Mama's Boy: A Story from Our Americas

Kindle Edition
29 Apr
This heartfelt, deeply personal memoir explores how a celebrated filmmaker and activist and his conservative Mormon mother built bridges across today’s great divides—and how our stories hold the power to heal.

Dustin Lance Black wrote the Oscar-winning screenplay for Milk and helped overturn California’s anti–gay marriage Proposition 8, but as an LGBTQ activist he has unlikely origins—a conservative Mormon household outside San Antonio, Texas. His mother, Anne, was raised in rural Louisiana and contracted polio when she was two years old. She endured brutal surgeries, as well as braces and crutches for life, and was told that she would never have children or a family. Willfully defying expectations, she found salvation in an unlikely faith, raised three rough-and-rowdy boys, and escaped the abuse and violence of two questionably devised Mormon marriages before finding love and an improbable career in the U.S. civil service.

By the time Lance came out to his mother at age twenty-one, he was a blue-state young man studying the arts instead of going on his Mormon mission. She derided his sexuality as a sinful choice and was terrified for his future. It may seem like theirs was a house destined to be divided, and at times it was. This story shines light on what it took to remain a family despite such division—a journey that stretched from the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court to the woodsheds of East Texas. In the end, the rifts that have split a nation couldn’t end this relationship that defined and inspired their remarkable lives.

Mama’s Boy is their story. It’s a story of the noble quest for a plane higher than politics—a story of family, foundations, turmoil, tragedy, elation, and love. It is a story needed now more than ever.

Reviews (85)

Six Stars Please!

What an amazing book! I don’t know where to start for this review. First of all, Lance Black is an excellent writer. I know he’s primarily a screenwriter but I am sure he would make an excellent novelist. He has an easy style that conveys emotion and events well. This is his autobiography in a way but it’s really the story of his strong, resilient and steadfast mother - an amazing woman, to say the least. If you really want to know the essence of this book, go to page 49, read the last paragraph of Chapter 3. It encapsulates everything. If you want to know the promise of this book, go to page 303, read the last paragraph of Chapter 19. It resonates determination and resolve. I am a prolific reader. Surprisingly though, few books really touch me. This one certainly did. Needless to say, I HIGHLY recommend this book. It will take you on a journey filled laughter, pride and, unfortunately a few tears as well.

Dammit, Lance! You’re making me cry in so many public places!

Yesterday, balling my eyes out on a Minneapolis to LaGuardia flight. Today, weeping in the lobby of a hotel in Manhattan. If my physical reaction to Mama’s Boy isn’t a ringing endorsement, I don’t know what is? This is an important story about families. Yes, families are complicated and generally f###d up, but they are also are our source of strength and purpose. Families are the fabric of our lives — good and bad — and this book is an opportunity for all of us to reflect, laugh, and yes, cry, when reflecting on our families. This is not only an enjoyably-written book, but an important one that everyone should experience. Bravo!

Bravo, Lance!

A lovely, loving tribute to the author’s mom + a gay Mormon coming of age story + a short history of the gay marriage struggle = a wonderful first book. The author is VERY candid about his family and his growing up, so I would have loved an additional chapter on his relationship with Tom, but I guess every author needs to hold a little back for the next book (get to writing, Lance).


I’m not sure I can put into words what Lance’s story means to me. Everything that he and his family went through and not only did they not give up, they worked so hard to overcome and be more than dirt poor farmers and disabled Americans who gave up trying. Lance’s life is inspiring and I know that this book can change the views of so many and help others work to create bridges with those that mean so much to them.

Honest, Thoughtful

Finished this book last evening. My best read so far this year. Honest, personal, Black pens a great narrative, giving insight to why he sees the world the way he does. I've used the film, MILK, in class for several years and found the background to his writing the screenplay particularly interesting. His relationship with his mother is poignant, causing the reader to ponder their own relationships. At the end, I felt like I knew his mom intimately. Remarkable work here. Recommend to all.

Just 15% into the book...WOW!

...and I normally don't write a review of a book until I am finished, as well as being selective of the books I review, however, this book has grabbed me from page 1 and hasn't let up. Dustin is a wonderful writer, of screenplays as well (I have seen 'Milk' as well as other projects he has been involved with). The story of his mother's growing up in the South is tough to read, yet heartfelt and inspiring. I cannot wait to pick up the book so I can read more; unfortunately, my work, even from home during this time of COVID-19, keeps me busy most of the day. Cannot wait for this holiday weekend when I hope to finish it.

great read for the first half......

Wonderful and heartfelt first half, then it gets boring and slow while we go from date to date of the fight for marriage equality in the courts....kind of listing many names and dates. But once we get through all that and get back to the actual lives of the people, it gets interesting again. I WISH we could have heard more about the author's love life/romance, etc. We learn a lot about his mom's love life and men, but since this is a coming out type book, I wanted to hear about the actual relationships the author experienced, other than just "we met and he is my boyfriend".

A book that can make you a better person...

This book is incredibly moving. I cried too many times to count. It’s also technically wonderful, an extremely well written book where each incident is framed by the storyteller’s gift. Black is an expert at building suspense, thwarting the reader’s expectations, and punchlines. The book consequently reads ultra-fast, a riveting story that races across clean, impeccably organised writing. I found it very difficult to stop reading. On the other hand, reading too much left me emotionally overwrought—in need of a nap or a weeping session, or in the grips of brutal introspection. But it’s pain that teaches. This is a book for now, for everyone. There’s ample opportunity for quality self-recrimination throughout the book as your own life is exposed under the bright lights of Lance’s mother’s gaze, her struggles, her perseverance and victories. When this book is over, you will know this person and she very likely will change you. You will definitely respect her and you will never forget her for the rest of your life. Dustin Lance Black has given us the gift of meeting his mother, and by so doing, a story that can change lives.

Mr Black Spun The Yarn.

I simply have not enough superlatives for Mr Dustin Lance Black and his story telling. This book had me smiling, laughing and bawling. Then I just wanted to jump in and hug. Yes Mr Black took me on a youney where he told me about his fantastic and strong mom, his childhood, his brothers and I even got a feeling of being WHERE Mr Black were... Yes, I am not going to spill anything... I am just elling you to go get til book. and do yourself a favor -- get the audiobook where Mr Black tickles your ears himself. Five stars are not enough.

An amazing read for polio survivors!

A friend of mine saw a newspaper article about MAMA'S BOY and gave it to me because the author had a mom who had polio. It sounded interesting, but from the review I had no idea how much of this story would be about her and her equally remarkable story. She had polio when she was 2, and lived at Warm Springs away from her family for 10 years. From there, her care was taken over by the Shriner's who did corrective surgery. So after 12+ years, she finally got to go back home to her family and started on the amazing journey of her life. This was one of the most remarkable polio stories I have read, and I have read many and have been fascinated by them all. Also, members of my family are part of the LGBTQ community, so this book was extremely interesting in that area as well. It is an amazing read, and he really does focus on the point of how important it is to tell our stories and to listen to others' stories to build bridges to some common ground and understanding. I loved this book!

Six Stars Please!

What an amazing book! I don’t know where to start for this review. First of all, Lance Black is an excellent writer. I know he’s primarily a screenwriter but I am sure he would make an excellent novelist. He has an easy style that conveys emotion and events well. This is his autobiography in a way but it’s really the story of his strong, resilient and steadfast mother - an amazing woman, to say the least. If you really want to know the essence of this book, go to page 49, read the last paragraph of Chapter 3. It encapsulates everything. If you want to know the promise of this book, go to page 303, read the last paragraph of Chapter 19. It resonates determination and resolve. I am a prolific reader. Surprisingly though, few books really touch me. This one certainly did. Needless to say, I HIGHLY recommend this book. It will take you on a journey filled laughter, pride and, unfortunately a few tears as well.

Dammit, Lance! You’re making me cry in so many public places!

Yesterday, balling my eyes out on a Minneapolis to LaGuardia flight. Today, weeping in the lobby of a hotel in Manhattan. If my physical reaction to Mama’s Boy isn’t a ringing endorsement, I don’t know what is? This is an important story about families. Yes, families are complicated and generally f###d up, but they are also are our source of strength and purpose. Families are the fabric of our lives — good and bad — and this book is an opportunity for all of us to reflect, laugh, and yes, cry, when reflecting on our families. This is not only an enjoyably-written book, but an important one that everyone should experience. Bravo!

Bravo, Lance!

A lovely, loving tribute to the author’s mom + a gay Mormon coming of age story + a short history of the gay marriage struggle = a wonderful first book. The author is VERY candid about his family and his growing up, so I would have loved an additional chapter on his relationship with Tom, but I guess every author needs to hold a little back for the next book (get to writing, Lance).


I’m not sure I can put into words what Lance’s story means to me. Everything that he and his family went through and not only did they not give up, they worked so hard to overcome and be more than dirt poor farmers and disabled Americans who gave up trying. Lance’s life is inspiring and I know that this book can change the views of so many and help others work to create bridges with those that mean so much to them.

Honest, Thoughtful

Finished this book last evening. My best read so far this year. Honest, personal, Black pens a great narrative, giving insight to why he sees the world the way he does. I've used the film, MILK, in class for several years and found the background to his writing the screenplay particularly interesting. His relationship with his mother is poignant, causing the reader to ponder their own relationships. At the end, I felt like I knew his mom intimately. Remarkable work here. Recommend to all.

Just 15% into the book...WOW!

...and I normally don't write a review of a book until I am finished, as well as being selective of the books I review, however, this book has grabbed me from page 1 and hasn't let up. Dustin is a wonderful writer, of screenplays as well (I have seen 'Milk' as well as other projects he has been involved with). The story of his mother's growing up in the South is tough to read, yet heartfelt and inspiring. I cannot wait to pick up the book so I can read more; unfortunately, my work, even from home during this time of COVID-19, keeps me busy most of the day. Cannot wait for this holiday weekend when I hope to finish it.

great read for the first half......

Wonderful and heartfelt first half, then it gets boring and slow while we go from date to date of the fight for marriage equality in the courts....kind of listing many names and dates. But once we get through all that and get back to the actual lives of the people, it gets interesting again. I WISH we could have heard more about the author's love life/romance, etc. We learn a lot about his mom's love life and men, but since this is a coming out type book, I wanted to hear about the actual relationships the author experienced, other than just "we met and he is my boyfriend".

A book that can make you a better person...

This book is incredibly moving. I cried too many times to count. It’s also technically wonderful, an extremely well written book where each incident is framed by the storyteller’s gift. Black is an expert at building suspense, thwarting the reader’s expectations, and punchlines. The book consequently reads ultra-fast, a riveting story that races across clean, impeccably organised writing. I found it very difficult to stop reading. On the other hand, reading too much left me emotionally overwrought—in need of a nap or a weeping session, or in the grips of brutal introspection. But it’s pain that teaches. This is a book for now, for everyone. There’s ample opportunity for quality self-recrimination throughout the book as your own life is exposed under the bright lights of Lance’s mother’s gaze, her struggles, her perseverance and victories. When this book is over, you will know this person and she very likely will change you. You will definitely respect her and you will never forget her for the rest of your life. Dustin Lance Black has given us the gift of meeting his mother, and by so doing, a story that can change lives.

Mr Black Spun The Yarn.

I simply have not enough superlatives for Mr Dustin Lance Black and his story telling. This book had me smiling, laughing and bawling. Then I just wanted to jump in and hug. Yes Mr Black took me on a youney where he told me about his fantastic and strong mom, his childhood, his brothers and I even got a feeling of being WHERE Mr Black were... Yes, I am not going to spill anything... I am just elling you to go get til book. and do yourself a favor -- get the audiobook where Mr Black tickles your ears himself. Five stars are not enough.

An amazing read for polio survivors!

A friend of mine saw a newspaper article about MAMA'S BOY and gave it to me because the author had a mom who had polio. It sounded interesting, but from the review I had no idea how much of this story would be about her and her equally remarkable story. She had polio when she was 2, and lived at Warm Springs away from her family for 10 years. From there, her care was taken over by the Shriner's who did corrective surgery. So after 12+ years, she finally got to go back home to her family and started on the amazing journey of her life. This was one of the most remarkable polio stories I have read, and I have read many and have been fascinated by them all. Also, members of my family are part of the LGBTQ community, so this book was extremely interesting in that area as well. It is an amazing read, and he really does focus on the point of how important it is to tell our stories and to listen to others' stories to build bridges to some common ground and understanding. I loved this book!

One Amazing Journey....

My mom was just operated on for breast cancer and this book has kept me company through the many doctors appointments and discussions we have had. Lance has told a story that is at once a continuing journey to keep his promise and a barn-door opening story of personal courage. I have become an ardent fan of his, Tom and Robbie and will long as If to see this story told in movie form. Thank You Lance for helping get me through such a trying time.

Mama's Boys

This has been one of the most heart warming tributes to a mother so deserving. I also was lucky to have a southern mother. Our lives when it comes to family are unbelievably similar but aren't all southern family's similar. The work done on Prop8, there are no word to thank you. Dustin Lance Black is a mamas boy and a dam good one. Lance Young.

All about Ryan.

A touching memoir, less political than the subhead leads you to believe. Chapter 11 page 171, defines what’s so great about this book in the fabulous character, Ryan Elizalde.


This book tells the phenomenal story of a woman who despite all the odds seemingly stuck against her, defied all the naysayers in spectacular fashion. Her optimism, love for family and sacrifice for her children are awe inspiring. Dustin is an amazing story teller. He managed to add humor to a difficult story, providing relief for the full on snotty tears you’ll cry reading this incredible book. I laughed, cried but most of all was inspired to stand up for something bigger than myself. Highly recommend!

Outstanding read!!

This book was so enlightening and impossible to put down. I became familiar with this author through his now husband's stories on YouTube and I was thrilled to see that he had written about his life to this point and couldn't wait to read the book. I literally was spellbound by his storytelling. I laughed and I cried but mostly I was in awe of what pain and suffering he went through which has made him the caring and loving person he is today. I love seeing his story unfold and hope to watch his little Robbie Ray grow and bring Lance and Tom the joy they deserve.

Beautifully written memoir

Couldn't put this book down. I was captivated by Black's style of storytelling and the power of his message. A very timely read that I recommend for anyone who's up to the emotional and moving journey through the book.

A must read!📖🏳️🌈

Amazing story, very well written. Couldn’t put it down. Mr. Black shares a genuine, compelling story of challenge, heartache, and true love. A must read for anyone seeking to accept and embrace difference and support others on their journey.


This is the most moving book I have ever read! I feel like I met and grew to love Lance’s mother. An awesome story and incredible journey not of fiction but of truth. A must read you will find it difficult to but the book down.

Must read autobiography

Very well told autobiography. His family background was fascinating. At first I didn’t like the name of the book but then I realized what beautifully, positive qualities he got from his mother.

This is a great read.

I didn’t know much about Lance Black, except for stories in the press and social media. I now have a profound respect for him and all that he’s accomplished and encouraged other to accomplish. His memoir is filled with great stories, both joyful and sad. There is a continuous thread of courage from beginning to ending. And he got the son he always wanted.

Truly an American story.

A story not to be missed. Take the time to read it all, especially the epilog. Take it to heart that we all need the force of those opposed to us to make use better, and for that matter to make our country better.

Brilliant and amazing!!!!

This is one of the best books I have ever read. Growing up as a Utah Mormon ( now former), and with many friends and relatives who are lesbian or gay ( and a HUGE lover of Big Love- because I also have many friends who are polygamists), this book is a master piece of the complexities of relationships and how truly we are all one. KUDOS Lance!!! I hope to shake your hand one day!!

Wonderful, uplifting read.

A well written feel good memoir. So happy I read it, especially in this toxic political environment.


I wish there were 10 stars. This book is just staggering. I could not stop reading. It is a brilliant, touching and important story about a mama and her son. Grab it. You will not put it down!

Great read!

I loved this book from the beginning to the end. Being a Mama’s Boy myself I found the book very relatable. Dustin Lance Black is a huge inspiration to me!

I laughed. I cried. I found courage and strength

I’m forever grateful for this book. In these divisive times, “Mama’s Boy” showed me that our differences are what connect us. Dustin has this amazing, innate ability to draw us in and make us feel the struggles and triumphs he and his mom hard experienced. I just loved this book and can go on and on for days. Thank you Dustin for writing this book.

I Can’t Put This Book Down!

I saw the author interviewed this morning and bought the book. It’s so well written and such a riveting read. I love this book and will be staying up late to finish it.

A must read

A book that will open eyes and build bridges if just read. Heartfelt and captivating . I could not put it down.

Great read

Lance Black is a writer, a story teller, an honest voice. The story of his life so far is illuminating and inspirational.

I wished it wouldn't end!

It wasn't so much a memoir as a tribute to the power of live, honest authenticity and story telling. I loved every moment and struggled with seeing it come to an end!

no book has ever made me cry so much

I cried almost every chapter.So happy I finished.So sad I finished.Gives me hope we can get through our current trials.

Great read

I loved this book!

Beautifully Emotional

I have followed Lance and Tom for years. Lance has made his mom so proud with this book - and everything else he has done. I laughed, cried, and identified with his Mom/Lancer relationship and losing his rock. Can’t wait to see what’s next!!

Touched me; no not that way...

I’ve never read anything that totally matched my life; minus the beautiful Tom Daley of course! Southern manly bi sexual here and totally get all the timeline! What a great tribute to your mother!

A Must Read!

This book is Amazing! Keep your tissues close and be prepared to keep reading. You will not want to put this book down. I had to force myself to go to sleep, but I wanted to keep reading! ♥️

Triumph and tragedy but love throughout

A book of triumph and tragedy with love overcoming all. I couldn’t put it down through cries and laughter.

Reading this heartwarming story involvessmiling, laughing and crying!

Such a well written, beautiful, and personal story. I related to so much in the book, which led to lots of smiling and tears. Thanks for putting it out into the universe!

Best book ever

This book is incredible, well written, and very readable. I spent late nights reading as I wanted to keep going on to next paragraph.


Like this book Dustin lance black a talented author and director

Touching family stories

Justin Lance blacks book paints a vivid picture of a mother who was never willing to settle for being disabled. Or for judgments of others about her and her family. That family turns out to be quite remarkable

Must Read!

An important book to read. Especially during these times. Dustin Lance Black is an extraordinary writer and I wish I could give this book more than 5 stars! Absolutely a must read!

His mother was a goddess disguised as a flawed mortal

Little did I know the gay Olympian hero that is Dustin Lance Black. Brace yourselves for a marathon read, you'll not want to put it down (or finish). The story of his life reads like a legend.

Tissues needed

Amazing storytelling- I laughed and cried (sometimes simultaneously). Beautifully written and heart-wrenching; I became so involved with the story that I read it in one sitting.

A Good Read

Very good book. Excellent writer.

Riveting from start to finish

This book is so good. Dustin Lance Black was meant to be a writer. He made me laugh and cry. His mom’s story is so compelling. She was such a tough woman.

This book will help you relate to other people different from yourself

I loved this book it is so real and very emotional, relatable and relevant in today's world.


Loved this book

An Absolute Must Read!

Amazing storyteller, incredible story. Thank you for sharing, Lance!

Great read!

Love this book!

Heartbreaking and inspiring, a must read!

Dustin Lance Black has penned a beautiful tribute to his family’s journey and resilience. He is the Oscar winning screenwriter of Milk, an LGBT activist and was instrumental in the Supreme Court case that led to marriage equality. His visioning around diversity and inclusion within and outside of the LGBT community is inspiring for anyone who believes in equality. This book is a beautiful tribute to a family’s journey and resilience. I knew the book would read well and it does, but I wondered why an Oscar winning writer would center a memoir about his mom and not solely focus on his journey. Within a few pages I knew...without her story there is no story. She is inspiring in her journey and her unfailing courage fueled her family. The author beautifully captures this in an amazing memoir that subtly evolves into the parallels of “two America’s”. One rooted in the conflicting complexities of the South including family, religious expections, history and politics and the other in the restrictive and encumbered freedoms of an LGBT community on the precipice of continuing a fight for equality that started brewing decades prior and still continues in society.

An absolutely touching tribute to Lance's mother!

Dustin Lance Black's Mama's Boy: A Story from Our Americas is an absolutely superb memoir. To say that Lance's mom was a bad ass superhero is an understatement. Her life, strength, and determination were all remarkable. I am in awe of her! Lance wonderfully demonstrates his mother's courage and strength, while also digging into the flaws of the Mormon church. As a former Mormon, Lance of course delves into his experiences with the church. This part is so damn tough to read at times. As many gay ex-Mormons have said, the Mormon church suffocates it's LGBT youth. It's devastating to read yet another example of the pain and suffering a kid had to endure in the name of religion. My heart breaks for young Lance, who at the age of 6, knew his growing feelings for boys were wrong. Lance holds no bars with his retelling of the abuse he and his family endured. And I was shocked to learn about the Mormon church's issues with law enforcement. It is abhorrent, and morally vile. I already felt so much hate for the Mormon church, but this definitely added to my anger. As I've sensed from following Lance and his speeches, family is definitely everything for him, when he was young and now as a husband and father. This book expertly explores his connection with his family. What makes this story so special is the fact that Lance's life is full of interesting experiences, both good and bad. But what makes it accomplished is the manner in which he develops this book. A natural storyteller, he finds the perfect pace, the perfect words, and the perfect flow for telling his life story. Lance's past is full of physical pain, and a whole lot of self hatred. There are many tough moments, suicidal thoughts, and just trying to survive life when he thought himself to be a demon. If you are a fan of Lance and have followed his speeches, some are things you will already know. But there are plenty of other things that are new to his most steadfast of fans. A couple of special things I take away from this book are personal to Lance and his mom. The cover photo represents an important moment in their lives and relationship. And, to learn that both mother and son fell in love with a much younger man just seems so special to me. Mama's Boy: A Story from Our Americas is a beautiful, touching memoir. It's a tale of abuse, fear, and danger. However, at it's heart it's a story of courage and strength, full of hope and love. I highly recommend this book to everyone!

This is a book that NEEDS to be read

Dustin Lance Black has a real gift with words and perspective. I teared up and downright wept more times than I care to count. At its heart, it is a book about bridging what divides us. It acknowledges the painful realities that create seemingly insurmountable chasms between us. It doesn't shy away from the disappointment or the pain. It doesn't pretend anything is easy. And then it shows how successful bridges have been built and can be built. And though it's highly situational and nothing is meant as a blueprint for future success, there is just so much hope that rings out from his stories. So much beauty and love and faith. I have to admit that it resonated with me more than it probably will for many, because my story overlaps in so many key ways with Lance's, and because empathy is at my core. I hope that many will approach this book with the open heart it deserves and requires, and be changed by it.

Dustin Lance Black's Blind Spot

Mama’s Boy recounts the struggles of Dustin Lance Black, the Oscar-winning screenwriter for Milk, to reconcile conflicts with his Mormon faith, his mother, and an unforgiving Texas culture. Given the title, Black spends most of the book describing the challenges his mother faced with polio and three husbands. He clearly views his Mom as a saint who challenged him to become an activist fighter for what is right. But the book fails as an interesting read in spending so much time on Anne, his mother. Yes, we can appreciate that he loves her, that he values the choices she made in life, but any objective reader is going to see that her stubbornness often led to more hurdles than necessary. Black tells us that he had to write this book to share his mother’s story. But he should have realized that most readers who come to this book are looking for more about him, his self-reflection on his path to success, and the way the current divisiveness in the country may threaten some of the progress on marriage equality we thought was ensured. Black writes well, but at the end of it, you know so much about his mother and so little about what’s in his head.

Touching, optimistic, and compelling - I promise

I saw the author being interviewed on Morning Joe and felt compelled to read his book. He seemed genuine and had a story I wanted to hear. (My daughter was also asking if there was something I’d like for Mother’s Day, so I read the first couple pages on Amazon, and asked for Mama’s Boy.) Wow! I laughed and cried, and just finished this lovely and loving tribute to a woman who nurtured and inspired so many through her life, and now through this book. Thank you for sharing this story of a family struggling through adversity, fighting well, and thriving with the love and support of family and friends. I highly recommend this story.


Mama's Boy is written with flair, wit, and passion. It is a heartfelt tale of one man's life, but also of all the people who contribute in some fashion to that life, not the least of which is his mother. When gay men can write autobiographies and then get a big publisher to actually print the book, that's progress. When even little people like me read it, well, that's to my benefit! I am not an Academy Award winner married to an Olympian, but then again, I am married to the man of my dreams, so I have my award too!

Inspirational, Heartfelt and so Relevant

Lance is an amazing story-teller and this book is no exception. Learning what his family has overcome is inspiring offers hope that maybe in this current world divided by politics, that we can learn how to build bridges and come together for a common good much like Lance and his mother were able to do. His use of word's paints an eloquent picture of how it must have been and makes it that much more remarkable that they overcame all they did. Roseanne is an amazing woman and what a lovely memoir he has written about her.


This is an amazing story, told by an amazing writer. Gripping. The pictures included with each chapter made it so very real. Just wish I had known there were titles for the pictures in an index in the very back of the book! I will recommend reading this book to everyone I know. It's stunning to see the progress being made in America in my lifetime. This book is very healing to our culture - at the right time!


What a masterpiece this book is on so many levels . First, it is well written. Then the characters are examples of superb human beings. What it means to live worthwhile lives in the face of such adversities is and should be an example to all. A major work about personal achievement, political achievement, societal evolution and achievement. Well, very well done! Thank you!

A beautiful moving story I’m so glad I read

This was a wonderfully written beautiful story of Lance’s love for his mother, who absolutely deserved it. She was an incredibly strong woman who never gave up. Through my tears she reminded me so much of my own mother. This is also Lance’s of how he came to feel good about being gay and how he used his incredible talent in film and fighting for gay rights.

A Beautiful Journey of Love

An astonishingly beautiful read! I cried tears of laughter, resilience, and pain. The final scenes with Marcus had me crying in the dentist office, and not caring one bit about it. Aptly named, Mama's Boy is a story about a son's love for his mother, how her upbringing affected his, and how they continued to grow in life and love. I loved every bit of it!

A powerful can't put down read

DLB has written a powerful, moving, and inspiring book that I couldn't put down. I cried ( a lot), laughed, and was just in awe of this beautifully written story of their life. This book truly is the love letter to his mother as he has said.

Absolutely incredible!

Saying that this is an amazing piece of work doesn't do it justice. This is one of the most insightful and well written pieces I've encountered. Through each chapter, a new lesson is taught. Whether it be around acceptance, or the importance of family values and all it entails. The story of Anne and the impact she made show that despite the most difficult circumstances, each of us owe it to ourselves and each other to foster our inner strength and make a difference in the world. I HIGHLY recommend it.

Avoid the audiobook version

The story I enjoyed. However, the audio book caused me to cringe often with the overly dramatic readings. It was a bit much...I would recommend the book and avoid the audiobook on this one

One of the best books I have ever read

I don't know that I can add much to what other readers have already said. Just wanted to add my voice saying how wonderful this book is. Gut-wrenching and very emotional at times. Well-worth the read.

Not to be cliche but you will laugh and cry so much reading this book

I couldn’t put it down! From page one I was transfixed by the story of Black’s mother and how much of a fighter she was. I also like that the book never gets preachy about how to believe or behave. I am now harassing every person I know to read it.

Such a wonderful book!

I loved this book! It was moving, inspirational, heart-wrenching and everything in between. I love memoirs and this one now ranks in my top favorites, probably my #1. I think it’s especially beneficial for those in the LDS faith to read!


Ranked a 10 on my personal reading list for 2019. An extremely well-written, amazing story for all "Americas". Black weaves a powerful and inspiring memoir from which we can all learn.

Such a beautiful story

This book is so skillfully written. Lance Black is a master storyteller. His writing flows with honest emotion & optimism as he expertly weaves his mother's story in with his own tightly as he pays trubute to her, his hero, all the while downplaying his own hero status. He masterfully uses history, memories, honest analysis & deep feelings to tell this fascinating and very moving story. I cried, I cheered, I laughed, I empathized and ultimately ended up in awe of Lance and his whole family. This book is not only a touching tribute to an inspiring, strong woman, but is also a hero's tale.

Beautiful story and great writings

This book is ideal if you want to dive deep into the relationship between a son and a mother that grew up in a very religious environment.. How the son, Lance, discover his sexuality and how this could affect the relationship with the mother. It's a real and intense story, en eye-opener of situations that are pretty common even now a day! Hightly recommended

A brilliant memoir

This is a fantastic memoir - full of pain and hope. It's truly gorgeous.

Storytelling als Weg

Ich weiß nicht, wie bekannt Dustin Lance Black in Deutschland ist - ich bin über Instragram auf ihn gestoßen und habe mittlerweile viele Videos von Vorträgen von ihm auf Youtube gesehen, die mich unglaublich angesprochen und inspiriert haben. Da war es selbstverständlich sofort sein Buch zu ordern - und ich bin tief berührt, herausgefordert und beeindruckt von seiner (Lebens-)Reise + all das, was er mit Leidenschaft + Hingabe erreicht hat. Geschichten verändern Leben, nicht Konfrontationen - oft sein Fazit in Vorträgen und nun in aller Ausführlichkeit im Buch. Eine der Schlüsselszenen mit den Freunden und seiner Mutter nach seinem Coming Out verursacht mir immer noch Gänsehaut. Ich wünsche mir mehr dieser "Brücken" in Deutschland und mehr Menschen, die von ihm inspiriert werden. Danke für dieses Buch!

A book worth reading

Wasn't expecting much of this book but it definitely inspired me and touch my heart, made me connect once more withy true self and think about what really life is about. You have to read it!

Dustin's writing is as fancy as he is

Many people already know that Dustin Lance Black is an acclaimed writer who won an Oscar for the script of 'Milk'. I decided to read his book looking for advice of how to succeed as a writer. Dustin's life is a lesson in itself. I strongly recommend this book!

Heartwrenching and honest

Absolutely lovely written. A story told from the heart and never tedious or boring to read. DLB has a unique way of expression, it's fabulous. 100% recommended read!

He's more than a Mumas Boy - Tissues required.

I just love Lance and Tom too what an amazing read. Grab the tissues.

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