I'll Push You: A Journey of 500 Miles, Two Best Friends, and One Wheelchair

Kindle Edition
05 Jun
2018 ECPA Christian Book Award Winner 2018 Christopher Award Winner Two best friends, 500 miles, one wheelchair, and the challenge of a lifetime. Friendship takes on new meaning in this true story of Justin and Patrick, born less than two days apart in the same hospital. Best friends their whole lives, they grew up together, went to school together, and were best man in each other’s weddings. When Justin was diagnosed with a neuromuscular disease that robbed him of the use of his arms and legs, Patrick was there, helping to feed and care for him in ways he’d never imagined. Determined to live life to the fullest, the friends refused to give into despair or let physical limitations control what was possible for Justin. So when Justin heard about the Camino de Santiago, a 500-mile trek through Spain, he wondered aloud to Patrick whether the two of them could ever do it. Patrick’s immediate response was: “I’ll push you.”

Reviews (167)

Captures the power of the Camino

Having walked the Camino, I couldn't help but wonder how they would get through some of the paths with a wheelchair but the Camino did it's magic and provided. I was also impressed with the spiritual journey. Part of the lessons of the Camino involves letting go and trusting, surrendering to the way. Patrick does a great job of epitomizing this lesson that his friend, Justin, has already learned. I'm still learning to grow in trust each time I hike the Camino. Strongly recommended to those who have and have not walked The Way of Saint James.

Must read!!! Great story of love, friendship and endurance across the Camino

A truly enjoyable, inspiring book that kept me reading long into the night. To see two friends, Justin and Patrick, stay committed to each other through the years is so refreshing. I cried more than once as these guys showed such love and gentleness with each other, their wives, and kids at each stage of their lives. The journey across the Camino was mind boggling, but they were committed to the last mile to make it happen. Then when they needed help, total strangers saw the need and came to their aid. This has moved me to reach out in my own life to help others. I give this book 5 stars and look so forward to the movie!!

Must read book of a journey that most of us will never undertake

Amazing, everyone should be as fortunate to have friends as Justin and Patrick .This book makes you want to be a better person and we are lucky as readers to found this book and the story they tell of how they pushed one another to be better people and have great adventures together I wonder how many of us would be willing or take the time out of our busy lives to push a friend 500 miles in a wheelchair to make a dream possible. Truly inspiring and a book everyone should read. It holds the reader from the beginning to end. I am looking forward to seeing the DVD

The Impossible is possible.......

Patrick & Justin.......WOW what a truly loving unconditionally friendship you have. I've walk the Camino & I couldn't watch your trailer without crying(which I have watched many many times now) so I was counting down the days for your book release. What a phenomenal story you two have, beautifully written guys well done. I only walked the Camino a year ago so I felt like I was right there with you both on that trail. Absolutely brilliant effort guys you truly are inspirational & amazing. Wishing you both every success & I can't wait to see your documentary. THANK YOU for sharing your stories & your lives. ❤️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️❤️

Pure Love

A pure treat to be included in this journey. Such a heart warming story of love-pure love. Hearing how much everyone the authors but what wasn’t said as much was how much they helped their fellow pilgrims. I haven’t had a book that I couldn’t put down in a while so it was exciting to have that feeling again. Beautifully written but even better lived! Thank you for capturing this on paper. I can’t wait to see the documentary.

A Must Read

I had the wonderful privilege of hearing these men speak at our church. I couldn't wait to read the book and learn more about their adventure. For me this book was a great read, but so much more.I found it emotional from the very beginning. It's such a good story of love between two friends that has lasted a life time. The commitment that few are willing to make along with the trip and challenge of a life time. This is a must read. I can't wait for the Documentary to come out November 2nd.

Definitely 5 Stars ⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰ Heart Stopping!!!

The story is for everyone! Justin and Patrick’s journey on the camino is incredible. Their message is relevant for ALL people. There’s a connection to them both that’s hard to explain, feel what they feel, you're walking with them. Read/Listen to the book, it’s so much more than you think it will be! Both the book and the documentary are amazing, please experience BOTH, they go hand in hand with experiencing the story. Their strength, courage and sheer tenacity is inspiring. Definitely 5 Stars*****

Good friends are a blessing!

More than the physical adventure of two friends doing the Camino which at times was grueling. You grow emotionally as the characters did! The value of true friendships takes both parties encouraging each other and appreciating what each brings to life experiences! Favorite read this year!


Worth every word. One of the greatest human interest stories you will ever read from start to finish. See how motivated this is and how it will motivate you when you think you cannot do something. There were times I had to get out the tissues to dry my eyes and then laugh along with them on this most incredible journey of two life-long friends and the other people they met along the way that joined in to help them to the finish of this hike in Spain on the Camino trail. Motivational and Inspirational to say the least. WOULD HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS BOOK TO EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good story about friendship

This is a very touching story between two life-long friends and their decision to hike the Camino de Santiago. Their journey together is a testament of a true friendship and how they worked together, along with the help of many other pilgrims to achieve this challenge.

Captures the power of the Camino

Having walked the Camino, I couldn't help but wonder how they would get through some of the paths with a wheelchair but the Camino did it's magic and provided. I was also impressed with the spiritual journey. Part of the lessons of the Camino involves letting go and trusting, surrendering to the way. Patrick does a great job of epitomizing this lesson that his friend, Justin, has already learned. I'm still learning to grow in trust each time I hike the Camino. Strongly recommended to those who have and have not walked The Way of Saint James.

Must read!!! Great story of love, friendship and endurance across the Camino

A truly enjoyable, inspiring book that kept me reading long into the night. To see two friends, Justin and Patrick, stay committed to each other through the years is so refreshing. I cried more than once as these guys showed such love and gentleness with each other, their wives, and kids at each stage of their lives. The journey across the Camino was mind boggling, but they were committed to the last mile to make it happen. Then when they needed help, total strangers saw the need and came to their aid. This has moved me to reach out in my own life to help others. I give this book 5 stars and look so forward to the movie!!

Must read book of a journey that most of us will never undertake

Amazing, everyone should be as fortunate to have friends as Justin and Patrick .This book makes you want to be a better person and we are lucky as readers to found this book and the story they tell of how they pushed one another to be better people and have great adventures together I wonder how many of us would be willing or take the time out of our busy lives to push a friend 500 miles in a wheelchair to make a dream possible. Truly inspiring and a book everyone should read. It holds the reader from the beginning to end. I am looking forward to seeing the DVD

The Impossible is possible.......

Patrick & Justin.......WOW what a truly loving unconditionally friendship you have. I've walk the Camino & I couldn't watch your trailer without crying(which I have watched many many times now) so I was counting down the days for your book release. What a phenomenal story you two have, beautifully written guys well done. I only walked the Camino a year ago so I felt like I was right there with you both on that trail. Absolutely brilliant effort guys you truly are inspirational & amazing. Wishing you both every success & I can't wait to see your documentary. THANK YOU for sharing your stories & your lives. ❤️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️❤️

Pure Love

A pure treat to be included in this journey. Such a heart warming story of love-pure love. Hearing how much everyone the authors but what wasn’t said as much was how much they helped their fellow pilgrims. I haven’t had a book that I couldn’t put down in a while so it was exciting to have that feeling again. Beautifully written but even better lived! Thank you for capturing this on paper. I can’t wait to see the documentary.

A Must Read

I had the wonderful privilege of hearing these men speak at our church. I couldn't wait to read the book and learn more about their adventure. For me this book was a great read, but so much more.I found it emotional from the very beginning. It's such a good story of love between two friends that has lasted a life time. The commitment that few are willing to make along with the trip and challenge of a life time. This is a must read. I can't wait for the Documentary to come out November 2nd.

Definitely 5 Stars ⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰ Heart Stopping!!!

The story is for everyone! Justin and Patrick’s journey on the camino is incredible. Their message is relevant for ALL people. There’s a connection to them both that’s hard to explain, feel what they feel, you're walking with them. Read/Listen to the book, it’s so much more than you think it will be! Both the book and the documentary are amazing, please experience BOTH, they go hand in hand with experiencing the story. Their strength, courage and sheer tenacity is inspiring. Definitely 5 Stars*****

Good friends are a blessing!

More than the physical adventure of two friends doing the Camino which at times was grueling. You grow emotionally as the characters did! The value of true friendships takes both parties encouraging each other and appreciating what each brings to life experiences! Favorite read this year!


Worth every word. One of the greatest human interest stories you will ever read from start to finish. See how motivated this is and how it will motivate you when you think you cannot do something. There were times I had to get out the tissues to dry my eyes and then laugh along with them on this most incredible journey of two life-long friends and the other people they met along the way that joined in to help them to the finish of this hike in Spain on the Camino trail. Motivational and Inspirational to say the least. WOULD HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS BOOK TO EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good story about friendship

This is a very touching story between two life-long friends and their decision to hike the Camino de Santiago. Their journey together is a testament of a true friendship and how they worked together, along with the help of many other pilgrims to achieve this challenge.

Easy read

We all read this book and enjoyed it very much. A few parts were predictable and once in awhile it was confusing th figure out who was speaking but overall it was a great book. Took me two sittings to read it- held my attention

Will be thinking about this long after I read the last page

The book starts slowly and builds, drawing the reader in as these friends share their pilgrimage and more of their lives and struggles along the way. The story opens up the potential for expanding your own story of life when contemplating what it means to truly need one another in this life. God did not create us to live on our own.

Outstanding read about two young men who practice the art of relationship during their 500 mile journey.

Justin & Patrick's parents are dear friends of mine, who I became friends with in 1972. I was able to walk through my friend's pregnancies of these two boys. My son came along a couple years later, but there was a great group of boys who were friends and all went to the same church. We moved away as they were entering high school. I heard about Justin's disease as he struggled while in college. I was thrilled to hear about the planning of their trip. I followed their posts through their journey, sharing their posts on my Facebook, inviting more followers. I'm finishing up the book, which will be donated to my aunts library after she reads it. I'm am so honored to know these guys and their parents and siblings. Their stories speak to my soul and make me courage to be a better pilgrim/follower who can be more filled with gratitude and mindfulness. I had a bitter/angry period in my life; I want to be more like Justin. Thanks guys for baring your souls and writing such a great book!

A gift

To read the thoughts of Justin and Patrick during their Camino Journey is a gift. I was so intrigued! Having been at Point Loma the same years as Justin and knowing who he is plus having done a portion of the Camino myself, made this story so real. The vulnerability of them both gives courage to readers who want to go deeper still. I appreciate the new view of a Sabbath. I also hope to engage more with other pilgrims as I do another section of the Camino this fall. Grace and Peace to you both! -Kaitlin Peoples


MUST READ!!! Inspiring and life changing. Our son has Muscular Dystrophy and will lose his abilities as he grows. I loved the honesty. I loved the raw and real life emotion. Our son is 9 years old and I am going to plan this trip for him when he graduates from high school. If you need perspective in life please read this book. Thank you Justin & Patrick for opening your lives up and sharing this amazing adventure. Thank you for inspiring this mom that NOTHING is out of reach and that the emotions we feel are valid and real and for giving me some insight into what my son may think and feel.

what a push

What an emotional trip this was between two truly BFF make there way across the Camino road, an ancient road taken by 100’s of thousands. You will grow as they do along this road trip. Now to find the movie!

This book brought me to tears

This book was short, but amazing. The timing of my reading it played a big factor in my emotions reading it. I’m recovering from a badly broken femur and an emergency hip replacement. Reading about the selfless help being provided to these pilgrims reminds me of the selfless help I too have been offered. Being helpless made me be able see both Justin and Patrick’s side of the story.

Amazing and beautiful!

What an amazing book! I couldn't put it down and read it all in one long enjoyable sitting. It was so inspiring, heartfelt, honest, insightful, amazing and beautiful. Having done the Camino myself makes me appreciate it even more, although everybody can appreciate the power of their friendship. It was so touching and they both really put themselves out there in their rawest and most vulnerable ways. You can't help but laugh, cry and embrace their story. A fantastically enjoyable and emotional read.

Outstanding Book! Must Read.

I had the pleasure of teaching these gentlemen in high school. I knew they were good people then, and this book confirms it. It is well-written and is spiritual without being "pushy". It will make you laugh and then will make you stop for the tissues. I can't wait for my opportunity to see the documentary. Great job Paddy and Skeez!

I am undone. Totally undone.

Wow y'all! This book of two friends and their pilgrimage in Spain was awesome. This is about a friend who pushed his best friend 500 miles in a wheel chair. I am undone. I am encouraged and inspired by these two men and what they accomplished and what they learned. I laughed. I cried. I am blessed. Thank you for sharing your story. May God bless everyone who reads this book. And God bless these amazing men and their families.

Amazing doesn’t cut it!

Having walked the Camino, I know the difficulties I faced with my body in shape. It was hard, difficult, and every corner held some new surprises! These mens’ faith held them together! I cried numerous times reading this! What a journey! Thank you for carrying me with you a second time!

This is now on my list of all time favorite books read

This is now on my list of all time favorite books read. Such a great inspirational story! I loved this book on so many levels. I found myself highlighting or underlining several passages and jotting downs some notes of feelings/inspirations that came to me while reading. I'm really looking forward to seeing the documentary. And then also taking the trek, and crossing off my Bucket List, to walk the Camino.

Friendship on Wheels!

I've bought multiple copies of this book and given it to the parents or grandparents who I gave the children's version "The Push" to for birthday or Channukah gifts. This is the true story of an amazing FRIENDSHIP. Everyone should have such a special friend!

This story shows what true love is about and has you envying and looking at ...

This book had me crying and laughing all in one sitting (at lunch, at a restaurant, mind you....hehe). This story shows what true love is about and has you envying and looking at your own life wondering if you could be that best friend for the the people in your lives. This is the first book in years that I couldn't put down. I finished it in less than a week and have already lent it out to someone.

Great read!

Extremely uplifting and inspiring read. I highly recommend this book. It had me struggling to sleep often because it got me to "push myself" out of my comfort zone and really examine my own happiness in this life. Thank you for your words and being so open in sharing all the events of this journey both physically and emotionally.

A slow "push" until near the end.

A slow push until near the end. For me, some of the stories between the two main characters became a little redundant. I kept with the book and finished it. The ending was certainly the best part. With that being said, I have to admit I thought about the book quite a bit after finishing it. It does have a great lesson to tell.

So inspiring. Thank you!

I plan on Doing Wl Camino De Santiago in 2 years when I retire. I have been doubting my ability to go the 500 miles. You have given me hope and faith that I can do it. Thank you for sharing your story! Your boss was absolutely right Paddy!

A wonderful reader's journey.

This book far beyond met my expectations. I first read a copy at the local library. I found it emotional, heart warming and worth all my time reading it. I learned about people, places and a partnership. It was so inspirational that I gave my college grandson a copy for his 21st birthday. I may read it a second time; this time my own copy so I can underline passages.

A little too Hallmark Channel

A little too Hallmark Channel for me. It is an amazing feat. I enjoyed the people they met along the way, but not so much the return again and again and again to their feelings for one another and their families. Okay I got it, now lets get this chair over the mountains!!

Friendship and Help

I had the opportunity to hear Justin and Patrick at a sales meeting this year. The book confirms what they discussed during our meeting. As much as this is an inspirational story of an accomplishment that should not have happened, it was more to me about the power of friendship and the power of allowing others to help you. The impossible is possible.

Emotionally invested

I started this book because it was chosen by a men’s book group at my church. But as I read, I became emotionally invested. I felt like I was actually walking the Camino. When the journey ended, I was eager to know about these remarkable friends.

Inspiring page turner

I have long been intrigued by the Camino pilgrimage and the fact that people walk for many different reasons. This book is much more than a journal. It's a testament to what love and friendship mean when God has destined you to do life together. I am inspired to be more from reading this. I am encouraged to pursue dreams that seem just out of reach. I am reminded to make every day count. Thank you.

Have a box of Kleenex near by

I was able to hear them give a speech at the church that I attended. They were funny and so sweet. It's such an amazing book about friendships, passion and resilience.

This pushed me!!!

Finally a book for everyone! This should be a required course (book, movie, and speakers) in every University, High School, Elementary school in the country! What an inspiration. God's love in action between two people in a practical, heartfelt application. Thank you Paddy and Skeez!


I guess this kind of testing your physical limits doesn't appeal to me, but I was moved by their process of accepting help from strangers as a gift freely given. Their relationship is truly remarkable. The book didn't do the story justice, I think.

Not often I buy a book twice...

A great, easy read. A tale of true brotherly love, lifetime friendship, living in community, reassessing life's priorities, and so much more. Saw the movie also, but prefer the book due to more depth of personal stories and details not easily captured on a screen. Gave away my copy of the book, just bought another copy to read again and have available to gift if the opportunity presents itself.

Read this book!

This was a fantastic book! Their entire journey was such a physical and emotional rollercoaster ride. If only all of us could have such a close relationship with another individual. These guys are my heroes!

Beautiful uplifting story for kids and adults alike

My fifth grader read this book very fast, she really liked it despite the serious subject matter. An important story about friendship, helping others but also about letting others help you. There is a companion documentary, making it a good book club read also for younger audiences.

Being Pushed

This book was both inspiring and enjoyable. I loved every page! The journey that each man experienced was incredible. They took an impossible idea and made it possible! This is a story of love and friendship as well as perseverance, endurance, and stamina! A great read!!


I loved this book. This is true Christianity and Love.

You'll love this book

You'll love this book! You will be inspired, challenged, brought to tears and also laugh as Justin and Patrick share their story. It is so easy to read and you'll have a hard time putting it down. Well worth the read and so proud to know these fine young men!!

A book you don't want to put down!

This is an amazing true story of an incredible life-long friendship...& an adventure across the mountains & rugged terrain of Spain with one of the guys in a wheelchair! It's truly a story for everyone to read...men, women, young, old! One of the best books I've read in forever!

Unconditional love

Possibly the most inspirational book I have ever read. The love these two friend's expressed for each other is truly without measure. Their openness in writing about there lives, exposing wort's and all is humbling. As a reader they create a picture in your mind of there trip so that you feel as if you are on the journey with them. These two friend's are truly exceptional people who's faith in the Lord is always clear to see. You will not regret picking up this book. I know in time I will read it again as will my wife.

They are amazing people. Their friendship is remarkable and inspiring

Heard these two authors in person. They are amazing people. Their friendship is remarkable and inspiring. The book dragged on and was disappointing. A fiction movie about this same trek featuring Martin Sheen was more perceptive and interesting.

GREAT true story

GREAT true story .. the over all message is outstanding and heart warming!! My only complaint.. they could of cut 1/2 of the book out. Just too many details i started skipping entire pages and didn't miss any of the story. (too much filler)

Finished it in less than 3 days.

I thoroughly enjoyed and was challenged by Patrick's and Justin's 500 mile journey. While it is technically a "Christian" book, I really think all people would enjoy it immensely. It is a story of friendship and hope!

Phenomenal, easy read, can't put down👌🏼😘

Phenomenal book. Felt the pain, exhaustion and unconditional love and commitment. Could not put the book down. You are cheating yourself if you don't read the book. Thanks Justin and Patrick! My life perspective changed after reading this book.


I highly recommend this book. The wonderful friendship these two men, together with their families have is remarkable. Their dedication to each other will make you cry. This book is truly about love and REAL friendship.

Fantastic! A must read!

Need your faith restored in the goodness and kindness of others and the tremendous value of a true friendship? BUY THIS BOOK! In fact, buy several because you will want to share this inspiring true story with others while re-reading your own. Then check out their website at illpushyou.com to see a trailer of the documentary they made that gives the whole story a "visual" of their journey. Awesome!


An amazing true story about the bonds of friendship and faith. Their adventure on the Camino de Santiago transcends the typical “overcoming limitations” story. The lessons learned about community, vulnerability and receiving truly struck a cord with me. Thank you for being so honest in your struggles as well as your victories.

A definite read...

Just a wonderful story of an amazing friendship and a journey on the Camino de Santiago. A great read.....I can't wait to watch the movie


The journey defines the pilgrim. This is the powerful story of two close friends who make the impossible possible. Vulnerability, friendship, letting go in order to love, trust, hospitality, receptivity. A story of love in action.

My brother in law told me about this book. ...

My brother in law told me about this book. I found it so inspiring! It is a story that shows how the human spirit can triumph against all odds. It makes me want to walk the Camino to experience an awakening of my faith. A fabulous read!!

Excellent journey of determination and friendship

This book is amazing. This book shows you what true friendship means to the fullest extent. You never know what you are truly made of until you put your self to a test like these friends did. Loved it.

Great inspirational book

Great inspirational book. If you don't come to think about your own life and what it means after reading this book, there's something lacking in your brain. Just a real motivational story that at times breaks you heart while inspiring you on the other hand.

If you know and love someone with a neurodegenerative disease

This is a story everyone should read and then watch the documentary. If you know and love someone with a neurodegenerative disease, this TRUE story is an absolute must. If you’re lucky not to have been affected by ALS, MS, MD, etc, the story of unfailing and completely selfless friendship will feed your soul.

I enjoyed my time I spent with them in their story

I enjoyed my time I spent with them in their story. I couldn't help but find myself recommending this book to others. It was the sort of message that lingers with you long after you finish the book. Thank you for sharing your story!!

An Amazing Story

Probably the most amazing and inspiring book I have ever read about love, friendship and the ability to overcome the most difficult obstacles life can throw at you...with a little help from your friends!

A beautiful message of surrender

A testimony of God’s grace through friendship. I laughed, cried, and found moments of my own spiritual introspection on yielding and surrendering to God’s provision. Thank you for sharing this journey with the world!

I enjoyed Justin and Patrick's honesty and friendship through all the ...

I enjoyed Justin and Patrick's honesty and friendship through all the years and the ups and downs that life throws at them! What courage Justin shows in facing his future with faith and humor and always love and laughter. They both have beautiful families!

Excellent and Inspiring!

I really loved this book! It was a very inspiring story about friendship, humility, and love. I would highly recommend it to anyone!

A Must Read

I couldn't put it down. I think I read it in 4 nights. It is a great book. Add it to your list.

Wonderful uplifting book!

An awesome awesome book, I loved every minute and read it in a day and a half! It’s become one of my top three books that I will treasure! I can’t say enough about how much I loved it!

Heart touching....

You'll love this book.

Excellent true story.

This was a story that a lot of folks should read. It is inspiring & made me want to cheer at the end. It is for my library & we have now bought the DVD.


While my experience on the Camino was nothing like theirs, i could feel the passion first hand. This book was about so much more than a trek. It was learning how blessed it is to give. Living in community is becoming more and more important in this difficult and angry world. Thank you for sharing your experiences.

Great story. This story should be made into a ...

I know the parents of these two young men. I knew them as boys in middle and high school. It was very heartwarming to see how they had matured and how they remained friends all these years later. Great story. This story should be made into a movie.

Great read

I started reading this book while traveling. It certainly was hard to put down and when I had to put it down I looked forward to picking it up again to read.

Wonderful Soulful Journey

I laughed out loud and cried tears of joy for their triumphs. The raw baring of their souls is incredibly brave and touching. Thank you for sharing your friendship and journey with us all. Join the journey, READ this wonderful book!!


Heard this story in Focus on the Family. What and amazing book! Incredibly touching and inspiring.


What an inspirational team, individuals, and journey! Relationships need to be intentional and it really made me think about mine. Thank you for sharing your experience!

"I'll Push You" is a great story of friendship

Wonderful story of 2 friends over the years but for my taste, it got a little preachy so I skimmed over those parts but loved the camaraderie

A definite must read!

Probably the most inspirational book I've read. The amazing brotherhood of two life long friends, Patrick and Justin. A journey filled with compassionate people who don't have "it can't be done" in their lives.

Great inspirational read!

Truly describes the depth of true friendship! Enjoyed every page and highly recommend it! Quick and easy read as well!


I read this incredible story as I'm preparing for my own Camino next month. It is so much more than a story of two guys on the Camino--even if one is in a wheelchair. It is a story of hope, faith, tenacity, and the power of a dream. It is a tribute to pure and enduring friendship, and to the love of and faith in God. A must read.


Amazing, inspiring, heartfelt, wonderful story of the true power of friendship, love and faith. The best example of the purpose of our lives : to push others and allow others the joy of pushing us.

I love their story!

Two men with a friendship that spans time, distance, and unforeseen life changes. Their story is a beacon of hope to those who feel like our world has become an island of one. Their story is one of faith, love and perservence ... We need more men who are willing to share and bear their hearts like this.

Amazing story

I love this story of true friendship and determination beyond belief. It reminds me that there are really good people in this world even at a time when most of the media places such a focus on the negative things in life. God bless these two families and all the people who helped them on this amazing journey.

Best book ever

Loved this book. Lots of tears and laughter, I wasn't ready for it to end. I've never read a book twice but I definitely plan to read this one again. I'd recommend it to everyone. Great job Patrick and Justin.

We can accomplish great things when we help each other.

Inspirational story of friendship and faith as they travel the 500 mile pilgrimage trail through Spain, one friend pushing the other in a wheelchair. Their ability to overcome setbacks, with the help of strangers ( who become friends) is a lesson in perseverance and the blessing of human kindnesses.

Very moving and inspiring

This true story made me laugh and made me cry , but most of all it made me search my inward self and my relationship to others . Thank you for sharing yourselves so honestly.

Travel the Camino

This journey totally captivated me! I have recently been diagnosed with a motor neuron disease, and Justin's words and experiences serve as an inspiration for me. I recommend this to all who suffer, for caregivers, and those who want to grow in understanding themselves.

Best Book I have read in a while

I was amazed at God’s provisions, I laughed, I cried tears of happiness and was left with the feeling of HOPE by the time I completed the book.

love, brokenness and why we need each other

If there is any book you read this year, make sure it's this one! I'll Push You was everything I was hoping it would be and more. It's a glimpse into the very heart of human connection, love, brokenness and why we need each other. It paints a picture of the kind of community God wants for us all. I laughed, I cried and I was bummed when I finished! I plan to give it to everyone I know this year!


Tale of friendship love.


I thoroughly enjoyed reading about these men who were so inspirational in their journey both physically and spiritually learning so much about themselves.

Patrick and Justin ROCK!

Awesome story and a good reflection of the Camino. The book has a lot of details the movie leaves out. What an inspiration! High Five!!! ;)

Loved this book

Loved this book!!! I'm planning to do the Camino next year and thought it would be all about the logistics of walking the Camino. Oh, but it was so much more!!! It's an amazing book about friendship, community and love. It's a joyful and genuine book. It's also a book that held my attention and will read it again. Our book club is reading it this month and I've purchased copies for my family as well!!!! Can't wait for the movie!!!!

If your heartless youll hate it if you have a heart youll love

Wonderfull my gram gram read it twice in 2 days and is trying to conviece others to read it. If your heartless youll hate it if you have a heart youll love it

Great book

Great book

A must read

This is an incredible journey of courage, faith and friendship. I highly recommend this for those on the journey who need a boost through an impossible situation. Well done Patrick and Justin.

interesting story

There's no question that what these guys accomplished was amazing, but I found the book awkwardly written (their "conversations" are written in a way that no normal personal would actually speak), and it leaned a bit too heavily on Christian faith for my taste.

Living Life Beyond Limitations

I'll Push You is the story of my son, Justin Skeesuck, and his friend, Patrick Gray, who agreed to push Justin in a wheel chair across Spain's Camino de Santiago pilgrimage trail. These men live life to the fullest, and "limitations" is just a word to them. The story is true and well written. It's a wonderful read for all. You may laugh, and you may cry. Most of all be prepared to be amazed!

A great story about courage and kindness

This is a fascinating story by and about two friends and one COLOSSAL feat. It is truly inspiring. It highlights the love of these lifelong friends and also the kindness of strangers.

This book is so inspiring

I did part of the Camino on two different times. For me it was an amazing experience accompanying my 80 year grandmother up and down the trails as Patrick and Justin describe it. Their experience truly brought me back to those two times. And put in words a lot of the feelings I was feeling while I did it. Thank you Patrick and Justin.

People want to help you through the challenges of life when things get tough. We just need to let go of our fears and accept it

Best: What a great relationship Justin and Patrick have throughout their lives. Worse: How quickly Justin’s disease progressed and took over his body leaving him completely dependent on others.


Anyone who has walked the Camino will be gripped by the power of this story of friendship, challenge, love and finding freedom in the reality of our own limitations. Anyone who hasn’t walked the Camino will soon buy a ticket.

Great inspirational story

This was a gift for my mom. She read this book, and then we saw the movie too. Great inspirational story!

Loved this book!

True story of two lifelong friends undertaking a tremendously challenging adventure walking 500 miles across Spain. Tough enough for anyone, but when Justin, who is in a wheelchair, expresses his desire...Patrick does not hesitate to jump in and say “I’ll push you.” Beautiful story of friendship, love, and the powerful way God can work in a person’s life.

Awesome easy read

Loving the book, almost done in 1 day. Since I live in Meridian and have walked the Camino I can relate with a lot of the book. Awesome easy read, can't wait for the film!

I'll push you

This was a very exciting and interesting story that kept you interested with every page!. I would highly recommend this book.

Great Book!

Great Book !!! Full of inspiration, love, challenges, and rebuilding the human spirit. It's a revealing account of two best friends traveling the Camino in Spain and their journey a long the way. I really enjoyed this book !

I'll Push You

Excellent true story. Did not want to put the book down.

Bored me totally

Extremely boring book

Such a great book! An amazing story of perseverance

Such a great book! An amazing story of perseverance, friendship, God's grace and love! I recommend this book to anyone!


Liked condition of book,but especially the speedy delivery!!

Outstanding book on friendship, hope and love

Recommend this book that offers a spiritual journey of two best friends inspiring each other and others on their pilgrimage.

Wonderful love story

This book is beautifully written and rich with insight. It is difficult to put down and I loved the entire book!

A fantastic adventure!

Amazing story of selfless love, this is exactly what the Camino is all about: self discovery, growth of faith and acceptance of others, one struggles, suffers and rejoices with these very courageous pilgrims. Thank you!

A journey of love over 40 years.

A great story for those who have walked the Camino to bring all those memories flooding back, BUT a great moving story of friends, love and what the true meaning of helping your fellow man. I now have an answer to those who asked what walking the Camino means to me... read this book. The wait was well worth it guys.

Truly inspirational and educational.

Beautifully told. An inspiration to those of us who are PALS, as well as to those who are there to be our hands and feet when can no longer do for ourselves.


If it starts out a little slow for you, give it a chance. It will be one of the best books you’ve read.

Very inspirational in very down to earth terms. Powerful ...

Very inspirational in very down to earth terms. Powerful in that you come to realize what people are capable of with a strong faith based outlook on life. Worthwhile read!

loved this book

loved this book...great messages about not giving up, love and friendship through good times and bad, and being thankful for what you have and not focusing on what your don't have.


This is a fabulous story of an inspiring physical and spiritual journey. I couldn't put it down. A must read.

Great book! Their friendship is inspiring and so are ...

Great book! Their friendship is inspiring and so are their adventures. I'd definitely recommend this book.

Absolutely wonderful book.

I am so thankful my daughter suggested I read this book. The friendship shared between Patrick and Justin was uplifting and their arduous journey together with the help of so many people renewed my faith in humanity.

... and have folded down pages to keep reading- just loved loved loved

awesome- i am actually rereading it and have folded down pages to keep reading- just loved loved loved it

Five Stars

Good book about the power of friendship. It brought back memories of my pilgrimage on the Camino.

Five Stars

Great story. Have given several copies away and everyone has enjoyed it.

Three Stars

Great story, but just ok to read.

Good vendor

Quick ship, as listed

Well told tale of how two childhood friends continue to ...

Well told tale of how two childhood friends continue to bond on a journey across the U.S., one in a wheelchair and the other pushing. They inspire others to join them along the way.

Highly recommend

Wonderful story of a very unusual friendship and enthusiasm for life, no matter your circumstances.

Fabulous read!

Wow!!! This was my favorite read this Summer! I've recommended it to my book club. So heartwarming!

their story and journey is amazing. Not just a story of perseverance in the ...

Was introduced to their story when they came to my work as part of our Culture of Caring, their story and journey is amazing. Not just a story of perseverance in the face of much adversity, but a tale of friendship that warms and touches your soul. I loved this book and recommend it to anyone that I encounter.

Joie De Vivre

Aside from a little religious claptrap, this is an excellent book. It is very engaging from start to finish and well worth the reader's time. Justin and Patrick have an infectious joie de vivre.

Love the book

Love the book

Best book I've read in awhile

Best book I've read in awhile, and I read alot. Great option to download when you need to get reading.

Five Stars

A heartwarming story about friendship, kindness, and community. It's also a quick read.

I wish I had a friendship like they have

Get this book. It is so inspiring. I wish I had a friendship like they have. They have learned so much from each other. Can't wait to see the movie.


One of the most heartwarming book I have ever read! Will get the movie soon! Fantastic!

Love in action

We listened to this while traveling on vacation. The determination, dedication, perseverance, trust, loyalty and devotion of two godly, down to earth men has inspired me. I was moved to tears several times - especially as strangers/Good Samaritans helped along the way. This is one everyone should read and be blessed!

Courage on and off the Trail.

This story presents so many life lessons for all of us, no matter where we are in life. I am suggesting this book to my book club. It was a candid telling of their story that required as much courage as the task if tackling the Camino del Santiago. With big risks come big rewards and this story should inspire all of us to make the most of each of our days.

Five Stars

Was a gift and he said it was great. Arrived quickly.

Wonderful Story

Loved this book!


This book gives a new perspective on being disabled and being a caregiver. It is a good story about friends traveling together, but, it is a great story about overcoming adversity and the power of faith and love.


A stunning read! I cried, laughed, and felt I was beside them on their journey. These two men have something that most of us only dream of. Their friendship exceeds all boundaries and shows what love, compassion, trust, and faith truly is. Thank you both for sharing your lives with me.

Sacrificial Love!

This book and story is very inspiring. It is a thought provoking example of what it means to put someone else's needs ahead of ones own.


Great story. Inspiring, with real issues.

a wonderfully inspirational account of their journey on the camino de

absolutely ,a wonderfully inspirational account of their journey on the camino de santiago

Push me

Makes you re-evaluate your life and personal goals

Great book and well written

Great book and well written, from both Justin and Patrick's perspective. Could not put it down! saw the documentary which compliments the book. I completed El Camino this past summer (last 100 km), and the book brought back many memories. God Bless Justin and Patrick!

Five Stars

Great story! Well written. Kept my attention.

Five Stars

There is no better example of a true and dedicated friendship, the gift of giving, inspiration, adventure and the triumph of the human spirit than I'LL PUSH YOU. To quote Yates, "Think where men's glory begins and ends, and say my glory was that I had such friends".

Good inspiring read

Great read, very moving, uplifting, many lessons learned about sense of community, friendship and helping others in a non $$$ way.

Wonderful story

great book

Easy and interesting read.

Very interesting account of a unique friendship.

I was expecting a Movie of the Week type of ...

I was expecting a Movie of the Week type of book. Instead, it was full of many layers of meaning. I won't hide it. . . .I cried a few times!

Fabulous book on what can be done when you open your hearts and minds to a higher power.

Patrick and Justin, along with the help of others, accomplish the unbelievable task of completing the Camino in a wheelchair. The lessons in love, vulnerability and spirituality are powerful!

This book is a wonderful story of friendship

This book is a wonderful story of friendship, faith, family and struggle. It made me look at my life in a totally new way and appreciate all that God has given me. It has made me see my future in a different light and how I wish to go forward. Excellent book!

So many types of relationships made the book/their story easy to relate to

Inspirational. So many types of relationships made the book/their story easy to relate to.

Five Stars

Loved this book! Very inspirational, my fiancé and I enjoyed reading it before bed each night.

Loved this book!

Couldn’t put this book down! Very easy read

Friendship at its best

A friendship that is honest and enduring through the best and the worst. If you're a fan of the Camino read this book.

Good read

Great message in the book.

Amazing true story

Read this with a book group. We also watched the documentary and a TED talk of this story. Great adventure.

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