Hope Unfolding: Grace-Filled Truth for the Momma's Heart

Kindle Edition
14 Mar
God’s love, plans, and promises for you are forever unfolding. I get it, Momma. I totally get it. Every day you wake up and try your very best. You love, give, and pour out your life for the ones who call you Momma. But no matter how much you offer, there are still days you feel as though you come up short. You worry, Am I loving these babies enough? Is this ever going to get easier? Why does it seem like I am the only one who cannot balance it all?

Reviews (198)

Simple, Encouraging, Witty, a Must Have for Every Momma

This book is so beautifully raw. It is truthful, convicting, funny, encouraging, and thoughtfully written in a way that is more relatable than any other "momma" book I have ever read. Becky shares from her own life experiences - from childhood through motherhood - and makes herself vulnerable so that those of us reading these pages can see that she, too, is a mom in need of hope and grace. The chapters are perfectly light with thought provoking questions at the end of each one. They're not those "holier than thou" questions that leave a momma wondering how the author has all the answers to these questions she's typed into a book. They're simple. They're questions you'd have in conversation with a friend. If there is one book you buy for yourself, make it this one. I will read this time and time again because I am in constant need of reminding that God is faithful, He loves me unconditionally, and He is ever present, walking right alongside me in this life.

Yes, grab you a copy MAMAS! I loved this book!

I'll start off like most, I'm a BUSY mama of 4 kiddos and a husband who is equally as busy! I run this house, kids schedules, meal planning, most of the sport taxi service, school volunteering, field trip outings and whatever else we as parents do...I found this book in the midst of chaos! This book was/is my calm! Thank you Becky! I enjoy her REAL life tales, her struggles she speaks of and her triumphs. We all go through something, we all go through a season of life that is tougher than the other. I find myself reading this book in the carline at school, while parked at one kids practice, waiting in line somewhere, sometimes in my home but lets be real...that's the chaos I have to manage! I enjoyed such a book that helps me feel less alone when it comes to this new age of parenting and more confident that WE all go through "something". I have 4 kids, 2 babies in heaven and I lived the Army wife life for years, deployments, babies alone, living alone in new states I didn't want to be in at first. This book helped me out in many ways and I'm looking forward to reaching out to other mamas who may enjoy it as well.

Encouragement for Lonely Hearts

As much as I love to read books, I tend to check them out from the library instead of purchasing them. But this one, I knew I wanted to stay on my shelf forever. I've followed Becky for years on her blog and Facebook page, and she always has the knack of saying exactly what I need to hear at the right time. I don't know how many times I've read a post of hers and been moved to tears because I finally felt like someone else verbalized how lonely and hard motherhood can be, even if we love our kids dearly. This book is a tangible version of her little nuggets of wisdom and camaraderie. I can pick this book up and find the encouragement that I need to read whenever I want. During a time of life when it can be hard to keep up with friends, this book is like having a friend you can turn to whenever you need and they'll say "don't worry, we've got this. You're not alone (nor are you crazy for feeling overwhelmed)."

Motherhood Is Hard, But This Gave Me Hope

I had heard of this book a long time ago and was an avid reader of Becky Thompson's blog, but I didn't get around to reading Hope Unfolding until earlier this year when I had another baby. Things were much harder and more frustrating this time around, and I spent much of my time feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. This book gave me hope to persevere through the difficulty and trust in the faithfulness of the Lord. It gave me God's perspective on my situation, and I gained a renewed determination to do all things for His glory. I cried through every single chapter because I felt like she was describing my life and my heart, EXACTLY where I was and what I was feeling. It's so good. I intend to start giving this as a gift for all new moms because it truly could change their lives (or at least renew their spirits)!

A must read for every mama!

Reading this book as a first time mama in the throws of a challenging baby (colic, undiagnosed food allergies, sleeping issues, no outside support, ect) was literally my lifeboat. I was drowning in overwhelm of caring for a baby that was hurting, but not knowing how to make it better. Becky's voice is authentic, vulnerable, and overflowing with love. Her writing style is down to earth and it was exactly the simple truths I needed to hear over and over in new motherhood. I remember crying in bed as I read because for the first time I felt seen, heard, and loved. Becky reminded me that I was not failing as a mother and that I was specifically chosen as the mother for my son. This book is a must read for every mama and I have gifted it to several of my mama friends.

Grace is the gift of hope for the weary momma's heart

Grace is the gift of hope every momma needs while battling the trenches of early motherhood. Becky's relatable stories and conversational writing style make the book read like two girlfriends bonding over coffee and a shared love of the gospel. I would highly recommend this book to any mom who is looking for encouragement and hope in the midst of changing countless diapers and folding endless loads of laundry. You are not alone and together with God's beautiful grace you can raise children to become disciplines for the Kingdom of God!

Wherever you are in motherhood, this is for YOU!

Becky is nothing short of AMAZING! I LOVED this book! LOVED! If I had the $ I would buy for every mama in my church. It is THAT good. Her words and stories speak directly to your heart and stir the Holy Spirit inside. Each story about her life and kids I found myself thinking 'I could have written this'. Her writing is captivating and honest. I have read A LOT of parenting book and Christian women books....this is by far the BEST one. Becky has left me full of hope in the promises and plans God has for me. I hope she writes 10 more books asap because all I want to do is read them. If you're overwhelmed with motherhood, need a good laugh about toddler-land, or just need a little more Jesus in your busy, busy life- don't hesitate, buy this book. You won't regret it. <3

This book speaks to your heart!

Love love love this book!! Becky has a way of speaking right to you. Her honesty and willingness to put it all out there helps me so much as a mom! Sometimes we need to know we’re not alone and the way we feel is perfectly normal. This book does that! I’ve read this book all the way through two or three times and I find myself continuing to pick it back up and reading certain sections whenever I need to. This book made me laugh out loud, nod in agreement, cry with understanding and, most importantly, pray with a renewed sense of faith. I cannot wait to read her next book!!

This is a MUST read!

This is a MUST READ for every mama!! As a follower of Becky's blog, Scissortail SILK, for 2 years now, I couldn't wait for this book to be released. I bought it the same day, and waited not so patiently for my Prime shipping :) Becky did not disappoint!! Her real life stories help you feel like you're not alone in this crazy motherhood thing. She is able to weave the truth of Christ's love for us in all of her stories, throughout the whole book. It is honestly one of the best books I've ever read! So thankful for Becky and her ministry to women, especially mothers!

Uplifting and real

The first time I stumbled upon this book was at a thrift store. I found it for 10 cents. It was the best 10 cents I’ve ever spent. Becky Thompson is so relatable, and helps you really evaluate what’s important. This book is so good, I’ve continued to order copies for my friends that are struggling in the midst of marriage and motherhood. A good read for someone who needs a better perspective of their situation as a mother.

Simple, Encouraging, Witty, a Must Have for Every Momma

This book is so beautifully raw. It is truthful, convicting, funny, encouraging, and thoughtfully written in a way that is more relatable than any other "momma" book I have ever read. Becky shares from her own life experiences - from childhood through motherhood - and makes herself vulnerable so that those of us reading these pages can see that she, too, is a mom in need of hope and grace. The chapters are perfectly light with thought provoking questions at the end of each one. They're not those "holier than thou" questions that leave a momma wondering how the author has all the answers to these questions she's typed into a book. They're simple. They're questions you'd have in conversation with a friend. If there is one book you buy for yourself, make it this one. I will read this time and time again because I am in constant need of reminding that God is faithful, He loves me unconditionally, and He is ever present, walking right alongside me in this life.

Yes, grab you a copy MAMAS! I loved this book!

I'll start off like most, I'm a BUSY mama of 4 kiddos and a husband who is equally as busy! I run this house, kids schedules, meal planning, most of the sport taxi service, school volunteering, field trip outings and whatever else we as parents do...I found this book in the midst of chaos! This book was/is my calm! Thank you Becky! I enjoy her REAL life tales, her struggles she speaks of and her triumphs. We all go through something, we all go through a season of life that is tougher than the other. I find myself reading this book in the carline at school, while parked at one kids practice, waiting in line somewhere, sometimes in my home but lets be real...that's the chaos I have to manage! I enjoyed such a book that helps me feel less alone when it comes to this new age of parenting and more confident that WE all go through "something". I have 4 kids, 2 babies in heaven and I lived the Army wife life for years, deployments, babies alone, living alone in new states I didn't want to be in at first. This book helped me out in many ways and I'm looking forward to reaching out to other mamas who may enjoy it as well.

Encouragement for Lonely Hearts

As much as I love to read books, I tend to check them out from the library instead of purchasing them. But this one, I knew I wanted to stay on my shelf forever. I've followed Becky for years on her blog and Facebook page, and she always has the knack of saying exactly what I need to hear at the right time. I don't know how many times I've read a post of hers and been moved to tears because I finally felt like someone else verbalized how lonely and hard motherhood can be, even if we love our kids dearly. This book is a tangible version of her little nuggets of wisdom and camaraderie. I can pick this book up and find the encouragement that I need to read whenever I want. During a time of life when it can be hard to keep up with friends, this book is like having a friend you can turn to whenever you need and they'll say "don't worry, we've got this. You're not alone (nor are you crazy for feeling overwhelmed)."

Motherhood Is Hard, But This Gave Me Hope

I had heard of this book a long time ago and was an avid reader of Becky Thompson's blog, but I didn't get around to reading Hope Unfolding until earlier this year when I had another baby. Things were much harder and more frustrating this time around, and I spent much of my time feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. This book gave me hope to persevere through the difficulty and trust in the faithfulness of the Lord. It gave me God's perspective on my situation, and I gained a renewed determination to do all things for His glory. I cried through every single chapter because I felt like she was describing my life and my heart, EXACTLY where I was and what I was feeling. It's so good. I intend to start giving this as a gift for all new moms because it truly could change their lives (or at least renew their spirits)!

A must read for every mama!

Reading this book as a first time mama in the throws of a challenging baby (colic, undiagnosed food allergies, sleeping issues, no outside support, ect) was literally my lifeboat. I was drowning in overwhelm of caring for a baby that was hurting, but not knowing how to make it better. Becky's voice is authentic, vulnerable, and overflowing with love. Her writing style is down to earth and it was exactly the simple truths I needed to hear over and over in new motherhood. I remember crying in bed as I read because for the first time I felt seen, heard, and loved. Becky reminded me that I was not failing as a mother and that I was specifically chosen as the mother for my son. This book is a must read for every mama and I have gifted it to several of my mama friends.

Grace is the gift of hope for the weary momma's heart

Grace is the gift of hope every momma needs while battling the trenches of early motherhood. Becky's relatable stories and conversational writing style make the book read like two girlfriends bonding over coffee and a shared love of the gospel. I would highly recommend this book to any mom who is looking for encouragement and hope in the midst of changing countless diapers and folding endless loads of laundry. You are not alone and together with God's beautiful grace you can raise children to become disciplines for the Kingdom of God!

Wherever you are in motherhood, this is for YOU!

Becky is nothing short of AMAZING! I LOVED this book! LOVED! If I had the $ I would buy for every mama in my church. It is THAT good. Her words and stories speak directly to your heart and stir the Holy Spirit inside. Each story about her life and kids I found myself thinking 'I could have written this'. Her writing is captivating and honest. I have read A LOT of parenting book and Christian women books....this is by far the BEST one. Becky has left me full of hope in the promises and plans God has for me. I hope she writes 10 more books asap because all I want to do is read them. If you're overwhelmed with motherhood, need a good laugh about toddler-land, or just need a little more Jesus in your busy, busy life- don't hesitate, buy this book. You won't regret it. <3

This book speaks to your heart!

Love love love this book!! Becky has a way of speaking right to you. Her honesty and willingness to put it all out there helps me so much as a mom! Sometimes we need to know we’re not alone and the way we feel is perfectly normal. This book does that! I’ve read this book all the way through two or three times and I find myself continuing to pick it back up and reading certain sections whenever I need to. This book made me laugh out loud, nod in agreement, cry with understanding and, most importantly, pray with a renewed sense of faith. I cannot wait to read her next book!!

This is a MUST read!

This is a MUST READ for every mama!! As a follower of Becky's blog, Scissortail SILK, for 2 years now, I couldn't wait for this book to be released. I bought it the same day, and waited not so patiently for my Prime shipping :) Becky did not disappoint!! Her real life stories help you feel like you're not alone in this crazy motherhood thing. She is able to weave the truth of Christ's love for us in all of her stories, throughout the whole book. It is honestly one of the best books I've ever read! So thankful for Becky and her ministry to women, especially mothers!

Uplifting and real

The first time I stumbled upon this book was at a thrift store. I found it for 10 cents. It was the best 10 cents I’ve ever spent. Becky Thompson is so relatable, and helps you really evaluate what’s important. This book is so good, I’ve continued to order copies for my friends that are struggling in the midst of marriage and motherhood. A good read for someone who needs a better perspective of their situation as a mother.

Offers hope and freedom to wounded hearts!

In Hope Unfolding, Becky Thompson’s allowed herself to be a vessel for our Heavenly Father to pour His love and grace out on women’s hearts everywhere, in every season. It gives us a refreshing breath of hope and freedom from perfectionism. I laughed, I cried, and I felt the presence of Jesus as I read her words. I can confidently say, I have never read a book that offers a feeling of actually visiting with the author. Becky writes to us from the vantage point of friendship and encouragement as only a true friend could. In this book, she beautifully portrays the secret brokenness we all feel as women and mothers, but never speak of. Yet gives a more beautiful reminder of what can happen if we allow the Love of Jesus to fill that brokenness. She tells us the too good to be true news, that we are enough, we are exactly where God wants us in this moment, we are not ruining our children, and His grace is sufficient not only for us, but our families as well. The most powerful truth that “we are created in the image of God, that we are more than conquerors thought Christ Jesus, that we are loved and called children of the most High God, we would be unstoppable. We could do anything. If we didn’t live feeling like failures, there would be no limit to what we believed God could do through us and through our mothering.” Get a copy for you and your friends so you too can be filled with hope and grace!


This is the third time I have purchased this book! I have purchased one for myself and gifted two to other new mom friends! I found this perfect for any moms trying hope in motherhood!! I will be gifting it to all of my new moms friends as well!

You need this!

Buy this book, you can thank me later!! Becky comes alongside mothers at any stage they’re in and allows them to feel seen and fills their soul with hope! She uses real life every day stories to connect with her reader and then speaks God’s truth over them and reminds them that there is hope and that you are not alone in the journey of motherhood. I have gifted this book to numerous friends and each one has said how helpful and life giving it was. Whether it’s for you, your friends, a baby shower gift, or a stranger, pick up a copy and share the gift of hope!

Great message, some good laughs, book-club ready!

This is one of those books that, while reading it in no time flat, you think about how much of her life the author must have put into it. Years, probably, and you devoured it in one beautiful afternoon. I'm thankful for how much Becky put into this book! Becky gives hope through the message of the Gospel in a way that is easily received by mothers in every stage of life. It's an easy read because it is simple, unfiltered truth. She speaks to the heart of mothers searching for Hope when they feel all of the feelings that they just can't put into words. Becky gives us the words. So grab a copy and read it instead of binge watching half of your favorite season of whatever on Netflix while the baby naps on you on the couch. It will be worth it. And then tell your friends about it because they'll want to know about your hope!

This book is for you.

This book is so amazing. It changed my heart. I read it in little chunks while feeding my newborn and this author (Becky Thompson) wrote words that hit me right in the heart. If you are a mom (of any age) who needs some encouragement and is wondering if you are alone in the journey - this book is for you. If you've had rough mom days, this book is for you. If you struggle to find your place in this world - this book is for you. If you are a mom who loves Jesus - this book is for you. Basically... Thai book is for all of us.

Perfect baby shower gift, birthday present, or just a "pick me up" for the wonderful momma friends in your life!!

An absolutely spot-on book designed to encourage, uplift, and strengthen the hearts of moms everywhere. I've been following Becky's blog and Facebook page for years (even before I was married), and I read the book as a newlywed without children. Now, my husband and I are expecting, and Becky's wisdom and insight are that much more relevant! But honestly, I loved reading her words even before I was pregnant. Becky has a true gift - an ability to speak the love & strength of Jesus in ways that are funny, relatable, sweet, brutally honest, and always full of love. Her book will leave you feeling uplifted and rejuvenated - a perfect gift for new moms, grandmothers, and everyone in between. Prepare to be blessed by this beautiful piece. I truly believe Becky is doing the work of the Holy Spirit by sharing her words and thoughts. You will love this book as much as I did!!

Life changing

This book changed me, I had just suffered a miscarriage and had been following Becky for a while on social media but when I received this book it was a god send. It opened up my dialogue with the lord and gave me a whole new perspective on my faith journey. highly recommend this book if you are searching for something to help you grow in faith.


I am absolutely in love with this book! It took me a while to read but that's only because as a new mommy my day is busy. But it seemed every time I opened the book I read just what I needed! It's great knowing how I am not alone in the feelings of motherhood some days and also it's great being able to compare stories in the Bible to motherhood and situations moms face! I will be recommended this book and buying this book to Mommy friends and also new mommies. I highly recommend looking up the authors blog as well!

Inspiring, uplifting, encouraging, and spiritual book for any mom

I loved this book!!! I stumbled across Becky Thompson's face book page Scissortail silk when searching for a mom site that made me feel like I wasn't the only one out there having struggles as a mom. When Becky wrote this book, I fell in love with it. I have read it multiple times. I have shared it with friends, bought it as a gift, and did a small book club with the book. I like how it connects to stories from scripture while also connecting it to real life. Becky writes like she is your best friend sitting down and chatting with you in your kitchen. I highly recommend this book to moms of any age.

Very much needed

This book was everything I needed after the losses of 2 very much wanted babies way too soon. I was in a dark place mentally and this book helped pick me up out of that and was something I looked to often. I’m so thankful for an author that is transparent and real! Too many women suffer in silence and end up depressed and lonely. There is hope... Hope Unfolding.

Feeds me to my mama core, thank you!

I just want to sit and read this whole book, but I don't have that much time in one sitting! So relatable, and love that it's faith based. You're not alone Mama's!

Gave me hope.

I REALLY have to like a book in order to read it. I read this book in about a week (I've been reading another book since last June). Let's just say, I liked it, a lot! Becky is an author I could definitely relate to (and probably could be great friends with). We're both living in very small towns (and asking God why) and going through those day to day mommy struggles. I can tell she took a risk and poured her heart out in hopes to help other moms, and I'm so grateful she did.

Amazing book filled with encouragement for a mamas heart!

This book is seriously amazing. I’m not a reader but I have a hard time putting this one down. It’s encouraging for any mama especially with young ones!

Beyond blessed by this book

Hope Unfolding is a book for moms but it is filled with encouraging stories and truths that we ALL need to hear. The author uses her personal stories to show God's love, grace, and truth in our lives. Being a mom is exhausting and really hard sometimes. I felt like I was given permission to just be the mom that God created me to be without feeling guilty and constantly comparing myself to other moms. I laughed and cried and worshipped. Honestly any book that causes you to stop reading and spend time with Jesus is worth reading. And here's a bonus: by the end of the book I felt like I had gained a new best friend! Becky is so personable and her writing style makes you feel like you're just chatting over coffee. 5 stars. I'm going to read this book again and again and I've already bought copies for friends. I would recommend to any mom seasoned or not because we all need a little hope to unfold in our lives!

Love this book!

If you are a new momma or a momma for a few years, you will appreciate this book. Becky Thompson shares her heart, her struggles, and how she found hope in each situation with you. I am currently on chapter 6 and have really appreciated the encouragement I have received from this book. This book is for all mommas out there. We all need a little grace and hope as we strive to be the momma God created us to be.

Much needed grace for every mama!

I think EVERY mama needs this book. This book is chalk full of the grace we need to keep pushing through this journey of motherhood. I felt, as I was reading the first few words, that I could let out a deep sigh of relief. And that feeling continued throughout every page of the book. It quickly became my most favorite read. I read it twice last year and would’ve read it more had I not let my friend borrow it. Her words are so comforting to a mama’s heart. Thankful for this book and Becky’s way of sharing God’s grace.

One of my new favorite books on motherhood

I read a lot of books, and I must say this is one of my new favorites on motherhood. It's not a "how-to" book that leaves you feeling like there are an endless list of things you need to work on. Instead, it reads like a series of lengthy blog posts that in essence say "Me Too!".....You feel like a failure as a mom sometimes? Me too. You are not alone, and there is hope. Becky writes with an authentic voice that is easy to relate to. She shares many stories from her own experiences and brings in some biblical insights too. We all need to be reminded that God has a plan. He is with us, and sees us, and loves us in our mess. He can strengthen and help us when we allow Him to. Besides finding encouragement for my own journey, I also kept thinking of friends who would benefit from this book. In fact, I know exactly who will be receiving this copy in a few days :) Chapter 6 was one of my favorites. It focused on authenticity. Becky writes "The messy areas of your life do not tell a story of your failures. Those areas tell the story of your humanity, and they are a continual reminder of your need for a Savior." As moms we tend to compare ourselves with others and we want others to see us as having everything put together. We stress when company comes over or when our kids misbehave in public. Why can't we just drop the act and give ourselves and other mommas some grace? She goes on to say that "the minute we decide we're going to stop being defined by what we don't get done and instead take pride in what we ARE able to achieve, grace lets truth win and unnecessary shame gives way to hope." Hope...that maybe we are good moms after all. There are so many issues that we all struggle with, yet we feel alone in our struggles because we don't talk about them. This book could start some great discussions, and would be a great gift for a mom you know who just needs to be reminded that she's doing a good job. You can also visit the author's blog at [...] for some encouragement today! *I received a complimentary copy of this book from Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest review.

This book is a must-read for every Christian woman.

As I turned the pages of this book, I couldn't help but feel that I wasn't just a reader, but a dear friend of the author. It was as if she was there across the table from me, sipping a hot cup of coffee while sharing her story of God's faithfulness and goodness and, at the same time, giving me the tools I needed to live a joy-filled life that is honoring to my Savior. I will definitely be recommending this book to all of my Christian mom friends. Too good not to share!

Awesome Devotional

I love how the author is so down to earth. Everything is so relatable and it’s as if we are doing this devotional together over coffee! Such a wonderfully written and spirit filled devotional! Must buy!!

Becky has an amazing perspective with practical and sincere advice and help every ...

This should be on the nightstand of every momma!! Becky has an amazing perspective with practical and sincere advice and help every mom need to hear! Longing for a friendship or just need to know that you aren't alone, pick up this book! It's almost like you are sitting in the living room with your best friend chatting. There are so many pages in this book that will help you put things into perspective in the crazy, beautiful walk of motherhood!!

Worth every penny!

To any new mom out there, this book is for you! Becky Thompson, you are a sweet soul! What an awesome job you are doing in your ministry! To any other consumer contemplating this book, just get it! It's worth every penny to have someone speak to your heart in such an incredible way! This would make a wonderful gift to any new mom as well!


This book was exactly what I needed for my new-Mama heart. Becky writes like she’s talking to her best friend - a friend who is struggling with all the “shoulds” of our Facebook-perfect world despite all the difficulties of raising children. I buy this for for baby shower gifts now for all my friends.

Momma---- You Got This :)

I just became a Momma in 2015, and it changed EVERYTHING! I used to be a prolific reader and now it’s almost impossible to find the quiet time to read AT ALL! Fortunately for me, “Hope Unfolding” is an EXCELLENT book for the busy Momma. First of all—Becky is a gifted story-teller! She has a poetic way with words that make her style easy to read and as sweet as chocolate. It doesn’t take excessive effort or brainpower—although it is FILLED with insight, should you have the time and energy to analyze and self-reflect on the lessons and scriptures within its pages. It’s also written so you can squeeze in a ten minute chapter, put it down for a few days, and comfortably pick back up at the next chapter when you get another a reading break. It’s sort of the perfect mix between a blog and a book. :) The reader will be inspired, encouraged, and lovingly challenged to grow. She will laugh, she will cry, and she will feel validated (PRAISE YOU JESUS!). Such is the style of Becky Thompson. Her down-to-earth stories and willingness to be vulnerable are enough to help any Momma know she is not alone, she’s doing a great job, and her Father in Heaven approves of her. I would strongly recommend this book for ALL young or first-time Mommas, although any Momma with young kids would feel perfectly at home in its pages. It would make an excellent gift for any holiday or birthday. It would also be a PERFECT book club read—there are discussion/reflection questions with each chapter that would make for some rich conversation amongst Momma friends or a bible study group.

Great encouragement for a new mama!

Im a stay at home mommy to two under two. When things get quiet, i love to pick this book up to read. It is full of short exerpts from Becky's life which i always can relate to and that leave me with hope and encourage me to press on. I love that the chapters are broken up into smaller segments, because let's face it, my current lifestyle doesnt allow me to sit down and read a whole chapter of anything. Perfect for a mama with little ones. Makes a great gift for a new mom!

Great Encouragement

I love Becky Thompson's book "Hope Unfolding." It is such an encouragement for mamas in the trenches. I have a 3 1/2-year-old and a 1-year-old and it challenges me to stand strong in my faith and help pass that faith on to my children. It's a tough and tiring job to be a mom, and this book gives great ideas on how to keep pushing through in the grace of Jesus.

Simply Overwhelming!

What a great truthful, down to earth but pointing to heaven read! Uplifting to young Moms, and those of us who have been around awhile! Becky speaks with such grace and a heart full of hope you simply can't help but love her. A must read for every mom I knowl❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Loved it ... And bought 4 copies for friends😊

Every momma needs to read this book!

I love this book! This book blessed my heart so much & it has gave me Hope. Becky’s stories made me laugh & cry. Her stories are so real and relatable. We live in a time where everyone posts all their highlights on social media & wether we admit it or not we compare. But reality is that we all go through the same or similar things... but we don’t always share those things. So I’m grateful Becky shared those truths in this book. I recommend this book to all mommas out there.

Gift for my friend, the mother.

Bought this as a gift for a mother that I care much about. She loved the book and is pre-ordering future publications. It was hope that she needed as a time she needed it most.

Helped me survive my daughters surgery

I got this book when I found out my almost two year old had to have hip surgery. I felt so lost and to blame for everything. This book truly helped me to remember that God is with us no matter what and loves us through it all. Also helped to remind me that there are other moms out there like me who choose to let the dishes wait or hide in the bathroom with a candy bar

Encouragement for a mama’s heart.

Such a great book straight to a mama’s heart. Love her personal stories and how easily I could relate to them.


O my word! This book is amazing! Every momma needs to read it! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!


This book was filled with nuggets of truth and grace that helped me through the newborn to infant stages of my son! I love going back through and reading it because I gain other insights that I've missed before. Absolutely would recommend to moms!

Great book!!!

Great book with from a writer you can relate to! She is a wife and mother and leaves you feeling encouraged as well as feeling as if you just had a great talk with a good friend. Not many books as of late seem to provide that kind of depth and connectivity, and the fact my wonderful husband purchased this for me for Mother's Day made it that much sweeter!

Wonderful Book!

This book is such a blessing! It’s easy to read/follow, so it’s perfect for a busy woman to be able to read and enjoy! You WILL walk away encouraged! I highly recommend it!!

She’ll love it!

A gift for my mom


Honest, real and touching. It feels like you’re speaking directly to a trusted friend and woman of God. This book was life changing for me.

Hope Unfolding--#imagoodmom

If you are a mom, you need this book. As a mom of two girls under three years old, I bought this book out of desperation that someone understood what I'm going through and has made it through. I was not disappointed. This book was on my night stand, coffee table, kitchen counter, purse and minivan as I read it. I took it everywhere with me so, if I had a minute or two, I could read another paragraph or page. As I read this book, I felt refilled. God used Becky's words to give me fresh hope and energy in the moments I needed it most. There were several times I thought I'd lose it and instead of fuming on social media or texting my husband, I picked up this book. It was like Becky was sitting in my living room, telling me her experiences and letting me know I wasn't alone. I appreciated the vulnerability she put into writing this book and the heart that she has to be a good mom & wife. I am even more thankful that she realizes she won't be perfect. And. That's. OK. I wish I could buy a copy for every mom I know. Instead, I will tell them all about it and continue to re-read it and drink in encouragement from the pages I hold.

There is HOPE!

I absolutely love this book! It’s filled with encouragement, hope, and truly relatable examples of how God can help us in our everyday lives! Becky is such an encouragement. I was so glad when I saw she published this book!

Hope and Encouragement with laughter

I loved this book. It made me laugh and it made me cry. I read it from cover to cover and truly enjoyed the refreshing perspective of motherhood. The questions at the end of each chapter are thought provoking and insightful. There is a great message of hope and encouragement. This a great book for moms and will be my go to gift book in the future.

All moms need this

Amazing! I highly recommend this to any mom. Especially for young moms In the early years of parenting. So encouraging and full of TRUTH and Encouragement

Gratitude x 1000

What this book brought to my family has been life changing. It's such a comfort to see sweet words poured out on the page and just know they were meant for you. It wasn't by accident that this landed in my hands or so many other mommas' hands with tired hearts and minds. I'm left with a hopeful perspective, so it was perfect timing to receive such a gift. Grateful for your work Becky!

Everything a mama needs to hear!

This book is everything a mama needs to hear! I read it as a brand new mom, so I was in the trenches of sleep deprivation, endless dirty diapers, and wondering if I would ever come out of the newborn "fog." Becky's words spoke truth, grace, and love into my mama heart and I am so grateful for her! I'm wanting to pick up the book and read it again just thinking about it! I'm also so excited about her next book (Love Unending-- this one's on marriage!) that comes out in January!! If that one is anything like Hope Unfolding, it's going to be a game changer. Again, LOVE this book!!


Being mom can be one of the loneliest jobs. Whether you work or stay home, have babies or grown children, this book will encourage your heart. I felt like a different person after reading this book. I couldn't believe the difference. All parenting books tell you what you need to do and how you need to behave to "fix it". This book flips that on its head. It speaks to your heart and says "you are more than enough". Loved every bit of it!

MUST READ for ALL Mommy's!!!

This is a must read for ALL mommy's! It is the perfect book for finding encouragement in motherhood. Sometimes as moms it feels like no one understands what we are going through but when you are reading Hope Unfolding it feels like you are sitting down talking to your best friend about motherhood! It helps you redirect your stress and struggles to fix your eyes on Jesus and his love for us in the midst of day to day mommy struggles God is there providing us with love and grace every step of the way!

Love it

I love this book. definitely worth the read

Hope and truth mamas need to be reminded of!

Hope Unfolding was just the words of truth and encouragement I needed, especially during my first year of motherhood. This is the only book I have actually finished cover to cover since having my baby and have gone back to reread different parts of it several times. It’s the perfect gift for new mamas and also seasoned mamas in need of encouragement and scripture-focused truth. I’ve already gifted it to 6 dear friends. Can’t recommend this book enough!


Absolutely love this book! Will recommend!

Hope Unfolding is a blessing to mommas everywhere!

This book is a blessing to mommas! It really feels like you are sitting in Becky's living room having a casual conversation about motherhood, being a wife, and loving God! Hope Unfolding truly touched this Momma's heart! I laughed until I cried! I cried through grief for her... I hoped with her! This book shows mommas everywhere that they are not alone, that there is a community of mommas here to support them, and ultimately, Jesus is there for them and with them! An awesome read! Becky truly serves God with her life, and displays Jesus' love for all to see! Can't wait for book number 2! 💗

Beautifully written on a personal level to momma's

Placing this in our vacation rental for momma's to read while they take a reprieve from their daily life. I am also thinking about using this in a Bible study/mentoring group here in Alaska. Beautifully written on a personal level to momma's. This book would also make a great baby shower gift!


Wonderful book!! Extremely well written!! I could not put it down!! I recommended this book to all my mommy friends and now to you as you read my review. It is a uplifting, happy, full of hope book. It feels as if you are talking to a friend. I love love love this book

remembering what it is like to go after your dream

I received the free download of chapter one from Becky Thompson's website. That's all it took and I was "all in". Bought the book and it is SO encouraging! Working through difficult circumstances, remembering what it is like to go after your dream, healing after heartache and more....it's all in there. She writes as if she's my best friend! Wish I could give this book more than 5 stars!!!🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

This book.... as a mother struggling ...

This book....as a mother struggling daily. Being a mom, with my relationship with God, and in all other aspects it seems. This book was able to inspire me, bring me peace, help me not feel so alone and help me too look at the bigger picture. I will be buying this for every Mother I know. Just buy it. You will not regret it.

Must read book for moms

This book is perfect for any and every mom. It reminds us of the value we have in God and how to put our focus back on Him through the struggles of motherhood. When you read this book, make sure you have a cup of coffee, and you will feel like you're having a conversation with your best friend. Becky relates to mothers of every kind, and she speaks in the most loving, uplifting way.

Fantastic book

This book is just what I needed! It is a masterful combination of relatable humor and encouragement. Becky is so genuine that it bounces off the page. I am a new mom and she describes the feelings of my heart perfectly. I recommend to every mom!

It's like having a conversation with a friend

It's like having a conversation with a friend. I found the book to be fun and refreshing. NOTHING like a self help book which is what people think when I recommend it. Try it for yourself! It's a great read.

Great gift

Bought for my sister. She loves it

God loves ALL the moms!

Loved this book! Purchased it after reading Love Unending. This book truly brought back a light of hope into my life after after two kids in a few years. Motherhood is not easy at times but with God i can do it! So many great reminders of His love for me!


This is a book every mother can relate too in some way. Thompson describes thoughts and emotions we as mothers feel all too often but almost never share with others. It is comforting to know that we are not alone in these feelings. Other mothers are in the same boat, and more importantly, Jesus is there to guide the boat :). Such an inspiration! LOVE!


I absolutely loved this book. It’s easy to read, but FULL of truth and wisdom. It’s on the top of my list of books for moms... I love the authenticity and vulnerability shared. A must have for all moms!

LOVE it!

No shortage of love and inspiration in this book. Each part brings more real-life situations that we can all relate too! I wish I could share it with every person I come into contact with! Do not second guess buying this, just do it! Trust me you will NOT regret it!

This is unlike any other 'mommy devotional' out there. ...

This is unlike any other 'mommy devotional' out there. It is full of scriptural truths as well as Becky's honest, heart-felt, and personal mom stories. It brought me to tears many times and has improved my heart attitude of who Jesus sees me as a mom. I want to pass this on to all my mommy friends but still keep it for my shelf to reread in the tough seasons of motherhood.

Life giving words to a momma’s soul

I cannot say enough wonderful things about this book! It came to me in a moment as a young mom when I needed biblical wisdom the most. It was life giving to my weary, sleep-deprived, overwhelmed, unsure momma soul. Becky does such a great job of speaking to you like she is sitting right there next to you, hand in hand ready to wipe your tears or laugh with you. I always include this as a gift for any new mom friend!

I laughed and cried... it's like she was talking straight to me.

I just finished reading her newly released book, Hope Unfolding. It is hands down the best book I have read related to being a mother and walking with God. If you're run down, feeling like all the work you do with your home life and kids go unnoticed, you need this book. If you feel like motherhood is holding you back from hopes and dreams you had for yourself before you had kids, go get this book. I PROMISE you'll laugh, cry and have a new outlook on being a mom, spouse and your relationship with God.

Love this book with the complete honesty and realness to ...

Love this book with the complete honesty and realness to the emotional stories it's such an inspiration reading these words knowing I am not the only woman and mom that's been through tough times. Great inspirational thoughtful book

Love this book!

Once I started reading, I couldn't put it down! Quick read, Becky is so funny and she makes me feel like I could be friends with her! Loved this book and am recommending it to all of my mama friends!

Awesome read for Moms!

I loved her writing! I read a lot and really enjoyed her writing! Very good if u are a mom who needs encouragement!

The Perfect Encouragement for a Busy Mama

This is the perfect book for a Mama who just needs to know "Oh, it's not just me. Someone else gets it". It's a light read, just right for a busy mama. I really appreciated how each chapter ended with a prayer and a truth to focus on. It is now one of my go-to gifts for new moms! If you are a fan of Becky's writing and her blog (and who wouldn't be?!?) then you'll enjoy this book too!!! (Disclosure- I received a copy of this free from the author, however I have since purchased 3 additional copies to give as gifts!)

So encouraging!!!!!

What a wonderful book written with truth and compassion! Becky says it like it is and motherhood definitely needs a lot of grace! It’s so easy to relate to her stories and it makes the encouragement so much more real.

Love love LOVE this book

Recently had my 3rd child and this was just what my momma soul needed. Quick read during nursing sessions. Wonderful reminder that other moms go through the same things and that God is with us through all of it.

Amazing. I have never found anything more relevant

This. Amazing. I have never found anything more relevant. I wasn't even 15 pages into this book and felt as if it was a higher purpose that lead me to it. Not only did I need to read Beckys words but knew I needed to gift them to a struggling brand new Momma I had just befriended. It was as if everything just fell into place and this book was laid before me to give to her. If only I could order a hundred copies and pass them out to all of my Momma friends with a reassuring message that YOU ARE ENOUGH.

Bought for friend and recommend to anyone

Love this book and author

Truth that every momma needs to hear!

I love this book! I bought it right around my daughter's first birthday and it really touched my heart after an amazing (but sometimes tough!) year of adjusting to life as a mom. Becky Thompson has such a coversational writing style that I love. Reading Hope Unfolding feels like a great friend is taking time out of their day to speak truth into your heart.

I love this book

I love this book! I've read it twice already and know I'll read it again. I'm in the midst of crazy days as a Momma and Becky's words, along with Scripture she incorporates, are just what I need to remind myself of. You'll laugh & cry reading all of her stories and the promises from Jesus she intertwined. Highly recommended for all Mommas!

Must read for New Moms!

I love this book! I read right after my son was born. It was a great reminder that you are more than just a Mom and that God sees you and loves you. Becky has a way of speaking to the heart of mothers. Inviting you in like you are a friend. Sharing the realness of life and where to hold on to the Hope of God through out.

Yes, you need this book! It's exactly what you need to hear!

Every Mom needs to hear this! This is for you, this is for me. I seriously felt like Becky was talking to me. It was just what I needed at the right time. She writes as if she talking to a friend and girlfriend this book written for you!

I love how Becky writes and makes you feel like she ...

I love how Becky writes and makes you feel like she is speaking directly to you. You can tell she has been where you are and knows how to put it into words. Both her books have been life changing for me and I am going to read them often for encouragement and to stay grounded.

Must read for Moms

Every mom needs to read this! Becky’s honest stories reminded me that I’m not alone in this journey of motherhood and showed me that I need to give myself grace as a parent just as God shows me grace as being one of His children!

Met Expectations

Perfect condition. However, wasn't as happy with the story as what I thought I would be. Not sure if I will buy her other books. I do follow her on Social Media and love what she writes. but for some reason I didn't really care for the book.

A Must-Read for ALL moms

A MUST-READ for all moms. Becky is REAL, she is US. This book speaks to the hearts of moms in all areas of life, in all situations. I bought multiple copies for friends and want to share it with everyone. Invest in a copy for yourself, and buy one for a friend. They will thank you!!

Loved it!

This was a phenomenal read! Becky has a way of sharing the heart of motherhood from the trenches- so she totally “gets it.” This book was extremely uplifting and encouraging.


Love it. Just as described.

Quit reading the reviews and buy it!!

I loved this book! It is funny and relatable. A great reminder of God's truths for our lives throughout the messiness of motherhood. I will definitely recommend this book to my family and friends.

The book is like having a conversation with an old friend

Let me just start by saying I have been hoarding the last chapter of this book because I just don't want it to end! The book is like having a conversation with an old friend. I highly recommend it!

Reading it was like chatting with a long time friend in the living ...

This book is unlike anything I've ever read (and I read ALOT). Reading it was like chatting with a long time friend in the living room as our kids were playing around us. I could relate to every single chapter in this book and after reading each one it gave me HOPE to deal with the problems that life throws our way. I now give a copy of this book to friends as part of their baby shower gifts because every mom needs to read this cover to cover! Thank you so much for this amazing book, Becky!

Awesome book for Christian moms!

This was a life changing book for me! Becky is full of mom truths and made me consider ways that I can change and grow as a Christian mom and wife. I bought a copy of this book for a friend and recommend it to others often! I can't wait to read her new book soon!!!! 💓💓

Amazing Book

Do yourself a favor and buy yourself this book. Trust me. This book has changed my mind, my heart, and has given me a new found hope. You will not be disappointed.

Being a momma is hard

Love this book and Becky. She doesn’t make motherhood and marriage all shiny and wonderful, she keeps it real. Marriage is hard and being a momma is even harder. But God always has you in the palm of his hand and he picked us to be mommas to these children and He is where we can find our hope. We can rest in Him and rejuvenate ourselves. Can’t wait to read her next book, Truth Unending

She gets it!

This book is amazing! I spent most of the book saying "this mom gets it!". She has a way of encouraging you to be the best mom you can be! It is a must read for all mom's!

Great book

Love this book

BUT this book was sooo good..

I am NOT a “self help” book reader. I’ve tried before to read books about improving my health, not sweating the small stuff, parenting books, etc... all that currently have book marks after the first chapter or maybe some highlighted parts in the second...BUT this book was sooo good.... if you’re a new Mama or been doing this Mama thing for a while, READ this book! Seriously. Read it.

Incredible message of HOPE that all mommas need!

What an incredible book this is! Becky writes in such a way that is so relatable and easy to imagine yourself sitting and having a conversation with her. This book is filled with so much hope and encouragement to us moms! There were so many times in the midst of reading that I found myself laughing and crying. I promise you will not be disappointed with this book or the message it brings. Thank you Becky for writing such powerful truth to remind us that we are not alone, that God sees us always, and that He has not forgotten us!

This book is absolutely amazing. The writing is so relatable and has given ...

This book is absolutely amazing. The writing is so relatable and has given me a fresh and beautiful perspective on motherhood and Gods love for me! It's a wonderful book. You won't regret buying it!

Great author!

Love this book!

This is a book that will forever remain in my home for me to fall back on when motherhood seems to get the best of me

There really are no words that I can write that can compare to the words Becky Thompson has written. I've read this book at least three times now and have learned something new about myself and my children each time. The way this book is written captures you and feels as if Becky is sitting in the room talking with you, one on one. This is a book that will forever remain in my home for me to fall back on when motherhood seems to get the best of me.

A Momma Must Read

I LOVE THIS BOOK!!!!! I am recommending it to all my momma friends. Its like a cup of coffee with your bestie and by the end I felt like Becky was a life long friend. I will be honest, I typically don't lean toward books that are spiritually focused as I'm scared of feeling shame, that I'm not a good enough Christian. I love Jesus in my heart, but I cuss a bit :) and I don't have a home church. This book made me feel like Jesus was right there with me along with a momma in the trenches. The stories and Scriptures were relatable and spoke to me. There was so much grace in those pages, it did my heart well and the book is staying on my end table, with tabbed pages and highlights to go back and read when I am needing encouragement.

Great read!

Love this book, great read! Hard to put down!

One of my favorite books! I cried because so much of what ...

One of my favorite books! I cried because so much of what she says is exactly how I feel or have felt just didn't know how to say it! This book I feel has made me open my eyes on how to deal things that happen in life! I absolutely love it!

Hope for Weary Mamas Everywhere

Motherhood is a battle no one tells you about when they hand you that precious little one with a wave and a smile. As a mother, I will be the first to admit, I was not prepared for the onslaught of trials I would face. When I was hiding in the closet, desperately hoping that someone would come and rescue me, yet continuing to find myself all alone. We all have the battle wounds and scars, but tend to forget that we do not have to fight this fight by ourselves. Thank goodness I found Becky Thompson's book, Hope Unfolding, when I did because this worn out mama was ready to throw in the towel. My heart was weary and I was just plain tired. But I found that as I read each page and realized I AM NOT ALONE, I would pump my fist and yell my battle cry, "Preach It, Sister! Hallelujah! Amen! Becky shows weary mamas everywhere, that even when it appears that the darkness is moving in, the Lord will be our hope. We tend to forget that He is there when we are in the midst of the daily battles we each face. But "Hope Unfolding" turns our minds and hearts away from the darkness and towards the light that our Father provides. He is there for you and me. He never forgets us. WE ARE NOT ALONE! Mama, you can lay those burdens at the Lord's feet and in exchange He will give you the courage, strength and confidence you need to walk onto the battlefield of motherhood every day. YOU ARE ENOUGH! Let the Lord give you the hope you desperately need.

There is HOPE

This book helped me realize there is HOPE!!! a must read.

Wonderful Book

I got through the first 10 pages and was close to tears the entire time. Wonderful book. Definitely recommend it for any momma needing support and a good read.

Love this book!!

I absolutely love this book! I’m getting ready to finish it for the second time and will most definitely read it again after that.

Bought this for me & my sister.

Bought this for me & my sister. Motherhood is hard but this book makes you realize you're not alone

His love, and His constant presence in my life when ...

This book. Every Mom needs this book. The Lord has used this book so mightily in my life to remind me of His grace, His love, and His constant presence in my life when I feel overwhelmed and alone.

Good packaging. i'm very satisfied with my purchase and ...

Can't wait to read this ! Fast delivery, product as described. Good packaging. i'm very satisfied with my purchase and this company.


Love this book. Every mother with young children should read!

Every momma needs to read this book!

Such a beautiful book! Becky’s words are so refreshing and thoughtful. Being a mom is definitely a hard job, but having a helpful reminder that God meets us right where we are is so encouraging. Can not wait for the new book to come out!

A must have book for any mom!

Love love love this book. My sister and I actually read this together and would talk each night about how awesome this book is. Hope Unfolding is powerful and packed full of honest truth of motherhood. It left me feeling 'normal' again. What a breath of fresh air to read her words.. Highly recommended this book to other moms! You won't be disappointed..

Great Book

This was a gift - the recipient loved it.

Highly recommend!!

As a mother, to other mothers, you NEED this book!! Becky Thompson shares such wonderful, hope-filled truths, and this book has truly blessed me!


This book is an absolute must for all moms. Especially those with young children. I felt like Becky was speaking directly to me when I needed to the most. This is the book I always recommend to all my other mom friends!! It was life changing for sure!

Motherhood is hard and this book was such a perfect reminder to give myself grace

Motherhood is hard and this book was such a perfect reminder to give myself grace. Becky is so honest and so many of her stories struck a chord with me. I plan on sharing the book with my sisters as I know it is something they will love just as much as I did!

Amazing book!!!

This book is amazing. I loved every page and it was exactly what I needed. This will be my gift to every one of my new mom friends.

Hope and encouragement for all

so happy to have stumbled across one of Becky’s blogposts in the middle of the night nursing my babies. Her words were exactly what this tired, new mom needed to hear. I was so excited to order and read this book. It did not disappoint. I loved Becky’s honesmost of all the encouragement I got from beginning to end! 💕

Great book for every stage of motherhood!

This is the perfect book for moms in any stage of motherhood! It’s a book you can re-read and get something different out of it each time. Becky makes you feel like your sitting down with a good friend and chatting over coffee. If your looking for a great gift for a mom in your life, THIS IS IT!

Great book for Good moms

After reading this, I purchased copies for two of my friends. I love this book and find it to be inspiring and uplifting.

Grace, Truth & Love

Becky has a gift for connecting with mothers. She is filled with grace, truth and love. If you want to be encouraged, inspired and reminded of how loved you are by God, read this book!

Such a wonderful book. I ordered one for my mother in ...

Still reading this but I am loving it! Such a wonderful book. I ordered one for my mother in law.


As a mom to young children, this really spoke to my heart. Becky writes with such honesty and allows God to speak through her to other women. I would highly recommend this book to any woman but especially mommas! Such a great book. I can't wait to read her next one coming out called "Love Unending."

Motherhood! Jesus! Faith!

Omgahhhh AMAZING!!!!!!! I can totally relate throughout this whole book. I seriously think I read it in one day. Not gonna lie, I’ve read it about 12 times since owning this book! After reading one book from her your gonna want to read ALL of her books!!! I cannot wait for her third book release!!!

Don’t want it to end!

Can’t put it down, and yet don’t want it to end! So encouraging

Like sitting with a sweet friend chatting over coffee

This book was so uplifting. Like sitting with a sweet friend chatting over coffee. Recommend this encouraging read to anyone!

It is so amazing and an answer to prayer

After a trying day with my strong willed 4 yr old I was browsing on amazon for something, and came upon this book, I got it in the mail yesterday and I can't put it down! It is so amazing and an answer to prayer. Becky Thompson is so relatable as a mom and woman of God and you truly feel like she becomes your friend as you read. This book really does give you Hope! I will be buying this book for all of my friends!


Loved this book will give it to a friend to read

A great book written by a Jesus-loving mama

This book is nothing short of amazing. Highly recommended for mamas looking for a little bit of peace.

Great gift for all mamas!

I bought this book before the birth of my first son and have read and reread it since then. What I love most is how with each new stage of motherhood, I find myself relating even more to Becky’s words and feeling like I’m not in this alone. Love her writing style as well!

Amazing! I love how I can relate to her ...

Amazing! I love how I can relate to her stories and I really feel like I am hanging out with one of my girlfriends. If you are a momma you should definitely give this book a read!

This book is incredible and will change the life of ...

This book is incredible and will change the life of any mama in a very positive way. Becky offers sound advice in a very real and down-to-earth fashion. Her personal examples and applications take the material to a whole new level. I truly believe this book would be beneficial for any mother. It has been a huge encouragement and source of truth and re-focus for me!

A must read. Becky reminds us we are not ...

A must read. Becky reminds us we are not alone in this grace filled world.

Great book! I would definitely recommend it.

Absolutely loved this book! It spoke right to my heart and was just what I needed to hear.

Five Stars

Such an amazing book, so very thankful for Becky Thompson's ability to be so real and relevant.

Buying more for friends!

This book hit on all my momma-to-three feels. So thankful for Becky and her ability to convey the grace and hope bestowed on us by our Heavenly Father! Can't wait for Love Unending to release this January!

Amazing book for mommas

I absolutely love this book!! I bought it 3 years ago and it still stays out and if I’m having a super rough day I can open it and get some encouragement to help me through the day. Motherhood is tough and it’s so awesome to know that we are not alone.

My ALLTIME favorite book!

Purchased multiple copies for myself and as gifts! My all time favorite book!This book is amazing! Becky offers encouragement to Mama’s through a godly perspective! Her writing is relatable and easy to read! Highly recommended!

Awesome reading

I looooove this book

Love love love this book

Love love love this book! I'm a new mom and I wish I could recommend this book to all moms a 1,000 times over!

Becky Thompson is a wonderful writer and this really gets you

So worth it. Becky Thompson is a wonderful writer and this really gets you.

She read my heart

Becky Thompson writes in a way I've never experienced. She has an amazingly gracious, realistic way of bringing the reader to the heart of her struggles and helping her find grace for herself. She's says what's on your heart even when you couldn't find the words to explain it. I pray for every mom to hear this message. Can't wait for her next book!

Becky is an amazing author!

I read this book right after the birth of my 2nd child. A friend and I decided to read it together. The timing could not have been more perfect! Becky truly has a way of speaking to your soul! Incredibly down to earth and so relatable!

Loooove this book! Highly recommend to any Mama who need a lift :)

Great purchase.


Very good devotional

This is a wonderful read! If you are a mom

This is a wonderful read! If you are a mom, then it is for you. Becky's words are spoken with so much truth and honesty. You will find comfort in this book, with her words she makes you feel normal ans gives you multiple perspectives. A great gift for a friend, family member or complete stranger!

The husband got my Christmas present so right!!

Reading this book felt like connecting with an old friend. The author’s ability to connect with mothers in a relatable way and offer words of wisdom and encouragement is unbelievable. I loved every page of this book and couldn’t put it down!

So Good

This book speaks to the mommas heart! Becky has such a gift of delivering His word in such an understanding way! A must read for any new mom!

Loved it!

Becky is so relatable! I have laughed and I have cried, but more than anything I have enjoyed her views on motherhood and being a wife for God!

Five Stars

This book spoke to me in so many ways! A must read for any mama!

Words From a True Friend You've Never Met

I have been following Becky's blog Scissortail Silk for awhile, as a step momma of an almost 3 year old, and a wife, I feel like she was always a friend who spoke exactly what I needed to hear. I felt like she was talking directly to me! When she came out with her book I was so excited! At the time I was going through a miscarriage and just having a rough season. Every chapter, every word that she spoke, was as if she wrote it just for me. It's so hopeful and inspiring and truth filled! Every mom and wife strives to be so perfect that sometimes we get so wrapped up in just that. She is so honest in her book, it's like looking in the mirror sometimes. Not everyone is perfect, we are the person God has chosen us to be. God does not judge us, he loves us! Becky reminds us of just that! This book is great for anyone who is just looking to grow and who needs a good solid dose of reality! Best book I've ever read and will recommend it to everyone I know!

This book is a MUST-HAVE for Mama's... ...

This book is a MUST-HAVE for Mama's... Becky Thompson speaks right to this mama's heart & always seems to be just when I need to hear it.

BEST book for mommas out there!!!

I really cannot say enough great things about this book!! It had me in tears in every chapter (and laughing too). So relatable and encouraging! You WILL NOT regret buying this book! I think it will be a staple for a baby shower gift from now on! I'm already re-reading it!

Just what a mommy's heart needs!

You will definitely not regret buying this book! As a mommy of 2 young kids, it speaks right to my core and is just what I need to read. I've read it twice, and find myself going back to my favorite parts when I need a little inspiration and grace! God works wonders through Becky, and I'm so glad I found this book! '

Five Stars

Wife likes it.

I stumbled across Scissortail SILK on Facebook, in the ...

I stumbled across Scissortail SILK on Facebook, in the middle of the night, while I was nursing my new born.. I started watching her videos and immediately realized that this book was something I needed to read! So the next day, I bought it. As a mom to two littles, and working full time... This book was just what I needed! God speaks so much truth and hope through Becky. I've now purchased two more copies to give to friends and I will continue buying this book and sharing it with different women in my life! And for under $9, plus free shipping through Amazon Prime... I have no excuse not to buy it for others!

Five Stars

Love this book! Every chapter felt like it was written just for me and I did not want to put it down.

Five Stars

Great book I felt inspired in the first chapter

Five Stars

Good to hear from another mom's perspective!

Five Stars

Loved it!

This is by far the best book I've read as a devotional/book study

This is by far the best book I've read as a devotional/book study. The chapters are an easy read and there's thought questions with a prayer at the end of each chapter. I strongly recommend this book as it discusses many areas of life moms go through daily.

#1 book in 2016

Best book I've read all year. I told every mom I know all about this book and can't wait for her next one to release! You will be SO glad you chose to read this one. Relevant, relatable hope for every momma's heart.

Very good read & offers wonderful Godly advice for all the ...

Very good read & offers wonderful Godly advice for all the different momma's in the world. Would definitely recommend to any momma out there!

Five Stars

Excellent book for new mothers, and mothers of all stages including empty-nesters

Five Stars

SUCH an easy, encouraging read!

A must have for moms!

This book is amazing! It gave me the support and encouragement I needed on the hard days of being a mom. Becky Thompson makes it feel like you are sitting in your living room talking to a friend about life's challenges. I highly recommend this book to every mom out there.

Honest and silly anecdotes

Becky knows how to make us mom's not feel alone in the struggle of raising humans and wanting to love Jesus. Great book. Would recommend to all parents!

Great Encouragement!

Becky's genuine heart for people, especially mommas, is evident in her down to earth writing style. This book is a must read for any and every mom in any stage of life! Her biblical truths are not watered down, yet each one is delivered with such grace. LOVE THIS BOOK!

if you know and love Jesus, and if you need some encouragement

If you're a mama, if you know and love Jesus, and if you need some encouragement...GET THIS BOOK! I didn't want to put it down! Such an uplifting reminder that we're not alone in motherhood, that Jesus is with us every step of the way!

Encouraging, life giving read.

So good. Words of encouragement for any mama out there struggling with littles at home.

Buy it!

Definitely recommend this book to all moms! It's one I took pictures of pages and texted to friends, highlighted, made notes.... Every page was so great!

Wonderfully encouraging read and I keep giving them as gifts

Couldn't ever have enough copies. Wonderfully encouraging read and I keep giving them as gifts! So much love for Becky and the Scissortail Silk community!


This book helped me in so many ways!! As a mother that often becomes discouraged, this. Poker uplifted me in every way. Jesus is the answer to everything!

If you haven't read this book, you NEED to!!

THIS. BOOK. Absolutely amazing. I have always been a big fan of Becky, but this book sealed every deal. Thank you Becky for writing such inspiring words and letting God lead you. I am SO excited to read your next book!!

This book is amazing. I suggest it to all my friends

This book is amazing. I suggest it to all my friends!


I absolutely loved this book. Becky spoke straight to my heart. It was exactly what I needed to read at this point in my life.

Such a perfect gift for any mom

Such a perfect gift for any mom! It was exactly what I needed after having my first baby! Becky is so down to earth and realistic while giving uplifting truths! ❤️

Five Stars

Love the book!!!! Super fast shipping!

Refreshing and Revitalizing!

I couldn't get enough of this book. Moms, you're gonna want to preorder this one. It's Like sitting with your best friends over coffee discussing kids and motherhood, all of life's challenges, and how Jesus's Divine Grace is constant, omnipresent and never failing. Holy Smokes it is SO.Good. I highly recommend this to new mom, soon to be moms, even veteran mommas! Young and old alike will take away so much grace from this easy and fulfilling read. If you weren't familiar with Becky Thompson of the blog Scissortail SILK, you certainly will be after this book!

Five Stars

My niece loves it.

Loved it!!

Beautifully written! Made a perfect gift for my sister in law!

Five Stars

Awesome book

Five Stars

A perfect gift for a mom of young ones!

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