Joker (Executioners Book 2)

Kindle Edition
28 Aug
Joker, what a misnomer, but Jackson Webb’s friends were idiots. He’d joined Executioners almost three years earlier after the lead singer King caught him playing his guitar behind his garage. It broke up the monotony of his life, but once he got bored, he’d move on to another distraction. He wasn’t nice. He sure as hell wasn’t friendly. He was what he was, his friends handled his attitude and standoffish nature just fine. At thirty-eight he was pretty sure he was too stuck in his ways to change shit now.

Demetri “Dem” Urban was settling into a new life in the middle of nowhere. Okay, he was hiding from everyone in a kitchen as far removed from his five-star kitchen back in New York as he could get. Gideon invited him to stay with him and his wife for a while just until he could get everything back on track. He didn’t see it happening, but he had to admit the scenery wasn’t bad even if the man had the personality of a rabid, man-eating bear. Dem did like a challenge and that fit Joker Webb perfectly.

Author's Note: This story contains scenes of a violent nature, mentions of rape and torture (All off page from characters pasts) and severe abuse. If you, as a reader, find this objectionable or triggering in any way, you can skip this story without losing the transition to the next book.

Reviews (55)

This book is good and another fantastic addition to an already wonderful series of books.

Joker by J.M. Dabney 4.5 Stars – review by Dawn Honeycutt Joker is the 2nd installment in the Executioners Series and although it can be read as a standalone, I find it better to have read all of the previous books so that you are familiar with each character. Jackson Webb is anything but a Joker, but everyone gets a nickname and his friends thought calling him Joker would be funny. Jackson was raised by a very abusive father. His mother left when he was eight and after she was gone, Jackson got the full force of his father’s abuse. He didn’t have love in his life, he didn’t know what touch felt like that wasn’t associated with pain, and he had no idea how to live his life outside of the torture that his father inflicted. Joker has two bright spots in his life, Harper, his best friend and his little dog, Killer, who is the animal version of Joker. Demetri “Dem” Urban was born with bad hips and pelvic bones. He’s had several surgeries and walks with the aid of arm braces, but he knows his time is limited and eventually he’ll be wheelchair bound. His disability hasn’t stopped him from working in restaurants his whole life. When his best friend, Ghost, invited him to come and stay at the farm, Dem jumped at the chance to get out of New York and live a quiet life for awhile. As soon as he saw the picture of Jackson that Harper and Ghost had on their fireplace mantel, Dem was in love. He was also determined to make Jackson his. I’ve read all of the books in the series and I was hoping eventually Joker would get his HEA. Through each book I could tell there was more to the man than just the vigilante or the man who also looked out for everyone. Joker was the man I most wanted to just hug. So, I was excited at the prospect of finally reading his story and I was not disappointed. His childhood is the stuff nightmares are made of and it was very difficult to read, but the author did a great job of adding levity to those parts of the book to balance out the horrors. Dem was an absolute joy to read. I loved his single minded determination to make Jackson his. This book is good and another fantastic addition to an already wonderful series of books.

Nice Read

In this story if you’ve read the other series that coincides with Joker’s tale, you finally understand his aversion to touch. While the characters and the story was written well, some of the pieces were ridiculous, such as the parts with Mary, that didn’t need to be done, I feel it’s the authors sugar and spice and all things nice kind of happy ending, which is silly and cheapens the struggle that Jackson/Joker and Dem have gone through and still have to get through and as always the author brings in the rag tag bunch of other characters in the tale of Joker and Dem and what is a mature story turns into a childish and moronic tale whenever outside characters are introduced from the series. Overall nice read of the author left out Mary and the other not needed characters.

Editing... just edit

I noticed that the editing for this author's books are going downhill the more I read. I absolutely love her series, I'm paying for books which I haven't done in a long time, but I noticed that 'passed' is being used for 'past' again and words are still missing in sentences. Also I'm having a hard time figuring out who is saying what. When multiple people are speaking the author isn't telling us who is saying what. I have to re-read huge chunks of pages just to figure out what's going on. Punctuation! When a character asks a question there should be a question mark before the end quotations. I can't give these books more stars because of how bad the editing is.

By Chapter 3!

That's when I knew this book would be great! So not the word I want. I'm not good at reviews or using the right words but this book is a MUST read! I wanted to write a review at that 3rd chapter but I knew I needed to finish it. I also knew Jokers story was going to be a tear jerker, it is. Dem is exactly what smoker need to ground him and let him know that he can have what he desires. This book pulls you in and will not let you go. I cannot wait for the next one... I hope it's the twins and Pelter. If you haven't read any of the others I highly recommend it so you can see who's who but it isn't totally necessary. Ms. Denney you did it again! Loved it!


This book picked me up and drew me in. Joker truly is an enigma. He’s been through so much, and still wants to protect everyone else. His heart is bigger and kinder than he realizes, and his urge to push everyone away, made me want to love him. Dem is so unique. He’s strong, courageous and will do anything to get what he truly wants. He doesn’t let anything stop him.

I'm in love with Joker and Dem

I'm totally in love with Jackson and Demetri! I love the strong, wounded, broken hero who everyone is afraid of, but who let's the man he's falling for get away with things no one else even dare to think about. My heart ached for Joker who had reconciled with living a life without warmth, touch or love. The confusion he's feels when Dem shows his interest in him and his disbelief that he would want to be with him is heartbreaking. The absolute horror that Jackson has been through and Dems physical problems makes it a bumpy road but they get the love and ending they deserve.

No laughing matter!!!

Jackson Webb aka Joker was a loner for the exception for a select group of friends. Joker couldn't be touch,. As a child he was tormented, traumatized and tortured . His life was miserable until a smirking cook changed it all. Demetri "Dem" Urban was a cook, with a disability that didn't limit him. He knew he was no prize. So when he set his sights on joker all bets were off he had his work cut out for him!

Absolutely loved it!

Wow, this is another great addition to the series. Joker's story isn't an easy one, but then he meets Dem and thingsmay be looking up. I just love these series, JM Dabney brings such amazing characters to life. If you like the previous stories, you're gonna like this one as well.

Not enough words!

This book was so good! I don’t have enough words to describe it and I don’t want to spoil it for anyone! Read the warning, if you are ok, then read the book! It is very heartbreaking yet heartwarming and everything in between!

Good :)

Very good like all the other ones love this series of books. I must say though if the next book is about the twins and the sheriff then I won't buy it I like three way or two way or even four ways but siblings sharing another person then gross. But here hoping it's not going to be that would l9ve to read another book in this series.

This book is good and another fantastic addition to an already wonderful series of books.

Joker by J.M. Dabney 4.5 Stars – review by Dawn Honeycutt Joker is the 2nd installment in the Executioners Series and although it can be read as a standalone, I find it better to have read all of the previous books so that you are familiar with each character. Jackson Webb is anything but a Joker, but everyone gets a nickname and his friends thought calling him Joker would be funny. Jackson was raised by a very abusive father. His mother left when he was eight and after she was gone, Jackson got the full force of his father’s abuse. He didn’t have love in his life, he didn’t know what touch felt like that wasn’t associated with pain, and he had no idea how to live his life outside of the torture that his father inflicted. Joker has two bright spots in his life, Harper, his best friend and his little dog, Killer, who is the animal version of Joker. Demetri “Dem” Urban was born with bad hips and pelvic bones. He’s had several surgeries and walks with the aid of arm braces, but he knows his time is limited and eventually he’ll be wheelchair bound. His disability hasn’t stopped him from working in restaurants his whole life. When his best friend, Ghost, invited him to come and stay at the farm, Dem jumped at the chance to get out of New York and live a quiet life for awhile. As soon as he saw the picture of Jackson that Harper and Ghost had on their fireplace mantel, Dem was in love. He was also determined to make Jackson his. I’ve read all of the books in the series and I was hoping eventually Joker would get his HEA. Through each book I could tell there was more to the man than just the vigilante or the man who also looked out for everyone. Joker was the man I most wanted to just hug. So, I was excited at the prospect of finally reading his story and I was not disappointed. His childhood is the stuff nightmares are made of and it was very difficult to read, but the author did a great job of adding levity to those parts of the book to balance out the horrors. Dem was an absolute joy to read. I loved his single minded determination to make Jackson his. This book is good and another fantastic addition to an already wonderful series of books.

Nice Read

In this story if you’ve read the other series that coincides with Joker’s tale, you finally understand his aversion to touch. While the characters and the story was written well, some of the pieces were ridiculous, such as the parts with Mary, that didn’t need to be done, I feel it’s the authors sugar and spice and all things nice kind of happy ending, which is silly and cheapens the struggle that Jackson/Joker and Dem have gone through and still have to get through and as always the author brings in the rag tag bunch of other characters in the tale of Joker and Dem and what is a mature story turns into a childish and moronic tale whenever outside characters are introduced from the series. Overall nice read of the author left out Mary and the other not needed characters.

Editing... just edit

I noticed that the editing for this author's books are going downhill the more I read. I absolutely love her series, I'm paying for books which I haven't done in a long time, but I noticed that 'passed' is being used for 'past' again and words are still missing in sentences. Also I'm having a hard time figuring out who is saying what. When multiple people are speaking the author isn't telling us who is saying what. I have to re-read huge chunks of pages just to figure out what's going on. Punctuation! When a character asks a question there should be a question mark before the end quotations. I can't give these books more stars because of how bad the editing is.

By Chapter 3!

That's when I knew this book would be great! So not the word I want. I'm not good at reviews or using the right words but this book is a MUST read! I wanted to write a review at that 3rd chapter but I knew I needed to finish it. I also knew Jokers story was going to be a tear jerker, it is. Dem is exactly what smoker need to ground him and let him know that he can have what he desires. This book pulls you in and will not let you go. I cannot wait for the next one... I hope it's the twins and Pelter. If you haven't read any of the others I highly recommend it so you can see who's who but it isn't totally necessary. Ms. Denney you did it again! Loved it!


This book picked me up and drew me in. Joker truly is an enigma. He’s been through so much, and still wants to protect everyone else. His heart is bigger and kinder than he realizes, and his urge to push everyone away, made me want to love him. Dem is so unique. He’s strong, courageous and will do anything to get what he truly wants. He doesn’t let anything stop him.

I'm in love with Joker and Dem

I'm totally in love with Jackson and Demetri! I love the strong, wounded, broken hero who everyone is afraid of, but who let's the man he's falling for get away with things no one else even dare to think about. My heart ached for Joker who had reconciled with living a life without warmth, touch or love. The confusion he's feels when Dem shows his interest in him and his disbelief that he would want to be with him is heartbreaking. The absolute horror that Jackson has been through and Dems physical problems makes it a bumpy road but they get the love and ending they deserve.

No laughing matter!!!

Jackson Webb aka Joker was a loner for the exception for a select group of friends. Joker couldn't be touch,. As a child he was tormented, traumatized and tortured . His life was miserable until a smirking cook changed it all. Demetri "Dem" Urban was a cook, with a disability that didn't limit him. He knew he was no prize. So when he set his sights on joker all bets were off he had his work cut out for him!

Absolutely loved it!

Wow, this is another great addition to the series. Joker's story isn't an easy one, but then he meets Dem and thingsmay be looking up. I just love these series, JM Dabney brings such amazing characters to life. If you like the previous stories, you're gonna like this one as well.

Not enough words!

This book was so good! I don’t have enough words to describe it and I don’t want to spoil it for anyone! Read the warning, if you are ok, then read the book! It is very heartbreaking yet heartwarming and everything in between!

Good :)

Very good like all the other ones love this series of books. I must say though if the next book is about the twins and the sheriff then I won't buy it I like three way or two way or even four ways but siblings sharing another person then gross. But here hoping it's not going to be that would l9ve to read another book in this series.


I laughed, cried and fell in love with both Joker and Dem. perfect opposites attract. And Joker finally got his much deserved HEA. JM Dabney is a 1-click auto buy for me. Her characters are unique, hilarious, and awesome with lots of depth. I can't wait for King and Landon's story. The Twirled/Brawler/Executioner world is fantastic and always a great read.

Joker is amazing!!!!

Omg I love these guys!! I knew I liked Joker when he appeared in the first book of this series, and I bought this book the same time as Ghost. The things poor Joker went through in his childhood....horrible how people could just let that go on. I love how playful Dem is and I hope he gets to stay in the kitchen a bit longer! Really huge surprise in here, I'm not telling but wow! Overall another great book!

Heartbreaking and sweet.

I've always known that Joker's story would be horrific. It was worse than imagined. I couldn't imagine any scenario that would bring a man into his life who could break through the 50 foot walls covered in concentino wire that surrounds Joker's heart, body, and soul. Dem was worth it. Add in Mary and it just makes for a perfectly imperfect life.


Jackson ( Joker ) grew up in house of hell . He killed his father when he was 16 , when he was 8 he thought his had killed his mother . He meets Dem and he doesn't know what to make of him . Dem keeps pushing and Jackson begins finally understand love .

I love Joker

I have been impatiently waiting for Jokers book. It really is better than I imagined it would be. The horrible things he went through and the emotions he had to work though were just gut wrenching. Another good book from this author.

My new favourite.

I loved this book!! Joker was so broken & Dem was just perfect for him. It was great watching Dem break down Jackson's walls & make him realise he was deserving of good things in his life. I haven't read a m/f book in years but I really hope Mary & Bear get their own book. I'd love to read it!!

So good!!

I loved it!!! It was fun to watch the dynamic play out with Dem and Jackson(Joker). It was fun to watch Dem claim his man and see all the little things that Joker did for him without really thinking about it. And Killer hahaha loved that little dog!!

My review

I just LOVE the way JM Dabney writes ! I LOVE this world of broken people who are absolutely amazing & still find LOVE 💜 Joker & Dem are so cute 😍 Ready for King 😚 Thank You JM Dabney 😎


Ha Joker! We knew his story would be fun of trauma but oh wow! The author did such a good job bringing his story out. Loved him getting his man.

It'll make you cry

I love how J.M.'s characters are like everyone else. They're not perferct and everyone is flawed because that's how the real world is, but they find happiness in the end.

Good Book

I liked this story the best so far. I like how he is starting to try to really live again. I’m looking forward to reading the next book.


I don't know where to begin the way. This book is amazing. I love every part. You feel Happy for Joker when he finally allows Dem to touch him.

Another success

This is one of the best series I have read so far. I love the way the author creates her characters to be loving, understanding, loyal, and possessive. I can't wait for the next one.

Loved Jokers story

I loved jokers and Dems story. Parts of it you need tissues and other parts you wanted ti hit Joker yourself This is my second all time favorites by J.M.

Excellent Addition!!!!!!

Excellent addition to the series. I hope Pelter's and King's stories are next. Then on to Linus bail bond crew!!!!!


I didn’t think the author would really get a HEA for Joker but Dem is a saint. Always tough backgrounds for the people in these series.

Great Story! I can't wait to read the next book!!!

Loved it! Great character development and wonderful tie ins for future stories!!! Fell in love with the story right away!!!!


Wow!! I loved Jackson (Joker) and Dem's story. They were perfect for each other and it was great reading their story. I was also happy and sad to hear more about Joker's past! Great book! Can't wait for the next one!!

Five Stars

Love this book! Love Joker.

Five Stars

No comment

Five Stars

Loved Joker! Was really looking forward to his book.

Five Stars

Enjoyed the story

MUST READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One of my favorites of the crews! Twirled World, Brawlers, and Executioners are ALL must read books!!! J.M. Dabney's writing is exceptional. She brings her characters to life in a way I've never experienced before. She doesn't shy away from certain aspects of life that people gloss over if the subject matter is even mentioned. (I would give an example but I don't want to give away any spoilers!) Just know that they are amazing books that have spectacular characters that are not picture perfect-they are as imperfect as you and me, whether it be physically, mentally, or both. And they get their HEA :) I cannot wait to read her next book! ~A


I thought it was well written and a lot of fun to read. The sex in the book was great.

True Love!!! Great Read

One of my most favorite things about JM Dabney's books is that she writes the imperfect people. They are not models and Gods. They are sometimes overweight, hairy, scarred, broken, you name it. It really pushes the realism at you and you can feel yourself connecting with them better. In Joker, which is book two in JM Dabney's Executioners Series, we find out his story. You saw him in Ghost, book one, and you know your imagination was getting the better of you. You KNEW there was a story and you KNEW it was going to break your heart. I won't tell it to you but it is bad. When you're bred from hate, birthed into darkness, and know you're alive simply because you can feel the pain, and still come through the other side, you're rare. You're special. That's Joker. He wears his story on his skin. Not tattoos but scars. There are many and each holds a torturous memory for him. Love is not something Joker thinks he's capable or maybe even worthy of. But then, he never met a guy like Dem before. It takes an extraordinary person to thaw a soul made of ice. Dem has his own past. He's lived through judgment due to his physical disability. He too longs for love but in his heart, he knows he's worthy of it. And he knows Joker is too. I really loved this story because, as painful as it was, their pasts have made them into survivors. They are not victims. No. Each is forced to embrace what has been done and now have to learn to love. It's hard read in places but it's well worth your time and all the tissues!


Ok, if you have not read the blurb, pay attention to it. It is not a joke in any way. This is probably one of, if not the darkest stories of all the boys. Joker has had one heck of a life. Between him and his mother, there were days and days and days, of rape, torture of all kinds, abuse and the list goes on. The scars are not just mental and emotional, they are a road map on Joker’s skin. If you can’t handle this kind of story, it would be best to skip it. Joker knows he’s an angry man. He’s constantly filled with rage, and it doesn’t take much to make him snap. Especially if someone is being done wrong. Or mistreated, like children or women or someone considered ‘weaker’. Jail time is not an unusual thing to him. He’s used to it. He has no problem with beating someone who deserves it or warning them off. What he isn’t used to though, is someone who actually wants him. And wants to be with him. And Dem has wanted him since he laid eyes on Joker. But everyone has warned him to either stay away or be very careful. Well, Dem is not staying away, so that means he has to push a bit to get to Joker. But he knows not to go to far. He knows with what he knows of Joker’s past, not to push too far and to give him space. But they had finally gotten to the point of making love and yes, it was a little rough but it was everything Dem had wanted. But all Joker saw was his father in him, hurting Dem, and he ran. He was gone for weeks and it was taking its toll on Dem. But Dem refused to give up. He needed Joker to see he was still in for the long haul. But at some point, Dem really started thinking maybe he wasn’t enough for Joker and was prepared to let him go. But now Joker was invested and he couldn’t do without the one man who cared for him as no other. And he had to make sure Dem was there to stay for good. No matter what he had to do. Stories like this are so hard for so many reasons. It ticks me off so bad when I think of people who think it’s ok to beat up or abuse someone just because it’s fun for them or they get off on it. They are warped in the head and need to be taken down. But the worst part is the victims. Everyday they have to live with some kind of scars. Whether mental, emotional, or physical, or all three. It is something they have to live with for the rest of their lives. And some can’t live with it at all. They commit suicide or have to be put away because they can’t cope with it. What gets me the most though, is the children. Especially when they look like their abuser. And Joker had to live with that face every day. But the one thing I loved about Dem, is Dem tried to make him see him as himself. Not as the man who abused him. His face was his. Jackson. Joker. Not some butthead who should have been put down long before he was. Dem loved Joker, scars and all. And Joker had a hard time with that. When you live a life of constant abuse, it’s hard to accept the good in life, no matter how hard some people try. You just can’t. But little by little, he was seeing Dem as loving him and not pitying him. Or something else. He was seeing that Dem saw his scars as just being a part of him. He wept for them at times, not out of pity, but out of hurt and anger that Joker had to endure such pain. And a bit at a time, Joker’s walls started finally coming down. Not that it was easy, not that they didn’t sometimes go back up. But he was trying. He was trying to accept that someone truly loved his grumpy ass and all. This really is a hard story to read. But it’s so worth it. To see Joker finally accept that someone loves him like Dem does, it makes him blossom. Ok, it’s Joker, so it’s not a huge change, but it is there. Between Dem and his little dog, Killer, he finally felt like he belonged and had a sense of belonging to someone. And it was beautiful.

An Amazing Story, Joker is both a book and a person you'll never forget!

A Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words Review (A MelanieM Review) Rating: 5 Stars out of 5 Joker, what a misnomer, but Jackson Webb’s friends were idiots. He’d joined Executioners almost three years earlier after the lead singer King caught him playing his guitar behind his garage. It broke up the monotony of his life, but once he got bored he’d move on to another distraction. He wasn’t nice. He sure wasn’t friendly. He was what he was, his friends handled his attitude and standoffish nature just fine. At thirty-eight he was pretty sure he was too stuck in his way to change shit now. Demetri “Dem” Urban was settling into a new life in the middle of nowhere. Okay, he was hiding from everywhere in a kitchen as far removed from his five-star kitchen back in New York. Gideon invited him to stay with him and his wife for awhile just until he could get everything back on track. He didn’t see it happening, but he had to admit the scenery wasn’t bad even if the man had the personality of a rabid, man-eating bear. Dem did like a challenge and that fit Joker Webb perfectly. My first sighting of Joker was in Ghost (Executioners, #1), a deeply moving story that served as my first introduction to D.M. Dabney and that author's interlocking series (Twirled World Ink, Brawlers and Executioners and hopefully more). Of course, I started with the most recent in the series which has turned out a fascinating, fortuitous move and I'm now moving backwards to the beginning series. And Joker aka Jackson Webb has appeared everywhere, a dark, violent presence, sometimes just a fleeting reference, sometimes more as a participant in a rescue or beatdown, but Joker has been an enigmatic thread running through three series who now when ready in Dabney's mind, explodes into the cacophony that is his heartrending, beautiful and oh so memorable story. Forewarning. If you've read Ghost, which is where I fell in love with Joker, you knew peeling back the edges of Joker's armor would be like staring into the abyss. His past is stomach churning and even though the abuse and descriptions of what happened to him is handled "off stage" , there is no space for your mind and heart to run from his scars...physical, mental, emotional that are revealed here. They feel intense, all too real, and full of suffering of the unimaginable kind. For some of you, these are triggers and you should be aware of the impact they will have. Even if they aren't triggers, prepared to have the abuse that Jackson suffered stay with you long after the story is over, which is as it should be I suppose. Jackson is the town vigilante/Paladin and his friends' worry now that Harper has found love, happiness and safety with Ghost. Jackson aka Joker is still on his mission to protect and deliver his own forms of justice to those thugs/bullies in town who have been under the protection of the old corrupt (and now dead) Sheriff. Given that mission it's no surprise that he's often found in one of the jail cells, with his friends called to bail him out. Outside of jail, his little dog Killer is his constant companion and yes, unacknowledged therapy dog. He's violent, untouchable, moody, and broken. Yet everything about him shouts need. I wanted his story from the minute I met him in Ghost. And love him completely. Then comes Dem, a man from a loving home who sets his eyes on Joker, knows that he and that broken man are somehow 'meant' for each other like his mom and dad. Dem is unique. Some see him as broken too. Dem is also a character you come across in Ghost, but here Dem becomes a complete person. I loved his parents, the background Dabney supplies for him and his reasons for being in this small town. He's pretty easy to fall in love with himself. In the book, it all makes perfect sense as do the characters. Dabney's characterizations and writing is so good, so perfect for the themes the author chose and the paths the story needs to take, that all I could do is be pulled in, totally absorbed by the drama and evolving relationships. Dem's pursuit of Joker shakes the man to his emotional and mental foundation. It's everything he fears and has no reason to understand. Love. J.M. Dabney creates two of the most perfect, broken, believable characters and then takes us on their journey towards a love only they can find with each other, and a small dog named Killer. At times, your heart will break over the blackness and evil suffered, sometimes your breath will catch with hope as they get close at times a relationship only to see it crash under the weight of the past and reality, and finally your heart gets to soar with laughter and love at what the author has wrought out of darkness and pain. How I love Joker (Executioners #2) by J.M. Dabney and the entire series. I highly recommend it and Ghost. Start with Ghost and then read Joker. And look for all my reviews of the Twirled World Ink, and Brawlers series by J.M. Dabney to come. I'll be covering them all and the evolution of a universe. Cover Design: Winterheart Design. I think the cover captures Joker perfectly.

LOVE it!!

I’ve been waiting on Joker!! I knew he was going to slot in with my favorites! I have a thing for the broken ones and if there was anyone who ought to feel that way, it was Joker. He wasn’t though, he just needed someone to fight for him, someone to show that he was worth something more than the violence and abuse he’d been born into. He had his friends, sure…they all cared about him, but he didn’t make it easy to be there for. They done as much as Joker allowed, but he needed more than that and secretly, he wanted it…. That’s where Demitri came in… Good friend of Ghost’s, he came to town for a while to as a little staycation. Getting away from an ex and the job he’d lost due to said ex… he felt at home in Powers. Not necessarily because of the place or the company, but it’s where he found Joker….or, Jackson, as he liked to call him. He was smitten the first time he’d laid eyes on only a picture. Broody and dangerous looking, he could tell he was sad and hurting…he just didn’t realize how far all that came from. He was determined to get, at least a date but after the date, he was determined to claim Joker as his own. Don’t you love that about these guys? They’re nothing if not stubborn, and Demitri was just as hard headed and stubborn as Joker, and he wasn’t giving up. It was hard for a bit…. both of them wondering if they were what the other needed and Joker having a hard time accepting that someone could care about him; as well as wondering if he had it in him to not hurt Dem…. Of course he got there in the end and I loved the way it turned out for them. I know they all get their happily ever after’s and some of them are more bittersweet than others. While I didn’t feel the instant connection I did like some of the others in these groups, and this one had to work for it a little bit. I was very happy with the way it all came about. If any of these guys deserved their HEA, it was Joker. 5 well deserved stars for me and I cannot wait to see what happens with the Sheriff and the twins <3

Fantastic Read!

Just when I thought a JM Dabney book could not get any better, the author made a liar out of me and wrote another sure-fire winner with Joker, Executioners 2. Jackson, aka Joker was a complex, introverted yet out-spoken character with a shy streak that endeared him to my heart. Physically abused as a child, Joker became the defender of the weak and the champion of his “family”. Enter Demetri, lovely man with a purpose in life- get Joker’s attention and capture the man’s heart. The persuasive banter between Dem and Joker was appealing and sensitive as each man found his way through the first stirrings of a budding relationship. Scarred and scared, Joker shied from intimacy, while Dem’s bold nature was a force to reckon with. Ms. Dabney found common ground in her writing of the two men and their struggle to fit in to the world they created. Loving, captivating, and persuasive, the nuances from the character development left a smile on my face and my heart two times bigger. I wanted to wrap each man in my arms and keep them safe from the world. Thank you, Ms. Dabney, for doing just that. Definite S.E.X. A five handcuff review

All killer, no filler

This is the second book in the Executioners series and we finally get Joker’s story. I’ve been waiting for this one as I have a huge soft spot for this hard, closed-off and downright scary guy. To give Jackson Webb the nickname ‘Joker’ is the best example of an oxymoron as I’ve ever come across. Joker isn’t nice; he has a ton of attitude and prefers it if people left him alone - and whatever you do, definitely don’t touch him. At thirty eight years old, he sees no reason to change his demeanour to suit anyone else and he’s quite content to live a solitary life – apart from his 3lb dog, Killer, who has as much attitude as his owner, and really is his canine equivalent. Demitri “Dem” Urban has come to find solace in Powers, Georgia working at Heidi’s Diner, so far removed from his stressful and demanding job he had in New York and he has his own on-going problems that are affecting his health and his mobility. Dem has a goal in mind though, and that is to get his man. Thing is, Joker doesn’t want to be caught. We find out just how deep his mental scars are and why he has no interest in becoming anyone’s man. What comes to light about Joker’s past really hurt my heart and if anyone deserved to find some happiness, it was this guy. Dem attempts to break the walls that Joker has set in place and we start to see some hope.... also, there’s someone from the past turning up and turning everything on its head. I loved all the supporting characters, the twins, Sin and Saint from the Executioners were a hoot and they are going to be so much trouble for Sherriff Camden Pelter, who’s the rock-solid friend we all want in our lives. What runs through this book and the author’s other series’, Brawlers and Twirled World Ink, is the camaraderie and brotherhood; they’re all like family and will do anything for each other and it makes my heart smile. There aren’t that many reads where I feel like sobbing one minute and then the next I’m choking back laughter from the wicked one-liners. Jami Dabney has such a gift for storytelling and I just adore reading about her Crews and I hope we have many, many more stories to come because I’m hooked. I love this world!

A beautiful story.

Jackson, who is known by his friends as Joker, raised my maternal instincts. This male suffers from complex trauma and the quality of his life is totally restrained because of his childhood traumas. He is an emotionally virgin adult who has a very warped idea about intimacy whether it is sexual or emotional. ...naturally I wanted to adopt him and show him unconditional love. Demetri who has a disability is no weakling. He sure knows how to fight for those he loves. Thank goodness, it was Jackson he chose to love. Their story was an emotional rollercoaster for me. I was tearful one minute and smiling the next. This story touched me deeply.

Pulpy fun

Over the top, melodramatic, tortured hero fun. Jackson (Joker) is a damaged hero times 10. His hero, Dem, is a super hyper in pursuit (he skydives to remote locations for him) chef. I adore Dem's relationship with his mom and his cheerful yet realistic attitude about Joker, his disability, and his work. And yet as crazy sauce boiler plate as some of this book is, I liked it even though Joker is in a band we never see play and he never picks up his guitar. I enjoyed the cast from the other books in the series or connected series (I have only read one or two I think), and liked the love story and of course the mean guy who is loved by his friends and has a tiny little dog.

Great story

Demetri (Dem) and Joker (jackson). These 2 characters are great together. Dem was not going to give up on Joker. What a great read. This story Introduces Mary. Story flow is easy. A few issues with Passed being used instead of Past.

This is J.M best book to date. IMO

This book will definitely break your heart, but of course it gives you a HEA that will make you say aww.

5 stars

This book is great! I love the never-give-up attitude of Dem. He was perfect for Joker.

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