Living Clean: The Journey Continues

Kindle Edition
31 Oct
NA’s message has three parts: Any addict can stop using, lose the desire to use, and find a new way to live. This book is about finding a new way to live—the practice of recovery in our daily lives, in our relationships, and in our service to others. It is intended to welcome members new to recovery and to rekindle the passion of longer-term NA members.

Reviews (206)

Good book

Highly recommend. Such a good read to have on hand

Nice clean book

Fresh pages

solid life wisdom

It’s a really good book, I probably have 20 pages worth of notes from this book that I will remember forever.

Great Buy For Recovery

A great book to buy for your collection for your journey in your recovery of addiction..

It’s like i wrote this book for myself

I purchased this book as a gift for myself for my 30th birthday, It’s changed my life. It’s instilled confidence within myself i had forgotten i had all along. I laughed, cried, nodded along as i read the words that felt like i had put them there myself..I’ve heard this book in fractured pieces read aloud in NA meetings for topics on shares that allowed people to open up and be vulnerable in sharing their experience, strength & hope. I’ll forever be grateful for this book. If you’re a lost addict who’s been looking for themselves, here you are.

Should be part of your recovery library

Makes recovery personal. A great addition to your recovery library

Outstanding book!

This book created for persons who are on the journey of recovery from substance use. Great information that explains situations common to most addicts. Read for yourself and enjoy the ride. Guarantee you’ll be able to relate. However, It’s only through understanding and application that the information works.

Living Clean One Day at a Time.

I chose this book because it is about learning what drug addiction is. In ots pages ot also speaks on how to identify what disease is and how it leads us in to a path of destructuction. I would recommend this title to anyone who is experiencing difficulties with drugs and wants to quit.

I love this book

I love this book.. I read it every day and helps me make sense of a lot of things... Every one should read this book

Amazing Read

Awesome book for the recovering addict for sure, it hits home so much it'll touch your heart and allow some understanding into the NA and recovery process

Good book

Highly recommend. Such a good read to have on hand

Nice clean book

Fresh pages

solid life wisdom

It’s a really good book, I probably have 20 pages worth of notes from this book that I will remember forever.

Great Buy For Recovery

A great book to buy for your collection for your journey in your recovery of addiction..

It’s like i wrote this book for myself

I purchased this book as a gift for myself for my 30th birthday, It’s changed my life. It’s instilled confidence within myself i had forgotten i had all along. I laughed, cried, nodded along as i read the words that felt like i had put them there myself..I’ve heard this book in fractured pieces read aloud in NA meetings for topics on shares that allowed people to open up and be vulnerable in sharing their experience, strength & hope. I’ll forever be grateful for this book. If you’re a lost addict who’s been looking for themselves, here you are.

Should be part of your recovery library

Makes recovery personal. A great addition to your recovery library

Outstanding book!

This book created for persons who are on the journey of recovery from substance use. Great information that explains situations common to most addicts. Read for yourself and enjoy the ride. Guarantee you’ll be able to relate. However, It’s only through understanding and application that the information works.

Living Clean One Day at a Time.

I chose this book because it is about learning what drug addiction is. In ots pages ot also speaks on how to identify what disease is and how it leads us in to a path of destructuction. I would recommend this title to anyone who is experiencing difficulties with drugs and wants to quit.

I love this book

I love this book.. I read it every day and helps me make sense of a lot of things... Every one should read this book

Amazing Read

Awesome book for the recovering addict for sure, it hits home so much it'll touch your heart and allow some understanding into the NA and recovery process

Best book ever

Best book ever

Living Clean is a great companion to the Basic Text

This book is the spiritual successor to the Basic Text. Living Clean gives great insight on continuing what is started in the Basic Text: happy and productive lives without the use of drugs. It has helped me to learn how to apply the spiritual principles of NA in all my affairs.

Good stuff

Needed reading for those in recovery. Even those not in the process. This book embraces the spiritual nature needed to awaken from addiction.

Based on the 12 steps

Wonderful way of life

Good book

Everything was great

How to gain spiritual tools in today's life

I chose this rating because the whole book was relatable, readable and helpful for individuals looking for solutions to live life on life's terms.

Great Book

Great for 12 step meetings

Living this life made plain

I love this book Oh my God! Whenever I’ve been unsure of my course in my journey, this book (and my home group) let me know for sure where I should keep doing what I am doing cause it works, or Surrender what doesn’t work. M gr8tful for this life and all our lit but this book in particular is magnificent!

Great read

The book is in really good condition and I use it alot in my recovery!

Please do not ask for review I have paid for the book please do not disturb

I do not want to be disturbed. Amazon is violating my privacy I am having difficult to continue reading my book without me having the freedom to read with out being interrupted

Amazon rocks

It's a great book for those in recovery from addiction.

Hi. I want to share my experience.

Hi. I want to share my experience. I spend half a year in NA and few month in AA. Never had any real addiction but thought that this could be kind of support or spiritual groups that i need at that time. They really damage my mental health and physical well being. I have psychological degree and keep learning and in one point figure out that there are lot of people with narcissistic personality disorder, psychopaths and borderline personal disorder. That's when I stopped going to AA and NA and starts working with psychotherapist. In my opinion if you don't have narcissism, psychopathy or borderline disorder it's better to stay away from that kind of organizations, because there you will spend most time with very abusive and sick people who will never change. Read some materials on psychopathy, narcissism, borderline disorder, find some tests on this disorders,, read about cults and how they brainwash people and then make your decision. I do thing that some people can benefit from this programs but most - not. mostly because of prison like environment. Good luck!

Great book

Great book

Great literature

Great literature

Wonderful book to read p.. Ty

Love it!!

Read this with your sponsor. For drug addicts but anyone can use this.

Finally, a book that goes into more of the "how" of the program. The Basic Text is key, but this is a must as well. I would strongly suggest this book to any newcomer or someone who's struggling with relapse. Frankly, anyone who has a hurt, habit or hangup who wants to live a good life that's not completely self centered may appreciate this book.

Recovery based

New reading material for my recovery

No pg. number for Kindle

I appreciate this book due to it’s nature. However the kindle version does not provide pg. numbers. Just locations within the book. If you are doing a book study with a group via zoom meeting and they all have a hard copy things can get quite confusing.

A "Cornerstone"

These folks have done their homework. Their understanding of the addict is so "right on". Every page has words that seem to leap off of the page. Our group uses this as an adjunct to the basic text but more & more they are asking for "Living Clean". It is truly inspirational. I highly recommend it for anyone & everyone.

The Journey Continues on Kindle!

I don't have to rate this book for anyone who is a member of Narcotics Anonymous. Such a great addition to our literature! I DO wish the folks at Kindle would use the real page number option on all of our available literature, as it is generally used in book studies.

I love reading it

This book saves lives. I love reading it. It has totally enhanced my recovery, especially since a meeting I regularly attend started reading it weekly. We've now read the entire book over the course of about a year as a group and shared on its contents. It offers a totally fresh and new perspective on things we overlook on a daily basis. I am very grateful for this book.

Great book for people with time in recovery from substance abuse challenges

This book is awesome for people in recovery from a substance abuse challenge. It talks alot about the experiences we go through as we achieve time in recovery and helps to make me feel like I'm not alone.

Remember: One Day At A Time

Great read !! Would definitely recommend buying !! Great for anyone struggling with addiction !!

Amazing piece of NA Literature

Sent to my friend in jail she read it and has continued her recovery journey since she was released this book helps me and can help others stay clean One Day At A Time

Good read for those in Recovery

I read the first 164 of A.A book . I need some else to read recovery related. Recovery is describe in a more modern language and more relatable for me.

Living Clean (recovery)

Purchased for a guy in prison who requested this book; he is reading it since he is in recovery there.

Living Clean: The Journey

This book is not for me, however it is for a family member. I Read a little on line and I think it will help in the recovery of anyone hat has had a problem with drugs.I purchased two so I can sit and read it; with this book maybe I can get a better understanding of why a person in recovery have a difficult time maintaining a life free of drugs.

Fantastic book

Have not finished it because I can read every paragraph about 5 times - there's that much knowledge in here.

The Best Book I have read in a long time!

This Book is TOTALLY AWESOME! If you are in a recovery process, it is invaluable, if you are not, you can still glean a wealth of knowledge about principals to live by in this world that NEEDS Love and compassion for humanity!

Fantastic book, son Loved it

Fantastic book my son loved it, !! Lots of Help

Greatest book ever!!

I have been waiting to purchase this book on amazon since it first came out. I had the privilege of help our Literature Review committee from my area with the book. I love this book. It just what I need to read right now. If you have been around for a while this book was written for the old timers, but anyone can read it. I all about the things we are or have been going through clean.

Amazing read!

I love this book it’s an easy read. The author has decided it into small easy to read sections too. I can totally relate!

The most up to date recovery guide thus far! When total abinstinace isn't anough!

Finally in print a discussion on the issues that arise in all our recovery affairs and a heads up on how to approach them and process them through the steps. It delivers what it says "living clean" Congratulations and thanks to the hard working committee's that compiled, collated and produced this landmark in literal recovery! Oh how we've grown in a mere 60 years. Much gratitude from another excited Australian member of NA

Awesome if you have some time

Really in-depth and thorough, if you have time in the fellowship, I highly recommend this book to you to help continue

Highly recommend this book!

Highly recommend this book! This is a wonderful Read.

Hank L

our message is not just for the new comer, the old timer need it also, this keeps the old timer balanced, and refreshed. I agree and identify with all its contents, most of all relationships of all kinds. to everyone who has a working knowledge of the 12 steps, 12 traditions, and concepts, and has experienced living clean in more ways then abstinence. Hank L.

Love this book because it helps me be mindful of ...

Love this book because it helps me be mindful of how am feeling and how I am progressing in my day to day struggles. No matter how difficult the storm, we make it through and he journey does in fact continues.

Buy it if you're new - buy it if you're old

Been meaning to buy this book for years. Chocked full of inspiration and insight. If you stop learning you are probably shut off. This book will bring you back home and open you up.

Love love love !


One of the best paperweights I have ever owned

One of the best paperweights I have ever owned. I have had this book over a year now and the spine is still as stiff as the day I bought it.


If you are in recovery, you need to have this book. Love it. Read every sentence. Keep it handy, and use it. I recommend the book for people who have at least a year clean. Before that, the Basic Text would be the better choice.


A 5 star book! Anyone in recovery from addiction will find something useful in this book, no matter if one has 2 days clean or 30 years clean. Written by the collective members of the 12-Step program of Narcotics Anonymous, one will find empathy and caring on every page. Give yourself a break and read it.

Living Clean- That's What We're Talking About!!!

The title says it all. Whether you're a newcomer or oldtimer, this book will help you to discover how to adjust to Life-On-Life Terms! The material has really assisted me in accepting who I am, what I need to do and how! Member Since 1989, and Clean since 12-26-1992.

Great book

Very good book for sobriety


this an incredible addition to the Basic Text and It Works How And Why, This book has helped me greatly on my journey of recovery. Specially powerful for those with long term recovery. There have been times when book has provided me the answer to a road block in my recovery. Truly a Higher Power's guidance.


Thank you

Great condition

Great Recovery tool.

Useless to me without real page numbers.

I have read this a couple of times and it is not that great as a stand-alone piece of recovery literature. However, it does work well in a book study meeting. Seems to be written in small sections and works best when read that way. I bought the Kindle version to have on my phone so I didn't have to carry the book to meetings, but without an actual page number to go to, it's more hassle than it's worth. 4.5 stars for content, 1.5 for usability.

Excellent Recovery Book

This is a great book in addition to the Basic Text! I bought the hardcover book and also bought it for my Kindle Paperwhite. I find myself highlighting a good portion of it. I'm so glad they published this! I know this book will help many addicts stay clean!

Great book to read and reread & reread over & over

Great book. I was given the hardcover tooo. I haven't figured out how to show the page numbers on the Kindle that are on the hardcover book. That must be my lack of understanding the Kindle. This book is geared toward people that

Everything in this book will help you....

This book is it!!!!Will read it a few more Times.Have the book and on kindle.

Very pleased that we can read this before bed when my ...

Very pleased that we can read this before bed when my man hasn't had the chance to make it to a meeting. Keeps it involved in our lives no matter how busy we get.




Outstanding book from Narcotics Anonymous. Contains a lot of great recovery. I downloaded it on my Kindle and can pull it out of my purse and follow along at meetings that use a literature format. Great to have around with easy access when waiting and need to occupy myself as well.

Living Clean

This is a magnificent volume! I have had it for just 3 weeks and I am on my 3rd reading of it. There is so much vital info for the recovering addict. I found gem after gem on each page. I know I will be pouring over it for a lifetime!


I recommend this book for people seeking to recover from any addiction or those who struggle to understand addiction in others. It is brilliant.

Four Stars

Insightful, Makes very good points but sometimes is more in depth then a pick up read. This is more of a sit down and read when maybe looking to steps or guidance in a specific life.

Great..must buy

Great book for people in recovery to read

Five Stars

Excellent book for those in recovery! It is a life-long process and the journey does continue.

Five Stars

Perfect for additional understanding of the Steps and Traditions. Helps with the third part of the Message!

Great book

This has to be one of the most beautiful pieces of literature from NA. If your an old timer it is a must read. I have read about a quarter of the book and I'm really taken with how it brings back my early recovery. And strengthens it more so today.


Good timing great quality

I love this book!

I have read this book through at least 3 times. It's one great paragraph after another. It is all directly related and relevant to my recovery. I will continue to re-read this as more is revealed each time through.

The Real World

This book is great! It ellsborates on the living life clean in the real world.



Thank you NA

This book was written for me and to me, an addict learning to live life and deal with life on lifes terms.

Every page is profound, will take years of re-reading ...

Every page is profound, will take years of re-reading and still have more insight to apply, worth it's weight in gold

I'm happy with this purchase

I'm happy with this purchase. I love that I can get my purchase immediately. I will be buying other books.

Five Stars

When a loved one could not get to a meeting. This literature helped so much



Life saver

Great book , now I have it on my tablet and always have it in the meeting for book study without having to carry 3 book.

easy to use

I love this book!

Read this book!

A great book for anyone in recovery. Especially relevant for those in long-term recovery.

A great

A recommendation from a friend. A great read

Doing it One day at a time for 27 years

Very good reading, insight, and direction on the disease of the addiction.

My Sons new Group

My Son has started an A.A. and N.A. group in his small town, this will be a great book to add to the books I am trying to afford to get for him! thanks for having it at an affordable price!


This is a wonderful addition to anyone going through the recovery process. I would say that anyone in any 12 step program would be able to relate to this literature.

Five Stars

The best book I've read so far they helps me with life.

The next recovery book to read

This is an excellent continuation of recovery texts. Discussions on real life, tackling subjects most recovering persons will encounter in their lives, and keeping the focus on the primary goal of staying clean.

Best new publication from NA in over fifteen years

Best new publication from NA in over fifteen years. This book will resonate with people who have many years in recovery as well as those just getting started.

Nice buy

My recovery

This is a great book for those who want to learn of the ...

This is a great book for those who want to learn of the ordeals of what it is to live with a debilitating obsession such as drug abuse.

Highly Recommended

I found this book to be full of great insights that if heeded can be a very helpful support in bringing about change in one's life. Get out the highlighter!

If you are in recovery you need this book!!

Love this book and would recommend to anyone in any type of recovery proggram

Living Clean

This self help book and NA in general, Have absolutely changed my perspective on life without the use of drugs. All things are possible today.

Great addition to the NA literature!

Great for oldtimers and newcomers alike. Addresses topics like growing old in recovery, getting sick in recovery.

Five Stars

great quality book, well bound

A must have for all in recovery

Terrific book. Recommended for all in any type of recovery. A book you can read all the through or flip to read what section you need at the moment

Five Stars

For those who are in recovery this is what it says, The Journey Continues....

Five Stars

As expected. For reference only.

A gift for someone else but so appreciated by her.


Five Stars

Best recovery book I've bought aside from the basic text

Great read

I loved this book I was moved, inspired and related my personal struggles easily

life in recovery

Very much

This has become an essential part of my day to ...

This has become an essential part of my day to day way of life. It has suggestions for any situation life can throw my way.

and The Journey Continues...

A comprehensive look into the broad diversity and spectrum NA member's perspective.

How to walk the walk...

Lots of ES & H here for newcomers and dinosaurs alike. If you are serious about staying clean, Living Clean is an invaluable resource.

A must read

It is one amazing book on journey of recovery... Recovery is a way of life, that allows an addict seeking solutions. This book speaks on how he journey continues.

Five Stars

Wonderful, wonderful just wonderful

Five Stars

I love this book it has help me more in my recovery process

Great book

Definitely 5 stars. Fantastic way to apply everything learned in the other approved literature to continuing to do life, free.

Five Stars

Great book for recovering addicts.

Best Yet

Love the book ..It allows me to relate to the true emotion and daily life as an addict..

Price It For Less NAWS

Great to have this on a digital format but the price should be less period. There is no materials - make this more accessible to people.

Five Stars

Love products

I Bought all these books for my Son who is ...

I Bought all these books for my Son who is in Treatment He say's the Book's have been very helpful.

Must read book...

I would highly recommended this book for other members. I can relate to so many parts of the book.

Five Stars


Five Stars

This book is amazing. I love how it talks about so many topic. It a must have NA book


As the title suggests, this book is the newest resource for those living with the disease of addiction. A must read for everyone in recovery!

The program is not the fellowship.

If The Basic Text was star wars this is The Empire Strikes Back. The same trustworthy literature that helps me stay clean another day.

Love it

Love it, best book ever read besides the basic text and it works how and why. The stories in this book are so relateable

Five Stars

Part of the literature and program that saved my life.

A book of hope!

Loved this book. Will be leaving this book on my nightstand to read and re-read. I would recommend this book to anyone in recovery or not!

Get it.

Love the book / hate the cover LOL - reminds me of something from the 70s. Very weird design and the puffiuness of the cover is just odd.

Five Stars

It speak to us addicts...

Great Recovery Literature

Living Clean: The Journey Continues may be the finest piece of 12-step recovery literature written. It is thoughtful, inspiring, motivating and always interesting. Highly recommend.

Another tool used in the continue journey of recovery.

Another tool used in the continue journey of recovery. Outstanding book that helps as you continue the process of recovery

Graduate Level Recovery

Been in the rooms of Narcotics Anonymous for a few years. This made the program fresh again for me. Pick it up now!!!

Five Stars

Amazingmy awesome read

Great read.

I think this book is one of the best books that has been published in a long time. Everyone needs to read this cover to cover.

as well as Narcotics Anonymous were perfect.

All three purchases (Living Clean, It Works How and Why, as well as Narcotics Anonymous were perfect.

life on life

Help me see new tools to keep on my journey best of tools on a day to day way to live

Clean living...

If you want to get insight about how to live free from addiction this is the book for you. A must for recovering addicts!

Excellent recovery material.

Excellent recovery material, but more for those further along in their recovery.

Five Stars

It's awesome to have this book at my finger tips


Very in depth on subject of spirituality. A lot of hope. Covered a lot of issues of life.Not really recommended for newcomers.

"give yourself a break and read it"

(Kindle version) cheaper than buying the hard copy and I am enjoying learning more about how much further I have left to travel.

Five Stars

This book is every I expected to be and more!

Five Stars

So helpful to keep me focused on the goal.

Five Stars

Glad they came out with this book otherwise I would still be stuck in my recovery. Great book

Five Stars


Five Stars


Great Read!

This book is for the recovering addict - drugs, alcohol, whatever. It doesn't get you clean, but will help your program.

Five Stars

Exactly as described.

Clean living

My husband is recovering and updating his book collection to e-books. This was a great gift I could give him.

So much wisdom!

A wonderful resource for the journey of recovery. Reminds that it's about life changes, not just putting down drugs.

Five Stars

The best

Excellent recovery book

A clear demonstration, supported by my own experience, that a full and happy life can be lived without the use of drugs.

Four Stars

An awesome tool for me in my recovery. It's easy to read and understand, and it's not boring.

Living Clean The Journey Continues

Great book to improve one's self. Examines your responses to life on life's terms by living through spritual principles daily!

Living life clean

Identification is amazing. It's like a road map in recovery for the person whose been on the journey long. Great

Love it

Love it and a great addition to anyone's library that is seeking a better way of life. A must read.

Experience of others in Recovery

I enjoy reading the experience of others in recovery. Living Clean is an awesome read about the journey of recovery


This book is such a wonderful edition to our literature. Non-addicts can benefit from the life/coping skills this book offers.

Finally- a reader version

I was really glad to see a Kindle version of 'Living Clean'. This means I can read this anywhere. Thanks.

Five Stars

One of the greatest book ever seen

Five Stars

A very clean book.

Four Stars

It was a gift for someone

She Loves It!!

It was a gift, and she says that she Loves it!! Great gift for anyone that is in the NA program.


This has got some wonderful experience in it. If you get a chance, please read this great book. Thank you.


AMAZING!!! This book has been a "Spiritual TKO!" If you have not purchased you need to for your own recovery.

Great Transaction

Very god book

Good Stuff

Glad I bought fulllfills things in my life that I cannot even being to explain. I love this book!

Five Stars

Has so many suggestions on how living clean is the way to go in life.


this book reads like it's written by a woman or a tweaker coming off a week long fest. enjoy. mike

A must read for addicts

Very well written with great truths on every page

Five Stars

Fast shipping and great book!

The journey definitely continues!

It's what I believe in, this book/literature is FIRE!

Five Stars

Phenomenally wonderful and very helpful for the Journey

Five Stars

very helpful

Five Stars

Very good book. Good service!

Five Stars

Great book!!! Came in beautiful shape and on time.

Five Stars

This book is awesome in learning to live clean

Five Stars

Great Recovery book.

buy it

worth it

Five Stars

Most helpful book in the series!!!

Five Stars

This book gives me the reality of life am grateful for it .

Living clean.

My way of life.

Five Stars

A need for every recovering addict

Five Stars


Buy it read it

Great book for someone who is working the program

Five Stars

Awesome book!! For Addicts written by Addicts!!

Five Stars

Great amazing book

Four Stars

Best one that I have used in a home doorway.

Five Stars

Word's to live by

Five Stars

I am a member so this is very useful

Five Stars

If your in recovery, this is a must.

Narcotics Anonymous saved my life

Great book but expect Nothing less from NA

Five Stars

Great book! Every addict should have it :)

Four Stars

Very pleased with purchase

Five Stars

it what every one in recovery needs

all books are great!

Its a book, all books are great!

Five Stars

Great book, showed up early!!!

Five Stars

It's the next step in the journey.

guide for success

great book it changes lives

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