Magnetic Sponsoring: How To Attract Endless New Prospects And Team Members To You Automatically

Kindle Edition
29 Sep
Magnetic Sponsoring is unlike anything you've ever seen or read before when it comes to building a network marketing or MLM business.

This is NOT a book for people who want to follow the herd, or get average results handing out samples, holding home parties, or buying leads. It is for the few who want to become leaders in this industry. Who want to walk across the stage, and who want to earn 7-figures.

It is for those who would rather be the hunted than the hunter. Who prefer to work smarter, instead of harder. Who want to build a life-long business, instead of an opportunity, and for those who value truth over hype.

If you're tired of chasing your friends and family members, posting fliers on phone poles, cold calling leads, and handing out business cards, then Magnetic Sponsoring is exactly what you've been looking for.

In this book, I will teach you...

- How to get an endless number of prospects to call you, with credit card in hand ready to buy your product, or join your business.

- How to create a life-long business with zero competition.

- How to make income whether your prospects join your business or not.

- How to legitimately produce endless leads for free.

- How to create automated marketing systems that sell and recruit for you.

- How to sponsor top industry leaders instead of tire-kickers.

- How to become an Alpha man or woman that people respect and follow.

- How I used these strategies to make over $50 million online, and become the #1 Residual Income Earner in my opportunity.

Thank you for your leadership.

Reviews (208)

Great book overall but entire system is not implementable for the brand new marketer

I wish I had Magnetic Sponsoring 10 years ago. Then again, Mike Dillard didn't have the credibility and reputation 10 years ago that he has now. That leads me to mention one disappointing part of the book. On page 95, he gives an example of the "unquestionable proof" you must provide in your sales letters. What he fails to provide is advice for someone who doesn't have a track record or "unquestionable proof" of success. For example, what unquestionable proof did Mike Dillard provide in his FIRST sales letter? Of course people are going to take you seriously AFTER you sponsor 268 people in 12 months, even if your sales letter sucks. Another red flag that got my attention was the testimonials in the back of the book. Being that Magnetic Sponsoring was marketed and promoted for 9 years before the paperback was published, I expected some testimonials that provided that same "unquestionable proof" from people who applied what they learned and got specific results. Instead, none of the testimonials provided that. Most of them sounded like they were written by people who hadn't even finished reading the book yet. They thought it was good information but I wasn't looking for good information. I was looking for; "I did exactly what this program said to do and as a result...." That being said, I still gave it 5 stars because the first two chapters were worth more than the price of the book regardless of where I go from here. However, even after reading this book, I still don't know how to put together a self liquidating offer that will work for the new marketer.

I liked many of the ideas presented and plan to implement ...

Ill start by saying that this book was not what I expected. I still found it helpful but, again... not what I was expecting. I was under the impression that this was going to be more along the lines of a "how to prospect in REAL life" type of thing. Instead, this book was more about prospecting online while also setting up a new stream of income. I liked many of the ideas presented and plan to implement them in the future. But again, if you're looking for a book on prospecting for your network marketing business, this might not be the right fit.

Study it over and over....

My husband got me on to Mike Dillard years ago.....this is the book that started all variations of attraction marketing from those who studied from and worked with Mike. I'm not in network marketing, but the advice works for any business, especially as I've been growing my own service-based biz. Highly recommend this one. Read it, study it, use it over and over. You can't go wrong with this one.

Great intro to Network Marketing concepts

A great, no-nonsense, high-level overview of what network marketing is, and how to make it work. Nice price too if you're getting the e-book version. Take notes. This book will make you want to learn more about this method of marketing and you will discover just how relevant and applicable this concept is to almost every aspect of business, marketing and sales, especially in the digital age. Mike stresses integrity and this comes through in his writing. There are lame pyramid schemes, and then there are legitimate network marketing methods that deliver value. Huge difference. This book is the latter.

Mike's book is a different take on MLM and I liked that... But....

Decent. A couple of gems in there... Mike's book is a different take on MLM and I liked that... For me, could have used a little more actionable items... No reflection on Mike or MLM... Both are 5 stars for me. But, the book is a bit pricey and if it was $10 bucks I'd probably give it 4 stars. $10 bucks with actionable items I'd actually buy it for other people.

This book is essential for Network Marketers

Mike Dillard is definitely the pioneer in attraction marketing for network marketing. Leading with value and creating YOU INC. Is essential now days and really how you can build a successful home business without pestering everyone with in three feet of you and of course family. You really need to read this book if your serious about building a successful home business with the residual income you really strive for. Mike's incite and experiences have been mimicked by numerous affiliate programs out there for network marketers. And for good reason everything in this book is pure gold. I've read it twice and I'll continue to read it many times over. Head on over to to see what he's taught me.

Mike lays down the basic idea of success in a ...

Mike lays down the basic idea of success in a free market/entrepreneurial world that we live in. As a business and financial coach (having published 9 books so far), I agree that your success totally depends on what Mike calls PVL - how much personal value you bring in any relationship. The most critical idea I found was to make money from people who are not attracted to your opportunity. His strategy of fortune is in the follow up can be a game changer for every introvert who does not see himself as the aggressive, pushy salesperson. Go master attraction marketing and attract the future you have been dreaming of.

Pure Value in the Classic Mike Dillard Way

Magnetic sponsoring is the modern day network marketing manifesto. From chasing my tail and the rat race my company and sponsor had me ready to quit, this book changed my perspective and turned my business upside down-or you might say right side up. If Mike Dillard's name is on it, it's worth reading and magnetic sponsoring is no different. A must read for anybody on my team!

Value on Steroids. Simply Great!

Mike has the best book I've read on generating leads online for the home based business owner period. No fluff, all value. Forget the highlighter. You'd have to highlight the whole book. I couldn't put it down. There's nothing but aha moments from beginning to end.

A must for all Network marketers

At last, it's arrived! This is a must read for all Network marketers who are tired of the "old school" network marketing strategies. All my down-lines has to commit themselves to implement Mike's strategies into their business before they sign up. I have been a student of Magnetic Sponsoring and Mike Dillard since 2008 and it's strategies has changed my understanding on how to do the MLM business completely. I have been in the industry for 14 years and Magnetic Sponsoring are the best thing ever to our industry.

Great book overall but entire system is not implementable for the brand new marketer

I wish I had Magnetic Sponsoring 10 years ago. Then again, Mike Dillard didn't have the credibility and reputation 10 years ago that he has now. That leads me to mention one disappointing part of the book. On page 95, he gives an example of the "unquestionable proof" you must provide in your sales letters. What he fails to provide is advice for someone who doesn't have a track record or "unquestionable proof" of success. For example, what unquestionable proof did Mike Dillard provide in his FIRST sales letter? Of course people are going to take you seriously AFTER you sponsor 268 people in 12 months, even if your sales letter sucks. Another red flag that got my attention was the testimonials in the back of the book. Being that Magnetic Sponsoring was marketed and promoted for 9 years before the paperback was published, I expected some testimonials that provided that same "unquestionable proof" from people who applied what they learned and got specific results. Instead, none of the testimonials provided that. Most of them sounded like they were written by people who hadn't even finished reading the book yet. They thought it was good information but I wasn't looking for good information. I was looking for; "I did exactly what this program said to do and as a result...." That being said, I still gave it 5 stars because the first two chapters were worth more than the price of the book regardless of where I go from here. However, even after reading this book, I still don't know how to put together a self liquidating offer that will work for the new marketer.

I liked many of the ideas presented and plan to implement ...

Ill start by saying that this book was not what I expected. I still found it helpful but, again... not what I was expecting. I was under the impression that this was going to be more along the lines of a "how to prospect in REAL life" type of thing. Instead, this book was more about prospecting online while also setting up a new stream of income. I liked many of the ideas presented and plan to implement them in the future. But again, if you're looking for a book on prospecting for your network marketing business, this might not be the right fit.

Study it over and over....

My husband got me on to Mike Dillard years ago.....this is the book that started all variations of attraction marketing from those who studied from and worked with Mike. I'm not in network marketing, but the advice works for any business, especially as I've been growing my own service-based biz. Highly recommend this one. Read it, study it, use it over and over. You can't go wrong with this one.

Great intro to Network Marketing concepts

A great, no-nonsense, high-level overview of what network marketing is, and how to make it work. Nice price too if you're getting the e-book version. Take notes. This book will make you want to learn more about this method of marketing and you will discover just how relevant and applicable this concept is to almost every aspect of business, marketing and sales, especially in the digital age. Mike stresses integrity and this comes through in his writing. There are lame pyramid schemes, and then there are legitimate network marketing methods that deliver value. Huge difference. This book is the latter.

Mike's book is a different take on MLM and I liked that... But....

Decent. A couple of gems in there... Mike's book is a different take on MLM and I liked that... For me, could have used a little more actionable items... No reflection on Mike or MLM... Both are 5 stars for me. But, the book is a bit pricey and if it was $10 bucks I'd probably give it 4 stars. $10 bucks with actionable items I'd actually buy it for other people.

This book is essential for Network Marketers

Mike Dillard is definitely the pioneer in attraction marketing for network marketing. Leading with value and creating YOU INC. Is essential now days and really how you can build a successful home business without pestering everyone with in three feet of you and of course family. You really need to read this book if your serious about building a successful home business with the residual income you really strive for. Mike's incite and experiences have been mimicked by numerous affiliate programs out there for network marketers. And for good reason everything in this book is pure gold. I've read it twice and I'll continue to read it many times over. Head on over to to see what he's taught me.

Mike lays down the basic idea of success in a ...

Mike lays down the basic idea of success in a free market/entrepreneurial world that we live in. As a business and financial coach (having published 9 books so far), I agree that your success totally depends on what Mike calls PVL - how much personal value you bring in any relationship. The most critical idea I found was to make money from people who are not attracted to your opportunity. His strategy of fortune is in the follow up can be a game changer for every introvert who does not see himself as the aggressive, pushy salesperson. Go master attraction marketing and attract the future you have been dreaming of.

Pure Value in the Classic Mike Dillard Way

Magnetic sponsoring is the modern day network marketing manifesto. From chasing my tail and the rat race my company and sponsor had me ready to quit, this book changed my perspective and turned my business upside down-or you might say right side up. If Mike Dillard's name is on it, it's worth reading and magnetic sponsoring is no different. A must read for anybody on my team!

Value on Steroids. Simply Great!

Mike has the best book I've read on generating leads online for the home based business owner period. No fluff, all value. Forget the highlighter. You'd have to highlight the whole book. I couldn't put it down. There's nothing but aha moments from beginning to end.

A must for all Network marketers

At last, it's arrived! This is a must read for all Network marketers who are tired of the "old school" network marketing strategies. All my down-lines has to commit themselves to implement Mike's strategies into their business before they sign up. I have been a student of Magnetic Sponsoring and Mike Dillard since 2008 and it's strategies has changed my understanding on how to do the MLM business completely. I have been in the industry for 14 years and Magnetic Sponsoring are the best thing ever to our industry.

Fantastic information Love this new Kindle Edition

I absolutely love the new kindle edition of Magnetic Sponsoring. The book is beautifully written and has such gems in it. I consider Mike Dillard to be in class with the likes of people like Jimi Hendrix or Bruce Lee, meaning you might love or hate them but their influence can not be denied. Mike has influenced so many thousands of people in the home based business arena. He has influenced me quite a bit. The other great thing about this book is no matter who you train with in the home based business arena the training here will amplify and make better this training. Thanks for doing what you do Mike and thanks for this new edition.

Work less, get more (this book is a game changer).

Grow your hustle, easy-peasy— If you're asking friends & family to take a look at what you're selling and you're gettin' slapped in the face with a buncha "No thanks", there's probably a thing or ten that you'll get from this book. This book is recommended by a troop of experts because the wisdom is top-notch and as soon as you read it, you'll see that all the pretty influencers you follow are already using the tactics that are action-packed in this quick little read.


I was disappointed in this book. It is full of fluff and very little information that actually tell you how to do what the subject suggest.

NO BS Content

I have followed Mike along time and finally got to meet him in person in 2019. Solid advice as always. Great read.

has additional great insights, and will change your life

I bought and studied the original Magnetic Sponsoring book when it first came out, in 2005 I think it was. It changed my life. This book is updated, has additional great insights, and will change your life. It is perhaps the greatest book on the subject of marketing of all time. And best of all, the information you learn in this book is evergreen, timeless.

This book is a good start to turn around your business life

The book is a great read. You start reading it and you have a hard time pulling it down. Mike Dillar is really good and he has mastered his filled through trial but you don't need to do the same thing than him, just read this book and you will just have the success without the errors. I am starting applying what I have read, and I am really excited about the outcomes.

Great book, would recommend it to anyone!!!!

Mike Dillard took something that felt incredibly overwhelming to me, new in network marketing, and helped me feel like I could really do this! This book was easy to read and easy to apply to my work. All of the steps and applications were something anyone can do, and produced quick results. I feel more confident in myself and my business!

Provided tools to enact swift and powerful impact on my business, even on a budget!

I LOVE it! I've always admired Mike for the hundreds of thousands of people he's inspired and the tens of millions of dollars he's made entrepreneurs. I read a LOT of books on business, marketing, networking, and lead generation. This is THE top of the heap. Mike's advice has revolutionized the way I approach my business. I spent so many tens of thousands of dollars letting other people generate leads for me through social media and Adwords - and it's been an expensive fail. What I LOVE about Magnetic Sponsoring is how any person, at any stage financially in their business, can completely revolutionize it- easily and even on a shoestring marketing budget. What's more - Mike's writing is a joy to read - I feel like he's sitting on the couch with me coaching me. It's wildly inspiring and completely practical. If you're like me, you'll lose yourself reading Magnetic Sponsoring under a nightlight and you'll wake up with the vision, and the *tools* to enact immediate, powerful change in your business.

Now I Get It...

This is by far the best marketing book I have come across, I learned more in this book than all the books combined. It's an easy read and I'm a slow reader and read it in one afternoon. I couldn't put the book down, I love books like that. I am on my quest to help a ton of people thanks to Mike. I didn't get it before but now I get it.

Best Information I Have Read To Date On What Works in Network Marketing

Magnetic Sponsoring: How To Attract Endless New Leads and Distributors is the best information I have read to date on what works today in Network Marketing. This is a must read and if you want to know the best strategy to acquire business builders in your organization and to put your lead generation on auto pilot, read this book! I look forward to adopting these strategies.

Great info for Direct Sellers (and others)

I've been in network marketing several times, and swore I'd never do it again... haha! But, alas, I found a company whose product I am absolutely in love with, so that makes it imperative to share! This book is awesome, not just for network marketers, but for any business really.

Are You Up For The Challenge?

This is a great book for anyone in any business (I own an accounting and tax practice). Mike dives deep into the mindset of a leader and how YOU must become the perfect client that you're looking for. He lays out step by step details and gives great advice to take things to that next level. I'd recommend it to anyone who is interested in improving themselves first.....which in turn will help to improve your business.

Great read - lots of practical directions

I came to this book expecting to learn what Mike knows AND how to employ the information in my business. Now it is my task to work the information, first into my head and second into I’m very excited about the possibility’s!

Great read...excellent and insightful.

A must read for any network marketing person. Great content, excellent examples, and poignant insight. This is on my recommended list. Thanks Mike!

Amazing insights into business

This book has opened my eyes into what really makes a business. Too many times I’ve gone through the motions of doing a business without really building a business with real assets that could actually be sold and that what makes the business valuable. Thanks Mike, Darin Fansler, MBA/e-Business

A MUST read/study for ANY marketer.

A MUST read/study for ANY marketer. This two hour read could literally change your business and your life. That is all.

Great book!

A must-have in my library!

Best book for beginners!

This book covers everything vital to becoming successful as a network and internet marketer! Save yourself time, money, and a lot of frustration with failed attempts and pick this up. It's a quick read literally overflowing with value!! I will read it many times.

Good read.

Very good ideas


Very good, realistic and practical. No B.S. Promises just step by step instructions with the rationale behind those steps. Perfect!

I HIGLY recommend it to anyone who has an interest not just ...

Mike does an outstanding job of clearly and accurately providing a "real world" look at how and what it takes to be successful in an entrepreneurial opportunity. His style is clear, concise and understandable. I appreciate the applicability and am personally implementing several of the ideas and concepts that I picked up in the book. I HIGLY recommend it to anyone who has an interest not just in the "theory" but the real life applications of business and being successful.

Super realistic down to earth advice

I've been following Mike for a short while, and I have subscribed to many other entrepreneurial leaders over 30 years. Mike Dillard feels real, like a good friend in all of his published materials. This book is a short, easy read packed with value. Thanks Mike!

Great information for well ...anyone in business

But a mother load of information to implement for network marketers! Bonus, I read this book in one setting 😎


WONDERFULY Educational ! Super Fast read! Looking forward to implementing the principles and systems provided, and talking with you. Thanks for sharing :)


Easy to read

... and not getting the results you want I definitely recommend reading this book for all the value it brings ...

If your new to Network Marketing or have been in it for a while and not getting the results you want I definitely recommend reading this book for all the value it brings to you and your business.He pretty much coined the phrase Attraction Marketing in his own words. I cant count many times I've seen his words and techniques used in a variety of Sales pages, seminars, google hangouts etc. Mikes a great teacher and you will not only benefit from his wealth of business knowledge but will probably read this jewel many times like I did.

You can never go wrong wit Mike Dillard! In ...

You can never go wrong wit Mike Dillard! In this book he shares the steps necessary to be a successful sponsor in any Network Marketing business.

Good book

Good book and informative. Very different teachings than from regular network marketers. I'm excited to try it.

Worth reading many times over...

Amazing read. Still stands the test of time. Thank you Mike Dillard. A book worth rereading many over at every stage of growth in business.

Magnetic Sponsoring

If you are a new or an old time entrepreneur, this book has something new to teach you. Mike does a fantastic job of showing you exactly what to do to build a successful business.

Simple, direct, and to the point writing style ...

Simple, direct, and to the point writing style. Mike provides valuable step-by-step tips to get the customers to come to YOU! Thank you, Mike Dillard! Janettte Ghedotte, CEO Truth-Expert Accurate Body Language, LLC

Quick read with so much great info!

A great blueprint that goes against everything the majority of us are taught in Network Marketing. Ready to build your business the right way? Grab this book!

A good one

Some things in this book are a bit obsolete, but for the most part that's a great one and there's a lot of good stuff you can find inside.

It's truly a classic!

Mike Dillard is the Master of Network Marketing Sponsoring of new downline businesses. But this book is really great for anyone who is in business and dealing with customers. It's truly a classic!

Not just a great book on MLM, but on business in general

I'm a serial entrepreneur and I can tell you from experience, Mike's right, it's all about positioning oneself as an expert and getting the word out.

Get it, you won't regret it!

Awesome book. Quick read and full of nuggets that should be implemented the minute you finish reading it. I don't normally pay as much as I did for a book, but this one is worth every dollar that was spent.

Outstanding! A Must-Read If You Are Serious About Achieving Financial Freedom.

Magnetic Sponsoring is a must read for anyone who wants to excel in MLM, online marketing, business and Life in general. Mike Dillard is an outstanding mentor because of his generosity, integrity, and real desire to teach his students how to succeed in the new age of business. Magnetic Sponsoring comes with my highest recommendations! Thank you Mike for your leadership!

Great book, filled with sensible and actionable advice.

Great book, filled with sensible and actionable advice. Mike writes in a conversational manner. I highlighted lots of notes to reference as I move forward in my new business.

Without a Doubt, the most useful information for mastering network marketing.

Magnetic Sponsoring is the best book about network marketing I've ever read!

Good book even you have offered MLM

Interesting book even if you like me do not work in the industry. There is nothing super and you won't be able to find " the next big sauce" just good book.

Greatest Resource in Network Marketing

I bought the original copy of this book and it helped me so much! I just finished reading this updated version and it was even better than the original. I a, using Magnetic Sponsoring to train my entire doe line.

Game Changer!

Mike Dillard is a revolutionary entrepeneur, his unique insight and skill combined with dogged determination and a refusal to quit resulted in a lifestyle only few ever earn the right to enjoy.

This book is the Bible for on line marketing by ...

This book is the Bible for on line marketing by an industry wide acknowledged master. There is no fluff so you wont need to underline anything; every sentence is Gold. Don't think twice about it, just get it.

Great Reading!

Good Read.Inspiring and intelligent perception of marketing online. I got plenty of value and some great takeaways.I recommend this to anyone in the online marketing space.

Great take on marketing

Great and very succinct book on marketing and network marketing. Well written and organized and definitely provides solid value to the reader. Thanks Mike!

Really Good Book

Really a good book for learning how to attract folks to you and your business. A quick, easy read.

You will be contacted by strangers asking you to be their upline!

This book cuts to the chase and a must read to all in the Network Marketing and Internet Marketing arena, why? It will save you a lot of time and money building your business right and get results faster than you can imagine. You will know exactly how to build yourself to "be" every one wants to be their leader. I have actually received messages from strangers asking me to be their Sponsor after implementing what's written here. Superb!

So Good I Had to Order a Second (Hard) Copy!

Yes! Amazing book! I already had the digital copy and loved it so much I also purchased the hard copy!

Wonderful read for serious entrepreneurs taking their business to another ...

Truth and solutions in this book! Wonderful read for serious entrepreneurs taking their business to another level!

Three Stars

It was an ok read

I loved this book

I loved this book. Truly inspiring with actual "to do" instructions on how to sponsor others in your business. This book isn't hype and empty words. Mike Dillard tell you what he did and what you should do in your business.

Magnetic sponsoring helpful tip reading

Helped me with attracting to clients to my startup business. Easy read with excellent advice.

Love it!

Love it!

Five Stars

Great Book

Wow!!! What an incredible book!!!

Once in a while, you read a book that changes your life, or at least some aspect of it. This is one of those books for me. Since reading this book, I have completely changed the way I am managing my network marketing business. It also has lead me to purchase several services from Mike Dillard. Wow is all I can say.

Amazing book!

So much knowledge and wisdom. I can't wait to put it in action! Mike definitely opened my eyes and it will be the same for you!

I've known about this book for 5 years, should have read it sooner!!!

I knew there had to be a better way to do MLM in our technology society, now I have something to actually act on that I can make work.

Very Helpful Info

Short read but filled with valuable information. Definitely a different mindset than my last year and a half o network marketing. I'm looking forward to implementing these strategies.

Drawn to the Magnet. A must read to succeed.

First of all I am not a reader of books but I will do what I need to do to succeed. This is the first book I have read all the way through at one time. I immediately went back and read it three more times writing additional notes every time. A must read for you to find who you are and your talent to draw the right people to you. Loved this book!

You Really Need to Buy This Book NOW!!!

I really wish that I've purchased this book back in 2012. The concepts that you've put in this book, well as you've have stated, "blown my mind!" I love the straight talk and the honesty. All the reviews that I've read over the internet are all true to itself. Thank you so much Mike for sharing this.

One of the best books in the industry!!!!

A true turning point type book that moves away from the herd and strikes out on a successful path. Definitely not more of the same old tired rhetoric. Hard hitting information on how to over come some of the most common and difficult pitfalls in this industry. Thank you Mike.

brilliant blueprint

After hearing so many praises heaped on this book I had to read it and it was certainly justified. A simple and effective book and I will use mike's words to transform myself personally and business-wise. Thanks for a great book.

Five Stars

Powerful information. Mike Dillard always deliver more than the cost.

It is a quick and easy read but has dynamic ideas that you can put ...

This is truly a game-changing book when it comes to becoming a successful online marketer or network marketer. It is a quick and easy read but has dynamic ideas that you can put to work in your life and business immediately. Definitely worth the money! A must read!! Pam Lambert in Puyallup, WA

I love Mike Dillard

I love Mike Dillard. He really helped me change the game when it came to building my internet business.

Five Stars

Very good content and helpful in many ways.


A must read!!!

Five Stars

great book

Great read!

This book gives an interesting perspective and a new approach to network marketing. It helps with learning how to market effectively and not get discouraged when people aren't interested in your opportunity.

Mike is a genius

This book is practical, with great advice on how to start a journey as an entrepreneur and be successful! Mike is the real deal.

smart, funny

I have been looking for an online mentor to help me make the right decisions to help build a business. I think I found this mentor with Mike. His book is to the point, smart, funny, and resonated deeply. It makes sense on many levels. Thank you

Five Stars

Very simple to read. Must read more than once. Insightful and promising!


If you have not read magnetic sponsoring yet, then i must say you are missing out. I got the kindle edition and i never get tired reading it over and over. I wish the stars for the rating were enen 10. All am trying to say is that if you are serious about building your business online then this book is a MUST READ.

This book is simply amazing. It approaches the Network Marketing profession (and every ...

This book is simply amazing. It approaches the Network Marketing profession (and every business) from a complete different perspective, allowing you to attract prospect instead of chasing them. Thanks Mike!



The Best mlm book i have read

Magnetic Sponsoring is a must real for network marketers! This is an awesome read!

Great book

A lot of great insights that will revolutionize the way I pursue my business from here on. Thank you Mike!

great book

Mike shares some great information in this book about creating a successful network marketing business! You have to get this book!

Great book

I really love this book because it show you that you're a leader and you have what it take to make it happen in the world. Go out and help others more.

Met Mike!

Love this book!

Game changer!

I’d easily give it 5 stars but the links to learn more don’t seem to work. Otherwise, Mike has put together an outstanding book!

Must Have for The Professional NWM

Great Book!!!!! Total Game Changer

The marketer's bible

This book is truly amazing, an absolute eye opener. I highly recommend this to anyone in the online/network marketing profession. This book should be called "Magnetic Sponsoring, the marketers bible"

Five Stars

Lots of great concepts to pull from

quit reading the reviews and buy this book!!!

This is an amazing read that you will read over and over again. Mike goes into mentality as well as a step by step process in how to succeed in this business and in a lot of other areas in life. This book will hold up to the test of time. Quit reading and buy this book you'll be so glad you did!

Awesome Read! Highly recommend!

This was the single most helpful book I have read to help me in my business. Very practical book and well written.

Five Stars

Very helpful when getting started in network marketing.

Simple yet elegant and wise

Mike does not waste words in this short and concise insight into the secrets to marketing. I've loaned it to friends and it's very difficult to get it

Written by one of the smartest living minds in marketing, hands down

Mike's insights into marketing and sales are the gold standard. If you're picking the next business book to read right now, this is it. If you want to sound smart, study Shakespeare. If you want to DO something smart, study Mike Dillard.

great book, will use it as a reference

great book , will use it as a reference

great fast read

I really enjoyed this book. I had originally read it several years ago. The updated version is very relevant today. Thanks for sharing your experience Mike.

If you have any desire to change your life, ...

If you have any desire to change your life, read this book! It changed mine and I talk to people every single day who share their intimate details of how it has made a difference to them! This is a "MUST" read and if you have anyone on your Christmas List that is hard to buy it is. This is a gift that will keep on giving! I challenge you to read this as your 2015 New Year's Resolution.

Five Stars

Great info and easy to read!

I recently read this book and was amazed. I not only read it

I recently read this book and was amazed. I not only read it, I read it twice, I started taking action as well. Thank you for this. Rick Bell

Must Read if you're new to the Networking Industry

This book was definitely I great motivational tool to change they way I approach the Network Marketing industry.

Mike, you are the new kind of man changing ...

Mike, you are the new kind of man changing the business world and to stop making nonsense in business. Thank you so much

Thisnis a must if you are in network marketing

Great simple read and hits on all of the key points in network marketing. I admire Mike's honest approach and advice.

Very insightful and inspiring!

This book does just what it promised, and does so with clear, easy to follow instructions that can help the reader create results immediately!

Five Stars

It was like he was talking straight to me.asome book.

Great contents... Valuable to beginners like me. Thanks Mike Dillard!

Worth to read for beginners like me. I'll follow his steps that I may have the same results. Great contents... Valuable to beginners like me. Thanks Mike Dillard!

The #1 BIBLE for everyone in the online marketing industry.

I've put off 2 years to buy this book, now that I've read it, I feel stupid for not having bought it earlier. Attraction marketing is the only way to build a succesful business.

Mike Dillard is an amazing teacher!

Mike is incredible. This book is a real eye opener. If you want to grow your business or expand your mind about marketing or selling, Mike has the answers for you. Check it out!

Awesome read!

Great book for anyone in a home-based business. I would suggest anyone to not only read the book but share it.

Just another great product from Mike - Not a surprise.

I like the clear and direct way in which Mike speaks to us. There is no room for confusion. I want to know exactly the way things are, and that's what I got when I read the book.

A bit disappointed.

I bought it as it had 56 5 star reviews. Not sure why. Its okay. I learnt a bit more than I did in the free articles I had read which were on the same topic. But not much more. It's okay. Its short, and its simple, and really just a long article. Not really a book. A bit disappointed.

Five Stars

Very Good Information is great for someone new to advertising

I am the Brand

Great read. I always wonder how the top producers seem to get leads, thanks Mike for sauce.

Mike Dillard is truly a 5 star mentor when it ...

Mike Dillard is truly a 5 star mentor when it comes to showing you how to attract customers that trust you.

Great Buy!

Awesome book. I am a huge Mike Dillard fan and would recommend everyone read anything he puts out.


I loved it!

Five Stars

This book is the gold standard on network marketing.

Awesome book. Helped me to completely re-think the way ...

Awesome book. Helped me to completely re-think the way I was doing things....

I now have a new perspective

Magnetic Sponsoring literally, the first book I ever fully read , and I wouldn't mind reading this everyday, over and over . Mike is truly a legend

The best book

It's a really GREAT BOOK every NETWORKER, even every ENTREPRENEUR shoud read it. IS THE BEST!!!

1 of the Greatest book in it's field.

Great Book.....This book will change your way of thinking about internet marketing

Love it!

Love this book! Mind changing ideas! Are you ready to upgrade your life? Start w this book.

If Interested in Online Marketing buy this book!!!!

Thanks so much Mike Dillard!!! for this book packed full of information for anyone looking to start a new business, and I recommend this book.

Five Stars

An Excellent blueprint to success!

great insight into the struggles of network marketing reps

This book is one of the best resources I have read for network marketers who want to build a serious business.

Five Stars

A MUST book for those who want to know the real sponsoring for mlm!

All network marketer's need to read this!

Fantastic! A must for all network marketers!

Boom - It works!

A book to model your business after. This is what works, why it works, and how it works. Do this and you will WIN!

Attraction Marketing by a Master

A must must have for any entrepreneur or business owner no matter if you are new the industry or an experienced business person. This is a book you will go back to over and over again. A book that will change your approach and have customers flocking to you.

Five Stars

This book is need for all who is trying to get to the next level!

Making sense of network marketing

Wow...very clear on what I need to do! Excellent read.

Five Stars

Brand New & Fast Delivery!

Must Read for Home Business

Must read if you're in a MLM or Direct Sales company.

Home Business Entrepreneurs -- Highly Recommended Reading

Easy to read, jam-packed with useful info on how to approach your network marketing biz with a focus on marketing and promotions. Opens the mind to a business plan that extends beyond your network marketing company. Thank you Mike Dillard for sharing your insights on the online business world.

The Midas touch of marketing

An absolute must-read for anyone looking to build their own business and grow their wealth. Gold-mine for network marketers/MLM....thank you Mike Dillard for teaching us how to have the Midas touch!

Five Stars

Very good book. Grest work Mike!


If your new to marketing, have a read... It's worth $5. If you're experienced, there's nothing new. The power is all in the list.

Five Stars

very good!

Good Information Left Wanting

While a very Goodreads I found myself left wanting more in terms of content. Perhaps the bonus at the end will provide just that.

freakin' awesome

tremendous value that never lets you down.

Five Stars

Great Great Great! 100% better read this if in marketing!

Five Stars

Estupenda información!

easy to understand

Very informative, easy to understand. .great book

Every Online or Network Marketer Should Begin Here

What Mike Dillard's book did for me personally was draw together all the dozens of pieces and skill sets I've been learning about for the past 2 1/2 years and organize it all into one coherent system. I wish I had this outstanding, and relatively concise, book at the outset!

Five Stars

Loved the book! Great, easy read!

Five Stars

I'm glad I was able to buy it, a dream come true.

This book was an eye opener! I learned so much. This is a must read for anyone who's new to the MLM industry!!

Love it! Reading it again....

Five Stars

This is an AWESOME book, Mike know his mojo.

Five Stars

This is the missing link !

Five Stars

Get this book!

Five Stars

Perfect worthy discovery

Five Stars


Five Stars

Love it

Couldn't stop reading until I finished it!!!!

I really wish I had found this resource years ago. Can't wait to implement the ideas. I recommend to new entrepreneurs.

Very basic and did not go in depth in the ...

Very basic and did not go in depth in the actual setup nor any tips in proper using of autoresponder

Changing the way marketing is done...

Great insights in this book by Mike Dillard...practical, common-sense. Who wouldn't rather attract prospects toward you vs. go8ng out to find them?

Five Stars

Great book .

Four Stars

Good book. Was useful to me.

Four Stars

Good book for network marketing

Four Stars

Very informative.


Great stuff..i am a big fan of Mike Dillard..and this book is so powerful


It was OK I guess. Info marketing plus big emphasis on values which is good. I may read it again one day.

not impressed

Not impressed. This is a system that takes a lot of work and investment. Sell something else and hope that they sign up for your system. I didn't like this book .

No meaningful help! Only a carrot for more products ...

No meaningful help! Only a carrot for more products!

The Ideas in This Book Changed My Business and Life

After struggling with home parties, hotel meetings, 1-on-1’s, warm market and cold prospecting, I found Magnetic Sponsoring at a point where I was ready to quit network marketing, but this book offered to teach me a NEW WAY to attract prospects and grow a team, so I hung in there a little while longer. Within 2 years of reading & applying Magnetic Sponsoring like my life depended on it, I quit my job and was a 6-figure producer with my company soon after, without having to cold prospect a single person. Within 5 years, I grew a 7-figure global personal brand and since I’ve helped build a multi-million dollar digital network marketing training company using the principles I originally learned in Magnetic Sponsoring. This book won’t just transform your network marketing business, it will change your life and put you on a business educational path which will be priceless.

Great book! Highly recommend.

I really enjoyed this ebook. There are so many great ideas that Mike gives us in these pages. It only took me about a day to read. But, then re-read the book and took tons of notes. Many of these steps and ideas I have already done in my business, but I still learned a lot. Mike's insights, knowledge, and perspective is refreshing. He doesn't just say the same old things that all the other network marketing or business gurus are teaching. If you are newbie to entrepreneurism or to network marketing, then I encourage you to start with this book! If you are already a seasoned pro, you may already be doing some of Mike's suggestions, but I'm sure there is still more that you can learn from this book. I really got a lot of new perspective from this book and plan on checking out more of Mike's programs and trainings.

This book will change you

A must read for anyone in any industry. This book will give you business understanding that will blow your mind.

Straight Shooter

There are no games in the way Mike explains how to massively expand your business. You get everything explained and a few bonuses. Thank you, Mike, for sharing your valuable knowledge. - Julia E.

Game Changing Information

I learned this from Mike Dillard back in 2008. The information on how to attract endless leads, clients etc and the straightforward information on becoming more is still pertinent information today. When you read this book and apply it you will reap continuous benefits in your business daily, weekly and monthly. Powerful teaching.

Must read for anyone who wants to build a ROCKSTAR business!

I couldn't put this book down! Filled with all the nuggets you need for today, no sugar coating, straight to the point. It's the instruction manual on how to make it using the principles you need to survive TODAY. If you are trying to break out of the archaic form of marketing used in most MLM's, just starting out or cultivating a team of success stories - this is mandatory first read...

Great read

Full of great advice, inspiration, and practical examples. I also highly suggest Mike's podcast, Self Made Man. Looking forward to putting these tips into action.

One idea

As Mike says, “if you got one idea from the book, you’ve recouped your investment”. Big takeaway from this great book is SHARE VALUE. Like in sales you must position yourself from the buyer standpoint, not the seller’s.

Great read with useful information!

Took notes and thoroughly read each chapter. I can honestly say that this is the best marketing strategy/advice book that I have read. Thank you!

Magnetic Marketing - A No BS Guide

I love Mike's blunt and snarky approach to marketing, if you want new leads and distributers AND you want to cut through the fat and go straight to the meat then this book is the one for you...


I love Mike Dillard he never lets me down.Every network marketer who wants to build there business to the max should have this book!!!!

Excited for the revised new edition. Now read on Kindle! What else does a person need!

Love this! So glad it is revised and on kindle! It is so popular that really it speaks for itself. A must book for all..

Read it twice

Really enjoyed the book. It's a fast read which is good because it's so jam packed with great info that I'm going to read it again so I don't miss anything!

Great read

Loved it! It was a quick read but power packed with information I can use to excel in my business.

Beak through strategy in online marketing!

When you read this book it will capture your attention till the end. I recommend it to most very valuable insights.

Its a must have!

Mr. Mike Dillard, Thank you for being the leader you are and sharing your wisdom. Have a great holiday season with your family. I bought the kindle and hardcopy edition, I suggest everyone else do the same. Thanks, Ryan

This book changed my life. It's a must-read for ...

This book changed my life. It's a must-read for any entrepreneur in ANY industry. I've now built an 8-Figure Business build upon the principles inside 'Magnetic Sponsoring.' Mike, you rock dude! - Brian Fanale,

Simple and Effective!

I had been doing pieces of this formula for years without understanding a few pieces required to really make it all work - excite to implement and execute ASAP!

This book is easy to follow and a perfect study guide

I first bought this in E book fashion... It has has been read again, again, again, and again... I printed this little gem and it is sparkling with highlighter. This book is easy to follow and a perfect study guide, a must for any new or seasoned entrepreneur. There is gold in every word. Thanks MD.

A tremendous work - so many valuable insights presented!

tremendous work - so many valuable insights!!! It opened my eyes to some fantastic strategies that I will implement going forward. So worth it.


Opens your mind to a lot! Your business will surely take off with hard work of course. Get it asap!

This is a must have if your looking to build ...

This is a must have if your looking to build your business. There's no fluff included! Incredible value packed information from beginning to end!

Very eye opening

Magnetic sponsoring was one of the best books I've ever read in our industry. I would highly recommend this book

Excellent advice! To the point.

Magneticsponsoring is an Awesome and easy to read tool for any Network Marketer. Mike shares his story and gives actionable advice. I've read it 3 times and get more out of it each time.

Five Stars

Great book! Wish I had read it sooner!

Excellent book!

Excellent book that you must read if you intend to build a network marketing business!!!

Top Book highly recommend

Back in 2010 I picked up the very first original magnetic sponsoring and it transformed my online business and the success I was having and almost tripled my results. Was excited to hear about the new hard back version here on Amazon and picked up my one right away. It's really a instructions manual for marketers I guess when you look at it. Highly recommended for any marketer.

Evergreen tactic

Even the book has been written some time ago the author has made it clear that some of the tactics are fresh and evergreen also today, so I shall try them out!

Interesting book

I bought this book because I read something about it in an internet page and it called my attention, I'm still reading it because I don't have a lot of time, but I think that it's interesting and there is something to learn from it

A MUST read if you want to work with Attraction Marketing

I was working old school prospecting and wanted to find a better way. This book by Mike Dillard got me started the right way.

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