Liberty Versus the Tyranny of Socialism: Controversial Essays

Paperback – September 1, 2008
31 Aug
In this selected collection of his syndicated newspaper columns, Walter Williams offers his sometimes controversial views on education, health, the environment, government, law and society, race, and a range of other topics. Although many of these essays focus on the growth of government and our loss of liberty, many others demonstrate how the tools of freemarket economics can be used to improve our lives in ways ordinary people can understand.

Reviews (68)

A truly great informative read!!

A truly great informative read. Watched Walter Williams on Life, Liberty and Levin and had to read some of his writings. The way the book is divided its easy to read in pieces. Very interesting and informative. I wish more people in power had the clearness of thought and conservative principle outlined in this book!

Every American over 20 should read this book. Free Enterprise - good, Socialism - bad

Dr. Williams has been on the front lines for decades. In the past, racism was the major topic of concern. Now, the rise of sentiments favoring Socialism has taken center stage. This collection of his thinking is down to earth, easily understood, and clear in its conclusions. Dr. Walter Williams is a national treasure.

Good articles that more people should read.

Dr. Williams has long been one of my favorite columnists. This book makes a good case against socialism and challenges many of the points of view that the press and the liberal left promote. He challenges attitudes of victomhood and the belief that racism has gotten worse (it hasn’t ). Well worth reading.

What a great reference tool.

I have been a huge fan of Dr. Williams for decades. I have a note book full of his columns I have copied and filed. This book saves me the effort of doing that. It's great that his columns are organized into subject areas. Anyone who is a fan of Dr. Williams needs this book on their shelves.

Great book Professor Williams. I wish I'd had you for Econ. 1 and 2 . The reason why people can't read today is because of Site reading which creates functional illiterates. Almost everyone can read when taught good phonics. Site reading was introduced in the late 1940's . That's why my granddaughter. could barely read until I taught her phonics. Now she is reading the Harry.Potter books and she reads all the time.

Also on the subject of abortion, it's not just because of immoral life styles, it's illegal. The constitution says a life cannot be taken without due process of law. Also abortion clinics are often in poor and or minority neighborhood . Scientifically , The Supreme Court made an illegal decision. Please read Abuse of discretion by Kenneth Forsyth to see why I'd illegal . Your book is amazing , I'm going to see if you wrote anything more recently.

Truth That Can Improve One's Functioning

Numerous brief articles, covering many of today's topics. The articles are a composite of his many newspaper articles. Walter Williams has a very clear, common sense insight. His views are of value for those with an open mind to read.

This should be mandatory reading for every college student as well as academia to begin to stop liberal bias in education.

Walter Williams does not mince words, He gets right to the point and backs up his opinions or assertions with facts. If you want a truthful picture of the liberal indoctrination in public and higher education you need to read this book. I knew this liberal bias existed and is detrimental to students and this country, but Walter Williams does a wonderful job in demonstrating concrete examples. Academia should be ashamed of the indoctrination of our students which are our future leaders in this country.

One Of The Best

This is one of the best books I have read in the past couple of years. Because the book is comprised of 2-3 page essays it is very easy to read and you can skip around if you don't want to follow the essays in order. More importantly, the subject matter is extremely relevant to what's going on in our Country today. Williams explains his ideas with more common sense than you will hear out of any politician or pundit. I highly recommend this book to Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, and Independants.

Outdated and not Rhetorically Interesting

I bought this book bc it was on a list of recommended books for young conservatives and I was looking for conservative perspectives to add to my AP English course. It is outdated and the essays are not rhetorically interesting and largely use anecdotal evidence or unsupported opinions. I found Excuse Me, Professor to be a much better book for my purposes

Includes a great economics primer at the back.

I have read many of Mr. Williams columns online and based my purchase on the quality of his columns. This collection does not disappoint with hard-hitting critiques of poorly thought out government programs and the self-delusion of those who support them, even after they have demonstrably failed, and failed abysmally in many cases. My only complaint is that the last four chapters are devoted to an excellent primer on economics. This should really be at the start of the book but perhaps the author deliberately placed it at the end so that those who read the whole book would get a reward for doing so. I have read the entire book several times and referred back to individual chapters on many occasions.

A truly great informative read!!

A truly great informative read. Watched Walter Williams on Life, Liberty and Levin and had to read some of his writings. The way the book is divided its easy to read in pieces. Very interesting and informative. I wish more people in power had the clearness of thought and conservative principle outlined in this book!

Every American over 20 should read this book. Free Enterprise - good, Socialism - bad

Dr. Williams has been on the front lines for decades. In the past, racism was the major topic of concern. Now, the rise of sentiments favoring Socialism has taken center stage. This collection of his thinking is down to earth, easily understood, and clear in its conclusions. Dr. Walter Williams is a national treasure.

Good articles that more people should read.

Dr. Williams has long been one of my favorite columnists. This book makes a good case against socialism and challenges many of the points of view that the press and the liberal left promote. He challenges attitudes of victomhood and the belief that racism has gotten worse (it hasn’t ). Well worth reading.

What a great reference tool.

I have been a huge fan of Dr. Williams for decades. I have a note book full of his columns I have copied and filed. This book saves me the effort of doing that. It's great that his columns are organized into subject areas. Anyone who is a fan of Dr. Williams needs this book on their shelves.

Great book Professor Williams. I wish I'd had you for Econ. 1 and 2 . The reason why people can't read today is because of Site reading which creates functional illiterates. Almost everyone can read when taught good phonics. Site reading was introduced in the late 1940's . That's why my granddaughter. could barely read until I taught her phonics. Now she is reading the Harry.Potter books and she reads all the time.

Also on the subject of abortion, it's not just because of immoral life styles, it's illegal. The constitution says a life cannot be taken without due process of law. Also abortion clinics are often in poor and or minority neighborhood . Scientifically , The Supreme Court made an illegal decision. Please read Abuse of discretion by Kenneth Forsyth to see why I'd illegal . Your book is amazing , I'm going to see if you wrote anything more recently.

Truth That Can Improve One's Functioning

Numerous brief articles, covering many of today's topics. The articles are a composite of his many newspaper articles. Walter Williams has a very clear, common sense insight. His views are of value for those with an open mind to read.

This should be mandatory reading for every college student as well as academia to begin to stop liberal bias in education.

Walter Williams does not mince words, He gets right to the point and backs up his opinions or assertions with facts. If you want a truthful picture of the liberal indoctrination in public and higher education you need to read this book. I knew this liberal bias existed and is detrimental to students and this country, but Walter Williams does a wonderful job in demonstrating concrete examples. Academia should be ashamed of the indoctrination of our students which are our future leaders in this country.

One Of The Best

This is one of the best books I have read in the past couple of years. Because the book is comprised of 2-3 page essays it is very easy to read and you can skip around if you don't want to follow the essays in order. More importantly, the subject matter is extremely relevant to what's going on in our Country today. Williams explains his ideas with more common sense than you will hear out of any politician or pundit. I highly recommend this book to Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, and Independants.

Outdated and not Rhetorically Interesting

I bought this book bc it was on a list of recommended books for young conservatives and I was looking for conservative perspectives to add to my AP English course. It is outdated and the essays are not rhetorically interesting and largely use anecdotal evidence or unsupported opinions. I found Excuse Me, Professor to be a much better book for my purposes

Includes a great economics primer at the back.

I have read many of Mr. Williams columns online and based my purchase on the quality of his columns. This collection does not disappoint with hard-hitting critiques of poorly thought out government programs and the self-delusion of those who support them, even after they have demonstrably failed, and failed abysmally in many cases. My only complaint is that the last four chapters are devoted to an excellent primer on economics. This should really be at the start of the book but perhaps the author deliberately placed it at the end so that those who read the whole book would get a reward for doing so. I have read the entire book several times and referred back to individual chapters on many occasions.

This Author is so good.

His is such a intelligent writer. People should read this book. Happy with the delivery time and condition of the package.

Explaining the Logic of Free Market Capitalism

Logic and Truth, not wishes and hopes that everyone is honest in intent in Government.

Five Stars

anything by Williams is worth reading


Walter Williams is an American treasure. His writing's should be studied for their blunt concise honesty of America and it's failings along with it's virtue.

Fantastic educational book!

Walter Williams has written many excellent articles and this book is a top of the line collection.

Liberty versus the Tyranny of Socialism: Controversial Essays

This book should be required reading for all people who fancy themselves intellectuals. Mr. Walter E. Williams is right on in his expressions of our constitution and how it relates to our daily lives. Mr. Williams illustrates how our government is being corrupted and allowing our representatives and senators to abuse power and manipulate their posititions for personal gain. Mr. Williams explores the controversial issues of race in America with an eye-opening candor that refreshes and makes the reader think outside his comfort zone. This is a great book and a must read.


great summation

Collection of short (2 - 3 page) articles

A collection of his regular articles, grouped into categories: Education, Environment and Health, Government, Income, International, Law and Society, Potpourri, and Race. A basic, no-nonsense economist's view of issues and events, clearly and succinctly written. Some of the articles wanted expansion, and people who have read other of his books will have seen much of this already, but there are some new points made, and it's an interesting read.

Liberty versus the Tyranny of Socialism: Controversial Essays

Like everything else written by Professor Williams, this was excellent. It is a collection of his syndicated columns that relate to the subjects covered in each chapter, and while some points are covered more than once, they are all worth reading over. Walter E. Williams has a way of clarifying matters that seem complex to most of us, and usnig plain old common sense while doing so, making the reader wonder why he didn't see the same thing in the first place himself. I have always enjoyed Professor Williams' work, and look forward to each of his books. It's hard to argue against such logic!

Superb book

This is a book full of practical and brilliant insights.

You Will Not Be Disappointed!

I've always enjoyed listening to Dr. Williams filling in on radio shows, but reading his common sense columns have made me an even bigger fan. You can literally open the book to any page and find an interesting column. Dr. Williams has a fantastic way of of explaining economic topics with everyday examples. Whether your trying to find out exactly why the policies of Obama, Pelosi and Reid are so destructive to our country or you just want to arm yourself with knowledge to get your liberal friends to see the light - you will not be disappointed if you buy this book. Most of the columns are 2 or 3 pages in length, so it's perfect to carry on the bus, waiting in line somewhere or on your lunch break.

Great product

Lot of knowledge in this book 📖

Brilliant author!

This book should be required reading for many people. Complex problems are clearly explained. Doctor Williams presents his material in a clear and concise manner. I enjoyed this book so much that I have bought additional copies for my children and friends in both the printed and Kindle versions.

Pithy reminders of economic and other truths

The book reprints several years of Williams' newspaper essays. As a result, it is a series of short expositions of the folly of our modern government, both of Democrats and Republicans. His main objection, though, is to the misunderstanding by most of our citizens of the meaning and value of individual liberty. Some of his arguments are cast in general terms, but at least half are based on a careful use of hard economic data, such as his pointing out that very few people who completed high school, married and stayed that way, and avoided activities that would put them in jail are poor, at least past their 25th birthday. When controlling for factors such as this, there is no difference in income between whites and blacks. He makes several arguments based on a clear understanding of basic economics and politics. For example, he points out that it would be much cheaper for the government simply to pay steel workers displaced by foreign competition $100,000 a year to sit on the beach than to impose costs of $800,000 per saved job on the rest of the economy. But, of course, we wouldn't do that because then we would have to face these costs directly. Perhaps half of the essays essentially rehash material from earlier ones, so reading can be a bit tedious. Still, his several basic points are worth repeating, so read the book, but don't expect organizatinal brilliance.

Five Stars

every high school senior should read this

Five Stars

Love this guy. So smart and practical and blunt.


Another great read -

Excellent collection of libertarian essays

This is an excellent collection of Libertarian essays on the wrongs that big government, or Statism, can bring. Not just a polemic railing against the Bush, Pelosi Reid and Obama's big spending, massive government intrusions against personal liberty and freedom. Dr. Williams comes up with solutions to those problems.

Get it

Great book great author

A man worth listening to

A great book by Walter Williams. This book is a grouping of many of his newspaper articles that he has written. This man has a straight forward way of looking at things that make sense.

Controversy? What controversy??

Dr. Walter E. Williams is careful enough to include the proof in his writing and to debunk the silly folk. I had read most of these essays as they appeared in various newspapers but to have them all together in one book is really great. It puts me in the frame of accepting TRUTH, which is what Dr. Williams is all about. To paraphrase Keats beauty is truth, truth is beauty that's all one need know in life that's all there is to know. NOTE: Never leave out the E. in Dr. Williams name there are too many kooques named simply Walter WIlliams. Tim Violett

Five Stars

A well developed discussion of the Tyranny of Socialism. It agrees with the firsthand experience I had in Russia.

I love this book.

I have read this book twice, found it very informative, Walter E. Williams writes in such a manner that makes the confusing topic of politics easy to understand. Highly recommend this title.

Yep yep!

A MUST read for those who Love Freedom!

Makes sense to me!

The leaders in DC need to read this! Walter Williams provides good insight into many topics in this book. Because of the way it is assembled it acts almost like a "reference".

LOve the title.

Have not read it yet but looking forward to reading it. I like Walter Williams. I like the way he thinks and the way he lived his life. More Americans should follow his lead.

Handbook for the Liberty-Lover

Dr. Walter E. Williams is one of America's foremost advocates for the moral superiority of liberty. His new book, Liberty Versus the Tyranny of Socialism, is primarily a compilation of his recent columns. A supplementary section, "Economics for the Citizen," provides the layman with a solid economic footing in a concise, easily understood form. The book is a terrific read, as Williams uses his uniquely entertaining writing style to explain his insights unambiguously, with compelling rationale. Information is power. Marinate yourself in Dr. Williams' wisdom and get reacquainted with the principles of economic and political liberty that made our nation great.

Five Stars

One of the great books of our generation. If you love freedom, you''ll this book.


Good but written before Obama took, it feels dated.

Five Stars

Item as described

Give em an inch

Anyone who thinks the government will take care of them should talk to the American Indian. Highly recommend this book.

Common Sense

If you are an open minded liberal, you just might listen and have second thoughts about your religion of liberalism.... I hope so

Worth the read

Professor Williams makes some points that are unique and easy to understand. There is some repeats between essays but it doesn't detract from the overall value of the book.


One of the best books I've read in a long time. Dr. Williams is right on! His views on education are really an eye opener - a MUST READ!

The info in this book is good.

It is good information.

A collection of common sense

Liberty vs. The Tyranny of Socialism is a collection of Dr. Williams' columns on various aspects of society. Dr. Williams covers race, law and Society, education and other areas of life in lively and commonsense manner. Using his incisive logic, he presents to the layman a look at problems from a different perspective. His underlying principle being maximizing liberty and personnal freedom. A definite read if you believe in liberty and freedom.

Liberty and Justice for ALL not just special interest groups

Liberty defined and defended

Walter E. Williams

A must read!

Five Stars

Should be required reading

Five Stars

Good purchase

Great Gem of Common Sense Truths

Walter Williams says it clear, direct and to the point. This is a great book to share with those that need a better understanding on how the world really works. This is a great reference book to counter the poor ecomomic and history education that is rampid throught out the public education system.

Eye opening

A must read for anyone concerned about the size of government. Walter Williams is a brilliant man who understands economics and our Constitution - and how they are intertwined. I was stunned at how far away our government has drifted from our Founders ideals.

Five Stars

Clear, understandable explanation of the threats to liberty. Everyone should read it!

Amazing Collection of Truthful Thought

Love reading these essays!

Five Stars

Fast delivery and product was as advertised

Thank You

Thanks to Dr. Williams, for having a collection of his columns published in book form to read and share. I found it hard to stop reading, from one essay to the next. The essays were a page or two long, captivating, entertaining, informative, and inspiring. Economics/Liberty are discussed within the areas of Education, Environment & Health, Government, Income, International, Law & Society, Race, and a catch all category, Potpourri. I heartily recommend this book to all Americans, especially aspiring and practicing politicians. To say the essays are controversial is disingenuous. Williams' arguments are presented in a well thought out logical progression which makes them controversial only to those who benefit from the fallacies and misconceptions that are exposed by unemotional factual analysis.

An Economic Must Read

Dr. Williams is informative and entertaining in his latest book. This is a must read for anyone who has questions about economics and free enterprise.



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