Kindle Edition
05 Dec
The book “Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America” touches on subjects too controversial for most authors to reveal to the people. This book will expose the truths that have been hidden by the powers that be in America. Since the European and Arab slave traders stepped foot into Africa, blacks have been told lies about their heritage. This was all by Satan’s design for he is the father of lies. There is an old stereotypical expression that says “If you want to hide something from a Black person, put it in a book.” Well, this is THE BOOK that ALL Black people must read! Since biblical times, there has been a satanic agenda to destroy God’s Chosen People. This agenda still exists today and is carried on by man in many forms. Satan knows who God’s Chosen People are, but for centuries we have been blind to this knowledge even though it’s been right in front of our face. After many years of research, the time has finally come for ALL Black people to know the truth. Inside Hebrews To Negroes you will find the answers to all the burning questions you have wanted ask your parents, teachers and pastors for years. It has been said that the mind has a strong drive to correct itself over a period of time if it can touch some substantial ORIGINAL historical base about itself. This time period is ending and the truth is being exposed! Is this signs of the End Times?
The bible says in the last days that knowledge will increase. It also says “In the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:” Knowledge is the TRUTH and Satan’s time is running out. Don’t be left behind. Find out what’s really going on behind the scenes as it relates to BLACK AMERICA then and now. Afterwards you be the judge as to who God’s Chosen People really are and who Satan’s army is really after.

Reviews (185)

Very dissapointed, little to no facts

Mr.Dalton, I read your book halfway and the only way I could truly summarize the feeling that I got was dissapointment, you provided no facts to your arguments, using antisemitic websites as sources, using debunked hypothesis as proof (Khazars), the whole BHI cult is BS, and if you are it's top scholar then they are going to be completely dismantled by the real truth if they ever went up against a real scholar.

Absolutely eye opening!

The enlightenment. The history. The biblical support. The languages. It's all so perfectly woven together. Spiritually I kept feeling a pull to study the hebrews. I came across so many debates and what I thought were conspiracy theories. I kept trying to ignore it until I was led to have a DNA test done. Like those preachers he talked about I convinced myself it didnt really matter. Persuaded I was a gentile I moved on. But there was an urgency in me to have that DNA test. When I discovered my true African heritage and ancestry it mattered. I just couldnt sit on it anymore. I couldnt preach the same anymore. I realized who I was preaching to and I knew I had to tell them! I had to transfer this awakening. This book and the other volumes were recommended to me and I am so glad! I feel armed, inspired, and encouraged. Thank you sir. You are truly God's chosen. No pun intended.


This book is the power, love, and help that I so wanted, needed, and desired right now. Words cannot explain how full my heart is right now. Thank You So Very Much!!! Shalom~

A true wake up call

I've been curious as to how I could help the black community after learning the truth about our ppl. I found this book later and just, WOW!!! I was absolutely mind blown. Ideas began to flow while reading this book. However, I will say, a lot of what I read made me extremely emotional. It got to the point of me even putting the book down for a couple of weeks. On the other hand, it gave me time to research much of what I read. Nevertheless, I came back to it until I finally finished it. I will buy the next two Vols as well, but this time hard copies. The electronic version had lots of grammatic and spelling errors. So I'll also buy this book again in hard copy just to have handy. This book is a "must read" for anyone interested in true black history.

This is a must read for anyone.

This is a must read, for any person, but especially to the African Americans, Blacks, Pacific islanders...etc I already knew about some of this information through my Great grandparents, my Grand parents and my father, but i had know idea of the scope, range and depth of history. My family has always referred to themselves as Hebrews and many people would confuse my identity with being Jewish, but jewish is not an ethnicity it is a religion. Hebrew is a nationality......Not Black, Not White, Not Olive, Not African American. Some are going to disagree, but I never cared about that anyway. As long as you know who you are, it does not matter what anyone else thinks or believe.

we are intelligent, and most of all the Children of God ...

I HIGHLY reccomend everyone to buy and read this book for those who want depth knowledge and truth about themselves of people of color. (Hey I'm black as well!) I also want people from all other races to read this to show that blacks in America are somebody. We are human, we are intelligent, and most of all the Children of God Yahuah! Forget what you hear about us from the media from reality shows to books that made us in to thugs, gangsters, bad guys, unfit parents and all the other BS people make us out to be. THis book goes way beyond of 1600s and it shows we are the Semites from SHEM. NOT those people in hollywood claiming to be JEWS! This book is not for the faint of heart and I highly recommend you open your mind and heart for the truth even if you think its farfetched but it is not. The source shows historical facts and biblical as well. I waited for so long to find the answer about myself and if you are like me wanting to find answers of our peoples' past this book is for you for closure and finally realizing WHY all blacks of America suffered for so many years even still suffering today. And the reason is explained in the book especially Deuteronomy chapter 28 and we are the only race who suffered all this curses. Black History and Hebrew/Israelites of the bible is OUR HISTORY TOO!

Rambling Opinions

Not very fact based nor well written.

Every black person should read.

In all my years I have never read a book so full of truths and things that black people should know. Mr. Dalton you are truly a blessed man of Yah! You can tell with your words that he has inspired you tremendously and it's all good. I enjoyed this book. I too was awakened by Yah about 5 years ago and been on a quest to awaken our people with whatever platform i can use. I have had alot of my family and friends to read this book also. Awesome Book!


Author Ronald Dalton Jr. wrote in the first chapter of this 2014 book, “It may be surprising to some, but what we are going through, what America is going through has been carefully planned years ago and precisely calculated to happen this way. By whom you might say? Some call them the ‘Hidden Masters’ or the ‘Elite’ of the world… So then who do we trust?... To better understand this question you need to take the time to learn how all of this started… The masses are the American people and the primary target in American is African-Americans. We are slowly being eliminated and we don’t even see it coming. It’s time to wake up black America before it’s too late. Even though we have lost our heritage and past thanks to Slavery (which was foretold by bible prophecy), it is not too late to correct or slow down what is going to happen if we don’t act now.” (Pg. 14) He observes, “We are named after two nations/continents. We have black skin but are called ‘African-Americans’ or ‘Negroes.’… there were many nations back in time that had black skin; the Persians, the Elamites, Hebrew Israelites, the Ancient Egyptians… the Ancient Nubians/Cushites… and the Ancient Libyans who also ruled over Egypt. Unfortunately we lost our history when we were stolen by European Caucasians, European Jews, and Caucasian Arabs during the slave trades…” (Pg. 23) He continues, “The teachings of the bible out of the King James Authorized Version led most blacks to believe that they were Gentiles while never revealing what our connection is to the Ancient Children of Israel… Slaves were taught… to serve their earthly masters and worship a picture of a white man named ‘Jesus’…” (Pg. 26) He notes, “In the bible, it didn’t say that the Hebrew Israelites were white… we do know from ancient pictures that the Egyptians, Ethiopians, Canaanites, Libyans, and Hebrews were brown/black people. We also know that if the Hebrews mixed with the children of Ham for over a thousand years that there cannot be any such thing as a pure Hebrew Israelite or a majority white Jewish population in the world especially if they shared the same skin color as the sons of Ham… because we know that the black gene is dominant over the white gene in terms of the physical characteristics of a mixed offspring, even if the Hebrews were white they would still look like African Americans today because they mainly intermarried with black nations according to the bible.” (Pg. 30-31) He quotes Lamentations 5:10, Job 30:30, and Song of Solomon 1:5, and comments, “Here we have three bible verses in which the Israelites are admitting to their skin being black… Adam and Eve could not have populated the world is they had white skin without melanin… If the white race cannot darken, then they cannot produce any race of brown people.” (Pg. 40) He says, “The Book of Jubilees was found… in the Dead Sea Scrolls… The Hebrew version … matched accurately with the complete Book of Jubilees version that the Ethiopians had in their bible, still preserved after thousands of years. However, it is not in our King James Bible, along with other religious texts such as the Book of Jasher and the Book of Enoch (which is also in the Ethiopian Bible).” (Pg. 58) Later, he adds, “So why has all the Dead Sea Scrolls been hidden from the public by Israel? Perhaps it is because they don’t want us to know what the books in the Hebrew bible say in comparison to out King James inspired bible.” (Pg. 82) He states, “from 600 A.D. till the 1900s and even today Arabs have mostly taken slaves from Africa in what is called the ‘Arab Slave Trade’…. These Hebrew Israelites … were brown-black skinned people in those times and not white European looking people that we see predominantly today. The Black Hebrew Israelites disappearance is a mystery to many but it has all been foretold in the bible.” (Pg. 63) He argues, “if by statistics 99% of the Jews worldwide are white Europeans, then where did all these Black Jews in African come from?... These Africans did not convert to Judaism by traveling to Israel and then coming back to African with a new religion… The African Jews were following the Law of Moses from the Torah and practicing Hebrew customs before Christianity or Islam entered into the continent of Africa. White European Jews cannot … have black children… This means somebody is obviously lying about who the real Children of Israel are.” (Pg. 74-75) He points out, “there are many words that have been changed in the bible… but nowhere in the bible does God change the name of the Hebrew Israelites to ‘Jews.’ The Scribes (man) did this … to link Judaism followers of all nations to ‘God’s Chosen People.’ By doing this… they could take on the identity of the original Hebrew Israelites and nobody would know that they were ‘imposters.’ We can read over 500 pages in the bible without finding the word ‘Jew.’ In 929 chapters in the Old Testament the word ‘Jew’ is found only 74 times!... We should find it strange that those who claim to have written the first five books of the Bible and call themselves ‘Jew,’ can’t find the word ‘Jew’ written anywhere in the book they call their own. bible.” (Pg. 91) He suggests, “Who’s to say that we don’t have just as much right to call ourselves ‘God’s Chosen People’ or ‘Jews’ just like the European Ashkenazi Jews do? Jesus tells us …the Gentiles… are currently the ones who occupy the land of Israel right now. The ‘Gentiles’ and the ‘Heathen’ have been there since the destruction of the 2nd temple in 70 A.D.” (Pg. 127) Later, he observes, “[One] cannot be ‘Anti-Semitic’ if the people being talked about is not a descendant of Shem, but Japeth instead. The correct term for this scenario would be ‘Anti-Japhetic.’” (Pg. 166) He speculates, “Out of all the races in the world I realized that no other race out there had Movies or TV shows of people receiving the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues and shouting in church services … other than African-Americans/Africans. Of course, I could be wrong, but this is what I observed from talking to many races of peoples about their religions and what they are taught about salvation… If many blacks… are the descendants of the lost tribes/sheep of Israel it would only make sense that God would pour out his spirit unto his people … even now in the last days … The scattered Hebrew Israelites in Africa didn’t know about the Gospels of Jesus until they were preached to by the European Christian missionaries with their European twist of lies added to the Bible meant to deceive the Hebrew Israelites of Africa.” (Pg. 135) He recounts, “The Ancient Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion is Aksum, Ethiopia is believed to have possession of the Holy Ark of the Covenant... Deep below this church is a maze of underground tunnels and passageways. These tunnels are protected by priestly guards of the Ancient Ethiopian Jewish Monarchy… Only the High Priests can enter within these tunnels. Within these tunnels is the secret ‘Holy of Holies’ room where the Ark of the Covenant is located at… Ethiopians say that the Ark was moved to St. Mary’s of Zion Church after Queen Sheba had a son Menelik I with King Solomon… King Solomon wanted to give Menelik a ‘replica’ of the Ark to take with him to Ethiopia… However, Prince Menelik took… the Ark of the Covenant from his father … [and] replaced the Original Ark of the Covenant with the replica.” (Pg. 183) He says, “the Arabs we see in the Middle East today weren’t around until after 600 A.D. and … the original inhabitants … were once black… Back then the Egyptians were once black… many hundreds of years ago there was no such thing as your typical ‘Caucasian light-skinned Arabs’ in Africa… Black Hebrews as well as Black Arabs have been replaced over time with White Jews and White Arabs.” (Pg. 229) He suggests, “Since we know in the bible that Judah, King David, and King Solomon all had children with the black Canaanites, it is a strong chance that Mary, the mother of Jesus was also black.” (Pg. 307) Later, he argues, “God created mankind… from the dust of the ground. When he created man was Adam and Eve White or black? Dust comes from the dirt (soil) of the ground. Everyone knows dirt (soil) is brown in color… Can you make brown color using two white crayons? No!” (Pg. 331) He continues, “Jesus… in the bible is described as having brown/black skin with wooly hair… Jesus is described as having hair like PURE WOOL in the book of Daniel [7:9]. If … God had wanted this scripture to reveal that his hair was white as snow he would have simply said [so]… Hair like pure wool is the same texture as black people’s hair… In the Book of Revelation it describes Jesus’s hair color as white twice in one sentence. This seems bizarre. Most people in their 30s do not have white hair… But I could be wrong…” (Pg. 331-332) He observes, “Modern day Leprosy today does not cause the skin to turn all white… These are traits of Albinism or Vitiligo… So was white skin back then a curse…?” (Pg. 352) He states, “the truth has been right in front of our face every time we open the bible.” He again quotes Job 30:30 and Song of Solomon 1:5-6, as well as Jeremiah 14:2 and 8:21 (“It can be taken … as a description of skin color or an emotion. You be the judge”) and Lamentations 4:8 (“this verse … describes the face of the children of Israel as blacker than coal”) and Isaiah 29:22 (“the Black Israelites face would not … ‘wax pale’ … because they were brown-black people”). (Pg. 364-365) He concludes, “The reason why I felt the need to write this book is to try and wake up the black race. I strongly believe that we are in a ‘State of Emergency’ this is going to hit home very soon… After praying to God for knowledge my eyes have finally been opened.. God revealed to me things that were hidden from us; the truth about our history in relation to the bible and the Ancient Hebrew Israelites… God also revealed to me how Satan is covertly deceiving mankind and we have no clue as to what is going on… After being suppressed and at the bottom for so long, I wondered what it was going to take for Black America to be ‘fed up.’” (Pg. 681-682) Mr. Dalton’s arguments for the ethnicity of the Ancient Hebrew Israelites are detailed, but for some readers he delves into side topics that damage his credibility, such as: UFOs, fallen demons [Nephilim] (Pg. 372-373); “Jewish controlled central banks” (Pg. 497); the Illuminati and Freemasonry (Pg. 526-528); the Eugenics movement as designed for “systematically killing off… Negroes” (Pg. 601); HIV as designed “that by increasing homosexuality in the black community more … would be infected with the disease, thus killing off more…” (Pg. 603); “blacks as a race are becoming exterminated in America.” (Pg. 657) This book will be of great interest to those studying the race/ethnicity of biblical peoples, and of less interest to those not attracted to his other theories.


I have been in the church all my life (Church of Christ to narrow it), i read the entire bible from cover to cover and felt there were gaps. The Most High told the world that before the final days He will pour his spirit into the world.THIS BOOK IS AMAZING!!! All of his information is proven by the bible and recorded history that can be researched online. I feel my search for questions in the world are coming to an end. The Most High has spoken through Mr. Dalton to get a better understanding in the final days before Christ returns. "God works in mysterious ways." I am about to start reading his other two books.

Very dissapointed, little to no facts

Mr.Dalton, I read your book halfway and the only way I could truly summarize the feeling that I got was dissapointment, you provided no facts to your arguments, using antisemitic websites as sources, using debunked hypothesis as proof (Khazars), the whole BHI cult is BS, and if you are it's top scholar then they are going to be completely dismantled by the real truth if they ever went up against a real scholar.

Absolutely eye opening!

The enlightenment. The history. The biblical support. The languages. It's all so perfectly woven together. Spiritually I kept feeling a pull to study the hebrews. I came across so many debates and what I thought were conspiracy theories. I kept trying to ignore it until I was led to have a DNA test done. Like those preachers he talked about I convinced myself it didnt really matter. Persuaded I was a gentile I moved on. But there was an urgency in me to have that DNA test. When I discovered my true African heritage and ancestry it mattered. I just couldnt sit on it anymore. I couldnt preach the same anymore. I realized who I was preaching to and I knew I had to tell them! I had to transfer this awakening. This book and the other volumes were recommended to me and I am so glad! I feel armed, inspired, and encouraged. Thank you sir. You are truly God's chosen. No pun intended.


This book is the power, love, and help that I so wanted, needed, and desired right now. Words cannot explain how full my heart is right now. Thank You So Very Much!!! Shalom~

A true wake up call

I've been curious as to how I could help the black community after learning the truth about our ppl. I found this book later and just, WOW!!! I was absolutely mind blown. Ideas began to flow while reading this book. However, I will say, a lot of what I read made me extremely emotional. It got to the point of me even putting the book down for a couple of weeks. On the other hand, it gave me time to research much of what I read. Nevertheless, I came back to it until I finally finished it. I will buy the next two Vols as well, but this time hard copies. The electronic version had lots of grammatic and spelling errors. So I'll also buy this book again in hard copy just to have handy. This book is a "must read" for anyone interested in true black history.

This is a must read for anyone.

This is a must read, for any person, but especially to the African Americans, Blacks, Pacific islanders...etc I already knew about some of this information through my Great grandparents, my Grand parents and my father, but i had know idea of the scope, range and depth of history. My family has always referred to themselves as Hebrews and many people would confuse my identity with being Jewish, but jewish is not an ethnicity it is a religion. Hebrew is a nationality......Not Black, Not White, Not Olive, Not African American. Some are going to disagree, but I never cared about that anyway. As long as you know who you are, it does not matter what anyone else thinks or believe.

we are intelligent, and most of all the Children of God ...

I HIGHLY reccomend everyone to buy and read this book for those who want depth knowledge and truth about themselves of people of color. (Hey I'm black as well!) I also want people from all other races to read this to show that blacks in America are somebody. We are human, we are intelligent, and most of all the Children of God Yahuah! Forget what you hear about us from the media from reality shows to books that made us in to thugs, gangsters, bad guys, unfit parents and all the other BS people make us out to be. THis book goes way beyond of 1600s and it shows we are the Semites from SHEM. NOT those people in hollywood claiming to be JEWS! This book is not for the faint of heart and I highly recommend you open your mind and heart for the truth even if you think its farfetched but it is not. The source shows historical facts and biblical as well. I waited for so long to find the answer about myself and if you are like me wanting to find answers of our peoples' past this book is for you for closure and finally realizing WHY all blacks of America suffered for so many years even still suffering today. And the reason is explained in the book especially Deuteronomy chapter 28 and we are the only race who suffered all this curses. Black History and Hebrew/Israelites of the bible is OUR HISTORY TOO!

Rambling Opinions

Not very fact based nor well written.

Every black person should read.

In all my years I have never read a book so full of truths and things that black people should know. Mr. Dalton you are truly a blessed man of Yah! You can tell with your words that he has inspired you tremendously and it's all good. I enjoyed this book. I too was awakened by Yah about 5 years ago and been on a quest to awaken our people with whatever platform i can use. I have had alot of my family and friends to read this book also. Awesome Book!


Author Ronald Dalton Jr. wrote in the first chapter of this 2014 book, “It may be surprising to some, but what we are going through, what America is going through has been carefully planned years ago and precisely calculated to happen this way. By whom you might say? Some call them the ‘Hidden Masters’ or the ‘Elite’ of the world… So then who do we trust?... To better understand this question you need to take the time to learn how all of this started… The masses are the American people and the primary target in American is African-Americans. We are slowly being eliminated and we don’t even see it coming. It’s time to wake up black America before it’s too late. Even though we have lost our heritage and past thanks to Slavery (which was foretold by bible prophecy), it is not too late to correct or slow down what is going to happen if we don’t act now.” (Pg. 14) He observes, “We are named after two nations/continents. We have black skin but are called ‘African-Americans’ or ‘Negroes.’… there were many nations back in time that had black skin; the Persians, the Elamites, Hebrew Israelites, the Ancient Egyptians… the Ancient Nubians/Cushites… and the Ancient Libyans who also ruled over Egypt. Unfortunately we lost our history when we were stolen by European Caucasians, European Jews, and Caucasian Arabs during the slave trades…” (Pg. 23) He continues, “The teachings of the bible out of the King James Authorized Version led most blacks to believe that they were Gentiles while never revealing what our connection is to the Ancient Children of Israel… Slaves were taught… to serve their earthly masters and worship a picture of a white man named ‘Jesus’…” (Pg. 26) He notes, “In the bible, it didn’t say that the Hebrew Israelites were white… we do know from ancient pictures that the Egyptians, Ethiopians, Canaanites, Libyans, and Hebrews were brown/black people. We also know that if the Hebrews mixed with the children of Ham for over a thousand years that there cannot be any such thing as a pure Hebrew Israelite or a majority white Jewish population in the world especially if they shared the same skin color as the sons of Ham… because we know that the black gene is dominant over the white gene in terms of the physical characteristics of a mixed offspring, even if the Hebrews were white they would still look like African Americans today because they mainly intermarried with black nations according to the bible.” (Pg. 30-31) He quotes Lamentations 5:10, Job 30:30, and Song of Solomon 1:5, and comments, “Here we have three bible verses in which the Israelites are admitting to their skin being black… Adam and Eve could not have populated the world is they had white skin without melanin… If the white race cannot darken, then they cannot produce any race of brown people.” (Pg. 40) He says, “The Book of Jubilees was found… in the Dead Sea Scrolls… The Hebrew version … matched accurately with the complete Book of Jubilees version that the Ethiopians had in their bible, still preserved after thousands of years. However, it is not in our King James Bible, along with other religious texts such as the Book of Jasher and the Book of Enoch (which is also in the Ethiopian Bible).” (Pg. 58) Later, he adds, “So why has all the Dead Sea Scrolls been hidden from the public by Israel? Perhaps it is because they don’t want us to know what the books in the Hebrew bible say in comparison to out King James inspired bible.” (Pg. 82) He states, “from 600 A.D. till the 1900s and even today Arabs have mostly taken slaves from Africa in what is called the ‘Arab Slave Trade’…. These Hebrew Israelites … were brown-black skinned people in those times and not white European looking people that we see predominantly today. The Black Hebrew Israelites disappearance is a mystery to many but it has all been foretold in the bible.” (Pg. 63) He argues, “if by statistics 99% of the Jews worldwide are white Europeans, then where did all these Black Jews in African come from?... These Africans did not convert to Judaism by traveling to Israel and then coming back to African with a new religion… The African Jews were following the Law of Moses from the Torah and practicing Hebrew customs before Christianity or Islam entered into the continent of Africa. White European Jews cannot … have black children… This means somebody is obviously lying about who the real Children of Israel are.” (Pg. 74-75) He points out, “there are many words that have been changed in the bible… but nowhere in the bible does God change the name of the Hebrew Israelites to ‘Jews.’ The Scribes (man) did this … to link Judaism followers of all nations to ‘God’s Chosen People.’ By doing this… they could take on the identity of the original Hebrew Israelites and nobody would know that they were ‘imposters.’ We can read over 500 pages in the bible without finding the word ‘Jew.’ In 929 chapters in the Old Testament the word ‘Jew’ is found only 74 times!... We should find it strange that those who claim to have written the first five books of the Bible and call themselves ‘Jew,’ can’t find the word ‘Jew’ written anywhere in the book they call their own. bible.” (Pg. 91) He suggests, “Who’s to say that we don’t have just as much right to call ourselves ‘God’s Chosen People’ or ‘Jews’ just like the European Ashkenazi Jews do? Jesus tells us …the Gentiles… are currently the ones who occupy the land of Israel right now. The ‘Gentiles’ and the ‘Heathen’ have been there since the destruction of the 2nd temple in 70 A.D.” (Pg. 127) Later, he observes, “[One] cannot be ‘Anti-Semitic’ if the people being talked about is not a descendant of Shem, but Japeth instead. The correct term for this scenario would be ‘Anti-Japhetic.’” (Pg. 166) He speculates, “Out of all the races in the world I realized that no other race out there had Movies or TV shows of people receiving the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues and shouting in church services … other than African-Americans/Africans. Of course, I could be wrong, but this is what I observed from talking to many races of peoples about their religions and what they are taught about salvation… If many blacks… are the descendants of the lost tribes/sheep of Israel it would only make sense that God would pour out his spirit unto his people … even now in the last days … The scattered Hebrew Israelites in Africa didn’t know about the Gospels of Jesus until they were preached to by the European Christian missionaries with their European twist of lies added to the Bible meant to deceive the Hebrew Israelites of Africa.” (Pg. 135) He recounts, “The Ancient Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion is Aksum, Ethiopia is believed to have possession of the Holy Ark of the Covenant... Deep below this church is a maze of underground tunnels and passageways. These tunnels are protected by priestly guards of the Ancient Ethiopian Jewish Monarchy… Only the High Priests can enter within these tunnels. Within these tunnels is the secret ‘Holy of Holies’ room where the Ark of the Covenant is located at… Ethiopians say that the Ark was moved to St. Mary’s of Zion Church after Queen Sheba had a son Menelik I with King Solomon… King Solomon wanted to give Menelik a ‘replica’ of the Ark to take with him to Ethiopia… However, Prince Menelik took… the Ark of the Covenant from his father … [and] replaced the Original Ark of the Covenant with the replica.” (Pg. 183) He says, “the Arabs we see in the Middle East today weren’t around until after 600 A.D. and … the original inhabitants … were once black… Back then the Egyptians were once black… many hundreds of years ago there was no such thing as your typical ‘Caucasian light-skinned Arabs’ in Africa… Black Hebrews as well as Black Arabs have been replaced over time with White Jews and White Arabs.” (Pg. 229) He suggests, “Since we know in the bible that Judah, King David, and King Solomon all had children with the black Canaanites, it is a strong chance that Mary, the mother of Jesus was also black.” (Pg. 307) Later, he argues, “God created mankind… from the dust of the ground. When he created man was Adam and Eve White or black? Dust comes from the dirt (soil) of the ground. Everyone knows dirt (soil) is brown in color… Can you make brown color using two white crayons? No!” (Pg. 331) He continues, “Jesus… in the bible is described as having brown/black skin with wooly hair… Jesus is described as having hair like PURE WOOL in the book of Daniel [7:9]. If … God had wanted this scripture to reveal that his hair was white as snow he would have simply said [so]… Hair like pure wool is the same texture as black people’s hair… In the Book of Revelation it describes Jesus’s hair color as white twice in one sentence. This seems bizarre. Most people in their 30s do not have white hair… But I could be wrong…” (Pg. 331-332) He observes, “Modern day Leprosy today does not cause the skin to turn all white… These are traits of Albinism or Vitiligo… So was white skin back then a curse…?” (Pg. 352) He states, “the truth has been right in front of our face every time we open the bible.” He again quotes Job 30:30 and Song of Solomon 1:5-6, as well as Jeremiah 14:2 and 8:21 (“It can be taken … as a description of skin color or an emotion. You be the judge”) and Lamentations 4:8 (“this verse … describes the face of the children of Israel as blacker than coal”) and Isaiah 29:22 (“the Black Israelites face would not … ‘wax pale’ … because they were brown-black people”). (Pg. 364-365) He concludes, “The reason why I felt the need to write this book is to try and wake up the black race. I strongly believe that we are in a ‘State of Emergency’ this is going to hit home very soon… After praying to God for knowledge my eyes have finally been opened.. God revealed to me things that were hidden from us; the truth about our history in relation to the bible and the Ancient Hebrew Israelites… God also revealed to me how Satan is covertly deceiving mankind and we have no clue as to what is going on… After being suppressed and at the bottom for so long, I wondered what it was going to take for Black America to be ‘fed up.’” (Pg. 681-682) Mr. Dalton’s arguments for the ethnicity of the Ancient Hebrew Israelites are detailed, but for some readers he delves into side topics that damage his credibility, such as: UFOs, fallen demons [Nephilim] (Pg. 372-373); “Jewish controlled central banks” (Pg. 497); the Illuminati and Freemasonry (Pg. 526-528); the Eugenics movement as designed for “systematically killing off… Negroes” (Pg. 601); HIV as designed “that by increasing homosexuality in the black community more … would be infected with the disease, thus killing off more…” (Pg. 603); “blacks as a race are becoming exterminated in America.” (Pg. 657) This book will be of great interest to those studying the race/ethnicity of biblical peoples, and of less interest to those not attracted to his other theories.


I have been in the church all my life (Church of Christ to narrow it), i read the entire bible from cover to cover and felt there were gaps. The Most High told the world that before the final days He will pour his spirit into the world.THIS BOOK IS AMAZING!!! All of his information is proven by the bible and recorded history that can be researched online. I feel my search for questions in the world are coming to an end. The Most High has spoken through Mr. Dalton to get a better understanding in the final days before Christ returns. "God works in mysterious ways." I am about to start reading his other two books.

I did a scan through the book and took some ...

I did a scan through the book and took some select information and did a Google search on it. Everything I picked out was factual. This guy knows his stuff and his viewpoints can be backed up with said factual information. This is worth a buy.

No doubt this book is full of information, however.....

This book seems to be full of information but tends to add to scripture and remove other things that have been said from the foundations of the world. The scripture says that there is, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female, for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. (Galatians 3:28-29) Under the New Covenant, all who believe in Jesus Christ as the only way to get to heaven are all God's chosen people for God is no respecter of persons. In the Beginning, the Lord created one man and one female who were the Father and mother to the whole human race in its entirety. That includes every nation, tongue, tribe, and people. Many time throughout scripture the Bible says that if anyone adds to the meaning of scripture or take away from it that person comes under a curse. Deuteronomy 30 I set before you this day life and death blessing or cursing, choose this day whom you will serve life or death, blessing or cursing. There are over 600 verses and instances of sin in the Holy Bible. 1 John chapter three says that if a man sin he has not seen God neither knows him. The way to be chosen of God is to confess and turn away from all sin that we may be made the children of God restored to what was our original state. Sin grieves the Spirit of God and through transgression immediately separates that person from God. Only if that person will repent and turn away from sin can that person be saved/delivered from the power of the kingdom of darkness and Satan. It also says that all since Adam and Eve disobeyed the command in the Garden of Eden that all have been born with a sin nature and have been tempted to sin. Sin separates from God who made man in his own image and after his likeness and that being holy and perfect without flaw, error or weakness of mind. Finally, Revelation's chapter 22 says this: For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. (Revelation 22:18-20) So is there any special race of people who stand out more privileged than them all, no not one for we are all under the same decrees as the rest Faith in Jesus Christ to be saved/delivered and set free to live the life Jesus died to give us. To think that there is any person set above another would be showing partiality of which God does not do. The determining factor of being chosen is faith in Jesus Christ and all that he represents to mankind.

Awesome Book

The true Hebrews of the Bible do not practice Judaism which is a counterfeit of the Bible. This book did a great job summarizing the real Hebrews of the Bible verses the counterfeit ones pretending to be the Hebrews of the Bible. The Star of David is the star of molech a demon. David does not have a star and his shield is TMH. That star is used in high occultist witchcraft. When the real Hebrews return to the land it will look like the garden of eden, there will be no war, the Messiah will bring the remenant back himself and the Messiah hasn’t returned yet. Revelation chapter 6 says when the Messiah comes the stars will fall from the sky, all the mountains and islands will move out of place and the sky will roll back like a scroll. That hasn’t happened yet so who are these people lying and claiming to be the Hebrews of the Bible and they are not. Do not adopt the ways of Judaism as it is a false religion just like all the other religions. Follow the Bible without false doctrines of religion

Get Up, Stand Up Black People

This book is a must read for black people everywhere, especially those whose ancestors came here as slaves. It is eye-opening and educational and is a definite wake-up call. Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America answers questions you have had about why black people are hated and cannot seem to get ahead and many other questions you have had or might have if you would just stop and think. It also makes recommendations as to how the black race and get out from under the yoke of oppression economically and otherwise. I choose four (4) stars instead of five (5) because of the numerous grammatical errors throughout the copy I read otherwise this book deserves (6) stars. Definitely a book to read, reflect and act on. Kudos to you, Ronald Dalton Jr.

It’s Time to Wake UP

Book will shed light to to common misconceptions. This is a must read for all Hebrew isrealities( aka black people) It will help you awaken to your calling.


Ronald Dalton did a thorough job of being chronological and walking his readers from the beginning of this mess to the current times in which we exist now. It explains much! This book resonates with my Spirit as True. I believe it was black Egyptians that had us, the black Hebrews in captivity for all those years. That explains the disunity today among blacks. We are not all one in the same! Period.

Good Read

The book is informative. The author tends to fall into rants at times, that I find distracting, and a disturbing to my reason for purchasing the book. It definitely could have been a much shorter book, but it is worth the read

Should Be Part Of Every Israelite Book Collection

4 1/2 stars You will drown in the information contained in this book. There's so much of it, and that's a good thing. My only nitpick is the formatting. It's difficult to read and navigate. Paragraphing, numbering...etc. Perhaps the author can do a new edition. Other than that, this was a great, informative read.

Truth...must read for everyone

Bought volume 1 & 2. Found a few errors but that doesn't take away from the valuable content. Very well researched. Thank you for waking up Israel.


Just got my book and I am thrilled can’t wait to read it and to buy the other two books. The cover is absolutely beautiful. So glad a Beautiful Black King wrote this book and many others. Much respect ❤️❤️💯🙌🏾🙌🏾

Thank you for a well written book and i love it.

This book so well written, I waited a long time for Some one to write a book with easy read and for all people to understand when read this book. This book will help us black people here in America to know who we are and where we stand with God. I bought 2 of these books. I love this book. This book speak all truth. I did my very own research from the late 1990 to now.Because I too want to know the truth. I love this book.

It's Worth the Read

The information was informative, interesting, and even uplifting, but the editing of the book was poor. I was bothered by the typos and grammatical errors, and the information was presented in a rambling, poorly organized manner. I wasn't able to finish the book due to this rambling, but I did gather enough good information to know what to look for in further research. It's still worth the read.


This book has wealth full of information and has been tremendously beneficial to me. However you can never take the word of a man over God with that being said, cross reference with the word of God.

Awesome book!

Great book! Very enlightening!! A great book if you really have a thirst for the truth! Would definitely recommend this book if you are ready for the truth.



Earth is a Sun planet for Sun creations to enjoy. The Sun does not seem to bother me or the food that grows on earth.

Enjoyed the book , also got volume the 1. Very confusing recognizing which book is which because the covers are constantly changing although they may be the same book. I would like to read more about Gods promise to his chosen people and how that will come about. How much longer must we suffer? Would like to read more about how Moses exited with the Hebrews, and how Jews did not even exist then. Please use your research to further explain why Jews (European) must use the African language of Hebrew to worship. When did they adopt this African Language?. Maybe you have already addressed this issue and I need to now buy volume 2 and 3?. At $30 a book , it may take a minute.

In Spirit and in Truth, Hear now and do Israel!

The knowledge of the truth is powerful, but the use of the truth is unstoppable when combined with The Most High and a united people of the book. APTTMH!

This is a lot of information! I can hardly ...

This is a lot of information! I can hardly put it down. I also ordered Hebrew to Negroes 2 and can't wait to get started! All praises to the Most High! I hope others support Mr. Dalton and get edified!

Purchased on recommendation for a gift.

Purchased for my husband on recommendation from a family member. He wasn’t that interested.

Very Good 👍

Must be good, cause when I left it at a friend's house who is a big reader hasn't given it to me yet and trust she I reading it hasn't said anything negative yet about it I give this reading material a must read.

Excellent Book

Excellent Book. So happy I found these books. I recommend them to others who are looking to know their history.

God's truth or mans belief?

I enjoy the book. It was rather long, but it was filled with great truths and Bible verification that go ignored or have been misinterpreted for years. The history of the Israelite Gods chosen people needs to be told for purposes of identifying the people of God. Some will not accept these truths however, the lies need to exposed and the real truth of the enemy and his followers need to understand God is still in control, no longer man!

A most have item.

Very good research material.

Highly recommend

This book surpasses my best expectations. I highly recommend!!!

The Truth Shall Set You Free

There has always been a slave trade in every country and every culture. However, there has never in the history of mankind been one that has had the devastation that the Black Slave trade has had on blacks, or any other race across the planet. This is a very powerful book and yes it may have its typo's and insignificant errors, but the real true of the matter is that it is telling the truth! There are even people of other races that know that this is true, because I have been told without provocation. Yet I have to admit that I was surprised by one person mainly because she is an elderly Caucasian women. However, to her surprise, I told her I already knew. She then stated that she just wished that all of black America did too. However, understand that it is not because she stated the truth, that I believe it, it is because I already knew in my spirit all of my life that something was off, and reading this book started to put things into place. People can call it lies all they want, and speak disrespectfully about blacks and this book, but understand, it is because deep inside they know it's true and they don't want to except it, because the truth is a mighty tool.... And like GOD said "The Truth Shall Set You Free" !!!!!!!

A Good Read

A lot of info is contained in the book. Some parts I had to read over to make sure I got it all. Lol. The author uses a widw range of history to support what he is trying to convey.

A Very Interesting Book

A great book that talks about the true Children of Israel (Black People).


Proofreading before publishing is your friend.

Good book, but long

Its a good book, but too long. There are a couple of errors though. Im not sure if its because its the digital edition. Im going to contact the author and let him know.

Awesome book!

This book was beyond enlightening. Highly recommend that everyone read this book.

and dressing like it.

Although I'm not finished with the book yet, I have to admit that "Hebrews to Negroes" is a powerful and dynamic book!!! I've learned so much in each chapter. I have now read all the way up to chapter 15, and if I'm correct, the book has a total of 50 or 51 chapters. So i have yet a long way to go, but each sentence, each paragraph, and page I read helps me to understand so much as it pertains to the true history and identity of us so-called "African Americans". We are truly God's Chosen People, and it's time for us to start walking, talking, living, acting, thinking, and dressing like it.

Best book I have ever read so far

Best book I have ever read so far! He has opened my 3rd eye!!! very, very informational on what has been and still is going on behind the scenes. I read my Bible totally different now! And now seeking for other lost books if I can get my hands on them!

Very captivating read. Lead me to investigate further.

For those searching for the truth this book is encouraging and helpful. There are always two sides to a story when dealing with conquests. Those of the conqueror and those of the conquered.

the history is just wonderful..

My son asked for this book. He loves it, the history is just wonderful..


Very detailed, informative. Was surprised with the volume of information in understanding the subject matter.

very informative

love the book, its very informative and filled with truth. I brought this book to justify my revelations that i’ve received from reading the bible on my own and it did just that! thank you to the author of this book 💜

WAKE UP!! The truth is being told. Read it.

Everyone should read this book and give it to every friend. The world is not what you think. It is time to wake up to the truth and make a stand!

Eye opening

This book should be read by people of all nations. Ron did a tremendous job, and his research is impeccable.

Highly Recommended Series of books

The lengths he goes to to prove who God’s chosen people are is amazing! I now own all 4 books and can’t wait to look at the DNA proof.

very informative book!

Great book, filled with interesting information! You will not be disappointed. It is worth buying because it speaks the truth.

Buy now

This is a must read. The truth shall set you free.

Great product

Great product

thoroughly enjoyed the read

Insightful information, thoroughly enjoyed the read. Wake Up People.

Learning the truth about Hebrews

Love this book. I have two copies actually Ronald dalton jr. did an exceptional job with collecting centuries of records regarding our urban history. Learning about our true urban culture is mentally and spiritually enlightening. I will order the second book soon. Todah all praises to abba

Great read!

Powerful!!! Understood so much that I didn't!!!! Great read!!!

Great Resource to refer to and a must have on ...

Great Resource to refer to and a must have on the bookshelf. This is part of a 3 Book Series and I am very glad that I was moved to order them. I recommend these works to anyone seeking deeper historical knowledge.

Packed With Information

This is a great book. I think it can be used as a reference guide for certain information as well. Very much to take in.

Each 1 teach 1!

Great book for info

Must Read for the Brothers and Sisters

Excellent books. Books - because this is the first volume of a 3-book series.

Yes, Wake Up!

I read the premise of the book and chose it to gain knowledge. I have been asking the question of why has the black man been mistreated in societies for centuries? So, when I saw this book, I was thrilled to see what the author had to say. Most of the reviews were 5 stars...so ok let's read this one and seek some answers.. The first chapter kept repeating itself, and some questions posed didn't agree with my spirit, But...I continued on. After all, I'm seeking answers to my own questions. Chapter two, I got out my bible to test what the writer presented as facts or opinions. I'm an African-American woman who has known Jesus, as my Savior, since 1963. I personally was taught by Jesus, through the WORD. I attended Sunday School, etc. as a young person, but I lived in the mid-west and attended the Salvation Army Corps. We were not taught that Jesus and the majority of the bible characters were white. How could this be so when He/they lived in Africa? Yes, pictures were of white people, but this was not the emphasis of the teachings. A Christ centered relationship with God was the central theme. OK, my experience may not be the norm, so why judge? So I kept pressing on. I didn't understand the statement about Gentiles were only for Japheth, but somewhere along the line it was for all non-Jewish people based on Genesis 10:5. This chapter introduced us to the sons of Noah and their descendants, but no reference to the term "Gentile." Was I missing something? "Keep reading...keep reading", I told myself. The author then posed two questions, 1) Why the Canaanites and not Ham were despised by God? And Why the tribe of Dan not included in Revelation 7 but included in Genesis 30 and Numbers 1? My answer to the first was...the Canaanites were descendants of Ham, so these are the same people. I was expecting some suggestions to these questions, but he went into telling us about the struggles he had in attending college and living on his own. Now, I'm so confused!!! What did this have to do with the questions asked? (I was impressed with his personal story of achievement, but it seemed so out of place) Not coherent. Please help! I'm seeking answers and your book is one I've come to look for information that can satisfy my searching. Steph, don't give up yet! Please keep pressing on. Remember...you want answers to your questions. Seeking strength to endure! Chapter three began to present historical facts...some I was taught as a child. I accepted that which agreed with my spirit and place others on a shelf to be considered later. (As I was reading, I was thinking that I had seem some of this information being passed along on Facebook...especially the teaching on leprosy). OK, now we're getting somewhere. Let the lesson begin! The Talmud's teaching about non Jews was enlightening on how the world started to approach racism against blacks/Gentiles. Now this is what I was seeking to find out why? IT WAS THE "SLAVE Trade which helped to brain wash and shape the negative views of blacks in America." "Since slavery, society has been taught that white is good and black is evil" and "Jesus condemned this teaching of Mishnah (early Babylonian Talmud) put together by the Pharisees, Sadduces and Scribes." [Now this is what I am talking about/seeking!!!] The above was written the first week of January, 2016 and I didn't pick up this book again until December 2016. I guess after the election season in America I am again able to finish reading this book.] The one consistent problem with this book was proof-reading errors.. I was expecting to have to deal with some sort of new religion that opposes Jesus as the Son of God, etc. since recently being aware of some friends who have rhetorically claimed this as true through some new adventure in bible training. But that's not the case in this book. Mr. Dalton gives detail information in this over 800 page book about the history of the original people/God's Chosen People, the Impostors, and the need for Blacks to wake up and learn the truth! I appreciate the history presented in this book. Some I was taught as a youngster, but much more is new information to me in regards to the term Ashkenazi Jews. I think this book would be very mind boggling to white evangelicals in America if they were ever forced to read the information presented in this book. How confusing and upset they might be if learning that the inferior black man could possibly be the Chosen People of Israel? I would love for this truth to be shared with this community and see their collective response to this revelation. Would treatment of "the blacks" be altered or would they continue to hide the truth from others in order to maintain superiority and their acceptance of Jesus as some white man sent to save mankind? As above, how would the black man relate to the information in this book about possible heritage as an Israelite Hebrew? We are taught from birth that we are des

Four Stars

i liked the book but he repeated a lot of the same stuff

My echo dot from Amazon reads my amazon down loads

I have not physically read one page, Alexa echo dot reads to me! Great combination! Great book!

It's true facts.

A wakeup call for the children of Israel.

A True Visionary

Must Read. I see things sooooo differently now. Thanks Mr. Dalton for all your work. I tell people I have my Bible and I have from Hebrews to Negroes next to it. Very enlightening and full of truth. Wake Up!

Great read!

Great book I really loved readying it. It was very informative I will be passing it on to another Hebrew Israelite. It didn't take me tooo long to read it because it was so good.

Great book

Good reading.

Who Am I?

I am a Hebrew in America. Therefore,I am a Negro or Israelite. How could I just learn this information? I have always felt special.

Hidden Identity

This book is very informative. It hits you with not only biblical facts but historical facts as well. A definite book to add to your book collection. To be deceived of who you are is a choice. The information is out there! The Harvest is near and the tares will be plucked from amongst the wheat. Wake up chosen people! Shalom.

The miseducation of a people.

Very, very informative. Very well researched and fact-based. It should be part of any school's required curriculum! If more people in the world read it and stayed opened-minded......wow,we would have something!!!!!

Great history lesson

Good reading

Hebrews to negroes

This book is a real eye opener. I WILL most definitely be reading this book again and I will be telling a lot of people to read this book and pass it on to others so that this book will get around. I encourage everyone to read this book.

Love it!

I really enjoyed this book. It was very thorough and I recommend this book to anyone who is searching for the truth. I must give a slight warning, the author can be very repetitive which made reading this a bit of a drag.

Eye opening!

Very enlighting and information. I recommended anyone in search of the truth to start here for knowledge.

It is a very good book for young people to read

It is a very good book for young people to read! And older Americans as well who think that the black race is a drag on society! We need to let these people know who they really are! If you don't believe Mr Dalton do the research for yourself!


An excellent book!!! An eye opener and is highly recommended. Has assisted in causing a significant change in how I view myself, as well as, the world in which I live. Thanks Ronald Dalton, Jr.

Very well writte

So much information. Thank You! Movie was awesome too!

I love this book

I love this book! It is a book that every Black American that has been seeking the truth about who we are and how we fit into history needs to read this book! We are the Bible! It is all about us!

Five Stars


Good read

Good read

Absolutely increredible

I will rwad this book over and over. This is my second time reading it and i missed some thi gs in my first reading. My wish is to mwet the author personally one day. This book will be among my most prwcious reads ever.

Four Stars

I brought this book for a friend,he is very please with it.

Every Negro Should Own This Amazing Book Full Of Rich History

Awesome Book! This is the real biblical history of my people.

This book is very big.

I havent read it, the movie started out boring to me.

If you are waking up this is a must read

Anyone of melinated nation here in the states should read this. I pray daily that more of us wake up, repent and unite.

Love it

Bought husband as a gift he loves it thank you

The information contained in this book is legit. It ...

The information contained in this book is legit. It maybe a little bit repetitive, but that's needed to hammer his points home. Well done.



Great Book

Love this book. A lot of truth that you wouldn't get from so-called reputable historians.

Excellent wake up call on the truth original hebrews isrealites

Excellent wake up call on the truth original hebrews isrealites...The world will be shock when the world finds out the original hebrews isrealites were a black civilization not white...This a very powerful book on ancient history...

A Must Read!

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and recommend this book to anyone interested in learning about our history as a people, our current state, and where we are headed if we don't collectively change our ways to be obedient to God. I only hope more people become more interested in these topics and make changes in their lives and in those of their children. Shalom and God bless!

Great read

Very informative and enlightening, Black America as well as America and the world need such truth towards the advancement of are people and mankind abroad...Praise Yeshua!

Great read compelling

Great read this book is real

good read

good book

Buy this.

This book is filled with information. After fact checking the information I found everything to be spot on. Purchase today.


From start to finish, this author completely captures you in the history of religion; and how it plays upon our world as we know it today.

Thank you

Engages you to understand and seek more of the hidden truth. It open your eyes to the facts that surrounds you every day.

Five Stars

Great Book!

Please read this everyone ! You will be surprised by the revealed truths that many of us have been too blinded to see. Every black woman and man needs to read this and pass on the knowledge. G-d bless !

This is a must read ! , all information conveyed in this book can be easily verified. Knowledge is power.

Five Stars

great read very informative mush get

Incredible and Informative

This is one of the best books i have read period. Very informative and everybody should read it!!

Five Stars

Very enlightening, and very knowledgeable!


This should replace all Black Churches bibles and Black schools history textbooks. I feel this is the truth of who we and the Greatest stolen birthright of God's True people.

Five Stars

Very education and informative book concerning the black experience from ancient times, slavery and present times.

A Must Read!!

Informative and encouraging!!


Bigger than I thought, easy to read and understand

Five Stars

I am pleased to add these history books of hidden knowledge and truth to my library.

This is a real eye opener..

Loved this book from beginning to the end. It confirmed alot of what I was thinking. Thanks. It's time to wake up!!!

Four Stars

Very Interesting !

Excellent and Highly Recommended

Highly, highly recommended for anyone searching for historical truth! This writer has definitly done his homework, not only on the truth of the Biblical Hebrews but also on the other historical groups in the area as well. I bought the kindle version first, but I knew I had to have the hardcover for my library. I bought the hardback too. Afterward, I bought the dvd to share with others. Now, that's how much I appreciate this book. Highly Recommended!!!

Great Book

Very Important information


A must read for any black man or woman in America. You must free your mind before you can do anything else.

Five Stars

great read

Five Stars

Great book and great read.

Five Stars

great read

The truth.

This book made sense of so many things that had puzzled me for years. A must read.

Five Stars

I recommend everyone to read

I recommend that all should read to open their eyes

i was enlighten to no end. I recommend that all should read to open their eyes.

Five Stars

Every so called African American needs to read this book to know who you truly are and your ancestors.


It was a gift for my husband. The book tell the truth about who we as black/negroes/and other nationalities. Confirmed all who were the true Israelites.

Very good

If you are looking for knowledge this is what you need. This book has been so informative it open my eyes to our birthright. Just buy it you want be disappointed.

I recommend this book to EVERYONE

talk about knowledge, it put me up on game with information. I knew majority of what the author was talking about, through videos and other sources but not actual facts from books and the internet. I recommend this book to EVERYONE! Especially, the black race. Finishing up this book to buy the second one.

one of the best books I have read on black people history and ...

one of the best books I have read on black people history and todays event that affect Black people a very need to read book

Big book not finished yet but seems interesting so far ...

Big book not finished yet but seems interesting so far. Lots of interesting facts that I'm trying to verify and crossreference. Overall very interesting.

Oh my God is allI can say. I purhased ...

Oh my God is allI can say. I purhased this book on kindle and decided to purchase the hard copy. Couldn't put it down.

Amazing Writer full of Knowledge

Excellent book. The author definitely did his research!

Five Stars

Excellent book! Enlightening!!!!

Amazing book!

This well thought out and detailed book talks about everything from the beginning of time to biblical accounts. This book had me engaged from start to finish, definitely a good read.

Self awareness

For gaining knowledge

A True Call To Wake Up!

I highly recommend this! It definitely educates and issues the call to increase awareness.

Four Stars



Eye awakening, Mr Dalton you've written a book that is well researched. I am pleased to read this book and i've recommended it to friends and relatives. keep up the great work. Others would have been afraid to do such research and write about it, i'm glad that you did.

Very knowledgeable and Trustworthy

The love Book! Keep doing what your doing my Brotha I will be buying everything you put out!!!

Five Stars

It's all documented facts

Easy read

Very thorough . Easy read

Four Stars

Loved it,! hoping to get some books to send friends and family.


There are no dislikes

Five Stars

An excellent source of authentic information. Every person who is a lover of truth should read this book.

You will never see life the same again

Gives a complete journey of blacks.

Five Stars

love it

Five Stars

Great book!


Pure truth I love this book.

Good read

Very good read.With what is going to today it makes think deeper into why us a black have suffered and continue to suffer while others prosper.WHY ARE WE HAGED SO WE HATED SO MUCH

Interesting Info but Needs New Edition that has been PROOF READ, First...

Blessed be the author. Much of this info has already been taught to me by elders. However, I strongly suggest a 2nd edition that has actually been proof read. Too many typos for a book that reflects the Most High; I won't go into detail.

Five Stars

My husband loves this book

Five Stars

It's everything I expected and more.

Very informative

Can’t wait to watch dvd.

Four Stars

Good read.

Five Stars

Great book !!

I will not confess to be scholared enough to refute ...

I will confess not to be scholared enough in theology to refute the information in this book.. I'll leave that to the scholars BUT it needs to be addressed and NOT ignored. I am convinced that it is more probable that we , descendants of slaves, are the original Israelites more so than European Jews! If this is true then we must reexamine Christianity we practice.

It's like religion (multiple religions he addresses quite a few) meets ...

This book sheds sooo much light! and backs up all his info! It's like religion (multiple religions he addresses quite a few) meets history, meets common sense and the end result is overall understanding of truth and lies. Great read!

Five Stars

Awesome book on black Hebrew history.

Five Stars


Five Stars

Great book. Missing pieces of the history puzzles are placing now.

Isaiah 1: 3 The ox knoweth his owner, ...

Isaiah 1:3 The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib: but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider. Psalm 94:16 Who will rise up for me against the evildoers?or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity? conclusion for our nation of Israel is to repent and turn from our wicked ways and follow Gods laws statues and commandments.. all 613 of them.

So far it's quite good and very informative with lots of detailed information and ...

So far it's quite good and very informative with lots of detailed information and some links for you to verify. Love the book and still reading and researching. With knowledge does give a chance for change but inter squabbling needs to cease to unite and rebuild

Five Stars

Awesome awesome awesome

The truth shall set us free

Excellent read

Five Stars

Great book love it ☝🏾💪🏾🧠


Absolutely a fantastic book!

Five Stars

I am enjoying this great book, lots of info.

This has been an eye opener for me. I ...

This has been an eye opener for me. I challenge everyone to read this book. It will change your outlook on life.


If you are LOOKING TO BE ENLIGHTEN then this is the book. Currently I'm only 17 of age (2015) and wondered about questions that I couldn't get information ABOUT LIKE scripture and historical information to Which this book answers alot of questions and put your mind at ease sense you will understand a lot from this SPECTACULAR!!!!! BOOK!!!!!. Recommend to everyone!!!!!!!!. This book will leave you with even more knowledge that you didn't have already as it touches the deepest depths on interesting subjects.

Good read for fellow Hebrews

Very informative & thought provoking. Must buy for my people new to the Hebrew awakening. We are the people of the the book.

Five Stars

Good read

Five Stars


Five Stars

Great material for those seeking truth about the so called Negros...

Five Stars

Awesome #wakeupblackamerica

Five Stars

Great book

The Almighty God knows the truth so why not live life truthful

This is a must read to just know the truth you get tried of lies...don't understand why people don't want to know the truth. If the world would operate on truth think how much better it would be for everyone. Because in the end we all are going to have to face the truth with the Almighty God and he dont deal with lies again a must read

If you new to the truth this is a great book for you to have.

A must have very informative and has Scriptures to back it up. I promise you, you're not gonna find this book at Barnes and noble bookstore. Support your people Israel.

One Star

So far it's a great book.

Five Stars

Great book

Great book! They had a few grammar errors but ...

Great book! They had a few grammar errors but I can look past that for all the truth in the book! Shalom


A must read if you choose to be woke

Five Stars

Information packed!

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