Reviews (183)
4.5 I'm Not Crazy Just A Touch Insane Stars
You know that imaginary friend you had as a child, what if you grew up and you had 47 of them and each one was an expert in their field perspective field of study. Meet Stephen Leeds who isn't so much crazy as insane. He has a very active imagination and in it live a collection of aspects that help him in his daily life. " I'm not crazy, I'm compartmentalized. Unfortunately, my aspects . . . well, they tend to be a little unhinged.." Last year I read Legion and loved this idea of a genius who was so smart he almost drove himself crazy. The solution, have ongoing hallucinations that interact with him and each other to solve mysteries. Seems the jury is still out on if that makes him Schizophrenic, Delusional or some new kind of insane but I don't care because I think it is fantastic even if it makes trying to date hell. Trying to explain to your date that a few other people tagged along and she can't see them is difficult. "Like that guy," she said. "In that movie." "Sure. Like that. Only he was crazy, and I'm not." "Oh, yeah," Ivy said. "What a great way to put her at ease. Explain in depth how not crazy you are." "Aren't you supposed to be a therapist?" I snapped back at her. "Less sarcasm would be delightful." That was a tall order for Ivy. Sarcasm was kind of her native tongue, though she was fluent in "stern disappointment" and "light condescension" as well. She was also a good friend. Well, imaginary friend. But Stephen is great at what he does and is the go-to guy for solving strange and unusual happenings. Like finding a missing body with information coded onto its DNA. The inner workings of Stephen's mind and hallucinations are explored a little more fully in this story as all forty-seven help in some way to solve this case. I was totally drawn into the idea of the science behind using human DNA to store information and what some of the ramifications of that could be. Given enough time and technological advances every human could be their own person computer, how awesome is that!!! I like the mystery but the big draw for me in this series is Stephen and all of his aspects. I love quirky characters and Stephen Leeds is the epitome of quirkiness. The conversations he has with all of his aspects and the interactions the aspects have with each other are so imaginative. Each aspect has a distinctive voice and personality. It is an amazing idea and I can't get enough of it. You would maybe think that because all of these aspects or hallucinations are Stephen's creation that he might have some level of control over them but that doesn't seem to be the case. They seem to have their own lives outside of Steve some with imaginary families, imaginary physiological issues, and relationships with each other that even he seems clueless to. Sometimes they even have philosophical discussions about being imaginary. "Being an imaginary person makes it difficult to feel any real sense of accomplishment." "Just imagine your sense of accomplishment," I said. "You're imaginary, so imaginary accomplishment should work for you." "But if I'm imaginary, and I imagine something, it's doubly unreal. Like using a copy machine to copy something that's just been copied." "Actually," Tobias said, strolling up, "theoretically the imaginary sense of accomplishment would have to be imagined by the primary imaginer, so it wouldn't be an iteration as you suggest." My favorite breakout character in this book is totally J.C. the uber paranoid ex-Navy seal in charge of Steve's security. He is one of the few hallucinations that doesn't believe he is imaginary and his explanation of his existence is phenomenal. He is one of the aspects that seems to do whatever he wants and rarely follows the rules that Stephen has in place for his hallucinations. "Thank heavens," Tobias replied. "You hadn't suggested we shoot someone in over an hour, J.C. I was beginning to think something was wrong." "No, listen," J.C. said. "We can shoot Pinhead McWedgy over there, and it will teach everyone in this room an important life lesson. One about not being a stupid mad scientist." This is a short novel and while you probably could read it without reading Legion first I really think that a little bit of the magic would be lost. So read Legion it's only ~90pages and then jump right into the crazy fun ride this is. Brandon Sanderson is my absolute favorite High Fantasy writer....But his more modern UF/Sci-Fi's are really growing on me. If you are one of my few friends I haven't pushed into reading a book by Brandon Sanderson then start here or read The Emperor's Soul. They aren't huge page commitments but show just how talented Sanderson's imagination is. Audio Note: This is masterfully performed by Oliver Wyman, who also voiced Legion. He brought every character to life and made the listening experience of the story that more enjoyable.
Awesome read!
This is a great continuation of the Legion series, as complex and engaging as the first. I love Sanderson’s exploration of the human mind and how things all come together, for better and worse.
Another fun book by Sanderson
I first leaned of Brandon Sanderson when it was announced he'd finish the Wheel of Time books. I had never heard of him prior to that, so I got my hands on all the things he had written so I'd get a feel for his writing to see what I may expect. I really liked the Wheel of Time series, was very sad to hear of the passing of Robert Jordan, and was worried about his "replacement." And I absolutely LOVED his works. He had quite a range of story types, and I really enjoyed all of them. And the Legion book really stood out for me, despite it's very short "run time." It was quite unique from my perspective, something I hadn't seen before. It was insanely well done (pun intended) and too short to really satisfy fully. So when I saw he came out with another, I had to get it. And I enjoyed it every bit as much as the first, maybe a bit more, since it runs longer, and has more going on. The first person point of view is great when that person has multiple personalities that actually manifest as separate entities, allowing him to maintain his main persona while interacting with the other fractures of that main personality. There's humor, and there's some crime drama type of "whodunit" in here. And it's all written in a fun to read way. As usual, another story by Sanderson that I really just enjoyed immensely. I can't wait for another, but he first has to finish the next Stormlight novel... ;)
A slightly abrupt ending to an otherwise very entertaining story
“Legion: Skin Deep” is the second story in this series by fantasy author Brandon Sanderson. The first story was a novella called simply “Legion”. I’m not sure what to call this one, as it’s shorter than most novels but longer than most novellas. This story follows the same interesting character Stephen Leeds as he is “hired” to investigate a missing persons case. Well, missing corpse to be more exact. The character of Stephen Leeds is fascinating. A brilliant man who has handled his genius by “compartmentalizing” his knowledge by assigning different areas of expertise to an “aspect”. Aspects are similar to multiple personalities, except that for Stephen Leeds, these personalities are fully formed other people who just happen to live inside of Leeds’ head. They each have their own past, their own expertise, and their own quirks and personalities. As Leeds works through problems and investigations he calls on the appropriate “aspect” to draw upon their knowledge of the topic at hand. Leeds will be quick to tell you that he is not crazy – even though he constantly has conversations out loud with people who aren’t really there. The dialogue between Leeds and the aspects is engaging and often hilarious, as is the reactions of other people watching Leeds do it. I think Sanderson could write a dozen books on this character and they’d still be interesting and funny. I’m only giving this book a four out of five because while I absolutely enjoyed the story, I felt a little let down at the end. It seemed that the conclusion was a little abrupt and very convenient. Overall, still a very fun book but maybe not quite up to Sanderson’s usual mastery.
I love Sanderson, but this novel was only fun for me, not up to his usual standard of causing me to gush. I didn't feel like the story moved the character(s) forward at all. The story was so short that the characters I WAS interested in received no attention. The end was twisty, but unlike most Sanderson novels, this time it felt a bit contrived. I was left wanting more in the bad way, as in, wait, that's it? Not as in YAY that was great give me more. Likes: Some fun and funny moments. I am a bit tired of the more whiney aspects. Since they are the same ones from the previous book, there wasn't a lot more to understand about Stephen's psyche. I was interested in how he would react when he was separated from his aspects, but it didn't really delve into it THAT much. "I am infinite batmans!" If that's not faith inspiring to you, you need to reexamine your whole life, son. Dislikes: I didn't like the assassin. She annoyed me and I felt that her motives were only partially believable. It's like the Evil Walmart of Researchers were losing money and he was making it worse and so he must die. It's not really going to solve your problems, EWOR. Also lacked in character development or moving the story arch as a whole forward. There were some things that were alluded too for future stories but it didn't intrigue me, it just annoyed me. Still overall I love this character and his story. I hope he gets the attention from the author he deserves instead of these little short stories that don't seem to give him the momentum the tale needs.
I really enjoy this series
I really enjoy this series...it only consists of 2 stories so far and the books are considered short...Couple hundred pages which for a Sanderson is short. The Premise of this one involves the protagonist imagining characters out of his own brain, they are very real to himself but can not been seen by anyone else. He has 47 such characters each having a specialty. Luckily he only takes a few of them on his mission. Ivy a psychologist that helps him relate to real life human beings, Tobias who is a historian always making commentary about architecture, J.C. who is an ex-navy seal and he plays the role of paranoid body guard and hates to be told he is not real. I am not certain why I enjoy this so much. Perhaps its because when an author creates a character in fiction, that character exists although in a fiction...There is a point in the story when J.C. is left behind and the protagonist imagines J.C. running at 40 miles an hour to keep up with the car...Its imaginary so why not....Because its not possible in reality so when the protagonist realizes the impossibility of what J.C. is doing to maintain the illusion he must treat J.C. as real and watch him run out of breath and disappear as the car drives away. So all these imaginary friends of his are just characters he treats as real...the other real people in the book treat the protagonist as a bit crazy...I absolutely love the dynamics of this story. Lots of layers.
More Sanderson Brilliance
Seriously, when is this going to be turned into a TV series? It'd be a hit! Steven Leeds is a genius for hire. He leads a team of experts--currently 47 of them--in solving mysteries and puzzles. Steven Leeds is also a conscious psychotic, somewhere between schizophrenic and something not yet defined. Conscious, because he is fully aware of what is real and what is not. Psychotic, because his team of 47 experts doesn't actually exist--at least not to anyone but Steven. He calls them his "aspects;" they are manifestations of his own compartmentalized knowledge that are visible only to him. Oh man, get ready: this guy is completely fascinating...each aspect is it's own character, complete with personality, feelings, backstory, emotions, relationships, and motivations--all taking place in the mind of Steven Leeds. They are different sexes and races. They have romantic relationships with each other, fight with each other, and get annoyed with each other. When they all get together to help Steven solve a puzzle, the entertainment value is sky high, especially when others are there to witness it! This is actually the second Legion story, the first being a 100 page novella that introduces Steven and his "quirks." If I were you, I'd start there, although that's more due to my Steven Leeds like need for order...you won't actually miss anything if you read Skin Deep first. If you haven't experienced the brilliance of Brandon Sanderson yet, maybe this is a good place for you to start. Of course, Mistborn would be an excellent start too. So would Elantris, The Emperor's Soul, Words of Radiance, Steelheart, or The Rithmatist. Brandon Sanderson has never written anything less than awesome. Legion: Skin Deep included.
Things Heat up for Legion
As bestselling author Brandon Sanderson takes a break from writing his epic fantasy novels, he turns to his ongoing novellas. Readers first learned of Stephen Leeds in Legion, a man who has the unique ability to create hallucinatory manifestations that only he can see who aid him in life and answer the questions he has. When he is done with them, they do not disappear but remain to aid him in his freelance work in solving mysteries and the occasional police case. In Legion: Skin Deep Leeds is hired by Innovative Information Incorporated to recover a stolen corpse whose very DNA contains new technology and information that will change the world; whether for better or worse depends on how quickly he finds that body. In return he will be made far richer than he already is and will no longer have to worry financially. The second installment into Legion brings a great story and more insight into this enigmatic character, as well as laying some important groundwork for where Sanderson wants to go next with his character, and revealing there is plenty more story to tell. Originally written on November 14, 2014 ©Alex C. Telander. For more reviews, check out the BookBanter site: [...]
Fantastic ideas and considerations, based on real science, then used to postulate goals, characters, and plot is the very soul of speculative fiction. A well-crafted story, deftly handled and presented, is the life to that soul. This story - all the Legion stories, really - are exemplary art works of that life and soul. They could easily have come from the pages of a golden-age magazine, written by any of the past masters. Happily, the come from a current master, and there can be more to be had. Highly recommended for all ages. Buy them, and treasure them.
Legion #2 is as good as Legion #1 - and twice as long
As good as Legion (#1), this sequel continues to follow Stephen Leeds through another mystery. Not certain if this can be called a fantasy, sci-fi, or mystery genre - most likely mystery. Has the feel of a fantasy from the main character talking to ghosts - or is it sci-fi with additional programming in his brain. I guess last one felt more fantasy because of the religious pictures and this one is more sci-fi because of the cellular storage. Anyway, who cares about compartmentalizing genres - that is just crazy talk. Like trying to compartmentalizing learning into 47 different personalities. Great story, again the mystery unfolds in such a way you feel you got all the information you needed to solve the mystery before the reveal happens. No cheating on secret evidence the character finds but doesn't share with the reader. I would love more on this series, since I want a conclusion and a prequel and ... well everything more. Unfortunately this is one of the stories Mr. Sanderson fits in between his contracted (and paid for) books. Here's hoping he gets lots more plane rides where he can't use his laptop with his official work in progress.
4.5 I'm Not Crazy Just A Touch Insane Stars
You know that imaginary friend you had as a child, what if you grew up and you had 47 of them and each one was an expert in their field perspective field of study. Meet Stephen Leeds who isn't so much crazy as insane. He has a very active imagination and in it live a collection of aspects that help him in his daily life. " I'm not crazy, I'm compartmentalized. Unfortunately, my aspects . . . well, they tend to be a little unhinged.." Last year I read Legion and loved this idea of a genius who was so smart he almost drove himself crazy. The solution, have ongoing hallucinations that interact with him and each other to solve mysteries. Seems the jury is still out on if that makes him Schizophrenic, Delusional or some new kind of insane but I don't care because I think it is fantastic even if it makes trying to date hell. Trying to explain to your date that a few other people tagged along and she can't see them is difficult. "Like that guy," she said. "In that movie." "Sure. Like that. Only he was crazy, and I'm not." "Oh, yeah," Ivy said. "What a great way to put her at ease. Explain in depth how not crazy you are." "Aren't you supposed to be a therapist?" I snapped back at her. "Less sarcasm would be delightful." That was a tall order for Ivy. Sarcasm was kind of her native tongue, though she was fluent in "stern disappointment" and "light condescension" as well. She was also a good friend. Well, imaginary friend. But Stephen is great at what he does and is the go-to guy for solving strange and unusual happenings. Like finding a missing body with information coded onto its DNA. The inner workings of Stephen's mind and hallucinations are explored a little more fully in this story as all forty-seven help in some way to solve this case. I was totally drawn into the idea of the science behind using human DNA to store information and what some of the ramifications of that could be. Given enough time and technological advances every human could be their own person computer, how awesome is that!!! I like the mystery but the big draw for me in this series is Stephen and all of his aspects. I love quirky characters and Stephen Leeds is the epitome of quirkiness. The conversations he has with all of his aspects and the interactions the aspects have with each other are so imaginative. Each aspect has a distinctive voice and personality. It is an amazing idea and I can't get enough of it. You would maybe think that because all of these aspects or hallucinations are Stephen's creation that he might have some level of control over them but that doesn't seem to be the case. They seem to have their own lives outside of Steve some with imaginary families, imaginary physiological issues, and relationships with each other that even he seems clueless to. Sometimes they even have philosophical discussions about being imaginary. "Being an imaginary person makes it difficult to feel any real sense of accomplishment." "Just imagine your sense of accomplishment," I said. "You're imaginary, so imaginary accomplishment should work for you." "But if I'm imaginary, and I imagine something, it's doubly unreal. Like using a copy machine to copy something that's just been copied." "Actually," Tobias said, strolling up, "theoretically the imaginary sense of accomplishment would have to be imagined by the primary imaginer, so it wouldn't be an iteration as you suggest." My favorite breakout character in this book is totally J.C. the uber paranoid ex-Navy seal in charge of Steve's security. He is one of the few hallucinations that doesn't believe he is imaginary and his explanation of his existence is phenomenal. He is one of the aspects that seems to do whatever he wants and rarely follows the rules that Stephen has in place for his hallucinations. "Thank heavens," Tobias replied. "You hadn't suggested we shoot someone in over an hour, J.C. I was beginning to think something was wrong." "No, listen," J.C. said. "We can shoot Pinhead McWedgy over there, and it will teach everyone in this room an important life lesson. One about not being a stupid mad scientist." This is a short novel and while you probably could read it without reading Legion first I really think that a little bit of the magic would be lost. So read Legion it's only ~90pages and then jump right into the crazy fun ride this is. Brandon Sanderson is my absolute favorite High Fantasy writer....But his more modern UF/Sci-Fi's are really growing on me. If you are one of my few friends I haven't pushed into reading a book by Brandon Sanderson then start here or read The Emperor's Soul. They aren't huge page commitments but show just how talented Sanderson's imagination is. Audio Note: This is masterfully performed by Oliver Wyman, who also voiced Legion. He brought every character to life and made the listening experience of the story that more enjoyable.
Awesome read!
This is a great continuation of the Legion series, as complex and engaging as the first. I love Sanderson’s exploration of the human mind and how things all come together, for better and worse.
Another fun book by Sanderson
I first leaned of Brandon Sanderson when it was announced he'd finish the Wheel of Time books. I had never heard of him prior to that, so I got my hands on all the things he had written so I'd get a feel for his writing to see what I may expect. I really liked the Wheel of Time series, was very sad to hear of the passing of Robert Jordan, and was worried about his "replacement." And I absolutely LOVED his works. He had quite a range of story types, and I really enjoyed all of them. And the Legion book really stood out for me, despite it's very short "run time." It was quite unique from my perspective, something I hadn't seen before. It was insanely well done (pun intended) and too short to really satisfy fully. So when I saw he came out with another, I had to get it. And I enjoyed it every bit as much as the first, maybe a bit more, since it runs longer, and has more going on. The first person point of view is great when that person has multiple personalities that actually manifest as separate entities, allowing him to maintain his main persona while interacting with the other fractures of that main personality. There's humor, and there's some crime drama type of "whodunit" in here. And it's all written in a fun to read way. As usual, another story by Sanderson that I really just enjoyed immensely. I can't wait for another, but he first has to finish the next Stormlight novel... ;)
A slightly abrupt ending to an otherwise very entertaining story
“Legion: Skin Deep” is the second story in this series by fantasy author Brandon Sanderson. The first story was a novella called simply “Legion”. I’m not sure what to call this one, as it’s shorter than most novels but longer than most novellas. This story follows the same interesting character Stephen Leeds as he is “hired” to investigate a missing persons case. Well, missing corpse to be more exact. The character of Stephen Leeds is fascinating. A brilliant man who has handled his genius by “compartmentalizing” his knowledge by assigning different areas of expertise to an “aspect”. Aspects are similar to multiple personalities, except that for Stephen Leeds, these personalities are fully formed other people who just happen to live inside of Leeds’ head. They each have their own past, their own expertise, and their own quirks and personalities. As Leeds works through problems and investigations he calls on the appropriate “aspect” to draw upon their knowledge of the topic at hand. Leeds will be quick to tell you that he is not crazy – even though he constantly has conversations out loud with people who aren’t really there. The dialogue between Leeds and the aspects is engaging and often hilarious, as is the reactions of other people watching Leeds do it. I think Sanderson could write a dozen books on this character and they’d still be interesting and funny. I’m only giving this book a four out of five because while I absolutely enjoyed the story, I felt a little let down at the end. It seemed that the conclusion was a little abrupt and very convenient. Overall, still a very fun book but maybe not quite up to Sanderson’s usual mastery.
I love Sanderson, but this novel was only fun for me, not up to his usual standard of causing me to gush. I didn't feel like the story moved the character(s) forward at all. The story was so short that the characters I WAS interested in received no attention. The end was twisty, but unlike most Sanderson novels, this time it felt a bit contrived. I was left wanting more in the bad way, as in, wait, that's it? Not as in YAY that was great give me more. Likes: Some fun and funny moments. I am a bit tired of the more whiney aspects. Since they are the same ones from the previous book, there wasn't a lot more to understand about Stephen's psyche. I was interested in how he would react when he was separated from his aspects, but it didn't really delve into it THAT much. "I am infinite batmans!" If that's not faith inspiring to you, you need to reexamine your whole life, son. Dislikes: I didn't like the assassin. She annoyed me and I felt that her motives were only partially believable. It's like the Evil Walmart of Researchers were losing money and he was making it worse and so he must die. It's not really going to solve your problems, EWOR. Also lacked in character development or moving the story arch as a whole forward. There were some things that were alluded too for future stories but it didn't intrigue me, it just annoyed me. Still overall I love this character and his story. I hope he gets the attention from the author he deserves instead of these little short stories that don't seem to give him the momentum the tale needs.
I really enjoy this series
I really enjoy this series...it only consists of 2 stories so far and the books are considered short...Couple hundred pages which for a Sanderson is short. The Premise of this one involves the protagonist imagining characters out of his own brain, they are very real to himself but can not been seen by anyone else. He has 47 such characters each having a specialty. Luckily he only takes a few of them on his mission. Ivy a psychologist that helps him relate to real life human beings, Tobias who is a historian always making commentary about architecture, J.C. who is an ex-navy seal and he plays the role of paranoid body guard and hates to be told he is not real. I am not certain why I enjoy this so much. Perhaps its because when an author creates a character in fiction, that character exists although in a fiction...There is a point in the story when J.C. is left behind and the protagonist imagines J.C. running at 40 miles an hour to keep up with the car...Its imaginary so why not....Because its not possible in reality so when the protagonist realizes the impossibility of what J.C. is doing to maintain the illusion he must treat J.C. as real and watch him run out of breath and disappear as the car drives away. So all these imaginary friends of his are just characters he treats as real...the other real people in the book treat the protagonist as a bit crazy...I absolutely love the dynamics of this story. Lots of layers.
More Sanderson Brilliance
Seriously, when is this going to be turned into a TV series? It'd be a hit! Steven Leeds is a genius for hire. He leads a team of experts--currently 47 of them--in solving mysteries and puzzles. Steven Leeds is also a conscious psychotic, somewhere between schizophrenic and something not yet defined. Conscious, because he is fully aware of what is real and what is not. Psychotic, because his team of 47 experts doesn't actually exist--at least not to anyone but Steven. He calls them his "aspects;" they are manifestations of his own compartmentalized knowledge that are visible only to him. Oh man, get ready: this guy is completely fascinating...each aspect is it's own character, complete with personality, feelings, backstory, emotions, relationships, and motivations--all taking place in the mind of Steven Leeds. They are different sexes and races. They have romantic relationships with each other, fight with each other, and get annoyed with each other. When they all get together to help Steven solve a puzzle, the entertainment value is sky high, especially when others are there to witness it! This is actually the second Legion story, the first being a 100 page novella that introduces Steven and his "quirks." If I were you, I'd start there, although that's more due to my Steven Leeds like need for order...you won't actually miss anything if you read Skin Deep first. If you haven't experienced the brilliance of Brandon Sanderson yet, maybe this is a good place for you to start. Of course, Mistborn would be an excellent start too. So would Elantris, The Emperor's Soul, Words of Radiance, Steelheart, or The Rithmatist. Brandon Sanderson has never written anything less than awesome. Legion: Skin Deep included.
Things Heat up for Legion
As bestselling author Brandon Sanderson takes a break from writing his epic fantasy novels, he turns to his ongoing novellas. Readers first learned of Stephen Leeds in Legion, a man who has the unique ability to create hallucinatory manifestations that only he can see who aid him in life and answer the questions he has. When he is done with them, they do not disappear but remain to aid him in his freelance work in solving mysteries and the occasional police case. In Legion: Skin Deep Leeds is hired by Innovative Information Incorporated to recover a stolen corpse whose very DNA contains new technology and information that will change the world; whether for better or worse depends on how quickly he finds that body. In return he will be made far richer than he already is and will no longer have to worry financially. The second installment into Legion brings a great story and more insight into this enigmatic character, as well as laying some important groundwork for where Sanderson wants to go next with his character, and revealing there is plenty more story to tell. Originally written on November 14, 2014 ©Alex C. Telander. For more reviews, check out the BookBanter site: [...]
Fantastic ideas and considerations, based on real science, then used to postulate goals, characters, and plot is the very soul of speculative fiction. A well-crafted story, deftly handled and presented, is the life to that soul. This story - all the Legion stories, really - are exemplary art works of that life and soul. They could easily have come from the pages of a golden-age magazine, written by any of the past masters. Happily, the come from a current master, and there can be more to be had. Highly recommended for all ages. Buy them, and treasure them.
Legion #2 is as good as Legion #1 - and twice as long
As good as Legion (#1), this sequel continues to follow Stephen Leeds through another mystery. Not certain if this can be called a fantasy, sci-fi, or mystery genre - most likely mystery. Has the feel of a fantasy from the main character talking to ghosts - or is it sci-fi with additional programming in his brain. I guess last one felt more fantasy because of the religious pictures and this one is more sci-fi because of the cellular storage. Anyway, who cares about compartmentalizing genres - that is just crazy talk. Like trying to compartmentalizing learning into 47 different personalities. Great story, again the mystery unfolds in such a way you feel you got all the information you needed to solve the mystery before the reveal happens. No cheating on secret evidence the character finds but doesn't share with the reader. I would love more on this series, since I want a conclusion and a prequel and ... well everything more. Unfortunately this is one of the stories Mr. Sanderson fits in between his contracted (and paid for) books. Here's hoping he gets lots more plane rides where he can't use his laptop with his official work in progress.
Closer to 3-1/2 Stars
Oddly, I found the first book in the series (a mere novella) to be slightly better than this one (a "double-length novella"). It's not a dramatic difference. It's just that I think the first book was so short that the exploration and explanation of the fascinating premise behind the book took the front and center position. Here, the plot takes precedence. And, while it's a fine plot, it's nowhere near as deep as a standard Sanderson plot. Of course, that's to be expected since the book is far shorter than his other books (double-length novella vs epic novel). Still, it's an interesting, well-done story and well worth the read. I rate it at a Very Good 4 stars out of 5. The books in Brandon Sanderson's "Legion" series are: 1.
Cast of Hundreds, all in his head.
I'm a pretty big fan of Sanderson's work, having first read his work in 'Warbreaker' and having set out to read just about everything he's written since then. This is one world that I wish Sanderson spent more time in. The central character, one whose knowledge and information ends up becoming anthropomorphized in the form of 'imaginary' friends, is a fascinating central premise and is well executed.The character is well aware that he is distinctly crazy, and that if he looks into the face of it too closely he might completely breakdown. Watching him tap dance between the mindset he needs to use his abilities, without suffering a breakdown, and still dealing with an external mystery / problem is a wild ride. This is a book with a potential cast of hundreds... all in one person. Well worth the read, and if you haven't read the novella 'Legion' first, you should start there.
Being new to Sanderson...
... I can't help but wonder if his Legion series is vastly different from his other works, and I will admit that I am so much in love with his Legion series, that even though I have Steelheart in my Kindle library, I am afraid to start with any of his other works, because what if I don't like them the same way? It may be because this series is narrated by Oliver Wyman, whom I adore so far, that Legion has been elevated to heights they would not have reached otherwise, I don't know, but I don't think so..... But then again, how can I know for sure? I have already read/listened to Legion: Skin Deep three or four times so far, and it only came out two months ago..... But to me, it is just THAT good.... Also, I have been known to fall back on books I love and (mostly) relisten again, and again.... And again.... They are like comfort food, to me, I guess.... Is that good or bad? xD
This has to be made a show some day!
It's like a TV show episode only you're reading it. This one is definitely better than the first book (not to say the first book isn't good). It explores the life and world of Stephen "Legion" Leeds a bit more in depth. We see him (mostly fail) interact with people a bit more. How the world sees him. How his "aspects" work and the gifts and curses of them. There is also a much better written mystery element than the first book. The suspects and pieces are all set right in front of you, yet the book does a good job of leading you away from them only for when they come back to them you're like "OH!" as if you knew all along (and maybe you did). I'd say maybe the danger factor isn't as high, but it sure does feel more intense than the first one. Brandon Sanderson is genius at mystery, suspense, and world building. He may very well be my new favorite author.
Interesting, But Only Mildly Entertaining
As is more often the case with Sanderson, I lost interest near the end. In other books, I've lost interest early. The problem I have is that his problems and systems are fairly simple with simple solutions. No real complication in plot or in magic-system. It takes one page to understand the entire situation and the solutions are pat and simple. This is an interesting premise, but again, he didn't do much with it, and avoiding all potential to make something interesting out of the premise. Keep the plot simple, keep his situation simple and avoid interesting and complicated questions. I get how people might like that style, just to relax and burn through, so I'm not judging you if you like that - we don't always read science fiction to be challenged with deep existential questions, sometimes we just want to chill out and enjoy the ride - but I like a little bit more investigation into mysterious weirdness. His characters are pretty well-developed though and I like them, and they don't do things that put me off and crash the story, which is hard to do, really, if you ever tried to write something for the length of a novel, so I can't go under 3 stars.
5 star
Legion is an awesome short story. Brandon Sanderson writes about such interesting topics that might or might not be real. I can not wait to read the final book in this series. I'll be sad to leave these characters and aspects but I have to know how it ends.
What have I done I've given Sanderson 4 stars
Something is missing in this sequel. Although this one is longer than the first, it was a lot less satisfying. If anything, this book felt very much like a filler episode-- the main plot of finding the mysterious vanishing woman is mentioned briefly in passing, only as a sort of recap for the reader. Instead, we are treated to a case that allows for some minor development with the aspects. Perhaps if I read this as a standalone I would see it in a different light, but a good portion of the aspect interaction was just a continuation of what happened earlier. Even the new stuff was introduced in a non-wowing fashion. It is regrettable to say that this did not meet my high expectations coming from Legion 1.
Sanderson can sure hold your attention
Although I wouldn't suggest reading this without the previous Legion book, it adds to the flavor of the series and sets the reader up for a gripping endgame in Legion: Lies of the Beholder, the third book of the series. I was pleasantly surprised that Sanderson was able to tie up all the loose ends.
Keep it coming Sanderson!
I was super excited to see my favorite novella of Sanderson's (Legion) had a sequal. It was really good and over far too quickly. And while Skin Deep did drop more hints and clues as to the main character's "condition" and how it's "evolving" for lack of a better word, it was still frustratingly short. I'm really hoping that Sanderson continues this storyline because I find the character(s) facinating. And while I have yet to read anything by Sanderson that I haven't liked, his shorter stories seem to just give me tastes. I really like his epics better because I have plenty of time to sink my teeth into and prepare myself for the coming end. Never-the-less, this is a very interesting character concept and I love it. Can't wait for more to come!
It's Pretty Crowded in His Head
Stephen Leeds and his team take on cases others can't solve. The twist is that Stephen's assistants are all figments of his mind--very skilled and intuitive figments who interact, brainstorm, and even argue with him. I enjoyed spending time with Steve's different personalities--he calls them "aspects"--but I didn't find the mystery compelling. Still, as long as Steve shares Ivy, J.C., Tobias, Audrey, and the rest with me, I'll keep reading. I can see this as a long-run book series; it could make an interesting television series, too. Mr. Sanderson's imagination and skill at presenting a wide variety of reading experiences never ceases to amaze me.
Good, but somewhat Deus Ex Machina
This is the first non 5-star rating I've ever given Brandon Sanderson. This is a good book! I thoroughly enjoyed it. However, it is the first time Brandon has used a form of deus ex machina. I know it isn't entirely that, but you'll find it feels like that as the reader. Still, a fun storyline and good book!
I Wanted to Hate It...
So I wanted to hate this since I really cannot wait for the third installment of the Stormlight series; then he stops and does a Reckoner series (which I also wanted to hate but liked anyway) and now he comes up[ with the modern day absurdity... But, I'm hooked. Sanderson is a master at his craft and I don't think he can create anything that I wouldn't like. Read Legion first so you get a better understanding of what is happening and who all the characters are (even the ones who aren;t real Sanderson makes very real).
A fine follow up!
I'd say this quick read was good, if not quite so good as the book it succeeds. Essentially, the flaw is that though the main character we love from Legion is as excellent as ever, the plot of this sequel is less exciting. Just more evidence that this character would be great for television, where smaller stories work so well fit in between larger ones. Anyway, I'd buy it again, always happy to support a great author like Sanderson! If you enjoyed Legion, then this is a worthy successor!
Really loved the tension
The story is a bit short and the plot simpler than his other books, but that one scene near the end made it worth the five stars. Really loved the tension, and I just had to laugh at how he actually solved it. It has been done before in other stories, but its execution was just spot on. As for the rest of the book, though this is sequel, you can actually read this without reading the first and, for people who have read the first book, I think this one is better. Legion's interactions with is various aspects can be fun, amusing and really rather interesting. They're kind of crazy, but that's part of the fun.
Wonderful read!!!!
Legion is as captivating to read as Dean Koonz's Odd Thomas. Knowing that this episode was written in 2014, I really hope that there is another. The story line is to good to just let it die out. I have been a fan of Brandon Sanderson since he completed Robert Jordan's Wheel of time series. I have read other words by Sanderson all of them very good reads, but this was fun read. Couldn't put it down. Finished it in an afternoon. Again I hop for more.
Good book
I enjoyed this book. It's not my favorite Sanderson book, but he leaves me with high expectations. On the whole it's an interesting novella.
Even better then the short story
Again, this is one of the more engaging characters created in sci-fi (sort of) fiction. The plot is not much. But the character development is superb. It's also obvious that, where Sanderson just wanted to try his hand at character development, he could not help but tie this in with the meta story behind a number of his other novels. Some, but no much of that is in here but it hints at more to come where he explores the why and how of this character rather than just the who. It's intriguing.
Good follow-up to the original.
These books are okay wen read in isolation, better when viewed in together, and yet even after two books, there are still a lot of holes. I give it 4 stars because I view this series as an installment series. This model was used extensively in prior centuries, and I think it is a fine example of that tradition. If I am wrong and Sanderson doesn't start making the larger story complete in the next installment or two, I'll be upset.
This world of his is quickly becoming one of the most fun. I read this one in about a day
Yet another solid storytelling by Mr. Sanderson. This world of his is quickly becoming one of the most fun. I read this one in about a day. It isn't very long, but I'm also not a very fast reader either. There isn't as much "world-building" in this because it basically takes place in "today". But, that doesn't mean it doesn't have its own rules/magic-system. If you enjoyed the first novella, then you really should read the follow-up.
Epic! Intriguing! I want more!
If you loved the first Legion book, you'll love this one as well, maybe even more. Brandon Sanderson is a master at writing mysteries, and always provides a satisfying ending. In Legion: Skin Deep, you meet even more aspects and delve even deeper into the mystery of the main character's "schizophrenia"; however, you are also given a suspenseful mystery to solve that will have you hooked. Twists and turns and surprises are plentiful! You won't be disappointed.
You should trust me
So I read the first Legion novella and completely fell in love with the characters. It's also nice that you don't have to read the other one to be able to follow his newest one. I read this in one sitting and can definitely say Brandon Sanderson did it again. Incredible talent. I prefer the 1st one personally but it's not by much. Do yourself a favor and pick it up. This is a crappy review on my part and doesn't do the book any justice. So go...go read it now!
part 2 of series
very fun and interesting read! loved the 1st book, read it years ago, and now I'm loving the continuation...!
and plot are brilliantly imagined and fleshed out
You cannot call the main character one-dimensional. As a genius, the protaganist makes his knowledge and experience functional by creating imaginary aspects, each a fully developed character with at least one quirk and each dedicated to one field of expertise, which only he can see and talk with. The story, setting, and plot are brilliantly imagined and fleshed out, with several unexpected twists thrown into the bizarre mystery--the search for a missing corpse that has secret data stored in its DNA.
Hands down my favorite author. Great story, very original, humorous and easy to read.
I heard about Brandon Sanderson when he was taking over for Robert Jordan, after he passed away, finishing the Wheel of Time series. He's quickly turned into my favorite author and I've read just about everything he's put out. Hands down one of the most creative/original writers of the fantasy genre. The Legion series is a bit different than his normal writing, but it's great nonetheless. If you like suspense, humor, originality and smooth writing where the book practically reads itself, you'll love this story. I also recommend the Mistborn series.
Brilliant brilliant brilliant!
I am becoming a huge Brandon Sanderson fan. I don't want to get all gushy, but the scope and depth of his imagination staggers me. The Legion books are riveting. I literally couldn't put them down. His imagination is matched by his skill as a stylist and storyteller. In short he's a damn good writer and the Legion books show him at the top of his form. Read them.
An interesting concept
I’m enjoying this character. Almost enough to make you wish you had access to some other aspects of yourself. Or maybe yet could just remember the things you have through the years more clearly.
JC & Ivy, back again
A fun second novelette with the same fun characters as the first. JC is the best character, but to laugh with JC the plot can't be too serious. This second book does get a bit too serious occasionally, that's why I only gave it 4 stars.
Delightfully quirky
The further development of this band of characters is very lifeike. Each one has depth and flaws, and seeing as they are all the same guy even more fascinating. I love the character interactions and the flow of the story. I reread this and the first story every few months or so, because its something I think on often. Hope to see this as a movie someday.
Good fun!
Once again, Brandon Sanderson nails it. The characters are interesting and engaging, the story flows at a good pace and we gain more insight into how Steve works with his aspects, and takes a closer look at his own sanity as he tries to solve the crime. This is a character and story cable tv should make
The second book in the Legion series was an improvement on the first book. I enjoyed it a great deal and liked that there was additional development. I'm hoping that future works will have even more development of this interesting character and his aspects.
A good read
Legion: Skin Deep is a fun book to read. It reminds me of some of Roger Zelazny's books ( this is a huge compliment for me to give) in that it has a very intelligent main character who can also be a bit of a wise guy. The overall story is interesting but didn't completely pull me in.
Great concept!
I love the idea of Legion. Stephen's inteelct is so far above the norm, it needed to "invent" multiple personalities to cope with it. The story was good, a bit slow at points. I would really like to have a full book about Legion one day...
Strange Multiple Personality Crime Solver
This guy has multiple personalities. Each personality has a skill that helps him solve crimes. Each personality has its own name and body and speaks to him but only he can see them . It is a strange situation. He has to live in a mansion so each personality has its own room or they fight. There is an upside. He can scan a book and one of his personalities will become an expert in the subject. He can also learn new languages. The story is short and not a waste of time
Witty, clever novella
Stephen Leeds has the most peculiar insanity: he can study anything at high speeds and then a hallucination of an expert in that field appears to him--and stays with him as a full personality. He and his team of experts solve the most baffling of mysteries--all while engaging in the hilarious banter. This is the second novella on this character and as brilliant as the first. Sanderson reinforced my view of him as my all-time favorite fiction author.
A story that pulls you along...
Always a lot of twists and unpredictables throughout. Maybe my view is a little warped because I am a big fan, but I found the story pulled me through and I had difficulty setting the story aside. I just wanted to finish it, with no breaks, which is how I find most of Brandon Sanderson's books. The story was well read by the reader (I did the audio book), and I would recommend it to others.
An excellent follow-up on Legion
An excellent follow-up on Legion. And now I can see this universe shaping up to be like the noir novels of old. A-la James Hadley Chase, Raymond Chandler and what not. His style shines and it certainly feels good to return to Mister Leeds and his repertoire of selves. Go for it if you're looking for a light reading yet extremely entertaining and also pointedly pungent on moral quandaries in what regards to science and knowledge.
Pretty good
I've read most of Sanderson's novels. I liked this but it is clearly average compared to his other works. I also think he spends too much time writing about the structure of these aspects without much payoff. Maybe it's coming in future books.
it's still a fun read.
The premise of this series continues to be extremely creative, entertaining and unique. This particular edition falls down just a little on plot which doesn't quite pull together as well as other Brandon Sanderson works. However, it's still a fun read.
Brandon Sanderson's Best Work
I believe Legion is Brandon Sanderson's best work, and I am a fan of Mistborn and the Stormlight Archives. The premise is so fascinating, and the characters so fun, I can't wait to see where this series goes. This sequel is just a little less fascinating than the first novella, and the ending really can't compare with the first one either, but the mystery is nonetheless fascinating.
Awesome seller, awesome price
Awesome seller, awesome price, fast shipping, would easily do business with again. Brandon Sanderson is my new favorite author. 2 years ago I didn't even know who he is, now I've read every single book he has put out and they are absolute magic!
I don't think this was quite as good as the first Legion book
I don't think this was quite as good as the first Legion book, but still definitely entertaining and I expect to read it again more than once. Sanderson continues to build on the fascinating mental condition of Stephen Leads; there are some new surprises with how his aspects interact with him and some fun twists. Highly recommend this book -- but then, I recommend all of his work.
A brilliantly superb read.
After reading his first book of this kind, Legion, I was hooked on this brilliant idea. Combining this type of personality disorder or what have you with the mystery genre is nothing short of amazing. The characters work so well together and always leave you asking what else is possible. A must read for any Sanderson fan as well as those yet unfamiliar with his work.
Marvel ministory of Legion
I think this is a ministory of Marvel's Legion character but I did not see Marvel mentioned anywhere. Still a fun story but over to soon.
I love this guy!!! So unique!
I still think that this is an enjoyably unique protagonist and highly recommend this second installment...in my opinion, the first book was better, but it was so good that the second book would have to suffer in comparison...
Not as good as the first book, but a good, short read
This was an enjoyable short read, you know the kind to help you relax before bed. The first book really captivated me and I really enjoyed it. This one is good, but don't set your expectations too high.
Im not too good at predicting endings or anything so i was pretty fairly entertained. I love all of Brandon Sanderson’s work so maybe biased but fantastic read.
Is good book
I liked it. Didn't have the amazeballs twist ending of the first one, and I'd really like to get more about the aspects--particularly on how they can go wrong. But it's a solid novella, and I enjoyed it without getting exactly what I expected, which is even better. I hope Sanderson plans to continue with the character of Leeds (and co.).
Another installment in a totally different way to look at individuals who aren't quite "normal"
I love the unusual way of looking at things we often take for granted - what if schizophrenics had an ability to be geniuses? How would those different aspects (or personalities) interact and affect the real person? How would others react to this individual? Entertaining above all else - thought-provoking and maybe even a tiny bit educational. Brandon Sanderson continues to impress!
Good but short; not a great value for money
Brandon's books are always great. A bit pricey for the length but you know that going in. I like the world he's created here, although not nearly as rich as his other worlds that fall under the umbrella of his "Cosmere".
I really enjoyed both books in the series.
I really enjoyed both books in the series. I I intend to read other books by Brandon.his topic was very unique and his character development excellence. I highly recommend you give this author a try.
Great concept, well written but really a medium length ...
Great concept, well written but really a medium length story, barely even novella length really. Would have been better to collect a few and roll them into a book rather than publish each separately. That doesn't detract from how truly imaginative it is (on multiple levels...if you read it you will know what I mean!). Still, it is hard not to read whatever Sanderson comes up with - a dependable writer.
Wonderful Writer
I've loved everything of Sanderson's I've read so far, and this is no exception. He is an author who truly loves to write (just check out his website and how he describes his projects), and it truly shows in his stories, which are always well put together, very creative, and quite engaging. I look forward to every new book he puts out.
It was good, just not as good as the first, this being a rather predictable ending compared to other books he's written.
I can't wait to read it again!
I love Brandon Sanderson. His stories never fail to engage me and immerse me in a foreign, yet familiar, world. The Legion series is no exception. Amazing!
Maybe 3.5
I liked
A great follow-up.
Oddly, it was two years ago on a Christmas vacation when I read the first Legion piece. So, it is very possible that nostalgia is adding to my enjoyment. Regardless, this is a very fun read. My only warning is to start it when you have time to finish it. Preferably without starting up all night.
It's good enough to be picked up by Fox
How is this not a TV show already? It's good enough to be picked up by Fox, cancelled like Firefly and become the barometer by which geeks judge the worthiness of being involved with some one. "Oh. You hate Legion? We're getting divorced. Keep the kids. With your genetic material they're probably stupid."
Insane but not crazy
I really like this character(s)! I'm curious to see how he develops since he's been showing signs of possible integration.
Was good. While short
Was good. While short, it progressed the "Skin Deep" story. Interested in seeing how the characters evolve in further installations,
He did it again
Once again, Sanderson writes a small story that blows me away. The creativity involved in the character, Leeds, is a refreshing take on mental instability. It allows his character to have flaws in both obvious and interesting ways, while still giving him the power to be a main character. Can't wait for the next one.
... would you describe the characters" question is kind of funny for this book
The "How would you describe the characters" question is kind of funny for this book, seeing as how there's really only one.
Novella that wants to be a novel when it grow up
I find myself wanting either A) Brandon to serialize this story and keep them coming or B) expand this world into a novel. Great writing- everything you have come to expect from Brandon - I love all fantasy/sci fi he has written. Contemporary is just as good - just too short!!! This world wants to be bigger!
Another great legion story
I loved the first Legion story, and I was left wanting more. Skin Deep delivers very well. It has a great mystery to solve and explores more into the main character. Each time I read these stories I am left thinking how great they would be as a television miniseries. I think it would be really popular.
Simply stunning
Like I said. Simply stunning. Sanderson is amazing. Loved this story. Gotta go. I have a meeting with my Aspects. nuf said.
My brother told me how great a writer Brandon Sanderson is
My brother told me how great a writer Brandon Sanderson is, so I tried a book, then two, and it hasn't stopped. Legion: Skin Deep is an amazing continuation of the first book "Legion". Can't wait for more!
Another gold star for Mr. Sanderson!
Of course, Brandon Sanderson is just an awesome writer, and this book does not disappoint. Just as good as the first Legion book. I think if I tried to write something like this with all the personalities involved, it would be a confusing mess. Sanderson makes it look easy! Highly recommend!
Its a quick fun read.
Its not a full novel, i guess novella. Its a quick fun read.
Another great Legion novella
Highly enjoyed the pacing and the plot. More questions left unanswered. As an agnostic, I appreciated the way Sanderson handled religion in general.
'Crazy' idea
My first thought was "my doctor would like this." Most intriguing was the insight into how assassins think. Logically it didn't always hang together but then it was such a fun read, who cares.
blah and horrible writing
Nothing really impressive abou tthis. The main character is still an interesting concept but the rest of the story is just mundane and He said she said every line. Literally. Sanderson proves once again he is a hack writer and probably needs to step away from everything related to writing. Please. Seriously stop writing and take a few classes on it to help improve your ability to put thought to paper.
Great short read
Excellent! Short, action-packed, and it had a really nice twist. Also loved the interaction between the personalities, and there was some interesting dialogue about his sanity and how the personalities can grown and learn as he learns to cope with his unique situation. Very thought provoking.
Interesting sequel
I found the story very interesting. I am a excited to read more about this character. It is a good story.
Love it
I love the possibilities for master legion. How he can create aspects but they can also be destroyed somehow. Plus the mystery of his old girl. Just a super catch of a read
an amazing book. Funny and clever
The hardest part of being a Brandon Sanderson fan is that he can't write sequels to all of his books all at once. As always, an amazing book. Funny and clever. This is another great story with Legion. I'll be happy when the next one comes out. :)
This novella is truly amazing. Sanderson's idea for Legion is one of the best I've heard off in years. The story is well paced and the aspect interactions are fun and interesting to read. I would recommend this book to just about every teenager on the planet.
Good read
I enjoyed it. Looking forward to more.
Love this series
When is the next novel in this series? Lol I love the concept and execution. Fun and clever writing. Very recommended
As always, a very interesting story from Brandon.
Brandon comes up with ideas I've never seen in any other books. This is another really good one. I love that!
Infinite Batmans. Nuff said.
Saderson is as skilled with sci-fi detective noir as he is with epic fantasy. I love his cosmere, but hope he finds time for some more Legion stories soon.
Another great installment by Sanderson
Another great installment by Sanderson. It took me some time to get into it but overall I enjoyed the story and progression of Stephen Leeds and his projections.
Good read.
A unique storyline and very entertaining. I will be recommending this book and author to my friends. Well done for a new writer.
Love it!
Only some minor innuendos, not enough granularity in "some sexual content". Really really great book. I love it. Really. Felt like a completely new story, like most of Sanderson's work.
This series would definitely make for a really interesting police ...
This series would definitely make for a really interesting police procedural style television show, but where a large number of the characters aren't real.
Brilliant Premise
Good story and creator's. I found the ending to be a bit weak and rushed though. I will read the next in the series comes out.
This was a really good short novel
This was a really good short novel. I normally don't buy books of this sort but am a big fan of the author. I would definitely recommend.
Sanderson does it again
I love this series. It's got great characters and a great plot. I can't wait for the next installment, I just hope it's a full length novel.
good but short
I really enjoy this chapter/s but man these books are shirt for the money. I hope we can get a longer caper with a more personal resolution.
Sherlock for a modern era
This book is a delightful novel combining action, mystery, science, and humor in a particularly exhilarating fashion. I continue to be impressed by the work of Brandon Sanderson.
Very interesting premise
The idea of DNA being a repository for actual data is fascinating. Loved seeing Leeds put in a challenging situation too.
The story is okay. The price is too high.
The story is good. The price is way too high for the amount of story that you get. If this story were 2.99 instead of 4.99, I would rate it higher. The Look Ahead impressed me enough to pay the full price. That was my mistake.
Good as first
I like that new characters are being introduced. Need to explore the origin of his personalities more, is he crazy or does he have some power?
I really love this series
I really love this series. Not sure if he's just crazy or genius but the other characters work well in his life even tho he's only one who sees them. The story is captivating as are all of Brandon Sanderson ' s books.
not his best work...thin
This story a bit under-inspired. The characters are a bit thin after reading the depth he normally creates. Quick, light read but not his best.
A good quick read
A good quick read. The plot contained a nice twist, and I also enjoyed the character development this piece offered.
Good, short read
I really liked the premise behind Legion, and Skin Deep was just as good. The novella is a nice format, too--just long enough, without dragging.
Four Stars
A good fast read. For as short as it is there is very good character development.
but it is a great way to pass an afternoon
This series is a little different, but very enjoyable. It doesn't have any deep hidden meanings, but it is a great way to pass an afternoon! I don't know if I have read any of Brandon Sanderson's work that was not enjoyable though.
Fun read, too.
My second book in this series. Enjoyable characters and dialogue, not so deep as to create sleep. Worth the price.
Entangling as allways
Another amazing story anout the Legion, but unfortunately too short. Steven Leeds would make a fantastic Tv show, i hope Brandon agrees to make it.
Satisfying in every way
I love this book. It kind of made me look inward and consider what I would be like without people around me, like my family, to help me get through the day. Thank you for righting such a compelling, beautiful story, Mr. Sanderson.
Original, hilarious, thrilling, suspenseful, you name it! Sheer brilliance. Fantastic price for a very long novella.
Fab concept
Love the ideas here, and even better, how it's delivered. Leaves me wanting more. A full length novel please and thank you.
Good second book. Looking forward to more.
Enjoyed it. Second book abut this character and left wanting more. There back-story and future question left to be unraveled.
Good but short
Good ideas hopefully they are flushed out a bit more in the sequel. Brandon Sanderson continues to impress me with his work.
Excellent as always
Superb little story, always interesting to read. Still a whole lot of gaps to be filled in for future stories.
and a nice continuation from the first
An enjoyable read, and a nice continuation from the first.
Quick and enjoyable read.
Unlike other books by Sanderson , this is a very short novella. However, the story is fast paced and entertaining. I would love for Sanderson to write more stories about this very interesting character.
Keeps getting better.
I think that this was even better than the first one. There were some amazing plot and character twists, and the story was better before. I can't wait for the next book (as with everything Brandon writes.)
Loved it! It was a quick read and fast ...
Loved it! It was a quick read and fast paced. Great for a boring business trip. Loved the character(s) and the relations they have with each other. Lots of turns and twists.
Good Read
Like all of Brandon Sanderson's books Legion Skin Deep has an engaging story and a clever twist.
Good read. Payoff a little underwhelming
Good read. Payoff a little underwhelming. I love the concept and characters.
Four Stars
Not as good as his first Legion - it felt like a step backwards
Great sequel
Legion number 2 picked up right where it's predecessor left off. We got a more in Depth look at how the aspects worked, paired with an intriguing story. Great work here
Perfect quick read
I really love Brandon Sanderson's writing. The Legion novellas are no exception! Stephen Leeds and his aspects are excellent characters!
A believable insanity
I find myself eager to learn more about Mr Leeds. This mentally active detective and his projections would make a great movie.
Interesting. a psychtzo detective
Very interesting. You have a psychtzo detective who uses aspects to help him solve issues.
I want to meet Legion.
Brandon Sanderson can do no wrong! Legion is as awesomely bizzare as Sherlock Holmes-but in a way that only the 21st century could handle! I am as intrigued by the mystery as I am by Legion himself!
Great addition to the series
Loved this book, I just wish it was longer. It has a good plot that I never saw coming. Cheers!
No spoilers.
It is so very difficult to discuss the content of this story (and some of Mr. Sanderson's other works) without ruining any of the glorious surprises. However, rest assured that there will be surprises, and they will be glorious.
Pretty different to the other Brandon Sanderson books
Pretty different to the other Brandon Sanderson books. Nevertheless I liked it quite a bit. Very nice setup and interesting characters.
It's Brandon Sanderson. Of course it's good!
Amazon asks some really stupid questions with even dumber answers. If you enjoyed the original Legion novella, you'll want to check this one out. If you haven't read the previous book, go do that now.
It was a delighting reading! I laughed a lot and I thanked Mr. Sanders many time. Now, I am ready to find another book and keep enjoying.
Another Sanderson splendor
Awesome short story in the pure Sanderson style. Couldn't put it down, finished it in one night! Just can't get enough
Another great installment. Its a truly unique character and a ...
Another great installment. Its a truly unique character and a great take on the "smartest guy in the room idea". I hope that eventually a full length novel is added to this series.
I love this character. What a unique persona. I hope there is a third book coming. However, requiring a minimum number of words in a review just makes me not want to share.
Four Stars
Great spin on eccentric genius trope.
Intriguing-another Sanderson winner
Brandon has written another entertaining complex story. The new psychological twists on Leeds craziness were great. I'm looking forward to the next one!
Very interesting premise. An MPD 'sufferer' who deals with ...
Very interesting premise. An MPD 'sufferer' who deals with life in a unique way.
Great story
I really like Brandon's books my only complaint is that they are typically so long not this one. Great story in one afternoon.
it glossed right over the circumstances of the previous book and made it seem like an episode of a tv show where the broader ...
While the story was interesting, it glossed right over the circumstances of the previous book and made it seem like an episode of a tv show where the broader plot was abandoned to tell a less interesting story.
Sanderson has another winner!
Brandon Sanderson is one of the best! He weaves his tales in such a way that you actually feel like an part of the story! This series now two novellas long is quite fun!
A short but fun read.
Skin Deep is proof that Sanderson is a masterful storyteller in both epics and novellas. The Legion series is quite a fun world and I hope we are brought back to it again soon.
More Legion please!
Yes! It was finally continued. One of the most interesting characters I have read about. If you like some mystery and humor I highly suggest this series! Which has this, and the book before it.
The first novella presented a great premise. I'm happy to see Sanderson use it ...
The first novella presented a great premise. I'm happy to see Sanderson use it again, and I'd still love to see more of this storyline.
Another great read
Very fun read that will leave you thinking about its ideas long afterwards. I just love Sanderson's work. Grateful that he is such a prolific author.
Another good read
Great characters and fun plot twists, finished in an afternoon. Everything from the date scene to facing down an assassin, entertaining. Hope to see more Legion stories!
This was the perfect addition to my Brandon Sanderson Collection
This was the perfect addition to my Brandon Sanderson Collection. I had been waiting to get it ever since it came out and I was finally able to get a copy.
It needs to be longer!
I really hope there's more of this novel series in the future. I cannot express the uniqueness and open-mindedness of Sanderson's writing enough. Love it.
I want more Legion stories or at least a full 400page novel!! For a guy with a lot of aspects, his stories are always too short. Best supporting cast of character ever imagined.
Brandon Sanderson is an excellent writer. Have enjoyed all his books
Brandon Sanderson is an excellent writer. Have enjoyed all his books. This one had a interesting concept to it. Enjoyed it immensely.
Leeds and his aspects are great entertainment, and constitute a great narrative vehicle
Leeds and his aspects are great entertainment, and constitute a great narrative vehicle. I just Sanderson would write the stories that he alludes to in this one.
Four Stars
One of the best quick reads I've come across.
Yay! Another wonderful read by Brandon Sanderson. There is a reason he has been my favorite author for the last 4 or 5 years. Keep it coming, keep it coming.
Four Stars
Still waiting for a full length novel here...
such a good story but so short
If only it was longer... such a good story but so short! Here's to hoping for more!
Great fun
I already loved "Legion", and this slightly bigger novella is big fun, too. And smart. I hope Brandon will now write a full length book!
Four Stars
Another excellent Sanderson. I really enjoy this character
Another great Sanderson!
I love everything by Sanderson! This one fits right in with all the others. I am eager to read more of the series.
loved it!
Fascinating! Sanderson has a mind like no other. He makes you care about these "aspects" of Leeds imagination just like they are real people. I want more.
Another rollercoaster!
I found myself taking small gasps at the turns on along the ride. If you liked the first one and appreciate clever short stories, this is a must.
Sanderson does it again
You know a book is great when your only complaint is you wish it was longer. Brandon Sanderson never fails to write a great book, with fantastic characters.
As in the first Legion story,
The idea is still great, so is the writing. I find it super intriguing to read Steve's interaction with his aspects.
Legion Thoughts
I liked the first book better. I couldn't suspend disbelief on the ending, which I found abrupt and overly clever.
So-so - okay for a no brainer
Okay for a quick read But I should have bought Sanderson's other (better) works to make it worth my buck and time.
I love the Legion Concept
I love the novel concept of Legion. It's just so cool! I love the limitations and the mystery of how they work together to get things done.
yet again!
If you liked the first one you won't be disappointed. Always sad when it's a book you wanted to be 3 times as long, but that's life!
A Wonderful Sequel.
I've never read a series that belongs on television as much as "Legion." It feels like it was made to be the next network hit.
Someone make this a tv show already. 7 million procedural shows and this isn't one of them? Come on guys. This is the ultimate series.
Excellent, but too short!
Excellent, but too short!
Great concept!
Love all the characters and the story is just brilliant. I really hope Sanderson keeps expanding on this idea. One of my favorite writers.
Four Stars
It was ok
My only complaint...it was too short. :)
An excellent continuation of the Novella: Legion. For Sanderson it was short, but also as for Sanderson, it was a really really well written story.
legion is always superb
Wonderful characters that draw you into the psychosis until you wish that you could have aspects of your own. I can't get enough.