Hundreds (Dollar Book 3)

Kindle Edition
01 May
“I'm done hurting her. She's been hurt enough. It's time I set her free...”

Once upon a time, I wished to go home and forget.
Now, I’m strong and ready to fight.
Seduced and claimed, Elder no longer just demands my voice, he commands me to be a thief like him.
I refuse.
But he offers me things I shouldn’t want, favours I should run from.
In return for his protection, I’m ordered to steal enough pennies and dollars to buy back my freedom.
Only, we both aren’t prepared for how he changes me, evolves me.
It’s my turn to learn about him.
It’s his wish to teach me how to be normal.
Until something goes wrong.
And our life together comes to an end.

Third Book in the USA Today Bestselling Romance, Dollar Series

Reviews (171)

There truly aren't enough stars for this book!!!!!!

Let me just start off this review by saying this book was worth every second of the wait! Pepper you absolutely blow me away with your words. The connection I feel with these characters is tangible. I live and breathe these emotions brought up through your words through these characters. I feel for them. I absolutely love them! In Hundreds we find out what helps Pim heal, what makes her stronger and there is nothing I love more than a good strong female lead character. Her character is truly remarkable and we see how very selfless she truly is. For how much she has been through she has such a soft spot in my heart for Elder. She's able compartmentalize her feelings. To seek out answers and make sense of the situation she has been put into through her kidnapping and her life on the Phantom with Elder. And all her answers she soon finds lay in the complex man that is Elder Prest. My heart absolutely broke for Elder in Hundreds. We get to the crux of what makes Elder tick. You could literally feel the war raging inside of him. I first fell in love with him in Pennies however Hundreds solidified my love for this strong unique character. In other words he is pure perfection. With the tables turned Pim is determined to make Elder hers. As Elder's willpower was weakening Pim's courage was growing. They actually fed off each other's emotions. The chemistry between these two characters was off the charts. Elder's emotions were all over the place. This was all different to him. He had never wanted anyone as much as he wants Pim. You could actually feel the tug of war going on within him. I actually loved seeing Pim grow stronger because of that. They both tried to resist their emotions but it was impossible. When these two finally give in it is explosive! You can't help but cheer this couple on but as with all Pepper's books you just know that shoe is about to drop. Elder not only stole Pim's heart but my heart as well. These characters are everything!!!! I was transported yet again into a world I did not want to leave. I actually screamed at the end refusing to believe I had indeed reached the end! I am on edge and counting down the days until I could get my hands on Thousands!!!! I am addicted to this series and 100% in love with Elder and Pim's twisted and complicated love story. There truly aren't enough stars to give this book! Bring on Thousands Pepper!!!!!!!!!!!

Raw, sensual, emotional, infatuating, anguishing

10 + stars !!! When you have read all of Pepper's books you think there will be no way for the next book to be better than the others, but let me tell you that I was wrong, with every book that Pepper writes, she surpasses herself. This third installment of the series Dollar had me with the soul in a thread and the heart in the mouth all the time. It is masterfully written, it is poetry in each line, the way of describing characters, thoughts, places, wrapped in your soul and leaves you wanting more. It recall of so many feelings that I still can not wrap my mind around them. Raw, sensual, emotional, infatuating, anguishing. The plot takes you on a journey with Elder and Pim, and it takes you to discover a little more secrets, but of course leave more questions. With short dialogues, many internal monologues and great scenario descriptions, I thought it would be a little less intriguing, but throughout the book I kept expecting what would follow ... As we had read in the previous two books Pim is trying to return to a normal life after the terrible tortures that she suffered at the hands of Alrik. In this self-discovery we see great strength and endurance in her character, OMG!! I admire Pimlico so much, she had to go through it, and despite everything is trying to move forward, her strength and courage is truly admirable, I had too much time that not read such a resilient character, and despite everything she is determined to go ahead and be normal, testing her limits at various times. In the course of the book we see she bloom and parts of the real Pim He’d almost destroyed me. Almost. But he hadn’t. And from the ashes, I stood tall Elder, what intriguing character. With so many inner demons, he is such a complex and fascinating character, I can not but thank Pepper for bringing him to life. He has serious problems to control himself, and in his internal struggle he has to protect himself and above all protect Pim ... In his monologues he lets us see everything he feels and I really can not wait for the following books to know more about him. Seriously, he became my favorite character of Pepper. He was in my every thought, every breath, every action. He controlled me more than anyone ever had. He dominated, ruled, and mastered me. I’m not alone. Elder and Pim are such a powerful couple, the way they complement each other, the way they fit in, both are so broken but together they form perfection, their interactions so full of angst, chemistry, attraction, envelops in a way that is almost magical. It transports you with them and you suffer their anguish, their pain, their sadness. I wasn’t prepared for yet another sentence weapon. This one was a nuclear missile aimed straight for my soul. I shattered into hundreds of messy pieces. I couldn’t— I had no reply. I was soundless. Wordless. Mute. With a complex, magical prose and with the suspense that envelops all the stories of Pepper, I really can not wait for what follows, I have so many questions, that I am dying to read the next. This book is a masterpiece, and I can only thank Pepper for taking us on this journey full of magic, suspense, anguish, pain and sadness, but somehow hope .... I can not wait to see it next. Highly recommended.


Elder and Pin will crawl inside your heart and mind, they have mine. In the thierd installment of "Dollars series we learn more about the dark, complicated knight in not so shining armor Mr. Elder Priest where he comes from, how he became the rich, cello payer, fighter,and rescuer of tortured abused slave Pim. In true Pepper Winters fashion she has given us a man to love, dream of and of course fantasise about. If you haven't already. I loved Q and Jethro both complicated flawed men however Elder is quickly becoming my favorite male character. Pin was taken at18 a fairly sheltered life, and ended up in the pit of hell with pure evil personified. She has more strength and heart than even she knows. with Elders belief in her she just night find her way back " Hundreds" is so well thought out and written there isnt a sentence not even a word that doesn't have weight. This story will touch you in ways you won't expect. PEPPER you are and forever will be the QUEEN of Dark Romance!!!!!!


It's been a little over 24 hours since I finished Hundreds and I am still in a state of shock. I wanted to give myself time to recover before I wrote my review but I don't think I am going to be fully recovered for quite some time. Hundreds starts to really give us a glimpse of who Elder really is (and I must admit I love him so far). We start to learn a lot more about him and what makes him the way he is. Pim surprised the hell out of me in this book. She is far more strong than I thought and I loved watching her slowly discover herself. Hundreds is full of emotional ups and downs and by the time you get to the end you will be totally gutted and dying for more. Pepper Winters is truly the master of complex stories with multilayered characters. I have learned that when reading her books I must always keep an open mind and expect the unexpected because nothing is ever what it seems. Thank you for once again blowing my mind!

Hundreds (Dollars Vol 3) -- Pepper Winters

Theme song: "Believer" by Imagine Dragons. They say freedom comes at a price, and this time it's literally true. One challenge: Earn every cent she's worth. One stipulation: Payment must be on another's dime. One dilemma: They themselves. It's taken everything for Pim to claw back to the girl she once was. It's taken everything in Elder to decide once and for all to set her free or not. But as his demons slowly reveal, his grasp on control is slipping, and everything he's fixed inside him is ripping at the seams. The very thing he wishes to hold him together is tearing him apart, and ultimately, love may not conquer all. (I was given this Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) in exchange for an honest review.) Riveting, profound, and gut-wrenchingly angsty, Pim and Elder invaded my head, twisted my heart, and toyed with my emotions. So many secrets, so many lies, not enough trust, and they needed a vessel larger than the Phantom to keep them afloat. Constructed with loads of literary elements/devices Hundreds also stood out a masterpiece within prose. It was quite poetic and each sentence held weight. A quintessential dark romance, Pepper Winters is a queen within her genre! Lastly, I should add a cliffhanger warning! It might make you cry, so get the tissues! Lol 🍉🍊🍍 Hero rating: 5 Heroine rating: 5 Writing mechanics (literary elements/devices usage included): 5 Plot rating: 4 Dialogue rating: 5 Storytelling rating: 4.5 Story ending rating: 4.8 Sexual tension rating: 5 Sex scenes rating: 5 Sex scenes frequency: 2 (not good nor bad, just occurrence rating) ********************************************** Overall rating: 4.8 stars Would I recommend this series: Yes. Would I re-read this series: Yes. Would I read future books by this author: Yes.

She could be my cello, I could play her night and day

PEPPER WINTERS I have read All of your books, and the one that stands out the most is HUNDREDS. It is the best and most well written book I have come across and I have read many. THIS book has captured me heart and soul and has my fingers burning thru the pages to get to the end, EVEN though I NEVER want it to end ,but I have to know what happens... As I am reading the ending of this book. .It was Unexpected, and left me with my book laying in my lap and staring at the wall wide eyed. It was raw, Intense, and had me sitting on the edge of my seat, hollering at my ipad.. I wanna hate you , and love you at the same time for writing such a phenomenally, mind blowing read ,but I COULDN'T put it down.. The characters, we're outstanding in this book, you feel connected, linked, by the emotional despair or their uplifting joy. YOU PEPPER WINTERS, have a way of making people feel like they are apart of every word, every page , and every emotion in what they are reading. I was devoured , consumed, and wanting more.. I loved this book, HUNDREDS, IT made me cry , weep, and angry as hell, but the BEST part is I WILL BE COMING BACK FOR MORE AND WAITING FOR THOUSANDS. If anybody who reads this review. Pick up PEPPER WINTERS...... HUNDREDS .....But always start with PENNIES.. It will leave you with MILLIONS.... PEPPER WINTERS, ......QUEEN OF DARKNESS, ... I WILL forever read your books.

Strength to overcome

Elder Priest is a complicated person you find outing this book what made him tick what drove him to be the person he is. Elder was Pimlico savior and protector, he was as broken as she was. You never knew why Elder was so drawn to Pimlico but is this book you found out why. You fall in love with them and want them together however Elder keeps running away because he has deep dark secrets he trying to keep hidden from Pimlico. Elder & Pimlico make each other stronger due to their past they have overcome and they continue to grow together. "He was in my every thought, every breath, every action. He controlled mere than anyone ever had, He dominated, ruled and mastered me, I'm not alone." The strength that Pimlico shows after everything she has been through after being sold and rescued she kept her strength which was her mind.Especially after she started to rediscover who she really is.


After each book in this stand out series you want to pick up the next one straight away and bury yourself into the dark magic Pepper continues to create. Pepper will keep you enthralled with each page as we dive deeper and deeper into the world that is Elder and Pim's. In Hundreds we watch Pim grow as she finds the courage, strength and determination as she continues to heal her mind. The more Elder pushes her the more she realises she is no longer the person she once was. She is so much more. Elder is a complex character who walks a tight rope of criminal and hero. The more we learn about his past the more you will ache for him. His past is painful and runs deep, and the fight between past and present and head and heart I'll put him to the test. This book will give you all THE FEELS and make sure you have Thousands ready to go! Pepper's storytelling is brilliant, she will keep you captivated until the end and leave you wishing there was more.

This book.... made me fall headlong into Elder and Pim,

I would give this book more than five stars if I could. I have read all of Pepper winters books. And each one of them has drawn me into the story and put me in a place to empathize with the characters... but this... this book!!! I fell into it from the moment I started reading it and I didn't want to come out. I wanted to read faster, yet never wanted to finish. I ended the book in tears... I couldn't believe what was happening! We learned much more about Elder and why he is who he is.. what drives him and makes him tick. And from his viewpoint we see his strruggles and his strength. He drew me to him with every page of this book. The strength he allowed Pim to find and the parts of him he gave her made me want to patch him myself. Never have I, ever, found myself involved with the lives of characters as I did with this book. I fell into this one head first and, although I tried to read slowly and savor this book, But I also wanted to see what happened so badly! When I finished... I was in tears... and I was speechless.. I was stunned. It took me awhile before I was able to put into words what I wanted to say. Pepper Winters is a genius! I want her talent for drawing readers into her stories and make them truly a part of it. The development of these two stunning characters was so good.... so completely engrossing, that I just want MORE of them! I want to learn more about them, and I will be anxiously waiting for Thousands. Thank you Pepper!!

I'm done.

Read the 1st 2 books in one weekend, can't trudge through this 3rd one. I commented in a previous review (I think the 1st book) that the pacing was off for me. The amount of inner reflection was overdone slowing the story to a crawl. I could forgive it in the 1st 2 books, Pim was mute, but rather than getting better when she starting talking again, it got worse. The logic was completely convoluted and the characters inner monologue repeated the same ridiculous logic over and over. Boring. Boring. Boring. I wanted to like these books. They weren't for me.

There truly aren't enough stars for this book!!!!!!

Let me just start off this review by saying this book was worth every second of the wait! Pepper you absolutely blow me away with your words. The connection I feel with these characters is tangible. I live and breathe these emotions brought up through your words through these characters. I feel for them. I absolutely love them! In Hundreds we find out what helps Pim heal, what makes her stronger and there is nothing I love more than a good strong female lead character. Her character is truly remarkable and we see how very selfless she truly is. For how much she has been through she has such a soft spot in my heart for Elder. She's able compartmentalize her feelings. To seek out answers and make sense of the situation she has been put into through her kidnapping and her life on the Phantom with Elder. And all her answers she soon finds lay in the complex man that is Elder Prest. My heart absolutely broke for Elder in Hundreds. We get to the crux of what makes Elder tick. You could literally feel the war raging inside of him. I first fell in love with him in Pennies however Hundreds solidified my love for this strong unique character. In other words he is pure perfection. With the tables turned Pim is determined to make Elder hers. As Elder's willpower was weakening Pim's courage was growing. They actually fed off each other's emotions. The chemistry between these two characters was off the charts. Elder's emotions were all over the place. This was all different to him. He had never wanted anyone as much as he wants Pim. You could actually feel the tug of war going on within him. I actually loved seeing Pim grow stronger because of that. They both tried to resist their emotions but it was impossible. When these two finally give in it is explosive! You can't help but cheer this couple on but as with all Pepper's books you just know that shoe is about to drop. Elder not only stole Pim's heart but my heart as well. These characters are everything!!!! I was transported yet again into a world I did not want to leave. I actually screamed at the end refusing to believe I had indeed reached the end! I am on edge and counting down the days until I could get my hands on Thousands!!!! I am addicted to this series and 100% in love with Elder and Pim's twisted and complicated love story. There truly aren't enough stars to give this book! Bring on Thousands Pepper!!!!!!!!!!!

Raw, sensual, emotional, infatuating, anguishing

10 + stars !!! When you have read all of Pepper's books you think there will be no way for the next book to be better than the others, but let me tell you that I was wrong, with every book that Pepper writes, she surpasses herself. This third installment of the series Dollar had me with the soul in a thread and the heart in the mouth all the time. It is masterfully written, it is poetry in each line, the way of describing characters, thoughts, places, wrapped in your soul and leaves you wanting more. It recall of so many feelings that I still can not wrap my mind around them. Raw, sensual, emotional, infatuating, anguishing. The plot takes you on a journey with Elder and Pim, and it takes you to discover a little more secrets, but of course leave more questions. With short dialogues, many internal monologues and great scenario descriptions, I thought it would be a little less intriguing, but throughout the book I kept expecting what would follow ... As we had read in the previous two books Pim is trying to return to a normal life after the terrible tortures that she suffered at the hands of Alrik. In this self-discovery we see great strength and endurance in her character, OMG!! I admire Pimlico so much, she had to go through it, and despite everything is trying to move forward, her strength and courage is truly admirable, I had too much time that not read such a resilient character, and despite everything she is determined to go ahead and be normal, testing her limits at various times. In the course of the book we see she bloom and parts of the real Pim He’d almost destroyed me. Almost. But he hadn’t. And from the ashes, I stood tall Elder, what intriguing character. With so many inner demons, he is such a complex and fascinating character, I can not but thank Pepper for bringing him to life. He has serious problems to control himself, and in his internal struggle he has to protect himself and above all protect Pim ... In his monologues he lets us see everything he feels and I really can not wait for the following books to know more about him. Seriously, he became my favorite character of Pepper. He was in my every thought, every breath, every action. He controlled me more than anyone ever had. He dominated, ruled, and mastered me. I’m not alone. Elder and Pim are such a powerful couple, the way they complement each other, the way they fit in, both are so broken but together they form perfection, their interactions so full of angst, chemistry, attraction, envelops in a way that is almost magical. It transports you with them and you suffer their anguish, their pain, their sadness. I wasn’t prepared for yet another sentence weapon. This one was a nuclear missile aimed straight for my soul. I shattered into hundreds of messy pieces. I couldn’t— I had no reply. I was soundless. Wordless. Mute. With a complex, magical prose and with the suspense that envelops all the stories of Pepper, I really can not wait for what follows, I have so many questions, that I am dying to read the next. This book is a masterpiece, and I can only thank Pepper for taking us on this journey full of magic, suspense, anguish, pain and sadness, but somehow hope .... I can not wait to see it next. Highly recommended.


Elder and Pin will crawl inside your heart and mind, they have mine. In the thierd installment of "Dollars series we learn more about the dark, complicated knight in not so shining armor Mr. Elder Priest where he comes from, how he became the rich, cello payer, fighter,and rescuer of tortured abused slave Pim. In true Pepper Winters fashion she has given us a man to love, dream of and of course fantasise about. If you haven't already. I loved Q and Jethro both complicated flawed men however Elder is quickly becoming my favorite male character. Pin was taken at18 a fairly sheltered life, and ended up in the pit of hell with pure evil personified. She has more strength and heart than even she knows. with Elders belief in her she just night find her way back " Hundreds" is so well thought out and written there isnt a sentence not even a word that doesn't have weight. This story will touch you in ways you won't expect. PEPPER you are and forever will be the QUEEN of Dark Romance!!!!!!


It's been a little over 24 hours since I finished Hundreds and I am still in a state of shock. I wanted to give myself time to recover before I wrote my review but I don't think I am going to be fully recovered for quite some time. Hundreds starts to really give us a glimpse of who Elder really is (and I must admit I love him so far). We start to learn a lot more about him and what makes him the way he is. Pim surprised the hell out of me in this book. She is far more strong than I thought and I loved watching her slowly discover herself. Hundreds is full of emotional ups and downs and by the time you get to the end you will be totally gutted and dying for more. Pepper Winters is truly the master of complex stories with multilayered characters. I have learned that when reading her books I must always keep an open mind and expect the unexpected because nothing is ever what it seems. Thank you for once again blowing my mind!

Hundreds (Dollars Vol 3) -- Pepper Winters

Theme song: "Believer" by Imagine Dragons. They say freedom comes at a price, and this time it's literally true. One challenge: Earn every cent she's worth. One stipulation: Payment must be on another's dime. One dilemma: They themselves. It's taken everything for Pim to claw back to the girl she once was. It's taken everything in Elder to decide once and for all to set her free or not. But as his demons slowly reveal, his grasp on control is slipping, and everything he's fixed inside him is ripping at the seams. The very thing he wishes to hold him together is tearing him apart, and ultimately, love may not conquer all. (I was given this Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) in exchange for an honest review.) Riveting, profound, and gut-wrenchingly angsty, Pim and Elder invaded my head, twisted my heart, and toyed with my emotions. So many secrets, so many lies, not enough trust, and they needed a vessel larger than the Phantom to keep them afloat. Constructed with loads of literary elements/devices Hundreds also stood out a masterpiece within prose. It was quite poetic and each sentence held weight. A quintessential dark romance, Pepper Winters is a queen within her genre! Lastly, I should add a cliffhanger warning! It might make you cry, so get the tissues! Lol 🍉🍊🍍 Hero rating: 5 Heroine rating: 5 Writing mechanics (literary elements/devices usage included): 5 Plot rating: 4 Dialogue rating: 5 Storytelling rating: 4.5 Story ending rating: 4.8 Sexual tension rating: 5 Sex scenes rating: 5 Sex scenes frequency: 2 (not good nor bad, just occurrence rating) ********************************************** Overall rating: 4.8 stars Would I recommend this series: Yes. Would I re-read this series: Yes. Would I read future books by this author: Yes.

She could be my cello, I could play her night and day

PEPPER WINTERS I have read All of your books, and the one that stands out the most is HUNDREDS. It is the best and most well written book I have come across and I have read many. THIS book has captured me heart and soul and has my fingers burning thru the pages to get to the end, EVEN though I NEVER want it to end ,but I have to know what happens... As I am reading the ending of this book. .It was Unexpected, and left me with my book laying in my lap and staring at the wall wide eyed. It was raw, Intense, and had me sitting on the edge of my seat, hollering at my ipad.. I wanna hate you , and love you at the same time for writing such a phenomenally, mind blowing read ,but I COULDN'T put it down.. The characters, we're outstanding in this book, you feel connected, linked, by the emotional despair or their uplifting joy. YOU PEPPER WINTERS, have a way of making people feel like they are apart of every word, every page , and every emotion in what they are reading. I was devoured , consumed, and wanting more.. I loved this book, HUNDREDS, IT made me cry , weep, and angry as hell, but the BEST part is I WILL BE COMING BACK FOR MORE AND WAITING FOR THOUSANDS. If anybody who reads this review. Pick up PEPPER WINTERS...... HUNDREDS .....But always start with PENNIES.. It will leave you with MILLIONS.... PEPPER WINTERS, ......QUEEN OF DARKNESS, ... I WILL forever read your books.

Strength to overcome

Elder Priest is a complicated person you find outing this book what made him tick what drove him to be the person he is. Elder was Pimlico savior and protector, he was as broken as she was. You never knew why Elder was so drawn to Pimlico but is this book you found out why. You fall in love with them and want them together however Elder keeps running away because he has deep dark secrets he trying to keep hidden from Pimlico. Elder & Pimlico make each other stronger due to their past they have overcome and they continue to grow together. "He was in my every thought, every breath, every action. He controlled mere than anyone ever had, He dominated, ruled and mastered me, I'm not alone." The strength that Pimlico shows after everything she has been through after being sold and rescued she kept her strength which was her mind.Especially after she started to rediscover who she really is.


After each book in this stand out series you want to pick up the next one straight away and bury yourself into the dark magic Pepper continues to create. Pepper will keep you enthralled with each page as we dive deeper and deeper into the world that is Elder and Pim's. In Hundreds we watch Pim grow as she finds the courage, strength and determination as she continues to heal her mind. The more Elder pushes her the more she realises she is no longer the person she once was. She is so much more. Elder is a complex character who walks a tight rope of criminal and hero. The more we learn about his past the more you will ache for him. His past is painful and runs deep, and the fight between past and present and head and heart I'll put him to the test. This book will give you all THE FEELS and make sure you have Thousands ready to go! Pepper's storytelling is brilliant, she will keep you captivated until the end and leave you wishing there was more.

This book.... made me fall headlong into Elder and Pim,

I would give this book more than five stars if I could. I have read all of Pepper winters books. And each one of them has drawn me into the story and put me in a place to empathize with the characters... but this... this book!!! I fell into it from the moment I started reading it and I didn't want to come out. I wanted to read faster, yet never wanted to finish. I ended the book in tears... I couldn't believe what was happening! We learned much more about Elder and why he is who he is.. what drives him and makes him tick. And from his viewpoint we see his strruggles and his strength. He drew me to him with every page of this book. The strength he allowed Pim to find and the parts of him he gave her made me want to patch him myself. Never have I, ever, found myself involved with the lives of characters as I did with this book. I fell into this one head first and, although I tried to read slowly and savor this book, But I also wanted to see what happened so badly! When I finished... I was in tears... and I was speechless.. I was stunned. It took me awhile before I was able to put into words what I wanted to say. Pepper Winters is a genius! I want her talent for drawing readers into her stories and make them truly a part of it. The development of these two stunning characters was so good.... so completely engrossing, that I just want MORE of them! I want to learn more about them, and I will be anxiously waiting for Thousands. Thank you Pepper!!

I'm done.

Read the 1st 2 books in one weekend, can't trudge through this 3rd one. I commented in a previous review (I think the 1st book) that the pacing was off for me. The amount of inner reflection was overdone slowing the story to a crawl. I could forgive it in the 1st 2 books, Pim was mute, but rather than getting better when she starting talking again, it got worse. The logic was completely convoluted and the characters inner monologue repeated the same ridiculous logic over and over. Boring. Boring. Boring. I wanted to like these books. They weren't for me.

Denise Captivating, Edge of Your Seat , Off the Charts, BRAVO Again Pepper

This book was just unbelievable. The emotion that it evoked in me was beyond anything and everything. He helped fix her and now he needs to be fixed. Their love for one another is so beautiful.. But I guess at this juncture, Elder needs to deal with his issues which we got to see in this book. His mother's anger towards him was so brutal I thought I would cry. The pain that he endures from what happened to his father and brother is so visceral. It makes me shake. He is definitely in love with her. She couldn't speak till the last page in book 2, Dollars. She was able to speak and feel love and became not afraid to have sex. Elder is responsible for helping Pim evolve and get past what happened to her. Now, Elder needs to fix himself. Because these two people are meant for each other. In the last chapter, when she writes him the letter and decides to sign it with her real name, Tasmin I was so happy for her but torn apart that she was leaving. Just an amazingly, written book. And the end just blew me away. This whole book,while reading it, kept me on the edge of my seat. Thankfully, there are two more books in the series and I cannot wait to see what happens. They belong to each other even though it appears that she has left or leaving.

The third book in an exquisite, tragically beautiful love story...Hundreds was everything my heart needed and then shattered it.

Have you ever been at a loss for words while writing a review? It’s hard to put into words how truly perplexed this story had me. Beautiful and heartbreaking-yet simply stunning. The words of this story flow effortlessly across the pages. I didn’t want it to end. I don’t feel like my words will ever do this book enough justice. So many emotions, at times my heart soared, truly entranced, enraptured into the snare. The web- So many beautiful and complex layers. I laughed. I cried..tears flowing down my face in waves of anguish. I felt like my heart was being wrenched from my chest. They are so broken, but yet so beautiful in every single aspect. They just cannot see it in themselves. I want to fix-mend them. I want to take these two broken pieces-people..and put them back together. I want to take away their pain and bleed it out myself. Would they ever truly know what “love” was, is? Would they continue to let their pasts control their future? She was everything he didn’t want. He was everything she needed to just be. Two lost souls, drowning in self doubt, guilt and despair. The weight of their pasts consuming every aspect of their future. Breathe, just breathe. It’s only a story, or is it? You get so engulfed, the words so raw- you literally feel like you’re a bystander. A stage prop that has an all-access pass to watch this captivating story play out before your very eyes. I am so completely and perpetually entranced by this story, no story is wrong, this tragically exquisite love story.

Be ready for the heartache

Oh, Pepper Winters what are you doing to me? My heart is hurting. I'm emotional wreck, oh women you are killing me. Wow, this book got me all over the place with my emotions. It is crazy, I don't know how she comes up with all this, but I could not put my kindle down. Hundreds is more than I could have imagine it would be, it is absolutely awesome. Pepper dug deeper into the characters Pim and Elder. We got to learn a lot more about them, specially Elder. Pim was amazing in this book. She was trying to overcome her fears, buy doing things that Elder wanted her to do. Pim was so strong in this book, she is changing from scared Pimlico to brave and amazing Tazmin and I love to watch her transform, as did Elder!!! Now Elder, oh my, he has his own issues and demons to fight. We did learn more about the condition that he has. Also we now know more about his family and little bit about what happened in the past to make him be who he is, but I am sensing there is more to come. Now the ending, that is where my hear started hurting. I feel so, so sad and hurt for both of them. However as I was reading I imagined different ending of this book which was worse then this, so I was little relieved that what I thought would happen, it didn't happen. But then again, there are two more books to come, so everything is possible. I love this book, enjoyed reading it so much, did not want it to end. And now I cannot wait for the next book to come out. I hope Ms. Winters get it ready soon for us, because I am about to die over here.

"He was gravity."

"He was gravity. He was the moon, and I was the ocean, and together we couldn't look away for a moment." I took my time with this book in order to savor it and it was delicious. Pepper always blows me away with her writing. She definitely knows how to capture you with her stories. This series keeps getting better and better with each book. Pim's character is growing into a strong woman trying to find her way and Elder is quickly becoming one of my top book boyfriends. Their chemistry is off the charts. "I wanted to run and hide. I wanted to beg and ride." At the end I kept trying to turn the page on my kindle...nothing happened. I'm on my toes wanting for Thousands. I absolutely recommend this book and series. "She might have just stolen a book, but to me, she'd just stolen my heart."


Hundreds is by far the most powerful read of the Dollar, series!!!!! My heart is currently in a vice at this very moment and my emotions are stripped raw!!! Elder and Pim are two broken souls trying heal, however, that fierce and untamed passion they currently hold for one another could very well destroy them both. As I journeyed my way through part 3 of Elder and Pim's story i found myself cheering for these two trouble souls all the while wondering how can they ever mend all the wrongs that their poor lives have been put through, either at the hand of their enemies or at their very own hand. Pepper Winters is the Queen of Dark and this book is no exception to the rule, She delivered with a powerful punch and a cliffhanger that will have you on your knees crying for more. Five Stars all the way! This series is remarkable and very well written, a definite page turner.

One hundred dollar bill house origami

Hero, Elder = 4/5 Heroine, Pimlico = 5/5 Secondary Characters = 3/5 Chemistry = 3/5 Sex = 3/5 Plot = 4/5 Mystery = 4/5 Action = 1/5 Darkness = 1/5 Humor = 1/5 POV = Dual POV Ending = Cliffhanger Stars = 3.5 ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ Author = Pepper Winters Would I recommend this book = Yes Would I re-read this book = After about 40% Would I read future books by this author = Yes This is book is so hard for me to review. I simply could not get into the first half of this book. It was very slow with a build. I feel as if the first 40% (or so) of the book was a waste. It was back and forth with Elder thinking that he wanted Pim and then he didn't want her then he wanted her gone then he wanted her back...etc. After all of that we get some build to the plot that makes me love these two characters. We learn that Pim is getting stronger than ever. She's getting past her fears. I have a feeling we will see her shine with so much strength in this next book she will be cured of her past. I'm still intrigued about Pim's mother too. I've had my suspicions about her from book 1 and can't wait for that to pan out in the next books. As far as Elder, he is going to be devastated when it comes to Pim. Even though this book didn't grab my attention fully I still love the work that Pepper does. I will continue to read all of her work and hope that Thousands will be full of action and some mystery.

Absolutely Amazing - my favorite book of the year so far!

I love it when a series keeps getting better and better and Pepper Winter's third book in her Dollar series does just that. It completely blew me away; so much so I didnt want it to end. Picking up exactly where Dollars left off we back on the yacht with Pim and Elder as they navigate the treacherous waters of their feelings for each other. As the book progresses we finally start to understand what makes Elder tick and we have the privilege of Pim finding her voice. The shift in dynamics between these two characters was thrilling to read and done so well by Ms Winters. She never truly makes either of these broken characters the victims of their past but forces them to deal with who the are within themselves and with each other. The writing is what we come to expect from a Pepper Winters story - dark for sure but I have to say this one has some wonderful glimpses of light that weren't there in the first two. The story again is told in dual POV's which I love - and the secondary characters are few and far between but when they show up boy do they show up. There is even a shout out to another Pepper Winters character which was great. This, of course, ends on another major cliffhanger which I have no idea how we get to the next level with Pim and Elder but I for sure will be waiting not so patiently for Thousands.

Oh my goodness. These characters are heart wrenching

Just wow. I think what makes this book so worthy of praise is the characters themselves. Elder and Pimlico‘s relationship is unique. Each have demons. Each have struggles. Each have things they have to overcome. But they overcome them together so well. This is just my observation of reading the book, I do not know what’s in store for the rest of the series but I do know that these characters are amazing together. Another thing that I love is how this author writes this dark, dark, dark story. It started out with me shooting my eyes, and this book ended with me praising the strength of the lead female character. Since this is fiction, I do not think that such progress comes so quickly, but since we get both point of views of both elder and pimlico I understand entirely how this can be. Great book. Great addition to the series. I can’t wait to read more. 4.5 star rating

A Winner

I read a lot but don't write many reviews - a book has to be extraordinarily good or awful for me to leave a review. This book is extraordinarily great! I am a fan of Pepper Winters but am not always a fan of her books. Monsters in the Dark was great, the Indebted series not so much (I haven't finished it yet and not sure I will). What I liked most about this book is that it is written in both Pim and Elder's voices. Many books have a "tortured" hero whose issues come across as flat and one dimensional in a story, just a side story to the heroine's voice. Elder has issues as deep as Pim's, possibly even deeper and his battle with his demons feels real. I like that his issues are revealed throughout the book, not just a footnote at the end when you have been reading allusions to his issues the whole story and when they are revealed you just go "oh, that's it?". I also like and hate that this is a series. Each book has felt like a whole story has been told and you need a break before you go on, not like what should be one story has been chopped into two books. Of course I hate that I have now finished "Hundreds" and have to wait until August for more! This story is dark, tortured but, at least after the first book, not so violent. If you are like me and have found this author to be a little uneven and are wondering if this one is a winner, go for it, you won't be disappointed.

Another amazing installment!

OMG what can I say about this series other than it just keeps getting flipping better and better. In this installment you get so much more on both Elder and Pim - you get snippets of why he is the way he is - you learn a bit about his childhood, and a bit about his adult life, and Pim WOW what a great turn she takes. She really comes out of her shell with Edler and it is such a beautiful transition to witness. It's almost like she is the bull charging forward and he is the matador doing anything and everything to get out of the way. Loved how the tables turned a little bit in that aspect. Even though this series is a 5 book series you do not in anyway feel like the books are just be stretched just to make that happen. (I have never felt that way about any of Peppers Books) There is so much substance in every single page of every book. You can't help but get completely and sucked into every moment and feel every emotion. Peppers Winters has continued to Awe me with every series she writes!!!!

Obsessive, Compulsive, Disaster

Holy Heaven and Hell on Earth!!! And that's one of the cleaner, least profane expletives I uttered as I finished reading this latest installment in Ms. Winter's "Dollar Series". This work is sheer genius! The beauty in the language is lyrical, nothing short of stunning. A large part of the genius in this book, is the sheer poetry in her descriptions...from the scenic vistas to the depths of soul deep pain and longing. Her storylines are like no other story I have read. This read is no exception. Nothing in this story is predictable, no markers for the reader to spot and anticipate the next turn in this angst-filled, deeply dark, psychological ...and lest I forget so sexually hot and electric, I almost fainted from the pleasure/pain described, book. This chapter begins with Elder, wrought with self-loathing for sexually violating Pimlico, who has finally found her voice. He rescued her, bound up her wounds (to put it mildly) and helped her heal from horrific sexual torture and abuse. We became acquainted with Elder Prest and know he is a beautiful man with raven's wing hair and almond eyes. He is brilliant, well educated (mostly self-driven), maestro with the cello, and wealthy. He is a man with fierce presence, regal bearing and a sexual centrifuge. He is an enigma. He is also a mystery. He seems to simultaneously want her close as a lover and in the same breath, need to push her far away. Pim is drawn to him not only in gratitude for his care but in desire for him as a man. She wants to heal sexually and she wants to heal with him as her lover, guide and teacher. Let's face it, she has fallen in love. And yes, I believe Elder has fallen in love with her, yet this is not so plain. "Sensuality had nothing on him. Elder was the dictionary definition of sensual from the way his muscles clenched in need, his nostrils flared in want, and his lust wound tightly in constraint. He kissed me hard and deep but with respect and affection, too. His taste and spicy flavour sent my head swimming as choppy as the ocean from our propellers. A drench of attraction and nerves activated every sense until I sparkled and crackled inside. Whatever previous kisses he’d bestowed were no longer relevant. Whatever touch or activity we’d partaken in didn’t matter. This kiss was everything. It was truth. It was honesty. It was terrifying. He kissed me with nothing barred. He dropped a disguise, letting me taste what he’d never say. He was violence as well as tenderness. He was obsession as well as rationality."- Pim I chose this particular passage to highlight the beauty, lyricism and poetry in the description of their first meaningful kiss. So much is revealed in this kiss. When you read this book, I promise you that you will yearn for Elder and Pim to find their HEA. Despite their imperfections and miscommunications you will see how perfect they are for each other. It is this "yearning", created by the exquisite emotional and sexual tension, that is the pleasure of the reading. To reveal more of the details of this tension and the ending that had me profane and in tears, would spoil "your" pleasure/pain and discovery of soul-deep truths about which I can go on and on. It's far better you read this beautiful language in this moving and awe-inspiring, albeit darker erotic story and come to your own revelations and conclusions. You will have many. The ending does not leave you hanging but it will keep you guessing. The next book cannot come fast enough. I am sure you'll agree.

Brought Me To Tears - So Obessed

My words on this review CAN'T do this book justice. If I could give it more than 5 stars, I would. I have read all of Pepper's book, but this is my absolute favorite to date. I physically felt every emotion of Pim and Elder in this book. I was in tears by the end. I have literally read the last chapter over and over again. Crazy obsessed and can't wait for the next book. However, Hundreds was SOOOOO worth the wait. You don't want to miss this read. Actually, go back to the beginning if you haven't read their story. I have been following this couple from the beginning and can't get enough. I received so many unanswered questions in this book, especially about Elder and why he is the closed off man that he has become. I never expected the part his mother played in helping him become this man, making him an outcast to his family. I can't wait to see what his reaction is when he realizes she has done what he wanted in the last chapter. I don't want to ruin it, so I can't say, must read to find out. Where does he go from here? Can he go back to being the man he once was before he met Pim? Pim has gotten to him, but will it be too much? Will she break him, or will he finally let her into his heart completely? She has healed, not completely yet, but is well on her way. She has become so strong with his help, and guidance, he has taught her how to be a survivor. She never thought she would even speak again; let alone, have consensual sex with a man, and enjoy it. She makes the ultimate sacrifice in this book. His needs over hers. Can she save him? It remains to be seen. "You got inside my heart before you got inside my head, and it's tearing me apart!" He'd sacrificed himself for me. He'd given me his everything and what had I done? Just asked for more and more until he had nothing left to give. Thank you Pepper for a wonderful read. I can't wait to see how the story-line progresses with this couple. You honestly can't write fast enough for me. You are a brilliant.

Good yet frustrating

This book revealed a ton of information about the main characters and that was huge. However, the lack of communication between then was really frustrating! So many issues that could have been avoided but merely being open with each other. Ugh! It was unnerving. I am still enjoying the development of the characters’ personalities and their relationship, though. So I am giving this one 3 stars while the next one is downloading into my library because I can’t wait to start reading it!


I think Pepper Winters is an amazing writer. She really has a way with words, describing things like you can imagine yourself there with the characters. I really can't decide if I like Elder. I want to like him, but I mostly feel sorry for him. What a horrible life he has led. We learn more about what he has gone through, more about why he is the way he is and also meet some of his family members. Pim, I like her, she is strong and getting stronger and healing, and finally finds her voice. Elder helps her a lot, but they are really bad for each other. This is where it all falls apart for me. I can't really see where it is going for the next 2 books. Maybe Elder isn't the right man for her. Maybe, she doesn't need a man. This book doesn't end happily between them, big big fight. Have to wait til August to find out what happens. Great job, Pepper Winters, I am on the edge of my seat with anticipation.

All the emotions!!!

"We were fated for disaster before we'd even begun." Pepper Winters does it again with Hundreds, book 3 in the Dollars series, which, in my opinion, is her best series so far. I devoured this book, gasping and crying and yelling. The end left me in absolute tears! This book is the most emotional out of the four published so far. "I locked my eyes on his handsomeness, let his dark beauty steal my breath, and fell into a fantasy where a raven-haired thief inked with dragon scales dragged me writhing and gasping from my awful history." Be still my beating heart. The angst, oh the angst. It's been so long since I've felt so much angst in a book. Let me just tell you, I honestly didn't think I'd be able to handle it. With a snot nose and tears pouring down my face, I continued on, hoping that we'd find out what happened to Pim's mother and hoping that Elder would find solace and happiness with his mother. "She might have just stolen a book, but to me, she'd just stolen my heart."

This series is so addicting!

The story of Pim and Elder continues in book three with so many secrets still unknown such as Pim's mother, Elder's childhood and why his family treats him so uncaringly, why Elder does everything in threes, why he is so obsessive, and so many other questions. Elder seems so broken at times and yet so strong and caring for Pim at other times. Pim seems to be growing stronger every day which can be attributed to Elder and she seems to becoming into the strong woman she was before her kidnapping by her evil owner. As usual the story ends in a dramatic cliffhanger and I am anxious to read book four as I have definitely become addicted to the story of Pim and Elder and must see it to the final finish. Great job Pepper!


I am not a fan of dark romances, of violent relationships, I actually avoid such stories in advance (just reading description), but this one... the whole series... I cannot understand myself... how... how I could love to read such cruel and a little sick story (of course it is nothing in comparison with book 1, but still)... Icould not give 5 stars for the story due to few things - first, I hate any violence towards woman (and grasping your lover by neck is one for me), and second, I could not understand Elder, he felt soooo weak, Pim felt like the strongest characterin the book... it looks like I will read next books too, will not be sated until finish them....

TOP FAVOURITE ! Just Brilliant !!

BANGOR BELLE BOOK BESTIES. Right from the beginning of this series i have to 100% totally hooked. Elder Prest is such a complicated man yet he's got such a beautiful Heart! Pimm has been so abused i can't but wonder how she can have any faith in the human race. This story grips your heart so tightly, Pepper Winters has written this book, to such an exceptional level that your every breath is lost in this couple! Here is this continuation, we learn more about Elder's past and meet some of his family showing up. OMG Pepper Winters you have drawn me in even more and i cannont wait for more of this series. It's dark, its heart warming, there is danger, there is love, OH SUCH LOVE!! I CAN'T BELIEVE THE ENDING!! MY heart is in shreds !! and only Elder can save us !!!!

For those of us lovers of dark tales, this book was just absolutely fantastic!!

Hundreds is one of the most intense books I've ever read. A beautifully and brilliantly well written dark tale, amazingly plotted, entertaining storyline with many surprises and lots of twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat the whole entire time. I love the pace in which the chemistry between Pim and Elder had been developed throughout the series! Scorching hot, Intense, gritty, and compelling, this book is absolutely fantastic. Well-built secondary characters that are very convincing, likeable and hateful at times. Author's Pepper Winters writing is so powerfully evocative, luscious, and provocative that will make you feel part of the story, and when you're done turning the last page you'll be begging for more!


Man! Pepper Winters always leaves me just flabbergasted and mentally tangled up. LOL It's like I always feel like I need a break from reading when I finish her books. I need to let it all digest and get my wits back. Elder killed me in this book. Just had me so wrapped up in emotion over his issues. I'll never think of OCD the same again. You'd think Pim would still have my heart all mashed up but Elder killed me in this book. I love their story. Their journey is just so all encompassing. The struggles they have. The abuse and obsessions they've gone through and tried to overcome. Ahhhh! It's heart wrenching. The story is fantastic. I really hope Pim's mom wasn't involved with her kidnapping. I can't wait for the next book especially since this one ended the way it did. I need them to be ok!!!!

The series keep getting more and more intriguing

I am left speechless once again. Hundreds took me to yet another part of the Pim and Elder's journey. Pim, after what happened in dollars, is left stronger and ready to battle and live again. Elder is getting more edgier as Pim is getting bolder. There is a very strong attraction, a desire so deep, a newfound trust and the possibility of something new and different..but there is also the push and pull, Elder’s past and his endless secrets, Pim newfound courage and the need to stand her ground and learn more about Elder. It’s a constant battle, with a lot of internal dialogue from both characters, things are revealed slowly but surely. I loved everything and I can't wait for the next book to delve back into their story.

I can almost understand but Elder's was becoming a tad tiresome. I have a bad feeling about Pim's mother ...

I've been enjoying he series but find there is a lot of time between them and I sometimes forget facts of the book because of that. I'm invested in this series and can't wait to see what the future holds in store for Pim and Elder. The one thing that bothered me about this book was the back and forth of each character's thoughts. Pim, I can almost understand but Elder's was becoming a tad tiresome. I have a bad feeling about Pim's mother but I won't say what I think she did. All in all, it's been a good story although a little slow at times. I'd just like to see Pim and Elder work things out and become a power couple.I also enjoyed the mention of the Hawks. Could Nila ever have a conversation with Pim about their similar pasts.

Oh My God

Pimlico abd Elder. The hard work paid off and thanks to Elder Pimlico grew stronger. Sharing the night with Elder in the hotel made Pimlico discover herself and know her strength and defeat her fears. Yet the master became the submissive and Elder lost his grip over his sanity. The 2nd night at the hotel started beautifully yet ended drastically. With Pimlico on the run and Elder hidden in a hotel room, the author ended the book with a heartbreakingly beautiful letter. A must read. I love love love it

Can't put it down

Pim has finally realized that there is more to life then death and she has elder to thank for that . Elder has to make his quite little mouse understand that he is there to help heal her not hurt her as she has had been in the past. I just can't believe how much you can feel from these two characters you can feel each hurt and regret that is in them . Will elder and Pim aka tamin be able to look past their broken lives to stay together I guess time will only tell . This series is a must read.

Fantastic series

Pimlico has grown, changed, and earned a new being in this book. Finally, she has had sex, not been raped but, hurt none the less. Elder is an ever loving mess. He is ocd, he always has been, his obsessions are real and he combats them how he can. His newest obsession is Pim, though he refuses to destroy her with his obsession. He makes a decision to rip Pim apart in more ways then one. She makes a decision for him and stands by it. We don't know what news he has about her mother, I get the feeling its horrible. How will Pim get anywhere without money, ID, or anything else? Will she get away or will Elder's past find her? Guess we will see. Excellent read, love it.

Love love love this series!

I'm addicted to this series, and when the Hawks were mentioned, my heart did a little happy dance. Pim has broken my heart, I find throughout this series that I get a little misty eyed. I'm in complete awe of her strength and her desire to survive. Elder drives me mad though. I love him one minute then want to bash his head in the next. I just want to scream "make up your dang mind already!" Regardless I'm ready for the next book, but a little nervous because the last one isn't out on Audible yet. I have to have it! This is one of the best audible series I've listened to.


This is a really intense and dramatic series. So many layers to peel back and discover. Elder is quite the mystery. He is no doubt screwed up, but after hearing about his past you get it and can appreciate it. I think he strives so hard to be the good man, he just doesn't have any clue how to go about it. Then there is Pim. I love watching her open up, explore and try to make sense of this new world she has found herself in. There are some disturbing things going on in this book and the material and times is heavy. However, it is presented in a way and tied to the characters that just works so well. I'm intrigued and can't wait to see what happens next.

I finally finished; this was a slow read for ...

I finally finished; this was a slow read for me and a lot of page skimming. With that being said, I am looking forward to the release of Thousands. What happens now with Pim/Tasmin & Elder? What was his reaction to the letter? Has Elder's past finally tracked him down? Heck, does Pim/Tasmin go back to her past? There is so much more to know and looking forward to it.

Every book in this series is absolutely beautiful, so full of passion and mystery

Every book in this series is absolutely beautiful, so full of passion and mystery. I love the points of view, each of the characters in this book are so broken and desperate. So alone in the world they have found themselves in. But in some ways they strengthen one another. Its amazing. In each book I have read by Pepper Winters, she always pushes me as reader. Weather its out of my comfort zone, or just to tread in waters I've never ventured to before. And I love it. I love the mystery and the intrigue. I have absolutely loved every book in this series, and Hundreds just took the the story so much further. Gave you so much more but still left you wanting. I can not wait to see what is to come for our sweet Pimlico.


The way that Pim transforms is such an amazing and emotional journey. I feel like I’m right there with her on this journey of finding herself. Elder can be an ass. He’s an honest one though I’ll give him that. He himself is fighting his own battle. The better Pim gets, the harder it is for Elder to hold onto his rules and his sanity. I hope they find a balance before they both destroy each other. I can’t wait for the next rollercoaster ride in the next book.

Pepper Winters is a fabulous writer.

I did not write a review for books 1 or 2. The first book was something I usually do not read. It had women sex slaves. I almost put it down, but I always finish a book. The later part of the book was intriguing, so I ordered book 2. The book was not as drastic as the first and very enjoyable . I decided to read book 3, this book. This author keeps you turning pages, one more chapter. I have not cried at the end of a book for a long time I ordered book 4 and was devastated that it is on pre-order. I have to wait a month!

Elder's OCD begins to get worse.

In the first two books, it is obvious that Pimlico is in desperate need of healing from years of abuse as a sex slave. However, in this third book, as Pim heals and gets emotionally closer to Elder, it becomes apparent that he has serious mental issues that seem insurmountable, brought out by Pim's presence in his life. While there is some action in this book, it largely about their emotions and the growing sexual tension between them. At times the tension is unbearable and drags on and on. The writing, as usual in Ms. Winter's books, is beautifully descriptive with only a few editing slipups. Writing: 5 Story: 4 Characters: 4 Editing 4.9 Heat index: 4

Rocked My World

I love this series! This one hit me hard. Let me explain that. My friends talk about movies or books that make them cry. I don’t say it but in my mind I think, “Seriously, get a grip. It’s not real”. But this book made me cry! Believe me when I say that’s quite a feat. Pepper’s ability to make her characters so real amazes me. I’m feeling all their emotions but their pain is tearing me up.

Just finished...

With a pounding heart and tears in my eyes.... I'm gutted broken hearted and just plain broken. This series has trapped me and won't let me go! I love this story these characters and their struggles. Grabbing the next book now highly recommend this series Pepper Winters is a genius goddess of literary wonder and as if she wasn't before she is one of those authors who's books I will always buy not needing to read the back cover first!

Holy Crap!

I can't believe how much I love this series. The author writes so well and so passionate that it is almost too intense at times. The characters are flawed yet so perfect, so heartbreaking yet so frustrating. I can't even articulate what I am feeling after finishing this installment in the series... it's just that damn good! Write faster Ms. Winters... I can't wait for the next book. The only thing I have an issue with is the situation with Elder and the Chinmoku. Without giving anything away, it's hard for me to think that considering he is such a prominent yacht builder, they have yet to find him.

Grab on to something because Pepper's taking you on a trip you wont soon forget!!!

Pepper has done it again! Given uus some answers,but left us with many more questions. This is a five star read for those of us that enjoy dark reads,but if triggers are possible this is not for you, or under eighteen. I would also recommend you get the first two of the series so you know exactly what's happening. It's a rollercoaster of emotions at every turn. I found myself putting it down so I could process the emotions before continuing on. This women is anxiously awaiting Thousands!


Pepper Winters is an artist of words. She can paint a picture like no other. This was an extremely emotional read for me. I love this story so much and both characters are so tormented. It's been a very long time since I cried at the end of a book, not because it broke me but just because . . . FYI: I HATE THE NEW COVERS! I have no idea who said these were better. The originals were elegant & classy, one of a kind. Now it's just a GENERIC cover that's everyone has. I truly dislike that the next 3 paperbacks will NOT match the first two. Bad idea!


This gets better every paragraph ! Pim and Elder are involved and the psychological hits just keep coming. Meeting his estranged mother and learning about his past was an emotional experience. While his family blames him for the deaths, he was a kid who didn't understand how dangerous the people were. The secret about how he got his financial start is wonderful. I won't give it away but those people deserved to lose a " boatload " of money! Karma just shows up in this case. He learns about her mother and whatever it is undoubtedly its not good. Excellent plot and perfectly written. Now comes the wait for the next books.


Wow!! Wow!! I need Thousands & Millions NOW! This is one of those love/hate things. I despise a cliffhanger but I put myself through this only for Pepper because her writing calls to me lol. What can I say about Elder Prest? He BETTER find Tasmin pronto haha! I don't want to give a bunch of spoilers but my favorite thing about Hundreds was the strength and learning experiences Tasmin endured this entire book. I am impatiently waiting now for the rest. Thanks for another Masterpiece Pepper! Xo

Breathtakingly Titillating!

If only there was a real Elder Prest! Handsomely sexy emanating nothing but pure masculinity while exhibiting tenderness, caring, protectiveness and love. The way Pepper Winters details the developing relationship and extraordinary passion between Elder and Pim will keep the reader turning pages because the story is so steamy the momentum continues entice you to see what happens next! Love this author; love these books! Get the entire series because after reading the first book; you'll definitely want to know what happens next and how will it all end? Definitely, a Good Read 👍!


Well just finished it and have to tell you, it's another day I've not accomplished nothing reading Hundreds. Your stories are just that FANTASTIC! Your characters are so unique and the back stories you weave around them are nothing short of amazing. Needless to say, I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for the next explosion. I have read your Indebted Series, Crown of Lies and Destroyed. I love your work and anxiously await Thousands. This saga is worth reading.

You Really Need to Experience Pim & Elder!

Words written are just words, but the way Pepper writes Pim and Elder are truly awe-inspiring! Every character she writes leaves you wanting know them (even Pim's security detail!) It will be a long summer waiting for "Thousands"! Bravo Pepper Winters for getting it right again and bringing all the emotions to the surface for me...AGAIN!

Literally... I don’t know what to say

This book is everything. I can’t even say on how deep a level I felt the emotions and struggle of this book. Elders willingness to help Tasmin discover new things at his own cost. Tasmin trying to overcome one of her biggest triggers. My heart was beating with tears and pulsing for the unconditional love Elder showed Tasmin.

Really bad Stupid book

Fluff and more fluff. Scant story. Book was filled with what characters were thinking. Seriously what a boring book. The no story could have been written in a few paragraphs. Question who was the lousy ghosts writer????


5 stars is simply not enough for this book! I am captivated by Pim and Elders story and cannot get enough. I yelled at my kindle; I wanted to throw it across the room. It feels so wrong to love a story so much with this kind of dark, twisted subject matter but at the same time its addictive. I can't wait for Thousands.

100 stars!!!!!!

This book is fantastic, it deserves hundreds for stars. I have read every book Pepper Winters writes, and I can honestly say she is one of my favorite authors. When I read her books I wonder how a person can write such an amazing story, but every one of her books are just as flawless as this one. Thank you so much for the ARC I received and I am honored to be able to post a review for a book as wonderful as this one.

Absolutely couldnt put this book down.

I couldn't wait for Hundreds.... And let me tell you I wasn't disappointed. Pepper's writing is truly amazing. Pim and Elder have been through so much. Pimp needs to heal from her past ordeals. Elder is a strong man. But is so closed off. These characters keep you enthralled. I lover following their story. Will they find a way to love, heal and recover. Or will they break each other's hearts. Pick up this series. I promise you won't be disappointed.


Third book and I've never so HAPPY that there's 2 more books for this phenomenal series. As much as these two characters are messed up I love them. Pepper Winters is a FABULOUS writer how she writes a horrendous heart breaking story that makes you love and suffer right along with her characters. Five stars!

It's a shame I quit smoking

I have been waiting on this book.... I was not disappointed. I think this is your best work or I am just in love with Elder. His yacht sounds like fun too! Joking aside I enjoyed this book and will not bitch about the wait on the next book because it will be worth it. Excellent job in this and all the books I have read of yours. I also enjoyed your putting the Black Diamonds in . Can't wait for that party.


Hundreds is book 3 in the Dollsr series Love this series from Pepper Winters! Two broken souls that fit together. I love Elder and Prim and seriously cannot wait for Thousands to come out. It's hard for me to write a review on Hundreds without giving to much away. This is definitely a must read series, but then again all of Pepper Winters books are a must read!

An opening of old wounds, that Elder helps with

This book is about Pimlico opening many old wounds she has to face and Elder helps her to heal. They have plenty of struggles, with Pim using her voice more, they try to forge a path together. Along the way more of Elders secrets come out. Can't wait to read the next on as this left me wanting more.

It didn't stop me from love, love

To quote Elvis Presley, "A little less conversation, A little less conversation, a little more action please, All this aggravation ain't satisfactioning me A little more bite and a little less bark." I realize that it is necessary to set up what's coming, but I thought it got repetitive in a few places. It didn't stop me from love, love, loving it, and waiting very impatiently for the next one. Pepper Winters can just write. Bottom line. The lady is talented, and I've never not enjoyed anything she's written.

Twisting in the wind with baited breath!

I never knew love could corrupt so completely or obsession could run so deep and cruel. Pepper my hat to you! This installment will wind you up in all the right ways then leave you twisting in the wind waiting on baited breath for thousands. I'm corrupted and addicted and need more. Pepper has created more then one monster with Elder. The obsession is real. #ElderandTasminforever #DollarsSeriesForLife


Struggles with sanity run deep in both Elder and Pimlico💔 Can they get past them, work through them? Or are they doomed? This story is everything💜 Layers, upon layers of love, lust, terrifying pasts, broken minds and broken souls...So much to grab at your attention and keep you craving more, more, more🔥💕

Yet another page turner

I don’t know how she does it but each book sucks me into it’s grasp til all the pages have been turned. This story is so complex and emotional. I love every word

5 why did I wait so long to read this series stars

Prepare to go on a journey when you read this. Every word that is read and or spoken has a purpose in this spine-tingling, suspenseful, and dark ride as Pim discovers who she is. I have a girl crush on her because she is such a fighter and isn't broken. Be prepared to sell your soul to the Devil because Elder is worth it. Dear lord this man is worth it. Looking forward to thousands next.

5 Stars

I have just finished the third book in this series. I am so thrilled that I waited until the fifth book was out before I started the series. I am not sure how I would have survived if I had to wait for the each book to be released. It’s that good. I have said many times that I am not a fan of cliffhangers or series. All I have in response to that is better to read five amazing books in a series than five mediocre standalones. I am totally immersed in this series.

Hangover again

What an emotional rollercoaster. I normally read 3-4 books a week, and I haven't been able to read anything since reading Dollars, and it still took me 2 months to start this one. I am so torn up over Hundreds. Great writing and fantastic storyline, I just wish it wouldn't have ended the way it did. August can't come fast enough.

Best yet!

This book was the best in the series yet! I did not think it was possible to be more addicted to Pim and Elder but clearly it is. I read this book in a couple of hours and it hit a wide range of emotions which I love! When a book makes me cry (more than once) I know it's good! Excellent writing as always! Can't wait until the next book!


As Pim heals her body and mind, Elder is losing his grip on his tight control. His childhood and actions that were not his doing has come back to haunt him.

Hundreds of emotions!!

I'm blown away! This third book in the series brought forth more emotion than even the first two, and I doubted that ever being possible. Pim finding her voice, her need for affection, and her need for Elder has the ability to bring tears to your eyes. Elder, the man who stole her from evil, we learned is just as broken as she. It makes you just pray they both heal, let go of the past, and love each other. It is not fair we have to wait for the end of this amazing story!!

Pim is my hero

While Elder thinks he’s healing Pim, Pim is trying to heal not only herself but Elder. Elder is running from past and after taking Pim he decides that enough is enough. But who will walk away first?? I love how Pepper drops hints from her Debt series into this book as well.

A Voice to be Remembered.

After reading the first two books i wasn't surprised to see the same emotional connections coming so strongly through the pages of this edition.. You see how conflicted Elder is with his past and how he really wants to help Pim. But will either ever really be ready to open up so the other can help?


Pepper Winters your books just latch onto me and when we have to wait, and wait for the next book to come out, I could just scream bloody murder. But, I patiently wait. Peppers' books are totally phenomenal!! Start reading her books. This girl does her research before she writes a story. I am totally amazed by her!!!

Oh the suspense!!!

Oh the suspense, don't you hate when you start an amazing series and the last thing you can focus on is a good review? Hahaha!!!! Seems since starting this series it's all I've done!! One thing I must say is..... I wish El wasn't so dang wishy washy, or pin for that matter, but dang you can feel the ..... happy reading :)

Love it. Hard to explain why. Just try the series!

I love this series. I can't even really articulate why. It is different and challenging. My only very minor critique was that there seemed like an excessive amount of internal monologue that became a little tiresome. However, the point of the series is really about a mental struggle, so it makes sense. And like others that enjoy it, I want more and sooner!

5+++++ STARS!!!

This story was absolutely FANTASTIC! Elder and Pimlico are the most beautifully damaged characters that I've read in a long time. This book is intense and dark and is perfectly written. Just when you think that Elder and Pimlico could possibly have a chance together, the darkness that surrounds their past is just too much to bear. Ends in a major cliffy!

I love this series

If you haven't read Pennies or Dollars, you need to read them first. I love this series. It will make you cry, make you angry, make you want more. Pim has been through so much, and so has Elder. They found each other as hero and slave. As Elder rescued her she also tested him. They thought they could save one another but time will tell. Pepper does a wonderful job telling their story.


This series is gut wrenching, tears streaming and deeply sighing good. The story of Pim (Tasmin) and Elder is epic and I can't wait to see where it takes me. Let's see if love can conquer all??? 1 click buy because you won't want to miss out 😊

Absolutely amazing

Pepper winters is by far my favorit author. No one could ever compare to the depth of her intricate mind. This book is just one book of many and it never ceases to amaze me how she keeps me glued. She is the only auther i have ever been willing to read on onging series and not be able to finish till the next one comes out. The way this book has left me hanging and heart broken yet biting my nails for more yet filled with so much love and desire is mind boggling. I love you and your mind Pepper. Keep em coming

Another good series from Pepper Winters

I like that her books are always edgy and dark. It's just a great escape from the mundane of everyday stuff. I get lost in her books, the world just kinda floats away for just a little while. When you never want the book to end that's when you know it's really good!!

Kittee Approved

This book has been read, laughed at, gasped at, cried over, nd is now cherished nd treasured by Kittee. Read It!

Worth more than hundreds

Completely and utterly PHENOMENAL. Writing brilliance. The story of Elder and Prince, The prose... everything. Pepper Winters gets better with every book. I want do die and live between the pages of her words forever.

One of my all time favorite books!

I read this book 2 weeks ago, but I still can't stop thinking about. Pepper Winters just keeps on getting better and better with each series. I've read so many books by now, that it's pretty hard to get any hard core emotional response out of me, but by the end of this book I was in tears. The writing is amazing! I would find myself constantly re-reading paragraphs over and over again. "I didn't know the English language could be vicious. He didn't speak letters, he spoke weapons..."


What can I... say simply the best! I am not gonna write a full review cause I'm simply shocked by the ending of this book. Heck Yeah, I recommend this book, this series to anyone who loves tormented souls, dark romances, or a girl emerging from the ashes a woman. This was one of my top books so far this year.


ARC for honest review. We pick up with two broken people who need each other, but don't know how to pick up the pieces. Elder Prest whew... hot as a firecracker. He bleeds off the page. Pim has no chance! 🔥 the ending just killed me. I can't take it! Please publish the rest faster!!! Lol no joke it's so good!


I love the way this story has come about and the drama that has been revealed about El. I get his ocd issues but I think it makes him stronger than he is aware. Pimlico has come a long way in becoming g who she wants to be.. at times I felt it was dragged out but really enjoyed the last few or more chapters. Can't wait for the next one.


Please buy all of Pepper Winters’ books. She is an incredible author. This is the third series I’ve read of hers and I’m STILL NOT tired of her writing. I love it! Her best series is Monsters in the Dark.

Not so dark

Hundreds proved to be full of information and not as dark as some of Pepper’s books. Enjoyed the adventure Tasmin and Elder are traveling on. Cliff hanger ending, starting “Thousands” immediately.

Simply amazing!

5 stars without a doubt! This series is so amazing. From the first page to the last, the story keeps you glued to the pages! Reading these words elicited an actual physical response from me. I found that my breathing would change, reading and feeling the connection between Pim and Elder. Waiting for the next book is always the hardest part. Looking forward to the release of Thousands.


Finally she speaks! I can’t give this five stars because I hate authors who have one cliffhanger after another so you’ll keep buying their books when a good editor would have cut the wordiness and redundancies in this book and the story could have ended here.

Holy crap!!!!!

I have no words........ Utterly speechless, I feel emotionally gutted and twisted from such an epic journey. I was mistaken, I have one words... Thousands!!!

5 Stars and more

I am in love with this series series, and don't know how I will survive the wait until Thousands comes out. I need more of Pim and Elder NOW. Pim and Elder struggle to come together and survive each other and I was thrilled with how their story developed and am left wanting More. More. More.

Fantastic story!

I am enthralled with this story.. The sadness, the heart wrenching dialogue from both of these amazing characters. I feel as though I know them, their deepest darkest secrets. But do I really? Well on to the next book.. I need to find out more!

This book needs more than 5 stars!!!

I'm speechless. I don't know what to say. My heart is so broken for Pim. I'm actually trying to dry my eyes, wipe my tear-spotted glasses, and write this review with blurry eyes. Pepper Winters you kill me!! I don't think I can wait for the next book. This book needs more than 5 stars!!!


I absolutely loved this book heartbreak and love and perseverance. Willingness to see and grow. On to the next one

Must read

Pepper you have outdone yourself with Hundreds and I can't wait till Thousands is out. I devoured this in two hours time and would recommend this series to anyone. Elder and his little mouse continue on in the third book Hundreds and just when you think he will be the one to break her maybe it's the other way around.

Not Worth the Wait

This story was full of rhetorical metaphors that was just there to occupy space. I can't wait on 4th installment no problem 🤷🏽♀️

Yet Another Amazingly Book from Pepper Winters that Keeps You Dying for More

“Her complex blend of vulnerability and courage made me battle with monster and hero.” I’m not even sure how to write this review. There’s so much I want to say but I can’t. I can say this. Yet again, Pepper Winters drags us into that crazy spiderweb inside her head that we are all dying to get caught in. Hundreds leaves you utterly twisted in the most delicious way. In my review for Dollars, I mentioned that it was a story about healing, strength and empowerment. I raved about how strong Pim was and how I couldn’t wait to see where Pepper would take her and what we get in Hundreds is just as powerful. She’s even stronger and really showing just how unbreakable she is. Her strength is something to admire. But here’s the thing. Without giving anything away, we learn so much more about Elder. The complex man that has stolen our hearts from the beginning now has us begging for more. If that was even possible. We finally get to see a bit of vulnerability from him and learn more about what makes him tick. And it melted my heart. On top of being a story about strength, healing and empowerment, Hundreds is a captivating story with raw and vulnerable emotions that will devour your heart and soul. Pepper keeps us enthralled from start to finish and has us begging to give us more from these two beautifully haunted lovers. This is one series that you will regret if you don’t read it.

Hundreds is worth more than Pennies

Pepper Winters has outdone herself on this series, I have not been able to stop reading these 3 books. The storyline is exciting, scary, the sex is erotic, and I can't put the book down. But now I 'm done and I have to wait for the next book and I know it will be great! Thank you Pepper Winters!


This book is simply beyond words I could not put it down for each and every letter that was written in the story captivated me. From the bbeginning of the first paragraph Pepper Winters had me hooked. It is simply a work of genius. Actually I just purchased this storyline and I only have to wait one more day to the next book, I can't wait

I have read the entire series twice and love watching the connection between Elder and Pim as they ...

This book by Pepper Winters is outstanding. I have read the entire series twice and love watching the connection between Elder and Pim as they struggle to find themselves. Highly recommended.

Amazing as ever

Elder and Pims story in this series is incredible harsh and raw yet tender in moments . Anything Pepper writes is amazing loved every bit of this book hate that I have to wait for the other 2 books... but worth the wait in the end for sure....

I so need the rest of this series now! ...

I so need the rest of this series now! It is so consuming.. This world PW created literally will take you over I need to now all of Elder and Pim's secrets I need to see if Elder can control his beast because not everything is what it seems.. I just need more!

Awesome Series!

I am loving this series. This is my favorite by far. I am not a angsty book fan - but when one grabs me, I'm hooked! Pim gets stronger with each book - I love seeing the progression. The stronger she gets, the more Elder's demons make themselves known.


This Series get better and better as I continue reading each one... To know how one can overcome so much turmoil in one's life is truly a survivor and warrior... Now to the fourth book in the Series.. I know I won't be disappointed...


Pepper is one of my favorite writers! She has the ability to put you inside her books as if you were watching the action! I love this series so much. Elder and Pim are two lost souls. He rescues her, and refused to let her in, but with his OCD, he keeps pushing her away. I cannot wait for the next book! I have already pre-ordered Thousands.

I need the next book NOW!!!!

I have bought each book when it come out. I thought that maybe I could wait til they all come out to read them but nope I cant do that. I know Pepper is going to leave me wanting the next book and of course I give in every time and read them. Now I have to wait to read the next book. One of my favorite series.

A gripping must read series!

Gripping and I had to read the whole series ! I couldn't put it down from pennies to millions! A must read series


I can't say much more than . . . worthy read. When you start reading this series you will be on a emotional rollercoaster. I read book three on a Saturday and finished two o'clock on Sunday morning. I couldn't place it down and if I did it was to feed my family.

Two toutured souls

He was no one except in pims eyes. He had to let her go because she wasn't good for his sanity but he broke his rules over and over and when all she wanted was to be with him and enjoy the pleasures he showed her existed she did in the end what she thought was best for them both

Another Amazing Book by Pepper Winters

If you haven't read Pennies and Dollars, you can't read this book yet; however, you do need to start with Pennies immediately. Hundreds picks up where Dollars left us hanging, and is delicious, erotic, and deep. This series is pure Pepper Winters. I love it.

Loved this series

Loved this whole series. It was well planned/thought out and definitely kept my attention. Read the next book immediately after finishing the last. I got the first book via kindle unlimited, but purchased the rest of the series to add to my long term collection.


Pepper Winter's has a wonderful way with words. She has to be one of my favorite authors. Book three was just as intense mentally as her other books. I love the depth and the passion. Pim is getting stronger but Elder is facing his own demons. It's so hopeless you want to cry.

5 stars isn't enough

I love this book it's my favorite in this series! Pepper paints a beautiful picture with all the flaws and mistakes, ups and downs. It is by far one of my favorite series

Love me some Pim!

I cannot say enough about then evolution of these characters. The twists and turns are something only Ms. Winters can do! Just another reason to keep reading the series! I love them all and so far this is no different. Can't wait for the next book!


Absolutely loving this series. These two utterly flawed characters trying to find away through all their demons to be with each other.


This while series is phenomenal. This book so far has been my favorite. I could actually feel the love and heartbreak as read. I can't wait for the next installment.

How can they just keep getting better?!!

I thought the second book in this series was really good, but this book just blew me away! Pim and Elder's first time together at the hotel has got to be one of the hottest, most erotic scenes I have ever read. I don't know how she does it, but sure am glad she does. Lol.

Not a happy reader at the moment

This book was good. The ending was so hurt, depressing and heartbreaking. Elder is such an annoying, heartbreaking and cockblocker. Like seriously what is wrong with you. Ugh!!!!! Pepper Winter I need book 4 please

Hundreds By Pepper Winters

I really can't wait for the next in this series. This series is full of ups and downs, love and hate. Elder and Pim are so missed up by their circumstances their experiences in not sure if they can every get past them. If they can it will be one hell of a relationship. Great books start with the first (pennies).

Three Stars

I can't believe Pepper Had us waiting for this. Slow and not intersting at all.

worth reading if you can handle it

Great story, really well written, fantastic characters - a little hard to read some of the content buy wow, couldn't put it down.

Wow Pepper Winters

This book was very interesting. I couldn't set it down. I started reading it at home and ended up listening to it at work. Thanks for this wonderful experience. Thanks

Hundreds by Pepper Winters. Great author!

I didn't want it to end! Just wow! Please HURRY with the next book!!!!😍. This is such a great series. I would highly recommend it!!!

OMG, I can't get enough of this series!

I love Pepper Winters writing, but put us out of our misery... I can't wait until August! I love Elder, he is as messed up as Pimco and they belong together. Pepper has nailed compulsion with Elder and I look forward to Thousands to hopefully see him take the happiness they both deserve.

Amazing as always

Once again, Pepper Winters writes an amazing book. Love in a place uoi would least expect it. Elder Preston finds your heart from book 1 in pennies and never lets go. And Pim is the strongest person ever. A tragic uet heart-warming page turning love story. Can't wait for thousands and millions!!

Deserves 10 stars!!

I was trying to take my time and devour this book at the same time. This is the best so far of the series. I love how Pim and Elder grew and gave so much for each other. I'm not sure I will survive until Thousands comes OT!!

More Please!

Pepper take you on a journey that you don't see coming. Each addition to this series is totally different, and makes you a little crazy to see what happens next.


This series keeps me so intrigued.. I can't put it down. Great series.. Highly recommend this series. I love Elder and Pim..

Love This series!

Best series I have read so far this year. Love Pepper Winters work. Keeps you on the edge of your seat and up all night reading.


Incredible. Elder and Pim have me trapped. I’m so grateful I waited to start until I owned all the books. I’m obsessed and can’t stop reading. Starting book after book until the end.

Brutal story of sacrifice and redemption

The story of Elder and Pim continues as more truths come to light, more heartache is experienced, more healing takes place. This is a brutal story about broken people who struggle to overcome and sacrifice their own happiness for the sake of the other. Series is highly recommended


PW walks on water when it comes to writing for me. Her stories are both beautiful and painful at the same time. If you can get through her stories without having your heart broken, then you don't have one.

I can't even.

Wow just wow. The writing, the plot line, everything!!!! Keep these books coming Pepper I need more in my life


This book was incredible! The story really is getting so addictive, I wasn't able to put it down!! I am so invested in these two, I never want this story to end.

I'm lost

I felt every crippling fear in this book. Every doubt, every touch, every single tear shed was like it was my own. I cannot wait to continue through this series.

Another Winner

Queen of Dark.. I love Pepper.. She started me on my journey reading dark romance and she haven't failed me yet. Both hero and heroine are strong and I connected to the story instantly.

Heart wrenching

Again so glad I waited until the series was complete. I don’t believe I could have handled the wait. Two very messed up people, one from birth and the other by circumstances. This series rocks!


This incredible series is heartbreaking and so wonderful. The characters are so flawed and their journey is amazing. I can't wait to find out what happens next.


This book made me obsessed. Crazy, dirty, hot, suspenseful just totally epic to me. Fascinating writing style that is first rate! High recommendation.

Im ready for more!

Loving this series it is worth all the pennies, dollars, and hundreds as this is how we have read. I love this author and her writing so much I pre-ordered the entire series in November.

10 stars

This story is 10 stars because it draws you in and makes you want so much more of this story . How Pim is growing since her capture and how elder saves her to set her free only to enslave himself.

Can’t stop

I’ve been binge reading these books for two days now and I cannot get enough. I love them. The storyline is so beautiful.


This series is everything Pepper writes.. this story is embedded in my heart...the characters are never far from my thoughts..this is what makes an incredible story..thank you Pepper for always writing the most amazing stories! I'm on to Thousands!

Pepper winters

I love her writing. Not sappy very indept to feelings and thoughts. Very much enjoy this series. Cant wait to start book 4

there are no words good enough to describe this series

I am not going to spoil this for anyone else reading it. This is a twisted, beautiful love story. Can't wait for Thousands. please don't make us wait so long for the rest of this series. Once I get all of them together, I will start with the first one and read all the way thru to the last one. I am as enthralled with this series as I was with Tess and her story. Please don't ever stop writing.

Gut Wrenching and Beautiful

I have to admit I already liked this series. Pennies and Dollars were both very good but Hundreds grabbed me by the throat. Watching the relationship between Elder and Pimlico and also themselves kept the pages turning. I already preordered the rest of the series.

Breakthrough of sorts......

OMG!!! I am dying to know what is up with Pim's mom. We saw so much deeper into Elder's soul, it was unbelievable. No spoilers here, but trust me that you will be on the edge of your seat.


Damn book keeping me in tears. A roller coaster ride for sure. I want to slap them both. Get over it and realize together you can beat anything. We aren't meant to go through this world alone.

I can't wait for the next book in the series!

i have really enjoyed this series! Kudos to Pepper Winters on another job well done! I highly recommend!

Book three open where pim and Elder are both confused ...

Book three open where pim and Elder are both confused and conflicted. Pim is struggling with her feelings for Elder , also she has a long road ahead with recovering with the aduse she suffered at the hands of her captors. Elder past come back to haunt him. He torn between his sexual attraction to Pim and his feelings for protect her from everything and him

I had to stop reading...

The last couple of chapters I had to stop reading. Couldn't take it. Then told myself it had to get better. There is more books.

She does it again!

Pepper has to be one of the best writers of romance . Her stories take you away well written not trashy . Hope she keeps this story going till trillions! Haha!

I want to scream and cry with Pim and beat my hands on Elders chest until he accepts their love and stops hiding from it

This book utterly tears me apart, the intensity and passion in the words makes it hard to put down. I want to scream and cry with Pim and beat my hands on Elders chest until he accepts their love and stops hiding from it. I hope the next book comes early as I don't want to have to wait and ponder for answers.

With that being said it ended with a great twist and a bang

I would have given this a 5 star if it were not the book stalling out a bit with all the thoughts of Elder and Pim. I get we need to know what they are thinking but it was drawn out a bit too much. With that being said it ended with a great twist and a bang. Already started Thousands!!


I ordered the next 2 books. My heart ached at the end of book 3. What was Eldreds knowledge of "Pims" mother. Why was he so adamant about cutting things off from Pim. Will there be a happily ever after for them. This is so good.


Love it. Couldn't put it down. Pepper has created such awesome characters that really pull on you heart strings. This series is a must read. I can't wait for Thousands to come out. HURRY PLEASE


I wasn't disappointed with this 3rd installment. I've read everything from this author and they just keep getting better. Hurry up, but it and read!


OMG. Pepper's books keep getting better and each better. Can't wait to read the next book in this series, which is thousand book 4.

Very Intriuing

What a unbelievable plot , and I cannot wait for the conclusion in Thousands and Millions why do these very good authors do this to us lol

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