Megiddo: An Apocalyptic End-Times Thriller (Kingdom of Darkness Book 3)

Kindle Edition
08 Jul
And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, “Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth.” Revelation 16:1 Emilio Vega has managed to stay alive for the first six years of the Great Tribulation but things are about to heat up with the coming of the Bowl Judgments. Tensions are high among the members of Emilio’s underground compound. The constant pressure to find food in what has become an utter wasteland only adds to the animosity.

Reviews (138)

The ending of a saga that is as powerful as the saga itself

Mark Goodwin does a master full job of sharing his passion of scripture and story telling in this series . Mark would tell you himself that he believes that his writing has come a long way since "Days of Noah" which was a brilliant and captivating saga in itself , and as good as that was The Kingdom of Darkness may be even better . The only negative comment that I can leave is that the series is over now,the characters that I have lived and followed since the beginning are now complete . I came across Marks works by a leading of the spirit ; in short time I have read everything Mark has written. Read this book and everything he has written before this,may it guide you to the scriptures and to.prepping so that we are ready .

AMAZING finale to another fantastic series by Mark Goodwin

AMAZING finale to another fantastic series by Mark Goodwin. I love how realistic his story lines are, like they’re coming right off the pages of the newspaper or from the local news. They’re so realistic they make a person think. Are you prepared? Not just your pantry, but are you prepared to meet Jesus face to face? If you aren’t because you’re ashamed of your past, I have a news flash for you… he already knows!! Just put down your pride, seek his face… you’ll be glad you did!! I have a few favorite authors but Mark Goodwin is my favorite, I just can’t recommend him enough! I also appreciate not only the story line but also the fact that I don’t have to worry that I’m going to be hit with an unwanted sex scene or foul language. I don’t understand why other authors find all that necessary, it’s not! If you haven’t already, check out his other books… HAPPY READING!!

Faith Fortification

The Kingdom of Darkness Series by Mark Goodwin is a magnifier of our human weakness and God’s omnipotent wisdom and might. Book three, Megiddo, is the dramatic climax of this outstanding Christian journey to the conclusion of our sin nature. Mark does a great job of weaving a realistic depiction of end time prophesy. Megiddo deals with several character weaknesses known to mankind, but mostly what stands out is the stubbornness of our humanity to cling to our own understanding of what we see, rather that the faith Jesus desires for us in His ability to overcome all elements of darkness and evil, by His immeasurable love for each of us. Let not the days of tribulation trouble your heart, for He has a plan for each of us, that is immutable and true. Thank you Mark Goodwin for illuminating these spiritual truths to edify our faith! Keep up the good work!

So awesome.

I really enjoyed this book. It was so refreshing to read a story that didn’t have all the trash like most books and television. It’s no wonder this world is in the shape it’s in now. I loved the characters and found myself wishing that I would be around to see the Lord come down on a cloud. But at the same time I’m not in any hurry to live through the tribulations that come before. I think you did an excellent job on these books. I wish that this was a mandatory story in school. Instead of critical race theory. Who came up with that ridiculous theory? You’re already on my favorites list so I look forward to reading more of your work.

A must-read series for our time

Both of Mark Goodwin's series - Beginning of Sorrows and Kingdom of Darkness, should be at the top of your reading list. The action is non-stop, the story is compelling, and the message is so timely. The heros are riven, devoted, and wonderfully flawed and human. The mix of tragedy and triumph makes the story so very real. I was so thoroughly engrossed, there were times I almost expected the actual news to be reporting on the events of the book while I was emerging from "reader's fog."

Mark Goodwin Does It Again!!!!

I've just finished Mark's "Megiddo", the 3rd book of his series, Kingdom of Darkness. I've read every book Mark has written, and each time I say this was the best series he's written. I mostly read end times Christian fiction, and by the time I reached the end of "Megiddo", I felt a renewed relationship with The Lord. I was certainly in tears, and sometimes smiling and in tears at the same time. If you love Christian end times books, by all means, read Mark Goodwin's Kingdom of Darkness series. You won't stop till you've read all of his books. Thank you Mark, so very much for briging me closer to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Goodwin knocks it out if the park again!

I’ve read 5 or 6 of Marks ‘eschatological fiction’ series and not once have I ever had one page even of disappointment. As the situation in the world continues to speed towards these days, I enjoy the variety of scenarios and characters which endure, come to faith, and ultimately find themselves at home with our Lord and God. I look forward to that experience and how my story plays out IRL!

Hair raising with a hard fought ending

First Emilio, McKenzie and a few others leave base camp to get to get supplies and end up captured by cannibals. Second Emilio, McKenzie, Rabbi and a few others head off from Kentucky to Jerusalem dodging or confronting Global Order Peacekeepers along the way. Definitely worth reading. Scary part when Mr Goodwin's other series are being described (most of which I've read) they are a description of the world now. Great job. Thank you.

Fantastic Christian End of Times Series

This is one of the best series of end of times books I have read. The story keeps you engaged. it is believable. It is a fiction but has bible scripture supporting the beginning of each chapter. There are enough facts about what is happening in our world today to make you believe that this could very well be the beginning of the end of times. I'm preparing and glad that I'm fighting on God's team.

You won't be disappointed!

I have read all of Mark Goodwin's books in this series. I commend this author on his writing skills, but more than that, he writes accurately as fiction will allow, when using Scripture. Most appreciated us the fact that his writing is with decency and without profanity. You can trust his writing not to offend. Thank you, sir. I look forward to your next endeavor. My only regret is that you cannot write as fast as I read. God bless. Zoe Faircloth

The ending of a saga that is as powerful as the saga itself

Mark Goodwin does a master full job of sharing his passion of scripture and story telling in this series . Mark would tell you himself that he believes that his writing has come a long way since "Days of Noah" which was a brilliant and captivating saga in itself , and as good as that was The Kingdom of Darkness may be even better . The only negative comment that I can leave is that the series is over now,the characters that I have lived and followed since the beginning are now complete . I came across Marks works by a leading of the spirit ; in short time I have read everything Mark has written. Read this book and everything he has written before this,may it guide you to the scriptures and to.prepping so that we are ready .

AMAZING finale to another fantastic series by Mark Goodwin

AMAZING finale to another fantastic series by Mark Goodwin. I love how realistic his story lines are, like they’re coming right off the pages of the newspaper or from the local news. They’re so realistic they make a person think. Are you prepared? Not just your pantry, but are you prepared to meet Jesus face to face? If you aren’t because you’re ashamed of your past, I have a news flash for you… he already knows!! Just put down your pride, seek his face… you’ll be glad you did!! I have a few favorite authors but Mark Goodwin is my favorite, I just can’t recommend him enough! I also appreciate not only the story line but also the fact that I don’t have to worry that I’m going to be hit with an unwanted sex scene or foul language. I don’t understand why other authors find all that necessary, it’s not! If you haven’t already, check out his other books… HAPPY READING!!

Faith Fortification

The Kingdom of Darkness Series by Mark Goodwin is a magnifier of our human weakness and God’s omnipotent wisdom and might. Book three, Megiddo, is the dramatic climax of this outstanding Christian journey to the conclusion of our sin nature. Mark does a great job of weaving a realistic depiction of end time prophesy. Megiddo deals with several character weaknesses known to mankind, but mostly what stands out is the stubbornness of our humanity to cling to our own understanding of what we see, rather that the faith Jesus desires for us in His ability to overcome all elements of darkness and evil, by His immeasurable love for each of us. Let not the days of tribulation trouble your heart, for He has a plan for each of us, that is immutable and true. Thank you Mark Goodwin for illuminating these spiritual truths to edify our faith! Keep up the good work!

So awesome.

I really enjoyed this book. It was so refreshing to read a story that didn’t have all the trash like most books and television. It’s no wonder this world is in the shape it’s in now. I loved the characters and found myself wishing that I would be around to see the Lord come down on a cloud. But at the same time I’m not in any hurry to live through the tribulations that come before. I think you did an excellent job on these books. I wish that this was a mandatory story in school. Instead of critical race theory. Who came up with that ridiculous theory? You’re already on my favorites list so I look forward to reading more of your work.

A must-read series for our time

Both of Mark Goodwin's series - Beginning of Sorrows and Kingdom of Darkness, should be at the top of your reading list. The action is non-stop, the story is compelling, and the message is so timely. The heros are riven, devoted, and wonderfully flawed and human. The mix of tragedy and triumph makes the story so very real. I was so thoroughly engrossed, there were times I almost expected the actual news to be reporting on the events of the book while I was emerging from "reader's fog."

Mark Goodwin Does It Again!!!!

I've just finished Mark's "Megiddo", the 3rd book of his series, Kingdom of Darkness. I've read every book Mark has written, and each time I say this was the best series he's written. I mostly read end times Christian fiction, and by the time I reached the end of "Megiddo", I felt a renewed relationship with The Lord. I was certainly in tears, and sometimes smiling and in tears at the same time. If you love Christian end times books, by all means, read Mark Goodwin's Kingdom of Darkness series. You won't stop till you've read all of his books. Thank you Mark, so very much for briging me closer to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Goodwin knocks it out if the park again!

I’ve read 5 or 6 of Marks ‘eschatological fiction’ series and not once have I ever had one page even of disappointment. As the situation in the world continues to speed towards these days, I enjoy the variety of scenarios and characters which endure, come to faith, and ultimately find themselves at home with our Lord and God. I look forward to that experience and how my story plays out IRL!

Hair raising with a hard fought ending

First Emilio, McKenzie and a few others leave base camp to get to get supplies and end up captured by cannibals. Second Emilio, McKenzie, Rabbi and a few others head off from Kentucky to Jerusalem dodging or confronting Global Order Peacekeepers along the way. Definitely worth reading. Scary part when Mr Goodwin's other series are being described (most of which I've read) they are a description of the world now. Great job. Thank you.

Fantastic Christian End of Times Series

This is one of the best series of end of times books I have read. The story keeps you engaged. it is believable. It is a fiction but has bible scripture supporting the beginning of each chapter. There are enough facts about what is happening in our world today to make you believe that this could very well be the beginning of the end of times. I'm preparing and glad that I'm fighting on God's team.

You won't be disappointed!

I have read all of Mark Goodwin's books in this series. I commend this author on his writing skills, but more than that, he writes accurately as fiction will allow, when using Scripture. Most appreciated us the fact that his writing is with decency and without profanity. You can trust his writing not to offend. Thank you, sir. I look forward to your next endeavor. My only regret is that you cannot write as fast as I read. God bless. Zoe Faircloth


This is an amazing ending to this series. I would like to see more prepping information intertwined within the story. I do have information that the author provided in reference to food storage. However the battle of souls, good against evil has been part of literature for centuries I wonder how many people actually have paid attention to the fact that it all is part of biblical history. Looking forward to the next series.

Great Christian fiction

I really enjoyed this three book series. Mark Goodwin has become one of, not only my favorite Christian authors, but one of my favorite overall authors. His adherence to Scripture is appreciated as he weaves stories and characters to give the reader an entertaining reading experience and lessons with biblical foundation. I really look forward to his next book or series.

The King is coming.

This book follows prophecy closely. Sururviving and Trusting God. And keeping themselves from temptation. Fighting the new government. Enduring and being protected from all the judgements coming upon the world. To fighting with A mysterious General against the antichrist forces. The Messiah comes to reign. Praise THE LORD.

Great series

Loved this series it was really in-depth into the end times, and how it can possibly go down. I highly recommend this series. Would love to see another book in the series on what is going on with all the characters I grown to love.

Exciting all the way to the end

Wow... seriously I loved this series,but this one really brought it. I really didn't expect the book to end the way it did ,but I'm so happy it did. Brought tears to my eyes it was so beautiful. I'm sad that this series is over but this author is amazing and I haven't read his other books . Guess I will do that now. Great book I absolutely loved it.


There were a few typos here and there, but not enough to lose a star over. I don't know a lot about end time prophecy. However, I do know the two witnesses were two men who had never died, and the only two who fit that are Elijah and Elisha. Moses died after viewing the promised land, so he could not be one of the witnesses.


This is the last book in the series and I must say it was worth the wait. There was not anything that wasn't perfect about this story. I couldn't put it down, read it straight through to the end. Just like all the other books I have read By Mark Goodwin the stories and characters grab you and don't let go till the end.

This is an Endtime Primer - Pay Attention!!

This book is very good material for beginning to prepare your mind for the increasing danger and difficulty. It also ingrains a sense of purpose, encouragement to stay obedient, engulf the word of God, and trust that He will bring us through, no matter what. Prepare your hearts people for these closing days of time. Listen to that still small voice. Lay up supplies for yourself and others that may need to last to the end, but expect miracles that He will not let it deplete beyond need.

End times

Loved this whole series! It was very interesting. Kept me on the edge of my seat through the whole book! If this doesn’t make you realize that you need to be ready for Christ’s return I don’t know what would. Even though it’s fiction it aligns with what the Bible says. Looking forward to more books by this author!

Another winning combo

This series combines the natural with the spiritual that brings our two worlds together,as we should live them out normally..great insights into the battle positionally seated with Christ in heavenly places,as well as our condition here upon a sin cursed world,awaiting our redemption

what an encouraging ending.

If you’re looking for a book to teach you accurate, end times theology, keep scrolling. If you want a wonderful, fictional read that will give you an entertaining and descriptive possible timeline of the end times, you won’t be disappointed. I wouldn’t base my faith or moral compass on this book but I was challenged at moments and closed the last book looking forward to that glorious day when our Lord and Savior returns to set all things right. Thanks Mark for never disappointing your readers.

Another great book

Mark is a great writer. His research is obvious as you read any of his books. I doubt many pastors agree with all of the theology represented here but I think they will all admit they don’t know it all either.


I've read several different series now bye Mark. And while I've thoroughly enjoyed each & every one of them, this series was bye far my most favorite. After finishing book 2 I couldn't wait for #3, and I HAVE NOT BEEN DISAPPOINTED! I just downloaded the pepper PDF. Hopefully this will be the catalyst that finally transforms me from being a man who talks about wanting to get prepared, to a man who is prepared. Thank you for an awesome read. And thank you for an awesome read that included God, had moral and ethical main characters and didn't need to devolve into the gutter the catch the readers attention.

Post Apocalyptic Christian Fiction

I've enjoyed Mark Goodwins books, for the suttle hints of prepping advice. He demonstrates the benefits and shortcomings of preparedness through his characters and their situational experiences. This is another of his works that reminds us that preparedness is not only buying bullets and beans. Mike45 Central Florida

Gave Me Chills!

I’ve read all of Mark Goodwin’s books at least once. They’re hard to put down because he puts his readers into the story. But they also uplift my spirit and make me even more anxious to immerse myself in the Word and draw ever closer to my Savior! :)

Superb once again

Excellent book. So very well written and the story that has been woven in superb form keeps me turning the pages.

Riveting Story of the End Times

I have thoroughly enjoyed every book Mark has written and this series does not disappoint. It seems that the storyline parallels some of his other series, but not in a way that detracts from either. I would strongly encourage everyone to read this series and take from it but I can.

Action packed drama!

I really liked all of the series written. I love that each chapter is headlined with a scripture to support the story. I highly recommend all of Mark’s books, wether you’re a believer in the rapture or not. They’re compelling.

Exciting Book

An excellent wrapup to this series. I love that this writer stays with the Bible and does not create outside what the Word says. After all there’s enough excitement already in what God has told is going to happen!!


I loved this book by Mark Goodwin. I also loved the characters. I would recommend this book and all of Mark’s books. I listened to this book on audiobook.

Always good reading and to me educational

I read all of Marks books that I can find. I love that they are based on Bible but yet deal with real issues. Can't wait for next one!


I really have enjoyed this series-I like the characters and the focus on faith even in the face of challenges and danger-I’ve loved all Mark Goodwins books!

Love Mark’s books and this is no exception

Lions, tigers, cannibals, and aliens oh my. If not for Having to sleep, I would have finished this in one sitting. Such a good read. Well done on an amazing book


This is a series that will challenge you beliefs. I wondered how Mark Goodwin would bring it to it’s climax. Well done and provocative while scriptural

You did it again Mark

I waited for this #3 in the series to do a review. WOW! I truly love how you make great stories that put the "Good Book" into understandable tales.

Awesome Book

All the books Mark Goodwin has written are wonderful and hope filled. Jesus is our King and Mark makes sure that is understood in his books.

Excellent series, sure to make you think

Mark paints another picture of EXCITEMENT and intrigue. I enjoyed every minute. I can hardly wait for more. Give this a close look

Loved it

One of my favorite authors. Always has my attention right to the end.exciting while not having foul language or vulgarity being encouraged


I enjoyed the series. The cattiness between Anna lee and.McKenzie did get tiresome. The last fourth of the book was worth waiting g for. Totally not.ready for end


I love re as reading Mr Godwin’s books, he helps you in your understanding of the Bible. You still must remember this is still a story.

Godly wisdom

I loved reading the scripture along with each chapter and reading the different versions. I loved the characters in the story.


I know the story from scripture, but I like how you add the characters to the story. Good writ in my. Very action packed!

Plausible 7 year Tribulation scenario

It’s impossible to know exactly what it will be like to live thru the Tribulation Period but this plot is as good as any. Loved the scripture in each chapter.


Thank you Mark Goodwin ! Heart pounding stories . Clean and inspiring characters . I can't wait to read the next series .😁

Best One Yet

I throughly enjoyed this read. Mark knocked it out of the park this time. I strongly recommend you read the entire series from beginning to end, but if not available, reading Megiddo (stand alone) will bless your day(s).

Love this whole series!

This book kept me up all night! I couldn’t stop reading it until it was done. I love Mark Godwin’s style of writing and his reference to biblical verses. I hated that this series was over. Definitely recommend

An excellent ending to the series!

Another excellent book in the series. The biggest problem with them all are they are way too short! Looking forward to more books from the author.

Great conclusion

As usual Mr. Goodwin did a wonderful job. Thoroughly enjoyed this finale. And the part where Emilio died and met and hugged our L-rd....I was in tears. Great job Sir!!

A different perspective

It is so cool to read a different perspective of the end times. How great to see the good guys win!

Great Read and full of Praises for God

just wished it didn’t have to end. Also, this book made me homesick, ready to fly away Love the author Will return to read more books on Prime

God’s Word is so encouraging!!

Excellent book!! I love how the plot follows the prophecy in God’s Word, so we’re learning Scripture as we enjoy the story. I learned a lot about the return of Christ!

Top Notch

As usual, Mark Goodwin did not disappoint. I always enjoy the story line, characters, and the references to the Word of God. Anxiously awaiting the next Godly adventure and the knowledge I gain from it!

Great book by great author

While time passes my most books, these are always interesting.

Loved this Series

I am a huge fan of Mark Goodwin and all his books. I loved this Kingdom of Darkness series and thoroughly enjoyed reading the last book in this series. Strong ending! I can't wait to see what his next series will be!

Great series!

A lot of scripture and end of day, tribulation and return of Jesus Christ our Lord!! Pray for those that take the mark of the beast.

Kingdom of Darkness:Book 3 Megiddo

I have thoroughly enjoyed all 3 series of the Kingdom of Darkness. The Megiddo series was well written and revealing at the end. I did not anticipate how the book ended. It was extremely hard to put down. Mark Goodwin's writing captures my complete attention. Always looking forward to his next book.

Amazing and beautiful conclusion

I'm amazed how well written this series was and worth every ounce of time I spent reading! It was one if not the best read I have come across in regards to apocalyptic and biblical end times stories and so close to the bible that it's almost realistic, I could visualize the scenes perfectly! Great work!

trust the author to always keep his stories clean

reading, one of the best authors , I read

Christian based

I totally love these books and always look forward to new books from this Author


These are my kind of reading, loved them all

I loved this series so much!

I have loved every Mark Goodwin book I've read so far and I plan to read all the others ones too.

Great read

Very captivating, I could not put them down until the last book was read. I can’t wait to read his other books


As always, excellent book series. I had to wait for the third book but it was worth it. Different ending than the other books.

As it is written

Mark stays close to Bibical order as he weaves a possible historical end time unfolding of the Age. Heart pounding...


I highly recommend this entire series, as well as everything written by Mark Goodwin! This is my second read through this book and actually my second read through the series! I feel like I didn’t fully connect with the characters and the story line on my first read. I was too intent on skipping some of the story to get ahead to the action parts to see what happened! This time was so much better as I read every page which fleshed out the entire storyline! I loved Mark’s style of preceding each chapter with scripture which grounded the overall content. I also liked Mark’s tips woven into the story, relating to prepping and survival. The characters in this series, as in all his series, are believable and strong . If you love a good action read, especially if born again, and not mucked up with gratuitous sex and vulgar language, you need to read his books!


As much as I loved this particular series at times it seems like it was written by two different people. In this book and the one before this the storyline shifted so dramatically that it felt like either the author wrote it 8 to 10 years apart or was just trying to finish the book so he put scenes together. Certain characters that had strong characteristic in volume 1 seem completely clueless in book 2 and 3. I won't give specific details because I don't want to ruin it for someone who has not read the book yet but there is a definite switch in the persona of some of the characters which led to my disappointment

Too Much "pressing lips together"

I believe that I have acquired and read every one of Mark Goodwin's books. I admire his Bible references, appreciate his Christian messaging and enjoy the characters he develops. I also like learning from both the survival and combat techniques/tactics and sometimes mistakes his characters make. I have to agree with some other reviewers that the story lines are a bit similar in some cases, but on the other hand, I have enjoyed seeing different takes on the end times from characters who are in different situations. The entire remaining population of the world will be dealing with the end times when they come, and their individual circumstances and experiences will be widely varied. There is one aspect of his writing that is a bit repetitious though, and that is his frequent use of the same phrases describing characters pressing their lips together. I'm guessing that it reflects a mannerism he thinks his characters would display in their situations, but I wish he would dig up some other ways to express it. For me, it's always been noticeable, and this book, sometimes so frequent that it distracted me from the reading. Mark still gets an A+ from me overall, but this one glitch has me pressing my lips together.

KoD Book 4

I enjoyed this series. Though I must admit Emilio regarding the Mackenzie situation did get on my nerves a little bit. Book 3 had a satisfying conclusion to this installment. Now I am left wondering is there a book 4 in the works or is this the end? Personally, I am hoping for a book 4 finale.

One of the best books I've EVER read......!!

Jesus may have been looking over Mark's shoulder smiling when Mark wrote this one!! I'd give it a triple 10 star if i could. His books are always so well written and thought out. His editing team are really good too. The punctuation and spelling are always correct which makes for an easy-read. God's truths are sprinkled through out this book. The whole Kingdom of Darkness series (3 books) is excellent....but this final book is by far the best one. I could not put it down. I loved the ending. We Christians are gonna love the REAL ending. God is so good!!! READ THE WHOLE SERIES....YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU DID. IF YOU ARE NOT A FOLLOWER OF JESUS YET....READ THESE BOOK! YOU CAN BE ON THE WINNING SIDE! ETERNITY NEVER ENDS.

Shockingly Bad

I'm a Mark Goodwin fan. I liked this series. The second part of this book was shockingly bad. Mark really needed to hit a deadline and phoned this one in. Card board cut out characters do things because the plot needs them to. Everything is jammed in and exposition fills in the gaps. I was just aghast at how amateurish and terrible the writing, characterization, and dialog was. Goodwin can do better.


Perhaps the best in the series,except we missed the wedding feast. There were more truth then I expected, acknowledging the Feast of Tabernacle for one. Enjoyed the faithful filled action, the character growth,and as always we win.

Mark Goodwin at his best, as always

This was another one of Mark's books that was difficult to put down. Even through all of the hardships and problems, there is at least one of the group of characters that has hope and uplifts the others. I enjoyed the humorous exchange between Mackenzie and Annalee. It added that human touch to the story. The ending left you with hope of a better world to come. Which if you are a believer, you already know, but for those who are not quite so sure, this is definitely a positive. Thank you again for a great story and staying true to your Christian morals. I really appreciate it.

Edge of your seat suspense with accurate end times knowledge

Mark never disappoints. His ability to translate end times events into a story line that makes you feel like you are right in the middle of it, is downright amazing. Emilio and Makenzie are right in the middle of the tribulation, the result of being left behind. This is the 3rd book in this series and you won't want to miss reading the other 2. Each of Mark's series cover a different phase of the collapse of what we once knew as the good ole USA. Buckle up!

We are victorious!

Great book to give you an inkling of what the Battle of Armageddon will be like, and how we will be as humans and also the children of God!

Good ending

Mark Goodwin has done it again. This third book in the Kingdom of Darkness trilogy has our main characters heading to Jerusalem for the final battle between God and Satan. You can't go wrong with a Mark Goodwin book.

I love these books!

Mark Goodman paints a beautifully clear picture with his words. They inspiring stories make me feel apart of it. I look forward to the coming of the Lord, and I pray He uses me to further His Kingdom. Amen

End times. The great battle.

I enjoyed the interaction between McKenzie and Annabelle. So real. Even as Christians jealousy can rear it's ugly head. I would recommend this book to anyone who doubts miracles or His existence. Very well written and Bible based.

Yeah Opening

Honestly, I have anguished over my preps. Food, water, a roof, medicine, and weapons. But, after reading this, I am acutely aware that I have ignored my most important prep...that of my soul. I will do better.

Wonderful series

Loved the books. Sort of glossed over the technical aspects, but they really looked well thought out and accurate. I sort of got lost in those sections. However loved the characters and of course, the story!!!

Truth is amazing

What I love about Goodman’s books are they are for today and yet from s biblical account of thousands of years ago. A good reminder God is working for His people. I can’t wait until the next book unless Jesus returns first!

Really makes you think

This book made things possible in my mind, those things that I wondered how they could ever or might happen. But the apple with the bite out of it on technology being the same as the bite Eve took. Then the entanglements of the world wide web being like a spiders really caused me to think.

Kingdom of Darkness Series

This series has followed scripture and created storyline that corresponds along with it. Exciting, suspenseful, trials, rejoicing all along with these characters. Loved it

Couldn’t put it down.

I’ve been so wrapped up in this series of books. It was spellbinding in the imagery and story. I could picture what the book was talking about.

Good interpretation

Understanding revelations is hard. This series presents an interesting story with a good explanation. It is worth the time to read the series

Good read

Mark Goodwin delivers another great story. He is proof that you don't need foul language and gratuitous sex to entertain an audience.

Another great book

I couldn't put it down. Fabulous. Mark is my favorite author of all time. The only better reading is the bible .

A Must Read

This read kept calling me. So I kept coming back for more. It had me going back to my Bible and my commentary to further learn. WOW!

Exciting to read.

Love to read Mark Goodwin. His fictional account of the end times really makes me wonder how brave I'll be when the time comes. I pray for God's mercy and grace.


Writing is A+ plot is A+, character roles are A, but I don't understand why a believer would think Jesus will need our help to fight the final battle.He comes in the clouds with thousands of saints and he destroys evil by the brightness of his coming and he has a two edged sword. Otherwise I enjoyed this series a lot.

Great plot and fast moving novel

It was a great read full of surprises but the plot was kept. I would recommend it highly. Great read b

Excellent Read

Mark Goodwin does a great job at continuing a compelling story

The author has a nack for exciting writing and his use of scripture is spot on

Money recommendation is for all Christians especially ,but all can enjoy the script. One easily follows the story of the bible within this fiction imparting truth

Great Books

Well written! I couldn’t it these books down the storyline very well thought out, bravo! Keep writing great books like this.

Well worth reading

I always love reading end time stories. Mark's books are always fascinating. However, the fact that McKenzie is so negative and rude throughout the book, sort of distracted from the story. A little jealousy is fine but her character was just too continuously sarcastic. The rest of the book was great. (Post written by Sue C. Weaver-not Allan)

Good conclusion to a good serie

The whole set was good and a reminder of how the world as we know it is passing. Come Lord come.

Nice tie up to the ending

This was nice tie up of the storyline. This was the most difficult for me to immerse my self in. Action, tragedy and day to day strife, as well as spiritual growth is the focus of the story. Although I had difficulties stay engaged, this may have been just my situation. Worth reading, the characters are pretty interesting.

Because it's what I believe to come. The writing is so good,keeps one wanting to read on. I would record it to a Morristown hop

Ping it would wake them up,and to a christian as they would enjoy it as much as i. Amen lord

I truly enjoyed it!

I truly enjoyed this book. It contained a lot of twists and turns. I would recommend saints who love to read end times stories to read all 3 in this series.

Good Read

I enjoyed this series, as I did the Beginning of Sorrows books. You kind of lost me a little with the army of alien frogs, but it was still a good read.


I did not like the way Mackenzie was portrayed in this book. Her behavior towsrdo Annalee contradicts the life of Christ. Granted toward the end it worked out. Her attitude was very off putting.


I enjoyed it for the most part. When the group was prisoners on the ship, I found to be sketchy with facts of no lighting in their prison cell but they functioned as though they could see.

Deeply Disappointed

I found this series incredibly disappointing. I’ve been reading Mark Goodwin’s various end times series for a while now but, will not be reading more in the future. There are token references to scripture and Christianity but, the books have become more about pushing agendas like anti-vaccination and other far to the right conspiracy theories. Yes, we are living in troubling times but, the books should be based in the gospel and not Fox News by-lines.

Exciting final book in this wonderful series.....

Once again, Mark Goodwin has written an astounding "edge of your seat" adventurous, fast moving novel with believable characters. I, especially, loved the description of the return of Jesus to fight the Battle of Armageddon in the Valley of Megiddo when Satan is defeated and cast into hell. I know no one really knows how things will appear for the final battle between good and evil, however, I cried while reading Mark's depiction of the events. I have imagined for many years what Heaven will be like and what I will do when Jesus welcomes me home, and Mark Goodwin described it perfectly. I will fall at His feet and weep for pure joy to be in His presence. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading the Bible and Revelation prophecy of the end times. Thank you, Mark Goodwin , for this wonderful Series. I look forward to reading more of your eye-opening books. God bless you.

Not just a GREAT story, but packed with information

I really enjoyed this series. It is a great parallel to his Days of Elijah series. I found myself wrapped into the story. I enjoyed the characters and the way that their actions and interactions were really true to life. I have read all of Mark's books, and not only do I enjoy the storylines, but I like the scriptural links and basis for each chapter. This book is based on the events of the book of Revelation from the Bible. This is a difficult book in the Bible to understand as it has quite a bit of symbolism and, for me, I have struggled with the timeline. I found that the way Mark had things laid out, the timing of the events in Revelation made much more sense to me. Again, this is a great book and the culmination of a great series.


Kevin Pierce's narration is always spot on! Emilio and Mackenzie are back for the final chapters in this trilogy. The food stores they'd been blessed to find were getting low. So they get a team together to search for more. Captured by cannibals, the intense adventures begin. Along the way they meet and rescue Anna Lee. Mackenzie was at turns her regular brave, loyal self and at others childish, spiteful and definitely in need of a gag. Emilio, as most great military leaders do, feels responsible for every injury, death or misstep that happens. There are lots of miracles. Also a step-by-step ride through Revelation, exactly as it's written, as a practical roadmap instead of being read as symbolic. It works, truly works!! Listened to it in one sitting!!

From a verified Kindle Unlimited Reader

This book and the whole series is well worth taking the time to read. Bible verses that were very appropriate to the chapter added much to the story. Defeating Satan and meeting the Lord was beautiful. This is a series that must be read. Thank you for reading this short review which leaves much that is unsaid. God Bless and Be Safe. This series needs another book or two. How do the Americans get out of Jerusalem and how is life back in the cave. Please write a sequel to this series and thanks so much for the great work.

Annoying character makes it difficult to finish the book.

I have really enjoyed all of Mark Goodwin's books until this one. The character, Mackenzie, is so annoying that she detracts from the rest of the story. I'm only about half way through the book, but am putting it aside. Maybe I'll pick it up again later, but the personality of this one character is way over the top in the irritating category. I have read each of the other series by this author and they have all been 5 star excellent. Not this one. One character has ruined it. The book might improve if I was to read it to completion, but the frequent bickering has turned me off. I am very sorry to have to write a negative review.

Exceptional story writing

So engrossing, difficult to put down, edge of your seat reading. Loved the characters and how each one came alive. There are so few writers that can write such an intense and engrossing story without all the bad language and sex throughout. As a Christian I was intrigued to revisit many books and chapters of the bible. I hope others, especially nonbelievers find their way through the scriptures and are enlightened. Thanks for using your skills to fill our minds with Christ.

Fast Paced Great ending to the series

It is amazing how realistic Mark Goodwin makes end times events His books often could come right out of the headlines this one is set in the future that could be all too real. His stories are always well written no foul language and they are fast paced and fun to read while at the same time eye opening. Great conclusion to the series

A fitting conclusion to the Kingdom of Darkness series

I always enjoy Mark Goodwin's books. I prefer to listen to them, and Kevin Pierce's narration is superb as well. This was pretty much the only fitting conclusion to the Kingdom of Darkness series...and by extension, the Beginning of Sorrows series as well. I think Mackenzie got a a little more annoying as the books went along, but I'm sure Emilio's actions contributed. At any rate, I appreciate Mr. Goodwin's takes on the end times as interpreted from the Bible. No one knows the exact timing of the rapture, etc., but Mr. Goodwin puts forth a story that follows biblical prophesy as closely as possible in the context of a story such as this. If you read some of his other end times series, you'll see that he follows some other timelines in those. At any rate, it's nice to have some clean books that teach actual biblical principles and try to lead people to the proper path. It's a refreshing take in this crazy world of today.


As usual, Mark Goodwin delivers a story worth reading/listening. Emilio has stayed the course up to the end and now he realizes there's more than just surviving to be gained. It's rough going and not everyone makes it, but it's amazing. The lack of bad language and violence for violence sake makes it worth the cost. I enjoy the Bible verses at the beginning of each chapter too. Kevin Pierce is the best narrator possible for the stories Mark writes. Whether you turn the pages on paper or kindle, or listen, I highly recommend the end of this great story.

Get ready

Good fictional representation of the truth of what will transpire. Get ready or get left. Keep up the good work of sharing the truth through a fun read.

So good I couldn’t stop listening!!! (audible)

Megiddo is another great book by Mark Goodwin. The story keeps your attention and never lags. I love the scriptures included and the clear detail that Mark uses. I can’t wait for his next series, I’ve read everything he has written. He has become my new favorite author since I started his books and I’ve gone through them all!

Imagine living in biblical end times how will that play out, this is another great story.

Another biblical end times adventure from Mark Goodwin. As we follow a cast of characters in three volumes, the culmination of events is worth the read. Each chapter begins with a Bible verse and, as always, Marks writing style keeps the reader interested to the end. I look forward to the next series.

Great book, series, and author.

Another great series from Mark and all his book series are great. This book is another great one full of excitement and makes you think about what the events if our current might lead to. Can’t go wrong with and of Marks books. Love them.

Keeps you on the edge of your seat!

I loved this book! I love all of Mark Goodwin's books, they have been a very encouraging and helpful to everyday life! I would recommend this and all of his other books to everyone! I can't wait to read his next one.

Uplifting in a Dark World

The author is well read and knowledgable on the Bible. I have read all of his books. I learn more with each one. “Kingdom of Darkness” book 3 was a clear explanation of his interpretation of the book of Revelation. An “ah ha” moment for me was his analogy of the Apple logo. The internet is a peculiar place, but I agree with his rendition of the sacrifices made to belong! Excellent book. One of his best!

Excellent Finale to a Rock Solid Series

I love me some Goodwin! This is an outstanding series. If you are looking for something to support woke-ism, this IS NOT it. If you believe in Biblical truths, this IS it.

Things that make you go Hmmmm!!!

I have loved each of Mark Godwin’s book series, but this one really made me think. What will people resort to when the food is gone? Chilling. Makes me even more encouraged to tell people about Jesus and how to prepare long term food storage. Thank you Mark for another great series with relatable characters and topics to help us prepare.

Must read

This book gives many helpful survival points in the form of fiction. The scenarios are very realistic .

Amazing series!

I always struggle to stay in the Word, but Mark has a great ability to combine scripture and tangible real-life possibilities! Had to immediately read all of the Mark Goodwin books that I could find. If you choose the Audible version, the narrator is SUPERB! Kevin Pierce never fails to deliver a great story.

Never a disappointment

As usual Mark Goodwin never disappoints. Reading these books (even tho fiction) you can see how close the end is. These books are a great wake-up call for you spiritually and also for your situational readiness that is needed. Great job Mark, keep up the great work!

Fast paced thriller

This was a quick and amazing ending to a fabulous series. I can't wait to read them all again. Entertaining and hard to put down . Although fiction..... definitely grounded in solid doctrine.... with explanation and defense for harder to grasp concepts. I enjoyed guessing how the characters would get out of each scrape. Lots of driving action. Violent as appropriate to the end time content. No vulgarities which I appreciated.

Exciting, fast moving, believable and biblically based

Mark’s books keep me coming back. I cannot wait to start each new adventure. I feel like the Bible comes alive in my imagination as I read/listen to each series. The characters are well developed and believable. The Narrator does an excellent job as well. Thank you Mark and Kevin.

5 stars!

Great story line, very good characters. Could not put it down !

Another great series!

Great book, exactly what I’ve come to expect from Mark Goodwin. It has so many different dimensions, from practical prepping to spiritual truth and insights. I love Kevin Pierce’s narration in the audio version as well.

Another Great Series

Yet another great end to a great series by a great author. Highly recommend this book/series as well as The Days of Noah/Elijah. All of Mark's work is exceptional and I enjoy every page.

Well Done

I loved the originality. It was very well written and I loved McKenzie’s sarcasm and how the book ended. I did feel that the story was rushed at times, but overall I enjoyed it.

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