Mainlining Philly: Survival, Hope, and Resisting Drug Addiction

Paperback – February 2, 2021
01 Feb
It's only 20 miles from the Mainline suburb of Philadelphia to the area known as Kensington, but it may as well be a world away. The Mainline is one of Philadelphia's most tony sections, famous for mansions and tennis courts and Princess Grace Kelley. Kensington is a decaying, poverty-stricken, drug-drenched blight, a place some can't escape, yet others escape to as they sink into a world of drugs and despair.Meeting Philadelphia native Dr. Geri-Lynn Utter, PsyD. for the first time, it would be easy to assume she's the product of the elite schools and glossy social life of the Mainline. But in fact, Geri-Lynn grew up in Kensington, her father and her mother both lifelong drug addicts. She saw firsthand the torment of addiction. The violence of the ""life."" The despair that there could be no way out except death by overdose.Mainlining Philly is the harrowing story of how Geri-Lynn survived the grim alleys of Kensington and became a respected mental health professional. Her unique insight into the nature of addiction gives her the tools to offer solutions to those addicted and the families who love them. At times terrifying, startling, and hilarious, Mainlining Philly is a ride on the wrong sides of the tracks that you won't be able to put down and you will never forget.

Reviews (49)

A page turner!!! A modern underdog story of someone who not only survives but Thrives!

This book was an incredible read! Anyone who is struggling to understand drug addiction, have overcome hard times or loves reading books that provide a perfect balance of memoir style and informative information - this book is for you! It takes you on a journey throughout the author's life of struggles- from her troubled upbringing in drug run Philadelphia to purging the negative patterns and vicious cycles in her genetics once and for all! One fact remains the same- she didn't succumb to the lifestyle choices that her family raised her in or her genealogy provided to her! Not only is it a real life Rocky story for the modern ages but the author explains how and why she didn't let her lineage decide her future with the perfect balance of her own real life experiences but also utilizes her knowledge as a doctor in the field to break down drug addiction with factual information and research to support the facts. In this day and age having children growing up in our world with so many people addicted to drugs is scary! This book provides some guidelines for how to talk to your children and steer them in a positive healthy direction, especially if addiction exists in your family. Not to mention- it was so amazing to read a book about the underdog coming from such diverse circumstances that not only survives but triumphs over life! I would highly recommend this book! I can't say it enough- read it! Finished it in a night because I couldn't put it down!

Shocking, Entertaining, Educational

Startling, riveting account of family addiction and criminal behavior in which one child stays clean and grows up to become a doctor of psychology, specializing in treating addiction. Her dangerous childhood, which reads like a fast-paced movie, will make you squirm, but you’ll come away learning a great deal about addiction (aided by an included short Addiction Handbook) and hopeful that determined children can overcome even the most dysfunctional childhoods and go on to live accomplished, prosperous lives.


WOW! Just wow!!! Knowing Gerri-Lynn personally, I would have never of thought she endured this much as a child. And to become who she is today due to her past is just absolutely amazing! I too come from a family of addiction, some have gone cold turkey and are clean 30+ years (my parents) some are doing well and some not so much (which hurts like hell 😢). I commend and appreciate Gerri-Lynn for opening up her life to the world, I imagine it was easy. I one I have battled with people saying it’s a choice and not a disease, I will ALWAY STAND MY GROUND THAT IT IS IN FACT A DISEASE! Educate yourself! READ THIS BOOK!!!!

A must read...a story of trials, perseverance and success!

Mainlining Philly is a must read for anyone who has a loved one struggling with addiction or anyone working in addiction, particularly for those who have parent(s) who are addicts. Follow along on Geri Lynns journey as she navigates life with both parents battling the insidious disease of addiction and how she persevered, refused to unleash the "monster" within and became a successful physician dedicating her life to helping those who battle the disease . She is an inspiration for all of those who have lost their way and may feel trapped in their own homes. She offers hope to all of us and has truly found a way to not have history repeat itself and is living a life many thought impossible! Kudos to you Geri Lynn and thank you for your bravery in sharing your personal story with us all! Maybe it will make more of us stop and help more people along the way, especially all the children growing up in this same situation.

Honest depiction of addiction and its impact on families

Dr. Utter writes a gut wrenching tale of growing up with addicted parents surrounded by a lifestyle of criminal activity. Yet she also does an amazing job highlighting the human side of people struggling with addiction rather than your typical sensationalized depiction. I found myself enthralled with the “characters” in this book who aren’t really characters but real life people who have shaped the author into the advocate and educator she is today. She is truly in a unique position to bring light to the current crisis plaguing many of our communities and loved ones. At the end of the book, she provides an explanation of current treatment trends that is easy to understand for readers who are not trained in the treatment of substance use disorders. Dr. Utter’s story provides hope to those who have experienced challenging upbringings and multiple traumas that they can come out on the other side to become a success story. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants insight into dealing with a loved one who is struggling with addiction.

Once you start you can’t put it down, amazing

As the Dominique to the story I can say myself I learned about 85-90% new information of my sisters life in this book. Things that made me cry, open my eyes and really appreciate the person that is Dr. Geri Lynn Utter. This book doesn’t just give story after story about her life and how she made it and wasn’t a statistic- it truly reals you in and opens your eyes about addiction. Education is so important and that’s something the book will keep reiterating, in a not so boring lecturing way. Dr. Geri lynn speaks from past trauma experiences and is completely vulnerable and showed you her life in a way where it’s not like you feel at another boring lecture from another person who thinks they know what’s up. That’s the amazing thing- she knows EXACTLY what’s up and she just wants to share that with anyone who’s willing to read. We can’t change the world if we continuously act ignorant to the drug problem in America and that’s what key in reading this book and you won’t even realize it till you’re done reading it. Take in the way you feel after the last page. It’s amazing.

A must read!!

What a page turner! You absolutely cannot put this book down. Mainlining Philly is an inspiring story about Dr. Geri Lynn Utter’s life and what made her into the person and clinician she is today. She has taken the leap of putting her story out there for the world to read. This book is there to teach you about addiction and how it impacts everyone involved. If you’re looking to understand the world of addiction, the struggles, and how it changes life this book is a must. If you want a lesson with out feeling like you’re being taught read this book you won’t regret it.

A must read!

I read this book in less than 4 hours. It puts your own life into perspective. Geri Lynn's passion for wanting to understand addiction without passing judgement is what this world needs! I hope kids and adults of all ages read this book to better understand what it's like living with someone who struggles with addiction and knows that it takes time, patience and unconditional love. Regardless of her parents' struggles, they believed in Geri Lynn and her father's words of wisdom had a large impact on her desire to succeed.

Could not put down!

I am not much of a reader. When I read a book it must capture and hold my attention right away. This book did that, I read it in 3 days. It was also my first kindle read. I could not put it down. I would recommend this book to everyone; addicts, family members, teenagers, doctors, teachers, etc. The opioid crisis is real and it is out of control. I am hopeful that some how we will over come this crisis one day, with the help of people like Dr. Utter!!

Need to Know

I chose a 5 star rating for "Mainlining Philly" because of the articulation and bravery of the author to share her life story. Ms. Godfrey explains the truth of the matter in no uncertain words. She truly allows the reader into her life experience. She also not only offers education about growing up among addicts and how it affected and still affects her but Ms. Godfrey also offers hope and understanding of the world of addiction. I know Geri-Lynn and I have always respected and admired her. She is living proof of tenacity, determination and love. Please, read this book.

A page turner!!! A modern underdog story of someone who not only survives but Thrives!

This book was an incredible read! Anyone who is struggling to understand drug addiction, have overcome hard times or loves reading books that provide a perfect balance of memoir style and informative information - this book is for you! It takes you on a journey throughout the author's life of struggles- from her troubled upbringing in drug run Philadelphia to purging the negative patterns and vicious cycles in her genetics once and for all! One fact remains the same- she didn't succumb to the lifestyle choices that her family raised her in or her genealogy provided to her! Not only is it a real life Rocky story for the modern ages but the author explains how and why she didn't let her lineage decide her future with the perfect balance of her own real life experiences but also utilizes her knowledge as a doctor in the field to break down drug addiction with factual information and research to support the facts. In this day and age having children growing up in our world with so many people addicted to drugs is scary! This book provides some guidelines for how to talk to your children and steer them in a positive healthy direction, especially if addiction exists in your family. Not to mention- it was so amazing to read a book about the underdog coming from such diverse circumstances that not only survives but triumphs over life! I would highly recommend this book! I can't say it enough- read it! Finished it in a night because I couldn't put it down!

Shocking, Entertaining, Educational

Startling, riveting account of family addiction and criminal behavior in which one child stays clean and grows up to become a doctor of psychology, specializing in treating addiction. Her dangerous childhood, which reads like a fast-paced movie, will make you squirm, but you’ll come away learning a great deal about addiction (aided by an included short Addiction Handbook) and hopeful that determined children can overcome even the most dysfunctional childhoods and go on to live accomplished, prosperous lives.


WOW! Just wow!!! Knowing Gerri-Lynn personally, I would have never of thought she endured this much as a child. And to become who she is today due to her past is just absolutely amazing! I too come from a family of addiction, some have gone cold turkey and are clean 30+ years (my parents) some are doing well and some not so much (which hurts like hell 😢). I commend and appreciate Gerri-Lynn for opening up her life to the world, I imagine it was easy. I one I have battled with people saying it’s a choice and not a disease, I will ALWAY STAND MY GROUND THAT IT IS IN FACT A DISEASE! Educate yourself! READ THIS BOOK!!!!

A must read...a story of trials, perseverance and success!

Mainlining Philly is a must read for anyone who has a loved one struggling with addiction or anyone working in addiction, particularly for those who have parent(s) who are addicts. Follow along on Geri Lynns journey as she navigates life with both parents battling the insidious disease of addiction and how she persevered, refused to unleash the "monster" within and became a successful physician dedicating her life to helping those who battle the disease . She is an inspiration for all of those who have lost their way and may feel trapped in their own homes. She offers hope to all of us and has truly found a way to not have history repeat itself and is living a life many thought impossible! Kudos to you Geri Lynn and thank you for your bravery in sharing your personal story with us all! Maybe it will make more of us stop and help more people along the way, especially all the children growing up in this same situation.

Honest depiction of addiction and its impact on families

Dr. Utter writes a gut wrenching tale of growing up with addicted parents surrounded by a lifestyle of criminal activity. Yet she also does an amazing job highlighting the human side of people struggling with addiction rather than your typical sensationalized depiction. I found myself enthralled with the “characters” in this book who aren’t really characters but real life people who have shaped the author into the advocate and educator she is today. She is truly in a unique position to bring light to the current crisis plaguing many of our communities and loved ones. At the end of the book, she provides an explanation of current treatment trends that is easy to understand for readers who are not trained in the treatment of substance use disorders. Dr. Utter’s story provides hope to those who have experienced challenging upbringings and multiple traumas that they can come out on the other side to become a success story. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants insight into dealing with a loved one who is struggling with addiction.

Once you start you can’t put it down, amazing

As the Dominique to the story I can say myself I learned about 85-90% new information of my sisters life in this book. Things that made me cry, open my eyes and really appreciate the person that is Dr. Geri Lynn Utter. This book doesn’t just give story after story about her life and how she made it and wasn’t a statistic- it truly reals you in and opens your eyes about addiction. Education is so important and that’s something the book will keep reiterating, in a not so boring lecturing way. Dr. Geri lynn speaks from past trauma experiences and is completely vulnerable and showed you her life in a way where it’s not like you feel at another boring lecture from another person who thinks they know what’s up. That’s the amazing thing- she knows EXACTLY what’s up and she just wants to share that with anyone who’s willing to read. We can’t change the world if we continuously act ignorant to the drug problem in America and that’s what key in reading this book and you won’t even realize it till you’re done reading it. Take in the way you feel after the last page. It’s amazing.

A must read!!

What a page turner! You absolutely cannot put this book down. Mainlining Philly is an inspiring story about Dr. Geri Lynn Utter’s life and what made her into the person and clinician she is today. She has taken the leap of putting her story out there for the world to read. This book is there to teach you about addiction and how it impacts everyone involved. If you’re looking to understand the world of addiction, the struggles, and how it changes life this book is a must. If you want a lesson with out feeling like you’re being taught read this book you won’t regret it.

A must read!

I read this book in less than 4 hours. It puts your own life into perspective. Geri Lynn's passion for wanting to understand addiction without passing judgement is what this world needs! I hope kids and adults of all ages read this book to better understand what it's like living with someone who struggles with addiction and knows that it takes time, patience and unconditional love. Regardless of her parents' struggles, they believed in Geri Lynn and her father's words of wisdom had a large impact on her desire to succeed.

Could not put down!

I am not much of a reader. When I read a book it must capture and hold my attention right away. This book did that, I read it in 3 days. It was also my first kindle read. I could not put it down. I would recommend this book to everyone; addicts, family members, teenagers, doctors, teachers, etc. The opioid crisis is real and it is out of control. I am hopeful that some how we will over come this crisis one day, with the help of people like Dr. Utter!!

Need to Know

I chose a 5 star rating for "Mainlining Philly" because of the articulation and bravery of the author to share her life story. Ms. Godfrey explains the truth of the matter in no uncertain words. She truly allows the reader into her life experience. She also not only offers education about growing up among addicts and how it affected and still affects her but Ms. Godfrey also offers hope and understanding of the world of addiction. I know Geri-Lynn and I have always respected and admired her. She is living proof of tenacity, determination and love. Please, read this book.

Great personal view of how addiction affects life and proof that addiction can be beat!

Great read, extremely interesting life from a clinical perspective! Definitely an interesting view that one does not typically get (in such detail) from the majority of the other addiction books on the market where usually lives are compressed into a single paragraph or statistic. This book tracks the life of a daughter whose family was hurt by addiction, how it impacted her life, and how the addiction transformed through different drug classes, relapse, and remission. Great job!

A True Page Turner

I picked up this book and literally did not put it down until I turned the final page. Geri-Lynn's childhood is unimaginable and just when you think her life can't get worse, it does. I admire her strength, courage and determination to not only survive her childhood, but also forgive those who were the cause of her pain and suffering. She is inspiring as a woman, mom, wife and overall person who has been able to reach success with so many obstacles in her way. This book reminds you never to judge a book by it's cover as you never know what someone is going through in their life.

A Must Read.

It was a very interesting story, I couldn't put it down. I give Geri Lynn all the credit in the world for all she has accomplished & for the wonderful life she's made for herself. I highly recommend this book because not only is it a riveting story but because thanks to her wonderful explanations you learn a lot about addiction.

An eye-opening story about how addiction affects those around them

Once I started reading Dr. Utter’s book, I couldn’t put it down! Dr. Utter takes you on a fascinating and heart-breaking journey as her family members spiral into the depths of substance abuse. Her remarkable story of growing up surrounded by addiction and facing obstacles at nearly every stage of life is riveting. This inspirational story gives you a first-hand look into how addiction affects others and how you can overcome the odds and rise to the top. This is a MUST READ!!

Unique view of the world of addiction

Mainlining Philly is a page turner that you won’t want to put down. This moving and touching story provides a glimpse of just how much addiction impacts those around someone afflicted with the disease most. Dr. Utter’s courageous story provides a unique view - growing up surrounded by addiction to later then become a psychologist and improve countless lives of those struggling with the disease. It is an inspiring example of overcoming difficult circumstances to achieve great things.

A powerful story about resilience and hope

Dr. Utter courageously shares a personal and incredible story of resilience and tenacity. Not only did she survive against the odds, in an environment that carved the path to drug-abuse, but was able to thrive, and dedicate her life to helping others. Easy to read, impossible to put down, this book will inspire, provide insight and hope, in a personal anecdote about family dynamics and drug abuse. A Must-Read to all.

A fascinating look into the world of addiction with an inspiring, true life lens.

Unbelievably, inspiring book about addiction and someone who witnessed it from a very close view for a very long time. This book was a great education on the disease of addiction including how it can begin and more importantly how it can be treated by everyone impacted by it.

A must read!

The incredible account of Dr Utter's backstory impressively gives an insightful glimpse into her life training to help and heal others going forward with compassion and empathy. Thank you for keeping your story and work real.

Must read

A great story about the struggle of growing up with parents who were addicted to drugs/alcohol and also struggled with mental illness. Couldn't put it down!! Your story will no doubt inspire and comfort others going through similiar situations. Thank you for sharing your story and advocating for those with addiction and mental illness Dr. Utter!

Absolutely amazing!

Picked it up and could not put it down! Amazing story about family, criminal activity and addiction. So raw and real, definitely worth the read! Geri's story deserves all the praise! Over coming what she went through and using it as a driving force to live an exceptional life in helping all those who struggle with addiction. Buy the book, you WILL NOT regret it!

Powerful & inspiring!

An extremely powerful story of growing up surrounded by addiction and beating the odds. Dr Geri Lynn Utter has an incredible story to tell, I couldn’t put this book down! Her personal insight and experience will reach and touch many people affected by this disease and discuss the proper ways to cope and heal. I highly recommend this book!

True life education on addiction from a child to adulthood

As a physician who treats addiction, I have been recommending this book to my patients. Dr Utter’s true life experience and her insight into her personal behavior and the people around her is a real eye opener both for those with addiction and for those without A true education into a very complex disease .

Entertaining and enlightening

Dr. Utter helps Americans understand the dynamics that propel the opioid crisis in a way that is down-to-earth and raw, intriguing and illuminating. As a psychologist of 50 years, i believe she has helped propel the discussion on what to do about this other deadly pandemic that affects every American.

An amazing read

An amazing read! This personal story of Dr. Utter’s life is so insightful and inspiring! Along with the scary story of Philadelphia area residents living with this drug epidemic so close to home. It really opened my eyes to the very difficult troubles we could all easily have to face .

Brand new vibe and outlook absolute must read

Absolutely eye opening gives the reader a front line perspective, education and new perspective....5stars.....captivating from start to finish...highly recommended for teens and older hope to those who most need it ....true heroine

Great Read!

I could not put this book down once I started it! What a painful , yet phenomenal, and successful story! Truly amazing!

Couldn't put it down! Great book

Great book! I couldn't put it down and read it in one sitting.

An amazing read!

Dr Jerry-Lynn Utter provides, not only an interesting read, but also personal and professional information uniquely combined for a big punch delivered in a small book. Her personal story, covered in the first chapters, is riveting and compelling and underlines her own resilience in the face of remarkable obstacles. She stresses the importance of family, friends, mentors, anyone who is able to touch that resilience and help it flourish... a difficult ask for any author but particularly for one tackling the subject of addiction. The last chapters provide important material for the professional or family/friends who are interested in a more in-depth look at causes of addiction and descriptions of treatments currently available. Particularly intresting, is her viewpoint that a 12 step approach, while the most common andtouted as the most succesful by many, is not the only path. Her positive message of survival, hope and resistance to addiction has to resonate with every reader. The field of addiction, as well as those living with or influenced by it, will certainly benefit from Dr. Utter's writing. Let's hope to hear more.

Incredible Story

Mainlining Philly shares a heartbreaking look at addiction from the child’s perspective. I’ve read stories and seen movies from the addict’s point of view, but reading about how the author struggled to grow up in the shadow of her parents’ disease was incredible and inspiring. Reading Mainlining Philly left me with a greater compassion and empathy for those who struggle with addiction and their family. This is an important read for anyone who wants to see life from a different perspective and gain a better understanding of how addiction can start.

Penetrating Account of the Impact of Addiction on a Family

The dark side of addiction is completely uncovered here through the eyes of a child to her maturity to womanhood. Dysfunction reigns supreme at every level of her life in riveting detail in harrowing accounts of her upbringing...that can’t help leave the reader both terrified and engrossed. It is demonstrative of how difficult life can be for not only those that succumb to this devastating disease but also those individuals intertwined in their lives.... Yet the book is also very bright as it speaks to the incredible human spirit the author embodies that has enabled her to rise above the negativity and mightily succeeded. It provides hope during this period of despair -so very welcome! While it is a quick read, it has haunted this reader and has continued to resonate even months later..Well worth your time....

An amazing story and a solid resource, too.

The author exudes authenticity and she tells her story that beautifully depicts the inherent love and bond that exists between child and their parents whether parents earn it or not. She's fiercely loyal to her addicted parents but determined to rise above the fray and simultaneously protect her little sister. Just making it out of high school would be a win for most kids but not this one. I also appreciate that beyond being inspiring, it offers great insight to anyone who has a parent, child or loved one battling addiction. Identifying it as a mid-brain disease rather than a "poor choice" is poignant. There's also plenty of medical info (the resource part) that makes this a must-read.

Inspirational book filled with saddness, loss, despare but filled with love, help and HOPE!

👍👍 Two thumbs up all the way. For anyone dealing with opioids; whether it be by using or watching a family member and/or friend struggling with this problem. It's a fantastic read that keeps you turning the page and not wanting to put it down! You can't help but feel for this poor woman and what she had to go thru and over come to break the cycle. Truly inspiring to know there are people like her shining a light in this world, who want to help and support anyone struggling to crawl out of the darkness. As a former opioid addict myself this book touched close to home with me. So in short.... READ THIS BOOK!!!

Unbelievably inspiring story of hope!!

Phenomenal book full of hope and real, raw emotion! As someone in long term recovery who grew up in a home full of addiction and chaos I could relate on SO many levels. I felt connected to the author, I could feel her pain. She didn’t choose the same path as I did. She was educated, focused and driven to be more and to do better. It was inspiring to know that regardless of your genetics or your upbringing you can still defy the odds, avoid the same pitfalls and encourage others to do the same. This is a MUST read for any and everyone!!!!

THANK YOU . Truly a great read.

Awesome book! For someone who also grew up around and in the addiction light the words written in the book truly spoke to me . It’s always nice to know I am not alone . I am not an addict however everyone around me are and i find myself in the middle of it all so thank you to DR UTTER for writing down the reality of growing up in a addicts world and how you beat the odds of not becoming an addict yourself just as I did . You truly inspired me to continue my career as I wanted to do for so long in becoming a counselor and specializing in the addiction 💜. Thank you thank you thank you

Interesting and entertaining read on how one can break the addiction cycle

With a family member that has battled substance abuse and mental health issues for years, I've read various books on how to help yourself and your loved one. I've often found these books to be unrelatable and for lack of a better word - boring. Mainlining Philly was not only one of the more helpful resources I've encountered but actually kept my attention - and even had me laughing in some parts - something we can all use on this journey. I found Dr. Utter's real-world insight helpful and relatable, much recommended.


Mainlining Philly is a thrill ride full of twists and turns and unforgettable characters. Problem is: it’s not fiction, it’s all true and beautifully tragic and uplifting, all in one read. Geri-Lynn describes in these hard-to-put-down pages the beauty of understanding and the knowledge that drug addiction is a long road full of wrong turns, potholes, and car crashes, but helping those with addiction navigate the journey with professional insight and compassion is critical to recovery for the whole family- those innocently harmed and those who harmed themselves.

Inspirational and educational read

I was drawn into this book from the moment I started reading. It’s such an amazing story of strength, hope, and resilience. Dr. Utter writes about the harrowing experiences of her youth in such a vivid and detailed way that I found myself transported into her world. In the end, Dr. Utter was able to not only break the cycle of addiction but also use her personal experiences and education to make a difference in the arena of addiction and mental health. A truly inspirational and educational read.

A new perspective of Kensington

An absolutely amazing story! You don't see many stories like this. A very unique twist with the 2 perspectives of the main character. Would recommend this to anyone.

Surviving a drug addicted family life

Stunning portrayal of a young girl living in a drug addicted family/town. Loved being on the journey with Geri-Lynn as she not only survives but thrives, choosing a different life from her parents. Her first hand knowledge of drug addiction, positions her to be a positive and driving force for those who seek help. Loved this book!

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