Journey to the Veil

Kindle Edition
10 Nov
When John Pontius was given six months to live, he coped by following M. Russell Ballard’s counsel to use online media to spread the gospel and “start a blog in minutes and begin sharing what you know to be true.” This writing project, “UnBlog My Soul,” was John's thoughts and testament of what Heavenly Father had shared and taught him while on this earth. The blog gained thousands of followers as people read John's compelling story and beautiful message.

This book is a compilation of the most inspiring entries of John's journey to the veil. Uplifting and insightful, this book will forever change your perspective on life and the eternities.

Reviews (177)

I was saddened when he died but was so glad I had the opportunity to get to know him ...

This book could change your life. I was intrigued and uplifted by Bro John's unblog and it set my life on a different course. I was saddened when he died but was so glad I had the opportunity to get to know him through his blogs. I am now serving a senior mission with my wife in Chile and some credit must go to this inspiring man for listening and believing that miracles do happen and then writing about them. This mission experience has taught me that the things he has said about listening to the Spirit and following the promptings is vital for each of us. I leaned heavily on things I learned in the blogs and in his book, "Following the Light of Christ..." to be able to speak and understand the language and then teach the people here. Finally with most of the 23 month mission completed, I felt that I needed a refresher course on how to move to the next level (and also to keep from falling back one). I downloaded this book and already (same day) read a third of it. So much here is new and just as inspiring as the blogs I read. It is hard to describe the joy and surge of excitement as I read his experiences and look back on my own. He is such an example to me and his writings are so powerful and inspiring. It is hard to put into words the impact his writings have had on my life. I know that this life is a test and I hope that I can endure half as well as he did.

A Great book to read just a few pages out loud ...

A Great book to read just a few pages out loud and ponder. Even my kids like the stories and my husband wants me to read while driving just a few entries at a time. I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend. Very inspired and uplifting as he writes his thought and journey towards his returning to heaven.

Much more important than "Visions of Glory"

I love John Pontius. This is a man who knows what he is talking about. Many people have read Visions of Glory, which is worth reading. But what really matters is obtaining your own relationship with Christ rather than reading about another person's relationship. John's other books, including this one, show the way to do that. The way is shown in the scriptures. John isn't reinventing the gospel, he's just helping us see the fulness of it that many of us have been missing. Read this book, and then dive into the scriptures. Pray like your soul depends on it. Come to know Christ.

Inspiration beyond understanding

I am very grateful to Terri for unblogging John's soul through this book. He was a truly special man. After reading this and other books of his, I feel as if his soul was laid our before me. I feel him and love him as if he was my brother, even though I never met him. This book made me mourn his passing in my heart, even though it happened quite a few years ago. He showed me how to draw very close to the Savior and I will definitely be re-reading this book. There is a lot of good in it, but one major message to all that ever want to be a true disciples of The Lord Jesus Christ - flawless obedience, and discipleship of Christ above anything else. If we are determined on this path, the true miracles will happen in our life. I am grateful that the Lord opened the knowledge included in John's books to me. Father has been reshaping my life, since a few months ago. I felt changed and lately decided to consecrate my life to the Lord's service, then I read about this process in John's books. It is amazing to have clarity and understanding why and what is happening to me. "Journey to the veil" is a special book that will bring a lot of hope into your life and will open your understanding to possible events that either already happened, or will soon happen in your life. Keep your eye single to the glory of God, and always obey the promptings of the Holy Ghost, no matter how inconvenient they may seem.

I absolutely love this book

I absolutely love this book! Very inspiring and thought provoking; leading to a bigger desire to hear His voice! My only issue is the printing of every single, even numbered page is of poor quality, which is distracting to the reader. It is very light and when I turn the page I cringe and struggle to read it. However, I love the book so much, I don't want to return it. Hopefully they will have better quality control in the future, especially since I just ordered 3 more copies as presents!

Reading this book came at a perfect time in my life

Reading this book came at a perfect time in my life. I'm going through a hard time. My sister has cancer and is going through chemo but she is not doing well. Reading about John tell what he is going through and the spiritual experiences he is having that is helping him grow spiritually is helping me deal with what is happening to my sister. It is helping me be stronger for her and realize what joy is awaiting for her when she goes through the veil. Thank you John for listening to the Spirit and writing your Unblog. And to Terri who was willing to have it printed.

Journey to the Veil well worth your time.

Anyone buying this book just needs to understand that this is a book of many, many entries by the author centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ and how it affected the author. If you buy this book with the understanding that one entry was written at one time and the next one at a different time, and, can explain/talk about different topics, then you won't be disappointed. There are topics and stories written that are easy to understand and digest and other topics that require more thinking and pondering. I enjoyed both approaches because it helped me stretch my mind and desire to learn more about the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Excellent Read

Anyone can find the good/bad in any novel. The reality is that as long as you stay true to you beliefs and find the good in others sharing their testimonies of a certain gospel you will be able to learn and grow from others experiences. Allow the Holy Spirit to testify to you whether it is true or not. Personally I feel he experienced all the things he says he has. Besides who am I to judge him. If it helps me move forward in my life than great! If not than I just move on in search for the next spiritually uplifting book out there! I am grateful to those who have shared with us their experiences. Thanx to the authors!

Five Stars

Possibly the best book ever after the scriptures.

Excellent book!

If you're interested in the life after, this book will tell you a person's experience beyond the veil to the other side and returning. I read the book all the way through feeling good about what I had just read. Captivating and well written. Not boring to read.

I was saddened when he died but was so glad I had the opportunity to get to know him ...

This book could change your life. I was intrigued and uplifted by Bro John's unblog and it set my life on a different course. I was saddened when he died but was so glad I had the opportunity to get to know him through his blogs. I am now serving a senior mission with my wife in Chile and some credit must go to this inspiring man for listening and believing that miracles do happen and then writing about them. This mission experience has taught me that the things he has said about listening to the Spirit and following the promptings is vital for each of us. I leaned heavily on things I learned in the blogs and in his book, "Following the Light of Christ..." to be able to speak and understand the language and then teach the people here. Finally with most of the 23 month mission completed, I felt that I needed a refresher course on how to move to the next level (and also to keep from falling back one). I downloaded this book and already (same day) read a third of it. So much here is new and just as inspiring as the blogs I read. It is hard to describe the joy and surge of excitement as I read his experiences and look back on my own. He is such an example to me and his writings are so powerful and inspiring. It is hard to put into words the impact his writings have had on my life. I know that this life is a test and I hope that I can endure half as well as he did.

A Great book to read just a few pages out loud ...

A Great book to read just a few pages out loud and ponder. Even my kids like the stories and my husband wants me to read while driving just a few entries at a time. I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend. Very inspired and uplifting as he writes his thought and journey towards his returning to heaven.

Much more important than "Visions of Glory"

I love John Pontius. This is a man who knows what he is talking about. Many people have read Visions of Glory, which is worth reading. But what really matters is obtaining your own relationship with Christ rather than reading about another person's relationship. John's other books, including this one, show the way to do that. The way is shown in the scriptures. John isn't reinventing the gospel, he's just helping us see the fulness of it that many of us have been missing. Read this book, and then dive into the scriptures. Pray like your soul depends on it. Come to know Christ.

Inspiration beyond understanding

I am very grateful to Terri for unblogging John's soul through this book. He was a truly special man. After reading this and other books of his, I feel as if his soul was laid our before me. I feel him and love him as if he was my brother, even though I never met him. This book made me mourn his passing in my heart, even though it happened quite a few years ago. He showed me how to draw very close to the Savior and I will definitely be re-reading this book. There is a lot of good in it, but one major message to all that ever want to be a true disciples of The Lord Jesus Christ - flawless obedience, and discipleship of Christ above anything else. If we are determined on this path, the true miracles will happen in our life. I am grateful that the Lord opened the knowledge included in John's books to me. Father has been reshaping my life, since a few months ago. I felt changed and lately decided to consecrate my life to the Lord's service, then I read about this process in John's books. It is amazing to have clarity and understanding why and what is happening to me. "Journey to the veil" is a special book that will bring a lot of hope into your life and will open your understanding to possible events that either already happened, or will soon happen in your life. Keep your eye single to the glory of God, and always obey the promptings of the Holy Ghost, no matter how inconvenient they may seem.

I absolutely love this book

I absolutely love this book! Very inspiring and thought provoking; leading to a bigger desire to hear His voice! My only issue is the printing of every single, even numbered page is of poor quality, which is distracting to the reader. It is very light and when I turn the page I cringe and struggle to read it. However, I love the book so much, I don't want to return it. Hopefully they will have better quality control in the future, especially since I just ordered 3 more copies as presents!

Reading this book came at a perfect time in my life

Reading this book came at a perfect time in my life. I'm going through a hard time. My sister has cancer and is going through chemo but she is not doing well. Reading about John tell what he is going through and the spiritual experiences he is having that is helping him grow spiritually is helping me deal with what is happening to my sister. It is helping me be stronger for her and realize what joy is awaiting for her when she goes through the veil. Thank you John for listening to the Spirit and writing your Unblog. And to Terri who was willing to have it printed.

Journey to the Veil well worth your time.

Anyone buying this book just needs to understand that this is a book of many, many entries by the author centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ and how it affected the author. If you buy this book with the understanding that one entry was written at one time and the next one at a different time, and, can explain/talk about different topics, then you won't be disappointed. There are topics and stories written that are easy to understand and digest and other topics that require more thinking and pondering. I enjoyed both approaches because it helped me stretch my mind and desire to learn more about the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Excellent Read

Anyone can find the good/bad in any novel. The reality is that as long as you stay true to you beliefs and find the good in others sharing their testimonies of a certain gospel you will be able to learn and grow from others experiences. Allow the Holy Spirit to testify to you whether it is true or not. Personally I feel he experienced all the things he says he has. Besides who am I to judge him. If it helps me move forward in my life than great! If not than I just move on in search for the next spiritually uplifting book out there! I am grateful to those who have shared with us their experiences. Thanx to the authors!

Five Stars

Possibly the best book ever after the scriptures.

Excellent book!

If you're interested in the life after, this book will tell you a person's experience beyond the veil to the other side and returning. I read the book all the way through feeling good about what I had just read. Captivating and well written. Not boring to read.

Life altering

This book has completely changed my view on the gospel and my Savior, and perhaps more importantly what is possible while here on this earth in regards to my relationship with Him. This is a must read for all who are looking for further enlightenment on their own journey to the Veil.

This book has led me to Christ.

Wondrous book. 'Brother John' had a special way of boiling down the Gospel into clarity and simplicity and presenting it in a way that inspires to follow Christ. Thanks also to Terri Pontius who was inspired to compile this book and who did so in obvious admiration of her husband and love for us.

Five Stars

One of the best books i have read. starting it again. I have bought several to give to friends.

Exactly what I was looking for

This was exactly what I was looking for. A real-life account of a person's spiritual journey that uplifts, inspires & gives advice. I was not familiar with his blog before reding this book. But it didn't matter because I was instantly hooked after the first few pages. The main focus of the book is the tiny engine of truth that resides within each of us. It first manifests itself as our conscience. Listening to this tiny engine allows it to grow & therefore change which in turn changes us.

Amazing spiritual insights from a man who knew quite a ...

Amazing spiritual insights from a man who knew quite a bit from his journeys to the other side of the veil. Holy Ghost has confirmed many of the truths he teache in this book. As a family, we'll often read a story from here after our scripture study time. The Spirit comes very strong and the kids listen carefully. The little messages only take about 10 minutes to read each. Perfect for a family "spiritual thought" time to invite the Holy Ghost. Such a beautiful and inspired book.

Another golden gem

This is yet another witness of John's powerful testimony. I continue to admire him and his simple sweet directions to making your calling and election sure.

I couldn't believe how someone like me, growing up in the faith

Visions of Glory led me to John Pontius' other books. This was the next one I read, and it was a real eye-opener. I couldn't believe how someone like me, growing up in the faith, could have been so blinded to the scriptures, and the promised blessings, all my life. I feel like reading this book marked a major turning point in my life, and I've recommended it to all my family and friends. It's a must-read.

A must read for all faiths

This was such an amazing read, written by a most thoughtful and inspired man of the Lord. As I read, I felt like he was writing to me directly, as if I was his own child. I would recommend this book to anyone, LDS or otherwise, for daily comfort, added knowledge, and as proof that this world, as questionable and confusing as it is at times, still has men like John Pontius- a scholar, a gentleman, and a man after the Lord's own heart.

Encouraging and enlightening

I appreciate the love and discipleship evident in each chapter! The challenge of obedience to the voice of the Lord is thoroughly explained. Thank you Brother John!

Oh my goodness, what an extraordinary book! It ...

Oh my goodness, what an extraordinary book! It is filled with such rich nuggets that we could only read a few entries a night - I laughed, I cried, I pondered, I shared. Thank you Terri Pontious for putting these blogs together for the benefit of us all!!!

Worth your time, over and over again.

Just read it. You will be glad you did. His heart is in the right place and he wants ours to get there too.

Makes me want to be a better person

I bought this book thinking it would probably be lame but I'd give it a try. After reading it I have to give it five stars. I don't give reviews either. This is my first one in years. The author is gifted in writing and has learned wisdom and pearls of truth in his life and has shared them in this book. While I read it I feel a strong desire to be a better person.

I loved this book.

This author is humble and his stories have helped me to have a greater desire to draw closer to the Lord and hear his voice. I like how it is divided up into small little chapters so you can read a few before bed.

Read this book!

This book is so wonderful. I started reading it during the beginning of the pandemic and boy it couldn't have been a better time for me. It's changed my heart. I feel like a different person even though my life itself seems to be the same. I can feel how I've grown just in the last few months.

Thought provoking.

Really makes you think. People I've known who were in the process of dying seemed to have a clarity of mind and pervasive insight that they hadn't had in life before, and I think this book contains a lot of this.

Wonderful book of answers

I gave this book 5 stars because it answered many questions I have. I know people with whom I would love to talk regarding the gospel but have a hard time expressing my testimony. I have highlighted many places throughout this book that I can reference. This world will miss John Pontius but I'm sure he's doing great work beyond the veil. I would recommend this book to anyone seeking answers or seeking confirmation.

A good man who left a wonderful legacy

I love biographical accounts, and this is one of my favorites. He died and his wife wrote the last chapter. Touching, inspiring. I hope he achieved all that he longed for in life.

I love this book

I love this book. It gives so much information of following the ways of Christ and how to live the best ways to be able to return back to live with him again.

Highly recommended

You you want some great stories that bring you steps closer to God, this is for you. We loved reading it as a family.

Real good read

Totally enjoyed this book. I bought his next book I like it that much.

If you want to feel the spirit

I can't read a single story out of this book without crying. If you want to feel the spirit and feel closer to your Heavenly Father, you NEED this book!!! I just love the way it makes me feel when I read it. I feel so much closer to God because of reading this book.

Great Spiritual Food

I love the short stories that you can ponder and learn for a while like taking little bits of a huge elephant

Amazing Book

I love this book. Has amazing insight into life, I keep reading it over and over again. Has great stories!!

Five Stars

Love this book. So many wonderful and instructive experiences. Most on the central theme of following the spirits guidance.

Beautiful compilation of a lifetime of spiritual growth and understanding.

Loved it and will continue to refer to it in the future. Beautiful spiritual insight. Can't wait for my wife to read it so we can discuss it.

I'm so glad I bought it

Absolutely fabulous. I learned so much from this book. I'm so glad I bought it.

This is wonderful!

I love John Pontius's spirit! He is a great teacher! I listen to this as well.

Journey to the Veil

I loved this book. Written by John Pontius. It is a wonderful book of his testimony and insights on the gospel. He tells of some very moving real experiences in his life. It is a wonderful book for Latter Day Saints to read. He writes much of it on his own journey as his life on earth is coming to a close. Spencer his friend from Visions of glory writes the preface to the book.

I love everything written by John Pontius

I love everything written by John Pontius. This is a wonderful book for members of the LDS Church to gain a deeper understanding of what is required to become a Zion people. It is a compilation of his Unblog entries, compiled by his wife after his death.

this book has brought tears to my eyes more than once! If I could, I'd like to shake Johns hand and give him a hug!

I loved this book so much that I'm reading it a second time! I have learned so much from it and it has inspired me to want to be a better person and try to be a better daughter of God. I can feel our Heavenly Fathers spirit with me so strongly that at times I have cried while reading this book. I highly recommend this book!

Buy This Book!!! Set your Testimony Ablaze!

Best LDS Book, Author & Teacher! John M. Pontius helped me gain a tenfold increase in the Spirit, Faith, Hope, Belief, Humility, (latter-day) Courage, & Understanding--all through Reliance upon & surrender to the Savior & His Spirit. He taught me how to set my own testimony on fire using the very same principles of the gospel that have been taught in every age of saints since Adam. John teaches with hard won personal revelation & experience which always align with the scriptures, modern-day revelations, & teachings of the Lord's latter-day church that we all study from. He helps me see & seek the "greater blessings" of the gospel & to understand & ultimately, find a hopeful place with Christ as these increasingly frightening latter-days unfold. In Journey to the Veil, John M. Pontius continues to teach complex gospel topics in his usual crystal clear, eloquent simplicity--only this time with a little help from his (adored) wife Terri. She includes the goings on of their lives adding the raw perspective of real life trials. This backdrop makes Journey to the Veil the most poignant book of all. It punctuates the life of a couple united in the gospel as they fought mortality minute by minute...& won, as they overcame through Jesus Christ. Thank you, Terri (& friends), for making this available & continuing UnBlogMySoul.wordpress .com! And thank you, Brother John, for showing me the way to "joy unspeakable." AJC Praise to the Father & His Perfect Son! Hoorah for Israel & Zion!

Beautifully done

This book is so full of the spirit! I love capturing all of John’s fondest memories of his life and how he has touched others by staying the course! Beautifully written! A joy to read!

A very profound book

In a court of law, the testimony of a dying man is held to be truthful. Brother John left his testimony knowing that he was dying but spoke the truth in the course of so doing. Some very profound truths are contained in this book and I would recommend it to those wanting to go to the next step. Theodore (Ted) Sumrall

Excellent book

This is an amazing read. It's almost hard to believe one person could have so many incredible experiences. It shows what God can make of a person who yields himself completely to the will of God, and follows every prompting of the spirit.

Journey to the Veil

We received the product on the date specified. Enjoyed the book very much - Thank you very much - I am very pleased

Since John is already on the other side of the veil I am happy for him

I did not know John Pontius when he was blogging, but his wife and son have compiled his blogs and shared some of their own thoughts...all worth reading! Since John is already on the other side of the veil I am happy for him, but will miss his spiritual insight.


Nice Book, great messages

This is a very good book to have as a reference for spiritual topics

This is a very thought provoking book. you have to read it a little at a time and then digest what you have learned. This is a very good book to have as a reference for spiritual topics. I wanted to keep reading ahead but I knew if I did i would not be able to meditate on what I just learned. I would recommend this as a must read to all who are serious Christians.

Five Stars

Love all the amazing insight!

Good read

Good read

Another great book by John Pontius

Another great book by John Pontius. Very insightful. I've been LDS for almost 5 decades and wondered how I never knew many of the ideas that were discussed. I recommend the book.

Five Stars

Excellent read for everyone who loves John Pontius books. They are all excellent.

Amazing book. Read it with the Spirit of prayer ...

Amazing book. Read it with the Spirit of prayer and a heart open to God to get understanding and the most out of it

Great book!

This book have given me a better understanding of revelations and inspirations. I'm so glad there are others out there that can related to spiritual experiences.

Five Stars

This is an amazing book. Journey to the Veil by John Pontius

Well done Sir!

Excellent insights into what you can do to improve your life while still here on this earth. He has a gift of story telling and teaching the gospel.

Five Stars

This was a fascinating travelogue of someone with Cancer sharing his testimony and beliefs and faith.

Inspiring read

This book was so insiteful & inspirational words cannot describe. I wish I could have met the man before he passed away. Thank you to his wife who was kind enough to share his Unblogs with the world.

A great and inspirational book

A great and inspirational book. I cannot say how much I enjoyed it. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to see the thoughts of a God fearing and Gospel loving man as he works his way home to God

Amazing Book Well Worth The Read

Amazing book with many deep and meaningful spiritual insights you can apply to your life. If you are Christian this is a must read.


My wife and I love this book. What a beautiful and totally giving person was John Pontious and we love reading about his relationship with his wife and Dad

Spiritually uplifting

Non fiction and life altering experiences.

Spiritually Sublime

This collection of blogs reminds me of Elder Enzio Busche's "Yearning for the Living God" in that both books offer fresh and powerful examples of how to tether oneself to work in harmony with Christ himself. Up to this point, Yearning was my favorite 'spiritual' book because it was the only book I was aware of that showed how a man through complete obedience to Christ found what he did. Elder Busche was a meek man. Now I have two (there isn't really competition, right?!) though I'm partial to Journey because it is more of a guide on getting to and staying within a realm of fellowship with Christ. Yearning is a beautiful biography. Journey is more concentrated. It is a collection of stepping stones, most carefully placed that if taken with an honest and yielding heart will only bring us to one spot.

one of the best books I have ever read

one of the best books I have ever read, I have ordered more for my grown children. great writer. we will miss John.

This book gives you the opportunity to become a better you!

As I read along, the truths and spirit of this book touched my heart. Filled me with the desire to be as God sees me and not as the world has judged and measured me. I have a wonderful life, full of family and friends but I could make it better for here and the here after. This book has changed my heart to reach high and know that I can because the Lord is reaching down to lift me up!

A wonderful, beautiful, life changing book.

I will read this book more than once, I am sure. It is amazing! My only regret is that I didn't find it sooner.

Of thousands of books I have read in a lifetime ...

Of thousands of books I have read in a lifetime of 58 years, I can say, "Journey to the Veil" is absolutely 1 of my top 3. It touched and taught me to the very core... and continues to do so as I re-read it. I have read it four times in the last five months. It feeds my soul and comforts my mind. I appreciate the vignette style.

Beautiful book!

Amazing book!! Such a beautiful book from a man with a beautiful testimony and relationship with the Savior and the Spirit!

A great spiritual read on how to become more obedient and ...

One of the top ten books Id grab if my house caught fire. A great spiritual read on how to become more obedient and spiritual and one mans experience in growing closer to God.

Very enlightning book!

This book is powerful in its teaching and is one of the best spiritual books I have ever read.

Amazing read. Thought provoking.

Both my husband and I love all Brother Johns books. This one truly makes us want to have greater faith. Loved it! wonderful experiences he had among terribly difficult ones. His testimony teaches me so much about loving Savior and loving Father in Heaven.


Absolutely wonderful book. My husband and I are both reading it and have had many wonderful discussions after each "chapter". This is a wonderful resource for anyone wishing to draw closer to our Savior Jesus Christ.

Five Stars

outstanding book for the normal member of the church who is trying to Celestial Kingdom.

Five Stars


Both my husband and I love this book!

Both my husband and I love this book. Wish we were like John Pontius and could have the spiritual experiences he had. We're all different though.

Outstanding book

This s one of the best testimonials I have ever read. Brother Pontius' stories and comments concerning the gospel of Jesus Christ are sincere and complete. Thanks to him and his dear wife for writing and completing this wonderful book.

Truly an Amazing book! A Must read!!!

For Anyone that is wanting to know how to achieve their Divine Destiny this is the book to read. Loved it!

Five Stars

A very gripping book! Highly reccomend it.

A Wonderful Book!

This is a wonderful book! I can only recommend it highly! I wish all of his books were on audio book!

Five Stars

Great book.

Five Stars

Great read!!!

Very moving

An interesting book. Quite a journey for John Pontius as he deals with pain and end of life trials. I love some of his stories about his earlier life. I'd recommend it to anyone who needs inspiration and uplift as to what God can do for you.

Coming closer to Christ

This book is amazing. If you apply some of these suggestions to your own life it will bring you closer to Christ. You'll be able to see the power of the Atonement in your life and how much the Savior really loves us.

Fabulous Book

This is a wonderful book. I am so thankful for the insights that it gives and the stories that he shares. I need to order another one because I gave my copy away!

Thank you

I adored this book and am so much more for having read it. It opened my eyes and touched my heart. Thank you.

Prepare to be inspired to more ardently seek for the Spirit!

John Pontius was just an ordinary man who was extraordinarily obedient to the whisperings of the Spirit. What that meant to him and his family is laid out in a journal of his thoughts and stories of an exceptional life. At first it was meant to be a collection for his family and dear friends, and thus you sense the openness and genuineness of his memories, but somehow it blossomed into an entire community of truth seekers who resonated with that simplicity of honest and inspiring accounts. Each of us has a lifetime of similar stories where the Lord has been present, the Spirit has testified, miracles have been witnessed, prayers have been answered and there have been moments when we have also been warned to go no further. Have we written those experiences down for our posterity? Perhaps some of them. Brother John's book has inspired me to be certain that those wonderful, sacred experiences from my life are captured for my children and grandchildren who will undoubtedly need to know at some future time that the Lord lives, watches over us, and is active in our lives. This volume is beautifully designed and executed from the glorious front cover, to the font used, to Teri Pontius' own comments about John's experiences and to the loving words of friends who knew him well. I so appreciate the efforts of many talented people, thank you! And Brother John, thank you!!

Five Stars

This author changed my life! I only wish I was able to meet him once.


What a great opportunity to learn from someone who has really sought after truth their whole life. This book offers unique insights to a world many have yearned for, but never knew the what or how to get there.

I highly recommend you read the blog of Brother John

A sobering testimony of a spiritual man passing to the other side. I found most of what he "unblogged" to be uplifting and beneficial in helping us come to the light. One could sum up this book in a few words -- Obedience to the promptings of the Holy Spirit will bring a person closer to the light of Christ. For those of you who are suffering from physical, emotional or spiritual pain, I highly recommend you read the blog of Brother John. His testimony will give you the "big picture" of life and help you return to the light. As a side note, I found learning more about John beneficial in understanding his last work: VoG. Thanks, John and Terri for bringing more light into a dark world!!

Goes hand in hand with all the other works of John

My heart is buoyed up each day as I read John's counsel and how he lived his life. My life is better and with more light and truth because John lifted me up when I could hardly know which way to go. Thank you John for adding to my understanding of the true gospel of Jesus Christ. I definitely do recommend this book to anyone who wants to come closer to Jesus Christ our LORD. After the 1st of the coming year I plan to send this book to many of my family and friends and pray they will be lifted as I have been lifted.

great "how to" book of living the gospel!

Visions of Glory was a great companion to this book but it was a mind blower. This was more my speed. John clarifies so many things about living the gospel that aren't in a General Conference talk or Gospel Essentials Sunday School lesson. He names specific tactics Satan uses to discourage new members and how to defend against them. He explains clearly how to learn to listen to the Spirit, how the Lord tests us, how to get through trials, how to study the gospel effectively, and most importantly how to be worthy to see God "again in the flesh" (Moses 5:10), and more. It is full of great stories that are very sacred and normally wouldn't be shared in this context (for the world to see/criticized). It makes me realize how much more the gospel and miracles can be in my life before the Millenium.

Five Stars

I read it often. lots to think about

Five Stars

Love love this book.

Five Stars

Don't miss this - Wonderful

Increased love

I have learned so much from John Pontius. As I read this book, my love for this man grew. I am so grateful for his willingness to share his life with us.

Just amazing!

John has such an impeccable grasp of the Gospel and inspires to change and be more aware of Spiritual prompting! It's easy for me to say that my testimony has been strengthened by John Pontius. Truly a Spiritual giant and is doing much good on the other side of the veil!

5 star

Awesome book

Five Stars

Amazing stories! Its great to follow someones life that is so amazing!

It is easy to read in small sections

Journey to the Veil is so inspiring. It is easy to read in small sections, ponder what was written, and put into practice what the author suggests. Nothing is more important in this life than coming into Christ, and learning to hear His voice as he speaks to us, guiding us through our lives.

Pay attention this COULD happen to you!

Do not die before you have lived. Do Gods commandments, and you will be happier. Spiritual things are as close as your own heart. Death is a part of every life, and is a happy blessing. Jesus Christ went through death, and came BACK and told us about death and the spirit world. John Pontius is someone who wrote about death with real knowledge. John had one leg over the wall.

Great book

Awesome and inspiring book. I highly recommend it. This book increased my faith and gave me hope for things I wasn't aware of that I could hope for.

The book was good. Had some interesting insights

The book was good. Had some interesting insights. a friend of mine recommended it and it was worth the read.

have liked it a lot

It was very faith-promoting and inspiring. I have told others about it, and all who have read it, have liked it a lot.

A Life Changing Book

The right book at the right time can be a life changer. This is one of those books for me. However, CHANGE is the operative word. If you're ready to move to a higher order of spirituality and make the changes necessary to get there, this book may be for you,too.

Five Stars

Amazing insights! Helped me get closer to God. I am reading "Establishing Zion" next. Thank you John!

Points to the way

I loved this book -- I just finished it, having read Visions of Glory and Avraham Gileadi's book, Isaiah Decoded, I now see the path forward. I am so thankful to John for sharing his learning. This is very much a handbook of sorts, and much needed for those of us seeking to converse with the Lord and join the Zion community. So many things have become clear to me and I am practicing daily the concepts of hearing the Lord's voice and being obedient to it, even as the chaos of this telestial life swirls around me. I have new hope. I shared many of his mission stories with my son, who is now serving a mission. Thank you Brother John.

A must read

This book is a must read for any person who wants to improve their relationship with Jesus Christ and take their discipleship to the next level. John Pontius is a masterful teacher, drawing on his own journey to help the rest of us find ours. The organization of these unblog posts is inspired. It starts us in a place with which we can all identify and then progressively helps us to find our way to the veil. I am a better man, priesthood holder and leader because of the example of John Pontius and his willingness to share how we can all make our own journey to the veil.

Five Stars

Wonderful book!

Thoughts and encouragements along the way towards our own journey to the veil

Great insights. All things which encourage good in one's self.

Five Stars

As described and fast shipping

One of my favorite books ever!

This is an exceptional book! It's so full of truths and depth. I have devoured it slowly so I could receive the deeper meanings.

Five Stars


Worth the purchase

So very much to learn in this book. The author knew how to draw on the powers of heaven.

A must read

Words can't not describe how great this book is.

Life changing

This book makes you want to reach higher in your life. It makes you realize all that is possible in our earthly experiences. I took many notes so I can set goals from the thoughts and experiences he shared in this book. It is a book to read and reread. It is one of those books that you don't forget having read. Highly recommended!

a wonderful personal account

an amaizing account of a very spiritual person. it is well written and a joy too read

Wonderful and very enjoyable

It gives you a chance to get to see what you need to do. I know it's hard to comprehend but what a joyful journey.

Excellent. I'm grateful John shared testimony of his insights ...

Excellent. I'm grateful John shared testimony of his insights in this manner. Confirmed a number of the groanings within my soul. I no longer feel so alone.

I highly recommend this book to anyone wanting to make changes in ...

I've never written a review but this book has changed my life. Thanks to John Pontius I now look higher and pay more close attention to the voice of the Lord. I highly recommend this book to anyone wanting to make changes in their thinking and behavior. It will be one of those books that I refer to and read over and over.

A Beautiful Legacy

This is Johns crowning glory. He has left us a beautiful legacy. We will miss him

Five Stars

I most enjoyed this nonfiction by John and Terri Pontius. His personal stories of his life experiences were inspiring.

must read for anyone who is seeking truth

The way he simplifies doctrine really helped me. I read and re-read and have thought a lot about what he's written. I've had many questions answered and feel an increase in my understanding and desires to be more than I currently am.

Five Stars

such a great Journey. You will learn lots.

I love the book

I love the book. His way of explaining Gospel Principles makes it so easy to comprehend and understand. Makes me want to do better for sure.

Wonderful book !

This is a great seller! The book came promptly and such a wonderful book !

Five Stars

i love the book, and I have read it more than once.

Great book. Very instructional

Great book. Very instructional.

Personal and educational!

I've read another book of John Pontius and felt very edified and educated. He is very knowledgeable and able to help others understand the depth that is available to all regarding the basic principles of the gospel and our pathway home. I have found it enlightening to see a more personal side to his life. What a humble and helpful person he was. Thank you to his wife for sharing this more intimate look at his life with us.

Five Stars

Good followup to the blog posts on John site. Good life lessons captured.

My reflections of Journey to the veil.

This is a wonderful,uplifting and inspiring book that clarifies and puts a handle on a man's couragous journey to the end of his life. But not the end but really the beginning!

Another level of understanding.

You would need to have a good grounding on church doctrine before getting the most out of this book. However those on a journey to increase their own spirituality will find many insights of treasures to ponder on and help you on your way. Certainly your understanding will grow beyond that which is available in church manuals. This book is written more as a reference to your study, where each chapter is on one subject and short in length. After reading it through once, it would be great to keep it handy for reference time and time again. Of further benefit would be to the read "The Visions of Glory" also by John Pontius.

Sad to have finished this inspiring book, I will refer back to it often

I have read, Following the Light of Christ, Triumph of Zion and Visions of Glory, and loved them all. They have inspired me to enjoy the Gospel more and to claim the blessings offered to all of us. This latest book of John's journal or blog, does not disappoint either. I love his knowledge and testimony gained through his lifetime of righteous living and constant desire know and to please God. The Lord's hand was in John's life from a young age and he recognized it and shares his experiences. His wonderful gift of writing and speaking has and will continue to prepare those fortunate to find them, to become the Zion society that will see the Glorious 2nd Coming of our Lord. I love John and Terri Pontius, thanks for all you've shared.

wonderful insight

John gives some wonderful advice to anyone looking to improve their relationship with their Savior. This was a very touching book filled with personal experiences that reinforce the love Christ has for us.

Life Changing

This book is wonderful. I have to read a chapter a day then digest it. Not because it's hard to read but I want to engrain this into my mind. There is so much to learn in this work. I am so thankful I have found this and his other books. I intend to read all of them. I'm glad I have more to go. Thanks again for making this book available. I bought it for the kindle then bought it at Costco in paperback. I intend to buy these for presents this year.

Five Stars

love it, not what a i was expecting, but a pleasant read

Inspiring witness of God's tender mercies.

This is an inspiring book of events that takes place in John's life. It shows the wonderful blessings that come from seeking the love and guidance from a loving Heavenly Father. Wonderfully shared!

Five Stars

Just started reading, so far so good

Loved this book

This book is uplifting! You get to read someones spiritual experiences and what he learned from them. It is almost like reading someones spiritual journal.

Five Stars

excellent read....highly recommended.

A significant book to read

John has valuable insights accumulated over a lifetime of observations and receptivity to the spirit. I've shared many of his stories with others and all have benefited.

Five Stars

I love all the words of wisdom, amazing stories.

Five Stars

Great service!

Humble, profound, uplifting!

I started out reading John Pontius' novels when I was new to the gospel. As I became ready for more, I found Following the Light, Zion,Visions of Glory, the Unblog, then Journey to the Veil. Each of these "journeys", for me were profound experiences of the heart and Spirit that are difficult to put into words. But John Pontius is a humble man with a rare gift of expressing powerful spiritual truths that open the heart and stretch the mind and spirit of the reader. Wherever you are in your own personal "Journey to the Veil" experiencing this book will raise you to a new level if you let it. I used the word experiencing because you can't just read any of his work...each is an experience that uplifts. Thank you, Brother Pontius for sharing your journey!

Five Stars

Love TJ His book

Very interesting read

Quite a spiritual journey. I enjoyed reading his un blogs.

Awesome book. Read it a while back so don't ...

Awesome book. Read it a while back so don't remember a lot of detail, but is a definite must read if you like this subject.

This was one of the best books I have ever read

This was one of the best books I have ever read. It was just a great book. I highly recommend it.


Best for us as I read it to my wife before sleeping each night. We had great conversations and experiences together.

Five Stars

really good book

love the experience sharing

Inspiring, love the experience sharing. I'm gratefup to his wife for having put this book together after John's departing.

Five Stars

I appreciated the detailed insight.

A must-read

I learn so much from this man. Wow.

if you read carefully you get a a better understanding of a few things

This is a very complex book. You have to remember that these visions were intended only for Spencer. And sometimes the meaning of them is beyond what he describes or we can understand. I do not understand his relationship with his wife. It doesn't sound very loving for an eternal marriage. The ending was very abrupt and leavings you wondering what exactly you even read. BUT, if you read carefully you get a a better understanding of a few things, that will help you in your relationship with the Father, forever.


A book of great experiences, teachings, examples that provokes deep thoughts. I have read parts of it over and over again, each time understanding and learning more. I am grateful to John for sharing his life, thoughts, teaching and experiences.

The way we should go!

That's another very useful, helpful book!

A Must Read!

This book lingers with you long after being read and makes you do some serious thinking. It really adds to your testimony of the purpose of life.

Five Stars

Great book, thanks.

Testimony of Christ

This book strengthened my testimony of Jesus Christ. It is a good book for believers of Jesus Christ to read.

A Good Read

very nteresting

Three Stars

good so far!

Five Stars

Wonderful book! Very well written!

Five Stars

Excellent book!

Five Stars


This book brought the spirit and then instructed how to ...

This book brought the spirit and then instructed how to keep it. A must read for every Latter Day Saint. Paul

Five Stars

Excellent book. It was of personalizado help

Inspired author.

I have learned who I could, and should become as a result of this book. I will be a changed man.

Thought provoking

This book helped me to become a better person. I would recommend it to anyone seeking to become closer to the Spirit.

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