Let Your Mind Run: A Memoir of Thinking My Way to Victory

Kindle Edition
09 Apr

Deena Kastor was a star youth runner with tremendous promise, yet her career almost ended after college, when her competitive method—run as hard as possible, for fear of losing—fostered a frustration and negativity and brought her to the brink of burnout. On the verge of quitting, she took a chance and moved to the high altitudes of Alamosa, Colorado, where legendary coach Joe Vigil had started the first professional distance-running team. There she encountered the idea that would transform her running career: the notion that changing her thinking—shaping her mind to be more encouraging, kind, and resilient—could make her faster than she’d ever imagined possible. Building a mind so strong would take years of effort and discipline, but it would propel Kastor to the pinnacle of running—to American records in every distance from the 5K to the marathon—and to the accomplishment of earning America’s first Olympic medal in the marathon in twenty years.

Let Your Mind Run is a fascinating intimate look inside the mind of an elite athlete, a remarkable story of achievement, and an insightful primer on how the small steps of cultivating positivity can give anyone a competitive edge.

Reviews (195)

Required reading for highly motivated people... not just runners

Which comes first success and winning or the thoughts of success and winning? The answer is - yes. Expertly written. Easy reading whether you are a runner or not. Concrete real examples of how your mental game (in sports and life) can develop through victories and defeats. As a professional certified mental game coach I will now have this as required reading for my clients. This is a must have in your library.

An enjoyable, easy read about Deena's running career with some helpful pointers on positive attitude

[Full disclosure - I am a fairly serious recreational runner and a Deena Kastor fan. I have enjoyed following her career over the years.] The book is an easy-to-read chronicle of her running career interwoven with the development of her positive mental attitude over that period. I'd say for at least the first half of the book, if not longer, it was really enjoyable (and helpful) to read about the different mental strategies/perspectives/tactics she developed and put into action to help her achieve her running goals. Some of them you will have surely been exposed to (but others you might not have), however it is helpful to read about how she implemented them to her advantage. The reason for only 4 stars? The message does start to feel more contrived by the end, especially when she is also discussing how she has up to 3 top male college athletes with her every day for training, will spend weeks at the Olympic training center, has a husband who is a physical therapist/masseuse, etc. Of course, I am happy she had all those things - I'm all for supporting world-class U.S. athletes to compete on the international stage. Positive attitude is important, but there were many other components to her success and by the end, the way that message is incorporated starts to feel a lot like, "I was shaken by something... and then I remembered to be positive and grateful!" The writing for many things she discusses (notably races but also life events) can feel cursory, especially when contrasted to what I recall as some excellent, turn-by-turn descriptions of races by Dean Karnazes in Ultramarathon Man. I did enjoy it and would recommend it if you're interested in reading about her career and picking up some helpful pointers on how to incorporate positive thinking into your life and endeavors. I commend her for writing a strong book on her career. I am certain it will be inspiring to both men and women in athletics; I know it was for me.

A helping hand up!

Feeling overwhelmed? Depressed? Down on yourself? This book is helping me with all those feelings/ fears and more. 1.5 year ago I had a bad stroke. My own upbeat mindset recently crashed, this book came along out of the blue to help me see things more clearly. I am determined to run and walk right again. Deena’s guidance is helping me to remember mindset is everything and self love is part of the balance. Very freeing book. I’m so grateful for it right now. So grateful! Thank you Deena and Andrew!

A Motivating Memoir!

I don't usually read motivational books or memoirs, but I have become a runner recently, and one who has become disenchanted with my progress.This was the book I needed - without being cheesy or giving overly-broad advice, Deena shares her story of overcoming the limitations she had set for herself, showing you don't always win, and showing that you can work hard and not always see the results of that work but that is - in itself- part of the process.This was a quick read and motivating. I also like that she didn't overshare about her personal life but kept on point.


Great, great book! I don’t usually read books like this because they tend to be boring to me, but not this one! I loved reading about how she retrained her brain to counteract the negative thoughts as they came to her. She is a fine athlete and this is a good read. Highly recommend.

Stop letting your thinking get in the way of your action.

I'm not typically one for non-fiction or one for reading about athletes, but this book was just what I needed to get out of my head and start enjoying running again. While I can't relate to being an elite runner (this 10-minute-miler has no aspirations of running really anything under a 9:00 minute mile), I can relate to finding a way to take the negatives and turn them into positives. A really good book for runners or for anyone who needs to embrace positive thinking.

You'll be glad to read this ..

First non technical book I've read in over a decade, it was the first book I couldn't put down, and simply engulfed it in under 2 hours. After taking my dogs out for a run around the farm I pick up the book again and read it again. It has put a different perspective on my outlook. I now look for good instead of looking at the negative side of the moment.

A way to influence one's life

Deena's running experiences and her lessons along the way are an offering to us all. I may not be striving to be a world class runner, but Deena and her coaches knowledge were explained in such detail that I, at 75, can use it. How? Strive to be healthy, positive imagery, maintain purpose and most importantly remember to play. Inspirational and good reference material. And Deena, loved your walk then run over Morgan Pass. I will hike it this summer. Keep sharing. You do it beautifully.

Wonderful book

Beautifully written book that re-inspired my running and gave me new purpose. I love Deena’s writing style and detail. It is a book I will read often to recommit to positive thinking for racing and every day life.

Beautifully Written

I loved this memoir by one of the great American distance runners, Deena Kastor. This book is extremely well written and insightful. There is a strong message here ... positivity can have a powerful impact on all that you do. Dr Joe Vigil was an incredible mentor and coach to Ms Kastor. This is a story well told that every runner and coach should read. However, this book’s audience should not be limited to runners ... there is something here for everyone.

Required reading for highly motivated people... not just runners

Which comes first success and winning or the thoughts of success and winning? The answer is - yes. Expertly written. Easy reading whether you are a runner or not. Concrete real examples of how your mental game (in sports and life) can develop through victories and defeats. As a professional certified mental game coach I will now have this as required reading for my clients. This is a must have in your library.

An enjoyable, easy read about Deena's running career with some helpful pointers on positive attitude

[Full disclosure - I am a fairly serious recreational runner and a Deena Kastor fan. I have enjoyed following her career over the years.] The book is an easy-to-read chronicle of her running career interwoven with the development of her positive mental attitude over that period. I'd say for at least the first half of the book, if not longer, it was really enjoyable (and helpful) to read about the different mental strategies/perspectives/tactics she developed and put into action to help her achieve her running goals. Some of them you will have surely been exposed to (but others you might not have), however it is helpful to read about how she implemented them to her advantage. The reason for only 4 stars? The message does start to feel more contrived by the end, especially when she is also discussing how she has up to 3 top male college athletes with her every day for training, will spend weeks at the Olympic training center, has a husband who is a physical therapist/masseuse, etc. Of course, I am happy she had all those things - I'm all for supporting world-class U.S. athletes to compete on the international stage. Positive attitude is important, but there were many other components to her success and by the end, the way that message is incorporated starts to feel a lot like, "I was shaken by something... and then I remembered to be positive and grateful!" The writing for many things she discusses (notably races but also life events) can feel cursory, especially when contrasted to what I recall as some excellent, turn-by-turn descriptions of races by Dean Karnazes in Ultramarathon Man. I did enjoy it and would recommend it if you're interested in reading about her career and picking up some helpful pointers on how to incorporate positive thinking into your life and endeavors. I commend her for writing a strong book on her career. I am certain it will be inspiring to both men and women in athletics; I know it was for me.

A helping hand up!

Feeling overwhelmed? Depressed? Down on yourself? This book is helping me with all those feelings/ fears and more. 1.5 year ago I had a bad stroke. My own upbeat mindset recently crashed, this book came along out of the blue to help me see things more clearly. I am determined to run and walk right again. Deena’s guidance is helping me to remember mindset is everything and self love is part of the balance. Very freeing book. I’m so grateful for it right now. So grateful! Thank you Deena and Andrew!

A Motivating Memoir!

I don't usually read motivational books or memoirs, but I have become a runner recently, and one who has become disenchanted with my progress.This was the book I needed - without being cheesy or giving overly-broad advice, Deena shares her story of overcoming the limitations she had set for herself, showing you don't always win, and showing that you can work hard and not always see the results of that work but that is - in itself- part of the process.This was a quick read and motivating. I also like that she didn't overshare about her personal life but kept on point.


Great, great book! I don’t usually read books like this because they tend to be boring to me, but not this one! I loved reading about how she retrained her brain to counteract the negative thoughts as they came to her. She is a fine athlete and this is a good read. Highly recommend.

Stop letting your thinking get in the way of your action.

I'm not typically one for non-fiction or one for reading about athletes, but this book was just what I needed to get out of my head and start enjoying running again. While I can't relate to being an elite runner (this 10-minute-miler has no aspirations of running really anything under a 9:00 minute mile), I can relate to finding a way to take the negatives and turn them into positives. A really good book for runners or for anyone who needs to embrace positive thinking.

You'll be glad to read this ..

First non technical book I've read in over a decade, it was the first book I couldn't put down, and simply engulfed it in under 2 hours. After taking my dogs out for a run around the farm I pick up the book again and read it again. It has put a different perspective on my outlook. I now look for good instead of looking at the negative side of the moment.

A way to influence one's life

Deena's running experiences and her lessons along the way are an offering to us all. I may not be striving to be a world class runner, but Deena and her coaches knowledge were explained in such detail that I, at 75, can use it. How? Strive to be healthy, positive imagery, maintain purpose and most importantly remember to play. Inspirational and good reference material. And Deena, loved your walk then run over Morgan Pass. I will hike it this summer. Keep sharing. You do it beautifully.

Wonderful book

Beautifully written book that re-inspired my running and gave me new purpose. I love Deena’s writing style and detail. It is a book I will read often to recommit to positive thinking for racing and every day life.

Beautifully Written

I loved this memoir by one of the great American distance runners, Deena Kastor. This book is extremely well written and insightful. There is a strong message here ... positivity can have a powerful impact on all that you do. Dr Joe Vigil was an incredible mentor and coach to Ms Kastor. This is a story well told that every runner and coach should read. However, this book’s audience should not be limited to runners ... there is something here for everyone.

A compelling and motivating read

I bought this for my tenth grade cross country runner but she hasn't had time to read it so I read it first. I didn't have high expectations but this is an excellent book. Well written, and in a compelling way that kept me reading into the night. I knew Deena was an amazing runner (I had read about her in Born to Run) but not much else. Her story is fascinating, and she gives concrete tips for having a positive attitude and pursuing your goals.

Mind, Body and Spirit Therapy

This is the ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ of running books. I am reading it for the 2nd time and just loving it all over again. So brilliantly written that when she describes her race you feel as if it’s your own. Truly inspirational and thought-provoking ....... not just for runners but anyone who has a desire to succeed in any aspect of life.

Great book! Poor packaging

Love this book written by Deena. Im a competitive, high-performance runner myself and I love everything she stands for and the stories that she is able to tell. My only complaint with this Amazon order is that I ordered the book with two pairs of running shoes and the book was just thrown in the package without any protection. This caused the corners of the book to be ripped and torn

A good read for runners

I enjoyed this book a lot. It is mostly a documentary of her early running life and personal growth that she went through to become successful in her running career. It’s not all about positivity. She presents herself as a real person and real people sometimes have sucky attitudes! I appreciated that as well as how she came to deal with the negativity that creeps into all our brains at times. I read this during the pandemic and have used some of her tips on my solo runs. I’d definitely recommend this book!

Deena's clearly a great runner, but ...

One can't argue with Deena Kastor's running achievements - she's an amazing athlete. Her writing, however, is lacking is insight and provoking ideas, and worst of all has a very whiney and arrogant tone. Can't recommend.

Wonderful story

So great to finally hear Deena’s story. I have been a huge fan ever since the 2004 Olympics, when she showed what patient running and true grit is all about. To this day my running is inspired by her form and strength over the last several miles of that race. Many other very inspirational and quite funny moments in this book. Thank you Deena for all you have given (and continue to give) to the running community!

read this. then DEFINE YOURSELF.

one of the most amazing and life-changing books I’ve read as a runner. i was not disappointed in any way!! the powder of positivity was put into a whole new level for us to understand and it was brilliant. so grateful Deena was willing to share her story and dreams to inspire us all! THANK YOU!

Inspiring and Constructive

How perfectly delightful to accompany Deena Kastor on her journey not only to running greatest but to living a full and positive life. I have already benefited from her lessons learned with improvements in my running and my positive thinking. Those lessons are definitely keeping me motivated as I train to run a marathon in my seventies.

So Inspiring!!

Loved this book SO much I was actually sad when I finished reading it. You don't have to be a runner to find inspiration in Deena's book. The power of positive thinking and mindset can be applied to everything in life. Thanks for sharing your life experience and being an inspiration. On my turtle-pace run/waddles, I often think of your words. ;-)

Great for recreational runners

Read this now. Great for recreational runners, elite runners or non-runners! Deena walks you through her process in discovering the power of the mind to push past limitations. Easy, quick read and very inspiring.

If you are a runner you will benefit from reading Let Your Mind Run!

Deena Kastor has written a must read book for runners. She is very generous in sharing not just some of her physical training but her mental training as well. I felt very inspired by her story, and I believe that Mrs. Kastor has been a great representative for our country throughout her international racing career. I am hoping that we hear more from Deena Kastor in the future (I would love for her to produce a video showing her warm-up routines and strength and conditioning workouts).

The desire to keep reading!

This book was amazing! I’m not a professional runner or athlete. In fact, Deena’s descriptions of “easy breathing” and “eagle arms” I cannot relate to as each stride is difficult for me. Deena’s insight, knowledge, and sharing of mental growth through obstacles has transformed my view on running (and life) as a journey in which possibilities are endless. O left this book wishing it continued on for another 200 pages. So thankful Deena shared her story with the world.

Amazing book!

This book is excellent!!! I think you can gain a lot of insight as a runner, but there's more to be learned for even non runners. Was way more captivating that I expected. I would highly recommend this book to anyone. Even gave a couple copies to friends at Christmas.

Sit down and get to know Ms Kastor

An incredible read. I feel as if I was invited to be her friend by being welcomed in to her inner thoughts. I wanted to keep reading and share in her growth. An incredible woman and human being. I feel blessed by how and what she has shared of herself.

A look at the meditative state of running

It was awesome to get an in-depth look at what the top runners think about while training and running. How they deal with setbacks and stumbles. I love that there is a spirit to running that Deena puts so well into words.

A positively excellent running book!

It won't matter your gender or your place in the pack, I believe Deena has written a book for us all! The view of this book, her looking over her shoulder, so to speak, at the runner she was, can be inspiration for any of us to take steps to test OUR limits. As a memoir and a motivational book, Deena is a person to listen to.

Inspiring story with real insights

I enjoyed reading the author’s honesty in both successes and failures. There’s definitely a self-help component to this book, but it’s woven into the story gently and key lessons are summarized at the end rather than providing explicit instruction throughout, which was a welcome change from many non-fiction books of the genre. I enjoyed this book and following her journey.

Great book for any aspiring athlete,..or any aspiring anyone!

Got this book for my daughter after hearing an interview on NPR. My daughter is a dancer, and as talented as she is, I've heard her express her negative thoughts regarding her abilities, etc... I don't thing that she realizes how her thoughts may be affecting her or holding her back. I read the book first, loved it! Easy to read, Great advise on how to use your mind set, to help you succeed at anything. A chilled reinforcement of The Power of Your Subconscious Mind and The Magic of Believing. I am not a runner and this book spoke to me. I've recommended it to many people already!

Outstanding, great read for any athlete!

Deena’s personal account and mesmerizing recollection of events in her life is astounding. She recalls runs, races, training, conversations and experiences with such vivid detail, you would have thought they occurred just minutes before writing! Her mental training, toughness and absolute will to become a champion is so much fun to read. I couldn’t wait to read every page and looked forward to reading every night before bed. I recommend for anyone wanting to push themselves to their best potential and practice some of her training techniques.

Truly exceptional read with strategies that work!!

What an exceptional book! I read it the day before my marathon this spring and used a lot of Deena's recommendations for positive thinking. I ended up setting a PR by 18 minutes. Saturday I ran the Brooklyn Half marathon and used the techniques again - again setting a PR. I got to meet Deena after the half and we had a lovely conversation about this book and how important it has been for my own running career. I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves running, anyone who appreciates being positive, and frankly anyone who just wants to accomplish something in their life. There's something for everyone here!


The story of Deena’s running career is both interesting and inspiring, but it is the insights she offers connecting her transitions to positive thoughts and improved performance that make this book solid gold. Make this your first read of the new year, and buy a copy for your teenage daughter or son to give them a great tool to change the trajectory of her or his life!

A must for all runners!

Deena Kastor is a force of nature. I have admired her for many years as her running career unfolded. She has inspired me on so many levels, especially since I have become a master’s level runner. This is a well-written book about her life and journey. Very intriguing! I couldn’t put it down and dog-eared many pages that I will go to time and again for reference and motivation as I train. I highly recommend it.

Inspiring and motivating

You don't need to be a runner to enjoy this book because the principles that Deena Kastor adopts in her thinking about challenges can be adapted to any type of objective. However, if you are a runner this book is will get you dreaming and twitching, ready to train and race. Deena's humility and positive attitude towards life shine from every page. It is an uplifting view into the life of one of the great athletes of our times.

So motivating!!!!

Loved this book SO MUCH!!!! I read this book but I also listened to it 5 times while I was training for my first Ironman. Deana tells her story in a captivating way that makes you feel like you are there and can see it all unfold but does it in such a way that you learn tips and tricks that you can apply yourself in any discipline. -Rebecca

The Competitive Edge!

Loved this book so much that after I checked it out from the library, I bought a copy to reread over and over. Mind over matter!

A List

Sorry to say that it wasn't all that engaging. Got the sense that it was done with somewhat less than enthusiastic participation.

A good read.

Love this book! Love the attitude and find that when I say to myself, “I can do this.” I actually can do that blasted little hill. I’m a 71 yo who has begun a running program and read anything I can that will encourage me to keep going. This book is the best one so far.

Wonderful book far anyone, anytime, anywhere!

Dana and Michelle so clearly unfolded the process of making minut positive choices in the face of monumental and everyday situations. And in so doing, framing a life of gratitude, joy and fulfillment. I am going back for a second read to mine the great wisdom of this book.

Life changing

There’s so much good about this book! Although Ms.Kastor is an elite her struggles are the same. I love that she shared the trials and the process to overcome them.

Great Book!

It was more than just running contained in this book. It was about the struggle, life lessons, how the simple change of a thought can affect your whole day. I highly recommend this book for the avid runner, or anybody who needs something to push them to become a better version of themselves.

The inside game - positivity, visualization and gratitude

I have run my entire life and casually followed competitive running on and off. Like everyone acquainted with the sport, I knew of Deena and her accomplishments. This inside view of her history and evolution was fascinating and inspiring. The book provides a wholistic view of how this elite athlete maximized her potential. Those learnings can be applied to one’s own running and life.

Good read

I bought this after hearing Deena interviewed on the Another Mother Runner podcast. I enjoyed reading this book and getting insight into the training it takes to compete at the highest levels. It is well-written and inspiring!

Positive mindsets change outcomes

Loved this book. I’m a runner, so I enjoyed it for obvious reasons but I think anyone interested in learning more about how a positive mindset can affect your outcomes would really appreciate this story!

Great read for any runner!

What an icon! Deena’s book is super inspirational. Great read!

Great read for anyone!

I love Deena! This book is so inspirational for both runners and the every day person. She has such a great mindset and shares with you how to bring positivity into your every day. I had the Kindle version and then had to buy the hard copy!

This is one of the most outstanding books on running ...

This is one of the most outstanding books on running that I have read. It has quite a different perspective to any other running related book that i have read, and fits up there alongside the classic "Born to Run" and Scott Jureks "North".

10 Stars

Can I give this 10 stars?! I really love this book!~ I rarely read books more than one time, but I am already starting this one over again. I highly recommend. Thank you for such a great book!


This book just might’ve given me the motivation I needed to get back out on the road/trail. Deena Kastor’s armed me with techniques to both toughen my mind and be more compassionate with myself when I get back out there.

Easy and informative read

I loved this book. I read it quickly on vacation and is an easy book to get into and to follow. Nothing too technical, but inspirational without being over the top. My husband read it after me and enjoyed it too. He was more interested int the technical parts! We are both marathon runners.

This book is phenomenal

Humbly written and an absolutely captivating story. I loved it. Highly recommend to anyone woman or man, runner or non-runner

Couldn’t put it down

I loved this book. I read it in a weekend - I couldn’t put it down. It was highly motivating and easy to relate to, even for a weeend warrior runner who is nowhere near elite.

Inspirational with a but...

Very inspiring but it cuts off real fast. There's more details when she runs and trains for worlds then her most notable Chicago Marathon.

Great book

I'm a world class triathlete recovering from being hit by a car while biking and I found this book very helpful to my recovery.

Interesting Read

Very well written and entertaining. A great read for runners of any sort, ameteur, recreational or professional.

I loved this book

Deena takes the reader inside her head from middle school to the Olympics. Its so inspiring. I loved this book!

Good insight into the mental aspect

Great insight into the mental aspect of this top runner. Very helpful

Great book

Great book!! Love the articles that she has written. So good to be able to read about her life.

Excellent book

This is a fantastic book. Our running book club read and enjoyed this inspriational read.


For runners and non-runners alike, this is a must-read. We all struggle with negativity and self-doubt. Deena takes you through her incredible journey and it's a fascinating ride. From her experience, you'll emerge with strategies for living a life dominated by positive thinking.

If you are a runner then this book is for ...

If you are a runner then this book is for you! Deena has a way of motivating you, making you think about what really matters, and reminds you often that there is always something to be grateful for. It's one to read over and over.


I loved the practice of positivity that helped Deena succeed in her goals. Such an amazing journey she has had in her life of running. Reading this book motivates and inspires me to push myself physically but also mentally because it truly makes a difference in all areas of life.

Get the Audible too, it's like going on a run with Deena!

I listened to this book for the first 18 miles of the Kalamazoo marathon last summer. It is so inspiring and insightful and about way more then running. It's about how parallel running and everyday life are and how powerful our thoughts are so choose them wisely. I continually recommend this book to my beginner and experience runners that I coach. I own the book and the audible

Amazing book

I absolutely love this book. It's easy to follow, and a fun read. It follows her running journey, and it's amazing to see inside her head about how she progressed and managed her journey. Hard to put down!

I felt like I was there!

As a runner I greatly appreciated this book. I related to the struggles Deena came across and was able to keep note on how she overcame those struggles for my own running. Every time she described being at races, I felt the same anxiousness and exciting emotions as if I was right there. I feel a non runner will also be able to take advantage to the message of this book - a lot of things in life are a mental struggle but if you train your mind to deal with those struggles, you will be able to overcome anything.

Great book!

Very positive book about how to get what you want out of life. Wonderful memoir about running and how much the mind plays a role in everything in life!

Well written and no frills

Amazing read. Even if you are not a runner, or never played any sports, it does describe how visualization means being halfway there - and how it helps you prepare for different scenarios. Ms. Kastor adopted mindfullness to earn Gold medals, and invites the reader to try it in his or her everyday life.

Fantastic Read!

This is a great book whether you are a runner or not.

Awesome read!

This was an incredible read! I couldn't put it down and could really connect with many of her thoughts and feelings as a runner myself. She certainly has inspired me to be better in many ways...


This book was a great read! It inspired me to try harder and to know that with positive thinking anything is possible. I was amazed at Deenas work ethic, strength and endurance. She is someone to aspire to be like.

Inspirational read!

Lots of good nuggets of training your mind to think positive and dig deep to get through the challenges we face each day whether it be running or just in general life experiences.

No recomendable

Pobre y aburrido, lleno de historias del autor totalmente intrascendentes y de poco interés


The idea of thinking your way to victory had me intrigued, but this book was way more than I bargained for. I hope to apply an ounce of the determination, focus, and positivity Deena describes in my daily life and my recreational running and competing. I couldn't put this book down. It would be a great read even if running was not your sport or you were not an athlete. Enjoy!

So powerful- inspirational, uplifting and motivating!

I felt like I learned so much from her - understanding myself more by reading through her thought processes, experiences and letdowns. It is a must read for both athletes and coaches...

A must read

I am not much of a reader and loved this book.

Very good

Motivation at its finest. Very good read

Must Read

I love this book!! I read it while training to qualify for Boston. Deena provides tips to help break through mental barriers to help you perform at your best.

It’s all in how you think!

Fascinating! Great book for any athlete, elite or otherwise, or for anyone who wants to push to the next level in anything they want to be or achieve. It’s all in how think and process your thoughts.


As an average runner, I questioned whether I would relate to the author. I was pleasantly surprised to read this book and find myself nodding in agreement. Not only is it a fascinating memoir about her career, but it is an inspiration and challenge to apply positive thinking in everyday life.


This book is great for runners and non-runners alike. The lessons it teaches on positivity and mindfulness are powerful for anyone regardless of athletic prowess. I highly recommend this to all but especially for runner.

Great for all walks of life!

Even if you’re not an athlete this book is great for anyone who wants to get more out of life and change their outlook on things!

Great book!

Even if you are not a runner you should be able to appreciate the way Deena talks about the power of positive thinking and the way she used it to help in her running. Great read & I fully recommend the book.


I love the stories! I love the example ms of how Dena stayed positive during struggles and how she learned to be positive.

Very insightful

Good read for runners of various disciplines. Provides a look into the commitments that are needed and the obstacles that may show up while being a successful runner,.

It is awesome. I feel like I know the main characters ...

I had a hard time putting this book down. It is awesome. I feel like I know the main characters after reading It. It is inspirational and moving. I hope to apply some of the ideas to improve my running.


Couldn't put it down. Was cheering for her throughout. Honest and real. The mind is sooo powerful. Such wonderful takeaways for running and life.

Loved it

Easy read, very inspirational.

Parallel to life!

Honest, and eye opening!

Running and Running

This book is great if you want to know what it is like to be a professional runner. It gives you a glimpse into the mental toughness and personal sacrifice in order to reach for the star.

This is a fantastic book for both running knowledge and positive thinking

This is a fantastic book for both running knowledge and positive thinking. My only complaint is that this book is restricted and can not be loaned. I want to share this experience with a friend

Surprisingly good book

Did not know a lot about Deena. Now I am extremely impressed and hoping to learn even more about her in the future. An incredible racer!

So enjoyable

If you’re deeply competitive and like using your mental state as a tool (just as Olympians do), you’ll love this book. Plus it’s about long distance running and the growth of an exceptional athlete.

Good book!

Great book overall. Would have enjoyed more about daily practices and mantras but still had great examples of how the mind affects performance.

Betteredy running and my life

A really good book. Inspirational and thought provoking. I learned a lot about myself and my emotions, as well as how those emotions effect my body.


I am so grateful to Deena for opening up and sharing insight into her mind. This book was a "can't put down", and had it not been for doctoral schoolwork reading I would have read it in less time. But I'm finished now and sad it's over. Perhaps I'll read it again.

Great book with a great message

My daughter who is a runner loved this book and I’ve read it too now and love it as well

Great book

Great book. Written well. I really enjoyed reading this.

Five Stars

great read

A Page Turner

From the get-go, I couldn’t put this book down. Not just a book about a living legend in running and marathoning, but a book about the power of the mind and the way our thoughts shape our world. Kudos Deena Kastor!!!

And must have an every person's house and work

I don't like to read but this is a must-have and every coaches whether you are a personal coach or a person that is helping people get to the next level in any work level. Well written. Huge advice. Down to the nitty-gritty all around fantastic book.

Great motivator for any athlete

While training for my 4th marathon I picked up this book and find myself consistently using Deena’s strategies and knowledge of positive thinking during my runs. Book was motivating and inspiring, even to someone who can only dream of running a sub 2:20 marathon.

Loved it!!

I can't wait to try some of her mental tricks while running. What a positive this book is for all runners not just elite!!


Interesting book. Quick read. I am struggling with the mental game of distance running and her story gave me some helpful hints and ways to look at things.

Great read for any one

Very interesting what a great athlete



Great gift

My Wife loved it

Inspirational Read

Very well written, inspirational and entertaining. You don’t have to be a runner to enjoy this book.


Deena Kastor is a very positive, optimistic person and that is why she is an Olympic champion. This positivity shines through in this book. I enjoyed it immensely. Was a very good read. I hope to incorporate her tips and tricks into my running.

So uplifting

This is now one of my favorite books. Deena’s positivity and mental resilience was infectious. She talked about running a lot (of course), but her attitudes and ideas are applicable to all aspects of life. Couldn’t put it down.

Positively Inspiring

Deena’s story of positivity will inspire you!

Great book

Great book by a great person.

Highly recommend

If you want to improve your running- or even your general outlook on life, I highly recommend this book! Great advice.

Powerful book

It doesn’t matter if you are a runner or not, this book is powerful. It holds many truths to help face any challenges you may face in life. I loved it and will definitely read it again.

Pages of the actual book were not bound

I feel bad giving the author of this book a bad review, but the book itself was printed horribly. An entire section of the paperback was not bound. This was a "new" book, but the quality of the printing was horrific.

Good Vibes Only

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Very inspirational. I learned a lot about the power of positive thinking and how to change negative situations by changing my thought pattern.

but more of an instructional memoir on the great power of positivity

A sports memoir, but more of an instructional memoir on the great power of positivity. For any age, any career, this book teaches the virtues of success in the most fulfilling way.

Loved it!

Awesome book. A great inspirational read for runners.

... review for something - but honestly this book was AMAZING. It's so well written and so inspiring

I've never written a review for something - but honestly this book was AMAZING. It's so well written and so inspiring, every run I've taken since reading has been better than usual.

So happy with this book!

I have only had the book for an hour and I cant stop reading it!

Not a Sports Book, a Human Book

This is a book to read to learn more about living and loving life. It is warm and human and magnificent.


This book was very positive and useful in my own running journey.


Inspiring book

Great read

Loved the book and highly recommend to everyone. Her drive and determination just amazed me. The mental drive and positivity.


One of my favorite running book. Deena is amazing!

inspiring and engaging

What a fascinating read. I was a Deena fan before, and even more so now. Love the insight.

Amazingly motivating!

The best book I have read in a while! I didn’t even want to read the last chapter because that meant it was over. Great for runners and non-runners who want to live a life of gratitude and positivity.

wonderful book. story is about her running career

wonderful book. story is about her running career, but the life parallels are even more important

So worth your time to read

Whatever your sport or ambition...this books is pure magic. The benefits of optimism explained beautifully!


Loved how Deena opened up her struggles and successes to her readers. Enlightening to know pros can feel just as much angst as recreational runners. Great tips and insight into how to move past that angst.

Five Stars

Very good book.

Five Stars

Definitely read list.

Great book

Wonderful book! Very inspirational.

Power of the Mind

Love Deena's view on the power of the mind. Great read.

Amazing book.

I absolutely loved this book. I didn't want to put it down. This story is very relatable to any type of athlete.

4 stars

Good read, nice story. The reviews said it was an 'inspiring read,' I'm not sure I feel the same way.

Loved it

Great read. Inspiring. A wonderful look into the mental game of running and how attitude and perception can really shape your reality.


Love love love!!

Great read!

Love this book! It’s a well written story that can inspire anyone-not just runners!


Deena Kastor is an inspiring athlete and person. An enjoyable read that appeals to runners, even at the beginner level.

How to change self talk

Interesting life story and hints to change your own self talk

Five Stars

Fantastic story, great for kids to read and learn to work hard and never give up!

Always important to have someone to inspire you

I'm so excited to start reading, thank you for your quick shipment!

Fantastic book!

Changed my world! Highly recommend.

Five Stars

Great read

Five Stars

Such a motivating read, not just for running, but for life in general!


Wow - this book was excellent. Highly recommend reading it even if you are not a runner but especially if you are!

Great book

Great book, a must read!

Smart training!

Great book, ideal for young girls!

Excellent book

Very motivational!

I am better person for reading it

I am not a runner but was inspired by this read. I found the tools that are aplicable for athletic success apply to all of our endeavors. I am better person for reading it!


Good book

Five Stars

Amazing book!

Amazing story

Loved every minute of it. It was hard to put down. Really put a new perspective on my running. Mindset matters.

Great book

Excellent inspiring book!

Five Stars


Highly recommend

Great read! Everything from running great, striving, struggling, learning, adjusting, failing (if you want to call it that), training, motivating, traveling, adventuring, and real-life living! And, lessons on perspective. Checking your thoughts... what are you telling yourself? How to catch negative thoughts and change your internal dialog; interjecting a vocabulary of positive thoughts to take your body in that direction. Such a refreshing and real read!

Great read!

Loved every bit of this book! As a recreational runner & a mom so much of this spoke to me and her message of optimism shines bright!


This book follows Deena kastor's career from middle school all the way to semi-retirement after giving birth to her daughter. There is a lot of running in the book! But it never gets boring. It's interesting in a very unexciting but quite compelling way. I would have given it 5 stars but the absence of any commentary on sexism or racism within the sport, even as she describes sexist and racist incidents, was a critical missing piece for me.

A great book for runners -- and anyone trying to learn how to improve at any skill

As a young runner, Deena Kastor was always told she had talent. But part of being a "natural" is not seeing the role of hard work, and perseverance, and teaching your mind to get in the game. Once Deena (with the help of her coach) figured this out, she began winning races she hadn't imaged she could. This is a great memoir for any distance runners -- it turns out elite runners have the same anxieties in marathons too! -- but it's also a good self-help book for people trying to figure out how to improve in any skill. Highly recommended.

If you're good from the start

I have followed Deena Kastor's running career for many years, which made me a bit skeptical of this book's basic premise--the importance of a positive attitude. I knew she was a high school champion, for example. If you're good from the start, that's mostly your talent showing through, not your mind. But the writing and story-telling in this book are great, so I flipped through the beginning chapters. Before I knew it, something had hooked me. Deena's optimism is relentless, yet I began to find it also compelling. I soared with her. I found myself smiling. I found myself--dare I admit it?--believing! I don't think many of us can ride Deena's joy and positivity to an Olympic medal and American marathon record. But she has convinced me her methods are worth trying in my own life and running.

Love, Love, LOVE this book!

This is an amazing book full of inspiration, motivation, and positivity. I have the Audible version and have loved every story she tells and am amazed and in awe of how she has used the mind-body connection to hone her talent and become a better runner. Deena's accomplishments are very impressive, but more than that I am struck by the fact that she hasn't let her talent and success make her conceited or unreachable to the masses. She has a sense of humor and knows how to laugh at herself and uses her own struggles to help others. I have been struggling with my own running and negative thoughts/emotions and this book has really opened my eyes to the fact that if I want to improve my fitness and achieve my running goals, I need to work on my mental game. Thank you Deena for this wonderful book!!!!!

Inside the Head of a Champion!

Deena Kastor is one of the most decorated long distance women's' runners in history. She holds records in the marathon, women's masters' marathon, the 10 mile, 15k, and 8k. She received a bronze medal in the 2004 Olympics, running the marathon in Athens, Greece. Throughout her running career, she has won multiple cross country championships, as well as many long distance races. Let Your Mind Run is a memoir of Deena Kastor's running life, but more than that, it is a look inside the head of a champion. Throughout Let Your Mind Run, Deena takes the reader on every run and race, not only on the road but also in her head. I found it fascinating to read her thought processes and watch her grow into such a tough, yet positive competitor.I found the narrative to flow as if Deena and I were having a conversation. I loved reading about her races but what made them so interesting was that she not only shares what she was feeling physically, she shares what was going on inside her head. This made the story personal and not just a regurgitation of an amazing running career.

Such a great read!

I enjoyed this book so much! I could barely put it down and found myself savoring every page. Deena has such a nice writing style and really keeps the reader excited for what might be around the corner. As a fellow runner myself, I’ve picked up many books on running over the years but few held my attention like this one. It’s not just a book about running but also the joys found in life on a daily basis. Deena does a wonderful job of detailing her highs and lows along the journey. Oh, and I found myself hoping to one day have the opportunity to try Deena’s homemade cinnamon rolls! She may need to eventually write a book that includes her recipes. Don’t hesitate to get this book and enjoy the ride of one of the greatest female distance runners of all time.

Without a doubt the most inspiring running book I've ever read

Until now, Scott Jurek's Eat and Run has been the most motivating running book I own, but Deena Kastor's now takes its place. Largely it is because it describes so deeply and poignantly the evolution of her mental processes as her career evolved, which I found to be very inspiring and also very helpful. I am not anywhere near her level but I have found her mental techniques to be as useful as she did, and it made me realize just how much the story in your head shapes everything else in your life. I am on my third reading of this book because there is so much to mine in there, and it is written so well that I do not think you even need to be a runner to enjoy it.

A fantastic book on how to improve your relationship with yourself by two incredible women

I just finished reading this for the second time, and I'm really digging the positive mindset and the mind-body connection that is so interwoven throughout the book. I incorporated some of Deena's practices and tricks into my 50k trail race last weekend and not only did I finish the race feeling great, but other runners commented on my change of "personality". It was so liberating to focus on the positive and find ways to get through the rough spots instead of letting the toughness of the race drag me down. I've gone on to read other works that Deena talks about in her book and hope to continue to improve how I perceive the world, both internally and externally. Deena and Michelle have created a wonderful guide that reveals how to be kind to yourself in order to get the most out of your body and your life.

Authentic, inspiring and entertaining

I loved listening to the book by Deena Kastor. It's the best running memoir I've "read". Something about the combination of biography, great stories, real lessons learned and also being well written made it a winner for me. I can't say the same about other running bio's I've picked up. I wanted to love Meb's (boring) and Scott Jurek's (self-aggrandizing and dull) and sadly did not. Deena's book has heart and soul. It inspires and motivates whether you're a runner or not. And if you are a female runner, I bet you'll love it like I did.

Fantastic, inspiring book

I've always admired Deena Kastor, and now I love her even more. I LOVED this book. Not only is it a great story, but it's also well written - I often have trouble really getting into biographies but I couldn't put this one down. A lot of elites have "how to" type books out there, so this is a refreshing change of pace. It doesn't matter if you're not an elite or collegiate runner or chasing PRs, you can still learn and apply a lot of running (and life) lessons from this book. I bought the hard copy, but I found myself wanting to mark passages so often I might by the ebook as well so I don't ruin my hard copy. I rarely read books over again but I'm already ready to reread this one so I can make sure I don't miss anything. Thank you for sharing your story, Deena!

Motivational and leading by example

So many of us try to improve ourselves, or think about improving our selves, but through Deena's book, we read how she practiced what so many of us wish we did. She was lucky to have the opportunity to have the space to use thought and mind, and to practice methods that influenced her running. We can listen and observe, and hopefully apply what she learned and demonstrated to the world, that listening and application of thought can have a huge influence on our responses and behaviors. To read Deena's book as a recreational runner was inspiring. It helped my aching body in my run to think about her ability to appreciate the moment, so that I ran that extra two miles, not for the grueling effort, but for the pure simple enjoyment of it. I recommend this to all runners looking for inspiration, especially the young athletes out there. Thank you Deena for sharing this!

I felt compelled to write a review of this excellent book!

I am a 9:30 per mile runner -- so not even close to being an elite runner; however, despite my slower pace, I enjoy running and trying to improve. Deena's book was written with excellence -- she took care with this book, like she did with her running career -- to write something with value. While it is a good memoir -- I really enjoyed the value added tips on how she became such a good runner. Her tips are things that anyone can use in life, wether they are a runner or not -- but especially a runner. I plan to implement many of her techniques. I plan on placing this book permanently on my shelf and will read it many times. As a side note: go on Youtube and watch some of her races after reading about them! It is interesting knowing what she was actually thinking when she was running these races!

Inspiring in all aspects of life

This book is inspiring in so many ways. I picked it up because I’ve recently begun to run, and just wanted to read something about running. It is so much more than that. It is about the mental game and the power of thought. I will apply it to my running but even more so to all challenging endeavors. I’m so thankful I stumbled upon it.

Fantastic for ALL athletes, coaches, & parents!!

Deena has hit a home run with her book! This is one of the best autobiographies I have ever read. It isn't just for distance runners; it is for all events/sports. Going through all her ups and downs and how she approached them using her positive attitude led to an exciting read. I highly recommend this book to ALL people interested in improving themselves in any area of their lives!

A feel good, positive energy read!

Deena (Drossin) Kastor is an inspiration! Her story of running both as an amateur and as a professional was riveting. The challenges, disappoints, life lessons and rewards were woven into a great story about competition, positive thinking and so much more. I couldn’t put this book down and felt truly uplifted after I (sadly) turned to the final page.

Terrific read!

Wow how inspiring, a great talent for running and writing. If you can't get into fitness after reading this book, you are missing out. Deena talks about her development as a runner and as a young lady, being on her own and finding the perfect coach for her that brings out her talent, and an amazing positive attitude. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in training your mind to overcome obstacles in sports or in life in general.

I found it very interesting to see how these elite ...

I found it very interesting to see how these elite athletes live their daily lives, and their perspective on the world. She delves into the psychology of endurance, and teaches that these principles can be used in any hardship encountered in life, not just running. She is kind, humble, and gracious throughout her whole journey, certainly somebody worth being a role model. I'm sold as a Deena fan forever now!

Mind over matter

Interesting and soul-baring revelations from Deena Kastor about the personal battles of the mind she fought - and won - to bring her natural talent for running to a world class, record-breaking level. Lessons for life - not just for runners.

Amazing and inspiring book

This book is amazing. I am currently training towards my first marathon and although I am no where close to where Deena is in terms of athletic ability her book is really helping me. She is an amazing writer... positive, enthusiastic, and a realist. I really can't say enough great things about this book. I can tell it is going to be one of the books that will change the way I train and help me to adjust my overall outlook on life.

Great story

I really wasn't sure I'd be able to get into a running memoir. I have been a runner for many years, and love it, but the thought of reading about someone else's story honestly sounded a little boring. However, Deena's book was so captivating! I had a hard time putting it down. She told her story in such a motivating way. I am now searching to read more running memoirs thanks to her great book.

Great Book to Influence Positivity

Not only an inspirational and engaging read about her career, the way stories are presented helps aid in the powers of positive thinking. I plan to use the lessons from this book to better engage in my own running endeavors and daily life.

A book about running with great life lessons and insight. The

A book about running with great life lessons and insight. The principles and recommendations are quite simple yet we humans have the tendency to be either to critical of ourselves or be too negative. The author shares her strategies to overcome this and how she applied them to become the best person and athlete she could be.

If you run, you need this book!

Honest and straightforward memoir that truly moved me. Her learning totally jives with what I am learning to do, in mindset management and in running. Thank you for this amazing story!

Inspiration beyond running

As a recreational runner, I loved the biographical aspect of this book. But even better than that, Deena did a great job linking together attitude, happiness, and healthy living with having an amazing life.

Seriously awesome!

I didn’t have expectations but this book—which a friend recommended—would surely have exceeded any I might have conjured! Easy read that will resonate if you desire ways to shift your behavior and relinquish fear in favor of love, success, and trust.

So inspiring! It will change the way you run!

This book was so good! I didn't know what to expect when I first started it, but I couldn't put it down! Deena's story is well told and inspiring to read! Everytime I read a section, I wanted to go out and run! Reading this helped me to power through my workouts and helped me take first in my age group at a local run!

Super Great read, what a star

I flew through this book and loved it!!! Won a race the day after I finished- the mental preparation works!!! Thanks Deanna

Loved the Focus on the Mental Side of Running

I thoroughly enjoyed reading about Kastor's growth as an elite runner, and how she matured over the years. So many of the lessons she learned are applicable to runners of all levels. An easy read and entertaining memoir.

Love love love this book

This is such a great book. It written very well along with it being a great story! I did really know about Deena Kastor before this book but love running books and decided to give it a try. This was amazing, I have read it twice. She gave me a new way of thinking about races!!

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