Melt The Ice: A Millennial's Guide: 9 Ways to Earn $9K in 90 Days

Kindle Edition
25 Nov
9 Ways to Earn $9k in 90 days! Is that really possible? And if so, do you need a lot of money or special skills? Can anyone achieve this? If you've ever wondered, then this book will provide you with answers and show you a Step-by-Step strategy guide on how to BREAK BARRIERS

Reviews (28)

Where is 10 Stars?? Because that is what this book deserves

I am so thankfully I read this book at the beginning of the year. I am so HYPED! This book literally gives you step by step instructions on how to carry out all the 9 ways listed in the book, it is EXTREMELY PRACTICAL. I haven't stopped talking about MELT THE ICE with my friends and family since I read it. I made a friend read my copy and he ordered his copy because he wanted to have his own guide; that's how good it is. I have recommended it to all my friends. it 100 pages and you can read it in 1 sitting. What are you waiting for? Get the book!!! I already have plans and all the suitable ways I am going to try outlined. I will update my review at the end of the year and will let you all know how I did. 2020 is my year!

Good content.

First read for the new year and it definitely opened up my mind to exploring additional streams of income. The only part I would adjust is in the wholesaling real estate chapter. I’d advise to find your buyers first. Find out what their buying criteria is so that you will have a target area to locate your deals. You get your deal under contract, you’d be able to bring it to your buyer and close quickly. Finding your deal first and not having any buyers lined up can put you under some serious pressure when the time starts ticking down to the closing date. Sharing from experience.

Straightforward but thorough

This book was easy to read and had suggestions I could implement right now. It did more than just list money making strategies. It stated how to get them done and had tips to help maximize your profits. I think there is something for everyone whether you want some low stakes revenue or have a little more wiggle room for investments. I recommend this book for anyone who is looking to expand their sources of income.

Good Ideas

There were a few ideas that I’d never thought of and would be an interesting business venture. Looking forward to starting a few of them.

Thank you!

Lots of quality information. I personally am interested in network marketing AND selling information. I already have a company I have a membership with and the ability to not just buy but share how awesome I believe the products to be; Teach how to open their membership and/or business and we can both profit…Rinse and repeat 🤩. So I appreciate reading that information, it was the gentle push I needed!

Great book

Great book! Very valuable information that could change your life!


This book was amazing! Emmaus dropped a lot of gems to really help us make $9000 in 90 days! Each chapter had a quick overview of everything discussed. Can’t wait to implement some of these ideas! Thanks :)

Excellent Ideas to help You Excel

Great Read , very helpful, and offers tools providing confidence on your road ahead!! I will definitely melt the ice.

Great Book

Great book ps led with So much knowledge

Great read

What I love about this book is that Emmaus gives you 9 different ways to earn a income. Emmaus confirms that it is possible to earn a income that people may not know they have access to. He also explains in detail how much you will need to start and he let’s you know Easy which ones were profitable and which ones can be more fun in his experience. Overall Great read and very informative.

Where is 10 Stars?? Because that is what this book deserves

I am so thankfully I read this book at the beginning of the year. I am so HYPED! This book literally gives you step by step instructions on how to carry out all the 9 ways listed in the book, it is EXTREMELY PRACTICAL. I haven't stopped talking about MELT THE ICE with my friends and family since I read it. I made a friend read my copy and he ordered his copy because he wanted to have his own guide; that's how good it is. I have recommended it to all my friends. it 100 pages and you can read it in 1 sitting. What are you waiting for? Get the book!!! I already have plans and all the suitable ways I am going to try outlined. I will update my review at the end of the year and will let you all know how I did. 2020 is my year!

Good content.

First read for the new year and it definitely opened up my mind to exploring additional streams of income. The only part I would adjust is in the wholesaling real estate chapter. I’d advise to find your buyers first. Find out what their buying criteria is so that you will have a target area to locate your deals. You get your deal under contract, you’d be able to bring it to your buyer and close quickly. Finding your deal first and not having any buyers lined up can put you under some serious pressure when the time starts ticking down to the closing date. Sharing from experience.

Straightforward but thorough

This book was easy to read and had suggestions I could implement right now. It did more than just list money making strategies. It stated how to get them done and had tips to help maximize your profits. I think there is something for everyone whether you want some low stakes revenue or have a little more wiggle room for investments. I recommend this book for anyone who is looking to expand their sources of income.

Good Ideas

There were a few ideas that I’d never thought of and would be an interesting business venture. Looking forward to starting a few of them.

Thank you!

Lots of quality information. I personally am interested in network marketing AND selling information. I already have a company I have a membership with and the ability to not just buy but share how awesome I believe the products to be; Teach how to open their membership and/or business and we can both profit…Rinse and repeat 🤩. So I appreciate reading that information, it was the gentle push I needed!

Great book

Great book! Very valuable information that could change your life!


This book was amazing! Emmaus dropped a lot of gems to really help us make $9000 in 90 days! Each chapter had a quick overview of everything discussed. Can’t wait to implement some of these ideas! Thanks :)

Excellent Ideas to help You Excel

Great Read , very helpful, and offers tools providing confidence on your road ahead!! I will definitely melt the ice.

Great Book

Great book ps led with So much knowledge

Great read

What I love about this book is that Emmaus gives you 9 different ways to earn a income. Emmaus confirms that it is possible to earn a income that people may not know they have access to. He also explains in detail how much you will need to start and he let’s you know Easy which ones were profitable and which ones can be more fun in his experience. Overall Great read and very informative.

Absolutely amazing!

I haven't even finished the whole book but I felt compelled to write this review. I'm on the last chapter right now and read 90% of the book in one day. My favorite chapters are 5 and 6. This book was extremely motivational and informative. The tone of the book is extremely positive. Looking forward to your next book!

Branding Business opportunity Snapshot...Great reference book I have referred it

A great read plus how the Author put ways to earn extra and how he tells you to Look up your state legality of what you can do.The ENTREPRENEURSHIP is notes and action steps he has there is brilliant.I now right my daily note w my business then action step. THANKS EMMAUS


Where do I even begin. There's so much information in this book about the different ways that one can start a business. You would have to read it for yourself, because me talking about just wouldn't do the book no justice. GREAT BOOK.

Wish I had this book in my 20’s. GREAT READ!!

I literally finished this book in 2 hours and I have to say it’s one of the best books I’ve ever read. Such a clear and precise step by step information on how to launch these businesses. You cannot get any more simpler than that. Great job! Definitely recommend this book!



The book is a step by step guide teaching you how to realistic establish 9 low risk startups .

This book is truthfully a way to financial freedom. What separates it from other entrepreneur books is that the author teaches you how to go about each hustle step by step in comparison to most the just give you their personal experiences..he gives both. I highly recommend it!

Knowledge is Power!

I absolutely enjoyed this book from beginning to end! I was enlightened and educated by the numerous ways to make additional income. This book taught me more about business and entrepreneurship more than I've ever learned in my 4 + years of college. A must read for sure!

Great book!

This book is an amazing and inspiring tool for anyone looking for new ventures and an avenue to generate revenue. I was totally taken back by just how informative and resourceful the contents of the book were. Great job to you Emmaus Ferdinand!

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