Paperback – February 22, 2018
21 Feb
'Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.'This landmark missive from one of the greatest activists in history calls for direct, non-violent resistance in the fight against racism, and reflects on the healing power of love.Penguin Modern: fifty new books celebrating the pioneering spirit of the iconic Penguin Modern Classics series, with each one offering a concentrated hit of its contemporary, international flavour. Here are authors ranging from Kathy Acker to James Baldwin, Truman Capote to Stanislaw Lem and George Orwell to Shirley Jackson; essays radical and inspiring; poems moving and disturbing; stories surreal and fabulous; taking us from the deep South to modern Japan, New York's underground scene to the farthest reaches of outer space.

Reviews (45)

One of the greatest works of American Literature.

In 200 or 500 years, if we survive at all as a society, what my people look back and say were some of the great pieces of American literature? There’s not a huge list that might survive that long, but this book will be amongst them. Written by one of the greatest Americans to ever have lived, at the height of his powers and at one of the lowest points of his life, it is simply a masterpiece. If you’ve never read this you over to yourself as an American and as a human being really to read this short wonderful read . all about racism in this country from the man who helped to move the mountains and change everything .

So much wisdom in such a small book, it's amazing.

The current political landscape motivated me to really want to read this book now. It was referenced to in some recent articles I've read so I ordered it and learned so much from it. It was lifechanging. It was full of so much wisdom, I don't usually re-read books but this is a book I believe I will re-read several times in order to absorb all the goodness within its pages. Its historical, political, spiritual, philosophical views give food for thought for a while. I feel grateful for having read it.

Prepare to be indicted.

As a pastor in a Progressive Christian denomination, I was certainly indicted. Reading further, I was ashamed and felt guilty from the lack of support that the progressive churches have given to reducing systemic racism. This is a good short read and just full of sermons.

A necessary book for everyone to have.

Delivered when stated (excellent condition). It's important to me to have certain literature in my library. Not just for myself, but for the youth in my family to educate them on leaders and morals that matter. Written in the 60's, but will always be relevant. A book to make you think.

A perfect plea for a just society.

Dr. King’s rigorous logic, abilities to quote multiple theologians and philosophers from memory, to formulate original ideas about justice and civil disobedience, and to write his thoughts in a jail cell under duress and lacking proper writing material make this for me one of the iconic essays of all American literature.

An inspirational letter from Dr. King

What can you say about this. Dr. King’s grace and humility have inspired me so much I had to give a copy to my daughter.

Right on Target!

Intelligent, well thought out, understanding of deep problems, recognizing our connectedness, and making important distinctions. An excellent read!!

Very nice

I like Dr King's writing. I like this book because it fits in a pocket so I don't leave it behind when I'm out and about. Interesting , even for an old soldier.

Five Stars

Absolutely a must listen to for everyone

Better than most

powerful and told me things I didn't know

One of the greatest works of American Literature.

In 200 or 500 years, if we survive at all as a society, what my people look back and say were some of the great pieces of American literature? There’s not a huge list that might survive that long, but this book will be amongst them. Written by one of the greatest Americans to ever have lived, at the height of his powers and at one of the lowest points of his life, it is simply a masterpiece. If you’ve never read this you over to yourself as an American and as a human being really to read this short wonderful read . all about racism in this country from the man who helped to move the mountains and change everything .

So much wisdom in such a small book, it's amazing.

The current political landscape motivated me to really want to read this book now. It was referenced to in some recent articles I've read so I ordered it and learned so much from it. It was lifechanging. It was full of so much wisdom, I don't usually re-read books but this is a book I believe I will re-read several times in order to absorb all the goodness within its pages. Its historical, political, spiritual, philosophical views give food for thought for a while. I feel grateful for having read it.

Prepare to be indicted.

As a pastor in a Progressive Christian denomination, I was certainly indicted. Reading further, I was ashamed and felt guilty from the lack of support that the progressive churches have given to reducing systemic racism. This is a good short read and just full of sermons.

A necessary book for everyone to have.

Delivered when stated (excellent condition). It's important to me to have certain literature in my library. Not just for myself, but for the youth in my family to educate them on leaders and morals that matter. Written in the 60's, but will always be relevant. A book to make you think.

A perfect plea for a just society.

Dr. King’s rigorous logic, abilities to quote multiple theologians and philosophers from memory, to formulate original ideas about justice and civil disobedience, and to write his thoughts in a jail cell under duress and lacking proper writing material make this for me one of the iconic essays of all American literature.

An inspirational letter from Dr. King

What can you say about this. Dr. King’s grace and humility have inspired me so much I had to give a copy to my daughter.

Right on Target!

Intelligent, well thought out, understanding of deep problems, recognizing our connectedness, and making important distinctions. An excellent read!!

Very nice

I like Dr King's writing. I like this book because it fits in a pocket so I don't leave it behind when I'm out and about. Interesting , even for an old soldier.

Five Stars

Absolutely a must listen to for everyone

Better than most

powerful and told me things I didn't know

A lesson in black history.

Enjoyed reading MLK’s letter.

Great Reference Size

Perfect for classroom use. Very practical and user-friendly!

Easy to carry

Nice quality and easy to carry around in purse and read when waiting.

Five Stars

Excellent! Was a great orator.

History was made.

I like the content of the book.

He wrote this book with very little resources.

This book needs to be in middle and high schools throughout the USA. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote this awesome book when he was in jail. It teaches so much that very few people know.

Love this book

Love this book. Would like to see it as required reading for students.

Five Stars


Prompt delivery

Very good condition

awesome book !

great read and it really makes me ponder how people are responding today

Great read, wise words.

Timely and applicable commentary.


pages were torn.

Five Stars

Wonderful book! Wonderful narrator. I would definitely listen to this again.

A must buy

Nice reading...

Three Stars

The audio is very different from the text.

Strikes at the core of what all Americans hold sacred.

This review, by Dr. Nicholson, has been provided courtesy of Desert Bible Institute ( This was a truly amazing recording. After hearing this recording, I was struck by how Dr. King could take so many ideas from so many sources and smoothly and coherently tie them together. In this speech, Dr. King eloquently uses parallelism, allusion, and metaphor to paint a clear image of what the black community was experiencing in the South at this time. His arguments are clear and his definitions are accurate. Just as the pastors he was speaking to, I felt compelled and duty-bound to address the injustices he was speaking about rather than settling for a safe middle-ground. After hearing this, I feel a need to look for areas in my life where I choose wellbeing and effortlessness over uprightness and evenhandedness. I am currently looking for other audio recordings of his famous speeches so that I can be further blessed by one of the most persuasive and charismatic speakers and teachers of the last century. Additionally, I plan to use this speech as the basis of several assignments for my students so that they can see how a truly great writer expresses himself and persuades his audience. If they can even begin to emulate Dr. King, they will truly be great writers. Dion Graham was the perfect narrator for this recording. He has a strong, clear voice that rivals Dr. King's. While Graham spoke in a style similar to Dr. King's, he was by no means trying to do an imitation. It seemed to me that Graham has done he research however. He had a clear understanding of the rhythm, emphasis, and musical quality of Dr. King. His performance was engaging and a true tribute to Dr. King. I plan on finding other works by Graham to listen to in the future. Trent Nicholson, Ph.D., D.Min. Desert Bible Institute, President

One Star

Dr. King is not reading the audio. WTH

Should be required reading for every American.

King sits in a jail arrested on Good Friday for standing up for his rights and the rights of others. On April 12th he is smuggled a newspaper and sees the headline "A Call To Unity" written by 8 clergyman criticizing King and his methods, calling him an "Outsider". King wrote his reply on April 16, 1963 on anything he could find to write on, the newspaper, scraps of paper and eventually a notepad. “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly… Anyone who lives inside the United States can never be considered an outsider." Every American should read or listen to this letter. It is one of the most powerful essays ever written. Dion Graham's voice lent itself to Dr King's cadence and had me imagining that I was actually listening to King recite his essay. The power of the pen as a means for change is strongly evident in Martin Luther King's eloquent words. MLK is truly a hero for the people.

I cannot sit idly by...

I teach this letter in my freshmen composition course to kick off the writing as activism unit. Martin Luther King Jr. exposed some very ugly truths about America with remarkable prose. Every mind should be informed about our past as an American culture. We take a day to praise and honor this man because of what he represented in contrast to the separate but equal solutions put forth by small-minded revolutionaries. This man had a dream that was far bigger than this. I urge you to listen to this letter to know a bit about the cultural context that surrounded his thoughts and ideals. There is a dark shadow in our American past that should never be forgotten.

Must Read!!!

Report on Dr. King with emphasis on Letter from Birmingham Jail! Excellent Read!

Listen to this once a year.

Got this on audible. A thoughtful and relevant and concis treatise. Still relevant today.

A highly influential and powerful piece of writing

The first in Penguin Modern Series is ‘Letter From Birmingham Jail’ written by Martin Luther King Jr. in the margins of a newspaper while he was imprisoned in in 1936. This letter is a response to criticism from clergymen in Alabama who ‘argued that the battle against racial segregation should be fought in the courts – not the streets.” “One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.” King defends his actions and opinions with composure, creating such a compelling and powerful letter written from the heart, now considered his most influential written work. And while now this writing is historic, the topics that it covers are still worryingly current and this is an important read for all. The second essay in this book didn’t move me as much as the first. ‘The Three Dimensions of a Complete Life’ is a snippet of King’s recorded speech, giving a more philosophical and religious take on life. I think probably listening to this would be more powerful that reading it but it’s only short so this isn’t a major problem. For £1, this really is a recommended read! Overall rating: This little book contains a highly influential and powerful piece of writing in Martin Luther King Jr’s “Letter From Birmingham Jail”. This is a tiny book at a tiny price so I’d definitely recommend you pick it up if you haven’t already read it.

Buy it

I really recommend picking this one up and getting the books in this series in general. This was a great way to read something from an author new to me and it has since made me want to buy more of their work!

Great read. Important for understanding today's political landscape.

Such a great read. Definitely a lot of food for thought. Unfortunately this is still a very pertinent peice of work. May the fullness of Malcolm's God given vision be realised in my living years.


Very powerful and emotive short read. Really glad that I read it, 100% recommend.

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