Herbal Medicine from the Heart of the Earth

Paperback – March 1, 2009
28 Feb
An herbal reference guide for the herbalist, nurse, physician, pharmacist, or lay person who wants a textbook level education on herbal remedies. This 439 page book  contains 3 books in one.
  • An encyclopedia of 192 Herbs to know, use in formulas and make into healing herbal remedies or products.
  • Learn to use these herbs in herbal formulas for the most common health conditions, organized by body systems.
  • Learn which part of each herb is used, how it tastes and smells, tendencies of the herb, actions of the herb, dosage, active herbal constituents, contraindications, as well as information on interactions with drugs is included.
  • A resource to help practitioners integrate herbal therapy into their practice with clients or patients.
  • An introduction to herbal medicine product forms comparing the advantages and disadvantages of herbal tinctures, glycerites, capsules, salves, suppositories, steam inhalations, poultices, teas and many others.
  • Herbal Formulations and recipes include doses for most common ailments with explanations of why each herb is in the formula.
  • A detailed description of how to make the most common classifications of herbal products.
  • How to harvest and collect herbs.
  • How to preserve herbs.
  • How to make herbal extracts.
  • How to make tinctures.
  • How to make salves.
  • How to make herbal oils.
  • How to make poultices.
  • How to make steam inhalations.
  • How to make glycerites.
  • How to make elixirs.
  • How to make herbal baths.
  • How to make herbal capsules.
  • How to make herbal suppositories.
  • Materia Medica of 192 herbs.
  • Chart for harvesting.
  • Chart for dosing.
  • Chart for making tinctures.
  • Chart for how long your tincture will last at a set dose.
  • Dictionary of herbal properties and actions.
  • Dictionary of herbal preparations.
  • Scientific citations to support the information.
  • DIY herbal book written by the founder and past owner of Wise Woman Herbals who shares all her secrets with you.
  • An herb book of remedies and recipes that will become a cherished reference.
A complete handbook for the herbal practitioner. Herbalist, Paul Bergner says, "This book is broad enough in scope that it contains within it enough material for three books. Herbal Medicine from the Heart of the Earth contains the most up-to-date, detailed information on 192 valuable herbs including, dosage, specific indications, general uses, active constituents, and contraindications. Compound formulations are listed for all the most common ailments as well as some uncommon ailments. They are organized by body systems to make them easier to learn. Another helpful tool is the charts that are used in the book. For those new to herbal terminology, definitions of the words specific to herbal medicine are found in the Properties & Actions section of the book. However, that is not all. Following the easy to understand definitions are listings of all the individual herbs with that property or action. There is a helpful section on collecting, drying and storing herbs with a chart on harvesting and preparation. Additionally for the do it yourself person, there is an extensive chapter on making herbal preparations. Surprisingly detailed information is given for making tinctures, elixirs, suppositories, compresses, capsules, gruels, glycerites, oils, poultices and salves. The author who once owned an herbal manufacturing company gives all the details necessary to make your own products. This one book will give you important information you need to know about harvesting, storage, preparation of herbal products, preparation of formulas, and clinical use of the most valuable herbs known to practitioners. The greatest value of Herbal Medicine from the Heart of the Earth is that it will become a trusted reference book. It will quickly become your most trusted herbal source of information."

Reviews (54)


I just got my masters in herbal medicine with a concentration in product design and I am a practicing RD/LDN for 19 years. I have read a lot of herbal and nutrition books. This book is hands down a go to for me when I am formulating ideas for my self, my family and clients. The formulas are straightforward and easy to understand because Tilgner provides reasons for use on each her in the formulas. This is a great resource !!!!

Loaded with Information

I have many, MANY herbal and plant based medicine books, but this is one of the best. It's not an ID guide book, but that aside it has a great deal of information that I have not seen elswhere. It came this afternoon and I'm still reading it tonight, with a pen and notebook beside it. I would recommend it.

A "Must Have" Herbal Book!

An absolute treasure of a book! I love all the information on herb schools, herb supplies, harvesting, formulas, dosing, preparations and working with clay. Precise and excellent instructions are included. There is so much information packed into these 400+ pages. I wish I had known of, and bought, this book earlier in my herb journey! It helps take herbal use to the next level. This is a game changer for me.

A necessary purchase if you're interested in naturopathic medicine

One of the best herbal medicine book's that you'll ever find. If I had to choose one from many, this would be the one that I would select.

Fantastic book

I love this book. It has a ton of information and many remedies for many issues. I have given friends and family some recipes and remedies.

My Go To Herbal Therapy Guide

As a registered herbalist (AHG) and naturopath, I'm always seeking confirmation and continuing support of my patient protocols. This is about the best herbal reference available. I loved the first version, now I just purchased the second expanded edition. Great job, Dr. Tilgner!


Thank you

Excellent Guide

I would recommend this book for any person interested in learning about herbal medicine as well as for the person who takes the ongoing study and practice of using herbal medicine seriously. It is well written, easy to understand, and an excellent resource that can easily become your "go to" guide.

Makes things very easy to understand

A very well-organized guide to navigating the world of herbal medicine. Makes things very easy to understand.

Fantastic resource

This book is a fantastic resource! Well researched, and packed with information. Worth it!


I just got my masters in herbal medicine with a concentration in product design and I am a practicing RD/LDN for 19 years. I have read a lot of herbal and nutrition books. This book is hands down a go to for me when I am formulating ideas for my self, my family and clients. The formulas are straightforward and easy to understand because Tilgner provides reasons for use on each her in the formulas. This is a great resource !!!!

Loaded with Information

I have many, MANY herbal and plant based medicine books, but this is one of the best. It's not an ID guide book, but that aside it has a great deal of information that I have not seen elswhere. It came this afternoon and I'm still reading it tonight, with a pen and notebook beside it. I would recommend it.

A "Must Have" Herbal Book!

An absolute treasure of a book! I love all the information on herb schools, herb supplies, harvesting, formulas, dosing, preparations and working with clay. Precise and excellent instructions are included. There is so much information packed into these 400+ pages. I wish I had known of, and bought, this book earlier in my herb journey! It helps take herbal use to the next level. This is a game changer for me.

A necessary purchase if you're interested in naturopathic medicine

One of the best herbal medicine book's that you'll ever find. If I had to choose one from many, this would be the one that I would select.

Fantastic book

I love this book. It has a ton of information and many remedies for many issues. I have given friends and family some recipes and remedies.

My Go To Herbal Therapy Guide

As a registered herbalist (AHG) and naturopath, I'm always seeking confirmation and continuing support of my patient protocols. This is about the best herbal reference available. I loved the first version, now I just purchased the second expanded edition. Great job, Dr. Tilgner!


Thank you

Excellent Guide

I would recommend this book for any person interested in learning about herbal medicine as well as for the person who takes the ongoing study and practice of using herbal medicine seriously. It is well written, easy to understand, and an excellent resource that can easily become your "go to" guide.

Makes things very easy to understand

A very well-organized guide to navigating the world of herbal medicine. Makes things very easy to understand.

Fantastic resource

This book is a fantastic resource! Well researched, and packed with information. Worth it!


Love! Used it for my western heroism class and was helpful in completing my medica!

This is a really great herbal book!

This is book has a good materia medica that includes herbs from India, a great section on herbal formulas by body systems,a superbe section on dosages and the most extensive herbal preparations section I've ever seen.

The most practical book I've seen yet for regular clinical ...

The most practical book I've seen yet for regular clinical reference - each herb synopsis is detailed concise, and there are plenty of formulas to choose from

considering I have many herbal medicine books this was one of the best because of the way it is layed out- very ...

this book is incredible and offers a wealth of information. considering I have many herbal medicine books this was one of the best because of the way it is layed out- very legitimate. It was a text book for my university botanical medicine book - buy it you wont regret it

this is a great book.

If you want to go natural with plants and herbs as a way to heal yourself, this is a great book.

Very good book!

Great book lots of very good useful information.

Highly recommended

Excellent herbal book!!

Five Stars

Awesome go-to information about herbs and amazing formulas and how-to's!

Five Stars

GREAT book!! A Must Have for every herbalist!

Great Professional Resource

Must have for herbalists and Naturopathic Doctors!

Great resource

This is my go to book when researching the medicinal qualities of herbs, how to use and formulas to make. Highly recommend!

Five Stars

Fantastic reference

Five Stars

excellent book

Five Stars

Great book for so many useful remedies!!!

HIGHLY recommend this book for all the newbie's like me

This book has everything I was looking for ... HIGHLY recommend this book for all the newbie's like me.

Good resource,

good book

Five Stars


Five Stars

good book

Five Stars

excellent book. lots of info.

With love on each page

Such an informative book. With love on each page <3

Five Stars

Very good reference!

herbal medicine

"Herbal Medicine "A very good foundational herbal book. It provides formulas for many different applications. Very thorough and efficient. highlt recommended!!

Tilgner has done a great job in putting this book together

Dr. Tilgner has done a great job in putting this book together. Great formulas! I would recommend this book to any herbalist.

Three Stars

Like the book but would have liked it to have photos/picture of the plants.

Good book

It is vey informative. I would have liked real pictures of the plants. It is easy to understand. You need some knowledge of herbs.

Five Stars


Good book, straight forward, easy to understand

Gives a wealth of knowledge, straight forward, easy to understand. A must have for herbalists no matter novice or expert!

It's Ok

Informative but very hard to decifer. I guess I was looking for an easier read and not quite so technical.

It contains lots of useful information.

I am still going through and reading it. It contains lots of useful information.

Probable the best book of its kind.

The book is filled with information on herbal supplements from a doctor. Very much to the point and informative. It does have its share of hippie talk, but the information is solid.

Five Stars

simply the best herbal book there is

in depth book

I find this book interesting but sort of get lost in reading it. It goes into great depth of the subject

herbal resource

Thanks for sharing your herbal knowledge and wisdom Sharol Tilgner!

This book will inform you about herbs in SO MANY WAYS!!!

EDIT: I just realized that I'd accidentally left this review on the wrong edition. The pictures and review are of the Third Edition. This book is impressive. It covers not only the properties of herbs and the research done on them, it also detailed recipes on how to use the herbs to make various herbal preparations, and also information on when to use and not use certain preparations and herbs. There is even more information in the resources section on how to make a tincture/extract/poultice/etc, as well as how to scale dosages for those of different ages and weights, and a lot more information! I attached a picture of the table of contents and some samples of other pages (sorry about the poor quality pictures--I'm taking these at night while my kids are sleeping!): I have Dr Tilgner’s other book, "Herbal ABC's: The Foundation of Herbal Medicine," as well, and these books work very well hand in hand. These are the kinds of books that inform your mind and leave you knowing what more to research. They are both packed full of information. The Herbal ABCs focuses on the human body’s systems and how herbs affect those systems and why. This book focuses more on the properties of herbs, but also goes into great depth on various recipes for preparations. These books are like the very best teacher, the one who gives you information in such a way that you just want MORE, instead of feeling like you know it all. Because, there is SO MUCH to know about how herbs and our bodies function! I really appreciate how the herbs featured are ones with scientific studies behind them. It is amazing to have such a resource at my fingertips, where I can read about an herb, see why it does what it does, and have links in the index to more information. This makes it a fantastic resource for those seriously studying herbs and those who wish to convince their non-holistic doctors about the benefits of certain herbs. Each herb has information about it’s properties, it’s description, it’s counteractions, and it’s uses and the studies related to those uses. After the alphabetical herb section, comes the section on preparations. First it lists which ones to use for which ailments. So for psoriasis, it lists Liver Formula I, Liver Glycerite; Skin Formula, and Tea Tree Essential Oil Salve. Sadly, there’s no page numbers by these, but you can look up each in the extensive index if you're having a hard time finding them in the herbal preparation section (which is organized by body system). Here's a snapshot of the index: If there was one thing that I would add to this book, it would be page number references, but I understand how hard that would be to do, when there are SO MANY references through the book. And, the book is updated often (this is the third edition), all those page numbers would need to be updated, rather than just needing to update the page numbers in the index. Say I have psoriasis, and am looking for some cures, I would then flip to the Liver Formula section, and find Liver Glycerite. I could then find the percentage of ingredients, the dosage for children and adults, and other therapies to go with it, and why these herbs are in that formula, and more information on whether or not to use the formula. Speaking of dosages, after the formula sections, there’s a very in-depth section on dosages, with detailed information on how to scale them for people’s ages and weight. This section also details how much in tablespoons an ounce of these herbs is, as well as how frequently to take doses depending on how much is in each dose. There’s even a section on calculating drams to ounces! The book is not finished yet, though! There’s a section on how to collect, dry, and store herbs. It also shows how to make capsules, compresses, elixirs, glycerites, herbal oils, extracts and tinctures, poultices, salves, slippery elm slurries and gruels, suppositories, and teas. The resources section is impressive, too. There are nearly 1,000 references listed! I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for medical uses of herbs. It is a book that will guide and inform and empower you. It is not a book that says, “Try all these herbs! They all help coughs!” Instead, it goes into why there’s different preparations for coughs and why some don’t work for certain coughs, and when not to use the preparation.

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