Learning Contentment: A Study for Ladies of Every Age

Kindle Edition
01 May
We tend to think being "stressed out" is a normal state of affairs, and that contentment means sitting back and just bottling things up. For the Christian, however, contentment is something we must apply, work at, and make our own in every circumstance, because anxiety and frustration are not neutral behaviors.

It is certainly easier to go with our natural impulses when times are very hard or even just "annoying," but contentment is an important part of our Christian life. Even the apostle Paul had to "learn" contentment. So we shouldn't wonder why we're still in spiritual kindergarten -- repeating the same lessons over and over again -- if we haven't given ourselves to study contentment.

Thankfully, every test God gives on contentment is open book (even the pop quizzes!). In Learning Contentment, Nancy Wilson looks to the Bible and Puritans like Jeremiah Burroughs, Samuel Rutherford, Thomas Watson, and Charles Spurgeon to help us develop the practical, spiritual strength and the perspective that comes from contentment's deep satisfaction with the will of God.

This encouraging little book follows after Virtuous, Nancy's first study. Learning Contentment includes concise explanations, application questions and assignments that will involve and challenge everyone, and lots of biblical wisdom for individuals and groups.

Reviews (42)

The chapters were the perfect length and breadth for busy women of all ages ...

Just finished leading a Ladies' Bible study based on this book. The chapters were the perfect length and breadth for busy women of all ages - just like the title says. Every Christian woman can benefit from this book. Don't let the shortness of it deceive you. It's packed with excellent thoughts, worth every page! Thank you Mrs. Wilson!

Contentment has to be LEARNED

This is an excellent book to read if you are discontent! In a world that has been turned upside down, I have found that I am more discontent than I have ever been. I was looking for help and specifically a study I could complete on this. The book has helped me to see the root of my problem of discontent. The thought provoking question at the end of each chapter have really made a huge difference in my life. I am so very hopeful that I truly can learn to be content in ALL circumstances with my eyes on God! Thank you so much Nancy for writing this book!

A helpful little book!

I really enjoyed this like book, I feel like she packed a lot of great content into an easily manageable size (especially for a busy mom such as myself!). She's direct in her points but not unempathetic, and the questions at the end of the chapters are solid food for thought for either group or individual studies.

Buy this now!

I can’t recommended this enough. Every chapter was filled with so much information. I enjoyed every word. Have your bible prepared so you can dig deeper into the word. 10/10 recommend!!!

A must for women

A wonderful book on contentment. I have learned so much from this little book. Nancy has a wonderful sense of humor sprinkled around the nuggets of wisdom.

Worth the read.

Something we all could use some guidance on, I think. A good book.

Must read!!!

Love this book absolutely recommended it. So much rup learn from and understand from it.

Great book!

This is a good, practical reminder of an oft-neglected Christian virtue. It will be a help to all who take a few minutes to read it.

Excellent Book

This was the best book I have read in a long while. It was simple yet profound in its explanations of discontentment as well as its practical applications on learning and practicing contentment.

Simple yet Powerful! Just like the Gospel :)

I loved this as a personal study and think it would be so easy to follow along with a group as well (the questions at the end of each chapter would make for great discussion). I highlighted many quotes and paragraphs and found it to be a quick and simple yet powerful little book!

The chapters were the perfect length and breadth for busy women of all ages ...

Just finished leading a Ladies' Bible study based on this book. The chapters were the perfect length and breadth for busy women of all ages - just like the title says. Every Christian woman can benefit from this book. Don't let the shortness of it deceive you. It's packed with excellent thoughts, worth every page! Thank you Mrs. Wilson!

Contentment has to be LEARNED

This is an excellent book to read if you are discontent! In a world that has been turned upside down, I have found that I am more discontent than I have ever been. I was looking for help and specifically a study I could complete on this. The book has helped me to see the root of my problem of discontent. The thought provoking question at the end of each chapter have really made a huge difference in my life. I am so very hopeful that I truly can learn to be content in ALL circumstances with my eyes on God! Thank you so much Nancy for writing this book!

A helpful little book!

I really enjoyed this like book, I feel like she packed a lot of great content into an easily manageable size (especially for a busy mom such as myself!). She's direct in her points but not unempathetic, and the questions at the end of the chapters are solid food for thought for either group or individual studies.

Buy this now!

I can’t recommended this enough. Every chapter was filled with so much information. I enjoyed every word. Have your bible prepared so you can dig deeper into the word. 10/10 recommend!!!

A must for women

A wonderful book on contentment. I have learned so much from this little book. Nancy has a wonderful sense of humor sprinkled around the nuggets of wisdom.

Worth the read.

Something we all could use some guidance on, I think. A good book.

Must read!!!

Love this book absolutely recommended it. So much rup learn from and understand from it.

Great book!

This is a good, practical reminder of an oft-neglected Christian virtue. It will be a help to all who take a few minutes to read it.

Excellent Book

This was the best book I have read in a long while. It was simple yet profound in its explanations of discontentment as well as its practical applications on learning and practicing contentment.

Simple yet Powerful! Just like the Gospel :)

I loved this as a personal study and think it would be so easy to follow along with a group as well (the questions at the end of each chapter would make for great discussion). I highlighted many quotes and paragraphs and found it to be a quick and simple yet powerful little book!

Learning Contentment

Loved this book. Very easy and enlightening read. Will probably read it again.

Good read

We just don't deserve anything just hell, but our merciful God gives us abundantly. This little book pierces the heart and gives hope to the soul.

an easy read

A good book to help you learn more about being content with your life.


This book is so precious. It really feels as if Nancy is scooping you up to mentor and teach you how to live the good life that God has for you. I am so thankful to Nancy for the wisdom and sweetness that spills out in her writing. Read this book, I know it will bless you.

Who knew...

It's embarrassing to think you are fairly content only to learn how discontent you truly are. This is a must read and reread for women and men. Somewhere she says something like, " We are meant to learn contentment, it doesn't just happen to us." I like that. Go and do.

Quick delivery, great book!!

Lovely! Came so fast!!!

Almost done. The material isn't anything I am mindblown ...

Almost done. The material isn't anything I am mindblown or am thinking of later in the day. Kind of bland.

Wonderful book

Many advice on how to be content. I’m using this book for the whole year to work on my character. Highly recommended!

A must read for the times we are living in

It may sound like escapism or far from reality and practical life, but the truths that Nancy is reinforcing in this book are becoming more and more urgent for women to study and remember of!

Good product, great price

Book was the one I was looking for. It was new as described. Happy with the purchase.

Short & Practical read

A very practical and easy read, with short chapters and application questions at the end-perfect when I don’t have much time. Cuts strait to my discontented heart and offers encouragement and wisdom.

everyone loved it and benefited from the biblical

Encouraging book by Nancy Wilson! Read for a book club, everyone loved it and benefited from the biblical, practical content.

Amazing author

I loved this. So well put and written. Really made an impact on my heart about my own state of discontent.

Changed my life

I can only say “Thank you” this has been an amazing journey through these lines. This books just changed my life.

In my top 20!

Well done. It will land in my top 20! I bought several for some friends. It can be used as a devotion - reading over and over.

Contentment Brings Peace

I liked this book. While I don't feel that contentment is a major struggle for me personally, I still really benefited from reading it. Contentment brings the peace that we all need from the stresses and worries of life. I'd recommend it to anyone who is alive (and probably over age 3). I'm actually not sure why it's even marketed specifically for women.

Wonderful book

I would recommend this book to everyone. It has great points and the questions at the end of the chapter are thought provoking!

Like any discipline or habit

Nancy lays out, through Scripture, a call and a guide to practice contentment by trusting in the will of God. Like any discipline or habit, contentment is a godly characteristic we can develop for our peace and His glory. Written in a format that makes it very useable for a study group.

Convicting and Encouraging

Wilson's book is a refreshingly no-nonsense, practical, and encouraging read. Wilson has gleaned much wisdom from Scripture and from great spiritual thinkers/authors from time past and has taken that wisdom and written a very readable book for "ladies of every age." I especially loved her simple adjurement to "look to your duties." Instead of discontentedly mulling over all our difficult circumstances and paralyzing ourselves with fear, anxiety and more discontent, Wilson enjoins us to take actions (duties) to actually learn to be content, not just when our troubles are resolved, but even (and especially) in the midst of our troubles. These actions/duties are in line with setting our minds on things of the Spirit (Romans 8:5). They can be as simple as making dinner or praying for a friend - basically just faithfully getting on with our daily work, whatever that may be. Make it a point to cultivate gratitude in and for every situation. In doing these simple things, we are obeying God and taking the necessary and life-altering steps toward learning contentment. I so appreciate the encouraging reminder throughout Wilson's book that through God's grace and with the strength of Christ, we don't have to allow our difficult circumstances to dictate our level of contentment. What a liberating truth! Her book has been both helpful and convicting, giving me many good things to mull over!

Contentment needs to be learned.

Review for Learning Contentment, by Nancy Wilson This is a great book on contentment. "Contentment maintains control over the spirit and does not allow ungoverned passions and unrestrained emotions to bring discomposure right at the moment when the greatest composure is called for". Mrs. Wilson sets out important principles in a simple to understand manner. As the title implies, contentment is something to be learned; it takes practice. "Discontent is a deep displeasure at what God is doing. It is a refusal to thank God for what He has done and what he is owing. Discontent is ingratitude, and complaining and grumbling and murmuring are discontent's ugly sisters, and God hates them all". It is a 'petri dish' for a lot of other sins. Mrs. Wilson encourages us to 'learn contentment' by identifying areas of discontent and confessing each to God and being thankful for what He is doing in each of these areas. We are encouraged to not go "dumpster diving" digging through unlovely, impure, unkind things. We are to replace these thoughts/things with things that are lovely and praiseworthy and this takes practice and daily submission to God. Contentment "teaches us to read the story that God is writing with the eyes of faith". This will change our perspective, and although not easy, we have God's promise "never will I leave you; never will I forsake you", and "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". This was a great encouragement for me and I think many will be blessed by this short book.

Come and Learn

I read this book in an hour and a half after a friend praised it. Discontent disguises itself magnificently as stress, fretting, anger, perfectionism. Two weeks before I read this book I wrote a poem about the discontent I had discovered in my heart. But I was afraid to do something about it. To accept that I would have to let go of things that I was never given to control. As I began reading this book I felt my heart fighting against what Nancy Wilson was saying. I had to pray to God that he would soften my heart and help me to receive this lesson of contentment. Immediately he calmed me, and taught me. Two weeks later, I think of the precepts in this little book on most days. They remind me when circumstances are overwhelming and I think I'm losing control of my surroundings, that the only chaotic thing is my heart. Wilson writes in a gentle way--not as someone who has mastered contentment, but as someone who is still learning. If you are struggling to be content, I hope you will read this and see what God might teach you.

Nothing helpful

This book was picked for me as part of a women's group I'm in. The whole thing was full of things we should be doing and thinking. Nothing I haven't heard elsewhere and nothing that was helpful. It wasn't a good use of my time to read this book. I wish I could get my time and my money back.

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