Mom, Dad…What’s Sex?:Giving Your Kids a Gospel-Centered View of Sex and Our Culture

Kindle Edition
30 Apr
A Healthy View of Sexuality Starts with God God created sex to be good. But our culture is drifting away from a biblical worldview and is promoting an unhealthy view of sexuality. The church has taken a defensive approach, giving our kids a long list of "do nots" with few words of hope or redemption. Do you want something better for your child? Rediscover God's plan for sexuality and instill a positive perspective of sex and identity in your children. Mom, Dad...What's Sex? will equip you to

Reviews (11)

Great start but no finish...

This is a good book but I’m disappointed. It is well written and set on solid biblical principles. If it wasn’t solid biblically I would have given it two stars. I purchased this book because the main thing I was looking to accomplish is the actual sex convo with my son. While I absolutely agree that, as a Christian, I must frame everything in the context of God’s design; I needed more direction on how to talk about the physical aspect of sex and not just the spiritual/relational side. Of course the conversation starts with God’s intent for sex, but how the heck should a Christian parent breach the actual conversation of the physical mechanics of sex with their children? This book didn’t give any inspiration or direction on how to have those specific important conversations. I still recommend this book highly as a GREAT starting point it just leaves a Christian parent hanging after the foundation is set... great start but no finish. Good foundation but not much built past the foundation. I’m still trying to figure out how to enter that topic with my son. Children should learn from their parents on topics such as these, not their peers.

I highly recommend this book to parents and those who work in ...

I've been in youth ministry for 29 years. I highly recommend this book to parents and those who work in youth ministry. Even when we know it is by grace we are saved and sanctified, we function with our kids with a law or lay-down-the-rules mentality especially regarding sex. Jessica and Joel help parents navigate Biblical conversations with our kids that show them the goodness of sex in God's context, that we are fellow sinners in this area not ones to condemn, and the amazing, glorious love of our Savior who equips and forgives us.

Solid, just what I was looking for!

I haven’t finished this read yet, but so far this is an excellent resource and incredibly biblical! Just what I was looking for!

Thumbs up

Love this book! Great resource


I just wanted to read a book to explain the best way to talk about what actually happens during sex to a child, not the background of the first sex ever. Kids are curious, they want to know WHAT happens.

great book

book as listed

Don’t skirt the topic—a needful conversation

This is definitely a book to have on hand. It is full of real life examples and I appreciate the vulnerability of the authors being so open with their children that they feel safe to ask anything. This book is a book one wants to have well before the child is ready to talk for it is a lengthy read. They go through the Bible and are not “babyfying” anything. They touch on issues that are serious such as rape and infidelity—which I do appreciate that they line up to people in the Bible. They show the honest truth of how we are all sexually broken and that we have a sin and live in a world with a sin nature. With the stark truths they also have positive teaching points that refer to how sex is positive and good. Which is a good balance to have especially when I know as a parent we can altogether focus on the bad. This book does a thorough job on teaching on sex from a biblical standpoint. It is refreshing to have a book that is able to go through the Bible and pull out examples from scripture and talk about it. The topics are mature and grown up topics that are hard reality. I feel like oversimplification of sex can lead kids astray or even more curious. With this book I do get that they encourage lots of education not only for the kids to more aware but also gives the kids and parents the freedom to ask and talk about the more serious things in life. As a parent who usually tries to dodge out of fear this topic in particular, I feel like this book equips me to be more confident for when my kid does being up this topic. I have learned it is a topic that needs to be discussed as organically as possible. I want my kid to feel safe to ask me anything....and not have to find answers about this elsewhere. This is a great book to utilize.

Strong, sound information to share

Excellent resource for parents or anyone working with children and youth. Share the beauty of how God intended sex. This book will help you have strong Biblical conversations !

I can’t recommend it highly enough

Let’s Talk Sex is everything we need to navigate the conversations we’ve possibly been avoiding. With a clear understanding of the powerful influence of our culture, Joel and Jessica provide us with gospel-centered guidelines for having open and ongoing dialogue with our kids about sex and sexuality. You may have kids living in shame over their sexual sin or maybe you have kids living in pride over their purity. Or maybe your kids are on the cusp (which is probably younger than you think) of needing to begin “the talks.” No matter where you are in your parenting journey, this book will be a lifeline for you. I can’t recommend it highly enough.

Full of Biblical wisdom for us and for our children!

There is so much positive I can say about this book! I have four children, two of whom are teenagers now and I have struggled to give them the beautiful view of sex that this book presents from Scripture. Growing up in a home where sex was not talked about and avoided as if it were something shameful gave me a twisted view of it's goodness. This book really opened my eyes to see what God says about sex and the value and beauty of it within the context of marriage. The author does a wonderful job of bringing the gospel to the forefront and reminding the reader that Christ's blood covers the deepest of sins. What an encouraging word!

Great start but no finish...

This is a good book but I’m disappointed. It is well written and set on solid biblical principles. If it wasn’t solid biblically I would have given it two stars. I purchased this book because the main thing I was looking to accomplish is the actual sex convo with my son. While I absolutely agree that, as a Christian, I must frame everything in the context of God’s design; I needed more direction on how to talk about the physical aspect of sex and not just the spiritual/relational side. Of course the conversation starts with God’s intent for sex, but how the heck should a Christian parent breach the actual conversation of the physical mechanics of sex with their children? This book didn’t give any inspiration or direction on how to have those specific important conversations. I still recommend this book highly as a GREAT starting point it just leaves a Christian parent hanging after the foundation is set... great start but no finish. Good foundation but not much built past the foundation. I’m still trying to figure out how to enter that topic with my son. Children should learn from their parents on topics such as these, not their peers.

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