Inmate Manipulation Decoded: A Definitive Guide to Understanding the Manipulation Process

Paperback – December 26, 2020
25 Dec
Inmate manipulation is a slow and subtle game. It’s a game that leaves many correctional staff without a job and possibly in prison. Understanding how the game works is essential to surviving a career in corrections.This book will take you down a path that will highlight how an inmate chooses their target, how the game is employed, and most importantly, how staff can defend themselves. The game of inmate manipulation has evolved and the strategies are more complex than ever before. Correctional staff must be made aware that at any moment they can be chosen as a target. They must remember that the game is real and so are the consequences.

Reviews (9)

The complex game of manipulation

This is a must read for anyone considering a career in corrections or those senior staff members as a reminder to not get/be complacent. Anthony breaks down the steps that inmates will take to shop staff and use their ability to manipulate those staff that are unaware or unprepared. If you believe that you cannot be manipulated, you are mistaken. We are all manipulated but others in some way. Whether it’s a TV commercial, your spouse/child, or a news article, that information is used to sway your perception not necessarily by your choice. The difference in prison it is used to elicit control for their gain. Anthony goes to great lengths in his breakdown to identify the steps inmates are willing to take in this lengthy process. He also identifies the simple steps that you can take to avoid being manipulated. The cover photo is an excellent depiction of the game being played, inmates have the chess pieces, calculating every move. Staff only have checkers, signifying that handicap that exists in the complex game of manipulation.

Learning from Experience

This book explains Inmate Manipulation as good as I have ever seen it explained in my 38 years of service. Understandable yet college level. I like to learn from Authors who have "Been there, Done that" opposed to a college textbook written by someone who has never smelled the cellblock. This book should be mandatory reading for all law enforcement academies as well as a teaching guide for annual In-service Training.

A must read for correctional staff!!!

I am currently reading the book now and there are some things even in my 22 years of experience that I need to change. This book is definitely a good read for anyone starting a career in corrections as well as the senior staff. I will be passing the book on to my departments training bureau.

The power of manipulation explained

This book provides a simple explanation to a difficult and subtle process inmates play to get control. It reads easy and gives clear basic insight to beginning correctional professionals. It's also a good reminder for those working in this profession for years, to stay awake and vigilant. Complacency is a big enemy and opens the door to a lot of problems. The first day you go on the hill and think it's just a day as any other, should be the last day you walk in. This book will be a constant reminder of that.

Mandatory reading for Correctional Staff

This book should be MADATORY reading for any new person coming into the field; as well as veteran staff who think they know everything. Many, many words of wisdom .

Learn to say "NO"

I would want new Officers to have this book as part of Initial training. An excellent read by a Corrections Professional😄

Everything in the book is important to know. Definitely a must read, especially for new recruits.

Easy read and Very well written. Hits important targets right on point. I would definitely recommend this book to new boots straight out of the Academy and as well as a refresher for all of us behind the wall. Well done Sir!

Buy it now

Great read even for 22 year veteran

On point

On point! This is a must for anyone in the corrections field.

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