Magical Midlife Love: A Paranormal Women's Fiction Novel (Leveling Up Book 4)

Kindle Edition
22 Feb
Wall Street Journal and Amazon Charts Bestseller!

The Ivy House team is shaping up, but there are still holes to be filled, and a magical summons outstanding. Jessie needs a teacher. Someone who can fit in with the whacky Ivy House crew. And that was going just fine...until she gets a request to host a powerful, neighboring mage.

A teacher isn't going to be enough. She needs more power in her crew. She needs some might.

This time, Austin Steele might not be able to dominate what she calls in, creatures no shifter has ever dominated before.

But that isn't all Austin has to worry about. After a skirmish in the bar, suddenly his whole world is turned upside down. He can no longer ignore the feelings that have been growing for Jess.

He also can't ignore the town's complete lack of readiness for the neighboring mage's visit. He must call in his brother to help lock down the town. And when his brother arrives, he must finally hash out the past that has split them apart so that he can claim his future.

Reviews (206)

Wham Bam Thank You K.F. Breene!

Hoooo Boy this book was awesome! Ms. Breene was in rare form when writing it. It flowed so well, I never felt uncomfortable when reading it, I truly got lost in the pages. Time flew and absolutely nothing pulled me out of the story. We got to meet more family, both from Jessie’s side and Austin's. It all went swimmingly. Her son was just great, I hope he comes for another visit (so does Mr. Tom lol) Superdooper Supes join the team and even I’m a bit in awe of them. And I got my wish for more “Bigfoot” in my life (I keep calling him John in my head), he's freaking perfect. But most importantly... I FINALLY got my itch scratched vicariously through Jess and Austin, holy crow it was worth the wait! Not gonna lie I kinda want to beat up Jess and steal her man. The whole time I was reading this book I was metaphorically making “gimme” hands. I choked on jealousy. You get the idea. That man is fiiiiiiine. My respect for Jess shot through the roof with how she handled Austin's change in position. Well done, very well done. And lordy, finally, THAT plot twist! Gah! Best. Twist. Evah!

One of the best series!!

I am one hundred percent sure that the characters in this series are my absolute favorites. They are so unique and the writing unlike anything I’ve read before. The dialogue between the characters is hilarious and half the time I wonder how KF Breene comes up with her stuff. It’s fantastic. I was so excited that Austin and Jess finally put most of their hesitations aside and their relationship evolved into more! Yeeeeess!!!! I loved the introduction of Kingsley and his part in the story, as well as the Thunderbird and Phoenix! The basajaun is also a favorite of mine and I hope he sticks around till the end. They are all super cool characters. I’m not entirely sure what is going on with Sebastian and Elliot Graves but I am hoping and looking forward to clarification in the next book. My only moan is a few times the story set us up for an event to happen and then didn’t dive into it. We skipped 2-3 days or even a week ahead. This is not something I have experienced before in KF Breene’s books and it left me feeling a bit let down. All in all, the book was a great read and this entire series is exhilarating and quickly becoming one of my favorites!

The alpha had taken over

Welcome to Book 4, oh mighty long term fans of this series. I know a few *cough* were a little disgruntled [okay, okay..itching for it!!] at the incredible SLOW burn that the author put us through with Jessie and Austin but, come on, what’s the title of this book and my little teasing book review title? Oh yeah, it’s on and it practically oozes sensual scenes the whole way to THE chapter. However, this is quite an action packed book, in and of itself. We actually progress in our timeline quite a bit with book four without having to hear about the day to day minutiae of this or that character and rehashing conversations which I find quite refreshing. At the end of the last book, Jessie had sent out a summons for more help and. It. Is. Answered. This time, though, the creatures answering the summons are not thrilled at their invitation and make Jessie prove she is worthy of them. After this, we have a mage coming to town who wants to meet with Jessie and offer the proverbial olive branch. What could go wrong? This series is in full gear. So much so, that I was adamant that this was book five. More cameos by past side characters, including the creepy dolls that I can only say are in here, not what they’re doing to whom. Those scenes are too precious to give away. Can’t have a book without them. *Evil laugh* Ivy House showing more of a snarky personality. I could totally see myself start talking to my house. I already do to my car and he totally answers. I think there’s a little Jessie in all of us. Then we get to see more family interaction and my personal favorite is Mr. Tom’s reaction. He tries so hard. He just wants to dote on someone who appreciates it. Come live with me, Mr. Tom. *smile* Here’s one of my favorite teaser’s from the book: “There’s no point in pretending anymore, Jacinta. Not after what happened at the bar.” I meant to ask for clarification. I ended up begging for more.”

Wish I could give this 20 stars!!!

I had been frustrated by the primal tension in the previous book of this series, feeling frustrated and wishing for more. This book answered that concern in ways I could not even imagine and am still reeling from after finishing this book! My mind is blown. It blew my socks off! 2 alphas!!! One a gargoyle and one a polar bear. Both needing one another in the most intimate connection...the bond getting stronger with each battle! Mythological creatures join us this time and Austin must face the family he left behind. Ivy House is awaiting an answer for the blood oath. And on top of everything else, Jesse's son, Jimmy, is due for a visit! After hosting her parents earlier and knowing Ivy House likes to play tricks, Jessie knows a new approach will be necessary for Jimmy's stay. There are other challenges as well, like needing more training from a more powerful Madge and answering the challenge invitation that had been issued. They would all have to work together as a team if Ivy House was going to stand. She would need more from Austin than she had been willing to ask for before. Would he be willing to answer he call? This book is wonderful. Now...I am going to read it all over again so I can savor the best parts and pick up on anything I might have missed while devouring this book the first time through!

Magic and secrets

This book is a wonderful continuation of the world created by the author. When a woman going through a divorce suddenly finds herself in possession of a magical houses and then magic is bestowed upon her. She has to create a council though to protect herself and the house. The more she learns of the magical world the more danger she seems to get into but her allies are there to help her. I enjoyed this book and give it a 3 1/2 star rating - it had a good plot twist and I really do enjoy the fresher older woman character who now discovers magic rather than a high schooler or young adult - I just didn’t enjoy it quite as much as previous books in this series.

Love this series!

Holy wow! I do not say this lightly, this book was very well written. I did not want to pause my reading once started. The sensual tension (by the way, this book is for readers over the age of 18), the fight scenes, the brother, the son, and the twist all had me hooked. I laughed out loud and wanted to join in on the trouncing. I eagerly await how the situation with Elliot Graves turns out. I am hooked on this series!

Magical Midlife Love

**MINOR SPOILERS** This book is book 4 of the Leveling Up series. I do not recommend reading it as a standalone as the series is tied together. This book was better than the last one. Jess is a great character and one that is facing a new and unusual responsibility with a lot of heart and poise. She is loyal and brave. I liked her and rooted for her. I did think she was a little impulsive and that she needs to learn to control her emotions and think strategically. She is very powerful magically and has the loyalty of many. It is a great responsibility and I think she could be an even better leader if she stepped into the role a bit more. Fortunately, she had Austin and his brother to help her. Austin, another main character, is absolutely great. I like how supportive he is of Jess. During this book, they are well on the way to accepting the mate bond between them and the words he uses to talk about it are very open, supportive, and loving. His brother visits during the book and they resolve the issues of the past between them. I liked their relationship and they were mutually good for each other, though Kingston had something to forgive and he did so lovingly. I think he is likely a great leader in his pack. It would be nice to see a book or novella about him. In this book, Jess’ son visits her. It was a quick side story, but a nice one, as he found out his mother had magic and accepted it. They also seemed to have a good relationship. For someone who has not read the series, it might not connect as well as it would for someone who has. I like the humor of this author. The dialogue is frequently fun. The book opens with Jess being on a training exercise where she allows someone to stab her. This is unbelievably unwise and I frankly thought that because Jess, as leader, allowed someone to do this to her that her leadership skills should definitely be questioned. In addition, as a way to test mages that come to her house, their test is to recreate a potion that allows them to enter on to her property undetected. I do not understand why you would do something so ill considered. Some people may know of the potion, but to give out the instructions is just asking for trouble. Early in this book, Jess founds out that the link she has with the people connected with her is open most/all of the time on their side. She had thought that when she shut down the link on her side, that she also shut the link down on their side. They had not told her that this was the case. I agreed with her sense of betrayal when she had not been told of this connection. I would not want this connection with people all of the time and later she realizes she can figure out a way around it. Jess summons a thunderbird and a phoenix. I thought that the author could have done a bit better at transitioning them into the story. They are summoned and Jess immediately ask what it would take for them to stay and work with her. The phoenix demands a battle to the death. This scene was a little rough in my opinion. After the fight, I thought there could have been a little more character development with them and a new gargoyle that shows up. Also, I know this is petty, but there is a reference to the phoenix coughing fire or having it come from her butt, that I just thought was juvenile. There is a surprising ending that sets up the next book. I plan to continue on to the next book in the series.

The polar bear delivers, the magician arrives and all is amazing.

Some books just make you happy. Some series make you smile on almost every page. This book and series is that. But not for being all sunshine and rainbows. No, for having the MC stabbed, with her consent (sort of) in the opening scene. For having a hot polar bear shifter who not only is an amazing person but can cook. In all kinds of ways needed. Jessie finds as usual her life a bit of roller coaster. Her son comes to visit and rather than hide the magic she comes right out with it. And he gets a really cool Easter egg hunt. Autism needed to bring in the help and advice of his brother and with that comes a whole new set of shifters who don’t know how things go for a bit. Toss in some heavy duty pre mating rituals and a talented new magical recruit who comes to help and the magical house and grounds have gotten a bit fuller as of late. This has all the laughs and fights and friendship and twists and turns one comes to expect from a KF Breene book and the only horrid part is when it ends and you are left wanting more. No cliff hanger but new surprises to explore in the next book for sure.

Creative genius

Wow! I’m so jealous of Jessie and her sexy times with Austin. Damn he has to be KF Breene’s best book boyfriend yet. That man is fine! I loved seeing Jimmy and Kingsley and getting the scoop on all the shifter stuff that Jess hasn’t had any idea about. The new additions to the team are awesome, talk about creative genius. I never would have thought about a Phoenix and a Thunderbird. I’m glad the new leader of the gargoyles isn’t a douche this time. The Easter egg hunt was the best! This book had so many great, creative things in it. The little moments; Jimmy telling Austin Jessie wants a man to cook for her and he does. Awww. Mr Tom making Easter baskets for Jimmy and Jessie. Jessie telling Austin his house feels like home. OMG! Just gets you in the feels. Bravo KF, that twist at the end, I’m not quite sure what’s going on but I’m sure we’ll find out in the next book. Can’t wait, you evil genius you.

More humor, action, plus romance!

So another awesome installment to the Leveling Up series! We meet Jessie's son and Austin's brother. Also several other new and fascinating characters! (No spoilers here!) The romance heats up! (Boy does it ever!) Never a dull moment, but then that describes pretty much all of Breene's work. There was a plot twist I was NOT expecting, which only makes me that much more anxious for the next installment. There are so many quirky characters in this series, and I am so glad we get to revisit them in each book. Now to go see when the next one comes out...

Wham Bam Thank You K.F. Breene!

Hoooo Boy this book was awesome! Ms. Breene was in rare form when writing it. It flowed so well, I never felt uncomfortable when reading it, I truly got lost in the pages. Time flew and absolutely nothing pulled me out of the story. We got to meet more family, both from Jessie’s side and Austin's. It all went swimmingly. Her son was just great, I hope he comes for another visit (so does Mr. Tom lol) Superdooper Supes join the team and even I’m a bit in awe of them. And I got my wish for more “Bigfoot” in my life (I keep calling him John in my head), he's freaking perfect. But most importantly... I FINALLY got my itch scratched vicariously through Jess and Austin, holy crow it was worth the wait! Not gonna lie I kinda want to beat up Jess and steal her man. The whole time I was reading this book I was metaphorically making “gimme” hands. I choked on jealousy. You get the idea. That man is fiiiiiiine. My respect for Jess shot through the roof with how she handled Austin's change in position. Well done, very well done. And lordy, finally, THAT plot twist! Gah! Best. Twist. Evah!

One of the best series!!

I am one hundred percent sure that the characters in this series are my absolute favorites. They are so unique and the writing unlike anything I’ve read before. The dialogue between the characters is hilarious and half the time I wonder how KF Breene comes up with her stuff. It’s fantastic. I was so excited that Austin and Jess finally put most of their hesitations aside and their relationship evolved into more! Yeeeeess!!!! I loved the introduction of Kingsley and his part in the story, as well as the Thunderbird and Phoenix! The basajaun is also a favorite of mine and I hope he sticks around till the end. They are all super cool characters. I’m not entirely sure what is going on with Sebastian and Elliot Graves but I am hoping and looking forward to clarification in the next book. My only moan is a few times the story set us up for an event to happen and then didn’t dive into it. We skipped 2-3 days or even a week ahead. This is not something I have experienced before in KF Breene’s books and it left me feeling a bit let down. All in all, the book was a great read and this entire series is exhilarating and quickly becoming one of my favorites!

The alpha had taken over

Welcome to Book 4, oh mighty long term fans of this series. I know a few *cough* were a little disgruntled [okay, okay..itching for it!!] at the incredible SLOW burn that the author put us through with Jessie and Austin but, come on, what’s the title of this book and my little teasing book review title? Oh yeah, it’s on and it practically oozes sensual scenes the whole way to THE chapter. However, this is quite an action packed book, in and of itself. We actually progress in our timeline quite a bit with book four without having to hear about the day to day minutiae of this or that character and rehashing conversations which I find quite refreshing. At the end of the last book, Jessie had sent out a summons for more help and. It. Is. Answered. This time, though, the creatures answering the summons are not thrilled at their invitation and make Jessie prove she is worthy of them. After this, we have a mage coming to town who wants to meet with Jessie and offer the proverbial olive branch. What could go wrong? This series is in full gear. So much so, that I was adamant that this was book five. More cameos by past side characters, including the creepy dolls that I can only say are in here, not what they’re doing to whom. Those scenes are too precious to give away. Can’t have a book without them. *Evil laugh* Ivy House showing more of a snarky personality. I could totally see myself start talking to my house. I already do to my car and he totally answers. I think there’s a little Jessie in all of us. Then we get to see more family interaction and my personal favorite is Mr. Tom’s reaction. He tries so hard. He just wants to dote on someone who appreciates it. Come live with me, Mr. Tom. *smile* Here’s one of my favorite teaser’s from the book: “There’s no point in pretending anymore, Jacinta. Not after what happened at the bar.” I meant to ask for clarification. I ended up begging for more.”

Wish I could give this 20 stars!!!

I had been frustrated by the primal tension in the previous book of this series, feeling frustrated and wishing for more. This book answered that concern in ways I could not even imagine and am still reeling from after finishing this book! My mind is blown. It blew my socks off! 2 alphas!!! One a gargoyle and one a polar bear. Both needing one another in the most intimate connection...the bond getting stronger with each battle! Mythological creatures join us this time and Austin must face the family he left behind. Ivy House is awaiting an answer for the blood oath. And on top of everything else, Jesse's son, Jimmy, is due for a visit! After hosting her parents earlier and knowing Ivy House likes to play tricks, Jessie knows a new approach will be necessary for Jimmy's stay. There are other challenges as well, like needing more training from a more powerful Madge and answering the challenge invitation that had been issued. They would all have to work together as a team if Ivy House was going to stand. She would need more from Austin than she had been willing to ask for before. Would he be willing to answer he call? This book is wonderful. Now...I am going to read it all over again so I can savor the best parts and pick up on anything I might have missed while devouring this book the first time through!

Magic and secrets

This book is a wonderful continuation of the world created by the author. When a woman going through a divorce suddenly finds herself in possession of a magical houses and then magic is bestowed upon her. She has to create a council though to protect herself and the house. The more she learns of the magical world the more danger she seems to get into but her allies are there to help her. I enjoyed this book and give it a 3 1/2 star rating - it had a good plot twist and I really do enjoy the fresher older woman character who now discovers magic rather than a high schooler or young adult - I just didn’t enjoy it quite as much as previous books in this series.

Love this series!

Holy wow! I do not say this lightly, this book was very well written. I did not want to pause my reading once started. The sensual tension (by the way, this book is for readers over the age of 18), the fight scenes, the brother, the son, and the twist all had me hooked. I laughed out loud and wanted to join in on the trouncing. I eagerly await how the situation with Elliot Graves turns out. I am hooked on this series!

Magical Midlife Love

**MINOR SPOILERS** This book is book 4 of the Leveling Up series. I do not recommend reading it as a standalone as the series is tied together. This book was better than the last one. Jess is a great character and one that is facing a new and unusual responsibility with a lot of heart and poise. She is loyal and brave. I liked her and rooted for her. I did think she was a little impulsive and that she needs to learn to control her emotions and think strategically. She is very powerful magically and has the loyalty of many. It is a great responsibility and I think she could be an even better leader if she stepped into the role a bit more. Fortunately, she had Austin and his brother to help her. Austin, another main character, is absolutely great. I like how supportive he is of Jess. During this book, they are well on the way to accepting the mate bond between them and the words he uses to talk about it are very open, supportive, and loving. His brother visits during the book and they resolve the issues of the past between them. I liked their relationship and they were mutually good for each other, though Kingston had something to forgive and he did so lovingly. I think he is likely a great leader in his pack. It would be nice to see a book or novella about him. In this book, Jess’ son visits her. It was a quick side story, but a nice one, as he found out his mother had magic and accepted it. They also seemed to have a good relationship. For someone who has not read the series, it might not connect as well as it would for someone who has. I like the humor of this author. The dialogue is frequently fun. The book opens with Jess being on a training exercise where she allows someone to stab her. This is unbelievably unwise and I frankly thought that because Jess, as leader, allowed someone to do this to her that her leadership skills should definitely be questioned. In addition, as a way to test mages that come to her house, their test is to recreate a potion that allows them to enter on to her property undetected. I do not understand why you would do something so ill considered. Some people may know of the potion, but to give out the instructions is just asking for trouble. Early in this book, Jess founds out that the link she has with the people connected with her is open most/all of the time on their side. She had thought that when she shut down the link on her side, that she also shut the link down on their side. They had not told her that this was the case. I agreed with her sense of betrayal when she had not been told of this connection. I would not want this connection with people all of the time and later she realizes she can figure out a way around it. Jess summons a thunderbird and a phoenix. I thought that the author could have done a bit better at transitioning them into the story. They are summoned and Jess immediately ask what it would take for them to stay and work with her. The phoenix demands a battle to the death. This scene was a little rough in my opinion. After the fight, I thought there could have been a little more character development with them and a new gargoyle that shows up. Also, I know this is petty, but there is a reference to the phoenix coughing fire or having it come from her butt, that I just thought was juvenile. There is a surprising ending that sets up the next book. I plan to continue on to the next book in the series.

The polar bear delivers, the magician arrives and all is amazing.

Some books just make you happy. Some series make you smile on almost every page. This book and series is that. But not for being all sunshine and rainbows. No, for having the MC stabbed, with her consent (sort of) in the opening scene. For having a hot polar bear shifter who not only is an amazing person but can cook. In all kinds of ways needed. Jessie finds as usual her life a bit of roller coaster. Her son comes to visit and rather than hide the magic she comes right out with it. And he gets a really cool Easter egg hunt. Autism needed to bring in the help and advice of his brother and with that comes a whole new set of shifters who don’t know how things go for a bit. Toss in some heavy duty pre mating rituals and a talented new magical recruit who comes to help and the magical house and grounds have gotten a bit fuller as of late. This has all the laughs and fights and friendship and twists and turns one comes to expect from a KF Breene book and the only horrid part is when it ends and you are left wanting more. No cliff hanger but new surprises to explore in the next book for sure.

Creative genius

Wow! I’m so jealous of Jessie and her sexy times with Austin. Damn he has to be KF Breene’s best book boyfriend yet. That man is fine! I loved seeing Jimmy and Kingsley and getting the scoop on all the shifter stuff that Jess hasn’t had any idea about. The new additions to the team are awesome, talk about creative genius. I never would have thought about a Phoenix and a Thunderbird. I’m glad the new leader of the gargoyles isn’t a douche this time. The Easter egg hunt was the best! This book had so many great, creative things in it. The little moments; Jimmy telling Austin Jessie wants a man to cook for her and he does. Awww. Mr Tom making Easter baskets for Jimmy and Jessie. Jessie telling Austin his house feels like home. OMG! Just gets you in the feels. Bravo KF, that twist at the end, I’m not quite sure what’s going on but I’m sure we’ll find out in the next book. Can’t wait, you evil genius you.

More humor, action, plus romance!

So another awesome installment to the Leveling Up series! We meet Jessie's son and Austin's brother. Also several other new and fascinating characters! (No spoilers here!) The romance heats up! (Boy does it ever!) Never a dull moment, but then that describes pretty much all of Breene's work. There was a plot twist I was NOT expecting, which only makes me that much more anxious for the next installment. There are so many quirky characters in this series, and I am so glad we get to revisit them in each book. Now to go see when the next one comes out...


This book keeps me on my toes. I Love the characters, like every single one of them. I love how kooky and funny they are and Ivy house as well. I consider her a character, I mean you gotta admit she has an awesome sense of humor. The dolls, I have to admit to a doll phobia but in this series I'm actually rooting for them now. I will say I did not see one part coming, I don't want to spoil anything but man can this author pull at the heartstrings. Make you love someone and then blip, gone. Jessie's world is really starting to heat up, in more ways than one and i'm totally here for it. I love books that can make me laugh and cry in the same story. Austin's past makes me love him more as I see him grow and come around. Again, finally. This series is amazing and I just want more more more! I am so invested in these characters, of course I've already preordered the next book. I'm trying to be patient.

Best series!

This is absolutely the best series I've ever read, and I read A LOT of books. K.F. Breene has created a group of characters so hysterical and in depth, I feel like I really know them. I can't read any of this series without laughing out loud. I had to share them with family members and friends. They were all immediately hooked. A friend's husband was so curious about why she was laughing so hard that he picked up the book himself and now he's hooked too! He's even read them multiple times while waiting for the next new book to come out. I can only ask the author this, "PLEASE K.F. Breene, DO NOT KILL OFF ANY OF THE MAIN CHARACTERS, NEVER END THIS SERIES, and KEEP ME LAUGHING MY BUTT OFF! What an awesome escape from the real world. Hysterical characters, comedy, mystery, adventure, romance, AND the paranormal. And every new book in the series, better than the last. What more can you ask for?

Formal training for Jess--FINALLY

Breene continues the Leveling Up series with Magical Midlife Love. In this book, Jess tells her son about her and the magic when he visits on Easter break from college. As she did with Magical Midlife Invasion Breene excels at these family moments, and the conversations between Jess and Jimmy sound like conversations I had with my mom at the age (without all the magic stuff). What I like best about his book is that FINALLY, Jess is getting formal training in using her magic instead of the Ivy House gang throwing options at the wall and seeing what sticks. A mage, Sebestian, answers Jess's latest summons for a teacher, and he knows his stuff. Jess finally has someone to explain to her how magic works. He can see what she is doing, and then tell her what she needs to do to get the results she wants. We finally get to see that there is some rhyme and reason to magic in this world Breene has created. We also get to find out about the larger magic world outside of O'Briens. Both Niamh and Austin chide themselves for not keeping up with the news outside of their own little town, and we find out why. I was wondering why what went on outside of this small town didn't seem to matter to anyone, considering the villain that's been set up is from out there. So it's good to know the ball was dropped on this one. With this book, the series also earns its romance moniker, but that is all I will say to avoid spoilers. There are also secrets being kept, and that includes Ivy House keeping secrets from Jess that I'm sure are going to be fleshed out in the next book or two. I'm glad Breene is making this world more complex, and I hope she continues to have more formal training for Jess as she continues to learn how to use her magic.

Relatable Characters, excellent storylines

When the first 13 books in the PWF series were published I used my entire $150 Christmas gift Amazon card to buy all of them. Only 2 in that entire first release disappointed me. This series was NOT one of those 2. I found the premise for the books to be delightful, new and entertaining. While this is a series of books, each one is good enough to stand on it's own. However, I recommend reading them in order, and saving the last book you read to review when the newest books comes out. This author has a colorful way of weaving in new characters in each book, but keeping true to the holdovers from previous books. If you have read any of this series you will be able to relate when I say there are days when I wish I had a pile of rocks on my front porch. Life has those moments when they would come in handy. Especially in 2020.


Magical Midlife Love is the fourth book in the Leveling Up series and it's awesome! Jessie's put out a call for a mage instructor and additional strong flyers to join her team and those who answer the call are pretty interesting. We get to meet Jessie's son and Austin's brother, both of which I hope to see more of in future books. The main plot of the book is around an upcoming meeting with a possible mage ally and Jessie and Austin’s efforts to prep their people. Of course the meeting doesn't go as expected, but what happens is quite impressive. Most importantly, Jessie and Austin finally accept what is painfully obvious to everyone else and stop denying their feelings for each other. Yay! I have to say it took a long time for them to get there, but it was worth the wait. I loved this book and cannot wait for the next!


Book four was not as good as the first three books in this series. Quite a few new characters but not much depth to them as in previous books. This book felt rushed maybe to meet a deadline. The reader could have done without the pages of detailed sex. Errors in editing too. I should have stopped at book three. I am not planning to read book 5.

SOOOO good! Perfect fun paranormal with characters I can understand.

I LOVED Magical Midlife Love. I think K.F. Breene's Leveling Up is even better than Darynda Jones's Betwixt and Between and I love that series, too. Magical Midlife Love brought everything I wanted and then left me shouting, No, No, NO! I can barely wait until May for the next book. It isn't a real cliff hanger but offers a definite teaser! Thank goodness it is only three months. This is definitely a series that needs to be read in order to be appreciated to the fullest but one you get your hands on one, you will want to read them all so that really isn't and issue. I read the first book through Kindle Unlimited but is will be a reader series for sure so I am buying them now. There is sex but it isn't the be all and end all that many paranormal books that include shapeshifters lean towards.

Love this book!

I absolutely loved this book. KF Breene is such an amazing writer. She’s my top 3 favorite of all times. This book shows the love between Austin and Jesse. They are so sweet and comfortable together. Austin is super alpha yet so loyal and into Jesse but not in a sappy way. Jesse is strong and super funny when drunk. Tons of action in this book. Low angst. My book club asked if there was any thing I was disappointed and I can honestly say, there were none. Everything written was wonderful and I wouldn’t change a thing. This is a very good series and I recommend it to all. This book is the best in this series. You can read this as a stand-alone but I recommend reading from book 1. I binged read until 2am and felt like rereading it all over again this morning. A must read!

Ivy House has my heart

I’m so crazy grateful I found this author and that SOMEHOW she writes so many incredible stories. This particular series of hers is my favorite as I need humor, intelligence, some tension, more humor and growth from the characters and she does this so damn well. If you are about to read this book it should mean you read the first three and are anxious to read this one to find out what happens next AND to revisit this amazing but sadly fictional place. If you haven’t read the first three and are looking at this one go to your room. Then start on book 1. No spoilers here folks. I loved seeing additional characters and progression in relationships. I’m reading it for the second time already. And all I can add is I hope that she never ends this series as I would be bereft.

Finally! Some movement in character development.... And what the what ???

Happy to report the booty call had finally arrived ! No spoilers.. But I'm disappointed in the turn that happens with new guy. I really was surprised with that big twist towards the end of the book there with this particular character development I just sat there and had to re it because I couldn't believe that that change had been put in there that was really well done Just towards the last few Chapters I Saw almost a Loose pattern in Writing and it seemed that It was getting a little I don't know if I want to say out of alignment or just that It became vague or perhaps It felt rushed but it seemed as though The last few chap Ters of the book we're like let's just get this wrapped up quickly and move on I will say for sure that I did Have a time where it was relatable with her son visiting and I feel like she was connecting to a lot of moms who have just that limited amount of time with their college sons and though it may not have fit entirely into a story line like her parents didn't really fit entirely into the story line I can understand that it is being used to show depth of character and development of family

Breene did it again. I am in love with the midlife series.

Breene did it again. I am in love with the midlife series. It hits all the requirements for me. Supernatural, lust/love, action, adventure anda good story. The friendships and kinship in this book leave you wanting people like this in your life. I was interested from the first chapter. I could not get enough. The story and characters developed at a good rate. There was enough new and interesting so you did not get bored. I cannot wait until the next book is released. Spoiler alert: Jess and Austin are just starting to get to the good parts, more action is sure to come. I cant wait to see what she does with the new money. I could go on and on. I highly recommend this book to anyone that likes paranormal.

K.F. Breene Strikes Gold Again

Quite literally my favorite book series, Breene effortlessly weaves a story that has you enraptured from the opening paragraph. Her writing style, her characters, her descriptions have you believing in and seeing the magic as she transports you into this quirky, hilarious, action-packed, lovely world. I never want the story to end and am always hungry for more. Thank you for creating a paranormal, magical world for those of us past our twenties; for giving us hope, and flawless writing and world-building. Thank you for remembering us and delivering such badass characters and adventures for us. I'm along for this journey to the end (which is hopefully a long ways off).

Beautifully Appropriate Title

Without giving away any specific spoilers, the title of this series entry is so appropriate to the story. The heat factor has effectively been raised to 100! This has been my favorite book in the series so far! Jessie continues to come more and more into her own as mistress of Ivy House in some very amazing ways. Austin has stepped up in his position in the town admirably as well. I loved all the new characters introduced in this book! Jessie’s circle is filling up with some powerful allies and I can’t wait to see what the final showdown ends up looking like considering all those in play already. I have to say, I absolutely loved the twist ending and can’t wait to read the next book!

Better and better

It gets better and better with each new book. I love Breene! She is so super talented, and my favorite author in this genre. Her character development is so on point. I was frustrated in previous books waiting for Austin and Jess to get together, but as usual, it was worth the wait. The blooming of their passionate relationship was fire. The late call scene was written so beautifully. I have never been so hot and bothered by a passage that doesn't mention sex or describe the related sexual actions. That passage was all about the feelings induced by the act. It was so powerful! I'm definitely looking forward to the final book if this series.

So Much Fun!

I love this series! It's not just all fun and kookiness. There's romance and action as well. You'll roll though a gamut of emotions with this one. There's also some new characters introduced. Jessie & Austin are attracting all kinds of characters. Some want to join them & others want to tear them down. This is a completely unique series. I hope for lots more adventures with this crew.

I love this series!!

I’ve been really enjoying this series and it’s the first that I’ve read by this author. I was so upset when I finished the third book and thought the forth was already out but oh my, it was worth the wait! The slow burn of the two main characters has been exquisite and as the title implies we finally get what we have been waiting for. What a bodice ripper!! Can’t wait for the fifth book and already sad to see it’ll be the last. I work in healthcare and O’Brien really has been my escape for the past two months as I’ve been reading and rereading this series. Thank you for making a magical refuge for me and amazing characters to make me laugh as well as ask myself some hard questions for self improvement. I may not get the house or the Alpha but I could use a little leveling up myself.

Magical Midlife series

This is the latest book in the Magical Midlife series by K.F. Breene. This series, including this book, are written for every woman who is not 20-something. Jacinta is a midlife, divorced woman, with an adult son and eccentric parents. She is the recipient of the Ivy House magic, since none of the actual heirs are acceptable. She is introduced to magic, magical creatures, including shapeshifters, vampires, a Phoenix, and Big Foot. This book continues the fine legacy of humor, action and middle-aged divorcee angst. Treat yourself to any of the books in this series, you will not regret it.

Worth the wait!

It's hard to know what to write in reviews for books deep in a series. If you've read the previous books, you pretty much know what this book will be like. There's humor, romance, lots of magic of all kinds, and tons of bickering between Niamh and Mr. Tom. There's also some new stuff, but I won't mention that because of spoilers. All the new stuff and new characters definitely add to the quality of this series, and the finished product was definitely worth the wait! I love this series so much and am really looking forward to what will happen in book five and beyond!

Thoroughly enjoyable

This book is another great addition to the series. I respect that the main character has learned and grown more a part of her new world, but hasn’t let it alter her morals. This book is laugh-out-loud funny, and the romance is swoon-worthy. While I enjoyed all of the books in this series, I think this one and the first one are tied for my favorites. One last the last book, I felt like the main character’s remarks to the original Ivy House Three were downright mean and disrespectful at times - out of character even - so I was glad they were dialed back down to the level of good-natured exasperation in this book.

Keep it coming!

This is absolutely one of my favorite series. It has it all- passion, action, humor, love- all of that. And this book right here? I was all in my feelings while reading it. I took a break in my usual back to back reading habit after reading it to CONTINUE to process what I had just read. I am highly anticipating the next book. And Austin Steele?? I can't believe I've actually been thinking about this man like we've been having conversations with each other or something, lol. I even told my coworker about him, lol. And what's so good about this book is that Jessie, the main character, deserves all of this! She isn't some weak or obtuse woman. She is handling her sh!t. Love it. Keep this series coming.


I love Breene's writing. And this particular series is her best work. Though this book she dived a bit away from her fantastic sharp mature humor and dipped into the world of too much graphic sexual descriptions, waisting crucially valuable pages (and I mean plenty of pages!) that could have been put to better use - showcasing her fine art of brilliant, sharp as a whip, mature and educated writing. (Sure we have been waiting 3 books for Steel and Jess to get it on but really...) If not for that it wou have been 5 stars all the way.

The wait is worth it!

This is the fourth book in this series and each and every book has been SO good. I laugh, cry, laugh some more, and swoon over Austin and adore the heroine, Jacinta. In this book you meet more mythical creatures, more family members, and keep getting to know the main characters. I LOVE this series. Read it! You will not be disappointed.

Mages, bears, tigers and bigfoot....oh my!

I just love this series and all of the characters in it. This book has Jessie and Austin taking their relationship to the next level but other relationships are taken up a notch also. Those relationships are not sexual in nature yet still very important. Jessie's son comes to visit and is there anything more hilarious than Mr. Tom, Niamh, Edgar and the rest of the gang trying to figure out human holidays? I laughed so hard! My favorite line from this book is: "Fire snot is still gross!" LOL

Worth the wait

I love this series more and more with each book. The characters are quirky, funny, fierce and unendingly loyal. I was so happy that we finally met Jimmy and that Jimmy was not only cool with the magic, he was cool with Austin. A few new characters were added to the chaos, but the one who stands out the most is Sebastian, the mage who has answered the summons to train Jesse with her abundance of magical power. But, is Sebastian too good to be true? Stay tuned’s getting interesting.

About time!!

I am absolutely in LOVE with this series! It hits on so many levels. Jessie and crew are back in action! The pack is coming along and Austin calls his brother in to help! Jessie gets more help on her council, with a couple of legendary creatures! I love Mr. Tom in this book!! I laughed so hard all the way through! Jessie and Austin's relationship is also evolving and changing. I cant wait for more in this series! It is refreshing to see a heroine who is not early 20's!

This series continues to make me laugh

Who of us doesn't enjoy having a woman who is not your typical heroin as a FMC? I didn't know I needed this until K.F. Breene created it and I have to tell you, I LOVE it. It's hard not to feel a bit "old" when you are getting to a certain set of numbers on your timeline and having an incredibly well written story, in the PRN world, has just made my year. K.F. Breene is brillant. This series is brillant. It is snarky, weird, funny, and simply fantastic.

What a story!

This is an amazing book! Jessie and Austin are well written characters,and their interaction is perfect. Meeting Austin's brother Kingsley is helpful, providing information that makes you understand Austin's history, and what Jess is going to be dealing with. The magical battles are exciting and well developed. And a couple of mysteries for the reader to think about while waiting for the next book. K. F. Breene has written a great series.

Loved it!

This series just keeps getting better. I laughed and sighed in happiness throughout this entire book. I love how Jessie and Austin have grown emotionally through this series. It is such a joy to watch. Jessie was so self conscious in book1 and has healed herself slowly throughout the last few books. I will be counting down to the release of book 5. These books will definitely brighten your day if you choose to read them. I would highly recommend them.

Must read series!

This fourth installment in the Magical Midlife series is everything you could hope for. The characters get better and the battles are more epic. The love story takes a more center stage, but is handled perfectly to make it flow with the rest of the story. This book is a powerful read and it’s only issue is how hard it is to put down. Grab some snacks and open a bottle of wine. Then sit back and enjoy another amazing book from Queen Breene herself.

One of the best series ever!

So many laugh out loud moments in this one, choose where you read it carefully. The first 3 books in this series were amazing. The best cast of odd ball characters you will ever want to know. Book 4 takes it to the next level. Hhmmm, maybe that's why she called it the Leveling Up series. It's an incredible story, humor, action, romance, magic, death, it's all in there. To quote Ariel (the Little Mermaid), I wish I could be part of that world! Can't wait for book 5, and hoping there are many more to come. Best ever!

The Queen did it again

I will try to write this without any spoilers. For anyone wanting to read well laid out worlds, interesting characters, and what I consider the right amount of violence, love, and laughter. You need to read this series. I think this volume is my favorite of them so far. So many things are tied together and the action and cohesion of the Ivy House crew and others blends really well. KF Breene does characters so well that display how to bad ass while still treating eachother with respect and well, like family. What an amazing book and I am pining for the next one already!

Every character in this series is important

I love this series so much and this installment was amazing. I love Jessie's relationship with Austin. They have such respect for each other which builds to the most passionate relationship I have read in a long time. I've read naughtier but not more passionate. Every character in this series is important and adds to the experience. I must admit that I paused for a few hours to do something else just because I didn't want it to end.


I was very disappointed of the portrayal of the heroine as a dumb woman with a lot of power that she did not know what to do with. The story fell apart about a quarter in and it is the first book ever I just could not finish due to its silliness. I had like 20 pop ages left and gave up.

It just keeps getting better

What an amazing engrossing read. Seriously the best yet. Austin and Jess finally hook up. They find a mage to help teach Jess...and find more people to help at Ivy House. Jimmy comes to visit. Trouble of course finds Jess and team and Austin's family also shows up to help with the new influx of issues. That ending.....holy f*ing hell I didn't see that coming.....can we fast forward to release day of book 5...I need more!!!

I couldn't love it more!!

Just finished. It is so hard to explain how characters in a book can feel like people you've always known. Jess is the friend I would choose as my BFF, although I do have a perfect BFF. I cannot recommend this series highly enough. It speaks to me as a woman older than Jess by almost a decade, to see a grown woman reinventing herself, growing into her new role with compassion, independence and intelligence. We are still worthy!!!


Lots of buildup to get to this point in the story. The outcomes here are both satisfying and surprising. I loved getting to know Austin’s family and some new creatures in this book. You really get to see some earlier clues come together in this book...something I love in a series. Overall, this series is highly entertaining, laugh out loud funny, relatable, and celebrates inclusion no matter how weird. I highly recommend.

I never leave reviews

I never leave reviews, I am usually off to the next book. But this time I am making an exception. I have read several of Ms Breene's books. They are always well written with characters you love and stories you get caught up in. I am anxious to read the next book in this series and already preordered a book in another series(something I never do but I read so much I thought I may forget to go back to it). Well I am off to book 3. Have fun reading.

I love that I can never predict the twists!

K.F. Breene. You continue to amaze me! I have read every single one of your books. I know there is going to be crazy, but I can never predict it. I don't think I can express how refreshing that is. I still love all of your characters. The way they interact with each other and Ivy house is so entertaining! You don't miss a beat. Thank you for doing what you do. I can't wait for the meeting in the next book!


Entertaining, as usual. There were a couple of klunkers, which I was disappointed in. It was obvious who S was from the very beginning. At the end his issue was a bit of a surprise, in how they saw it, not in the fact that it did happen.

Best in fourth

I can’t find anything KF Breene has written, that I didn’t like. A lot. She just keeps getting better and better. As always with her books, love and extended family are the underlying themes, but this cast of characters is particularly clever, unique and utterly delightful. Men in particular should be required to learn from Austin Steele about how to romance a woman. Or any desired life partner.

Not as fond of book 4

I thought the book was good and loved the introduction of Sebastian. I originally thought he was socially awkward and was pleased that the book was so inclusive. However, I was not as thrilled about the overly graphic sex scenes which felt like soft porn. The last book in the series is not due out for a few months and while I would like to see how the series wraps up I was rather turned off.

Absolutely Brilliant

I am loving this series more with each book. I love the dynamics in all of the relationships being built, friendships and family coming together, Austin and Jessie are amazing, Elliot Graves... I had a feeling Sebastian was Graves and love that twist. I like that he is not really her enemy, and in a way has helped her more than anyone in learning her power and magic since the first book.

The waiting was horrible but SOOOO worth it!!

I love this series and just when you think you know where things are going to go (in a good way), K. F. Breene throws in curveballs that had me laughing, cheering and WTF”ing”. Amazeballs!!! I now have no idea where the next book is going to take Jess, Austin and the Ivy House crew but I know I already can’t wait to read what Ms. Breene has in store for them!!

🔥 worth it people... worth it. 😊

Worth it!! That really sums it up but perhaps I should do a couple of reason why, I was not a sure I would be a fan of the slower burn for our two leads but in this case I have really loved the world and character build. I also didn’t think I would get into the extra character as much as I did but they are fabulous. Each could have a series! Can’t wait to see where all of this will go next.

Bring it on

Sneaky, sneaky Sebastian, but now we're left trying to figure out what he's doing and with Ivy House going along, 🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️ Other than that, Damn that was good, and about time with Jess & Austin. Wonder if we'll get to see Jimmy again, his visit was a treat. The gang is taking form but there's still seats open and that leaves questions begging for answers.

My favourite series of books

I am always so excited to see another instalment in this series. Being a 41 year old myself, it’s is great to see that women my age can still have wonderful and magical adventures. The books are so well written, the plot is fantastic, the characters are witty and well rounded. I love that she manages to write an Irish character well, a feat very few non Irish people can manage. We get to meet more family members in this book, Jessie and Austin’s relationship develops nicely and more magical characters are introduced with a fabulous plot twist towards the end. Can’t wait for the next book, keep them coming!

Magical Midnight Love

This is book four in the series and is just as good as the other three. At times, while reading this book, I would be laughing out loud, my family looking at be oddly. Other times I would be sitting on edge with dread that one of the characters would be killed. That fight between Austin and the Phoenix was intense. The cliffhanger ending made me sad and angry and wanting more.

Another Great Story!

I love this series’s! From the very beginning this series....these stories have tons of Comedy, suspense galore and romance. What I really love is the characters. Some are hilarious, some are very tense and some are very loving. The author is sooo good about showing the love and friendships between the characters. This is just an AMAZING SERIES!!!

Could not give the Queen less than a 5.. Loved it!

This Author writes a lot of Great Stuff! Book 4 and I’m drooling for Book 5. Because of the Magic, Shifters, Gargoyles, and a Fantastic bunch of characters at that. I love the sarcasm, the friendships, the battle, and the romance. I could go on. If this were 1000 pages it could not be enough. Thank you for this, and for so much more to come!

Another Fabulous book!

Wow! The team is finally coming together. I loved this book so much. You can tell they are gearing up for a big finale, and with some surprise guests and magical creatures, you will be sitting on the edge of your seat to find out what happens nexts. And in addition to that, this book gives you all the feels! I can't wait for the next one!

Another awesome story

This is clearly a kf breene work of art. Funny, poignant and lethal with awesome characters that you love. A nice twist at the end that I did not see coming. My one and only critique was so much writing about her inability to do things had brushing through some stuff but the romance and the battles are freaking awesome.

LOVE everything about this!

I honestly can not remember ever being this crazy/giddy/excited about a book or series of books! I absolutely love them all! Period! MG. They make me laugh out loud. Seriously out loud! I cheer for the characters and get mad at the " villains". I am already so grateful that there is another one and yet hateful that I have to wait for it. LOL. I also want my friends and some of my family to read them. Trust me and enjoy!😁

Magically Mind-blown off kf breene's madness

Kf Breene has blown my mind again i love her slow burns and was totally worth it. The new creatures she added to this book amazeballs. The steamy sexiness coming from Austin i cant handle swoon! The twist in the story holy monkey balls batman i knew something was coming but didn't see that coming. Jessie is a freaking goddess i love her and her son I'd love to see more of him in the books to come! Thanks kf for your amazing beautifully twisted mind!


This was just that great, that entertaining!!! Perfect. I had so much fun reading this book! Who saw that plot twist coming? Wow! What exactly is this guy up too? The humor, the battles, the hot and steamy, and the dolls... It all works and I absolutely love it! This has become one of my all-time favorite series.

It's official, they are finally a couple.

Austin and Jess have advanced their relationship. There were some changes, but Jess finally find someone to help her with her magic, and that ends being a shocker, but don't want to give much away. I love these books, the characters are good and very lovable. I am excited to see what will happen in the next book.

Be prepared for less sleep.

This series is so well done, the world is developed very believably . Pulls me in every time. Sleep is unnecessary. I know middle aged women are now being written into more books but this is my favorite. Gargoyles, shifters and mages keep the bar high for varieties of story lines to spin. I highly recommend these books and author.


I'm not sure there are words to describe how incredible this book was ! I've loved this entire series so far but I think this is by far my favorite. Not only for finally uniting Jessie and Austin but for Sebastian as well. I truly did not expect the wrap up it gave and can't wait for The Meeting!!!


Love this series! Austin and Jacinta, finally:) and more amazing team members to round out Ivy House’s protectors. Laugh out loud bit and some tears. Love the world building, the characters, the plot line and the storytelling. Preordered the next in the series the moment I finished this one!!!

Once is not enough

This is one of those books one reads quickly to see what happens next, then reads again for what one missed the first time through. Never a dull moment and ties in well with the previous books in this series. Cannot wait for the conclusion and hope one of my favorite characters is resurrected.

Absolutely Love

Captivating, thrilling, magical! Jesse, Austin, Ivy House and the gang are really connecting and with new teammates and enemies on the horizon, Jesse is turning up the heat! Absolutely stunning! The more I read, the better, I can't get enough! Positively incredible from start to finish!

Wow! Wonderful!

Finally Jessie finds the man of her dreams and it is someone we always wanted it to be! The twist is incredible ( sorry Queen Breene, I saw it coming😊) was very welcome and fantastic! The new additions are fabulous and intriguing as well! Can wait for the next chapter in Jessie 's life!

Loooooved this one!

Jess and Austin have proven that two are better than one. And her evolution to heir of Ivy House has been exciting and rocky and emotional. Love all the characters gargoyles phoenix thunderbird basajuan shifters and of course mages. Cannot wait to see what happens with “Sebastian”!!!!!


Could it be that Jessie and Austin are meant to be mates for life? Is Jessie coming into even more power? Is she ready to take the oath and become the owner of Ivy House? Can Jessie mate withAustin? Read this story to see how K. f. Breene takes us forward with Jessie’s life.

I need the next!

This is such an awesome series! I sometimes get bored with too many books in a series but that is never the case with K.F. Breene books! Great continuation of the last 3 books. I just can't wait for May! The humor, love, friendship,action and suspense are beautifully woven together

Hell Yeah!!!!

So may I say ABOUT TIME and get ready to clutch them pearls ladies!!! I really enjoyed this book and couldn't put it down!! I wish near the end we got a better intro with some of the new character but it just makes me giddy for the next book!!! Long live the Queen <3!!!!

I love this book!!

The snark, the camaraderie, the mythical creatures... I want to go to sleep and wake up in Ivy House and this world!! Jess is my new favorite heroine! She is a bad ass who sticks to her principles and is loyal to a fault. As a middle age woman and mom-she is my goal and my spirit animal!


So much amazingness happened in this book. Austin and Jess get even more steamy. More family members are introduced. There is a battle(like each book), but there is also a great plot twist at the end. This is why I love KF Breene. Oh yeah, the constant sarcasm and humor too.

An interesting crew

I have enjoyed this series and thought this book was very good. The new additions to the crew were interesting. I love that “Bigfoot” is such a fun character. There was a great twist thrown in near the end and I look forward to finding out how it plays out in the next book.

I keep reading this series wondering if I will be disappointed in the next book.

NOPE! I still love this series! What a delight to read.! I am not normally into vampires and such but this book, this story is so well written and so wonderfully written! I just realize I keep using exclamation marks, sorry about that but seriously I LOVE THIS SERIES!!!

Captures you, funny, some romance w/action.

This book was great at picking up where book 3 left off. The characters personalities are easy to visualize and keep you sucked into to the book before you know it. I was surprised by one character and won't ruin it for readers. Ready to jump into book 5. Thank you KF Breene

Phenom writer

K. F. Greene is a phenomenal writer. She makes you laugh, feel sad, feel love be scared all at the same time. An exceptional author and have preordered the next book. Absolutely love her and all her characters. Can't wait to see what Mr. Graves has in store for Jessie.

40s and on fire!

I absolutely adore this series! The leveling up series is so perfect for those of us who’ve reached our 40s, are close to them or who are a little bit further down the line. Jessie keeps on giving them Hell with Austin and the house team behind her and meets Austin’s brother who is there to help him get his new territory in line. Seeing her with her son Jimmy is so touching. This book flies by and will have you laughing out loud! K.F. Breeze has another hit on her hands!

A delightful, magical romp

K.F. Breene has done it again - a fabulous series that has a funny, smart, snarky heroine and a handsome, smart hero and a cast of characters that make this a really fun read. I highly recommend not just this series, but all of her series - fabulous author!

Awesome Series for Middle Age Women

I am really enjoying reading this series. I am rating the series because I don’t like having to do this several times over. This is money well spent, and the author is very imaginative when it comes to creating a believable world within the world we occupy.

Love this series!

The new women's paranormal romance genre is truly amazing, but KF Breene's series is my favorite! The latest book is as good or better than the 1st 3. Some things were finally revealed and resolved, but the excitement never ends! Can't wait for book 5!

Just gets better and better!

Wow! I LOVED this book! I never saw the twist coming! And it was enough to make me salivate for he next book in the series! Not to mention that Austin and Jess finally got down to business... It was about time but so worth the wait! Well done Queen Breene!

Loved it

K F Breene did it again. I love her magical world and characters. If you want to bust out laughing, this is the book for you. Jess and her mythical housemates will have you scratching your head and blushing with her love making. What a magical combination.

Worth 10 stars, at least

I just love this series. Seriously, if you haven't yet started this series, go get book one. Jessie and Austin are totally worth it. The twists in this book got me tho. I didn't expect it, even tho I just knew the new guy wasn't who he said he was.


My favorite of the series so far!!! It has everything! A little x rated for my tastes (wink wink), but had absolutely everything! Laugh out loud dialogue, page turner action and suspense, and truly heart warming moments! I LOVED IT!!! Can't wait for book 5!


Fan-freaking-tastic!!!!! I couldn’t put it down. Literally. I love these characters, I love the twist. I hate that it was over too soon. I need more NOW!!!! Thank you K.F. Breene for such an amazing series. I could read about these characters forever!!!

Great read

I couldn't put this book down. The heat between Jacinta and Austin is awesome. I love how Mr. Tom spoiled Jimmy Jacinta is so protective of her people. When she goes off on Kinsella it was hilarious. Love how strong but sometimes clueless she is.

Jacinta takes us on another exciting romp

KF Breene’s writing is just stellar. This new addition to the Magical Midlife series read like a movie that was adventurous, mysterious, and a great ride. What a surprise conclusion that I didn’t see coming!!! Can’t wait for the next installment!!!

Jesse and Austin....finally....maybe....

Jesse and Austin and the gang are back! And we have some new characters with twists that join our ragtag group of fighters. We learn more about Austin and his family as well as more about Jesse and her new found magic. Absolutely love the series!!

Love is All You Need

Jessie gets serious about everything finally in this book and she does it Queen Breene style! Jessie and Austin are awesome together. Loved the new characters and new elements to the story. Great book. I really love and appreciate this new genre.

5 stars

This series has quickly become my favorite of all of Breene’s series. Jessie is most relatable as a character and you can feel yourself succeeding as she does. Breene knocks it out of the park yet again, and the twist at the end?! Just amazing

Jessie balance motherhood, alliances and love

When you feel can't wait for the next book, you know Magical Midlife Love is five stars. Honestly I would give it six were they available. The characters, the storyline, the humanity create a fabulous story that I hope goes on for many installments.


There was a twist in this one I was expecting in the last book, but it didn't happen so I assumed I was wrong. I do wonder how it'll be "fixed". I love that Jacinta & Austin are finally figured out. His brother was a nice addition.

Wonderful reading

Jess continues to learn and grow into her power. Austin and Jess are also growing in their love. The bad guys keep coming at them and they are able to surpasses them . I am not sure what ivy house and Elliott Graves are about yet.

Fantastic read

Absolutely love this series. It gets better with each book and this one rocks! Don’t read while drinking as you might snort your unsweetened iced tea out your nose laughing like I did. At a restaurant no less. Highly recommend it

Love this Series

These books are just a joy to read. I love all of the kooky characters, but I especially love the relationship between Jessie and Austin. It is a slow burn. Looking forward to many more adventures with this growing ragtag family.

An absolute must read!!

This series gives you everything you want in a book. Like a romance novel? Steamy love scenes?laugh out loud comedy? Intrigue? Action packed? You won’t be disappointed in any area. Well maybe one....when you finish the book. The good news is another book is coming!! Find a comfy spot and prepare to get lost in this series!

What a twist!!

K.F. Breene is such h an amazing author, and she continues to deliver with this 4th book in her leveling up series. I love seeing the growth in her characters and the amazing plot twists you don't see coming! This boom is definitely a must read!

Best of the best

I love love love this series and book. Fabulous characters, great humor, steam, well written, just fantastic. I can't wait for the next one. Excuse me while I go read this again. Then maybe again. Highly recommend this series.

Loving this series

I'm loving this series. The characters, although odd, I find likable. The storyline is progressing nicely. No boredom here. Just enough of everything in the right amount. Totally enjoying this series!

So excited!!!

Been saving this to read and I have not been disappointed. But then again the Queen never disappoints. so looking forward to the next installment and hit that preorder button as soon as I seen it. Now on to re- reading from the beginning.

I Love this series!

Great characters with unique traits getting into all manner of magical mayhem. I am constantly laughing, which lets me skip over the sex scenes. Ugh. I really detest how to sex scenes! But the laughs make up for them.

Loved it!

K.F. Breeze always manages to make me laugh out loud multiple times reading her books and this was no exception. I loved the book and the whole series! I can’t wait to see what’s next for Jessie, Austin, and the crew!


I laugh out loud as I read and I finished with a huge smile on my face. I have purchased each book for my own library and have preordered the next already. I am constantly surprised and amused by these characters!

So Good!

I have been glued to this series. I am happy I didn't find it until all 5 books were published because it would be too hard to wait! Jessie and Austin finally come together! And now she is out to get Elliot Graves.

Gets better with each book!

This story was definitely steamier than the previous books, but not so much as to be uncomfortable. The plot itself has become more intense, building up to an explosive next in series. Can't wait for it! Well done.

Such a fun paranormal series!

This is the fourth book in this series and I loved it!! Austin and Jacinta are perfect for each other. All the different magical creatures make this a fun read filled with excitement. Can’t wait for the next one!

Power Potions and Love

Finally we get our favorite guy and gal to give in to the attraction! And what a twist with Sebastian; I was expecting it and wondering if he could be but thinking Noooo wayyyy! But turns out …. Wayyyyy! 😂

Worth the wait

Jessie and her crew are as awesome as ever. I'm so glad Austin and Jessie finally acknowledged their feelings! The new members added some fun. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with Elliott Graves

Need the next!!! Soooo good

Omg, finally. And it was so good. I literally cant say anything else without giving something away, so leaving it at soooooo good. The only bad part about the whole book is having to wait for the next one.


Each book just keeps getting better and better. Love the romance between Austin and Jacita growing but the addition of new characters enhances the story. Already signed up for the next addition. .

So funny!!!

I love this series and just can't get enough Greens has put done herself O have never laughed so hard on my life, the characters are like a part of my family, please keep the series going. I love to listen to this on audio I love Poole, and I listen on my walks, but people must think I am crazy when I laugh out loud. Love love this series, best from Breene, I have read almost all her books this is the greatest.

I didn't read it, I inhaled it!

K. F. Breene gets better with every book written! I didn't just read this book, I inhaled it, laughed out loud, felt the emotions in my very soul. Very few authors have touched me this way and I can not wait for the next installment of this series!

So much fun have a mature heroine, one that grows into her powers with trials, tribulations and lots of laughter. Love her Ivy House protectors, such a motley crew but quirky and loyal. Can’t wait for the next book.

Jessie’s Magical Mystery Tour

Damn, it just gets better & better. From trust to lust & a world full of mystery, magic with a vampire butler & a mega blue eyed giant polar bear(or is it) meeting up with a mythical Phoenix. Or is it?


This is the book that we have all been waiting for!!! It did not disappoint!! I couldn’t stop reading, couldn’t put it down!! Then there was the ending... totally blown away!! Freaking amazing book!!!

Great escapism

I enjoy this series. Other than being well written, excellent characters and a good plot. I appreciate that the ending of the book makes you want to read the next one - but it's still a complete story.

Great read

I really enjoyed this next book in the series. Readers finally got what they were waiting for after a few books now, and there were some good twists in this story. Looking forward to the next book.

Kinda Spoilery

I was kind of hoping for a dragon, but a phoenix and a thunderbird are pretty cool. This book was funny, insightful, and finally, sexy! We see Jessie as a friend, mother, lover, and leader, and she nails it!

Wonderful story!

I do very much enjoyed reading this book. Jess and Austin finally get together, which made me very happy . Not completely sure what Elliot is planning , but appears he means well. We shall see!

Escape or not

Good reading with flying, zapping and turns at or before every corner! Add mythical creatures to Jesse's crew and it is better than a ride at a theme park ... All without leaving your couch!

Another great book in the magical midlife series!

I love this story line. Plenty of adventure, humor and a bit of romance. The characters are described so well. Breene’s attention to details is impressive. I can’t wait for the next book.

Fun playful series, I always love Breene's style

Great twists and turns on this one. Will be fun to discover what happens with the magic and really liked developing love story. No rush but great build up to a romance we knew was coming.

So good

Thank you K.F. Breene fit another amazing book in this amazing series! What a great read and nice plot twist! Although I guessed it, it was still a great surprise. Loved it and the characters are so fun to read. Can't wait for the next one!

As usual!

Good entertaining read! Well written to keep you coming back for more. I am on to the next one and am still not tired of the characters and I am sure I will miss them when I'm done!

Good fun!

It’s the kind of book that gives you a few hours of entertainment, laughter, and magic. Plus it makes my 40-something heart happen to see that adventure doesn’t die in literature when a character hits their 40s!

Another one!

Another great story from K.F. Breene! And I’m so excited with the twist at the end that I’m wishing my life away wanting the next book to be out already!! Nothing but love for this writer and her fantastical worlds!!

great escape

I really like K.F. Breene's writing - only author to-date that makes me laugh out loud, character development is always strong, and world building is great you can actually picture the scenes. I'm looking forward to the next book.

Wonderful escapism

I read for pleasure, always no matter the genre. This series is all I love in a book. It's funny, romantic, action packed(fabulous battles). Kudos to the author. I can't wait for the next installment. Keep writing please.

Forty and Fabulous!

The way Ms. Breene writes drags me so deeply into the worlds she creates. Her characters are spectacular and so damn interesting... and I want to be all of them in my next life!

Very entertaining

Recently started this series and have been laughing while enjoying the large as life characters. This is a book for imperfect people 😆 Downloading the next book now!

Jessie + Austin = HOT

The Ivy House team keeps growing. The sparks are flying between Austin and Jessie. And there was a plot twist that I did not see coming. I can't wait to see what happens next!

Just gets better and better

OMG... another winner for Ms. Breene! This series just gets better and better with each book. Love the characters and their oddities. Definitely can't wait for the next book.

Crazy good

I loved the first book of this series and have liked the others. But this was love again. Twists and turns and finally with Jessie and Austin! I can’t wait for the next one!

This series is soo enjoyable !

I bought the first book because I am a fan of KF Beene. I have enjoyed her other books so I thought midlife? Well let’s give it a try. It is a wild ride if a book could be dessert this is it, a treat from beginning to end.


Spoiler alert! I was going to truly go Edgar if Jessie and Austin didn't stop tap dancing around their inevitable togetherness! I love Mr. Tom more with each release. Worth the wait but don't make us actual midlifer's wait too long for the next book.

Packs a Punch

This is the book I think most readers have been waiting for since the beginning. There’s plenty of action, romance, and suspense for what comes next. I could not put it down!


My Queen! You have done it again! I just finished and WOW what a twist from our twisted Queen! I am so looking forward to the next installment! And More Jimmy!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Another magical read!

Can i give more than 5 stars? Just one more reason Breene is one of my favorite authors. I had to stop several times because I literally laughed out loud! The emotional connection being a parent of adult children wasn’t lost on me either. I can’t wait to see what Ivy House has in store for Jessie and her crew next!

What a ride!

Characters: On point. Plot: Several lines working together to make a great story. Sexy times? Mmm hmmm. If you haven't read this, you're missing out!

Great book, plot, and characters

I enjoyed this book as much, or more than, the prior books in this series. The characters come alive and are engaging. Romance, action, some sizzle and a plot twist. Who could ask for anything more?

Brilliantly hilarious

As always Breene delivered a fantastic story with humor a little loving and great characters that will stop at nothing to keep everyone safe. Women over 40 can still rock it! I can't wait for the next book.

I’m really enjoying this series

This whole series (and everything else I’ve read by KF Breene) has been really entertaining. Good stories with lots of humor and some spice, I highly recommend them.

Such a great book!

Each book in the series just gets better and better. Every time I finish reading one I feel so satisfied at the way the story went but also so excited for the next book to come out. This easily became one of my favorite series!

Laugh out loud book

A fun mix of magic and romance. It has a great variety of paranormal creatures- vampires, shifters, mages, gargoyles and more. Make sure you read these in order.

Pages missing

I love these books, but the fourth book I'm missing pages of the book and I can't figure how to get the missing pages. I want a complete book with all pages. Give me another download.

Love this series

I love the characters, I love the plot lines, I love the quality of the writing. The series just keeps getting better. Cannot wait for the next installment!

Midlife Paranormal

Excellent reading, hard to put down. If one wants to read a series of books I would say this one is a great choice. Thank you for loving what I am reading.

Couldn't put it down

Such a great story! Jessie and her crew of mismatched magicals are upping their game. The story is well paced and captivating. Can't wait for the next!

Fantastic Series

Well written with surprising twists and turns. Cannot wait to see what happens next! The house is a character and the inhabitants are incredible.

Fun read

This is a great series onto the next book and hope there are many more! Each of her series are different and I really enjoy learning these new worlds.

Fantastic read!

Ivy House was about to reveal something important to Jesse at the end and changed her mind. By halfway through the book, I suspected it. Well done!


I have enjoyed all 4 books so far especially since I don’t get out much now. This Covid out there has made me very cautious. So glad I found this series.

Loved it!

I loved visiting Jess and the gang. You never have a dull moment with all of the magical and emotional conflicts. Can't wait for the next one!

Fast moving

Looking forward to see where this is heading. Can't wait to see Jessie's reaction to these developments. Fast monving action and adventure.

Great addition to an amazing series

I am loving Jes and the crew new and old. Can't wait to see what's next. As always the characters are well developed and multi dimensional.


I am truly enjoying this series. Now that they finally got together and that epic fight has made the wait worth it. This was a page turner.

The best yet!!!

AMAZING!!!! Omg, this adventure is one of my ultimate favorites!!! I have to start the next one right now. I love love love this world!!


What a fun series! Characters that are supremely awesome. Slow burn love interest. AND. A giant twisty. Battles, magic, mayhem. Huzzah.

I want to throw rocks at nits too.

Can I just say how much I LOVE Niamh? She is one of the most interesting, awesome characters I've read in a long time. From moment one and throughout the series. Fabulous!

Plot twist!

Such a great series! I love how we finally get to “kinda sorta” meet Elliott Graves. Now to See what Jessie says about all that!

The Surprise

At the end is not much of a surprise. Not as much humor in this installment. Lots of action though. A bit of a disappointment all in all.

A lot happens!

Jessie grows into her full name. A very enjoyable plot and characters. I did not expect so much explicit sex, but when in Rome...

Another Awesome Story!

I really enjoy reading KF Breene's books. She is so creative, her characters are a blast, and her plot twists are legendary!

<3 time

Fun to see the established characters and relationships develop and see new personalities introduced. Looking forward to the next in the series.

Magical midlife love

I love this series, everything from the story line to the characters to Ivy House. Nice twist at the end. Now to pre-order

Beyond good

I am really enjoying this series. The characters are engaging and the world building is very good. Perfect to binge read.


Made me giddy with relief but left me with WTH? Emotionally vested in this group of characters. Can't wait for next book.


Jessie and Austin are starting to get there heads on straight. I felt this story picked up and was better than the last.


Every book is better than the last! Fantastic continuation of the series- I love these characters and can’t wait for the next installment.

Still one of my favorite series!!

I cannot get enough of this series. Austin and Jessie make an AMAZING team in this latest book and I cannot wait to see what happens next.


Wonderful!! So looking forward to the next book in the series! Bittersweet because it will be the last in this series.


I devoured this book in less than a day and a half. The series just keeps getting better and better. This book was released yesterday and I already can not wait for the next installment to see where the story goes from here!

Fun read

This series just keeps getting better and better. Loving all the characters and hot sexy Alpha. A must read series


Seriously one of the best series I’ve read this year and every book manages to be even better than the previous one.

The most fascinating thing I have ever read.

I can't put the books down. Every one is better than the one before it. I am so totally hooked, don't stop them coming.

Loved it

A fantastic next installment in the Leveling Up series. I thoroughly enjoyed it and can’t wait for the next one!


Entertaining lots of action and excitement that you on the edge of your seat all the way throughout the book

Love this series

Crazy oddball crew coming more together helping Jess growing in her magic and dry sarcastic humor and finding a mate

What a great series!

This book series is really great. Entertaining, Funny, and hella Hot. Wow! Love living my midlife vicariously through it ;-)

I’m in love!!!

This series just keeps getting better and better!! I love how it always has me laughing out loud! It keeps me in tranced from beginning to end! Can’t wait for the next book!!

So good

Wow, what a fun book this was. We finally get the moment we've been waiting for, tons of other excitement, and so many places to go from here. I hope Breene writes another 10 books in this series. Can't wait!


FINALLY !!!!! I cannt wait for the next one. Loved this one and it had some good twists. I did NOT see that coming

Love Jesse and awesome "family

Oh this was a hot one. I really enjoyed the love and war. I really hope 5 is not the last one

Lot of surprises,

Really good, was pleasantly surprised! Grab a gdthey shouldof wine , settle in , and enjoy Jacinta as she does ivy house proud is about


go back to the shadow people. they were so exciting. Or Ragan they were so good. this other stuff is so lame

Loved it!

I love how the series is progressing and can't wait for it to continue. The slow rolling heat EXPLODES in this book, and I look forward to re-reads!

Better, best, better than best!

I just can't figure out which character is my fave. And I'm especially looking forward to the final book -- I especially want to see how Jacinta handles Elliot Graves!


That is all I have to say! And, now I cannot wait for the next book. Jessie and Austin are on fire!


This book is just as if not more amazing than the last. I highly recommend this series if you have not read it!


This series is amazing. It’s a must read honestly if you love this genre.

Another wonderful book

I enjoyed reading this book so very much!! If I say much I will give away all the good stuff and the fun!! So just read it!!

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