Hell's Knights (The MC Sinners Series Book 1)

Kindle Edition
17 Aug
Recommended for readers over 17+ Contains adult content.

A modern day biker romance.

Addison has had a hard life. Her mother is useless, and her father hasn't been in her life for years. When her mother dies, she's left with no money and an angry man after her. She goes to the only person she knows can take care of her right now - her father. She knows her father is the President of an MC club, but she doesn't quite realize just how much she will come to rely on that club.

Cade is everything she knows she should stay away from, and yet she can't seem to keep herself from wanting him. He's the club VP, gorgeous, rugged, charming and he makes her feel again. She should be running, she should be escaping the demons of her past, but instead she finds herself falling for the gorgeous biker.

Come on this whirlwind romance with two broken people, who figure out how to put each other back together.

Reviews (160)

4 Long Lost Biker Daddy Stars

Hell's Knights was a good read. Yesterday I read a different MC book by a different author and it came off cheesy and unbelievable. So I was a little worried starting a new MC series but I really enjoyed this book. I felt Bella Jewel walked that fine line between Bad biker but still kept it romantic. I liked both Cade and Addison. I felt they had a great connection. Cade came off sexy but rough around the edges. I liked that he was tough like a biker should be but didn't come off like a jerk that was unlikable. Addison was sassy, hard, and a fighter. I loved that she didn't take anyone's crap. She had a really hard life, and my heart bled for her. However there were a few times that she would do stupid stuff just to prove she could because "NO ONE CONTROLS HER"! Really stupid things like walk home alone in the dark, after her ol man and father told her it wasn't safe because they all knew a evil pimp was coming after her. She was totally adulting like a boss! Cade and Addison had some hot smexy time. Cade was a sexy beast and Addison was game for anything. Which made for wild times. I really liked Cade and Addison together. I also really loved Jackson, Addison's dad. I loved the plot of this book. I can't say this enough I hated Jasper(Addison's mom's pimp) and Addison's mom. I was so glad they both got what was coming to them. I know I'm bloodthirsty, but they were both pos and totally needed to feel pain. Overall I really enjoyed this book. I am looking forward to Jackson's book, but first I have to read Spikes and I am not really looking forward to Spikes book. I liked Spike but the whole dead wife and getting with said dead wife's sister drama doesn't sound like something I will care for. Also on another note I read this book & I listened to it on audiobook and the woman that read this book did the weirdest voice for Cade. She made his sound like a drunk southern colonel sanders lol it was weird!!!

This book was good in the beginning

A biker story. I was sold. Who wouldn't be? I just couldn't get into this one though. This book was good in the beginning. We learn about Addison. How tough her life has been. How alone she has been for so long, taking care of a POS mother and acting like that is her duty. She survived what would kill most young girls. I could relate to her on so many levels. I knew why she stayed. Knew why she kept helping her mom even though it was making her wither away. She felt stuck, and after years of s***, you begin to think that is all you deserve. You start believing everything your mother and her men tell you. That you are worthless, a whore just like her. But Addison finally found a way out. It wasn't an easy way, but she stepped up and took it. I felt for her, really did. Not many people know what it's like having to go through something like that, so it's hard to judge her for her choices. The way she got out, earned her an enemy. And he wanted payback. She ran to her brother and father, who are in an MC, of course. Then s*** started to go downhill for me real quick. Addison turned stupid. She ran her mouth off to the point where I wanted to bitch slap her a couple of good times. I can't stand self entitled bulls***. She really made me mad. Lol. You have someone after you, so you do the logical thing and ask for help. Given. When you ask for help and they agree, you take it and do as they say. No questions asked. YOU are the one who asked for help after all, right? NO. Not Addison. She is afraid, explaining to the MC how dangerous the pimp is, how much she thinks they are going to get hurt and that they shouldn't do it. They tell her she is to go no where without a body guard, someone from the club. Doesn't sound to hard right? It is for our Heroine. She says she doesn't need anyone watching after her. That she isn't afraid of anything and can take care of herself. Hold on. Wasn't it her asking for help 2 seconds ago? Contradicting and annoying ! Our Hero Cade is H.O.T. No doubt about that. He has the whole biker look down. The bad attitude, dirty talking and all. Wet dream really. He was able to shut Addison up from time to time, and that was refreshing. He wanted her. I just never really got a reason why. The relationship between them was hot and heavy, and began pretty quick. I just couldn't see why. She was annoying and never listened, but Cade loved her. Don't get it. Wish I did though. Addison says she loves how dominate Cade is, how he tells her like it is. Not many people do to her. But then she tells Cade she can take care of herself and won't do anything he says. She is just so back and forth. It was too much for me to accept. You can talk all the bad talk you want. Cuss like you are a badass, walk around like no one can touch you. But when you make the same stupid mistakes over and over, how are people supposed to buy into the tough girl act? She just came across as stupid most of the time. Running her mouth off to anyone within ear shot, even the club. Didn't work. Every time I thought she was getting with it, she makes another dumb mistake. The mistake was really stupid. All she had to do was follow a simple order. Ride with someone to work. Don't go anywhere alone. She was never able to do that, no matter how many times it came back to bite her in the ass. She spoiled the story for me personally, as you can most likely tell from my rant. Lol. The ending, to me, just wan't enough. If you like biker stories and don't mind a TSTL Heroine, try this one out. I am going to read the next one though. I just hope it is better than the first.

CADE made this book worth reading!

I'm pretty sure if you look up the definition of "STUPID" in any fictional English dictionary you will have a lovely picture of this Addison character in there! The heroine (Addison) has got to be the most stupid person I have ever read about. Not only does she disregard her own safety by not listening to simple instructions, she puts the safety of others at risk too. Too dame stubborn to take instructions to stay put or not to go anywhere without an escort, she's just an open book of STUPID! The heroine is on the run after witnessing the death of her mother and shooting her mothers pimp (that story I found hilarious!) takes coverage at her father's biker community. It is there that she meets the Hero - Cade. Cade is one hot Alpha, possessive and very yummy Man who falls hard and fast for the heroine. When Addisons past comes back to haunt her, it is Cade and her father that runs the rescue, but in order to keep her safe, all she has to do is... LISTEN and DO AS SHES TOLD! Two simple steps to keep her safe. But nooo, what does little miss drama queen do.. she disobeys everything which eventually gets her into trouble. After she endures her stupidity, I sincerely hope that she's learnt her lesson. It has a lovely little epilogue afterwards which was a bonus. The plot was good, the way the characters were developed was great... even though the heroine came off as just plain old stupid to me - the rest of the characters was very well written. If anything, I think the only thing that kept me reading this book was Cade!! MORE CADE PLEASE!!! :)

2.5 stars

Maybe 2.5 stars since the beginning kept me reading on. But the last half flops to a 2. Ok, so I saw a book on Amazon that everyone was reeling over being a rip off of this book. Which I think is what sparked my attention to read this one instead of the other one. It got high ratings. I got this as a freebie and so glad I did because if I paid money for it I'd feel like a sucker. The plot is typical of all biker books. Addison's back story in this one is tragic, but I almost can not feel for her. I had no connection to any of the characters. I couldn't get myself to feel strongly one way or the other for any of them. Some of the dialogue pained me to read. Like,"We'd love to tango." Really? Who says that outside a 1980's action movie? Most of it felt forced. It didn't have an easy flow. Once in a while something would get a chuckle out of me or touch me, but the moments were rare. I no longer expect a lot out of the books I read since a lot lately are indie authors/self published. I have found some gems out there, but they are not the majority. I had to learn to lower the bar by which I judge all books. By that new standard, this book is ok, but just ok. If the rest of the series was free, I would consider reading it. But it would still be far down my TBR list. In the beginning, I found myself drawn to read this even tho I didn't find it to be that great. But by 70% I just wanted to get through it as another book was calling to me. I have a thing about not finishing a book I start, so rarely do I shelve one as DNF.


This is one hot book. It chronicles the end of one life, and the beginning of another, for the heroine, Addison. Told in flipping viewpoints, Hell's Knights is the story of a broken woman who comes to live with her father when the world as she knows it has to end. She falls for a man with almost as much pain in his life. From there, the author takes us through their struggles to find trust in each other, and to figure out what love is. The book contains a lot of cuss words, and covers a lot of very blatant sex, some of it violent. Although the bikers are supposed to be angered by the rape of the heroine by the villain, it is very easy to imagine them doing the same thing. Their treatment of women, while it may reflect reality, is vulgar and condescending. This is a major problem for me, as I think that the more the heroes in stories act like jerks, the more men, and women, think that behavior is okay. Otherwise, this is a good book. I can recommend it to people who can handle darkness, but I recommend that people who like things pleasant avoid it.

Not Enough

OMG I LOVED this book! I couldn't put it down and read it in one sitting! The biggest disappointment was when I got to the epilogue and realised it was over and it just wasn't enough, I wanted more! It was obvious that Spike and Ciara were going to get the next story but I was wrapped when this ended and it confirmed it and said September. I love not having to wait long for sequels! This book just wasn't enough and i can't wait for more!! The only thing that really bothered me during this story was Addison's defiance. I hate girls that just don't listen when they know they're in danger and they do it to prove a point. What's the point? How dumb you are? I love strong female characters but being that defiant is actually quite weak and I find it quite the turn off. I also thought the ending was a bit rushed after it ended so quick after the incident. Sometimes I feel like the authors rush the end to get it over with and published as I'm sure they've worked on it for so long but then your only left remembering the rushed ending. This is one I will definitely read over again and I can't wait for Spike's story!!

New Favorite! Cade is Everything!

I have seen this book around for awhile and put it off time and time again. What was I thinking? I loved this story and Cade as become my new favorite book boyfriend. The story was sweet, bold, dark, tragic, redemptive and HOT! Addison had such a tragic beginning to life, but she did what she had to do to survive and became a bad a#% and beautiful woman. I have much respect for her. Cade is the perfect alpha biker male. I loved his hardness and those small glimpses into his sweetness. Some of his lines made me swoon and laugh, it was a great way to lighten the darkness a little. There was not a character in this story that I did not love... okay maybe Brittney and Jasper, but they got their come-upins. I want more Spike, so I will be one-clicking book two, Heaven's Sinners next. Once I started I could not put it down. I will be reading the rest of this series and much more from this author. It was an amazing story that will stick with me for awhile. Highly recommended if you like darker MC reads!!

Fast paced biker read

This book: 1. Held me captive the whole way through. 2. Was a fast paced book. 3. Made me love the characters: Spike and Ciara. 4. Love the relationship Jackson started to form with Addison. 5. Made me like how Cade claimed Addison. 6. Ended up being perfect for my short attention span and what I needed in the way of reading. 7. Had a bit of humor in it at times. 8. Can be read super fast in one sitting. Addison is being raised by a whore of a mother in a bad area and her life is definitely not good. The mother's pimp is horrible and does horrible things to her and keeps her and her mother under his controlling thumb. Unfortunate circumstances happen and she's able to get free and runs to a father she hasn't seen since she was 4 years of age. She's mighty ticked and can't trust anyone. Going to her father, Jackson, is where she meets Cade. Cade is the VP of Hell's Knights MC. He's got his own demons to wrestle with and a delusional "sweet butt", Britney, who wants to be his ol' lady. Too bad he doesn't feel the same way. Then in walks Addison and everything changes for him. He wants to protect Addison at all costs even if he is all bossy/Alpha about it. However, Addison is tired of being controlled and thinks she can take care of her self. She makes 3 unwise decisions in this book and one of those decisions puts her back in to the clutches of her mom's pimp. During the time Addison is with her dad, they grow a bond between them and she and Cade grow a fast love connection. She meets Spike, who has his head full of demons, and Ciara. I really loved the friendship we briefly see her start with Ciara and Spike. Thankfully we don't have to deal with cheating in this book from Cade as once he gets his ol' lady, no other woman becomes between them. Although, Britney isn't done trying to get Cade back at all costs. Even though I didn't feel this was a strong MC book, as far as a story line went, I was still held captive by it the entire time. I also question how the heck Spike, Cade and Jackson knew where Jasper had taken Addison. That part is never fleshed out so the reader is left to wonder on that tidbit. Content: violence, drinking, drugs, sexual situations.

I had this on my shelf for awhile and it is another one of those that I scratch my head and wonder why I didn't read soon

Addison is twenty one, lived through a hellish life and has a huge chip on her shoulder. Her mother is dead and she is on the run, she runs to the only place that may offer a temporary respite from the hell she is living in, her father. She has not seen the man since he walked out on her at age four and is not going to back down to the MC President, even if others do. However all is not what it seems about her past and Addison is not sure where to put her father when it comes to what she plans to do next to restart her life. As if the confusion of her past is not enough she has caught the eye of MC VP Cade. He has known from the first moment he laid eyes on her that he plans to have her, but Addison is fighting a haunted past that has her pushing everyone of his boundaries. They share something no one else could relate too, can they weather the incoming storm heading their way? I had this on my shelf for awhile and it is another one of those that I scratch my head and wonder why I didn't read sooner. Once you start pick a comfy spot because you wont be moving until the very end. Addison is a tough character you want to coddle her, but you also want to throttle her at times. Given her background you get it, she lashes out and is in pure survival mode. Cade puts up with it to a point but he draws lines on how far he will let her push. THe chemistry is electric and I loved her dad. He is hard, burly, and yet a tad bit vulnerable which is unique for his type of character. Absolutely will pick up the rest of the series.


** Note: I did have to remove certain words in my review before Amazon would post it =) Hell's Knight wasn't on my radar at all but I saw it recommended in a Goodreads groups yesterday. I should go ahead and admit that a romance book with a Motorcycle Club are pretty much auto-buys for me...Motorcycle Man, Reaper's Property, and Undeniable are some of my favorite books! So after reading the blurb for Hell's Knight and with little else to go on since the book was just released, I was totally in. Hell's Knight tells the story of Addison, a street smart, damaged young woman who has fought to stay alive while living with her mother who was a prostitute. She spent her life surrounded by drugs and violence and paralyzed with the fear that she would end up with nothing and no one and be forced to live on the streets. After her mother over doses and dies, Addison travels to stay with her father, a man she's never known. There among the bikers that make up her father's Motorcycle Club she meets Cade. She's all kind of sassy. He's all kind of crude. And together the sparks fly. "You're the kind of girl that makes a man want to stop what he's doing, just so he can get a moment to look at that angelic face- a face that will keep him awake for the rest of his _______ life. That's the kind of girl you are, sugar." "You're mine. You can argue that, you can run, you can play games, but in the end, the result is the same. I won't be lettin' you go anytime soon." Cade's pretty irresistible but both Addison and Cade have issues to work through, both are hiding secrets in their pasts. Addison has been less than honest about her circumstances and what she left behind when her mother died. Cade senses Addison's running from something but he doesn't know the full story of what she left behind. "I know what you went through, was all kinds of ________ed up, and one day maybe you'll tell me about it, just like maybe I'll tell you. If you wanna tell me bits, the lot, or none, that's up to you. I ain't ever gonna push, just like I'm never gonna judge. Your life was bad; I see it in your eyes. When you grin, you face is empty, and I have no doubt when you smile, your eyes won't shine like they should. One day though, baby, I will make them shine." I wish Goodreads gave an option for half stars. This would be a 3.5 for me. Overall, the characters and story aren't developed enough to make this a great book. The characters were a little one dimensional and I would have liked to seen just "more". That being said, the sex is pretty hot. As in, I had to read one part two times to figure out where Cade was putting her ankles and where that put her mouth. You get the picture. And even though there were some typos and editing issues, knowing that this is the author's debut novel makes me excited to read the next book in the series. So even though this book wasn't great, it was definitely enjoyable. And just being a little over 200 pages, this is a quick read that gave me a little bit of what I was wanting: a bossy biker, some dirty sex, and a happy ending. "I meet his gaze and for a long moment, we just lock eyes. Happy. Content. That's what we are right now. He picked up my pieces and put me back together, even when I thought no glue would hold. Turns out Cade was my glue, and in a sense, I think I am his."

4 Long Lost Biker Daddy Stars

Hell's Knights was a good read. Yesterday I read a different MC book by a different author and it came off cheesy and unbelievable. So I was a little worried starting a new MC series but I really enjoyed this book. I felt Bella Jewel walked that fine line between Bad biker but still kept it romantic. I liked both Cade and Addison. I felt they had a great connection. Cade came off sexy but rough around the edges. I liked that he was tough like a biker should be but didn't come off like a jerk that was unlikable. Addison was sassy, hard, and a fighter. I loved that she didn't take anyone's crap. She had a really hard life, and my heart bled for her. However there were a few times that she would do stupid stuff just to prove she could because "NO ONE CONTROLS HER"! Really stupid things like walk home alone in the dark, after her ol man and father told her it wasn't safe because they all knew a evil pimp was coming after her. She was totally adulting like a boss! Cade and Addison had some hot smexy time. Cade was a sexy beast and Addison was game for anything. Which made for wild times. I really liked Cade and Addison together. I also really loved Jackson, Addison's dad. I loved the plot of this book. I can't say this enough I hated Jasper(Addison's mom's pimp) and Addison's mom. I was so glad they both got what was coming to them. I know I'm bloodthirsty, but they were both pos and totally needed to feel pain. Overall I really enjoyed this book. I am looking forward to Jackson's book, but first I have to read Spikes and I am not really looking forward to Spikes book. I liked Spike but the whole dead wife and getting with said dead wife's sister drama doesn't sound like something I will care for. Also on another note I read this book & I listened to it on audiobook and the woman that read this book did the weirdest voice for Cade. She made his sound like a drunk southern colonel sanders lol it was weird!!!

This book was good in the beginning

A biker story. I was sold. Who wouldn't be? I just couldn't get into this one though. This book was good in the beginning. We learn about Addison. How tough her life has been. How alone she has been for so long, taking care of a POS mother and acting like that is her duty. She survived what would kill most young girls. I could relate to her on so many levels. I knew why she stayed. Knew why she kept helping her mom even though it was making her wither away. She felt stuck, and after years of s***, you begin to think that is all you deserve. You start believing everything your mother and her men tell you. That you are worthless, a whore just like her. But Addison finally found a way out. It wasn't an easy way, but she stepped up and took it. I felt for her, really did. Not many people know what it's like having to go through something like that, so it's hard to judge her for her choices. The way she got out, earned her an enemy. And he wanted payback. She ran to her brother and father, who are in an MC, of course. Then s*** started to go downhill for me real quick. Addison turned stupid. She ran her mouth off to the point where I wanted to bitch slap her a couple of good times. I can't stand self entitled bulls***. She really made me mad. Lol. You have someone after you, so you do the logical thing and ask for help. Given. When you ask for help and they agree, you take it and do as they say. No questions asked. YOU are the one who asked for help after all, right? NO. Not Addison. She is afraid, explaining to the MC how dangerous the pimp is, how much she thinks they are going to get hurt and that they shouldn't do it. They tell her she is to go no where without a body guard, someone from the club. Doesn't sound to hard right? It is for our Heroine. She says she doesn't need anyone watching after her. That she isn't afraid of anything and can take care of herself. Hold on. Wasn't it her asking for help 2 seconds ago? Contradicting and annoying ! Our Hero Cade is H.O.T. No doubt about that. He has the whole biker look down. The bad attitude, dirty talking and all. Wet dream really. He was able to shut Addison up from time to time, and that was refreshing. He wanted her. I just never really got a reason why. The relationship between them was hot and heavy, and began pretty quick. I just couldn't see why. She was annoying and never listened, but Cade loved her. Don't get it. Wish I did though. Addison says she loves how dominate Cade is, how he tells her like it is. Not many people do to her. But then she tells Cade she can take care of herself and won't do anything he says. She is just so back and forth. It was too much for me to accept. You can talk all the bad talk you want. Cuss like you are a badass, walk around like no one can touch you. But when you make the same stupid mistakes over and over, how are people supposed to buy into the tough girl act? She just came across as stupid most of the time. Running her mouth off to anyone within ear shot, even the club. Didn't work. Every time I thought she was getting with it, she makes another dumb mistake. The mistake was really stupid. All she had to do was follow a simple order. Ride with someone to work. Don't go anywhere alone. She was never able to do that, no matter how many times it came back to bite her in the ass. She spoiled the story for me personally, as you can most likely tell from my rant. Lol. The ending, to me, just wan't enough. If you like biker stories and don't mind a TSTL Heroine, try this one out. I am going to read the next one though. I just hope it is better than the first.

CADE made this book worth reading!

I'm pretty sure if you look up the definition of "STUPID" in any fictional English dictionary you will have a lovely picture of this Addison character in there! The heroine (Addison) has got to be the most stupid person I have ever read about. Not only does she disregard her own safety by not listening to simple instructions, she puts the safety of others at risk too. Too dame stubborn to take instructions to stay put or not to go anywhere without an escort, she's just an open book of STUPID! The heroine is on the run after witnessing the death of her mother and shooting her mothers pimp (that story I found hilarious!) takes coverage at her father's biker community. It is there that she meets the Hero - Cade. Cade is one hot Alpha, possessive and very yummy Man who falls hard and fast for the heroine. When Addisons past comes back to haunt her, it is Cade and her father that runs the rescue, but in order to keep her safe, all she has to do is... LISTEN and DO AS SHES TOLD! Two simple steps to keep her safe. But nooo, what does little miss drama queen do.. she disobeys everything which eventually gets her into trouble. After she endures her stupidity, I sincerely hope that she's learnt her lesson. It has a lovely little epilogue afterwards which was a bonus. The plot was good, the way the characters were developed was great... even though the heroine came off as just plain old stupid to me - the rest of the characters was very well written. If anything, I think the only thing that kept me reading this book was Cade!! MORE CADE PLEASE!!! :)

2.5 stars

Maybe 2.5 stars since the beginning kept me reading on. But the last half flops to a 2. Ok, so I saw a book on Amazon that everyone was reeling over being a rip off of this book. Which I think is what sparked my attention to read this one instead of the other one. It got high ratings. I got this as a freebie and so glad I did because if I paid money for it I'd feel like a sucker. The plot is typical of all biker books. Addison's back story in this one is tragic, but I almost can not feel for her. I had no connection to any of the characters. I couldn't get myself to feel strongly one way or the other for any of them. Some of the dialogue pained me to read. Like,"We'd love to tango." Really? Who says that outside a 1980's action movie? Most of it felt forced. It didn't have an easy flow. Once in a while something would get a chuckle out of me or touch me, but the moments were rare. I no longer expect a lot out of the books I read since a lot lately are indie authors/self published. I have found some gems out there, but they are not the majority. I had to learn to lower the bar by which I judge all books. By that new standard, this book is ok, but just ok. If the rest of the series was free, I would consider reading it. But it would still be far down my TBR list. In the beginning, I found myself drawn to read this even tho I didn't find it to be that great. But by 70% I just wanted to get through it as another book was calling to me. I have a thing about not finishing a book I start, so rarely do I shelve one as DNF.


This is one hot book. It chronicles the end of one life, and the beginning of another, for the heroine, Addison. Told in flipping viewpoints, Hell's Knights is the story of a broken woman who comes to live with her father when the world as she knows it has to end. She falls for a man with almost as much pain in his life. From there, the author takes us through their struggles to find trust in each other, and to figure out what love is. The book contains a lot of cuss words, and covers a lot of very blatant sex, some of it violent. Although the bikers are supposed to be angered by the rape of the heroine by the villain, it is very easy to imagine them doing the same thing. Their treatment of women, while it may reflect reality, is vulgar and condescending. This is a major problem for me, as I think that the more the heroes in stories act like jerks, the more men, and women, think that behavior is okay. Otherwise, this is a good book. I can recommend it to people who can handle darkness, but I recommend that people who like things pleasant avoid it.

Not Enough

OMG I LOVED this book! I couldn't put it down and read it in one sitting! The biggest disappointment was when I got to the epilogue and realised it was over and it just wasn't enough, I wanted more! It was obvious that Spike and Ciara were going to get the next story but I was wrapped when this ended and it confirmed it and said September. I love not having to wait long for sequels! This book just wasn't enough and i can't wait for more!! The only thing that really bothered me during this story was Addison's defiance. I hate girls that just don't listen when they know they're in danger and they do it to prove a point. What's the point? How dumb you are? I love strong female characters but being that defiant is actually quite weak and I find it quite the turn off. I also thought the ending was a bit rushed after it ended so quick after the incident. Sometimes I feel like the authors rush the end to get it over with and published as I'm sure they've worked on it for so long but then your only left remembering the rushed ending. This is one I will definitely read over again and I can't wait for Spike's story!!

New Favorite! Cade is Everything!

I have seen this book around for awhile and put it off time and time again. What was I thinking? I loved this story and Cade as become my new favorite book boyfriend. The story was sweet, bold, dark, tragic, redemptive and HOT! Addison had such a tragic beginning to life, but she did what she had to do to survive and became a bad a#% and beautiful woman. I have much respect for her. Cade is the perfect alpha biker male. I loved his hardness and those small glimpses into his sweetness. Some of his lines made me swoon and laugh, it was a great way to lighten the darkness a little. There was not a character in this story that I did not love... okay maybe Brittney and Jasper, but they got their come-upins. I want more Spike, so I will be one-clicking book two, Heaven's Sinners next. Once I started I could not put it down. I will be reading the rest of this series and much more from this author. It was an amazing story that will stick with me for awhile. Highly recommended if you like darker MC reads!!

Fast paced biker read

This book: 1. Held me captive the whole way through. 2. Was a fast paced book. 3. Made me love the characters: Spike and Ciara. 4. Love the relationship Jackson started to form with Addison. 5. Made me like how Cade claimed Addison. 6. Ended up being perfect for my short attention span and what I needed in the way of reading. 7. Had a bit of humor in it at times. 8. Can be read super fast in one sitting. Addison is being raised by a whore of a mother in a bad area and her life is definitely not good. The mother's pimp is horrible and does horrible things to her and keeps her and her mother under his controlling thumb. Unfortunate circumstances happen and she's able to get free and runs to a father she hasn't seen since she was 4 years of age. She's mighty ticked and can't trust anyone. Going to her father, Jackson, is where she meets Cade. Cade is the VP of Hell's Knights MC. He's got his own demons to wrestle with and a delusional "sweet butt", Britney, who wants to be his ol' lady. Too bad he doesn't feel the same way. Then in walks Addison and everything changes for him. He wants to protect Addison at all costs even if he is all bossy/Alpha about it. However, Addison is tired of being controlled and thinks she can take care of her self. She makes 3 unwise decisions in this book and one of those decisions puts her back in to the clutches of her mom's pimp. During the time Addison is with her dad, they grow a bond between them and she and Cade grow a fast love connection. She meets Spike, who has his head full of demons, and Ciara. I really loved the friendship we briefly see her start with Ciara and Spike. Thankfully we don't have to deal with cheating in this book from Cade as once he gets his ol' lady, no other woman becomes between them. Although, Britney isn't done trying to get Cade back at all costs. Even though I didn't feel this was a strong MC book, as far as a story line went, I was still held captive by it the entire time. I also question how the heck Spike, Cade and Jackson knew where Jasper had taken Addison. That part is never fleshed out so the reader is left to wonder on that tidbit. Content: violence, drinking, drugs, sexual situations.

I had this on my shelf for awhile and it is another one of those that I scratch my head and wonder why I didn't read soon

Addison is twenty one, lived through a hellish life and has a huge chip on her shoulder. Her mother is dead and she is on the run, she runs to the only place that may offer a temporary respite from the hell she is living in, her father. She has not seen the man since he walked out on her at age four and is not going to back down to the MC President, even if others do. However all is not what it seems about her past and Addison is not sure where to put her father when it comes to what she plans to do next to restart her life. As if the confusion of her past is not enough she has caught the eye of MC VP Cade. He has known from the first moment he laid eyes on her that he plans to have her, but Addison is fighting a haunted past that has her pushing everyone of his boundaries. They share something no one else could relate too, can they weather the incoming storm heading their way? I had this on my shelf for awhile and it is another one of those that I scratch my head and wonder why I didn't read sooner. Once you start pick a comfy spot because you wont be moving until the very end. Addison is a tough character you want to coddle her, but you also want to throttle her at times. Given her background you get it, she lashes out and is in pure survival mode. Cade puts up with it to a point but he draws lines on how far he will let her push. THe chemistry is electric and I loved her dad. He is hard, burly, and yet a tad bit vulnerable which is unique for his type of character. Absolutely will pick up the rest of the series.


** Note: I did have to remove certain words in my review before Amazon would post it =) Hell's Knight wasn't on my radar at all but I saw it recommended in a Goodreads groups yesterday. I should go ahead and admit that a romance book with a Motorcycle Club are pretty much auto-buys for me...Motorcycle Man, Reaper's Property, and Undeniable are some of my favorite books! So after reading the blurb for Hell's Knight and with little else to go on since the book was just released, I was totally in. Hell's Knight tells the story of Addison, a street smart, damaged young woman who has fought to stay alive while living with her mother who was a prostitute. She spent her life surrounded by drugs and violence and paralyzed with the fear that she would end up with nothing and no one and be forced to live on the streets. After her mother over doses and dies, Addison travels to stay with her father, a man she's never known. There among the bikers that make up her father's Motorcycle Club she meets Cade. She's all kind of sassy. He's all kind of crude. And together the sparks fly. "You're the kind of girl that makes a man want to stop what he's doing, just so he can get a moment to look at that angelic face- a face that will keep him awake for the rest of his _______ life. That's the kind of girl you are, sugar." "You're mine. You can argue that, you can run, you can play games, but in the end, the result is the same. I won't be lettin' you go anytime soon." Cade's pretty irresistible but both Addison and Cade have issues to work through, both are hiding secrets in their pasts. Addison has been less than honest about her circumstances and what she left behind when her mother died. Cade senses Addison's running from something but he doesn't know the full story of what she left behind. "I know what you went through, was all kinds of ________ed up, and one day maybe you'll tell me about it, just like maybe I'll tell you. If you wanna tell me bits, the lot, or none, that's up to you. I ain't ever gonna push, just like I'm never gonna judge. Your life was bad; I see it in your eyes. When you grin, you face is empty, and I have no doubt when you smile, your eyes won't shine like they should. One day though, baby, I will make them shine." I wish Goodreads gave an option for half stars. This would be a 3.5 for me. Overall, the characters and story aren't developed enough to make this a great book. The characters were a little one dimensional and I would have liked to seen just "more". That being said, the sex is pretty hot. As in, I had to read one part two times to figure out where Cade was putting her ankles and where that put her mouth. You get the picture. And even though there were some typos and editing issues, knowing that this is the author's debut novel makes me excited to read the next book in the series. So even though this book wasn't great, it was definitely enjoyable. And just being a little over 200 pages, this is a quick read that gave me a little bit of what I was wanting: a bossy biker, some dirty sex, and a happy ending. "I meet his gaze and for a long moment, we just lock eyes. Happy. Content. That's what we are right now. He picked up my pieces and put me back together, even when I thought no glue would hold. Turns out Cade was my glue, and in a sense, I think I am his."

I wanna Join a MC!!!! :)

Omg I really enjoyed this book! Another book just sitting in my kindle because my stupid life got in the way of me reading it! LOL This book surrounds Addison. A girl who's off to meet her dad after her mam has died. Her dad who wanted nothing to do with her for all her years on this crappy planet. Her dad though is the president of an MC. Yeah so not your typical father alright. So off she goes to this big MC,to meet a man she's never meet and who didn't want to know her. Poor Addison had a horrific up bringing all because of her mother. Controlled by a man who can only be said to be the spawn of the devil. Her life was ruined and took from her at an early age. I won't say what happens,but it BAD. So off she goes,mouthy as hell when she meets her dad Jackson. All this built up anger in her so she lashes out. He puts her in her place and tells her a few home truths though. Her mam had been lying to her all these years. On top of all of this,new life,home and having a father after two decades she can't handle much more......Well unless its a sexy ass biker named Cade who sets his sights on her as soon as she comes strutting into his MC. Cade literally has girls ready and waiting to drop there panites for him. Yet he wants the stubborn and firey Addison. Talk about a glutting for punishment. ;) Of course he'll get her. Addison is strong but not where Cade is concerned. But Cade will get more then he wants with her. She doesn't take orders laying down that's for sure after most her life choices been took from her there's no way in hell is that happening again. But its always when you seemed to have a good thing going that life punchs you in the face. You can only run for so long as Adddison and Hell's Knights MC are gonna find out......

4 stars

I definitely enjoyed Hell’s Knights. I love it when an author plays with flashbacks to explain the characters lives, rather than a prologue, so two thumbs up there. I’m also a fan of the first person perspective. It allows me to lose myself and become the character while I’m reading. I thought the main characters were awesome, and their stories were heart-breaking. I felt for both Addi and Cade and all the shit they went through before meeting. Backgrounds like theirs are difficult to overcome enough to let someone in, and I think Bella Jewel did an excellent job smoothly transitioning from hardened heart to love. You’ll hear me say it a lot, but I LOVE an alpha male, and Cade was no exception to that. YUM! I can pinpoint the exact sentence that I fell a little in love with him. It’s so disappointing sometimes to finish a book and realize it’s not real. Addi is a very guarded person, and it’s pretty obvious why from the get-go. Her struggle to let go of the past and the inner strength inside her made me root for her to get her happy ending. I did have one issue with a piece of background detail, and it was kind of an important foundation detail, so it stuck with me. I hate to say it, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a lifelong prostitute that has a lawyer and a will. I’m not saying it is impossible, but maybe it wasn’t explained enough as to how that came about. I just think there were more believable options as to how Addi got the piece of information that came from there. Overall, that didn’t stop me from enjoying Hell’s Knights, and I can’t wait to get my hands on Heaven’s Sinners! Read more reviews @ rawbooksonline.com

Keepin' it Real - 4 Stars

On my never-ending quest for biker fiction I happened upon a new-to-me author, Bella Jewel and her MC Sinners series. I purchased book one - Hell's Knights At first glance I had reservations about the format of this book being sectioned in Past and Present scenes at regular intervals. Usually I find this type of thing jarring. Thankfully this wasn't the case with this book. Hell's Knights has memorable, engaging characters...believable settings and circumstances...and some very hot sex. As a writer of Biker Fiction, I am more often than not, disappointed in the way the 'biker' is portrayed. Having lived the lifestyle most of my life, I was pleasantly surprised to find nothing 'cliché' about these men who lived and loved with great passion and fervor. Real men with real feelings. Addison, the female protagonist... no pretenses, no facades. She got dealt a s***ty hand in life, but doesn't use it as a crutch to get what she wants. She's hard as nails on the outside, when all she really wants is a sense of family, and to be genuinely loved. The only problem I have is this. If I wasn't told Addison is 21yrs old (present day)when she first arrived at the clubhouse, I'd never have guessed it. The quick temper and smart mouth remind me of a young girl with a chip on her shoulder, not a young woman who was raped on a regular basis for years. I wasn't surprised to learn this is Bella Jewels first published work. There are a few tell-tale signs this is written by a novice writer. A good editor would've been highly beneficial. All in all, Ms Jewel penned an engaging story, and I easily give it 4 stars. I enjoyed Hell's Knights and look forward to reading the rest of this series.

Good start

It was a good read, different from my normal. There were some parts in the story that were hard to read, not because of the actions taking place. Those parts happened to be slower. The book started out with some killer action taking place. I did enjoy the characters. Addison was a great character. She's feisty and independent. She's willing to stand up for herself, though in the past she hadn't. The reader doesn't know a lot about Addison or her past until later in the story. She has to learn to trust those around her after every thing she's been through. It's hard, especially with a father she thought walked out on her. Jackson, Addison's father, seems like a typical president of a motorcycle club at times. Other times, he can be very fatherly to Addison. He's trying to make up for all the years he lost. Cade, the club's VP, is a major flirt, but he's also standoffish. He's not used to people standing up to him like Addison does. It pushes his buttons, but he means well. Addison isn't used to their lifestyle yet. Cade's also got a past he hasn't moved on from yet. The guilt is still eating at him. Spike seems like he's up to no good when he's first introduced. I wasn't sure if he was one who could be trusted or not. It was amusing to see Spike and Addison interacting. You could feel the tension between Spike and Cade. Their past isn't an easy hurtle to move on from. I really want to see how Spike's story goes.

Addison & Cade

Addison has had an extremely tough life and yet she has to suck up her pride & seek out her father for help. Her father Jackson is the president of the Hell's Knights motorcycle club & he surprises her by filling in some blanks from her past. The VP of the MC, Cade, instantly connects with Addison & ignores his usual hook-up and goes after Addison. The best part about this book was the scene when Cade & Addison have sex - won't spoil it any more than that, but OMG the sex is incredibly hot! - and Addison misunderstands one of Cade's comments. She is constantly afraid of being labeled a whore like her mother. Her mother's pimp, Jasper, is after Addison & she is in serious danger. She doesn't heed the advice of her father or Cade and often goes off by herself - big mistake! This book was seriously good but Jackson & Cade seem a little soft for being in a tough motorcycle club. It didn't seem as realistic as some of the other MC books I've been reading. But then again you don't have the heartache of the men in the book hooking up with random MC groupies all the time either which is refreshing. There is violence & danger without a whole lot of drama, if that makes sense. Awesome book, and very hot!


Hell's Knights just didn't grab me like I thought it would. While there were some good, there just wasn't enough substance for me. The characters and the story were lacking in depth. The characters talked and acted like what a teenage boy might think they should. It just didn't come across as real and mature enough. Too much of the emotional stuff was glossed over and resolved too easily.

Middle of the road kind of read.

Addison hasn't had the perfect life, she didn't even have a decent life. Raised by a pr0stitute of a mother and abused by her p1mp, Addison wants nothing more than to escape this life. But the fear of having nothing, being worse off once she leaves has always kept her there. Now that her mother is gone, Addison is off to meet her father so that she can try to pull her life together enough to move on. Only she doesn't remember her father, all she knows is he's a biker and from what her mother told her - was worthless. Arriving at the H*11's Knight Compound, Addison comes face to face with the definition of dangerous in the sexy package of Cade. VP of the MC and a man that sees something in her that has caught his attention. But as Addison comes to terms that her father's absence from her life wasn't exactly the story her mother told her she is finally starting to get the taste of a life that could have been hers. Her past isn't ready to remain in the past though. Just as she is coming to terms that she can have this new life, a relationship with Cade and with her father... the past evades her present and threatens to tear it all away. I was ready for a gritty MC read and some tough biker that was ready to put his girl in her place. I just didn't really get that. What I did get was a story that although was not bad, was just off in several areas. Instant love can work, but I just never felt the draw to Addison to make Cade fall that hard - that fast. He just did. And it made no sense. For Addison, she was a mess. I get that her life was hard and that she had an attitude and that was part of her survival - but she was hot and cold the entire time. Her walls would come down then instantly it was like whatever had caused them to crumble never happened and she'd be back to her old self. I was dizzy with the back and forth of her resolve. She also couldn't shut her mouth or listen to a darn word. I like feisty heroines, but I do not like stupid. Her rebelling against being told what to do in order to keep her safe, was reckless and ultimately made me dismiss any affection I had developed towards her. There was one saving grace. Cade. He had a dirty mouth, could sex it up like a machine and was pretty much the highlight of this story for me. That and maybe the tie in with Spike... I think I'll like him too. Parts of this story just felt like it was written in segments where the story jumped around and the continuity was off. From certain scenes, it just felt like entire pages of the prior portion of the story never happened. That caused me to focus more on those little speed bumps than the story at points, having to flip back to make sure that I didn't misread something. In the end, I'll give this series another go. I sort of one-clicked all of the ones that were out in excitement over a new MC series, so I am going to not let them go to waste - but I am hoping that the installments will slightly improve as the series goes on.

Great Premise, Forced Delivery

This book is a strong 3.5. I love the biker premise, the tortured past, the need to atone, but it's often contrived and irritatingly lacks a legitimate setting. [shrug] I just assumed California. Naturally, these characters have to have bad-ass mettle, but at times there is this in-your-face approach that's hard to swallow. Addison has a horrid past; she's a true survivor, and I liked her. In fact, I liked all of them, but there could have been a bit more time spent developing them. Like Addison and her father; she initially has an awkward relationship with him but instead of creating more touching moments between them, we're simply told that they're connecting and making headway. The ending is gritty and harsh, which I liked, but I didn't buy into the notion that a horrible attack could happen and there's no mention of police involvement, especially when someone is taken to the hospital. It's like details that could add validity to the story weren't tackled. Now I don't want to sound completely negative because I did read this book in a day, so it definitely kept me captivated. I also loved the limited interactions between Jackson and Addi, not to mention the hot moments between Addi and Cade (the book more than delivers in the bedroom). All in all, it's a good start to a series, and I am thoroughly enjoying the second installment, which I think is better written, so I'd definitely recommend the series.

2.5 - 3 STARS!!!

This book was just ok for me. It took some time for me to warm up to Addison, and as I read the story I could understand why she had a attitude in the beginning but you show up to ask for help and then give major shade and disrespect to those helping you was a bit of a turn off for me. This story picked up the more it went on and I could see some character and plot development that was intriguing. There were many editing issues throughout that were a bummer and were a bit distracting but these can be easily fixed so I hope the author revisits this book as it would make the flow of the story so much more enjoyable. I see potential in this series.

Hot, fast read

Hell’s Knights (The MC Sinners Series #1) By: Bella Jewel 5/5 stars Addison has had a craptastic life. The daughter of a druggie prostitute isn’t easy. From a young age she has been abused and used and has had no protection, from her mother, her mother’s pimp or her mother’s johns. Mother is only used in the biological sense that she gave birth to Addison, because she failed in all other aspects. After her mother overdoses, Addison is on the run…to her dad, whom she doesn’t know…who also happens to be the President of the Hell’s Knights Motorcycle Club. Things are rough with her dad, whom she believes abandoned her. It takes work for them to build any type of relationship. Enter Cade Duke; sexy vice-president of Hell’s Knights with a sinfully sexy mouth. Addison immediately intrigues him. He knows that he wants more, but he is very bossy, protective and controlling. That doesn’t always sit so well with Addison, causing her to rebel which just leads to more trouble. There is also a very dark event in Cade’s past that causes nightmares and soul-sucking guilt. It’s also the basis of problems between him and Spike, a former friend and current president of the Heaven’s Sinners Motorcycle Club. The interactions between Addison and Spike are hilarious and really crack me up. Addison is able to break the ice and possibly help Cade & Spike. The book is a nice fast paced read. Book 2 is Spike & Ciara’s story in Heaven’s Sinners.

4.5 Oh Hell Yeah Stars

Oh Hell Yeah. What's not to love? Seriously? I know I am a sucker for a bad boy motorcycle alpha male. We ALL know that by now. But who wouldn't love a possessive, protective, sexy, tight jeans and leather wearin' bad ass boyfriend. Sign me up. I will even get in line for this one the night before. Cheap TV at Best Buy...I'm sleeping in. Hot Motorcycle Guy....I am in the tent on the sidewalk the day before. Addison has had a shitty life. Truly shitty. Her mother was a whore. A real whore. Who let her pimp rape Addison and didn't blink an eye. Addison has now found her dad who abandoned her when she was 4. Leaving her with her non-award winning mom. When she finds her father, Jackson, he is the president of the Hell's Knights MC. To say that Addison has some self esteem issues is an understatement. She has been treated like doggie-do by the one person who should have been her sanctuary, her protection. I'm not what anybody looks for. I'm not what they fight for. I'm not what they breathe for. I'm not the girl you think I am. Cade is the VP of the Hell's Knights. He is used to saying it once and people doing what he says. Number 1 because he is VP of a Motorcycle Club. Number 2 because he is gorgeous. Addison hasn't really gotten the memo on doing what Cade says. In fact, she openly defies him and smiles while doing it. This does not make Cade happy. Addison, will there ever come a time you'll let someone save you? So can Addison and Cade find a happy medium between her needing to have some control over her life for the first time in her life and his need to protect her from everything he knows is out there that can hurt her. And Cade knows about the bad things out there. He has seen his share of people hurt. Can he convince Addison that she is worth it? I'll claim you because you are the definition of need. I loved this one and will definitely be getting the second in the series. Do not try to break in front of me in line. There will be a throw down. Just sayin'.

Hot, Sexy Biker Book

I really enjoyed this book. It had pretty much everything I love in a book. Super sexy, commanding alpha BIKER, and a sweet, no nonsense heroine as well as the whole "damsel and distress". Now, this is a biker book, so obviously they both have their issues they are trying to overcome, it's gritty and very raunchy. While it's not a life changing read, it is a sexy, crazy fun one. Addison has been through some pretty traumatic experiences. Stuff that either makes you or breaks you and Addison didn't let it break her, this chick is tough. She runs into the biker life head on and tries very hard to overcome her past and be the best at whatever she can be. Cade is pretty much the same. Once he has his eyes set on Addi, there is no wavering for him. This book is very erotic, very steamy, very sexy. I loved it. There is some great danger moments and a great "damsel and distress" scene. Loved it all. It was pretty well written, some grammar and spelling errors, but hey, when it's burning up your panties you aren't really concerned about a period here and there....unless it's yours. Totally recommend. I can't wait for Spike (from what I can tell from this book, his will be SUPER interesting...AND HOT) or Jackson's book!

Cade is one sexy Knight!

Oh, this book!! This book had a lot of emotions in it and some serious issues in it to handle. It was damn good. Bella Jewel never skimps on the good erotic scenes and I gotta love the girl for that. She always delivers! While yes, all her bikers in all her books have the same speech patterns and are all possessive and strong, they all have their own identity. I can't imagine that being easy if you are writing a handful of different bikers for different books all the time. So, well done. The characters in here are great, like Jackson (Addison's dad) and Spike (Cade's ex-best friend). I loved Spike in all his rough exterior! Addison has had an extremely awful life up until moving in with her dad, Jackson, who is President of the Hell's Knights. She is a survivor who is mad at the world and bitter and is not shy about showing these emotions to the people at the club who are trying their best to get to know her. I don't blame her actions fully on her, she really did have a horrendous upbringing. Although there was a time right before she gave into her dad and Cade that I was like, "Enough already! They love you and want to help you so just stop!" But again, she has her reasons and it's sad and heart wrenching and I don't know how she stays so strong all the time. Cade is such a bad-ass biker. He is sexy and, even though he says he is against being a mushy romantic, he really is. He's sweet to Addison and protects her with all he has. He doesn't take her sass either which is refreshing since she dishes a lot of it out. They both play well off each other and compliment each other. Their chemistry through the entire book is crazy intense and you are just waiting and waiting for Addison to give in, stubborn little girl she is. I truly enjoyed reading their story and all it's emotions it gave me. Super excited for the next book!! Spike and Ciara's story is happening! See all my other reviews at www.latenightsbookblog.com!


I just finished Hell's Knights and I must say it was a very good read. Couldn't have been happier with the story, writing, the characters, Hell just everything. Addison is on her way to see her father that she hasn't ever met since her mother died (being told all her life that her father was a one night stand for her mother) For me already I was thinking her dad (Jackson) was some low life biker that didn't give crap about her. We end up meeting Cade. Cade is Jackson VP in the Hell's Knights Club. You find out in the story (switches from past to present) that Addi had a very bad life (just about the worse you can think of) when she is on her way to meet her dad. Her past comes back to haunt her. Where was her dad her whole life? Why didn't he look for her? What will Cades' reaction be when he finds out about her past? What will Addi do when she finds out that Cade also has a bad past? You will have to read and see. I loved Addi, she was hardcore. With the things that she experienced in her life, how could she not be. Cade, hmmmm, Cade. I absolutely loooooovvvvvveeeeeddddd him. He was down right sexy, domineering and man he such a dirty talker. (Ladies, buy it for this alone!!!!) You will not be able to help yourself, you will love this one just as I did. You will experience all sorts of emotion. Heartbreak, you will be furious and most importantly you will be able to feel real love come from these characters. So, If you are looking for a story that will grab you, read this. You will not regret it!! Cannot wait for the next story!! Story 5 Sex-5 Overall 5+++++++

5 hot-controlling -biker stars

For starts this book touches on very dark themes and should not be picked up by anyone who might find rape, murder, drug abuse, and child abuse offensive. This story is one of people rising up from the ashes of a fiery life of hell, but know that some of the scenes had me cringing and crying for the main characters. With that being said, I loved this book. I loved the grit, the grime and the realness of it all. Not every life is perfect and most have skeletons and Bella Jewel chowed that well. I really do have a soft spot for alpha male book boyfriends and Cade hits that nail right on the head! I did find his gruffness and crassness a little overdone at times, but that did not take away from the story for me. Addi was very well written. She is rebellious, stubborn and beautifully broken. She is running from a passed and terrible people that want to drag her right back into the seedy underbelly that she finally escaped from. She finds herself finally reunited with the only parent that truly loved her, the president of the Hell's Knights MC, Jackson. Oh Jackson! I have to say he was my favorite character! I am a daddy's girl and loved watching Addison and Jackson learn to love each other after all the years of separation! Ok, I dont want to give anything more away. Just know this book has hot-yummy-bikers, awesomely written intimate scenes, death, drugs, some touchy subjects, and some shocking moments that made me want to scream out load or cry! It is totally worth the read!

If you like fiction and love a quick read of a hottie on a bike in a MC then go for it. LOved the whirlwind rollercaster love st

Ok so I read some of th reviews before buying it and some where just not nice, i relly enjoyed the book, yeah ok there are some little things off like Cade taking off Addi's pants slowly killing her then a paragraph later he removed her pants agan. I did pick up the mis placd words but hay isn't that an editors job to find them and i did notice she had an editor. LOved the whirlwind rollercaster love story, noting better Ok story loved it, Addi seemed real enough to me, i've been in a dark place and while it kills part of you, you are not in fact dead completely someone said that Addi's attitude was wrong but i say hello fiction book and everyone is different i know i gave out shit to a lot of people when i was in my dark place so i kind of felt Addi. Cade OMG he reminded of a someone i know, forceful but out of pure love and yeah you can fall in love that quick. He sounded so hot the way he was described he had me melting along with Addi. I don't care that some people reviewed it is not a real MC i say it again HELLO Fiction, I could see it play out the way it was writte and that for me is good enough. Great JOB can't wait to read Book Two

2 stars

I know almost everybody loved this and I really wanted to but I just didn't. I don't know if it was because of the length and maybe I just didn't have the time to get into some of the characters, but I wasn't really feeling Addison...I kinda was like "whatever" about her...and while Cade had some moments--a few really good moments, I didn't really see the attraction. That whole thing happened fast and I didn't really get it. I liked Jackson...but again, I didn't feel the depth of his affection for Addison or his bad ass biker status. Spike was a promising character, and as the I think the next book might be about him, maybe I would totally adore him. Overall, I just felt like *shrugg* about it. I think you have to be careful with these types of books, with insta-love and definitely with bikers, if not done just right, if you don't give the right amount of insight and have a good balance of the inner dialogue and character interaction it can fall flat even when there is a good premise and lots of potential

Addison's Life Goes From Hell To Heaven

Addison finally escapes a life really not worth living when her mom dies. She finds a dad in Jackson that she never knew. And Cade she found a man worth exploring a new life. I have to day I stopped reading at one point. Not because I didn't like it, but Addison's anger was just too much, but I understand why do next day picked it up cause I knew it would get better.

Hard core hot and explosive

Addison has had a hard life, and she finally has the chance to take control of her life by living with her biker Dad who is president of Hell's Knights MC and working at the bar to earn money then move on. But she doesn't expect him to come in her life. Cade has demons and guilt eating him up. He is the VP of Hell's Knights MC. He sees Addison, he sees her pain in her eyes but he also sees a woman worth fighting for and what he has been looking for. Addison tries to resist Cade because she doesn't want the complication or need it. But its hard to resist when the hot ass biker melts off your panties and when they are together, they're explosive. Cade and Addison get to know each other but their relationship is out of this world, it's that explosive but hot. They are falling hard for each other. They love and hate to fight but it makes it that much more enjoyable making up. Hell's Knights by Bella Jewel was freaking awesome to read. This is the first book I've read from this author and I am new fan. It was so explosive, hot, sexy, erotic, heartbreaking sad but it was also filled with love and support family, friends and Hell's Knights MC. I can't wait to read the others, especially Spike's book.

love them bikers

Rating 4 out of 5 Not only does Bella Jewel have a kick a** name, but she can write a kick a** story. I one clicked it as soon as it was live and moved my TBR list around until it was at the top. And then I spent a few hours being introduced to Hell's Knights. It's a sexy, gritty story about a broken girl and a motorcycle club. It's a book about karma and learning to trust. It's Addison and Cade's love story. It's a biker book, so it's not hearts and flowers, but it was a gripping read. It's got a great pace and there were never any slow points. I was sucked in from the prologue and didn't move until I was done reading. I really enjoyed Addison and her smart mouth. She's a strong heroine with a lot of baggage. I spent some time wishing she would crack, just a little, and let someone care for her. But I admired her determination to survive, rather than lay down and let her crappy life destroy her. Watching her learn to trust and care for people who were worthy of those emotions was a humbling experience. Her father, Jackson, is an interesting man and I would like to see him find an Old Lady of his own. My heart broke for him when he learned about his daughter's history. My favorite character was a side character and the lead in Bella Jewel's next book. Spike, a member of the Heaven's Sinners MC, was just the kind of man to make me drool. I want his story (book) immediately. I think his story may have me panting as much as the reason for his nickname. As for Cade. Cade is my new book crush. He's hot. He's crude. He's bada**. He's a biker. But what makes him tick? Where did he come from? His back story is only hinted at and only a small part of his history with Spike is revealed and I was left wanting more. Addison and Cade have great chemistry. He needs a woman that challenges him and she needed someone to love her. And Cade is creative in his loving! I will never think about a handstand the same, ever again. But I needed more from him to call him a book boyfriend. I needed something to hook me to him. This book was a solid 4 for me. Dynamic dialogue and a quick pace are just a couple things that kept me reading. The storyline was good, the characters were fascinating and the sex scenes are scorching. MORE, please! Thanks, Bella Jewel, for a great new series to lust after.

Hmmmm! Different kind of MC read

Hmmm I liked it but it is definitely not Reaper's Property or Undeniable, these two books are more authentic to the MC life. Hell's Knight felt a little more like a light MC read,lol. I liked the story and the characters Addison, Cade and Jackson. Addison's life has been just horrific, which we get a lot of details about. She is a supper strong, head strong survivor in every since of the word. I really liked her. Cade was Cade hot and sexy and all Alpha male, with a sweet side. However we know very little of his back story, what brought him to the MC life. We are told that he had a really messed up past but no real detail other than one. The two have really great chemistry, and banter like no other. They also make up like no other, all sorts of scorching hotness there. In this story you get more details of Addison's horrific past and less the harsh real world of the MC life, the guys really seem pretty tame in this one. It is pretty sugar coated in my opinion. With that said though I still enjoyed it for all it's good points. Just a heads up for all the hardcore MC fans:D flag

There's just something about this story

So thankful to read a novel that is NOT a cliffhanger, but I still hated to see it end. Addison has no memory of her father, Jackson, she seeks him out as an adult when her mother dies after a drug overdose. She soon discovers that he's a rough biker with some hints at a heart of gold, and that the past didn't happen quite the way her mother told her. Through a series of flashbacks we glimpse the horrible life Addison survived while living with her mother. It helps us understand why she has such difficulties relating to other people. Soon after meeting her father she meets Cade, the pierced and brooding Vice-President of her Dad's MC. Cade has his own demons he is working through, but he is drawn to Addison in a way he can't deny. As the relationships between Addison and Cade, and Addison and her Father grow, she learns that she can trust other people for the first time in her life. This leads to some sweet scenes with Addison and her Father, and some HOT (and sweet) scenes with Addi and Cade. Eventually Addison's past catches up with her, and while she still has some trust issues Jackson and Cade prove that they have her back. I would have liked to see Addison's character arch grow just a bit more. You do see some development of her character as she learns to trust her Father and her Man. The book works as a stand alone, but sets up books for Jackson and Spike, a friend from Cade's past. All in all, a promising beginning,


After reading "Withstanding Me," from Crystal Spears. I was searching for something as REAL & GROUND-BREAKING as the Breakneck Series! I was in dire need of reading the same type of characteristics as the men and especially the women Ms. Spears has created. STRONG-WILLED, BAD-ASS FIRECRACKERS, WHO DO NOT BACK DOWN FROM A CHALLENGE!! I literally stumbled upon Bella Jewel's "Hell's Knights," the first novel within the "MC Sinners Series." I had just finished the FIRST 17 PAGES, and I was COMPLETELY HOOKED! The EXPLOSIVE COMBINATION the hero & heroine possessed was MIND-BLOWING! I AUTOMATICALLY purchased the remaining two novel, "Heaven's Sinners," and "Knights' Sinners." After reading the rest of the series, it WASN'T just the FIRST novel that POSSESSED this IMPULSIVE CHEMISTRY, it was all THREE! I can HONESTLY state that I'm UNABLE to DECIPHER which novel is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE! Therefore, YOU will SEE the SAME review for EACH BOOK! They were EXCEPTIONALLY WRITTEN, with THREE DIVERSE STORYLINES, with ONE COMMON GOAL! To RENDER the READER COMPLETELY SPEECHLESS, as they DROP their KNEES, GASPING for MORE! The EMOTIONAL level was UNBELIEVABLY GRIPPING, that at times you can FEEL your OWN HEART being SQUEEZED to COMBUSTION. The EROTICISM was EQUALLY STIMULATING, WITHOUT-A-DOUBT there WASN'T SOMEONE or ANYTHING that COULD'VE POSSIBLY TARE ME AWAY from READING just ONE MORE SENTENCE! Mark my words: "ONE OF THE BEST MC SERIES YOU'LL READ THIS YEAR! MS. JEWEL IS RIGHT UP THERE WITH CRYSTAL SPEARS' 'BREAKNECK SERIES!" PHENOMENAL JOB MS. JEWEL, I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE WHAT ELSE YOU HAVE IN STORE! ---------------------------------- Other Recommendations: "Seize Me, (Breakneck Series, #1)"; "Withstanding Me, (Breakneck Series, #2)," by Crystal Spears "Beautiful Trash, (Scarlet Briar, #1)"; "Hot Mess, (Scarlet Briar, #2)"; "Bitchcraft, (Scarlet Briar, #3)," by Mara Ryder "Sweet Temptation, (Sweet Series, #4)," by Maya Banks

A very provocative read

I am giving it a 5 star for the sex and the story line (Biker romance). I wish that more authors would write biker romance and for those that take the time and effort to publish one,I say KUDOS to them. What I did not like about the book is the back and forth from present to past. I felt that the author could have told the story of the heroine Addison past up front because there was no link to her past and current situation I could see. Normally something from the person future may trigger a similar situation that may have occurred in the person past but in this case it did not. At first I felt that Addison was trying too hard to be a bad ass and I can see why she would have a serious chip on her shoulder, a whore for a mother would do it to anyone. I like Cade the hero from the beginning he was a strong alpha and he took no shit from anyone even Addie, he was very possessive of Addison from the moment he saw her and I also like the fact that he did not give up on being with Addison although they were times when she played very hard to get and was really feeling Cade. They were grammatical errors although they did not take away from the book because I figured out what the author was trying to say it still needed to be addressed. If this is the Bella Jewel first published work I want to commend her on getting her book out there and she has potential at being a good author. I am looking forward to the improved second book in the series.

Promising Plot/Characters - Poorly Executed

I love these MC books lately, so I was quick to pick up this one. The story line and the characters were on the right track (albeit a well-worn one for these types of books) and it really had all of the elements of a great story, but it was poorly executed. Its difficult to describe WHY the book didn't 'do it' for me. The dialogue was good, the editing was fine. I just felt the story moved much, much too fast and short. I was not invested in the characters. There were little to no descriptions of the characters or the scenes. Despite having a horrible childhood, the main female character essentially tells the main male character her horrible past within 5 minutes of meeting him, which I thought was unrealistic and could have been an opportunity to make this story deeper. She sneaks out of the house because she's mad at him and then when he finds her, she runs right into his arms. Then the two are 'in love' even though we've really only seen them in two scenes together. They had no courtship. I thought there was a lot that could have come from this book but this just missed the mark. The author is on the right track but needs to spend more time developing the characters and the plot and creating more interpersonal drama.

MC book!!

Addison's life has been miserable so far. Her mother abused her mentally and physically. Her father, Jackson thought she was having a better life and didn't try to look for her. When Addison's mom passes Jackson is ready to help his daughter. He invites her to his compound. Jackson is the President of the Hell's Knights MC Club and he will do anything to protect his daughter now that she is here with him. Father and daughter will have to learn to live together. Jackson is a true Bachelor and Addison is trying to protect her new independence. When Addison meets her father, she also meets Cade. Cade is the Vice president of the club. What Cade feels for Addison goes beyond having a one night stand. He wants more. “You might not think you’re worth fighting for, or breathing for, but let me tell you, sugar – everyone deserves to be fought for, even those who think they aren’t worth it.” Unfortunately, someone wants Addison. They want to harm her and make her pay for something she did. Can the club and Cade protect her? From time to time I love a good MC book. Cade was a typical MC guy. They are always so swoon worthy. I hate that Addison had a terrible life but I'm glad she has Cade and Jackson now. I felt that this book sets a good foundation for books to come. Secondary characters that shine were Jackson and Spike. “Who said happily ever after couldn’t involve bikers?” 3/5 Fangs

Hell's Knights

This one was about a 2.5 for me. The story and the premise were solid. I even liked Cade and Jackson. It was Addison who impacted my enjoyment of the story. She was very difficult to like, even when you wanted to because of all the heavy blows life dealt her. She came across as unreasonable, impetuous and never seemed to consider the ramifications of her actions. I knew she was young but I was expecting a more solid personality because of it. She did start to grow on me toward the end of the story but I never grew to like her. I thought Cade's old lady should have been stronger. I would have enjoyed the story much more if Addison was less impulsive and reactive and perhaps her character grows with the series. However, I can only base my review on my impressions of her in this story. I also liked the addition of Spike into the story. He shouldn't have been at all likeable but you couldn't help but to like him because of how we was. Hell's Knights was a solid introduction to a new series and I look forward to seeing what the author does with the other characters -- especially Jackson. He needs a HEA.

Good Book

I enjoyed this book and thought it was really good for a first novel. There were a number of typos throughout, but nothing major that took away from the story. I've always had a weakness for biker books so I was immediately drawn to this book. I absolutely loved Cade. He was just WOW! You knew the minute he and Addison looked at each other that they were meant to be together. Poor Addison, her mom was crap and the fact that she never protected her daughter as Addison was growing up just sucks. There is no sympathy for her mom's death or the way it happens. I was happy to know that Jackson, Addi's dad loved her and would have gotten her if he knew where she was. It's nice to see their relationship grow. You knew Jasper would come looking for Addi, we just had to anticipate how it would go down. But after seeing Cade and Addi together, you also knew that man would do anything to protect her and that he loved her dearly. Loved both Cade and Addi, but did think Addi was a little too hard headed for her own good. Looking forward to the next book about Spike and Ciara. Spike is a sweetie and I hope he gets a happy ending like Cade and Addi. No cliffhanger and a HEA.


This is just what I was thinking of when I was looking for an MC book. Addison has had a hard life and is on the run from part of it. The person she runs to is not the person she thinks will help her long term but is just the person she needs. Jackson is the leader of the Hell's Knights MC and Addison's father. Jackson lost track of both Addison and her mom when Addison was little and wants to make up for it now. Addison meets Cade on her first day at her father's compound and feels a spark but does not really trust men after the life that she has had up to this point. Cade doesn't take her crap and lays down the law more than once to her making sure she knows that he cares and only has her best interest and safety at heart. This book has two people with past hurts in their lives trying to find their place in the world as well as someone to love them. I would recommend this book I read on some of the others that it ends with a cliff hanger but that is not what I found. The author does wrap up their story but leaves an ending for if she wants to add to it in other book. If you are looking for a good MC story this is definitely one to check out.

A nice biker HEA...not a cliffy which was a huge plus...

I liked it. I didn't love it. I should probably start by saying that the back story of Addison's is interesting and I enjoyed her sassy, in your face attitude. Her history is heartbreaking and you want to root for her to find her happily ever after, but for some reason I just couldn't feel her with Cade. Cade seemed very mild and meek to me for a biker. Not to say all bikers are evil and hard as stone, but I expected a little more edge I guess. Now this probably says more about me than the writing so keep that in mind. I have been reading darker stuff lately and this just seemed a little tame to me. I will definitely be reading Spike's story because I found him more interesting than I did Cade. Spike has a story to tell, I can just feel it. I think part of my issue is also I hyped myself up for this one big time. Bella Jewel is a great writer. I like her style, I like the story, I just didn't feel Cade... I give it 3.5 lipsticks...

A poor formulaic attempt

I give this 1.5 start instead of 1 because every once in a while I would forget how bad it was and get caught up in the story. Never for long, though. It almost felt like the author had a "must include" list. Biker - check, broken heroine - check, slutty "other woman" - check, gratuitous bad language - check, etc. There was no real development of or depth to Addie and Cade's relationship. It fell flat...honestly, what's the opposite of falling flat? I found the budding friendship between Spike and Addie more enjoyable than Cade and Addie's relationship. Addie was one of those girls that is so caught up in not wanting to give up control that she constantly got herself in trouble. She's got a pimp bent on revenge out to get her and she's walks down a road by herself after being told to make sure she gets a ride from someone. It's stuff like this that drives me crazy. Now, I always include a few words about the sex scenes in my reviews, so here goes. Like the lack of depth in Cade and Addie's relationship, the sex scenes also fell flat. They were gritty for the sake of being gritty. Cade's dirty talk carried no heat to them because, again, it felt like the author was using a checklist. Must include this phrase - check, must include these words - check, and on and on and on. Sigh.... I can not recommend this book to others.

Loved Cade..I loved his bad ass so much I'm ready for our biker babies!!

Addison is on the run. Her mom just overdosed, and the pimp is after her? Where is a girl to go? She packs her ish and goes to visit daddt, the one she hasn't seen in 16 years. Daddy Jackson is the president of Hell's Knights MC; he thought his darling daughter had a great childhood with ponies and lollipops, when she has been fighting for herself since she was little and her mom started prostituting herself out.. Addison came to make some money and leave, she is not here to bond with daddy Jackson or make friends with Cade. However all that hot chemistry her and Cade share is only going to lead to one place, we all know it!!! What upsets me is that she hasn't searched for her dad before, she waited until her mom overdoses before she asks for help. She should have asked for help, she should have reported all the abuse. She should have done something for crying out loud!!!! Now, Addison and Daddy Jackson are slowly building a father-daughter relationship, things are heating up with Cade but happens when the thing you're running from finally catches up with you?!?!

A great read!

Loved this book! First book read by her and I will definitely be reading more in the future. While part of a series this is a stand alone story with a hea. The next book in the series Will be available in September so I'm excited there won't be a long wait. Well edited and well written. The story itself pulled me in from the get go. Addison is a strong and yet broken young women trying to get away from the rough life that was dealt her. When tragedy strikes and she finds her escape, her old life isn't easily left behind. It quietly stalks her. She escapes to her biker father whom she hasn't seen or heard from for as long as she can remember hoping to find a safe harbor til she figures out what to do with her life. With the help of her dad and Cade, the totally hot and dominating Hell's Knights VP, Addi hopes to finally break free from her tragic past. This book mad me run a whole gambit of emotions as I read about Addi's story, a couple times tearing up for her. I'm amazed at Bella Jewels ability to pull me so deeply into a story that I felt like I was right there. Make me wish I had a man like Cade for myself. Not to mention I loved the really smoking hot scenes in the book. The attraction and interaction between Addi and Cade is incredibly hot. LOVE that while this is a story with bikers it is not all about drugs, booze, death and mayhem. Just a tough gritty group of men who live by a code and are willing to fight for those that they consider family. Can't wait for the next installment, I will be reading more from this author!

I had trouble with how STUPID the female is in this book

I had trouble with how STUPID the female is in this book...if she lived the experiences she had...there is no possible way she could be so careless of her safety or that of those she cared about. Her stupidity was for the plot and it is a book...yet that was just a fail for me. If she was a real person I would be tempted to walk up and slap some sense into her. In life if you are that willfully obtuse what you get...is what you deserve. It made it real difficult to invest any interest in her character in the book.

Addison's Story

I'm not a writer, so I have a hard time writing reviews, but I am an avid reader, so bare with me while I try to put into words how awesome this book was. Addison's childhood is something I wouldn't wish on my enemies. While it didn't kill her, it did make her stronger. I had a really hard time with the violence that she suffered, but I found myself applauding her strength and determination. When Addy shows up at her fathers MC compound she finds true love. Cade is one dominating, sexy, HOT x 50 Alpha dude. Addy being Addy lands herself in some very deep shit. At times I just wanted to reach out and slap her, other times I was so very proud of her. This book tugged at my heartstrings...I cried, I yelled, I prayed, and I fell in love with Addy and Cade. If you want to read a book that will engage all of your emotions than this book is for you. Please beware there is violence and very graphic, hot, down and dirty sex scenes. I love forward to reading all of the MC Sinners books. Thank you Bella for a very real, eye awakening experience and for characters that will always hold a place in my heart.

Great start to a new series, and a New Author!

Addison has seen it all. Drugs, sex, rape, death, but maybe the one thing that she has never seen is LIFE. she grew up in the worst of the worst, the daughter of a street walker, with a pimp that liked to take it out of her when her mother was acting up. Cade has seen it all as well, if not been part of some of it. being the VP on the Hell's Knights has been easy, but he never thought that he would be coming to the aid of his Pres daughter and making her his. when Addison shows up at the MC house and doesn't like to follow the rules, isn't going to be told what to do, and for sure isn't going to listen to a dad that she doesn't know or remember. but its her chance at finally being free, running still isn't being Free.. when her moms pimp is still after her. there are a lot of great MC books out right now, Seize me, any of the Kristen Ashley MC books, shows like Sons of Anarchy are pushing these books out.. this was a great story and will be looking for more from this author. the books to come I am looking forward too. I hope we get to see more of this couple in the next book. this is kind of a short read, took about 2 hours to read. but I did enjoy it!


Talk about gut wrenching on the edge of your seat romance. WOW..... The sex scenes was hot but the trials and tribulations of the characters were WILD.... Bella "PUT YOU ON YOUR ASS" with this one BABE.... Addison had a hard life and was raised on lies from her whore of a mother who was trapped in a life and the only way out was death by overdose. Yeah sounds typical huh but it was far from it. Addison was a hard-ass sassy survivor who was brought to her knees by someone who shared in a life just as crazy as hers. Yes my sexy biker VP, Cade. Protector, dominant, sexy, and will leave you wet and wanting MORE. I fell in love with him from the first smirk that appeared on his face. I can go on and on about how the events of this story and the full circle it came in with the characters and the wonderful reunion and understanding of father and daughter but I just want you to read it for yourself. I want book two NOW......

Holy Hell! Super Hot Book and a Great Story!

This story has enough scorching sex scenes to satisfy even the most jaded reader! And wait, there’s a great story, too! I absolutely fell in love with Addison, what a survivor, and Cade will have you swooning from the second you meet him (in the book, of course). Addison has lived through the most unimaginable childhood and her tough-as-nails exterior hides a world of pain and hurt. She locates her father, Jackson, who is the bad-ass President of the Hell’s Knights MC. Their story is completely heartbreaking and makes for a solid foundation for the story. And Cade. OMG, talk about a cocky, sexy, alpha biker. I highlighted almost every one of his scenes but they are almost all too hot for repeating here. He and Addison literally burn up the pages! I read this book in one sitting and could not wait to read more about these characters. There’s heartbreak, lust, revenge, love, tons of dirty talk and really hot sex in Hell’s Knights. The writing is tight and fast-paced and the characters are well-developed. You want a down-and-dirty, loaded-with-alphas book? Here it is. Bravo, Bella! 5 panty-melting stars.

Great, dark biker romance

I loved this book. It is a darker biker romance so be aware of that. I really couldn't put it down. Addison definitely grew up hard and did what she had to do to survive. I kind of had a love hate relationship with her. Sometimes I liked her and other times I got totally frustrated with her. Cade is honestly one of the hottest described bikers I've ever read about. I fell in love with his character and would love to see more from him. Jackson is a great guy and the time he came out of the bedroom with the gun had me laughing so hard. Spike came in toward the end, but made a big input. Enjoyed him tremendously. As with most bikers they all have a hard road to travel and these are no different. Each one has their own demons that haunt them and live their lives the best they can. Great job!!!

Well, well, well.....

This is the story of Cade and Addison. Addison has had a horrific life. Her mother was a junkie and a prostitute and Addison was a victim of her mother's choices. When her mother dies, she has nowhere to turn, so she goes to find her dad who is the president of an MC club. Jackson is shocked and disgusted to discover what his daughter has been through. He knew her mother under a different name and tried to reach her and his daughter to no avail. He's very determined to be the father she needs (although I felt he started off being kind of a jerk). She meets and spars with the VP of the club, Cade. They can't deny their attraction to each other. What they don't know is that Addison is running scared with good reason. Her secret eventually catches up with her and puts both her and the club in danger. I enjoyed the story even though parts were hard to read. You'll have to see for yourself.

Just ok

A solid 3 stars from me. I struggled to get into the book at the beginning, which was mainly down to the writing style. I'm not a huge fan of first person narrative and even less of a fan of bad grammar, both of which this book has. So it took me a while to get into the story. I liked the plot of the story- long lost daughter finds biker dad, falls in love with a member of dad's MC. But I did kinda despise the lead character of Addison. I know she was only 21, but I found her really immature. I get that she survived a horrible upbringing that supposedly made her grow up quickly, but I think she acted like a sulky teenager most of the time. Running off when she was told not to for her own safety made me just want to slap some sense into her! How hard is it to listen to people who might actually know what they are talking about? So despite the writing style, grammar issues and annoying character I did overall like the book. Liked it not loved it. Not sure if I'll read the next one or not

A bit disappointed - Addison really annoyed me

I'm not sure how I felt about this one. I guess a little disappointed. As the story progressed, I liked Addison less and less. She did such stupid things, just because she didn't want to be controlled or told what to do. She wasn't a child, yet she acted like one. I didn't really connect with the characters, although I will say that Spike intrigued me, and I read the beginning of the next book featuring him, and I may just read it...depends on how much Addison is in the book, because I don't know if I can take anymore of her rebelling and acting out like a little girl - it annoys me that much. I can just picture her and Ciara acting out together - double the annoyance. Also, it seemed very unrealistic to me the things Addison did regarding the club, and the way she acted and spoke in regards to the club - to her father, Spike, and Cade. Would bikers really put up with that attitude? Eh, I think they'd put her in her place.

Cade is Awesome!

It was a quick read. I've had this book in my kindle app for the longest time. It's a book that will hit you in the feels and also will make you fan yourself for the chemistry the main characters have. But, it would have been a 5 star review of the main female character wasn't so damn ultra stubborn and if a certain character who has a big bitchy mouth got her a butt kicking.

3.5 stars

It's not one of those stories I went crazy over but I enjoyed the read. Into the home of the father she never knew and into the arms of a biker she just met, Addison seeks solace from a dark and sickening past. While the story does deal with heavy topics, it doesn't drown you in it so you're not depressed while reading. Cade is a sexy biker, with a big heart who speaks bad English. Lol. Addison is a sarcastic, slightly naive and damaged young girl. Together they're cute and steamy. I can't really comment on more than that because there wasn't much depth to there relationship. The characters are enjoyable and the plot it basic. The pace was fast so some things do go unexplained. It was short, sweet, gritty and to the point. I recommend and look forward to the next book in this series. =)

Loved it!

Loved it!! I love foul mouth, dirty talking, bad a** characters! Addison has had a rough life, I couldn't imagine how anyone could deal with that kind of pain. I hate to say but even though this is a work of fiction, we all know that crap like that happens everyday in real life. But she comes out of it, she survives but is now on the run, so she seeks help from the only other family she has, even though she hasn't seen him since she was four. When Addison goes to her father's MC for help, she meets Cade, and well who wouldn't be in lust at first sight, lol. But as things start look up for Addison, her past catches up with her and sh*t gets crazy from there. I loved it! I devoured it in a few hours, I literally had to force myself to put it down so my bladder wouldn't burst lol. If you love hot bikers, foul language, and crazy sex, then you will loooooooove Hell's Knights. I cannot wait to read about Spike!!


This was a great story. I was in the mood for a gritty, sexy MC story and boy am I glad I picked this one. I enjoyed the characters and learning what they have gone through was gut wrenching - especially Addison. That poor girl has gone through hell her whole life. I'm so glad she had a man like Cade to take care of her and save her. I really liked Jackson too - he's a great dad for the short time he and Addison have been together but going forward I'm sure he'll protect her as if he's been doing it his whole life. I'm looking forward to continuing on with the series and getting to know Spike better too.

Love conquers everything

Addi and Cade's story is worth reading. The way they get one another is incredible and it's nice to read a MC book where there's forgiveness. Most of MC books deal with the relationship situation, this one goes beyond that. It's about Addi learning to trust and be loved. She's been through a lot and she hasn't had the best role models and she learnt to survive. Cade's past makes him treasure what he's found in Addi and he's willing to fight for it. Jackson completes Addi ams is willing to be there for her. One of the best moments is when he starts to learn how to be a dad. It's not easy, he's not used to but he's giving it a chance. It's a good book if you're into these books. Now I want to know about Spike. I'm hooked with this series.


This book is not for the faint at heart. You will read about some life changing acts of violence. It will disgust you. It all plays apart in the tragically beautiful journey . Wow all that packed into a book. My emotion were running high on this book. Addison is brave survivor and her own worst enemy . Hearing her story was devastating. Can't say I would change what she did to get free. Thy deserved exactly what they got. So happy she found it in her to feel deserving of being saved. Cade - well hot damn . That man oozes sex appeal. From head to toe and from his heart to his soul. He was made to save Addi. Jackson my heart hurts for him . A lost relationship with his only child. Thinking she had a good life . When he finds out what she went through he's devastated. Looking forward to Spike's story I'm interested to learn more about he SPIKES!!!!!

What a wild ride!!

I'm a late bloomer so to speak at reading MC books so when someone mentioned this series, I knew I had to dive in and what a ride this was!! Addison and Cade had one hot and sexy romance that was undeniable no matter how much she tried. When Addison came to her father, who is the Prez of the club after her mother died, she knew the last thing she needed was a biker but yet the heart gets what the heart wants and she wants Cade. The attraction between them was off the charts and what a hot and sexy biker in Cade. I think I may have found myself drooling at one point because once he set his eyes on Addison, he was not giving her up. I love getting inside the club and meeting the bikers and their old ladies. So I immediately dove into book 2!

thank you!

Don't like swearing? DO NOT READ THIS. Ok now that is out of the way. I really loved this authors writing style! I am getting so very bored with this genre lately, dare I say it, but another vampire or virgin meets billionaire/rock star bad boy who turns into a softie story and ill explode- and not in a good way! I like reading MC series and this one is probably one of my favourites! There wasn't pages and pages of 'feelings' and descriptions which I find boring, it was all action and fast paced. it was pretty gritty in some areas, the lead male also has a very foul mouth, but it is necessary for his character, a character who I just loved! The lead female is good too, but seriously wanted to punch her a few times, the only negative I can give is that the story felt a bit rushed in some areas, but I can over look that because the story in itself was great. I have just finished the second book in this series and it was fabulous, I laughed, cried, and sighed! I really found it better than this first, so if in doubt after reading this one, i can assure you, read it! It was not at all rushed and I loved the two leads even more than this books Cade and Addison. Thank you Bella Jewel for giving us something different! I want more!

really good read

I have to say i really liked this book an read it all in one night. With out going to much into the plot I will say it was nice to read a book about a person who had a really bad past but still did not let them hold them back. Yes they still had their problems an they had their demons to fight but it was also nice to see them still laugh an try to have a good time. Most the time when you read books with this much of a problem past it is depressing an you really start to not like the main character An there whole i hate men/women/life out look on life. This was not the main focuses of this book, an it was kinda refreshing in the end. Addison does get into her past but she has a shit happen move on kinda look on life. An Cade is just hot to read about. There was a couple time i even laughed out loud with regards to what was happening. So if you are looking for an good easy read that has a dark edge but still light at heart this is your book an i cannot wait for the next one to come out.

Another hot MC book!

Addison grows up with a crack whore of a mother who doesn't care for her safety or her innocence. This is the life Addison knows.. and this is the life she ends up running from.. back to her dad that she hasn't seen sense she was 4.. Now she is thrust into his biker world.. Can she keep her past locked away from the Sexy VP Cade who just wants to break down all her walls and dominate her.. or can she keep running when her past seems to catch up with her?? This was a great first book for Bella.. the only thing.. I wish it was a little longer.. I wish we would have gotten more at the end.. I know we will get more of their story is Spikes book which is to be out next month.. I just wanted a little more.. But it was a HOT STEAMY Read and I loved every second of it! great job with your debut book! I am a new fan and cant wait for the next installment!

Im in biker heaven

I adore a great MC book, and this one was fantastic. In a lot of stories about bikers, you find that they are tough, but then for their woman, they do whatever their told. It is cool, but I like this biker Cade's personality much better. It seemed way more true to reality than the other way. He would do anything for Addison, but wasnt going to stop being who he is. Luckily enough, that is JUST what tough shelled Addison needed. I love how these two broken people found the parts that were missing in each other in such a sexy and entertaining way. I could talk about this book all day, but bottom line.... Bella Jewel is a talented writer and I devoured story eager for the next one about another biker. She pulled me out of my book rut with whips, chains, and biker guys.... so freakin in love with this story.

LOVED!! this book!!!! cant wait for book 2

What a fabulous beginning to a new series! I love biker books, the raw, dirty, sexiness that makes them uncouth bikers so badass! this story is so cool, because the heroine is a true survivor. She has been down such a horrible path in her young life & climbs out of the dregs of hell with a hotter than hell biker boy to protect her, boss her around & teach her how to love again. She builds a new relationship with her father, realizing so many things she was told her whole life was bull, I will definitely read this book again & all the rest Bella Jewel pumps out for us!! no editing or grammar mistakes at all, just a wonderfully tragic story with a happy ending...no cliff hangers but definitely a nice setup for Spikes story, LORD come on SEPTEMBER!! thats when book 2 is supposed to come out patience has never been my forte O_O


Addison has had a life of pain and when she finally attempts to break free and run away from her Mom's pimp, she has only one place to go...he MC Dad. Cade is the VP of her Dad's MC and he wants her. He'll do everything he can to get her and when she finds herself in trouble, hopefully he'll be able to save her. This book is quick and to the point. It's a great short read.

Sexy and dark biker love story

I was having a major book hangover after reading The Undeniable series and was searching for something else to read...was not sure if anything could live up to those awesome biker stories. But yep, here it is...Hell's Knights was all that and more. I LOVED the whole thing, from re-connecting with a long lost dad to meeting the delicious bad-boy biker with the beautiful smile. It was a hot and sexy and dark read with enough suspense and back story to keep you interested and definitely a ton of steamy romance to keep things exciting and page turning. Read it in one afternoon and did not want to stop until I found out how it ended. A super satisfying ending with room for the sequel and other characters stories. Click it =)

Hells Knights

Hells Knights was an okay read for me. It wasn't the best mc book that I've read and it definitely wasn't the worst. I have to say however, that this was one of the funniest mc books that I have read. Cade and Addison will definitely make you laugh and I've even enjoyed seeing a bit of Spike and Ciara's complicated relationship and what they went through with Spike marrying her sister and Ciara being in love with him. There's definitely hurt, resentment and a lot of anger between those two. Just like most, if not all mc books there is underage sex, drugs and violence, so if you aren't into those types of books this isn't the book for you. There were a few grammar mistakes in the book but nothing that made reading it frustrating or impossible.

Wow!! So need a knight!!!!!

Didn't know what to expect and I was so pleasantly surprised. I really enjoyed this book and I am so excited that there will be others. The storyline was interesting and characters were developed and likable. I also enjoyed the style of writing and format. A smooth read which keeps your attention making for a quick completion time. My four stars was based on :::I felt the word "yeah" was overused. There were also situations in which the main female character was warned about disobeying or not following club rules with no consequences when she deliberately did not follow or broke them. If you like MC and biker books then this is a must. I will also look for other titles from this author as released.

Great Read

Addison has spent her life living in fear and shame. Living with her drug addicted mother who would rather be scoring her next fix then worry about her daughter's safety. It isn't until Addi's mother OD's that she is left with only one choice but to go find her father. He is the only family she has left. But she has no memory of her father, So when she is first introduced to Jackson it is less then a stellar meeting. But it isn't until Cade comes into the picture that Addi comes unglued. Addi and Cade both have things in their past that are haunting them, but they can't help but fight their mutual attraction for one and other. This series is extremely addictive. I don't want to give away too much. But this is Book 1 in The MC Sinners series. I read all 3 in 3 days. I highly recommend this series to anyone.

i liked it

Wow, this book is very well written, but the story is super painful! Addison & Cade are both recovering from tragedies in their pasts. Addison's is more recent - she recently escaped from her abusive mother & others, coming to her father who is the Prez of an MC. The story focuses on healing and the relationship Addison builds w/ her father, and of course the sexy times and romance of Cade. *grin* Yes, Cade is a BA, dirty-mouthed biker, but he's also (shhhh, don't tell) quite the sweet talker. : ) Now, one thing I did think could have been better - Addison just gets done telling Cade she will listen to him - and then goes off on her own again, causing something to happen that REALLY could have been avoided.

Eye roll 🙄

Ughh I didn’t like this book not at all. It was so predictably, not imaginative, and it didn’t get interesting until Ciara and Spike entered the picture and am nosey but not nosey enough to read their story.


BRILLIANT dark MC read. NOT for the faint hearted that is for sure. A few little errors along the way, little bits just not adding up. Eg. *Client raped her & she swore it would never happen again & learnt to defend herself, yet she only had slept with Cade, Jasper & Billy. * She rang 911 for her mum, grabbed a few things then left. However later on in the story she called 911 AFTER meeting up with Jasper. * How did Cade & Jack find her near the end? No lead up/follow up Even after all of these, it was still absolutely breath taking & I found myself struggling to put my kindle down.

Loved it and can't wait to read Heaven's Sinners

I actually found Ms. Bella Jewel thru a giveaway and all I can say is "I am soo very glad I did." Hell's Knights is the 1st book in this series. It doesn't hold any punches which is good. The Cade, Jackson and especially Addison needed to be able to express every detail with very in you face details that make you cringe,hurt and feel what they were feeling at the time. For me the best way to tell if a book is good great or exceptional is how far can it pull me into the experience and make me feel like I'm actually part of the book. Needless to say Bella Jewel did that for me. I felt every heartache, loss and pain right along with Cade, Jackson, and Addison. I can't wait to start on Spike's book - Heaven's Sinners.

I love bikers

An absolutely hot book. Filled with love and hate, disgust and awe. Couldn’t put it down. You fall in love with the characters, their stories, and become attached-craving the next page. Wonderful writing.

Hot & emotional book!

Wow! Let me just say....Cade Duke is one hell of an alpha man! He may be demanding but he knows how to take care of his woman. He's a sexy, tattooed VP of Hell's Knights MC club and is attracted to Addison when she comes walking into the clubhouse. Addison has had a very rough childhood & is a smart ass when she meets her father & Cade. She comes to realize that the men in her life are there to help her, which she's never had before. This book is quite steamy at times but it's also very emotional. I really felt for Addison & what she had to go through. I loved how Bella Jewel kept my interest throughout this book. Can't wait to read Heavens Sinners.

I love Biker books, what can I say

I am so glad I came upon this as the next one is about to make it's debut! I can't wait! So about the book, loved it. Remember, it is a book about MCs. I have read several biker books from different authors and I love them. I have a weakness for them. They are not for the faint of heart. They are not your sweet romance stories. But, they have love, lust, attraction, intensity, heat, want, need, action, drive, and I could go on. It is a story that keeps me reading. This one is Cade and Addison. Thank you Cade for taking on this broken girl who deserves to be saved. For pushing past her boundaries when she wants to shut everyone out. I loved it!

Hot, Exciting, and Powerful

This book was absolutly amazing! Bella Jewel knows her shit!!! The story and character's reach deep within you and make you feel like you really know them! CADE, CADE, CADE...Damn I wish he would order me around. He makes you want to just lick him all over!!! Addison is a strong woman you has lived a horrible life but she makes it worth living because she just keeps on moving forward. She's strong and determined not to let it bring her down. If you like hot sex scenes, strong powerful alpha males and good banter then read this book! I am glad I bought this book because I can read it again and again!!!!

Dark, dangerous, and a hope for a future...

Definitely a trigger book, but what a kickstart to a new series!!! I'm extremely happy that I grabbed the next 2 books so I can see where this series goes next. Happy reading : )

definitely enjoyed this

I really liked this book. The only thing that bothered me was the heroine's personality. I get that she's stubborn and doesn't want to listen to other people telling her what to do (I am the same way), but would any sane person continue to do totally reckless things over and over if they kept ending very badly?? Like walking home at night from the club repeatedly despite bad things happening virtually every time? I got really frustrated with her, and wondered if even getting shot would get her think before doing things. I have the same personality type, but I couldn't relate to that. Otherwise, enjoyed this book as a fun read.


No chemistry between Cade and Addison. Shocking for a Bella Jewel novel. Addison was the all time worst heroine characters I have ever experienced. Strutting into a MC club like she owned it,bucking all the rules, smarting off and getting away with it.....she needed to be put in her place. She put club in danger again and again because she was selfish and never had to atone for it. She was a crappie character and Bella let her readers down. Hated her. And no chemistry.

It was good.

I think it was good that Addison and Jackson are rebuilding the relationship that they should have had if Addi's mom was a good person. Addison and Cade's relationship heated up at the beginning and they got to know each while dealing with all of the other stuff that was going on.


What is it about bikers? HOT BIKERS! I thought this was a good start. At first I found myself not particularly liking Addison, I felt she had a pity party for herself. But the farther I read I realised the shitty life she had. I don't think I've ever read about a mother as unloving, uncaring, and worthless!!! It really pissed me off. Cade is smoking of course, who doesn't love piercings! :D I did think something was missing, maybe more interaction between Cade and Addison. They argued more than anything. I needed a deeper connection. I thought it was a good story, I can't wait to read about Spike.

Great Book

I love biker guys and happy to say this is so emotional that I had to put it down a couple to get myself under control so I could finish it. Thank you.

Sucker for MC books!

Man, I am a sucker for these MC books. Addison is a girl that is running for her horrible past. Her mom dies of an OD right in front of her, she is running from her mom's pimp that has been raping her since she was 13. She has no where to go. She ends up going to her dad, who she thought walked out on them when she was 4. She learns about what really happened from him. Her dad is the president of the MC. She meets Cade, who is the VP. Will Cade be able to piece her back together while protecting her, along with her dad, from what she is running from? I can't wait to start on the next one.

Addison and Cade

A thrilling, exciting, suspenseful, and sultry journey to go in with Cade and Addison. This story pulled me from the beginning and didn’t let go until the end. I absolutely enjoyed this book.

Great book !

I love MC books ! This one did not disappoint. I read it in one sitting. I loved the characters but wish I could have gotten to know them better. I can't wait to read more in this series so I can hopefully learn more about them. While I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book I would have enjoyed it more if there would have been more depth about certain events that had taken place. Overall I would highly recommend this book to everyone who loves MC books. I can't wait to see what happens next !

Not Very Believable...

After reading Reaper's Property (Joanna Wylde), Outlaw (Nicole James) and Undeniable (Madeline Sheehan), I really wanted to find another biker romance that I could love...this is NOT it. ***SPOILERS*** Many of the reviews I read criticized the book for not being "truly biker culture", but others praised the romance/sex in the book. I will say that the sex is off the charts hot, very good and very descriptive. You come away from the book thinking 'wow, give me one session with Cade!'. Unfortunately, the hot sex does not make up for the ridiculousness of how the biker culture is presented (like Bikers for CoEds) or the silliness of the tough-as-nails heroine who is only as stupid as she is gutsy. Examples: 1. She breaks into the MC. Really? With a VP and Pres on site, she'll just be able to walk in? Not likely. 2. She totally disrespects the Pres (her father) in front of the club members and prospects/hangers on. Seriously? These guys are so bad a$$ and chauvinistic but they allow a woman they are just meeting to be so over the top disrespectful? BS. 3. She attends Church. NO WAY. 4. The club's on lockdown. Despite everyone telling her to stay put for her own good, she leaves with a stalker/pimp chasing her and a $25,000 bounty on her head. Why? Because no one is going to tell her what to do. She then goes to a bar and starts dirty dancing with an enemy of the hero. What does this bad a$$ biker hero do when he finds her dirty dancing while she's supposed to be at the club on lockdown? Immediately remind her that she is his and take her to a patio for sex. WTH? This is just ridiculous. 5. The hero reminds her not to leave walking at night, considering the stalker and she's already gotten caught once before walking at night. What does she do? Leave walking at night, only to get caught by who? Why, the stalker of course. I will not be reading the rest of the series.

Not too bad...

I was hesitant on reading this book. There have been a lot of mixed reviews. It seemed that they met and fell in love so fast for two people who had such troubled pasts. The author could have done so much more with their story. It went back and forth between past and present. But it flowed ok, it wasn't confusing. I read it pretty fast. The sex scenes were very hot. Gotta love that! And I liked them together. So it wasn't a bad book, just wish I could have been a beta reader to help the author make it an amazing book, as it has that potential.

You have to read this book!!!

Once you start reading you want. ,want to put it down. You wAnt to keep reading to find out what happens next. It isn't all good but you need to know. You wAnt regret not putting it down. It is worth the read!!

Cade and Addison

These MC are some complicated and emotional! Long lost daughter brings lots of passion to her father and Obsession for Cade

A great beginning!

What a great way to begin a series. You feel for these characters. Addison, abused by her drug addict mother, running from a very bad man to the father she's never known. Jackson, Addison's father who lost her when she was a child, now must face the fact he left her in a horrific situation. Cade, Jackson's second in command, worms his way into her life, only to face a very real threat to her life. Not only is this story itself compelling, but the set up for future books is skillfully done. This is how a MC book should be written!


An unexpected MC book. I enjoyed it. Loved the twists and the attitude of Addison. Such a damaged girl, but great attitude!! A fighter, all the way!

Loved loved loved it!

I really enjoyed this book!! Addison was a strong female character. I really liked her for the most part. She has a bit of an attitude (with good reason). I loved her interaction with Spike......I loved Cade and his back story as well. Who doesn't love the whole alpha male biker???!!! Adding Jackson in as Addi's father was good too! I liked the interaction between Addi and Jackson. It's on your typical spoiled little daddy's girl. Although it is a little lighter than some of the other MC books out there I enjoyed it just the same. I am waiting every so patient for Spike's story!! And it NO CLIFF HANGER!! Have to love that!!


I love Cade and his tough biker ways. Can he make her his when she is wanting independence for the first time of her life?

Enjoyable Read

I love Biker books and this one didn't disappoint. It had me laughing at some of the antics and tearful for some of the situations the characters had to go through. Addison is a great character, she had lived through so much for her twenty-one years and deserves some loving. Cade is gorgeous, had tragedies of his own and is trying to live with his guilt. These two are so good for each other and Cade can give Addison lots of loving and he does, just beautiful. Great read for a first book and I look forward to the next one. No Cliffhangers, hooray!

STEAMY!! 3.75 stars

Hell's Knights was a fun read. If you like hotter than HELL alpha male bikers then you'll probably enjoy this book. The heroine, Addison has a huge attitude that I liked a lot. I thought Cade and Addi' s chemistry was HOT!! I hated the insta-love thing that authors love to do...takes away from the authenticity and believability of the story. I also hated that Addi acted like a moron, even though she should have known better...she was street smart, but then did stupid things over and over. Not realistic!! Still...a fun read. I don't regret the purchase at all.

Swooning over Cade

I went into this one expecting it to ROCK MY SOCKS and it did not disappoint! Cade...is OMG ALL ALPHA and TOTALLY ALL BAD ASS BIKER.... I just wanted him to call me his ole lady and have his way with me. If you have read Undeniable or Reaper's Property and couldn't get through those....then this probably isn't the book for you. It's pretty intense - I mean it's about a Biker Club! If you read the other books and Loved them, as I did.... then One click this baby now...... I can not wait to read about Spike's story next.....5+ stars

He can call me Sugar....Anytime :)

I loved this book!!! Addison has a messed up past and goes to live with her biker dad who has never been apart of her life. When she arrives he is totally not what she expected. That's where she meet bad ass Cade who really gets under her skin. I love the way the author told this story and I love the way this book ends. I can not wait until the next book comes out. What I really love about this book is there are so many characters that have the potential to have their own stories. Bravo Bella! My favorite read this month.

Great start of the series!!

This is my first book read by this author and I really enjoyed reading this story!! I definitely can’t wait to read Spike story that sounds like a very intense story to come!


I really loved this book. Hope to hear more of this couples story later in the series. Looking forward to more books by this author.

Hell's Knights

Loved this book. Already bought the next in the series before I finished this one because I knew I wanted to read Spike's story. These two had such a hard life neither felt they were able to be loved yet they had so much to give. I loved how Addison after seeing so many bad people growing up could tell these bikers were tough bad-ass men but they were also very protective and caring. Would very much recommend this book (series) to anyone who loves passion in their books.

Dumb heroine!!

The heroine in this book is just TSTL! She made so many dumb choices. Hot headed, irrational and stubborn beyond belief.


I Freaking Love this book!!!!! I don't know what it is about Bella Jewel's writing, but it always provokes the emotion from the scene from the reader. I have never read one of her books that did not have me living every moment with the characters. Addison and Cades story is ruff, beautiful, steamy, and brilliant! It will have you holding your breath, feeling shivers, and shedding tears. I highly recommend this and ALL other books written by Bella Jewel!

Good read

I enjoyed this story and the characters. Cade and Addison had some very sad stories!! The writing was a little odd, just in the dialogue really. Cade spoke with slang and a little country. But then he'd say something very proper. I didn't care for the, in my opinion, dumbed down verbiage. But besides that I enjoyed the book. Will definitely read the next one.

One Helluva Good Read

Hell's Knights is one helluva good read! I have been following the author on Facebook and read all of her teasers and this book definitely met my expectations and more. The sex in here was off the charts hot...Cade was just pure sex...whew! I do have to warn there are some disturbing scenes in here with rape and violence...so if that disturbs you or is a trigger for you, then you may want to avoid this book. I can't wait to read Spike's story next. Another great thing is this book has a HEA and an epilogue but I still wish it were longer.

Warning: Abuse Triggers

Warning: abuse triggers. For the most part this is an ugly story. It is not realistic that a young girl who since the age of four has been exposed to drugs, sexual/physical/emotional abuse, prostitution, etc. could function. Addison's character is a TSTL (to stupid to live), continually placing herself and others in harm's way. I would not re-read his book. I might be interested in other works by this author. Remember this is my personal opinion and does not reflect on the author.

4.5 stars

This is a gritty in your face book. There is rape, torture and abuse. That being said I thought the author did a good job helping you feel Addison's strength and weakness, but under there was hope. I thought Cade could/should have been more dominate with Addison when she went against him, to be a true bad biker dude. I enjoyed the pace of the story and the hot sex scenes. I recommend this book, as long as you can handle reading about a child that was abused but over came it. I can't wait to read Spikes story.

Holy Smokes this book is Hot!!!!!!

I got the honor of being added to Belle' s Street Team and the teasers had me drooling. I couldn't wait for the book. I started reading it 2 days ago. I finished it last night. Amazing is all I can say. Case is so freaking sexy, and swoon worthy. I love that Addison was a fighter through and through. She wants a weak woman with a mouth. She had the ads to back up what came out of her mouth! She can throw a punch and knock a man on his ads and yet be sweet. Both the characters had a terrible life and make something better. I FREAKING LOVED IT!!!

Hot, sexy and dangerous with To-Die-For hot bikers. My favourite.

Loved this book! I've read many books, and I am a writer myself. I cannot live without my hot romances and sexy fictional men, and this book covered it all. The men were gorgeous, the women was strong despite everything, and they knew what they were about. I do not like it when the characters are weak or indecisive, and these ones were not like that in the least. Confident, strong, powerful and yet caring, for their women and their brothers. Thanks very much Ms Jewel for the amazing----extremely hot!-----biker romance. Love it!

Wasn't a fan of Addison in this book

Bottomline, I liked the story. I would've loved it if it weren't for Addison's Anastasia Steele-like behavior. I fully comprehend women not wanted to be bossed around, but don't go looking for Cade Duke or Christian Grey's if that the case. Other than not really liking the heroine, I loved the books storyline and Cade, Spike, and Jackson's characters. And I really loved Cade and Addison's relationship too. Definitely diving into the next book in the series and hoping I like it even more

Cade Yep!!!

OK, what can I say about this book, BIKER BAD BOY yep, hot!!!! I could not put this book down, my heart broke for the life Addison lived but I was also so proud of her strength and determination, she fought to not become like her mother, she went to a MC fathers club and met Cade, fought that attraction to the end, because Cade was not taken no for an answer. Together these 2 find love, passion and of the Chart Sex!!!! All let me just SUGAR you need to One-click because I could not stop reading this book

Good read

Good storyline and great characters. I'm really interested in what happens with Spike. He deserves a happily ever after same as Cade.

I adore this series

MC Books are one of my favorite, and Bella Jewel is one of my favorite Authors .... I love every character, every situation and every last thing about how these situations are handled. sometimes things arent pretty in life, but sometimes it can be a little less awful with who you are with getting you through it ..... These boys get their women through whatever needs doing and they get through the ugly ..... she writes this so well .... i cant wait for more


I don't really know what to say! I finished this book in 1 day. I couldn't put it down. I'm just speechless. YES ITS THAT GOOD! What do yoo say about a book that just tears you up and knocks you on your ass in the best of ways? How do you put into words that this book made you feel like you were watching it all play out before your very eyes. I couldn't look away, I couldn't stop reading. It's the first of three books and the other two are anything like this one.. or better. Holy sh*t, then I'm in trouble!

Love MC Books

I feel like I've read a lot of biker books lately and this is another good one. Addison comes searching for her father after her mother overdosed and died. Jackson is the president of the Hells Knights and Cade is the VP. Addison is running from a crazy pimp bent on revenge, trying to build a relationship with her father, and learning to deal with Cade and what being his old lady means. A good read and the next book is out soon.

Loved It

Ok so I think this is one of my favorite biker books. I only have a couple but this has became one on my list. I loved that fact that the characters had real life problems, real issues that they have to overcome to live there life's. I mean its amazing with some of the things they have had to go threw and how they have learned to deal with it. All around a good book, can't wait for the next book in the series. Plus it was hot and steamy!

I wish it was longer!

Wow. I'm a sucker for biker books, but just wow. This book is crude, dirty and has a messed up love story, but I couldn't put it down! Don't read it if you're looking for some fairy tale, but if you're looking for a great biker book, with lots of twists some messed up sh*t and a book you don't want to put down, with as happy of an ending as you can get. This is the book for you. I read it in one sitting and was seriously sad when it was over. Can't wait for the next one.

Hell's Knights (The MC Sinners Series)

WOW !!! PLEASE DO NOT PASS THIS BOOK UP !!!!! You will be sorry if you do. Cade!!! He's the meaning of sex. He's a biker. He's dangerous. He's powerful. He's dominant. He wants me. Enough said!! Right? No I can't say enough about this book! I love this book. I love Bella Jewel and her style of writing. If your looking for a book that is fun, sexy, hot, steamy, emotional,and makes you laugh and cry well here it is. Thanks so much Bella Jewel for all your hard work .

Holy cow!

I'm glad this book was a quick read because it was so intense, I don't think I could've handled it being overly drawn out. So well done. Jewel told the story in a way that you believed it. You don't feel that the love was rushed and it felt right. The action was intense and I loved the no nonsense attitude of the main character Addison. Already bought the next one in the series. Gotta wrap this up cuz I've gotta get to reading.


It was like a motorcycle club lite. Both Cade and Addison were troubled and had horrible pasts but falling in love with someone in a week is so cliché. There were so many times that I wanted to yell at Addison. For a girl who had such a crappy life, one would think she would be cautious and listen to those around her. Instead she was determined to get herself into trouble to prove she could handle herself. I did like the other characters in the book and will continue reading this series.

Hell's Knights !

Great book and heart wrenching story. Liked the way the story develops , Addi and Cade have suffer a lot, making them closed to trust in others. That makes it more difficult. The life that Addi had , she didn't get there on her own , her mother put her in the position ... And finally she escapes but with that comes other complications. Cade has a lot of guilt , he blames himself for things beyond his control. They come together ... Finally they saved each other. Looking forward to more of this series.

Yes Please!

Do I want to read about a sexy alpha biker with a dirty mouth? Yes please! I can always count on Bella Jewel when it comes to dirty talk and a dominant male. The H&h were well written and had great chemistry. Cade is a sexy biker that protects what's his at any cost and Addison is a stubborn independent woman with a sassy mouth to complete her persona. Thank you Bella for bringing us the Hell's Knights!


What a book! I love this book. I love that Addison got her HEA. She really deserve good things in her life. Her past was all kinds off messed up! I felt for her. I also love the bond that is growing between Jackson and Addison.

3.5 stars

3.5 stars !!! I put off reading this for a while but i am glad that i did. It has its faults but it was enjoyable all the same. Addison was a pain but i sort of get why she was that way. You dont go through a shit life and just be fine with everything. I know nothing about MC's and dont claim too, but i cant fault that she portrayed a sense of brotherhood and family. Its a great read, that i found myself not really wanting to put down.


Was a good read but had some issues with parts of it. She was the daughter of the MC president and ole lady of the VP the sweet butt that turned her in to Jasper would have been fish food. The way she started stuff with Addi before that would have been grounds for banishment. The guys lacked that whole MC toughness. Have no interest in reading the next one since I am guessing that Ciara will just grovel a lot to Spike which holds no interest to me.

Hells Knights

Well I messed up dummy me read the books backwards! That's what I get for jumping into a book! The 2 nd book I gave a review that I didn't like bc I thought it lacked detail. So I'm going to do it better. Both of these books were great now that I understand. I really like Addi and Cades story the best so far more things happening. If you like real people then you should read the MC Sinners Series!!


I love biker stories, so I have been waiting for this one. The wait was worth it. I loved this story. I could not put it down. Addi is one tough girl. The things she went through broke my heart. Then there is Cade, that man had me swooning. He is all domineering, and sexy as Hell. This is now one of my favorites. If you loved Motorcycle Man, Reapers Property and Seize Me you will love this one. I loved this Author and can't wait to read more from her.

Move along...

I don't understand how this book is so popular. It really makes me worry about the lot of you. Are some of you being paid to write these amazing reviews? The rest of my post includes spoilers. So we have this damaged girl. That's fine. She was raped a million times since she was 13 by her mother's pimp. As someone who has experienced trauma as a child, we don't all end up broken and in therapy for years and years. Some of us cope better than others. So I can accept that she isn't a blubbering headcase. It isn't always like the movies. But this is the extent of her personality. She is hard. She is tough. She cusses a lot. That is is it. No character development. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. That trend continues throughout the rest of the book. I'm 3/4 of the way through the book and know nothing about Cade. Other than his obnoxious usage of the pet name "Sugar". Everything out of his mouth ends with that word when he speaks to her and everything out of hers includes a cuss word. He's not even that hot. In fact, he seems to be rocking a fairly low IQ. I'm not saying my alphas need to be Mensa members or anything, but they should be able to breath and walk at the same time. We don't flesh out her Dad or any of the other bikers either. They just exist. So I am really disappointed that I paid money for this, and maybe, I am saving some poor soul reading this from doing the same. I read the reapers series from another author and it was so hot, I was looking to fill the badboy biker void. This is not the path.

A Must Read!

If you are a fan of bikers, you do not want to miss Cade and Addison' s story. This book was raw and real and is not for people who cannot handle sensitive subject matters. The author did a great job developing the characters and bringing us closer to them. This is a story of two broken people finding love and happiness together. I am officially hooked on this series. I cannot wait for Spike' s story!

Promising Start

I like badass biker books and this is a promising series. Addison has been dealt a horrible hand in life and this is the story her escape to a better one through Cade, the sexy VP of the Hell's Knights, Jackson, the father she never knew and the MC's president, and Spike, once Cade's best friend and now member of rival club, Heavens Sinners. While it's not the best biker book I've ever read, it's certainly far from the worst and I look forward to other books in the series.

Just A Freakiing Awesome Book!

Just A Freakiing Awesome Book! LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS BOOK. It sucked me in from the first page!. Wonderful Hot and Sexy love story. I Felt my Panties getting wet right along with Addi! I am in LOVE and LUST Cade! And I will drop my panties for a little slice of Spike. OH Man is he Smoken HOT! Great MC book can not wait for the next in the series! It is a SEXY, STEAMY WILD RIDE! Hold on tight and enjoy the Read! Get This Book RIGHT THE FRAK NOW! !!!!!!

Darker than I am used to

This was definitely a darker read. It is normally not my style but I really enjoyed it. The characters were raw and real.

Liked Hell's Knights!

Hell's Knights was good for me. I didn't love it like other MC books I've read but it kept me reading and interested in Cade and Addison. Her backstory was unique and really helped illustrate her actions. She's sassy and independent and I loved those qualities about her. Cade was a good alpha male. Mysterious at first and then showing some vulnerability. I liked it enough that I'm interested in reading Spike's story in the next book.

Found a series Im going to love to follow

This was a great book.It was also the first book that I read that had hard things to read about.But it was real and very deep.The story line grabbed me and I did not let go till the end.Loved reading Cade and Addison healing each other,and falling inlove while doing so.The side characters were awesome aswell.Cant wait to read more on them.Im going to love keeping up with this series.

Couldn't put it down

I don't write many reviews, but I couldn't put this book down so I felt I had to come and leave a review for it! I was so excited to read it and it was worth missing sleep over. I loved the connection between Cade and Addi right away. Addi has such a strong personality and she was determined not to take any crud from anyone! I love how Cade came in and knocked her off her feet. Perfect read to end the night.

WOW That all I can say

This book was thrilling and heart wrenching all at the same time. The author did an amazing job writing this book. She put so much passion in the characters and their story. The book was awesome to read. I didn't want to put my kindle down, I just wanted to keep reading. I can't wait for the second book to come out. Thanks again for an amazing day of reading your book.

Brutal and Beautiful

This was an awesome story! There were parts of it that were very hard to read, but the relationships that were made and forged overtook the hard stuff. I can't imagine the pain and terror that Addison lived through, but I love how she worked to escape that nasty past. Cade was a beautiful soul that was just who she needed. Looking forward to Spike and Ciara's story!


All I have to say is Cade Duke and Addison H*** Hotness!!!! Wow Addison went threw some serious shit! And so did Cade. But there relationship is truly meant to be because they complete each other and that's what love is really about!!! This book doesn't stop; the action and twists/turns just makes you continue to read til you can't read no more!!!


Oh my holy bikers!!!! I absolutely LOVED this book. Cade.....Holy Hotness!!!! So glad Jasper finally got what was coming to him!!! I think Britney deserved some of it!!! My heart ached for Addison the whole book but Im glad she found her HEA. Cannot wait for the next book on Spike :) The way they described how he gof his name.....OMG!!!!!!

Read it in one setting

This was my second time reading this one. I read this one in one setting because it was a good read. Loved Addisons spunk and Cade protectiveness.

faaaaantastic read!!

This book was so refreshing i can hardly find the words!! Its a love story yes, but it holds so much more than the normal romantic tale!! Its full of hurt, gooeyness(I dont think that's a word),anguish etc etc.. You have it all.. But with a refreshing point of view.. The story is different and for me with a bright new outlook. The there is a reason for all the trouble in the tale.. And I have to say; I laughed when I foynd out and thought to myself; you go giiiiiirl!! Read it, you will not regret it! I promise! And now im just witing for book two!!

Enjoyable, Steamy, will buy the next one!

I enjoyed the story, hot steamy scenes, even though I just don't understand the mind set of "becoming" or staying a biker lady...in real life. I did not enjoy the jumping back and forth from the past and present so much. Thought that could have been dealt with more in the course of a bigger chapter. Just happened too frequently. Looking forward to see where the next storyline goes.

One of the best MC stories

I am a big fan of MC books so I thought I would give this areas. I was very shocked when I finished and looked up the author to find it was their first book. This story is short but with so much feeling in it. Every time I saw the heading past I had to take a deep breath and brace for what was to come. This story really had a lot of depth and the sadness just dripped from the pages. I cried and laughed but in the end I new there would be HEA and it was really worth the read. Up there with Unbeautiful & Undeniable. Can't wait for next one

another MC

i really wasn't a fan of the first one but i will say that the next two books in this series are absolutely great. if you can get past the first book which is good. i will so that its okay but the last two are even been. Jackson and Spikes books really make the series. i love MC books so thats why this one is getting such the rating it did but if you can read this one just to read the last two


heroine was absolutely terrible. I did not want her to get her happily ever after. Her excuses for not getting out of the abuse she received with her mother, particularly after she turned 18, were just that, excuses. Terrible book

So so good

If you like raw, gritty, tough alpha biker stories with hot steamy sex than this is definitely the book for you!!! This was such a great AMAZING fast read that kept me glued to the pages until the very end, I read it in one sitting!!! Can't wait for the next one!!! I found a new favorite author to add to the growing list I already have.....5 big HOT STEAMY ALPHA BADASS STARS

Bikers can be sweet :-)

I totally enjoyed this book by Bella. She gives us the perspecitive of some who haven't had the lives most of us have, and makes us appreicate them. It reminded me again that you shouldn't judge people. These guys look HOT, but rough and tough and still they are great guys! LOVED Cade! Glad he found his "Old Lady". Also enjoyed the sex, not just vanilla, panty melter!

A good read

I liked Hell’s Knights. It wasn’t a hit for me, but it wasn’t bad, it was okay for the first book of the series. I had a very hard time liking Addison!! I understand she went through a lot of crap but I hated her attitude when people tried to help her. I loved all of the other characters. Seems as soon as the book was getting interesting it was over.

Cade - smoking hot sounding biker

This was a super quick read. I really liked Cade and Addi's story. It was hard to read about Addi's childhood but it definitely contributed to her attitude. I did find it funny how "fast" Cade confessed his love for Addi. I was glad no major cliffhanger (tired of those) and look forward to Spike's story. Great job for a new writer and will definitely be watching out for more.

Not a bad read!

This is my first review for any book and just an opinion. I liked the story but felt it was a little rushed. I feel it had the potential to be an excellent read but fell short. The characters are likable and their interaction was okay but again had the potential to be very intense but felt something was missing. Especially the sex scenes. I am new to this genre of books so I don't have a lot to compare. I am hoping the author evolves her writing style as I look forward to reading more of her work.

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