I Promise (Christy And Todd: College Years Book 3) (Christy & Todd: College Years)

Kindle Edition
31 May
Todd and Christy have different ideas about how soon they should marry and what direction their lives will take after their wedding day. As advice pours in from all direction, Christy wonders if their relationship will survive the strain of outside influences. Not only does she have a wedding to plan, but she's also striving to pass her final college exams in order to graduate. In the midst of it all, Christy discovers a startling truth about herself and her love that makes her wonder if she can promise Todd forever.

Reviews (44)


Todd and Christy finally get engaged and married. We watch Todd andChristy continue to grow in the love and wisdom for God and one another!! Each step they take towards their wedding helps you to understand how God pursues us and waits for us!! awesome job Robin. I pray my daughter and so. Can truly come to k is God rely so the can find the Edson God has for them. For them to hold out for God's best!!

Highly recommend!!

My daughter absolutely loves these. So Uplifting, encouraging and clean. Highly recommend!!


This will be the best book series you’ve ever bought your teenage daughter!!!

Christy and Todd's dream comes true

With hearts and eyes focused on God's plan for them, Christy and Todd endured much: separation,decisions to give up plans and dreams and wait for God's plan.Heartbrek, tears, but always trying to seek and abide in God's will. Christy returned Todd's "Forever" bracelet, knew she wouldn't see him again;released Todd to follow what he felt was God's call on his life. In her beautiful and tender words,Robin Jones Gunn brought the story of God's love and fulfillment to Todd and Christy's hopes and dreams. A story of friendship, hope, love, trust and fiath. don't miss it!

Five Stars

great books

Good Story

I enjoyed the book. It held my attention, and made me want to come back to it to finish reading it.

Great story! I am distracted by the errors in ...

Great story! I am distracted by the errors in printing. Many run-on words.


I have read the whole series and absolutely love it! You will laugh, cry, and feel the emotions that they feel. Absolutely love the series! You must read all of the books!

Another great book by Robin Jones Gunn

I couldn't wait for the Katie Weldon books to come out so I could find out more about these characters. She gets her message across in a fun way and makes the characters have an impact on you but also your left wanting more.

Five Stars

I've read this book about 3 times and I would read it again in a heartbeat!


Todd and Christy finally get engaged and married. We watch Todd andChristy continue to grow in the love and wisdom for God and one another!! Each step they take towards their wedding helps you to understand how God pursues us and waits for us!! awesome job Robin. I pray my daughter and so. Can truly come to k is God rely so the can find the Edson God has for them. For them to hold out for God's best!!

Highly recommend!!

My daughter absolutely loves these. So Uplifting, encouraging and clean. Highly recommend!!


This will be the best book series you’ve ever bought your teenage daughter!!!

Christy and Todd's dream comes true

With hearts and eyes focused on God's plan for them, Christy and Todd endured much: separation,decisions to give up plans and dreams and wait for God's plan.Heartbrek, tears, but always trying to seek and abide in God's will. Christy returned Todd's "Forever" bracelet, knew she wouldn't see him again;released Todd to follow what he felt was God's call on his life. In her beautiful and tender words,Robin Jones Gunn brought the story of God's love and fulfillment to Todd and Christy's hopes and dreams. A story of friendship, hope, love, trust and fiath. don't miss it!

Five Stars

great books

Good Story

I enjoyed the book. It held my attention, and made me want to come back to it to finish reading it.

Great story! I am distracted by the errors in ...

Great story! I am distracted by the errors in printing. Many run-on words.


I have read the whole series and absolutely love it! You will laugh, cry, and feel the emotions that they feel. Absolutely love the series! You must read all of the books!

Another great book by Robin Jones Gunn

I couldn't wait for the Katie Weldon books to come out so I could find out more about these characters. She gets her message across in a fun way and makes the characters have an impact on you but also your left wanting more.

Five Stars

I've read this book about 3 times and I would read it again in a heartbeat!


Got this for my granddaughter , I guess she loves it

A good Book

My 13 year old daughter read this series. She really enjoyed all of them including this book. I would recommend it for teenage girls.

Five Stars

Just what I expected!

I Promise (Christy & Todd The College Years #2I

I knew the book I wanted so there is nothing more I needed to know. After I read the series I have passed them on to my 16 year old granddaughter and told her to read very carefully because it had what I am praying for her to base her dating standards on. I am also praying for her future mate and that he will have the same convictions that Todd lived by. All teenagers (boys and girls) need examples such as Christy and Todd

Love These Books

Awesome books and seller!

a great read

I LOVED the book but is what I didn't like is how after Todd and Christy got married it just ended I wish it went on and told about their life when they are married. I think Robin should make a series of Todd and Christy the married years I would love to read it!

Great read!

I love these books . I have enjoyed the journey of all the ups and downs of Christy and Todd and i have learned actually quit a few things from these books . At least they have given me some food for thought. I think any one will enjoy reading this series. :)

Five Stars

My mother loves the author and the story content.

Five Stars

Granddaughter loves these books


I absolutely loved the series!! I highly recommend this book to others who question God. I loved every bit of the series!!

Five Stars

Love these books


I loved how Gunn ended this amazing series with them getting married. As the reader of the whole series this is what I wanted to happen. I just love it.

This is the most awesome series I have ever read!!!!!!

I just loved this Christy Miller series I have read it about four and a half times I just love it!!!!!

wow what a beautiful story

One of my favorite books. I wonder what comes next? I have read all 12 series and lovin it so far.

A sweet conclusion

Christy Miller is finally engaged. After meeting Todd Spencer on the beach when she was just 14 years old, Christy is now set to marry the man of her dreams. In I PROMISE, the final installment in Robin Jones Gunn's Christy and Todd: The College Years trilogy, Christy is quickly awoken from her dreamy visions of the future to find that she must soon begin the excruciating task of planning a wedding. Things don't start out well, as Christy and Todd can't even agree on a date to get married. Todd wants to wed right away, while Christy would like to have up to a year to properly plan it. When they add in Christy's mom, her bossy aunt and an un-requested wedding planner to the equation, it seems like nothing will ever be decided upon. It's not just the wedding that's worrying Christy. Now that she's thinking of Todd as her future husband, she wonders how they will possibly live with one another. Todd is spontaneous and unprepared; Christy is a detail-maniac. It seems like all of their instincts and reactions are polar opposites. As Christy stresses over everything from the wedding to her future marriage, she gets sick and is forced to miss out on a long-planned camping trip with Todd and her friends. Luckily, the time allows her to bond with her mother like she has never done before and gives her the space to finally plan the intricate details of her wedding. Christy and Todd have come to the conclusion that it is their wedding, and it should be the way they want it. While this seems like a reasonable enough sentiment, it is much harder to communicate to demanding family members. Christy's friends also have some exciting things going on. Maid of Honor Katie gets a blast from her dating past, when former bad-boy Rick Doyle returns, appearing to have reformed his ways. And this time, it looks like their relationship might be serious. Sierra realizes that as great as Paul is, she needs more adventure in her life and prepares to go to Brazil. With all of her friends heading in different directions, and the big day approaching, Christy reflects on the past and envisions the future. She can only hope that everything comes together in time to say "I Promise." I PROMISE is the conclusion to a story that has been going on for over six years and 15 books (although I wouldn't be surprised to see the emergence of a Christy and Todd: The Parenting Years series). Readers will breathe a sigh of relief as Christy and Todd are finally married off. The book is filled with extremely detailed accounts of weddings and wedding planning, which can be a bit daunting for some. The story, with its wedding theme, also has a very strong "save sex for marriage" message, which is present throughout the book. Those who have followed Robin Jones Gunn's work up to this point will be delighted to have Christy and Todd be blessed with a very beautiful and fitting ending to their story after so many years. --- Reviewed by Jennifer Crosby

This book was wonderful!

Every book so far that I've read from Robin Jones Gunn is wonderfully written. It's truthful and realistic. This is it! The book that fans of Robin Jones Gunn have been reading have been waiting for! The day that Todd and Christy get married! Yes, married! This book is all about Christy and Todd preparing for their life long commitment to each other. But with planning a wedding come trials also. Christy and Todd in this book really learn to work together and to get over the rough areas. They learn more about each other. Christy at some points finds it a bit difficult. She likes things spread out and on a schedule and plan where as Todd is a spontaneous person. They learn how they balance each other out. Christy in this book has to go through all the steps of preparing for a wedding and finishing school. While Todd finishes a semester ahead of her he's working at the Church, and is helping painting houses. Sometimes it's hard for them to see anything of each other. Also in this book it shows how Katie is doing with Rick. Katie and Rick start to hand out more with each other as the year progresses. This is a great book and just shows the last step for Christy Todd in their relationship. This book keeps you guessing on certain things and it's very well done.


Omigosh, this book is SOOOO good! If you've been reading the whole Christy Miller and Christy and Todd series then you MUST read this book! It's great! This book made me laugh, cry, made me mad, sad, and happy. It made me laugh when they went to their couples party at Bob and Marti's and Todd kept looking for a gunnysack to cover him and for him to be dressed as a chicken and chained to a boat (like Doug had been before his wedding). It made me cry when Tracy announced that her and Doug were having a baby and might have to move to Oregon (it was tears of happiness), also when Christy grandfather died (sadness). It made me mad about how Todd dealt with the wedding plans so lightly, Christy practically planned the whole wedding! It made me sad when I was finished and I realized that the whole series was over. It was kind of depressing. It made me happy when they were finally married. This book is great, a great finale to the Christy Miller (or should I say Spencer) books. It made me realize the purity and greatness of virginity. It also made me realize how hard marriage is for awhile (by Todd and Christy's apartment). If you love Todd and Christy you will love this book!

Love and Memories

I've been reading the Christy Miller books since I was 13 years old. I love them. Then are unique books. A lot of Christian teen books aren't good because of lack of detail and feeling but, there's something about these books. Robin Jones Gunn is truly a gifted writer. She herself is a peculiar treasure and a true God-lover. I am now 16 years old and I still read these books. (I would recommend reading the "Sierra Jensen Series" after you read the Christy Miller series.) I went on to read the Sierra Jensen series and then the finally "Christy and Todd: The College Years". All these books are remarkable. Never have I read a book, or series of books that I loved so very much. Since this is that last book that Mrs. Gunn plans on writing of our beloved "friends" who have become very real in our lives: Christy, Todd, Katie, Doug, Tracey, Rick, Sierra, Randy, Amy, and even Wes, I make a plea to you Mrs. Gunn not to stop writing about these characters you've brought into ourlives, but, if you must, I thank you so much for doing so.(If something is spoken three times it is sealed):Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

Beautiful beginning of Todd and Christy's journey together

In I Promise, Todd and Christy are engaged to be married. Both are ecstatic, but have different ideas of how their dream wedding should go. Todd wants to have a rushed wedding because he cannot wait to be married to the love of his life, while Christy dreams of a well-thought-out wedding because she wants it to be sentimental, and perfect. Todd also graduates college, and they decide to both be college graduates before they wed. Troubles arise when Christy finds that Todd is very spontaneous, and she is an organized person. God reminds them that they balance each other out. Join Christy and Todd throughout the struggles of planning, and saving themselves for their wedding night.

My all time favourite book

I have been reading this book series since I was 16yrs old. I am now nearly 20 and I still find these my all time favourites! I have read the books over and over and over again, and they never seem to lose their special magic. It covers so many issues that occur in everyday life, and is such an inspiration to all I know who have read these books by Robin Jones Gunn. As a youth group leader, I recommend these books highly for teenage girls 14+yrs old. It helps young ladies to strive for the best in life. The best relationship with GOd, seeking the best man God has for His girls, friends who aid in the faith. I suppose you can say as a young girl, you can journey through life with these books and understands that it is all going to be ok. God has it all sorted. Life changing!! Please read!!


Awesome is one of the many words to describe this book. I've read all of "Christy and Todd the College Years" and this is by far my favorite. The first book "Until Tomorrow" was great and "As You Wish" was even better. This book was so good that I couldn't put it down. So far I've read it 2 1/2 times in two days. :-) It's that good! If you haven't read the "Christy Miller Series" or the other College Year books I would recommend on reading them first. They make the other books so much better. "I Promise" let's you see how much love Christy and Todd have for one another. It also has many other surprises in it. "I Promise" is my favorite book by Robin Jones Gunn. You have to read this book!!

the finale

i absolutely love the Christy Miller series. i just read all 15 books of the series over the past 2 weeks or so and i fell in love with them. this book was a good finish to the series and christy and todd finally get married. i just wished that the series would move on because this has to be the best series of books i have ever read. Ms. Gunn has written some of the best books i've ever read. she writes the wonderful relationships that people have with other people and with God. this series is great for teen girls and the characters are so life like that you will actually believe that they are real people. this is the only series i have read that has keep me this attached that i would read 4 of the books in one day. i would recomend this series to anyone that has an interest in reading whether they are christian or not.

This is the BEST book I've ever read!

Wow! Ok every young girl in America should read this book! If we could get the truth out there to our sisters, that true love does in fact exist, then we could begin to change the world one life at a time. This book has helped me in my walk as a Christian. I love the picture of God as the relentless lover, who never stops pursuing us! He calls us by name, and gently whispers for us to come home to him so he can give us incredible blessings! I hope that everyone who reads this book will tell all their friends about it, and how beautiful the love story of Christy and Todd is. I believe that God can write a love story just as beautiful for every person who seeks his face, and falls in love with Him first! You must read this book! Robin- you have to write more!

A great ending to the Christy series

I couldn't put it down. I hate the thought that this could be the last we see of Todd and Christy! This was a great ending to the series. The last line of the book says what we've been waiting to hear for a long time. I think the second book in this series was my favorite but this one isn't far behind. Now I want a college series about Sierra, especially after what happened to Sierra in this book. If we have another Sierra series, I am sure that we will see Todd and Christy again. Maybe we need a Todd and Christy - the early married years series. Reading this book gives you warm fuzzies in the end. I wanted to add, and they lived happily ever after! If you've never read about Todd and Christy before, start with the orginal Christy series. You'll love them.

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