Man of Honor (Passion In Paradise - The Men Of The McKinnon Sisters)

Kindle Edition
24 Jul
Sheriff Zeke Monroe loves one woman...Honor McKinnon. He is willing to stake his entire future on protecting matter what the cost.

Honor McKinnon knows she is broken. Her body and soul had been shattered by a violent attack years ago, and no one...not her sisters or anyone else in the tiny town of Paradise, especially the Sheriff...can change that. Rather than dealing with her wounds, she chooses to protect herself from any further damage, even if that means that she avoids the one chance at love. But Zeke is determined to break down Honor’s walls...and to find the persons responsible for hurting her and make them suffer.

He’s already killed for her once...and is willing to do it again if it means she'll know safety and happiness.

What happens when Zeke refuses to allow Honor to ignore her past? Will Zeke’s love be passionate enough to break down her barriers? And can Zeke save Honor when her life is in danger once again?

Join Sarah O’Rourke in this epic culmination of the Men of the McKinnon Sisters stories...and find out how the Passion in Paradise series is always scorching hot! Standalone, romantica suspense.

Reviews (146)

5 STARS!!! Emotional, inspirational, sexy and sweet

“I knew…once I got to you…in your arms, I’d be okay. I just had to make it until you got there.” I was introduced to Sarah O’Rourke and this series, Passion in Paradise: The Men of the McKinnon Sisters, in June of 2014, and I became an instant fan. I was immediately hooked by this quirky town, the interesting and refreshing cast of characters and the exciting, sexy stories. But the characters and the story that called to me the most was that of the youngest McKinnon sister, Honor, and the patient, unwavering love that Zeke Monroe, Paradise’s sheriff, had for this severely traumatized woman. I think Sarah O’Rourke will tell you that I was the most vocal of their fans in expressing my desire for this book. Ok, ok, so a little bit of stalking and perhaps some “bearly” – intentional misspelling – disguised begging for Zeke and Honor’s story may have happened on occasion. Or often. Alright already, it happened a lot. “We’re not going backwards, baby. We struggle through this…together. If things get hard, we fight harder.” This book has been something I’ve built up in my mind over the course of the last two years and through the release of the five books in this series that have lead up to it, so my expectations were sky high. I’ve said on more than one occasion, upon learning this book would be released this year, that Man of Honor, was my most highly anticipated book of 2016. I was not joking. So it thrills me to be able to say that this book not only lived up to the hype I created in my mind, but it surpassed it and was more than I hoped it would be. “Baby, the one thing you can count on is that as long as I’m breathing, I will always come for you, Honor. Always.” Honor McKinnon survived a nightmare at the tender age of 16. A kidnapping and brutal gang rape robbed this young woman of more than just her innocence; it robbed her of her sense of self, her feelings of safety and of her sexuality. The attack left behind a woman with physical and emotional scarring so deep, she was certain she’d never dig her way out. It would take six long years of constant and steadfast pursuit by Zeke Monroe and the persistent, unrelenting and unending love that he had for Honor that would ultimately lead her out of her nightmare. “Where you lead I follow, Kitten. Whether it’s to the hospital, into the pits of Hell, or straight through the Pearly Gates of Heaven, I am always going to be one step behind you. You’re never gonna get away from me, Honor. Never.” It was breathtaking and astounding to witness the love that this man had for this woman. Considering that it never progressed beyond friendship, despite the very obvious fact that he was desperately in love with her, it was nearly unfathomable that he waited for her, that he stood by her side, ever hopeful and always understanding, just waiting for Honor to catch up with him. He never lost faith that she’d get there, but after six years and considering the danger still swirling around her, he couldn’t help but give her a nudge. “In life, there are days that shape a person into who they will become while trying their spirit, strength and determination. These are the moments where a person is tested and forced to prove their mettle.” While she was furious at first with what she said was his high-handedness, it wasn’t long before Honor realized Zeke was right to push her gently in this direction. Experiencing Honor go through the process of confronting what happened to her was many things. It was devastating, it was painful, but it was also encouraging and uplifting. Witnessing this young woman’s awakening, and the courage she drew up to not only relive what was done to her, but to deal with it so she could heal and move on from it, was so emotional and inspirational. In the midst of all of this pain and heaviness, unbelievably, there were also those moments of hilarity that this fantastic author duo are so well known for. I mean, it wouldn’t be a Sarah O’Rourke novel without a taste of their wicked sense of humor, and trust me, it’s there. “Aren’t the poets always sayin’ that love is more of a show and less of a tell? Show me, Ezekiel… Show me how much you love me and I’ll try to do the same.” This book was so many things for me, and I enjoyed it so thoroughly. To have wanted this book for so long, to have waited almost two years for it, to have built it up in my head and to have it exceed my expectations? That is the greatest feeling EVER. Well-written, warm, heartening, inspiring, Sarah O’Rourke delivered a phenomenal novel with a very sensitive story line in a way that was respectful and genuine. They did it while being true to their characters and peppering the book with their trademark snarky sense of Southern humor. It was romantic and sexy and loving and I positively adored every single word of this amazing book. Without hesitation, Man of Honor by Sarah O’Rourke gets 5 smooches from me. “…you are the owner of all my tomorrows and the keeper of my future. Every time I stare into your eyes, I see all my hopes and dreams coming true.” ~ Danielle for Red Cheeks Reads

Finally!! The paradise story we've been waiting for!!

If you haven't met the Paradise, Tennessee clan you'll want to, though I advise starting at the beginning with Cain's Salvation. This is the fourth full length novel and I believe there are a few novellas in the middle somewhere too. Back to this story, we all know Zeke has claimed Honor as his own for the last six years, but in this story will she turn him away for good or reciprocate his feelings? And now a bit about the story... Honor still has two of the five men who brutally attacked her out there. One seems to be back, causing cut brake lines and other mischief. Zeke has declared her life in harm and put her in his protective custody. Though she worries what the town will think with him living there and them not being married, he could care less. And if the way she clings to him after her nightly terrors or the passionate kisses he's been getting are anything to go buy, it would seem she doesn't care either. But when he stages an intervention she feels he's has crossed the line and kicks him out, opting for the newest town additional, a former drug lord, to live with her, on the couch of course. Is it so long Sheriff or will her come around?? Favorite passages: - “I don’t want a roommate,” she grumbled a minute later as she lowered her head and stared at him with a wrinkled nose. “Me either; I want a wife, but we’re all being forced to make compromises for the cause,” Zeke shared lightly, chuckling aloud when Honor shot him a look that promised a grim death if he used the word ‘wife’ again. - “An a$$hat?”“If the sombrero fits, amigo,” Diego murmured as he directed an evil grin toward the other man. - But I wanna try to be normal for you.” ... “Stop right there, Kitten. There’s something I need you to understand and that’s that normal is just a cycle on the dishwasher that doesn’t even get the plates clean half the time.” - Prince Charming is only interested in finding happily-ever-after with his fair and untouched princess. First, Ezekiel isn't that superficial; if you asked him, he'd tell you that prince fella was a pansy. And second, he knows good and well that I don't believe in fairy tales." - “The unknown usually is both scary and intimidating. It doesn’t mean it isn’t worth exploring. - I may never forgive you for convincing my husband to join your breastmilk brigade. I love my kids, but seriously, I miss my tequila,” - “Okay, I’ll tell her, but if doves start flying out of her a$$, I’m blamin’ you, wedding day or not,” her outspoken sister replied.

One of the best reads of 2016!

The Passion in Paradise series is one of my favorite. Like many I look forward to the next installment. With Zeke & Honor, I could not wait. As soon as it hit my Kindle I began reading. I was quickly hooked and could not put this book down. Zeke & Honor's love story is truly a saga. Honor has been through so much in her 24 years. One person constant in her life is Zeke Monroe. His love and support are what great heroes are made of. I rooted for Zeke the whole story, even when Honor was not sure of their love. Even though I love Honor as a heroine, there were times I wanted to shake her and ask what is there to think about? Zeke is the ultimate Alpha Hero! Without giving spoilers, a reader needs to know that you will be taken on a heart wrenching journey. Sometimes it hurts to read the words, but you will also have an abundance of love, laughter and sexy times. Some of my favorite scenes when I actually laughed out loud happened with Honor's family, in particular Aunt Orla. Aunt Orla is one of my favorite secondary characters of all time. She never fails to make me literally laugh out loud! I wanted more visits to Shay's shop to entertain me! Don't pass this book by, it is one of the best of 2016. My next question is, when will we get stories for Ice, Slade, Diego, Hunter, RJ and my personal favorite Wrath? Thank you Sarah O'Rourke for all the blood, sweat & tears you put into Zeke & Honor's story. You should be very proud of what you have accomplished. It was well worth the wait!

Man of Honor

This being the last book in this series just have to say that I will miss Paradise and the four sisters. I wish there were more about that place. I have all but Orla's book. This story was told in parts from the very first book. Here is Honor and Zeke's time now. She has been to hell and back more time than.... Well she is a survivor. But there are two men still left from that night. Will she get her happy ending? Will she be able to sleep knowing that all the bad people who were involved be brought to justice? And will Zeke finally show her that he is the only one that she needs? They will have a lot of work to get to her happy place. I will end up getting more books by Sarah O'Rourke soon.

An Absolutely must read! I Loved This Book!

I received an ARC of this book for an honest review. I gave this book 5 stars and honestly there aren't enough stars for how good this book is. I found Sarah O'Rourke on my kindle and she is a one-click author for me. I absolutely love this author. The Passion in Paradise Series will be one of my all time favorites. Zeke will always be one of my favorite book boyfriends. I mean honestly how could he not. He is patient, kind, sexy, an alpha male. He knows what he wants and what he wants more than his next breath is a life with his Honor. Honor was attacked when she was 16 and has not healed and feels like she is broken and will never have a normal life. Two of her attackers are still out there and terrorizing her, she never feels safe unless Zeke is nearby. Zeke and Honor's family and friends try to get Honor into therapy which she resists until they do an intervention which doesn't go so well for any of them. After a week of being left alone by her family and Zeke and friends Honor finally admits she needs to at least try therapy again, and with Zeke by her side she gives it an honest try. Zeke and Honor's story is a roller coaster of emotions with lots of laughter and tears. I was so excited to see how this author was going to handle Honor and her fear of being intimate with any man and let me tell you, wow they did an amazing job. This book will take you through the wringer of emotions. I laughed out load, I cried, I cheered, I melted, you name it I felt it. Zeke and Honor get their HEA. You know how when you have to wait for a book in a series and your expectations are through the roof and than you get the book and are so disappointed well not so with this one. This is definitely a must read. The whole Passion in Paradise Serious is a must read, if you like alpha males, strong females, strong family and friends, laughing, crying, running the gamut of emotions you will so not be disappointed. So go grab your very own copy today!

Man of Honor is a winner.

They say all good things come to those who wait and it seems like I have waited for this book forever. And let me tell you it was worth the wait. I knew that Man of Honor was going to choke me up but you have written the perfect book for Zeke and Honor. I cried and laughed and sighed. This is a perfect book to end their story. I really like the way that all the characters are included in the book. Story lines concluded and new characters brought in. Zeke will be forever my favorite character. Zeke has loved and cared for Honor for eight years. He has protected her from her fears and her family if necessary. The only person who doesn't acknowledge Zeke's feelings is Honor herself. She feels like a broken doll who doesn't deserve and has nothing to give to anyone including her family. And yet the only person she feels safe with is Zeke. As the threats against Honor accelerate and she closes herself from everyone Zeke has to make a move before he loses her completely. The delicate way that you handled Honors past was fabulous and you didn't wimp out when it came to Honors feelings and the anger, guilt and anguish was very realistically portrayed. I wish women would realize that they need therapy after something so devastating. This book was the one book I wanted to read this year. Job well done I cannot tell you how enthralled I was with this book. I know you will write more books in the series but there will never be another favorite. Zeke will always be first because he waited the longest for his HEA and you wrote it with grace and perfection. I know as a reader and a woman you could not have written this book any better.


I don't remember the last time I read a book that blew me away from beginning to the end. Sarah O'Rourke is by far one of the best authors around. This book in particular, I couldn't imagine how she would write Honor and Zeke's ending. There was so much love, laughing, happiness, some sad things but this was by far such a realistic book. After Honor got raped, abused and chased for years, I couldn't figure out how an ordinary shrink would help her heal. But Bree was wonderful and when Honor and Zeke got together the first time, it was so beautiful. I couldn't stop crying. I know the Passion in Paradise is over and I will miss the whole family and all the other characters that live in the town. I really hope there are more books about them.

Honor and Ezekiel

The emotional conclusion to this great series. It was everything I thought it would be and more!! I how Honor handled everything that happened to her, I was cheering her on as she went through her demons. Zek was a strong man for dealing with the sisters and then everything else. Loved it will read again!!

They have done it again.

We have waited a long time for Honor and Zeke book and they didn't disappoint us. I'm not going to give any spoilers, but I wish I had an Aunt Orla (especially in a naughty store). If you like a book with well thought out characters, great story line with laugh out loud moments, and HOT sex run don't walk and grab this book.


I was lucky enough to receive an Arc of this book and it was amazing. I found this author randomly one day and since then have read every book that they have. I really appreciate how they have strong female leads which is hard to come when books present strong alpha males. This book however had me feeling everything I shed tears, det pissed beyond belief, laughed like a loon, and just real happy. I won't give anything away that happen throughout but I can say if you want to sera dedicated male lead look no further then Zeke. Love this author and everything they have written can't wait to see what more comes from them in the future, you will not be disappointed when reading this series.

5 STARS!!! Emotional, inspirational, sexy and sweet

“I knew…once I got to you…in your arms, I’d be okay. I just had to make it until you got there.” I was introduced to Sarah O’Rourke and this series, Passion in Paradise: The Men of the McKinnon Sisters, in June of 2014, and I became an instant fan. I was immediately hooked by this quirky town, the interesting and refreshing cast of characters and the exciting, sexy stories. But the characters and the story that called to me the most was that of the youngest McKinnon sister, Honor, and the patient, unwavering love that Zeke Monroe, Paradise’s sheriff, had for this severely traumatized woman. I think Sarah O’Rourke will tell you that I was the most vocal of their fans in expressing my desire for this book. Ok, ok, so a little bit of stalking and perhaps some “bearly” – intentional misspelling – disguised begging for Zeke and Honor’s story may have happened on occasion. Or often. Alright already, it happened a lot. “We’re not going backwards, baby. We struggle through this…together. If things get hard, we fight harder.” This book has been something I’ve built up in my mind over the course of the last two years and through the release of the five books in this series that have lead up to it, so my expectations were sky high. I’ve said on more than one occasion, upon learning this book would be released this year, that Man of Honor, was my most highly anticipated book of 2016. I was not joking. So it thrills me to be able to say that this book not only lived up to the hype I created in my mind, but it surpassed it and was more than I hoped it would be. “Baby, the one thing you can count on is that as long as I’m breathing, I will always come for you, Honor. Always.” Honor McKinnon survived a nightmare at the tender age of 16. A kidnapping and brutal gang rape robbed this young woman of more than just her innocence; it robbed her of her sense of self, her feelings of safety and of her sexuality. The attack left behind a woman with physical and emotional scarring so deep, she was certain she’d never dig her way out. It would take six long years of constant and steadfast pursuit by Zeke Monroe and the persistent, unrelenting and unending love that he had for Honor that would ultimately lead her out of her nightmare. “Where you lead I follow, Kitten. Whether it’s to the hospital, into the pits of Hell, or straight through the Pearly Gates of Heaven, I am always going to be one step behind you. You’re never gonna get away from me, Honor. Never.” It was breathtaking and astounding to witness the love that this man had for this woman. Considering that it never progressed beyond friendship, despite the very obvious fact that he was desperately in love with her, it was nearly unfathomable that he waited for her, that he stood by her side, ever hopeful and always understanding, just waiting for Honor to catch up with him. He never lost faith that she’d get there, but after six years and considering the danger still swirling around her, he couldn’t help but give her a nudge. “In life, there are days that shape a person into who they will become while trying their spirit, strength and determination. These are the moments where a person is tested and forced to prove their mettle.” While she was furious at first with what she said was his high-handedness, it wasn’t long before Honor realized Zeke was right to push her gently in this direction. Experiencing Honor go through the process of confronting what happened to her was many things. It was devastating, it was painful, but it was also encouraging and uplifting. Witnessing this young woman’s awakening, and the courage she drew up to not only relive what was done to her, but to deal with it so she could heal and move on from it, was so emotional and inspirational. In the midst of all of this pain and heaviness, unbelievably, there were also those moments of hilarity that this fantastic author duo are so well known for. I mean, it wouldn’t be a Sarah O’Rourke novel without a taste of their wicked sense of humor, and trust me, it’s there. “Aren’t the poets always sayin’ that love is more of a show and less of a tell? Show me, Ezekiel… Show me how much you love me and I’ll try to do the same.” This book was so many things for me, and I enjoyed it so thoroughly. To have wanted this book for so long, to have waited almost two years for it, to have built it up in my head and to have it exceed my expectations? That is the greatest feeling EVER. Well-written, warm, heartening, inspiring, Sarah O’Rourke delivered a phenomenal novel with a very sensitive story line in a way that was respectful and genuine. They did it while being true to their characters and peppering the book with their trademark snarky sense of Southern humor. It was romantic and sexy and loving and I positively adored every single word of this amazing book. Without hesitation, Man of Honor by Sarah O’Rourke gets 5 smooches from me. “…you are the owner of all my tomorrows and the keeper of my future. Every time I stare into your eyes, I see all my hopes and dreams coming true.” ~ Danielle for Red Cheeks Reads

Finally!! The paradise story we've been waiting for!!

If you haven't met the Paradise, Tennessee clan you'll want to, though I advise starting at the beginning with Cain's Salvation. This is the fourth full length novel and I believe there are a few novellas in the middle somewhere too. Back to this story, we all know Zeke has claimed Honor as his own for the last six years, but in this story will she turn him away for good or reciprocate his feelings? And now a bit about the story... Honor still has two of the five men who brutally attacked her out there. One seems to be back, causing cut brake lines and other mischief. Zeke has declared her life in harm and put her in his protective custody. Though she worries what the town will think with him living there and them not being married, he could care less. And if the way she clings to him after her nightly terrors or the passionate kisses he's been getting are anything to go buy, it would seem she doesn't care either. But when he stages an intervention she feels he's has crossed the line and kicks him out, opting for the newest town additional, a former drug lord, to live with her, on the couch of course. Is it so long Sheriff or will her come around?? Favorite passages: - “I don’t want a roommate,” she grumbled a minute later as she lowered her head and stared at him with a wrinkled nose. “Me either; I want a wife, but we’re all being forced to make compromises for the cause,” Zeke shared lightly, chuckling aloud when Honor shot him a look that promised a grim death if he used the word ‘wife’ again. - “An a$$hat?”“If the sombrero fits, amigo,” Diego murmured as he directed an evil grin toward the other man. - But I wanna try to be normal for you.” ... “Stop right there, Kitten. There’s something I need you to understand and that’s that normal is just a cycle on the dishwasher that doesn’t even get the plates clean half the time.” - Prince Charming is only interested in finding happily-ever-after with his fair and untouched princess. First, Ezekiel isn't that superficial; if you asked him, he'd tell you that prince fella was a pansy. And second, he knows good and well that I don't believe in fairy tales." - “The unknown usually is both scary and intimidating. It doesn’t mean it isn’t worth exploring. - I may never forgive you for convincing my husband to join your breastmilk brigade. I love my kids, but seriously, I miss my tequila,” - “Okay, I’ll tell her, but if doves start flying out of her a$$, I’m blamin’ you, wedding day or not,” her outspoken sister replied.

One of the best reads of 2016!

The Passion in Paradise series is one of my favorite. Like many I look forward to the next installment. With Zeke & Honor, I could not wait. As soon as it hit my Kindle I began reading. I was quickly hooked and could not put this book down. Zeke & Honor's love story is truly a saga. Honor has been through so much in her 24 years. One person constant in her life is Zeke Monroe. His love and support are what great heroes are made of. I rooted for Zeke the whole story, even when Honor was not sure of their love. Even though I love Honor as a heroine, there were times I wanted to shake her and ask what is there to think about? Zeke is the ultimate Alpha Hero! Without giving spoilers, a reader needs to know that you will be taken on a heart wrenching journey. Sometimes it hurts to read the words, but you will also have an abundance of love, laughter and sexy times. Some of my favorite scenes when I actually laughed out loud happened with Honor's family, in particular Aunt Orla. Aunt Orla is one of my favorite secondary characters of all time. She never fails to make me literally laugh out loud! I wanted more visits to Shay's shop to entertain me! Don't pass this book by, it is one of the best of 2016. My next question is, when will we get stories for Ice, Slade, Diego, Hunter, RJ and my personal favorite Wrath? Thank you Sarah O'Rourke for all the blood, sweat & tears you put into Zeke & Honor's story. You should be very proud of what you have accomplished. It was well worth the wait!

Man of Honor

This being the last book in this series just have to say that I will miss Paradise and the four sisters. I wish there were more about that place. I have all but Orla's book. This story was told in parts from the very first book. Here is Honor and Zeke's time now. She has been to hell and back more time than.... Well she is a survivor. But there are two men still left from that night. Will she get her happy ending? Will she be able to sleep knowing that all the bad people who were involved be brought to justice? And will Zeke finally show her that he is the only one that she needs? They will have a lot of work to get to her happy place. I will end up getting more books by Sarah O'Rourke soon.

An Absolutely must read! I Loved This Book!

I received an ARC of this book for an honest review. I gave this book 5 stars and honestly there aren't enough stars for how good this book is. I found Sarah O'Rourke on my kindle and she is a one-click author for me. I absolutely love this author. The Passion in Paradise Series will be one of my all time favorites. Zeke will always be one of my favorite book boyfriends. I mean honestly how could he not. He is patient, kind, sexy, an alpha male. He knows what he wants and what he wants more than his next breath is a life with his Honor. Honor was attacked when she was 16 and has not healed and feels like she is broken and will never have a normal life. Two of her attackers are still out there and terrorizing her, she never feels safe unless Zeke is nearby. Zeke and Honor's family and friends try to get Honor into therapy which she resists until they do an intervention which doesn't go so well for any of them. After a week of being left alone by her family and Zeke and friends Honor finally admits she needs to at least try therapy again, and with Zeke by her side she gives it an honest try. Zeke and Honor's story is a roller coaster of emotions with lots of laughter and tears. I was so excited to see how this author was going to handle Honor and her fear of being intimate with any man and let me tell you, wow they did an amazing job. This book will take you through the wringer of emotions. I laughed out load, I cried, I cheered, I melted, you name it I felt it. Zeke and Honor get their HEA. You know how when you have to wait for a book in a series and your expectations are through the roof and than you get the book and are so disappointed well not so with this one. This is definitely a must read. The whole Passion in Paradise Serious is a must read, if you like alpha males, strong females, strong family and friends, laughing, crying, running the gamut of emotions you will so not be disappointed. So go grab your very own copy today!

Man of Honor is a winner.

They say all good things come to those who wait and it seems like I have waited for this book forever. And let me tell you it was worth the wait. I knew that Man of Honor was going to choke me up but you have written the perfect book for Zeke and Honor. I cried and laughed and sighed. This is a perfect book to end their story. I really like the way that all the characters are included in the book. Story lines concluded and new characters brought in. Zeke will be forever my favorite character. Zeke has loved and cared for Honor for eight years. He has protected her from her fears and her family if necessary. The only person who doesn't acknowledge Zeke's feelings is Honor herself. She feels like a broken doll who doesn't deserve and has nothing to give to anyone including her family. And yet the only person she feels safe with is Zeke. As the threats against Honor accelerate and she closes herself from everyone Zeke has to make a move before he loses her completely. The delicate way that you handled Honors past was fabulous and you didn't wimp out when it came to Honors feelings and the anger, guilt and anguish was very realistically portrayed. I wish women would realize that they need therapy after something so devastating. This book was the one book I wanted to read this year. Job well done I cannot tell you how enthralled I was with this book. I know you will write more books in the series but there will never be another favorite. Zeke will always be first because he waited the longest for his HEA and you wrote it with grace and perfection. I know as a reader and a woman you could not have written this book any better.


I don't remember the last time I read a book that blew me away from beginning to the end. Sarah O'Rourke is by far one of the best authors around. This book in particular, I couldn't imagine how she would write Honor and Zeke's ending. There was so much love, laughing, happiness, some sad things but this was by far such a realistic book. After Honor got raped, abused and chased for years, I couldn't figure out how an ordinary shrink would help her heal. But Bree was wonderful and when Honor and Zeke got together the first time, it was so beautiful. I couldn't stop crying. I know the Passion in Paradise is over and I will miss the whole family and all the other characters that live in the town. I really hope there are more books about them.

Honor and Ezekiel

The emotional conclusion to this great series. It was everything I thought it would be and more!! I how Honor handled everything that happened to her, I was cheering her on as she went through her demons. Zek was a strong man for dealing with the sisters and then everything else. Loved it will read again!!

They have done it again.

We have waited a long time for Honor and Zeke book and they didn't disappoint us. I'm not going to give any spoilers, but I wish I had an Aunt Orla (especially in a naughty store). If you like a book with well thought out characters, great story line with laugh out loud moments, and HOT sex run don't walk and grab this book.


I was lucky enough to receive an Arc of this book and it was amazing. I found this author randomly one day and since then have read every book that they have. I really appreciate how they have strong female leads which is hard to come when books present strong alpha males. This book however had me feeling everything I shed tears, det pissed beyond belief, laughed like a loon, and just real happy. I won't give anything away that happen throughout but I can say if you want to sera dedicated male lead look no further then Zeke. Love this author and everything they have written can't wait to see what more comes from them in the future, you will not be disappointed when reading this series.

This book is amazing! I tip my hat to you ladies for ...

This book is amazing! I tip my hat to you ladies for being damn fantastic authors! Honor had been through so much in her life, and I feel like she is a character that you connect with. I have to admit there where times I tossed my kindle because of the crap she and Zeke (who by the way should write his own book on how to be amazing and all men/boys she be required to read it) had to deal with before finally getting their happy beginning. All in all an amazing addition to an amazing serious that needs to be read!

Wonderful book that will be at the top of my re-read pile!

Sarah O'Rourke has done it again. This book was amazing and definitely worth the wait. Zeke and Honor were such an amazing couple and you could feel so much feeling these two have. All the love, pain and angst these two went through. I found myself cheering for them and so happy that they go their happily ever after with each other, especially with everything that Honor had been through. It was such an amazing ending for a wonderful series. If you haven't picked it up yet, you definitely should. It won't disappoint. I would also read the whole series. You don't have to, but you won't be disappointed. Be warned though, there are some parts that are dark and graphic. It made me ugly cry, which made my happiness for Honor that much stronger.

Enjoyable story

Enjoyed meeting all of the family members in Paradise. It takes a village and this village had some crazy characters. Laughed out loud several times at the humor in this actually tragic story of man's inhumanity to others. Always like a happy ending and was glad it was a standalone and didn't have to wait for the next installment.

Man of Honor..a really great read.

This was the last book of the four sisters. I had to wait for this book. This was the story of the youngest sister. She overcame so much in her young life. The sheriff that loved her hung on and their love won out. It was a great book and I recommend it to everyone. If you haven't read the other sisters stories, I recommend them all. It is a great series. I am patiently waiting for the next book.

Phew! What a man!

I absolutely loved this book! Every time I read one of their books it's my favorite...until the next one! This one filled in a lot of missing pieces and connected the dots to many scenes in the prior books, so I advise reading the books in order!

Loved it!!

Man of Honor is the awaited story of Zeke and Honor. As you know reading the series that Honor at the age of 16 had suffered from being kidnapped, raped and left for dead. This was hard on all of them. My heart hurt to read about it in the previous books but that was just a glimpse because now we get the details and the agony that she endured. My heart literally broke into a million pieces to witness what she had to go through and that she still suffers from it. Zeke is not only the town sheriff but he has loved Honor for what seems like forever and even though it has been 8 years, he suffers from guilt as his action set this unfortunate event into motion. It's unwarranted. Trust me. You feel for the guy. He is still trying to find the last 2 remaining assailants while trying to break down Honor's heavily guarded heart. "Love is patient, Kitten. It wont be either rushed or ignored. I've always known that. Known that this bond between us had to be carefully nurtured...painstakingly built. I've always understood that t would take blood, sweat and tears..that it would be difficult for both of us. But love ENDURES. It grows. It deepens. and you cant tell me that hasnt happened for us. Sure, its challenging, and there are going to be days where we ask if it's worth the pain. But the answer is yes. We ARE worth all the tough days and lonely night. We are worth fighting for." This story pulled me in from the get go and it was hard to put down while everyday life was running around me, I wanted to stay in my own Paradise! These characters have so much depth and have a likability that I enjoy in a story. The dynamic between the characters, secondary included bring so much to the story, you cannot help but immerse yourself into the story wishing you were apart of it. This story gave me all the feels. I would definitely recommend this story, heck, the series to all my book friends. They would certainly enjoy being in Paradise! Story 5 Sex 5 Overall 5 Reviewed by Shay from Mommys a Book Whore

Great great ready

Loved this series, and feel that this book was a great way to end it......if it has to be ended. I so hope there are spin offs as I want more books about Paradise, Tenn. Love the writing of these women and hope they continue writing for a long time.

Always and ever...

I was recommended this book and while reading the excerpt I immediately went to go purchase it. Little did I know this was book #4. I ended up purchasing the entire series. As I read Cain's Salvation then Hard as Stone I started realizing the jest of Man of Honor. I really enjoyed Ready, Willing and Abel but knowing what was coming made me wonder how things were going to go. There is a warning at the beginning of this book. Please take it seriously. Out of all the years I've been reading, this one by far was the hardest. ********Mild Spoiler Alert*******I was trying to think if this author hated this character so much to make her live through what she did. I'll admit there were a few pages I rushed through. But then there were a few I read more than once; they were that good. I don't remember a time where a character gutted me so badly. Honor made me feel things I never want to feel again. Hopelessness. She absolutely put me in my place. The pain, the fear, the's heartbreaking. Exposed then back into the corner. I cried. I felt her pain. I felt what she lost. Then came Zeke. Then came healing. Then came forgiveness. Then came love. This book is more than just pain and fear. It's about finding yourself and finding your true love. I will warn you this is a difficult read. But it is an honest read. I understand that each book can be read as a standalone. But I would highly recommend reading the other 3 first. There is a story to enjoy and each book has a piece of the puzzle. Honor definitely deserved her HEA. I must now replenish my supply of tissues.


I am not sure where to begin with my love for this book. It is simply brilliant. This book has become my favorite in this series and that is saying something because I love this series so much that if I could figure out how to transport myself to live in Paradise with Honor and her sisters and the rest of the crazy citizens of their town I would. Man of Honor is the fourth book in the Passion in Paradise series. It can be read as a standalone, but I cannot SUGGEST TO YOU ENOUGH how much you need to read any of the books that are a part of the Paradise series because they are beyond phenomenal. Man of Honor though is about the baby sister of the McKinnon sisters Honor and Sheriff Ezekiel Monroe. I knew that this book was going to be special but it exceeded every expectation that I had and then some. Zeke stole my heart away from Jake, Cal and Abel who were my favorite alphas of the series. I still love them a whole lot of course, but Zeke as I knew he would, finally won his Honor and stole my heart right along with hers. I love every McKinnon sister, but even without having had her story completely told Honor has always been my favorite. She is so strong and such a survivor even if she did not feel that way, the way she loves her family is amazing and her sense of humor is one for the ages. I am not going to say anything specific about this book. I know other reviewers will do that for you and that is great if you want to know specifics. I believe you should just experience it as you read it. This is a long book at almost 600 pages and I can honestly tell you it was not long enough for me because I never wanted it to end. One thing I will tell you in case you have never read any of Sarah O'Rourke's books and that is through their writing in this series you are transported to Paradise County, TN and sitting in the I Don't Care Cafe or the McKinnon family home or wherever the scene you are reading in the story may be taking place and you are like a fly on the wall as you are a part of everything that is transpiring. For that reason, you are going to feel in this book (as you will with all of the books in this series), the tears, both good and bad, the laughter, and the love. A quick note about the laughter, there are parts of this book that are so funny that I had tears just streaming down my face and my sides hurting so bad because I was laughing so hard. It helps to counteract the heartbreaking parts of the book so know that going in that you will need tissues. My heart is overjoyed to have been blessed with being able to read Man of Honor. Make sure that you read this on Kindle Unlimited or One-click it today because this book will undoubtedly become one of your favorite books as well.

Perfect ending

This book is the perfect ending the the McKinnon sisters books. i loved getting to know Honor better and demons and how she fought them.

Honor-able Zeke

Love it just as much as all the rest, please don't make it the last one. All of these books of Passion in Paradise have made me laugh and cry. Truly enjoyable.

There are not enough stars for the fantastic read! I was introduced to the town of ...

There are not enough stars for the fantastic read! I was introduced to the town of Paradise and its residents when I won a copy of Tangled Hearts and was immediately hooked and went back to read all of the others. I could not wait for Honor and Zeke's story and had high expectation and those expectations were exceed with this story. Zeke has always been around the McKinnon girls as a protector and once Honor was brutally gang-raped, he took this role seriously and along the way fell in love with Honor. Honor does not believe happily-ever-after with someone is in the cards for her, despite being told that it can be. She feels that she cannot give herself fully to someone and that she is damaged. Zeke works hard to show her this is far from the truth. Through his alpha, persistent, and yet sincere ways, he works on stubborn and sweet Honor, showing her she is capable of love and so much more. "And you're more than important to me. You're vital. Crucial in a way that might just cripple me if you try and leave me again." (Zeke) There are twists in turns in this story, many things I did not see coming and we finally are rewarded with all of the answers surrounding Honor's gang-rape participants. Seeing the story of Honor and Zeke unfold was heart-wrenching and beautiful all at the same time. Highly recommend this book and the entire series!

Emotional Accurate

I read Man of Honor and I am not sure how to put into words what I felt. This story is about Zeke who is head over heels for Honor! However, Honor is not quite sure how she feels about Zeke after what was done to her 8 years prior when she was only 16 and had her innocence torn from her and the many unspeakable horrors inflicted on her those 2 1/2 days while she was help captive and keep happening - it would seem as if the monsters just will not go away! After one more horrific "accident" Honor finally agrees to see Bree to help her with her demons and she is finally able to shake free of some of them enough so that she sees what Zeke has seen all along that they belong together. :) With their impending wedding the biggest monster of all rears his head. You will need to read the book to see who it is (you will not believe it) and what happens next. As I said I loved this book and had so many emotions going on at times I had a hard time putting it down. I feel that Sarah O'Rourke did an amazing job of putting into words what Honor went through. Thank you Sarah!

Love, Romance and Honor

How do I start this review of one of the best books that I have probably read in the last year. I love Zeke and Honor's story. It is a story that needed to be told and Sarah O'Rourke couldn't have told it any better than she did. Zeke is the Sheriff is Paradise County and he is in love with Honor McKenzie. Has been since she was 18 years old. He takes his duties to heart. Honor was hurt years ago while still a teenager and he has owed that those that hurt her will pay. Honor is trying to just get through her life the best way she can. She loves Zeke but she doesn't think she can be the woman he needs or deserves. Someone is still trying to hurt her and Zeke is determined to find out who and make them pay but Honor only wants to get through as best she can. Zeke moved in and has taken care of Honor when things started getting worse. Can Honor get over the things that have happen to her and let Zeke love Her the way he knows she deserves to be loved? Can Zeke find out who is trying to take his woman from him and make them pay before he looses her forever? Don't pass this book up. Sarah O' Rourke is one of my favorite authors now and i will read every book she comes out with. Paradise County and MacKenzie Ridge has some every hot characters.

Awesome series

Loved this book it was so worth the wait! Zeke is my all time favorite lawman his love for Honor was priceless can't wait for Ice and Maggie's story

In love with paradise!

The passion in paradise series is phenomenal! The characters are fun and the story lines are steamy with some humor in as well. I suggest reading them all!

Five Stars

Honor's story broke my freaking heart, then put it back together again. Phenomenal writing by Sarah O'Rourke!


I don't know where to start with this book. Emotionally I was everywhere, crying, laughing, scarred, disgust. I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT. I love Honor, I wish I can find words to truly describe her, she passionate, loving, smart, yet at the same time I felt that she is stuck as her 16 yr old self. She just ripped my heart apart. I had so many Oprah 'AH-HA' moments with Honor that I learned learned so many things about rape victims and their path to healing (I understand everybody's is different). Sarah just blew my mind away with this she was very insightful in this process that I hoped it was from research and not personal experience. Then there is my man Zeke *gets all dreamy eyed* He is so steadfast in his love for Honor, that I felt his pain when he had to take a step back to allow Honor that healing time. Even though he had to step away from Honor, he stilled played a crucial role in her life. He grew as a character and as a man, to become what Honor needs. Sarah has a gift. A gift with words, imagery, humor and a absolute a dirty mind. The sex scenes were raunchy, sexy, and everywhere in between. Thank you so much for such an awesome book!!! 5 chocolate bars

Awesome Story

Mystery, big sexy Alpha male that is not afraid show the woman of his dreams how he feels even if she doesn't think she can be the Woman for him...

Can the Sheriff protect his Honor?

You always worry that when you want the next book so badly that it won't live up to expectations. Well Man Of Honor surpassed all of mine. This is the story of Zeke and Honor who we have grown to love throughout the series. Honor, a survivor of a gang rape, has always told Zeke she couldn't be who he needed since she was terrified of sex. Zeke always told her he would wait. Zeke moves in with Honor after several attempts are made on her life and notes from a stalker that continue to arrive. Along the way, there is fighting, tears, kisses and everything in between. Of course, there is also the hilarity from the residents of Paradise as we have come to expect especially Aunt Orla. Zeke is patient, loving, but still all alpha. Honor is stubborn, passionate, and so much stronger than she knows. They are so made for each other.

Amaze balls

Omg this book is amazing I loved it! Honor has been tramatized by an evil thing done to her when she was 16. Now she's all grown up and we've all been holding our breath through these book watching her and Zeke waiting for them to finally be together and now they are! It doesn't happen instantly it takes time and trust and help for honor to realize she is worth it and deserves to be happy join us all as we watch honor and Zeke go through hell to reach heaven together! This book has it all it has sadness happiness hilarious family and a hot sheriff. It's a book I couldn't put down and you won't either! I can't wait for the next book! A great ending to an amazing series! Thank you Sarah! I was given an arc for my honest review of this book! You don't wanna miss this book it's amazing!


I love this book. I love this series. Sarah O'Rourke rocks!


I knew their story would be amazing.

5 stars

5 Gold stars! Me Likey the Book!

Loved, Loved, loved this book!!

All the books in the Paradise series are amazing, but this one is my favorite! I loved watching Zeke and Honor grow closer. Sad the series is over, but the author ties everything up in a nice little bow. Great job Sarah O'Rourke!!

Loved it!!!!

Great series of books!!! Absolutely loved the McKinnon sisters and their loving men! Wish there were more to read! Thanks


Wow just WOW I was just blown away by this book this is the first book I have read by this author and believe me I will be reading more from her This is Honor and Zeke's story they have known each other since high school,Zeke went on to be Paradise's sheriff,but something happened to Honor that changed her life forever with the help of her family and Zeke will she be able to forge a new life with Zeke? This is WELL worth the read to find out I absolutely loved thes book fell in love with her family this bool is not to be missed!!

Wow! 5 stars all the way!!!

I received this ARC for an honest review & wow what a book! First you must read the first 3 books in this series to get the full background for Honor & Zeke. However, you will not be disappointed by any books in this series. This book has so much heart, heat & hope. It shows a very close family & community come together to protect & support a favorite daughter & the local sheriff. There is still a mystery & crime to be solved & the passion on a man's love burning throughout this book. This book book is definitely 5 stars!

i loved this book as much as i did the first ...

i loved this book as much as i did the first three. i can't wait for the rest of the series.

I think I felt every emotion at least once .

I loved this book, I don't know if it is because of my past or the story alone but Sarah O`Rourke brought me to tears a few times along with so many other emotions. This will now be a new favorite book of mine. I was taken on an emotional rollercoaster that had my stomach but in this case my heart in my throat. I loved everyone of the characters in this book. They had so much heart and tried so hard to do the right thing. Will be reading all the books in this series for the characters and their stories.

Great endinf to the McKinnon Sisters series

This was the finale to a great series. I loved each book and the corresponding novellas. This series is about four sisters who endure some very difficult situations, but with the love of their family and the community, they survive and go on to find love and happiness. Their stories are told with a great deal of humor especially from their adorable aunt, and with some very steamy scenes with their alpha, hunky men. If you like stories about family and great love ever afters, you'll love the McKinnon Sisters.


Finally Zeke's wait is over! I have to admit I didn't see it happening, ever. Honor wasn't even going to try to heal and live her life, she was content in her mind with being standoffish. I thought she was a little over the top in her preachy attitude through the first third of the book. I knew when Bree showed up in Mack's book that she would be the one to help her though. Though all of the guys in the books have been great men, I have to wonder why they all had to be so much older than the women?

Laughter and tears served with love

I have been waiting for this book a long long time. Expectations running high. This book was phenomenal. I cried, I laughed, I cried again, I laughed again oh Aunt Orla I love you. All the books in this series are great, but this one the others were leading up to. I can not say enough good things about this book. There is laughter, tears, danger, suspense, love finally acknowledged and accepted. Love, love, love this book.

Well worth reading!

This was sometimes a hard story to read because of the storyline, but well worth it. The characters were true heroes and the story couldn't have been any better. I can highly recommend this hold series and can only hope more books are written about some of the other characters.

The Lawman and The Town Princess. An epic love story!!!

Welcome back to Paradise. A town where the men are protective and the women keep them on their toes. Paradise is never lacking in action. Whether it be a new romance or a mystery needing to be solved. The time has come for Honor and Zeke's love story. Their story is raw, intense, and carries a love worth waiting for. Readers have been in anticipation waiting to see what happens with our beloved, Honor McKinnon. Honor is this tragic heroine who has had so much horror in her young life. Left to die at sixteen, it was Zeke Monroe, the town lawman, that attempts to pull her out of her shell. She has stayed hidden to protect herself. Her mission in life is to mother her older sisters and be the best aunt. Honor believes love doesn't exist for her because of her past. The man that adores her, Zeke Monroe, has vocally made claim to her. For Honor though, she believes Zeke deserves someone whole and not broken. Can Zeke ever help Honor heal, or will the past come back to ruin her for good? Man of Honor is the definition of intense and angst filled. Honor's past is coming back to haunt her, and it will take everyone to save this town princess. Honor is my favorite character out of the series. She is the youngest sister, yet, she has taken on a maternal role. She is closest to her aunt and uncle. Sometimes, it is her aunt's witty humor that pulls her out of her despair. Throughout Man of Honor, when Honor had an "assignment" to work on, I loved how her aunt used her witty humor to get Honor to fulfill these task. All of this was done for Honor to move on and to heal from the horrific actions that occurred over 56 hours eight long years ago. Sarah O'Rourke brings her talents to this novel. She knows how to write with emotion, yet, carry humor at the same time. I have not read a book in a long time where I am both crying at laughing simultaneously. Sarah just has this knack of getting her readers to feel the words of the book. It is easy to get lost in the novel and next thing you know it is late at night and you don't want to put down the novel until you see the words, "The End". Readers also get to see more of Zeke's brother, Ice. His name is really fitting until he meets one Maggie. I hated how Ice treated Honor at times, but in fairness he was looking out for Zeke's best interest. It just was a tad bit misguided. I think Ice's story will be one to fascinate as he is one complex character. A Man of Honor is quite a talented novel. At times I was pretty chocked up, and other times I laughed with how funny and candid the characters were. Everyone in Sarah's books are easy to fall in love with and be able to relate to. I highly recommend you read about the men and women of Paradise. Her newest title, Man of Honor, is not one to disappoint. A 2016 Must Read Novel. Happy Reading!!!

Sarah O’Rourke storytelling in Man Of Honor is as strong and satisfying as ever.

Man Of Honor (Passion in Paradise Book 6) (The Men of the McKinnon Sisters Book 4) by Sarah O'Rourke is the story the series has been building to- Zeke, the Sherriff in Paradise, TN, & Honor, the baby sister of the McKinnon’s. Man Of Honor does not disappoint and I was so glad to be given the story I have been waiting for. This ends The Men of the McKinnon Sisters series part and what a page turning end. Honor McKinnon has lived a life of nightmares & terror with added “accidents” in the last six years. Zeke Monroe has put his life on hold these same six years to wait for Honor to be ready to let him be her Man Of Honor. Their Story is as sweet & smoldering Hot as we, the reader, hoped it would be. Sarah O’Rourke gives the followers of this series the story we have been waiting to get to read. Man Of Honor need the other 3 Men of the McKinnon Sisters Books to get the full background but It can be read as a standalone. Sarah O’Rourke again gives us the range of emotions, from laugh out loud funny to stark terror, we have seen in this whole six book series. From the characters we have already met and know their story to the secondary characters that have not gotten their stories told yet; we are so happy to be back in Paradise, Tn to visit with them all. Sarah O’Rourke storytelling is as strong and satisfying as ever. You should give Sarah O’Rourke stories a try. Man Of Honor is a story that does not disappoint on any level. I can not wait for the next visit to Paradise in book 7 and on, there are many stories left for Sarah O’Rourke. Thanks Sarah O’Rourke & Good Writing

One Great Story

I've read nearly all of Sarah O'Rourke's books,and I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed this brilliant story .Sarah O'Rourke has given us a story that is deep and touching ,and it pulls you in from the get go, and it will make it hard for you to put it down until the end of the story. The characters have depth and their all lovable ,there is so much energetic going on between characters,and the secondary characters bring this story all together. This story will make you feel like your part of the story. I really liked how Sarah O'Rourke wrote this book to conclude on and she also included some bright new characters in this book. Zeke has always carded for Honor now for all for8 long years. He has protected her from fears of even family when needed. Honor is the only one who doesn't really acknowledge Zeke feelings. Honor is like a broken doll,who feels like she doesn't deserve anything ,and anyone, and who really doesn't have anything to give not even to family. But the only person that makes her feel safe is Zeke .But threats against her is escalating ,and she starts to close herself off from everyone .But Zeke knows if he doesn't do something fast ,and may lose her completely. This was such amazing roller coaster ride of emotions that contained anguish ,guilt, and anger ,everything was portrayed so realistic it might even make you cry. I could tell you more about this amazing story ,but that would spoil it for you. I highly recommend that you read this touching story, you won't be disappointed.

5 stars

Let me start off by saying I read this book as a stand alone and I never do that! I'm always so worried about feeling lost. But this book had the perfect blend of letting me know past history while giving me an amazing story. I will be going back and reading the other books simply because I fall in love with the writing of this author. These characters grow on you so quickly. It's the perfect blend of heart wrenching, nail biting anticipation and belly hurting humor. Honor and Zeke are the main characters but I can't wait to read about everyone else that I got to know in this book. Zeke is an alpha male with a patient, caring side. His love and devotion for Honor is so beautiful and it makes you swoon. You just want it all to go in his favor. Honor is the epitome of strength. Everything she has gone through and she continues to be a cornerstone for her sisters and loved ones. This book flows smoothly and never did I feel like I missed something by reading this as a standalone. I loved this book. If you have read the series you will not be disappointed, if you just want to read it as a stand alone you also won't be disappointed. This was a truly magnificent story about two souls that are made for each other. *Reviewed for Sweet Spot Sisterhood*

5 I will Honor you Stars!

Let me start off by saying that this is not your typical quick read. This book is a whopping 500+ pages. I don't remember the last time I read a book that long. It has been well over a year or more. Any who, this is a book that once you get started and sink your hooks into it, you do not want to put it down. This is the first book I have read in this series and even though it is a standalone, I would suggest reading the three books that come before it. Granted they are about the other McKinnon sisters and the men that capture their hearts, but the reader also gets to see bits and pieces of them in this book as well. From what I understand Man of Honor was very highly anticipated by readers who follow Sarah O'Rourke and this series. I can now say I understand why. This book captures the heart of the reader, the subject matter may be a struggle for some. This book gives you the feels and boy do I mean feels. I was angsty, sexy, suspenseful, heartbreaking and loving. The determination that the heroine had to finally overcome the tragedy of her past was draining, but to watch as she came to terms with the abuse she suffered and accept that she is worth loving and that her life has meaning and is valuable was awesome! And don't get me started on the hero...holy sh*it! Talk about an extremely determined man, willing to go to nearly any length he needed to to help the heroine and keep her safe. Not only was he a bad a** sheriff, but he is one of the most thoughtful, caring, strong, accepting and passionate men I have read about in a long time. He had me swooning! I really don't want to delve to far into this for fear that I will say something that I shouldn't. But the gist of it is this. Honor McKinnon has suffered and suffered more than most. The loss of her parents and a horrific kidnapping have created the woman that she is today. She struggles to trust and to let the one man in who loves her unconditionally. She must learn to come to terms with her brutal past or it will not only continue to consume her, but it could ultimately end her. With the help of the unconditional love and support of her sisters and Zeke Monroe, she attempts to put her past behind her once and for all and claim the future and love that she so rightly deserves. Zeke Monroe, sheriff to the town of Paradise, has one thing on his agenda and that is to prove to Honor that the love he has for her is strong enough to get them through anything. She just has to let him in so that he can prove it. Zeke wants nothing more than to make her his and love her for the rest of their lives. I could not get over how persistent, determined, but patient he was with Honor. Any man that will swear off all women for several years while he bides his time waiting for the one girl he truly loves is amazing in my book and that is just what Zeke did. For the last six years he has kept it in his pants. Not once straying from the choices he made in order to win Honor and make her his. The writing is awesome, the characters are engaging. There is plenty of banter and laugh out loud moments. I was sucked in from the first chapter and found myself forgetting to do other things around the house. Thank goodness my kids are teenagers and can fend for Overall, this is an extremely good read, well written and thought provoking. I am now going to go back and read the first three books and get sucked into the rest of this series!

God, I love this book- HARD!!

Okay, I know that if any of you follow me, or have seen any of my posts before now, you know that this is the book that I anticipated more than any other this year. I had been waiting, for what seemed like forever, to have Zeke and Honor's story finally play out. I needed it. Not just wanted it- NEEDED IT. That's how addicted I am to these two characters. Well, I love this entire series, like down to my bones love it- but something about Zeke and Honor stole my breath from day one. I knew that there would be no way to top them in the O'Rourke world for me. We all watched the back and forth between these two in every prior book, with bated breath. Always wondering if Honor would finally give in, or if Zeke would ever give up. Every melt your heart action of love that he made towards her, and every rebuff she made against him, only made us fall further in love with their story. No other Paradise couple had been through as much as these two had, and let's be honest- we all wanted to see them each have their slice of happy in the end. Even if, that meant that it didn't come together. We wanted Honor, above all, to heal. To finally come to terms with, and accept, what horrors she had endured at the hands of the monsters of her past- as horribly retched as it was for her to do that. Believe me, these scenes aren't easy to read folks. The tragedy that she has to relive isn't pretty. But it is necessary. It HAS to happen. But above all, please remember- it is beautiful. The healing that takes place during and after is so poignant, that it took my breath away. And Zeke, sweet precious Zeke, god my heart ached for that man. Above anything else I wanted him to have the woman he loved. But if that wasn't possible, I at least wanted him to have peace. I wanted him to also let go of the guilt that he carried for feeling that he had let Honor down years prior, that he was somehow indirectly responsible for her attack. Those demons were a burden that he had never deserved to carry. Such a beautiful and loving man never should have endured that. After you read every brilliant word that these ladies have written, remember that more than anything- this story is about love, healing and forgiveness. These are the things that kept these two beautiful souls apart for so many years, and finally, we got to see them happen in Man of Honor. I don't think that this duo could've done any finer of a job with this book. It was everything that I had imagined and dreamed of, and more. It left me wanting for nothing- except more Paradise, which always happens when I finish another book in this series. I cannot get enough, and continue to count the days until I can return to Paradise for more!!! 5 million plus stars!!!!

New Book Boyfriend Alert!!!

I received an ARC in exchange for a honest review. Holy cow, holy cow, holy cow!!!!!! Abso-freakin-awesome!!!! I've never read such a suspenseful, heart-wrenching, witty novel. One minute you're laughing, then tearing up, then on the edge of your seat because it was soooo good! I read a couple of reviews prior to posting mine. Some had said they waited FOREVER for Zeke and Honor's story. While I haven't had a chance to read the other novels in this series, I can understand why. I now feel that way about Maggie and "Ice"! At the beginning, you get glimpses of Honor's attack and her life now, as she's choosing to live it. I was extremely happy that Honor's rape wasn't the main focus. Instead, it focused on how the actions of a few can effect the lives of soooo many. It's about how we choose to live, whether we allow the "bad" guys to win and continually take from our lives or do we fight for happiness? Honor was withdrawing more every day and not truly "living" her life until her family held an intervention. While Honor lashed out, was mean and said hateful things, she finally came to realize that she needed help. She needed to lean on someone else, so that she may heal and have the fairytale life she always dreamed. I absolutely fell in love with Zeke. He had the patience of Jobe!!! He was kind, loving, and very Alpha-male--in a good way! He loved Honor for six, long years before she was finally able to see what was standing right in front of her. He was her rock, her comfort, her safety. I loved Bree's homework assignments too! When Maggie, Aunt Orla, and Honor ventured into the sex store.....HILLARIOUS! Then when Zeke locked up Honor in jail to keep her from dating.... I loved Aunt Orla's wedding day advice as well. Wrath and his MC gang also added a touch of humor where you wouldn't expect it! There was just enough humor to keep this novel from being too "heavy". I won't spoil the ending, but will say it was very suspenseful! It also ends with a HEA and is not a cliffhanger! I highly recommend this novel to EVERYONE! Loved it! This novel can be read as a stand alone, but is part of a series. There are hints, enough to get you interested in the rest of the series if you haven't read them, but not enough to spoil the other novels. You also don't feel "lost" because you haven't read the others.

Intense, heart-pounding, fun and sweet - this author is now on my MUST READ list!

This is my first venture into this author’s PARADISE and I never want to leave it! I saw the length of the story – almost triple a ‘usual’ read and wondered what was in store… I didn’t have to wait long as Zeke and Honor’s story had me from the first emotional scenes… “I’ll always be in her corner… It’s where I live…” Honor had suffered a violent attack years earlier that affected her, and those that loved her, to this day. There was an uneasy peace that seemed tenuous at best and as scene after scene revealed, just under the surface was everything less than harmonious… Zeke was her champion but he, as well as her family and friends were struggling how to help a woman who seemed to be drowning in pain… That struggle was harsh and painful in its own way as friends and family were at odds on how to help the woman they all thought as their own. I would have thought, given the past and the current danger, this story would have been painted in a more somber light. It was somber - rightfully so in spots - but even though Honor had much to battle there was always optimism even in the darkest of corners. Honor was heartbreakingly real in her torment and grief while clinging to an innocence that never left her… Zeke was everything she could want or wish for in a champion- her dark knight – rough, protective to the max, while still achingly tender. “Honor, I’m begging you to lose the attitude because you are THIS close to pushing me over the edge...” “What happens then? Do you fall down and go splat?” This book felt almost like two, equally terrific but different, stories in one. The first half was very intense, with a more dramatic feel while the latter, though equally emotional, had light-hearted scenes and side-splitting humour that elevated the overall story even more. “A bullet… Like you put in a gun? Because if you think I’m putting anything with gunpowder in it anywhere near my secret garden, you’re nuttier than squirrel poop.” So many personalities stood out in a cast of characters that were compelling each in their own unique way. Full up on southern charm, I need to catch up on this series asap! And I want, need, to bundle up Aunt Orla for my very own. I would travel to Gatlinburg (anywhere really) with her any day of the week! “What’s the sheriff packin’ in his pants? Are we talkin’ a pocket pistol or a hand cannon?” A book hangover I never want to recover from! *ARC provided for honest review *Reviewed on behalf of Give Me Books


5 Stars from Renee! The story has laughs, betrayal, suspense, flashbacks, sweet love, and heartbreak. If you have not read the below I would recommend reading those books(s) first... Cain's Salvation (Passion in Paradise: The Men of the McKinnon Sisters, #1) Hard as Stone (Passion in Paradise: The Men of the McKinnon Sisters, #2) Ready, Willing and Abel (Passion in Paradise: The Men of the McKinnon Sisters, #3) The Homespun Holiday (Passion in Paradise) If you have read this series you have been awaiting this story since the beginning. It was worth the wait. Honor and Zeke we made for each other. This is Honor and Zeke’s story. This story is about a chance a love and moving on from the past with the one person who will do anything for you no matter what. Honor and Zeke might disagree but at the end of the day Zeke still loves her. But can Honor love him? With all that Honor has been through can she ever give Zeke what he needs from her? When Honor is asked to do things to get over the past they are hard for her but will Zeke be able to deal with the things she has to do? Can these two make a relationship and will Honor ever feel she can give Zeke the love he needs? I loved these characters and also the side characters. There were upsetting moments and Laugh out loud moments with this story. Lots of flashbacks to the past that were needed. I felt I was able to connect with the characters and the story was a great read. I highly recommend this book this series and these authors. ***** 5 Stars from Brianna! I love these two ladies who make up this author! Each book I have ready by them have been nothing short of perfect with their strong heroines and swoony heroes. They make you believe in happy endings. They make you believe in second chances. These ladies are known for their witty banter, sizzling chemistry, and meaningful experiences. I love this series. The previous books were absolutely brilliant but I have a new favorite in this series definitely. Are you ready for Zeke? Because he's finally here! Man of Honor was full of twists, turns, suspense, steam, fun banter, love, laughs, compassion, passion, intensity, and understanding. Honor and Zeke are going to rock your world. This is a story that is going to speak to your heart and rock your soul. Zeke is a man that you can depend on... swoon for... lust after... and love. Honor is the kind of girl that you root for and become best friends with. These two took me on an emotional roller coaster... full of ups and downs but at the end of it all,. every moment was worth it. If you are a fan of this series like me then this is the book you have been waiting for. Man of Honor was the perfect addition to this series and definitely the best. I fell hard and fast for these two, devouring this entire book at one time (and that is something b.c have you seen the length?!) and didn't come up for air until the pages quit turning. I highly recommend this book.

Such an amazing book!!!

I honestly don't even know how to write this review and do the book justice. I was introduced to the "Sarah O'Rourke"authors with Cain's Salvation and was HOOKED! I mean not just a little hooked, like stalk these their page to find out when the next one was coming. So ok lets start there. Cain's Salvation was awesome. I loved, loved, loved Cain and Faith. So I got to the end and thought oh wow that was great and I couldn't wait to read the next. Then comes Hard as Stone and fell more in love with the McKinnon crew and Honor being at the top of that list. But then came Ready, Willing, and Abel which is Patience and Abel and I swear I thought there was absolutely no way they were going to beat it. Abel and Patience were by far my favorite couple yet and again I said there is no way Honor and Zeke can beat that but guess what THEY MOST DEFINITELY DID!! Ok, now onto the actual review for this book. I had such high expectations for Honor's book I'm not going to lie. Honor is the baby of the family and has been through more than most people endure in their lifetime. She is such a driving force in the McKinnon family and is the last McKinnon woman to be unattached. And while she is technically "unattached" Zeke would tell you she most definitely isn't unattached. She is HIS. Zeke has got to be the most patient man I think I have ever read. He knows what Honor has been through and knows getting her to succumb to her feelings and admit she is indeed his is no short task. Poor Honor not only has to deal with the fact that 2 of her rapists haven't been identified or caught, but she has also had a killer after her and has come close to death many times. Now Zeke is more than just pissed off and decides the only way to keep Honor safe is to move into her house and sleep on her couch until all this is over. If you have read the previous books you know exactly how Honor reacts to that. OMG these McKinnon woman are stubborn as hell. The dialogue between all the characters will make you literally laugh until you cry. I can't tell you how many times I was in tears from laughing so hard. The thing I thought going into this book was that it was going to be super heavy due to everything Honor has dealt with, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that while yes there were times my heart was breaking (literally breaking) into a million pieces and bawling my eyes out, there were also times I was crying from laughing so hard. There was such a perfect balance between light hearted and heavy. I'm blown away by this book!!! I'm so happy with how it ended and I really felt like Zeke and Honor absolutely got the ending they deserved. I can not wait to get my hands on Ice's book. I have a feeling it is going to be another home run. Everyone needs to read this whole series. I promise you won't be sorry!! These books will be ones that remain at the top of my must read and ones I will always recommend to others. And they are definitely going to be ones I will add to my favorites in paperback!! Go grab them all now!!!! This book deserves way more than just 5 AMAZEBALLS stars.

A heartfelt closing to this great series

I absolutely loved this story, every emotion between the two main characters exuded from the pages of this book. Honor McKinnon has had it hard, she's been through things no human being should've been through. And although she is a broken woman on the inside, on the outside she keeps living and taking on responsibilities to help her get through every hour of every day. Sheriff Zeke Monroe has been in love with Honor for years, his love is one that had persevered the good, the bad and the ugly. He's Honor's protector, the one person who will always have her back in any situation, and the one that no matter the circumstances or how much Honor pushes him away, will always be a constant in her life. Some might say that Zeke was too "pushy," too "alpha" while dealing with Honor, in my opinion he had the perfect qualities that Honor needed to remain afloat, to help her recover little by little from the horrible things she had to endured, and to make her blossom as the story goes by, to heal her heart and soul. I don't think I've never read a male character that possessed the perfect amount of roughness and tenderness as Zeke does when dealing with the woman he loves. He didn't push Honor at any time to bend his way, he obviously wanted her, but never used her weaknesses in order to benefit himself, and this is one of the things I adored more about this character. When it comes to Honor, her strength is a force to be reckoned with. A lesser woman would've taken a different path, but even though some things are very difficult to deal with, Honor never showed weakness. And even though this is a love story, it has the perfect combination of mystery, humor, and craziness that always surrounds the town of Paradise and its distinguished citizens. This is an excellent read about the power of true love from a man who never gave up and the resilient spirit of a damaged young woman.

There is so much I can say about this story but the most important thing is that I loved this story

Man of honor Review 5 Sarah O’rouke Lindsey I have been waiting on this story forever ever since I meet Zeke and Honor in the previous stories. There is so much I can say about this story but the most important thing is that I loved this story. The writing, the characters, everything. This story is definitely on the sweet side but it contains heat. The author does a great job portraying the characters and their struggle and their everyday trials. Sarah takes us on a journey again in Paradise County of the story of the year Zeke and Honor. This story has a little bit of everything in it and all of it was just awesome. This story lacked nothing. Honor story is not an easy story it is even heartbreaking but her finding her courage in her love for Zeke it was everything. There were so many obstacles they had even themselves but through it all they prevailed and made it and that, that was just worth so much. The passion, the romance, the drama, the unknown all of it made this love story so awesome. Zeke road to Honor has not been easy but love never is. He is devoted to her and only her even when all she does is push him away but he never let that deter him and I guess when you know you know. Like I said earlier this story was perfect in every aspect and cannot say enough great things about it . I would recommend this series to anyone looking for a little suspense and a whole lot of love and romance. This book is definitely one of my favorites. Review by Lindsey


My Review I have been waiting for this book from the first moment I read this series. I couldn't wait to get my hands on it. So much so that I stopped a different book to dive into this one. Once I started I couldn't put it down. I have had a special place in my heart for this couple. I wanted to know how it was going to end but at the same time I didn't want this series to end. I wanted to have more books. But all good things must come to a end. And this series went out with a BANG. I couldn't have thought of a better ending for this series than what it was. It kept me guessing who it was through out the whole book. I never thought the person it was. Never even crossed my mind. I started this book and than wanted to go right back to reading it when I finished it. A ending that we all knew was coming but nobody was ready for. This series has ripped my soul out and put it back together. it has broken my heart made me cry tears of sorrow while making me laugh so hard I thought I would wake people up in my house. By far one of my top 5 favorite series of ALL TIME!! 5 STARS *REVIEWED BY HOTPRESSEDBOOKS

5 Sassy Stars

Sassy and stubborn women and cavemen and even more stubborn men. The town of Paradise has given us a great set of characters but most special of all are 4 sisters. We've seen three of their stories and now it's finally time for the 4th to get hers. Honor has had the most difficult journey of all and we've seen bits and pieces of it throughout the Paradise series thus far but now we get to see her story in full as well as seeing the last of the sisters finally get her happy ending. The story goes back and forth between events that had happened in previous books as well as after and what is their current timeline so we get to see certain events from another perspective and it helps you delve even deeper into the story. And just because it's time for her to get her happily ever after doesn't mean the road to it is easy by any definition whatsoever. with the threats to her escalating more and more Zeke has become more and more determined to keep her safe and to finally make her let him in. The path isn't an easy one and it's filled with a lot of pain, but in the end we all know that the two crazies Sarah O'Rourke always make sure that their couples get a happily ever after. Tissues are a necessity as there are plenty of times when the heart-wrenching events that Honor has gone through and get to you. But there are also a lot of laugh-out-loud moments as well when the sass and stubbornness of the characters help make this story a little lighter at times. This was definitely the Pinnacle for the McKinnon sisters stories however I am definitely excited to know that we are not done with the town of Paradise and the rest of it Crazy Kookie citizens!

I liked this book but feel I should of read the ...

I received a copy in return for an honest review. This is the first book of Sarah O'Rourke's I have read and after reading the synopsis I was intrigued. So when the option was given to me to read an ARC copy I took it. I liked this book but feel I should of read the first 3 books in the series first, don't worry they are now on my TBR list. I am the type of reader that once I have read one book in a series I have to read the rest. The emotions that this story bought forth were gut wrenching and ran the full spectrum. Honor has survived a devastating attack in her youth, the emotional toll this has taken on her is HUGE and affects her so much that rather than facing what has happened, she hides. Zeke has loved her for 8 long years and now must fight Honor and fight for her so they have a chance at a future. I am in awe of the strength that Zeke shows. Sarah hasn't pulled any punches when it comes to describing how Honor feels, what she has survived in her past and the battle she now faces. Zeke's strength of will and the amount of love he feels for Honor just pulls at my heart strings. I will suggest, that unlike me, before reading this story read the previous books in the series first even though it can be read as a stand alone.


I received a complimentary copy of this book through Crazy Cajun Book Addicts for an honest review. This is the story I've been waiting for Honor and Zeke have been my favourite characters throughout this series. Eight years ago Honor went through the most traumatic thing a women could ever experience at the hands of five men but throughout it all Sheriff Zeke has been by her side. He's been in love with her for a long time but Honor doesn't believe she will ever be able to give him what he deserves. She believes that what those men did to her left her broken and ugly and she'll never be all the things she dreamed of as a little girl, been a wife and a momma. Zeke and his caveman ways are determined everyday to show Honor how much he loves her and that no matter how long it takes he will wait for her, he's also determined to bring everysingle one of those men to justice to give Honor the peace she longs for. This is definitely my favourite book so far from Sarah O'Rouke it's beautifully written and such an emotional journey of finding peace within yourself and that everyone deserves to find that special someone they can spend their lives with.

Honor and Zeke's book was absolutelyworth the wait!

The McKinnon girls are a tight bunch—always looking out for each other since their parents passed away, and especially close knit since Honor was so brutally attacked when she was only sixteen years old. Honor’s been through quite a bit since then, and she’s been dealing with everything on her own. But with her nightmares increasing due to the knowledge that the final two attackers are still at large and actively tormenting her, Honor may have reached her breaking point…especially if one Ezekiel Monroe has anything to say about it. “Honor, I don’t want to turn you into something you’re not. You’re already what I want and you’re right, you’re anything but normal…What you are is extraordinary. Real. Genuine. Special. If you ask me, you’re a bona fide miracle. Or more specifically, you’re my miracle…” Zeke Monroe’s been patiently waiting for Honor to be ready, willing and able to accept his love for her. He’s been watching and protecting Honor since that fateful day she was attacked, but he’s been in love with her since she turned eighteen. Zeke will do anything to protect Honor and he’s become even more diligent since learning the remaining two attackers have seemingly come out of hiding and are threatening Honor. But just how far will the good sheriff go to protect the woman he loves from her attackers and from herself? To say I’ve been patiently waiting for Man of Honor to release would be a lie. I’ve been counting down the days and let me tell you, this book was worth every minute of the wait. Honor’s story is threaded throughout the series. She’s been protected by her sisters and Zeke, but she’s also been protecting them from really finding out how much she still hasn’t put the past behind her. She doesn’t speak of the horrors from her attack—but Zeke knows until she addresses her past there is no future for them. I adored how patient, kind and loving Zeke was toward Honor. He handles her barbs and snark with ease knowing he’s just biding his time until Honor’s ready to admit she loves him as much as he loves her. Zeke lovingly and painstakingly takes his time to help Honor move past the negative connotations in her mind when it comes to sex, to show her how wonderful it can be when two people love each other. And they’re going to need their love for each other to get through the ramifications after the reveal of the final two attackers. You’ll be sitting on the edge of your seat once all is revealed—trust me I had several “holy sh-t” and “no way” moments as I read! I loved catching up with the rest of the McKinnon sisters, too, and all of their antics. They truly represent the best parts of a family. Those best parts include their unconditional love and fierce protection. This family is amazing, fun and full of hope and love. I’ve enjoyed every minute of time I’ve spent with them and I can’t wait for Aunt Orla and Uncle Jethro’s story! Now THAT is going to be a hoot and a holler! ~ Missy, reviewed on behalf of Give Me Books

An epic ending to an awesome series

Saying goodbye is such a hard thing to do. We have watched Zeke and Honor's relationship grow throughout this entire series. Sarah truly saved the best for last. This is one very long read that walks us through the story of Zeke and Honor from the beginning. So if you're picking this up without having read the rest of the series that's ok. You will definitely have a greater appreciation of the book and characters if you've read at least some of the previous books. Crazy one and Crazy two definitely nailed this book, in my opinion. Seeing Honor finally let down her guard after all these years was a feeling I can't describe. I was so happy to see her coming to terms with what happened to her in the past. Zeke was there for her every step of the way. I'm not going to give out any spoilers in this review. I absolutely hate when people do that. I highly recommend taking the time out to read this highly anticipated ending to a great series. You definitely get a lot of bang for your book with this story. This author held nothing back when delivering this bundle of awesomeness.


Honor McKinnon has spent the last eight years broken beyond repair. She never got the help she needed after a violently, brutal attack left her body and soul damaged. Now she's going through the motions of life, and has resigned herself that she will never have a husband and kids in her future. Things start to spiral out of control again, when someone is sending her cryptic messages, and is trying to take her out. Sheriff Zeke Monroe loves one woman, Honor, and he would do anything to keep her safe. He's been living with crushing guilt about her attack, and will never give up hunting down all of those involved and make them suffer, no matter how long it takes. Honor does everything to get him to leave her alone, but he's very determined to break down her walls. Will his love be strong enough to tear through her walls? And more importantly, will Zeke be able to keep Honor safe from the danger stalking her every move?! CUE dramatic girly girl emotions for the rest of this review, as it's the gift that keeps on giving! My vacation spot is Paradise, so I was super excited for this story, as the wait for Honor and Zeke's story, seemed to take FOREVER! BUT, OMG IT WAS WORTH IT! Even though my heart was ripped out in Part 1, stomped to pieces in Part 2, and finally stitched up without any numbing agent in Part 3. My emotions are flying in every direction even though it's been a bit since I finished. The character development is fantastic, with the highly entertaining cast of secondaries that I have grown to love so much. Plus, I absolutely LOVED LOVED LOVED the flash backs, as it made this story even more powerful, if possible. The McKinnon family had me laughing so hard that my sides hurt badly now, (Sex Shop LMAO), while on the flip side, I may or may not have bawled like a b*tch baby on more than one occasion. Sarah O'Rourke's brilliance shined through the pages with this emotionally charged story that was off the charts powerful. Her diabolical twists and turns were everywhere, while keeping me on the edge of my seat like a boss. The topic for this story was done very well, and SCORCHIN' HOT sexy scene goodness finally appeared after the realistic healing of Honor with help. I cannot say enough how much I LOVE LOVE LOVE this series, but the author took things up a notch with Man of Honor! HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND TO ALL!

... a honest review This book took me from being bored to some unfathomable things

I was given this book and promised a honest review This book took me from being bored to some unfathomable things. Honor a bright and beautiful young woman had things done to her that no one should have to suffer, yet she managed to come out of if and live, but half alive, for ghosts haunted her. Zeke the town's Sheriff fell in love with and his love and determination stayed in her life waiting for her to love him. Her Family stayed with her and urged to seek help, they forced her had and forced her to seek help from a Psychiatrist, which she did not want. Little by little Honor began to heal, while Zeke not only tried to help with the threats that kept popping up for she was still being haunted, and looking for some of the men that were still alive and loose. This book took me from being bored and wondering why am reading it, but page after page I kept reading it, I laughed and I cried, I cheered and moaned, I could not put it down until I was done. Sarah O'Rourke took on a totally entrancing trip, thank you very much. Hopefully I did not spoil anything for other readers.

It all goes on in Paradise

Paradise It all goes on in Paradise and it seems Honor has had more than her fare share of bad luck. I haven't read previous books and was gifted this for a review and after reading this I wish I had to get the fuller picture when I first started to read the story. Told in third person, not an ideal choice for me as I like to get closer to the characters with their thoughts and feelings but it worked. Great characters in both Zeke,Honor and extended characters from previous books. If you like an alpha male, stubborn with his heart set on his woman claiming and protecting her and boy did she need that over and over then you will love Zeke. Honor, even after Enduring rape and other threats to her life she never loses her sass. I like both these characteristics Those who have been following the series I'm sure are anxious for Honor and Zekes story and you won't be disappointed. Man of honor is a package of hotness, angst, danger and excitement wrapped up nicely by Sarah O'Rourke.

I am anxious for more in the series, just can't get enough.

Sheriff Zeke Monroe knows he will only love one woman, Honor McKinnon. Honor disagrees, she feels she is damaged from the brutal rape years ago and that she will never be able to give Zeke what he really needs, a passionate wife. Zeke sees things differently and hen an incident forces Honor to make a choice, her family, Zeke, and her anchors she is forced to do something she does not want to. However it works in her favor, Honor starts to see things differently especially where Zeke is concerned. Everything should be perfect, but one person from her past has decided it is time for Honor to become his and he will stop at nothing to get her. Loved this. I cried, boy did I cry, as Honor's story unfolded. I think this story packed a powerful punch as well as addressed important issues and included her family and their feelings with it. Zeke was an unwavering hero, he struggled but always kept his eye on the prize, Honor. Honor is one of the best heroines I have read a story about. I am anxious for more in the series, just can't get enough.

Man of Honor

I received an Advanced Readers Copy of Man of Honor in exchange for my honest review. This book is book four of the Passion in Paradise series. I will say that this is the first book in the series I am reading, and that it is definitely NOT a standalone novel You must read the other stories in order to truly get what is going on with our main characters Honor and Zeke. There are literally 8 years of back story that we only get glimpses of and its just enough to help understand what's going on in this present day story. With that being said, this book is not an erotic romantic comedy. This book is heartbreaking! I was such an emotional wreck while reading this book. I constantly with how strong Honor is, wondering if Zeke is real (because no man waits around 6 years for a women), and laughing my butt off at Aunt Orla's antics! This book has wrecked me, but in a good way. The writing was really well done, diving deep into terrible abuse, rape as well as the issues of therapy that one might need to deal with the stress of all these near death situations, not to mention how one or more of Honor's attackers are currently stalking her. This book takes on different perspectives, and really helps gives you an insight into their world. I loved this full length (very long ) read, and need to go back to read the stories in order. 4 1/2 Stars

Plodding pace makes this a difficult read.

Man of Honor by Sarah O'Roarke is the fourth book in her Passion in Paradise series. For those who are fans of this series, this is the long-anticipated book involving Zeke and Honor. Honor has had a tragic life. She was gang raped as a teen, has had multiple near death experiences, and has been held hostage more than once. It should be noted that Honor owns a cafe and is not in the military, a private investigator, or cop, so such a plethora of experiences were a bit of a surprise to me. The book opens with yet another near death experience for Honor and Ms. O'Roarke uses this deliver character introductions and exposition. While this is helpful to the reader that is new to the series, it was clunky and often confusing. Nonetheless, it serves it's purpose in setting the stage. Ms. O'Roarke then follows this with series of flashbacks, designed, one supposes, to establish the danger in which Honor has been. For Zeke, Honor is his woman. He loves her and wants to protect her. He feels he failed her by not driving her home the night she was gang raped. And while Honor insists she doesn't want a romantic relationship with him or anyone, he is determined that she will realize what everyone else does: she is his. The book suffered from a plodding plot line that tried to do a lot at once. Honor's life is in danger from several unknowns and at the same time, she is struggling to deal with all that has happened to her. On the one hand, I applaud Ms. O'Roarke for her effort to illustrate that recovering from sexual violence is not easy and doesn't follow any one path. Honor refuses to deal with what has happened to her and instead suffers from nightmares, sleepless nights, and severe migraines. She refuses professional help, having been burned when she was much younger by psychology professionals. This refusal impacts her and those that love her in many ways. While I found her dislike of the psychology profession irrational, especially in this day and age where seeking treatment generally doesn't have the negative connotations that is once had, I could respect that up until a certain point. I felt that the multiple instances of violence that Honor incurs, whether it is sexual or non-sexual violence, were unrealistic. Honor is not living in a war zone, the inner city, or a post-apocalyptic future. She lives in a small town that seems to be inhabited by denizens who love her. She certainly has family and friends that all want the best for her. It has also been a while since I've actually disliked both the hero and heroine as characters. Honor is unwilling to accept help. Zeke's entire existence seems to revolve around Honor to the point where anyone who calls our Honor on her behavior or attitude is swiftly dealt with. I stopped reading this when it is revealed that Zeke is ashamed of his previous preferences in the bedroom, especially since he knows that Honor would never want such a relationship. This shame was the last straw for me. Between the plodding nature of the plot, the characters that I greatly disliked, and not being able to finish this, I can't really recommend it. However, others seems to have enjoyed it so perhaps this book just wasn't to my taste. NB: I received a copy of this book from the author and voluntarily reviewed it.

A Emotional Suspense Filled Romance that will leave you breathless

As the fourth sister and the youngest Honor has been through more than anybody should go through in her short 24years. Zeke is older but has been there for Honor since he pulled her out of her grave when she was raped by five men.three are dead but two are still around and someone is terrorising her , Zeke and her family are watching her pull away into herself. Zeke is doing all he can to try an keep her safe. This book is an emotional rollercoaster ride. I laughed, I cried an wanted to see a happy ending. I love all four of these books Sarah ORourke is a wonderful author her books make you feel like you are right there a part of the story .Her books pull you in and don't let you go til you turn the very last page. I would highly recommend this book, it has hunky men, beautiful woman and suspense, drama and thrill ride all through the book. Every book of hers I've read has remained with me and I'm so looking forward too see what's next by this amazing author.I was gifted this book for a true and unbiased review.

Paradise found

OH my god!!! What an ending to a brilliant series. The McKinnon sisters sure know how to pick their men. Zeke Munroe, is the sheriff of Paradise county and the man at the center of Honor McKinnon's life. He's loved her for a very long time, but Honor has horrible ghouls from her past and they have come back not just to haunt, but to torment her. Honor has to battle a lot of stuff in this last book. From rapists and murderer and all through this her grit and determination shine. She loses her way a little, and that's where Zeke comes in. He saves her over and over, not just physically but mentally. He's her lifeline to sanity. I'm sad to see the end of the sisters' stories, but something tells me Crazy One and Crazy Two aren't down with Paradise county yet. After all, there's Ice and Maggie, as well as Slade, Wrath and Bree to name just a few characters that demand to have a story of their own.

I love my visits to Paradise

Both the ending/story I've been waiting for since the beginning of book one, Honor and Ezekiel finally get to have their own story and we finally learn the identities and fates of the remaining monsters that destroyed a sixteen year old Honor so long ago. Sarah also sets up the beginning threads of continuing the stories of Paradise, including hints at more for Maggie, Bree, Ice, RJ, and the Hounds MC. The book starts with Honor in the hospital after an apparent suicide attempt, having apparently replaced her migraine meds with Seconal, a severe sedative. Told at first in flashbacks, and frequently flipping viewpoints between Zeke and Honor; which I enjoyed since it gave tastes of what each is going through. Many times i was in agreement with the main character and their desire to throttle their love, as well as wondering about the logic behind some of Bree's "homework" she gave. I love the Paradise books and can't wait to read who's story is next. Shay


I received this for an honest review.. OMG WOW!! I have been hooked on this duo as writers for a while but with this book they absolutely outdid themselves.. I wish I could explain how much I loved it but I am truly sorry I can not do that and do them as authors any justice OH ZEKE OH ZEKE how I love thee let me count the ways.. I just loved the humor which you find in any of these books or any books these two write.. Once I picked up this book I could not put it down.. From the beginning of this book we get a glimpse back in what makes Honor the woman she is today and we get to see that glimpse into Zeke as well.. This is a truly beautiful love story between to who are meant to be.. I have been waiting for this story from the beginning of this series and although it means the end of the sisters it was a perfect ending to these amazing and funny as hell sisters LOVED LOVED LOVED OMG LOVED

Man of Honor ARC Review

I received an ARC in exchange for a honest review. I was both apprehensive and excited to finally receive my ARC copy of the final book about this family of sisters. I shouldn't have worried, this author has always met my expectations and then some. I especially like strong females who find alpha males but don't get lost in their relationships. One word of warning be prepared to run a gauntlet of emotions including tears, have the tissues handy! It is a journey worth taking to Honor and Zeke's story. Their group of supportive friends and extended family are drawn by the fine hand of the artists who are known as Sarah O'Rourke. Invest in their palette for a colorful experience.

This book hit the feels button

First let me give Sarah a round of applause. Not only is this book well written, but you handled the topic of rape with class. I cried in this book. I mean ugly cry, but I also laughed and swooned. Oh our hero Zeke, hmmmm Zeke you are the stuff right out of our fantasies. Strong loving and protective. Our heroine is Honor. She has suffered a lot in her life. Your heart breaks with all she goes through and not one time do I not feel that how Honor feels is not warranted. As always I do not give away too much in my reviews I feel that you as the reader need to discover and fall in love with this book as I did, and that includes not giving away the book. Great job Sarah!! Received an ARC for an honest review 2 Chicks and a Book

Honor and Zeke

More of a 4.5 Book- The book was great Honor is broken - but has survived terrible thing and through it all Zeke has been there (6 years). In the other books and I suggest you begin with Book 1- we heard about Honor and saw Zeke in action but this book is their story. Honor's backstory unfolds and she finally gets her closure needed. Zeke is strong and alpha and the perfect book boyfriend -maybe too good to be true. Honor is beautiful broken and lost - at times whinney and not willing to deal with things -and her bad look a little too much. But in whole a suitable ending to a great book series or not? Ice and Maggie? Slade ? the rest of the Paradise gang -Books please? And a shout out to my favorite character - Honor Aunt Orla and Uncle Jethro (with age comes wisdom) * I was given a copy by the author for an honest review -but it and all of this series is part of KU program

This book was great I loved it

I received an advance copy of this book for an honest review. WOW!! This book was great I loved it. The author has such a unique writing style, it is so different from most of the books available today. Zeke our hero is more than "A Man of Honor" he is truly a good man the type we all want in our lives. All of the characters so strong and well developed. The storyline has depth not rushed at all. There was great tragedy in this story but the strength of these people was greater. This is a very emotional read with lots of tears and lots of laughs...everyone needs an Aunt Orla. Five Stars all the way.

4.8 stars

This was the best of the series. These two authors work well together in creating a superb story. This story had been building awhile and it was nice to finally get the answers. I loved Zeke and is devotion to Honor. Poor sweet Honor. She been stuck reliving a tragic night over and over. Despite the upward battle Zeke never faltered or took his eyes of the prize-- Honor. This book broke my heart a few times but all of the emotions and angry words were needed because they were a toxin stunting Honor's ability to move on. I hope there is a book about Wrath and Ice. Off topic can I also say that I flove that this author duo writes LONG books?

This book will stay with you for life!!

I love how Ms. O'Rourke put this story altogether, so no worries on missing out on anything from the previous books in the series. It has been a few days since I've finished this book and I am still having a difficult time finding the words to give it sufficient kudos! It will make you feel emotion, which one? It depends on where you are in the book! I laughed, became angry, smiled, swooned a bit.. there were a few (hundred) tears, both of utter happiness and absolute heartache. This story will lodge its way between your heart and soul and never leave. I recommend it to everyone! The entire series to each of you!! Please, you do not want to miss this. It is a book that sticks with you.

Junk punches for Ice, and Book Husband shelf for Zeke

Once again, Ms. O'Rourke blew my mind. And Zeke stole my heart. There was so much to love about this story. Although it dealt with some heavy topics, Ms. O'Rourke did an amazing job of balancing that heavy with the light. It added to the realness that was prevalent throughout the entire book. Everyone and everything had dimension and layers which allowed you to be sucked into the story. Zeke, though... Ahh, Honor's Zeke. He shot passed book boyfriend straight into book husband zone. And all of that, the patience and dedication that made Zeke a book husband, is exactly what Honor deserved. Their love made a heartbreaking story into something truly beautiful.

Sheriff Zeke has loved Honor for years he watched her pretend to be ...

Finally we got Zeke and Honor's story and it was heartbreaking, fabulous read. Sheriff Zeke has loved Honor for years he watched her pretend to be happy and swears he will do whatever he has to protect her and keep her safe. Honor is going through the motions of living, she has a great family and a job she loves and Zeke the one person who makes her feel safe when the dreams appear. The past is coming back to haunt her, and she not sure if she can endure it again. When push comes to shove will Zeke finally get through to Honor that he loves and wants her or will she keep on running? I'm so glad we got Honor's story, this girl is brave to take on her fears and heck of fighter. I love seeing how the other family members are doing. This is a great addition to the Passion of Paradise series.

Man of Honor

You will love Honor and Zeke's story. Honor has gone through so much and is such a strong woman but with a man like Zeke by her side how can she not be. It is a roller coaster of emotions. There were parts where I cried and parts that I couldn't stop laughing and Aunt Orla was the stealer of alot of the book with her wit, just loved her. This is a standalone book but if you haven't read the other 3 books in the series I highly recommend that you do. This was a very HEA book and can't wait for the next one.

The crazies (aka Sarah) did Honor & Zeke proud

It feels like we have waited forever to get to Zeke and Honors story... it was worth it. I first fell in love with Zeke & Honors story way back in Hard as Stone (The first Passion in Paradise book i read) I was so excited to read their story, I knew it would be hard, i knew there would be tears, I am thrilled there was belly laughs and some seriously hot loving :) The crazies (aka Sarah) did Honor & Zeke proud.. I can't think of a better way to have told their story.. As in all other books the characters are so well developed they feel like members of the family, with their snarky come backs and witty responses I seriously want to have an Orla and a Patience in my family. I still laugh out loud when I think of Aunt Orla in the naughty store. I really hope there is a lot more to come from Paradise.. Ice & Maggie, Slade, RJ, Wrath and so many more need their stories told.

(If you haven’t read the other books in this series I highly recommend that you do so

I absolutely adore the McKinnon sisters! Each will always hold a special place in my heart but I have to say I’ve been impatiently waiting to see this hot Sherriff in action! (If you haven’t read the other books in this series I highly recommend that you do so. They’re amazing) From the very first time he was mentioned in this series Zeke has been the “Good guy” the guy who not only takes his job seriously but he would do anything he could for anyone including the McKinnon sisters, but especially Honor. It became apparent that the Sherriff was head over heels for Honor and with each book you just rooted more and more for them to finally get together (ALREADY!) In each book the sister’s had to overcome obstacles and find their path that would lead them to their man and the future they deserve. However, Honor’s obstacle was something she had no control over. Something unthinkable. Not only did she have to face the fears of an unmentionable crime committed against her as a teenager but she had to face new fears; fears of the heart. This book is filled with laughter, tears, and if I’m honest frustration. Laughter because these sisters are hilarious! Tears because the writing in this book will have you going through the emotions right along with the characters. And finally frustration because you can see that these two characters need to be together. I thought the writing and Honor’s story was beautifully done for such a sensitive subject. It was raw and real, but it still gave you the sense of overcoming and being able to move on. I won’t give anything away because trust me you want to experience this story for yourself but it was amazing and I devoured this book! So do yourself a favor and read this book because I know you’re dying to find out if Zeke is the man for Honor. I give this book 5 cupcakes with sprinkles on top! -Tana


I've never read the previous books in the series so I went in blind and I think it enhanced by experience. I'm not going to lie I was emotionally shredded at points. Honor's pain is tangible it lives inside her and affects her every waking and sleeping moments, to be honest I'm not sure how she managed to function at all. Zeke has been in love with Honor since she was 18 though she doesn't accept it. Thank goodness he was so stubborn his devotion to her wellbeing brought tears to my eyes. A story with so much depth part love story part intrigue and mystery. A beautiful story wonderfully written. *** Reviewed For Sweet Spot Sisterhood Blog***


♡♡♡♡♡ 5 STAR REVIEW ♡♡♡♡♡ An epic story like no other. As the saying goes great things happen to those who wait, and Zeke and Honor are a testament of that. Their love is so powerful nothing will come between them. Honor has survived a lot in her short life but always Zeke has been there for her. Love, loyalty, tears, anger, hurt, passion, respect, unity, compassion are just some of emotions in this plot you will experience as you read this book. Being a fan of this series is was expecting THE story, however I got to read the book of the century. Hands down this story and series is the best for years to come. Gifted by author in exchange for an honest review. [...]

Once you start this book you won’t want to put it down.

Oh my goodness the feels this book gave me! I laughed, I cried, I yelled, I got angry, then happy. My emotions were just all over the place while I read this book, I swear I could actually feel Honor’s pain at times. I didn’t want this story to end but at the same time I HAD to know how everything turned out & I honestly had a hard time putting this down. This is one of the best stories I have read in a long time & I cannot recommend it enough. Sarah knocked it out of the park with this one!

LOVED this!

I don't want to include any spoilers, so let's just say buy this story and read it because you will not be disappointed! It is soooooo good! Honor McKinnon is a woman who has had a very difficult past and you wonder if she will ever be able to get her happily ever after. Who better to offer Honor that chance than hot sheriff, Zeke Monroe. Zeke forces Honor to see she is worthy of love and he is not going to stop fighting for her. Ok, I really don't want to ruin this for anyone, so BUY THE BOOK and read it ASAP! It will keep you turning the pages to see if they will or if they won't! This series is one to keep on your TBR lists and go back to and re-read.

I love Sheriff Zeke!

I can not tell you how happy I was when this book came out! Sheriff Zeke has been one of my favorite characters since the first book. Zeke's love for Honor is so strong and she needs someone like Zeke to help her get over her past. But the real question is can she let go of her past and let Zeke in? Honor is strong willed woman who believes love isn't for her, but Zeke thinks other wise. This is a beautiful story of love, loss and moving forward. I would recommend this book and all books in this series!

Amazing read

I volunteered to review an Advance Reader Copy of this book. Man of Honor (Passion in Paradise Book 4) by Sarah O’Rourke can be read as a standalone yet readers would get more out of it if the read the first books first. I enjoyed reading the third person that was used in this book. It made sense to me. Without reading the previous books I would rate this book with a 4.8 stars, WITH reading the previous books – 5 FULL STARS. The main characters, Honor and Zeke are complex. Readers will love them and have their hearts completely raptured by their story. Beautifully written and a story that needed to be told, especially to those who have enjoyed the Passion in Paradise series.

Loved it!

They say good things come to those who wait and in this case, it is definitely true. I feel like I've waited forever for Honor to get the HEA she so rightly deserved. Zeke what can I say, I loved him. In fact, I love this whole dang book. Cover to cover it hit every one of my emotions with just enough funny to help me through the more serious scenes. Honor, brave, courageous Honor is a fighter. An exceptional and realistic h. I love this series, but this one truly stands out.

Man of Honor ~ 4 stars

A series that I enjoy very much is ‘the Passion in Paradise series’ by Sarah O’Rourke. The men are Alpha (a tiny bit over the top) and the McKinnon sisters are sassy, make their men fight for them. Throughout the books about the elder sisters, the horrific ordeal of the youngest McKinnon sister – Honor – is a returning topic, just as sheriff Zeke’s love for her. Man of Honor finally gives us their story and it doesn’t disappoint. “We ARE worth all the tough days and lonely nights. We are worth fighting for.” Honor McKinnon just goes through the motions of life. To the outside world she seems to do okay; she has a supportive family and town, and is a part-owner of a successful business. But her body and mind still carry the scars of a horrendous gang rape she survived as a teenager, Honor keeps seeing herself as broken beyond repair without having anything to offer to a man. During the day she can keep herself busy, but during the night nightmares take over, therefor she doesn’t sleep. For years Honor has known about Zeke’s attraction towards her, and for years she has kept pushing him away. But now she’s done fighting. “I don’t know where all this will finally lead us. I can’t tell you that I can be what you want. I don’t know if I can. But I wanna try to be normal for you.” Zeke Monroe doesn’t have many regrets in life. The one thing he does regret is not offering the then 16-year-old Honor a ride home, unknowingly setting events in motion that lead to the brutal rape that almost killed her. He always felt something special for Honor, but due to their age difference (he’s 15 years older) he stayed away until she was 18. From that moment on, Honor is everything to Zeke, even though she keeps pushing him away and makes very clear she doesn’t want him in her life romantically. But Zeke knows he loves Honor and that she’s the woman for him. “Never tell me that you can’t feel like a woman in my arms, Honor,” he warned her softly, his eyes fiery as they moved over her face. “You can feel just fine, Kitten. You just burned bright for me.” Honor and Zeke have known each other for a long time. Over the years, Zeke has made himself a steady fixture in Honor’s life; he’s always there for her, to help her wherever he can. Honor knows Zeke wants much more from her then just friendship, but the physical and mental scars she carries disgust her, so she thinks a friendship is all she can offer him. After a strange incident Honor accepts the help of her brother-in-law’s sister, and gets the psychiatric therapy she so desperately needs. With Aubrey’s therapy Honor learns to deal with her ordeal, and finally she and Zeke have a chance at their Happily Ever After. From the moment I read about Honor, her brutal rape and Zeke’s devotion towards her in the first book of the series, I wanted their story. Zeke and Honor are a sweet couple; Zeke is very protective and caring towards her, always puts her needs first. Honor knows – inexperienced as she is – she loves Zeke, and wants to be better. Not just for her, but also for him. I understand some readers will not agree with certain steps of Aubrey’s therapy, but I agree with her. Both Zeke and Honor deserve a relationship based on love, not just because it feels safe. Little rant. I love Honor’s family, don’t get me wrong, but I just couldn’t understand why they didn’t get her therapy sooner. Yes, the first doctor was a major idiot, but they should have searched for another therapist right away. No woman can deal with what Honor has been through on her own, without any form of treatment. And given how close they are as a family, I don’t get they didn’t she her drowning. Rant over. “I love you, Honor, and whether we make love now or not, you will always be enough for me” “You’re not just enough. You’re everything to me.” Overall, I love the story of Honor and Zeke, the final book in ‘The Passion in Paradise Series’. But due to my issues with the family I give Man of Honor 4 stars.

What a way to end the series!

I want to live in Paradise!!! Honor has been through more than any one woman should have ever had to endure and she is still feeling the effects of trauma inflicted on her when she was just a kid, her teenager years were not the happy time one would have hoped for. Zeke on the other hand might be the town sheriff now but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t recall with horror and sadness the things that have happened in the past. He has always cared for Honor and her pain has tormented him too, but he cares deeply for her and perhaps now is their time? I wanted her to find her happy ever after but first of all I wanted her to find herself, her reason to be happy with the wonderful woman that she was, not because anyone else needed her to be happy but because she needed her heart to heal. Would Zeke be the man to show her what it was like to be the subject of complete adoration, would she see that his love was completely unconditional? The journey they had to undertake to reach a future that they had not only earnt but deserved was torturous at times but it was a means to and end and nothing worth having is ever easy. I liked the fact that they both had an opportunity to tell us, the reader from their own perspectives how not only what happened but what was still happening had and continued to drive them and fro Zeke I really believe that he was a driven man, he wanted Honor and he was willing to wait for her to get on the same page. Honor may have taken a little longer and been more reticent that I would have hoped but I could have let out a huge holler when she eventually realised the direction she needed to take. This might have been the final book in the series but what a way to bow out!!!

An Emotional and Redemptive Read

Haunted by the torment of a violent assault from her past, Honor McKinnon does her best to keep putting one foot in front of the other and put it behind her. Ezekiel 'Zeke' Monroe has been in love with Honor for as long as he can remember. Knowing that there is still an evil threatening to end Honor once and for all, Zeke is making it his business to both keep her safe and to show her that love will triumph if she'll just let it. One of the first things I thought when I opened this book was, "Oh, my word, this is a long book!" And it is. As books these days go, especially in the romance genre, MAN OF HONOR is a hefty tome. But there's a reason for it, and it's this: it would have really taken away from Honor's and Zeke's story had the authors attempted to give it to us in a shorter read, and I appreciate all of the back story that was included so that I could understand completely the events that made Honor who she is now, and understand the dynamic between Honor and Zeke better. Honor has been through horrific things, and they have changed her, so much so that she doesn't feel that she will ever be able to have a 'normal' relationship. While it took a while for her sass and her spunk to show back up, she's a livewire, for sure, and bound and determined that Zeke should get past his feelings for her and move on. You have got to love Zeke, though. Some might call him stubborn, which he is, but I applaud his determination to stick by Honor. He's decided that she is it for him, the one, and nothing that she or anyone else says will change that. I really like that the authors that make up the team behind Sarah O'Rourke manage to take some disturbing and sad subject matter and instill it with humor, love, and all of the quirks of small-town life to make one very touching and enjoyable read. I've only read one of Sarah's other books, TANGLED HEARTS, so, while I'd met the folks of Paradise, TN, I didn't have everyone's back story. I didn't feel like this kept me from understanding what was going on in MAN OF HONOR, though, because of the great detail to capturing past and present situations. I would, however, like to go back and catch up with all of the couples that inhabit Paradise. MAN OF HONOR is an easy 4- small town, true love, redemptive stars for me, and I am happy to recommend it. Humor, sass, determination, and one really big entertaining and close-knit family will keep me coming back for more.

It hit all my book buttons.

This book hit all my emotions. The backstory was perfect, setting the groundwork for a beautiful and deep relationship between Zeek and Honor. There were parts that gutted me, made me laugh out loud, and squirm in my seat from flaming hot Zeke. And finally, ladies, of all the books out there dealing with the serious topic of rape, we have an heroine who recovers realistically through love, patience and therapy as opposed to the heroes magical swinging tool, if you get me. That storyline is old, overused, and basically an insult to real victims. Bravo for that, Sarah O'Rourke, and thank you for a beautiful read.

A great story

Man of honor was a-ma-zing. It was a little slow at the beginning but I think that's only because I haven't read any other paradise books so I needed to catch up with the back story. Once I got through the first part of the story this book was an easy read and I couldn't put it down. It definitely helps to have read the other books. I loved the story and back and forth of the main characters, Zeke and Honor. Plus there's the rest of the clan, Honors sisters and brother- in- laws.

and the patience of true love. This is the 4th book of Sarah O' ...

This was such an emotional heartbreaking read for me. Man of Honor was a story about healing, family, and the patience of true love. This is the 4th book of Sarah O' Rourke's Passion in Paradise series. I wish I had read the entire series before I tackled this story but I was able to piece together the back story and keep up with previous characters. This is Honor's story and she has had such a tragic horrific life. This brave woman keeps getting knocked down and punched in the face but keeps getting back up even though you wonder how she keeps going. I was relieved when people put their foot down demanding she seek help. There was no way she could heal on her own or even with the help of her well meaning family and friends. Not only did she mentally need to heal but also to take a chance on happiness, her heart needed to heal. Her "homework" that she had to do to work through her issues were funny as well as therapeutic. Sheriff Zeke Monroe has always felt guilty because of his part in the chain of events that lead to the most horrendous night of Honor's life. For redemption and revenge, he hunts the men that hurt Honor. I loved the patience Zeke had with Honor till he knew it was time to stop handling her with kids gloves. He stopped treating her like a damage woman and finally showed her the desirable woman within. He was definitely at his best when he was going all hot, growling, possessive alpha male on her!! Nothing or nobody was going to stand in the way of him finally claiming the woman he loves. I am definitely going back to read the previous stories in this series and can't wait to read more of Zeke's brother!

So loved the hero....

Some spoilers -------- Count me as another fan who has fallen hard for the Hero. He was uber sweet, protective, possessive and so in love with the h. He was such a breath of fresh air compared to the many scumbag heroes I have come across. You cannot help but root for the hero who waited patiently for 6 years for the heroine to accept and love him...and added swoon..he was celibate while he was waiting for her. I won't repeat the summary that many reviewers have already penned, but will include some of my favorite passages. "A man knows when he’s in love because it’s not just a feeling in his gut. It becomes a way of life for him. It’s in every move he makes and every act he performs. Honor is, quite simply, my life. It’s a simple truth that I accepted a real long time ago. I don’t bother questioning it any longer because she’s become a pivotal part of the f****** man I am. I make no apologies for that. Mostly, because loving her made me a better man,” he informed her bluntly." “Honor, when I look at you, I can’t remember any other women from my past. It makes me sound like an a******, but I didn’t care about them. Not the way I should have if I was sharing their bodies with them. I certainly never loved any of them. What you and I have… it’s nothing like the relationships I had in my younger years. Those women are a part of my history -one I’m not particularly proud of having. But you are the owner of all my tomorrows and the keeper of my future. Every time I stare in your eyes, I see all my hopes and dreams coming true. So, yes, I know –without any doubt-you are nothing like the women I was with before and I thank God every night for it. I love you, Honor, and whether we make love now or not, you will always be enough for me. I don’t care whether I show that to you with my body or not today… it won’t change the fact that I get up tomorrow morning and feel this same exact same way. You’re not just enough. You’re everything to me.” Swoon. I enjoyed the story but had to skip through the gang rape discussions and nightmares. I have read the previous books in this series, but I have to admit that this one was hands down my favorite and that was because of the H. I also loved the sisters' and townsfolk' lively banter. I look forward to the H's brother's story. That looks like it can be explosive with the gal he has his eye on. A 4.5 star recommend.

Zeke is the ultimate Alpha!

I knew a little about Honor and what happened to her, but I never imagined it this awful. Almost too painful to read such horror. But with the strong characters in this book, it made the pain lessen. Sarah O'Rourke writes characters with hope, despair, anger and persaverance. All the qualities that make each one stand out. Zeke is crazy in love with Honor and has been for many years. I have to give it up to him. I cannot imagine being in his shoes and waiting for the one he loves. Despite Honor pushing him away at times, he still remains there by her side and wants to protect her from the terrible people that did harm her many years ago. He was over the top crazy. Totally understandable considering the circumstance. The Alpha in him needs to take it down a notch. Honor-sometimes I just want shake her till she see's what is right in front of her. Stubborn? Beyond. She is very lucky to have such a great family, however she needs to stop being in denial of who only wants best for her. I liked the basis of the story. At times it became a bit wordy and overexplained where the story was going. Personally I could not talk about my feelings as much as they did. My rating is a 4.1 out of 5. Solid story with a strong ending. Sunny's Review We got to see a little bit of Zeke and Honor in Tangled Hearts so I couldn't wait for this book. I fell a little bit in love with Zeke. I didn't feel like I saw enough of Honor to form an opinion of her yet. So I had high expectations for this book. Zeke is an over the top alpha sheriff in a small town. I really did like him. He has spent the majority of his adult life trying to protect Honor. He blames himself for her kidnapping and brutal rape when she was a teenager. He has not dated anyone since she became an adult and he realized that he had feelings for her. I am still undecided on how I feel about Honor. While I can't imagine how I would be if I had to face the things that she did. At the same time, she seems very judgmental towards other people's choices. She is a mixture of a spinster and a child. There were some things that she would say that a 16 year old girl would say and then there things that were totally something your old unmarried aunt would say. I tried to give her some leeway since her life basically sucked due to circumstances beyond her control. I was very annoyed that she continued to play the victim even when she technically should not have been. I liked the story line. I thought that Zeke probably should have given up on Honor long before now but he didn't. There was a mystery and there were some serious issues in this book. It was tough to read some of it but I think that Sarah did a great job of showing the range of emotions that the characters were going through. I am giving this book 4.2 stars out of 5. Go get this book. You don't have to read all the books in the series. I didn't and had no problems knowing what was going on.


WOW where do i even being with this story? I read about loss of innocence, violence, unconditional love, attempted murder. So we have a bit of everything. She is hiding from her past and letting it rule her life. Can she ever move past it? Can she ever grow? Can she ever relax? He is the Sheriff can he find the men who hurt her? Can he make her feel his love for her? What will happen next? I received an ARC version of this book in exchange for an honest review.

3.5 Stars.

Honor McKinnon has been left broken and although daily life is a constant struggle she refuses to show her family and friends the truth of her troubled heart. Sheriff Zeke Monroe loves Honor fiercely, now he just has to prove to her they’re meant to be. This book was mixed for me. I have read this author before and enjoyed their work, finding them incredibly funny. This installment was much more serious (due to content it needed to be) but it was also very long and I found that it dragged a lot, and sometimes became a little repetitive. Also Honor was very annoying in parts, especially the dating section. I didn’t think she was very caring to a man she claimed to love and blew hot and cold a lot. That all being said, I did want to keep reading. There are plenty of twists and turns, too. I didn’t see the ending and it was enjoyable. Zeke is also a great character. He was incredibly patient to Honor. The other characters in this series add to humor and I especially love the girl’s aunt. There is one scene particularly that I laughed so hard at. Overall it was a good story but not a great one, but still worth a read.


I have just finished this series and can only say WOW!! From Cain and Faith to Jake and Harmony and Abel and Patience and finally to Zeke and Honor I have loved every story although Honor’s story broke me and then put me back together. I am seriously hoping for a follow up with Wrath and then Heaven and Storm!! Loved ❤️❤️

Man of My heart!

I think this was the first book I have read from this talented author, and it totally won't be the last. Ms.O'Rourke does an excellent job of bringing the awesomeness with this book. I don't know what I could say or add to this awesome story that others haven't. Man of Honor is just that. A totally wonderful piece of writing that will have you laughing, crying, and wanting more. This was a truly wonderful story. Thank you so much for sharing.

Loved it!!

I have been waiting for Zeke's book since I started this series and they didn't disappoint! I don't want to give to much away but everyone needs a Zeke in their life. Honor is also one of my favorite females ever in a book. This whole series is definitely worth the one click. All the characters are so well written in their own crazy way.

Brilliant read !!

I received an ARC from the author for an honest review. Wow, what can I say? I loved this book. This is the fourth book in the series, and can be read as a standalone. I have not read the previous books, but my word; I will be doing so shortly!! This book is about Zeke and Honor. Zeke is the typical hot, protective, alpha male, and he knows what he wants, or rather who. Honor has had a horrific experience, and Zeke is determined to help her overcome it. This author has done an amazing job in writing this story. It has suspense, heartbreak, humour, and most of all true love. I will certainly be recommending this author and reading more of her work in the future. In my opinion, this book is worth so much more than the 5 star rating. Absolutely loved it!!

Seek and Honor

Oh my goodness, I finally got this story. It is raw, real, and heartbreaking, but brings the best happy at the end. It tells the raw truth of Honor's life and love, and shows how strong and deep Zeke's love for Honor is. Even with the subject of this story, there were still laughs from Aunt Orla. This was a great book and it pulled you into life with of Honor and Zeke. I loved this book, and definitely recommend it to others!!!

Zeke is the sheriff of Paradise and is in love with the much younger Honor

Man of Honor is the fourth and final book in Sarah O'Rourke's Passion in Paradise series. I honestly have not read the previous three books in this series but that is not really a problem with this novel. It would probably help to have read the other books but there is enough information in this book to understand what is going on and to follow the story. Man of Honor is the story of Zeke and Honor. Zeke is the sheriff of Paradise and is in love with the much younger Honor. Honor is the youngest of the McKimmon sisters and is the one who has been through more evil than anyone at her young age should have to go through. Zeke is struggles to convince Honor that she is not as broken as she thinks and deserves his love and devotion all the more. I loved the writing in this story and I especially loved Honor, she is feisty and stubborn and is able to give as good as she gets. Her smartass comments make for some hilarious situations that help cut the seriousness of a lot of the things that Honor has been through and is still going through.

What a great read!!

What a great read! I loved how Zeke never gave up on honor! What a wonderful hero! I loved catching up with the rest of the family! It is a long book but so worth the time! I love this author

Not my favorite in the Passion in Paradise series

I am a huge Sarah O'Rourke fan and have loved every book in the Passion in Paradise until now. While Honor McKinnon's story broke my heart for everything that she has been through in her short life, I had a hard time connecting with her character. At times shrilly, at times so frustrating that I wanted to shake her, I felt it took too long in the story for her to get with the program. I adored Sheriff Zeke Monroe and applauded his extreme patience with Honor, and his willingness to do anything to keep her safe. I wish the story had flowed better, often finding myself flipping pages to get through needless descriptions or character conversation. The secondary character cameo's for me were the highlight of the book and it was so nice to catch up with what seemed like old friends. While this is book 4 in the Passion in Paradise, it can easily be read as a stand-alone. Not every story will appeal to every reader, but for me, this author has consistently written fabulous books. I cannot wait to see what comes next!


Parts 1 & 2 were definitely 2 stars for me. I feel Terrible what the h survived. That being said.... Honor was just unlikable for me. She was down to right rude and hateful to not only Zeke but at times several people. Public tantrums and no called her out on it. At times I felt bad for Zeus and was like move on. I mean how much verbal abuse should anyone take. I finally like h in part 3. However her dating 3 other men per her therapist was crap.

Worth the read.

Excellent book. Well written and very interesting. It has fantastic H/h and the supporting characters are great too! It is part of the Passion in Paradise series but reads as a stand alone. There's humor & drama, this story has it all. Really enjoyed reading it and am interested in more of the authors Sarah O'Rourke's books. ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

Wonderful book, wonderful series!

Man of Honor is a wonderfully written addition to the Passion in Paradise Series. In this book we finally get the youngest McKinnon sisters story. If you are discovering this book (book four in the series) before the others, do yourself a favor and read the others first in order to get the full thread of Honor's story. The Passion in Paradise Series is filled with such fun and interesting characters that I found myself really hoping for more with each book I read.

Finally answers!

I was a little disappointed in this one. It's broken into 3 parts. The first part was basically just a recap from the other books in the series. Now if you haven't read the others it is definitely needed. But for me it just drug on and on. Part 2 was better and picked up the pace. Part 3 kept my attention and I couldn't put it down until I was finished. I needed answers and for Zeke and Honor to be happy. Definitely a good read and finish to the series.

Worth the wait!

This book had it all. There was an abundance of emotion, humor, sexy times and finally some answers! This is the book that Sarah O'Rourke fans have been waiting for since we first read Cain's story. It was well worth the wait. The characters are complex and developed and just all around amazing. We also learn more about other secondary characters like Wrath (I need need need more Wrath). Seriously though the characters are well thought out and very deep. I will warn you you will need to have a box of tissues handy when you're reading this. The book should also have a possible trigger warning for sensitive subjects. All in all this book is a great story about perseverance and never giving up. Love can overcome almost anything but sometimes you have to be willing to accept help and be willing to change. I love a great HEA and Honor definitely earned hers! Reviewed for HeadTripping Books by Sarah

Love it.

Man of Honor by Sarah O'Rourke is a must read!! Zeke and Honor were that fated couple that you always want to read about. I really enjoyed the way that Honor's character was developed and how Zeke knew just how to handle her. I loved it and it was well worth the wait for release. I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review Jax's Book Blog

Finally, Honor's story!

I have just LOVED McKinnon family and Honor was one girl I have long waited to read her story and boy is it heartbreaking and uplifting at the same time! Honor loves her family but no one understands the horrors she endured eight years ago and she lives the nightmare everyday. The sheriff eases her mind some but she doesn't deserve his loyalty to her. Zeke will do whatever it takes to make sure that Honor is safe and never has to relive what happened to her. He feels responsible for her past and works everyday to make sure it is resolved. What he doesn't know is that she has been hiding something. Get ready for mystery, love, heartache, tears, strong women, hope, oh geez, just get ready for an emotional roller coaster!!

Must read

Seriously I think this is the best book I have ever read. It is perfect. Witty dialogue. Great friendships. Amazing relatives. Suspense. Romance. Hot sex. Engaging plot. Worth 100 stars not just 10. This is the perfect ending to the Honor and Zeke love story that has been building throughout the series. Well done Sarah O'Rourke

Wonderful book to finish out the four sisters stories!!!

This series about small town America is great! Four orphaned sisters, raised by an eccentric aunt and uncle make for interesting times. Honor, the youngest is destined to be loved by the sheriff, Zeke, and this is a love story to be cherished! The books are best read in order, but this is a highly recommended finale.

Finally! Zeke & Honor!

Zeke has been in love with Honor for 6 long, harrowing years. Honor, denies that love at every possible angle. She thinks that shes unlovable, too broken and tainted for a love like Zeke's. Shes convinced that she will never be able to have any type of physical relationship with him and that he will get fed up and leave. Apparently she doesn't know Zeke too well after all. Can Honor and Zeke overcome each others past regrets and demons to fight for what they both -deep down- want. This is my confession: At times I did find Honor pretty frustrating. Insanely so. Especially in the way she treated Zeke. In my opinion - although a bit winded and drawn out - this was an excellent story for Honor and Zeke and I would absolutely recommend it.

Great book!

Man of Honor (Passion in Paradise) is the fourth book in the series by Sarah O'Rourke. I was really looking forward to this book. It had me from the beginning and I couldn't put it down. The characters were well written and had me on an emotional roller coaster. I highly recommend Man of Honor. You won't be disappointed.

LOve Zeke and Honor

This the book I was waiting on Honor and Zeke book.. Loved how patience he was with her but he mad me mad when he was trying to make her faces her past loved that he was there for her though it all .. He loved her past and present and future glad they have there happiness.. Hope she writes a book about Ice and Maggie soon..She is one now favorite Author's...

A woman with a tragic past and the man who loves her

Dealing with rape is difficult and sensitive. Learning to live and love again is a struggle. Going through the process with those who love you helps more than one can know. Learning to accept the help and love offered is precious. The story is difficult to read and harder to put down. For anyone who struggled with great pain and loss. Well- written with a sensitive touch.

A great series

I stumbled on this author and fell in love with the series. Her writing is plain, gritty but shows loving relationships. I wish I had a crazy family like this. This author is. Ow in my favorites pile. I intend reading all about these crazy wonderful people.

And this book is my favorite among the Passion in Paradise series

WOW!!! This book made me an emotional wreck! I cried and laughed on this book - but mostly cried though.. From the start up to the last.. And this book is my favorite among the Passion in Paradise series. Zeke and Honor's story will leave you wanting more! LOVED IT!!!! For me, everything is GREAT!


Oh my god this was an amazing story. I usually don't write reviews because I am not very good. But I had to let you know that this was awesome. I have truly roughed all the sisters but Honor was amazing. Thank you again for this wonderful series. There are not enough stars. Can't wait to see what is next.


This was the story I wanted the most! I new it was going to strip me down and build me back up and I was right. If you haven't read this series you are truly missing some great stories and characters. I don't want to say goodbye to these girls so I'm really hoping for more, fingers crossed.

A MUST read for Paradise fans!

I can't believe it's over! Hoping there are more Paradise stories out there! I will hunt them down! So many emotions with this book, but the strongest is the determination both Zeke and Honor showed. Such strength! A great emotional roller coaster.


Zeke and honor. Wow. I really enjoyed these characters. He was a hot, protective alpha. And she was In need of a hot, protective alpha. And bingo... I loved this book!!!!

Honor and Zeke.... Oh My!!

You will laugh, cry and laugh some more. This was the hardest one to read because it dealt with what happened to Honor. All 4 of the books rate 5 stars in my book, too bad I couldn't rate this one higher.

Five Stars

This is my favorite book in this Series

love, and family

I was given a free copy for an honest review. Honor is broken by the past, devastated and in deep. Zeke loves her fiercely and fights for her but he needs her to start fighting for herself and their connection, love, and family. The 4th book in the Series and we get to meet all of the previous characters and their development. All good things come to those who wait? or is it to late for Zeke and Honor? Can horrors from the past be overcome?


Finally some happiness for zeke and honor! It was a long time coming but I'm glad I read the entire series.

This book was AMAZING!!

This book was AMAZING!!! I was looking forward to Zeke and Honor's story. It was well worth the wait! Can I move to Paradise please?!


Great plot abd characters. Good a few mistakes but nothing you couldn't ignore and still love the story. Will read it again.

Great series wrap up

O'Rourke has penned a great finale to the McKinnon Sisters series. I was very interested to see Zeke and Honor come together for their HEA. This story does not disappoint. The suspenseful plot combined with the steamy love scenes make this the best novel in the series. I recommend this book to fans of the genre.

Romantic, Anxious, Tearful and Splendid All Wrapped Up In One!

Amazing finale for this family series. Gripping and sweet. A few tears shed and smiles too. Loved it!

The mystery is finally solved!

I didn't see the ending coming at all! I loved watching Honor heal and finally grow into herself as a woman. This whole town seems to come full circle with each book. Can I pack up and move here?

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