Lost Tribes and Promised Lands: The Origins of American Racism

Kindle Edition
31 Dec
In Lost Tribes and Promised Lands, celebrated historian and cultural critic Ronald Sanders offers a compelling and ideology-shattering history of racial prejudice and myth as shaped by political, religious, and economic forces from the 14th Century to the present day. Written with clear-eyed vigor, Sanders draws on a broad history of art, psychology, politics, and religion to inform his striking and soundly-reasoned assertions.

The book nimbly zig-zags through space and time, doggedly chipping away at the myopic history of discovery and righeous conquest that has been reiterated for decades by the same ideological forces responsible for centuries of mythological prejudice and racial strife. Placing 14th Century Spanish intolerance (especially anti-Semitism) as the origins of American racism toward African and Native Americans, Sanders elegantly weaves complex threads of colonial economics, religious exceptionalism, and xenophobia into a heady and often-infuriating thesis on the history of racism.

Reviews (105)

Awesome Book

The true Hebrews of the Bible do not practice Judaism which is a counterfeit of the Bible. This book did a great job summarizing the real Hebrews of the Bible verses the counterfeit ones pretending to be the Hebrews of the Bible. The Star of David is the star of molech a demon. David does not have a star and his shield is TMH. That star is used in high occultist witchcraft. When the real Hebrews return to the land it will look like the garden of eden, there will be no war, the Messiah will bring the remenant back himself and the Messiah hasn’t returned yet. Revelation chapter 6 says when the Messiah comes the stars will fall from the sky, all the mountains and islands will move out of place and the sky will roll back like a scroll. That hasn’t happened yet so who are these people lying and claiming to be the Hebrews of the Bible and they are not. Do not adopt the ways of Judaism as it is a false religion just like all the other religions. Follow the Bible without false doctrines of religion



It all begins after the moors were expelled from Spain 🇪🇸

Wow a great read It gives a detailed information from Columbus the spainish to the Portuguese to Britain and to the United States ...... their first encounter with people of color and the 2 great African kings that the Europeans saw on the ancient map(mansa musa of Mali and the great khan in India) . But one of my favorite chapter or episode was when the Europeans met the fierce women of the amazon that inhabits an island on their own and men only come to visit 9 days out of the year to socialize.......it’s a very interesting read and it shows even Columbus that America celebrates today thought the world was shaped like a pear or a woman’s breast and it explains how world map were manipulated for political purposes and people giving versions or interpretations of things unknown to them ......... The story actually begins when the moors were expelled from Spain

We are lost

The so-called blacks are the lost tribes of Israel this is pack with proof and knowledge backed up with history/facts undeniable

I am an Israelite

Black, Hispanics, native American, hatians, west Indian are the Israelites of the bible and our oppressors destroyed our identity, but a few are waking up then judgment is coming for esau and our oppressors.......THE BIBLE, Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads. And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel. Revelation:7:3-4

Great Book!

Great book. Could have been written more clearly instead of leaving readers questioning everything. Alot of the research seemed legit, and though the book had a very defined racial line it seemed as though the author didnt really want to say to the actual indians were/are and who the lost tribes are presumed to be. This is a ton of reading for a single book to not have a closing on its title. Alot can be inferred from the presentation of the research.

This book was mentioned in a documentary that I was ...

This book was mentioned in a documentary that I was watching about the real Jews. It's filled with lots of facts that will cause you to scratch your head and reconsider things that you might have learned in school.


Anyone interested about the truth, and their true identity should read it

So far so good and factual

This book doesn't give you everything, but it's a start for some. Still reading. Haven't found what I'm looking for just yet. But as it was suggested to me to read this book and in it I will find evidence that the Jews were and are the so called blacks, Latinos, and Native Americans (North, South, and Central) of today. Pretty interesting.

History facts not commonly known

Wonderful expose on Columbus voyage

Awesome Book

The true Hebrews of the Bible do not practice Judaism which is a counterfeit of the Bible. This book did a great job summarizing the real Hebrews of the Bible verses the counterfeit ones pretending to be the Hebrews of the Bible. The Star of David is the star of molech a demon. David does not have a star and his shield is TMH. That star is used in high occultist witchcraft. When the real Hebrews return to the land it will look like the garden of eden, there will be no war, the Messiah will bring the remenant back himself and the Messiah hasn’t returned yet. Revelation chapter 6 says when the Messiah comes the stars will fall from the sky, all the mountains and islands will move out of place and the sky will roll back like a scroll. That hasn’t happened yet so who are these people lying and claiming to be the Hebrews of the Bible and they are not. Do not adopt the ways of Judaism as it is a false religion just like all the other religions. Follow the Bible without false doctrines of religion



It all begins after the moors were expelled from Spain 🇪🇸

Wow a great read It gives a detailed information from Columbus the spainish to the Portuguese to Britain and to the United States ...... their first encounter with people of color and the 2 great African kings that the Europeans saw on the ancient map(mansa musa of Mali and the great khan in India) . But one of my favorite chapter or episode was when the Europeans met the fierce women of the amazon that inhabits an island on their own and men only come to visit 9 days out of the year to socialize.......it’s a very interesting read and it shows even Columbus that America celebrates today thought the world was shaped like a pear or a woman’s breast and it explains how world map were manipulated for political purposes and people giving versions or interpretations of things unknown to them ......... The story actually begins when the moors were expelled from Spain

We are lost

The so-called blacks are the lost tribes of Israel this is pack with proof and knowledge backed up with history/facts undeniable

I am an Israelite

Black, Hispanics, native American, hatians, west Indian are the Israelites of the bible and our oppressors destroyed our identity, but a few are waking up then judgment is coming for esau and our oppressors.......THE BIBLE, Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads. And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel. Revelation:7:3-4

Great Book!

Great book. Could have been written more clearly instead of leaving readers questioning everything. Alot of the research seemed legit, and though the book had a very defined racial line it seemed as though the author didnt really want to say to the actual indians were/are and who the lost tribes are presumed to be. This is a ton of reading for a single book to not have a closing on its title. Alot can be inferred from the presentation of the research.

This book was mentioned in a documentary that I was ...

This book was mentioned in a documentary that I was watching about the real Jews. It's filled with lots of facts that will cause you to scratch your head and reconsider things that you might have learned in school.


Anyone interested about the truth, and their true identity should read it

So far so good and factual

This book doesn't give you everything, but it's a start for some. Still reading. Haven't found what I'm looking for just yet. But as it was suggested to me to read this book and in it I will find evidence that the Jews were and are the so called blacks, Latinos, and Native Americans (North, South, and Central) of today. Pretty interesting.

History facts not commonly known

Wonderful expose on Columbus voyage

Read it.

Very interesting and informative! I recommend that you really read this book.

Can't wait to read

It came on time and was in excellent condition. I can't wait to read it and have more proof of who the real Hebrews are.

Five Stars



Yasharahla get it while the price is low...

Five Stars

Great read worth every penny

Will highly recommend this book to

history has revealed itself over and over yet some people fail to realized it. Will highly recommend this book to anyone

Great history book about where the lost tribes of Israel went and are today

Great book about the lost tribe of Israel If you want truth then this is the book to buy.


Great book. Learned alot


A captivating work!

Five Stars

great book

Quick service

Great price

Must have in your library

Must have in your library

The untold History of the Israelite in the americas.but8

Yes it is the untold history of a people a nation that every person who seeks truth should read.

History book!

One Best Of the best books out there!

Five Stars

Must have!

Four Stars

Great and informative.


Some history books don't have certain information like these and it's great to know.

Five Stars

It is great to understand history that goes beyond academic learning.

Everything was handled well...... thanks for my purchase

Looks like a interesting book to get into....... I read on the job to stay awake

Perfect; great for history poeple.

Indept look at the history of the new world.

Five Stars

It's a must read

Five Stars

This book is interesting and thought provoking.A must have for history buffs.

Five Stars

Good read

Sonfar so good.

Still reading but very interest. Sonfar so good.

Worth Every Penny!

Christopher Columbus knew that those Natives were here just like the book says. He also knew where they descended from (Israelites) because why else would he "hire" a Hebrew speaker to come along on his journey to America? Not only that the Natives themselves told him they were Hebrews. Tribe Of Reuben are Seminole Indians and Tribe Of Joseph were Puerto Rican and Cubans. NATIVE AMERICANS ARE ISRAELITES AND LATINOS TOO.

Five Stars


Very interesting

Awesome book

History facts good book the Latinos natives Hispanic are Israelites highly recommended ...

History facts good book the Latinos natives Hispanic are Israelites highly recommended get this book while it is cheap

a little bint up

it came a little bint up around the edges...

Five Stars

Great read & thanks to Amazon!

Your history

I like

Truth Revealed

This is great History

Lost Tribes and Promise Lands book review

I'm finding out some interesting facts about the tribes and promised lands. And the more I read this book the more enlighten I am getting.

Five Stars

Better understanding of my people

Nice book.

Nice book. Thanks!

Get it..

I enjoyed this read

Five Stars

great read.

Five Stars


Five Stars

Great book, it came right on time.

Five Stars

great book great price great seller

great historical information

great historical information...nice read i recommend to those who are a historical fanatical...the seller was very responsible, and it was everything that i expected, and i would do business with them again.

Five Stars

As advertised

Five Stars

Eye opener for me

Five Stars

This is a great history book

The Children of the Promise!!! (Romans 9:8)

All praises to the Most High! We can tie these historical facts with biblical truths. Read the Apocrypha(2 Esdras 13:40-45) in conjunction with the Jewish encyclopedia & you will discover that the evil Columbus associated this region of Arsareth to America! So called blacks, native americans, & latinos are the chosen ones of Israel!!(2Esdras 6:54) (Matt.10:5,6) Wake up!!(Romans 13:11)(Isaiah 45:17)(Luke 1:68) Selah!

Five Stars

Excellent and wonderful book.

Good book, with important truth about the real Hebrews ...

Good book,with important truth about the real Hebrews but away too expencive for the price of 400,00 dolares.

Four Stars

Received as listed...

Five Stars

Great book, very interesting.

Four Stars

I haven't started reading and studying it.

One Star

Confusion over whether this book was ever available for 39.00.


I enjoy this book. It tells us how the tribes lived back then, It tells us different characteristics about the different tribes

Five Stars

This book is a great read!!

Four Stars

very informative

Five Stars


Five Stars

the best ever

Knowledge is Power

Initially I was excited about finally getting this long awaited book and it was not in paperback format. Should have known something was amiss secondary to the price factor, this is indeed the complete volume but the font is so tiny you almost need a magnifying glass to read it. After opening it and attempting to read it, I could only close the cover and sit it down on the table and that's where it's been since Day 1.

Five Stars

Great book.

Very Useful and Life Altering Information

This book used to be less than $20 but the price has skyrocketed. Why? -- Spoilers below. This book holds some very interesting and revealing insights into the role racism has played in the establishment of this country, the horrid actions towards the Native Americans, who are identified as Israelites who spoke Hebrew based on journals from first hand accounts (even Columbus expected this to be so and acted accordingly), and the impact this misinformation has had on the formation of our current culture, understanding, and historical and political views.

finally they've dropped the price of this book.Get it while you can at any moment it will go back up to $1,000.Its now for $24.

This book is purposely over priced so the children of Israel(Blacks,Hispanics,Native American indians)won't know about it.You can charge $10,000 for the book it still will not change the outcome that God has planned for this evil,wicked kingdom.You can delay the truth but you can't hide it.So let us blacks and Hispanics have the book.

I don't see why this book has such a great rating, and I only paid $24 for it

I don't see why this book has such a great rating, and I only paid $24 for it, so again I don't know what people are talking about. This book is such a hard read,; I've tried three times. It seems to go no where and say very little. Like James Brown said,"Talking loud and saying nothing". It's going to find it self in the trash really soon.

Three Stars

No comments

To high want it bad but that price is rediculius the Lord will bless ...

To high want it bad but that price is rediculius the Lord will bless me with one. I am only giving a star cause of the price.

I was disappointed.

This is probably great information but a difficult read. The condition was very good and as described. The book was way over priced.



One Star


Enjoy your last days of freedom

I ordered this book for a very reasonable price and all of a sudden I get a message that says your order has been canceled. These heathen nations think that they are slick. They realized that this book will expose there criminal ways and reveal to the people who the real Israelites are. NEWS FLASH: it's already too late buddy the Israelites have already begun to awaken and your time is extremely short lol ... Enjoy your last days of freedom, because when Christ come back you WILL go into slavery !!!!!

It okay

Have yet to read it all. I like to checking out history. So far what he said help know there this the lost tribes. Also how history facts are missing.

Five Stars

This book is very costly and the reason for this is to keep certain people from learning the truth.

A must have

I just received my book this week for under $40. I brought it as soon as they re-printed it. I thought that would never happen. This is book is just 1 of many that proves that the so-called Blacks, Latinos and Native Americans are the biblical 12 tribes of Israel. It's no wonder the new edition sold out so fast. This book is gold! Buy it before they start raising the price. They will NEVER have this book in schools. I wonder why.

All Those whose ancestors were of the Transatlantic Slave trade should Get this historical book

This is an astounding historical account . Of all people descended from the Transatlantic slave trade are Jews expelled from Spain This is the historical link of where the African American roots came from it is ISRAEL!!! WOW!!!. He also gives account for the European Jews their historical roots as well IT IS A FACT SOME OF JUDAH WAS IN THE BABYLONIAN CAPTIVITY AND MIGRATED TO EUROPE, SAME PEOPLE SAME BLOOD THEY WENT DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS AND IT DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE NOT ISRAEL . JUST AS THE PEOPLE WHO WERE JEWS IN THE TRANSATLANTIC AND SUB SAHARIAN SLAVE TRADE THIS BOOK IS A EYE OPENER ! IT IS A NON RACIST PERSPECTIVE . THOSE COLOR STRUCK NEED TO LOOK AT THE INFORMATION OBJECTIVELY AND FAIRLY AND NOT PUT THEIR OWN SPIN ON IT IN FAVOR OF PEOPLE THAT LOOK LIKE THEM. Judah was scattered in appearance of being BLACK OR WHITE THEY ARE STILL JUDAH!! I am half way through this book the information is explosive . Historians should tell the truth on this one the evidence is overwhelming. This is a good historical read and this should be taught in academia. This information is valuable and should not be disregarded or taken lightly. ISRAEL take notice Rabbi's PLEASE take notice and please validate this information. This should be widely known and not thrown aside or out. The Jews as a whole are a persecuted people and Skin tone has nothing to do with a people. A people are of the same blood whether their skin is dark or light BE FAIR! cause what color is a Spirit if G-d (Yah) Hashem is a Spirit what color is he? GET off of this Color trip Jacob and come together as one RACE IS A CONSTRUCT TO DECIEVE THE GULLIABLE so that they will not come together as a people it never used to exist.. so outside appearace is MUTE HISTORICAL EVIDENCE OF ORIGINS IS WHAT COUNTS JERUSALEM TAKE NOTE ISRAEL TAKE NOTE . excellent book this information need to be shared .

New Edition is the Same as the $2000 One (Minus Short Introduction)

This is an important and much valued book worth reading by anyone interested in racism in America. Since many reviews at focused on price or are concerned about the book being the same as the edition selling for $2000, I wanted to address those concerns. Please note that the only difference between this edition and the 1992 one is a short introduction/preface that was truly just an introduction and in no way an important part of the book. The 2015 edition is the same as the original one. The price is so much lower as the publisher made a conscious decision to make the book affordable so this important work could be affordable.

John 8:32 Ye shall know the truth and the truth say make you free

So called blacks, Hispanics and native Americans are the truth biblical Israelites they priced the book this much thinking it will stop us from buying it but I'm still going to buy it I don't care if the book is a thousand dollars it will be added to my collection along with other books that's already $1800-1900 they can't stop this truth from coming out



They have went to great lengths to keep this book out of the hands ...

They have went to great lengths to keep this book out of the hands of the TRUE ISRAELITES!!! LOOK AT THE PRICE

Price rising because God is coming soon

I got a copy of this book on pdf file and printed it out, I have a learning disability but I keep a dictionary handy when reading some words and I understand a great deal of it, as a slow learner I must say this book is burning stems on ppls pockets for those who want to learn the truth, the main reason why the price started to jump because God is coming very soon


Its not worth selling it for that price anymore cause they have it now for a whole lot cheaper. Both paperback and hardcover.

I own this book and you would be amazed at the info that is in it

I own this book and you would be amazed at the info that is in it. OMG PEOPLE NEED TO WAKE UP. It is priced outrageously because of the knowledge that is in there. THE TRUTH. But people will find out another way If it's the MOST HIGH will.

Things havw been taken out and added in

It is obviously a reprint however with that said remember to further study what you read if something doesn't make sense.

Buy NOW!!

Book is just as good as the 1st version. Get it before it's never available again. Page 364 of the book is all I needed to see.

Israel shall never wax pale and Israel is like the Ethiopians to TMH Amos 9

This book is false!!! All 12 Tribes are Negro and only southern kingdom was scattered to the four corners of the earth and northern Kingdom is still in Africa as it is written in (Isaiah 11:11-12)- And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea.And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth. Stop trying to use this book to justify marrying strange woman or that false 12 tribes chart..,Israel shall never wax pale and Israel is like the Ethiopians to TMH Amos 9:7!!! We have Afro-Mexican, Afro-Cubans, Afro- Purto Ricans just like we have Afro - Americans in theses lands and so on...Stop being deceived by the ABC camps!!!Shalom!!!

I'm usually very good at finding free stuff on the internet

I'm usually very good at finding free stuff on the internet.... not for this book. So I find it intriguing, furthermore, I shall make the purchase.

One Star



Its a shame that this information isn't out there in the public...This book is priced at 1500 dollars...This just modern day "Book Burning"...


i want this book like yesterday but the price I just cant do it. I hate having a pdf but I'm going to have to look for one til I can buy this. shame on these book stores.

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