for this amazing parenting took for the toolbox!!!

Marriage and sanity saver

My wife and I were struggling for the first three months our daughter was born. A colleague recommended this book. It has been a game changer. We went from getting up multiple times a night to be in able to sleep all night long with no interruption. Our daughter is now seven months old and she has been sleeping for four months straight from 7 PM to 7 AM. It outlines a solid schedule and as long as you can stick to it, you will succeed. We have now seen more than eight kids go through the same procedure that the book details and everybody has the same result. It takes discipline but if you follow this book you will have the best routine in family life. It saved our marriage!!!!

Life. Saver.

I basically live by these books. They are so useful, ESPECIALLY for sleep patterns. But just general knowledge from women who are not only mothers, but Nurses. When people ask how we managed to have a sleeping baby, I always just say "Mom's on call. Buy all of the books. Read them. Live them." When they say it's not working, I can almost always go to their house, look around, and fix it. You have to absorb the info!

How we survived and stayed an organized team

Helped us tremendously! Love this entire series from newborn on up! It helped keep my husband on same page which gave our child consistency; even when one of us wasn't around. Referring back to ibooks version for my second baby coming soon. Its my survival guide. We always read as a guide, and find a way to incorporate recommendations into our lifestyle and comfort level. But these ladies know what they are talking about. Take it from a fellow Pedi nurse... I had just never been a mom before and did not live by my mother.

Best book to read for this age group

This book is just as helpful as the first two installments. When I was pregnant with my first, my Pediatric Nurse friend recommended that I read these books. She said that she has read many others, and in her words, "the complete package." She was right. This book will serve me very well for months to come. Thank you Moms on Call, for helping us parents out!

The whole MOC program has been the most valuable part of raising a child.

I've used the MOC program since my daughter was 1 week old. I followed it as closely as I could and rarely deviated from all the advice. They were spot on about how long it takes for transitions and what to expect in behavior. She gets high praises by any baby sitter (she's not in daycare) who keeps her for how well behaved she is and easy it is for naps and sleep at night. She's only 16 months old so some of the toddler communications aren't there yet, but I'll continue to follow their program and feel confident it will work with our son who is due in 4 months. And for those who complain about the "Christian" influence in the book, I really don't think the occasional bible verse and having a basis for their moral approach to child-rearing should take away from the value of following their program.

Skip it

I loved the first two books but this one is a waste of money in my opinion. The schedule doesn’t match up to the previous book, and the discipline techniques, including spanking, are rather absurd.

Some good tips, but not worth the price

I did get some good information from this book regarding toddlers, but what I was really after, and what I suspect most people are after (sleep tips), was so simple, it could be summarized in a 150 character tweet. I was disappointed that I spent the amount of money I did for a relatively small book with just a few straight-forward tips. There were also various typos throughout the book that kept dragging my attention away from the content, and occasional sentences that were written so poorly they didn’t actually say anything. Maybe if I hadn’t spent 26 or so dollars, I would be more satisfied with the one or two tips I walked away with.

I am so much more confident in myself because of this wonder book series.

I am a HUGE Moms on Call fan. This third book is making me so sad because I can’t believe my pumpkin has gotten so big that I’m buying this and I can’t believe this is their last book. I, like a lot of folks, didn’t have the greatest models for discipline from my parents and I wanted my own style, completely different from my parents but still affective. This Moms on Call book has such a realistic method that you can follow or modify to meet your style. Honestly this book has tons of great stuff. Without these ladies’ schedules I wouldn’t have the quality of life that I do today. I can take care of my son AND still have time to take care of me because of their help. I still thank my lucky stars searching the parenting and baby forums for hours at 3 AM and stumbling across a post for a mom going through whatever I was going through at the same time. Someone replied with a seemingly impossible description of their personal schedule based on some book called Moms on Call so I visited Amazon and the rest was history.

has saved my sanity

this is my third MOC book and it's been just as valuable as the newborn and infant books. i bought it when my child became mobile and i needed to know how to handle toddler discipline (not punishing him, but teaching him to listen especially in situations where his safety is in question). i can't recommend these books enough. you don't have to follow them to the letter to learn A LOT and improve your parenting techniques immensely.

A Must Have Book Series

Love love love these books. The entire series is amazing!!! From tips to daily schedules to illness care to milk amounts, etc. This book was a life safer. Tons of books out there are too lengthy or have very little substance. This entire series is just right and help to make me the amazing mommy that I am today! Thank you ladies for this amazing parenting took for the toolbox!!!

Marriage and sanity saver

My wife and I were struggling for the first three months our daughter was born. A colleague recommended this book. It has been a game changer. We went from getting up multiple times a night to be in able to sleep all night long with no interruption. Our daughter is now seven months old and she has been sleeping for four months straight from 7 PM to 7 AM. It outlines a solid schedule and as long as you can stick to it, you will succeed. We have now seen more than eight kids go through the same procedure that the book details and everybody has the same result. It takes discipline but if you follow this book you will have the best routine in family life. It saved our marriage!!!!

Life. Saver.

I basically live by these books. They are so useful, ESPECIALLY for sleep patterns. But just general knowledge from women who are not only mothers, but Nurses. When people ask how we managed to have a sleeping baby, I always just say "Mom's on call. Buy all of the books. Read them. Live them." When they say it's not working, I can almost always go to their house, look around, and fix it. You have to absorb the info!

How we survived and stayed an organized team

Helped us tremendously! Love this entire series from newborn on up! It helped keep my husband on same page which gave our child consistency; even when one of us wasn't around. Referring back to ibooks version for my second baby coming soon. Its my survival guide. We always read as a guide, and find a way to incorporate recommendations into our lifestyle and comfort level. But these ladies know what they are talking about. Take it from a fellow Pedi nurse... I had just never been a mom before and did not live by my mother.

Best book to read for this age group

This book is just as helpful as the first two installments. When I was pregnant with my first, my Pediatric Nurse friend recommended that I read these books. She said that she has read many others, and in her words, "the complete package." She was right. This book will serve me very well for months to come. Thank you Moms on Call, for helping us parents out!

So helpful!

This book has really helped us with how to speak and handle specific situations with our toddler. Life has become much easier! I will be buying this book for friends.

Parent BIBLE!!!

This is the mommy and daddy BIBLE!!! We refer to it all the time. Everything they suggest works like a charm. I had friends recommend it to me and now I recommend it to everyone! You would think I was getting paid due to how much I recommend/brag about this book. That's how much I love it!

Awesome writers. A win for this program

These mom's are on point. My little guy sleeps through the night and eats like a champ. Couldn't recommend them enough

I love these books

I love these books!!! Literally a life saver!! As a first time mom I probably read the first two in the series a million times. They are very easy to ready beacuse they are broken up by bullet points instead of long lengthy paragraphs. Everything is so positive on the fact that you as a mom are doing great. I refer this to everyone I know having a baby!

The BEST series for new parents!

The best series of books for first time parents. Easy to read. Right to the point answers. Gives you comfort in parenting methods and the support you need in the middle of the night when you don’t know what to do. We love the schedules and all the general behavior methods described in the books. We buy this as a gift for all our new parent friends!

Baby handbook

This is by far the best baby book on the planet - this series of books has helped me navigate new motherhood and motherhood of a toddler and newborn! It has been my saving grace in many scenarios and I would highly recommend it to everyone - the sleep component alone is worth the purchase!!

Great series buy all 3!

This series is the best! As a FTM all 3 books have been my go to. I recommend them every single time I get the chance. The typical days section gave me a great guide for shaping our days on what worked for us.


SOOOOO much info for toddler behaviors. Originally only bought for the baby/toddler combo schedules; but was pleased with all the information on toddler behavior.

Must have for first time moms

I live the entire moms on call series. I will be honest, I only use them for the schedules...but that's reason enough to purchase them

Practical and Pragmatic Advice

We used the Moms on Call Toddler book when baby number 2 arrived and firstborn wasn't sleeping through the night. We struggled for a long time with other methods but this finally worked and has stuck. The advice for tantrums and the dreaded no really helped us. We are no longer a slave to our little dictator! We even went backward and then bought the 0-6 month book for our newborn. It's given us our sanity back and our kids are much happier and well rested.

Love this

Look...MOC books are the bomb! Get them and you will not regret it. It makes your life better and easier. Easy to read and it’s great behavior management

I share this with all my friends!

I LOVE this program. So easy to follow and the tips are so helpful and realistic!


Love all the MOC books

Practical, empowering step by step for parents on all the main topics

I have found this book to be very helpful. I bought it mainly for potty training help but have found the whole book to be helpful in bringing Peaceful naptime routines when he was ready to drop it but I wasn’t (and really neither was he he just was fighting sleep) it’s not a silver bullet or a one and done but I am very happy with the advice so far.

Great Book

Hands down, it is the best book I've read on caring for a child below age 5.

Great book!!

I really enjoyed everything about it. I liked the cheat sheets and that it actually has a “what to say” section. I think it’s definitely going to help with my 3 year old.

MOC is amazing!

Moms on Call saved my life when I had a newborn, I have a feeling I will be saying the same thing about the Toddler book in a couple of years. Very very helpful. I am so grateful for MOC!

I recommend Moms on call to everyone

Not as essential as their last two books, but still great advice

Buy it


Game Changed

This book is fantastic. It is practical and gives great instruction without overwhelming parents. Highly recommend!

Not 1 Size Fits All

The discipline techniques did NOT work for us at all. And honestly feel their way of discipline is a bit absurd in my opinion. Especially for a 2 year old! There were some good nuggets of wisdom but overall the techniques in this book made things worse rather than better.

Life Saver!

I highly recommend this book series for all first time parents! The sleep techniques in particular will change your life!

Love moms on call and this toddler book

I've been a MOC follower since my son was born - just like the first book for 0-6 months - this has been a great reference guide for me. Easy to follow schedules as well as ideas and ways to manage tantrums. Definitely recommend!

Mom's on Call is amazing

Moms on Call is amazing. Not for everyone or every baby, but has been great for us!

We love Moms on Call

Our son has been raised form the day we brought him home on the MOC methods. We started with the newborn book and followed it to the letter. Our son slept through the night at 4 weeks and now at almost 2 years still sleeps like a rock. We tell everyone about the MOC method.

Just what I needed!

I have been a teacher for 7 years and assumed the Toddler Stage would be a walk in the park when dealing with my little girl. I was so not prepared! This book was amazing and has shown me exactly where I need to tweak my parenting skills to set her up for a lifetime of success! Such a happy customer! Thank you!!!!!!

Great guideline

I buy the moms on call books for all of my friends having babies. It’s a good starting off point.

My daughter in law and son loves the whole series

Great information

Depends on your patenting

The book was ehh . I didn’t agree with the tips it provided . It’s not a bad book if you are going to follow these tips . But in my case I found some things cruel . I wouldn’t lock my toddler in their bedroom and let them cry to sleep .

Must have for baby and toddler parents!

Moms on Call has been my go-to since before my baby was born! He's a great sleeper and has always enjoyed being on a schedule. We love the toddler book because it addresses things like discipline and toddler behaviors but in a very concise way!! Must have!!!!

Great Book/ Great Series

Every book in this series is a fantastic resource. This one by far is the most helpful.



Great guide

An amazing guide for new moms guidance

Baby bible!

All of the moms on call books have been my baby bible! I recommend them to EVERYONE!

This is a great book! We have twin 2 yr olds and ...

This is a great book! We have twin 2 yr olds and I read the previous book which saved our lives with a sleep schedule. So helpful and to the point. Thanks moms on call!

Easy reads, great advice

Lo e all the books by these ladies

Practical tips for parents of toddlers

I love this book! It is the most practical book I have read for dealing with toddlers. I recommend it to every mom I know.

My daughter is so happy all day long

Very simple and realistic guidance and ideas for the mother who needs somewhere to begin or somewhere to turn when overwhelmed. My daughter is so happy all day long, and I truly believe it's because I followed this book since she was 4 weeks old. Sure you may "tweek" things to fit your family and child, but overall, their ideas work.

Had my newborn sleeping through the night by 5 weeks ...

Had my newborn sleeping through the night by 5 weeks. I haven't used any other "scheduling" book since. Moms on Call all the way!

Five Stars

These books have helped me raise my son. I don't know what I would do without them!

Best book series ever for new mommies!!!

these books saved my life when my first baby came into our lives. I'm now reading this one (about half way through) and it's already offered great tips as we enter into the toddler phase. I def recommend new mommies read these books!!!

Every Mom needs this book

After reading the first Moms On Call book for baby, I was sold. The toddler book is just as useful and a must have. The information is helpful, useful, informative as well as motivational and to point.

Helpful and to the point!

Love it simple and to the point! Helpful for toddler behavior and a new mom of two

Awesome book

Their books are fantastic! We've pored over the infant book, and now that our son is 18 months the toddler book is our MO. Great resources for parents or anyone caregiving for a child.

I have the best behaved child on the block

I have the best behaved child on the block. And I credit their methods for the reason this is so

Good for Grandmothers too!

Good for grandmothers too! This is a common sense book and includes many good suggestion for first time mothers. Read and choose the ones that feel right for you and your baby.

Great practical and actionable advice

I really feel empowered and equipped with discipline techniques that are practical at home and away. I regret not reading this book sooner!

Mom's on Call is Great!

I live in Atlanta and hired them when my son was born. Best investment ever. The toddler book is the great. The authors are pediatric nurses in Atlanta with 10 children between them.

Everyone should use Moms on Call!

can't say enough good things about this book!!

Only ladies I trust in giving my practical and effective ...

Only ladies I trust in giving my practical and effective parenting advice! This is the third book I have bought from them- I have also laid for a consultation with Laura! Fabulous!

MOC Toddler Book

Great principles and advice for parenting toddlers.

Five Stars

Great so far!

Five Stars

Really helpful to stay on a routine

Amazing book!

This book has so many helpful suggestions. Parenting twin toddlers is not an easy task and I love the common sense approach given in this book. I started with the 0-6 month MOC book and each one of them has been amazing! The different schedules and discipline approach make so much sense to me and have come in very handy. I highly recommend reading this if you have kids!

Wonderful tool for structure around toddlers.

Wonderful tool for structure around toddlers. I have purchased all three books and as a result of starting with the methods used my son sleeps 11-12 hours a night, is on a schedule, and requires very little assistance getting to sleep. I definitely recommend for moms and especially first time moms.

Five Stars

Amazing book! Very helpful

More useful for older babies

Some sections are great but if your baby is not a napper the schedule portion isn't that helpful. Would also Suggest for a 4+ month baby who can deal with extinction. Seems cruel to leave other babies without a feeding for that long or force them to eat large bottles that their tummies are not ready for.

Five Stars

Great book!! Definitely worth a read.

Great advice

For anyone who says there isn't a book on how to be a parent you are wrong . This is the best book ever!!

Another Great book by MOC

Great book! We have used all of their other books and loved them

Five Stars

I love all the Moms on Call books! This one is great!


This book has many tools and strategies for calmly dealing with tantrums including verbiage for how to clearly and concisely speak instead of engaging in a battle of wills.

Life saver

A must for EVERY mom!

Five Stars


Five Stars

Great books for moms of toddlers!

Five Stars

great book

Terrible Advice

The tactics in this book border on child abuse. These women have no authority to authorize treating children with so little love and respect. Please do some research on child development.

Discipline section is abusive

It was all great advice until I got to the part about discipline....carrying around a baggy with a vinegar soaked rag and making your toddler sniff it when he/she misbehaves in public sounds like abuse. Don't support these fruit loops by buying this book.

One Star

This must be the WORST advice I have ever read! It borders on child abuse. Complete waste of money!

Perfect for Lazy Parents

As is the case with the previous books in this series, the authors endorse disconnected parenting. Child not behaving in public? Force them to smell a biggie of cotton balls soaked in white vinegar, and eventually just the sight of the bag will scare them into behaving! Child not napping? Just ignore them for up to 3 hours while they play, sleep, or cry! It is possible to get your child to behave in public without threats. Set simple clear expectations, remind your child of those rules right before you start your errand, and thank them sincerely when they follow your simple rules. That respect and simple rules thing works for virtually every situation and for all ages of children. Please try that instead of blindly following the advice in this book!

Interesting and potentially helpful until the cotton balls thing

So my toddler turned 2.5 and started getting a little more difficult to handle. Time to hit the books! So this one is uhhhh... interesting. The first third is pretty good, being confident, supportive, stern but loving. All good stuff. And then there comes a 4 page "getting you ready for something controversial" section, which ends with them recommending spanking. Hmmmm, ok... they're saying don't do it in anger or abusively which... alright maybe that could work? I dunno thought we were past that, but let's keep reading. And then BOOM! Without any "getting you ready" stuff they pose this conundrum: you can't spank your kid in public, so how do you discipline them? Soak some cotton balls in vinegar and press them underneath your child's nose when they misbehave. Yeah I don't know where these people live or who they hang out with but I'm pretty sure people in my life would actually consider that a bad thing to do to a 2 year old. They even have an example of going grocery shopping and your kid misbehaving and telling them, "you better be nice or you're going to get Mommy's stinky bag of cotton balls." Jeeeeeessuuuuuus. "Awwwww why is little Emma crying? And whoooweee why does she smell like a pickled onion?" "Oh because I rubbed vinegar on her face cause she yelled in the shopping cart. Two really sweet ladies from Georgie taught me that trick!" "Oh... ok. We have to leave now. And we're unavailable for playdates for the next 7 years." Anyway, skip this one. No other book recommends discipline techniques you should be so embarrassed about doing in public that you need to come up with an even more embarrassing and abusive one. Happiest Toddler on the Block is way better as is pretty much any book that doesn't recommend vinegar-based discipline.

If you call this ‘abuse’ you’re a moron.

Someone’s review bashed the MOC disciplinary method of carrying around a bag of cotton balls soaked in vinegar when you’re out in public. This person suggested instead, that setting clear expectations to your child before going anywhere will work just fine. LOL LOL LOL LOLLLL They must have some perfect, docile angel children then! That didn’t work when my parents were raising me and it doesn’t work with my daughter. She needs discipline that gets her attention and MOC methods are great. They DO NOT border on abuse. Lol My, how times have changed. Those of you giving 1 star are delusional if you think you can actually reason and negotiate with a toddler. Maybe at age 4?! Until then it’s going to require instilling some healthy fear as well as loving and nurturing them. I’m so tired of these hippie granola parents that think a hands-off Montessori approach is 100% always the best way to parent. You guys are raising self-entitled little pricks. Back off and stop judging those who take on a slightly more traditional approach to parenting. We combine this with some modern methods because one polar extreme style or another is never good. It’s about balance. And last but not least, LOVE. Your children need not only parents who seeks to bond with and understand them, but also someone in charge— not a BFF.

So helpful

I really enjoyed this book from Moms on Call. We used the previous two books with our twin boys and I really appreciate this one. Yes, it is very different from the previous two BUT I really appreciate their practical advice on creating boundaries and structure to the home. I think the book should be different though. Before babies were a little, well, easier. Now we have a will and (big) emotions involved in a different way. As another reviewer mentioned, it's not one size fits all but there are some golden nuggets of truth in here for everyone.

THE Baby Bible

I am a HUGE advocate and thank 🙏🏼 I was the first one of my friends to decide to “do” MOC. I swear by it and to my friends that listened and strictly followed the 0-6m MOC schedule still thank me. We all get so many “wows” when non-MOCers weee and are still amazed at how scheduled, happy, pleasant and all around joyful 2.5 year old I have, now :) I give myself a quick pat on the back, thank them and then go on raving about “this book called “Mom’s on Call!” Truly a life saver and makes for a HAPPY CHILD. Not to mention the most imminent reward is you get to finally SLEEP ALL NIGHT and knowing when she eats/naps etc. so you can plan around this amazing schedule. Thank you thank you thank you to the God-sent nurses whom wrote this/these instructional schedules and knowledge of when and what is going to change and how to do it week by week as your baby grows!

Get this book!!!

This book has been life changing for me. I was having a challenging time with my 2 year old. After reading this I became confident and had the tools to make changes on how I was disciplining. It’s very straightforward and actually is easy to do and best part is, it works. I have noticed a big difference in my child. I felt empowered after reading this. Best parenting book I have read.

You can be a better parent than this

The book was good until about 50 pages in. What they recommend is abuse. It might work in the short term but will leave you with a disconnect and damaged child. We can all do better than this!! Check out whole brained child for much better science based expert advice.

Take back your sleep!!!

My husband and I want to say a big big THANK YOU to Moms on Call! For giving us back our evenings together and our precious sleep so that we can be the best versions of ourselves and best parents to our girl during the day! Neither of us even realizes how much our patience and energy was being impacted by poor sleep and little time to ourselves. My husband has already declared that when we are ready to have another baby we will be using Moms on Call from the start! Thank you ladies for all you have done for our family and so many others!

A big disappointment

Super disappointed. After reading and utilizing the first two books I was really bummed to read their discipline methods include spanking. Now I hesitate to recommend the infant books and if I do I always preface that while their infant methods worked for us I don’t know if I can in good faith recommend it without noting I don’t agree with their toddler methods.

Five Stars

This book is a wealth of knowledge and resources. It has been invaluable

Five Stars

The best scheduling book for infants and toddlers. Ever!

Huge Fan

I bought and read the first book by Moms on Call and it was very helpful. My son is just over a year and this book is already my go to!

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